Newspaper Page Text
RUES OF ADYERTIS1N8. ; rotLiiast ar vaa ;- f, aeom rJLixr&xtra oossrT, TERMS. Dailt ;abscs. Bf Mail (payable ia elvaaoeVpsrannam, $10.00 B7 Mil . tii aaoatha, .t0 Bf Mail " " - I noilkv.- 2 Br Mail - 1 mertt... - si MBr Citt Cabb4bb, 15 CenW per week. Siva li Conai a Coot. TURKS.- Wmiilt rit. "ingle Copy, (payable' a advance) ... Tew Copiee " " rBtr OoptM ' .. Thirty Copies " ..ti.M . .oe . M OO . 0.0 Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. ; AUGUST 9. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 Illinois Fun for 1671. State Feirat Da Qaois, Sept. 24 to 8f.- " .t ! COTT I-AIRS. '-.- Charleston..... Aug. 29 Bent. 1 Rock 19, RoekIsla.d...Aag M-UpTl M.dieon Kdward.v.ii. r: : - ....... DOBf. t ...Qaiacy Sent, 4 8 ..Petersburg... fi r. Adams. I ermflnou Catlin. "e Ottawa. W ill A. M. Al. Joliel ... Irocjuoit.... fcheloy ... Maoee,. Carroll P.k. I roqnale Onion Edgar; Mc Lean Saline Franklin Perry irundy Bureau........ MoDoneugh.. WhiiMidtt ... Macoupin , Shelby vllle... .. Decatur , Mt. Carroll... Pitteville Ooarga ..... Jone.boro Paris ....Bloomingtcn..- Barri.barg ... Benton Pickneyville... .... Morris ...... ....Princeton nf aoomb........ ... Sterling Uartiaville. M,raa Jaskioa villa... Warren Monmouth Richland ....Olney .Fa ak torn at urp hey eboro.. Kens .-.. ...... ...Geneva.. lIndureoB.....BrKf rille Greene..,,. Lake M sreer Schuyler.., Fulloa Jersey Atlanta., Blgm Aurora.., Pokin.... -Car rollton.., Libertyvtlle AleJo Oct Rashville ' Canton " ..... Jerseyville " 1USTB1CT AI TOWS. ..... Atlanta. ......... Aug. 19 Sept. ..r-.igin.........te,pa. e - S 6 8 6- S 5- s 6 10 1218 12l.i 12 14 1815 1215 12-16 12 ir 18 15 13 IS 1315 13lo 1" Tl 19- .J1 1 ti l!l 22 1911 l'J 22 2 SI to tl to 13 t 2 S'l 2 27 1 S 6 4 6 ' fl 14 1013 Tor auk aoaare. or the ewaee weeapied by ten lines of solid Boapareil, Oae Dollar far aaek ia- aervten. "'"."T " iri. i ! , Special Notices, 20 aaatt par liaa. waer la farted t month, or mora, M per eeat aboTergu- lar airartuiag ratei. , Ooamtaaieatioaa, or artielea jaienea aeioag readisg Matter, ti eonta per liaa. Dailt ad WiaartT. A dieaomat af 16 pal at. will a made from the Weekly rataa, aa yearly and half yearly ooatraett, whea. the aaaaa matter ii iaeerted ta both Daily and Weekly. Double Coloaaa will ba ehargei J percent additional. For -.1 trantient adrertineniea . , aTance pay meat U required. VERT LATEST BY TELEGHAPH. " 4c O'Clock X.' jr. .. Anrera .., -.Pekin Unioa of Oentralia, Centralia... Mechanic. Inat'e. Daarille F. C. .Pamaaoa. 1214 IS 22 1822 lit 23 20 . 2 Srr ia Bnman. "What lost the worl.l and made a hero fly ? The timed tear in Cleopatra', eye. Pat hetlie .oft Trlumrir'i fanlt forgiren : For thla how many li.e not carlli, but hrarcn ?" Tba piirtioalar charge aaintt Ex-Senatoa Vatea is that he haa been adduced from the .-.acred lores k home hr woman of rare ViautT ; that he haa domiciled with her at the pretty Iowa of Decatur acd that the grand jury of Macon count during it. in : n had up for inreatigatioa the question whether the ex senator lived in the habitual violation cf the seventh article ot the Deca-loeue. The S. C. Democratic press has with nncom- mon tuia-nimity expressed iUself in favor of Mr. Il,swoil E. Goodell for congrersman at !a:v. The State Register republishes near ly thren oolumns of editorial notices in his NEW YOIMS:. Charres against the States Island rerry Co. -Deaths by the late Explosion-Claim Commission ers -Scott Centennary Cele-bration-Vmvy ITard Changes. . WASHINGTON. Removal of Oen. Pleasantoa-Sls Bnccessor Oorrespcndenee rtgarding- the Saemoral. Two TJegToeu hung-Great Excit-ment-Sleetioa returns Re striction on Negro voters. 1 oreiyru Market Heparts. Reported Expressly for the Aaecs. Nkw York, August 8. At a meeting of the Boiler Maker Association last night, the present boiler inspection erstenv waa dt- f nounoed and a r h n cr AmmTiAA Ti,. l.vurs from papers in all sections of the j Staten Island Ferrj Company were charged btate. No other person has recently been with being close and mean. The disaster is mentioned and pnblio opinion seems cvntra opon bias. He ia not a politioian, aud ia outside of the rings and cabals that have made politics offensive. He is a live oiaa, of great personal popularity. Whoev er may lead the Radical column, may reck on upon baring an honorable, but energet 10 opponent. LOCAL NOTICES. M&KKiaiia' Glide. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 22i pages. Price 50 cauts. Address Dr. Batts' Dispensary, 12 N jrih Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo- See aivrrtisenient. Tkstimokv. Thousauds of mothers are constantly speaking in exalted terms of commendation of the magical effect of Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrup lor aoothing infanta teething. Reuue's rain-Killing Migic Oil is aold by n.-i .' oar druggists and merchants, and has ! e :o:ne a standard article in market. Thin poatlion it has won by its merit. It is olean to use. It cures pain where it is used faithfully, and we intend always to keep it in the house to nse. Try it. For saia by John Bengston. Mas. pABTisruTOir says, that "Dr. Prioe is a nice man, and a publio benefactor, but thinks she oan't afford to patronize him much longer, as Ike, the dear boy, wants ('ream Bakiug Powder Biscuits three times a day, and is oootinually xperimentins with his Special Flavorings deluging everything from molasses candy down to his handkerchief wheo if she gets a poorer quality he never touches them." And she is tempted aot to use them. "Its a sad trial," sighs the oor old lady, "bnt Ike's extravagaooe must be nipped in the bud." TUe Zee Sin? Refrigerator, Whtoii created such a sensation, and took tue first premium at the Cmoinnati Exposi tor St. iouis Fair, Illinois State Fair, and ait tne Fairs throughout this State generally last season, is now for sale and can be seen I . ... ... . I , W S no ii pht a iu actual ujjciuuuit " -lljusenold Furnishing Goods Emporium, on Illinois atreel. r Uolmrarator oosaesses many aivan ta,e over all others ever manufactured, among whtoh may be mentioned the fact tual it saves fifty per oentof the ioe required in any other Keirigerator of the same size. It is a preserver, not a oonsumer, like the uuaierjus ice melters called Kefngeratora. It proiaoes a dry, cold temperature in the preserving chambers. The temperature can ba reiuoedto fourteen degrees below freezing point. One article of food will not partake of the smell or tast of another. The pro vision chambers are always dry, sweet nd clean, as they have no drippings from ioe. Fish, game and meats of all kinds can be kept froteo any length of time, and in a perfectly dry and preserved condition. The Refrigerator is divided into two separate and distinct compartments, and also has a Water Cooler attached, whiuh furnishes an nnlimr itnd supply of ice cold water without putting ire in the water. It consumes about ten rents worth of ioe every twenty four boors This eoonomical piece of furniture coats no more than any other refrigerator , and is manufactured of all sizes, and suitable for Hotels, Restaurants, Grooera and for family purposes. Call at E. vv. spencer the only agent fnr Rick Island. Molina and vicinity, and aea the workings of this indispensable aruole in actual operation. aprlS dwGm t0 j uua to the continued use of an old boiler. Une ot tne speakers said all the boiles in spectors af New York are ex-polioemeo, and only one United Slates Inspector is a prac tical boiler maker. Richard Moore, cf Williamsburg, and Chaa. Coulter, died yesterday, from wounds received by the explosion. The Herald pobliahea an interview had by its correspondent with Secretary Fish, is which the Secretary said he had no idea who the Arbitratora under the Washington treaty would be. The Claims Commissioners under the treaty, would probably ait a long time. The action of the Commission would probably be guided by that of the Soothers Claims Commissioners, as the latter would furnish precedents for all claims for damage done property by the Federal power during the war allowed ; the other Claims Commis sion cannot avoid following the precedent is regard to damages sustained by British anb jects. The Court of Arbitrators would be oo id posed cf men who would command pub lic confidence. He thinks the government should not be critioised for action on the Cu ban question. The Cnbans get hold of ad venturous Englishmen, Americans and Irishmen, who do their fighting, and are cot themselves struggling for nationality. lie doolarea he Las not signified an intention of resigning. A Washington special says Charles Fran cis Adams has declined the appointment of Arbitrator to the Geneva Conference, and will be probably snoceeded by Richard II. Dana. Arrangements for the celebration of the Scott centennary are perfected. The laying of the foundation stone of a monument to Soott, in Central Park, will take place with appropriate oeremonies. There will be a prooeaaion of Scottish aooieties on Broadway, and a banquet at Delmonioo't in the eve ning. W. H. Berryman, machinist and inspec tor of boilers, testified that he examined the boiler of the Westfield, and had it patched at the time. He met with great opposition from Superintendent Brained, who swure at him and called him a hireling. The witness advised Yanderbiit tu get rid of Braisted. He further testified that Mathews had given a certificate in oase where he bad re fased them. In one instance when the wit nes refused to sign a certificate for the steamship rsortb America, Mathews put liis name to it, aud aent it to the custom house. He could not say he swore to it over his name, though he must have done so. Wit ness believed the primary c&ue of the ex plosion to have been that Mathews did not put hydrostatio pressure as he was sworn to do. He did not believe be put 34 pounds on ber don't think he looked at his test difference between the Secrerary and my self. In this connection it is proper to add ' that tne personal oonduot of the Secretary has beeo nch aa to the tender of ay resignation -until soma opportunity is granted 'indicating my administration of the internal revenue bureau. In justice to the pnblio interests placed under my charge, and Uie importanoa to the taxpayers of a proper solution of these difficulties, I must respeotfully decline to tender yon my resig nation, and trusting it will not be deemed inapprspriate, I will request that your pre sent determination may be reconsidered, and, an investigation of the matter of differ ence between the Secretary and myself be referred to .the Attorney General for his , legal opinion. With great respect. Signed. A. Pleasastox, Louts viu.e, Aug. 8. About two o'clock this A. M., two hundred armed and masked men, went to the jail in Frankfort, took the keys from the jailor, took out the negro who raped Mrs. Pfeiffer a few days ago, and the negro Washington who fired the first shotia the riot at Frankfort, yesterday, took thm about a half a mile from the jail and hanged them. There is much excitement in Frank fort over the events of yesterday and to-day, but no further outbreak is anticipated. The total vote of the city is 12,949, which is fully the average vote. Of this Leslie re ceived 8,597, and Haaian 4,651. Leslie's majority in the city,' 3.T21. Harlan ran slightly ahead ot his ticket. All the Dem ocratic candidates for the Legislators are elected. The Republioans concede Leslie's election by about 20,000. The Democratio majority in the State is variously estimated here at from 20,000 to 30.000, which is a falling off from the Grant Seymour election of2,;,00u, and 40,000 or 50,000 from the last Gubernatorial election. Returns from the election indicate a de crease of 6,000 en the Demooratio majority in the 'Gubernatorial race .of 1868. The Democratic loss is 5.000 on the same race, notwilhstandicg the deliberate exclusion of thousands of colored voters on the merest pretext. Negro voters were compelled to read the names of each candidate or be de nied a vote a requirement not made of others. General Harlan has creatad won derful enthusiasm among Republicans throughout the State, and the result is a victory, even though he is not elected. There will be an increased Republican rep resentation in the Legislature. The Dem ocratic majority in the State will not exceed 30,000. MiLWArKKE, Aug. 9. A Winueconne, Wis., dispatch to-day says a terrible torna do traveling from the east to west, passed over that locality last Monday night. The log boom on Wolf River, located five miles above Winoeconne, containing fifty million feet of logs, was broken up. The steamer Star was capsized, and Capt. George Smith was drowned, and Michaal Scannan, rafts man, was also drowned. Forty raft houses were blown over and completely demolished at Winneconoe. The smoke stacks of Bel lows, McArthur & Co.'s and Sandftird dc Hinckley's mills were blown down. Thous ands of window panea were broken, and thirty chimneys blown down. Grain ia the stack waa acattcred over the fields. The corn is tiaU The lumber interest suffers great loss. The Catholic. Church in the town of Granville, in Milwaukee connty, was deatroyed. Lospos, Augnat 8. The House of Com mons to-day was the scene of a severe en counter between the leaders of the To-y and Liberal parties. D'Israeli savagely charged Gladstone with bad leadership, both in the Houae and in his party with wasting many weeks en subjects subsequent!- abandoned; with needlessly invoking the exercise of the royal prerogatives, and with postponing im portant and even vital legislation. Gladstone retorted that I) 'Israeli's so called facts were but the offsprings of his imagination and lingual powers, and that the laat time of which D'Israeli complained was due to the resistance made by the lories to the electoral reform. Gladstone implored the House to pass the ballot bill forthwith. A violent personal and partisan debate followed, after wfcifh Mr. Forrester summed up the farm bill as one demanded by the COMMERCIAL. GSrOlci Lia" X-2. Sock Islaid, August 9. Xais Flour market la corrected at Warner's Mills and the quotation, are the ruling prieea o the Eook Island market. WiKTis Wbbat Flocb Wholesale $3.40 " " RetaU ...B.00 Braiaa Wbbav Floob Spring Doable JCitra la bkla, ketall....... ............. .,..... "7. fig Sacks at waolesala................,.T.u0 Retail 7.61 Loose, at wholesale . ........... ......6.8U aetail .. . 7 40 Oaaai's Ba.r Kaisibo Flocb Retail-i Barrel,sacka " t " " " i-i6 " " ."".".'."."!!!'..".! Bccbwbbat Flocb Wholesale Betail Waa a Cobb $2.60 , 1.25 . .65 ........ .$.00 10.00 ..5al.20 40 ' 0 ah New Btb . Bablbt ITOa lW eaje . -.taiwMNsiein.i Bejeoted Bmns Okoioa tots, for retailing, will briag., Chiii-N T. Faiitor.... Laud par lb ......... Fovavobb , Applbs per ba.hel eas par dos.. , The above prises are the wholesale Sgures at firat hand. Pooltbt Live Turkies, per lb , Dreaeed " " ..,... ....20a25o - 55 4Oa60 ..3i I5e 11 lOalle . 30a50 .... 100 .12Je Chiekens, live " " dressed" Da ok. " Hows Live ......... C Ama tive weight, aoasaioB.... Prime skipping, par 100 lbs..., Weo Oak, per e erd ....... . Hiekor Coal Coal Valley Yard. Cleveland Ya:u .. 10a ...12io ... So ... 10c lOe 150x4.00 45ae .....a.OOat.OO 6.50 .... 6.00 . 13e Ioe WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manuiaeturers of ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING PLAXEHS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMYTUS ' STEAM HAMMERS, Oan machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangers, Patent Self Oiling Box. WAMHOU81! : lOT I.IBRRTY &T.. SEtV YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : kHMMOHD ST., (Opp. Jonction Depot), HOHCB8TEB MAS8. All Trains enteriag the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. Jell) dtf imic. I860. 1871. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. A Otaittajf ttXarket. felegrapkedte the Aaars. Obioaoo, Aug. S. Flour Dull, but good bran it of spring: supers and low c radt.-a and pxtraa firm : snnera naotablo at B'0U(jji4.tK) ; low to choloe lining extras 4., o 5.50. Wheat regular ; Ho 2 selling at $1.063 'cash: i tl .0 seller August. Corn Opened steady ; Ho2 43J cash; 4 J .el ler August , 4Sj September ; options rejected Stld at 4l4a42 ; No 1 444: No 2 yellow 46. Oats Lower, 3(4 a 30 i ca.h, and in afternoon on "pen board at 30 for Sept. Kye VJoiet ; Z S4a5. liariey Steady at 63ab4 cash: 61 Fept. Beceiiit. Flour J,81.'W; wheat 5s.iie0; corn 201,125;; rye9,CVl; barl.y 1, U:1. Shipments Flour 2,9 ; wheat 49.065 : oorn (n5,"0i ; oais57,20; rye 12,232 ; barley $41. Whisky la better demand and steady at by Piovtsion. Dull and heavy: sales of Pork $11.75 f..r Sept. Lard V: tame option; 82 bid eash. Oblcago Xdve Stock. Telegraphed to the Aaers. Ubiob Svocb Yabbi, Ang. t. Hogs Receipts 435! ; selling alow at $4,621 a4 75, with bulk of sales at.4.a tor light; S4.3U a 4.40 with bulk of sales at $4.50 for heavy, Cattle Searce and in demand at an advance Of20a25c: sales at $j.25a5."5 for averages of 120to 1300 t!is: common native, dull ; yard. fill ; Texans dull at $2 25a4.00 f r eommon to eaoica. BUeep Receip's 69S ; market quiet ; prices anchang.d; Sgaifor fair to good. AUTISTIC TAILORING. BIW AB-VBB.XSSSBEaTZB. 3 &. 4 WASBXZa-CrVOXf t., onxoAoo. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S TJSE. WEDD1G OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Ehlrts to Mea.nre Extra Benble and Perfect in Fit. Clergymen will ba allewed 0 per cent, QlBOOODl. feMXdly pOLXE&IATE ABD COMMERCIAL IK- v nitute, new n.'w, vqna. rraparatory to College, Business, BcientiSo School., U. 6. Mili tary and K aval Academies. Fall seision, thir- tv-sixth year begins bept. 13. For Catalogues, etc., address the Principal. SASH, DOORS. U. SOLANDER & HUBUB, 1 8uooeor to J. A. BmmsoK, Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMR8. BRACKETS, And everything in their line. ' ' Olated Ba.h on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. fcb24dw8m AtYS. LA R'.i E STOCK ALWAYS ON II AND OF SlblNHAl, STECK. A M Bt It 1C AN, H Al ES, MAktSHALI. AND WENDEl I. PIAlOS, Geo. Wood &. Co's,&Es(fy Organs and ell kind, of Musical Instrument.. Sheet of latest ifc.ues, and the bet im ported Siring, in the city Jllll N lllll 1 , apl Corner Illinois and Washington atreet. B.TABLISBBO IB 1830. WELCH tScGRIFFITHS JSax7- ! 8aws! IBmi-wml SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS! Axes, Files, Cast Steal, Kill Furnishings and Machinery. fe.Qet the best, they will prove the oheape.t Friees teduoed. Bead for price Li at and airaulars, WaLCH UMIFFITUM, BoISdwly Bo.toa, Mu., ar Detroit, Uieh SBA1. H. POWABS. J. L. BBBBHAR & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. lCBf!a''''!l' iVbI fur Asthmn, w cnlri. Hmt htrrr. rle. "Sothine -o oik-i-iahh " T. MKTCai.r, DruygUt, llonton. l:rcniHii; ii,!i'.l by Dr. . W. Holmes, f oii rr lu i , ;s 721:151 kCO.. Buston. Mass. SoM t.y an lUuifsists. Parties holding grain will find it pay te ship attest to PHILADELPHIA, PA., the best af oar Eastern markets. Oar bnslaess is BxcirsrrsLV cohiskiob. For iaformation. write us ; for reference innnire thromh a Bank i :-!. ELK1NS A 81DDARDS, Commission Merchants, IT, Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa, DISEASES OF TBI AND WATER CURE lEIOSHt Send for oirealar. may2Udwbm A T .WIS H. E.BEKLEY, M. D. SERMANIA INSURANCE COMP'Y OK CHICAGO, ILL. Cash Capital, .$200,t00.00 arplni,.... 57,8a0.6 Dsdrick & Shaw, Agents, npr21-dlr Book Island. Among the arrivals by the cotia is Hon. Geo. II. Pendleton and Madame Parepa. The first car load of gooda ahipped through New York without appraisement, was aent forward yesterday for San Fran cisco. There is some exoitement among ' politi cians to-day over the changes made at the navy yards. The outs are in each case known as Morgan Fenton Republicans, and the changes made are said to be the result of a fight goiog on for places on the State Central Committee. Washington. August 8. To-day the President sent to General Pleasanton the following : Executive Mansion, Ang. 8. 4 Yon are hereby empended from office al Commissioner of Internal Revenue in accor dance with the terms of the act approved April 5th, A. D. 1809. "to amend an net regulating the tenure of certain civil olfioes.' passed March 2d, 1867, and subjected to all the provisions of the law applicable thereto. (Signed,) U. S. Grant. To Gen. A. Pleasanton. On receiving this notification. Pleasanton vacated the ofiice, leaving fur his successor the following note: To J. W. Dona-las. First Deputy Commit' siooer Internal Bureau : Sir Having this day been suspended from this office by the President. 1 turn the sam over to you Respectfully, A. Plsasanton. Douglas immediately entered opon the duties of the omce, and reoeived tba oougrat nlations of his friends. - Pleasanton is suspended until the end of the next session of the Senate, and Dong las is to perform the duties of the office in the meantime. Pleasanton then fefers to hU request to the President to settle the matter that way and continues: This appeal, as I under stand it, is not to bo ontertainnd, bnt the subjeol is to bo treated rather as a personal people. The bill passed. Sir John uray, member from Kilkenny City, gave notice of his intention to call the attention of the House of Commons on Fri day, to the subject of the riots which oc curred in Dublin on Sunday last. A foot and mouth disease of an extremely violent type has broken out among the ct tie in county Meath, Ireland, and is spread ing rapidly. Dublin, August 8. The city ia quiet. Al persons arrested for obstructing thorough- fares have been fined small amounts and discharged from custody on payment o! the same Smith, the member of Parliament, who was instrumental in getting up the amnesty demonstration, and who waa among those beaten bv the nolioe. has written a letter to the authorities demanding immediate in quiries into the facts of the case. Paris, Aue. 9. The Germans have com menced the evacuation of the forts north and east of Paris. Ysrsailles, Aug. y. The Lower Cali fornia company propose to Tbier3 to receive all communist prisoners as colonist. Thiers has promised to lay the mutter before the Assembly. The Prussian occuoation of France is every day rendering the situation more un pleasant, and strife and bloodshed between the small numbers of Germans aud the French people are frequent and the murder of Prussian private soldiers which have taken place render the Prussian soldiers more and more embitterness in their feel ing. The French government is said to have sent word of this to liiamarck aud Yon Moltke, and dwelt upon the impossibility of restraining a population unduly oppressed and tyrannically treated. Some Prussian oommaoders drank to excess and encour aged the conduct of the men in using fire arms on small provocation, and that the more these troubles contioned, settlement of the war indemnity question would be dim cult. Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Cars ran each way every 20 minutes NEW ADFERTISEJ1ESTR. Ili BE IS & CH.SUOUl, Proprietors and Manufacturer, of MILL mm DRESSER, OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect success, and all are warranted. mySOdly (sEO. H. LAWT0S, A Bright lllue Ey, Son Meininger. SScts Ilatr jou fen Louif Comic Soag, Baxton, 40 Dnrling Hi-lle of the Boirding School, Porter30 flirl mik the Ciaarette. Comie Cordelia, 30 Jly High Time, Comic, Parks, 30 JVotr wonMn'f you like to frwow, Comie, Cord'la 30 Jeicelli of the'lltnrt. Beautiful Song M illardSO Loir in the Mmdotr, " " Zach, 31 Let it Pa't. for Bass nr Alto, 44 35 Ytt Once Aqiin, Daett for Sop. and Barr. 6abiel, 50 Quarrelling fTeiyhbar, Comie Dnett, Anber, 75 Somebody ! Child, with vaiatioos. Mack, 80 lrarenly Greetingt, Pensie Koymantique, Blauchey, ' Si Holiday Vacation Mart , illustrated title Giisina, 10 Street Anticipation, Schottische, " " Gilsinn, 50 Dairy, Faataisia, Krni;. 35 Any of the above af lit by mail on receipt of the market price. No metier where you sec a piece of Music or Music Book advertised, send to us aud you will receive H bv enclosing the publishers price. BALfifXEB. &. WBBSB, MD$IC DEALERS, ml7-dedl2m. ST. LOCIS. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE Hong Kong TeaCom'y, Branca Houfe, Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, - - - ILLS. vTheie we are offering nnrivalled Teas, at the same low prioes as at their "B a. tern Home." By Importing Teas ia cargo lota, tkey enable B9 to retail to the oonsumer at extremely low prices. Don't fail to visit the Hong Kong Tea Store, at raiace itow, wcere win te louna tne finest, purest and freshest Teas, Coffees and Spi- ees, at prioes beyond competition. my5dw3a POW AKS fiiSKMJ.l, A (Is CHEiP FARMS.FRLETRiVEL Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific - Bailroad Company. 000,000 iLoros CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Company is now offering for sale about six hundred thou. and uores of the finest agri cultural lands in the West. The Company sells only to actual settlers, and the prices are exceed ingly reasonable, rarging from $5 to $15 per aore the average being abeat $S. The greater part of these lauds are situated along the line ot tts railroad between the cities Des Moines and Counait Bluffs, aad are in the moat acaeeaikle and fertile region in the State. Sales made lor cash or on credit loag enough to enable any industrious man to pay for the land out of its orops. These lands are held under a title d i reot from the General Government, and are not mort gaged or encambered in anyway. Full warranty deeds given to pOrehaier.. For maps, pamphlets, or any other information re.peou.-5g tkem, address Bi "hjes Ooex, Land Commissioner, Davenport, Iowa. EXPLORING TICKETS are sold at the Com pany's ticket offices at Chioago, and all other principal stations on Its line, and if the purcha ser bays land the amoant paid for the ticket is applied on the purchase money. 9S.TJOS. f9f ASD BETAIL yX I V And Dealer in 1 1 3 Glass, Putty, &c. - Physician's Prescriptions ao- fcd 4 cnrately compounded at all Lj 1 hoars. Also, a fine assort- -J A ment ot Pertumcne. aim iui-i till la I II HI llilJllVllilllllUiiUliUillalll AND Commission Merchant, 51 Perry Street, IIAYKXPOKT IOWA jy2S-d:m nlCHAR0S0N'S1RISumKXS' UA- I) DIlsKS, LIVEN ClSlCRiC I11DKKK(HIEF,, Af. We feel onrclves called on aeain to CAU TION COSSUMERS against the indiscriminate ui.of Irish la I riea made up to imitate our goods in fold, trade mark and general appearance. and to warn them, that their only safegnard is to see that the authentic seal of our firm, J. H. RICHARDSON, SONS A OWDEN, Is stamped on each article. Determined to confine ourselves, as heretofore, to the use of yarns spun from the choice. t and strongest Flax, by the best machinery obtaina ble; uniform in weight and elasticity manu factured and bleached under our own superinten dence: the consumer will ba GBABAKTIEO BT OTB SBAL the same durability and satisfaction in the wear, whioh the genuine goods have always afforded. J. H. HICHARD jOR, SONS ft OWDEN. Belfast, Ireland, i Mo. 16, 1871. jelldw3m V. let Aiuciea. m Q. and "GOLDEN XCJ CROWN" jLT I BOC7 SmDXBTO. ItSILH MCKEE. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! HOS.1.3AS CLTBOURN ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, ZkXilwattkee. - Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIBTORS. Orders from elese Ca.h Buyers solicited. moh25-d ly DR. COLLINS' Painless Cure for the OPIUM HABIT. DR. COLLIN' ANTIDOTE. Enables the patient to di.continca the use of Opiom in any form, at onea. without pain or in- cnvenince, and without any interruption of ordinary lia.ine"". it rcbilds the broken con stitution and restores the broken energies. DISCOVERED IN imir. Tba Only Painless Care ever Discovered THEPJAKI: Au TIIEin TjAST dose. A book of over 100 pages, containing letters ot UU hlOU LUDLOW, the well kno letter of G- A. T. exposing the intrigues of HAHl'KbVh MAGAZINE and LUDLOW, ano a full description ot the Antidote, sent free td any address. Address, DR. SAMUEL B. COLLINS, Laportb. Ihdiaba omac Mercury or Calomel la the great remedy that physieiaas appeal ta and use almost entirely in all diseases of the Liver. There are thousands at the present time tbat are suffering with the rheumatic p ins la the joints, caused bv the use of Calomel which has created a disease of its owa worse than that wbioti it was intended to cure. There is so drug that leaves its mark mora prominent in the system. Yet, perhaps, there are tianee wbta it can be given, and have a benifielal e fleet, but should not be dealt out as it has been, aed is at the present titue, by these tbat p retted to know what tkey are doing, bat in reality do not. lha Liver la more liable to disease than acy other organ in the boss an system, and when that fails to do its duty it leaves tbe weak poia'a of the body exposed, na the bile is not thrown oil, bnt taken op by the bloed, as it passes throat b this great filter of the system, and becomes impure. Then follows a tram of dise&ses, whose name ia Legioe. There are many that suffer from pain lntheside end across the body, dell, heavy, drowsy feeling, headache, pain ia the right side, often e?ere rain in the bowels. costiveLets, Cat alenee, diarrhea, more or less indigestion, loss of appetite, sallow skin, wbite of the eyas yellow. inking ot nen, oppression 01 spirits, at otner imes a treat cravne for food, tome ot tnese symptoms are caused only by torpidity of the Liver. It is impossible to gtva all IBs symptoms of a deranged Liver, and they are all eureable without tba aid of Calomel. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, Will re-open under the new management ATJQTJBT aand, For the Reception of Onests. Tbe spacious building has been thoroughly renovated, and newly furnished throughout. The Proprietors have made every exertion to adapt It to the comfort and convenience of its patrons, and have spared neither pains nor ex pense to secure that end. TWEED A GARF1KLD, jy29 dwlm Proprieto a Agents ! Head This ! VI7H WILL PAT AGE1T6 A SALARY OF v $30 per Week aad Expenses, or allow a arae commieiion to sell oor ew and wonerful inventions Address M. WAG5KR A CO., Marshall, Mih. ACEKTB, TAKE NOT.f R I Tbe reason oor emnts make ?o mii'-h mi ig because our goods are firM-class : people like them, aed they are warranted. wanted A. B. TAYLOR. New Britain, 0nn. More lire Afrt-ats ALE & P0BTES. Cream and Stock Ales. IHGX WORK. WIZ.Z1XABS ZTJX.X.Za. Bcok Binder and Paper Hanger, Shop on Orleans St., opposite Court Honse. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. ttSu Ail kinds of Paper Boxes made to order. auglVd-tf SBSB-ZXBTS. SB. Q. 12. EBZ.BXX.-a, DENTIST. ALL DENTAL OPERATIONS PERF0F.M ED according to the most approved princi ples. Office in Harper 'a Block, cor of Illinois and Buffalo streets. aurls-dtf Rrandy for tbe Kitchen Thlj Cognac pour la Cuisine Is a para brandy of high proof and delicate fla vor, iadispensible to culinary purposes; and as a beverage ia unsurpassed by any other French Brandy. No family Should ba without it, as it Is espe cial I j adapted for eases af sickness. Manufactured by . BT7FTXXK8 BT TB.BBB, Chalons sur Saoae. Far sale by all Druggists and Grocers. Ad dress order to CHA8. F. FOERSTKR CO., Depot 20, 522 and 24 Hnbhari atreet, CHICAaO. Bale agents for the United States, aay2-docw6m Rock Island Business University WILL OPEaT AUGUST 1st, 1871, FOR the reception of atndents.botb. Ladles and Gentlemen. 31. Ie ILavl Brown, Proprietor of Bloominrton Business University. t. m V csnpcria-wuMcui vn. eouree ot liairaotions. Late Professor of Baslnass and Ornamental Pn manship. Pen and Pencil Drawing ia Iowa Wes- eyan uBiTorauy, lecturer on Commercial oerres Dondenee, business eustoms. laws of trade. etc., ia charge of writing department. uiuer oompeieni teachers will be ia sbarge of phonography telegrapking, and English da-nartmenta. Twsnty-four lectures will ba given during the fall and winter, on mercantile lew. commercial ethics, political ecoBoroy, laws and custom, of trade, etc., irea ta all Begular stadeets. This lnstitntioa will be upon the aaeat thorough and practical oasis ice only aotaal basmess col lege ia Rook Island, where each etadeat ia re o aired to go throarh every detail aa ia actual business. It ia very Important aad desirable that all com men oe at openieg of term ao aa to create aa much uniformity aad system as possible. Carda. subscription headings and a'aameatal pen werk of snoat workmanship with tho pan, executed to order. Sand $1 for apeeimena. . Hall nearly opposite Rook Island House, opea day and evening after July 28, 1871. For in formation teud for circular er address - M III U BROWN, ' Jyl5dtf P.O. Drawer 44T,aUek Island, 1U. J. W. STARK, X E W T' I S T, t00J8 NBXT DOOR 10 TELEGRAPH At Offi.e, Illinois street. Rock Island. All kinds of Dental work done la tba most approv ed manner. Charge, reasonable. aplO dwly PHILADELPHIA Ornamental iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO, I13S BIDGB AVH., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturer of Fountains, Vases, Statuary, Verandas, Bummer Huasa., Arbors, Chairs, Set tees, Ao., Ac, Cast and Wrought Iron Hillings, For pnblie building, and Squares, Cematry lots, Garden Fenoea. Balc.nees, Roof Castings, ate., in great variety of pattens. IRON STAIRS Bjiiral and Straight, of various pattern, aed st, Its. Special attention given to this alas, of LAMP POSTS, For Fronts of Publio Buildings, Hotels aad alty streets, of plain find elaborate designs. STABLE FITTINGS, Of Cast and Wrought Iron of New Improved styles such as Hay Backs, Rtall Divisions. Man gers, Harness Brackets, Getters, Traps, Vantil atore, Ac. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire Hoards, of Crimped Wire, Galvanised or painted, In plain and erne mental patterns, for store Doors, and Windows Factory aad arebouse V indows, Kailtnga fo 0 floes, Ban k s, Counter Railing., Balconies, Lawn aad Farm reaoes, Ae. GOH STBONGt Proprietora of tka MERCHANTS LiNCO, Are sole Agents for Peaslee's Celebrated ream and Stock Ales. For .ale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oat29 dtf TMYELITO SALESMEN AT 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY "WITH. This Is tbe reason Wa can sell the BEST QUALITIES OF GATES, WINES AMD LIQUORS THAN ANY OTHSB HO08E. ' J. WEITZEL & BB0., i i tMPOBTKRH, 14 A 14 West Randolph SUet,...n CHICAGO saayieasm , Forentrance ta Camelries, PuMlo 8qaares an Gsntlenien'e Country Seats, of Gas Tubing ar Wreeght Iron, both Single or Doabla. ia elabor ate aad simple designs. estimates aad Designs sent oa application stating the Btass of werk designed. Parckaaers snav rely on having all artielea carefully buxsd and shipped to the place oiaes llastlon. menr-aom WEST'S Saloon k Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper Honse Block, BOCK ISLAND ILL. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Imported Wine & Brandies: Ageat for Bar ds, Lills. and Joliet Ales, also best Scotch and English Ales and London Por ter tor sale. Uli. i(, frefi! by theVarr.l. it nt for a. . :lr' rJiiuarj and Pireea Hole Table ss anofartrry. aprt-dtf H, E. W BBT, Proprietor Congestion of the Liver, The symptoms of which are, pain in the right side running to tbe shoulder, a loss of strength, appetite ano energy, a sense of oppression, low nei ot spirits, squeamishuess ol the stomach. a yeiloai.h coated tongue, ren'.eit ntss. nifLi ful dreams, all of whieh y ield to the iatfueece ..I TAYLOR S STOMACH ASD Lit LK I'OK UECT0R,"ef which enough should be taken to cause a speedy and free evacuation of the bowels Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Is a weakness or want ol power of the digestive juices in the stomach to convert oor ind aud drink into healthy matter tor the nouriihment of the whole ay.tem. It is ceased by eveiy tbing tbat ten 4. to weaken the body, and n.oie parl.oularly the stomach ei i, , it ncl quite one U .11 of the diseases, to which art- liable, proceed from It. Indigestion produces a gnat variety ot unpleasant feelings. Amotg the most pri mment ot its miseranle erects are. a want cf, or an inordinate appetite, attended with a constant lor dr.ak, suur stomach, grinding pains in the siomecb, aepre. sion of spirits, gloom of mind, fietlulncss, waft log of Qesh, loss of energy and strength, very irritable, heart burn, unpleaiant line in tbe month and tumbling in tbe bowels. In sne caeca of depraved iiidigetlieii, Hire is a e u--plete disrelish for food, at other times a per., a so afflicted can eat heartily without much grati fication. A long train of nervous sympums are also frequent attendants, general debility , great languidness and incapacity for exertion. Tbe stinds of persons so afflicted frequently beccme irritable and desponding, and great anxiety Is observable in tbe canteranee: they appear thoagbtful, melancholy, and dejeeted, ander great apprehension of soma imagiaary danger, will atari at an? unexpected noise or ocrarrence, and moeh agitated. Yet for all this the micd is exhilarated without much difficulty, pleasing events and society will for a time dissipate all appearance of disease. Other symptoms are, vi olent palpattiion, sestlcsmess with a sense ot weieht and odpressin apon tbe chest, niglt mare. etc. It is almost impossible to nauie all the symptoms ot this invader upon the constitu tion, as in almost every case of indigestion, there will probably ba something p.euliar to each, but be what they may, tkey are all orea s ioned by tbe food becoming a burden, rather than a support to the ttomacb, and in all its sta ges, tbe medicine most wanted Is that wnlcn will anora apeeey as.maree to me aigestive or gans aad give energy and s'rtnicth te tbe nr vous and mnscnlar system, and a new life to the whole body , and nothing cea lie. and tbre is nothing, that will give ao q-nrk relief, as Tay lor's Stomach and Liver Corrector, the trat Remedy for Blood. Liver and Skin Diea-es, and from one to four bottles will effect a cure. COLD WATER SOAP, WING & BURST SKLL Sick Headache Those that are subject to it only know wtat a distressing complaint it Is, sad is a very ua welcome visitor. dimae.of vision, followed by a terribla pain, e ekness at the stomach, and vomiting and then for a dsy or two, a person f.el. as lhoorh thej baa a fit of sickness. One rlo.e will core when first at tacked, end one to three bottles will effeot a per manent core. Jaundice. Wariield's COLD WATER SELF-.ViSIILe DeHAVEN'S WILD CHERRY BITTEhS The Best Toale in tbe World FOR Djspepsia, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, GENERAL DELI LIT V, CBILLB, Etc TUB I7ILD CHERRY BimBS XXAB XSTO SJQtf-AX.. ' v It 1. aokne-ledge br "T on h nM taken it, to be the For the diseases named ever offered. Depot, 44 LaBalle street, . CUICAGO,-...... - ..IaVl.. ,nHAVKII WALES, - , ,. Sole Manufactarrs. las sale bf SntUU. 22-4woa. ' Washes In Cold or Warm, Hard or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING A-VD W iifaoat iajary to Clothes, 0 R atri2&at WITHOUT IiUBBIXG ON TUE WASHBOARD, Saring Labor, Time and Fuel! This Soap has beea used by many Ladiaa la tbe city end they all pronounce it auperior te any other they aver uat 1. It savaa time, labor and preserves the elethes. I OLD WATER R0AP C0MPASP, "!... . . . . 63 Borth Desplalnea Street, CHICAGO, . .............. ILL. For .ale by all Grocers. aprl-dwdm For aala in Book Island by Wiag A Bust, at Sard's eld stand. - .. . : When 70a 'sea person as yellow aa a saCroa bag, ( cinosoa aayiag,) yon very naturally come to tbe conclusion that tt ie Jaeadice.rnnsed bv a derangement at the Liver, by the Mje being obstructed and flowing with Ike blood tuiougont tke system. Instead of passing off la its natural eourse into the bowals. One to three bottles will cure the worst case. Cosaiveness. This iscaased by a slaggiaa, torpid state of the Liver, aad derangement of the whole eyetctn. It is surprising that there are Sj maay troubled Un this distressing disease end give it so little attention. . The diseases that fallow habittel -costivenotrf'are niaar. of which Sick IleadacLe. Raik of Blsod t the Head, Dyspeysia, Piles, neari, Liag an bkin Disease ana remain and Kidney C niplainta, are always aggravated by it. Maay tesort to pills, and aever have a free evacuation of the bowels without their aid. To theaa, I say, atop aad consider, as every pill yon take eoataias mercary, which will in time oauseyoa to regret the eourse you have taken. By using Taylor t "tomaoh aad Liver Corrector, yoa will aot need to take pills, two to to 01 bottles will aura yen Far Sale by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. THE BEST MEDICIXE ETE1 MiUL FOR MAI. IT. S. TAYLOR, 60LK PROPRIETOR, , - ltd Wabash Avoaa...H.,w...CHI0AQft : Bartava-wanwl" -.1 '.sa -