HUES OF ADVERTISING s rUSLlSBSD IT TBI ' iaoM p&isisxwa oobxp'tt, " tBaJdS. Dailt Aoi. iff Mail (payable ia afraaee), prsnaui,$IO.Ou By Mail . .tix ,,,, a.OU By Mail , ooete.,. . By Mail 1 ailb.... A WBr Citt Oaaniaa, IS Cents por k. Sneia Cos-its Cents. TIRM1--TUILT Ahbi. ib gle Copy, (payable! a d7o) $1.50 Ten Copies ' " twenty Copies " " fairty Copies " ' 0. Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 lot tuk nun. er the ! eeeueied by tea ia.. of .olid, Oae Dollar for .ask i- Speeial Hotiee., SO sents pel Ji- in serted I month, or moia, 48 por coat abort regu lar advertising rates. Communications, or articles lnsertea "-B readiag matter, Si cent, per Ha. DlIlT 1ID WBBB1T. HI'"" I lu cent, will b made from the Weekly rates, oa yearly and half yearly eontra.ts, when the matter 1. inserted in both DaUy aad Weekly. Double OelaaiBl will be eharged J percent additional. I or :i transient adv.rtls.m.n adranee pay meet ii required. ABSXTXOIYAX, CXT7. HIT Of HABSIaGB 00NTRA0T8r0 AUGUST. An. 1. tleortre Robhlns, Julia Cromwell. P C ti Kanrup, Kimtine Madson. 8. M tiemoti, Annie M Suider. 4. Alhort Klebo, Llna Sunje. 7. .Josie Whately, usan h' Bean. 8. .1 P Martin. K.we Miller. 10. David Call, Nelile Sullivan. 14. John Johnson, Lena C IVtcrson. 11. li M Hood, Maria O'Brien. Andre.' Johnsou, Ida Johnson. lfl. c J Frodmiberir, Jo C ilokenson. 17. John McCarthy, Ellon Grimm, lit. Peter Shalor, Annie Middlehum. Kobert (tnniftt. Nettio Clark. 22. Jianlel tioodman, Charlotte Uahrio. John Spalr, Catherine Ottti. ' I'liriat Koss, Mary Roeschmann. W 11 Dart, Charlotte A Sauimia. Christtau 8chata, Magrdaleim Fisher. M A Uoleouib, Kcilm-ss E Wilson. I Aaron Leeds, El too Asuy. 25. John Btadcl, Mary siominar. John McConnell, Jennie M Ptllon. SG. lluifh Conwel I, M.iry cle'land. Andrew rk-rtrlHin. tllcn Nlaon. Id). V VV Zeii;U.T, Lura K Cook. HI. J C liolmixon, Klla Hobinwn. Kobcrt ti'Mvekea, Mary J hwi-rt. GaKD Jcroro. The following ia liatof Grand Jurort, at tbia term of Ciroait Court: R. K. McCormiok, Jacob Fliokinger, M.1 C. Ward, J. M. Grove, J. A. Searl, Laoioa Wells, Enoch Moore, E. W. Spencer, J. H. Wilnoii, C B. Kuoi, U. C. Connelly, G. W. Hellim, J. A. lioyer, P. J. DealfWin. Soott, William Little, K. Hubbard, William Smith, Jackioa LUtle, W. H. Womacke, John Stewart, George W. Vinton and Frank Gun cell. German America School. Thli even ing, the German English School Society give their grand ball ia the Turner' Hall, for the benefit of the Society, ninsio by Biehl'i Band. The new building it almost finished, and school will be commenced in it to morrow. The tickets are fifty cents each. Ail should aid ia this laudable Un dertaking. Iha WniTtiiSAn ha leftthe Milan Houee. lie lie.l recently noticcil people getting new tji;B oa their boot. VERT LATEST BY TELEOKAPH. 4 O'OIock Jt. iX. NEW Y O U KI. Democratic Xaeeting City Ac- cnonti-Qorte XSlsease Vha Steamboat Law Hepnbli caaa will desert thair cante. WASHINGTON. ZVeih Postmastern Indian Seni tory to be vacated Treasury Accounts -WaTy. ILLINOIS. , brutal coward shoots a womaa Boiler Bzplosion. lUt work on pier No. 5 ia being forward rapidly and well. poshed IT OOAL NOTICES, liAtiA.i: iK'iiiE. lutoresiinjf work, . tjjj airius. -i padres, rrice iu jjau AJdroaa ic. Batu' Dispensary, 12 Vjnn F!:ghth street, St. Louis, Mo. See aivtrtiseaieut. lUnne's Pain-Killing Magio Oil is sold by most of our traders, and ia becoming almost as indispensable in a family as good floor. It cuies pa n quickest of anything we aver tried. Sold by John Bengston. Tkltii. The powers of Mrs. Whiioomb's Syrup for children are as positive as the sun light from heaven, and gentle and toothing as an angel's whisper. Who haih woe, who hala sorrow, who hath oauteciions, who hath all sorts of trou bles ? Those who use any other than Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Special iavorings. These articles prevent all these trouNM. by keeping the husband in good humor and the children duw. If the table is r.ght, all is right, end there can be noth ing wrong with any part of it if Dr. Cream Baking Powder is nsed Explosion onaSark- Enters' Pres idency-Sentence of XSeata on Communists. Market Reports. Reported Expressly for the Abocs. to Price's make the Xsw York, Sept. 4. Tha Fourteenth Ward Gnrman Democratio Committee at a meeting last eight endorsed the action of the German General Committee demanding an investigation of the administration of the city government. Similar action was taken by another German Democrat organiz ation. In the Sixteenth Ward was another mass Democrat meeting last evening. Pleas ure t were discussed for consolidating the German vote at the approaching election. At a meeting of the leaders of the Demo crat Union party held last night, Congress man Roosvelt presiding, it was decided to give a political reform meeting to be held next week. The Clerk of the Committee of the Board of Supervisors and Aldermen, believes that all the gentlemen designated as co-workers ternooa until six the plaza resounded with pistol shots, groan aad execrations. - For fally fifteen minutes the firing was incessant, and continued during the rest of the hoar. The Republicans and Democrats selected to-day as the most suitable time for the grand display of the campaign, and at an early hour the parties commenced their prep arations. The leaders were evidently desir ous of avoiding a disturbance. The respec tive parties formed in procession and passed each others place of meeting without out breaks, and nothing happened till after the meetings had adjourned, and the processions had re-formed. At 5 in the afternoon both parties met in the plaza, exchanging violent vivas. A pistol shot was fired, when men, women and children hurried to their houses, but the fight was kept np from the windows and housetops, the dead and wounded fall ing on all sides. Hon. John Simon, Re Dublicau candidate for Judge was first killed. The balance of the killed and wounded were ! mostly Mexioans. Another fight took place at Auto Chico, near Los Vegas, in which two were killed and six or seven wounded. The people were terribly exoited, bat every thing is being done to preserve peace aad good order." Hon. Marsh Giddiigs, the new Governor of this Territory, arrived here on Thursday, and was inaugurated yesterday. He was serenaded last evening by one of the largest assemblages ever known in this city. He made a speech which was received with great enthusiasm. London, Sept. 4. A boiler exploded on the bark Cardiff, yesterday. The captain and engineer were blown overboard and drowned. The number of emigrants from Liverpool during the month of August was 4,000 greater than the same month last year. Versailles, Sept. 4. The acceptance of Thiers' Presidency by the Assembly is cot because the Assembly were content with Thiers on his own terms, or afraid of his resignation, but because they could get no oue else to uke his place. Due D'Aumale's final refusal determined the members of the right to vote for the bill. MoMahon, Chan gamier and President Grevy were asked, but all refused. Grevy declared him self more of a Republican than Thiers. Others said they were unwilling to become a pretext for disorder. i he court martial having been deliberat ing with closed doors since 6 o'clock this morning, has just pronounced the following sentence on members of the Commune brought before it for trial : i ovre and Lulier, death ; I rban and 1 in quet, imprisonment for life at hard labor ; Assy, Billoray, Champy, Regere, Grusset, Verdure, and Ferrat, deportation and con finement in Fortress Jourde ; Rostoul, sim ple deportation Courbet, six months im prisonment and a fine of 500 francs ; Clem ent, three monthsimprisonment; Deschamps and Parent are acquitted. Madrid, Sept. 4. Advice from the French frontier state that the Cariistt have been ordered to report to their leaders oo the 8th insu, to be ready for arising against the Government on the 10th inst. Constantinople, Sept. 4. Tha condition of the Grand Vizier's health ia again criti cal. St. Petersburg, Sept. 4. Prince Alexis started to-day from Constantinople, for the United States. The Emperor of Russia has gone to Cau casus, and the Empress to the Crimea. HEW ADTERTISEMEST8. s niTHRIBGK' a. v sr it bit nrisa LAMP CHIMNEYS Stand Htat better than any other made. Ask for Dithridge's, and take no other. See that our name Is on every box. DITHRIDGB A BOJT, PiirsBrBO, Pa. Bead for Price Llit. POPERY txzh ron or tbs cburozx AND .REPUBLIC. Vbt !t has don", whnt it is doinir aiul what it motms to do. Its power. Its rieapotiem. Jte iufaHlbilh y. Iisfrands. ItH reliota. It miracles. Il idolatry. Jig pertrrnrionf. Its hatred of our public Kchool? and of civil and religion lihertv. Its STartlinsr Tim-s. Us horid ww-kt'dnew, and it NEW VUHK. KU) J s, A book that it wanted everywhere. V witt apt nts to introduce it m every county t once, and will pay thorn liberally. enn t'.r circular. Atiurt' z.u.iiti.iMt & aauriDi, fitt Monroe at., Chicago, 111- WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Haanlaetarers of artistic tailoring. dus. COLE & J1C0BS0N, CK'l LISTS and Af 1USTS, treat all diaeases or The Eyo & Ear, At their Institute, 303 Wabash Avenue, ilKWiiO, whre the y are prepared lo sronmmoiIMe patient' with board and lodirincr. tIner will receive prompt attention. DiarThnea,i)ysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Children's Teeth ing, And the Great Preventive Asiatic Cholera. BS A.QTJIXIX1' K Bonne Plant I Thic extraordinary medicine, the fame of which ia spread broad cast throughout the country, i un dottbtly superior to anv remedy ever ottered to the public for the complaints tor which it it intended. e have in our poteemuon testimonials '.lunmhed voluntarily by Col. Long, late Chief Typof-Tiiph ii .nl raurineer Bureau, at na-nininon; lien, t itz tienrv Vt arren, uen. I'leananton, and o:ners of the arniv ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOWING MACHINES, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMYTIIS' STEAM HAMMERS, Qun XVlachinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shalting and Hangers, Patent Solf Oil'.ng Box. WAREHOUSE : lOT 1.1 BEEtTY T., JiEW YORK CITY" MANUFACTORY : HAMIHOSI) ST., (Opp. Junction Depot), WORCESTER MAS9. AH Train" enterinr the City, stop within ten 34 WAsnxzravozv ST., OBXOAOO. DRAPERTAILOR "and importer of Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEirS USE. ITLDMG CCTFIT8 A SPECIALTY- Shirts to Measare lOslra Denble and Porfet in Fit. Clergymen will be aliewed 6 per cent, diseoant. feblKdty 8Aii, D(jC$. &C. HBW ABVSXWSSESSXfSE. XHB HXW BI3IK?ECTAHT! BItOMO CESL0HALVM, MON-PUISONOU8, ODORLESS, POWERFUL DEDORIZBH ASD III FECTAWT. EXTIRELY HARMLESS AND SAFE. ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. Used In private dwellings, hotels, restaurants, pnb iic schools, hospital?, insane asylums, dispensaries, .iails. prisons, poor-house, on ehip. steam-boars, and in ti nement-hoaaea, markets. f,,r waier-cioseis, urinals, sinks, gewers. cess-pools, stables. 4,-. A siiciUc ill ail contagious and pestilential dis eases, as Cholera. Tvi.bidd Fever. Ship Fever. Snnll ris. Si nrlei Fever, ileasles, diseas-8 ol animals, Ac. j'reuj,red only by TILDEN CO.. V,e, Wiiliam street, New York. Sold hy all ItrtireistP. DISEASES OF THE HAEVEST for AGENTS. fiVt PTiifn arid Ktd of rrood addro) and do- portmiif. nm h-tv i'd'orinMnn nnd th ttestt itrnc- iou- evT pu'iiwhcd. H,-,t! iv.. hv m:iiL A -'rand coinhiiiiiTiou i if Hut irv, IfMjrapii'v Kwtnv. I'octrv, and thv Fine Arts. KvnrvWiv w:i"nt it. ( jiiiva- hook frv. iDtHriiatiiiTtal Iniii-liin lOinnnnv. W Liirty etreei. New York. " rodi of our Works. J10-dtf Father P. J. ItrSmth, the celebrated Indian Miwion ary ; also. Officer of tha iavy ; Surgeons, Hoiii:al Stewards, coraTiiander of nearly every ueaiuer piy- iiiL' on the M;.--i-..;d nnd tributary riven. West ern Sanitary aist rh.'ir.n i 'ommirinions. Army 4 hsp lairif. and oiiici.- - iiuitcru 10 mciuion. Liki-e hit:heM t-ncamiani!" of u- prew., praising it? valuable medicinal qaaliiiet in the h!L'he--t teriuv. No other Diedieiue has cuch recomiiTindaiioim. J iV 1 MA Crl'IliK, soU; proprietory Sumh-wcr-t corner of Oiive and Second streets. St, Ixims, Mo., and sold hy Jrug gi!"t and Medicine deab'n everywhert1. 3 ffcuts: f uller A Miner. ancnar. tevenon & Keid. i'hieairo ; ltit-r it Uiinp. Miiwaukuc : Mc Keoii A; Koiituus, itl and Fuitou st New Vorit. tirsir. I860. 1871. THE PiONEER MUSIC STORE. A CBIC1G0 LEAD & OIL W0ESS. .- .u- c .k. .... .,11 eatables, and his Special 1-iavor.ngs to flavor Royal 1'belns. Tanl N. them. Ask jour grooer for them. 'i'ise Xcs Eiog- Xtefr Aerator, A'cicti created such a sensation, and took tne tirst premium a; the Cinoinuati Exposi tion, St. ..odis I'air, Illinois State Fair, and aii tne Fairs throughout this State generally last season, is now for sale and can be seen m u -:u U iteration at E. W. Spencer's liju.aUJid Furoisatag Goads Emporium, on IUiqois street. Tne Kstngerator possesses many aivan- tau over all others aver maautactored, auijug whioh may be mentioned the fact tsai it saves fifty per oentof the ice required m any other Kefrigerator of the same siie. , is a preserver, not a consumer, like the numerous ice matters called Refrigerators, it proiuoos a dry, cold temperature in tha preterviog chambers. The temperature can be reduoedto fourteen deyrees below freezing y -;int. One artio'.a of food will not partake of the smell or tast of another. The pro- Tuinn chambers are always dry, sweet anl clean, as thev have no drippings from t oe. Fish, game and meats of all kinds can K kant frozen ar.v lentrth of time, and in a T..rfnetlv dry and preserved condition r ; ' ' . i Usifriiferalor is oiviaeo inio iwg pBjBrio Bau tinet compartments, and also has a Water rIu" attached, whioh furnishes an uu'.imr .tea eupr - - ; ' ire in tne i?''- il eonsumea auout wg .s.t. warth ot ioe evert twenty-fonr honrs This soonomioal piece of furnitnre eosts no mor than' any other refrigerator, and is nnfactnred of all sizes, and suitable for Hotels, Restaurants, Grocers and for family purposes. Call at E. W. Spenoer's the only agent for Rock Island. Moline and vicinity, and see the workings of this indispensable artiole in actual operation, BDrlH-dwfim 9E. SEULE-K-a WATER CURE K EIOSBa, Send for oiroalar. may2ld6m A T ....-WIS D. E. 8EELET, K.P. mmm insurance comp'y OF CHICAGO, I IX. Cssti Cspital, $200,000.00 nrpltis. 57,820.04 Dsukicc & Sbaw, Agents, air21-dlr Rook Island, JQSIin GATES & 80SS, . of "If X a,-,-;, MUf. -PrUf .fl ? .... i Vr: 1-11 FIRE EXGIiE HOSE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace I eather, nd F otr y tnppltM f urtfcllj. IiO VI EX L t..sMs.liASS All kinds of FIBR ENftlHB B081, mads tram the best duality of Philadelphia aad Balti more Oak Leather, and pat together with Tinned Rivets, a new improvement which prevents these fro as oorrodiaf and retting the leather. jeUdeodly , Spofford, Thomas VV. Pearsoll and ilham A Booth have already signified their accept ance. A meeting is promised to take place at an early date. The horse disease is reported to be on the increase in Brookiyn. Forty-twa horses died from the Core Bros.. Specal, Mengetus, and the Atlantic stables. The disease has made its appearance this week in a large number of private stables. The Supervising Inspector of the seoond District has aeut ont a circular, oaliiog on the local lusoector to rigidly enforce the steamboat law. Trot, Sept. 4. A letter from Senator Coukling to J. H. Oriswold is published to day, in which the Senator says the ttepuDU- cacs of the Mate are not aiviaea upon any nrinoinle at stake, or upon any praotical measure, and asks if Republicans will de sert their oause merely because the loaves have not come to their baskets or fishes to tk.,r .ta He declares his willingness to labor aide-by-side with any and all Kepnbh cans, lie announces for tien. Orint, lie cause, aside from his personal friendship for him. he believes be has made a better rreei dent than he or any who voted lor nim naa a ris-ht to expect. He is a better Presideut every day than he was the day betore, aad because he believes that with him as a can did ate aocoess is assured, while with any other success is not certain. He nrges the necessity of the union of all Repudlicans and others who would redeem the State and city of New York from control of the pres ent rules, and denounces strongly all efforts to divide the Republican party on persona grounds. WasHingtok, Sept. 2. The President has ancointed the following Postmasters : Wm Weldon, Iowa Falls, re-appointed, and It UcCaUisler, Champaign, 111. 'Itla thought Executive measures will soon be taken ordering the Kansas squatters wh ave settled on a portion of the Indian ler ritorr, to vacate it under oertain pains an penalties, the land having been set apart to the sole purpose ot the Indians. Tha amount drawn from the treasury dur ing the month of August, on warrants in fa vor of the several departments, was as toi lows: War department, $58,901 0!: Navy $31,499 91; Iu tenor Pensions and Indians $30,378 SB; civil and miscellaneous, $51,125 1H: total. 187.K96 74. Chiet tiOgineer onerwooo. nas oeen ue- tached from the Mare Island (Cal ) Navy Yard, and placed on waiting orders. Chkiaoo. Sent. 2. Last evening as a young workwoman named Sallie Sherry, was wa kmir down tiarx street on n --j .h. ... anmieted bv Sam Coleman, a former . J , . ... rrL :t over, who she had quarreled witn. i it.r a short replr, when tha cowardly brute taribd toward her in a threatening manner She sought safety in an adjaceut store, and in.t as ahe was enterinir the door. Coleman draw a vavn vnr and shot Her. the Dau taaiuv effeet in her aide, infliotina a supposed tatai wound. Coleman escaped, but the ponce m An liis trark. A lnnomotive on tha Toledo. Wabash & Waatarn railroad : exDloded the boiler yes terdav near Harristown, so iniunng John Sloore, engineer, and W, Cannon, hrsman that thev died in an hour. . Cannon was blown 100 feet into the air, and fell on tha roof of a car fearful y mangled, Moore was blown into a ditch thirty yards from tha ngme. .... - - Sabta FsN.M.Seot 2. This morning Past contains tha following correspondence from La Maseille, in the southern part of this Territory: ''The election excitement over nomine tioas oulminated to-day in one ol tha most fearful affairs aver witnessed. It is no ex atrgeratioD to say that tha plaea was literal lv drenched with human blood. At present writins- (Sunday evening, 2ith.) it is kno that aevan nersons have been killed, while it is estimated that tha wounded reaches as high as thirty, of whom seven or wight are mortally injured. From 6 o'clock this af- Gold 1.12 TiCke Bock Islasd, Septemler 4 This Flour market is eorrected at Wsraei'i ills and the quotations are the ruling prices oi " cne xvoea lBiana mirm. Wistbb Wbsat Fiocb Wholesale 13.40 ..v.os COMMERCIAL. Established 181 i. Burnt A Rebuilt Manufacturers of LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD SAB. & FXQ XSAS, Saw LiDiefd Oil, Boiled Linseed Oil ASZ) OIL CAKE. All Oil gaaraataed strictly pure and tall weight OFFICE OF TEE rBiciee shot tower rcjipiw Maaofacturers (,f DROf AVD BUCK. IHIIT. HITS.E.B1T! A!l II A R LEAD. Orders fruu the trade so-U!ed, aad prcmptly (lied. E. W. BLATCHFORD A CO., 70 North Clinton Street. LARGE STOCK ALWAYS OX HARD OF STKIM WAY, WTF.CK. KMKSS'l)), AMWSICAN, HAIMi. MAMeHALL AM) H ESiDKI t, X X .Jk. O r-4, Geoe Weed &Co's,iEsfy Organs and el! kindj of Miinicsl lustrumenis Pheet Music of latest ipsusn, and the hest im ported String! in the city ' JOUX HtlYT, apl Corner Illinois and Washiagtnn slreet. . SOL ANDES. & HTJBEB, Snoctsf rs to J. A. Bidoisor, Uanafactnrers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings FBAMIil, EBACKET8, And everything in their line. Glared 6ash on hand, also Corn Meal and feed. All work Warranted. feb24dn S1W. EtTABLisein tB 1850. WELCH &GRIFFITHS' SCPKRI0R TO ALL OTHERS Axes, Tiles, Cast BleeL Kill Furnishings, and Eaohlnery. teft.6et ths best, they will prove the cheapest. Priees redaeed. Send for prlee List and eirouiars, WKLCH b GBIFHIUH, BolSdwlyi Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich H. POWABS. j. i.. raissn Hong Kon " " ' Retail fipaiso Whbat Flour priai Aoaui i-xtr in tb?., w.'esai. itvtaii..... .., baees at wnoit5je.....M Laos a, at koieaal . .. Ketaii M tiaaat's 6m. t Ki.sisa Fi-ota Retail i Barrel, lacks....... " f-10 " " BcciwaiAT fxoia . W noie.-aie - - hetail . a... n Biii.iif Cas Oavs New Baclbt So. 1 - ..- Rejected..- a BCITBB Choice row, for seUiliag, will, brief... Cbsisb N. T. Factory Lasd per lb FsvAieas Applxs per bethel Sees per dos. .... The above prices are the wholesale gures at first hand. PoCLVny Live Turkies, per lb Dressed " " ..... Chlekens, live " " dressed" .... Duoks " ' Boss X,to osi.eo Cims Lisa weieht. ocnaos M Prime shipping, pet 100 lbs Wood Oak, per eord Hick or .. $R.S- ,7-' .... 7.vv ....7.Bt 8. tin ...7.4ti i 66 ..... 1.S4 OA .UU le.oo riUeHO j ,..20a2io 40 ,. 40af,0 -.34 15s 11 .. 1 Halle ... '20a."0 Co UJo .. le ..lijo ... 6e ... 10o ,.. 10o .i. 008. 0 6.4 7.00 $875,000 ! In Cash Gijls to he dixtriimUd ! the Me tropolitan Cash JVf'ze Co. EVKBY TICK KT DHAV1H A PRI.E. 1 Cah tiift $100JMi 1 so Cash Oifts. eaohl.ti 5 t-ach 4".innl I i"0 - rm lO ' " L'H.tKH' ; lltll ' '(a ai " " '- iiW ! wi " " no M Kleirsnt Boerwoorl Pi;itns. ent h f-M to t'l -r' " Mi iodcou!- lo l'it ".r I'wimr M.irhines, " 6,1 to !-i.(iMWmch.'K ' ;:!, .ito t'ah IViz.'s. Silvenvsn. etcT.ilncdat $1.8.i0. A cliftitire to draw ny of the above rize 2,:h ,. iii'criiiu j: iiriKt's. am ?-e;ilei in envelopes Ilin1.l. un rvivii.i of -i'.. a s.-aH-ii Tit k t rawn without clioicw and sent bv mnil to anv ,,- iln-ns. The i'nze DailU'ii upon il will lie lieliven-il 1,1 I'm-ticket bolder on the payment ot tno lHiiiar. Pri: Hre imniefliaielv yent to any artdre hv ej-prf-s in- return miii!. Ynii will know your prize K before yon pav for it. Any Prize esrlMiiscil fur annlher of uruni v;iiue. .No blanks imr palxotio can ucpeml on lair ileahne. Keienmces. The foMe-' in laiely d w valuiilil-. pnze. nr ! kii.uiy permit - u 1,11.1:1-11 them . An drew .). burno.. Chit-am,. 1(i.msi : Miss flara Wal ker. Baltimore, piano. oo : .las. M Matthew-. IV- trie.i. fount: John T. Amiersun. Saraunah. $.0"U : ,)ame- Simmons. Koston. hui 0. i're-s tipinion .-The firm is" Weeklv Trthnne. Oec. ,s. -kTeserve their success." -N . llerniti. ,lan. 1. -Just aad hetmrahle."" -Ncws.liec.y ssenri for cin:nlar. Ij&ernl unlurenionts toiuiems. Satisf;t"ion gusrantefd. Everv package of .K) heale 1 Knvelt.pes coiita.iis tine Cash Witt. Seven tickets tor f 1 ; it l..r ft : so for f3 ; un for ?15. A.lUn-s HAIiNES, WAKXER &CO., fiSBroadwat. N. Y NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A BHgl.t r,lue Eye, Song Meinioger, Soots 7,rre yew ""en loie Comio Soafr, Baxton, 411 Jlarlinq rifle nf the J)ardig Acaoot.PoiterSO Girl inih the CigarrW; Oomio Cordelia, SO Jxtty Timta, Comic, Parks, ?0 .Voir icoM'tn'tyou likr to i noir, Comio. Cord'la Hi) JtiretU nf thr Hmrt, Beaotiful Song. Miliaid.10 ., i tit Afc,i(iir, " ' Zaoh, ?.f Let it Pa, for Bas or Alio, " 35 Yet One Aiain, Daett lor Sop. and Barr. fiabriel, (,tirr(ir'i;7 Neighbor, Comie Doett.ABber, 75 Child, with va-iations. Mack, 80 7.arcn.'- Greetings, Pnsie Roytuantique, BlanoSey, ' J3 JloUdiy Vacation March, iilostrated title Giisina, 41 Street A nticipationi, Schnttiscbe, ' " Gilsinn, rt I'ii'y, Faetaisia, Krug Ad v of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. No matter where you see a piece of Music or Musio Book advertifed, send to us and you will receive It by enclosing the publnhrr price. MUSIC DEALERS, ra2T-deii;tn. ST. LOUIS. A Top f!fTr.V . Branch House, Palace Eow, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Where we are offering onrivalled Teas, at the Same low prioes as at their "Eastern Uouse." By importing Teas 111 cargo lots, toey enable ns ts retail to the costume' at eitretcely low rices. Don't fall to visit the Hons; Kong Tea Store, at Palace Row, where will be fouad the finest, purest and freshest Teas, Coffees and Spi ces, at prices bsyond competition. rOW A KM JtltttKjSAn. 1(11 scon BirTBine. WILtlAEsI tUItX-HS. Book Binder and Ptper Hangtr. Shop on Orleans St., oppo.ite Court Hrese. ROCK ISLAND, ... tjs Ail kinds oi angled ti ILL, Paper Boxes made to order, HBat. 9 Ha Ion" been resarned as the best and cheapest Baking Powder in nse. Perfectly pure and health v. It makes nt short notice, neliciime Biscuits, liolis. Ac. There need bti nowaste of food prepared witti it. as ii is always of the best quality. We wonld say lo those who have never nsed it that a very few t rials will enable them to use it, not only with entire satis faction, btrt with economy. Put np full, net weieht! as represented. Urocers and Tlenlers sell it. 1100LEY BttOTITEH. Proprietor. tii) New street. New York City. COP? & BRO., Livery and Sale Stables. CSce under Dart's Sail, HOCK. 1SL.AWO ILLS', Most Complete Establishment in the City Parti cola attertlon paid to furnishing Carriages for parties, Balis, Processions, ete. mh4dly GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE rev. ANI St 1q The CONGRESS HECTIC. TUc BEST winter OTEKSlIOEt m di t aijr.D in oreaK ! tnUTKUlULEtoputon! neat, tremeei, btyiisu i ASK 101 B SHOE DEALER F0II IT I V V W V W w A a a - . at A. w K V 7 LA UP CHIMNEYS. Stand Hsat better than any other made. Ask for HitliriilL'e's and tal' no oilier. See that onr ttanet is on evcrv lax. IllTnitllK.E Ac bO.N, I'iltsburgli, l'a. Send lor Price List. s BAND LEADERS. For someth'iiir iiiterestire. s.'nd vonr address to (.iEOKCE W. GATES,' Frankfort, N. Y". NOH'l II-EAST MISSOI'KI farms and luinproved Laiitls for sale by McNutt i Mose, Paris. Mo. Agents ! Bead This ! WB WILL PAT AOESTS A SALARY OF $30 per Week aad Expenses, or allow a larse commission to sell oar sew and wonderful invention. Address M. WAQSER A CO., ganhall. Mi.h. S30. WX3 WXX.X. FAV $30. A re nt f'iO per week to onr erpat nf valuable iwovne. ii vm wmhi iM'Tin-nieni, nonoranie anu 'louant work, aitplv ftr iiarikul.trn!. A'idre-H X)YLU A, CO., Jaclwm, Mich. MILWilkKg, BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! KOS. I, .1 A 5 CLVnOl'RM ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, XkZilwaukee. - Wit. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS, Orders from close Cash Buyers solicited. moh3o-dly O3.08BXIXXIS. s&c. G.V.MIITELBARGEIl, (Suocesror to R0BT. ECKHLER,) H'or I'linot and Esgle Fts., BOCK - - - ILLS. ' Peeler in Sli0CEaiiES,Pii0VSSS0S Qaeeasware, Coffee, Sugar, Frnit and Vegetables. lb (iiespetii ;re ia the City. Cash paid for Country prodoce. Farmers call and examine his 6rt-elass stock. Goods delivered in the eity free. teb24d oniac Mernin or taloiael Is the great remedy that physicians aiptal to aul use almost entirely in all diseases .,f the Liver. There are tboasands at the present time that are suffering with the rheumatic! p ins In the joints, caost d by the use of Calomel which has ureal si a disease of its own worse than that which it was intended to cure. There is no druf that leaves its mark more prominent in the system. Yet, perhaps, there are times when it can be given, and have a benificial effect, but should not be dealt out at it has been, and ia at the present time, by those that pretend to know what tkey are doing, bat in reality do bos. Tha Liver is more liable to disease than any other or;rsu in the human system, aad when that falls to do its duty it leaves the weak points of tha body exposed, as the bile is not thrown off, bot taken up by the blood, as it passes tbrosgb this great filter of the system, and becomes impure. Then follows a traia of disease, whose name is Legion. There are many that suffer from pain fa the side and a-ross the body, dull, heavy, drowsy feeling, headache, pain in tlie right side, often severe pain in the bowels, costivetess, fiat, diarrhea, more or less indigestion, loss cf appetite, sallow skin, white of the eyes yellow, sinking of t erh, depression of spirits, at other times a great crav'nc; for food. Some of these symptoms are earned only by torpidity of the Liver, it is impossible to give all ine symptoms of a deranged Liver, and they are all cnreable without tse atl of La,oa:el. (onsestioa of the Liver, Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortuae by revealing the secret of the business 10 no one. Address i. v. JM, 6SS Broadway, New Y'ork. 1,003 GIFTS. ;UAX1) GIFT CONCERT AND DISTRIBUTION For the Benefit of the" FOl NlH.INti ASYIXM OF NKW YORK, AND SUl.PIKKS' AND SAII.OHS' ORPHANS' HOME, WASHINGTON, D. C. To lie held in Washington ,as soon as all Ticket? arc sohl. of w hich Ten Davs' Notice wiil be civen.) an:l not later than Novenils-r li-lo. l.s'Tl. Entire uuui her of toilets. each, l.oo'l (.ttts. aniount ini' lo f-NUMi, to be awanl.'d. Send lor circular. sTivius list of Gills and Ueferences. Ti. kets can be had of F.1I.EY SARGENT. Philadelphia, Colntnbus. o and Richmond. Iml.. or P. C. DEVLIN, General Agent. :il Nassau street. New York Hon. II. MoTl.Lon;H. Elkton. 1 ,., Maj. GEO. T CAS 1LE. Baltimore, j 1 nmra 1 Hon. J. S. NEGLEY. Pittsburr. Trustee. How it it? dour, ami who it. The Alt-na hhik V.ri parr. irtsrou'ly iIuBir:t--d with cut-. juif it.ns, Ao. Sent ninii. M-curfiv . led. lor t'tHv ccnic. (rami Circuiar. Iree. Ad.Jr.fs-v H VI'dALL li A!M-o. Kroiifiwrii V v York. P. HISSSELX.XKC, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Sea) Pre.-et?. Steel St. nips, Soap Slairps, I'.o 'kbinaer's Tools, Ac NO lGl llBAKIiOUX SI R VET, Opposite Pestr-Sce. CHICAGO aprl'O-dlT HKW IDTESTISEHEiSTS. Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL ST0XE DRESSER, OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect saooess, aad all are warranted. my30d'y Coal Coal Vallsy Tard.. "Ileveland Yard.... Hai Prairie, pertoa. lliaothy... Teas Toaag Hyson, eommoB ...... " (air to rood , prime to choioe., G 13e 13e ,. 4.00u6.00 ,. 9.00al0.0t WANTED AGENTS To sell the most takirtcr. in structive and uuiverwulv eousrUt alier book is sued for years, viz : GREAT FORTUNES, AND HOW TITEY WERE MADE ; or. the .iruircles and iriiunphs of onr self-made men. Bv.l. B. McCABE jr. Aeents already at work are clearing from no t f-JOn per month. By 40 eminent examples, il teach es how to succeed in Ufe and at the same tunc bene fit mankind. For particulars, notices of the ores. and extra terms, address K. UANNAFOKK & CO.. Publishers, lis Soulh Clark street, Chicago. GEO. 3, LIVf TON, nnnir POILiL'ELPHIA Orsacie&tai Iron Works. ROBERT YGOO & CO., 113 RID9K AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturers ol Fountains, Vases, Statcarj, Verandas, Sumaer Hciscs, Arbors, Chairs, Set tees, Ao., e., Cast and Wroujfet Iren BalliBgi. Forpsblie buildings and Squares, Cemstr) lots, Garden Feaoes. Balosnies, Roof Castings, elo., in great variety of patterns. Cream and Stock Ales. 1 f?Sa lllisUt iill, anpewdor, oommun to fuir..., prime to choioe mparial oloog, eomsnoB to fair.... prime to choioe...... Japaa Uorsaa kto, hbbis to fair ........ ....... 1 J 1 al prima to onoto....... ...... jaaioa Old ftoverBment Javaw... ......JSaSOe BnSABS : Saw oommonto fair...........llallt0 prime to eholoe ...-HialZo Bsfined Bsgar, erashea, powdered and li UOal.49 l.S5al.40 .-...l.O'al" 1.40al.e l.4al.T ......S0el. 1 l.lSal 40 ...DSal.lS H 'VXll j 7S5r m III HwaaiiitntmviiinsH A SI) Commission Merchant, il Perry Street, DAVEllPOKT,.... IOWA jy2S-dJm gran Refined Sogar, Slolasaes Basar.. Ft o.... ...... ...... ' Solar . . Dairy, wtUt sacks rlry. Without saoks. Liaa Pert Byson, par hbl- Koek Island, por bi, K. Y,A.. do extra 0 ..... do C... .14ie ls 13. .... 1 ...lOalle ..... J IO 2.0 -....6 40 4.71 -..11 l.0 The BEST In the market! Will keep for ycass in any olimate. Pure, healthful, reliable, and seeds only to be kaown, to become the leading Baking Powder in the enuatry. Put p in air tight tin eaas, of i, i, 1, and 5 lbs., full net weight eacu eaa o.tug upon it aa elegant la bel of dirsctioBS, la English, French and Ger man. Manufactured hy HOLLISTBR A CO., Tole do, O., and soia oy urocors. Mil ACADEMY OF THS Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, 8C0IT C0-, IOWA. COMDUCTED BT THE SISTERS OF ClIARITY B. V. M. WiUeommenee it. 16th 8omi-anaual Session Wedoesdar, Aogast lGlh,-1871. Being incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State, this institution eonters the usual collegiate degrees upon its graduates. For Circulars address augl-d3m BISTER 8CPERI0K. " Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Oar 4 run each way t3 very 20 minutes. BeBj.n.ghoemtker, FRENCH PLATE GLASS w-ruT and general WIN, DOW GLASS Warehouse Philadelphia. Importer nf E a ENGLISH, CRYSTALS rw n&ai laas. guaranteed ' s not to stain, extra thick and well flattened, for Dwel- I !5 linjrs. Stoies. Railroau Car Windows, and Locom,- ' tive Head l-ifih's. French window, pietnre and ph.i-! tojrraph rffcws. French ekyliv-ht plass. Klne. red and I green signal and enprraved glass : enamelled acd eraoosseu s,a3B. 'uotxiuir-iaaa piates. oee tur n No. IT, scut on aiiplicatiou.) Stores Ko. Su5,r, Niagara Steam Pump Works. GRISWOLB COLLEGE! SAVSXrVO&T. J The Fall term ia all ths departments of this in- stttatioa for the thorough ednoatioa of boys aad young men will epea oa Titarsdaj, September i Hi. Baavtifol Location Zlxtensive Library and Oaoineta. ' Alio ether important advantage.. 1 . aBgS-lwAw4l a ' "I and Straight, o. varion. patters, aad Bpeoial atleatioB givea to this eiass ot GOH & 3TB0HG. Proprietors of the Are sole Agents for Peaslee's Celebrated I ream and Stctk Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oet2 dtf IRON STAIRS Sprral style. work. LAMP POSTS, For Fronts of Pub! io Buildings, Holels aad (it; streets, of plaia and elaborate design.. STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Cast aad Wrought Iroa of Hew Improved sty 1st such as Hay Hacks, Stall Divisions. Maa- gers, Harness Bracaeia, Gutters, Traps, entil. aiors, Au. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire Hoards, of Crimped Wire, Galvanised or painted, In plain and oraa- mental patterns, tt Store Duers, and Windows, factory and Warehouse Windows, Railing, for Offloes, Banks, Counter Railings .Balconies, Lawa aad Farua Feaces, Ac. GATES, For entrance te Cea.atrlea, l'oblio Sqaare. aad Gentlemen's Country Seats, of Gas Tubing or Wresght Iron, bath Single or Double, in elabor ate aad .imp, designs. estimates end Designs tent ca application, stating the olass of we, k designed. rareaaser. mar rely on having all article. carefully boxed and shipped to the p!ae of des tination. meh7-afim WEST'S Salooa & Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper House Block, IOCK 1LAII1 ILL. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, itd Imported Wine L Brandies: Agent for Sands, Li'ls. and Joliet Ales, also best Scotch ar. i Knglish Ales and Loedoa Por ter lor t-i:.;. Cuca A S.ud for saie by the Varrrl. Ag-'at for A. Zllers Billiard and Pigeon Hole Table Manufactory. epr4 dlf H, B. WEST, Proprietor The svmptoms of which are, pain in the ribt side running to tbe sboalder, a loss of strength, appetite ana energy, a sense of oppression, low aess of spirits, squeauiishness ot the stomach, a 3 eliowi.h coated tongue, restlessness, fright ful dreauiS, ail of watab yield to the tauuenoe ol "TAYLORS STOMACH AHD LIVER COK REOTOR," of which enough should be taken to eause a speedy and free evacuation of the bew.l. Indigestion or Djspepsia, fs a weakness or want ot power of the digestive juices m tbe elomach to eoaveit our loud and driuk into healthy matUr lor the nourishment ol the whole systtm. It is caused by every thing that tend, to weaken tbe body, and mote part.cuiar. tbe stou.acL. !tai.y,il uol quite oi.e h If ot, to which we are liai-ie, proctea irom it. inaiesnon pivuuvw. variety 01 unpleasant feelings. Among the most prominent ot its miserable efect. are, a want cf, or an inordinate a petite, sonietinits attended with a constant craving lor driak, sour stomach, grinding pain, iu the tiomacb, dtprta sion ot spirits, giovm of mind, fretlulness, wast ing of flesh, loss of energy and strength, very Writable, heart burn, ubplea.ant tstte in the ciuuth and lumbliag in tbe bowe s. In (one caecs of depraved indigestion, there is a tem plet dure, ish for lood, at other times a person so aSieied eta eat l.-artily without much grati ficatiiii A long trin of nervoes sjn., tens, are iso frequent attendants, geaeral debility , gttat laoKuiiLess and iicatacity lor esertiou. Tbe mmcs oi persons so affiictel frsqcc-Et'y teetma irritable and despondiEg,and great aaiiety ia o'jiervabie in the countenance: they appear thoughtful, melancholy, aad dejeuled, uder great apprehension of srr-ie imaginary danger, will start at any unexpected noi.e or occurrence, acd mu.h agitated, let for all this tbe mind is exhilernted wilhoct much diffculty, p'casing events and society will for a time dissipate all appearaaoe ef diseefe. Other symptoms are, vi olent palpattilon, sestlestness with a sense ot weight aad ndpression upon the chest, night mate, etc It is almost impossible to nama all tie symptoms of this invader upon the constitu tion, as in almost every case of indigestion, there will probably be something peculiar to eacli, lut be what they may, they are ail occa sioned by the food becoming a burden, rather than a support to the stomach, and in al) it. ata- r.-- . ai-.l.. -kl.V ges, tne medicine mini wauita is mat w niv will afford speedy aeeistarce to the digestive or gans aad give energy and strength te the ner vous aad muscular ay.ttm, ana a new me 10 the whole body , and nothing fee be, and there Is nothing, that will give to qniek relief, as Tay- lor". Ptomach and Liver Corrector, tne Great Remedy for Blood, Liver and Skin Dlee a-et, and from one to four bottle, will effect a cure. Sick Headache Those that are subject to it only know waata distressing complaint it is. and is a very un welcome visitor. At first It cautes a dimness ol vision, followed bv a terrible pain, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting, aad then for a day or two, a person fseis as though they had a . orsickness. One dose will cure when tint at tacked, and one to three bottle, will ef eel a per manent cure. COLD WATER 80AP. DeHAVEH'8 WILD CHERRY BITTERS The Best Tonic ia theTTorld FOB Dyspepsia, .udicsnQS, Loss of Appetite, Charles B. Ear dick, i i Ho, 9 Adam, atreet, '.. ' , ; DgOOaLYH, iVY YOIK. - Sole if aaufaeturer of" - Hardlek'a Patent Deuble-Actiag Steam famp and Fire Esgine. Mining Pumps a Specialty.. ' Patented in BagUnd, Belgium 'and Fraace. Sea fcs ousala. '.,'.'... ; , augJldlj DELIII1 v, THE CHILLS. Ete. GESEHAL ID CBEBBY BITTfKaV XXAK ZS-O QTAI.. : . It i. knoWl.dged b, .r . taken It, to be the BestBfimedy ; ir, th. diseases aamed ever offered. . For th. die ligaUe u rKICAoU.. - ---Itl., . - HaHAVKN A WALES, , ' Sole Maaafaetarers Foi sale by Druggists. - . je22-dw6m i1' Ki,?$rti aT Janndice. Yhen person a. yellow a. a .eff.oa bag. (a ...mass saying.) you very naturally com. to Ibe eo.eie.10n that It I. Jaundioe.cao.ed bv a derne-B," Liver, y the lile Isria obstra.fedand flowing witalha blood t'orougi nt the system, instead of passing off ia its natural coorie into the bowel.. One to three bottle, will core the worst case. Cosfneness. Ths iscaased by slugisU, torpid sUteof the I iv.r aad deran.mtnt ol tha whole system. It' is ,'urprl,iog that there are .0 many troubled .hi. Ji.trM.UD9 disease and wiva it aa littlit U'flhr ia Cold Or Warm. Hi'-! 'attention. The disease, that fV,.ow habitual E i-hof bleed to the Head, Dyspeysia, Piles. Heart, Loag and Skin Disease aad Female and Kidney Complaints, are always .ggravated by it. At any resort to pills, and never have a frea eveeuatiea of tbe bowele without their aid. To these, I say, stop aad eoaslder, as every pill y outaVe cos taias mereary, which will in time eaase yea to regret the eonrse you have taken. By using Taylor. Stomach and Liver Corrector, ynn will not need to take pills, twotofour bottles will euro you. For Sale by all Druggist, aad Dealer. In Medicine.. or Soft Water WITHOUT BOllAXG AM' WitL'o 11' 'Jar)'. t0 Clothes, gAiiaur Lbr, Time and Fuel! Tht. onp has been used by niauy Ladies tB liie city. ci til all prououuoa it sap.rior to t,y other liiej ever usei. It sum s line, labor and preserves the cletbes. ''j i Manufactured by the COLD WATER KGiP 1 011 PAN P, 43 Worth Street, ' i;t - CHIC AGO,,.. ....... ...................ILL. i For sale in Book Island hy WING &EUEST, BARDS 0Ljr iTANI). ap.l-dwem THE KE3T MEMHSi: ElES MADfc F02 WAX. S. TAYXOR, SOLE PROPRIETOR, IS4 Wabask Arena.,. mohSOdeod-weowl .CHIOAQft