Newspaper Page Text
. r-OILUBBB II TM a crura vxtxgTiaa oozxt'tt. TISVS.OA'ar , Ao. tfy Mail (payable ia advaae), per iddih, $10.00 r Mail " " moata, .00 By Mail M S months,.. By Mail ' " 1 month. .. 8i MT Br Oitt Oabbsbb, 15 Cent par week. Sum Conn Cant. TSRjtS.- Wmir Aidci. iiagl Copy,(paybl' a advaooe) .......2.S0 laa Copiaa " " ....... J.0 Twenty Copies " " 86.00 Thirty Oopiee ' j(j-0, Twentieth Year. w ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 RATES OF ADVERTISING. tor each aqaar, at th spa eaaipfad by ten llnei r toll J noaparail, Oaa Dollar for amok in cartioa. ;' Special Notices, 50 ee'nts per lis. Whr is sorted month, ar mora, it par eaat aboTe rgu lar advertising rate.. Communication., or article lnssrted among readlog matter, ii eanti per Una. " DiiLr akd Waaitr. A diseeant of 35 par sent, will b mada from tfao Weekly ratal, oa yearly aad half yearly contract, wbB tke nmi matter ii inserted in botb Daily and Weekly. Doable Colamai will ba charged J percent additional. ? for-U rn,iant alvsrtitsmen adrance pay meat ii required. ABSZTIOKAL CXTV. rEsoNAL--W received calls to-day from Mr. Smith, editor and proprietor of the i'rinceton Patriot, and Mr. Merriao, a mer chant or Toulon, with their ladies, who ara riaitiojr the citv with the excursion. 4 Call again. Hot. How will this do for "dog dart" thermometer 99 in the (hade at 2 o'olock this afternoon. An exouraou from Toulon, Lafayette, and Wyoming, of the members of the MethoJiet Church, cousiitinjr of eight cars and fifteen hundred persons, came over the P.& R. I. R, R.( nd are now enjoying themselves with a battel pie via about a mile and a half from the city. GuaHA A Kerb's Livery. No better place to get good buggies and elegant car riages with fine horses than at the above named place. The proprietors are eourte ous and accommodating, and their rates reasonable. Go there for teams and take frequent rides in the evening or early morn ing during these warm days. It will save dootor's bill. TOO MUCH HARRIED. Bo carefully ha took main Bat, oh ! those happy days bare fled ; Aad if ha come, to aee me now, On him I'll surely put a head. So said, or rather intimated a lady, who called at this office yesterday with a little child in her arms, and told a story of how her sweat William had married her for his fifth wife and had cruelly deserted her, and left her six children orphans as far as his parental care is concerned, and that he was now living with a divorced woman in Kock Wan 1, while the labored hard to keep the f aintly together in their little home near Mjline. We are not a divorce court, noran arbitor of domeatio wrongs. We would line to see all woman-kind happy and have no objections to publishing this sweet Wm.'s obituary and recounting his dark deeds of insertion fcc 1 faithlessness, providt d all is irua that is said of him. lu fact we rathti de'iht in exposing all first c'.a.-s raicais wjo will deliberately steal away the affec t. ujg of a widow with five children and then (fiie'l; deaert his little flook for the smile of a divorced womao. William we have your name, and the name of her by whose eves you are now swearing eternal fidelity, we have heard one side of the storv, come and see us or we shall think it true. Mean time don't go near the deserted wife and her six little orphans, because she intimated that unrequited love does sometimes turn to hale, a woman wronged, a -woman scorned will sometimes pull a man's back hair. She sa vs if JO J call upon her she'll pnt a head on vou sure. VERY LATEST BY TELEGBAPH. 4 O'OlooU X. 3. IV IK W Y O It, Ii. City account in the hands of Prin ters -Creel ey'a views on the Wo man qvettion-Children's Aid Society -Base Ball Match Pleasanto&'s removal -Fay , master Sostlaad Ihot. :. KENTUCKY Resolutions of Labor Conventions. ILLINOIS. HXnrderer discharged and re-ar rested. Market Eeports. Reported Expressly fortbe Aaers.j LOCAL NOTICES. Testimony. Thousands of mothers are constantly speaking in exalted terms of commendation of the magical effect of Mrs. Wtitcomb's Syrup ior soothing infants teething. Renne's Fain-Killing MtgicOil is sold by moot of our druggists and merchants, and has become a standard article in market. This position it has won by its merit. It is clean to use. It cures pain where it is nsed faithfully, and we intend always to kt-tp it in the house to use. Try it. For (; by John lieupaton. Communist prisoners to a speedy termina tion. The government will soon suspend the present discussion on the snbieot of tax on raw materials with a view to increasing the direct taxes. The Prussians received orders from Ber lin yesterday to evaouate the city of Novas. Paris. Aosr. 10. The nolica of this aron- dissment hav received a hint from Ver sailles to moderate their zeal in the arrest of Communists. At the sitting of the Court Martial, yes terday, witnesses testified that they saw Ferre release convicts and give them arms. Nsw York, Aug. 10 The Tribuo has a dispatch from the United Marshal at Helena, Montana, announcing the election of Clag eett, rep., as Delegate to Congress, by one thousand majority. London, Aug.' 10. Intelligence from Li beria states that the presidential election on May 2, apparently resulted ia the election of Roberts as President, and Gardiner as Vice President. Roye, however, maintains that he was elected for fonr years and his time has not expired. He may dispute the elections. A meeting was held at deidelbrg on Sun day to take measures for the foundation of new Catholic Church in Germany. Forty delegates were present, coming from various parts of Germany, Austria, and Switzer land. A committee was appointed to draw np a constitution for the new church. Its main points will be the principles of the Council of Constance in 1314, subordi nation of the Pope to the Council of the Church and State, participation of laymen in the management of the church, free elec tion of. bishops, communal election of the pastors, and modification of confessional. The delegates are divided in opinion as to whether the Church should acknowledge the primacy of the Pope. - The committee were instructed to submit their report for ratifica tion at a meeting to be held in Munich in September. Maa. Pabtisutos says, that "Dr. Price is a nice man, and a publio benefactor, bat thinks she can't afford to patronize him much longer, as Ike, the dear boy, wants Cream Baking Powder Bisoaits three times a day, and is oontinoally experiment in? with his Special Flavorings deluging everything from molasses candy down to his handkerchief when if she gets a poorer quality he never touches them." And she is tempted not to use them. "It's a sad trial," sighs the poor old lady, "but Ike'e extravagance must be nipped in the bud." B&. lECLET'g WATER CUKE A T ......... wis H. E.SKELET, M.D. K 1HOXH A fcond for oiroular. my2Ddwbm gervin:a insurance comp'y Of CHICAGO, ILL. Caai Capitals $200,000.00 S orpins $57,8ao.C4 Daouics & Sbaw, Agents, apr21-dly Rock Island. THE & IT AMZMCAN HSAI.TH KEdTOHBa, parties the blood and eares Sjrofaia, Bypkllls, Skin Dis eases, Rheaaatism, Diseases of Women, aad alt Oarouio Affections of tke Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Reoommended by the Uadioal faculty and maay thous ands of oar best citnesi. Read the testimony of physicians aad patieats who bar nsed Rosadalis; send for oar Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Alininae for this year, whioh w pub lish tor gratuitous diatribution it will give you mmh valuable Information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, savs: "I tat pieasar in reoommending yoar RoU.n as a vary powerful al terative. I have seen it used in two cases with happy remits on ia a eas ef secondary syphlll., ia whioh tha pa tient pronoun led himself eared after having taken Ire battles of vour medi cine. The other Is a ease of sorof nia of loag standing, which is rapidly Improv ing aader its n.e, and the indications ar that tk patient will soon reoover. I have carefully examined the formula hr ekliavair Rosadalis is mada mr,A and it aa axeallaat oompoand of alter- desire, and that tor any ativo ingredients. Dr. Hparks, of Nloholsville, Ky.,says he has used Rosadalis in cases of Scro fula sad Soooadary Bypkllis wltk satis factory results a a eleaaarof tka blocd T know no better remedy. Baotael Q. MoFadden, Marfrtesboro, Teen., says ; "I kav aaed seven bottle of Rosa dalis, and am ntirely oured of Rhenm atiaas; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who ha sarofuloa sor ey." ..." Baa'Mamto BeJhol, of Lima, Ohio, write, I hava suffered for twenty years with i nvatarat eruption over his whole edy; a tihort time sine I pur chased a bottle of Rosadalis and it ef feate t a perfeot care." Rosadalisl old by all druggists. Laboratory, 1 Eiahang Place, Ba) tlmore. Dr. CilKKHTS CO. t . . . Proprietor Nlw Yokk, August 10. The oitv ac counts are in the hands of the printer, and will be issued next week ; they will make a book ot upward ot three thousand pages, rod will contain the names of all persons engaged in the various court and municip al department, with full explanations, de fendiug the act. on of the Mayor and Comp troller, in reference to signing waraots and disbursements of money. Horace Greeley has addressed a letter to the Golden age, defining his views on the woman question, in which hi pecular and weil-known ideas on the lubjact are repeated with great force. The Children's Aid Society sent out 134 person to Washington, Ills., yesterday ; oth era will follow in about two weeks. Troy, August 10. At a bae ball match yerterday, the Eck fords defeated the Hay makers, 10 to 7. Pieasonton's removal is eliciting consider able oomment. Many business men regret the President's course. The ex-Commissioner has strong support on account of his effort for the repeal of the income tax last winter, which will be recollected. There are statements made in semi offi cial quarters that Pieaaanton will make vig orous etiorta to vindicate toe action taken by him, and will endeavor to enlist Congres sional inSuence in his behalf. There is displeasure expressed among the Italians at the refusal oi the lTor to review their forthcoming procession. Buffalo, X. Y., August 10. Yesterday was the big day for trotting. Uver one thousand people witnessed the race. The first waa the unfinished 2:27 race, which wa won by Major Alien (Locust) in three straight heats. Summary of this race is follows t Purae for horaea that have never trotted better than 2:27; $o,000; to first f 2.51)0 to second $1,500, aad to the third $1,000. Maior Allen, i, 1. 1; Harry Hawley, 4, 3, 2 Bvron. 2. 4. 5: Western Girl, 5, 2, 4; J. 1). McMaon, 3, 2. 7: Medoo, 6; 7, 3; Mohawk, Jr.. 7. 6. 6: time 2:26i, 2:21, 2:24. Purse No. 5 was called immediately aftpr No. 3. Fourteen horses entered. Nine started Gen. Knox, Elmo, Black Marie, Ida May were drawn'. Summary : Puree No. 5, $10,000 for horses that never trotted better than 2:30; $5,000 to first. $2,500 to second, $1,500 to third, and $1,000 to fourth. Nath Smith, 1, 1, 1; Susie. 3, 4, 3; Ripon Bay, 2, 5, 7; Tennessee, 5, 6, 3; Lady Ham ilton, 7, 5, 6; Volunteer, 4, 9, 4j John A. Farrer, 8, 7, 5; Lady Fish, 9, 8. 8.; Inde pendence, 6, 4, distanced; time 2:27, 2:2fiJ and 2:271. For purse No. 4, four horses entered, two started; Judge Fullerton and Lady Ellen drawn. Clara won the race on the second heat. Gen. Sherma n being distanced; time 2-959. Ii'i:,. Utic, August 10. Paymaster KDrtland, of tho United States Navy, was shot yester day afternoon, by Ford G. Hale, of Roches ter. The wound is not serious. Jealousy respecting a yourg lady is the oause. Kalamazoo, Aug. 10. There are one hundred aud thirteen eatries of horses for the great National Exhibition at National Park, Kalamazoo, to be held August 15th, lGth, 17th and ISih. The very liberal offer of $30,000 in premiums has brought out the best nurses in the country. 1 here are ten entries in the $10,000 purse, and fur the $6,000 purae open to all there are six entries. Among them are Goldsmith Maid, Luoy and American Girl. Very liberal railroad arrangements have been made with all the railroads in the State. Accom modations are provided for exhibitors, and for the publio generally. Habrisucrg, Aug. 10. Bar. Spangler.of Lancaster, was nominated for Auditor and E. A. Weeeler. lor Surveyor, by the State Temperance Convention, which met here yesterday. Ncwarc, Aug. 10. The N. J. State Democratic Convention is called at Tren ton, Sept. 10th, to nominate candidate for Governor. St. Locis, Aug. 10. The Labor Con gress at St. Louis adopted the following: Resolved, That this organization enter fully recognize the right of woman every where to learn and engage in any profes Inn trade or ocouDation which they may certain amount oi work they should receive the same pay men. Quikcy. Ani. 9. Gyrus Brown, the ne- Kti who shot and killed Lewis Duke, last Friday, on the steamer Merrill, near this city, was discharge i this afternoon, by the examining magistrate, for the reason that the prosecution conld not prove the exact locality ot tha shooting. ' Brown was im mediately re-arrested noon another want aad is bow -' in jail. A crawd of negroes threatened to take him out of the custody of the sheriff, bat separated without making any demonstrations. Satahkah, Ga., Aar. 10 The first bale of cotton raised for Georgia this year, was received yesterday. It was sold for 321 e per pound. V...1IM.IS. Aev. 10 A bill has been prspared by the government and introd deed WHAT IS VISUM V1T.E! This wine is prepared tu take the plaee of n nieaey ana otner spirite known to be made op of Fusil Oil aud other deleterious articles. The Wine of Life is distilled with great care, espec ially for those who require a healthy stimulant, aad for the use of Med loal Men and ia the siok room, in plaoe of the villainous Brandy, Whiskey, and other Liquoi n iw in use, and ro otten depended upon, lu lee, it is a constant complaint of Physioiec. in tms country, that it is impossible to procure Brand v, Whit-key and Wine for their pationts. We ask the iledi oal faculty and the publio to give Warner's Vin um Vita or Wine of Life a trial, and w ask chemists and physicians to analvtc it, then speak I of it according to its merits, compare it with Whiskey. Brandy, and other each a-tioles, and see the difference. If tbey find the Wine of Life is pure aud wholesome, and the other Liqnors poisonous, (which they oertainly will do.) then they are morally boond to prescribe and recom mend the Wine of Life to their patients and friends as the best stimulant and tonic in use, and as a valuable substitne for Whiskey and Brandy ; but should they find it not pare and what the proprietors claim for it, let them pub lioly denounce it. It is the Physician's duty to learn and End ont which is tha most wholesome stimulant for bUpatienU, and to do so he must examine andlook into the quality of each artiole, aid learn tor bimseit ii tne w me of I.tle nas any peculiar merits to warrant its general use. The proprietors claim the Wine of Life to be more wholesome and tar superior ana cnenper ttian whifkev or brandy, or, in fact, any other article in common use, and ought to be used in every family. Everybody should give it a trial. It is a new thing, only been in use about one year, yet t has alreadr gained a great name and a won derful sale, and whoever once trios it always reoommends it to his friends. It has the same strength as whi.key, but it is peculiarly pleasant. even delicious, and any one would be craiy to take whiskey, Ac, if he can get the Wine of Life. It is for sale by Drnceists everywhere, in quart bottles, price one dollar ; or on be bought by the case, ootitainmg one dozen bottles, tor ten dollars. We challenge the world to produce a purer, cheaper, and nicer article than Warner's Yinum v tta, or Wine of Life. Iae a bottle of it home and give it a trial. doaw-thor-Awly COMMERCIAL. GaVolca. 1.112 1-2. Rock Iblahd, August 10. Tan Floor market I corrected at Warner's Mills and the quotationa are tha ruling price oi the Kock Island market. Wiktib Wsjbat Flocb Wholesale (8.40 " " " Retail .0 Bpbiho Wbba Tloob Spring Doable litrs In bbls, wkole.a'.e Jw'laai e ) (Sacks at wholesale. IswlA axiex ) - - ti l sis a Tt l s s a s Loose, a wholesale. ................. ..,. Retail .. Gent's Ba.r Ra.simo Floc Retail i Barrel, tacks " " " 1-16" " BCCKWBBAT Jt-OCB W ho le.ale .... Retail Wbba . OOBB Oam New Btb - . Bablbt Rejected BrjTTaa Ohoio lot, for retailing, will bring..... Obsbsb N T. Factory .......... Lars par lb POVAVOB ......... ........ Applb perbnshal 1.00 Bee per do 12ie The above prioea are the wholesale Bgures at first hand. PoCLIBT Live Turkies, per lb lOo Dressed " " .. 120 Chickens, Uvo he " dressed loo Daok " " 10c Hoe Liva- 1604.C0 Oattlb Liv weight, eat 4Sac Prime shipping, par 100 lbs .....G0e6.09 Wood Oak, per cord ... , 6.60 Hickot g.CB Coiv Coal Valley Yard l?c Cleveland Vs.: 1 1 So ...6.80 ;7.tsu .7.UU eu ..6.0 ............ 7.s0 J 68 l.XS 65 til. 00 10.00 ..u&al.20 40 .20a2o , 65 ... 40aR0 ..3o 15e 11 1 dalle 3ua50 WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maaulaeturers of ENGINE LATHES S MOH IVIES, FLAX EES, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N A SMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Otaq XVXachinery DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangers, Patent Belf Oillng Box. " WAREHOUSE: lOT LIBERTY !T. , JiEW VORKC1TY MANX FACTORY : HAMMOND ST., (Opp. Jnoction Depot), WORCBSTKR, MASS. AH Trainf entering the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. j10 dtf YAM. Telegraphed to the Aascs. Oaioaeo, Aug. 8. Flour nil, bat good bras ds of spring supers and low grades and extras firm : supers quotaih at -6U(4.UU; low to ohotc spring extras .7i ao.50. Wheat regular ; No2 telling at $l.0CJ cash; 1 .04 sailer August. Corn opened steady; So 2 42 j cash ; 4S se! ler Aug hi-l ; 48J Septcuibt r ; optiuns rejected sld t 4Ua42 ; A o 1 -it I; I o 2 yellow 46. Oats Lower, 3(ia 3i cah, and in afternoon on open board at Ho for 3pt. Kye ymet; o - 51aso. Barley Steady at 63ia6 cash: 611 Pept. Receipts Flour l.Slitf; wheat 5t.o8l); corn 201,124;; ryeS.cUt; barley It, ko 1. Shipments Flour 2,d4 ; wheat 4'.U:bS ; corn 85,701; oais67,20: rye 12,232 ; barley Ml. Whisky In better demand and steady at .k Provisions Dull and heavy; sales of Fork 13.75 for Si.pL. Lard i : earn option; ii I'id 8. Chicago lire Stock. Telegraphed to the A sees. Ccios gvooat Tabbs, Aug Hoes Receipts 4.15! ; selling low at $4.62 4 75, with bulk of sales at4.7 for light; 1.;10 a 4.45 with bulk of sales at $4.50 for heavy, Cattle Seerce and in demand at an advance of2Ma2ac: ale at t5.25a5.75 for averages of 250 to 1300 It's: common native, dull : yards nil ; Texan dull at $2 25a4.0o f r common to ho ice. Sheep Reeeip's 69S; market quiet; prices unchanged ; J4 for fair to good. LIME AND CEMENT Winkoop-s fordovia White Fin- i:h!K Lime. PORT EYSO (: OWEHPOnT LIKT. L O VIS TILL E A XD UT1 CJ. C EM EXT. PLJVSTER PAEl-U, L1M) PLISTPR, PLVSTEEIXG 041B, ETC., ETC., ETC. oP dtf MATTHKWS i CO., Reck Island Over Three Hundred Actaal Firet Pnt Cat with it I Mora than $5,000,000.00 Fiamci. THE 0ABCOC Fib V'Niiijf-VJ- :-f 3 vg; - ' --,ia-J- ?-4. a," E EXTINGUISflE R I860. IS71. THE PIONEER JUSIC STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON IIAXD OF A slMNVTAt, STEtk, jtMKmcsx, HAIM4, MAKSIUU AND iVEMIGI li I JLJL. IN OS, Geo. Wood &. Co's.&EsJey Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Sheet tusic of latent iues, and the begt im ported Strings in the city jiuix itiiY r. pi Corner Illinois an J Washington street. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 & 4 WAsmxvazoxf ct.. onxoAao. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, . FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEBIirVG CrTFITS A SPECIALTY. Bhlrts to Measure Extra Double and Perfect in Fit. Clergymen will ba allewed 0 per cant, diseonnt. tebldly BAKU, D00S8. tC. 0LANDER & HUBES, Sucoessor to J. A. Biddisoic, Manufacturer of Sab, Doors Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMES, BRACKET, And everything in their line. Glazed Eash on hand, also Feed All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dw6m MHS. KsTAlLISBBO IB 1830. WELCH t5c GRIFFITHS' JScaxcis ! Sawsjt 9xr! BCPERIOR TO ALL 0THER8 ! Axes, Files, Cast Steal, Sill Furnishing-, aad a?aoainery. .Oet the best, they will prove tbs cheapest. f nee raduced. eend tor price Lis I and aireulara. UtwLCII b GKlfrllUM, ao33dwly Boston, Mass., r Detroit, Mich WW ADVSZLVZSSSXBZsTZa. For A'thma. iour 0W. t err. ftc. .TTll V. DrHfifrit,ltt.m. u.M-oiiiini"ili'.tl.rtr O.W. Holmes. Ilalmifretun ;2Z E?:'ETI C5 Xlostou, Sltoi. i,y Un .irungists. COLLEGIATE AUD COMMERCIAL IN stltute, Hew Haven, Couu. Preparatorv to College, Business, Scientific School,, u. g. Mili tary and Naval Academies. Foil session, thirty-sixth year begins Sept. 13. For Catalogues, etc., address the Principal. Parties holding grain will find it pay to ship direst to PHILADELPHIA, PA.. the best of onr Eastern markets. Our busiuesa is conn is sioB. For Information, writ us; for reference inquire through a Hank in your vicinity. "ELKISS BCDDARD9, ' oroini.sion Merchants, 17, Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa. ORIENTAL CIBlMa 1 Card to Druggists and Dealers A DANGEROUS AUD POIS0X0CS COrH TERFEIT OF Sr. T. r. Gourau&'s ORIENTAL CREAM, 0H MAGICAL BEAETIFIEB, Is Attemptad ts he Palmed off on the Public CHEiPFARfiTSiREETRAVEL Chicago, XLock laland and Pacific &ailroad Company. 000,000 .cr-oa CHOICE IOWA LAND8. xnia vumpany is now offering for sale about six nuuurea inousanu acres of the finest agri cultural lands in the We.t. The Company sell only to aetnal settlers, and the prices ar exoeed ingiy reasonaoie, rargmg from $5 to fit per aore tho average being aboat tS. The greater p.rt of these lands are situated along the line ol Its railroad between the cities Des Moines and Council Bluffs, aud are in the most accessible anu lertne rtaiou in the State. tEAS. H. POWAB9. J. L. IIISK11I. Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Oars run each wav everv minutes gNEW Sl BEAUTIFUL MUSSC. A Bright VI tic Ey, Song Meiningsr, S5cts Have you erra iuuue Comic Song, Saxton, 40 (nrlin) Utile of the Bonrdiig ScUool, Poiter.10 Sir irith thr. iVyarffff, Comio Cordelia, 30 J.iHj lliik Timm, Comic. Parka, ."0 A'oir HH)M''ry"M 1 ' ktic. Comic. Cord 'la HO Jeirellt nf the Urnrt, Beautiful Song, MlllardO ioir in the Mendtnc, " " Za;h, At frr if Pfi", for Bass or Alto, ' 35 Yet Ome Amia, Duett for Sop. and Barr. flabTiel, 50 Quarrelling XeipKbort, Comie Duett, Aubcr, 75 Simebydy' Child, with va-iaiions, Mack, 60 Vurvny Grntinrj; Pentie Boymantique, lllancecy. Holiday Vacation March, illustrated title Giisinn, Street Anticipations, Scbottischo, ' Qilsina, Dairy, Faatai.-ia, Krns Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. So metier where yoo see a piece of Music or Music Book advertised, send to us and you will receive it by enclosing the publishers price. BAT, IVIES. & W38I12, MCIC DEALERS, m57-dedl2m. ST. LOCIS. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE Hong EoBg Tea Coni'y, Branch House, Palaes Bow, ROCK ISLAM, ... ILLS. Whei we are off.riag unrivalled Teas, at the ame low prices aa at their "Rasters Uousa. By importing Teas m cargo lots, they enable te retail to the consumer at extremely low pr.ees. Don t fall to visit the Hong Kong Tea dtore,at Palace How, where will be found the Aneat, pureet and freshest Teas, Coffeas and Spi os, at prices beyond competition. mv5d3m POW A KS A FKKKMAH. Ag'ts S5 0 S5 KEW ADTEHTISEMEKT8. BiUEIS & CUISII0L9I, Fropristors and Manufacturers of MILL mm DRESSES, OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect success, and all are warranted. my:0dly GEO. a. LAWT05, MERCIIAllSUBHOKER AKD Commission Merchant, 61 Perry Street, DAVESPORT .IOA jy2S-dSm S2.T7C13. AND RETAIL y I And Dealer in Paints, Oils,"W"indow b Ulass, rutty, esc. - r"H Physician's Prescriptions ae wcoratvly compounded at all L t hoars. Also, a Sue assort- a '. ment of Pertumeries and lui-i I l Q let Article. I The oelcbrated "J. C. P." "V TP- and "GOLDEN fr CROWS" ' SOCII BZI7DXI7G. I. "W. FAEWELL, Secretary, 1:2 Washington Street, Chicago. Insurance Companies reduoa rates where it introduced. The Soverameot ba adopted 'ti I tc. WPats out Burning Kerosene, Tar, Seorod its Rcard. Ib284d.t,tl DlCHARDS0N'S,Ki85imE!V,i' BA" II M ikS, LIS EN I A3IB2!C We feel Ourselves called on again to CAU TION C0B3UMERS against the tudiscrimiuaU ue of Irish fa! rios made up to unitateour goods in fold, trade mark aad general appearance, and to warn them, that their only safeguard is to see that the authentic seal of onr firm, J. H. RICHARDSON, 8OK8 4 OWPKN, is stamped on each article. Determined to confine ourselves, as heretofore, to the us of yarns spun from the ehoicest and strongest Flax, by the best machinery obtaina ble; uniform in weight and elasticity maiiu factored and bleached under our own uperinten denoe: the ooa.uuier will he CBARANTIED I1T OCB SBAL the (ante durability and satisfaction in the wear, which the genuine goods bare alwaya afforded. I. V. RICHARD JOH. SOUS & OWDETT. Belfast, Ireland, S Mo. 15,1871. jeldw3m WXXslYXAES ST7Z.Z.Xia, Book Cinder and Paper Hanger Shop on Orleana St., opposite Cosrt House. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. Ail kinds of Paper Boxes made to order, augiva-ti HLHACkEE. The nnpreceden'ed popularity and aoiversal demand tor this innocent cesmetio has excited the cupidity of a bold and infamous counter feiter, in imitating the label aid tho bottle ot my Cream. Ia the label, the dash divid ing the words "1 rade n,tk," and the period alter the latter word, are omitted. There is do dot separating the dollar and etots of the price in the counterfeit. The last word of each lice of th "Direction" in the counterfeit is the fol lowing : "'Ot',"'nse," "large," "the" nd"noi;" these words, in the grnuioe, liegin etch lie of the "Direction." 'J be la' el ia a brighter scarlet, and the engraving lalenor H e wax at tho top I dull and of poor quality. In other respects the counterfeit ie well cahulatid to deceive. Druggists should be on their guard when my Cream is offend at less price thaall44 per gross, less ten per eent discount. 1 hav never, to a firm or house, so d it tor less, aor ever have received sn order tor more than a gross at a time, nor have I ever ezchaagrd the Cretm tor other good., demonstrating that if any oneoflurs my Cream for le.s. it is a counterieii. All orders, to in, ore the genaine, should be ant to my only imce. lo. 48 Hond street, "tew Jorl, luinierly No. 453 Broadway and No. 87 W alker street. x. IKUI UOCBAlb. jEFrr.Bos Mabset Polkb Cocar. James T. It ,(... .r tn All lie street, waa armiirned Sales made ior ca.-h or on credit lcar enon.h I l,eh, .J..i'o Cm 00 a charire of couu erfminir ro enable any industrious man to pay for the the trade-mark and label oi Dr. T. Felix Oour land out of it. crops. an 's Oricinal Cream, or Magio Beautifler. It Ineae lands are bald under a title dirt from I e.r. 1hm in.pninni rjl.f rBtor ri.ilrjfd oil the General Uovernuiett. and are not snorrt Ln 1. R S.mia one un si of the snnrious stufi. gaged or encumbered in any way. Full warranty for which he obtained $H4. be ng li.fiii U-s deeds (tvea tepurchacers. hban the article is invariably "Old by Dr. ti. for maps, pamphlets, or anv other information I The ..1,1 .n Tninni air bottles, hava been honorably delivered by said firm to l)w. (i. The miserable counterfeiter disposed 0f aocther gross tc triiteoden, no. 7 oixtn aveno. ion gentleman very handsomely returned all he had unsold vis, seven doien. Another gros. waa sold to Piatt, Scntt A Co., Broadway, tea doien f which were scld to John r . ll.ary. jnoi on of these bottle, ba. bee a returned to Dr. Ii 1 he representative of Mr. Benry assured Mr G that everv Dottle should be destroyed. Vr tiourand is determined, if possible, to stop this knavish bnsine.s of connterfei'ir g. by legal proceedings and the publication ol tha name sf rj vender ho i cognisant ot iue prepaia ion neiDgconn- In the meantime porehaser cannot be too niHb on their gaard ; and be sure to get tho Oriental Crasm.or Mng;cal beaut ifier, of r. J nta hle DrvBgifta. end at Mr. Felix Grard's only depot, 0. 4 Bonn srreei. biiauinuv. iiiiTiv tno vesra (lotiraud'a well krown Italian Medi ated Soap, ir the cure of skin dictates, price fiftT rents, is still tor sale ; als his Foudre Snbtile, for npreoting superfluous hair ssle!y ard qniekly; Liquid Rouge, Lily white, tto. re.pectlig them, address Kt ""tzsa Cook, Land vommissionsr. uavanport. lotra. EXPLoRIMi TICKETS are sold at the Com pany a ticket officee at Chicago, and all other principal stations on It line, and if the purcha- ;i tana tne amount pma ior the ticket is applied on the purchase money. DR. COLLINS' Paialess Cur for tha OPIUM HABIT. OR. COLLI' AHTIDOTE, finable the patient to di. continue the ne of Cpiniu in any form, at once, without pain or io- conveni.nce, and without any interruption ol ordinary tine?. It rebikls the btoken con stitution and restores the broken energies. DlSCtlVEHFI) I j The Only Painless Curs BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS I HOS. I, 3 A 5 CLYnOTJaN ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, RXilwankee, - Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIRTORS. Order from ciose Cash Buyers solicited. moh5i-dly METROPOLITAN HOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, Will r open under tha new management Axraui t aaad. For the Reception of Guests. The spazious building has beea thoroughly renovated, and newly furnished throughout. The Proprietor have made every exertion to adapt it to the comfort and convenience of it. patrons, and have spared neither palne nor ex pense to secure that end. TWEED A (1 ARFIKLD, . j.?2 dwlm Proprieto a l&OS TF0HKS. ih;m. ever Discovered THEKIAKI: AND THEIR. TiAST XJOSS33 A nooK ot over toil p,gr containing letters of JtlTZ-HrOll LCDLOVV, the woll known letter of G A. T. eincicg the intrigues of HARPKR S MAGAZINE and LUDLOW, ana a full description ot the Antidote, sent free td anv address. Address, DR. SAMUEL B. COLLIKS. LaroRTB. IsmAsx. w Agents ! Read This; ! i WILL PAT AGENTS A SALARY OF 130 per Week' aad Expense,, or allow a large rommL-iion to sell onr new and wonderful invntio AddrsM M. WAQ5KR A CO., Marshall. Viah. AGESTci, TARE NOTICE ! The reason onr aeants make so muh nm is rxfane our eofds are first class ; people like them, aad they are warranted. More live Ageats wanted A. K. TAVLORTXow Britain, CrTnT" ALE k F0ETE2. Cream and Stock Ale 3. DENTIST. A LL DENTAL 0PERATI05S PERFORM x ED according to the n.ost approved fritici pie. Odioe in Harper's Blook, eor of Illinois and Buffalo (treats. aogl8-dtf J. W. STARK, DENTIST. UOOMS KIXT DOOR TO TELEGRAPH Ah. OSee, Illinois street, Rock Island. All kind of Dental work done 1b the most approv ed manner. Charges reasonable. apl6 dwly J0SI1U GATES & S0SS, Manulaoturer of -. Uiiiw-'.:'Hi' MmH &iVf ai' preparea dt toe goreruuieu, - , , ; to the Ambl to bring th trials of l jtlWeodly FIRE EMim S0SE, " Leather Belting, Saperier Lace I eatlier, and laotory supplies generally. LOW EL L,. .................. . All kind of FIRS ESTSIBB H081, mad from the best quality of Philadelphia and Balti more Oak Leather, And put together wua xiauao Rivots, a new improvement " which preventa theoa from corroding and rotting the leather. Bock Island Easiness University WILL OPKsT AUGUST 1st, 1871, POR the reception of stn.i.nta koth l.a.JUa .n.i Gentlemen. BI. Ie La, Brown, Proprietor of Bloomingtoa B mines TJniversity, ; Superintendent of oourse ol InsimHon,. T. SHROOKL, Late Professor of Buslnes and Ornamental Pen manship, Pen and Pencil Drawing ia Iowa Wes eyaa 0 Diversity, lecturer oa Commeroial corres pondence, business custom, law of traae, etc., iu charge of writing department. Other omj etent teacher will be in aharge '.phonography UlegraphiBf, and Inglish departments. i weniy-iour lecture will be given during the fall and winter, oa mercantile law, commercial ethics, political aceaomy, laws aad cuaUms of trade, ete., rreeTto all aagular itudeat. This institntioa will he noon the moat thorough and practical basis. It only actual besineaa eol- lege ia Koek Island, where each itadeat 1 re quired to goinroagn avery detail as iB actual busioBss. It is very important aad desirable that all commence at opening of term so to create a mnob uniformity and y stem a possible. , Card, subscription headings and a'samsata) pen work of finost workmanship with the pen, executed to order. Send $! for eoimens. Hall nearly opposite Rock Island House, open day and evening after -July 2S, 1971. Tor in formation send for circular or address " M DI LA BROWS, , jylSdtf T. 0. Drawer 4r,Keok laland. 111. TRAYELIM SALESMEN AT 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. - . . . .- ,. 3 TM U the reaion V7o can iell tne BEST QUALITIES OF PHILADELPHIA Ornamental Iron Works. ROBERT WOOD CO., USft RIDGB AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturers of Fountain's, Vase?, Staluarj, Veranda, Summer Hoisas, Arbors, Chair, Set tees, Ac, Ac, Cast and V, ruugfct Iron Hallinf s, For publio buildings and Square, , Ceniatrj lot, Garden Peocee. Balconies, Reof Castings, etc., in great variety of patterns. IRON STAIRS Spiral and Straight, cf varioua patterns and atylea. Special att.stion gives to this eiassoi work. LAMP POSTS, For Front of Publio Buildings, Hot. is and tits streets, of plaia and elaborate design. STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Cast aud Wrought Iron of Sew Improved styles such as Hay backs, Stall Divisions. Mas gers, Harness Brackets, Gutters, Traps, Venul aton, 4c. WIRE WORK Of every description.' Wire Guards, of Crimped Wire, Galvanned or painted, ln plain aud erna mental patterns, for Store Doors, and Wiadow, Factory and w arefaouse Windows, nailing for Offices, Bank, Counter Railing., Balconies, Laws aad Jarro renc, o. GATES, For entrance to Cernttries, Public Sqaares and Gtutletnen'a Cosntry Seats, of Gss Tubing or w rovgni iron, Doth Bingi or Doubl. in elabor ate aud ituple designs. a-stlmates and Detigut sent on application, stating the slas of work desigaed. Purchaser may rely on haviagail artiale carefully boxed and shipped to the plate of del tmatlon. mcii7-aons WINES LIQUORS .l "THAN AST OTHBR HOUSED .'V J. WEITZEL & BRO,, "Vi", " INPOaTERI, , . 14 A 10 Wait Bandolp h gtreet,.-CHICA80 KajSVAim BeHAVEH'8 WILD CHERRY' BlTTEftS The Best Tonle in the World DOH a STBOKCw jr Proprietor of the llERCBAIS LLWCIi, Areaole Agents for Peaslee a Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. Oct:? dtf , Saloon & Billiard Rooms, He, S Harper Hon Block, tOCK 1SLAMD ILL. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Imported Wise L Brandies: Agent for Sands, Lills, and Joliet Ales, alsi best Scotch and English Ales and London Por ter t. r !o. TJt .A i.':; s' n. c ,ru hj tha Varrel. Agmt for A. '. Iler's B.liiard and PigenHol Table Manufactory, apr dtf H, E. WEST, Proprietor. COLD VVATE2 gOAP. WING & BURST SELL Warlield's COLD WATES gELF-WlSflIXt OAS5 z DR. GGURAUD'S ITALIAN MEDICATED OAP is found to be all snfficitnt lor the com plete removal frem the skin of Tan, lieckl,., .nd 6unl.urn ; or, in tact, any oifEguremtui which is the result of anwuw ; while it utdl- eal properties ar ot so powerful a aaiurt as to oe ptteut ;u tbe removal t,i cuianetos ervpii x tnd all sserbutic appearances, inr lud.xg Ery sipelas, Scald Ilea. Sail Rheum, Barber' Itch, Uotb.etc. Old Pores are rapidly healed by it, and the pain arising from the bite of Mosquitoes, the ting of Wasps or other veoeuoous insects, is iinmediale'y allayed, and chaps, crscks scd ckafts aie Letlid ly it. In fct no family ,hon!d te without this sap, but mora eipec'.sil) tfcoie who live remote Item citit r, in place, sre at .11 times it is not easy to procure medieal at tendance. either shoald the Seaman I e w ith out it, as it is a complete remedy for secrvy , and ;au be nted in hare" or salt water ss well as soft, 'n addition thereto, it is perfectly buoyant. The Italian Medicated Sep an ay therefore to considered es the greatest boon which modern science has c nferred on mankind. DIRECTIONS JOR VSE. For Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, worms in the kin, ctapa, thatef, redness, shallowness, and ail skin deformities, Ring Worm, Scald Bead, Pcurvy, Beibtrs Itch, etc , tbe soap must be made into a thick lather, aad well rubbed in sereial Urns a d;,y wi'h a shaving bruth. For Pimples. Tan, Frtcklcf, Sunburn. Sallowce??, Roughness, Wntqnuo bite, or vmtn.ou, stiags, it thtuld be ud three or fonr times a day. In severe easrszrakea paste and app'y. prcvided It doe ntt produce a snartisg sensat'oa. Ibis soap is morat v r tt.e oiost glorious c xcpourd for shaving vcr iavec rented, and cau be esed wilb eilhtr bard r ,"it vater. and n,i teaman ton!d go to sea without a upply.asit is a complete aatidot to scurvy, 50 cent a cake. 1 he foil) ing is selected frem a number of oaBWunicatiotitf In praiae of Dr. Gouraud LI QlID KOGE : 1b. Fklix GuCBAro: Dear Sir A a leading .ctress 1 am con.pel:ed to runye occaioLally. tiaviog never eeti any thirg of the kino equal to yoar Yig-iahle article, having striven in tain t procure it in thi city, I shall be greatly ohl ged (should it not be teo iotdgnificaat Hr yoo) tt you advise me how and at what eoat I can procur a bolti with the least trouble to my self. Please addres " , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the ee'tbrated Dr. Houston, in prai.eoi I.r. Gouraud'.- PuL'DKK .-1 BIlLt, tor uprooting sup.ituous hair liom any art of the human body : "1 have had an or.portunitv of ot serviLg (he operation ot Dr. Pe.ta Gnuraud's prej ar.ii u ft r the removal of superfluoue bal:, aud am letltct y satisfied of iu peculiar ethcacj. f;r an an tlys s of tbecompoaition of tbeae 1 -an eithout auy hesitation, jironounce tttni perit. y harmleas. and in ever way infinite! i-unerior" 'O acv preparation of the kind everS''nd to the publio I hare pteare in giving tt.m ay recoBimeudation, being thus fui y cenvitced of their value. JAS. A. I1OV.-T0X, M. D , tditur N. T Len-;et. T. FELIX (.8ra.U,M and l'raoiical Chemirl, 49 Bond street, formerly 4 M Broadway. To he had of Dr. T. Ff liv C.uraud 4S I',.r,d street, Nrw Y oik, an Whole.ale In 'ew 1 ork, sf PC Wells A C, 1'.'2 Kuhon street; J F Benry Collet Place: W H SchielTe tn A Co. S" ITU William sweet; Mclvese-n A Kolbirs, l lui- ton street; Arnold 4 McSsry, -17 l"ar Crittenden, fith Av.nue: llici. Jtaumana Murpby, I Barclay street : liegeman Co, BrO!idav. and Drugji-ts generally. Jal4t!j).l,t,t.sAwcaajSm FOR Dyspepsia, indigestion. Less of Appetite, GESKEAL DELILII Y, CHILLS, Ete. . . THE ,.. . - WILD CIIERBY BimRS who has wo uatxA-. Tt i. aeknowledeed hf ry one taken it, to b th,, ' ' , For th disease um4 ever offered.' ,; , , L Depot, 44 lalall strt, ' ' "-; CHICAGO, ..U ...IIL. ( . TiaHAVEN A WALES, ' fl Sol Manufacturer. . Tog sal by Druggist. je22-4w6a Washes in Cold or Warm, I1W or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING' ASD Witbost injury to Clothes, OK . WITHOUT RUBBIXG "' '' ON TILE WASLinOAED, Saving. Labor, Time and Fuel! Tbl gosp has beea ue4 by atany L4is ia Ti ettw, ar, I they all proawune- tt oponerte vny otner tney aver user. It safes time, labor sou preserve me chelae. - HOLD WATER rSO IP fOJlPANT, - ' 13 Vorth Dsplius Street, ' CHicAd6,:..j:-....:jLi, For .ale by all "Grecer. aprl-dwtm: ' tor sat ia Book Island by Wiag A lartt, at Bard aid staad. , i'O.t K. H. GARDNEIl & CO. s-Anr?Esiat, ITO B A t FACTO R BBS Of LEATHER BELTIXG! OS, i: Wash'mgtoa Street, BaCalo,.. 2T. 7. Tannery, 452 Seneca street. ootr-deod-t,t.-ly C0PP & B0., Liver aud Sale S.ables. ' Otuo under Sart'a 1311. ROCK ISLAND,.., ILL M ist Complete E.tabiMhmtnt ia th City Particular attertfon paid tn furnishing Carriage for partie. Ball. Procciiois, eta PUdTOGEAPil I. G. Is KC-Iv, Pliotograpner; I lUl IslLA D, Kearatlv Preserved. I :t,t miMllLIt, fU-d6m