Newspaper Page Text
i MEDICAL. NOW IS THEJACGEPTED TIME. READ AND REFLECT. o - THE CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN; FOR THE TREATMENT OF.s-- CATARRH, THROAT; LUNG, -AWD .ALL- CHRONIC DISEASES, - levin nrniKitlf lotsi U Daveaeort, eoritelly invites til who may be inhering with Ohroa Diseases, to cll at hlij Roam ia Fuitoa'i Block, 8S ferrj Street, Balf Block Sorth of P Office. R.P V-Sitr is ws'l knave, a. tat foa-id.r of the'Montreal (0. B.) Mediel Insfitoto.laau pro prietor ofHe KIotro Medical Ie.tkale, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. .orrros nounic to 1 ; a to e; sod 7 to s. CONSULT ATIOH FREE. UK. SPIJJ.MKY HAS GIVES HIS ENTIRB ATTENTION POR THE PA8T mD years, so tM trsatment ot CBSO.VlO DISEASES, looldee to both ssxes, end nm has prodne. etoolhing resslvs. Many are they who neve implanted In their 7 uproper a9 of Gtlomel, loadt whioh hart produeed aa annuel orop ot disease. To saon. bs would ,j.OOHB AND US HEALED I It matters ot ihtl your trouble may bo, eomo and lot ths Joetorsxstniusyoarcese. If it Is curable, bo wiH toll yoa to ; if not, ho will tell yoa that; for bo illnoleodartekeBeeseunlesihBttonndentofefrooiinga oaro. It will colt yoa nothing Tor wosultatioa. pleMO Okll and satisfy yoarteJvet whoior tho Doctor understand! your ease. Dr. t. troata Bvaso&a awd DisBAsna or bb sxooa. 3Xli.IV ! SUHSIOAIs. YOUNG V ho air bo tattering fro fts offjoU of youthful follioo or ladiseretion, will do well to avail them ..... ,,iihi. m. ,,.t.t boos overlaid at the altar of tnuoring humanity. Dr. SPINNEY will ut.-antee to forfeit ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for every oe.e of Seminal Weaknett or Private L)!n.. of eavoharaoter whloh be undertake! aad fails to care. Ho woold therefore say to any aa- ,'nuot. sufferer who may read tbli aotioe, that yoa are treading upon dangerous ground whoa yoa longer delay la eeeking the proper remedy for your complaint ; and may bo la tho 6rst it age, re .oik eon are annrochintr the last! If yoa are bordering apoa tho lest and are coffering tome . n f it. ill .iri. ramamher that if too obitinatelr voraiat ia procrastination, THE TIME UUST COMB WaEN TUB MOST 8KILLTCL PBrSWlAN CAN SENDER YOU .U AS ariT a v77- h.n the dsnr of haoa will ho closed forever arainst yon: whoa no angel of mercy its bring yoa relief ! Ia no eaae has tho Dootor failed of laoaett. Then lot not deipair work itssL pon your Imagination, bat arail yonnoll of tho benedoial rewlll of his treatment before your ease e Mvml the roeoh of medical skill, orberore grim DeatB burxlee yoa to a premature grave. MIDDLE AGED MEN. Tliere are manT of tho age of thirty to fifty who are troubled with too frequent 'Evacuations of .b. Bla Ider, often aceompanied by a smarting or burning itio, and weakening tbe system In a jiaaier the patient oeauol account for. On examination of the Urinary Deposit!, a ropy lediment iLl hn Tumii and Innietimnf mall cartieloe if album. a wiit acsear.or lb color will be nthn . li,k h.. . .in n.nin to a dark and tornld arjDearanoo. There are many men wbo die of m.i. .i.itV i,nr..i ofthenanu. whioh ia the SUGON D STAG E OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Or. tt. will gaaranteea PERFECT COSE ia nlliaoh omoi, aod a healthy re.toration of the Dria- try organr. lloomaJeatioM etriotiy ooaldeatial. All lotteri eontaining atampe for reply, anawerd .ithoot delay Pott Offloe addrett, Look Bot HO, Darenyori, Iowa, doodweowly A.. Iv. LEWIS & CO" Diuias IN W-HISKY AND TROPEIETORS OF THE KETTLE BITTERS, MAD! OP til '''"m ' y' 1 ''"lam 413 Madison Street, JcaT TUa KETTLE BITTERS are unequaled e a Tonic and reoouimeud.d lui I)ytpepsia, Indigeation, and all cases of Debility. "FT, " 3? - V-.-- VMEG-AEBimES. s ; Hundreds of Thousands ; f m Si" IlearxtinonyW their Jonxtor., 1 1 5". lis WHAT ARE THYSf5 t- a o a 5 o j. ! a I Mad USE 2 Si C - Hi ... . ' Zl THKT ABE KOT A TTLE FANCY DRINK, Made of Poor Ram, Whlakpy, Proof Bplrtta aad Rclaae r.lqnora doctored, spiced and aweer cnedto please the taste, called "Tonlca,"" Appctli ert," - Restore," Ac, that lead the tippler on to drankennesaandrnln.bnt are a true Medicine, made from the Native Boot! and Herbs o f California, free from all Alcohollo Stimulant. They are the CHEAT BLOOD PCttlFIEit nnd A IIFI GIVIUU FRINCIPLS a perfict Kenovator and Inrlsorator of the 6ystem, carrying off al 1 poisonona matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Ko person can take these Bitten according to dlrec tkm and remain long unwell. S100 will be given for an incurable ease, provided the bonea are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammntory and Chronic Rhenma ttawj ant) Gout, Drape pMn, or IndlgeatlanY Bl)toaa.Remlcirat and Intermittent Ferera Dltawaea af the Blool, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, thees Bitters have been moat success ful, gach Dlsemaea are cansed by Vitiated B I nod .which la generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head, ache. Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Soar Eructations of the Stomach, Bad tests In the Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, lafl&mmedon at the Langs, Pain In the reglona of the Kldnera, and a hundred other painful symptoms, srfl the fflsprtngs of Dyspepsia, j They Invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the tor pid urer and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Imparities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. F0R8KIN DISEA8ES.Erupons.Tetter,Sa!t Bhuem,Blotches, Spots. Pimples, Pustules, Bolls.Car bunolea, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Bore Eyes, Eryslp slas. Itch, Scurfs, Dlecolorationa of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use or these Bitten. One bottle la such eases win eonvlnee the most Incredulous ofttaeir curative effect. 5 Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find Its Imparities burttingtaroagh the skin inPtmples,EruD tions or sores; cleanse It when youSnd It obstructed and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse It when it is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. FIX, TAPE and other WO 11918, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully ths circular around each bottle, printed la four lan gnegss English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. MCDONALD ft CO., Prngglsts and Gen. Agents, San Pranclsoo, CaL and 93 and M Commerce Street, Kew Tork. V VT SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AXD DEALERS. General Giukt hn been President now for two yean and a half. Within that period there has been collected ia taxes not let than. $1,000,000,000. In addition be has bad (1,000,000,000 mora from the Bale f goverment property, making $1,100,000, 000 in all. It ia claimed by the friends of the Preiident that he bag paid off $200,000,000 of the public debt. Granting that, what has beoome of the other $900,000,000? Can any one tell ? Seventy million! a year used, in Democratic days, to run the govern ment 1 Will some Republican friend en lighten ni at to tho remaining $900,000,000 T . New York Exprtts says; "Each tick of the clock for the last tea yean has added $8.28 to oar National debt, and every time the second hand has made a complete revo lution, $496.80 hare accumulated to that already weighty incobas. At every iohala tion and exhalation $16.56 have been pat opon the debt side, and in the little time we take to consume oar dinner, at least $9,936 have been consumed by the Radical party at Washington." After Guam's soldiers purged the Con ventiou at New Orleam of all his opponents( the holiness of the body was opened with prayer, in whioh the colored chaplain prayed fervently for a blessing upon the Conven- j tion and "the success of the Republican party in Louisiana," and the re-election of i General Grant. The connection between bayonets and piety in this case was close and edifying. John Becgaloa, and 0. A. Island. Benaer, Agent, Hook SPEniL NOTICES. OILS. joscp r. KAXwaLt. william b. wbiilii. MAXWELL, WHEELER & CO-. ' ' Manafastarert and Dealers in ' ' ' RAILROAD LARD OILS, Lubricating, Burning, Machinery and , Wool Oils.. Railroad Paint, 1-c. ACMOIYXB OZ.OSZ1 OXXj CO. OFFICE 108 SOUTH W.TER BT. ' Factory 393, 396 and J97 Illinois Street, feblOdeodly-mwf CHICAGO, I LIS. snow CASES. L. 1. YREDENBURGH 4 CO., MANUFACTURERS, 35 A 37 LaSalle St., and 157 Lake Strt, CHICAGO ILL. Show Canes of every De-icrijjtion., Metal, Walnuts Cherry, Htgewood, Ebny, Etc., Etc. sF- Show Oases Bhipped to all parts of tbs United States nnd Canada. augl 2-dsodwIy TEGETiXE. 8PECI1L R9TICE8. Parme lee's Now Vegetable Pills, Containing Mandrake and Dandelloa and will Car Liver an Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Costive nest, Headache, Parity the Blood aad regulate tbs secretions, remove all Bilious mat ter and prevent Ague. These Pills are Anti Bilious and a Spasms for the euro of those Chronic and Billons Derangements. mj2ily EPILEPSY OR b. .CM ("CUE for this dtrtrefrs eoarfafm I fkaow&lo a 1 rcftUs.' i iKM.,o pjge. on roi rBti BerK.i i-T-,,n:tto.. rfclf'hl-b, !.. t Browk. Th,nrertrtiottw.aiwOT.r6d byl I a proTid.xtlftl manner that h eaanul raftiM to make it kown. u ttbM FITS. f now Bute Ptfixn u m In such . eroftcieittiotMl ipajerwootjv hsu Wsvi it for Hii, Bvr tntT mora n cue. The 1i-gTrilentJi my be obtained yVrjm I (rtsrL rrToi)S jiHnfj onpv TAsty tBadrM U Browm. No. i (rraid Street, Jenej City, WUl UW khi SJJ rTlU Bllli. apr-idwly rerrbotiy nho to nTs I rom ticv droT I Dk-O f , IS. J., and it J WIRE B1ILL6. 9&9 FOR OBMKTET LOTS, C0TTA8E8, As. ' " WIRE GUARDS, FsrStorsFronts,Factories,AsyIuei5,Prison3,4o IE0S BEDSTEADS, With Wire Backlng.arsoleanly.strong k durable1 Vaper SSaQrifactnrert Wires, 0RJfA5IETAL liR WOBK, Wrought Iron Frame Fences, Fancy Window Screens, eta. Bvery information by trie mann- facturers. M. WALKER A SONS, No. 803 Market It., Philadelphia, Fa, je14deed,n,w,ny NATURE'S REMEDY. Tur r.oriT Dmnn DiiDinrn lift ' - ' TT DlCHARDSON'SlR18a LWM8 DA- II miSKS, LIS EM liMBEIC UlDKERCBIEFS, AT. We feel oartelves called on araln to OATJ- TION COBSL'MKRS against the indiserimin.t. use of Irish fat riot made up te imitate our goodt in fold, trade mark and general appearaaee.and to warn them, that their only safeguard is to see that the authentic seal of our firm, J. H. RICHARDSON, BOMS A OWIKN, is stamped on raob articls. ' ' Determined to confine ourselves, at heretofore, to the as of yarns spun from the slioicest and strongest Flax, by ths best machinery obtaina ble; uniform ia weight and elasticity menu, factored aad hleeebed under our own superinten dence: the consumer will be eSa.B4HTIED Br OCB SBAL tbs same durability and satisfaction la the wear, whioh ths genuine goods have always afforded. J. H. BICHASDSOir, BOSS OWDF.V. Belfast, Ireland, 6 Mo. 15, 18T1. jelldw3ss RORKMiEY. 8PALD1G'8 B0SE5I1BY SPALDlStt'S ROSEMARY THK BRIDAL CHAMBER. ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MI W. on Great So cial Evi's and Abuses, whioh interfere with Mabbiagb, with sure meant of relief for the rrlng and Unfortunate, diseased and debilita ted. Sent in sealsd letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Bowabd SaniTanr Am Assooia- tioh. No. 1 boats. Ninth Street. Philadelphia Fa. atyl5-dw3m APPLE PABER. D. H. WHITTEM0RE, S60 Uain Street, Warner's Block, WORCKSTER, MASS Maauiacturer of the Apple Parer, f erer and Slicer, Which does it all at once. Alto, THE "li.WS" APPLE PARES, WhiiL '-aies all the tisse." All machines warranted satisfactory. may I9dcndw3m WATER (FRE. Use Eenne's Pain Killing IVLsio Oil. "It Works like a Charm." COVINGTON, KY. Appetiser, and are specially SSSTXSTS. CR1CKEKS. zt&. o. si. ssxtsma, DENTIST. ; AL OPERATIONS PERFORM- 11. DUN i. At D aooordlng to the n.ost approved princi pi. Othoe in H.iper's Block, oor of. Illinois and Buffalo augls-dtf J. W. STARK, i e:tiht, IbDdj Mi XT DOOR 10 TKLEGAAPH Qiu, Illinois street. Rock ltland. All km'!. I L'.ota work doae In the most approv ed .ii.iiuer. Jbrgus reasouable. ap.n uwly OZZ7 BASS&T. WH. HASTCNG & SON, Dealers in a-oliers No. 59 Main Street, - KENOSHA, WIS. may2A-d-wly Have you Headache? Have you Toothache? Have you Neuralgia? Have you Rheumatism? Have you Sore Throat? Heveyoa Soialiea? Have you a Bruise? Have you Cramps? SEXTO ESA WATER CURE A He. ALT 11 KKeOKT, Beantifslly located rear LAKE M 1 C II I G A S. tBmraer Conlfr than in Minnesota ! Bathing Facilities Unstirjmssed ! Use Renne's Magio Oil Use Renne's Magio Oil Tte Renne a llagie Oil I se Renne t Magio Oil I se Renne's Magic Oil Vs. Inne'a Magio Oil ! C Renne's Magio Oil I r.e Keane'sMagio Oil Bend for Cir.ulars to may26-deodw3m PEXSOYER, Kenosha, W it. SXTOB.AVIZrCI. BR1BGS HOUSE. Conor CiBdolph Street and Fifth Avsnae Cbicsoo, June 15tb, 1871. T.i-i un lorsigne J, having purchased the above wo , ;i)Wu at d popular hotel, and put the tame in , jrlooi order, pri.poee to tu.tam the very ,n- ;.i r.pu.atiun '.lis Brigg3 House hat always fiij 'jyei, oy keeping It a first-clast hotol in every rii't. The Briggi eoniains 2-0 rooms, and eocctsmo lUtions for ) gusstt. It is centrally located, !mi- within one bloek of the Court House, and cniiToment to ths palnolpal Railroad Pepots and llt-ltet nlfioes. In ciimplianoe with the demands of the timet, wo have deeid.d to make our rates TBkEB DOLLARS PBB DAY, aad thai, for that prioe give the pebiio at good aioomoaoilaiiooi as ean be found In the west, Hoiug that the patronage of the publts, to liberally be.towed upon the Briggs House while under Hie in anagemeat of its former proprietors, may bs continued, and promising to leave noth ing undone on oar part whioh may eontribule to tne ca alort and pl.asare of oar gaetts. We are respeetfully, ete. WEXTffOATH, WOOLWOETH A 00., Proprietors. FaiSh W. WlBTWOBTH, ClliBLSS D. WoOLWOBTB. 0ZZA8. PURTOJT, Designer & EngraFtr on Wood, No. 12 Clark street, CHICAGO, II. I- Bttlssatss made and orders promptly attended to. tep30 deodly Have you Cholera Morbus? Cse Renne's Magio Oil Have you Lameness? ITse Renne's Magio Oil This ia ths Beit Family Remedy, to cure all kinds of Pain, you ever tried. It it elean, safe and delicious to use, and if you use It faithfully, It will ds you Good ! Directions on eaoh bottle. Buy itof the Drug gist or Merchant wnere you trade. If they hare not got it on hand they will send for it, at your reqaeat, and sell yea Genuine Renne's Pain KUllng llagie Oil, at tbs manufacturer's lowest pries at retail. Sold by Druggists, Merchants and Grceers. It la put up in three siies, and called "Trial Site," "Medium gue," and "Large Family Biae' bottles WM. HINNI A 80NS, Sols Proprietors and Manufacturers, Jet-4Aweowly . Pittsvibld, Matt. Bold Wholesale and Retail by 0. A. Benser, Druggists, Koek Island. HOUSE ANO STEAMBOAT F. SSIEALON, (Lata of the firm of Smealon A Slemmer,) an neunoet that bait prepared to do HOTJSB, SIGN AKD PTBAM BOAT PAINT INS, PAPER HANGING, OALCOMIN IHG.Ao., Ae. All work promptly exesuted: la ibe hirbstt Ityle of the art, at abort nolloe. Shop on Bat; Bag Is Street, opposite the Gat Worst f.r.lfiat PHILIP J. and Sign Painter Imitation of Wood and Marble, Paper Hanging, Calcomining, As. fcbop ia Palate Row, first Boor. ROCK ISLAND, ILLS. aatiafaotion guaranteed. . fub22-dtf SLAHOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just pub- i lisaca it? It. Ltwi, 3j6 pgee, Tbir Kill-! tion, the fcisdtoal Cwaspanion and tiuide to Health, on the radical cure of spermatorrbwa, , or tieaiinal V,'eaknebi, Involuntary Seminal j Losms, Imaotetcy, Mental and 1'hjsioal luea- i paotty, lejpedimeEt. to Marriage, etc.. and the' Venereal and ByphilHtic Maladies, with plain ; and clear directions for the speedy ears of Sec- 1 ondary . ymptoms, tioaorrhaa, Gleets, Strioturi'S, and all diseases or tbe skin, suon Scrofula, Ulcors, Boils, Blotohas and Pi the face and bojy, Consamptien, Epilepsy, Fits, indnoed by sslf icdulgecce or sexual ex travagance. The celebrated anther,in this admirable treat ise, clearly domonsUates, from a forty yean suo sestt'al practice, that tbe alarming oonsequenos of self-ebs may tie radically eurtd, pointing sut a mods cf ours at ones simple, eertain, and effectual, by meant of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, ean be sffect aally cured, cheaply, privately and radically. W This book tboula nc in ine nanus ei ev ery youth and aver man in tbe land. Sent under seal, In a plain ewveiop. rrics ov cents. Addreit, DR. Lis. WAS, no. 7, eaon St., New Tork. junelJ-d Awly 18th ANNUAL FAIR OP TnB Scott County AGR1CULTURU SOCIETY! Will be held at Davenport Iowa, Sept. 4th, 5th, Cth, ?ta,&Slh,'7 1. $9,000 Offered in Premiums ! Open to the World! JS .reet Cart ran to ths Grounds. Liberal arrangement, made with al! Railroads centering in Davenport and Rock Island. For Premium List or any information, apply to WM. K. HAlGHT.Sec'y. Corner 2nd and Perry streets, larecport, Iowa. augi-dwtd A valuable Indian compound for restor in tbe health, and for the permanent enre of all diseases arising from imparities of the blood, such as Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Cancer, Can cerous Humor, Erysipelas, Canker, Salt RJteum, Pimples and Humors on (he Face, Ulcers, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Keuralgia, Rheuma tism, Pains in the Side, Dys pepsia, Constipation, Cos tiveness, Iile, Headache, Dizziness, Xertousness, Faiutness -at the Stomach, Pains in the Back, Kidney Complaints. Female Weakness and General Debility. This preparation is scientifically and she mi sally combined, and so strcngly ooncentrated from roots, herbs aad barks, that its good effect are realised immediately after commencing te take it. There it no disease of ths honiautys tetu for wliuh theVEGETIXE cannot boused with perteot safety, as it dees not contain any j m.ta'ic compnond. f t eradicating all Impari ties of the blood from the, it has no equal. It has never failed to efleot a cure, giving tone and strength tothesysiem debilitated by dis ease. Its won derfal effect upon these eooiplainss surprising to ail. ay have been cured by tbeVKGETINK who bate tried many otlie remedies. It can we'l be called Til & GRRAT BL00B PUEXFXER. XI. K.STEVENS BDSIOS, MASK. Price $1.25. Sold by all Druggittt. aachl l-deoaSm.w.f t wfim DR. B0IIAMAN Office Ko. 619 Forth Firth itrset, (between Washington Ave. and Green streets), SAINT liOtJlS, - - MIBgOCHI. Satablishea in St. tonii 1837. OH RON 10 AND SPECIAL a short time, either in Mais or charges low fees; uses no Mercury. CURBS ALL Diseaaet in sale : tetjU DR. BOH ANNAN'S "Treatise an Spec ial Diseases," whioh fully eipitia the nature, causes, tymptomti, etc., of "bpermaterrliea er "seminal Weakness," Syphilis, Female Com plaints, all Impediments to Marriags, and val uable information nn other delicate subjects, lent t null te aadrea. in a plain sealed envelops, on receiptor n stamp. sEMIXAL WEiKSESS (X8XD. DR. BOH ANNAN'S "VEOBTABLH CTJ RATI VB" permanently cures all forms of 'Sner matorrhea" or "Seminal Weakness" ia from two to seven weeks time. It restores "Lost Power' and brings back the "Youthful vigar" of those who bare destroyed it by sexual excesses or evil practices. Young mn suffering from the effects of that dreadfully destructive habit of Self Abuse use this medicine with the assurance of a speedy and Permanent care. This remedy has been used by old Dr. Boliannan in hit pri vate practice for over thirty ysars. and has never failed ia curing even the wjrtt caacs. Prioe $5 per package. tSunt to any ftidresa (free from obs.rv.tiwo ;. Sold only at Dr. 0. A. Bohan nan't office, 5. 610 North fifth streoa, St.Louu Mo- Established in IKir. teohSS dwlv Contains everything (i our opinion, required to give richness, beauty ani -legance to the hair. I s neat, clear and fre from all injerloee m'oereii. We advise ail to use it, wbo detire a clean, nealtby aealn and beantitul hair. The Rosemary is tbe best dress ing restorer and hair producer in ne. I sed upon children It will lay the fountain for a au perior head of hair. Sold by druggittt every- wnere. r.. M. dKIBNKU. Proprietor. jelSdsodweowly Trsment St., Iloston TAB, BOAT. Persian Qealins or Pine Tar Soap. I7AC1I eake It stamped "A. A. Constsntine'i -S Persian Healing or Pine Tar Soap, Patent ed March IS, 1887." No other is genuine. or the Toilet, Bath and Nursery, this Soap basnoaqaal. It pretervet the complexion fair, removea ait oannruu, keeps tho liair toil an lllsy, and prevents it from falling off, aad it th "bett Hair Renovator in use." IT CURES chapped hsndt. pimnlet, tali rheum, frotted feet, burns, all diseases of the scalp and tkin, eatarrb of the head, and is a Good Shaving Soup This Soap baa already won the praise and es teem of very many ot our Brst families in this city and throughout the country. IT IS l-SED sxtentively by onr best ehyti eiaas. Wherever used it bat become a house hold necessity. We advise all to try it. For sale by all dealers. One agent ia wanted in eaeh town. A Jdreil A. A, (GSmSTIKE & CO.. 43 Ann street, - - 23ew "STork. Or by a" Druggists in Sock Island, mohideod-m w f-wly DAVENPORT ADVERTISEMENTS. ME P. ft As DOUGLAS, (4D1ES TARIETY STORE AHD FASHIOBABLae StilliBtrj and Dressmaking; . X8TA1LI8HMIIT, 0. St BA1B Itlllt, DAVBNPORT, - -. IOWA. t.ptlJdly. W. L. CARROLL, ARCHITECT AND SITEEISTKSDEJT OF BCILDLXG, Sarenport, - - Xowa. Also, la sonaeetieB with Dodge Hess, Washington, D. 0., the former Biamlner la tka Patsnt065ss, hatsae.rior faeiliUst for atttsd isg to all kiadt at Pateat ODes f.r IB. TBIf TORS. aaavlMS- XaXXtSZOAX.. CATARRH KILIIHO MORE PEOPLE THAH ABT OTH- BB DlbMB ! ConsuHBtion Keglectci Catarrt: COBSTITUTIOMAI. DISIASH CLIll, by remedies that bulla the censtitntion. LIVER, BLADDER, KIDBETB and MCCOrB eurfaeet generally aBeeted by Vatarrb. E&YSIPBLA8 and BHRT MATISM from can- set similar te Catarrh. Leucorrnoea and all Diseases ef the Mucous Membranes Colds, Couabt, Contamptive ten dencies, Skin Diseases, ant everything of a Scrofula n at are. $1,000 o -w ard SSlscellaneont. I.AUXr. SIKTSOS. UOBERTSOl & 6LASIS Dvalor In iiOMKC 6 Lata., PETER FRIES, RBCTIFIBR AID MABCFACTUtlR OV UoaMtl. Lienors, Importer aad la foaeiga Wanaa and I.Mjaors. From aaraet, oppe ite Perry Laadin. tk Island, IT!. BCUSD Oi EH. 7OCR eiethiag .an be eleaned aad beand.aad pressed ever, so that It will leek as well at new, by a. W 1 LCOA Tailor, Who hat reasoved ta West Kail. Street, under tbe Roek Island Hocte. ascaS-dtf TO HIT! VEAES EXPERIENCE TW A re WILL GIVE OSK THOUSAND DOLLARS ward for any ease of the following Weakness of Kidneys and Pains in the Side and Back of Twenty Years' Standing, Cared in Two Weeks by less than a bot tle. A Catatrh Cough, so bad as to pre vent Sleep Nights, unless Catarrh Snuff wai Perpetual! nsed, Cured with one Bottle. Testimony of a well-known and highly esteemed citizen of New Boston. Me. nr.. LlTriiriELe A Hush, Druggittt, Manchester, N. A : I have had Catanli a little rising Cvs years, and pains in back and weak ness in kidnevt lot twenty veart. My Catarrh was so bad that if I did not take Catarrh eoati I wat trout ltd with a cough mora or less all sight. I have taken Marshal's Catarrh BnuO tur 1 years and particularly is sold weather bad to take it every nigbtto get rest. I began to take your Constitutional Catarrh liemedy about a month ago and have taken only one bottle. In less than a week tke soughing nights left ma, and I have had none sinse te spesk of, thongli 1 have had none of the Remedy tor a week. I have had pains in my side so bat that I did not go ont of tbe house for two weeks at a time. Mr crestett raia was in my rtgbt Sidney, i have been at timet a great sufferer from my kid ney t smee in iwe weess anew i oegmn o take your Constitutional latarrn JtanieBy tie pains all n 't, Victor Scales ! A. Ifew Boston, N. N. C. CROMBIE, JJ., April 27, 1S70. From a former teacher of the Borth Oram mar School of Mauchsster. Mr. Ilavrs Dear Sir Many thanks for ths bottle of Catarrn Kesoedy ycu sent me. After using about half of it I find myself entirely free of my Catarrh. It was all you recommended and I feel deeply grateful to yoa tor y sur sug gestion. Very truly yourt, JOHNS. HAVES. Newton. , Jan. 5, IS70. that the Medical curable that Faculty have proi diseases oenced la- Wilkinson's ennd SIRUP, Vegetable Conponnd GEGCEBIF.8. JAMES KELLY, Recorator and Blood Purifier WILL NOT RADICALLY CVBK. The Best is Cheapest! SIMPLE, ACCCR ATE. DI RALI.E AND Reliable of Western Inventions aud inaiiu faclure; they are "up (0 the timet" and belong to tbit century. Tbey require no foundation below the action of the frott, as they weigh acearateiy with tbe platform in or eat of level. First Premium at three State, seven Coutity and four Union Fairs, and St- Louis Agricultur al and Mcohaaical Association. Purchasers will save $25 to $50 in cott of set ting tealet for grain, hay and stock purposes, by buying; this scale. r.very boale guaranteed- Addresa C0AL,W00D,WATlH LIME, Pig Iron, and Coke Office corner Main and Second Streets, RACINE WIS. Old Companies' Lehish, Pit 1st on, Lackawan na, BlosBburg, Brier Bill, Willow Bank. my2-dly i Look to Your Children ! Physician- SLecommend and Oyer 500,000 People Indori DR. HENLEY'S CALIFORNIA SOOTHING SYRUP MRP. ( Oures Colio and Griping WBirt'OMB'S la the Bowles and faolli BTRTJF. I tatet the process olt.etnicg With (treat cum, by a now j.rocfti, wnextnu-t from tho frw, wlect fruit mu.I Aronuvtn-., ch cuaractr uitic tlavor, and pnvltir Flavnrxwjx for Cakee, ( .'untanls. Jellies. Cramn, etc.. of rnrf. esctUmr. Of grtat ttrmgtA ami perftrt purity. AotJnng artificial. Krry ttavnr al rrprrtnutd. JVo dtrrxi mck bnOlt full Mvirure. Vtf them once, will ut no otttrr. The avur dtUraU, Arlxruxu JUntrrt rtr mndt. Bo superior to tbe cheap extracts. Ask for l)r. Price's Special Fiavorinpn. ManutacronMl milv by THOMPSON, BTEKT.K A PRICE. Chicago and bt. Louia muhlT-dwSm rnLTEEfiliLL'rJ FumiK umtis i Are warranted equal to any made. They are prepared freta the fruits and will be found mack better than saaay ot the Bxlraoti that are told VaaiUa, Lamea, Pine Apple, Btrawbesry, Kose, y range, ate. 1 BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE ' is without doubt the Best artiole ia the market for Biasing Clothes. It will eoler mors water than foar timss the same weight ef Indigo aad mtoh mora than aay ether Wash Bine ia the marks-. Ths only genuine it that pat ep at Alfred WllUerfer! Drn; Mora, SSS Berth Seosad St., Philadelphia. have both WU. burger's and Bar low's name a tham, (II o there are counterfeit . Sabdues Convulsions, and over eomoe all diseases incident to fantt and ctiildred. IXLBITTEES BEST LIVAE REGULATOR SVXR KHOWH T7YERT FAMILY SHOVLD HAVE A BOT A-i ile in the house. Relief to all Dyspeptics. most pleasant Vonto ana appetiser. Headache, Biliousness and Constipation, Gen eral Debility and Loss of Apn.tite.aU are eauserf by the derantrement of ths Stouaok, Liver tmd other funetioas of the syatam. The I XL BitUrt nave baea raeoestfully ntsd1, and are warrantt to alleviate the tufferer in tha above eases. B. H.P8TINB . CO., Manutactorer. aud Pro prietors, 61ft Front street, Ban Franci.oo, Cal. L. Grots A Co., 11 La Salle street, Chicago, De pot I or me nest. For Sale in all Drag Stores jyx-s-aom e - INK WILTBHRGBR'S INDELIBLE: Will be foaad on trial te be a superior article Always oa hand f ir sale at reasonable prices Pars Ground Bpiees, Genuine Msdistass, Cha mois Skins, Sponge., Tapioca, Psail Ssgo, and all artislat lit ths Drag Line, At Alfred WJUkerger'i Dm? Store, Ho. tit North Second St.,PhUadelphia, prldvta ETEBI BUSIKESS HAS SBODLS ADVERTISE A A AAA A urn EREB 600G U B B O .-. 0 U BEBB Q U B G9Q9 UUU U u TJ 88 88 J. H- YE&3FODLE THE GREAT PRICE CESTS. MRS. STRITP. Caret Diarrhoea, Dyecn- i rlaint,in childran of all ages f Ct WHITJMIV erT and Summer Com Relieve pain, weakness bauttlon in 15 or 20 minutes, givin tone and power to ths system ""1 PRICE CENTS. It is the Great Infants' and Children's Sooth leg Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teething or any other cause. Be particular in celling for MRS. WHIT COMB'S SYRUP, aad take no other. Prepared by the GRAPTOK MBDI0INECO- BU Louis, Mo. Bold by Druggittt and dealers in Medieiae everywhere. Staple and Fancy Grooeries, Provisions, Qaeensware. Glassware. Wooden and Willow Ware, Ac. Corner Orleans and Ohio streets, ROCK ISLAND, - - - - ILL. For quality of goods and prices, I defy com petition mehlidly BITX2H.S. EAGLE MILL, PATENT ED AUG. 17, !. Manufacturer, Wholotale aad Retail Dealer in FAWG MILLS AND MILK SAFES, Conatantly on band or made to order. No. CO Main street, HACISF-. . Poet Office Boa 1 5 aovlS-dly SI0HS & SASBS, " Manufacturers of Sasb, Boors and Blinds. PLUXiSG ASD MITCUISG, Scroll Work and Re-Sawing done to order. All orders promptly attended to. Factor, between Brie and St. Claire Street!, West side of River. ' BACLKB, WIS. Prioes at low as any ether house ia the Stty. mch28-dly A BS0K F0S Tilt MILLiajf, IUAEEIAGE I ortaCr"dt rtTVT'nTi those about to marry, tjr U lUJLi. I oa the pbytiologieal asysteriee aod revelations of the sexual system, with tbe latest aisooveriet in proausing and pre venting offtpring, BratervingtheeomplexioB.Ae This is an Interesting work of 224 pages, with Bsmerout engraving!, ana oontaiet valuable in- formatioa for those who are married or content plate marriage; still it is a book that ought to be aader look aad her, aad not laid eareiastl aboat tha house. Bent te aay ene (free ef post-i age) for sv eentt. 1imNatiee to the Affiieted and UnfortaaaU. ' Before applying te the notorioas Quackt who advertise ia publit papers, or using any Quask Remedial, berate Dr. Baas' work, Be matter what yoar disease is, or how deplorable yonr eoa- ouion. m. - Dr. Betti ean beeontulted pertonally or by mail, on tke diseases mentioned in his works. OAee No. II B" Blghth street, bet. Market and unettBBt it., pt. Louis, to. jaiai-swly THE GENUINE DlCIiEY TT" ATV f k - - - " -aBPBawatatBsBssssWal v.-,' AaW-ia-Sj-vgMMU l ti 1 IMPERIAL Hll THIS remekial agent it a certain tpeedy aad poiitive cure for Hereditary, Constitutional and Secondary Syphi lis., in all its various forma, such at Old ! Ulcere, Swelltcgs of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, c kin Etuptione, Soreness of the ecalp. Falling off of tbe Hair, Pimples or litou-t;et on the Face Body or Limbs, Dry Haokiug Cough, Constant Hacking up of Matter. Unpleasant Duch.siie. from the Nose and Lungs, Breath h.xtreme'y Offensive, etc., etc. uiereurial r jphiiitic Luuma!ini acd Nesralgla, Thoroughly er alio, tod Mtroury aud all dis etsca aritins; lrom u impure ur poisoooas state of tbe Blood, aad I defy those who suffer from tuck diseases to obtain a radieal cure without the aid of this important remedy. It operates on the system entering the blood, Beutt alising tbe virus of poiaon, r.-establishiag tbe healthv funotioaa, ef tbe animal eaoaomy, aad thereby enabling the system ta eradicate ths disease and east off the obnoxiout matter by the Bowels, Urine, Prctth and Skin, canting no tensihie evacuations It is p'.eafaat to take, assimilate! readily with tha food, and does not interfere with the usual diet or advocations. Enclose S cent stamp and send for sealed cir- inlar. All eommuBicationi strictly confidential. Ptlee ti.OO per bottie, cnt fr.efiom observation. by mall or express, to any address, on receipt of tne money. AdUresa JOH K T. WII.KIMROH, Druifilst and Pharmaoeotlst, Io Medical College Builtirg. eoroer of Blondeau aud Seventh ttreett, - kkUkl K, IOA Eir ly. VICTOR SCALE COMPASF, ZXOXtX2tTX3, CHICAGO HOI he, I5S State Street. jeSO-deodwj,w,f,wly PRAIRIE WEED BALM. TvBlCitJ MBTI111E. LANGE'S PLUGS RESTORE CeriiScate of Walter Waldron. I had the Catarrh for two je.ra very tad. Mv toee run ail tbatime. Imsd all kind, of snLff to csre it, but ibiy did ao good. Alout two months apo I tried a bottle of tbe Conttitu tional Catarrh Remedy, of which Llttleleld A Uayes.of this city , aie pioprieiort. aad began to grow lietter. J l.e second bottle nearly cured nr. I am now on the third bottle, and have bo doubt that it will entirely care me. My general health is improved amaxingly. I formerly bad severe headaclis, and felt a general debility. New I have no headache, and am entirely free from weariness. Tbe Catarrh Remedy has done It all. it seems to have renewed the whole tyt tetn. I live at No. 60 Bridge street. WALTER WALDRON. Maichaster, X. H., Feb. 19. lt70. For sale by all tbe leading Druggittt of Reck ltland and Davenport. Jyl-d-m.w.f wfJm )r. Crook's WINE OF TAR! Is a Preparation which ha been tried by the public for ten years, and proved itaelf in thou sands of caeca capable of riirinjzall diseases ot tha Tbrcat xaa Lugs. oroat and Lugs. ir. Crook's WIITE OF TAR! MARE. Iiilinlutioii. TRADE For The method of trestins Diseased Lungs. Asth ma, Catarrh. and all Tubercular Affections, by In natation, is ss acknowledged uecess. By in halation of the VA PC R from the BALM every eell of the LLNGa is reached ant. expanded, aau the healing qualities ol the MEDICINE arebrourht into direct action upon tbe organt diseased. Tho WEED from which thia BALM It made, wat dilcovered by a well known professional gentle man of Boston, upon the Pit A I It I K in the (ikBT tH.KV of tha MIINIPPI through tbe tnttinet of bortel affected with the Heaves, and is therefore a C.SFAT MTl R1L EEMEDT. He first eared himself of CONlTMPTIn! when told by his Physicians that he ooold not live over six weeki, and now recommends It ub- hesitatinplr to the pnbho. Price 51.50 per bot tle, including Inhaler. WEFKS A POTTER. General Agents, 170 Washington street, . MILTOK ll'MII, PROrRIKTOR, BOSTON, MASS ACHUBBTTS jelS deod Is the remedy to for Chronic Cougha, or Coughs and Colds. It promptly cures 4fam all. Has cured cases of Con sumption pronounced in curable by physicians. )r. Crook's WINE OF TAR! st&ca, Ercrciitis. Bas cured somanycaaea of Aathma and Bronchi tis, that it has been pro nounced a specific for thee complaints. If af fl eted.will you let preju dice prevent you from being cured also Jr. Crook's WIITE OF TAR! Renovates and Irmir atea th entire system, nnd rapidlr rep tore Ki-liHiifit-e,i Htrength. The Yrv rempdy fr the we&ic Jr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! ppetite. SHIP f HISDLERY. 6. BrBBAT. S. B. riBPSNtxa. BILBERT RUBB4BD & CO., II min T33.0QO Bitters ARE KNOWN Most Favorably ie Europe Where they originated. They are reeemmended by tbs most celebrated physicians as ' the best remedy for Crofiic, Dyspepsia, all tfee Affee- tlen ef the Eldc)S ted o Bladlr. They are aa exoeUent tonio, bloodpurifler and appetiser, and are sot en'y agreeable te the taste, but free from every injurious property, be iag composed ef the finest materials known to poteets medical virtus. Manufactured and told by Victor Bivaud & Co., : i ' Sos. 430 and 4S Main 6t- LOUISVILLE. KT. Proprietors c the celebrated BIVAU"' COCiaTAIC BITTKKS. aprB-deodly '' . ' ' ' FOE MSrVOlMESS PlUfJl ALBERT P. DtCfiET, AC1NB. .. . Wl Gno. W. D. Haaats, Book Island j Ve,srBre A Pbibitbb, DavsBport, AgeaU. ' v sttehl-aly LCS8 CF MKT1L AM PSYrlCAL F0SCE, F0S Ff LtSFS KillXG. J. C. LAN'GK A SOS, PitUbsrg, Pa. FCLI.S8, F1SCH A FULLER, AgenU, febzO-dBm CHICAGO. ax.Aa. J?J&s i' w- a- j. -MlW.sV?! ."ft Ml ani- b Am f .. 1 in '-r. .ui kui" . . . .."I - ., ii ,is :: t.r Kenorea tbe Appetite, . atrengthena the Horn. S tOXlC!. acb. relaxes the Liver. LiVCT. pu' them to work and makes pure bioocL Or. Crock's WINE OF TAR! Its action on the Crinary Organs are both prompt , ' ana marked. It succeeds Clwaiilw. ia reproducing the urin ary secretions when oth er powerful di nre ti ea have failed. Jr. Crock's WINE OF TAR! la rich m the med. :inst iiatitiea of Tar, oom tuned with rr'tabl m jreiienta of undoubted value, which tunkeit ua urpspsed for the com- Token down Ccaostltutioiis. Di. Crook's WINE CF TAR! Kcm ve pain in Breast, TvWt,1"'"l Pidc or Back. jB most effective Reg lstnrof the Liver. Or. Crook's WINE OF TAR! trecsth aai EealtL Has made msny jersons rtrong and heHltl.y ho harf been unaMe to work r.r walk for years. JtshnuM 1 ketitin every l:n--e. r.n ! it rfe-tinng t..ioo properties tried by nil- ?t fJIsSiht I "l ,' ' V. I : - . if a Uaiijaj 4 ' stABtjicrTtrwaao IMMt VII Kit IllUlinU. IflLIiJLtf. TuAVELIXti BAGS, AC, xsrxxoiaSSAXiXi di anrixXi. . B. 10 Brady St., DATBNPORT, IOWA. . Rapairlag Beatly doae. " rxzssaxTxiaxx STAINED GLASS KO. 23 MARKKT T FITTSBLBGH. IIJILLIAM NBLSOS, Glass Ktainsr and Me- ll tallie Rash Manufacturer ba.t adapted for Church windows. Havine areeted tbe most omplete aad extensive apparatus for 'be maaa- faciuia of colored sua ornamental window gu, hs is prepared to furnish eve. y varityforoburch- A . windowa. atOw IB noerior slvle. Orders from all parts of ths sountry will reeeivepromptatteallon. febledly. BASKETS. WILLIAMS SIASUFACTCB'tt CO. : 'HtftRTHAlIPTOB'.... -488. , ...Mlrt.d 1650. 1 Maeafaeturersef all kiadt of Oak an ette Batksts Wot sale ia Cat. w.rn.r A Felix; L. Goald A Ce.j Kb : arifia. ,nd Bfarston A Peek Bros.', aad in at. Loats by Betaae! Capples,anA Warren, Ship Chandlers And D.alers la TWiJES AND C0K9A6E, "o sod JOT South Watr Btre.'. . ILl cnC tt;o,. ... ., ...-tion of thstrads W. would call particular a , to our stocu, aa wa at fl.A. UDCia, " BUfhln- And and best attorcnusit i" riiTniit A' ' (Ail Widths ) flopts, MaQlIIa Tarred Hopes, Bmf: Bagging, Burlaps, Cana( Oakum, Piuh, Tar, Taekle B looks. Chains, Joal Tar, , Roofinf, ; itchsVaud Pelting. WISH ROPK, . Either TROS or BTEBL fer'tnala g Hoisting srj srpes, TSBls ot every -a ; kinV Taipaulinj, Wages Cavers,' ... , of plain and Rubber eeatsd Duck aw'jvin o-: si, f,' :!SPXjiC3r4SI .1.- Of Bilk er Baatiag, at pes Army lWgalationt eoBitaatly eu haad et made te order. tSBBBBBBSBBI I I' wea . "MB 1 f. N f h vM'7 4m" The active medieiUHl qualities of Poke R . ot are combined with the beat Tonic preparatioa of Iron u ' DR. CROOK'? 0)MPOl"M OK T0KE ROOT! Muring the preparntion nn. bet Atrauve aui U onic knoFu for . Srcfala, ScnTale-s Trmors, Scrcfulozs Cise&ses of tia Ejes. All . stiff eriag irea Circmic ise&es, Sro-xea-dowa Cctst:'.- - tioat, t Kquirlrg a , rmecly to purify ari enriclitheE,.c:4,xi:i itdEr.CE003Cc:r.. 'f;,S30T .to Is ceniia ana reasle ia Its ac tion, raxsiaircesr W Taa.easAvtwa.t TfnVl! .Ml Uk.wWilif tAfc a.v "W Notches, Pinrle werm, Ealt-Sheuci, Scald-Sei, rieerr. aai Sores. re .fJ ye cured th tis k 1k Anytiaea!e dej"""s 00 a depraved .-ondiu'-u. of the Blood --an - tmrrd by r'Z "oe hottlfc-WbrailIrH- prepared only by Ollrer Crfiok & Co Dayton, 6. aau -4eoiA wee. eat n i n ll