Newspaper Page Text
Betirdey, Angust 6, 1871. MY ELOEMtilT. "Jim, you may take her into the bouse to night." The "her" referred to was the Ariel, and one of the ttaonohest and fastest passenger enginers that ever "jerked" a train, and Jim was my "stoker." "All right, Jack," he answered, as I step ped down from the cab and started toward town. It was josi dark, of a cold, stormy No vember day, and if ever there was a happy man it was myself, Jack Everett, seated, ten minutes later, in the warm dining room, with plenty of time and a steaming supper at my Disposal. But this happiness was too great to be lasting. I was but half through with an ons langht upon mine host's" cuisine, when my stoker, the best fellow thai ever lived, only little wild, at times, came rushing into the room. "I'll be blowed if I hain't half a mind to let yon finish the job," said he. "I'd give half a dollar if I could eat like that." And he stepped back and gazed with ad miration at my display of latent for eating when hungry. "Come, what's op?" I asked, holding op the half a biscuit, and preparing to follow np the success, with the other half. "(iood Heavens, Jack ! how often do you eat?" he asked, but without waiting for a reply, he added : "but I've got to stop you now, for old Maylord ii down in the station, wearing like a marine because you got the start of him, and got away before he saw jou." Maylord wag the superintendent, and 1 knew aething was wrong somewhere. Keverthe less, 1 replied : "Tell him that I will be down after sup per." "That won't do, Jack. You've got to catch the express, and she's been gone twenty mioates now. We've got the engine out of the bouse, and all fired np. She'll be blowing np by the time we get back." I will not say that I uttered any angry words, but something stuck very hard in my throat half a biscuit, 1 supple. 1 seized a pie from the table anil toned it to Jim, wh), I knew, had not been to supper, and then I went for mv hat and started. I fouod Maylord pacing to and fro in the storm of snow and sleet: and growling like a hungry dog. "Can you catch thu express before she reaches town be asked hurriedly. "I can try. But why not telegraph?" "That's the mischief of it," he snarled "The wires are down." "Well, speak lively, for there is no time to fool awey,'" said I. nut remarkably good humored at the prospect. Moreover, I had so particular liking lor John Maylord, Kso. lie whipped a letter from his pocket and gave it to me. "Catch the traiu and give tint letter to conductor Adams. Whatever be izivwu you, briug back to Uie without delay." Now there was aometbmg mysterious about this, bat, ro far, 1 had no right to question, so I turned to Jim and aeked him if he had taken water. "Not a drop, Jack." "Never ruiud the water," cried Maylord : "you have enough to run down." "Mr. Majlurtl, I am ruDuu.g this eogi&e," I replied, 'and 1 can't run it without water. If you can, just take my place." lie turned ewav with something very much like an oaih, and 1 backed up to the tank house. Just bs I stopped, a ve..ed ladj sprang lightly into the cab. " You muat let me go with you," abe wbia pered, and then slipped further into the bhudow, ia that my tiretnau mihl not lee her. I was amazed al her soddi u appnaram-e and strange request ; b it before 1 couid re ply, she threw aside her veil revealing the beautiful tace of Nellie Ma)!ori. "Why, Miss Mavlurd, you cannot mean it!" I exola.meii yet at the eaine Hue hoped tiial it was so -tor to tell the trti'.h. Jack Everett was in love with her. Of course nobody but mjselt km-w, nnd I had hi:nerto been con tec t with a smile aud a word, which be cf'eu Ufa in. r.;itwi;h- 1 staodiug her f:her'i, trois. lo haie l- r ' so near me, and l:iug a itii nie. i.ft.-d u,: 1 up to tae lop snolf t hopeful bi. "I mjKtgo, Mr. l!viTtt," hi. she. "I, know it must seem s'.rat?- to you. hut wb'-n j one is in daer, one must do arm. thiuf I to escape." ; "In danger?" 1 oa, in Uautf-r;anJ 1 I re T f.n vu'i t j aa e ! me. As she ti thia. hn li.'teil h-r lustrous eyes to mine, and csvo me n.ok whioh surprised me out of my ur.- prudenct-, anil I replied : "I wiil protect yua with o.v l,ft if need be for I love you ceiin than my own." I oonid not see her face then, i'ir she had turned it away, and frightened at wha! I bad done, I hastened to bh ber forgive ness. "Tut ! tut !" said she, placing Lor hand over my mouth. "If that is true, you will snrelv let me go with you, for a fate woran than death awaits me here. Sav yes." And what else could I say ? All this took place while Jim was a", the back end of the lender takiujr in water, and when he came forward to the cab, Nellie v, aa demurely perched upon my seat. I gave him the bint to keep mam, and pulling up on the throttle, we started on oar wild night ride. How the old Ariel flew over the iron par allels. Accustomed as I was to tbe noble engine, I yet aometimee quaked with eudden terror and shut off the steam. I was think ing of Nellie, tnen, and life never seemed so sweet before. Then, as the speed Slackened, I would give my noble steed the rein again, and true to the touch, she would leap ahead like a thing of life pant houses, villagee and towns, seen ahead for a second, and then far behind nt. All the while 1 stood by Nellie, with one band upon the throttle and the other upon the reversing lever, peer ing ahead npon tbe track illuminated by tbe Ariel's head-light. I dared not look at Nellie, for all our lives depended npon my vigilance. I knew not what moment I might overtake tbe train, so I stood with her so near me, yet to far from me. Sometimes 1 spoke to her, and she would t ut her lips to my ear to reply. Again ber little hand would clasp my arm as I sped over some rough piece of the road that threatened to shake the iron mon ster to pieces, bnt a word would reassnre her. At length, in turning a curve, I gaw the red light on tbe rear of tbe express, and so suddenly that, had I not been on my guard, there would have been one less pasHenger eoach on the road ; and who can tell where Jack Everett would have been ? ISut I was prepared, and there was no danger. My whistle was reoognized, for there was not another like it on tbe road, and no doubt wondering what bad seat the Ariel after them, they stopped fur me. 'Well, I'm beat," exclaimed Charley Adams, the conductor, "What a in thewiud dow, Jaok ?" For reply, I gave him the letter. "Wh-e-wl Here, Jack, see what you make of it." I held the missive up to the light, and read : "CownccTOR Adams: My daughter, Nel lie Maylord, is running away from her home. I have reason to believe she is on your train. Send her baok to me on the Ariel, in charge of Everett. Use foroe if necessary "John Matlord." I think I Rave a longer and more emphat- in whistle than Charley. "There it tome misohief tit the bottom of thia." said I. "EiBotly, Jaok ; and if she were on my train I would not use force to tend ber back tn the old hanks nary a bit 1 would tak her the o'her way. and keep mom." "Tnen, Charley, I will put her aboard yonr train, and tend her along. She it in my eab now." Charley (art) want to M exoUmatioa more fotoibla than elegant, nd after I told him how I came to have Nellie, he wrote on the back of John Mavlord's letter: Virwat Bbtwkii C abb A ) November Hth, 11:0 p. m., J Johs Matlord, Esq. : The Ariel has overtaken me, and 1 have tour commnnioa tioo. Min Nellie Majlord it not on mj traio, nor hat the been oa it this trip. Charles Adams. "There, Jaok, that does not tell him that the will not be on. Now let at battle, or I shall not make time. The transfer was quickly made, bot not without some regret oa my part, and I start ed back. John Maylord was waiting lor me. "Whsre is she?" he asked, jumping into the cab. I feigned ignorance, and passed him the letter. Some prodigioos oaths escaped from his lies. bat. as they were not directed to me, I had nothing to say. Then he hnrriedly left me. This was not the last of it, however. I was put through a course of questioning the next day that would have dune credit to a criminal lewver, ana ii i ao not irni Jobs Majlord, Esq., went away none the iter. I met Charley Ad ems, too "Jack," said he,"rou have won her ever asting gratitude not to use a stronger term It wan a close roh. inouen. via Maylord he's only ber oncle, after all was determined to marry her to old Silver, and. as she had not lived quite long enough to be her own mistress she was one day short she conldn't do better than to ron away. The danger is all over now, and she can choose for herself. Better go up as soon as too can. Here is her address. And. Jack, my Doy, mere are two things that you mustn't forget that she has got a eool hundred thousand, and your humble servsnt when the wedding comes off" Perhaps John Maylord was mad when he beard of it, but he passed over Nellie s prop erty withont a mnrranr. Hat I didn t tan the Ariel anv more, and Nellie has tbe love once felt for my coble engine, and that other love besides. It is not more than she deserves. arzciAX. xyotzozs. Tut: eloud rikfc and good health wilt tallow, dependent of III danger to I it and tbe niiei-ty ecrotula bring: oa posterity, now many (utter the tout taint to remain iu Hie system tur a lite time Lloers aud ore that are eating away the very fountain oi lie are also allowed to go on. I'iaiples, Bloteh eS end Tetters also aisiigure the faces of thous laods. There i n necessity tor all thia lamen table ooailition, ai a few bottles of the dtmui. tana Hoot and Herb Joicei will eradicate tbe toul taint and leav the blood pur and health;. But some will say they have bean trying In rain both Doctors and medieines for the core ot derofala and given up all hopes of even roiiaf. lo aueh w soy the Kool and Herb Juices a poaitive cura and we will Tarnish it freeof charge until aeure is affeoted, tiu providing beyond a donbt tba all can cab be oared. i'iaiples md blotches removed thereby aaving many unpleas ant remark a. Lml lea who desire a brilliant complexion with freih and may raetka ahoald ne tbe Kool and llarb Juiovd. All who deaire tbe medicine on tne abva terma wilt pleoaa aead reference that they will pay when uurad. Root und Herb Juioea tl 2i per bottle. DKSMONi) I CO. Frep'ra. 815 Haoe street. Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by Urufciata. aACfXAS-XTAXfl'tf oxrr, ia the only known remedy that will radisally car d laoaaua ariaic? trom judeaore!ion. It ia purelr vagi table. Vnlj ten pil;i to elfnut a aura. 1 hut di8juliiig (trug l'.;-nm Copabia is itill praacribed for thia disease with vrr lutle auo oe". Fbpilciaua thiiuld enca ubandvc its nfo ai is frequently change the diseaas to a mors dreadful stale than the original. i; aiekena the atomaub and ran lie an-elt frors ito breaib thus axposuig the ;erai.n oniog it. Tbe Samaritaua In ft aau be aed without the inalijft of aiy on, curing in (rom two lo fui.r days. AiHle paokajfas $2, Female $;t, Keot br mail. We evunot uvoid oalliu tbe attention or deli otte fcmalea to the Sammruana (ii.'t aa a positive rare for V' biua. By fallowing direotious vou soon get rid ot that trourrlosouie disaae and be- ootue robust anj neurtv. Sold bf Dru;rKint9 gonaraHy . Citt. Baata, earner lllinuia aid Marka: tret, A irecl for Hook Island. stoh8dw ly Iflf Ulf BISHOP $0011 I j IS A WELL KsTA I! LI5IIFD FACT I 1 thai ai;v HTUt:! wbica b beiu tnoroo.iii.y tti, mul which itvt-ribly gives patisfa.ut.iiJD, :.uit be tv goul articU. BlUGP SGILL'js LIMMEST Invented by the late BISHOP SOL LE, haa proved by Its own merits, tuat ii has no eual in tU w .rld for the oure of S'-.iatira, lnjlamnuilnry and Chronic R'hcu mutism, aira'tia, hi'lnri and t-pinal Ci nip'aint, Sure Throat, Lame Jlutk, This Liniment will instantly js!t all pains caujeJ, lii Unmix. have your Iiooh.r s bill; buy it: trvit: use ootLiug else, and you wool 1 not be without it in your for ten .iuiea its eost. HI.-HOl' "fl; CLE'S LINISdKNT will cure all of the above complaints, and Is the only sureeure lor that dread:ul diara-e FniTii i. For sale by Drug gists. Price "5 cts. aod $1.75 per o ittle. i W. RYI2It A BOS, Proprietors, jef.dwly BOSTON, MASS. THE WORLD IS IN ARMS. Against the new huir-coloring preparations. Boienoe eundeme them. They are virtually dead Meanwhile, CrUtafJoro's lAcdsior Hair Dye. proved by time and sanctioned by practical chemists, has become the standard article of Its oluts throughout the length and breadth of tbe land. It ia poiaouless, rapid in ita operation, certain te produce the required shade of color. and has no equal among hair dyes, either in the United States or Europe. To beautify and soft en the hair after dyeing use CHRIBTADOKO'B HAIR FKESEKVATIVK as a dressing. rXSAUXs'S 8.EFZ2VBS WHITE GLYCERINE. The only articlo kbown to chemistry that will Penetrate the Skin without Injury, Decolor ize all tots and Effectually Remove the Various Faults of the Complexion. IT HLC1CHKS 1UE SKIN TO A MAKV KLLOlisJ WHITMNfceiej, Eradicates all Spots, Fraokles, Tan, Hoth- I'atohes, Black 'Worms, or Grubs, Impa rities aad Di.oolorations ot every kind that may be either within or upon tbe stm. To whatever extent used it Is htrmless ; leaves the skin smooth, soft, pliable, and of that perfect iLMsitii and Praitr wbicb constitutes the KEALLY BEATIirUL COHPLKZIOK. Bold by all DrutTicists and Dealers in Perfu mery and Toilet Articles. MLD1CAL. Bigelow, (enfjdfntial Pbjsiciao, 179 Booth Clark Btreet, CHICAGO, ILL., Pri vate aad Chronic Diaeaaea in holh sczos auoceaa full, treated, ir. B.g.Uw ho. cured more sex ual and venereal disease, in the lt 20 years than any other pbyeioi.n In the ,e,Urn ,0ntr, He oarea Norvoua Debility, or Involuntary Sem inal Emissions, andreatorea the enfeebled o to perfect health and vigor. He euraa Bjphtlia in all Ita forma, whether acute or chronic, with out the nac of minerals or vegetable poiaea. Band for his "Guide to Health," publiahes monthly free of oliarge, if yon think the writings of ths greatest Bpeeialtet of the present day worth reading. Ladles send for descriptive cir cular of Pbssabio Bsbidis, universally used by married ladies. Address 0. BIQELOW, M. D.. mshsdwl P.O. Bo 1M Chicago, HI. wny JTm Bcuousa AuooictQei ar o ropnlar. Why is Schsask's Pulmonie Syrup is snoh genaral demand ? The answer is a vary uimple one: It is in daman d because its healing pro perties era greater than those possessed by any other medicine la use for the oore of Consump tion. It purifies the blood ons of the (rat steps towards a curs. Without pure blood disease oan never be eradicated from the sy stain. As well expect water to rnn np hill ef its own volition as to enre eonsanption without a complete pnrift eation of ths blood. Thia is the pecaliar pro perty of Dr. Sohenck's Palmonio Byrap. But It does more than thie. It not only purifies the blood, bat it allays Irritation of ths brsaohla tabes. It collects and ripens the impure mat ters eolleeted there, nad enables the patient to threw tbem off hy painless espootatiem This great syrap has anohter virtoo. It possesses nutritions qualities which give susteoanes, aad, consequently, strength to tbe invalid. li.w combine these three qualities, and you have an anawer to the inquiry. WHY IS THE PULMONIC SYRUP IS SUCH DEMAND 7 Thousands hare testified It wilh oomplete sat isfaction; thousands have nsed tt and been eared; thousands are oaing it and being cured. But. Or. Schenok haa other remediea. The re are other ageneies to be em played in ths core ot eosromption, and he has provided tbem. - If it be aaked why Sohenck's Mandrake Pills are so popular, the quesuoa is answered as readily aji in the ease of the Pulmonic By rap. BCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS have almost universal application to hnman dl eases, and, though they have been mainly re commended in pulmonary cases, their virtues in other maladies have been so completely aad sat isfactorily demonstrated that the people will have them. & ow. why are they ao essential to the oore of consumption ? Because the ingred ents of which they are composed act direotly upon the liver, cauaing that important organ to throw off ita torpidity, and make healthful se cretions. The Mandrake Fills CONTAIN NO CALOMEL to spread ita poiioa through the patient's syS' teru. Iheir operation is aimple ant efteoloal By their uscThealthy bile ia secured. As a eon sequence, impaired digestion ia restored, food is properly assimilated, good, healthy blood irthe result, and, of conrse, strength Is renewed, and the great process of healing thoroughly leau gurated. Whole pages of newspapers could he filed with testimonials from thoae who have need lb Mandrake Fills and been benefitted by them. A thousand boxes are eold to-day where ten were sold four vears ago, and the "cry ia still they some." The foeilitiee for manufacturing the have become too limited, and, aa a conse quence, Dr. Sehenek has been compelled toereet a greatly enlarged and very magnificent build ing, to enable him to put up the requisite ma ehinery to supply the constantly increasing de mand for hie great medicine. CUT GOOD HEALTHY BLOOD ia not the only requisite. Ths patient need etrength. The entire system must be kept in order. Tbe weakened, emancipated patienimust have fleah pat upon and etrength into bia limbs. To accomplish these great otjeets is the apeoia province of BCHENCK'S 6R iWEED TOSIC. The acidity of the atomaoh, so distressing patients, and so detrimealal to eOeetn ally removed. The alkaline constituents ot tl.e Seaweed Tonio acoomplii-h this. In addition to this it imparts tone and vigor to the system, and enables the patient to lake the accessary iadooi exercisewitlioutexhaustion. This is viiality im jsortant, though too frequently overlooked by medical men. They advise exercite withou having the patient prepared for it. They tell blm to go out into the cool, rasping air when b should be exercising moderately where tf.m tern peisturo is suited so his diseased oondition, and tins too without giving him tboe reined ie v, faich are calculated to impart strength wuito they assist in healing up the ulcerated Inus and bronchial tuba. In this briet recital, tbe publio hare an sa- c.rtn tti.nD.itiun H hb ," iJir, ,SwA' tick meUtimtt v popular?" The problem is solved so oleatly tbat none bnt tbosb who ure wiitolly bliud con lail to uuiiersitiiid it. Iho w.,nderlul euros tuat have been effected by Dr. BcbeccW. rt-oifdwa are tbe liviuz. breattn abd luovica vortieeatenta tipon which Ir. rcbcni k reliai. f bey lurntsh the evideace that atanda uncus, troverted and uncontrovertible. To them tbe pablio ia reierrvd, with the moat implicit cnnn lience, and to them Dr. Sohcnck now triumph ant'y appeals aa Irrefutable proof of the cor recuieee of hia ofa-repeated assertion that COSSTTMPTION CAN BE CCKED. Doetor Sohenck's personol statement to the Vaoulty of his own cure waa la tbeae worda: '-Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption, ooufined to my bed, and at one time my physician thocglit I coold not live a week ; tbea, like a drowning man oatohina; at a straw, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the publio, and they made a perfect cure of me. It eet-med to we that 1 could feel them penetrate luy whole system. Tbey soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I wocld spit np more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long lime. ''Ai soon aa that began to subaide, my oout-li, fever, paiu and night aweata all beKas lo leave me, ana my appetite became ao great that it vae with d.fboulty thai I could keep Irom eating too tuueh. I aoon gained my strength, and nave grown to fiesta ever siuos. "1 was weighed ebor..y after my recovery. added the aooior, tben looking like a utexe eat.eton, my weight waa bat nlaety-eevea lba. my preaent weight ia two bunured and tweuty- fife (225) pounda, and for yeare I have enjoyed sninterrupted health." Dr. Schenck haa discontinued hia professional visits to Aew York end Boston, but at his othoe ho. lo Aorta Ollth street, between the hours ot W A. M. aad ii P. M., ha or bis mid, Dr. J. it. Bchenak, Jr., eeee patients every Saturday. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Kespirometer will be uharged $o. Ihe Kcs pirometvr declares the ex aot condition ot the lungs, and patients can readily learn whe'.ber they are eareable or not. The directions tor taking the medi sines are ad apted to the iutcliigenue even of a child. Fol low these direjctiona, and kind Baturc will do the reat, excepting that in eome cases the Alan drake Fills are to he taken in inareased doaee the three medioinea need no other aooompani- ments than the ample inetrnctions that accom pany them, first oreate appetite. Of returning health ha g&r is the most welcome eymptou. When it cornea, as it will the despairing at once be of good cheer. Good blood at onee followB.the cough loosene, tbe night aweat ia abated. In a abort time both theac morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Bohenck'a medioinea are constantly Kept tn tens of thousands of tamilies. As a laxative or purgative the Mandrake Pilis are a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Byrnp as a ourer of coughs and colds may be regarded as prophylacturio against consumption ia any of its forms Price of the Pnlmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic J1.50 a bottle, or t .60 a half doien. AJau drake Pilla 25 cents a box. for sale by all druggists and dealers. mohlG-dwIy Ladies. Uke Panic ultr Sutice. Tbe Beal Velpan Female Pills! 1VARRA KTaaD rstKMCU, These Pilla, ao oelcbrated many years ago in Paris, for the 'eiief of female irregularities, and afterwards for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the firs) time in America, They have been kept in comparative obacurity from tbe fact that the erigiaator, Dr. Velpau, is a phyeioian in Paris, f great weaitn,aBd nas eirteiooasoioutioarBprio eiplea, and haa withheld them from general nac, lest they should be employed for unlawful pur poses In overoondng Female Obstractions, Falling of the Womb, whites, Oreen.Bieknees, Suppres sion, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the M.i ithly Dischargee, Nervous and Spinal Affeo lio.1,1, Pains in tbe Baok and Limbs, Fatigue on slig.'i t exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hya teric l, Ac, and will effect a oure when all other meai s have failed ; and, although a powerful reme. 'y,de not ecntain calomel, antimony, or myth u.'jt hurtful to the constitution To man-ied ladies and young glils who have ever been rejulated, they are peculiarly suited. They will, ia a short time, bring on the monthly rvd -with regularity. Cactio. Married Ladiesshould never take t!iwi when there Is any reason to believe tbem "Jvca pregnant, for they will be sure to produce SBlaoavTiage. . . Ladies can procure a box, sealed from the eyes " the "s, by enclosing one dollar, and sis postage stamps to M. W. M AC0MBER, General Agent for tJnKod Bute, and Canadas, at Albany ' . T, r any aathoriaed Agcat, my Jidwly XZfSV&AZaTCB. w. . batbs. . oLiAvaLAie HAYES & CLEVELAND Insurance Ig'ts Bspresentlng th 'following 'old and reliable Companies i Underwriters Igencj.New forks --- Cash Assets 14,000,0s) 0. Phcenix. K. T. ' Cash Assets J 1,600,000. Continenlal, N, 1. Cash Assets $3,500,000. North American, N. Ts Cash Assets $100,000. Pacific, California, Assets Gold, tl ,800,000. Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Assets, 800,006. North American, Hartford, : Cosh Assets $.00,000. nTEBNVriOXAL. SEW YORK, Cash Asets $l,h00,000. Brewers' Milwaukee, . ' .Coah Aasota :i00,000. ...-- Washington Life, New York, Cash Asots 13,000,000. Lnninea. o. . bldsisid Eetl Estate & Inscrance igdnts No. 1 Viele's Block, davenport, .... iowa Attend personally and promptly to tbe bovine and sellrcg or Keal Ksvata on eommission, real tag Houses and Farm a. uovl3d6n J. at. BUt'OBD. g. B. HEED BUFOBD & EEED, GENERAL WSURACSi AND Beal Estate Agents, EaSalo St., opp. Express Office Bepresest the following Old Companies. and Bsiiah tSocurity Of Kew Yoit. iXixr tl oxi Of llartiord, Cono Of Hartford, Conn IX onio Ot" New York. sK-opnllio Oi Chicago, 111. f Hertford Co Oitv Xil.-J! Of Hartford, Coon, Irtxiilicliii Of Philadelphia, Pa. H-sOi-iliireJ. Of New Tork. Of Cincinnati, O. Oity Of Rockford, 11 Ffcorapoi" Concfdicut XuJuel Life Ins Co. Of Onrtford, Cotn. Cash Assets $27,iO(i, sjp!t-dtf E9. W. COP., ASBh'T FOB. THE LEADING HARTFORD & KEW YOB FIEE, HAEIIiE AND LIFE Insurance Co.'s EPRE8E5TLSO $25,000,000 ia Capital. AT 0ft 1SLAAD, ILLINOIS. AU losses adjusted and promptly paid at this Ageaev. maylTdtf. ATOSXOZsT & COSSKEXEEXOZI li S S HA L AUCTION EKE, OfiBee in Police Magistrate's Office, S.0CK I8LAS1, - - - ILL1.N01S. e. proujblj attend t ail bo&.:n?sa aaiea to hia care. declldwtr W. Xi. 1UJXJ53Y, A&ctiea ana Comimissioo TMerclnxnLt.. B.OCK XZ.Ar&, . . XXJU Phase ef baaiaeca ea ILLINOIS STEEET. Keit door to Dob A BlUett'a Stove Store. woods received oa sonsigaaseat, Farticalar Atteattoa Gives to sales la eocntry and city. furfTtu e both new aadseeeud hand, bought and sola, asavldly. AttornarBe (UlKLtS faOBlrlOR. A TTOHbEI AT LAW. Hull's Block, cor. Xi. WaahingloB and llllnoi. etr.eta, Hook Is land Connected with Bisbce A Marsh's Law and Uol lection otbee of Chicago. mv 15d) AB-CBAB.ALI.BB. IISII S.IHOllll A TT0BB17B ASD O0DR8BI.OBS AT XX LAW, oekIala4,l!a Ofiae ia Bafurd's Bleak. sepZIdl. . 0. CCVSBLLT B. . BTCBBAa C0SNELLT tt Kf JSEAL, Attorneys and OonBseIlri at Xsaw ROCKUASD. . . ILLIH0I8 W1A.I. OIVl PROMPT ATTESTI05 TO all business entrusted to them ta Rock Island aad adjoioing counties la Illinois, ana Boot! cooBty and adjoining ooootles Id Iowa. vmo la Post tlflloc Block. febSdwly. G. P. W UITC0MB, Attorney and Ojontelor at taw, 80 Dearborn street, CHICAGO, ILL. Prompt attention given to collecting and all other business. Charges moderate. Oerrespoa dcoee solicited. Jlefers ts Editor of the Aaeos. dco7-dtf r. sxzss&XiXxt'a, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Seal Presses, Steel Stamps, Boap Stassps, Bookbinder's Tools, Ao. 1 HO. 161 DBARBOBH ST It BET, Opposite PostoSoe. ' ' CHICAGO. apiSMIy - " 1 ' - ; 1 HOTELS.- tnssos BAnstJH. l. a. pbatt ; : jARNUM'S HOJEL BA.RNUM 4 PRATT, - Second aad Walnut atreet, 8T, LOW 18, MO. The Absfs kept en file. '. , ; BASC W. WBSTWORTH. CBAS, D. WOOLWOBTH, BRIGGS HOUSE WEHIWOBTH A W00LW0BTH, Proprietors Cor. Randolph St. and Fifth A venae, CUlCAtiO,...,. m .1LI AMERICAN HOTEL, ' Caaestamt Itreet, 0PP0IITS OLD IBO?XSXSCX kilo. Fhilaaelpbta. ' . M. UBCL1NG3, - - PBOP'B Daily Boca Isaabd Abscs kept en file. WALNUT STREET HOUSE. DAVID fc BXrCSSB.. Proprie'. Cora or of Walnat aad Gain a Street, CXNC1SBATI.. ..OHIO n. bAVia. j. o. tdokbb, Late of I. C. i I. UNION HOTEL, Cor, 4 th and Myitis Streets, SX. L0CI8, SlO nHIS House has just been refitted and thor X ODKhlv renovated.' Ia eentrallv located The proprietor will spare ne pains to make It a good nrat-elaaa, seooad rata bouse. Transient price, (2,00 per day. nev26-d!y 11. O. BACBT, Proprietor CHICAGO, - - - - - ILL Thia new and magnificent Hotel (the finest west of Htn York), aitoated corner fctate aad Qalnoy streets, was eompleaed and opened Sept. o, 18,0. it has two bundred and fifty rooms (many of which nave bath rooms and water olos eta attached . which are made accessible from the ground floor, where the grand rotonda and ot&oe is situated, ky Otis Tuft s best passenger elevator. VYP. P. saKsbKVK, Prop. EVERETT BOUSE. BYRON A. BALDWIN A CO., Pbopsustobs Corner Clark and Van Bur.o Btrtetss, CKlCtfiil, .... 1I.L, feS. This Hotel, near M ichigan Southern aad stock island Depots, is centrally located, neatly and elegrstly furnished . and w ill afford to visit ors aad aouB ry merchants as good accommoda tions as can be founa in the city. Terms 'l.t per dy. mchle-dtf PATENT rOOD. Ayreealdf, Viyettil'le, Kvuri.shing, Satisfy i ni. 'tttit.i, iu enyneuimj. This fariaaeoua preparation eoateii s all the eiemoute necesarv r irrowtn and repair. has tor yera been the principal food for fnfents and tuvahda in fanelsnd and the colonies, an Is proved by t xpeilenee to be the eVsf etrry day iuod f'-r chudrei. Sold ta cars of all sites, and In 21 cent pack els for the million by druggists snd grocer? gea eraily. tilLE & BL0CKI, Drmciits, Il'l Randolph street, Chioago, Agents ji'23-dly AS.SS3 ASSD XtSOS. t)k. iiLV'rv FAT t.T I2 3I!?4 Ac ICIVaG W THE -AAT0MICAL,, LEG Ig gvaranttrd for five yeara. Thoec withoat side-motion are lor comfort and durability anri varied. Pnr,f in-n (Mm (160. Mo advance pa3'tncat required. Satiefactioa frarantd. Uttaar kinds el Lege altered, repaired or made Jo order. I". ?. soldiers fomished on government ac oiint. Pimphletsand blanks sent free. Addroas Lib. WIS LOthWtKID, ael-dAwlj 1 Pisi.r?l., Pt.Lnala Me OAaUHAOQS. G. WOEBER & BROS Carriage Mannfoetarcrs ! may:Sid4m BAYF. SPORT, IOWA. MASON & EVANS, O Jk. I Jk. 0 152 onufacturers Corner 3d and Koek Island fts., UAVEjrUilf, - IOWA LATEST ETYLfcS OF Open and Tcp Ocjgies 0AB.RXA.9Xi9, Kept constantly on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly dona. aprlS-dl H 0OP Ell & SMITH (Booceasors to STILES A HOOPBR,) Mannfaota-ars of every description ef CARRIAGES SULKIES, SKELETONS, Light Spring Wagons Ac, As., Ac. Particular attention paid to FIXE WORK All ordera promptly attended to. Repairing in all branches attended to with aiipnttch. Hone bnt first-class workmen emplov.d in this res jT , T' H- HOOPIR, jeS-dwly BtNBY SMITH manufacturers"- or Farm, Spring & Freight WAGONS, Bnggies and Carrianes! ALL WOKK WAERAKTED 1 We have recently removed to our n. r-, on tne atolms WUr Pow- r.T:'."" "?JMi. flU srder. with THL JsaVLook for onr Trade If uh ' a . soo ether are cobbIsm. Bead ft rrice List aad s,"'; MMesWlw ARSAPARILLA BITTERS '.'-A, l :TlTii iron,) The best BLoer), Btomaob asd Livna Siedi- eins eier offered to th public. It is very agree ble to ths taste and wi,i not atteot toe teem as Iron preparations generally do. What it er do: It will be lonna vastly su- perior to any of the Calieoye and Iron soextan- fvely naed tor Invigorating toe system. It win make blood; likewise thicken it. It will restore the pale and emaciated, the weak and debilitated to eoler, fliesh, health and strength la an incred Ibly short time. It will strengthen the norsing mother and lnorease ths flow of milk, also bene fit the child ai ths breast and prevent many of the eomplaintb to which children are sablsot in infancy. It will ten 4 to restore the eyesiiht when impaired by continued application ia read ing, writing or aewing, by atrenataening the op tic nerves. It will give vitality to the mental faculties when depressed by olose confinement to tody or business pursuits, end prevent nervous Headaches. It will partly trie blood and pre rent the breaking out of boilaypbnples aad other eruptions caused by peverty of blood. It wil restore the genital organs, when weak, to healthy condition, regulate the menstrual period also relieve debility caused by summer neat or CBceseive prespirstlon. ' : - A single trial will prove eenslnsivetv ttat we have aot over-estimated the value of thia excel lent medicine. . . i Prioe$l 00 psr bottle. - J. C. MAGUIRE, Chemist and Druggists, Bole Proprietors, , , BT. 1.0018. Also proprietora of Magnire's celebrated Bike a sure onre for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and the AsiathCholera. All orders from responsible parties promptly filled. mcnX7-dwly SSXIXtXOAsai. SI, 000 o w a, xci THIRTY TEARS EXPERIENCE I WILL GIVE OSK THOUSAND DOLLARS reward for any ease of the fallowing diseases that the Medical Faculty have proaonnced In curable that Wilkinson's Vegetable Compound ALTERATIVE SVRCP, Renovator and Blood Purifier WIH HOT RADICALLY CrBB. TBI8 rcmeklal ajtentia a certain speedy poiittte cure for aad Hereditary, Constitutional and Secondary Sy phi lis, in all its various forms, such as Old Ulcere, Swellings of the Neck, Uloeraied Sore Threat, Sore tires, ekin Eruptions, Soreneas of the scalp, Falling off of the Hair, Pirn plea or Blotchea oa the Face Body or Limbs, Dry Hackicg Cough, Constant Hacking up of Matter, Vn pleasant Dischasgcs from the Nose aud Lungs, Breath Extreme' Offensive, etc, etc. SlercBrial r Syphilitic Rhtumttism aud Pitb-ralgia, Thoroughly eradicated Mercury and ail dis eases arising from aa impure r poiaonoas elate of ths Blood, sad I defj those who suffer from each diseases to obtain a radieal cure without the aid of this importaat remedy. It operates oa the eyetesn entering tbe blood, neutralising the rirtte of peieon. o-oetabliching the healthv fusotioaa, ef the anise a aooaom. and thereby enabling the eyelets, te eradicate the disease and east off tbe obooaious matter by the Bowels, Trine, Preath and Skin, ca iaing no aenaibie evacuations It is pleasant to take, assimilates res 4Uj with the foed. aad does not interfere with the ssual diet or advocations. nclose S cent stamp a&d send for .lealed eir suler. All communications strict! confidential. Price tSA'O per bonle, sent free from observation, by mail er eiprss, to any address, on receipt of the monev. Address JOHW T. WIl lilNSON, Druggist and Pharmaceutist, In hfedieal Collage Building, corner of Blocdean and Seventh streets, - hvliOakUK, IOWA. n3T-dly. BRrlLUGHER'S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC Is wtrrantfd under oath a com plete Bd permanent enre for Hlicnnathzi k IVriiralia In all their varioss forms. It is taken iaward- ly only. It is positively the only standard spe cifio before the public, being composed of pore and harmlese vegeUhle ingredients solely, con taining no minerals, poissnons or injurious drugs. It has actually cured ninety-five in every hun dred esses, in the last six years b result unpar alleled ia ths history of msdioine. Ths principal advantage in taking this medi cine Is, that it is quite different in its composi tion from any other article before the publio. HT -.1 ..r preparation dees or can aot in the same manner. While every medicine purges and sickens the patient, DHe GALLAGHER'S VEGBTA BLE RH E LMAT1C at once dissolves and carries off all Rheama'.lo, Heuralglc and unhealthy- matter from th ,Ts-' tern, and ths patient snnstfrom neces. U get well. Thsre Is so mlsUke abeetu. Ths money promptly returned In ever-. i.ta.oe .her... beaefit ho. bse, reeeiT!. A large number of nnsohalted teetlmonl, 1, ,T. been received attesting IU great yoltie. ! x-cL w ... girea to Bttf pern who can produce as many genuUe permoBt eares ae JDr. OaU tagkt VmgyMlpft, p. It It prepared eipresaly to euro BhaaAin g, Bid, Ulcerated or Itching 'i'ss, and for nc sines perpoe. Hbb dredaof Phy aioians recomaa ead it la their pros tlce. It has eared permanitntiy eases ef ever 0 years standing. BoU by Prngg is ts generall. Prepared solely by B. t. G sxilSbbb, Ke JO North Third rHrect, Philadelphia, ?o. V . , Jems Bengston, rngUt Agsst lot oil ef Dr. Gallagher's preparatlens. . J AGaitCLTrHIL IMPLEMENTS. THE OTTAWA Machine Shops And Foundry, OTTAWA, - - ILMNIIIS. W. H.W. CTJ6HMAN, P,oB MOORE, Bup't. P A. B, Manufacture Steam Engines, Reapers, Mowers, r: CORN PFOWS, CIDER mills, Berae Pewers.Alachlnery for 6rist Mills, Paper "Mills, Glass Works, Zinc Factories Stars Factories, Coal ' -. - . , Mines, etc. OUR STOCK OF PATTERNS is very large. Our facilities fot casting and tin- shing have bo superior west ot imcago. We Bvlte the attention of Mill Wrights to our es.Ua- ve stock of Patterns for Mill Ueottng, etc. Ottawa Reapers aad Movers, Climax Beapersani Movers Victor Corn Hows, Tiro Horse Wagons. Cel. A. B. XSoore, SuperintendeBt, Ottswa. G-eo. W. D. Harris Is the Agent for these Works, and Farmers de siring to purchase can see any of tbsir ma chines at bis Warehouse on ths Levee. chlO-dwtf exovsa. Patronize Horic Industr) ! j :3 -. KOl'K ISLAiXD STOVE CO. STOVES! The Best and Cheapest FOB SALE AT DAVID DON'S, Opposite WADSWORTH'3 STORE. DRY GOODS mohJdwly Store & Ht?ne Furnishing More. 31. .A. Formerly of fiwiler 3l Spencer, Has opened a AND house i(Grnishin More, With a new and complete stock ef goods, en ILLINOIS S t REET, one door wot of the First National Bank, where evesvthing in the Bouse furnishing line can be foccd of the best quality and at reduced prioes. I have the agency of John B. Barren &. Cc'i Celebrated Stoves, Among which is the Which has been improved during the poet month making it in all respects a fint class stove. Also THE "COIESI," A new pattern, with all the latest improvements. STOVli HEI'AIK. I shall keep roreianilv en hand a fa'.l stook of grates, linings and rtfairs for the Ideho, Challenge, Rival and all I a leading cook stoves that have been told in Rock Ij'ddJ. Particular auentioa will Le paid to all kinds of tin and shet iron job work. Well and cistern pumps kept constantly on haad. Thankful for past patronage I would respect fully ask my old friends to sail at my new place I business. I am determined to spare no pains to please those who favor me with their patron age, in. A. EJVV lLt&. mehl5-dwti laOriEILV. Eoja.1 HaVViBaV Lolterj 1 Cuka. OOSDCOTED BT THE SPANISH QOV- VyorniBent 1300,009 ia Gold drawn erervser eatoen days Pritea cashed and Information farniahed. The highest ptlce pnid lor Doub loons and all kinds of OolJ and Silver. TATLOR A CO.. Bankers. febSdly Id Wall Ptreet. Wew York. MACIC CIL. &2ABSR X Have yon a bead to aehsj T Then von are interested in knowing' what Benne's 11 lULLlilUi DOES FOR UEADACIIE, "U Works Like a Charm." Beit! tUcie Letters, bnt tbovt all TRY THE MAGIC OIL! Atbbxs, Tenaept. 26, 1S69. air. jib ana lear Sir : I wish u aay a word for your Pain Killing Magic Oil. 1 hare teen a great sufferer from, that awful disease, Sick Headache. It generally attacka me early in the morning, growa in intcueity all day, an nigni, and all the next day, and generally, tliouga not always, goee off during the aeonnd nignt. it cornea upon me at least once a monih and oltea two or three times, always confining me to my btd for about thirl -six te forty hours. Sad paining me so t irribly that it seems as if my head would burst open In spite ot skull and everythivis else. A cereon's hand weuld be thrown entirely off by its tbiobbina. In short I suffered agony indescribable. Our beet Physl ciana foiad in my ease, and I have used most o the popular remedies sold .which oreroeossmend ed aa"sure to oure" just such eases, but they no only failed to cure me, but seemed to aggravate my situation. A few months ago, I forlanatcly obtained a bottle of your 1'a.n Killing Magic Oil. and as voa claim "it works like a chrrm When I feel mv old Dlarue coming on, I ate the liable Oil both externally and internally, freely and faithfully, and bow I do not even have to sion mv work, but ste about my business as anual. I assure you one fellow-man baa keen bene' fitted by voar iareation, aad for which I feci grateful. " Way iod reward you. In my house and familv. sour Mauio Oil is aa ladispensible as floor. I hops my letter may be the means of letting other poor snnerers snow the virtues of your Magis Oil, and yon may nee my name aa a reierenoe u you oaoooe. Gratefully, I am years. Ac. KDWAttD A. COBLEIiiH W. Bbkke. Esq. Dear Bro. The letter from Edward i. Cobleigh, is from my son. He has saffared greatly from Head ache, bat has recently found acore by using your Pain Killing Magic Oil. Rev. Bro. Speaee, car agent, ueee vow magic oil, snd naaa relief frei ?:fn'L';p- menu. I trust I the severest sesdaebe ! I also use : and find it excellent ia several ail you are doing the world good, as well as getting ama Tteeallarw" k...fii h, i : . , . a D.:. Cl l(.. u--i. in r . 7wr " a gie vu. a am iruiy Tears, N. H. flnRT.t'lriar Presides t Weslevan Cal rean. ' " I am confident that averv fB,;i.m i.i mat "J seeping, and using bit Magis w. Our best Physicians nse and B.rihe it ; and next te the Family Physician it tea be depended npon, as a elcoa. aafs aad delloloos remedy for an a lads ef Pais, sure te give immediate relief, sea never do harm. Directions wlta eoca aot tie. ; . Tonrstruly, WM. KEJSM, t Manufacturer, Plttsfield, Moss. Call for U where ton usually trade. Bold by all Banggbta, Merebaats aad ctreeers. lw4.w1J.i'ii J-.' i-r.. MASCFACTIRES. Thomas Yates I (Sbscssso ( Jacob Riley) Ob the Levee, Rock Island. Erasa and Iron Work, "AND ST EAR! PIPES LEVIS, KEAR FERRT LANTISO. The aabieriber. at hia ahon oa ths Levee, near Woltman's, iavites the attention of his friends and the public generally to bis large and com plots stock of Brass A Iron goods, aieh as Steam Loess, elves, Water Qaugea, Whiailcs, Oil Cups Beer Cocks, Pomps, Gas and Siaam l ipe of all sites, Zinc, Babbit Metal, etc, etc Steam and Una Work promptly alteadedfto aod put np in workmsslike manner. Copper, Smithing and Sheet Iron Work In all its branches. Also -'l'U.lllTDillS Done on short notice. PHehasB sorew eatting machine, which euts screws apoei gae ana ateam lice from I of an inch to 4 iaohea Cbloago. the largest machine weat of THOMAS YATES. PAPER B0.XLH. BOXES! BOXES! PAPER BOXES! BLIXCDARD & DATFIELH, anufactursrs of Papsr Bjisi o.' all descriptio n Kos. 75 and 77 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO II.I. aprillSdw ly BLlCKsMITimG. Removed to Cull's Aen Building. Washington Street, WALTER D&TJBEE, Of Rock Irland County, shoes Ilorscs in the most workmanlike manner. Eiperienred and skillful workmn: horses f hud without pain. Having a practical and ex tended experience in the business, I solicit ycor patron- gc, confident that I can pltaie yon, and do better work than anv other her in the city. Shop fcUgn of the EIti HOUSE bllC'E, tn Washington street, near the rfver. mayi-dtf VAl Ufitl. WILLS & MTJSRAY, CHAMPION HORSE SEDERS AKD Blacksmiths, Corner Eagle and Orleans atreet,(Blythe A Si- d dird's Shop,) ROCK ISI.AAD Il l U. Every description of Forging d'ilie in th' nj'-st workmanlike manner. Sati.facti mi tar anteed or no par. febl3-din BOILESS. IiX.OX.X27E Boiler Works! The sndersigaed are peepared ta manufacture to order Boilers for Steam Engine8 all Kinds, eHyles aod Giae. Also, every va riety of SXZBIIT X&OXf All oar Boiler work ts warracied. cf all kiede done preny l;? slc aheaply. Ekop near Molina Iron Works, ltily. SCSI LLISGKK A TRT I I FLrB. JOHITSTON'S HILLS Hanafaetsrcra ot Choice family PLiOU 3F8- From selected Fpring and Winter Wher t, pi?y for the city ts ode. ALL KINDS 0 Flour and Meal Ochand,.nd i.Kvered r VUAKUt in the Citj JA8. A. tOTLE, Agent. lafle. beiweaei freaS and PI -. " ek.Ydtf POOTOGKArilbT C.W.R0RENCE1 ovcsior io PltOBB BCB A HuBTB B, u . ? PhnfniTrnhpr fl .u Willi I I -7 .. s KOCK ISLASiP.,- Satiafaction goar-if Come aad see f I. Card FiioTapii Portrait " yor Alkaaas.U tie Bust srtistic style, kadat . A. B.UAII-0BD8 AMBROTYPES. : Heliarpassed thl' side ef 1?)W Tfc, tsljLCft Sk , A. B. SATIOKO'B D0Tt6JllPIIg. A class, U Us sighest style ef art, te he he A. B. CajtVi'i Cillery. In Wshbes 's Blosk. rKIOBV MODBBAT PAPER I PAPER BOaI GEiMRALHORSE SHOEIl a s ,tc - -- wc i s.i -' :i w a f" ' Jj.Illinola Btreet. b I . Eagle A Buffalo, w ... kJe1.wtSd I'M i ' ' ' I 1