Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday, Beptember 6, 18T1. I'.tiaoii DocrUc Bute CirenUn pftilFlL, Aagaat I, 1871. A state eoaTealion of the democracy of Illi nois win bi bald In the city of epYlagaeld, Wednesday, Oct. 4tn, 1871, At 11 o'olosk -, to wt'.oh tbe democratic inttn of eacn county are reo,nettel to tend dele gates, fuf the purpose or nominating candl dale tor representative is oongrett from the ttate-et-large. The basis of representation la th. coo vest! en will be the n maker of weiee out fo? Horatio Sot. unr tar presideet In 1868, one delegate being atttled to a Mat for aeon I0 vote, mat, ad am (or oaah fraction ef H9 mhiui Tha follow lag table indicates tba namber of aeiegates to whioh each eounty iioatttlad oa tha vaau r laa : loisnss. ' lotsnts. ? ' c r 2 : , S '! A.laan. ..) A471 g 1 Aieieader...l lf S 3 Livingetoa...! 132 6 Bond i 77. 1'iLogaa j 19: 8 Koone ,. iioe Maooa 2238 7 Urown.....' ! ft Maoospia I 843111 Madnoa .i SM3 12 Calhoun Marioa ; 24o! 8 Carroll (' 2 Marthall ! 1.WJ 6 Ueea - H" Mason ' 1T1 A Campaign 112a 7 ataxaao 1 t hnsiian 7 MoDonough..t JTl'l V Clark H'ot): 8 Moflanry ! ft t'!ay i:i3 4 McLean 3ii i:i Clinton...... 17. ," Manard l-'-'i 4 Coles ' 21:47! 7 Manor 13H 6 Cook 114 84 Moaro 184ft 4 Crawford i 1477 4 Montgomory. 2"P t Cum Borland.- l'J-44 4 Morgan........ 2'7:; II H. Kalb fi" 8 Moultrie H-8 4 DeWitt i:Uu 4 Ogle 107 6 Douglas Ills 4 Peoria 4-2 4 lirtn lltisi 4 Perry "02 3 Kdgar. 1 2.'f2t X Piatt 7"3 8 42H I Pike 'l'J 1 KMagham.... 1 '. Pope !:! ? ' Fayeti.... J02 7 Pulaski "is 5 Ford ::8 1 Pntaam 47 2 Franklin 127 4 Randolph ,s7 8 laltoa 4UH 14 frichlend I! ft lialletm 02 8 Rruk Ii!aad 11S 8 tireeno lirV.i Valine lUi 4 lirnady ) il ?Bimon ... 4"T5 lfl Hamilton 4 fvhoyler o Hanofnk 87 U Seott 1 ' 27 4 Hnrdta 4W 2 Shelby 2a77 10 Hondnraon... . 1"3 gtarV. f0 2 Heory Kifi St. Clair ' o2f,9 11 lnquoU 13.J 4 fllepheaaon... 8 aokioo IS:!:: 4Tarwell -"''i S 1134 4 1'aion 1"V8 8 .Tafforioon.. . . IS-'iO 8 ermillion ... S"4 7 ,lery l:w 7 Wabath 8 Jn Darlraa... . lMf 1. Warren- 111 6 .lahnion 8:2 2 Washington.. 12:; Kan 16.V. 6 Wayne. : lisi & Kaekukao fS: 3 Whiu 17V? 8 Ken lall.. ' :; 2 Whltaoida..... 1444 S kn,.x i 249IT s wni 1 8184 10 Lake 1 P(: 4 WiHt.iBieon 83 1 I. alle !?. '1 Winnehngo. .. 3 Laronc 114 4 Woodford 246 T Total number of delegatus Kv ardor uf th dtinjertin ttate mittee. ALBERT O. BL UE, tiroica 8. KiKHiair, Secretary. 6;,: centra! 00m Chairman. Hi-Senator Doolittle. Oo hit uomination by the Democratic Slate Convention ol VViaoocaia for Govern or, ex Senator Uoolatio made a very abie speech ; una of' the best, 111 tact, that we bare aeen tbia -ear. Aa to the poailioo ol the Democratic partj ou the ooualiiatiotiai ameadmeata, hie worda were weil uonaidertd and t'oro:bi. We quote thi part of bit tpeeoh : Tbe views and purpose of the Democrat ic party and of a.i w no opposed the adop tion of those aaieodueuts have beea fr qu orally called in queatiou : and that bv Senat or Morton and Speaker liiaiue, who are re garded as toe leader oi the Adtninisiratioa party. They say, iusubtanoe, because the Democratic party opposed military reeon liudiivS acd Vjitd aaiu8t ;bo.e arsGnd mecls 10 Congress and the State Leg.siaiu res, it iuteuds, wbeu it oouiea into power and come it will to disregard those amend meets and set them aside. In saving- this, t-er assert what they cannot know to be true, I and tbey assert wtat we know casool be ! true. Long before Mr. Ya!iand:bam said j anything upoa the subjeut, the addreis o! lie Demooratio 111 p cabers of Conyress dec- I lared tbe contrary : "We earnestly entereat our 1'eUow-citizeoa in all parts of tu! lmou to Hpare t,o ttiortt t.) maibtaio pea"e aud order , tu caret nil) protect tbe ruuis ot every citizni ; to pre serve kindly relatious auioLg aii men, and to disooubtoua&ue aud iio jarnga Kiy vio lation of the rights oi auy portion of tie poopio secured uader iae .t;taiion or bv auy of the aiueaduuenta." As lo Mr. Vai laudigt,am, it miht Lave boen a new depar ture. Iiow could the Democratic party uu regard or et asiJe tnoae auaudmeuts it tWyaauld 't liai tiiree ways can be Oon deived or have ever been suggested : First, by obtaining a decision of the Sup reme Court declaring them void. The pre s"nt consiructiuu of that court makes the thing impossible, and do Democrat would ,'iurpoNe to recontiruot the Supreme Court 10 reverse its decisions. They honor the judiciary too muoh to do that, liesides, it almost certain that upon all soch political inettinds, depending upon the results of cectious, tha judiciary would fee! bound to acoept aod follow the declarations of tbe political power. Congress and tha execu tive thonffht the Supreme Court could neith er tae judicial notice of events depending upon elections except as they are declared, nor frame an leaue to try the question oi fact whether a constitutional amendment Las or hat not been ratified by tbe legisia tnres of three-fourths cf all tbe States, after the same tag been proclaimed duly ratified fcy the proper offioer under the forms of law. Second, by proposing a new amendment to sot them aside directly. This would be a ieit.mate mode, but is wholly impractica ble. Beyond question, more than ooe-fourtb of the States would vote against it, and three-fourths are required to carry i?. The attempt tj do do would renew the agitation t the negro question in another form, bui could bring no practical result. Usidea. all parties, north and south, are nnwillmp to open that question. The neyro is free, scd none would ei.slave Lim, aud negro suf frage bs become a fixed fact, a thing ac C'jaip'inhcd. I bird, tbe only tfher possible mode ii the military one of using the army to control elec tions and to change the Constitution. Rd inals like Senator Morton might consistr-nt-lj adopt this mode, for they do not hesitate to put the army above the Constitution and j civil law m order to control or decide elec tions : but no man who still cherishes the doctrines of tbe old Democratic-republican hfbool of Jefferson and of Jackson, would dare to use the standing army for any such purpose. Tlfhides, the attempt so take 'irro tutirage by force would lead to a bloody svruggle.probably to civil war and wuhont d0iCB ,, faoi Jd ; , greater evils than now exi.t. I sboa'd not Lave daU .1 .r. long, bnt for tb, 00" Radical opponent, to ? " f T position and to charRe us with tba .j or dealing with tba Constitution aa the. J -"", ana to renew civil sirtie. flvvciLAi. ftniTT Ui tu. r """" leaiaent now r , 1 . 1 1 f ... . . juv .w jmu tun a nan. vuhin that r " """"I"" m taxes not lets than 1.000,000,000. In addition be Lai had $1,000,000,000 mora from the sale of (rovermeut property, making $1,100,000, 000 in all. It is olaimed by tha friends of tha President that he has paid off $200,000,000 of tha pnblio debt. Granting that, what Has become or tha othar $900,000,000? Can any one toll ? Seventy nilliona ft year used, in Democratic daya, to rua tba sovern- tnent! Will tome Republican frieud aD 'ghta ns at to tha ranatnisg $900,000,000? unaxAJU srozzoss. CHIOSIC AILMEKT8; Tartioalarly Berofala, bare their oricla la aa ill-eured or negleoted diiaaaa. Do wa aot tee ev ery day pariona ttag goring under tha weight of inoie lii-ireatea aitoani luDariagont by pieao meal tha remain! of a former malady ? Why i it 7 It la becaaaa tha treatment waa sot luita- bleorieft off too loon. 1 hut the patteat i patched op while tha dregt Bra allowed to re am to oreaa out egaia otob ib taiore oaa. Many iufler the foal taint of Berofala to remain ia tha (yatam for allfe time, lleeraana orat that aro eating away tne very Ufa are allowed to go oa. Pimple., blotchea, and tetwra alto dlaugere the faeei of thonianda. Thota la no neoeei.ty for thil lamentable condi tion, ai a few bottlee ol tha Samaritan 1 Hoot and Herb Jnioee will eradloatethe foul taint. In all bad oaaea we will furnlih the remedy free of eharre amil a enre ia effe, thai proving be yond a donkt that all ean ba oured. Pimplea ad blotchea remared, thereby aaviag many aa pleaiaat remarka. Ladin who deilra a brilliant oomplexloa ahoald ase tba lamaritaa'l Root and Herb Jatoaa. Frioe $1 15 par bottle. Diaeaet ariaing from Indiaeretion have bean treated with Baltam Oooaiba aad Mercnry, n til the atoinaelii of patieata aaing tbern beoama 0 nauaeated and weakened lliat it wai hard to deolda which wet the werst eon; plaint, the dit orderad itomaoh or the original dieeaao. At leaith tha Bamaritaa'a tilft made Ha advent. and an entire! new ivttpm of cura waa inangnrated. and tba benoDolal reiultt at oooe teen. 1 oa an raitlni drasri and noiaona were diaoarded, and to-day the tirt la pretonoaa Dy moere 01 me leading Phytioiane; yet, cotwithataadlag, the Samaritan a m la mown 10 00 a positive care, parely venerable, aad pleaaaat to ate, at only tea plllt Bare tn ba taken, many old aati-delavi- aaa will ttek to tbelr eteaealng drugiand gorge their patieata for weeks perhaps montha ig.f Baa a long job ana a big bill any thing to do with it? Male paekagea 1; Female $3. Sent by mail. Wa cannot avoid calling tha atteatioB ol'delloato fcmalet to the Samaritan't Gift at a positive cure for Whitet; By following direetioBi yoa will loon get rid of that trouble tome diteate, and become robnat and hearty. Fold by Druggists generally. . . IE3M?ii .t-CO. Proe'ra. 914 Race ttroet, Philadelphia, Pa. Can. Sum, eoraor IlUatia aad Market ttraet, Ageatfor Rokk lalaad. ' metiUdwlj ' ' ' THIS GKBtT FMKMCIt HEMEDI. BILAMARKE'K 8FSCIFI0 PILLS, PrTar d by 0Bs.iriKB A Dcpost, No. 214 Kue Lombard, Parti, aud highly recommen ded by tha entire Medical Faculty of franco, Are tha va y best remedy tn all cases of Sperma torrhoea, er Seminal wtaknese: -Sign ly or Daily or Premature Muiistions , !Dexoai Weak nesa or Iaspotenpy ; Vcakneia anting from Se cret Haliito and bexnal Eioetaca; Relaxation of tbo Genital Orgaus ; Wak Spiue; ' Mme" or 'Bitok dutt" drpotitt ia the I'rine: Milky DU- ebarget, etc, and alt tbe ghastly tram 01 oy mp tows arising from Overase or Excesses. They Core when all other reoiediee fail. Full direotiont In each box. Price $1 per iox, or 6 boxes for $5. fold br tha crinolcal Draggiats, or will be tent by mail, securely sealed from all observation by enclosing price to tha Sola General Agent for Amenta. JuB 18 Oorilsodt street, New York. Pamphlets ol advice scot free to aay ad. dresa. I1RYA1S' rn.MOSIC WAKEI8. are unfailing in tbe Car of Ocaghe, Colaa, Asthma, ltronchltia, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Dttheull Brealiiag. Incipient Consumption and Iliseaaes of the Lubes. They have no taere of medicioa, and any child will take tbein. Thoa sands have been r stored to health that had bofore de.paireil. Testimony gives in hundreds o easet. A 8XGI.K DOSE RKllEilB IS TUN MIXUTES. Ask for BRYAN'S PUL M"NIC WAFERS. je29 dly STORMED AND TAKEN. The last stronghold of the Bair Poisoners sur renders. CRISTA DORO'S flaz, bearing on its fol.l-i the magio words Trhtattoro's Excehior Oiir Dye floats tritimnhant over all the deleterious trash with which the market was not lung ago flooded. Lead enough to make Lulleta for an army 1-es on the shelves cf dealers mho have speculated in some of the metallic hair coloring preparations Well, they should have confined their purchase, to CRISTAD0R0'8fie nd prr'rct preparation 3o much for "running after strange gods." In the meantime, this tamona dya has received a tremendona impetus in the market, aad can su-arge.y be menatectured fast enough to meat tne eaormons dauooid. CHRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE s the best dressing that oan be used after dya- ' ing. EVERY HADTINTHELASDBHOTJLD ENOW What White Glycerine is AND Vliat it Does. A aite (iiyoerina may ba detcribad as a beau tiful, pearicy-white, teim-lran. parent and a. as lie lioidi has mora eoasistenee o.- "bedy" than Iba luaniun glyoerine (wltlah it a this, syrupy Hold aaout tl e colo. of auter.) It has none of tbe attiibutet or characteristics of aitro glycerine ; has a slight, agreeable oda; deposits no sedl u.euU lis most singular oharacturistia is its re markable affinity for tha skin; bat it doea not, at lias beau stated, "leave a transparanl coating wlneb solidifies into a pearly -white enamel that oan not be removed." It penetrates tha skin, and it if here that ita extraordinary decolorizing tod bieacliirg powers produce results at once astcuiAbii,g and gratifying. It so olarlfies the skn tiiat it may be taili to leave it without 11. ot or blemish, as perfect in Its parity and beauty aa that of the fairest child. It possesses other valuable properties especially in combination!! to which, aowever, it is unnecessary bera to allmle. It is at present ottered only in a refined stale for domastio ar toilet use. That it is an article which tun nst injara tha akin it provao by the most aearnbing enemlcal anuly tis, ano by the long continued test of daily nse by hundreds. It hat been takea internally with no injurious elT-rts, and is believed to be entirely powerless of harm. It hat invariably received the commendations of &I1 wao have nted it. Tor sale by ail Druggists. BATCH KLtlR'S HAIK pVE. This superb TJair Dy is tha Lett in tht world perfectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous: aa disappointment ; nt ridlealons tints or dis agreeable odor. ' lbs pcnulne Wm. A. Bache lor's fiair Iiye prodaees Imkbdiatslt a splen did Iliaek or Natural Brown, leaves the hair clean, anft, beautiful ; does aot oontain a parti cle of lead or any injurious compound. Bold by all Iroggltts. Factory, 18 Bund street, N. T. lit an wm soull TT IS A WELL KTABLISHBD FACT 1 that ai v artieia which has been tboronahlv tested, and which invariably gives satisfaction, must be a good artioia. LLIVJI' SOI LE'S LIMMEST invented by the late EISUOP 601 LK, has proved by its own merits, that it bas no equal la the world for tha core of Sciatica, Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism. Rruralyia. Kidney and Spinal Complaint, Sore Throat, Lame Bark, Syrain. &e. Thil Liniment vill instantly ntrp all paint caused by Burns. have yonr Doafnr's bill; boy it; try it; ase nothing else, aod you wool I not be without it in yonr hoase for ten times Its aost. BISHOP riOULB'rt LIKIMKNT will cure all of tha above oomplaints, and Is the only Bare euro for thai dreadful disease EciATICA. J or sale Dy urng- gists. Triee 75 ots aad $1.75 per oottle. . W. RYUIil at BUB, rropnetors, ja6dwly BOSTON, MA88. 13 igelo CcsfideDtial Pfajsieian, lTSBouth Clark Btreet, CHICASO, ILL., Pri vate aad Chionte Diseases la both seaas suaosas fullytreaUd. BiK,Uw bM eured mora sex- . "w oiseaaasln tba last 20 years .can an, otha, ph,.li ta tn, weit,nl Mtry am cares nervous Deblllw. t. ..- a.. ,. laal Emissions, and restore. th.,nfbUd organs op., H. thait In &11 1. t t 1 . ' . wbsi Mate ar oareale. with out the ase of mineral or vegetable poison. Band for bis "Oaide to Health" aoViuk-A monthly free of oliarge, If yoa thiak tha writings of tha greatest Bpeelaltst of tha pratent day woiw reaaiog. Ladles sand foi descriptive elr- salar of Pbssabio Baatama, malvaraally used y saamad ladies. Addjeee O. BI9BL0W, JC. V.. rnehidwly J, 0. Bo 1M Chisago, m. 8rBoiAB zrovxeas. Why Sr. Schenek'i BXedieinei r bo ropolar. Why is Sohenek's Palmoaie Pyrop ts task general demand ? The aaswer is a very simple one: It is ia demand because its healing pro- parties are greater than those passesesd by any other medicine la nsa for tha eare of Coasamp- tioa. It purifies the blood one of the Irtt steps towards a ears. Without para blood disease eaB never ba eradtoated from the system. As well eipaet water to rua ap bill of its own olitlonsas to eare eontamption without a complete purli eation of tha bland. This is tha peculiar pro- party of Dr. Sehenck's Palmoaie Syrap. Bnt It does more than this. It aot only purifies the blood, but it allays Irritation of tba bronchia tabes. It collects and ripens the impure mat ters collected there, ad enables tha patient to threw them oft by painless avpeotatieni This great tyrap bas anohtel virtae. It possesses natritloat qaalitiat which give austcnanoe, aad, consequently, strength to tha invalid. Kcw combine these three qualities, and yea have an answer to tbe laqairy. WHY 18 THE PCIMOKIC BYRTJP II 8C0H DKMAJTD? Thousands have testified it with complete sat- J isfaetioa; tkouiands lava used It and been eared ; thoasands ate asing it and beiag eared. Bnt Dr. Schanok has other remedies. There are other ageaaies to ba employed ia the eare of consumption, and ha bas provided them. If it be asked why Behenck'l Mandrake Pills are so popular, tba question is answered as readily as ia tha ease of the Pulmonis By re p. 8CHENCK' MANDRAKE PILLS bava aljiost nniversal application to hnman dl-eases, aad, though they have bean mainly re commended in pulmonary eases, tbaii virtues in other maladies bava beea so completely aad sat isfactorily demonstrated that tha people will have them. New, why are they so esseatial to the onre of consumption ? Because tha ingredi ents of which they are composed aot directly npon tha liver, causing that important organ to throw off its torpidity, and make healthful se- oretiont. The Mandrake Pills CONTAIN NO CALOMEL to spread its poison through the patient's sys tem. Their operation is simple aad effactoal. By their nse healthy bile is secured. As a coa tequecce. impaired digestion is restored, food ia properly assimilated, good, healthy blood is tha result, and, of coarse, strength is renewed, aod the great process of healing thoroughly inau gurated. Whole pages of newspapers could be tilled with testimonials frcm those who bava used the Mandrake Villi and been benefitted by them. A thousand boxes are sold ta-day where ton were sold four years ago, and the "cry is stiii they acme." The facilities for manufacturing thca have become too limited, and, as a oonse quence. Dr. Schanok has beea compelled lo ere at a greatly enlarged and very magnificent build in e, to enable him to pot op tba requisite ma chinery to enpply the constantly iatreating de mand for hia great medicine. lSl.'T GOOD UEAL1BY BLOOD it not the only requisite. The patient needs ttrangth. The entire system must be kept in order. The weakened, emancipated pat sect must have flesh pat upon and strength vato bis limbs. to acooiupiisa tbese great otjettt it tne tpeoia province ot SCHESCK'SSXAWEED TOSIC. Tke aciditv of the stomach, so distreesing to patienta, and to detrimental to effectu al y removed. The alkaline constituents of il.i Seaweed Tonis accomplish this. In addition to this it imparts tone and vigor to the system, and enables the patient to take the necessary iadoor sxerotse without exhaustion. This it vitality i;n portant, though too frequently overlooked by medieal men. Thev advise cxercie without having the patient prepared for it. They tell him to go out into tha eool, rasping air wben he thould be exercising moderately where the tem petaturo it suited to his diseased condition, and this too without giving him those remedies whicb are calculated to impart strength while they assist in healing up the ulcerated laogs and bronchial tubes. In this brief recital, tbe pablte have aa au itcr to Lbe qaesiion " 8Ab ore Jjr. 3ckc-ck' medicine tu popular?" The problem ia solved so cleaily that none bnt those who are wilioily blind can tail to understand it. The wonderful ecrea that have been affected by Dr. Ideheuck's remedies, are tbe living, breatieg and moving advertisement upon whioh Dr. Sohenck relies. They furnish the evideace that atanot uceon trorertedand uncontrovertible. To them tbe pablie is referred, with tha most implicit confi dence, and to them Dr. Sohenck cow triumph ant. t appeals aa irrefutable proof of the cor rectness of his oft-repealed assertion that C0XSCMPTIO5 CAS EE CURED. Doctor Sehenck's t ersonol statement to tbe Vacuity of his own cure was la these words: "Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption, oonfined to my bed, and at one time my physician thought I oooid aot live a week ; thea, like a drowning man catching at a straw, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the pablie, and they made a perfect euro of ma. It teemed to me that 1 eoold feel them penetrate wj whole system. They soon ripened the matter la my 'nogs, and I would spit np more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. ''As sooa as that began to subside, my oough, lever, pain and night sweats all began to leave me, aad my appetite became ao great that li wm with difiiculty taai 1 could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strsegth, and have grown to floss aver sicoe. "I was weighed sbori.y after aay reoovsry," added the Bootor, "then looking tike a mere taeletoa, my weight was bat aiaety-aevea lbs my present weight u two banded and twenty- five 22ij pounds, and for yeara I have enjoyed aninterrupted hea th." Dr. Scbenck bas discontinued his professional visits to Sew York sod boston, but at bis office Bo. 16 Korlh Mith street, bolweea tbe hours ot V A. M. aad 3 t. at., he or his eon, Dr. J. H. Scltensk, Jr., sees patients every Saturday. These who wish a thsrangh examination with the Respiromator will ba charged ti. The Res piremetcr dociares the exact condition of tha angs, and patients ean readily iearn wbe'-her they arc cureable or not. The directions for taking the medi sines are ad apted to the intelligence even of a child. Fol low tbese directiona, and kind Sature will do tbe rest, excepting that ia some eases the Man drake Pills are to betaken in increased doses he three medicines need no other aooompani- oteste than the ample Instructions that acoom pany them. First creates! petno. Of returning health ha cr is the most welcome symptom When it comes, as it will oome.ln. tha de.pairiag at onoe be of good obeer. ii 00 4 blood at onoe follows, the eoagh loosens, the night sweat is abaied. In a short time both these an orb id symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Sehenck's medioiues are eonstantly kspt in tans of thousands of tarn i lies. As a laxative or purgative tha Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation; while the PnJoiouie Eyrnp as a urer of coo she and oolds may be regarded as propbylacterio against consumption in any of ts forms. Price of the Pulmonis Bvrnp and Seaweed enic 81.30 a bottle, or a half doaen. Man- rake Pills 26 cents a box. For sale by all ruggists and dealers. mchlB-dwIy Lidici, take Partiinlar Nslicc. The Real Yelpaa Female Pills ! n AHItANTttD ravkMCIl, Tbeta Pills, so oa'ebrated man ... i Parla, for tha veiierof female irregularities, aad afterwaids for their eriminal emDlaimant In tl,. praetiee of abortion, are aow ottered for sale for (be first time ia America. They have been kept ia comparative obeeurity from tbe faot that tke originator, Dr. a physician ia Paris ef great weal tu, aad has etriot ooosolentioureprin eiples, and has withheld them from general ase. lest tney snould ba employed for anlawful par- la overootklng Female Obstra.tln.. F.ii;. of the Womb, whites, Green gl.k.... an sioa, Retention, or Immoderate P10W f the MoBthlv Discharges, ervont and Spinal Affec lioas, Pains in the Back and Limbs. .t;. slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hys terics, Ae., and will effect a euro when all other means nava tailed ; and, although a powerful '""" eoataia calomel, aatimoay, or1 nythinf hurtful to the eaastltntlon To married laii.s aad youag girls who have aever beou regulated, they are peeuliarlw suiUd Alley wui, ib euuis vine, Bring on tke monthly period with regularity. Uavtiok. Married Ladies should sever take 'beta whaa there is aay reasoa to believe them selves pregnaat, fot they will bs inra tonrodeea aalseaiTiage. Lallee u praanre a box. Mated from the ayes eftae out low., by aBelosiBa- an dollar, aad i poatage atampe U at. W. MACOkf BEK, Geaeral Agaat for Halted fttaaasand O a ad as, at Albaay Tm at at any eulkerUsd AgaaS. T aayl-tiwly ZZI SUaAX7CE. J. If," BCfOBD. i. b. ano. Biiford & Reed, TIRE, tlFB'AKD INLAND INSURANCE AGEIITS ! She rollowin Old and Reliable Companies Represented: V xEtna, Home Ins. Co., of H. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, lorillard, Andes. Eepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life Total Atxels Represented, over $00,000,000.00 ! OFFICE So. 3, Argus Building, Opposite Post Cffics, Up Stairs, BOCK 11. AM', ItL. sap2t-dtf a BLDRinea. c. a. elobiokd ui.ritiijaia & 3K.O., e tl EsUJc & Insurance igdnts, Xo. 1 Tiele's Block, DiTISrCKT, .... IOWA Attekd pessoaally aad promptly to tha baying aaa seumg 01 ileal Estate oa commission, rest lag Bouses and farms. Lovl3d6m. W. S, S1TII. a. O. CLBAVBVABC HAYES & CLEVELAND tiENSBAL Insurance Ag'ts nepret?nt.D the following old and reliable Companies : I'nde rw ri.ers Ige ncy, Jff w York Cash Assets M.OOO.OeO. Ffionix. St Ye Cash Assets Sl,sil0,0f'. f oatlartitaS, a. Y. Cyh Ae-MttS ia.l'll.t'Oil. North inifriean, K. I , Par iff, California, Assets (sold, $10ll,(i00. Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Asswts. MW,0 0. Xorth imrrican, Hartford, Cash Assets JOfi.OOO. IMLSVtTUMI . :.H I0EK, Ca.-h Aeeta $!,f!Uil,f 0. Brewers' Hilwauke Cash Assets $500, (ll'O. tA Wasuingtcn Life, New York, Catb A-sits;,0e0,GDO. E0. W. C0FP, AtJKkT FOR THE LBADtSQ HABTFQBD I MMl FIEE, MAEIHE AND Insurance Cos RKPEESESTISQ 25,000,000 ia AT HOCK ISLAM), ILLHolS. A U losses adjastad aad promptly paid at this Ageety. maylTdtf. ATJOXXOX? Sa OOSSSCXSSIOU L'SLliAL iUCTIOSEKB, OSes ta Police Hagittraxa's Offce, ,OCK I8LA5U, - - . ILLUTOIS Vill pronsf.Uy attend to ail imus.ii m lasted te his eare. dael Idwtf. W. 13. IaJUIN'JL y, Acttiea and Cc&isissioD iXorclifviit. aoos xaxaAns. - - zz.z. Piasa af batintst est ILLINOIS STREET. Saxt door to Dob A Hihoit'a Stove Store. Seeds raeaivad oa .eosige meet, Farticslar Attention (mes to sales la eoaatry and eity. FURMIJU both aew aadseaead hand, bought and sold ssayzdly. 37CZaTZ:SS CaVSLSI. attorneys. P. T. M BLBIBSK. T1E0. ABBOTT. SIcELHKHE & ABBOTT, Attorneys and Conniellors at Saw, AUD SOLICITORS !' CUASCEKY. Of fice opposite Kook island Ilsnse, ROCK ISLAKD, ILL. atg30 dwly B. O.COBSSLLT B. . atOSaVAtlT C0OELLY & Me SEAL, Attorneys- and Ooccccllorn at lav, AOOKIhlAHO. - IXLIHOIi. V17ILL 6IVB PKOMPT ATTENTION TO 1 a M ""' aatrastad to Uiem in Rock Ulaad aod adjoining Bounties la lllinels, aad eott eouarty and adjoining eoaaties ia lawa. Ogee la Post Office Bloek. febJdwly. ATT0BF1T AT LAW. Hull's Bloak, oor. Vashingtoa aad Illinois streets, Book Is land. Coaaected with Bisbee A Warah's Law and Collection oCee ef Chicago. mv lodly tHsig.AUss sr. aiaw ILLL3 M lIMtliei. a eenailTI AID BOTJFI1.0aB AT aV JLAT, JfcekXsJe,ltl OKaa ia Isfsst'l Steak. tsttUlf. . . P. WUITCOMB, Attoraary and Ovranselor at Zaw. ' SOOeartera atreet,....CHIOAGO, ILL. .1 Prompt atteatloa gtvea to eollaeting aad all ether busiaeaa. Charges moderate. Oervatpea Aeaeaaelaolted. Kafarsta Iditeref UtaD$. CaaTtf - JiOTta. TBBBOI BABKGV: u A. FA BARNW HOTEL s BARNTJM & PRATT, - P.oPRiir.iBf Second aad Walnut street, BT. LOUIS, MO. Tha Aaees kept aa file. ., - (BASK V. WEJiTWORTrj. CBAS. D. WOOLWCBTH. BRIGGS HOUSE WXSIVOBTH A W00LW0SIH, Proprietor Cor. Randolph St. and Fifth Avenue, CHIC AUO...... .lit. AMERICAN HOTEL, . Cbeatcftt Street, OFPOSIT OLD IHDEPKKDKHCZ iiAJL Philadelphia. B. M. HEELINGS, . - PROP' Daily Boca Islasd Abods kept oa file. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, SAVZa & StTOSSA, rroprie'v Coraeref Walnat aad Sains fitras OWCIBHATI , .OHIO a. B. DATia. 1. o. Tcoxaa, Lata of I. C. A L. UNION HOTEL, Cor. 4th and Myrtle Etraats, ST. L0CI8, MO. rfHIS House bas just bean refitted and thor- -S- oughly renovated,, Is oentrallv located Tha proprietor will spare no pains ta make ita gooo nrst class, eacosd rata bouse. Tranaient price, (2,00 per day. aevlg-dly B. C.BACBY, Proprietor; PALSER BOUSE, CHICAGO, ILL This aew aad magniSeent Hotel (the finest few xoraj, situatea eoiBtr B tate aad Vumcy streets, was oompleted aad opened Bant. 2, 1870. It has two hundred and fifty rooms (many of which have bath rotai and water clot- eta at taebad), which are made accessible fro the ground floor, where tha grand retaada aad office is situated, by Otis Toft's bott passsager eievator. w. r. r. ltttt, Proa. EVEKETT OOCSE. "IRON A. BALDWIN A CO., Pftopniatoas Corner Clark and Van Buren Street ss, CHICAGit, - ILL WjuThis Hotel, near hfichigaa Southern aad Rock island Depots, is centrally located, neatly ana eitgsotiy lormsbrd. and willatlord to visit ors andcouB.ry merchants at good aecocsmoda wons as can ce icuna in the c-.ty. Terms $2.6 perdsy. ' mchlS-dtf ?ASU7J?S FOOD. Agreeable, Pigestibb, Hmrishwg, Satisfy lag, coining, strengthening. This fariaaeous preparation ooatairs all the elements rocetsary for growth and repair. Il has for years been the principal food for infants ana invalids in bngland end toe Colonies, au Is proved by experience to be the bett every day jooii 7r rntoire. Sold la cane of all sizes, and in 24 cent pack ets for tbe million by druggine and grocers gen erauy , G1LE & EL01KI, Urot'lMs, tJ Randolph etreet, Chicago, Agents jc2?.-dlT ase AB.SS AI5D x,n as. 1U. LL't YLitKt eSc Xuiiicife THE "ANATOMICAL" LEIi ! Ig t)uamni,r for five years. Tho.a withoat side-motion are for comfort and durability aari vailed. Prices in m $." to 160. Ho adraace parmeat required. Satufaoiioa gaaranteed. utb.r Aicds ot Legs altered, repaired or made 10 order. V. S. soldiers furnished on Government ao- ciunt. rrmpaiets and biankt sent free. Address l.hUIa LOCkHllOD, s.I dAwlv 1 P a. St., Rt.toal. Ma ACADEMY OF Till Immaculate Conception DAVIXP0RT, BOOT! CO-, IOWA. COS DUCTED BT THE SISTERS CF CHARITY B. V. M. Willeommenee its 18th Semi-annual Session Wfdcesilaj, Ingnst I6lh, 1871. SJ, Beln" incorporated in accordant-, with tha iaw. of the Sute, this lnstitutioa centers the Bsuai conegiat degree? nptn its graduates. For Cirouiars a i.ln'i augl-dHra SIS1ER Sri'ERIOH. G.WOEBER&BROS Carriage Manufacturers ! mayI9d4m DAVESPORT, IOWA. MASON & EVANS, CARRIAGE Manufacturers, Corner Id and Rock lalaad Ets., lUVEkPOBf, - lOW A LATEST STYLES OF Opea and Top Baggies, Kept constantly oa hand aad made to order. mm- taopatnag promptly done. aprli-dly HrVHUrACTUHEHS; OP Farm, Spring & Freight WAGONS, Buggies acd Carriages ! ALL VfGRK WARRANTED f We have reeeatly removed te ear aew w spa- sioBS Shops, situated ea the Molina Water Pow- preer, aad are pared to ajl arders' with sagmipsns. Look fot eat Trade Mark ea 'eeeh Boa aaae etkar are feaalaa. Bead for Prioe List aad WtMatsTiy m V sli V7V N WmBimw -!!&mmmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMESTS. THE OTTAWA Machine Shops OTTAWA, - - - ILLlKtllS. W. H. CDBHMAIT, Proja'r. A. B. MOORE. Bnp't. MaDufaotura Steam, Reapers, Mowers, CORN FFO WS, CIDER HILLS, Horse Powers, Machinery for Qrist Mills, Paper Mills, Glass Works, Zine factories, Slar.h Faotorltt, Coal Mines, etc. OUR STOCK OF PATTERNS every large. Our facilities for seating and In ahiag have bo supsrlcr welt of Chicago. We Bvtte tbe attention ef Mill Wrights toour extan- va stock of Patterns for Mill Gearing, ate. Ottawa Reapers aad Mowers, Climax Reapersand Mowers Victor Corn Pfovst Two Horse Wagon. Ool. A. 8. XsXoore, SupertBteadeat, Ottawa. Geo. W. Da Harris Is the Agent for these Works, and Farmers de siring to purchase aaa sse any of their ma chine, at bia Warehoaae on tha Levee. . achlO-dwtf &30VZ18. Patronize Home Inter) ! ROCK ISLAiVD STOVE CO. ! The Best and Cheapest FOR SALS AT DAVID DON'S, Opposite WAEETf CSTH'3 DRY GOODS STORE. mahSdwly S.ore & Qonse Furnishing Store. 31. JL.. tWIXlUXi, formerly of Swiler tH Bpencer, Has opened a AND House Famishing Store, VTith a new aad complete stock of goods, oa ILLINOIS Si REST, oaa door watt of the First National Bank, where evesy thing in the House furniahiag line caa Se found of the beet quality aaa at reduced prioat. I have tha ageacy of sToba 23. He iron aft, Oo.'s Celebrated Moves, Among which is the "IdaliO" Coolt, Which hatbsen improved durlrg tbepastmoeth making it in ali raspeeu a firtt class sto A.1SO TBE 'CHARM," A aew pattern, with all tha latestimproremants. STOVK BEPAIB9. I .hall keep conttantiv on band a fail stock of grates, linings and repairs for the Id .ho, Challenge. Kit el and all tha leading cook stoves that have been avid Ib Hook l.laae. Particular attention will be paid to all kinds of t a and sheet iron job work. Holland eittern pnmps kept constantly oa hand. Thanhfal for past patronage I would respect fully ask my old friends to sail at my new place ot business. I am determined te spare ao paias to please thota who favor me with thair patron age. H. A. SWILER. mobl5-dwtf Z.OSSSaI'E-. fiojal Hataba Lottery ! tuka. COWDCCTED BT TBE SPANISH Gov ernment 300,000 in Oold drawn every sev enteen days. Prises cashed and lntormatioa faraished. Tha highest ptlee paid for Doub loons and all kinds of Gold aad Silver. TAT LOR A CO., Bankers. fehSdly Wa'l Street, Few York. MAGIC OIL. SEASSZ. I Have yon a head to ache 7 Zbtn yon are interested in knowing; what Senile's PAIN K1LLLGMAGIG01L DOKS JfOH UHAlfAClIK, -I. Works Like a Charm. M Heal taeie Letters, but Abv all Till THE MAGIC OIL ! Atbbus, Tans., Sept. 28, lot. Mr. Kisxb Dear Btr : I wish to say a word for your Pain Killing Mafcio Oil. 1 hare been a great sufferer from that awful disease, tK'k headache. It generally attaeks me early Ib the morning, grows in intensity all day, ali night, ana ali tbe next day, aad generally, though not always, goes off during tha second night. It eomea upon me at least once a month, and olUn two or three times, always confining me te my bad lor about thirly-aix to forty hours, aad paining me so t irribly thai It seems as if my head would burst open in tpite ot skull and everything else. A person's hand wtuld be thrown entirely ofl l,v its throbbing. In short 1 Sttiiarvd agony iniie.clU.abie. Our best Pliysi ciaus iaileil in my case, and I have used most o the popular remedies sold, which ar. recommend ed as "tare to cure" just such cafes?, but they no cniy failed to cure ma, but teemed to aggravate my situation. A lew mouths ago, I fortunately obtained a bottle of your l'am Killing Magie till, aua as you vlaim "it works like a chrim when A feel my old plague cvniine on, I use the Magic Oil both externally n..l internally, freely and faithfully, and aow 1 do cot even have to stop mv work, but go about luy business as usual. i asaare you one fellow-man Has been bene fitted by your invention, and for which I feal grateful Hay (Jod reward yoa. In my house aad family, your Oil ia as indiipt n.ibJc as Boar. I hope lay letter may "be tbe means of ""'"I oiner poor know the vtrtnee of your ftfagio Oil. and von may use my name as a reference if you clouie. Urs.teIu.IIy, I am yoars, c EDWARD A. COBL1-IOIT. W RaiH, Eo.Dear Bro. Xhe letter from Edward A. Cobleigh, is from say son. lie ha. suffered greatly from l1'd' ache, bat has . j i .anr . ' -.7.,, ""wuiif ivaua .v." wv biibk . l Pain Riliing fH(l 6a. R,r. JJro. 8peaae, o' -o . .. jvm a agio uia, ana naaarenei the severest keadaol,.! r.lao aaa it in nv fasai' aad Had it excellent ia several ailments. I rf you are doing the world good, as well aa getting some peculiar to vour.elf. with year t pecaliary to yoorself, with year i Killing Magie OU. ' I am truly years, , Pain " iv. is. cuei.r.iuu, Prealdeat Wesleyaa TJaiveraity, Athens, East PSBB. ' I em eoafdeottbthtevsry family will tad rraai heaeBt by keeping, aaa aaing aay Magie Oil. Oa beat Jby.tsi aea and prescribe it j aad aesl te the anil Physleiaa It caa hetJeaenAad npon, as a eleaa, safa aad deliaieus remedy for all kiads ef Pain, sure to give Immadiat .n.r aad aev.r do harm. Dlreetions with each bottle . .Toarstraly, ,,WM. BENHE, - "fs'''ar. Pittsneld, Maas. Call for ii where von nanall. tA a.u a. nil Drag jtsti, Mtxakatt, m4 f rowm, " juensia BXSZBH.8. 8ARSAPAR1LLA BITTERS (WITH IRON,) iTha bast Btooo, Stomach aid Livbb Medi cine ever offered ia the pnblie. It is verv aa-ree- aoie to tba taste aad will aot affect the teeth at Iron preparations generally do. H'Aut i tc,U do: It will be found vastly su perior to any of the Calitaya and Iron to siUi lively nted for invigorating the system. It will maae dioob; ntewiee thicken it. It will restore tbe pale and emaciated, the weak and debilitated to aoiar, liesti, health and strength la aa incred Ihly short time. It will strengthen the narsiag mother and increase tha flow of milk, also bene fit the ehild at the breast and prevent many of the complaints to which children are sabjeot ia latency. it will teno to restore the eyesight when impaired by continued application in read ing, writing or sewing, by streng tkenicg the op tic nerves. It will give vitality te the mental faculties when depiessed by eiose confinement tn study or business pnrsuits, and prevent nervous headaches. It will parity the blood and pre vent tha breaking out of boils, pimples aad other eruptions caused bv poverty or oleoa. il wu restore the genital organs, when weak, to healthy condition, regulate the menstrual period also relieve debility cauted by summer heal er eacetsire pretpiratloa. A single trial will prove conclusively that we have not over-estimated tbe value of tbiteioei lent medicine. Prise, $1 00 par bottle. J. A C. MAGiriRB, Chemist and Druggists, Sole Proprietors - BT. LOOI8 Also proprietors of Magulre's celebrated Bzia Fust, a anre cure for Diarrhea, Dysentery Cholera Morbus and tba AtiathCholera. Al orders from responsible parties promptly flllsd. monZ7-dwly SSBDZOASi. For the XLcmoval of Cbatractiona snl tbe Insurance of Regu larity ta the Recurrence of monthly Period. Tlfie Pill arr unfailing Female Regulator, intended for tpecinl eauea thne obatinrttr one tckere milder and v'heaper mediriitf fail. They are sompossd of the meat sctive aad powerful Tinneip'rs or p'a'ts. roots arw hornet, so h ghly coaeentrated that eauh pi1 contains more medicinal strength than a whole box or bottle of or ill nary medicine in the market. Al though potrerfnl, yet so mild and pleaeunt in their operation, that tit mosf feeble cm take ihrm trith perfect eafetti. i.They may be (.afely used at any a4e. and at any period, cxcei-t dcbisg tbe kjhst tubes months, during which the unfailing nature of theireffeets would infallibly PSEVssiTpregnaucy. j:-C All letters seeking information or advice will be prompt'y , freely aad disoroetly answered. Eaoh box contains 100 pills, and wrap pel in white paper printed in deep red letters, with full aud explicit directions enclosed. &.cnt by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price, ii, per box. VThe Cherokee Fills So. 2 are i,',l by all enterprising drus gists ia the civilized world. Some uaprin, ipied dealers, however, try tn sell worthless eompout ds in place of this: those which they can purchase at a cheap price aud make m re money. As you value your health do not be deceived by aoeh un rinoipled Prng- giats, ak far these $a pill, and t'lkr fo t-lhern. It tne Druggist will not ti:y tbtm t-r rou. ci,c,ose the money in a letter and we will send them to yoa by mail, frre of scaled from obser atioi,. Ladies or (i.Qtiem.n can addross us in perfoot eonfideni-a, stating fully and plulnly their disease and symptoms. Patienta need not hfsitate bej cause e their Ic.hiiiiv to visit as, ai ee have treats 4 patientt sueecsefuily in all portions of the civiliied g!ole, by eorrespondenro. Patients addressing us wi;l please 5ta!e plainly all the tjmptoms, and wriie Post OfSaa, County, State and name of wriiar, and eaulosa postage stamp for reply. Sl-Sulfi desire tosendcur thirty-two page pam phlet, entitled "Kan and Woman as Invalids." to srery reader of this paper. Address aa follows : St. Loris Medk ai. Association, 117 JI0BT SIXTH tTHEBT, Paiitt Lotris, Missornt. MEDICINE CO.-. :. .thrvt?tb,SU Lost, Me, - ... '' 'I'll f-ii', . i:U'Hnt auttl ku.-tea-t f3v, Biii,rf fareft. 4 i ,.. 1 1 s'iiU, UMiQS puri-t drapi la itf-i ;, Lt Htiar toUon n-n(l?r ParmriJi-iii.-rnti.s I'tTx ntrtUcri&s-for mil Cbruoia l n. t..n'i.s, a,un to-imcuorm, iq tyjast 'v;-L t i-l 'cucbt i'tttu tt?rearh of lf. i-vwlr' prrW. -(l i entptcnt, a un.vr(aake to ti'-a' Ctir iVK .r CI'K UFVFDIr-S. 1 nirtriJe'iv r:ii(4 ;O.U. .etnUpaUon Pills 1 .0;s . .IVtrtpcrsoai 0f consOpfttd hr.;, t. i r rnnd I'Ufe -1.00. lAvrr Pills ? 1 .00, -ii .' R-t".revt'y m tbe liver. INrurmWn Pill S 1 -tWI, r. f ia ri mln. 4 pure in a fear d a j 7. Tonic I'itls 1 .Oi. ' rneii i:xh&B$tin?t. ParsfrsI Iebititr. i....,tlIt . :,. t.osfnuww. Blood PilUl.OO 1 -- t r . . ; 1v v, ttiV. ai j can I taken tonic motjeh t; cupcunv liood-taioi. Burha rills rial. or Ivj.fnrr. hi-', :?r mn.l tiTiaitiy dirt L-mtire ; than 4mgtisuiBV Ui Ajiif r.'j UJii.-iit! r i ( liuutlrtNl cars. lnijisV oI Frrrkle Cure S 1 , tb ekm f:ti re known tDthn. l"tm I'Hr Curl $1. 'Ua tV-rmi of FetnJe Dim - vi't't f-'MH iSi'tsi. to J.'. OtpcrlrtS. 1m fluiil pajrsUioB t Mil k;t.! att 'SrHinrJ rrto. tS-titt two Btntniw for O lUtic; . aVll'I itv tirua-1119. ii ;oa titM t liliJ iWaai, aataMa dir-r t (,i u. -A-iT sroi.IidtntiT lr. f. r. Brand. N. i.. JTsvn'i.'.s, oountry Phyaiv.ans or DntgUu.cnti ardr 9r-r S;:.r C.-a's-d (i.lls, PaloaitDiMiCitit?, Drup, f-uiTrf.'g,! 1Q. Titr mifncrtr Ae4ktphiiM, Uirou:li U4taireatAr prices. DR". HUNTERS 6:3 Chesnut St., St. Louis. Mo? )lt iirrmnlorrhaa,rnunal wcaJeiiem, nrr vouMdcbilitu, Impotency, irtaknmaf either tea marritd or tingle a tpeciclty. If you are out of health, nrrrout, debilitated, feel aeertion to rnricti, lout of matlf pever, face dhftruredby pimpit, tniluir countenance, dreaA of future crenti, fearing to marry ,or, if married, anoop. PV Wly oad becurrd. Sendittampt, ttalina case. No fee asked only at cure proorntn. AU dtneaset oj a delicate uature, critiiin from ex ""Ti'.ir rTP"""r"- lreatft trtentifcalh, Mil HUE MARRIAGE Gl'IDE Feel mm tor t.ret;- S.a wita. Mcdteira tenteverv. vliore. tvasullatloa trte. Ko poison, ased. 1 OR. WHITTIER, 017 St. Charles St,St.luis.tlo. AKCUCLAR .iKAPi:ATK l)r" MKDKUKK, AS 1UP lPto to!W will ithow. bti !o kmrr etiBTaceNi In the trrfttiDt'Dl of Venereal. Sexual aud PriTue Iinmi0m tfm iny oihiT plirisiciHti tn Su Iiuia, Sypliiiis, Gonorrlica, CIcrl, Stricture, Orrhitiu, Htm1 or Ropturs?; atl Irlnarr lMpfl md Hynn.liite or MevcurisU AflacUoD of tfa hroeU, Umim ar lotK ur tiYavted t-i'4 abpsArsUli'rtM mii-vtt. Ksriuatorrbra, ftexaal sUrbUity mud 1m potui jr. MUicretull tfMif-a.busM in ?ouU( MXualexopttje In mtin3rr rrt, or tjf her taiucvu. nod whU t rrodDrv twmsj of ihr rolkiwiAaT syiteeu, u nitQrttl caisfcinnic, biotflit drl iliiy, difziuft. dimnet ef sight, con- fuattin of M;i!t, forvbodiniaTft, a.t-rioa lw ertH f f-maks, Iosa nf tnemorj mild itsnl poytT aa nderiug biat rifif .mjirei'. ar fvrmavnvntlT eurrJ. 0tl sunpbt?t r ittmar u abort Bent for tmo itftnni i'tll r Hi, t fHt'miir talk cnttm nothing MMiduea awoi trery hTr. H It iclf ividcat that phrir8f woo trvf tiio'MavoeW f ei'' i very Trar avoy !!rva frmi e.ill. Co'tntrr pbrai iiaal kiB1(n: tflU frtjqvK-niiy nMWtlDad prTai.iOntTir. UUiue iiouts), Vi, m wiip m. AyuttdMit, Xi w 1 r. h MAMIOOPJ iro.tiA.Mioou t ICS fsees 'Berts for tfi sfllHn t WTm atar aiTV, to M'llT. lmp.-dliu" Caosr. , I nr.. 411 b,m.l. ht-ui Prm-ri'sUoa. i'revention, tut. All d"rs... D- .tss" ""1- SlaarlMBI. BI- lla. M. csBook of Rtature. A 1,1, youiisr patjsva, peora cnonld, psu, cbonld cottem;. ifinv ins. rent f csui aa T. work, t cooia -no 'tfl' ISea lern and atlH!nti9 dacovrWi,iz" ' i'U ' to the human race X'U' to the human rsuw siv,,.-. 1tivt Oreuns B-n if e ,J, W f""1 ;d lor thw Book. It may save your neiti and preserve your life from aurfu-insr and raisery It will save rou from tbe poison. u efloetaof quack medicines and nostrums, wuich are sure to ruin you. Dn. A. Q. CU.IK as one most successful ptiysiciaa in the west for the last to years has devoted his whole ton to ttu tnatineot of ali private) and . Sexual Diaeaaeei, end has no equal on our cpuUm-iit, . Amlreea In. A. G. Ot-m. Ko Its jondenoe strictly eonfldential. CoMuuitSa free. AfW W&te4 niryfaWT r Rock Island Business Inlrersitj WILL OPBW AT7QTJ8T 1st, 1871, IOB tha reception of Wh T .hi., and Geatlamant M. Ie La, Brown, Preprieter of Bleomlngtoa Business University, Superintendent of Course oi Inltruotlons. .T. SHR.OOK., Lata Professor of Business and Ornamental Pan- ship, Pen aad Peaeil Drawing la Iowa Wes- eyan Caiversity, lecturer oa Commercial corret pondsnce, business customs, laws of trade, etc., ia charge of writing department. tuner competent teachers will be la Oharge ef phonography telegraphing, and English de partments. Twenty-four lectures will be given during tbe fall and winter, on mercantile law, commercial ethics, political eceaomy, laws and customs of trade, etc., free te all regular stadeats. line institution will be upon the most thorough and practieal basis The only aotual bnsinets col lege in Boek Island, where each student is re quired to go jhrongli every detail as ia actual DOBloese. At ia very imponans aaa utiusuia that all commence at opening of term so as te create as much uniformity aad system as possible Cards, subscription hf sdirps and ernameatal pen work of finoat workmanship with the pen, executed to order. Bend $1 for speelmens. Hall nearly opposite Boek Island House, open day and evening after July 23, 1871. For iu formation (end foroircular or address M OH LA BROWN. jyl5dtf P. O. Drawer 44T, Boek Island, 111. MISCFACTlBi S. Thomas Yates, (Saeseasor te Jacob Bikey) Oa the Levee, Boek Island. Br&ffs and Iiron Work, AND STEAfrl PIPES LEVEE, N'alAR FSRRF LAN t ISO. The tubferiber, at hit shop ea t'us Levee, near Woltmaa's, invites tbe attention of his friends and the publ.o generally to his large and oom plete stock of Brass A Iron goods, sub as Steam Cocks, Valves, Water Gauges, Whistles, Oil Cups Beer Cocks, Pumps, Oas and Steam Pipe of all sites, Zinc, Babbit Metal, ete , ete. Steam and Qas Work promptly atteadedto and put up ia workmsaiike manner. Copper, Smithing and Sheet Iron Work In all its branches. Also PlUTtl Done oa short notice. He bas a aorew cutting machine, which ems screws apoa gas and steam pipe from I of aa inch to 4 inches the largest machine west of Chicago. TU'JMiS lAi&B. Renaved to Hull's Kew Baildiaf , V7ashlna'tcn Street. WALTER DAUBEB, Of Kork Itlnnd County, shoes Horses in tee most workmanlike manner. KiprrUtrt 1 and skillful workm.n; horses shod without pain. Having a practical and ex tended eerierjee in the l-asiness, I solicit yeor patron ge. confident that I can please yen, ai,d do better work than anv other sboer fa tke eily. 8hop Sin of the KIG HORSE SHOE, ea Washington street, naBr tba river. mays dtf WALTER DAUBSR. WILLS & MUaHAY, CHAMPION HORSE iSHOERS A5D Blacksmiths, Corner Eagle and Orleans street, (Blythe A Btod- dard s ebop,; BOCK HLAXD 1LI f. Every description of Forging done in the most workmanlike manner. Satisfaction guar anteed or no pay. febU-dSm BOILERS. SSCsLXZZB Boiler Worksl The undersigned are prepared to maanfaeturs to order Boilers for Steam Eigines all Kinds, Styles and Eisea. Also, every va riety of S2SS3 X&CZf VO&S. All oar Boiler work ia wasraaied. aT-htpaiing of all sun da done promptly aad' theaply . 6kop near Molina Iron Works. Italy. BCSILLItiOEK A TRUMBULL FLO I K. JOHHSTOFS MILLS Maoafactur.rt oi Choice family Ej o tj h.. From eeieoted Spring and Wider Wheat, f rassiy for tha city tsads. ALL KINDS 0 Flour and Meal Oo hind, and delivered FREE OFCBAROf in tha City. JAS. A.EOTLS. Agent. agle. Katwsan fraat aad Ill'aaia. aseltSdtf PBOTOGKiPBS. CW.FLOREKCf, fiocfffpitor t S Flobbxcb A BrsrcH, son nreei. oet.. . agle A Buffalo. .j sa'itlaoiton guar-,. . ; a aatoed. Iricct '.5 'V me aad see i Card PlaCtcgrspi. Pcr.raicg Per Alhasts.lei Ue nvaat artiatia aula A. B. flATFCRD i . AMBROTYPES. llfsttarssajtad this, side of Hew TaeK tatei . A. B. HATPOBP'f A alass, la ta. alahest atfl af ait, te he h.r p j uu fff - A f -.x 1.1. ijfri cillcrj. In Wahber'sBIesh. pkiob tf ooamAVH.