Newspaper Page Text
RATES OF ADYERTISIKS. LiM& 4EOTi, -vaatrs pa.xsrt i ocKsyy, TSKMS. Dailt Aaoos. (payable ia. alvBB),prannaiB, $10.00 ij Mail gil M,Bti, .uo 3y Mil " I aoiibi,.. J.SJ 8r ' 1 month J Bt Oitt 0bbibb, ii Cents pr wek. Shqlb Con. S CenU. TBhIS.- Wbsbiv Ab.o. i;1 Copy, (payable! a advane $J.M Tb Copies IB. 00 Taty Copies " " SA. Thirty Oopies " ' 0.0 Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND. ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 LOCAL NOTICES. Mihriaciii Quids. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price 50 cent. Address Dr. Batu' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street, St. LoniarMo. See advertisement. VERT LATEST BY TELEGBAPH, Renne's Pain-Killing Magia Oil is told bj most of our traders, and is becoming almost as indispensable in a family at good floor. It cures pain quickest of anything we ever tried. Sold by John Bengston. Truth. -The powers of Mrs. Whitoomb's Syrup for children are as positive as the sun light from heaTen, and gentle and soothing as an angel's whisper. Who hath woe, who hath sorrow, who hath contentions, who hath ail sorts of trou bles ? Those who use any other than Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Special Flavorings. These articles prevent all these troubles, by keeping the husband in good humor and the chiluren dine. If the table is right, all is tight, and there can be noth ing wrong with any part of it if Or. Price's Cream Bakiug Powder is used to make the eatabies, aad his Special Flavorings to flavor them. Ask your grocer for theui. 5?Le Ice lZing- Xkafrigerator, Which created such a seusatton, and took the first premium at the Cincinnati Exposi tion, St. Louis Fair, Illinois State Fair, and all the Fairs throughout this State generally last season, is now for sale and can be seen in actual operation at K. W. Spencer's Household Furnishing Goods Emporiom, on Illinois street. The Refrigerator possesses many aivan tas over ail others aver manufactured, among whioh may be mentioned the fact that it aares fifty per ocntof the ice required in aay other Retrigemtor of the same tize. It ;i a preserver, cot ooosuiner, like the 0'i.uerjus ice ineitars called iietrnrerators. It produoot a dry, cold temperature in the preferring chambers. The temperature can be reJjoeito fourteen dej rets hetotc freezing punt. One article of loo J will not partake of the sme'l or tut of auoiher. The pro vision cu'.n'wM are a! wave dry, ewett mil J '.a, ti iii:jr tiive uo drippings from i .. Ki.V 'it s(il ru-titts of al kinds can b ,i: ?...iu Ki.y length o; lime, atd in a o. ;.U 'lrv presorted condition The R .'.TV.or is iivilod in'.a two separate and d ''.'-a. ct compirtmsnts, and also has a Water C ''i')r attached, which furnishes an uulimr ttci supply of ice cold water without putting ,.v in tht water. It eonsnmes about ten routs worth of ioa every twenty-four hours 'Thi eoouomical pieoe of furniture costs no more than any other refrigerator, and is manufactured of all sizes, and suitable for Hntels, Restaurants, Grocers and for family purposes. Call at E. W. Spencer's the only agent fir Rock Island, Moline and vicinity, and see the workings of this indispensable article in oc.'U'il operation. i,prlS dwilm 4 O'Oloolt Xr. 31. NEW Y O TMC. Dismissed frcm the force Setter to SSayor of County Expenditure! -The Frauds la the City Treasury. lor auk snaar. er the sum oeeipled by tow lines of solid nonpareil, Oae Dollar for each ia. sortion. Sneeial Motieee, ! cents par line. ! la- sarted t month, or more, 40 par east above tagm lar advertisiaf rates. Communieatioss, or articles lasortea ajbmi rsading matter, ii cants par line. IHilt bid Wciilt. a aiseosnt oi it pel eent. will ba Bade from the Weakly rates, est yearly and half yearly contract., when the same natter i. Inserted in both Daily and Weekly. bonble Column, will be charged J yet east additional. For..:i traniisBtaivertlsamaa aivaal pay mast is required. WASHINGTOi Uo more new bonds to be offered Hickapoo investment. IILINOIS. Fair &eg&l Xntelligenee - Base Ball. Run over on the Railroad Track Bridge across the Sarkey river. Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Car run each way evcrv 20 minutes, XeXonster demonstration &ot peech of Gladetone BZetz to be restored to France. Market Reports. SB.. SSELBn WATER CURE K t ,iwa uil fir e-roolar. ..v-'rfdw'iu: A T .WIS H. E. SEELKT, M.D. $mm INSURANCE CQMP'Y 1 CHlCAt.O, ILL. Casb Capital, JSaOO.OOO.CO tnrplua, $57,60.64 ir21 Didrioe & Shaw, Agents, 4 W Rock Island. 'O THE QEIil AMiaiCAS EBALTE Hb.iT0B.5il, panne, the blood and core. Scrofula, Bypailla, bkia 0ls- a.a., Rtaeaaiatt.m, of Women, and all Ooroolo Affection, of tha Blood, Urn and Kidnavs. Booommonded by the t.4ioal faoolty ad many thoac- andt of oar beat eittians. Read the te.timoay of phyaioiant and patient, who hare o.ed Reaadalis; sand for oar Ro.adalis Snide to Health Book, or Alaaanae for this year, whioh wepnb liah fjr grataitoaa diitribation ; it will give yoa uiaib valaabla information. Dr. R. W. Oarr, of Baltimore, savs: "I take pleaiura in recommending yonr Roaadali. a. a very powerful al terative. I have seen it nied in two caiet with happy remlta one in a eaa of aeaondary arphili., In which the pa tient pronoeneed him. el! eared after harinr taken Sra bottlea of yoar medi- oioe. The otaer is a case of acrofala of long .taadlng, which i. rapidly lmpror iaf andar its aao, and the Indication. are that the patient will soon reoover. I hare carefully azamiaad the formula by which yoar Roaadalis is made, and Sod it an excellent compound of altor atlre legredienta." Dr. bperki. of KioholsTille.Ky.,savs he ba nied Roaadalia in ea.ea of Soro fula sol Secondary Hyphllls with aatia faotory reialta a a oieaacrof the blood I know no better remedy. Bamasl Q. McFaddea, Marfreeaboro, Tenn., aaya : "I hare need aeren bottles of Roaa dalia, and am entirely enred of Rhenm ati.m: send me foar bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who haa ssrofnlons a ore eye.." Beu"jamin Be.ihol, of Lima, Ohio, wrilca, I hare anffercd for twenty year, with . nT.terate eruption over hi. wboleoedy; a tabort time slaoe I par ehated a bottle of Uo.adalta and it ef fected a perfect cere." Roaadalialt aold by all drorei.t. Laboratory, 61 Exchange Piaoe, Ba) liaaore. sir. vi.asLHis ft 00. Proprjtor Reported Kiprei.iy for tha i. ISEW Iork, hept. 5. A policeman who was remiss in his doty at the time Mrs. Gen eral Sherman was assaulted by rowdy haok men at the Hudson Hiver Railroad depot, 10 this city, has been dismissed from the force. The Secretary of War's letter to Mayor ttail, declining to allow the federal troops in -,ew lork narDor to uecuiue subject to the regulations of the New lork Boaid Healtti, is, to the city authorities, an ucpal atable and rather unexpected couclueion. The Board of Health feel that it purtaina to their duty to become cognizant of the exist ence ot any contagion among the soldiers, in order that the city might be appraised of the facta Last summer, when the small pox ws epidemic in Governor's Ieland, the Health Board were troubled about it, but government took no action whatever in the premises, and at any moment the conta gion among the soldiers could be introduc ed into the city, if no one had a word of its approach. Rev. Geo. Thrall, rector of Emmacnel Cb urch, Fifty-seventh street, hats, at the re quest of his congregation, adopted the Lit urgy of the Union Prayer Book, which diff ers from that in nse in the diocese of New York. Mr. Thrall atates that this ritual is the work of a number of divines of both this conntry and England, was free from the passage which has given rise to the contro versy and contention in the church. The oongregation seemed pleased with the changes made to the old form, and respond ed with great heartiness. This withdrawal from the Protestant Episoopal Church, it is thought, may prove the beginning of a seri- ons aohism. Some account! of county expenditures are again published to-day. These acoounts are said to be taken from a list furnished by the Mayor and Comptroller, and show that in 1809 and 1871 nearly thirteen and a hall millions were taken from the public treasury, of which fire and three-quarter millions went to Ingersoli & Co., nearly three millions to A. .1. Garvey, and a million and a quarter to Keiser fc Co. Three-quarters of a million dollars are said to have been paid to J. O. Smith, who is believed to be a myth. The Irieh are beginning action in refer enda to the alleged frauds in the city treasu ry. - At a meeting of Iriah lemoorats on Saturday, resolutions were passed calling upon the comptroller to resign, and de nouncing generally the peculating ring. It is understood that Governor Hoffman rill investigate the case of Evans, the al- eged defaulting State Agent of Pennsylva nia, who is now in this city, before respond ing to Governor Geary's requisition for the fugitive. The steamship andaha, from Hamburg, has arrivad. The different publio schools of the city opened to-day. To-morrow will be the opening day of the County Fair. Crowd of people ere expect ed to be in attendance each day. The Shabbona Base Ball club of this oitj play the Wenone Clnb of Wenona, 111., at the Fair grounds to-morrow, for e pnrse of oae hundred dollars. The weather here is mild and pleasant. Des Moines, Sept. 5. About half past ten last evening, L. Verght, e prominent German citizen and editor of the German newspaper, fell dead in the street. He had been complaining for some days, probably of heart disease. Dibudk, Sept. 5. William Corkery, employed as section foreman on the Iowa division of the Illinois Central Railroad, at Plymouth Center, was instantly hilled on Sunday morning, a short distance west of Lemans, by being run over by tne eastward bound express train from Sioux City. He was lying across the track on curve fast asleep, and was not discovered by the en gineer soon enough to stop the train. lbe track layers on the Chicago, Dubuque nd Miunesota Railroad, have oompleted rack-layiug to the mouth of the Turkey iver, thirty m les north of the citv. The bridge across the Turkey is now beiug erect ed. It consists of two spans of one hun- rtd aud fifty feet each. The bridge will soon be completed, when track -laying north ward will be vigorously pushed forward. Indianapolis, Sept. 5. In the Bright caae yesterday afternoon, the defense enter ed a plea in abatement of the indictment, setting forth the appointment of J. a. Dan can as Jodge of the conrt pro tern, aad the absence of Jndge Elliott at the time the in dictment was returned and for that reason asks that the indiotinent be quashed. The Prosecuting Attorney entered a motion for ne appointment of an additional counsel, to whica, the defense objected. It is under stood that a motion was made during the afternoon to diaoharge the prisoner. St. Louis. Sept. 5. Eugene Jackard, a leading jeweler ia this city, died to-day. lesterday an unknown man jumped from a ferry boat into the river, and was drowned, and to day David Reed was found hanging stitf and stark. This makes three suioides n two days. Dublin, Sept. 5. A moneter demonstra tion was held laet night, with a vast pro cession. Cue hundred thousand people were .recent at the meeting at 1 hauix l ark. 8mythe, Brett and Moir.n spoke. Reeoiu- I Hons demanding the release of the lemans were adopted. As the people were return log, several collisions occurred. I be police drew their staves and the people need sticks and stones. The latter gradually dispersed. Many arrests were made. London, Sept. 4. The riot was bsgun by the mob returning, participants in the meet ing, who attacked the police patrol. The tight was very fierce. Fifty constables were injured. A house on the corner of Queen etreet was demolished. The police were re- ioforoed during the melee by a large body of their comrades, who had been kept out ot sight during the meeting. Many rioters were arretted. The bark Krmandine capsized in a gale at Money, on the Lnglieh coast. All on board were lost. The brig Peacock cap sized off Shields, and the entire crew was lost. Queen Victoria is still confined to her house. Gladstone in a speech on Saturday ex pressed his joy that the English can now meet the Americans as friend. We may indulge in a hope that all controversies be tween the two people are settled. Kew YoRt, Sept. 5. A correspondent oi" the London Telegraph, writing from Melz under date of August 16th, says "the results of the late war have produced the most dis astrous consequences upon the Freneb resi dents in the border coanties. The Germans are trriDg to make things look bright, but do not succeed. Tbey get up pleasant con certs, but the natives do not attend them. Three fourths of the women of all clauses dress in black. Nt nrly haif the population has already emigre.. .-d, and the other half is prepuritiir to do i.lietis'. Every other pri vate house is ' rantj or for !. The Gr HEW ADYERTISEMEST8. DITHRIDGE O XX FLIIT GLASS LAMP CHIMNEYS Stand Hsat better than any other made. Aak for Dithridge's, and take no other. Pee that our name is on every box. DITHRIDGX BOS, Fiitsbcbs, Pa. Bead for Price LLt. WOOD, LIGHT & Manufacturer, ot POPERY Tan roxi or una exxuaczx AND IRPCBI.IC. Whnt it has done, what it if doln? and what it mesne to do. Its power. Its despoti-m. Its infallibility, lie frands. Ite rellere. Its miracles, lis ldnlairv. It perwentione. Its hatn-d of onr public schools and of civil and religious liberty. It?, sinrtlinp crimes, lis horid wickedness, and its NEW VOKK KIOl's. A book that is wanted everywhere. VV waiit atjenf.s to introSne'.j it. lit every conmy at once, and wm psy mem noeraliy. henil for circular, auuiums ZEIGI.ER & MoClKDY, lit Monroe St., (.'tiica'ro, 111. DRS. COLE & Jlf 0BS0, OCV LISTS and ATKISTS, treat all diseases of The Eye & Ear, Al their Institute, 303 Wabash Avenue, 'HU'AliO, where they are prepared to accommodate patient with hoard and lougiug. jjgr Letters will receive prompt attention. Diarrhiea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Children's Teeth ing, and the Great Preventive Asiatic Cholera. Benne Plant I This extraordinary medicine, the fame of which is spread broad cast throughout the conntrv. is nn doubtly superior to anv remedy ever ottered to the jminic tor me complaints tor which it is iutr.uded we have in our possession testimonials 'firnili.-i voluntarily by Col. Long, late Chief Typographical e Have in our possession testimonials 'furnished Engineer Bureau, at Wa.-hinifton; Hen. Fit. Hen w arren. Gen. Fleasanton, and o;hers of the army'; Father P. J. DeSmet, the celebrated Indian Mission ary ; also. Officers of the Navy: Surgeons. Hospital Stewards, commanders of nearly eve rv steamer piy ini; on the .tiisss.ippi aud tributary rivers. West ern Saniurv ,-m.t i...-'i.i!i Comuiiseions Army ( Imp lains. and o;ii;r- ..., i.,.uierous to mention. Likewi-e highest encomiums of the press, praising it valuahle medicinal qualities in the highest terms. No oilier medicine Iims snch recommendations. .1 A MA ll IKK. Sole -roprietor. buuth-wcrt corner of Olive and second street tit. Lows, Mo., and sold by Urujr-ci-ds and Medicine dealers everywhere. jt'eius:- t niier A- niuer. atiVhaark. Stevenson Keid. Chicasro; Kier Rising. Milwaukee : Mc Kesson Kohiins,til and WJ Ktiiion St., New York. ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING Al SLOTTING 3IACHINES, PL.WERS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N A SMYTHS' STEAM II A MM ER S, Odd XvXacbinerye DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Phasing aid Rangers, Talent Pe'.f Oillng Box. WAREHOUSE : Hil LIBERTY JT., SE'.r YORK CITY MANl FACTOaY : HAMMOND ST., (Opp. Junction Depot), WOaCCSTJiR, MAPS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of onr Works. JelO dtf umc. CGICAGO LEAD & OIL WORKS. Eatabliaked I94. Burnt Rebuilt, 1853. jriaoufaetarere of LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAO BAB. &. via rXJAD, Raw Lioseed Oil, Boiled Linseed Gil ASD OIL CAES. All Oil guaranteed alrietly pure and fall weight OFFICE OF THE CHICAGO SHOT 1WKS COMPACT Maanfaeturere i f DROP Alt l) RI CK HOT. IlUI,mT AMI! lit LEAD. Order a froea the trade aoUeited, aad promptly l!ed. K. W. BLATCHFORD 4 CO., TO North Clinton Street. $875,000 ! In Ca.vA Gift to he dUtrihuted by the Me- trotUtan Cash Prize Co. EVERY 1ICKKT DRAW A PRI7.R. 1 Cah ;in flOrt.oon I 5" Cash liifts, 5 " each 4".thio ! -"U - ' 1f k" '' 'JU.11S) 10 50 4 5.IMHI i 5 Kieu-aDt Rosewood 1'iaiio. each e' " ' Meioiteons Spwin? M.".ri:inrs, i '"' "'""I an tics ; ,,, 3,M ra-h J'ri.cs. MiM-rware. etc., valued at Sl.'Mi.ooO. ! A chance to draw anv of the above Prizes for 2:w j Tickets, dcscrihirp prizes, are sealed in envelope ami well mixed, on receipt of iv a Sealed Ticket j is drawn without choice mid r,.,,t l mail to anv ad I dress. 1 he I'nze named upon it w ill b,- delivered to I th" ticket-holtle' on ihe pavtnent of One l),.!!nr jl'rize. are immediately sent to anv a.idi-e.-s bv ex press or return msj! J . WUl know wnat yo:tr prize is b"fore yon rir I fo- it. Any l'rize excluoiL'ed for another of same, value. No blanks. Our patrons can depend on lair ' df-m loity man shop keepers raptdty replacing the Keierencea. The rollowins lately d-cw ralmiNe native of the sot!, though there is a general prizes, and kindly permit u.- to publt-h them. An- Vw.',;' t.'.n-,.kmf. that Va e. 11 : . ' .. . - ' ""'"" "'ra n each f i.itiht so 20,1 f-'M to $V"0 TS to urn mi to i ::. I860. 1871. THE PiONEERJMUSIC STORE. ALARviK STOCK ALWAYf ON HASD OF HYKllltVA Y, STKCK, KSIKH90W, JtMJthlt V, MAIN K9, MtKU4I.L AM) tVKNnKI 1, I I A?;0 JM, fieo. Weed & fe'r.&r.slfy Organs and ell kindiof Musical Initrutnen's ?het Music of litest ireusa, and the best im ported Stiini in the city J!t HOY T. apl Corner Illinois and Washington atreet. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 a 4 wxaniwaxon it.. OXXZOAOO. DRAPSR,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S ttSE. WLDD1G OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Bhirts to Meeanre Extra Denhle and l'erfest in Fit. Clergymen will be aliewed A per cent, diaeonnt. feblSdly 8lH, DQOMS. dt. 0L ANDES, & HUBES, Saoo8ori tc J. A. Biddibow. ilanofacturors of Sab, Doors, Bllads, Msaldiags, Fit AM kM. BRACKET8, And everything in their line. Ulated Baih on hand, also Com Meal and eea. All work warranted. feb24dwSm BatxBLlSBEn i 1850. , WELCH &QRIFFITH8' CSAXXT-sai! JSA-VTvrs! eawsi! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS! Axss, Files, Cast Steel, Kill Ternlshlags, and Kachinery. ra,0et the beat, they will prove the cheapeat. Pntea reduced. Send for piles List and eiroolara. WELCH da UHIFFITHM, aolSdwly Boa too, M.. ar Detroit, Uirh XTIIW A.SVTJSaTZXSSSZIZ-'SsL THE NEW DI8INFECTAHT! BR0J10 CHLORALUHI, MOW-POISONOUi, ODORLESS, P0WERILL OEDORIZRK AND DIsiKKECTANT. ENTIRELY HARMLESS AND SAFE. ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. I'sed In Drivate dwelling, hotels. restunMma r,K. He schools. hnKnitste. Insane asvlutn. ('.n. jails, prisms, poor-houses, on ships, steam-boats' and in tenemeut-honsus, markets, for water-closets, urinals, sinks, sewers, cess-pooN. stables. &e. A specilie in all conweiotis and pegt:let!t!a! dis eases, as I holera. Typhoid Fever, Ship Fever, final! l'oi. Sn arlet r ever. Measles, diseases o! animals, tc. Prepared only by TILDEN to., K6 William street, New York". Sold by all Drueiristj. HAEVEST for AGENTS. IO IO $e, A )AV. Gentlemen and Ijnlies r eood address and de portment, cm have informal ion and the best instruc tions ever pubh-hed. sent free bv mail. A irraud coinhmanon nt History, B!.1!rrapl,V. Essav. P.ietrv, and the h in-! Arts. Evervbodv it " ( a-,va-i- ?.0,)l lr' "- Iijif-rnatioiwl Pubii.hiue Company, ill Lmerty street. New iork. 1 e,M f - -:s. b. rotm. J. l. riEima, GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! igjNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright r.lue Eye, Sons: Meininger, S5cte Hive you men Laie Comic Soag, Saxton, 40 Dnrllnq flrlle nf the Board'tivj .VcAo.,Poiter30 (Jtrf tritU the Cigarettr, Coniio Cordelia, SO J,.i!y High Timet, Comic. Parka, R .Voir K-ou'in'ryu Ukr In inmr, Comie,Cord'!a 30 JtK'lit I't'the'tlenrt, Beautiful Song. MillaidSO Ur in (he Mtndmc, " " Zafh, Sf Ln it . for Ba or Alto. " 35 Yet One A inm, Dnctt tor Sop. and Barr. Gabriel, SO Quarrelling .Vfi'ol?,or, Comic Duett. Anher, 75 .fmrOoffy's Child, with variations. Mack, fiO llear-n!y Greeting, Pansie ttoy mn t ique, Blaneiey, S5 Hulidny Tneart'oH .Varc, illustrated title Giiainn, (A Street A nticipntion, Schottische, " Qilsinn, !0 Dnitiy, Faataisia, Krng, S3 Any of the above eent by mail on receipt of the market price. Ho matter wVere you fee a piece of Mnaic or Music Pock advertised, sen J to us and you will receive ti by enclosing the puMiebtr price. 11!IC DeCALKHS, niir-dcd;riri. ST. LOUIS. Honor Konrc BY THE V W AAA V y Branch Eouee, Palae Bow, ROCK lsiI.ANIf, ... IMJ. Wheia we ere offerier unrivalled Teae, at the same low prieee at at their "Eaatera Home." By importing Teas in cargo lota, they eiabie ua to retail to the consumer at extremely low pr.oei. Don't fall to viit the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palaee Rw, where will he found the (in est, pareat and freshen Teat, Coffees and 8 pi ece, at pricea beyond competition. myJdwSea P0WAK8 A PRBEMAK, Ag'ts Ihe COlTGRESSlECTIC. inc BJSST winter OVERSHOE! -iv liliaLtn l ortaKl inuTUUlBLEtoputnn! Neat, Genteel, btillstit ASK T01B SHOE DEALER FOR IT t XX FLIMT LAS4 LAMP CBIMSEfS. Stand Heat bettsr than any ether made. Ak for llilhride'e'e and take no other. See that our name is on everv box 1HTHR11M.E S SON, i'ittshurgh, Pa. Send lor Price List. s 0EIE.MAL CBEliifc 10 TR10MPHE 10 PXSS ! Wonderful Sieeess of Dr. T. Felix Gourand'a "ORIEATAL CREAM" 0E MAGICAL BEACTIFIE1. Its Fame is rapidly Spreading aver the Oountrj, Every Beautiful noma aad 1-alr Miudan Vsea it. Die Annals of Modern Soienee are blaronad forth with no prouder record than the Discovery of this World-Benowned Preparation for the Preaervaiion and Conaervation of the Human Cnticle. Haa the ava lanche of Testimonials in its piaia i, m ver before advertised. Cincinnati, Jane, 1S67. Dr. Gonrand : 1 have heard of your elegaat preparatioo ci ' Oriental Cream," and been very anxious to try its merveloua powete. Mas. B. 0. D. Proriienea, Deeember, ISoT. Dr. tiouraud : I haee need your "Oriental Cream" for a considerable length of lima, an 4 think it excellent. Indeed I would naeao other after ones trying that. Ci.abi (,. BAND LEADERS. For eomethiti" iiiterestinir. send vnur address to GEOKi;E W. GATES." Franktort. N. Y NOItTl!.EAST miSsoL UI Farms and Lnimproved Lauds for sah-. by McNutt & Moss, Paris, II o. Agents ! Head This ! WH WILL PAT AOE5T8 A BALART OF 1.19 per Wee aad Expenses, or allow a large oomaaisaioB to sell oar new and wonderful invenlioei. At. WAQSIR A CO., Bar.kall. Miah. A French lady writes ; M'.n. Oouraua : lis but an act of jsatie that I should spontaneously give you my tiaali tUd testinienial of the anited effjoaey, innooeoeef and fragrance of yonr preparation lor purifying and eleantinf the akin. By its use every plmpla and freck le have vaniahed frcm my face. Yea ahonlti, .if. in Ami, as it is so sovereign and charminir a remedy for scattering all bleniiehe from onr faeea, call it le delicr tee tinmen, em ne met, je ui ewcA'tnte He le aoeaietigtie el j'en vouw remrcie d font tnoti ctf Mr. Emillb Dbsmoul, Madison Avenvs Philadelphia, October, 1 865. Dr. T.F. liouraudi I have your "Oriental Cream" in asa ; it Is an admirable ertiele, audi shall recommend it. 8. F.P. Chicago, September, 167. Dr. tlooraud .- It ia the beat preparation I have ever used, and I have recommended it to many friends. Miss R. C. P. 030. WD WlltXi r&Y $30. Agent rso per w eek to sell onr trreat and valuable discoveries. If you want permtnent, honorable and pleasant work, appiv for partii ulars. Address DYER & CO., Jackson, Midi. MlLWArKKK. soorx Bxza-sxxrc. be restored to Franre. The Metz feel corvinced that to Germans of power in the f.hJ8de.d-t,ti. Oliicfig-o IRON BEDSTEAD ! MPO. CO. frf I i 1 rV ii- C3 CsC m ia the time tc get them, to insure health ..a eleanana. Thy are extensively used in the Te,t nci K'T universal satisfaction. Fur nltu.-e dealers, Ioitltntious, Hotel and Board' lag f -ioaei dealt with liberally. Ori'ers by mail promptly attended to. For ale at the Factory, 361 and 253 Kinsii street, patented 1609. may2-6U;r u Washitotox, Sept. 4. It is not yet kno what ooarse the Secretary proposes to pur sue in relation to the three hundred millions of five per cents, which remaiued of the new loan nnder the funding bill; but the impres sion prevails, in financial circles, that no more new bonds will be otlered lor a month to come, and that when Bjutwell decides to place snore of the new loan on the market he will offer all three classes ot the funding act in equal portiooi of eaoh, unless Con grass shall in the meantime authorize him to withdraw the 4 and 4Vs from the marks altogether The Secretary of the Interior, as Trustee for the Kiokapoo Indiaas, has invested in the five per cent, loan of f 140,000, being the amount realized by the sale of lands. UaKKSco, 111.. Sept. 1. The Henry conn tv Agricultural Society's sixteenth annual f air, heid at Cambridge, closes to-day, an although the weather was very bad at the opening, it has been the largest and best lair ever held there. The horses, cattle an hogs displayed were larger and bolter than ever be lor exhibited in the county. The trntt, vegetable and grain were better. f bough perhaps no larger than some hereto fore. A birtj-bve hundred dollars wag of fered for one stallion, and some cows worth fl.GOO each. There were 6 f teen races all, and a sweepstakes trotting purse for 6ve hundred dollars. Nicodemus, owned by Downing, of Oalesbnrg, took the first money time, 2:37, and best fanning half mile heat 52. Ottawa, III., September 4. The -eon tv Court nf La Salle county opened th morning, Judge Oilman presiding. The dookei oontisU of 161 law, nd 81 ohenoery oases. orld will ever wrest Metz from the Teuton- grasp, or induce the Emperor of father nd to yield it up by peaceable means. COMMERCIAL. lore. Malio. .soo : .ins. M VhiiI,..-,, . iv... l.nii. $." imi: John T. Anderson, Savnnni h. Jiino ; ,lam.'s s.iimiion,.. Host on. $HUHt. 1'rei.s Opinions. The tirm i- rrl!ah;o.,"-Week!v Tribune. "Keserve their success," -N . Y . lb raid. .I:ui. 1. "'Just ai.d honorable." .News.Dec 1 Mend lor circniar. Lib 'ral Inducements to a-rents. s-i.ii!MCti.n t-naranteed. hverv paca-e of 20" r-ealrd Kme. contain One Cash tiilt." Seven tick. -is tor l ; IT for f4 : 50 for fr ; m for $15. Address IlAKNES. WAKXER CO., e Broadway, X. Y. Book Binder and Paper Ganger, Shop on Orleans St . oppoaite Conrt Eosee. 8.0CK ISLAND ILL Ail kinda ol Paper Eoxea made to ordei. anglVd-tf ,.$6.S0 ;7.f.o .7.HU ...T.6B ...7.4D EoCt., September b. Tan Flour market is eorrected at Warner's Mills and the quotations are the ruling prices oi the Book lalaad market. Wiirrsa Waait Flodb Wholesale t)8.40 " " " Belatl 8.00 Braise Wsaii Fiona tipiinf Doable iiu-i La bhia, tt.ui.l... Sacks at wno!eaaie... Looas, at wbole.ale. ................. ...... ft St a ll .iiiinii . .... .. . :. nMM . . (ja.i' Ba r Kaisiis F.ora 2 Barrel,. ack. i. . it " 1-16" " BucxwaaaT Iloeb Wholesale Betail Vssit, new 0o Oats New Bra - Bablbv So. 1 .. &SjMtd Vsnas Okoioe lots, for tatailing, will briag. Oasssa IT. T. Factory--........ Labb par lb PoTiroae Applxs per ba.bel Beas per do. The above prioes are the wholesale tgnres at firat hand. Has loner been res-arned as the best and cheapest Itakinsr l'owder in ue. I'erfectlv pure and healthy. It mates, at short notice, delicious Biscuits. Kolls. Arc. There need be no waste of food prepared with it, as it is always of the bet qnalitv. Ve would sav to thus,' who have never used it that a very few trials will enable them to use it, not only with entire satis iai'Moti. hut with ec.onomv. I'm up lull, net weight", as represented. Grocers and Dealers sell it. KOOLEY BROTHER. Proprietors. H New street. Sew York City. Z.XV2a.V. COP? & BE0 Liven and Sale Stables. Office under Bart't Hall, HOCK ISLAND I LIP. Moat Complete Katahltthment in the City Particular attertion paid to furnishing Carriage f i r parties, Balls, Processions, eto. tnhidly BADGES. STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! 0.l,3A5CLiBtUR!l ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, X&ilv7ankce, - Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Orders from Ca.Q Buyer, solicited. mcb35-dly GSO JEAlirS. &c. G. W. Mil TELB AEGER, (Scoces.or to EObT. KtEHLER,) C.r IlVinais and Eagle fit?., KOCK It.M. ... 1I.L9. Dealer in Gti0CE!UEPli0ViSI04S Queacwr, Colfee, Sngar, Frnit and Vegetables. The Cheapest More la the City. Cash paid for Country produce. Farmers ca'.l and examine his hr.t-elass .took. Gooie delivered in the sity free. feb24d A Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortuaa by revealing the aecret of tbe buaine.a to no one. Address J. WEST, fiSS Broadway, New York. 1,003 GIFTS. t..BAXD(,IFT ( OX CERT AXI) UISTltlilUTTOX Kor the Benefit or the KOI XHI.INti ASYI.I'M 1F N EW YORK. AXI) SOLIWKHx' AMI r-AII.Ol.'S' ORI'HAXS HOME. WASlIINoTOX. I), f. To 1m hfl,l in Washinron as soon as a'l Ticket are siid. ol which Ten liays' Xinice will l,e i:iven. an I no, tlum NoenibT iid. 1-71. Entire mini lerof tinicets. r.-.'.oiio-y.1 e ich, l.'i3 (iiits. amonnt lo $it.i.tMi. to In; awarded. Send for circular. irixinsr list ul outs and Itelerences. Tickets can be had of . KtLEY SARt.EXT. l'hiladel.Uia, Ci'lumbu-. o . and Kit -hiuoiid. Ind., or P. C. HEVI.IX. (ietieral A.'ent. 81 Xassau street. Xew lork. lion. 11. Met t 1.I.OI Llkt Mat. tlEO. T CASTLE. Itnlnmore lion. .1. S. X EOLEV, l'iitj-buru, Tru'U Comm'rs. ins oTjaTAirr rxiLZczis llow it is done, and w ho iloes it. The Aiena book I'- pae-. tMrreoiisly lilr.sirated with cuts, position e. eni rv it..ii;. s,'C'iri ;r Osand C:rvu.'ai. tree. Addiu Yyailanti, April, ISCT. Dr. T. F. Gourand: My wifa beeame no qnainfed with yonr ' Oriental Cream" through a lady mend, and was to nigbly pless.d with Its effects that the baa since ordered It direet Inm your depot. Other ladies here, too, have become acjiiaintrd with ita superior and magical .fleets upon the complexion, and consider its nse ind S- pcnsable. Ia. W.t!. Cox. Dr. i.ouraud: I thick it p.nsablea lor a lady s louel. Albany. no of tbe indis Hias II. E. A ". The following from the Eminent Trage.- disne Mrs. S. P. Bowers : Pa-k Theatre, Brooklyn. Ir. (Jouraod : bof. tics of yoor "Oriental Cream" to the above ad dres, not forgetting to be reasoaable in prl.o. Yours trnly, Mas. D. P. Bowies. Tirladelpliia, December, I'-fid. rr. Gonrand: I like the "Oriental Cream' better then apytbiec I ever saw of the kind, and I trcm yoa will continue to make it, and I think if yoa do not, you at lot might let yonr o.iomer. have the raeipe. It woald ba a pity o bavv Hi:. "Oriental Cream" die out. Mas. IIavs. Ihe following from Sirs. Col. Touag, lady of Col. Touag, of "Voting's Kentucky Cav alry :" Dr. ttour.nd : I cheerfully bear testimony to the emoacy and perfeet innoeenee ef yonr "Or iental Cream." It is decidedly a vataable eo meilque. I cannot conaent that y ou publi.h my name. The above is frcm a lady in 83d strs.t. d. lor tifiv UAl'dAEI. HAUIO, oHdw.iy. ,-vv Inrk. RISW ADTERTLSESiESTS. $2 6U U5 6a IV.00 .lU.UO 80. ti .....-3Ua24o 40 . 40ti0 15 II . lOalle ... 20a30 60 , nio 1111 VTl a rrvnc .... ' , j 'f-' wii in mom T-amusr. in- ii firucnte una nuiverwaiiy eout'bt uiu-r bik-k i riieu itr vfare, viz . GREAT FORTUIS, AND HOW THEY WERE MADE : or th" stru --les and triumphs orour sell-made men. lv.l B Mc HE jr. Acent already at work are cleanntr "from s.i to ci p-rmoiiin. in- 4" ctuineut examples, it teach es now to -iicce-o in lire and at the same time, bom fit mankind. For particulars, notices or the pros aud extra terms, address K. 11 ANN FOR It A- ro ' Publishers, IStt South Clark street, fhic-airo. T.lejrapk.S ts the Aaecs. OaicAae, Septt 5. Fiour la good demand, low and modium grades being sealce; prieea not qaotably changed. wneai nitrner: o. i aprtna cosine1 on ohange at 1,10J cash or Eaptembrr. Sl.10 bid for October, anu on open Board ln the afternoon closed strong at $1,12 caah Sept.mber or Oet' ber; M). 1 sola on cnenee a. ei.ldal.lUl: No. $104al04i; re acted BiatiBo; No. 2 aamber winter $1,121, So. 2 red, Jl.lal.lo. Oora Acttre: o. 2 elosed on 'ohanira at 4e caah or September; and in the afternoon 4 IJc; rejected. 444c; no. a yenow, 44a44io. Oats fairly aotive: JNo. iVia. Rya Firm; So 2 S74.4H. Barl.J Qniet: at f,0i; No. 2 49a50c. Receipts Flour SaiU; wheat 106. 19; torn, 36.341; oats 133,033: rye, 18,$ U; barley, 45. ISO. Shipment. Floor 3SS; wheal, 155,710; oora 378,365: oats 17.47S: rye, 17,ce0; barley, 63:464. W Sissy rirtn.ioit. Provisions Quiet snd unchanged. Chicago XUtsj Stock. Telegraphed to toe AaaDS. TjaioB Rvocc Tabus, Ept. 5. Cattle Receipts. 3.860: sales 1,629, at $1 6Sa S.ii for Cherokee cows and Texaa cUers; $2,76. 8,87 for com iron to fair native cows: $l,Soa6,2& tor fair to good; and f rose $4,40 to .a0 for extra choioa ahippiag ateert. Hogs RsceipU 3,64)2; moderate demand ana pnoas firm and steady; $4,25470 for heavy to ngnt lets; prices Bnehanged elnoe Sat urday. Sheep Nominal at $3,00a3,J0 foi eosamon to fair; $4,00a,l for goad to ehoiae. Q1B& &. liilMiULM, Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL mm DRESSES, OTTAWA, 1IX. Thia celebrated Drestsr is aad all era warranted. perfect auocejs, my3t!dy GEO. 3. LHTT03, 1 ASD Commission Merchant, 51 Perry Street, AVE!eP0T IOWA jy28-ri2m The BBeTin the market! Wiiikwp for yeaas in any climate. Fore, healthful, reliable, and needs only to no aaown, to beoome the leading Baking Powder in the cnuntry. pnt up in air tight tin cans, of i. i, 1, and 5 lbs., full set weight eacn can n.vmg upon it an elegant la bel of directions, ln Engliah, French and Gor an. Manufactured fcy HOttlSTER A CO . Tutft- dof 0.$ ftod fold by Groreri. mm BeDj.H. Shoemaker, FRENCH PLATE fST.ASS DEPOT and t'eneral WIN DOW GLASS Warehouse. Philadelphia. Importer of 1MKEKI (rlasM lrnau.,,.... not to stain, extra thick and well flattened", lor Dw'el- UUlTS. ntorcr. ilnmi m V.UIUOWS. ana l.ocomo tive Head I.ielits. lrtinrh window, picture and pho tonraph frlass. rrench ekylbrbt glass, ltlue. red and preen sisnal and engraved t'lase ; enamelled and embossed glass; lookinir-Klase plates. (Bee tarifl No. 17. sent on application.) (Stores No. SU5 in7 i Ml, S. Ponrth etreeu . ' OF TIIK Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, SCOTT C0-, IOWA. COKDCCTED BY TBE SISTERS OF CniRITT B. V. 31. Will eommsnee its 16th Semi-annual Sesalon Wedaesdsy, August lGib, 1871 Being incorporated in accordance wiob the lawa of tbe State, this Inatitutioa confers the nsnaJ eoilagiat degrees upon its graduates. For Circulars address augl-d3m SISTER SUPEBIO. Niagara Steam Pump Works, GRISWOLD COLLEGE ! Th Fall term in all the iepartmenU of this in : stitution for the thorough education of boys and yeung men will open on Thursday, September 7f!i. Beautiful location XSztensiwe Library and Cabinet. Also other important advantages. " augJ9-dlww4t 7. mxioaRLiua, Engraver & Die Sinker, Dear Mr: Eaving had a vary favorable op portunity, ye.terday evening, for expatiating on the at U of y.iur "Oriental Cream, " showing he eSYote it produced on my hands and face, a oong lady reqsefttd tbai I woald pn-errc her bottle of it. Please .end one, per bearer. Mrs. t;. Fifth Avei.Be. eps, Medals, Seal Presses, Steel Stamps, Soap 8lai Boukbinder's Tool, c. 0. lbl DKAKHO&N SilHkcCT, Opposite PostoKce. CHICAGO. apr'20-dly l lica, June, 1S67. Dr. Felix Oosraud.- I value your Oriental Cr.m" ao highly that I am un willing to ba with out it even a amgiecay. FiliB Tt-. ALE &. F3STE8. Cream and Btcck Alss. raSLAlfELPUU OrnamcstaS Iron Works, ROBERT WOOD & CO., 136 RIDGE AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufac'.artr. of Fountains, Ys$es, Stataarj, Veraadaa, Summer Hoaaes, Arbors, Chairs, Li te, a, Ac, Ac, Cast aad Wiougit Irca Eiiliogi, For publi buildings and Squaies, Cemetry lots, (larden Jenoea. Balouiiiea, Koof Oaatinga, etc., in great variety of pattara.. IRON STAIRS Spiral and straight, o variona patt.raa aad atyles. Special attention ivea to thia eiesa ot wort. LAMP POSTS, For Fronts of Public Buildings, Hotels and sity streets, ot plain and elaborate de.igas. STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Cast aad Wrought Iron of Hew Improved styles sueh aa Bay Hack., Stall DtvletoBi. Man ger., Harness Bracket., Goiters, Trap., Ventil ator., Ac. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire Snards, of Ctlmp.d Wire, galvanised or painted, In plain aad eraa- meatal pattern., for store Doer., and W iodew. Factory and Warebou. W u iows, Hailing for Office, Banks, Counter ftailla g., Balconies, Lawa aad rarm reaoea, Ac GATES, Forentracce t Ceiuetrir, Public f aarea and Gentlemen'. Conntry Feats, of Gas Tubintor Wrought Iron, both Singl or Doable, in elabor ate ana sinipi atigss. E.tlmat. and Designs sent on application stating tbe class of werk deeigaed. Purckaaers may rely on having all articles ear.iuny 0uxa ana snifpea to the '! of das iiaanon. mch7-48m GOE a STaCewS Proprietor of the Are aoie Agents for Pea.Iee'a Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Ealf Barrel. octStl-dtf DeHAVEK'O WILD CBERRV BITTEkS The Best Toaie la the World FOU Saloon & Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper Hons Block, BOCK ISLAJtn n,i. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, lad iBsptrted Wine & Brandies: Agent for Sards. Liils. and Joli.t Ale.. .!.. -i . u neil.h Ale. and London Par. ter Ivf sa.e. TJtioa White 6Pud for sal bv th barrel. Ag.nt for A. Z liar's BillUrd and Pireea Hole laoi sanatactory. apr4-dtf H, B. WB8T, Proprietor, C'OLD U'ATER SOAP. Cleveland, April, ISf S. Dr. Gecraud: I have used yoar "Oriental Cream'' for acme time, and like it very mvoh ia aeed. and should feel vary bad to be deprived of it. 51ns. k. f ". Hamilton, Ohio, Jsly 7, 16fa. Dr. T. Felix Uoaraud: liu Sir Seine eeks aince 1 wrote to you, incloeiEff tb Sunitrm lhtpaU k, with a notice of your valuable eoa- nn tie, "Ciri.ntal Cream. 1 fear tkat you did cot receive asy einimunicatioa : if not, 1 bal- be macb pleaaed to hear frcm yon, and also gratl a to receive a naif doien of V"ur eh.Jaure prtparation for th complexion. Tcur "Oriental c.eam ehoijid Immortalized, as I nav bo doubt it i. already by many a fair dealer in this charming devi.e for rendering youth immortal. Ibey nav toae very weak iuu.atioB. in Cin cinnati, such ts Wagoner's "Oriental Drops," Madame French s"Lily W bite Parisian Lotion cr Liquid Lily Blossom' all of which are a base nutation, and very isiaroas to the complexion. I ccold acll doieaa of bottles, as the women arc all crazy to know the lecip for a brilliant com plexion. 1 bav lost bait of my gocd looks already for th want of thi. indi.peBsahle luxury, as I am traveling lor th haalth of my littl boy. Obediently yours, F. L. Yoca. From the Countess Se Eierskl. A Society Laay : Dr. tiourard : Rochester, Feb. 1, 1S67. Dear Bir Pleeae send me two more bottles of your charming "Oriental tream," by American fc.ipreis, and oblige, Voars respecttuliy, Coestiss Lb Bibbsi. Prima Pram Kiss Fannie Stockton, the Donna of ths Opera House : l;fie!o, Deoemb.r, IS68 Dr. Z. F.tiouraud : 1 do net wish to pat anything else in contact una my tac. so de lighted am I with this mate hie., eosmetiue. Plea. send me ten bcttk .. Ii.:.IE Stocktc.o. Loss of Appetite, GENERAL PELIIITF, CBILLS, Etc. Charles B. Hardick, No. 9 Adams street, BBOOaktYIi,-..........iBVvr YORK. Hole Ifa&afaHarer of . Hardick's PaUnt Donbls-AetUg Steam Pomp and Fire Eigiae. ' Mining Pumps' a Specialty . Pafnted la XaglaaA, BelglasB and Vraac. Seed fos eirsalu. augJldly WILD CHERRY BITTWJ XZA8 X70 SCTJAX.- fc It i. aoknowtedge by f WB0 taka it, to b tk Bewt Remedy F.r tb. a" " oStnf Depot, 4 I-aBalle street, CHICACO, M..IX.Ib ObHAVKX ft WALES, Sol Maaufaotarers. r.iaaicbf Drag gists. jez2-4wCsa VTashes ia CH or Warm, Hard or Soft Water WITHOUT WIUXG a y ; Withyiii injur) te Clothes, sarin Ubor, Time and Fuel! V BBS ur ybi ta nee a used by many Ladies in tbe city, ana tn.y aa pronoun? it Superior to aeyother they aver nsed. It saves time, labor u pt.rva tae eieine. Manfaoturd by th 10LD WATEE 80AP C03IPAXrf : , , 63 Xrth DMplain Strset, CBIC AGO, ...... ..II.T . For sale in Sock Island by WING & BURST, BAD8 OLD iTAND. apsl-4wa The foUowing from vaas, tne celebrated Perfumer, cf Philadelphia: Philadelphia, April 3i, 1'". Dr. I.ouraud: I think your "Cream" t ua ftus.tlonaciy the beet tbinf in this iice.frcm th reasin, .Un a lady one uses it .he eoitinocs it in preference to anything els. Oar cu.tomer lor it are regular o'nes. 1 t nd it ia retailed by the drug gi.t. and fancy .ti ns at Two Dollars a bottle ret. Ther. i mere od her tha job areawaiaof. Ut.t H required to insur a larK ..1 ia a lib.ral amount spent in judtoioe" ,dv.rin'i(s'- (h ladies know its merit., and ,.f reeial'y the T;ce, and if they once try it w -ure a regular cu.tomer. If I waa tbe owner, I would cell mora of it in this city than all the real of the kin preparations rot together. T. W. Kva. Vf might p on ampHtylntf the eri iof . (illCttSl li'S . 0;iKIIAl CitfcAM," but w think a cand.J H .f the abv HB erou.Tt.l.m,,.' d t.", . of others th Doctor ot-:, .u-ong which may b nam.d fatPA Kt'tiA and olh.r Celebrities, bo b. t.ken several buttles to Europe, are ,ofBei" oooTtnc any on not wiliully blind. jt there be any och, we might apply to then, ,b. languige oi oonptur, and aay : "it y K.iiiv not Xoses and th PronheU. Beither would y believe though on rote from tb dad." To Retail Price f the UKlKkTAL I K KAM," fl.S( B Bottl. Ladieacanbava it "Expressed" for that rem. DM. t;tl UAtJll'H World-renewurd Pre- t sritionsB b had at his owy lejnl. 48 Bon ?:re t, Stw ork, and of Bates. 129 Waahieg ton Strut; Wtka A Potter, 17!l Wa.hirgton. tad flesrze C. Good win A Co., 38 Haaovar -tieet, Bo.tcn ; Ivan., 41 Booth F.igbth Etreet, .ad John. ton, Ho' lcasy A f c.wden. fio3 Arch "ire, rhtladtlrhia: Lilly A Block, Jtaltistore ; Wsa. cUhler, Draggitt Ni.rri.tewa, Pennsylva la ; M. J. Campbell. North Fifth Stret, eor arof Loru.t Ptrvet. Mo.; Van Scb.aes, Ptev nxfem A Heid, L.k Street, coiner of Dearborn, Chieago, I1L ; Crane A Bri? h,tn. Sea FrareHo, Cal , aad Proiei.- ,i14deodi woam.m PHOTOCKArUS. I: 0. PECK, i PhotoPTapIier ! o KOCK ISt AUD,.--t. KAativs Prrvd. .......1IX. ' fahJi-doa