Newspaper Page Text
- ' I 1 3 rasLisain ir thb a. aura v&ierxznrs oossp'T", T8RM3. Diitr .Asocs. dy a'eil (payable ia n jvaaoe), psreuaam,$IO.(ii By Mail " 4ii mo d lb a, .b By Mail I months,.. 3. By Mail " 1 month. S aBT Oirr Cxaaixa, 15 Cents per wei-k. Stasia Cones Cents. TIKVi- Wsbxlv inn. 4taa;l Copy, (payable a advaose) ..i.J9 Ten Copies " " J.o treaty Copies " " H.a Thirty Copies ' ' 0.0 ft. . Twentieth Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. SATURDAY. AUGUST 12. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 MASOIIC. WES Of ADVERTISING, for .sob square, ar tha spaas oooapled by tag lines of solid, One Dollar far each ia- eertion. . Speeial Katie, te cli per lis. Wher- ia. sorted a months ur more, it) per eeet abort rtga lar advertising ratoi. Oomntaaiealiooa. or article, laserted among reading mattar, 84 etiti per line. Uiilt lit Wimr. A discount of 26 par sent. will ha mada from tha Weekly ratei, oa yearly and half yearly eostracU, whoa the lama natter it inserted ia both Daily and Weekly. Doable Columns will bo charged percent additional. For-".! transient I'vertisamsb advanes pay meat U required. The Knights Templar Grand Convocation. Tba approaching grand convocation of Knights Templar, and the general grind Chapter of Royal Arch Maiona, which com mencea in Baltimore on the 19th of Septem ber, ia creating considerable attention among the fraterait throughout the country. It ia not probable that any of the fraternity from this city will attend, but M the gathering will be one of the largeat of the kind ever witnessed in this country, tod the prooes ion, whioh it ia propoied to make one of the grand features incident to the convocation, will be large in ita proportion! and gorgeous in ita paraphernalia, an account of what ia being done will not be uninteresting to our readers. The Baltimore committee of ar- j raQgements U actirely at work preparing (or tha proper entertainment of the) visiting Knights, of whom already some three thou sand hare signified their iutention of being present. Graud Master Sir W. Sewell Gard ner, of Massachusetts, hat issned his official orders, direoted to "all our Grand Officers, oar Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Pan Grand Generalisimos and Past Grand Captaioa General of our State Grand Commanderies. to the Commanders, Generalisimos and Captains General of Commanderies, holding charters immedi ately from onr Grand Encampment, great iug, summoning them, ii pursuanoe to an order at the grand truanial con vention held at St. Louis, Septem ber, 18G8, to attend the triennial stated meeting of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar for the United States of America, to be hoMen at the Masonic Tem ple in the city of Baltimore in the State of Maryland, on Tuesday, the Huh of Septem ber, A. D.. 1S7I, at 11 o'olock a.m., at w'uioh time and place our Grand Encamp ment will be opeued in ample form for the dispatch of such business as may regalariy come before it." l'u ere will bo present commanderies from 1'h ladeiphia and other placet in Pennsyl vania, from Canada, New Jersey, New York city, Boston, St. Louie, Mobile, Wasb in;.)n, Wiiiininiton, Del., Providence, R. 1 . t'uiirj, Cinoiunati, Elmira, Saa Fran ce Omaha, Dayton and Springfield, 111. the i k.tter to appear in the grand prooestion mounted, the members having arranged with the various railroads to transport .sveoty-five horses. The General Grand Caapter will open at 9 o'clock A. on Monday, the ltnh, and the Grand Encamp uiuut of Knights Templar at noon on the t'i. owing day. On Wedneaday morning tli-; re will be a grand parade of the Knights, comineuciug at 9 o'clook, and after passing through some of the priooipal streets, the bu ly will proceed to Druid Hill Parkwhen the grand review aud inspection will take place, to be followed by a picnic. Arrange ments are on toot for a grand steamboat excursion on the waters of the Chess p -alee, and possibly a crusade will be ar ranged to Mount Vernon, to viait and do huoor to the grave of Washington. Noth ing will be ltft nndone to make the stay of the Knights in Baltimore as pleasant as possible, the city oonncil having already ex-t-a'id the hospitalities of the city to the Kuighia. LOCAL NOTICES. VERY LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, -4 O'Cloek i. NEW Y O It Ii. Elnrphy bnys a Paper right of Apothecaries Political The New 5 per cent. Loan The Buffalo &aeei-A $100, OOO Execution at Rochester. OHIO. The Bnnday Question la Cincinnati. Outrage at ZLockford XfeXardertr Arretted at Qaincy. Foreign ?cws. Market Beports. Roporled Kxpreasly for the Auacs. Tk.timony. Thousands of mothers are t iiii'.s'.t'j spal(iog in exalted terms of r.j i. 4,t-a.i v.iuii of the magical effect of Mrs. V u nriuib d Syrup toothing. lor soothing infants Mahriaub GriDK. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 224 page. Prica 60 oent. Address Dr. Batts' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth advertisement. street, St. Louis, Mo. See Renne's Pain-Killing Msgic Oil is sold by most of oar druggists and merchants, and has become a standard article in market, Thin Dosition it has won bv its merit. It is clean to use. It cures pain where it used faithfully, and we intend always to Loon it in tha house to use. Try it. For f -- sal by John Hengston. Mr. Wilcox ot the Milwankee Sentinel says: "Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder aud Special Flavorings are. the best, without exception, that are made. They are grow in dailv in popular favor, and in every ce where they are nsed give decided satis faction. We are using them in our house hold, and speak from a knowledge of the Tn Rriicles are not put into the market to compete in price with thode of a low graJe inferior quality they olaim koilthfnlnea. Let those who pun j . r-a i g've them but a single trial and besa i-tud. to ClNCINHATI, Auir. 12. Tha ordinanr. passed by the Board of Councilmen. a weak ago, repealing tha Sunday ordinanoe, has been rejected by the Board of Aldermen by a vote of 12 to 11. A resolution reaaettinir the Mnvor to enforce the Sanday laws was tabled 13 to 9. This leaves the question still open, and just wurre u sioou at jurat. The anti-Sunday men propose to continue the fight. Rockford, Ag. 12. The negro named Smith, who committed a rape upon the daughter yf Rev. E. M. Walton, only 11 years old, is still in jail. Every precaution ia taken to prevent the excited people from lynching the black villaiol Qoiircy, 111., Aug. 12. John Crain who attempted to assassinate Ternll Loaan three weeks ago near Lomax Station, Henderson county, III., was arrested here yesterday, He states that Logan the reatened to kill him because he (Crain) warned his sister-in-law against his attentions, as his objeots were only to ruin her. Crain confesses that he shot Logan with intent to kill, but that he did so in self-defense. St. Luris, Aug. 12. Detectives have re covered the $36,000 of Kansas Pacific R. R. bonds taken frotnthoU. S. Excreta Co.'a wagon last month. They were found in the woods a abort distance from this city. Sah Francisco, Ang. 12. The absorp ion of the California PaoiEo railroad com pany in the Central Pacifio has been com pleted by the election of Leland Stanford, of the Central President, Milton S Latham, of California, Treasurer, and the old Board of the Central, Directors. Paris August 12. The, elections for eouncils general will take place early it aepieoaoer. ihe tax bill is nnder discussion in the Assembly. The party of the Right in the Assembly demands that Tniers' term of office be pro longed only two yean. It is reported that the negotiations be tween Heriio. and Versailles, tor the evaca (ion ot France, have resulted in an agree ment by which the occupation of French territory by Oerman troops wi.l entirely oease before the end of the present year. It is said tbat liners urges upon the Mil itary committee oi toe Assembly the neces ily of having large armaments and a for mal effective foroe of $500,000 men in the army. , It is expected the budget of statements will probably be delayed some months. I Ex Queen Isabella of Spain has arrived at Trouville-sur-mer. LokDON, Augast 12. Mont Cenis tunnel is a complete success, lne announcement s mde that it will be formally opeued by September 1 1th. Special private infotmatioa from a correa pondert at St. Petersburg aays the militart organization in Kuasia is being pushed vigorously on the Prussian system ot com pulsory service, and vigorously carried out, without exception. In consequense of the enormous tueDl of country, provincial de pots are to be established. Officers are ex amining the frontiers and reporting. The government is trying experiments to see how soon a corps d'armee advancing, can lay a lice ot railway forwarding auppliee. If such is the case, everything politically promises well for Austria making an alliance with Germany, which is apprehensive of one between Franch and Russia. This is the hief ncestion of discnssion between the Emperors of Austria and Germany, at Gas lein. COMMERCIAL. O-Old 1.112 1-2. &OOK ISLAUD, August 13. Tais Floor market Is eorreeted at Warner I Milla and the quotations are tha ruling prioet oi the Rook Island market. WisTtn Wstii Flocb Wholesale 18.40 " " " Retail D.00 Beans WaaAi Tloob Bprtag Doable ill Or a la bbls, waelesal....f 6.8 .. -7.69 Baoke at wBoleaie....... .......... .... 7.U0 Retail T.ot Leoee, at wholeeale. ...... 0.811 KotaU .. 7..0 Oaaai's 8ar Kaibiso Flocs Retail i Barrel, tacks .'....!. Af t " " .. 1.2S " 1-16" " 6a BccawBBAV Fiona Wholesale.-. .. f v.OO Betail 10. GO W SB av ..V6al.20 Oo 40 Oats Mew.. .....20e2!c Babibv Ho. 1. - 4060 aejeoted 36 Bettaa Ohoioa lots, for retailing, will hriag. lie Casasn N . T . Factory ...... 11 Lako per lb. 101 la PotAToai 3Ua50 Apples per bashel 1-uO leas per doa . ... .... 1 2i The above prioet are the wholesale figures at urn nana. Poclvbt Lire Turkies, perlb 10 Dressed " " 12ie Chiekens,Uva " be " dressed" IPs Daoka ' ' lue Hoai Lire 40a4.00 Oavtlb Ltva weight, eomma... 45ae Prime ahlppinr. par 100 lbs i.OOaS.00 Wooa Oak, per i-r--.., . " , Hiekoi Coal Coal Valley Yard. Cleveland Yaiu... Bat Prairla, per toa Timothy WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manufacturers ol ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLJaltEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, KASMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Gun XVXachiaery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangars, Patent 8elf Oiling Box. WAKEHOTJSB : HIT MRIRTY S-T., SEW YORK CITY MANUFACTORY: HAMMOND ST., (Opp. Janotion Depot), WORCESTER MASS. All Trains en taring the City, stop within tea rods of our Works. jelO dtf ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 , WAinxxraTox? kt., ouzoaoo. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WfcDDHG 01 T FITS A SPECIALTY. Ehirts to Measnre Extra Deokle and Perfect in Fit. Clergymen will be allowed per eaat, diseonnt. febtSdly AXV3SSTZISBXZ!ErTB. uzTx ':"- "...'.. Ihni trrrr. etc. J'Otllltllt M W..(-,.slll T. mktcatf, Drmtgitt, llnstrm Uivonmn'ii'fivl I'T IT O.W. imnues. imimiwi ri..j. ICaKErlt CO. 0EIE5T1L C1E1M. A Card to Druggists and Dealcrse lnitfrisls. COLLEGIATE AUD COMMERCIAL In stitute, Hew Haten, Conn. Pcepratory to College, Business, Beientifio Schools, f. 8. Mili tary and K aval Academies. Fall session thir ty-sixth year begina 6epL 13. For Catalogues eta., address the Prinoirjai. ' 88U, I0ES. AC. OLANDER & HTJBEE, Suooessors to J. A. BiDDIBOli, Manafaotnrera of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMES, BRACKETS, And everything in their line. Glazed Sa.h on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. feb24dw6m Til 8IC. 6.4 .C0 , 1 lie i.OOae.OO S.OOalO.Ot New York, Aug. 12. Collector Morphy has purchased the Irish Republic newspaper to ruu it as a campaign paper in toe lnter- eat ot the Uepublican party. lne apothecaries are fighting the legisia live provisions which took effect A ug. Is , for regulating tha issuing ot licences for druggists' clerks. The Apothecaries are discuss ng the question of enjoining bj legal steps, the doings ot the Board of hxamo era provided by tha license law. They have set on toot a movement to secure the re pea oi me oi'jciioDaoie act. Ihe local Ueinocratio organizations are already discussing the course to be pursued ia rett-renoe to the fall oampaiirn. A private dispatch from Hebron, South Africa, says the diamond diegiops of th regioo do not pay. Lvery dollar's worth that is found costs two. The German Democrats of Brooklyn have adopted a platform denouncing the Sunday and prohibitory lawa and the Albany Com mission, aad expressing approval of tbe po sition of Carl Schurz. Popular bankers are determined to popu- arise the new 5 per cent. loan. Messrs. Clews, Habicht 4 Co., of London, and Hen ry Clews & Co., of Slew York, are conceded ou equal terms with Jay Cooke Co-, in the combination formed for negotiating the bal ance of the new 5 percent loan. Payments are made to the treasury by combination for bond, taken by them. PCDMIW!! IMCliaBNPC HnWIP'Y ated atlllTinitm uiguiiniiw. wuuu OaUstr JGSarkvt. telegraphed to the Aaens. Cateaea, Aug. 11. Floar Doll. Wheat In fir demand at tl 04 eai-a : $ 06J eller August ; V.-A bia seller September : No 1 oia at 91 (HvI 05 : o 3 Vio; Winter wUeit Mo 1 amber fill: So 2 do and No red $1 U'-'i in. Corn Scaree and wanted ; closed at iash ; rejected 41 ie; Not yellow 46a4tio. Oats Active: closed at 3Jc cash. Rye Firm; So 2 t 644c. Barley Steady at fi.Sc eash; file Si-pt. Keoemts Kiour 426; wheat S..,4; t7ti,SM : oaM lU,0t : rya 14,i44 : barley 30. thinmeBts Floor 2,912 : wheat 44,431; corn ll4'63o oate 155.4S6 ; rye 19,50; barley 1,-260. Whisky Lower at S8o. ProTi.iona 1-erk active at $12 12JalI CO Sept.; Sit OS Dee. Lard Steady at fie WAITER CURE JtSOSHA, . Send for oiroalar. may2Bdw6m A T . WIS H. E. 8EKLEY, M.D. if SaaasmB nai QRB AT AM3KI0AN HEALTH JL KKsTOREtt, parifles the blood and euros Borofula, BynbilU, Btln His eases, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women, and all Cnrooio Afieotlons of the Blood Liver and Kidneys. Keeommended by the Uedioal Faculty aad maay thons ands of oar ban eitisaas. Kead tha testimony of phy.ioiani aa patieatt who have ased Rosadalis ; sen for oar Rosadalis Guide to Health Book or Almanac for this vaar. which we pub lish Ijr gratuitous distribution; It will gire you maob ralaabla Information. Dr. K. w. Carr, of Baltimore, savs: "I take pleasora ia raeommsnding yoar Rosadalis at a vary powerful al terative. I have seen il ated ia two cases with happy resalts one la a eas ef sesoadary syphilid. In whioh tha p lieat pronoaneed himtelf eared after having taken 8 re botUet of yoar aaedi- 010. Tha other it a eata of aarofnla f long ttaadiag, whieh it rapidly improt. ing aader ltt use, and tha ladioaiiois are that tha patient will soon recover. I have earefally examined the formula by whioh yoar Rosadalis ia made, aad Bad 11 aa excellent tompoand af alter Ht lacradieats." Dr. Sparks, af UlaholsvUla, Ey.,tayt ha has ased Rosadalis ia eases or ooro fa I and Beooadary Byphllis with satis factory results as a slaaaarof tha blood T know no batter remedy. Hamual G. MsFaddea, Murfreesboro, Tsaa.,says: 't hT ased seven battles of Rosa dalis, and am sntiraly sored of Rheum atism; send ma four bottles, at I with it for mr brother, whs has ssrofaloas Are ." Beo"jamin Beshol, af Lima, Ohio, writea, I have suffered for twenty years with avatarata eruption aver his wholesedv: a tshort time slnoa I pur chased a bottle of Rosadalis aad It af fected a perfect core." Rosadalisls sold by all draegistf, Laboratory, 61 Exohaaga Place, Bal timers. Dr. CLXKHTS CO . Proprietor feb28daed-t,tAi An equivalent of 5-20's will be design by lot for the redemption ot interest ceaaing after 90 days notice. The uneerlainty thus thrown around the 5-20's will, it is believed, result in their speedy conversion. New Yoiie Aug. 11. Tbe Coroner's in quest this morning on tha Weetfield murder developed no new tacts. - Ward U. Harlan, engineer, was examined. 11a thought tbe Westheld s boiler capable 01 carrying ju 01 40 pounds of steam, and that the wages re- . Att.n .L II- ceivea oy mm are f iuu per mouiu, ucro as tbe Staten Island Ferry Company pay but $85. Efforts are making to again advance the railway rates of freight westand it is be.ies ed they will be successful. The r education by the hnnarea weight 10 umcago is irom to to 45c: arouaa the lase to Uhioago, ttac ine, Milwaukee and Green Bay from 52 to 31 cents. UuffaLO, Aug. . IX. ihe closing races nf the 6th annual meeting of tbe Buffalo Driving Park were the moBt xcttiog on reoord. Over 20,000 people were presen'.-l be new horse, Judge brigbam, won the race in four heats. His best time was : 1st quarter 'il seoonds, i mile 1:06. At the close of this race the owner of Judge Bingham stld him to Jay Uould, for $:il),O00. Judge Ung bam is a bay stallion, eibt years old, by Hy slick's BambUtonian, ont of Lady fau- tosd, by American Mar. Thirteen horses were ecte eJ for th 2:40 race, and six started, Deur.ark, Logan, Huu tress, Lozan, Louz Branoa, cntiuel, Kd Qiggins, and Clara G. were drawn. 1) thre:-qa irters of an hour was Iort in S o. n; he to re the horses got agoocstid off. J uugt b'ullerton took t'au lead and kept it arouuU the track in the first neat, hard preesea bt Brigham. The three following heats were woo by lirigham. Summary Purse No. 8, $5,000 for horses that never trotted better than 2.40 f :?, 000 for the first, f 1,000 for second, $700 for third, and $300 for fourth. Judge Brigham, 2, 1,1.1; Judge Fullerton, 1, 2. 2, 2 ; J. H Burks, 3, 3, 3, 3; Ashland Pet, 6, 4, drawn; Frank Hobart. 4, dist; Vosbarg, 5, dist Time 2:25, 2:22, 2:2dJ, 2:26 . Tbe great race of the day was trotted al tarnatelv with the 2:40 raoe. The three beats of Goldsmith Maid were trotted with ont a skip or break nntil the last heat, when she was crowded from the beginning to tbe end by Lney, who lapped' her throughout ; but, after one of the most closely oontesteo heats ever witnessed, she only made two quick breaks, one at the start and one oa the home stretch. On coming to the start on the second heat, thejleft rein of Goldsmith Maid broke, and the mare started to rnn, when Budd Doble, her driver, performed an astonishing feet by seizing the back strap lumping astriae toe mere e dbob, bcikiub; the'ebec k rein, ana nriaping aer to a aianu atill before she had gone many lengths be yond the 1 adzes stand. Ibis incident won ... r . . 1 1 . additional honors lor uonie ana nis thorouzh-bred animal. SummarnPurse INp. 9, f ,U00,tor all horses; $3,000 to first, $1,600 to second, $500 to third, and $2,500 additional to the horse making the fastest time, providing it beat Dexter's time 2:171. Goldsmith Maid, 1, 1, 1; Lncv, 2, 2, 2 ; American Giil, 3, 3, 3; tisne 2:I9J, 2:19 2:19. 8aatoga, Aug, 12. It is stated that Kingfisher has gone amiss in the great four mile race, and that Longfellow will oontest with Helmblod and Barney William EocHgsTga, N. Y., Ang. 12. Joseph Messner was executed at 12 28 p. m. yes terday Ha fully confessed heaving murdered his wife in April, ieto. Kew YaRE. Ang. 12. The steamship Oaeen has ar rived, with Lydia .Thompson and her troupe of blondes as passengers 44jc corn IS60. IS71. THE PIONEER JUSIC STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWATJ ON HAND 01 artist . , STECK, KMIiit'15F. AMVB1CAN, HAINES, MAMSHAIVL AND HliXDEI I. I3 I -A- 1' OS, Geo. Weed & Co's.&Estfy Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments Sheet Music of latest issues, and the best im ported String in the city t? VI, tcl Corner Illinois an 1 Wa.hinton street. Kstablisbbd ib 1830. WELOH&QRIFFITHS' Saws ! Caws ! Bawsi! SCPBRI0& TO ALL OTHERS 1 Azss, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Taraishiags, and Kacalnary. ,Qet tha beat, they will prove the cheapest Pnooa reduced. Bend for price Listand tirewlars. VTKLCH W GMIFFUHH, aoISiwly Boston, Mats., er Detroit, Mlh NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A lirinht Mue Eve. Sona Meininger, 35cts tf.ire ji Luuite Comic Song, Saxton. 40 Darling Bt'lf nf tkf Boarding Schonl, Poitcr.'iO Girl tmk the Cignrette, Comie Cordelia, 30 Jnl!; Hig Time; Comic, Parks, 30 Kotc wouldn't you like to Icnoie, Comio Cord'Ia Jrtctll$ :f the Heart, Beautiful Soag MillardSO Cbieago live Stock. Telegraphed to the Asers. Csies Bvooa Taaoa, Ac. 11. Cattle Receipts l,i. 'i?, in good demaad and toady; Texas at$2 70a.1 75 ; aommonto choice eatiTes 13 ;()5 io. Hogs Receipts 591 : market steady; heavy in 4 light selling at $4 12jal 70 ; mostly $4 20a t fii. Sheep Receipts 1.310; selling fairly at $3 25a i 00 for fair to choice. of cuic-ic;Oi fix. Oaai Oa?it,l, 200,000.00 nrplas 8557,820.64 t:iBii;K 4; Shaw, Agems, apr2I-dly Rock Island BASKETS. BASKETS. f WILLIAMS MiSUFiCTrE'B CO. NORTHAKPTOrT, .MASS. stabliched 1650. Mansfaeturers of all kinds of Oak and Rattan Baskets. For sale in Chi cago r.y Warner A Felix; L. Oonld t Co.,; Ka han White, and M e-ston 4 Peck Bros., and in St. Louis by Samuel Cnpplos,and Warren, Ctaee- ver a Co. maySUdly Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Oars run each way every 20 minutes KKW 1DTEBTISKMEM8. Proprittore and Maoufcturer of YLlll ST0,E DRESSES, OTTAWA, ILL. Tins celebrated Dresssr is a perfect suocess: and all are warranted. myoUdiy LIME A1VD CEMENT ! VTinkoop's CortJoria White Fin icking Lime. PORT EYE0N &, DATEXPORT LIME. LOUISVILLE AAD UT1CA CEMENT. PLISTKU PARIS, L1D PLtSTKE, PLSTt.kIN(i E11B, ETC., ETC., ETC. ei dtf MATTHEWS 4 CO., Beca Island FILES. Western Files! Manufactured from Best Cast Steel AWD VVARRASTF1). BLIKE &1FlisSlKDEN, BEAVER TALL8, PA,.. ......near PitUbu.'gh meh4-d satom Carbolic Salve. The important discovery of the CAKBOLIC ACID as a CLEAWSI., PURIFflNG, and EiEALTMG Aent is one of the most remarkable resalts ot modern medical research. During the late civil war It was extensively used in the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a thorough disin fectant, bat also tbe most won derful and speedy HEAJLtKG ItOLEDI' ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothingr and healing agencies, in the form of a SAL YE; and, having been al ready nsed in numberless cases with most ratisiactory and ben eficial results, we nave no hest' tation in offering it to the pub lie as the most certain, rapid, noil effectual remedy for ail Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing, for Burns, Cuts, Wounds, and every ABRASION of SUIN or FLESH, and for Skin diseases generally. Bold Vv all Druprtristg. Prioe 25 cetiis. JOMF.HEMT, Sols Prrr N0.8C0LLECE PLACE. MowYortu saoha-d-satAwsm am. H. LltTTOX. mien HLMU AMD ommission Merchant, Zaoh, w ie the Mendotc. Let it Pat: for Bass or Alto Fel Onee Aain, Duett tor Bop. and Karr. Gab. i.l, u Qunrrtlling Srighbirrt, Comic Doett, Acbcr, 75 .S'..ii..rfy' Child, with va-iations. Mack, 60 tiearmty Trretnya, Fenste aloymantique, titHnoeev, Holiday Vacation March, illustrated title Gilsinn, Sweet Anticipation, Schottischa, " " Qilsinn, Baity, Faatai-ia, Erag Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. Ko matter where you see a piece of Moslc er Music Book advertised, send to na and yon will receive it by enclosing the publishers price. BATXB2a & WBBSI, MUSIC DKALBBS, mlT-dedllm. , 6T. LOCI8. So to 23a.TJCB. AND RETAIL y, W av A uu iioici i" 1 Paints, Oils.Window aj j, f uttv, ixi -li Physician's Prescriptions ac- ornately componnded at all . hoars. C meet i SSAI. a. powabs. i. L. laiBSiS fatties holding grain will find it pay to ship airaet to PHILADELPHIA, PA., the heat of oar Eastern markets. Oar baslaesa is BicLDsiVBLr comussion. For Information, wrn. n. ; ior rerarenee inquire through a Bank ia your vicinity. ELKINS A eUDDARDS. Commitiion Merchents. IT, Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa. A DANGEROUS AMD POISONOUS COUN TERFEIT OF Sr. T. T. Oonrand's ORIENTAL CREAM. CA JtlkGKkL BEAlTIFiKK, Is Attempted ts is Palmed off oa the Publie. Ihe unarecedeated ceBolarity and nniversal deinanS icr tins inaoeent casmetlo Las excited theenpidity of a bold and infamous counter feiter, in imitaiiii( the label and tbe bottle ot my Lreain. ie Hie label, the datli divul tag the words liede n,ark," and the peried alter the latter word, are omitted. 1 here is no dot eepnreting the dollar aad oton cf the price m the ooueteiieit. Tbe ast word of tech lice of the "Dlietion" in tbe eonntrrtett is the fol lowing : Of," ''ase." "laree," "iba" and"nene;" these word,, in the genuine, begin esch liiie of the "liirertion. Ihe counterfeit Is el is a brighter scarlet, and the engraiag Interior 2Le wax at the top is "oil and of poor quality. In otbi-r re-eots ibe counterfeit is well cai ulated to deceive Dtuggl.ts tbouid be on their guard wbea my Cresin is offend at less price tlisr. tU4 per gross, less lea pi r cent discount. I have never, to a firm or bouse, so d it t..r Ics, or ever have received an order for more than a gross at a time, nor have 1 ever escbaftped the CrehDj for otbsr pools, demonstrating that if an, oneofers my Cieam tor lets, it ia eounterleii. All orders, u inpnre tbe g' n.ine, sii"uld be snt to my only GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY TBE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Paleoe Bow, ROCav hlAV D, ... ILLS, Wheie we are offering unrivalled Teas, at the same low prices aa at their "E titer a Heose. By importing Teaa ia cargo lots, they aaable as to retail to the consume; at extremely low pr'.oes. Don't fail to riait the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palace Row, where will be fonad the taest, pareet and freshest Teas, Coffees and Bpi- ees, at prices aeyond competition. my3dw3m PQWAK8 A FKBKXAH, Af'ts ducag-o, Reck Island and r&ciflc aailroad Company. 000,000 Acres CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Company is now offering for sale about six hundred thousand acres of the fit. est aeri- culla al lands in the West. The Cnmnn. only to actual settlers, and the ,ir. ... u . mgly reasonable, rarging from Silo t la aer I o5oa, No. 4 8 Bend street, Kew lork, ferinerly -vis mi atciua oomg afoal B. J he greater part of these lands are situated along tha line ol its railroad betwten the cities lies Moines aad Council Bluffs, and are in the moat aooeesialt and fertile region ia tha relate. caies made tor cash or oa credit Io"g enough ivcaaoieany inuusinous man to pay for tin land out of its crops. Xhesa lands are held nnder a title direct from tha General Uovemmeat, and are not morrt gaged or anoambered in any way. Fall warrant; deeds given to purchasers. For maps, pamphlets, or any other information respeotXTg them, address El '"."ttixa Cook, Land commissioner, Uavenport, loa, EXPLORfNU TICKETS are sold at tha Com paay a ticket offices at Chicago, and all otbet prtaeipal stations oa it line, and if the parcha yja mo in, amoaai paia lor the ticket ir applied on tha purchase money. .ttlLWACKEE. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! SOS. 1, 3 dt 5 CLY BOURN ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, ZaXilwankee, ... Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS Orders from slete Cash Buyers solicited. mokJS-dly DR. COLLINS' Paialess Core for the OPIUM HABIT. DR. COLLI Sa ANTIDOTE. Enables the patient to discontinue tbe use of Opiom in any form, at once, without pain or in convenience, and without any interrnptlon ol irdieary basiness. It rebilds the broken con stitution aad restores tba broken energies. DISCOVER f I) IN I88. Tha Only Painless Curs aver Discovered. TIJERIAKI: AM) THEIIl LAST DOSE. A book of over 100 p,ges. containing letters fill Hl uH LUDLOW, the well known of 1 A. T. exposing tbe intrigues af HARPER P MAGAZINE and LUDLOW, ane a fall description at tba Antidote, sent free td any address. A4drnss. DR. SAMUEL B. COL LI SB, Laportb. Irdiibs. Agents ! Bead This ! Wl WILL PAT AGET8 A SALARY OF 130 per Week aad Expense, or allow a large commission to sell ear new aad wonderful iOTentioes Address M. WAQKKR A CO.. Marshall. Mien. ACEST8, TIKEXOTICE ! The reason enr arents make so much more,. is because our goods are first class : people liki 'hent.and they are warranted. More live Agents wanted A. B. TAYLOR, New Britain, Conn. ALE & POKTEI. Also, a One Perlumeries ai METROPOLITAN EOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, will rs open under tha msw Baaagemant ATJQTJST aand, For tie Reception of Gneats. Tbaspa-ious building baa bees thoroughly renovated, and ceivtv furnished throughout. The Proprietors have made every exertion to j adapt it to the comfort and convenience of Its patron?, and have spared neither pains nor ex pense to seeu-e taut end. TWKED A GARFIELD, j29-dwlm Proprieto s IEOS Wt&Kf. Cream and Stock Ales. 51 Perry Street, DAVE SPORT,..- - ,iy2S-d2m .IOWA RICHARDSON'S1"" ui:sb.da- II MASKS, USES lAKiTC UANDKEKlIilEFS, AC. We feel oaraelves called on asain to CA.- TI0N C05SI MERS against the indiscriminate u.e uf Irish ft rics made up to imitate our goods in fold, trade mark aad reueral aouearaaee. and to warn them, that their only safeguard is to see that the authentic seal of onr firm. J. H. RICHARDSON, B0K8 A 0WDEN, Is stamped on each article. t Duteimintd t oonfina ourselves, as heretofore, to the use nf yarns spun from the choicest and strongest Fie-;, by the best maohinery obtaina ble; uniform in weight and elasticity maau facturedaad bleached under onr own superinten dence: the ooasnmcr will be GVABANTSBn BT OCB SBAL the same durability and satislaotion la the wear, which tha genuine gooda hare always afforded. 3. m. RICHARDSON. 80X8 st 0WDES. Belfast, Ireland, b Mo. 11, 1671. ielSdwSa km I 1 '"t Articles. ; The celebrated "J. C P. .' rO- aud "GOLDES V, CROWH" I PHILADELPBU Oriiaiie&ial Iron Works. ROBERT W000 & CO., 1SS RID IE AVI., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturer, of Fountains, Vasts, Statnarj, soon sminao. WXZilVZASS XUZ.X.Ba. Bock Binder and Paper Hanger. Shop on Orleans Bt., opposite Court House. ROCK ISLAND .....ILL. Ail kinds of Paper Boxes made to order, auglVd-tf dsl. a. d. bel cm a, DEN T I S TV. m U JJC.MAi. vr.IVAllV.1D rfiniUIVJl j v ' according to tba most approved prioei- in Harper s xtloca, oor ol Illinois pies. OtL and Buffalo .'trtl- Bock Island Business Unirersitj WILL 0PK5 AIGV8T 1st, 1871, I0R tha reception of students, both Ladles and Qentloui.n. 3X. Ie La, Urown, Proprietor of Bloomineton Business T7ai.or.itc ouponu uuurse or XBSirasttons. T- SHROOEL, Lata Professor of Easiness and Ornamental Pen manship, fen am Paaoil Drawing ia Iowa Was eyan university, lecturer ob Commeroial oorros noadaaee, Business eastoms. laws of trada. etc., in charge of writing department. Otlier oompeieni teachers will be ia aharge oi pnonograj'iij telegraphing, and English do nartmonta. r I... ... i . . Iwaniy-iot loeiures will oa given during the fall and winter, on mercantile law. commercial athies, palitieal ecoaomy, laws and customs of trade, etc., to all tegular slsdeata. -This institution will be upon tha meat thorough svad raotieal naaia xneonlv aotaal basineaa cot lersia Rock liiaod, where each stadeat Ism quired to go tnrongn every a.teU as ia aotaal basiaaas. It is very lm porta t aad desirable that all ooaomeBoe at opening of term so aa to create as otuoh aaiforsnity and ay stem as possible. Cards, subscription headings and ornamental pea work of finoat workataasfcip with tbe pen, executed to order. Bend (1 for specimens. Ball nearly opposite Roek Island House, opea day aad even ng aiser July zo, i7l. Jor in formation Send for cireular or address It 111 It BKOWK, jy!5dr P.O. Drawer Uf.Xook Island, 111. augl8-dtf j. W. STARK, t-aOOaf" NSTT BOOK IH-UuSArit t OfM. ..r, k Island. All kinds af Daatal work doae la v H approv ed manner. Charges reasonable. aplodwly , ODE a STBOWGs Proprietors of the IIERCDAiVI'S LUiM'K, Are sole Agents for Peaslee'a Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For sale by tha Barrel or Half Barrel. ocl2V dtf In ( o aa.aa. b n Verandas, Bn-merHcases, Arbors, Chairs, at SaiOOll Gi yilliartl U00111S. He, 3 Harper Eonss Slack, IOCK 1LAHD, 1L1 Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, Aad Imported U ine 4. BraBdiest Cast and H roa;at iron xiailiBgi, For public baildings and dqnares, Cemetry lots, Garden Tenoea. Balconies, Roof Castings, eta. in great variety of paUeras. IBON STAIRS spiral and bUaigbt, of various natures aad styles. Special atteatisn givaa to Uiis aiass ol I work. UMP POSTS, Fur Fronts of Publio buildings, Hotels aad alt; streets, of plaia and elaborate deeigae. So. 45:; UroadKST and No. 67 Walker street. x . blix uoriit n. jErrEaSox Mxbbet Police Cor sr. James L. liutton, of In. AO Dcy street, was arraigned eforo Cox on a charge of coon erfeititg ho trade u ark and ibUl ol Dr. T. lehx Gout- aa". Oiiginal Cream, or Magie SeauliSer. It tLat Ibts ln.eiiious opirstor on n A. K. Sands one gres of tlio spurious ttulT, tor wbich be obtained $H4, being 915.6" less ban the article is invariably told by Dr. U. fbe said cross, minus six bottles, bavo been aooorably delivered by said 8rm t Dr. (i. The miserable eounterftiter disposed of aaother ross tc Crittenden, Ko. 7 Bixth avenue. This gentleman very handsomely returned all ke had uaseld vis, seven doien. Aautber gross waa .old to Piatt, Scott A t-o., Wroaaway, lea ooi.n .f which were ,cld to John r. usury. ioi oca of the ?e bottles has btea returned to Dr. G. Hie representative of Mr. Btary assured air ii. thst every bottle should be destroyed. Wr Oouraud is determined, if possible, ta stop this knaTitli business of eonnterf eitir. g. by legal proceedings and the publication ot the nemo f eery render who is ooxoiiant of tbe preparation being coun terfeit. Ib the meantlnie porebasers carnot Ire too mub on their guard ; and be sure to get tha Oriental Cre.m.or Magical Beauti6er, of rtpata Me Drorgists, and at Mr. Felix Ontrard'a only aepot, o. 48 Bond street. Bsiabiitnea iciity- iii vests. Uouraad s well tr own Italian jjedi- aUd .Snap, for tbe cure of skin diseases, price fiftT cents, is still tor sale ; also bis Poudre Subtile, for uprooting scperflu''us hsir sata'y ard jaiokly; Liquid Kongo, Lilywhite, eto. DE. GOUKAL'D'S ITALIAN UKDICATED :OAP is found to be all eoffieicnt for tbe com plete removal trem'ke akia of Tan, Frecklas, and Sunbura ; or, ia fact, any disfigurement which is tbe resait of aciiatsai , while its medi cal properties are of so powrrfal a natere aa lo be potent tn tbe lemotai oi cuisLetoi eiuptioxa and all scorbutic apiaaranaes, lnriuaitig i.iy- sip as, Braid Ilesd. Salt Bheam, Barber's Itch, Mom, etc. O.d Boxes are rapidiy healed ay It, and the ja.n ar.smg trom tha biles ot Musqouoes. ine ung, of n asjts or other venomous lnsecu, is iiucuediateiy ailayrd, and chaps, cracks sr. a jkafis aie Leaitd ty it. In f.ct no family rhou'd e without ibis st,p, but more etpecially tbete who live remote from cities, in place, wbtre at all times it is not easy to procure mtdirsl at tendance. Neither sheBld tea eeaman te wite out it, as it is a complete remedy or scarry, and can be ated in bar or salt wat.r as well as sott. addition Ibeteto. it Is perfectly buoyant. Tbe Italiaa Medicated Beap Bay therefore to considered ss tbe greatest boon which modem science has e nferred on mankind. DltiECTIOJiS 0R VgK. For Jrjsipslas, Salt Rheum, worms tn ihe skin, chaps, cliaftf, ndress, sallownets, and all akin defoimities. Ring Worst, boald Bead, Scurfy, Eatbers ItcB, etc., tbe s-ap mu.t .be made into a thick lather. d s. 1 rubbed in several a day wnn a - having bruth. For Pin'ples. Tan, Vrecklef, uEburn, ballowness, tiougnnns, ftiBiqniio bits e, or v ncmou. stiags. it tbi.ld beuttd three .ir four times a dsy. In stvere cases make a f-aste and appiy. prcTided it doea net prcdnre a smarting seniin. I bis sosp is moreover ine ost clorieus ooaponsd lor ibsvifcg aver laven- vented, and can be ased with either hard or soft water, and no seaman sou!d go tn sea without a supply, as it is a complete aetidote to scurvy, DO cents a case. The folU wing is selected freas a number of binanications In praue of Dr. Goaraud'e LI QlID KOlGK: La. Felix Uutaxca : Detr Sir As a leading .ctreee 1 aoi compelled, to rwge. occksioaally. Having never seei. anylnitg of the kind equal to oer v eg.tatoe ariiele, b.vii:g striven in i ain Lrocnre it in In,, eitv, 1 snail be greatiy jol gtd bould it nut ie too iLFiaLificaat fir von) it yoc advise n,o bow end at tut I an procure a botiie wan the least treub.e to my elf. Please address , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the celebrated Dr. Boeston. in pr.tseol I.r. Uoaraad's POLDBK SI BULK, or uprooting supeitnoua bair from atj art of the humn body ; STABLE FITTINGS Areat for Eatds, Li Is. and Joliet Ales, alac !est Beouh aad Eaglisb Ales and London Por ter lor sale- TJli S i -i fnr .ale ly the Varrel. Ag ntior A. .1 :(r . un.iar i and Pigeon Hole fable Sanufarttry. aprt-dtf H. K. WEST, Proprietor. 0 f Cast aad Wrought Iron of ew Improreo styles sack as Hay rtacks, Btall Divistons. Man gers, Harness Brackets, Gutters, Traps, V en til ators, Ac. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire Boards, of Crimped 1 Wire, Galrauiiid or painted. In plaia and area-1 mental patterns, fur Store Doors, and Wiadewe, I Factory and Warehouse Windows, Bailings foil OtSoes, Banks, Counter RaillBgs,BsJcenles,LaWB I aad Jrarrn reacas, c. COLD WATER SOAP. WING & BURST BELL GATES, TBAYELITO SALEttlk AT 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. This is tha reason We caa tell the BEST QUALITIES OF WINES AMD LIQUORS .:; THAN AST,0THB HODBK. j. WEiTiii & BRo., f: " w r mpoBTEittl, -' 14 A 1 Weet Randolph Btxeet,. CHICASO axaysOdSm Forantrance ta Camelries, Puollo 8qaarea and Gsntlemen's Ooantry Beats, of Gas Tubing ot Wreaght Irea, both Single or Doable, in elabor ate aad eimple designs. Estimates and Designs sect on application ,tM :ag the eltss of wotk designed. jur 'aasere may rely on having all artieles orefuU ' B0X(a na snippea to ine piaee ei aes- Wtxrlield's COLD WATER BELF-WASII1SG 'I have had an opportunity of observing t!;e operation of Dr. Folia Goureud"e preraratl fer tha removal of superfluous hair, and am peril ct- ly satisfied ot its peculiar efheacy. Af-er an is j alyta of theeampositioB of these powders, I s without any hesitation, prinounce ti.tuj ."- ly barm es. and in ever way infinitely superior to any prejaration of the kiod ever rVrrd te the paslie I aae pleasure ia giving tbeos a:y raeommendatias, oemg moimi ji-- their value. JAs. A. 110l?I-'. hdit..r X. T Lencet. T. FELIX COIBAID, M. aad Practical Cbemlft, 4S B n 4 f treat, formerly M Broadway. To be hid of Pr. T. Felii licnreuJ.K'o 48 Bead str.ei, rw York, and Wholesale ia New York, f f C Wells Co, 12 Fulton street; J F Berry Collie. Place; W 11 gobieffeilu A Ca, Ko 10 ill law meet; McKss.n A Robbies, SI Ful ton stre.t; Arnold A McNsry. 47 Psrk Place; rriitenden, fith Avenna; Iliads, Fsotrsne A Murphy, 1 Barclay street; Hegeman A a, SC3 Broadway, and Drugtista grnerally. jel4ileod,t,t,s Awoa."ai DeUAVEU'B WILD CBLUiil The Best TonUlfi the World FlTB Dyspepsia, Sfii1icstion, Loss of Appexite, CKSK8AL BELILITV7, CQILL8, EU Washes ia Cold or Warm, Card or Sft Water WITHOUT BOILING Without iajcr) to Clothes, SSLTXJSO. '0 E THE mo mm BimRS HAI I BQV fc! 7 j m , every on Vrha has It is acknowledged T " 7 . : . .. j take a it, to bo tka . JER3t; Remedy : Far the diseases named over offered. , " jror ino LaBal o straat. r ' rutrtr.ii ...... "t- UHAVS WALES, i ' - . . , Sola Mann factarrs. Fot sala by DruifiaU. Je23sa WITHOUT liUBlttNG ON TILE WASJ1BOARD, Sariag Labor, Time, aad Fuel 5 This Soap kai aeea used by many Ladies ia the oily, and they all pronounce it superior to any other thay aver asea. saves time, labor tad preserves the clatbcs. tOLD WATER 80AP COMPANP, " ii Korth Desplaines Street, ' ' ' ' C0ICAGd,...... ........ 1 a.1 For sals by all.Orecere. ' , . "apvl-dwdm , For sala in Book Island ty Wing A Burst, at Bard's old staad. - , , H. H. GARDHEH & CO. xsp axxcrxcvrRBBS or LEATHER BELTING ! Ottos fcla Waahingtoa 8 roet, Buffalo, Tannery, ?S2 Eenaca strrei. .IF. V. oetfl,t.s-ly C0PP .& BE0., Livcrj aud Sa!o Stables. Cfce under Sart'i Sail. ROCK ISLAND.. IIF' Most Complete E.tablirtuient ia tba City Particular attertion paid tofarnisbrngCarrisfr-a for parties. Bails, Prceesrfleus, eto toasa'y PaoT(iGEAPBS. I.i:"0.'"PKOK,'. Photofi , it Daer BOCK ISlAD.. Kagatires Preserved.: ......IIX.' ' . Cb2A-d6ia ft J