....... ,. ... . ,., 1 1, i i) ,n,r , -n ,. -liM-ymr iwrwiiiirigriiiiriii mt iitaiuai.u 1 " " ..--.-..--., ". Mrimu irsu i isiniiiwniissji nMwi.iitimw9WH'iiiwfi!i 1 1 J.WjiwiiijjJiiww'ii eJij,.Jjijftiiin-im:iirviii.jMui.,,i.w.i.jpw hi.jihiuj.wh-J jhhiiii'i.iuuiiih i mm mjj iiT'T iwrPJUMrjr magmi' tr mmriMiwi '-iiw" rinr,TltlH. '" "1IT' '.igwww1 m rii tw&mmmi- rurr wpnw,.. - - wwm I ' - Pattifrpiv Friday, Afus. 85. 1W. Miiel. Dtaocritic lute CoiTintleo t-BisariKLn, August 1, 1871. A state eosveotion of the democracy of Illi nois will be held la the oity of Bprtag-Uiia, ' WdnesdJ. Oct. 4th, 1871, At li 'oik a., to.wtiob the democratic voters of eaoaexMaty are roqwUl to Mad del rata., fut th nurpoM of nominating a eudl- 41 for representative in congress from tho ' ataia-at-larire. Tho basis of representation (a th oonvestien trill be the nambar of s-oteseaet tut Horatio tier- ntoar for president in lttfiti, on delegate being entitled to a seat for aeon 104 Totes oast, ad ana ror eeeb traction of ISO votes aod ver. Tba following table indicates tha n amber of delegates to whioh each county it aatltled on the oasis Oxe.1 : s ls - C0CITI1I. e r Adams Alexander... Hond It'iona Hrrwn Bureau- Calboon Carroll .... C"9.... CaaiaaifO .. ( t illiia. ClB.k. ... Clay Clinton .... Coles Cook Crawlord Cam barland.. laKalb DeWitt Douglas liar-age K.lgitr Kdwerds ...... Edugharu ... Favetie... ...... Ford Franklin ...... Faltoa . valletin. 0 renim liruudy Ilaaiilton Huacook ...... Har.lin Handeraoo... Henry lroiaois aokaoa Jasper. JetTerseon.. . . jersey .... Jo Devices... . Johnson.. Kaaa.. Kankakee ..... Kendall........ Knnx.. Lake ... LeSetl. Lawrence 47 1 18 Lee. joys 3 Livingston... 773 2 Logaa i Jills' Macon j 10 6 Macoapia 2.114 H Madieoa ... 70J 2 Marion AMI 2 Marshall 1 6 Maaon I Jli T Hft-aaa i-o 7 atoDonougb.. 1906 e JicBenry ..J IlliM 4 Mo I.e. a ; 167U 5 Menard 22t" 7 M.r.-er ltfilM K4 Monro 1477 b Moatomerj. 1H44 4 Morgan lV S Mvaltrie j 1.140; 4 0j!. 11X3 4 Peoria 1 imt 4 Porry I.Cli S Piatt , 421, 1 Pik , 108U 0 Pepe ; 2029, 7 Pulanki : 1 Pitnam 127S, 4 Randolph 41I.S 14 Kichland 102j, 3 Ro,k l.laid.. i:.6W 8 Valine j Vi6 3 Sangamon ... 4 ivhuj lar.. ?63 1 2 Saatt 4..U 2 Phalby I Srk .i 142 I 2132 6 lVat 6 223 7 343113 S53 12 i40 8 1532 1T1 W J7Il 1380 1293 33-18 154 27'ft 2773 114(1 1 607 42i2 14 VJ S 77.) S 331" 11 63 2 P4 2 487 J 13j5 1S 6 1U5 4 4"75 1(1 l.j (i U27 4 2977 if 0t 176 IS S3! lt;'.n, 8t. Clair ; 4 'tapheal )n...: 4 Taawtll....j S2u M 23u 2735 17A 20.4 Nil 1918 1283 lis I 17VJ 1444 4 V alnn . Vnrmillton ...i 7 Wabaah ... I l&lrJi 6 Warren- i2 2 W..hmgton.. 1A3. Waraa. 8S7; 3 White .. . t3V 2 Wblteeide 34KO b Will 1IIV0 4 WilllHataoa H4M 18 Wian.bi... 117 4 Woodford 31H4 ! 3SS 9S1 2U6 Total namrwr of delegatea, 6i7 By order of tha demneratie atafe central com Bittee. ALBERT O. BCRR, Chairinaa. GcotGl 8. KtaBtRLT, Secretary. l7boBtels7 The Qaincy Heral'l is of the opinion thai it is cool for the Radicals to howl about Tatnmsny frauds, in the face of the Jiaclj tirea of corruption end dihbuoejiy at Waal' Lgloa, and in the carpet bjf jroverntr.er.tr of the South to maifLity the mole bill o New York frauda. J b Ra.licala are tht monster swinJ'ers, iid they are convicteu by their o'n evidnoce. In a debate in the House of KepreseLtallves, ilr. Scheuck, chairman of the wars and means committee, in urging' the passage of a certain bill ei ciaimed : "in the meantime nothing is to be done except staaiie? 'I steal; Jou steal; the eteai: we aU steal.' Juch seems to lie the coo ujauoa of the verb with which we art engaged at this time." Durlcg the same debate Mr. Schenck was fj'.iowed bj another Radical member who said : ' I think, instead of one-fifth being ia tbe heuas of the thieves, that precisely th re verse is the truth that one-hfth per haps, are honest men, aud four fiflhe are thievei." The way the stealing ia dun by the Kaiical officeholders ia described by Dono Piatt, aa eminent and riaitig moiiiber of tbt party, in communication to the Cincinnati Commercial, a ibaaing vt eeiorn r.acichi sheet: - ' ''Ele steals with a grace; be defrauds with a blessing. Rieing in hia place he bits : 'In the name of God, let us rob some body. " According to the report of Congress bi th Secretary of th Treasury, FeDruerr l.'i, 1871, (see Kx. Doc. So. 140, Forty-6ri Congress, third session,) over twenty mii. ocs of dollars have beto iched by i'.ad.ca. olbcials in m single branch ot the Treasury department. Perhaps ibis information will enable the Radical press to solve the problem, ''Who stoie tbe people's money ?'' It may likewiae undeceive it as to the profitableness of bawl- iLg "Stop thief !" Zha Zeonie&se of Fashion. The American woman, iu fact, like Mara Tapir j , Ht-euis wouderluiiy adapted to Cum ing out jolly under trying circumstance., wtiiie at urdiuary times l.c ib weaa, iuiil tive and easily mtiut.uced into doing thing, tola, ly opposed tuber judguieutaud loai inuia. 1 be simplicity wtiti which aiender, dehoale, bpiruuel.e women add to their na tural forma faJae humps aud protuberance. which deemve do one, which it they were na tural would only be recognized as d-formitiea, would be laughable if it had uot a Sertuu. Hide to make it sad. With half tbe force aud half the muscle, with less than he f the ll-.u, they moist upuu having the lull buaia, the broad hipa, the bulk of calf (if tbe bug lihh, German, atd French woman, forget ting that ttey are quite out of haruium with their uwn pbya'eal cunatrucliun aitd the laws of its development and thus thev go carrying upoo their poor little bodies burdens which deprive them of physical power and capacity, which deform Instead of beautifying, and which render their lean ness and poverty of phyaique more conspi cuous when theae extraneoua conditions are removed. What is the use of women try ing to disguise themselvea by bustles and busts, and hips aod ca'vuH, mat are hung op in every shop window that are as patent to every man aod boy who walk the Htreta as to women themselves tbat teach every body a leaaon ot distrust of bis own mother before he baa learned to have confidence in her? American women bares) beauty of tbeir own whioh mighteaeily be cultivated, nator- any ana irumiuiiy, to euperiority to such shallow tricks and devio!. Tfae depth and breadth of bust aud general formation which characterizes most European woman aoes not oeiuog o inair more tender and delioate style eorl conformation. Of convex there is no necessity that this should degen rate into lankinesa, ilal-chestedness and tbi absence of all womeplv growth and attrac tion, bot when this is tbe case some other means must be taken to remedy the evil whalebnoe, bair cloth and cotton batting won't do it. It is pitiable to sen the tooliah wave in which women, in accordance with what tbey ar told is the fashion, will at the same time expise aod endeavor to dinguiae tbe poverty of their persons. The thin logs that the very short dresres of former years presented to view were as painful to see a the thin necks of to day, only the latter not only tell tbeir own story, bot that of the absent protuberances beneath. Jennie June. . Desperate Err. bt. They say that cle anliness is next to godliness ; how is it, then, that soap aod water ar always foond in ne neighbourhood of bast tint (basins). CH10IIC AILMENTS; rartioalarly Barofala, bar taeir oriitn ia sn illurcd or Dogleetad diieaaa. Do wa aot ae er- ory day periona tailoring under tha weight of tnoaa ui-treaiea aiteaeet aanariagoot by pieee meal the remain! of a former malady ? Why i it ? It la becaaaa tha treatment wa not iaita ble or left off toe eoon. Thuathe patient ia patched op while the drega are allowed o re orei that are eating life are allowed to no on. and There tio all bad oaaea we will larnia- 7 w oi eharce .mil a aore ia effeeted, thna proving be yond a doakt that all " b cured. Pimple, and bltchea remared, tberebr aaviag manr pleaaaat remerke. Ladiea whe doaire a brilliant oomplex'oa abooia n me Btntu i Keot ana lierb juioee. xnuw j per ootiie. TOB. OElfERATIOrTS Diaeasea ariainir froaa indiscretion have been treated with Bilm Copaiba atd Mercury, un til the sumachs of patUats asing tbeni became so naaaaated and weakened I bat it waa bard to deoide wbioh waa the worst oovplaint, the dia- orderad stomach or tha original disease At length the Samaritan's Gin made its advent, and an entirely new eyatem of cure waa inaugurated, and the benaheial result at oaee eeen. The dia- untie! dregs and poisons were discarded, and to day the trift is cresoribad by aembers of the leading Pbysiciana; yet, notwithstanding, the Samaritan a etttt ia knoa to be a ponitive core, pnrelv vege ahle, and pleasaat to use, as only ten pills bare to be taken, many old anti deluvi- ans will stick to their sioaenlng rugs and" gorge their patients for weeks parhapa months. .ajr-Hea a long job and a big bill any hiug to do with it? Malt; peekak.es $2; Female f.i. ent bv mail. We cannot avoid caUinir the attention of delioate femalea to the Satneritan'a (lift as a positive cure for Whites; By following directions yo will soon get rid of that trouble some disease, and become robust and hearty. Sold by Drcgjiati generally. DESMIVO 4-CO. TroVrs. 81i Race street, Philadelphia, Pa. viai. BiR-aae, eoraer fllinois aad Mark a street, Agent for Roek laland. rneliHriwlr . STORMED AND TAKEN. The laat atronghold of the Hair Poiaenera sur renders. CRISTAbORO'8 flag, bearing on Its folds the magic words CrUtaloro's Excelsior Hair Dye floats triumnbant over all the deleterious trash ertth which the market was not long agofljodvd Lead enough to make lulleta lor aa army I ea on ike ahelvea of dealers who bate speculated in some of the metallic hair coloring preparations Well, they should bare coaiined ihair purchase to CRIbTAD0R0'Sue and perfect preparation So muak for " running after strange gods." In the meantime, this t'auioos dye has received a tremendous impetus in the market, aad caa aoargely be meuuiei'tured ffest enough to mot theeaormoas demand. CflRIoTAl0R0'8 HAIR PSK3KRVA11 VI s the bast dress Ir.g that can be used- alter dye 'f- , EVEKT H ADY IN TH IAS D SB0CLD KNOW What weThite Olyccrine ia Wnat it Dock Wait Glyoerin may be described as a beaa uful, periey white, aeiui Iran, paical and a as no Uuid ; has iu..ra eoaitnoe o. "body" than the umiuon glycerine (eh. oh ia a thin, syrnpy fluid aoouttie cuio. ..1 wntcr.; it lias none ol the itritute or characteristics of nitro glycerine : as a s..hi, eg ecutde od'-a ; def.Mils DO aedi uiciit. lis most siugular cbrcierietle is its re uHtkablo afiinity turthe sain; bat it does not is lie- beau stated, "leave a trnsparant cc.atteg hick solidifies at a per!y white ename thai o nnt be removed " It penetrates tbe akin, md it 1 here that its extraordinary decolorizing lid Keeebir g powers preduoe rebu ts at oo.-e toouhii-g and gratifying. Ii so clarities the 'kin that it may be saifi to leave it without ep.t r bli uii.li, aa perfe t in its purity and beauty ,9 th.t r.f the fairest child. It possesses .'tber aluable properties especially in combinations to whioh, however, n la unnecessary hee te allude. It ta at present off. red only in a refined state for domestic er toilrt use. That it ia an artirle which can nrt injure the kin is proven by the most searching chemical analysis, anc by the long continue. I uat of daily use by hundreds. It baa been take internally with BO injurious effects, and ia believed to be entirely powerless cf barm. It has invariably received the commendations of all who have nsed ,t. Tor 9-.le by all Drugui t. HIE CHEAT FetKNCIl BtMCOl DILAMARKE E 6PSCLFI0 PILL8, Prepar d by G abancieub A Dcpoar, No. 114 jkus Lomnard, fans, ana biglily reooaimen ded by tbe entire Medio! Faculty of France, Ire the ve y best remedy in all casea of Sperma lorrhuea, or Keminel Weakntsa: Nigh ly oi Daily or Premature Emissions . Sexual Weak ness or 1 oU'rjcy ; w eaknees arising from ?e uet Hat.it.-. and exual Excesses; Reiaxatios of 'be tiemtat Organs; Wck piue; "l.ime' "111 Ick f!ut" deposits in the I rine; li ilk y Dis iharges ," etc., ar d all tbe ghaetly train of 8y mp- touis arising from Overuse er Excesses. They Cure when all other remedies fail. Full directions in each box. Price SI per box, or 6 boxes for t5. fold by the prinoipa! Druggists, or will be eut by mail, securely sealed from a'l observation oy enclosing pr.ee to tne ulo tseneral Agent for America. JOB MOjLS, 18 CortUndt atieet. New Vork. Pamphlets of advice sent free to say ad. dress. IIHYAN'Si PULMONIC nArEtN. are unfailing in tbe Care of Coughs, Colds. Asthma, brooch. lis, fore Throat, lioarsenesa, D B.oult IlreaUii-g, Incipient Consumption and Diseases of the Lungs. They have no taste of medicine, and any child will take them. Thoa sands hitve been r atorad to health that bad efo re de-paired- Testimony given in hundreds ..'cases. A 8 NG1.E 10.-E RELIEVES IN n:N MINUTES. Ask for BBYAN'0 PIL M0NIC WriRS. je2dwly MAI tlilcLOh' HA1K UYE. This enperb Hair Dye is tb heit in the vnrld perfectly harmleea, reliable and instantaneuua: o disappointment ; no ridiculous tints or Jls agreeable odor. The genuine Wm. A. Bat. he lor e Hair Dve produces Ikhshi.tsji a splen did Black or Natural Brown, leaves the hair rUnn. mnfi, .mIi' ; does not eontain a parti ele of lead or any injurious compound. Bold by II Drn-giets. Factory, 1 it. nd atreet, n.X. HE UTE BISHOP SOULt. T IS A -WELL . :T A 1) I. Is H r D FACT that any article which has been thoroughly tested, and which invariably gives satisfaction, must be a good article. Ui.lsCl' Ml LE'S LIMMi ST Invented by the late BISHOP EOl'LE, has proved by its own merits, tbat ii has no equal in the world for the onre of Sciatica, Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu mahgm. Sturalgia, Kidney and tytinal Complaint, iWe Throat, Lame bark, t-prain Ac. This Liniment u ill instantly ttop all pains caused by Bums, eave your Dootor's bill; buy it; try It; use nothing els, and you won! not be without it in your hoaae for ten .imes its coat. RIrBOP Mil' LK'fj LINIMENT will cure all of the above oomplalnts, and is the only sure cure lor that dreed 1. 1 1 disease Fciatica. For sale by Drug gists. Price 7S ots. aad $1.75 per oottle. F. W. RYDER A 80S. Proprietors jefidwly B08T0N,MAB8. rrt. US igelo w. Confidential Pbjsirian, 17Boutk Clark Street. CHICAGO, ILL., Pri vate aad Chronic Diseases in both sexes success fully treated. Dr Bigelew has cured more eel aai ana venereal di.ea.ea in th last 20 years Shan any other phy.ici,n in the western eoantry He cares Nervous Debility, IToluntary Bern inal Emissions, and restores the enfeebled organs to perfect heal'h and vigor. He cares Syphilis u us lorma, wnetnev acute or cbrenlo, with out in use of minerals or vegetable poison oenu lor bis "Uaide to Health," published monthly free of charge, if yo think the writings ot tae greatest Specialist of th prerent day worth reading. Ladles send for desoriptiv cir cular of Pbrsasio Emmi, universally used by married ladies. Add-ess 0. B10EL0W, M. D.. mshtdwl F. 0. Bos ltd Chicago, HI, main to Dreak out geia een ia iai a , -tioaa. Many iaffer the foal taint of "rof ' remain in th. .ta. for altfe time. Lleeraana - . r,ntin n f away U.e ver, - " . i i.ua ai l u n una tetterialio aialifare "'"".. w, U ao neeaaa.tr for tb' -" w. n, a. a few bottles of n --"T-T j'av -ill .radical the loul taint. In ' .S0ZJalZ?OXlCX58; Why Vr. BchenoaV'! ZnZedictnei art o Popular. , Why is Schenak's Palmosia Syrnp is seeh general demand ? The answer is a very simple one: II is in demand because its healing pro perties are greater than those passesssd by any other medicine la use for the cure of Consump tion. It purifies the blood one ef the first steps towards a ourt. Without par blood disease can never be eradicated from the system. As well expect water to run np hill ef its own volition as to care consumption without a complete purifi cation of the blood. This is th peculiar pro perty of Dr. Sehenck's Pulmonlo Syrup. But it does more than this. It not only purines the blood, but it allays Irritation of the bronchia tubes. It collects and ripens the impure mat ters collected there, aad enables tbe . patient to threw tbem off by painless eipeetatieni. This great sy rap has anohter virtae. ft possesses nutritious qaalitlea which give sustenance, aad, consequently, strength -to tbe invalid. Kcw combine thee three qualities, and you have an answer to the inquiry. WHY 18 THE PULMONIC BYRTJP IN BTJCH DEMAND ? Thousands have testified it with complete sat isfaction; thousands have need it and been eared ; thousands a.e using it and being cared. But. Dr. Schenck has other remedies. There are other agencies to be employed in the care of eovjsumplion, and be has provided them. If it be asked why Sehenck's M.ndrake Pills are so popular, th quesiioa is answered as readily as in tha ease of the Pulmonic Syrap. BCBENCK'8 MANDRAKE PILLS have aldaost universal application to human di easee, and, though they have been mainly re commended in pulmonary cases, their virtues in other maladies have keea so completely and sat iafactorily demonatrated that the people will have them. Kw, wh are they so essential to the cure of consumption ? Because the ingredi ents of which they are compoaed act directly upon the liver, causing that important organ to thn. a. off its torpidity, and make healthful s oretions. The Mandrake Tills ( ; contain no Calomel to spread its poison tlirough the patiant'a sys tem. 1 heir operation is simple anJ eBeoteaJ health? bila is secared. As a eon- j - v sequence, impaired digestion is restored, food is properly assimilated, good, healthy blood is tbe result, and. of coarse, strength is renewed, and the great pruoees of healicg thoroughly ifau- ,.l U h..l. nairea of new.naaera eouiu tilled with tec. iaoeniels from thece whe have u.d the Alaadrak Pi and beea beaertd by them. A thousand boxee are aold te-day where ton were sold touryeare ago, and ike "cry iast.ll ihey oome." Tbe failiiea for maoufacturing iIwm bave become lee limited, and, aa a conse quence, Dr Scbenok has been compelled io erect a greatly enlarged and very magnificent build irurai ing, to enable tim to put up the requisite ma chinery to supply the constantly increasing de railed for his great medicine. KIT GOOD HEALTHY" BLOOD is not the only requisite. Tk patient needs strength. Tbe entire system must be kept in order. The weakened, emancipates patientiaust bave flesh pat upon and strength into his limbs. To accomplish these great etjeeta is the specie provlnoe of 8CHENTK S SEAWEED TONIC. Theaoieityof tbe stomach, so distressing to patients, and o detrimental to health, it effectu al y removed. The alkaline constituents ol the rjeaweed Tome accomplish this. In addition K this it imparts tone and vigor to tbe system, and enablea the patien t to take the accessary indoor exeroi.e wutiout exhaustion. This is vitality im portant, thongh too frequently overlookeu by medical men. They adweo exerciie without having the patient prepared for it. They tell mm to go out into tbe cool, rasping air when he .huu'd be exercising moderately viber the tem petsturo is auited to his diseased condition, and thia toe without giving him thoee remedies wkuch re eaucuiated to impart strength while they assist in healing cp the ulcerated lungs and bronchial tubes. la this brie! recital, the publio bave aa an swer to the qae.tion " M are Vr. Sktnvk'e Mcdmst o puputarV U he problem ie solved so clea. ly that none but thost who are wiil uiiy Blind can fast to unde'stand it. The wondcrlul cures that have been efiected by Dr. Seacock's remedies, are tbe living, breaiing and moving advertisements upon vihich Dr. rcbeuck relics, f hey lutnisb the evidence tbat stands une& troverted and uroenirovertible. To tbem tne pabhe ia referred, with the moat implicit ooab deuee, and to tbem Dr. Heheuok now rineaph ant:y appvAla aa irrefolaeie proot of tte cor recuie.a of his oti repealed assertion tbat CONSUMPTION CAS BE CCRED. Doctor Sehenck's personol statement to the Faculty of buses cure was la these words: "Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption, ooufiaed to my bed, and at one lime my payslotan thought 1 could not live a week ; thew, like a druwamg man catching at a straw, I beard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to ilia public, and they made a nertect cure of me It seemed to me that 1 could feel them penetrate L.y whole system. Thy soon ripened the matter in my ungs, and 1 would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. 'A. coon as that bean to subside my cough, lever, pain and night aweais all tean to ieaTe jji, ai,a my appeiue Became eo great thai ii eras with d.mcuity ili ei i oouid keep Irom eating too muck. I eoon gained my strength, and bare grown to tiesb ever lines. "I was weighed shor,y after my recovery," .dded the awoiur, then looking tike a mere Skeleton, my ceitht was bat aiaety-aevea lbs mv rreseni weight is two hundred and twentv five 22b pounua, and for yeara 1 have enjoyed uninterrupted beaith." Dr. 6chenck has discontinued his professional vi.its to Sew York nd Boston, but ai hie office Wo. 15 North Six-.b stieet, betwe tbe houi. of 9 A. M. and 3 P. hi., lie or bis son, Dr. J. H. gehenik, Jr., sees patients every fiaturcay. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Keepirometer will be charg.d tb. IheKes piremoter declaiea tbe exact condition of ti e mngs. and patients can readily learn wbe.Ler they are eureable or not. 1 he directions tor taking tbe medisines are ad apted to ihe inie.iigeuue even vf a child, l oi low tbete atrectioiie, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting mat in come eases the Man drake pills are to be taken in increased docec the three medicines need no other accompani ments than the ample instructions tbat a.c. ru pany them. First create -ppetite Of returning health ba ger is tne vdii w.ieome svmptom W hen it comec, as it w.ll oome lt. . he de pairing at once be of good cheer. Goo-i bio d at one follows, the couth loosens, the night sweat is ebe'ed. In a short time both these morbid ymptoms aro gone forever. Dr. Bchenek's medicines ere constantly sept .n tena of thousanda of tamllies. As a laxative or purgative the Mandrake Fills are a standard preparation; wnile the ruimonio Byrup as a nurer of coughs and colds may be regarded as prophylaeterto against consumption in any of its forms. Prloe of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic $1.10 a bottle, er (.50 a half doten. Man drake Pills 26 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. ni. l.lfidwly Ladiei. lake Parlkdz.! Kvtice. Tbe Eeal Yelpaa Female Pills! Y AKHAIc. I SlD fkbktH, These Pills, so celebrated many years aio in Paris, for the 'eliet of female Irregularities, and etterwatda for tbeir criminal employment iu the praclioe of abortion, are now ottered for sale for ibe fire, time in Amenoa. Tbey have been kept in comparative obscurity from the laot th.t the originator. Dr. Velpau, is a pkjsiciaa in Paris of great wcnlth.au d has strict oonsoientioureprin ciples, and has withheld them from general ase, lest tbey should be employed for umawlul pnr noses Id overeoiklng female tjbstraetions, r ailing of tbe Womb, bites, Ureen Sickness. Suppres sion, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of tbe Munthlv Discharges, Nervous and bpmsl Affec tions, Pains in tbe Back and Limbe, Fatigue on slight exertion Paipitsti.net the Heart, Hys terics, Ac, and will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and, although a powerful remedy, d not detain calomel, antimmy, or rnything hurtful to the constitution To married ladies and young girls who have ever been regulated, tbey are peculiarly suited. They will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. ' Cattios Married Ladles should never "ke them when there is any reason to believe them selves pregnant, far they will besur toproduoe miscarriage. Lalies caa procure a box, sealed from the eyes of tbe ourioaa, by enclosing one dollar, and six postage clamps to M W. M AC0VBER, General I a gent lor united States end Can ad as, at Albany . Ti er ef asy aathoriaed Agent, mjxdclwly "SE1T ADTERTIItEMElSTS" CBIC1U0 LEAD & OIL WORKS. 1 Established 184. ' Burp A Rebuilt, 1859, . m Manufacturers of : v LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD SA3. sit, Tiff 2fcS3JL, '-. Eaw LlBtffd Oil, Boiled Linseed 611 AND OIL CAKB. All Oil guaranteed strictly pure and fall weight OFFICE 0F TBE CHICAGO 8M0T TOWER COJIPAM HaanfactursTS of n - ' - 1 DROP AUD RUCK HOT. BC'.LBTS Abl) BAB LEAD. Orders from th trade aaliaited. a4 wremBtlv nea. . i.. wjji,ArCHKRD CO., 70 North Clinton Street Tb BEAT in the market! Will keep for yeass in any climate. Pare, hcwlthful, reliaole, and needs only to be known, to become the leading Bnkior Pcwder in the country. Put np in nir- H.ht tie, of 4. i. Land lbs., fall set we-ght each can hsving upoa it aa elegant la bel ef dirsotioas, in Jmglisn, rcoen ana nor Manufactured by nOLLISTER A CO., Tole do, 0 , and sold by Gior-ors. PUBLICATION i'OR " " ADVKIITI'SBBS. i Son't spend a dollar for ; any ITewipaper Adveiti , sing nn til you hav written j to (0OK, fCBURX i CO., r Advertising Ag-cnts, rhi , cago, far their new publi 1 1 cation called tba liF?r.jsfr's issistaHt," which will be aeat daring the present month FttBZl. to any Ifcwspaper Adver tiser in tha TJ. 8. Address (0GK, H Ll h V k ( 0,, AEVSRTXSXXsTa AOCSTXE. CHICAtiO, ILL. Is rapialy supers. aiLg ail oiber pieparauous for producing Kiegan1, Sweet and Wnoleeoiue ROLLS, blt-Cl ll.-. I.KKAD, Buckwheat aud all other tj riddle Cakes. Perfect y pure and re liable, and alwava readv for immediate use. The CllKAPEdT"likirg Vender iu the WORLD and it WILL KM Si' ON LAN! OR eEA, in any climate, for y vats, it is well adapted to the nae of HouseMtrs. Miners, Mariners, Kmi grants, Ac , end is ia fuel, ia every respect, the hEST EAiT POWDER made for the Kitchen, the Carrp, he Getlry " Sold by t.rooers snd Dealera Evervwhere. Manufactured by I-OOLEH A Bh'OTUEB. 69 New stree-, NE YORK. X. U 1 , abroad. Pusi eess new, honorable. pleaaat and easy. Bend stamp te X L C B,X 10 C S TIXG CO., CHICAGO. ILL. BIBRIS & niltllOLM, Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL ST0E DRESSER, OTTAWA, ILL. Tbi ca!ahr!d Drasssr is a perfect sucoess, and ail are warranted. mj.'itid'y LIME AND CEMENT ! Winkoop's f crdeTia While Fin Milnp: Line. PORT BTEOS A OAVESPOPT LIME. LouisriLLn asd uncj ckmest. PLiSTEU PiBIS LAM) PL.ItTE8. PLTEEIXG HU8, ETC., ETC., FTC e9 dtf MATTHEW? i CO.. tt.ck Island 18th AHlelJAL FAIR OF THE f?ott County &GBICULTOB&L SOCIETY! Will be held at DuTpopurt Iow, Sept. 4th, .5th, (;-.h,:ih,&8th, 71. $9,0D0 Offered io Premiums ! Open to the World ! jJSr- ;reet Cars run to the Grounds. Liberal arrangements made wi.h i Railroads centering in Davenport and Rock I. land For Premium List or any Inf. roetion, e?p!y to Wll. K. liAI9HT,Sec'y. Corner 2nd and Perry streets, Davenport, Iowa. auKt-dwId Physician. Seccmmend and Oyer 500,000 People Xndore DR. HEN LEY'S CALIFORNIA IXLBLTTEES BEST LIVAB BEGULATOB EVXR KH0WH. EVERT FAMILtTboCLD HAVE A BOT tie in the house. Belief to all Dyspeptics. A most pleasant tonlo and appeti'er. Headache. Billossness ant Constipation, Gen era! Debility and Loss of Appetite, ail are caused by th derangement of th,. Stomaoh. Liver and other functions ef the system. The IXL Bittrrs have been successfully used, and ar warranted to alleviate tbe sufferer ia the abrve cases. H. EPSTINi t CO, Manufacturers and Pro prietors, 51S Front street. San Francisco, CaJ. L 9ross A Co., 11 La Sail street, Chicago, De pot for tb West. , For gal in all Drag Stores JySI-d6m raaaoi abbtju. . u a. psavv vBARNUM'S HOTEL BABNUM & PRATT, 4 Paopaikr.saf ,' ' ' Second aad Walnut street, ' ' ' ST. LOUIS, M0. The Aaecs kept en file. . - , - rUABE W. WESTHOKtn. c a AA, d. vooLwoarH. . BR1G6S HOUSE, WESIW0BTH A WO0LWORIH, Proprietors Cor. Randolph St. and Fifth Avenue, cmcAo,a......r.. .in juyeiimjioiEi,--.-.... tibetnmt Street, OPPOSITE, OLD iIKDEPEBBEBCK liAJl. Philadelphia. 8. M. HECL1NG8, ... - .. - PROP'S 1aily Boca srAWt Aaers kept on file. ' , WALNUT SHEET HOUSE, SAVza - & T?oasn, rroprie' ' Corner ef Walna and Gains Btreei, CI1T-IKHATI,- OHIO SU B. DAVIS. J. o. oca, Laic of I. C. A l. HOTEL, Cor. 4th and Myrtle Streets, ST. L0UI8,., rrtHIS House has ioat beea refitted -and thor- X ouahlv renovated, ,1s SBtraJly located The proprietor will spares pains I make it a good firsi-olass, second rate bouse. Transient price, f 2,110 per day. aev26-dly H. C. BAC BY, Proprietor SML3EB ilOC&E, CHICAGO, . w . . ILL This new aad magnificent Hotel (the finest west or New York!, situated corner eiai sso Ouincv streets, was completed and opened Bent 26. 1ST. It has two hundred aud fifty rooms imauv of whiek have bath rooms and water oo eta attaebed). wbub are made accessible fresi the ground floor, where the errand roteada and edioe is situated, fcy Otis Tufv'S best passenger elevator. . W . P. if- M. Est. K V B, Prep EVERETT flOCSE. BYP.0N A. BALDWIN A CO., Pkoprietobs. Corner Clark and Van Buren Streetss, IC-ltiii, - in. CHI This Hotel, near Michigan Southern aad Roik island Depots, is oeutr.,y lecaied, neatly aad elegsatly furnished, and w'ilallord to visit ors and (hub ry merchants as good aecommoda liens as can le founa iu the city. .Terms K'.&O rr''T. mchla-Utf PASHms FOOD. Agrteabh, Pipttihlr Anurishing; Satisfy. iry. soothing, Strengthening. This farinaeous preparation coatai a all the elements necessary f.,t growth aud ropaur. Il Las for years keen the princ pal food for infants and invalids iu Eng'and- end the Coloniea, an I is proved by expe.ieoc to be the beet every day food j'.ir children. Sold is cane of all sizes, and in ?i rent pack ets for the million by drucgisis and crooers cen- erallv. GALE & ELOCKI, I)rnUtsf Jl'I Rsndolph street, Chicago, Agents "3-d'y VH. BLY'S PAT tM ARMS e&c IEGS THE AMTOMiCAL" LEG ! Ig ouoraaie.J for five years. Those without side-motion arc fur comfort and durability onri- vailed. Prices fr-m 150 to $160. Noadvaaoe payment required. Sa4l.fMiioa guaranteed. iowa ... a.M-reu, repaired or made o oraer. r. S. soldiers furnished on Government ao ount. Prmphieta and blanks sent free. Address LrWIa LOCkWOOD, se dlT tiu P n, Pt., fti.lncl. Mo CA&.Ia.QS. G.WOEBER&BROS Carriage Manufacturers ! may?SU4iU D A V EN PORT, IOWA. MASON & EVANS, OARHIAGIi Manufacturers, Corner 2d and Rock Island bis., DtVLUfOUf, lOW A LATEST STTLE8 OF Open and Top Baggies, 0e&.S.S.XAtZS8, Kept constantly ea band and made to order. . ? Repairing promptly dona. aprlS dly GOOf ES & SMIT fl, (Sooceccors to 6TILE6. A HOOPSR.) Manufaoturers of every dereription ef CARRIAGES SULKIES, SKELETONS, Light Epricg Wagons, Ac, Ac, Ac. Particular atentioa paid to FINE W0BE. All orders promptly attended to. Bepairing in all branches attended to with dispatch. None but first-class workmen employed io this .auueuuieui. x. N. HOOF Kit, JcIS-dAwly HfiNBT SMITH. UeVNUrACTURSRS OT Farm, Spring & Freight WAGONS, Buggies and Carriages! ALL WOHK WARRANTED! We have reeently removed to our new uiu spe cious Shops, situated on th llolin Water Pew preer, and ar pared to fill U orders witt pom ptaess and dispatch. ,; sLook for ur Trade Mark ea ach Box ae other ar geaaUe. 8 cod far Price List aad Kl7 s-C'Z "lJ liisi I ' BXZSX2SLB. tiro h SARSAPAUILLA BITTERS I fWITM IIOS,) Tb test Bvpoo, StojiacH Ad Livbb Medi- -i ... fl.r.,rur"Mte bublie. It is very agree able to the taste and wm not afieot the teeth as Iron preparations generally ao. iva.,1 Tr -i do. It will be found vastly su periortoaay of theCalisaya and Iron so-lan-f., inviroratinc the system. It win - . " 1 . .U ....nr. make blood; likewise inieneu "... - .i.. ..i. ..4 .imted.th weak and debilitated to oolcr, flleali, health and strength ia aa incred ibly short Urn. Is will straegikea th aursiag ..k.. .n.t i.. ih flaw of milk, also bene- a. . i. . .1. 1 u kr.ut .nd BeeweBi BoaBT 01 - - li V I vu..m " . I - .k. inmnl.inl. in riieh ohlldreB BT SBWOOt IB infancy. ' It will tend to restore the eyesigni when i impaired bv conttnuea acplicauon ia re writing-or aewine. bv strensthenins the op itoaerve It will give- vitality to the mental facultiea when depressed by close oeBflnement to etady or business pursuits, and prevent nervous k..rf.Rhea. It will carifv the blood and pre vent the breaking out of boila, pimples aad other remlnne aauaed bv novertf of blood. It Wll ...to-, tbe arenital orrens, ' when wea, to v,lihv condition, retelate the menstruat period als rHv debility caused by summer heal or excessive prespiralion. A single trial will prove conclusively that we have not over-estimated tnevaiueot mis excel lent medicine. rrlce,$l-00 per bottle. " J. dk C. MAGI 1KB, Chemist and Druggists, Solo PrnpHetors, 8T. LOUIS Also proprietors of Magni re's enlebr ted Bru Plast, a sure cure fer Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Dli.rbos end tbe AaiathCholera. AI orders from responsible parties promptly filled monzi-awij t XVXBBXOAXi. ror tbe Removal cf Obitrnetiont ani the Insurance ef Hegu larlty in tbe JLecnrrenco cf Ktoathly Periods. 7.ee Pillt are an unfailing Female Regulator, intended fur yeeial cases ; thuae alttinnte onet uhere mlder atid thenper niedieince fal. They are eompesed of Ihe most active asd powerful principle of plants, roots and berries, so h ghly er-neentrated tbat each pill contains more medicinal strength thao a whole box or bolt it of ordinary medicine in the market. AI thtnigh potferj'nl,ytt 90 mild and pit osuel in their tfitratiuH, thai tk moht telle c-n Uite tf.em icith perrett entig. ifci.Tbey may be safely need at any age. and at any period, KxtEr-T crama vhb pibst tbbie hoxvhm, during which the nnfailitig nature of thcireffects w ,uld infallibly raersnrr pregnancy. All le tera seeking information oradvice will beprompt'y.fraclyaad discreetly answered. X3a- 1-eeh box contains 100 pills, and wrap ped in white paper printed in deep red letters, with full and explicit directions enclosed. tS-Scnt by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price, ib, per box. tea-The Cherokee Pills So. 2 are sold by all enterprising druggists ia the eivilized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless compounds in place of this; those which they can putehase at a cheap price and make an re moaey. As you value your health do not te deceived by such unprincipled Drug gists, ni- Ur thenf $5 pill, and take no othere. If tbe Druggist will aot buy them for you, enclose the money in a letter and wc will send them to yon by mail, free of postage, securely scaled from obser ation. Ladies or deutiemcu can address us in perfcot conlideDce, stating fully and plainly their disease and symptoms. Patient need not hesitate b cause of tbeir inability to visit as. as we have treated patientssucces sfully in all portions of the civilized globe, bv correspondence. Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms, and write Post Office, Chanty, State and name of writer, and enclose postage stamp fcr reply. i"fWe desire f-iaenfl oar thirty-two page pam phlet, entitled "Van and Woman as Invalids," to every reader of this paper. Address a. fol.ows : St. Lous. Medic an Association, 117 SOBTB SIXTH STREET, eiNT t.otns, Mtesot Bi aug.K a w ly zr. ie-curs ?c1edicske co. r : . zr t. cil Rtiu 7ib. st. Leouii. .lo. : i ' - fM-. ;n !.' tf fijgt?. t Cm iclll said i - - e y. . -f T--.1." vfciH. Ti a pwrst dnisr 1n r. . i ; i,i .j I.-,. t-Iii: i-LHWe.t, n-i.iItT our - r i. - v m-tii' .Ui. i i'tp tii.-.ii"!r.c for a!l rbrtmio if.--.-- . j , . i.t-t --ttj i; .-,-nt Misei' vsitssnijs, eariosae fi, ' - ' - ti!'-- u.- iu a nti itiMr tu-; in thi wr ! - ' i i-. .Us Ul 't.ufhi witriisB tLrrwich of all. - ; ,"-.: i , ::n im, ' un.irrii,e to cv ! - ti t ..i 'f-r;-M1,' i-in tpe , renuira. x f tr l st Li.vt.i ;j s. i'rr -T i i'UN fiOiU oustlpaUon Tills 1X0- i i.. l'i i r,vitlV; .!-Mjtti.rso of Crtut HpatM L . ;nr Aiiuc I iiis. 5-1 .00. Liver f'iJ Is I fiO, I- ::y wttiif iher. !Snralia Pills ST v '. in rg -.iin. a-i-i fnpr ia if dui. Tonic ;'ii: l.l;;, -ii -.' tiauianT!. rhviU-ftA bruuijr. l .;tM... 1 - tii.-n-titct..-. llioocl Tills l.f0 - fil f ,ife!T s.-s-riabV, rtviel rrvei tak-Tl h)t 'i ('i. t. wuit;i.-..v U-Hsti-taiut. l.ut HU 1 illm 1, lwr ui :.; mil. it j t.i i- ii r t i inHlvr, fimole .id . c- known io iae ( ro- (.. t.i.. f i; t: ; vJ , r.ii for; funi.s ofFprnal" fui:;- r":H)H'fbfif. J.Un fliiiiJ prcfiaralior! i n ,! (it , m us? K- -n ".. v uj to nni U r r.- -,: .--. -! v.! tj-----. !f nu Gii t ti:i Hitiii, Mtui (i tv. i . u-. :. .:- t-..l..i.-t.f!y It. ii . I. Utni. n.ii:- c iu;t lu tt.itivri)rti;sii4N.p)iti ortir? t!V Stt;n- ''i -' - it twU-BJli.f4.in, lmte, Wuvgi.-Hi lo-t--r '-ui. ti: -i -'.Jj- f..r.i'c. turt-.i ui, tjiiat rrpiili,! i.ri- t-s. 613 Chsr;ut St., St. Louis. Mo. -Vh"1 ''.'''.'.' ' '--'.i,. n.nai v euAiuSt, t.t r rn it a ii.'. Ivter), n eal t ess af eit.'u r tex rn..-1-r-'. ,.' ornigle a if.r, l.-r'y. Jf iou r out cf -le-jrv. m. dei.Uttat.d, feel aversion to .-V-.-.7 -, f. cf tr.:r'i pntrtr, fine tii'f. rirttbir inm;.lt,m x..V.i'.- tohttft.saKif, tlrta-i future r.-, .! . J, c. i' ij fo T';,.-r,-.,,.t , f married, vntlfip 1 , d '' V'Tf. .,-,; 3 r.'n;w, ,0sr ,-cse. Aoftt ersavd o,v 0rur j-toottsso. All .,.-., s,.l cfo t. .lier.it ertB,-r, from fT. " rspo'trr. frraied sei, nt f-r'l,i Mi l uii: M.4itnx.iGi: (.iiob 1 ? "r '"etv-Sie -n". liieioos aiatoerv h-n-. C. i.U,,rairr.... Ko .oiw.ni OR. WHITTIER, 6IT SH.t 'Lai -!es t,St.Ioiiis,Mf. ARK.I.ri VK (iBAHCATE ill ME 1.11 INK. AS Dif lonir. t t'Tt5-e vrtV, eliow. tot bt-eu lonrr ,nnrd io the t..-etui.'UC or Vro.-rMl. s.tu.1 eu4 Friettle ilic (ilea eay oil., r Jill ysui m in 8t. I.iie. Syphilis, ticuorrliea, Gleet, Stricture, Oivni:.!., H rnle er eiUi-turi ell IriutrT BiesMs ul P.pliUtttc sr M. r-T-ial AVil..,, or the threei, Skia or Hjut-s lire lrnwd . iih Bui.hrl,-M ,u-e.. Spermntoirhca, scual ll. bility ond Im- reteuey. ei ton resi.lt orsdf-el.uM In yeutk. eem.lejiee l.i m.it.ir.-r y,-,rt. ortVT ecsee. euS elikh preSoee mac r th.-t.. .- irrw. u eworDal emissions. tk.U-U.' debility. diines, diuinees of aisht, con- r.i,. OT id Ui. evU f. retKvlin,,, ermioe to eodelT of R-u.les, le.. of 1.1,-uK.rj eud musJ p..wi-r rendertu.i,,!. rtnee imcon--. ere ,rmii.,.-ntly car,t. Bell pemi-blet r- noi! to eoore sent r.f two .Unaps. Cell er write a! H i. ..If evident th,l i .,.hveW.n ho treat .thoI,". nmeveey veer aoculees greet Mill. Co.ntr, nCTri, luo.i, .M. freq,..-nr r.,mma pen,... to weerTT Mjsjii2jIXL mmIm'T la ' ItBAMlOOUI WOHAMlOOUt -l? "k" Mie trillion I WTio sasv mirrr, ,h r;,'oi T- ',PS,"l teo.e. .od cere. All th.t the Ueultf.il. .urlou.OT,u(,Te .b to kuow. A true Mu-riH.t,u,.lP0d priv.toMerfio.IOeuB.el.. Krerr Ii 'o ; Ioun! """ ei.oiouu. women .houldre . ,T "11''"'0 aev.uwa ; lswiit.eh. hoth r..r l!S Addrew. Ua. a errm,tu; M. Chertoat. 81. lj.uU.Mo. es-Booknf Nature. A es-iK W JlOUld . T T 1 OUaJ "?J! " Ui.s-.' Arm . . th .. r V; " - - " nuiuan -nice tpe.. a t tat 6 if J ilJT i0'' tiered a ix-i vnite k v-mrii kUia.iUhSi. smsnw (Mirsberl . n. -.h.. . rm iiaease. , .riar-ai ,iou it. "iwprtr .-r-teuw prodtioetl, htr v JUucoe, yuije on the Face- enur.. mailer. t airy vddres -ercurvry ee. 1 ", -r. ceiptof miy- wnt. it contaim. ln.Oii ;ioi warm hundr d.i of elollsrf to-U.e yoimsr. It IS enrlnruaH l.v .1... 1 . . 1 . ;. J 0 enrtoriied bv Uie pr.a eud puljd . Should eend lor Uu.8 book It nuev save our bea-lth and pveerve your life irern sonrinir ' and misery. 11 will gave you from the poiecn. otw effects of quack medicines and nostrums" ..iihui re eure; 10 mm J OU. Du. A G Of lie is Us- most succestu! physician in the' w7t and for the laei SO years n, devotee) his whole atfion to th trtmrot of all 1 rtvnti aid Sexual Jeaee3. and has noiaToS oul cn inent. Atiuix-ss rin A fl iii v 7 WaehiHgton St., -Wte-iriT' m .K2ae0A,,T,,cU' edtiai. r,.,,uT:t. ire. AfaM wuted tvewlwjir0"" t?saiJMlil m..;....:.rzjre- 1 lGSICCLTCliiL IMPLEtlENTS. THE OTTAWA iachine Shops VikI "Foundry, OTTAWA. - - - ILLINOIS. W. H. W. CP6HMAS, Prop'r. A.B. MOORE Sup't. Manufaotu Steaa Eagines, Reapers, Mowers, VORK PFOWS, CIDER HILLS, Hore'Pwers, Machinery for Grist Mills, Paper t Sains, uiaies noses, iiuo Haetories, , ? . Lll. ,Slreh Faotorltc, Coal " Mines, etc. OUR STOCK OF PATTERNS s very large. Our facilities for easting and Ba shing have bo superlcr west of Chicago. We Bvlte the attention of Mill Wrights toour exten- steek of Pstterns for Mill Ueaiiig, etc. Oitava Reapers aad Movers, Climax Renpersland Movers Victor Corn Views, Two Ilorse Wagons. Ocl. A. XI. Xtloore, Superintendent, Ottawa. Geo. W. D. Harris Is the Agent for U.cie Works, and Farmers de riiiug to porches can see any of their ma chines at his Warehoaee on the Levee. - mobtO-dwtf - Pafraaize Home fcdtistrj! ROCK ISLAND STOVE CO. The Best and Cheapest FOR SALE AT DAVID DON'S, Opposite WADSWORTK'S DRY tlOODS 6T0B3. meh2dwly SeTSW - - - ej Stove & Erase FariilKhlQg Stcre. 31. A. SWILER, . , Formerly of Swiler & Cpencer, Has opened a ST AND House Far&hhiog Store, With a new aad complete stock of goods, on ILLINOIS S . KI LT, one door we. t of the First National Bank, where evesy thing in the Bouee furnishing line can be found cf the best quality aad at reduced prices. I bave the agcacy of John 23. XXerron tSt Co. Celebrated Stoves, Among which is the "IclrtliO" Cools.. Which has been improved doric g the pastmoctb making it in all respects a first class stove. Also THE "CIHBS," A new pattern, with all the latest improvements. STCYE REPAIRS. I shail keep coostantlv on hand a full stock of grates, linings and repairs for tbe Ideho, Challenge, Rttaiand all the letcinp cook stoves that have been S' ld la Rock Islam. Partieu ar aueation will be paid to all kinds of tin and sheet iron job work. Weil and cistern pamps kept constantly on hand. Thinkfnl for past patronage I would respect fully ask my eld friends to call at my new place vt business I am determined to spare no pains toplease those who f avor ae with their patron age, if. A. SWILER. mohli-dwtf Eojal Bataba Lolttry oi Cuba. CONDUCTED BT TBE SPANISH Gov ernment i3O0,C00 in Sold draws every sev enteen days Prises cashed and Information ferni.hed The highest price paid for Doub loons and all kinds of Oold and silver. TAT LOR A CO.. Bankers. fb8dly to Wa'l Street, New York. M46IC OIL. : XZavo yoa a bead to scho ? Then y oa are interested in knowing: what Henne's t I ii 1 1 n DOES KOR UBADACIIB, "li Works Like a Charm." fcead tiese Letters, tut above ail na uma oil Athsss, Tens., Sept. 26, 18t9 Mr. Rsit b Der tiir : Iwuhtofay aword for your Pain Killing Wagio Oil. s 1 have been a great sufferer from that awful diseeie, &ica Ueadaotie. it generally allacka ma erif in the uiurumg, grewa in intcueity aU uay. iiigii., aua an too Belt day aad genera. uuugu, not always, goes oil during the sec.ud night. It comes upon me at least onca a month. 0.1.0 two or lure times, always eonnumg to my t.ea ior aoout thiriy-six te lor ty bout, aad paining me o t rribly that it seems as if my head would burst open iu spue of skuii and everything el.e. A person's haud w uld be thrown entirely off by its thiobbing. In short I sufiered agony indescribable. Our best Physi cians tailed in my case, and I have used most o the popular remedies sold, which ar. roo. mend ed as "sure to cure" just suchca.es, but tbey no only failed to cure me, but seemed to aggravate my situation. A few months ago, I fo.tunately obtained a bottle of your Pain Killing Magic wil, and as you claim "it Works like a cbrrm ! tfc hen 1 feel mv old plague coming on, I ase the Maic Oil both externally and lalerually, freely and faithfully, and bow I do aot even have to slop my work, but ge about my business usual. I assure you one fellow-man has been beac fitted by your invention, and lor which I feel grateful Way tiod reward you. In my house and family, your Me. ic Oil ia as jadisDensible aa 8 our. 1 hope my letler may be tho weans of letting other poor suBorers know . the virtues of your Alagio Oil, and you mcy nse my name as a reierence it you eaoose. Urateful.y, I am yonrs. Ac. EDWAltD A. CUBLJtlUJi, Wb. Eskss. Esq. Dear Bro. The letter from Edwaid . Colleigh. is from my era. 110 nee sultered Breallv from ,v"u7 win. wvure oy nsiB9 year Pain killing Magic Oil. Rev. Bra. gpeaeef oar agent, usee you Uagio Oil. and finds relief from ue im aeaaarnei 1 also iu u in . r.n- ana una excellent IB several ailment. I .,., jou -re uo.ng me worta good, as well a gettiag . .. ...,,B u.aSie vii. 1 am truly yours. r, N, R. COBLEIGH. President Weslevan Uairait. ith.. East lean. ' Z " I am confident that .nr. famll will fiad vreat benefit by keeping, and using my Magio Oil. Our best Physicians nss snd prescribe it ; and next to th Family Physician it ran he depended apon, as a clean, safeand delicious remedy for all kinds ef Pain, sura ta giv immediate relief, and never do harm. Directions with each bottle. Toars truly, WM. Kr.NNB, Manuiacturcr, Ptittfield, Mass. Call for U where yon usually trad. bold ky all Druggists, Marc bants and Grocers. jsww-wWM ----- Rock Island Kuslness University VV tharaini AraU8T J"' 18". OB M.' Io La Brown, Proprietor of Bloomington Business TJniversi'T Baperinteadent of course ot Ine.ruotlons. T. BHROOIi, Late Professor of Business and Ornamental P,B maosbip. Pen aad Pencil Drawing in Iowa Wee eyan University, lecturer on Commercial corres pondence, business customs, laws of traoe etc., ia charge of writing department. ' Other competent teachers will be In oh are, 6f pnonogr.phy telegraphing, and English de partment. B Twenty-four lectures win be giTeh during the .... .uu .imer, on mercantile law, eommerniil ethics, political economy, laws and customs of trade, etc., free to all regular stadeets. This iusttt utioa will be upon th most thorough and practical basis Tie only actual business col lege in Bock Island, where each student is re quired to go throngli every detail as ia actual business. It is very important aad desirable that all commence at opening of term ao as to create as much uniformity and system as possible. Cards, subscription headirgs and e namentai pen work of finost workmanrhip with the pen executed to order. Send 1 for specimens. ' Hall nearly opposite Bock Island House, open day and evening after July 2S, Is,. For in formation send for circular or address M DK LA BROWJf, jylJ'Jlf P. 0. Drawer 44T. Rack Island. 111. 3IAMFACTIEE8. Thomas Yates (Sssocssor W Jacob Bileyj Ca (Le Levee, Reek hlsnd. Brars end Iron Work, AND ST PIPES cr w m Bit LEV2E, NHAR FERRI LAN PINO. The .ub-criber, at his shop on tue Levee, near WoliBian's, invites tfco attentioa or his friends aud the public generally to his largs and com plele stock of Brass A Iron (ioods.sich as Steam Cocks. Valves, Water Gauges, W hia. lea. Oil Cups Beer Cocks, Pamps, 6as and SiesmPipeof all Sites, Zinc, Babbit Metal, etc , etc. Steam aad tias Work promptly attendedto and put up in workmanlike manner. Copper, Smithing and Sheet Iron Work In all its branches. Also Done on short notice. rTiehesa screw cutting machine, which cuts screws upoa gas and steam pipe froui jefan irch to 4 inches the largest machine west of Chicago. - THOMAS TATB8. BLlCKaMllimG. Remered to Ball's New Building, r7ashin(fton Ctreet, WALTER DAUB EE, mm e X, GENERAL DORSE JIlOEll Of Rock Island County, shoes Horses in tbe most workmanlike manner. Experienced and skillful workmen; horses shod without pain. Having a practical and ex tended experience in the business, 1 solicit your patron ge, confident that 1 can pleaie un. and do better work than anv other shoer in the city. Fhop Kiga of the BIG HORSE 6H0E, ca Washington street, near the river. mays dtf WALTER DAUBER. WILIS & lxITOEAY, tllAMPIoX HORSE SHOERS A5D Blacksmiths, Corner Esgle and Orleans street, (Bly the A Stod dard's Shop,) ROCK ISLAND,... lll. Every description of Forging done in the m .tt workmanlike manner. aiifaetion guar anteed or no pay. febI3-dm B0ILE38. szciaxzu Boiler Works! The andcrsigBcd ars prepared to maaafacture to order Eeilers for Steam Engines all Kinds, Styles aod Else. Also, every va riety of SHEET laORT V70KH, All oar Boiler work is wuracled, -Repairing cf all kinds done pr.crpl'y and cheaply. Stop near Moline Iron Works, lfiiiv. BCSILLrNQKB A TRTJiiBCI I FLOCS. JOHKSTOFS MILLS Uanofictarirs of Choree family Prom SbTected Rprirg and Winter H her.t, pressly forth eity tadc. ALL KINDS 0 Flcur and Heal On hand, and ieHvered FREE Of CHAht'T in the City. JAS. A. P0TLK, Agent. teg'. helvM. frnw. aad fllnaje ewehSfltr PHOT06BAPH8. Illinois Ptreet. bet., 4 - Eagle A Buf a!o. RKK hl Alill.i 5a itfaction gor-?5 il anteed. Fnr. 'w. v . f fefc. Come aad eee i -7 - . fard Ffeofegraf Ii Pcrtrails Per Albartc.isi th avoei artisti style, k.dat A. B.uAIFOKDe AMBEOTYPKS. j Vtirpjsed Ud side ef New Tcvs taket s A. B. flATIOAD't -QOTwCtirSI, . lss, Is th kighstt siyl ef srt, te k k. 1. Bstvajfert SaUerj. ' U fTahhw's Bleck. - r EICBw MODBBA7H. V-f? c w.flcbekceJ as -s A ; Baceesaor to (J V 1.08ICBAH0Btl.5 I Phofotrranhfif et. e.eerfl'