Newspaper Page Text
mil OF ADVERTISING foblisbbo it tii TSRM3. Dailt Ao. it Mail (pay abltra edveto.), psr nnnm, $10.06 By Mail ,,i months, e.SO By Mill ' l oth,. !. By Mil 1 month. i WBr Oitt 0abbbb, 26 Oeats par week. Sisolb Conn Cidm. TIRMi- -WsstLT A1401. ittfla Gaitr. ( Diveble; n advanee) $J. SO for each iufi, at tho spaao eeenpied by tea linos of solid aoBpareil, Obb Dollar for aaea la. sertioa. Special Hot ices, SO easts per lias. Waer la. sorted t atoBths er mora, 10 par eaat above rega- lar advertising rat. 0mmaaicatioBs, or articles inserted amoag readlnr aitur, li pea line. Dailt aid WaaabT. A dieeoent of J6 pat oent. will ba made from tba Weekly rata, oa yearly and half yearly contracts, whea the fame matter It inserted In both Daily and Weekly. Doable Celamaa will ba charged ik percent additional. for -ll advance pay meut U required. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 ... Jt.OO ... 35.00 ... 0.0t Twentieth Year, Twenty Copies " " fhirty Oopl.i " ' Oontul Batlar Again. We copy below G. H. Butler'i (or better koown .imply George Bntler) letter to the Paris American Register, in which, he does hit beat to contradict the truths which bare been written about him : CONSUL GENERAL BCTLEK's DBFEN'CE. Kroin the (.fane) American Kegioter. Sir : la your paper of July 22 it iaitated that my admioiitration of American affairs in Eypl has been "severely criticized by a returned missionary, nor baa he returned from the East. He it a paid employe ot the Sootoh Presbyterian Church, and was an aspirant for the position of Vice Consul in K7pi- Being an irresponsible person, no toriously hostile to the government of the Khedive, I did not aee fit to appoint him. M refusal combined with the furtbsr grie vance of ray belonging to the Catholic faith, was probably the cause of my being imme diately thereafter assailed in the column, of a British newspaper, and subsequently in the United States Independent. I would not have trespassed even so briefly upon your spaoe, in reply to the calumnies of this ditappaintet colporteur, had not a hypo critical et!rt been made by my enemies in Amerioa to invest bim with the sanctity of the Church oloth, in order that he might thai reoeive the credence and support of a large and powerful order. I have always felt, and I trust always exhibited, a proper respect for the rood work in which the va rious missions of the East are engaged, but I respectful r submit that Christianity is not fuithered by Mr. Strang's calumnious attacks upon the pnblio men of his country, and her citizens and foreign representatives, in the columns of Britiih and sectarian newspapers. I am, etc., Oeorok Butler. We have omitted a passage in Colonel Butler's letter which appeaeed to ns more energetically personal than it suited os to a 1 Tiii into our column.. It was not needed in thn way of reply to the statement which wo originally published. Ed. Am Reg When the illustrious Consul Genera! pre tends to claim membership with the Cath o'.ir faith, he only adMs one more damnable sin in shapo of a lie, to the long list for which h x alone is accountable. It is a well koown fact that he has actually denied the exis tiTifie of a God, and certainly since his short res.derice in Kgypt and with his licentious K experience, if he hat failed to im prove his mantel aud bodily ways, how would he possibly improve spiritually. The Ic-iMt h refers to any religious sect as a cl jak, the better for the faith, (in which he would have the innocent believe he was tin- ere j and more particularly the Catholic. LOO.VL NOTICES. VERY LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olock i. 31. NEW YORK. Grant interviewed Republicans to be beaten at the Fall elections -Complaints against Quaran tine officials Lady Thorne in training- Extra buildings for Cholera patients Sub scriptions to the New Xioan-lMurder - SLace news Steamer Lost. WASHINGTON. Cffic'al report of Admiral Rogers Letter from Oontul SttcOowan The Wew Loan-Torpedo boat Wo compromise with Smug glare -Russian minister not recalled. Death of the suicide School SKa'am Dexter Park Races. To Motukrs Axr Nurses. Mrs. Whit oomh's Syrup for Diarrhoea, Slo , in children whether induced by teething or other causes, it is the safest and best remedy. Reader, are yon troubled with beadacbe? Try Uenne'i Pain Killing Magic Oil ! For u'i kinds of pain, and for sprains, or bruises or for internal pains, or cramps. "It works lilce a charm." Call for it where you trade, or at John BeogstoVs. Republican Abominations HeaT Storms ratal right. OHIO. THE BrFFEXBl&GEK CASE. Woman's Scfkragk. Ladies are not only allowed but invited to vote, as gratify ing experience of the of the past convinces us that a large majority of them cast their vote in favor of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Special Flavorings ; pronounc ing both by far the most pure and satisfac tory of any in the market. $'J5 Twenty-five Dollars will be paid for a single case of incurable Catarrh. Dr. Merwin's Vegetable Catarrh Core is the (LtKvet, as a package makes one pint of li.i-'l! ".u: and is sent by mail on receipt ot thirty cents. And is the, because it ncrer Jails to cure any case of Catarrh. We wi.h to send our pamphlet, entitled "Man and Woman as Invalids," to every reader of this paper, and will mail, free, a dozen or more copies to any person who will hand them to their friends. Address St. L.uis Medical Street, St. Louis, Mo. Foreiaru Arrival of French Deputation Disbandment of national Onard eppojed rrecautions against Cholera. Association, No. 11? Sixth DR. IBBLBT'I AVATER CURE KKKOSH A Send for oircalar. my2yd wbm A T WIS B. E.SKELEY, M.D. Harket Beports. Reported Bzpressly for tne Aaecs. and others. The first race to-morrow is fo a parse of $2,000, for horses that never beat three minutes. There are six entries Nourmahal, Jettie Gray, Duncan, Lisa, An tociat, and Virginia. In the pools, to-night Lina and Virginia told even against the field. The second purse it $500 for running race open to all weight tor age, single dash of seven-eighths of a mile. There were nine entries. The third race it Sd.OOU tor trotting in harness that never beat 2:29. The entries are Clarjt G , Sleepy Jo on, Lilly, Sampson, Mat Smith, Volunteer, Queen of the West, and Tennessee. Bloomingtok, 111., Angnst 22. Mr. Aid rich, of the new law Srm of Kerrick k Aid- rich, of this city, has entered suit against the Chicago and St. Loois Railroad for a violation of the new railroad law, which lim its the passenger tariff. This case will come off at the next term of the court, and will decide the constitutionality of the law. Dis Moikes, Ang. 22. The Republicans of Muscatine county have nominated John Mahin, of Muscatine, and J. C. Evans, of West Liberty, for Representatives in the next Legislature. Both were members of the last. A heavy rain storm, acoompanied by thnnder and lightning, began at 9 o'clock this morning, and prevailed two. hours. The lightning was exceedingly sharp, and inter rupted telegraphio communication for tome time. Owing to hoi weather, the rain was very timely. BrELiNGios, Aug. 22. A fight which re sulted in the death of one of the parties, took place on Sunday, the 20th inst., on Tama Island, in this county, about five or six miles above the city. It appeared from the testi mony before Coroner Haw, that there had b-en tor some time a bad aute ot leeiuig between Revilo Gaylord and John Bailey both young men and acquaintances from childhood. About noon on Sunday they were at or near the house of George Patter sou. Young Gaylord was heard to tay that any one that wanted to whip him could coue on. LSiiicy threw off his coat and the fight commenced, and continued with strik ing, kicking, Ao., until they were separated. Gaylord went into Mr. Patterson's boose, his uosa was bleeding slightly and be complain ed that his breast hurt bim terribly. He laid down on the floor, anil in a little time was dead. Bailey is in jail. Columbus, Ang. 23 In the Buffenbarg er case, yesterlday, nothing of importance was brought out. The cross examination of Prof. Wormley was concluded. Dr. Spragne, who was p.esent when Batten barger't remains were elhumed, was next called. Hesaid thai everything about the grave indicated that he hau never been dis tuibed. Omaha, Aug. 23. The Constitutional Convention adjourned sine die Saturday, the new Constitution is now in the hands of the printers and will toon be ready for dis tribution. lhe Executive Committee of the Ne braska Agricultural Society announced Sep tember 26, 27, 2rf and 29, as the time for holding the Slate Fair at Brownvilie. Gen. Geo. B. Sargent, of the Northern Pacifio railroad, accompanied by a party of Uermau engineers and capitalists, went wst yesterday, via the Pacifio road. The .np is for the purpose of investigating the oondaion, resources, etc , of the Northern Pacific road, with a view to financial invest menu from Europe. A meeting of the directors of the) new Hotel Company held last night, a proposi tion was laid before them by E. Creigbton, ot this city, to loan them fl00,00 to be used in finishing and furnishing the new hotel now in course of erection here, the money to be furnished npon conditions which were complied with. Work wiil be recommenced and the building completed as fast as possible. London, Aug. 22. Subscriptions to the new loan to day exceeded the whole e-tnocnt offered. The books wi 1 be closed to-morrow instead of Thursday, es has been a-d- vertmed . Sir Edward Tborton Las be in sworn in to the privy council. The Frvch deputation h&ve arried from Ireland. Ttiey ccoje to tbnijit for ace :stance rendered during tLe i.te wttr. Versaillks, Aug. 23. The press lu'tly debates the proposed disabandmect ol the National Guard. lhe conservatn e journals advocate, and the radical papers oppose, tbe step, fears are expressed thai its enforcement will meet with opposition in Lyons and elsewhere. Paris, Ang. 22. D. L'Huys M. Drouyn baa been appointed French Ambassador at V lenna. Rome, Aug. 22. The Italian government has taken the most stringent precautionary measures against cholera. COMMERCIAL. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., OrOlCL 1.12 12. Sock Island, August 22. This Floor market Is eorreeted at Waraet's Mills and the quotations are the ruling prises of the Hook Island market. Wiiteb Wsa at Floc a Wholesale " " " fietail .! Bpbikq Wibat Floob Spring Doable Kiln In bkls, waoletale......$6.S0 H.lAll .7. 60 Seeks at wbol.iele. .... ..... 7.VU Retail T.98 Losa. at,6KU KeMl . 7.40 Gbaiv's Blj Baisiio Flocb Retail i Barrel, saoks $1 6t " " 1.25 " 1-16 " " 64 BCCKWBBAT FLOUB Wholesale t'J.OQ Retail ...1U.0O, new... 8Uy0 Coes o Oats New ...20a2eo T Hs.t .s.t.SM. ttiM att.s . Bailsy K ejected Bditbb Okeiee lots, for tetalliag, will briag, Osise.b N T. Factory Labs per lb .............. Pot a tea s ArrLBS per beihel eas per ice The above prices are the wholesale figure, at first band. POCLTRT Live Turkies, per lb Dressed " " Chiekens,live " " dressed Daeke " " Uol- Live Oavtl Live weight, eoetBioa. Manutattnrars of .. -3a lb 11 lli.l U . 20a30 60 ...12io Frtsae shlppiag, per 100 lbs., ....... 10e 12i e lOo 10c li0.-l.C0 Siae .t.OOet.OO ENGINE LATHES l SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES. PLAXEBg, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMTinS' STEAM HAMMERS, 0 an ZVIachincry. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting and Haajers, Patent 8e!f- Oillng Box. WARKHOCSB: lOT I.IBTVfkT., SKVT YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : HAMMOltD ST., (Opp. Janetlon Depot) WOHCKSTER, .MA9. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. Je iw oir r.iMc OtlBrv iktarkst. r.l.frapkedte the Aasct. OalOASa, Aug 23. Fiona Qaiet, ex.'cpt for lew and medium grade, to fill uiacn, jiricen uncb.Bged. Whee: In active demend to cover .Uort. and price, ot No '2 advanced on 'Change to $1 lh cash or August, aad lo atiernoon, to 1 XV, drop piag back U tbe close to (L IK, with indication, ikat tbe sbort. were pretty well covered; seller September $1 i'Nj.l lilJ: No 1 sold on 'Change at L 1 i.l 18 ; No 3 1 1 0-.1 10 ; winter o 1 red $1 SO ; No 1 do $1 27 ; No 2 amber l 22. Corn Aotive and higher, but unsettled ; No 2 .old at 47 to 4-S on 'Change at 474c and oa eaen board in atieraoon at 47o eaeb or Augs.t; et-Her Sept. .old on 'Change op to 4t4c ; clu.ed in afternoon at 44$c ; rejected 45c ; No 2 yellow 4bio. Oats Active, firm and higher ; No 2 closed at SO jo cash, August or September ; r.jccted 27e. Rye Firm and higher; So5 closed 65ia66o ; No 3 &4a65e. Barley Dull ajd nschanged. Reoeipt. Heor ,22 ; wheat 85,100: corn 1SM15 ; oats 7H.3MS; rje 17,600; barley 17,445. bbipmeots Flour 4,lil; wbeet S4,(72; corn 19,t(lS; ot 115,906 ; rye noee: berley 15,6:5.1. Seeds Timothy ective at JSOi.2 74; tlel $1 .1 70. Whiskv Quiet and firm at 68. Provi.ion. Pork firm and higher at $12 SO eafh : $12 75 Sept. Lard Firm at t-$t bid. Butter Choice at l10o. Kggs Qnict and eaaier at 11.1'c. JSKW 1DTEBTISE3EST8. GEO. H. LAW TON, AUTISTIC TAILORIKG. arnw AsvBX.xzss&zBnsB. 3 & 4 WAsmnaxoif kt., onzoAao. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S TJSE. WLDmG 01TFITS A SPECIALTY. Ehtrts to Mes.are Extra Deable and Ptrfeet in Fit. Clergymen will be allowed 6 per cent, diseonot. feblhdly D0028. A(. EOLANDER & HUBES, Suoeessors to J. A. Binmsoir, Hanafaeturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FIANBI, BRACKETS, And everything in their line. Corn Meal and Glaaed Keih on hand, also Feed All work warranted. t'nr Astfimtt. it,? f.,t,i ijn h'tm- fie. "Nothing eiivo-hHtiil " T. Mettai-F. rmioit, Ko1im. Id .iinn.-nrlf.l l'V !r It.W. llitlmt'S. ltntwnp nlm;. S?ilTE"ItC3 Boston. Mass. 8oM ly nil (Irnirciits." COLLEGIATE AND COMMKRCIAL IK stltnte, w Haven, Coan. Preparatory te, Business, Scientific Schools, V. g. Mili tary and H aval Academies. Fall .rt.ioo, thir- tv-tixtb year begins Sept. 13. lor Catalogue., eto., address the Principal. Parties holding grain will find it pay to ship direst to PHILADELPHIA, PA.. the beat of oar Eastern markets. Oar business is axcLrsiv.LT romtissioB. For information, write us; tor reference inquire through a Bank i.LKINS A 8UDDARD8. Cominiiaiun Merchants. U, Chamber of Couimeroe, Philadelphia, Pa. feb24dw6m SAWS. GERMAN! INSURANCE COMP'Y OF CHICAGO, I I.L. Cash Capital, .$200,000.00 tnrplus, $57,820.64 Dbdiucc it Suaw, Agents, New York, Aug. 22. Being interviewed at Long ttraueh, (jrant tajs there is no lack of harmonv among New York Republicans. The Tribune tavs that if the Republicans are beaten in the fall elections, it will be the work of Federal monopolist patrons. Complaints against tbe quarantine offi cials are rue. Merchants intend to land their goods and passengers in New Jersev. Ladv Thorne is again in training. It is now a jear since ber accident. Extra buildings tor cholera patients are to be erected bj quarantine commissioners, at a cost of 2a,(JU0. The naked bodv of a murdered man was found in East river this morning. The steamer Wyoming is blown tip; crew safe. A London dispatch to Jav Cook & Co. savs: Tbe subscription to the new loan to-day kt Pliiniloi nnnn was 55.000.000. - I U II 111 A Information received bv cable in Wall tt save It it probable that $ 10,000,000 taken in all to-day. Saratoga, Aug. 22. The tecond race to Ai I f trPOfS!. SsTPfl morrow win ne tne great tour miie contest apr21-dlr Hock Island. TDGSIAS II. BROWN'S iovehj Carriage Works. Mannfaoturer of Centlemon Road and Family BUGGIES, HlvTeletorv W ivg-onw AD SI7LKIKS. 44 Adams Street,. .CHICAGO. Light Work a Bpeaialty. Repairing neatly and prompny none. mni7 deedweawly J0SUD GATES & S0XS, Manuiaoturers of Excitement at tlie Store cor- 'U be ner Illinois and Bnf- lllilllJAJ imuiiuni AND Commission Merchant, 51 Perry Street, II AVE PO K T IOWA jy2S-.12m OF THE Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, SCOTT CO-, 10 WA. COSBICTED BY TBE SISTERi OF CD1E1TT 6. V. Si. Will 0( 'iimsnoe its 26th Semi-annual Session TdnesiF, August 16th, IS71. Being incorporated ia accordance with the lews of tbe Stete, this Institution ooniers the n?nal coilegiate der-'8 nPtn its graduates. For Circulars address angl-d3m BITTER SCPERIOB. 1860. 1871 THE PIONEERMUSIC STORE. 4 LARGE STOCK ALWATJ 05 HASD OF 2 t N WA. , STBCK, KMKRwW, AMSDICAN, HAINBS. M Aat sill ALL AND WESDEI L i i v. rv o Geo. Weed & fo's.iKstey Organs and all kind, of Musical Instruments Sheet Masie of laUst U.ues, and th. beet im ported String, in the oiiy Jtlll.l n a . . spl Corwer IllinoU aad Washington street. NEW& BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Slue Eyt, Song Meininger, aac-i. Have you . Zom'.e. Co.-u'O Bong, 8K. Darling BtlU of the Bo.rd, 9 School, Portcra J Oirl trith the Cigarette, Comie : oraena, Jnily High Time, Coasie. Parks, f .Voroid tyouture to rwoic, (.omio-""" JeuxiU of the Heart, Beautiful gong, -Mlllr1 Lorn in the iSeadotc, " ZnCt a Let it Pan, for Bas or Alto, " i3 Yet Once Again, Daett for Sop. and Barr. . Gabriel, 50 Quarrelling Keiqhbart, Comie Baett, Aaher, 75 Somebcdy'e Child, with va'iatioas, Mack, 60 Heavenly Greetings, Peasie Boymantiquee Blanekev, 35 Holiday Vacation Marrh, illustrated title Gilsina, Sweet Antieipationi, Sohottische, " " Gilsinn, Dain, FaataUia, Krae Any of the above sent by mail on rcoeipt of the market price. So matter where you see a piece of Mosio or Music Book advertised, sead to us and you will receive H bv enclosing lhe pnbli.her. price. BAIMEE 6L WBBB&, MUSIC UKAISRS, mJ7-dcdl?m. ST. LOCIS. ESTABLISBBB IB 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Snwai 1 Bawal tScaxx-av. SCPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS 1 Aits, filet, Cast Steal, Kill ?arnishUgt, and Maokinsry. wGet the best, they will Priees reduced. Send for prioe Lit I and tiroulars. WKLCII A GKIFFITUti, aolSdwly Boston, Mass., ar Detroit, MLh SBA8. B. POWABS. i. L. FSSSSAS. OF THB AND GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY TBB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Palace Row, ROCsw IKLAJiD, - IXI.S. Wbeiewe .re rff.nng unrivalled Teas, at Ue same low prioe. a. at their "KAStern Don..." By Importing Te.s In cargo lot., they enable OS te retail to the eoaefcme- at extremely low price.. Don't fail to vi-it fch Boon Kong Tea Store, at Palace Row, wfcere w;i! be foued tbe laest, purest and fr.ahest Te.s, Co Fee I and Spi .es, at prices bevond competition. mv5dw3m POW4KS A PRHEMA ST. Ag'is CHE&PFARfilSJRIETRtWEL Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company. 000,000 Acrosi CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Conpeny is now offeriog for sale about six nunareo mousaea acres of the n nest agri cultural lands in tbe est. The Comnanv sells ooiv 10 kiu.1 seiners, ana tne pucrs are exeeed ingly reasonable, rargiag from $5 10 Sit pe acre the average being .boot S. Tbe ercater pert of these lands are situated aleng the line ot its railroad between tbe cities Des Mom.s aad Council Bluffs, and are in the mo.t aceesslble and fertile region in the State. reles made lor cash or oa credit long enough toeaableany industrious man to pay for tbe land out of its crops. These lands are held under a title direst from the General Governmett, and are not morrt gtgtd er enoomberrd in any way. Full warranty deeds given to parchaters. For maps, pamphlets, oreny other information respeot-jg them, addree. El ezeb Cook, Land Commissioner. Dav.nport, It.wa. EXPLORING TICKETS are sold at the Com peer's ticket offices at Chicago, and all other principal stations on Its line, and if the purcha ser bevs land the amosnt paid for the tieket is applied on the purchase money. DR. COLLINS' Curs for the OPIUM HABIT. Itoniac Mercury or Calomel Is the great remedy that physicians appeal to and use almost entirely in all disease, of the Liver. There are thoa.ends at the pre.ent time that are suffering with the raenmalio p ins la tb. joint., seated by the use of Calomel which has creeled a disease of its own worse than that whicn it was intended to cure. There i. so drug that leaves its mark mora prominent ia the system. Yet, perhaps, there are times whea it can be given, and have a beninetal enert, nut h-7old not be dealt out as tt has been, end i. at the present time, by that pretend to know whet they are doing, but in reality do bos. Tba Liver is more liable to disease tb.n ecy other organ in the buooaa system, and whea that faila to do its dot; it leaves tbe weak points of the body expostd, as the bile is not thrown off, but taken up by tbe blood, as it passes through tbis great filter of the sjstem. and becomes impure. Then follows a traia of diseases, whose name is Legioa. There are many that suffer from psin in the side and across the body, dell, heavy, drowsy feelicg, beadacbe, pain in the right side, often severe pain in the bowels, eostivetess, fat ulenee, dianhta, more or less indigestion, loss ol appetite, sallow skin, white of the eves yellow, inking of fl-h, depression of spirits, at other times a great craving for food. Feme of these mptouis are eansed only ty tnrpioity 01 tne Liver. It is impossible to give all the symptoms of a deranged Liver, and they are all eureabta without tee aid of Calomel. to so 35 BADGER STATE fOBACCO WORKS! M 1,35 CLTBt.'Vs ST- y8t eel Huron St., Bridge, ZkXilwauke S - Wis. F. F. A-DAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Orders from elise Ca'h Buyers anliokd. moh5-dly DR. COLLINS' AWTIDOTE. Knabl.s the patient to discoetisce the use of Opium ia any form, at once, without pain or in convenience, and without aov interruption of ordieary ba.ine?.. It rebilds the broken con stitution and restores tbe broken energies. DISCOVKHFD IN IMtiS. The Only Painless Cnra ever Discovered. TIIERIAKI: A Nil THEIH IjAST DOSE. A book of over lOi) p.ges, containing letters of FlTZHCGli LCD LOW, the well known letter of G A. T. exnosing the intrigues of BARPER S MAGAZINE and LUDLOW, ane a full description ot the Antidote, sent free td any address. Address. DR. SAMUEL B. COLLISg, LAPOBTB. IaptABA. between Longfellow aud Ilelmbold. Bett are four to one on the former. Washington, Aug. 23. In his official report Admiral Rogers sajs that COO of our men defeated 6,000 Koreans The following is the conolusion of the re port of Admiral Kogers : "We captured aud destroyed five forts, of these rort Duecaud and fori being probably the principal and strongest in the kingdom. Fifty flags were taken, including those of the generalissimo ; and eighty one pieces of ordnance fell into our bands, be sides very many gingals ; 243 dead Coreant were counter! in the works, lew prisoners were taken, not above twenty, and most of these were wonnded. Consul McGowan. at Shanghai, writes to Oar 5 run each way every minutes, Chicago, Bock Mand & PariGe Rail Road. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE nlCHARDSON'S"""56"8'111- 0 Mlkt LI Eft tailBEIC HlNDKEUmiFN -(. We feel oertelves called on again to CAD TION COBSUM ER3 against the indiscriminate use of Irish fal rios made up te imitate our goods in fold, trade mark and general appearance, and to warn them, that their only saleguard is to see that the authentic seal of our firm. J. B. RICHARDSON, BONS t OWr-EN, is stamped on each article. Determined to confine ourselves, as heretofore, to the use of yarn, spun from the choicest and strongest Fix, by the best machinery obtaina ble; uniform ia weight and elastioilv manu factured and bleached under our owe superinten dence: the eoamraer will be 6BABANTIED BT OTB SEAL the same dnrability and satisfaction in the wear, which the genuine goods bave always afforded. J. K. RICHARD iOH, F0XS dt OWSEH. Belfast, Ireland, o Mo. 16, 18T1. jelIJ3m LSSB TZZAZV ZZAXr 7&Zt9TJ. j w A go WILL BELL BXCDRSION TICKETS ood oa all first-olass trains u.til 6eplemler 2d, 1871, to Hew Terk Oitv aad re torn, via Chi- thn State Denartmenl. waruinir araiuHt the go. Pittsburgh and Philadelpkia. Retarn in.Hnnt;nn into thi. eonntrT of tha Ria- Ucket" Kood n J Fir.t Class Train before . Oct 2d, 1871. aerpeil irom oner.. Pleasure or business nassenters will nlea.a . A r,mm h... ka.n rsp.iv.fl nera fo the! .1.1 ..r . ' . Awvi. " - 1 au&ioe inn le tne nni. I n . vn .... . ua. i,&v effect that subscriptions to tbe new loan in I and Night Coaches the entire roate from Rock Europe larirely eiceed the allotment lor that Island to New ork. over the oldest, best man tj AKD RITAIL yX 't Paints, OUs.Window Glass, Jutty &c" Physician's Presori,",t,D, il.n eA east UU.II. A.rv, r mT,t of Ptrtumeries and lo- le. Aiuwit.- Vrl eurately r . to r V The oeltbrated "J. C. P." f tP and -GOLDEN (jT I cuowji" 7-y orents! Read This! PAT AGENTS A SALARY OF $30 per . Ba expenses, or anow a larte com,s.ioa to " 0 T inventio.s Addref. "AG SIR CO., Vertb.U. Mih. METUOPOUTAN HOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, Will xa-apea under the lew managtment For .'he Receptian of Guests Tbe spacious building has been thoroughly renovated, and newlv farnished throughout. The Proprietors have made every exertion to adapt it to the ecaort and convenience of its patrons, and have spai ed neither pains nor ex pense to seca'e that end. TWEED A GARFIELD, "Jys-dwlm Proprieto-s Ai'EXTI, TIKE SOTIfK ! The reaiujn aor ee.nts m y? .0 nh money is because our gouds are first ciata; people like them. aad thev are warranted. Mo.-el've Ageats wanted A. 8. TAY LOB. ?-ew B itain. Conn. ISO W0KK9. 1LE & FOETLi.'. Cream Stock Ale8, Eooa smszxfo. 17XLTaZAX ZkXTJTLX,Ba. Book Kinder and Paper Hanger. Shop on Orlaant St., opposite Court Honse. ROCK ISLAN D, ILL. Ail kinds ct Paper Boies mads to order. eoglVd -tf Niagara Steam Pump Works. country, and it it probable tnat heavy araitt gu ua most laxunousiy equipped roads on will be made, through tha bank., npon the continent. n-T. . , fifty million, placed on the market of thi. E(H.k B. OHEEILK, Agentf countrv. and ooleti tba national banks of ! g m,i. xiau rs-M fe- is A FIRE EGLE B0SE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace leather, and Vaotory supplies generally. LOW EL V MAMS. All kindt of FIRE ENOIKE H0SI, mads from the best quality of Philadelphia and Balti more Oak Leather, aad put together with Tinned Rivets, a new iaprevement which prevent. them Irom corroding ana rotting tne leather, jel-tdwdly . . " - . r .1.-:. thit country secure an necessary ior wion ir. f own convenience to-morrow, tbe loan will be 1(100 J I0T ezoaustea. The Secretary of the Navy has determin ed to build one ot the torpedo boats at rnu adelnhia, Tbe Secretary of the Treasury Las given instruction, to the effect that hereafter do compromise shall be made with smugglers, and his intention ia to rigidly prosecute parties arretted on that charge. Thr is an entire lack of foundation for the many rumors afloat relative to the de parture of the Russian minuter, Air. Cat- eoazy. 80 far from being recalled, only a few dayt ago bit Excellency received. through fnnoeUortchakoff, from the Em peror, asturanoe of bis Majesty's full appro bation ot tee manner in whioh ba. dis chared tba duties of bit ministry bera, and Brandy. the Kitchen. NusssKMSiaasak!aaMiaasaBaaeaMaMMsa S 9E. a. nz. zxiztozi70. DENTIST A DENTAL 0PKRATI0S8 PERFORM- XX ED according to the n.ost approved princi ple.. OSes in Barper'a Block, eor of Illinois and Buffalo streets. Charles B. Hardick, Ko. 9 Adams street, BmOOJUVTK. NEW TOBB Sole Hanufaeturer of Hardick'. Patent Douhlt-Acting Steam Pump and Tire Engine. Mining Pumps a Specialty . Patented in lagland, Belgium and Prance, Scad for eirealar. augSldly Thii Cognac pour la Coisiarj Is a pare brandy of high proof and delicate fla ver.indiepeasible to culinary perposes; e, 0d at a beverage is unsurpassed by any other F ranch JAMES KELLY, it will not be long before he receives tbe most gratifying evidenoe of bit aovereign'l appreciation Chicago. Aug. 22. Mr.. Hammond, who thot herself on Sonday, died early tbi. mora in p. The Dexter Park races which eommenee tn-morrow. promise to furnish fine .port. and ba larrelv attended. Some of tbe beat horses ia tbe country are entered, including gel. agents for the United States.' Uoldtmita Jxisia. JjUOT, Xiaiasw, vmug, 1 BtayA-aocawom wpe- No family should be without, it, as kits oa. .mi'j satpwu lur vase, vi eicane.k Manufactured by : ChaloBS sr 6ae at. Far salt by all Druggists and Qrooera. Ad dress order, to CHAi.F-.FOERgTBR 4 CO., ' Depot HO, 622 Ud t2 Hnbhard street. CHICAGO. Isllli Etaale aad Fancy OrsaerieS, Provisions O teens ware. Glassware, Woodea aad Wtllow Ware, c. Corner Orleans and Ohle streets. BOCK I8LAHD,-- - - . .1 i ILL 1 For quafli f goal. aat arteas, 1 defy n a.tltloB. maniatiy S23ZSTXBT8. augl8-dtf J. W. STARK, DENTIST, UOOMB KBXT DOOR TO TELEGRAPH At Offioe, Illinois strett, Rock Island. All kieds ef Deatal work do a a lathe mottspprov ed manner. Charges reasonable. aplO dwly TRAVELING SALESMEN AT 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. This la tha reason. WHY We can sell tha BEST QUALITIES OF ' PHILADELPHIA Ornamental Iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO. 130 HIDGE ATB., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturer, of Fountains, Vases, Slatuarj, Veraades, Bummer H . Arbora, Chairs, Set tees, Ae., c- Cast and Wrought Iron Bailings, For pnblie buildings and Bqaarea, Ootnetr) lots, Garden Venoee. Balocnies, Roof Castings, ete., In great variety of patterns. IRON STAIRS Spiral and Straight, of various patterns and styles. Special attention givea to this siast el work. LAMP POSTS, r Public Buildings, Hi ia and elaborate desij STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Cast aad Wrought Iron of Aew I si proved styles such as Bav Hacks, Stall Divisions. Maa- gers, Harness Brackets, Gott.rt, Traps, Ventil ators, Ac. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire Hoards, of Oslmped Wire, Oalreniied or painted. In plain aad orna mental patterns, for More Doors, and Windows, Factory and Warehouse Winlows, Railings for OIBoee, Bents, loonter Kaiiiegs, Balconies, Laws aad farm reaces, Ac For Fronts of Public Buildings, Hotels aid elty streets, of plain and elaborate designs. GATES, 1 For entrance to Cemetriet, 1'uMio Sqeares and O.ntlemen'. Ooaotry Beats, of ties Tubing or Wroeght Iron, both fcingie or Doable, in elabor ate aad simple designs. B.tlmat.s and D.aigns sent on application, staling is. eiass 01 wera aesigaed. Purchasers may rely on having all artielet earerully boxed and 1 hipped to the plane ef des tinntion. mch7-d6m DeHAVEN'8 WILD I'HIJlIll BITTEhS Tbe Best Tonic in lhe TorId goh a sraoKCw Proprietor, of tha MERCHANT'S LINCII, Are sole Agent, for Pea. lee s Celebrated Cream aad Stock Ales. For .ale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oet29 dif Saloon k Billiard Rooms, He, S Harper Houts Slock, SOCK ISLAND lis. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, lid Imparled Wine & Brandies: Agent for Sands, Lills. and Joliet Ales. aim. .. oouicn ana angtisB ales and London Por ter tor sale. TJtiea Lite r-'.nd for sale by the karrel. Ag at lor A. Z.lLr's aud Pigeoa Hole ..II. U r &au.e veuainciery. apr4-dtf H, K. WB8T, Proprietor. Consestion of the Liver, The symptoms .f bich ere, pain in tbe right . . 1, .1 sije runuiiig t.. ite n riacr, a lots .1 unu, appetite su incif y, a seote of 1 (pressiin. I.w urs ol sp-.rr.s.. squ emisbntss ot the stin ntb. ajcliowi.bc etd tungoe, reeiiest nera. irigi.i ful d-etn. 'l orwhieh vield to the ol TAYLOK'h STOMACU AKD LIVER CCK RECTOP.,'' f ebinb enough should et.krn to cause a speejy and free evacnalion of the bowels Indigestion or Dyspepsia, I. a wesiness or want ot power of the dtgeative juices in the siutueth to convert our Ken and drink low beaiiny matter ior wie ot tbe whole It is caesta ey every thing thai leuU. to weaken tbe bodj.and bjoib pnrt.cuiarly tbe itou ntb r-.anj , 11 Sit. one b It et tbe, to which we are liable, proced Iro'a it. lndifet.tion I roducts anient vanety 01 unpieeteui. nenif. OBG.t promiaeai ot it. sniecranie eLtcte e, a ..ot cf. or an iaordmate aipvtite, scn.etimts attended with a con. tent craving tor driak, sour stomach, grinding pain, in tbe ncw.ib, cii- iua of .nirita. iiuvb ot miad, tietjuicess, ni- iog of fle.h, loss of energy and strength, very imtnble, heart turn, Bi.piea.BBt mouth and lumbhag in the boweis. In na oare. of depraved iLdige.tu.r-, tttre is a riin pletedisie.isb for looe, at other times a perron so afflicted can eat ht artily with cut n.uch grati bcatiun. A long trin ot aervens sj uptime are j . .1 . 1 , ir, d 1 , , ! also Ir.quem atttnunuiB, IC languidnest and incapacity for eiertlon. Ike rnindt of persont to afflicted frequently tccn.e irritable and despondicg, and gieat anxiety it observable in tbe eoantentBce; they appear thoBghtlul, melanohoiy, and dejected, under great apprehension of some imaginary danger, til start at env uneipecled noise or otcarr.Bce, tod much agitated, let for all this tne mind aahileraaa' withont much dittculty, plsating . society will for a tune dissipate all .fdihise. Other evmptoms are, vi- -Hon, seetletintss with a sense oi appearat -..ion npon the cheat, nigbt- olent palpau ,t UI!0iBi. to name aV weight and odprc .r upon tha eontiUa- mare, ete. It is almo. r indiref tio. the symptom, of this invau ne.aiiar to tion, a. in almost every ea.e acta, there will ProbablV he .Amelhine t. each, but be what they may, they are ... stoned by tbe food becoming a burden, rai than a support to the stomach, and in all its sta ges, tbe medicine most wanted is that which will afford speedy assistance to tha digestive or geat aad give anergy and s'reneth tt the ner vous and muscular system, and a new life to the whole body , and nothing esa be. end there ie nothing, that will give so quick relief, as 1 ty lir't Stomach and Liver Corrector, tha Grtat Remedy for Blood, Liver and r-kla Diseases, and from one to four bottles will effect a cure. COLD WATER SOAP. WINES AND LIQUORS ; THAN ANY OTHIR HOUSE. ; h WEITZEL & BR0., '.7,." .IMPOTBKw, VV : -14 A lt Watt Kandotpk Stoaat,..-0HICAwO saaySOdtm a.;J- FOB Djspepsia, indigestion. Loss of Appetite, GEXE2AL DELILITT, CBILL8, Ete. THE WILD CHERBY BITTfBS ZXAS TSO HQTTALX.. It is acknowledge by every one who has taken It, to be the " , , Best Bernqdy For tha diseases aaaied ever offered. . -- Depot, 44 LaSalla sUeat, CBlCiCO,Mm.... ... IU. naHAVEH A WALES, Bolt Maaufaetarers. lot sab by DruggisU. JeJJ-4wota Washes ia Cold or Warm, Hard or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING AXD Whlioni injury to Clothes, gan'o? Libor, Time and Fuel! This Eoap has bee a used bv hut T..i;i. the eity, and they all nronoun'se It any other thay aver used. It tares time. labo. and preserve, tke clothes. Manufaotur.d by tho - tOLD WATER 80AP C0MPASF, . , - S Berth Dot plaints Street, CHICAGO, .II.l. Fortalo in Book Island by WING & BUBST, BA&DS 0L STAND. aptl-dw Sick ReadacliC Those that are subject to it only kaow what a distressing complaint it Is. sad is a very un welcome visitor. At first It ceases a dimness of vision, followed bv terrible pain, sickness st the stomach, and vomiting and then for a dsy or two, a per.on feels as thonrh ther bad n tt ofsicknena. One dos will enre when first at tacked, end era to ti res hettles will efieel a per manent core. Jaandice. M brn ynu sit a pi-r n a. yellow at a ssffron bag, ia coiuaion ..jinj.) yoa ry aatnrally emu. i" B' conclof ior that tt is Jancdice, cored by a diTnj;sniBtbf the Liver, l y tt tile being obstructed aud flowing with tbe blood throoi'cut the syrtem, irstead ot basting off ia Its natural coorse into the boweis. One to three bottle, will core tho worst ease. Ccstivcness. This iscans.d by a tluggUh. torpid state of tho Liver, aad derangement of tba whole tT.tem. It is surpritinc that there are no nu. i.kuj with this distressing disease and aire it ea little atiention. The dieeaees that fl!ow habitual cosuvenesa ere thick 8i.k r..j..l. Bush of Bleed to the Head, Dyspeysia, Piles' ---a tun umiM and f emale and Kidney Complaints, are always aggravated tr It, Many resort to Bills, aad never here a free eveeuatioa of tho bowels without their aid. To theto, I say, stop and eoaslder, as every pill 7"B late cob tains merearv, which will ia tlmo cause yoa to regret tke oourse yoo have taken oy using Taylor's "tomacb and Liver Corrector, yea will not Bee f to take pills, two to fonr Bottles will tur yoa. Ver Bala by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. TUE BEST ME. ULE ETEX MADb ! FOR MAI. ' N. S. TAYLOR, BOLE PBOPBISTOi,' :I r, '7 ...l...CHIOAGf 114 Wabash Avenn,..V., mek2Sdeed-weowl