Newspaper Page Text
RUES OF ADVERTISING. i . .- rcsLisnan r tub ., , Poreaeh sonars, or the ntn eeaapled by Wa Lines af solid asaparail, Oaa Dollar for eaea ia rtioa. TaM3. Dailt ;amc. By Mail(payableia advance), per ennem,$ia.Ou By Mail " " tit month., By Kail " " moaiki,.. By Mail " 1 month...- 1 IS Tit Citt Oi . s 0a perweek.f 8tiei.a Const Centt. T3KM3.- WaaciiV Ae.ot. ;ltri Copy, (payable1 n advanoe) ......tMO ten Copies " " .09 Twenty CopiM " " t 35.0J fkirty Ooplei " ' 0.0 Special Notices, 20 cents par Hao. Wfcar ia- iartod S months or mora, it par aoat aboTO raga Ur advsrtisicg rates. Communication!, or articles inserted aaioag reading m attar. i eanta par line. DaiLr kd WaaatT. A dneoaat of 16 pal eeot. will be mada from tie Weakly ratoa. oa yearly and half yearly aoatraU, wkea the tame matter ia ia.eried ia both Daily and Weekly. Double Colamaa will bo charged ? par Mat additional. For .."J transient adverttaemen advance pap mast ii raqairad. Twentieth Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1871, Established Oct. 18, 1851 Mr. Hia-DiiBsoK, of tha Evening Pott, who weal through an unpleasant legal ex perience) ia ooneqaenoe of tome alight fin ancial inaecaraoies connected with tha plaoe of Naval Officer, which ha filled for a time nnder tha Federal government, thinks it to ha a sufficient reason why city of&oiala should abandon their offices and "retire to private life" that partisan journals bar heaped charges apon them. If a man is to cast dust and ashes on head and See into the desert because his enemies accuse him of wrong-doing, what should become of a man whose friends are forced to find him guilty of wrong-doing? King AmadeuYwill at a very early da pay a visit to Valadolid aad the eastern provinces of Spain. A sun-fish, weighing 300 pounds was re cently captured at New Bedford, Massa chusetts. There ara fourteen Amerioans studying at the University of Laipsio, and sixty-seven at Berlin. Petrified whalebones in a bed of elay have been found at San Die.o, Cat. LOCAL N OTIOE8. MaBRiAGS Guide. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 224 pages. Price SO cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. To Moturks and Nuusts. Mis. Whit comb's Syrup for Diarrbtxa, Ac, in children whether induced by teething or other canses is the safest and bust remedy. Rennet Fain-Killing hi agio Oil cures headache, and ail kinds of pain. Every family should keep it in the house, to use for sudden sickness, like cholic, cholera mor bus, pleurisy, cramps, fits, Ac. "It work, ike a charm. " Sold by druggists, mer chants and grocers. DR. PRICK'S 6PB01AL FLAY0RIKG3. Speoial Flavoriugs aone so nioo, Ai tboa prepared by Dr. Price Our w.fe eeyt (.he ought to know Haiing tried them all) that this is so. VERY LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olook: X. IVK2W YOTM. She States Xiland Ferry Boat She Hottest day of the Saason-Bi-cape of Convicts from Sing Sing-- Cholera. WASHINGTON. Treasury Defalcations Vtw Xioan Commissioner of Indian Af fairs -Internal &eenne -.Ctipts Retirement of Gen. Btonemao. ILLINOIS, Fire-$10,000 toss -Partly tared. In- Wherry XUtce Itrike wrights. of Ship- IVeWr3. TLe Ice Sing- Refrigerator, vVhieu treated such a sensation, and took me riral premium at the Cincinnati Exposi tor M. i.ouis Pair, Illinois State Fair, and alt tiid Fairs throughout this State generally last season, ia now tor sale aad cau be seen iu actual operation at E. VT. Spencer's liju.ehoid Furnishing Goods Emporium, on Illinois street. Jos Refrigerator possesses many alveo lites over alt others ever manufactured, ijua which may be mentioned the fact taal it aavei fifty per centof the ioe required ia any other Refrigerator of the same size. It ii a preserver, not a oonsumer, like the rumerjui ice mailers called Refrigerators. I: prjjuoes a dry, cold temperature in the prMerring chambers. The temperature can bi rsdaoeito fourteen, degrees below freezing p in!. One artiole of food will not partake of trie smell or tail of another. The pro vision chamber are always dry, sweet sal claa, as they hare no drippings from ioe. Fish, game and meats of all kinds can be kspt frozen any length of time, and in a porfttutly dry and preserved condition. The K -'u'rator is divided into two separate and d oct oompartments, and also has a Water Cjir attached, which furnishes an nnlimr ited supply of ice cold water without putting i ' in the water. It consumes about tan cpqu worth of ice every twenty-four hoars Ta.i ocinomical pieoe of furniture costs no ip 't-i man any other refrigerator, and ia ir. ar.iiia-tnred of all sizes, and suitable for H v'.i. Restaurants, Grocers and for family purposes. Call at E. W, Spencer's tha only agent for Kick Ii.und, Molina and vicinity, and sen the workin?i of this indispensable artiole in a?t wit operation. aprlH dwf.m SR. SBSLB'ST'S WATER CURE A T KEHOSHA WIS Send fur oiroilar. H. E.8KKLET, M.D. niaj2Ud w6m GERMANS INSURANCE COMP'Y F CHICAGO, ILL. Cash Capital, -$200,000.00 Sarplns, $37,820.64 Dbdkick &l Saaw, Agents, apr21-dly Rock Island. French Deputation fpede reserve in the Sank of Bng land-Thiers to be Fresident for three years evacuation of French ter ritory by the Germans. Market Reports. Reported Kxpressly far tha Aaacs. ment of the defalcation and unadjusted ac counts of Collectors of Internal Ravenna since the establishment of the Bureau. It will show that tha actnal amount of defalca tions to the close of the last fiscal year, was oo,oji ; 01 tnis amount over one-third is oredited to Louisiana Collectors ; L. B. Collins, Gen. Stedman and Eugene Tudaie, alone, being defaulters to tha amount of fSbO.000. Ia view of the fact, however. that over fifteen hundred million have been collected from this source, the percentage of loss is regarded by Treasury officials as remarkably small. The amounts of unad justed account is only $460,000. Gen bsko, 111., August 17, A fire at Cam bridge, III., last night, destroyed the livery stable of Lafferty Bros., with its contents, including sixteen fine horses and ten car riages. Loss $10,000 insurance $00. Milwaukee, Asgust 17. The beautiful new Opera House, ereoied by Jacob Nuaa- maker, whose name it bears, will bs dedica ted to-night. Alex. C. Botkin. of tha Chi cago Times delivers the address, and the Philharmonic Society of Milwaukee perform the opera of Martha. St. Johxs, N. B., Aug. 17. The three mile wheiry race between Belyea and Brav- ley was won easily by the former in 24 min utes to Brayley s 24:28. The Shipwrights' Union struck to dev. demanding that nine hours shall constitute a working day. Ibe builders refuse to ao cede. Londow, Angust 17. The French depu tation which has been enthusiastically re ceived at Dublin, are headed by Count de ciagivmey. The total specie reserve in the Bank of England, is25 ,338,138. Paris, Aug. 18. The sword subscribed by the Alsatian residents of New York fur General Ulrioh, defender ot Strasburg, was presented to the General Vfgterdav. iu accepting the gift of his countrymen i America, the Genetal said he would only draw the sword when an attempt was made to reconquer the provinces which had been torn from France by the result of war. The Press yesterday said the German troops who oocupy the eastern departments still treat the inhabitants in the most eras peratiog manner. Versailles, Aug. Iji. It has tnen posi tive Iv ascertained that a minority of the A semhiy will support, in a slightly modifi d form, the proposition made by M. Kivel, on Saturday last, conferring the presiiency for three years on Thiers. Poorer Qoertier, minuter of bnanre, las gone to Germany to interview Bismarck re lative to the evacuation ot .trench, territory by the Germans. The elee'ioo committee of the Asiembiv have reached the vote npon the motion for prolongation of Thiers' term of office to three years, and atand nine in opposition end six in favor of the proposition. Beri.iv. Aug. 13. A dipatch from Suwa'ki, Polaud, says the cases of cholera are decreasing. In that town, whose popu lation does not exceed 6,000, about one half of whom are' Jews, there have been four hand re J and lorty-three cases, tighty-three of which were fatal. Florkkce, Aug. 18. The Arno river, by the melting anowa in the A penines, has over flown ita banks in many places, causing ere a destruction of crops. COMMERCIAL. 1.12 X-Q. Hock Islaid, August 18. This Flour market is corrected at Weraet's Mills and the quotations are the ruling prfaes of tha Rock Island market. Wmraa Wish Flodb Wholesale... $8.40 " ' " Btail Braisa Wbhav Whocm Bprtag Doable Ultra in bbls, wkala,al....$8.80 steuul.a.M.M...M..,M.M...,.M. ...... .,.7. 66 Baoee at wbolaala...... ..... 7.UU statail ... T.6I Leosa, at wholesale....... a .tail .... ... 70 Oaasi's Ba r Ha. sua Flocb Retail J Barrel, tacks $1 fit " i " " 1.26 " 1-16" " 64 BucawaaAT Flocb 'Wholeeal til. 00 Retail 1 0.00 WaaAV, new .......... HOaitO Ooai 85 Oav New . .......... 2Ua26o KTbI- ee ismsw eawanee sas.t hh mi BaBIiIT Sa. 1 .. - 40aC0 Bajaetad .3 i Bntvca Okaiea lou, far tatalliag. will kriag. 15 Ob-ibsb IT Y. Factory-.......-. 11 l.aB par lb lOallo Potitoa, 20a30 Afplss perbaihal 60 lees par doe... ........... ...12io The above prioes are the wholesale flgures at nrai nana. Podltbt L1v Turkies, per lb 10a Dreaaed " " 12o Ohlehans, live 8a " draaiad" 10o Ducks " lOo Host Lira 1804.00 Oavtlb Live weight, oomnoa.. 4iaa Prima shipping, par 100 lbs s.OOet.os Weon Oak, per tor. t. ........ 6.60 Hiakei ..7.09 CatL WOOD, LI GUI k CO., Maantaatarers ei ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING PLAHEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, KASMYT1IS' STEAM HAMMERS, Oaa XVXachinery. nnimic Mil I IMP MAPUSWCQ uuuuil iiiikkiiiu iiinuiiiisa.W Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangers, Patent Belf- Oiling Box. WAKEHOUBB: lOT 11BHRTVT.. SEW YORK CITT MANUFACTORY : HAMMORD ST., (Opp. Jaootion Depot), nORCBsTKR .M8. All Trains entering the Citv, atop within tan rod. of our Work,. JalO dtf JOSUH GATES & SOXB, Manulaoturart of '' ii lain' .i iiu ifina1"- FIRE ENGINE HOSE, Leather Belting;, Superior Lace leather, and Factory supplies generally. New York, Aug. 17. The Steten Island ferry boat Middletowa eemmenoed running yesterday. After the explosion of the Weat field, the Middletowa was laid up for re pairs and refitting, but the residents of btaten Island believe that the boat is still nnsafe and have made complaints against the Company, because they have allowed the boat to be replaced on tbe line. Yesterday was considered the hottest day of the season. Seven deaths from the ex cessive heat were reported. Apprehensions as to the approach of the cholera are becoming less alarming in view of the measures which are being taken for its prevention. Opinions of leading physi cians are being sought on the subject, but two out often leading doctors were found ont of town. One of these aaid, ' W. rarely escape an epidemic here when it pravaila in England and France." The Brooklyn authorities say there is not the least danger of cholera or yellow fever reaching that city this year, and they have made no preparations for them beyond keeping the streets clean. Ogdenbbcrg, Aug. 18. The rioters of Baron DeCamin lecture affair, are atill de fiant. Mayor Proctor yesterday issued a proclamation stating thai there have been manifestations of a tumultuous character ia this city for tbe past two nights, occasioned by interruptions of public meeting, and pub lie feeling is now in such a state of excite ment that further, and " perhaps serioo. trouble may be apprehended. He warns ail persons to preserve peace, and calls on ail well disposed citizens to assist in main taining order and liberty of free speech, assuring the citizens that he will use the power vested in him to protect the rights of all special meetings. A meeting ot tbe Common Council was held this morning, at which it was resolved that the rights of free speech should be maintained at any cost. A large number of special policemen have been appointed and troops will be called out it necessary lnos. Dalv and a number of the leaders ot the mob of l ueaday evening have been arrested. At this hour no hall has been J 'T . . . Bocureu. me excitement is increasing. The friends of law and order are determined that the leeture shall be heard. The police headquarters are guarded by one hundred special policemen ia addition to the regular force, the Mayor personally in charge. Many suspected rioters wtre in tha streets awaiting luv.auieuta Sihg, Stso. N. Y. August 11 At ii. as to-day tbe tug boat Dean Richmond, having a eanal boat in tow going north, was ob served approaching tha nriaon riorW ;tk oon.iderable rapidity. The a-nard A the pilot to keep off, and the warning was -(jjj.rouuj ueeueu: om ine steamer rlidad close to the pier, and immediately twelve convicts, as if understanding tha movement, made a rush, leaned on bourl ine canal post, ran over it to the tug and in iu iue engine room, l be engineer was driv en out, one of the convicts leaned into the 18th ANNUAL FAIR Coal Valley Turd .. levelaad Yard w Hat Prairia, par toa.. -.. Timothy Oor.aa- 4 a to, eaaimoa to fair prima to ehoteet. Old dovernaent Java.. Teas Toaag Byton, eoamon ..... " " fair to good ...... " " prima W ohoioe., Qaapowdar, eommoB to fair...., ' prima to choloa...., Imperial Oolong, eommoa to fair. " prima toohoi. ...... - Japaa ...... X.1BB Port bvroa, par kbl. Rook Ii'.and, par bbl.. ........ 13a 13a 5.00a6.00 y.OUatO.Otl , H7alS itfaiite .......JSaoOo ...l.JUal.40 ,...1.35al.k0 .1.00al.2 ,...1.40a1.60 ..l.8aal.7i VOal.ti ....l.Ual 40 -..1.10 . ..1.08 18G0. 1871. THE PIOMEERMUSiC STORE. A LAR'jK STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OF -TV. MTtlNWAl, HT8CCK, AM MC'AN, H AIM at. MAH8BALL AND WEN DEI L tieo. Wood & (o&VMej Organs and all kind, of Musical Instruments Sheet M u.i of latv.t iatuct, and tha beet im ported Strings iu the oity JOHN KOYT, apl Corner Illinoit and Wa.hington atraet. ABTIST1C TAILORIKG. 3 d. 4 WABQZZraTOZ7 KB., OBIOAQO. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WLDMXG OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shtrtt to Measure Extra Donhla and Parfast in Fit. Clergyman will be allewad S per cant, discount. febtxdly 8HU, KOOKS. AC. naw ADvx5B.xii-.EiJ.n-rt. tor Alhuui, it., r i .j, i II,... t-mr ttr,. "Notluns; .sn-,-.S -:x Mktcli', pnifftriit. I'-nsInn llcict..,,,,..,,!,.,))-tr tt.VF. Holmes. Jtalmifin rrhm, ju- E"SK2IttC3 Boston. Mass. SoM tiy i I'niMMS COLLEGIATE ABD COMMERCIAL IM Btltute, Maw Ha.en, Conn. Praparatorv to ColUga, Bu.inest, Hciantino BcbouU, U. S. Mili tary and Jt aval Aeademiet. Fall tet.ion, thir-tv-lixth year begins Sept. 13. For Catalugoet, ete., addreai the Frlnoipal. GRAIN. Partie. holding grain will find it pay to ship direst to PHILADELPHIA, PA., the best of oor Ea.tere markets. Oar basinets is BxcLrtiviLT coMMtsstos. For lnformatioe, write u. ; for refarnr.e inquire through a Bank ELKINS A 8UDDARDS, Comminion Merchant., IT, Chamber of Oommer-e, Philadelphia, Pi EOLANDER & HUBEE, Boooe.ior. to J. A. Biddhos, Hanafacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Sloaldings, PRAMBIi BHACKETs, And everything in their line. Olaied Bath on hand, alto Corn Heal and feed All work warranted. feb2d6m B.VASLItBBD IB 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS 1 Axes, Files, Cast Steal, Kill Parnithlngs, and ateoainery. k.Oet tha beat, they will prove tha eaeapeat. Priaat raduoad. Send for fri Li.laiid airaoiart. WaLCU UHlVFirHtt, eolldwly Boston, Matt., at Delrelt, hfltb SUAS. TAYLOR'S STOMACH UVRR a. POWABI J. L. VBBBBAB. 07 TUB Scott Goxxnty &61.ICULTUR&L SOCIETY! Till be held at Davenport Iuwa, Sepf. 41b,5(h,6tb,?th,&Sth,,71a $9,000 Offered in Premiums ! Open to the World ! PSr .r.-wt Cars tbb to the Grounds. Liberal ar raiigemmtt made with all Railroad! cantering in ..'Jareaport and Rock For Premium List r any Information, apply to WM. K. HAIO HT, 8eo'v. Corner 2nd and Kerry streets, Iiaraaport, Iowa. angi -dwtd LIME AND CEMENT ! Talagraphad la tka Aaacs. CaiCAeo, Aug IS. Floor Dall. he, (Julet and !? vat I twj: options aeliva: tiller Augaot firm and higher, at $1 ti aad on open board in afiarn oa $1 Oaa t)6; arller September c osvd al yyia'-'Vi; No. 1 sold at ft .1 us: jo. .-i, j:i.Hi. Cora Hoary: No. 2 alotad an 'Change at 44 cash; 44 A igt; 42A epteab. r. but advanced c oa Anmi, ana J on septemler. M). yellow, 46a4ti. Oai. Aetiva and ttaadv; No. 2, 3t ca.h; 19 a30 seller Augaot; rejected 21.27. Rye Aetiva but luwer; i o. i, 55,a65i. Varley In good demand at tOo ca.h or Sep tember. Receipts Flour 2610; wheat 53,450; corn 171 5S0:: oatt. 6i),77"; rye, 18,181; barley. 14,420. fhipmanu Flunr, 2S7: wheat 43 S01; corn, liU76:oals. 74.19U; rye, 33,612; barley, ASis. Vuiel at SS. Pork $12 12ial2 7i for September: li 60 metier SMinbtr and teller jer. touldet 4ia4; ahurt ribt Hi bulk. Lard S jafl cash. NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, 8ong Meiningar, 35cl. Have yo .rea Louite Comic Soag. Saxton, 40 Darling Btlle of the Boarding Seuo,Porter30 Oirl vritk the Cigarette, Comio Cordelia, 30 Jolly High Timet, Cemie. Parks, 30 Yo trouldn'tiou like to toic, Comio Cord'la 30 Jeicellt of the Ueart, Beautiful Song Millar d.10 Laic in the JfiiiW, " ' Zue, SJ let it Pan. for Baa. or Alto, " 35 Yet Onre A ain, Doett for Sop. and Barr. Oahtiej, 50 Quamtling Seiqhhnrii, Comio Duett. Auber, 75 flimebaa'a'i Child, with va-iations, stack, 60 Hcarenly Greeting, Pcnaia Biovmantiquep Blanceey, Holiday Vocation March, illustrated title Gii.ins, iret AnficVpattom, Sehottiscbe, " " Qil.inn, Daiiy, Faatai?ia, Erog Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of tbe market price. No matter where you .e a piece of or Mutie Book advertised, send to tii and yon will receive tt by enclosing ihe publi.hre price. SAISSB& & WBIBt, MUSIC DEALHRK, m27-dedl!m. ST. LOtlS. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY IHE Hong Kong Tea Ccin'y, Erauoh House, Palace .low, HOC ISLAND, - HM. W baie we are offering unrivalled Teat, at tka tame low prioet a. at their "Hitters Boote." By importing Teat is cargo lott, tbey eaable ut te retail to tbe coa.ume- at extremely low Don't fail to vi-it the Bong Kong Tea Store, at Palace Rw, where will be fouad tbe laest, pnraat and fre.heti Teat, Coffeel and Spi aea. at nricet baond compa'ition. mvidwSm ro w A KJ a r lists f . ag t CHUPHRUETrMl Chicago, SLock Zsland and Pacific Astilroad Company. 000,000 .orea CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Company it now offering lor J e about tlx hundred thoutand aorae of the finest agri cultural landt in the West. The Company tellt only to actual tattlers, and tba prices ere exceed ingly reasonable, rarging from 5 to f IS per acre the average beiaa abott $8. The greater part of theae lands ara .uuaied ai ing tba line ot Us railroad between the oiiiet bet Moinat aad Couutil Bluff., and are in the moat acoea.ible and fertile region in to. State Balet made .or each or oa credit log enough te enable any indusinout man to pay for tne land out of it. crops. Tbe.a lands ara held under a title direct from th General Governmet t, and ara not morrt gagd ar enoamber, d in anyway. Fall warranty deeds siren to pareha.ert. For map., pamphlet., or any other information reapecrog them, addre.t Et vezbb Coos, Land Commit. ionrr. Davenport, lu.ra. EXPLORING TICKETS are told atthe Cobj paav't ticket office, at Chicago, and all other principal .tation. on Ut line, and if the parcha- er eavt iaaa tne amoant pnia for tbe ticket it applied on the pu:cha4e money. rrector Diseases of the Kidney and Iricar) Organs, The tymotomt ot which are taoh that parton eannoi be mi.taken aa te tbe trouble Euch aa pain, tender De.., and beat in the .mall of the back, aea.ding pain ; arina it frequently of a high color, streaked with olood, at times a small amount, others, a very large, oftaa accompanitd with white or reddt.h When bladde' it the teat of the ditea.a tiere it pain, heat, and uneatinett in tbote parts. TAYLOR'S Stomach & Liver Corrector Chicago Ziive Etock. Telegraphed te tha Aaacs. TJ.ies Svoca Tabbs, Acg. IS. Cattle Receipt. 2i7S, including a large nnm kp. of TJexan. which found no market; market rfi.ll and toarcelv anytkiag doing, and many un old; bntchert stock told at $3 8l'a4 ; fair to good .hipping tteert $4 50aa 50 oateida prioa for a lot averaging 1350: calvet in demand at $4 60a5 00 L P Tt.-lReeeints 3857: aetiva and 10c higher, ranee $4 3la4 0 for light and heavy; mo.. f4 4flatSU. . ghrep "I"! maraet ateaay o Winkoop's Cordoiia Hhile Fin- ishlog Llnie. POBT BiaOS i DITESP03T LIME. LOUIS TJLLE AND VTICA CEMENT. Fibster pabis, L1M) PLAKTKB, PLISTEBIXG BAIB, ITO., ETC., I'5'1'0- 9-dtf MATTHEWS A CO., Island AOAlE3lY OF Till Immaculate Conception DAVXNPORT, SCOTT CO-, IOWA. CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF CB1R1TY B. V. M. Will eommanee its J6th Bemi-annual Pestion Wednesdaj, August 16th, 1871. . BeSnr ineornorated in acoordanca with the laws of the State, thislastitution confers the asnal ooilegiata deereff upon its graduate.. For Circulars adurett augl-d3m SISTER BUPEEIOR LOWEL t... MAM, All kinds of FIRE ENGINE H081, made fro xa the ba.t quality of Phlladelphiaaad BalU- Oak Leather, and nut together with Tinned Biveta, a aew improvement which prevents pilot house, touk the wheel, and headed tha them from corroding anu roving taaieatker. jel4deedly THOMAS Bs BROWN'S VTftveItT Carriage Works. . M-vnsfMturw of Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Car run each yay every 20 minutes EKW ADTERTI8KME3TS. DABB1S & CUIsUOLM, Proprietor! and . Manufacturers of MILL ST0E DRESSES, OTTAWA, I LL. 1 hi. Olebrated 1. a perfect, Si SO 15 BADGER STATE TOBiJCCG WORKS ! NOS. I, 3 A 5 CtTnOl RX ST., Weat end Baron St.. Bridge, XsXilwaokee, - XSTiu. F. F. ADAMS & CO,, PR0PRIB10R8. Order, from slose Cath Buyert solicited. mohlj-dly Biros. I'tOy AND RETAIL y nIHifir.ISTV I aT A ml Dealer in wawa A afT1M XTT i V A f XKT ai faints, VJUiS, vv 1""" " yr m Glass, Putty, &c. - -TO compounded Al.o. a fine a4 Tw-.inian'a Pretaripti'-nt ao W T,rf,t all at a.fort- y-4 curttely A meol of Petiomeriei nd li m zaa k.Av.v- Sw-'l 1 let A.ticiea- s The celebrated "J. CP." 1,7 V & and "UOLDtN (f CR0WN" C soon szzisxTsro. Eook Binder end Faper Hanger. Shop on Orleant St., opposite Court Hoate. BOCK ISLAND ILL tu.iii Mnd. of Pacer Boxea mada to order anglSd-tf iSTILHACSEE. DB. COLLINS' Paialetl Cure for tht OPIUM HABIT. DR. COLs.I5i' AKTinOTE. Enable, the patient to ditcantince the oe of Opium in any form, at ones, without pain or in-ennveni-nce, and without any interruption of crdi.ary ba.inesi. It rebilds the broken con stitution and reftoret tbe broken anergiet. The Only Painless Cure ever Discovered. TIIERIAKI: ASK THEIR LAST BOSS. A book of over l!)u pgi-s, containing letters of FITZ HCUH LTJDLOW, the well known Uter of Q A. T esooaiag the tetrijrue? af HABPER S MAGAZINE and LCDL"W, ano a full description ot tha Antidote, tent free td any address. Aldre... DE. SAMUEL B. COL1IK8. Lipobtb. Ikdiibi. MUTllOPOUTAN HOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, Will re open under the new management AVOTJIT 2.2a d, For the d eception of Guetts. Tbe spacious building hat baea thoroughly renovated and newly fumithed throughout. The Proprietor, eats made every exertion to adapt it to the com tort and convenience of itt patrons, and have tparea' neither paint nor ex. pense to seen e that end TWEED A GARFIELD, j.2S-dwlm Pronrieto-i Agents ! Head This ! WB WILL PAT ABEtTS A 8ALAET OF t30 per Weei aad Expena... or allow a larae eommisaioa to sell oor aew and wonderlu' invantio.t Addrtf. M. WAGNER A CO.. Manhall. Wib. Bat no Superior or equal fot diteaset ef this I tore. Bilious Rheumatism. Par.ont who reside in tbe vicinity af twauipt, low landt, or near any ttagnant body of .U r, are mora liable to this disease, aa the miasma ari.iog ftotn .acta placet it aimoti tore to pro duoe l ever aad Ague, and Fever in dlfftjreLt form.. Biliout Kheamalism it al.o indncad by expotnre during rainy weather, or endden chan ge, of temperature. A disordered Liver will treutntly cause thia di.raae, alwayt increasing the .uttering, and rendering it mora difficult to run. Tne svmptom. of thia cxtrcmejj painful form of K&enmatio oomplaiot arerain in the Dead, Naasea, a furred Toa roe, stiffucs. ot the Juinta, aad violent paisa through tha body. Tavlor't 8toma'h and Liver Correcior will turely effect a cure. None of the ingredients are in any way injurious, and the suralive powers are wonderful. Tuit valuable meaicma aearcnee to tha root of the di.r-a.e and parts affected, exci ting the liver to healthy aolx n, relieving the body of ita paint, removing allatiffaeas from tbe jointt, ptrify irg and oleanticg tbe whole system. Neuralgia, or Acute lUieu-niatisui, APESTH.TIKRlvOYlfK! IS0 WOBKi. i& because our eeods are firM clas. ; p.opiu like tb.m. and thv a'e warranted. More live Agents wanted A. B. TAYLOR. y'J'w B itain. ConnT ALE & POSIES. Cream and Stock Ales. PHILADELPOIA Ornamental Iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1134 KIDSK AB., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturer, of Fountains, Vasee, Statuary, Veranda., Sua ,met Uoi.f, Arbors, Cuairt, Set tees, Ac, Ac, Cast and H routt Iron Ballings, For publia b nildinga and Bqnarea, Oem "Ui loU' uaro.n aeiicea Ualeniet, Roof Catting -" in great variety of patterat. rajb 7XBTS. ad all are warranted. my30dy Gentlemen's Koad and Fimilj BUGGIES, Nkeleton Wagons AMD SULklE. 44 Ademi Street,..-..- .CHICAGO. Light Work a Bpeoialty. Repairing neatly aad g romp 11 dene. , sashll-aeedweewl tug for the west shore. An alarm v.. o-i- en as quick as possible, and two sailina- ves. seis, one irom parte, mile below, and one a . ' trots nert, cued witb armed men, started in pursuit. Une of these vessels overhauled me tug near uookiand, wben tha convicts took to small boats which some bovs were rowing iD tha vicinity, and rowing quickly , eure, escaped to ine mountains. LAtlin, tha inanantnr. .tat.. ltt k , - - u CVU- viota are now in tha woods near Rock land, and will be recaptured, as they are anrrounded. WAaKmorenyAui. 17 Haak D. TV. to-day, deposited ia the Treasury, en behalf of the American syndicate, ten million dol lars, at the first installment of its subscrip tion to me new man. Felix B- Brunot declines the rWoffered position ef Commissioner of Indian Affair. 1 be total amouni oi internal revenue paid into ' the Trewsnry to the close of the last fiscal year is $160,686,554.03. Oen. George Stoneman baa bean plaeed on the retired liatt on account of disability and long and faithful services. Niw York, Ang. IT. A speoial from Washington say the Secretary of the. Treas ury will to-morrow Usoe a detailed state- BUSINESS CHASCE. I RESTAURAiM FOR SALE MES. JOHNSON'S Eestanrant and Ice Cream Roems Leata, Stock. Furniture and Fixtures, ate offer ed for tale. Butinest old established and profit able. Immediate potsettioa given. Call on, ot addre.s L. J0HN805, aglZdlw Bex 104, Rook Island, 111. JAMES KELLY,, GEO. 3. LAW TON, in i w mm AMD Commission Merchant, 61 i'erry Street, DAVESPOatT, IOWA jy28-dlm J. H. 8TAKK, DENTIST, ROOM8 NIXT DOOR TO TBLEQB.APH OSee, Illiaolt ttreet. Bock Island. All klnda ef Dental work done la the molt approv ed manner. Charge, rea.onabla. aplO dwly nlCHARDSONfSM lisess, da- miSKS, LI1EH I AMD E!C U1DREECBIKFSAC. Ws feel oar.elvea oalled on again to CAU TION COSSUMKES again., the indiscriminate of Irish fat riot made up te imitate aur goods In fold, trade mark and general anna araaee. and to warn tbem, mat meir only talegnard It te tee that the autnenuo teai oi ear firm, J. V. KICBAKDSOIT, BONS A OWPEH, I. stamped on each article. Determined to confine ourselves, as heretofore, to the a.a of yarn, spaa frets the choicest and strongest rl.x. ay tha belt machia.rj obtalaa He; i. form ia weight aad alastiolty manu factured and bleaohed under our own tuperinUa- denoe: tne coa.amer win ne esaaaitTiBD v oca saar. tba same durability and tatiiiactiea ia the wear, wb.'eh tbe genuine goodt have alwayi afforded. I. S. EICHAKDIOh, POHS & OWDIK Belfast, Ireland, Mo. 16. mi. - jelldwSm Suple aad Fancy Greaertas, Provisions, Qaeentware, Glassware, Woodea aad Willow war, Ae. . Cornet Orleaas and Okie street, BOCK I8LAKD, ' . " - , TIL. - For quality ef goods aad prices, I defy eom peUtien. xuehladly - basket. BASKETS. , WILLIAMS MAJSUFACTHS'G CO H0RTBAlPT0IT,..... MA88. .i.r,llhed I860, afaaafasiarersef all h lads of Oak aad Belts a Baskets. For eel. ia Chi .... k. Warner A FeJU : U Gould A Co.,: Ka hal White, aad Ma'iton A Peek Bros., and In gt Lo.l. by Bainael Cupplee.and Warran, Cbae vat Co. may.Mly T D E N T I ALL DENTAL OPERATIONS PEE. . E D according to the n.otl approved ai "CJ' pies. Office in Harper s Block, oor of Illino. ana nunaio .treats. augl8-dtf Spiral tylet. work. IRON STAIRS GDE & STBOKG Proprietors of the MERCHAiMS LUCii, Aresole Agents for Pea. lee t Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For sale by tbe Barrel or Balf Barrel. oet2 dtf WEST'S Saloon k Billiard Rooms, KM 3 Harper Eoate Block, OCK ISLAND, Dealer ia .ILL nd Straight, of rariont patterat and special attention given to this elate ot LAMP POSTS, f Pubiio Bunding., ill ia and elaborate deekj STABLE FITTINGS, For Fronts of Pubiio Bunding., Uotals aad sity streets, of plain and elaborate designs. . TRAVELING SALESMEN AS 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY "WITH. ffbii is the reason We can sell the BEST QUALITIES OF WINES AND LIQUORS TEAK KXt OiaR HOUSE., , ; J. WEITZEIA BROs, IHPOtTBIS, .". . 14 A 16 Watt Randolph 8treat,.. CHICA80 aiaySVdtm O f Cost and Wrought Iron f new Improved etylea inch at Bay Hacks. Siail Divisions, Man gers, Harness Bracken, Gotten, Trent, Veniil tori, Ac. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire tiaerds, of Crimped Wire, Uali aniiea or pamiea, in plain ana eraa- mental pattei1,,ur " uoort, ana iviadowt, Faetorv and Wa'ehou.e Window., Railiogt fot Offloes.Banki, CoLn,er Rai'lag i.Balconlet.Lawa .art I.rm Fence.. A GATES, Forentrasce to Oametries, PablU Sqeare. and Gtntlemen'. Country Sean, of Gat Tubing or Wroaghi Iron, both Single or Doable, in elabor ate aad aiinpla da.ignt. Eittmaieiaaa Detignt sent oa atplioatlon, atatiag the olati of work designed. Purcaaiars mar rely on having all artiole. carefully boxed and .hipped to the plae of des tination moru-aom DeHAVEH'B WILD CHERRY BITTEItS The Best Tonic in the World FOB Djspepsia, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, r GENERAL DELIIIII, CSILLS. Etc. m mm mm ' HAS WO BQtTAX.. It is acknowledged by aver one who has takes it, to be the BestKemedy Far the diseases aamed ever offered. Depot, 4 Laialle street, CHIC AGU,....fc. .If. "aHAYKN A WALES, . ,.. Qole Maaafaetarars, Fot sals by Druggists. je22-4w6ai Fine Bourbon Whiskies, Ib4 Impericd Wine & Brandies: for Sard., Li L, end Joliet Ales, alto ASf. SB 4 KngUth Ales and London Por- ter tr sale. 8r J fT , ,j by tha arrl. liti.-k Wis;- Mar's Bil.tard and Pigeon Hole Ag ui tor A. L Table Manufactory. E. WEST, Proprietor, aprt-dtf K. - - . . COLD H ATKk 10 A P. WING & BUr.ST Isoeeationed by carelessness, erposure, or any oi ihe variuut waa and meant by which wa take t m.rc'iid, or it may be cau.ed by lat:ene. Tbe sy ailoms are , zmma neroonl.8, initnse pain m tbe moiciea ano joint., tie Beta is ol- ien and etn-itive to the touch OLe peculiarity of this form ot Rbcurnalirlu ir, that ii Iriqutttly charipns frm one portion ot the body to abetter even nht-o no ext rnal application hie Ltn cued M drive ii to a: y o'.her part Tbe Mir.;t- ttm is prus'ra'ed by .oncrirg. we leng u-r but tbe acme, durtir sr pa.tis w:.:i Lot f as hat pleasure. Eitu&al app'leaticLa ara s'a e.i and often prve d.cgtruut, ly driving tbe pain to tome vital organ. Iirive It oat of tie em em iu.tead of CriviEg it iu, tn1 Taylor's Stomach and Liv.r Corrector is warrentid to give relief. It will go to the seat of pain. strengthen the nervont tjstem, and el: act a care. TAYLOR'S Liver & Stomieh Corrector Has oaa great distinguishing feature, wbleh lai long beau sought lor in a celt art 10 preparaiiv-n to take tbe place of that medicine wnich leave! the bowel, mora or leaa weakened iot a time, in dicated by tabeequent eustivenesi, wbuh it the ce witb muct caibanio mixtorc and pilla In thia preparatfon there it combined Tunic, wbieh completely tustaina tto bowels and yt- tem wsile a o.iliartic inuueuce it ieing prouu ced, theretora Lerer lose, its effect, doe. not leave the bowe it costive, aad may be ut.d by tne nrotl delicate person. Por the dii-ea.n amed, it acts with tbe most perfect efficiency. searching aad rooting out all impurities of the sjst. m, giving hea th, vigor and urmg n to tne wDa e Body. And after you Save u.e, you win recomm.nd itto all with lite trjubl. I n- iuubtediy yon bare taken bat k'nd of medicine, itbo.t getting the relief .oaglit for. Tteie are soman, different kind., ail i'-r the same dn easa. that it it a great wonder if you ao not let de.pair take the place of hope, aad resign your self to te ravages of disease. I will g'r tO reward trr a caie of derailed beenred b. Tavlor t Sttmneb and Liver Correc tor, where' tha cinsti'tion is not entirely bro ken down by dnea.e, or the lir eonenmed A treat msnv woald ak 'be qoe.iion. -what can we eat, and bow much ?" bat it one man s melt it another man-. poi.oD, it an old laying, andatiueoee. too. We will an.wer, "eat the he.t of everything that agrees wltk yon, but a moderate ameonl- SCLL Warfield's COLD WATER SELF-W1SEI5G Salt Ehenm. Washes' in Told or Warm, HW or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING ASD ' Withoaa injar? to Clothes, OR WITJIOUT RUBBING ON THE WASHBOARD, Saflng Labor, Tiae and Fuel ! This Eosn has been used ht m.. r . the etty, and they all pronounce it superior ta ' usej. n saves time, labor .uu yrvaarTaa tee eietnes. tOLD WATK SOAP fOJIPA.VP, . ti Sorth Dssplaincs Street, CHICAGO, . Il : For sale by All Grocers. . . aprl-dwtm ', : tor sale ia Hook Island by Wing A Bartt, at Sard's eld stand. some, under the head of dlseaseaof tho Xhl and appear, mow frequently on the i". any other fart. kt the whole body aoreiia, k, Md it ofiea prodoeoa tba me.t handt than ' 9 hiem n. baffle the tki I of liaMe to att... er u ,, ..Uriible poii. a maigeaataore. aa alone vnll ihe mo. I learaed do V a liea. in ilie bl'd, and no lo tbe i ereit, oa. a me'iicine ti. ell, urn poison, wa tin.. . fall to g.t bottle of Taylor's b. er Corrector. I power ... a". Do nr.. and Lir. Scrofola or Kins's lVH, Whether in tbe form of iumpi or hard awel'lnts about the seek, nnder th. chin, ortheeordsof the neck or In the grc in, er iB the form of ran ning scrofulous soret. by using Tavlor't Stomach ana Liver Corrector, you will Hod relief. Where " appear, oa and arround the nose eni chin, an ointment made of two p. rt lard aad oaa part r"VT "f snlpler applied nirht and morning, and tbe Corrector taken, yon will End a care. THE BEST SfEI-ITKE ETE FOE MAY. BOLE PROPBIETOE, . ." - 1S4 Waba.k Aeanu.,,- ......eHX0A8o 5 msalwdeed-woowl L