Newspaper Page Text
WES OF ADVERTISING. huibio v rat For cash sqaare, or the spsee oecspled ty io lia.t of solid aenpareil, Oae Dollar for mt ia. ssrkioa. TISW3.- Dailv .Aascs. By Matl(payeblera advaaoe), perennem.tlO.OO Br Mail ,ix .ooihi, . rJy Mail . ( ssoaths,... !. By Mail " 1 Boalk.... Si bTBt Citt Oiitm, J OiiiU per week. diasLB Conn Ctau. T1SV8.- Wiiiir Audi. b1 Copy, payable! advance) ti.10 fen Copies " 21.00 Treaty Copies " s... 6.e Thirty Golos " ' . Special notices. 10 cents per liae. Win !a- ried months or mo?, it per seal aboverega lar advertising rata.. Communiestioas, or articles laeertea atsoag reading mtlUr, 11 seats per Ha. Daily ad Wbsslv. A diseoant of 16 pet sent, will be made from ti Weekly rates, on yearly and half yearly eonkraets, when the .mm. matter Is Inserted ta both Daily and Weekly. Double Column, will be charged 3 per cent additional. Vor.:itrB.i.atadTertiiemea advance pay m.nt 1. required. Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 1 Tat diraot Federal tax for the year end Jane 30, 1871, was three hundred and eighty-three million three hundred and twenty three thousand nine hundred and forty four dollar t. This ii over a million a day, Sunday included. The tax law works on Sunday, taking no rest, atd making over a million of doll art and yet not a radical par- goo has said a word about thii violation of oe Sabbath. u vvutcmiuu uu ueen called in Terae of citizens and tax-payer for the purpose of expressing their opinion in re gard to the exorbitant expenditure! and enormous taxes to which they are subjected by a Radioal Slate government. Many of the anti-Davis Radicals sign the call. The convention is to meet at Austin, September 22d. The Boston Journal (Red.), forecasting the eleotions which will be held for United States Senators daring the next two years, concedes the election of Democrat in the plaoes of Cook'in, Morton, Nye, Rice, Spen cer, Kellogg, and Hill, and probably of Cole, Corbett, and Osborn, all oi whose terms ex pire in 1873. Bowen, the bigamist, has entered into a contest for the Radioal nomination for Gov ernor of South Carolina, and appears to have excellent prospeots of succeeding. The negroes on the sea ooast are wild for him. The Long Branch News is authority for the statement that Dr. Helmbold is laboring under temporary derangement of mind, and that his legal adviser have recommended his sojourn for the present in a Philadelphia asylum. Cadet Smith (black) is in fresh trouble. He treats the other negro cadet wiih sav age brutality, and is oonstantlv reprimanded f r it by the officers of the institution. VERT LATEST BY TELEGBAPH. A nixiiiNG Matter. A wag, seeing a door nearly off its hinges, in which condi tion it had been for some time, observed to t wht.ii it bad fatlon and kilasd some one, it would probably be hunir. The San Frauoisuo Bulletin (Red.) virtu ally abandons California to theDemocrats in the forthcoming State election. LOOA.L iNOTIOES. 4 O'Olooli Jr. iX. IV E2 W Y O I, Ii. Celebration of Italian unity Sobs of the Steamship London SZeet inf of Joint Common Council Eispnte about the Trinity Ch-reh property The tar bnck explosion. WASHINGTON. Base Ball Extension offfotents- Adv&nce sheets of the Oensns. ILLINOIS. Arrest of a prisoner Rail SLoad news. News. English comments an Benforth's death JPnblic rejoicing forbidden Bisbandment of the Rational Clnards-Cholera at Antwerp Congratulations to the Bcpe Bon Carlo. Market Reports. To MoTtiKKS Nurses. Mrs. Whit- oomb's Sjrup for Diarrhoea, &o., in children whether induced by teething or other oauses, it is the safest and best remedy. MAKKiAtiK Gcids. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price 50 cents Address Dr. Butts Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street, St. Louts, Mo. See advertisement. Joe, was arrested there at 5 o'clock jester day afternoon, and positively identified this morning as the man. The excitement is reported as running high in St. Joseph, and at last accounts it was reported that Doyle would be lynched on his arrival there. Traok laying on the Qaincy, Missouri and Pacif o railroad is being pushed forward rapidly. It is also stated that track laying will soon commence at Kirksville, running this way. Coixmbcs, Ohio, Aug. 25 In the BuSen barger case, the entire day has been con sumed by the counsel in argning the motion to discbarge Mrs. Colburn, the defendant, and abont 5 o'clock she was honorably dis charged. Clsvslasd, August 25. The second game in the championship series between the Haymakers of Troy, and the Forest City's of Cleveland, was won by the Haymakers 11 to 3. Loudon, Aug. 25. Some English papers commenting on the death of Kenforth, hint that he may have been poisoned. the Independence Beige to-day discred its the reported disappearance of cholera at Antwerp. At Honigsberg on Wednesday, there were 127 cases and 48 deaths, and at Uantzio, on the same day, 12 oases and 10 deaths. The ep.demio is deoreasintr in Russia. A satisfactory solution of the Roumanian difficulty has been made at Gas twin, by which further political complications are averted. Paris, August 25. The government has forbidden publio rejoicing on the 4th of Sep tember, the anniversary of the revolution of est year against the lionapartet. Assurances are said to have been received at Versailles, that the Prussian troops in France will be rednoed fifty thousand on the first of September, Those remaining will be lodged in barracks. Don Carlos has arrived at Bavonne. His adherents in Spain are divided in opinion as to what course to pursue. Rome, Antr. 25. The British Charge d'Afifairs and the Ministers of Austria, Bel gium and the Netherlands have paid con gratulations to the Pope. Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Car run each way every 20 minutes. COMMERCIAL. 1.12 1-2. Sock Islabd, August 26. Tan Floor market Is corrected at v7araet's Mills and the quotations are the ruling prists 01 tha Hook Islmad markst. WiBTsa What Vlocb Wholesale $3.4Q " " Betall V.eo Bpaise Wbbav Vbooa BprtBg Doabi Bxtea la bbls, waelssel $6.80 K.wiU. ... '7.eo rJaeka at wholil..... ... .. r.uo .....e.tu .... 1.25 6 a Retail . Loose, at waoUaale., EMail. 0a's Batr Raisiss Flocb IUtil Berreljiaeks WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manutastorsrs of Header, are you troubled with headache? Try (lenne's Pain Killing Magio Oil ! For a'.i kinds of pain, and for sprains, or bruises or for internal pains, or cramps, "It works like a charm." Call for it where you trade' or at John Usngstov's. The housekeepers of America very gen erally know Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow der and Special Flavorings. They are be yond all question the best and most perfect of anything for the purpose in the market, md are now having the largest sale. Al most a million families use them constantly! and the housewife who has nsed them once will never be without them. Grocers and dcalars can supply you f l'i Twsty-five Dollars will be paid for a single case of incurable Catarrh. Dr Merwin's Vegetable Catarrh Cure is the cheapest, as a package makes one pint of medicine, and is gent by mail on reoeipt o thirty cents. And is the best, berauxe it nerer fails in cure any case of Catarrh. We wish to send our pamphlet, entitled ''Man and Woman as Invalids," to every reader of this paper, and will mail, free, a dozen or more eopies to any person who wilt bund tbeoi to their friends. Address St. 1. j'.4 Medical Association, No. 117 Sixth Street, St. Louis, Mo. WATER CURE n KSOSHA Hod d for oiroalar. msy'iydwbai A T H. E.6EBLET, M.D. BERMANIA INSURANCE COMP'Y OF CHICAGO, ILL. Gash Capital, $200,000.00 Snrplns, $57,820.64 Dsoriok & Shaw, Agents, apr21dly Rock Island. Rspuriad Exprutlj for th AaeCi, rsw Iork, Aug. 2G. The celebration of Italian unity closed last night with a festi val at Sultzer's Park. Signor Corraii delivered an elaborate address ; a poem war read and speeobes made by General Frauz Siegel mai Vol. Sigraigo, of Memphis. Ho attempt was made to interfere with the proceedings, and everything passed otf quietly. A meeting of the Joint Common Coun cil on city accounts is announced for Mon day next. The Chamber of Commerce and other civic bodies are invited to attend. Intelligence has been received of the loss of the steamship London off tho ooast of Florida. Twenty lives were lost. Capt. i Low, the first and second engineers, four sailors, head cook, and mess boy were saved. When the Italian unity celebration took place ail was quiet, and the rain fell heavily. Tha dispute about the Trinity Church property is to be received. Inspector Stratton, who was "wanted" on the Starbnck explosion case, has surrender ed, and is out on five thousand dollars bail. The coroner's jury in the case of the vic tims of the Wesitield explosion find a ver diot that the boiler which exploded was de fective in its original construction and worn out by use and invited the caiaatropbe with which it met; that Jacob H. Vauderbilt, President States Island ferry company ; John H. Mathew, United States Inspector; Jas. H. Brained, Saperinteotent - Staten Island ferry company ; and Henry Robin son, engineer, are responsible for the use ol said detective boiler and the consequences of its nse, and should be held accountable for the deats of the persons killed by tbe explosion. Coroner W hitehill will cause the arret of tbe parties whom the j ury nave held responsible for tbe accident. Wabhihotok, Aug. 25. A game of base ball between tbe Forest Citys, of Rock ford, Ills., and the Olympics, of this city, was won bv the latter score, o to 2. The Kock- fords made their entire score in the 8th in ning, and the Olympics one each in 3d, 5th and Vth innings, and two in the 6th inning. The Commissioner of Patents to-day ex tended the following patents: Thos. J Chaff, of New York, for separating ore , Geo. C. Dolph, of West Andover, Ohio, for mowing machines; J. A. Watrous.of Green Spring, Ohio, apparatus for supporting eave trougbs. 1 he application of Andrew Dill- man, of Joliet, 111., for an extension of pat ent for corn planter, was refused. irom the advance sheets-of the Census it appears that the population of the various States and Territories, as officially and fi nally revised at the Census Office, is as fol ows : Chicage, Sock Island & Pacific Sail Road. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE X.SSB TEAS ZAir PXLXC23. rWIt,L SKLL KXCCRSIOS TICKET8 good on all firBt-elats train, oattl September 2J, 1ST I, to Mew Tork Oitj and return, via Chi Okgo, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Rdorn tickets good on auj First Cla3 Train before Oct 2d, 1871. Ploasure or business passscrrs will T!ate Dotiee this is the only lioe running Palueo bay and Night Coaches tbe entire route from Rock Island to ew iork, over the oldest, hoit man aged and most luxuriously equipped roads on tan contiuent W. B. GRESELLE, Agent. Rock liland, August 21, 1871. Zldtf rP BK QRBAT AMZ&ICAN HEALTH A. KB3T0KBK, parities the blood ana eureB.icoruia, HvDkilit. rikln Kit esses, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women, adail CnroDie Affeotlons of the Blood, LUer and Kidneys. Recommended by in, aeatcei Jraoalty sad maay thous ands of uar best citisens. ftead tUe testimoa y of phvsioians asd patteots who bavs used Kesadalis ; lend lor oar nosadalis ttaide to Health Book or Aim oae for this year, whloh we pah liso lor gratuitous distribution) It will give you muoh aiuaole Information. Dr. K. W. Carr, of Baltimore, savs "1 take pleasure in renoininepi4in your ii as a very powerful ai seraiire. I Bare sees it nsed in tan eases with happy results one In a eas el secondary syphill., In wnieh tn, ptj. tlent proneuoaed himself cored after hartnjr taken are Dottles of vour mdi em. Tbe otuer Is a ease of sorofau long standing, wuieo ts rapidly imprev tag siisr us nse, ana is, maieaua are (Bat tbe patient will sooa reeorer I have earefally examined the formnl by wklok your JLoeadalls is made, and tad it an excellent oompoand or alter. ativs la gradients, Dr. 6 parks, ef Ntholsvilla,Ky.,says I oll" Alabama.. Ariaoca Arkansas ... Caliiornia Oolovado Conneotiout Dakota ... Delaware District of Columbia.. Florida , (ieorgla Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas .... Kentucky . Louisiana Maine Maryland y , Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Mew Hampshire, New Jersey New Mexioo New Iork North Carolina,... GSOCEEIES. JAMES EELLY, Staple and Fancy flrooeries, Provisions, Qaeensware, Glassware, Wooflen and willow Ware, Ao. Corner Orleans and Ohio streets, ROCK ISLAND, ... - ILL. For quality of goods and prices, I defy coin petition, mebledly " 1-16" " BufaKwaBA Flocb W holeaale ., tK.OO Retail iilo.UO ba, new...... ...... ..... ..80a!0 COBS j Oavs Kew .-...2a2io Bra 40 Bablsv Ho. I 40af'0 Rejected .S8 Bnns Ckoiee lots, for retailing, will bring. 16s Cbbbsb N. T. Factory II Lard per lb lOalle PotATOBS ...... 20aa0 Apflbs perbashel .- U Rss per dos . ...lJJo The above prices are the wholesale figures at first hand. Pocltkt Live Turkies, per lb lOe Dressed " ' Hit Chlekens, live 8e " dressed" lOo Daoks " lOe Host Live J0s4.Bfl CAVT1.B Live weight, eossmco... 4Sm Prima shipping, per 100 lbs s.dOat.OI Woob Oak, per eor4.. .. . ... 6.&Q Hiekoi 7.0 Coax Coal Valley Yard - 13 "Ileveiand Yatd...... le Bat Prairie, p.rton 4.00a6.C() Tlmothj 9.00atO.O Tsas Young JUrloa, oommon...... ... - -7i fair to good ...l.J0al.4U " " prime w eboiee l.SSal.MI Gunpowder, eemmon to fair ..l.()iial.2t " prime to choice.-.. 1.401.6( Imperial l.Aial.7S Oolong, eommoa to fair........... .V0al.t!& " prime ocho'.oe......... .......... l.lttal 40 Japan Vial.U Oorsaa Sto, comicoB to fair l7ale prima to chote.... .. ...lalOe Old ttoverBmect Java....... ....a3Uc SngAS-S Raw common to fair .............. 1 lHio " prim to eholoe.... ..-Hial2o Reined Snga, crashed, powdered and P'Smmm ... ...... ......... ......... ..... a 4 e JJ. X-A Uie do extra O....- 1-e BeSaed ragar, do C Lis Molasses Bus" -. lOalle 8AJ.T iu....... 8.(0 Eoiar 2.60 Diy, with saeas...... o.6C Da rj, witsoBl saoAs..... ....4.76 LlHS Port By too., per bbl,........... If & ok Island, per bbl..... .1.(4 Hmns 6 raeo bs Wbers'.... -7 a9e Sreea cared- bial0e Part cured -0ao dreea salf...... ." ...124o bncas Pepper, esingapofe... ...,26a"8o PimeBto 'e Cloves -Sia4G Nniaieiis Ko 1 .1.30al 3i Ginger, pnrs...... ........ 30a6o Cavecne Pecpac bio Oils Paroi n Oil -ISc Lard Oil, ex tra ... 1 SSa 1 .40 Lard Oil. No. 1 l.Ji) Linseed Oil, re" -1.00 " " boiled l.ui f be its Dried appies, ehcioe ....-....... 7a-o " eommon. So Dried peaches, hal's..... lie M ' quarter, ...lie -ante Curranta, new UaUi Raiina, in layere, per box, aew...... 3.2 ' ' per haf box.......... .1.70 1" are Isk P ranee .. . ....... 1 -c Dried Ciierriei.... ...... .... lie EoAr abb CiscLsi ffitio.k A Ralston 'sO. B. per lb... .-js Eenry Dart's Sons' Y. K. per lb . 7J Melirile's German Molted, per bar "i, per lb. 7o 6 1st Candies, 14 os ... lfis KOOT IIS POWDBB Ri3t,?er keS - .6a7.(iu Ooal Mine, do - 4 0a.O0 BlastlBs;, do - -4.SOa5.00 Drop Sbot, per sack.- 3.60a2.7o Back Shot. do.... - -2.7o Bar Lead, per lb 12 ENGINE LATHES i SHAPING AND SLOTTING 3IACHINES, PUSES 8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASxrrns' steam hammers, Oon IMachinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, ShafllDg sad Hangers, Patent 8elf OiliDg Box. WAREHOUSE : 107 LIBERTY ST., SEW I'OSR CITY MANUFACXORT : H AMMOKD ST., (Opp. Janction Depot), WORCKSTEK, MASS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. JelO dtf wmr. I8C0. 1871. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWAYf OX HAND OI A SlUSHAl, STECK. KMEHIO If, AMa! RICAW, MAIN Bf, M4KHUALL AND WENDE1 L PIANOS, (ieo. Weed & Co's,&Estf j Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments Sheet Music of latest issues, and the beet iui ported Strings in the city JMII H 1 I . pi Corner Illinois and Washington srert. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 & 4 WAsniwaxora" kt., OBXOAOO. DRAPER.TAILOR ASD IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. vTEDDKG CCTFITS A SPECIALTY. Bhirts to Measare Extra Duakls and Perfect in Fit. Clergymen will be allowed 0 per cent, discount. feblSdly 8Sil, DOORS. AC. POLAND EE tS: HTJBUB, Baooenors to J. A. Biddisok, Manafactarers of N Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMES, BRACKET?, And everything in their line. Glazed gash on hand, also Corn Meal and Peed All work warranted. feb24dw6m SAWS. KSTABLISBBB IB 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' fSnxrvm i BawbI Haws! 6UPEBI0B TO ALL OTHERS! Axes, Files, Cast Bteel, Mill Furnishings, and Baealnsry. fcF3et the best, they will prove the cheapest. Prices redneed. Bend for price List and oironlars. WKLCH A GrllKFITH!, nolJdwly Boston, Mass., or Detroit, lllrh saw Asvs&szis&ssnxa. ..S .. ' Il-i, Intr. fir. OtlHIlff s fll,,.,...,,,, kwaif, Pnwtrt, I.. . -..,: ,,,.,, v!,r o.W. Boston, Al as.-. mjM 1. COLLEGIATE ASD COMMiRCIAL In stitute, Ilw Baven, Coin. Preparatorv te v'lllege, liusiDCdS, ecientino Schools, L . g. Mili tary and aval Academies, l all eessioiitliir-tv-sixth year begins 6pt. 13. l-'or Catalogues etc., address the Principal. ' Patties holding grain will find it pay to ship diraet to PHILADELPHIA, PA.. the best of onr Eastern markets. Oar bnstness is bIxcm-sivblt comussioB. For information, writs us ; for reference inquire through a Bask In your vicinity. tLKISS A eUDDAKDS. Corooiission Merchants, IT, Chamber of Comuieroe, Philadelphia, Ta. shau. a. POWABS. 3. L. riisiii. NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A lirigll Blue Eye, Pong Meiainger, 35ot f.iw jos iwi Xouix Comic 6Bg, Baxton, 40 Darlina Btlle of the Buarding School, PoiterSO Oitl nil the Cinarettr. Comic Cordelia. 30 JnliyHigh Timet, Conaie. Parks, 30 .Vow wouldn't you like to know, Comio.Cord'la.'iO JeweUe of the Heart, Beautiful Song, MlllaidSO Loa in the Meruhnc, " " Zach, 36 Let it Pate, for Bass or Alto. " 35 Ytt Once Aqain, Daett for 6op. and Earr. Gabiici. 50 Quarreilinj Sr.iijJiVore, Comic Duett, Anher, 73 Somebody Child, with vacations, Mack, CD llcawnly Greeting, Pensie Boymantiquer Bianokey, 3j Huliday Vacation Marcl, illustrated title Gilsinn, 0 Sutet t Anticipation, Schottische, " " Gilsinn, 50 Daity, Faataifia, Krn, Si Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. No matter where you see a piece of Italic or Music Book advertised, send to us and yon will receive H by enclosing the publishers price. MCSIC DEALERS, mJT-dedllm. ST. LOCIS. DAVENPORT ADVERTISEMENTS. LA 51&F-. . 1. DCTGLAS, DIES' VARIETY STOES AND FAKBIOKABLE I&iUisirj &sd Dress Makin XSTABU3BHZXT, 28 sr A is itiiir, IOWA. Telegraphec te the Aaecs. 25. BOOTS BX17BIS6. Book Binder and Paper Hanger. Shop on Orleans St., opposite Court Bouse. EOCK ISLAND, ILL, Ail kinds of Paper Boies made to order, aogl9d-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS ! BY THR Hong Eong- Tea Coin'y, Branch House, Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILL. Wheie we are offering onrival'ed Teas, at the same low price, as at their "Eastern House. By In porting Teas ia cargo lota, thev enable as te retail to the cooiume.- at extremely low tr ees. Don't fall to visit the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palace Row, where will be found the 6 nest, purest and freshest Teas, Coffees and pl see, at prices beyond euro pel ill on. my5dw3a POW AKS A FKlKMiS, Ag ts CHEAP FIBISSJBEETBiVEL Chicago, Cock Island and Facifie Railroad Company. 000,000 Acres CHOICE IOWA LANDS. lais company is now offering for sale about six hundred thousand acres of the finest agri cultural lands in the West. The Company sells only to actual se Itlers, and the prices are exoeed ingly reasonable, rarglng from 5 to 111 per acre the average being about 3. The greater part of these land's are situated along the line ot Its railroad between the cities lie. Muiu. ..d Counsil Bluffs, and are in the most acoessible and fertile region in the State. bales made tor oash or on credit long enongh to eeaoie any industrious man to pay for the land out of its crops. these lands are held nnder a title direct from toe ucneral Uovernmes t, and are not morrt gaged er encumbered in any way. Foil warranty uterus given to pwrouasere. For snaps, pamphlets, orany other information reepeorog them, address Eivt.ikm Cook, Land buuuiiiioDfr, vevenport, lowa. EXPLORING TICKETS are sold attbe Co pany s ticket offices at Chicago, and all other principal stations on lu line, and if the pore-hater bays land the amount paid for the tieket is applied on tbe purchase money. ORIENTAL CEE1M. A Card to Drngglsis and Dealers. A DANGEB0U8 AID POISONOUS COl'I. TERFEIT OF Dr. T. T. Goarand's OKIENTAL CREAM, 02 3IAG1CAL BEAUTIFIES. Is Attsmptsd ts bs Palmed off on the Public. SaILWACKEE. BADGES STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! SOS. 1, 3 A 5 tLYUOL'RSI ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, ... F. F. ABAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Orders frem close Cash Buvers solicited. mohSj-dly DR. COLLINS' Painless Cnre for the OPIUM HA3IT. DR. COLLIXt' AlTIIOTE. nab!ss the patient to disconticne tbe nse of Opium in any form, at once, without pain or in convenience, and without any interruption of ordinary tasine. It rebilas the broken oon stitution and restores the brokon energies. DISCOVER ED IS iMtlM. The Only Painless Cnrs ever Discovered TIIEKIAKI: A book of over 1"! page', cnntalnirg letters of FITZ-HrGfl LCDLOAT, the well known letter of G. A. T. exposing tbe !nt-luea of HARPER S MAGAZINE and LT7DI.0W, aoo a full description ol the Antidote, sent ires td aDy addres". A ldrers. DR. SAMUEL B. COLLINS, LaPORTB, IsiHASA. SO DAVENPORT, sept22dly. he has ased Rosadalls In eases of Bero- fala and Seeoadary Byphllis with satis factory results as a oleaaerof the blood I know no better remedy. Samuel S. Jdcfaddea, Af arfreesboro, Tenn , says : "I hare ased sevea bettles af Rosa dalis, aad am entireiy oured of Rhenm attsaa; send mefoar bottles, as I wish it for say brother, whs has esrofulous sore eyes." Ben"jaiala Beohol, of Lima, Ohio, rites, I hare suffered far twenty years with n veto rate eruption aver his whole ocdy; a tshert time siaoe I pur chased a bottle ef Besadalts and it af feeted a perfect ear." Rosadalisis sold by all drngsists. Laboratory, 41 Bxohange Place, Bal tlstor. Or. OLIUITI CO Proprietor feb38deed-t,Ul Oregoa . FennsyWanlB Rhode Island Sontb Carolina Tennessee.. T.xa. I tab . Te r mont w ...... .... VirgiBla ...... Washington Territory . West Virginia ... Wisconsin.. ...... Wyoming Isrritory... Ponalatlon af States and Tertitorlcs38,546,983 Qtjihcy, 111., August 25. A dispatch re- esiivcd this mormof from otewartsville, Mo, twelve miles east of Jt. Joseph, on the line of Hannibal and St. Joe Railroad, states that Patrick or J. H. Dolye, who poisoned John 0. Foster Monday last, while riding in i bU (Foster's) wgoa from AmMonia to 8t, ,s. 4H4.47 .60, J47 617,404 14.1S1 lli.O l:t 1,700 lh7,T4r 1,184,H9 14,l'()0 8,5311,?!) I 1,60,637 1,11,7SJ , 3fit,3y 1,331,011 7H,U15 n26,81u . 7-t0,894 . 1,457,364 . 1,184,050 , 439,706 S27.4S2 , l,7il,2f5 20,59a . 122,000 42,491 . 318,300 . 80fi,06 Si.8'4 . 4,32,759 . 1,071,361 . 2,6o,2H0 90,23 . 3,521,791 217,353 . 705,6118 . 1,258,620 818,870 86,786 .. 330.369 .. 1,3116,16$ - ... 23,945 442,014 .. 1,054,67.0 9,118 W. L. CASSOLL, ARCHITECT AKD StTPEEWTESBERT OF ECILDiKG. Sarenports - Iowa. Also, in eonneetioB with Dodge A Mobb, Washington. D. C. the former Examiner in the Patent OfSee. baa eaoerior faetiitiee for attend ing to all kind, ef Patent OSse business for 1N VBtTOR8 an.l4w. IsARBOLIC 5ALVE. The important discovery of the CAKBOLIC ACID as a CXEAIVSI!iti, PI UIFI llG, and IIEAEJLKO Airent ts one of the mot remarkable raUs of modern medical research. Dnrinir the late civil war It was extensively used in the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a thorough disin fectant but also the moot won derfnl and speedy UEAUNC UOIEDlf ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and healing: agencies, in tbe form of a SAIA'E; and, bavins been al ready used in numberless cases with most satisfactory and ben eficial results, we have no hesi tation In offering it to tbe pub lie as the most certain, rapid, and effectual remedy for all Sores and Ulcers, no matter of bow lontr standing, for Burns, Cuts, Wounds, and every ABRASION of SKOf or iXESU, and for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Druggists. Prioe 25 centa. J0HNF.imY,'Slll8W, NO. 8 COLLEGE PLACE. Kew York- oh4-d satAwfm, Aug Fluur Quiet, in fair demand. Wheat Aotive and higher; Ho 2 eiosing at $1 25 each or Keller Augaet; $! 12 seller Decem ber. In the afternoon seller August closed at tl 24; but seller September was firmer and higher, selling up to i I 14, elosiag easier at f I l3j ; No 1 sold on 'change at tl 26al "4J : fie 3 $1 OTalOS ; winter tio 3 red at $1 US. Corn Higher; No 2olosed on 'change at 4"o oash ; 47c Augnst, 45Jo September : Ho 2 yel- luw sold at 4Tia47jc; lejocted 4iafo. Oats In good demand : Bo 2 iOJaSle; re- jested 20ieJ7o. Eye Firm at 9a59ie. Bailey Active at 63c oash. Knwipls Flonr 4,306 ; wheat 66,08 ; corn 16l ";;.": osts98,4U4; rye 19 '.'15 : barley 575. (Shipments Flour 3,177; wheat 48,613; corn 25 2,07; oats jO.660; rye 16,200 ; barley 8,251 Seeds Timothy firmer, with sales at $2 2i' 3 00. Whisky Firm at S?c. Vrovisions Quiet and nomlns'Jy nashacged. CMcago Zdvs Btoek. Telegraphed to the Assrs. Csiol BvsckTabbs, Aeg. "i. Cittlo Keoelpts 1,144; mostly nouimoo to medmui : no cnoiee steers in market ; 783 head sold at 12 30a3 05 lor thin to fair Texan ateera : f 3aS SO for common to guod sows, and from $4 UJai 26 for fair to good shipping. IT Vu.Im. '1 " I . I . 1 . . ... . aoxm ihw.ji. nsisei QBies ana es- ior; heavy seuing at ia4a: light f 4 46a4 5U, with one er two iois at u. Q. W. MI1TELBARGER. (Snocessot to EOBT. KCEHLEK.) Cor Illinois and Eagle (Ms., ROCK ILAM, - ILLS. Dealer in GSOCEHiES,PE0TlSIO?iS Queeasware, Coffee, Sugar, Fruit and Vegetables. Tbe Cheapest SUie ia lbe Cliy. Cash paid fur Country produce. Farmers call and examine his first-class slock. Goods delivered in the city free. feb24d Niagara Steam Pump Works. ID? EETHS28EXTS. MEH E0. a. LiWTON, AND Commission Mercliant, 51 Perry Street, DAVEKPOBT,.. IOWA jy28-d:m AOABEMY OF TUB., , Immaculate Conception DAVEJfPORT, 8C0IT CO-, IOWA. COltDCCTED BT TBE gISTEBS OF CHARITY B. V. M . WUleommeoee its 16th Beoai-annnal Session Wednesdays August 16th, 1871 n. Being incorporated ia accordance with the laws of the Bute, this Institutes confers the asaal v'Uegiate degrees upon its graduates. . For Circulars address ul-43ta 6I8IEB BUPEBIOB, c METROPOLITAN HOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, Will ro-open under the sew manasemest For the Eeceptisn of Gnests. Tbe spacious building has been thoroughly renovated, and newly furnished thronghont. Tbe Proprietors have made every exertion U) adapt it to tbe comfort and convenience of its patrons, and haTe spared neither pains nor ex ien?e to 5eoue that end. TWEED A CABFIKLD, j.-"8-dwlm Pr'ineto-s itti V70EK. Agents ! Eead This ! WH WILL PAT AGE'TS A SALARY OF 130 per Weez and Expenses, or allow a large rommifsion to sell onr new and wonderful iaventioas Address M. WAGSES A CO.. Marshall, i!ib. AE?.TS, TsSEXOIlCS To e reason our ettents make po msj'-li i ly because mir goods are firt-elaj-ff : people like them, and trig y are warranted. Muse live Agectt? wauled A. K. TA LOB, Kew Britain, Co ALE& F9HTE8. Cream and Stock Ales. ursa ST80D Charles B. Hardick, Fo. 9 Adams street, BBOOKXYH, SEW YOBK. Bole Manufaslurer of Hardlek's Patent Zonbie-ActlBg Eleara Pump and Fire Ecgiae. Mining Pumps a Specialty . Patented in Bsgland, Belgium and Vraioe. Send for eireolar. ausiliily PCILiDELPEIi entaS Iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1138 RID? K AVB., PUILADKLPHI A, PA Manufaetarvra ot Fcuataini, Vases, Statuary, Verandas, Summer Hotves, Arbors, Oliairs, let tees, Ao., Ao., Cast in J Wrought It ca Etiliax, For pobiie buildings and Squares, Cemetry lots, Uar a en Jfecoes. lsalcauies, Koof Castings, sto., in great varttty of f atterns. IRON STAIRS cipixal aud Straight, of various patterns and tyles. Special atteatios giea to this elass ol wuck. IkW POSTS, f Public Buildings, U. ia and elaborate desif STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Cast and Wrought Iron of Bew Improved tyles such as Hay Hacks, Stall Divisions. Maa- gers, Harness Brackets, Gutters, Traps, Ventil ators. Ac. WIRE WORX Of every description. Wire Guards, of Crimped Wire, Oalvaniscd or painted, In plain and orna mental patterns, fur 8tore L' ,ors. and Windows, vaotoryand arehouse n mitrs, rtailings for Offices, Banks, Counter UaiHe g , Balconies, Laws SBd farm rcaoes, Ac. For Fronts of Pnblio Buildings, Hotels and elty streets, of plain and elaborate desigas. TRAVELING S1LES3IE JL'S 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITII. Thii li th reason " Wo can tell the BEST QUALITIES OF WINES A N I LIQUORS 5 THAN AST OTHHR H0TJ8B. J, WEITZEL & EBO., IHPOITEBfi, I I A 1 West Bandolpk 8ueet,... CHICAGO ssajJOdSm Proprietors of the Aresole Agents for Peaslee's Celebrated Creao and Stock Ales. For safe by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oct2 dtf WEST'S Saloon b Billiard Rooms, Re, 3 Earner House Bloc:, KOCK 1SLAK1) .11.1. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, 1b4 Isperlcfl W icei, Brs.Rdie: Agent for Sands, Lills.and Joliet Ales, also host Bco teh and .English Ales and London For ter tor sale. Ct:?e,. Ksnd for sale by the barrel. Ag nt for k. ZUicr's 11:1, iard and PiteeaHole Table Mabiitkctcry. apr4-tt H, K. WEST, Proprietor, GATES, Forestranro to Ceisstrics, 1'nr.Ho gqvaret and Osntlemen's Coantry Seats, of Gas Tubing or Wroeght Iron, both biBgle or Doable, in elabor ate and simple designs. estimates and l)il-ns tent on avplleatien. stating the e'aes of work designed. 1' ore eaters may rely on hariagail articles carefolly boxed and shlpptd to the piaee of des- unatton. ico!i7-d6m DoEAVSN'O WILD CBERRY BITlkS The Ecst Toslc la the World COLD WATES 80IP. TLe UDer.,.. floated soDnlarltv and sniversal demand lit this innocent cesmetlo has excited the eupid'.ty ol" a bold sod Infamous conntcr feiter, in imitating tLe label and the bottled mj Cream. Ia the couuterleil label, tbe dash divid ing the wrds "Trade maik," and the p tried after the latter word, are omitted. There is no dot separating the dollar aad cents ef the price in the cotmti rfi it. The last word of each' lice of the "Direction" In the ooontertelt is the fol lowing : ,Of'"use." '"large," 'the' and "none;" these words, in tlie genuine, begin cschlu.e of tbe "Ilirection." lbe eountirleit lasel ia a brighter scarlet, and t'.e engraviBg Inferior The wax at tbe top is dnll and of poor quality. In other respects the connterfeit is well ealcnlati d to deceive. Diuglsts ibould fce on ttieir gnard vthea my Creani ia offered at 1'SS price tliaaf 144 ( er gross, less tea per cent ditconnt. 1 rave u.t'Yer,u a firm or bouse, sold it tor less, sor STer bare received an order f r more than a gross at a time, Dr have I ever exchanged the Cream for other g'-O'ls, demonstrating that It any oneoflois my Cram lor less, it is a counterfeit. All orders, to Insure the genatae, should be sent to my only office, No. 4X Bond street, Jew Tork, formerly No. 45 Broadvay and No. " Walker street. T. Felix tioreAvn. Jrrrr.aso!i Mabsiv P6lkb Cot bt. James L. Mutton, of Vo.4.0 Dey street, was arraigned belore Jedge Cox oa a charge of connteifeitiiig the trade-mark and label ot Dr. T. Felix tiour aui's Original Cream, or Magio Keant-.fier. It ajp(.ears that this insenious operator palmed off on A. K. hands one grofs of the spsrloua stuf:, lor which he obtained $114, being ?i5.60 itn liisa ttv article is invariably lo d by Dr. U. Tue said gross, mir. us six botllee, have been honorably delivered by said Hrrn to Iv. i. The ruiserable eonterfeitr disposed of aBother gross to t rlitenden, j etixtn avense. iois gentleman very handsomely returned all he had sold viz, seven deien. ABoiaer prose was Sold to Piatt, Scott Co., Broadway, tea dosen of which were scld to John F. Henry. ot one of these bottles has been retuiced to Pr. O. The representative of Mr. Benry assnred Mr (..that every bottle should be destroyed. Mr. Conrasd ts determined, if posslbl , to stop this knavijh business oi" counterfeiting, by legal locecdings and the publioati'n ot the name ef every vender who is 0'..gmsai.t of the preperatiot. biltg conn terfeit. Ia the meantime porcba?ers cannot te too mush on their gaard ; and be sure to get tbe ii'ienu.1 Cream, or Magical beautifier, f r.(Bta Lie Dmegists. and at Mr. Felix Gocravd's ooly dpot, Jo. 4S BoL-d ftre. t. Bstablished thirty one years (iourand's well Iroan Italian Medi-tnt-it fozf, lor the cure if skin diseases, price fifty cents, is still lor sale ; a'so his Pondre Subtile, for npreoting eoperflu"oe hair sately ard qaiekly : Liquid Bou;.e, Lily white, etc. I)K. GOURAVD'8 ITALIAN MEDICATED i-'JAF is found to be all softicient for the com plete removal fiom the skin Of Tan, Freckles, aud Pol turn ; cr, in fact, any disngBrrntent which is the resuit of ocltsnw; while its medi cal properties are ot so power! al a nature as to be potent tn tLe remot i.1 ef cutacecos ernpt'eas and ali seorbutio appearances, ineiuuicg I ry rica'.d Head. Salt bhenm, Barber's Itch, iota, eto. Old tores eie repiiiiy healed by it, and the pain arising irom lbe bites of liusquitots, the stings of V asps or other veaemous inseets, is iiiio-ediaieiy allayed, chaps, cracks ana e halts u. bewiid iy it. In faot no tamUy ebcu'.d be withoet this senp, but more especially those who live remote irom cities, in places here at all times it is not easy to procure medical at tendance, fieitber shoBid tte fearnan be Itb- oot it, as it it a complete remedy tor senrvy ,scd can be uie.l in har or salt water as well as soft. In addition tbereto, it Is perfectly buoyant. Tbe Ital'an Kieaicetcd Feap may therefore be considered ss tbe greatest boon which modem toienee has onterTed on mankind. LIh.ECT10XS I0R V6K. For Xryiivelar, Salt Kheum. worms tn tbe skin, chaps, chafes, redoefs, sallownei, and all skin defoimities, Ring Worm, Ccald Bead, Scurvy, Barber s Itch, etc., the soap must be made into a thick lather, aad well rebbed in several times a day with a shaving broth. For Pimples. Tan, Freckle?, Sunburn, Sallownoss, hougbnes". Mosquito biles, or vmetuout nisgs, it should bentedibtee or tour times a day. in severe cases make a paste and apply, provided It does net produce a smarting sensation. This sosp is moreover the auost giorioas compound for shaving ever iaven verued, and can be ased with either herd or a it water, and no seaman should go to sea without a supply, as it is a complete aititlote to scurvy, 50 cents a ce. The folii witg is selected from a October of ciwmunlewtiope In preiFe of Pr. Oooreud'e LI QUID KoriiK : I'r. Fklix Got bai b ! Dear Sir As leaiug aetres. 1 am compelled to ro;K eccasionnlly. Having never seen anylblcg of the kibd equal to your Vegetable article, having striven in vein to procure it in this city, I shall be greatly obliged (shonld It not be too intignificaat for you) If yoa advise me how and at what eoet I can proenre a bottie with the least trouble to my self. Pleaso address " , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the celebrated Dr. HoBfton. in praise of I.t. Goarand's POi'SKB SIBTII.E. tor ai.roctm sopeiCncus hair lroxo any pari oi the human body : "I have bad an opportunity of o'-iervitg tl e operation of Ir. Felia Gouraud's preparatlm lor the removal of snperfiuous hair, and am erfet ly satisBed of its pacoliar efficacy. Af'er an an alysis of tbe composition of these powners, I 'b without any hesitation, pronounce tbua 1 erfect Iy harmless, and in ever way io 'titely uptner to any pretaration of the kind tveroCVred to the poblic. I have pleasure m giving tneso m; reec.ronieudatioB, len.g thus tui.y couvineea their value. JAS. A. 1I01ST0K, M. D , hdiior X. T J-'1 T. FELIX G0l Bil I, D.. apl Prnetlcal Ch.mi-t, 48 Bond stree, for;...r!y 4i.'l Bro.J ay. To be had of Dr. T. Felix fi.,ursud,Ko 48 Ecd street New York, an J TTI-nlesale injev iork, of f C Well. A Co. 1"'? Fulfil street; J F Bcnrr s Cnll-L'e Piso: w 1' PehltrTelin A Ce, Ki IT ttilhetn ttn-et ; McKesson A Robbie , SI F ni ton street : Arnold AMcSary,47 Park Place: Crittendeu, "th Avenue j BnJs, Haumann A Murphy- 1 Barclay Street; liegeman A Co, "il-i Jlronairey , and Druggists general'y. jel 4deod,t,t.sA wcaaiSm ef Djspepsia, kdigestiea, Loss of Appetite, GCXEBIL BELILIT V, C2ILLS Etc. THE WILD CHERRY HUM SAB no It is acknowledged by every one who ha, taksB it, to be the - BeHt liteiixedy For the diseases same ever offered. lW Depot, 44 laialie street, CEICAGO,.,.....,., ....11.1V nHAVBK A WALE8, , Sole M annfaotarars. I es sale by Druggists. je22-dw6s Washes ia Cold or VTsrEJ, &&ri or Scfl Water WITHOUT JiOILING Without fcjarj to Ctetlies, Sating Labor, Tine and Fuel! This roup kas bee a nsed by many Ladies in the city, and they all tiroeoauce it superior te any other they ever nsed. It saves time, labor ana preserves the elethes. i Manufactured by the 1 - COLD W1TES 8GA COMPASr, H Korth Des plain as Street, CHICAGO.... . aeeeeesf s.aMNisi .......II. fc. For sale in Bock Island by WING & BUBST, BAED8 OLD TAND. apsl-4wnt K. K. GAX2)NaJR"& CO. illl aABCFACrCKBBB or lEXTHm BELTING ! OSes, 129 Washington 6trest, EniTsvlo,... .....XJ. "ST. Tannery, 851 Eeneca street. oot dsod t.t.s-Iy COPP & BSO., Livery and Sale StaMes. Office nnder Dart'e EU, BOCK JiLA!SI) ItlS" Most Complete Establishment in the City Particular attertion paid to furnishing Carnages f... K-rooeAsions. et. rubialy I'liaTCfiPPBM, T. G. PEOK, Photographer! IOCbT. I8I.AIID . HegatlvM Preserved. Ill, ' feb2i-dSin