Newspaper Page Text
path) JlrflU0. Saturday, August It, 1ST1. Illlaeii Democratic But CoaTeniien pinrL, August I, 1871. iiUto convention of th democracy of Illi nois will be bild la the oity of Sprlngfleld, Wednesday. Oct. 4th, 1871, At 12 o'olosk ., to which the democratic voters of nok oonnty an requested to toad dele f at, fur th parpoM of nominating a candi date for representative in congress from tht Itate-at-large. The bails of representation la the convention will be the nam bar of votes east fjr Horatio Sey mour for president In 1883, on delegate being ontltled to a (eat for each 800 rotoi cast, nd on for aeh fraction of 150 votes and mr. Tho following table indicate! the number of aeiegutes to watoh each oonnty ha entitled oa the oasis nxa : ' V, COOS TIES. o s Adams Alexander 471 18 Lee 1098 3 Livingston 142 ft 2132 19SI 8 2238; 7 S431 11 2490 8 1532 6 Bond. 77S 2 Logan I Macon j Maooapin. s Madison Boons Brown Bureau. Calhoun.. .. Carroll Cess Campaign.... Christian. ... Clark Clay Clin to..... .. Co! Cook Crawford .... Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Iouglas. ., Da Page Edgar- Kd wards .... KflBnghaxn ... Paretic...... Ford Franklin .... Foltoo Gallatin Green Grundy Hamilton..., Jlancook ... Hardin Benderion.. Henry Iroquois ... Jakloa ..... Jasper , JetTVrseon. 3U 1S0J 2:1 1 J1 702 U3 9126 2-'5 1908 1I13U 1S70 2247 2 Marion J 2 Manhall : 5 Mason... T eta.eae 7 HcDonoughJ; 8 Mo Henry ..... 4 Mo Lean I 6 Menard 1 Meroer ' mi e u 272l 9 13S0 0 38."ia 13 12'Jft 13 1S45 2700 2773 1140 107 11H (14 Monroe 1 1477 b MoateomervJ 1144 8i0 1340' 1131 1IM 2320 421 161)0 JU'J9 38 1278 4 Morgan 8 Moultrie 4 Ogle ! 4 Peoria 4 Perry i 8 Piatt ' 1 Pike.... ; 8 Pepe i 7 Pulaikl I Pitnam 4 Randolph 4252 14 02 3 77.1 3 33i9 11 93 845 487 1S7 135S 11S 1145 4US 14 Fichland ! 10JJ 3 Ro-.k Island ' J589, Saline 016 3 Sangamon 1284 4 S,;huyler...J 37 12 Soolt ..... ' 4.)0 2ftblby 1030 I Stark ! 4S7S 18 17s H27 277 18 05 2 32(19 n 1758 1329 133.1 1134 1930 1VHS, 1S eisj 1S.V1 867 :1V 3400 1090, 6 Bt. Clair 4 4ephesion...j 4 Tazewell 4 fuion 8 Vermillion ... 7 Wabaih 8 Warren. 2 Washington.. 8 Wayne. 3 White , 2 W.tteelde..... 8 Will 4 Willlamfon J 239 2735 1798 J054' 1918 1283 1SS1 1TM 1444 Jersey Jo Daviess... Jehsson...... Kan. Kankakee..., Kendall....... Knox Lake LeSaM Lawrence 3134 10 s.m 1 9S1 3 2148 y 1439 13 Winnebago..: 1173 4 Woodford ' Total number of delegates. 657 Bt order of the democratic stat? central com sitree. ALBERT . ill'Itt, Chairraaa. Qkdbub 8. KiaHsait, Secretary. M0TOLS8, DC CAREfTL. Mrs. Carltoo felt fretful. Things had gone wrong with her all day, and when things went wrong with her, she always scolded. Not that the was usually cross, for she was not; she did her best to 'make home pleasant for husband and child, but she had not fully learned tbe sweet grace of patience with the little annoyances of life. 1 be husband was awy at the village, and little Fred was at school, so there was no one to scold at but the dog, who missed bis little niajitfr, and kept following Mrs. Carl test with a mute appeal for notice. She push. ed him with her foot, and said, "Do go away yon ugly, good-for-nothing dog ! Rover went away, but seemed dogiahly to question the propriety of calling him ugly when be always obeyed the slightest gs tore of command ; or good for nothing, when only two years before he had saved little Freddie from a watery grave. Soon he wisely ooncluded not to trouble himself about what could nor be helped, and lay down on the doosstep to take a nap. Mrs. Carlton seemed to come to a like conclusion and lay down on the sofa for a little reatfeod was goin? to sleep when a quick, glad bark arouaed her, and Fred and Lis friend burst noiailf into the room. "O mother !' cried tbe eager child, ' I can say the multiplication table up to twelve, au'i spell California !" "O dear! I wish you were t California 1 I wish you ever could be still 1" Teare dimmed the sparkling eyes of little Fred as he glided softly up to her. "Did I make your head ache? I am so orry, mother. Sue did not return his kiss, but pushed him from her saying, ''Do go away and let me have a minnte's peace !" As Rover and Fred went into the next room, tbe dog gave a low, peculiar bark, which seamed to say, ''No use trying? to suit Iter ; let's go out and have some fuo." "No no, Rover," answered the child. "Mother is tired, and her head aches. She ia a dear good mother ; nee, she has made a little pie for yon an me. I am so noisy it makes her nervous. Grandpa calls me a 'perpetual motion,' but I really can't keep still." Tbe mother beard, and her heart smote her. Her boy was noisy, but she had no oth er fault to find with him. She could not help contrasting bii obedient, affectionate disposition, with the sullen willfulness of many children, and could not but confess that the child forbearance was greater than her own, she beard him bring 10 wood, and lav it down oarefully, Rover as sisting by taking a stick in his mouth. After filling the kettle for tea, he said to Rover "There, I guess that is all weean do now, let s go and play. First a race down the green lane, to the old elm. The mother saw them pass the open door, the child's cheek rosy and his dark eyes sparking with health, bis chestnut curls floating baok on the wind. She will not forget that picture to ber dying day. Under the elm, Master Fred proceeded to teach River to stead erect and spell Cali fornia, after which be said gravely, "That will do, Rover; you have been very attentive. Now for the barn." Little Fred was noted for climbing, and felt just aa easy close to the roof of the large old barn, as on the floor below, aid great was his joy when he had succeeded in constructing rude steps from which Rover oould leap from tbe hay-mow to the scaffold, lint to-day the child's foot slipped on the great beam, and he fell to the floor. Mrs. Carlton beard the ory, but before she could get to the door, Rover was at her feet --poor dumb creature trying frantically to tell her what had 00 roe to Fred I When she saw him lying there, braised and senseless, the terrible memory of her last words to him smote her to the earth. Had the Almighty heard her peevish words, and laid him still forever? A low moan from the child's white lips brought her to her feet again' That cry of pain was musio now, for it spoke of life. What waa done during the next hour, she never knew distinctly, but a few minutes after the acoident, the noble dog fell pant ior at hit master's feet ia the village two miles away. A note fattened to his collar, told Mr. Carlton the tad news. Mr. Carlton snd the physician tearcely hoped to find the child alive. Hot tbe brave Doy smiled through his pain, and said. "Don't err. father, the doctor will cure For a lornr time his hold on life was slight. .n .hn at last the nbrtician said the worst was over, he had to add tne pitiful .nth "hut ha can never walk aay more. Poor Rover pined for his little play-fellow, and whan at last he was allowed to see K;. almost Desiae nimseii wnu --- 1 nw Mn. Carlton lenrnsd a good lesion In this aohool of afflietioa. She never seolded any more: and it eat her to the heart when tbe little fallow said on day, ' I know now why I used to be so noisy, mother. God knew I had onlj tlx jssrs o , Ht rWT-f .V,-. r, H'"fT' be nuisr in. and so he made cue feel like running all the time 1" When toe pleasant dari of Jane came round, they used often to draw the little fel low oat under the old elm. He would sit there for hours, propped by pillows, read ing, playing or talking to RoTer. who never was nappy without him. A touching proof ot this dog s love and wisdom, was hs banit of biting off Weeds to bring to him, as Mrs tarlton brought him flowers, tredaia al ways thanked him. and never hart the poor dog's feelings by a laugh. A great artist spending a few u.j. - village, chanced to pass one day, and noted the high spiritual beauty of ths child. In after yetrs when people praised the genius that could create the wondrous loveliness which shone upon them from a pictured face that always graced ths artist's studio, he would reply, "It is only a copy from the Great Waiter 1 Ti m. fiea which God made perfect through suffering, to show us how the angels look !" - H. J. a srnoixx. WOTXOBB. KKEr THE BLOOD PU&K and wood health will follow. Independent of the dancer to life and the mleery serofuln brings oa Doateritv. how manv suner tne ioui nun w remain in the ayitem for a life time Ulcers and ores that are eating away me very mrauin 01 Ife are alio allowed to go on. rimpisf, uioien aad Tetters al disfigure tne laees or tnons- ide. There ia no neeeMity for all tbie lamen table condition, as a few bottles of the Samari tan 1 Koot and Hero Jaieee win eradicate tbe oul taint and leave the blood pure and healthy But some will aay they bare been trying la vain both Dootori and luedieines for the oare of Borofsla and given up all hopes ef even relief. To iuch we lay the Koot and Herb Jaioes is a poiitire cure and We will famish it free of charge until aeure ii affected, tkua providing beyond a doubt thai all can ob be oared. Pimples and blotehes removed thereby sating many unpleas ant remarks. Ladies wbe desire a brilliant complexion with freih aad roay cheeks shoald ue the Koot and Herb Jaioes. All who de.lre the medicue oa tbe above terms will please tend reference that they will pay whea cured. Root and Herb Juices $1 2 per bottle. PfcBM'JJiii 4 cJ. f rop rs 915 Kaoe street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by Druggiits. BAXaXA&XTJlZsT'S OITT, is the o'nlj known remedy that will radically euro diieates arining from Indesorctlon. Il is purely vegetable. Only ten pilli to effect a core That diegueiing droc Balsam Copabia ia still prescribed for this disease with vtry little sno ees. Pbpeieians thould at once abandon its ee as is frequently cbanees the disease to a more dreadful state than the original. It aiekene the stomach and can be smelt from the breath thus eioosinc the nerson using H Tbe Samaritans Gift can bo ased without th knowledge ef any one. carina- in from two to four days. Male packages $3, Female $3, Seat by mail. We cannot avoid calliag the attention of dell eate females to the femsntans Gift as a positive er for Whites. By following directions you soon get rid ot that troublesome dijtaie and be come rohuil and bearty. Hold br Drucelats stenerallv. Oats. Bum, eoraer Illinois and Market street, Ageatfer Rock Island. mehRdwly STORMED AND TAKEN. The last stronghold of tbe Hair Poisoners sur renders. CRTSTADORO'8 flag, bearing on Its folds the magic words Criitadoro's Kxcelsiar Hair Dje floats triumvhant over all the deleterious trash with which the market was not long ago flooded. Lead enough to make bullets for an army l'es on tbe shelves of dealers who nave speculated in some of the metallic hair coloring preparations Well, they should have confined their purchase to CRI8TADORO'Sir nndptrfret preparation. So much for "running after strange gods." Is the meantime, this lemons dye baa received a tremendous impetus in the market, aad caa soargt'Iy be manufactured fait enough to meet tiie oaormOBS demand. CHRI8TADOROS HAIR PRESERVATIVE s tbe best dressing that can be uasd after dye ieg. THE CKKAT FHKNCH REMEDf. DKLAMARRE'E gPSCIflO PILLS, Prepar d by Ginsi'iiii A Dcpot. No. 214 Hue Lombard, Paris, end highly recommen ded by the entire Medical Faoalty of Prenee, Ire tbe ve -y best remedy in all eases of Sperma torrhoea, or Seminal Weakness; Nigh ly or Daily or Premature Emissions , Seiual Weak ness or Iesriotoncv : Weakness arising from 8e- orct Habiu and beinal Eioesses; Relaxation of th" rtenital Organs; Weak. SaiM,- "Lime or Uilok dot" deposits 1b the Urine: Milky Dis charges," ato.,aiid all the ghastly train of Symp toms riiBg frnm Overaee or Excesses. They Oure when all other remedies fail. Full directions In each box. Fries SI par box, or 6 boxes for 85. Bold by the prinoipal Druggists, or will be sent by mai securely sealed from all obserratiaa by enclosing prici" t" the Sole General Agent for Amerisa. JOB MOSES, 18 Cortlandt street, New Ycrk. Pamphlets ot advice sent free to aay ad. drese. BRYAN' PITLMOH1C WAFEBS. are unfailing in tbe Car nf Coapbs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, 8 ore Throat, Hoarseness, Dilfieult Breatbiog. Inoipieot Consumption and Diseases of the Laags. They bare no taste of medicine, and any obilii will take them. Then sands have been r stored to health that had before despaired- Testimony gives in bindrsds o' eases. A H'Mjl.r. liust KLimta ia TE.V MfVCTKS. Ask for BRYAN'S PCTL- MO.N'IC WAFBR8 1. Je29 dwly WHITE GLYCERINE. The only article known to chemistry that will Penetrate the Skin icithout Injun Decolor ize all Spots and Effcrlually licmote the Varinux Faults of the Complexion. IT BLEACHER THE SKIN TO A MiRVBLLOUl WHITBXESS, Eradicates all Ppits, Freckles, Ten, Moth Patches, Black Worms, or drubs, Impu rities and Discolorations 01 every kind that may be cither within or upon the skin. To whatever extent ased it Is hirmless; leaves tbe skin smooth, soft, pliable, aad of that perfect CLBaassas and Praitr wnicn constitutes toe BE ALLY BEAUTIFUL 0OKPLXXIOH. Bold by a51 Druggists aad Dealers in Perfu mery and Toilet Articles. THE LATE BISHOP MULL TT IS A WELL BSTABLISBBD FACT 1 th at any article wblen Das oeen inoroagmy tested, and which lavartably gives satisfaction mast be a good article. UlaHOP SOCLE'S LIMJIENT Invented by tbe late BISHOP 60CLB, has proved by its own merits, that ii has no equal in tne world for the ears 01 Sriatiea, Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Kidney ana apmai Complaint, Sore Throat. Lame Hack, Sprains, Ac. This Liniment will instantly ttop all pains caused by Burns. Have your Doctor's bill; boy it; try It; ase nothing else, and you woall not be without it in your boose for ten times its cost. BISHOP HO U Lira HMMKK T win sura all of the above complaints, aad is the only sure care for that dreadful disease Bciatioa. Jr or sale by Drag lists. Price 75 etc. and $1.75 per oottle. V. W. RYDIR SON, Proprietors, jaddwly - BOSTON, MA88. ACADEMY op Tni Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, ICOTT CO-, IOWA. COjTDUCTED bt tbe SISTERS OF CHARITT B. V. M. Willsommsn Us 14th Semi-annual Session Wedoesday, Aagost 16th, 1871 &c. Being incorporated la aocordanos with the laws of tbe State, this Institution eonfera the asnal collegiate d trees upon it gradnat. For Circulars address ul-43m 6IITEB BUPEBJ01. Wby Xr. 0cnene' sseoielnet art so ropmar. Why is Soheoek's Pulmonic Byrup is sash general demand f The answer is a very simple one: It is in demand because its healing pro- ,ertles are greater than those pesscsssd by aay ther medicine in use for the euro of Consump tion. It purifies the blood one of the lrst steps towards a euri. Without pure blood diseasecan never be eradicated from the system. As well expect water to rua op hill of it own volition as to onre consumption without a oomplete purin eation of the blood. This is th peculiar pro perty of Dr. Sohenck's Pulmonlo Syrop. But it does more than this. . It not enly purines the blood, but it allays Irritation of the bronchia tnbes. It collects and ripens the impure mat ters collected there, aid enables th patient to threw them off by painless eTpectatieni This great eyrnp ms anonter virtue. It possesses nutritions nnatittes which give sastenanoe, aad, consequently, strsngth to th invalid. Sew combine these three qualities, and you hare an answer to the Inquiry. WHY IS THE PULMONIC BYRTJP II BCOH DKMAHD f Thousands hare testified It with complete sat isfaction; thousands have used it and been cured ; thousands aie Being it and being onred. But Dr. Sohenok has other remedies. Ther are other agencies to be employed in the onro of consumption, and he has provided them. If it be asked why Seheuok's Mandrake Pills are so pepnlar, th queattoa is answered as readily as in th ease of the Pulmonlo Syrup. SOBENCK'B MANDRAKE PILLB have almost universal application to hnman di eases, and, though they have been mainly re commended in pulmonary oases, their virtues in other maladies have been so completely and sat isfactorily demonstrated that th people will have them. Hew, why are they so essential to tbe oure of consumption ? Because tbe ingredi nts of which tbey are composed act direotly upon me nyer, causing inas important urg iv 1 throw off its torpidity, and make healthful se cretions. The Mandrake Pills CONTAIN NO CALOMEL to spread its poison through the patient's sys tem. Their operation Is simple and effectual. By their use healthy bile is secured. Aa a eon aequenoe. impaired digestion is restored, food is properly assimilated, good, healthy blood is the result, and, of coarse, strength is renewed, and the great process of healing thoroughly inau gorated. Whole pages of newspapers oould be filled with testimonials from those who bar ustd the Mandrake Pilla and been benefitted hy them. A thousand boxes are sold to-day where ten were sold four years ago, and the "cry is still they oome." The facilities for manufacturing the hare become teo limited, and, as a conse quence, Sr. Scbenck has been compelled to erect a greatly enlarged and very mugniScent build ing, to enable him to put np the requisite ma. ohinery to supply the constantly increasing de mand for his great medicine. BUT GOOD HEALTHY BLOOD is 'not the only requisite. The patient needs strength. The entire system must be kept in order. Th weakened, emancipated petientsasst have flesh pat upon and strength into his limb. To accomplish these great otjeete is the specie province of BCHEIfCK'S BBAWEED TOSIO. The aciditv of the stomach, so distressing to patients, and so detrimental to fcealth,is effectu ally removed. Tbe alkaline oonetituents ot the Seaweed Tonic accomplish this. In addition o this it imparts tone and vigor to the synlein, and enable the patient to take the necessary indoor exerolsewithoutexhaustion. This is vitality im portant, though too frequently overlooked by medical men. Tbey advise exercise withou having the patieat prepared for it. They tell him to go oat into the cool, rasping air when be should be exercising moderately where th tern peiatare is suited So his diseased condition, and this too without giving him tbote remedies which are calculated to Impart strength while tbey assist in healing np the ulcerated langs and bronchial tubee. In this brief recital, toe pablio have an an swer 10 tbe qaesttoa ' H'Ay ore Dr. &-' mtdcnem popular? Th problem i Solved so eleajly that sons but thoet, who are wilfully blind can fail to understand it. Th wonderful eure that have been effected by I)r. Schenoa's remedies, are tbe living, treating and moving advertisements upon which Dr. Ccbenck relies. rhey (urnisn the evideaee tnat stanja nnea troverud and uneootrovar Ublo. To them the pabli I referred, with the most Implicit confi dence, and to them Dr. Bohcnck now trinaph antly appeals a irrefutable proof of he cor rectness of his oft-repeated assertion that CONSUMPTION OAS EECCRED. Doctor Seheaok's personal statement to the Faculty of his own cure was la these words: "Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption, confined to my bed, and at on time my physician thought I oonld not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at a straw, I heard of and obtained the preparation which I now offer to th public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It teemed to me that I eould feel them penetrate my whole system. Tsy soon ripened the matter in my ungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. "As soon as that began to subside, my ooagb, fever, pain aad night sweats all began to leave me, aad my appetite became so great that U was with difficult tbai 1 eould keep from eating too much. I soon gained my suength.and bare grown to flesh ever sine. I was weighed shorJy after my recovery, added the duo tor, "then looking like a mere kitoa, my weibt was bat ntBty-svea lbs. my present weight Is two hundred and twenty Ave (22o) pounds, and for year I have enjoyed aniatarrupted health. Dr. BcheQok has discontinued his professional vUlU to flew York and Boston, but at his office No. 15 North Sixth street, btwea the hours ol A. M. sad 3 t. M., he or his eon, Dr. J. H. Schenok, Jr., sees patients every Saturday. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Kespirometer will be charged $B. The Re piremeter declares the exaot condition of th lungs, and patients aa readily learn whether they are eureableor not. The directions for taking the medistne are ad apted to the Intelligence even of a child. Fol low tbete directions, and kind Nature will do tbe rest, excepting tnat ia some case th Man drake pills are to be taken in increased doeee the three medicines need no other accompani ments than the ample instructions that accom pany them. First create appetite. Of returning health ha gar is the moat welcome symptom Whea it comes, as It will oom,U the de. pairing at once be of good cheer, (iood blood at once follows, the eoogb loosens, the nigbt sweat is abated. In a short time both these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Sobenck's medioin are constantly Kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or purgative tbe Mandrake Fills are a standard preparation; Willi th fulmonio eyrnp a a ourer of coughs and colds may be regarded as prophylacterto against consumption in any of its forms. Prioe of the Pulmonic Syrap and Seaweed Tanio $1.50 a bottle, or t 50 a half doaen. Man drake Pills 36 oents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. mchlA-dwly Ladles, take Particular Notice. The Eeal Telpaa Female Fills! WARRANTKD FSUCKCH, These Fills, so eelebrated many year age la Parte, for th 'ellef of female irregularities, and afterwards for their criminal employment In the praciioe of abortion, ar now oliered for sale for she firs time ia America. They hat be.n kept ia comparative obscurity from th fact that the originator. Dr. Velpau, is a phjsiciaa in Paris, of great wealth, aad has strit oonseientiosraprin elples, aad haa withheld them frem general us., lest they should beempioyea lor nniawiui par poa la ovroonwln( Female Obstructions, Falling of th Womb, bites, (ireen Siokness, elapprcs aion, Retention, or Immodorat Flow of the Discbarges, Kervoua and Spinal Affec tion, Pals in the Baok and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hys terics, Ac, and will effect a oure when all other means have failed ; and, although a powerful remedy, do not acatain calom!, antimcny, or anything hurtful to the seas tltution , To married ladies aad young giils who have nsrerbeen regulated, they ar peculiarly aaitod. Thy will, ia a short time, bring oa the monthly period with regularity. CiDTioM Married Ladies should never take them when there Is any reason to believe them -lvs pregnant, for they will bsur toprodu mlsoarriig. Lailes eao procure a box, sealed from th yes ef th aarioas, by anetosing en dollar, and ail poetag stamps to SI. W. MACOMBEB, Geaera Atmt for Uniud States and Oaaadas, at Albany M. Torf aay BBth.rlaed Agent. myMdwly IMftC&AZsTCSL sums. . e. et.BivBi.xss HAYES & CLEVELAND Insurance Ag'ts Bepresenting the following old and reliable Companies 1 Inderivritfrs lgency, Nw fork. Cash Assets $4,000,080. Phoenix, N. Y. Cash Assets $t, 800,00. Continental, N. I. . Cash Assets $2,500,000. , North American. N. T. Cash Assets $300,000. Pacific, California, Aaaets Gold, $1, 800,009. - Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Assets, 800,000. North American, Hartford, Cash Assets $.00,000. HTEBXtTIOXAL. XKW YORK, Cash A-sets $1,M0,000. Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash Assets $300,000. Washington Life, New Tork, Cash A-set, $.1,090,000. LDBineB. 0. B. ia Daises bxlo.. Real Estate & Insurance Agdnts, No. 1 Vieie's Bloek, D AVBSPORT, - - - - IOWA Attend personally aad promptly to tbe bnyinc aad setiiog or Keal Estate oa eommissiea, rant iag Hooeee and Parma. LTl3d6v ja srroBD. S. B. BHD BUFOED & HEED, GENERAL ttSlftAKCE AND Beal Estate Agents, Buffalo St., opp. Express Office Ssprsssat th following Old and Beiiabls Companies. Noctirity OfXew Yoik Hartford Of Hartford, Conn Of Hartford, Conn II o 111 o Of Xew York O.opxillio Of Chicago, 111. er oil 111 1 Of Hartford Conn. Of Hartford, Coon lTrixiilxtliii Of Philadelphia, Pa. Lorilard Of Xew Tork. Andes Of Cincinnati, O. Oity Of Rook ford, 11 Reaper Coanecticnt Snlaal Life las. Co. Of Hsrtfoed, Conn. Cash Assets $ J?,&00,(e.W eapM-dtf GtO.W.COPP, A8RST rOS. THB LKADITiO HARTFORD & Hi Ml FIEE, MABIKE AND LIFE Insurance Cos EBPBB8SNTINQ $25,000,000 in Capital. AT EOfk ISL1SD, ILUlOIfS. AU losses sdjasud aad promptly said at tens y. aylidtf. AXTOTZOSsT & OOZaXBSZMZOZf YOZfST yZtAXaTAOAXV, ES EEAL AUCTIOHEEB, -OSe ia Police Btagistrata's Ome, KOCE I9LASD, - . . ILLISOIS. d.WiU proBaptlT, attaad tn all bnaiaess ea- inated to hie ear. deelldwt. W. Jfcl. JLiX7IVI Y, AnctioB ftfid ConnissioB TMCercli ant. B.OSS ZKZsAZrZt, . . XZsZ. PI f business ILLINOIS STEEET, Kext door to Den A llHott Stove Star. Saods reeeired ob eoasigameBt, Partieslar Attf ction Ghee to sales ia e entry and city. FURpJnru e boU aw aadseeead hand, bought aad sold, maytdly. BtTBiaSBS OsULSI. ttarncrB. ATTOBHKT AT LAW Hull's Bloek, cor, Washingtoa and Illinola streets. Book Is land Conneoted with Bisbee A Marsh Law and Collection otnoe of Chicago. mtlSdly tacais.iuai. nasi sr. aaoaea iLLR k SlM0S!eS. A TTOBIIT8 A3TD C0DHILOfcS AT T LAW, aWallaad,la OSssi Bafosd's Siesk. pt3dly. a. o. ceBLLT a. t. aesaaa COSNELLT & HelEAL, Attorntya and Ooantellon ftt TLrnw, kO0KIsMA5D, - . ILLINOIS. 17ILL OIiB PROMPT ATTENTION TO all basiaeas eatrasted to tbem ia Rook Ulead and adjoining eoantl in Illinois, and Scott onsrty and adjoining eoaatte la Iowa. Offic la Poet Offia Bloek. fabodwly. C P. HeiTC0B, Attor&ev and Counselor at Lav, SO Dearborn strst,..t...... CHICAGO, ILL. Prompt attention giren t aolleeting and all thr husie. Charge moderate. Oerreep OS S' e no solicited. Refers t Iditor of th Abods. eeT.dtf ; p. zcxsszsZiZizzfo, Engraver & Die Sinker, Medals, Seal Presses, Steel Stamps, Soap Stamps, Bookbinder's Joola, Ac. & KO. 161 Ul ARBOR! ITRHGT, Opposite PostoSoe. , , .; CHICAGO. api204l7 -.'..-.i.-Tsat liOtkL. IBBBOI S1BVH. I . BBATt BARNUM'S HOTEL BAENUM & PRATT, - P0pir.if Second and Walnut street, 8T. LODI8, MO. 1 The AaOPS kept en file. VBASK W. Tl SNTWORTH. CO AS. II. WOOLWOBTH, BRI6GS HOUSE, WEBTWOBIR A WOOLWOiTH, proprietors Cor. Randolph St. and fifth Avenue, CM I CAUO,aM..H ....... u .HjIm . . AMERICAN HOTEL, . Ohestnat Street, 0PF0BIT1 OLD IKDEPEBDSSCZ xtAJX Philadelphia. M. HEELINGS. - -' PROP' Dally Book Islakb Anees kept oa file. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, SAVZS & XTTOXtSB., Proprie' Corner ef Walnut and Gains Stree CIHOIHSATI OHIO I. D4.YIS. J. 0. TDCXSB, Late of I. C. A L. UNION HOTEL VI nw ., Cor. 4th and Myrtle Streets, BT. LOUIS, MO rPHI8 House tas just been refitted and thor- -a- ouanir renoraiea. is ceniraiiv located The proprietor will spare no pains to make it a good flrst-eiass, second rate eonse. Transient prioe, (2,00 per day. nev2-dly H. C. BACBT, Proprietor FALSER HOUSE, CHICAGO, ILL This new and magniCcent Hotel (th flnest west ot Ss York), situated eoraer fctate aad Quinoy streets, was completed aad opened Sept. 26, 1870. It has two hundred and fifty rooms (many of whioh have bath rooms and waterclo. ets attached), which are made accessible from the ground floor, w bar the graad rotandaand office is situated, by Otis Tuft'e best passenger alevater. V, . p. jr. MKBKKYK, Prop. EVERETT E0ESE. BYRON A. BALDWIN A CO., Pbopkixvobs Corner Clark and Van Huren Rtreetsa, CHICilii), - ILL, aThie Hotel, near Michigan Southern aad nor a Island Depots, ts centrally located, neatly and elegently fornistied. and will anord to Titlt ors and eoun ry merchant as good aooomraoda tions as ran be founu in tbe city. Terms $2.6 perdy. mchlo-dtf rAISNX FOOD. -p.llt Agreeable, L'igestilile, Xoiinshing, Satisfy iny. Soothing, Strengthening. This farinaeous preparation coital, a all th laments necessary fr growth and repair. It has for year been the prinoipal food for infants and invalids in England and th Colonies, an Is proved ly expedence to be the bent every day food fnr children Sold to cans of all sires, and In 21 rent pack ets for the million by druggieta and grocers gen erally. (.ALE & BLCTKI, DrujrxUts, 101 Randolph street, Chicago, Agents je23-dly B.SS3 ARD ZtSQB. 1K. ELY'S FAT EXT ARMS &c IEO THE "ANATOMICAL" LEG ! Ig guaranteed for fire year. Those wlthoat side-motioo are for oomfort and darability anrik railed. Pnc.s from (60 to fI50. No advaaee payment required. Sati.feciioa srearanteed. Otbsr kinds ot Legs altered, repaired or made 10 order. U. 8. soldiers famished on GoTernment ac count. Prmphlets and blanki sent free. Address I.sVWIM LOCkWOOD, s.l-dAwly H Pin. Pt 8t. Louis Mo G. WOEBER & BROS Carriage Maaflfactarers ! my2Mi4m DAVKNPORT, IOWA. MASON & EVANS, CARRIAGE Manufacturers, Coro.r 3d and Rok Island Sts., OATEIPOR r. IOWA Iatest 6TTLBS OF Opea asd Top Baggies. ABO OAE&XAOSI, Kept ennstantly on hand and mad to ordr. a kepairlag promptly doaa. aprlt-dly nOOPEU & SMITH, (SooceMors to STILES A HOOPER,) Kaaofaotarar of every description of CARRIAGES SULKIES, SKELETONS, Light Spring Wagons, Ac., Ac, As. Particular attention paid to FINK WOBK. All order promptly attended to. Repairing ia all braachec attended to with dispatch. None but first-class workmen emplov.d in this establishment. t. N. HOOP IK, Jell-dAwly HINBY SMITH. majtufacturer's of Farm, Spring & Freight WAGONS, Baggies and Carriages! ALL WOKE WARRANTED 1 " "T roBuy removed to onr nw au- pa- clous Bbops, sitaated oa th Molia Water Pow rear, and ar pared to fill ail erdr with pomptB aad dispatch. . Tttt flsfLook for onr Trad Mark n ach Bo aoo other are geaala Send for Prioe List aad aiss, ', ... fctMAvlj , i hnSfr y-S XUXZB&ft. 8ARSAPAR1LLA BITTERS (WITH 1BOJ8,) Th fcat Btoon, Stomach xi Livbb Medi oin ever offered t the public. It is very agree- ble to th taste and wia not aBeot tn teem as . . . . i Iron preparation generally do. What it will do: It will be found vastly su nerior to anv of the Calisava and Iron soexun- sively need for Invigorating the system. It will make blood: likewise thicken it. It will restore the pal and emaciated, the weak and debilitated to oo:r, fllesh, health and strength ia aa inored ibly short Urn. It will stxeugtben th nursing mother and lner th flow of milk, also bene fit th child ai th breast and prevent many of the complaint, to which children are sabjeot ia infancy. It will tend to restore th eyesight when impaired by continued application ia read ing, writing or sewing, by strengthening the ep- tlo nerves It will give vitality to tn mental faculiiss whsn depressed by close confinement to stndy or business pursuits, and prevent nervea neaoacnes. it will parity tbe blood and pre vent th breaking out of bolls, pimples aad other rnptions censed by poverty of blood. It wil rector the genital organs, when Weak, to a healthy condition, regulate th menstrnal period also relieve debility caused by aummer heat or excessive prespiraticn. A single trial will provs conclusively that we hare not over-estimated the value of this excel lent medicine. Prioe, $100 psr bottle. J. dk C. MAGUIRE, Chemist and Srnnists, Sole Proprietors, ST. L0D18. Also proprietors of Masaire's celebrated Bibb Plabt, a acre onre for Diarrhea, Dyseatery, Cholera Morbus and the AsiathCholera. All orders from responsible parties promptly filled mchX7-dwly XkXBSZOAZt. $1,000 3E$. o "W ard. THIRTY TEARS EXPERIENCE T WILL GIVE ONI THOUSAND DOLLARS i- reward for any caa of the following diseaaa thatth Medical Facnlty have proaoonoed in curable that Wilkinson's Vegetable Compound in mini cvnim Renorator and Blood Purifier WILL NOT BADICALLT CU1E. THTS rcmeklal ajientia a certain speedy aad positive core for Berelitary, Consvi tutional and Secoadary Sy phi ii, in an its Tanoos iorm, eacn as Uld Ulcers, Swellings of the Neck, Ulcerated Ho re Throat, Sore Eye, "kin Eruptions, boreaessof th scalp, Falling off of the Hair, Pimples or Blotch oa the Kaoe Body or Limbs, Dry Backing Cough, Coaetant Hacking up of Matter, Unpleasant Diech.sges frem the Nose and Lnngs, Biaath Kztremely Offensive, et., etc Mercurial r Syphilitic Bbinmailsm aad aeBralgta, Thoroaghly eradicated Mercury and all dis eases arising frem aa in pare er poisonous etat of th Blood, aad I defy thoe who sutler from snob diseases to obtain a radical ur without tbe aid of this importaat remedy. It operates oa tbe syete entering the blood, neutralising the virus of poieon, r-etblUhiag the healthr funotioae. of the animal scoaomr, and thereby enabling the system t. eradicate the disease aad east off tbe obooiione matter by the newel, Cnne, breath and 6km, ceasing n s.n.ibie evacuations It is pleasant to take, assimilate readily with th food, aad does not interfere with the bsbbI diet or advocations. Enelose S ceat stamp and send fer sealed cir cular. All communication strict! confidential Prie S.0)pr hottJe. sect free from observation. by mail er express, to any address, cn receipt of vse money. A a ares r JOHI T. Druggist and Pharmaceutist, In Medical College Boild in g. comer of Bloodeaa and Seventh streets, - kkOkUk, IOWA. mlT dly. DR. GALLAGHER'S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC CUR Is warranted under oath a com plete and permanent core for RhennatisB & Neurakia in all their varloas forms. It is taken inward ly enly. It is positively the only standard spe eiic before the public, being composed of pure and harmless vegetable ingredients solely, con taining no minerals, peisenous or injurious drugs. It has actually anted ninety-fir in very hun dred rises, in the last six years a result unpar alleled tn the history of medioine. Th prinoipal advantage in taking this medi oine Is, that it is quite different in it composi tion from any other article before the public Vo other preparation does or can act in the sam manner. While every medicine purges and sickens the patient, DB. GALLAGHER'S VEGETABLE RDEU31ATIC at on dissolves and oarrias off all Rheamatlo, Keuralglo and unhealthy matter from thsys m,.ii imptutii must from nosity soon gtwU. There is no mistake aboot it. Ths money promptly r.turaed. in ' every instaao a hers aa benefit has been reeeirad. A large cumber of uuoliltd testimonials hare bn raosirtd attesting tu great value. . 1,OQO WUl b glra to any parson who can arodao M "say genuia perm aa ant ansat as Dr. Oal lagltt'i Ctrtat Tfilalli iVft Our . jtU ft spared zprasaly ti ar BUdiag, BUaATJlMratesl ar Itehdag Fi!s, and for no ther parpose. Baa- dr4of Pby stvsans rMommrad itU Uetr prae tloe. It has sored permanently . caeca of evr 30 ya standing.. Sold hy Prggist generally . Prepared olly by B, t, OAiLAenaa, Ko. SOS Worth Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. r John BengspM Jngrlt, Agent for all af Dr. OalUokar'a propat-atlanar , - lakSMIs -.- .. .. IGatllLTUiiiL lMPLfc.MEM8. THE OTTAWA Machine Shops And J? oimdr-y, OTTAWA, - - - ILLINOIS. W. H. W. CCfiHMAIf, Pron'r. MOOEE. Bup't. A. B, Manufacture Steam Eagines, Reapers, Mowers, CORN PFOWS, CIDER MILLS, Bone Pewsrs, Machinery for drist Mills. Psner af 111- ,11... Urnba ' , . ' nun, . "--" aotories, 6tarh Faotorl.s, Coal Mines, etc. OUR STOCK OF PATTERNS S vary large. Our facilities for easting and tin shing have bo superior west of Chicago. r, write the attention of Mill Wrights toonr ezten to stock of Patterns for Mill Gearing, ete. Ottawa Reapers aad Mowers, Climax Reapersand Mover Victor Corn. Plotcs, Two Horse Wagons. Col. A. B. fiSoore, Superintendent, Ottawa. Geo. W. D. Harris Is the Agent for the a Works, and Farmers de siring to purchase can see any of their ma shine at his Warehouse on th Lev. aaohlO-dwtf STOVES. Patronize Home Industry! ROCK ISLAND STOVE CO. WES! The Best and Cheapest FOR SALE AT DAVID DON'S, Opposite WADEWORTH'8 DRT G00D8 STORE. mch2dwly SsTBW Store & Bease Furnishing Store NWILER, Formerly of Kwiler V fpencer, Has opentd a T AXD- IloBse FarnishiBg Store With a new and complete stock of goods, on ILLINOIS S I KEKT, oae doer wait of th First National Bank, where evey thing in th Boise furnishing line can be fonnd of th best quality aad at reduced pries. I bav the agency of John B. Barron & Oo.' Celebrated Stoves Among which is the Which hsb.n improved during the part month making it in ail respects a first class atov. Also THE "CHABM," A nsw patt.rn.with all th latest improvmnta. STCYE UKPlia. I shall keep constantly on hand a fall stock f grMs, lininga and repair for th Idaho, Challenge, Rival and all th leading cook stove that hav beea suld in Kock Island. Particular atteatioa will be paid to all kinds of tin and sheet iron job work. Well and cistern pumps kept ennstantly b baud. Thankful for past patronage I would rspt folly ask my old f hands to sail at my new ,lac i t basinets I am determined to spar no pains toplease those Vo favor me with thgir natron age. Mi.SWII.EB. mchlS-dwtf Z.OTTBS-r. Royal Batabb Lottery el C&ka. (OSDCOTED BT THE SPANISH GOV Vernmeat f 300,000 in Gold drawn every s.r enleen days Prises cashed and lnf.rm.iioa feral. bed The highest prte paid for Donb loena aad all bias, of Gold aad r-ilv.r. . TATLOR A CO.. Bankers. febSdly IS Wall 6tre. Bcw Tork MAGIC OIL. aJ9s.SS& l Have yon head to acbsj 7 Then y ou are interested in knowing- whit Renne's PAIN kILLL G MAGIC OIL DOES FOR HHADACHB, "I! Works Like a (harm. Bead tkeie Letters, bat aboT ai TRY THE MAGIC OIL! Aibbss, Tena., Sept. 28, 1869. Mr. Rshkb Dear Sir: Iwiahtotav a word for vonr Pain Killine Magi OU. 1 liar been a great sufferer from that awfal diseaee. Sick ileadach. It weneraliv attack, me eariy ia tne morning, grew ia intensity all day ii nigm, ana all tbe acit dav. aad rnnerailv. thou g a not always, goo off during th second igou ii oume upon m at least no a month, ana ott.a two or three times, always sonttning m to my bed for about thirty-six t lorty hours, pauimg me so s irribly tnat it seems a it my aeaa wouio ourei open in spite ot skull s ererytning else. A person's hand wculd be thrown entirely off by its throbbing. In hort I suUarea agony indescribable. Onr best Physi cians iau.4 in my case, and I hare ased most o the popular remedies sold, which are roe. Samoa d- ed a. "sere to core 'just noh but they no oaly failed to oure m, but seemed to aggravate my situation. A tew months ago, I fortaaately obtained a bottle of your Pain Killing Magi Oil, and as you claim "it works Ilk a chrrm I" When I fel my old plage comiag on, I as th Magic Oil both externally and internally, freely and faithfully, and acw I do not ern have to stop my work, but g abeat my basin usual. I assar yon on f.llew-man has been beae Gtted by y oar invention, sad for which I fed grateful. May God reward you. In my house and family, yur Maio Oil is as iadispensi ble as Hour, i bop my letter may be the means of letting oilier poor know the virtues of your Magic Oil, and yoa may use my nam as a reierenoe ir you caooae. Gratefully, I am yoars. Ac. EDWABD AY. COBLF.IJfl. Wh. Bbnhb, Esq. Dear Bro. The letter from Edward . Cobleigh, is from my eon. lie b.s suffered rreatlv frnm nrf. ache, but has recently foend acure by nsiag year Pain Killing Magic Oil. Rev. Bra. Bdm-'m, agent, uses yoa Magic Oil, aad Bad ralief fress th severest beadarbe 1 1 all aaa it i. and find it excellent ia s.varal ail meets. trust yoa are doing the world good, as walj aa g.tti.g rv.7 I...I1I so yoarsctl, witb ysnr mu auu. uu. - i am truly yours. Fresideat Weslevaa TTa Fsaa. ' " ' I am aontdsntthatavarTfamil will tnd great eaent ay seeping, aad using my megio uu. Our best Phvsielans asa and aseMribe it; aad next to the Family Phyaieiaa it cap b depended open, as a clesa, safs and delicious remedy fer all klads of Pain, sure t give immediate rslier, aad never do harm. Direotioo witb each bottle. Toarstraly, vYM. BtlSKJt, Haaafacturar, Pituneld, Mass. Call for i whr yon asaally trade. .Bold J all Dragiist, Mrohaati aad 6rers, juaC-gwsn . 9l4MKltTHtS. Thomas Yates (Sassswof ta Jaob Riley) On the Leree, Beck Island. Brais and Iron Work, AND STEALS PIPES LBVBB,NHAR FHRRT LANPINQ. Th subfCfiber, at his shop en tiis Levee, near Woltmaa's, invites the attention of his friends and ths public generally to his large and com plt stock of Brass A Iron goods, sich a Steam Cooks, Valves, Water Gauges, Whislee, Oil Caps Ber Cock, Pumps, Qas and Sieam pipe of all sites, Zinc, Babbit Metal, Mo , etc. Steam aad 6aa Work promptly etteadedto ana put ap ia workmaatike manner. Ctpper, Smithing and Sheet Iron Work In all Us branehes. Also Done on abort notice. He has a screw cutting machine, which cats serewsapon gas and steam pipe from of an inch to inches the largest machine west of Chioago. THOMAS TATBS. PAPER BOXES. BOXES! BOXES! PAPER BOXESI RL tXCHAXD & HATFIELir, anafaolurare of Papas Umi of all descriptio ns Bos. 75 and 77 Wabash Avenue, CHIC ACO, ILL aprillSdwly BLICKbMITUKG. Removed to Hall's New Bnildhig, WastkiDg-lon Street. WALTEE DATJBEE, GENBRAL110RSE lOIR Of Bock Island Couaty, shoes in the moet workmanlik manner. Experienced and skillful workmen; horses shod without pain. Baring a practical and ex tended experience in the basiness, I svlicit yenr patrcn ge. confident that I ren p!ese yoa, and do better work than any oth?r shoer in 'the oity. Shop Sign of the BIG' IIORSK SHOE, cn Washingtoa street, near tbe river. mayi dtf WALTEB DAUEIB. WILLS & MURRAY, CHAMPION HORSE SHOERS AID Blacksmiths, Corner Eagle and Orleans street, (Blythc A Stod dard's Shop.) ROCK I9LASD, ILIP. Every description of Forging done in the moat workmanlike manner. Satisfaction gar anteed or no pay. fi-bl.Vdflm C01LEES. Boiler Works! Th undersiga.d ar pwpard to maaafactBr to order Boilers far Steam Eiginei all Kinds, Styles aad SUm. Also, vry va riety of aSBSf XJLOZf wo&s. Alloar Bi!er work I warranted. "Lepawmg cf all kinds don promptly and sb.aply. Shop near Molin Iron Works. lSdlv. 808ILLIN9KR A TRTJMBTJLL FLOCK. JOHNSTOFS MILLS Uanafactartrsoi Choice FamUy L.OTI From seieeUd Spring and Winter Wheat, preasly for ths city taade. ALL KiNDS 0 Flour and Meal Oa hand, and delivered TREE OF CBARQt in the City. JA8. A. EOTLB, Agent, agio, Botwaws fraa aad IlHwais. saebSdtf PB0T0GB1PB8. CWsFLORENCEl Elinols Street, bet., tf Eagle A Buffalo. a ItltR ISLASD.J - ..nflisciinn guar-j aaimii. Prii a ji. Com aad . ( Card lkclcgraph Pcrtrails FerAibsm,ia ths BSMtartisU style, kadat A. B, SATFOBD 8. AMBROTYPES. iaarsassdtaltsidaf SiwThV, tok.e A. B. SATFOBD-b. 'HOTtUiril, A slass, ia ta highest style f art, t he h.i 1. 1. Caifart?! frailer? - UVstWiHoia. r BlOasw MODBBATsl. PAPER BOXES PAPER BOXES fJV Jt WBiajaBarBjBjQr 5Q FLonaiicaAHoiras.. j Pfioiopplief! r r