Newspaper Page Text
5UTES OF ADVERTISING. rviLiiaao t vsa Tor each sqaars, or the ips.a occupied kjr tan Hneiof .olid nonpareil, Oae Dollar for eaek ia. sertion. Speeial Notices, 10 eents per line, la tried 3 month, er more, 10 per cent abort rega lar advertising rate.. Communications, er article! inserted among reading inattar, Si cants per Hoe. Dtur iid WmiT. A diteoaat of 55 pel tent, will be mad from the Weekly ratet, oa yearly and half yearly oootracta, when the iin. matter ii inierted in both Daily and Weekly. finable Columns will be oharged 3 percent additional. Tor JA transient advartisomeii advance pay aaent ii required. TiaVIJ. Dailt Aaeos. tfy payable ia aivaaee), p.r annum, f I O.Ou B; Kil " " lix month, awu By Mail " " I moeths,.. &y Mail " 1 moalh. Sa AsTBr Oitt Cassiae, J Cents per ihI. Susta Corns i Cents. tingle Copy, (payablei aivanso; JO r. Copies " " s.o twenty Copies " " Thirty Oopie. ' 0.0t ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1871. Twentieth Year. Established Oct. 18, 1851 7 gw Tkcum Habita. The Food Journal, in a artiole oa Indian tea says : ' Previously to tea cultivation in this district, many thousands of the native labouring popula tion had been in the habit of emmigrating annually to the rice Gelds of Akynb where they assisted the Mags for from six to nice months of the year. Now that tea gardens hare baen established, the coolies naturally prefer to remain at home, and work for the garden owners." How delighted the teeto talers most be to find that "lo, the poor In dian" is forswearing the mag and going in for "the enp that cheers,', 4c, and conse I'laatlj bacaning more domesticated. SI. LlS7. ha informed the world in several languages that "The Adieu," the most pop ular sentimental song in Kurope, is not the work of Sohnbert, bat of a Russian with an unpronounceable nuna, for which the enphoniois oas of'Sohabert" was substitut ed by an enterprising Paris publisher. It will cintino'i all the same to be known as 'Sahuosrt's Adieu," jntt as a certain waltz not written by Weber ooninoes to be known as "tt'obf-r's last waltz." LOO Ali .NOTICES. .MauaitK GciC. Interesting work, numnroui engravings, 221 pages. Price 50 cm Is Address Dr. Bulls' Dispensary, It Xj.-:i iiigii'a street, St. Louis, Mo. See ulvcrtiiismeat. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olook A. 3X. NKW "Y" O li. Arrival of the Erin Hilled at Sea -Acceptance of G'Donovan B.osa The Emily A. Post caie EXayor Hall to ran fn SLosenweig: to have justice done birr. WASHINGTON. S.ecrcits to be sent to Cmaba. IUnne's Pain-Killing Mgio Oil is sold bv most of our traders, and is becoming almost as indispensable in a iaoiilv as good tljut. It cute pain quickest of anything we ever tried. Soli bv John Bengiton. Tai'tu. The powers of Mrs. Whitoomb's Syrup for children are as positive as the sun light from heaven, and geutle atid soothing s au augdl's whisper. whose husbands are fastidious in tkvir ta.ta and hate a heavy, yellow-specked;t, will, it' they use Dr. Price's Cream ik.:.x" Powder, hail the originator and ibaaetavitor. Ligot, pearly-white, healthy jjjuu., aid aj cerlbiu as at inevitable re si'l. Try it, hud a'.so try his Special l-'la-v jrit.ft, Li are truly the pare! and slruEst mad tu ml Ob'iotuus ol Uavurs made Inai I'ruit. ILLINOIS. X.ast day of the Ottawa Fair Sisastrona Fire-insurance. County She Pnt-ln-Bay Tfacht a.ace 'STel low Fever Bet against CclJ srnlth lilaid. agrionltural society, presented by their dele-1 gate, Mack Miller. Twenty dollars, or a medal, offered by the Governor, was award ed the Kansas collection of fruits, exhibted by Stayman, W. M. Houseler and Wm. Wellhonse, of Leavenworth ; a speoial pre mium of $50 was awarded to Eliwaner & Barry, of Rochester, for the best collection of Pears. The California oolleotion of fruits also received a special premium. Numerous premiums were given to individual exhibi tors. A grand banquet was given to the delegates to-night. Cuablsston, Sept, 8. There wera three deaths here from yellow fever during the last twenty-four hours. Milwackke, Sept. 8. Budd Doble de sires to accept the otfrr which appeared in the New York Sun this raoruing, to bet ten thousand dollars against fire thousand that Goldsmith Maid can't repeat her recent per formance over the Cold Spring course, aod says he will name the time and a track to which there can be no objeotioa. Communication has been effected with the imprisoned miners at Wigan. The dead body of one of the victims was brought to the surface. Others are known to be in so I precarious ooquiuoq io.i naruiy it uupo la I entertained for the preservation of bdv of their lives. The Queen is improving. She sat in the garden at Balmoral yesterday., Sept. 8. An excited debate on Deputy Ravenj's bill, which has lasted four days, closed this evening. The bill had assumed the form of a compromise, provid ing for the continnaDce of Assembly at Ver sailles, and the removal of the ministerial departments to Paris, bnt the government opposed the paragraph proposing the trans fer of the Ministry, and it was rejected. The bill was finally amended and adopted. St. JonN8. Sept. 8. The Jlenfortb in- aueet was conoluded last evening. The re sult of the post mortem examination showed that Renforth's lungs were engorged with blood, and that his death was caused by over exertion, combined with great mental excitement. Dr. Jackson, of Boston, testi fied that no traces of arsenic could be found in his stomach. The verdict of the jury was, that Renforth came to his death by congestion of the longs caused by eitra exertion. 'i.e lea iXia? Refrigerator, a'.oU croiied such a ssusation, and took ;if. pre hi a a at the Cincinnati Expoar tun, St. i-oms Fair, Illinois Slate Fair, and ail tue Pairs throughout this State generally last season, is now for sale aud can be seen in actual operation at E. W. Spencer's U uttnold Furnishing Goods Emporium, on Ji.inois street. i'ne listrigerator possesses many aian ta;et over all others aver manufactured, j'g whioa m7 he mentioned the fact tnt it saves lifty per centof the ice required i t any other Refrigerator of the same size. It is a preserver, not a Consumer, like the au-nerous tee ineitars called Refrigerators, it produces a dry, cold temperature in the preserving chambers. The temperature can b reduced to fourteen dejrtcs helox freezing point. One article of food will not partske ..f fie small or tait of another. The pro :!. on chambers are always dry, sweet aal clean, as they have no drippings from i.-e. Fish, game and meats of ail kinds can h L pt froisa any length of time, and in a porfjotly dry and preserved condition. The imprisoned SXinera at Wigan Health of Qaeen Victoria Hxeitin? Debate at Versail les Ihe ZXenforth Inquest. Market Eeports. Reported for the Aaaos. UtTtllELPK'S HAIR DVE, This superb Euir D is the btot in the wld perfectly Larmli.-.,tcliab'.e ami mat attaneou.; no disappointment ; to ridiculous tints or dis agrcoabie odor. The g i.uioe Vt m. A. Batehe lor's Hair Dye prodncrt laasruATaLT a pin did black or Natural Brown, leaves the hair eltna. tot, beautiful ; does sot contain a parti cle of lead or any injeriout compound. Bold by all ProjrgUls. Factory, 16 Htnd street, S. V. COMMERCIAL. Th H frlerator is divided into two separate and .distinct compartments, and also has a Water (Ciller attachsd, which furnishes an unlimr itad sapp'y of ice cold water without putting ir'iatke irattr. It consumes aooni ten c-an worth of ies every twenty four hours Tim eoinomijal piece of furniture costs no jnjv.ri than any other refrigerator, and is ins.T,'"-nr3 - 11 'i8. suitable for ilt.'s. Restaurants, Grocers and for tamily pnrri'. CH 15. W. Spenoer's tne only agent for :l04 Iiiand, Moline and vicinity, and see tin a-ftrttngs of this iudnpensabla article a nptration. aj.tis deflis JJ2L. SSZX.S'Sr'S WATER CUHE KKHOSH A, Snd for oiroalar. may29dwbm A T H. E. . V 19 SEKLKY, M.P. pn,. 1 HI I isinut s nor t)l CHICAGO, ILL. Oaah Capital, jaOO.OOO.OC Surplui, $57,820.64 LUriKict Si, Suaw, Agents, anr21-dlf Rock Inland. 1 4a Xew Yoas, Sept. 8. The steamship Enu, from Liverpool, and the ship Sir Rob ert Peel, from London, have arrived. During her passage the latter shipped a sea, in stantly killing her first o9Scr. The friends of O'Donovau P.ossa held a meeting to-night and nominated him as independent candidate for Register of the city and county of Netv York. Rossa has accepted. The inquest in the case of Emiiy A. Post, was brought to a cose to-day. I he jury re turned the following verdict ; "We find that the death of Emily A. Post was supeiioduced by brutal and inhuman treatment received at the hands of lr. Per ry Bud Madame Van Bnskirk; and we furth er find that P. K. Post, senior: Minerva Post and P. K. Post, junior, in placing their daughter aod sister in the car ot known mal-practitioners, weregunty ot an unnatur al ontraga, evinoiog depraved mmas, utter lv regardless of natural duty." The father, mother and brother of Miss Post have been held to answer by the cor oner. Mayor Hall asserts his intention to fill out his present term ot office, and ran again and let the people pass judgment upon his administration. Bills of indictment against Dr. Rosenweig the abortionist, have not yet been laid be fore the Grand Jury. The District Attor ney, for good and sufficient reasons not nec essary to be made public, will not send up the indictment till next Tuesday. No nee essary delay will be permitted, and before it) end ot next week ilosenweig win nave J .. O Tl. -ii ' cfciMiTUS, oepi. c. ill. aupciiuu'"- . f . V eeneral recruiting service, west ern divfiio t bM baeo or(lerea 10 Beni lw0 .... - .,t .nil hftv tn lnrt l.aV to the 13th lnu v - .u i . 'aiimeni to me ou enworm, lor aeev- fantrv. Ottawa. Sept. 9.-fiJ closed th fourth and last day of the vounty tatr. .vwi.l.nfaa waatArii&V WfcH Iftt- A ( team trottinir race is now talBg piace after which there will be the race lor n ail- the entries sawac'Q vuiit . vuvaa - . .. ' I. , (5. I.acr. a aao aa,v Big aa w'w - - - r Chicago, names brown mare Maggy ; V- Mattock, from Peru, names browu ge.'iog Tom Wonder; Ed Brown names brown mare Louisa, formerly Ameua, Jroin Chieago. Stkblino, 111., Sept. 9. The Williams i Orton Manufacturing Company were visited by another disastrous fare yesterday alter noon." Their pattern warehouse, containing valuable patterns, was connnmed, and the foundry damaeed slightly. Total less about 9,000; no insurance. I Locisvillk, Sept. J. The most severely wounded bv the Louisville and Kashville railroad acoide- t, Thursday night, are now at SI. Joseph Infirmary. They are R.Brady, of Little Rook, Ark., J. O. Kreffith, of the v.t,.;ii TTninn and American : James K. w.hinirton oountv. Miss., severely .-;Ja tK. head: W. W. Anderson, ik Viad: Mrs. Cvntha D Ki.i.r. TTlll.boro. Tenn. : James Welsh, Louiavtlle. These ara doing well, and in i fkir wa nf rannverV. their lDlOneS BOl D in r.oarAod vnrr danrerou I. Dr. James "B ft " r. . . L.K 4 Thomas, of Rome, Oa., oiea at nan - o'clock this morning. Mr. Bacnanan, Ashville, North Carolina, also died toil morning. DaraoiT, Mich., Sept. . The Pot-in-H. ....v.. vcatsedaT. waa not deter- by whiehyonr iosadalis is saad., a4 min Jd u , dMk 0wiD?to the winds t.i it a. eaoelleat w-p.and .f altar. ' f din vassal, barely at It. Inrredieats.' 1 ' . p ' . . ., -v. i v:.v TUB GREAT FtUCH BCMEDI, EXLAKARKX'S 8FECLFI0 PILLS, Propar d by GAaAsciaan A Dcrosr, No. 214 Hue Lombard, Parts, and highly recommen ded by the entire Medioai Faculty of France, Are the ve y beat remedy in all eases of Sperma torrhoea, or Seminal W.akuefs; NighOy or l)aily or Premature Kmiteions , S.xnal Weak ness or Iwpotencv ; weakness arising from Se cret Habiu and eexnal; Relaxation of the (ienltal Organs; Weak Spine; '"Lime" or "Bilok-dust" diposiu in the Vnne; Milky D! ebarees," eto.,ai.d all the ghaetly train of Symp- Ltoios arising from Overase or Escessep. 1 hey Core hen all other remedies leu. Full directions in each box. Fries SI per box, or 6 boxes for S5. Sold by the principal Druggists, or will bi sent by mail, securely sealed from ail observation by enclosing price to the sole General Agent lor A men ea, JOB MOSES, 18 Oortlandt street. w York. Pamphlets ot advice sent free to aty ad. dres. aoltl 1.12 - &ock Islam d, September 9. Tail Flour market is corrected at Warner's Mills and the quotations are the ruling prices oi the Rook Island market. Wisraa Wiiit Flocs Wholesale tS.i ' " " Ketail K.0S firkiso Waa xv Flocb Mprlng Doable KxUa la bbls, waole.alk....t6.SC Hetau . ...7.60 Bok at wholesale............ 7.UU Ketail . . 7. Oil Laosa, a waoieeale..... ....... 6. 6ti BetaAl . . 7.40 Uaaav's 8-r Kaisisu Fi.oca Retail i Barrel, .ack. I " " 1.2S 1-16" Cj liociwasiT irLoua Wholesale il.Qtl Retail lu.00 Hint, new... ....... MitVi) Cos Sj Oavs New ..2l)a2oo Rva .. -IU BiSLIT 5(0.1 .. eOaP.O K.Jected -.3S Bottsa Ohoioe lots, for retailing, will bring. 15e vsisii K. Y . Factory 11 Liid per lb ltUlle PovAtoae . 20a.'H) Applbs per bo. be! - Baas per dos 12ia The above prioes are the wholesale llgares at first hand. Poclvrv Live Tnrkiee, per lb Dressed " " Chlokens, live " " dressed' Decks " i iioas Live Cavtlb Live weight, eostaioa.. ., Prime shipping, per 100 lbs., Woo Oak, per eord..... .. Hickory Coal Coal Va'.Iev Yai Ilereiand V..-a Hav Prairie, per ton .. i.l0ar.P0 Timothj ..... V.UiialO.OC It AS fonog Hvsoo, eomnson ' ' fnir to good ' prtiae tj choioe... Ganpowdsr, emfnos to flr...... ' prime to ehctce Imperial Oolong, oommoa to fair " primetoehoice Japaa Corraa hto, oommoa to fir ' prime to ohoico... Old ttovermaeat Java.......... fiCSABS Raw ocinraon to fair...... " " prime to choice., R.BDed Bag", crashed, gran..- WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manulatturers ol ENGINE LATHES I SI s ARTISTIC r AH.C Kl Nf ;. 3A4 WAfiZIX2SG70Zw' fcT., DRAP, AtlLO'v AM IMPORTER OF Fine 10. 12i bo lOo lOo . 8 50tl.Cn iiao ..i.COa6.oa 5.6 T.C 1P.0 ..U MACHIIVES, PL.1XEB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Brills, SASMYTTIS" STEAM HAMMERS, DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shilling aad JTanjers, Pateut 8e!f Oiling Box. AVASEHOrSH : 1(17 I.IHHKTY ST., XKli YOHat CITY MAXL FACTORY : HAMSIOXD ST.. (Opp. Jaoction Depot), noRC ESTER, .MAK.. All Trains entering the City, Ftop within ten rods of our Works. j.lO-dtf 1SG0. IS71. THE PiOHEER MUSIC STORE. A LAR-3E STOCK ALWAY? ON IIASD 0? MHHH41 ; STKt'K, iMt'HI'AN, II tlXk", SS tAtiUAlI. AM) HKMlMi 1. feP.HTTPMITTil':' wma.b a 1 1 ij-ua. -4 FOU WMJDIMji GlTFiTiJ A BPECIAI.TT. Shirts to Measare Lxtra Double and Perfect in Fit. Oerymin will b, allewed 8 per cent, ciso-aou toblid'y THE 3 EW DIdlNFECTAST! BR0H0 (iiLOUALUM, NO tf. POISON.,!; flJOK MiSS, 1'OEUVCL 1)1 DORIZ' R M DIM 'FECTANT. ENTIRELY HARMLESS AM) SAFE. ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. IV ill! private .ivrLilinr. Im'cl. r. iin", rantn, pub is - -tw.. u h.kwt.itMU ni:iiii h- Inm-. iiiii-it...v-,..o ! jii!. prirOH. pOr-llO'J-'- OU ntllJH. M;riIM Ixwtrt. ami in t.Mieu.t'Lt-i.oUi-eii uurKfls. ir wiT-cioscts untial?-. !-iiik-. t-fwor-. cv ." MHtu -p. t. A p.-cii1e in si! Mint4irz:n au-l pcitil.'inial piw'. u i hoi?. Tvptiuul Et-viT. Mlip Kat. in u! l'n. s: nU t Kt- .'r, Mil, lt-OHfH;s ol uoiinuls Ac. Pr-'itKruJ only hy TILDEN A t O.. 1TG Wiill&m street. New York. vl't: E.rASLi.heo i iin TTTTT nVT ,- v v- T Vy AXJWJLL C U it 1 A K 61PKEI0R TO 1.L TIIER3 ! Axes, Files, Cast Steal, Ki;l l'trti.blng., and Kachlnery. t(ie the be.t, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Send for price List and eireuiars. HKLCIi dt GXIfFITU., BoSSdwly Boston, Mass., er Detroit, Mir h HAEVEST for AGENTS. U K 1 , A IY. r.-rtl- ni"M niiil l.:n-;i. (,f t.hxI .Kldro-si ami ile-jmrMin-l'. can b :-. inf. .1 in,. ; ; an th hit lii.-iruc- tiim un-r imbii'lu-il. - hi nv bv niail. A irrnna Oimiliilirti ion m lli-lnrv. r.i.iL:ra.!i"v. Kri-av. 1'ootiy. ami ltn- ! in Arl. En'-i n.n wamis it. ' I iiil' h.i.ik In-.-. In'oui.-ivoi.r.! l'u'.j.i-iiing t'ouipiliiv, Hi l.lli.-rly Klreel. New V.nk. Tfcc C01TGEESS1HCTIC. I ff?1v '. winter OVERSHOE I .Ttr ii i. riL,r..- in DrruK I MJTKOIBLE to put on! eai,tjcntecl,btjllslit ASK VOI U SHOE DEALER FOR II t SASB, D0028. &C. 0L ANDES & HUBE2, Snsotisors to J. A. Eiddiso.i, Hannfactarers of Sasli, Doors, CUuds, Moaldiogs, I'RAHfJ. HHACKET, And everything in their !:ne. Glazed faih on hand, a'.io feed. All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dviliui -ifc. JL -a. JeW J? y 9 j i (if Oe Wocd &, (o's.kYMey Oralis, w Ait aa V m. OKIKMiL ( KKAM. 10 TRI05IPHE 10 PJESS ! Wonderful Paooeis of Dr. T. Felix Gouraud's "ORIENTAL CttEAM" OS 51lGIl.lL Bi:UTti iEU. Its Faa is rapidly gprtadtug over the Country. Everv Eeautifal Wom.s aad Pair Maiden Uses it. The Annals cf Modern Science are blaioned forth with no proader record tbsn tne Uncvirj of this World-Benowned Preparation for the Pre.ervatim and Conservation oi" the Human Cnticli-. Pee the ava 1:ih -lie of Testimonials in its pi a so, never before advertised. Cincinnati, Jane, lSi',7. Dr. tinornd : I hive heard of your elegant preparation ol ' Oriental A.ream," and been very a&xious to try its marvelous powers. atas. B. 0. B. Providence, TJecemoer, 1C7 Lr. ioorau'1 : I have used your "Oriental Cream'' for a considerable length of time, aod thick it eacelioat. Indeed I would ate no other alter ouce trying that. Ci.ABA S LISP CfllUNEYS. Stand Hat better than any ether made. A-k for luthriiW.? :.im1 t;k1 rm oib-jr. Sft tht our nani" i n tvrv !tx . IITHRIIm;E A; SON, i'ittrburirn, Pa. Send lor Frie I.:t. BAND LEADEES. for eomerhiris intcrcfctinsT, wend your addrof? to tiLuitCE W .tiATKS,"Kraiikiori, N. Y. A French lady wrttss . Ainu., liouraud : "l is but an act of justice tliut 1 should spontaneously giie you my qbi: 6il t8tiiuiDil of the nnited efCcaey, innocence, aud fragrance i,f your preparation lor pnriljirg and cleansing the kin. By its use every pimple and freokle liavu vauiabd t'rtiii my face, "i en should, .Mm! Ami, as it i so snerelgn ii.J cbarniinc a remedy for soattering all blenii.l.n from onr faoe., call it le ii. (ire (iib. en n ia..f, ni eioannfe da In CuftHjee el ;"en nut rrmt-rcit tf '"( moil rirur, Kmii LK Uesmoi l, Madilun Avenue. Philadelj-hia, October, IKi. Dr. T. F. tionraud: I have your "Urittlal Cream" in sse ; it Is an admirable ertleie. and 1 shall rtcuuiuitcd it. B. F.P'". N OKTli EAST MlSsurni Farms mid I'uimpruvcd LanUs for al: bv MeNutt A; Mos?, l'aii-, .Mo. J. tl. Bl fllHU, l.SSaL.iO ,....l.lCal.IS 1.4ual i" 1.6al.7i Siial.O l.lial tiiAl.ti i::aiJc iiia!0c lSa3Ue llalljo !Hal2o powdered and - H1 , 13Jo and si kind? of Musical Ti:! Sheet Manic of 'afci-l i(-su. . r.i: ported Strinji in tti eitv J ... !i spl Corner ir.inuis ar.i Wabiri;t in .'rett r.ea:s V 1 . -iBufbrd k Resd PIKE, LIKE AX!) INLiXIi . Agent3 ! Bead This ! VITH WILL PAT AQESTS A SALARY OF ii $.i0 per Week aad Expense., or allow a lar je ooinau.ioa to sell our new and wonderful inventioas. Addrtf. M. WAGakU A CO., Marshall, lih. . b. titj. sac. we wiXiZi r(vv S30. Ajv iitis ? per week lo sell our jmvit and valnnMe ili-covc rii'-. if yuM w:uit p-riu ui -n', hinoriiHi and n:aaiit orU. lijij'jvfi'r ji-irlicn'ars. Al,.lre' 1YKK CO.. Jack-on, Mich. Chicago, 6e teu.ber, t. I)r. Honraud : It i the bet preparation I hare ever un-d, and I nave rccomnianded it to many friends. Alias R. C. P". Yysi'anti, April, lcr. Dr. T. i". ijnraud: Sly wife became ae quainfed with your Oriental Cream" through a lady friend, atd was so highly pleased with Its ellects t.'iat eho has since ordered it direct Irani yonr depot. Other ladiee here, too, have tecorue aciiuainteit vXi its nuperior and magical tiieeie upon the compltaion, ana oonsioer e u- irai.- TIRYA' PL'LMOJilC W Affc'.P.!. are unfailing in the Care of Cooghs, Col, Asthma, liroLCh.tu, bore Ttroat, ll.iarseness, Difiieull Breatbiog. Inoipient Consnmptioa and of the Luags. They have no taato of medicine, and any cnild will take them. Thou sands have been r stored to health that had before despaired. Testimony given in hundreds A SINULE lio.SE RKLlBVt3 IS TEN UISCTES. Ask for EK1 AN s FIL- MUSIC WAPKRS. je2a-dly Excitement at the Plunder Store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Car run each way every 20 minutes tne for from "nr T Z A J. j. V . X 5T OiOW, Coclitleutial Phjsiciaa, 179gouth Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL., Pri vate and Chroalo Diseases in both seies suecess- fully treated. Dr. Eigelew has cured more sex sal and venereal diseases in the last 30 years than any other physician in the western eoantry He cores Kervous Debility, or Involuntary 8cm inal Emissions, and restores the enfeebled organs to perfect health and vigor. He cures gyphlli. in all Its forms, whether acnte er cbronK w'h out the use of minerals or vegetable poison. Bend for his "Guide to Eeaith,-' puhlitbed monthly free of charge, if yon thick the writings ef tha greatest BpeeialUt of the preient day orth reading. Ladies send for descriptive eir- ealarof Pissabio Raasnn, nniversaliy used by married ladies. Address C. BIQELOW, M. D.. mehtdwly P. 0. Box 1M Chicago, 111. do -extra 0 BeSeed Bagar, do C , kXoiazses Sagar...M. Baa S1B...M... 1 oiar Dairy, will aa,ek..H. ., Dairy, withoni taoii Lisa Port Byron, per bi,l. Koek Island, por bb!.... .. Bmas elreea batohers'.........HM..M...., tireea our1 J.. hart earn J (ireen ox If , 6riras Pepper. Stagapore Flam to. Clores......... Satmeiis f0 Singer, jure.. Cayenne Pepper -. Oil. Caro..r Oil - Lard Oil, extra. Lard Oil, So. 1 Linseed Oil, raw ' ,( boiled .- FaciTs Dri-i upplos, a'oaioe - oomoion. Dried paacbos, ba!fe iinarters... ......... lacta Currants, new Baisins, in layers, p box, new- " per half box Tarll.h Prunes Dried Cherries.... .. - .- Boar ad Caiolbs Warnok A Bal. ton's 0. E. pev lb-.... Bnry Dart's Sons' Y. K. per lb McBride's German Molted, per bar Ii Star I'andies, 14 ot 6bot ao Pcwbsb Bike, per keg Ooal iilne. do Blasting, do..... - Drop gnot, per sack Biok bhot. Jo..... Bar Lead, pr lb... TUB G&V AT AMXttlCAS HEALTH KEiTOKKR, psrites the blood and ourej 85rotma, P ypkilis, Bain Dis eases, Rheumatism, Diseasesof Women, and all Corooio Akectlons of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Keeontmnded hy tae Medical Pacalty aad maay thous and, of oar best eitisens. Read the testimony of physician, asd patieat. who have ased Retadalis ; send for our Rosadali. Guide to Health Book, or Almaua? for this year, whiohwspab lish tjt gratattoas distribation It will giro you maeh valuable information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, savs: "I take pleasure lo recommending yoar Ro.adaiis as a very powerful al terative. I have s.ea ii ased ia two oases with happy re i alts ene la a eas af sesoadary syphill., la wbiek tha pa tient pronoun ed aiatself eared after having taken ire bottles of your medi cine. The other Is a ease of eerofula of long staoding, whiah Is rapidly improv ing aader its use, and the ladlcailoat are that the nations, win soon recorer. I have earelolly axamtaea ina lormala !' r-t . 71 t 'i EX.ELSI5R i:-s lOallo J.tO 2.t:o M 4.7J ..l.:o 1.CJ , 7jeea ......V,alCe ,. -.Jaic U; Sf-al&c 2io Sialic l.ldil.SJ Si'a 160 45c Jc I oiai.-lu 1.30 -1.00 . 1.04 ......... 7aSjo , CO 11a ...lie ...Uali, a. s& 1.7H .. 12c lie , 6f Ti rer lb. 7e ' 16j ....5'1aT.!0 .4.60aS.t!0 ...4.6flaS.6 ,.3.fiUa2.Ti 13o fvNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, A Bright Blue f.'ye, Song Meinitger, Side .ire you ' ii aine Comie fcoag, gaxton. 4rt Itnrli'nij li'ilr of the Jlwirdin-J XeAoo.PolterSO Girl vith the Ciyarettt, Comic Cordelia, S3 J,,Ujl llinh Timet, Couiio, Parks, 20 .Vmi: -oui'f y li'-e ! i-aoir, Comio,Cord'la S;) Jeveii' (.'( ". 'in, Bjantiful Song. Millard3 Lnu-x the " - Zai-h, 3 Let it fr r.a? or Alto, " 3.) Yet One Ayiin, Duett for Pop. ami Barr. Gabtiel, f1 Quarrclli;) Sriyhbart, Comio ilnett, Anber, 73 mroty Ckild, wiih va'iation. Keek, 6tf lleatvnly Orectiny, P.nsie Hoymantique, Blancaey, 33 Holiday Vacation Man h, illustrated title Gilsinn, 0 Sirtet Anieyxitivnt, Sohott'.scbe, " " Qilsinn, S'l Dairti, Faniaisia, Krug 85 Any of the above sent hy mail on receipt of the market price. So matter where you see a piece ol jsufic or Music Eook advertised, send to u sod yon wiil receive it by enclosing the pulilishcrs price. mJ7-dedl2m. ST. LOUIS. 1HS0BINEE eocii BiriEinc. wzxiaXASX ztrziXiSs. Book Binder and Paper Banger. Shop on Orleans St., opposite Court House. ROCK ISLAND 5-I fegU Ail kinds of Paper F.eies made to order. aoglVd tf -xvxis.'sr. She rollowing- CId aad S.eliablo Companies Hsprescnted : jEtna, Eome, Ins. Co., ef H. mericn. Franklin. Hartford, Security, lor ill aid, Andes, Bs public, I Putnaiiie i ! Laterprke, City Fira, j Ilcrciiants, For thwe stern National, Connecticut Mutual Life ii MILLION DOLLARS ! Sbrowd hut quiet men can lu&ks a fortUae bv rertIini; the la.rtt of the butsiiiM tu lo ne. Addrest J. V"KST, Prnrtdwav, New Yr.rk. 1,003 OIFTSi HON CHAXU IFT UN( K!!T AND I)I-Ti:ir K.i- iho ih-t..t:t of t'.vj roi'MiUNi; AYM M hf XOT Vt-IiK. AM) MifOiriV AM' AII.(t;s- I'.'U'UANS ilOUr. WAMllNUi'tj'.. II. C To N- ht-hl i1! V-,i.i: iimiij ;is miii n- all 'rii k.-li-ar .u! !. .ii v hU l i.iil'..'' "ill ueunen.i an l not 1 :KT ;ii.;il N.,v. I, i.-r 'M. Kl. KuTili' liutli b.T ul tint. .' ,.;.- - :.' i: i !.. 1. ' -i't. jioioui". ir.L' to i.o l-l a-.v,i, J d. cl.ii 1' ir r:i,-uiMr. 1:1 ll-l ol ui:;-itp-i U.- ("-'i:i-i'. J'.rkT- ' :iu lie lis t ,:t HiLfcY &ahi;kst. l'LiUai.-lnhia. CoiiHi-ba. i.i . ji ti-i Kii,.t,ui iiu. ind 1". i . iitiVUX. tTi-m iiil Acni. Nn r.n -ireet. New York. Hon. I!. l l.HH h.k:..n. '.rotnnfiH M .1 l.Kil. T 1 .ili; Bait more. , 1 omm l' lion. J. S NKlil.hV. i'iilliu.-, TruMce. or 5 II 3 CUHT-liTi" XLAZSZ3. How it ic ili-nc. jirnl who !ieiT. The Alena book -iiairu-. .jt.-'iii-.v iliiipira'.et'. Willi cilii-. po.-itinlis. i-ii. lo rut'd l iiou ar. . frecur.'iy - j:ik ii. ii.r ni.i (nt ... A.lriri-" HAl'ilAKl. I'lAUi iv Uritadwiiy. New " ork. Ir. (iourcjd: 1 lliink it ,ufubles f r a la4y's toilet. Albany. 1 to of the li. L. A ". Tha fo'.Ioa-icg from tha Eminent' Traga- Krs. 1). s". Bowers : r a-a lneatic, urooaiyn. tir. Oouracd: Will you pU aso send ste bot ileii nf your "' 'ritiital Cream " t'j tl.e abo e ad-irei-r. uoitorgettiLg to be real-table .n prise. ours truly, Alas 1). P. Iiuwaas. Ph la-iIp!iia, Iecember, JSo. i 1. Gi.lf.uJ: I like the "Oneoial Cream" lEan auythio I et-r saw of the kii;d, . u 1 1 trtiJt vou will continue to make it, acid 1 mcli i- jku'uo not, uu at least mij.Lt let jour euiiocieis l:ae the tei-ipe. It would be a pity to bao this "Urienial Cream" die out. Mas. Civs. TUB fal'.otri'-g from Mrs. C I. "Soung, lady of col. Voasg, ol Young a Kentucky Cav alrj :" Ijr. ilourand : I eheerfuily bear testimony to iin ti.-wv and fsrJrat innotence of Jour "Or ,eiil CrtTam." It is decideniy a valualoe co.--mviiquu. lcaunct consent that y ou publish ay la abov is froa a lady in S34 itraet. C0PP & BHO., Liven ami Sale Stables. OEce ender Zart's Sal!. HOCK ISLASO ILI.f. Most Complete Establishment in the City Particnlar atterticn paid to furnishing Carriages fur parties, Balis, Processions, etc. mhtdly Tefal Asstts (iaiSWOLl) COLLEGE ! The Fall term in all the departments of this in stitution for the thorough education of boys and young men will open on Thnrsday, September tl. Beautiful Ziocation Extensive Xiibrary and Cabinets. Also other important advantages. auj?!-dlw Aw-it ABTE2TISr.rul.STS. lilUEH k f CII.9LHa Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL ST0;iE DHESSEE, OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dressar is a perfect success, aad all are warranted. my30d'y $00,000,000.00 ! Engraver & Bis Sinker, Medals, Seal I're.-set, Steel .t.Uij.a, Soap Stassps, ro .Kb-.nilor & Ioii!e, 4c. M. It.l 1)E trllt'.:riii KlHfcKT, Oppo.-lte PoetoCce. CHICAGO. airiO-filj IVar fir: Baving had a very favorable op portunity. yesterday evening, for expatiating no tin met t of your Oriental Cream," shoamg the etfeots it j roduced on tny hands and taee. a juig lady reijueiiled that 1 aoald pr'Kiurt: her a butue ot'it. Please tend one, per bearer. Mrs ;, Fifth Avenne. ir. Cream and Stock Alet OFJICE K. 3, Argns Brilding-. Orrf-its Post OSes, t'p Jtairs, BOCK I.LAMI, ILL. eap:4-dtf tLpnirci. c. b. ELDaiS'c Eesl Estate & InsuraEce Agdnt, Xo. 1 Tiele's Block, DiVESPORT, .... IOWA. Attend persoaallv and promptly to tbe baying aad selling of heal Lstate on eommiestoa, rent ing Houses ana Im tos. Lovlidbm W. B. BiTSI. 1 C. CLIAtllllS mm WORKS, B.H.tlVBALL, Proori?tcr KOCK ISLASP. I All work warran- t tsd. 'Wagons con stantly on hand. ifU.Carriagei of every description made to order. feMSwly W13E Bit LING. PLOW?. Will aAXWSfi FOR CBMETRY LCTS, COTTAGES, 4o. WIRE GUARDS, For Stcre Fronts,Factorie, Asylnnte, Prif ons,4o" IlilN CEI1STEAI!8, With Wire 6acking,arecleanly, strong t durable raper B2annfactnrers' Wires. 0SM5IETAL lEeS WORK, W.ought Iron Frame Fences, Fancy Window gcreens, etc. Every information by the manu facturers. M. WALKER EOI.S, Io. U3 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa jel4deod,m,w,fiy Dr. Buarks. of Nioholsville, Ky.,says ha has ased Roiadalis ia eases af 6sro fala and Beooadary Syphllul with satis faolory results as a oleaaer of the blood I know no better remedy. Bamuel (J. MeFaddea, Morfreesbore, lean., says: "I have ased ssvsa battles of Bosa- dalis, and am entirely eared of Bheam atl.aa 1 send me fear bottles, as I wish it for mv brother. h has tsrofuloas sot. eves." Een'Mamin Beohol, ef Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty years with . ureterals emotion over his whole sedv: a tshort time sinoe I par chased a bottle of Hosadalis aad It af fected a perfeet ears." Hosadalis Is sold by all drug gists Laboratory, 61 Kzohaage Place, Bal timers. Or. CLIEIITS ss 00 . ! Proprietor got home within the eight boars, which was th limit fixed for the oe. before starting it was agreed that instead of baring two separate raoes, as originally agreed apon, tbe contest should be settled in one -day, and the five fleetest yachta thoaid take all the prizes. This arrangement wai entered into by the yaobtmen themselves, ana was concurred in by tbe Sailing Committee. Tha Toronto yachts being dissatisfied with tka r,rTiotis day races being declared ott, e.fnaad to Dartioipate yesterday. The boats started at 11 o'clock, with time allowances The yacht Coral won the race. Ricamostd, Va., Sept. 8 The meeting of v. Amoeioan Pomological and Virginia Hortiooltnral sooietiee adjonrned this even : Tt. .Moinm af 50 offered by Ell- 1 wanger & Barry, of Eochester, Bimplicity. Eurabiiity and tigbt nesa cf Draft. Patent Iron Beam Cast Steel & Combination FOR TBE SEASON OF 1871. Manufactured Vy JOHN BALL & CO., f nccesiors to Miller A Cook, c ah row, - - mohU-dtf t OHIO UE ADVISE YOU TO secure the services of DR. BALLOU, Cor. 3d & Perry St'. Davenport, lo Especially tf yon suffer with CHRONIC or PK1VATB DISiA8Xe, ao matter of how Ion standing. (iEO. 3. LIWTO, MERCH ANDISB BROKER, AM) Commission Merchant, 51 Perry Slrvet, DAVEPOKT lOW A iy2-llm ACADEMY OF TUB Immaculate Conception DAVESPORT, BCOTI CO-, IOWA. COST DCCTED BT TEK SISTERS CF CH1E1TY 3. V. 2!. Will oommenee its I6th Semi-annual Session Wtdnesdar. Auffust 16th, IS.!. m , 0 SU Being fneorporated in accordance with the laws of tbe State, this Institution conters tbe usual eoilegiat degrees upon its grauu.i.i.o. 03H a STaono P.oprieiors of tbe Are sole Agsni! for reasiee's Celebrated d Stock Ales. OeAat For saie by the Barrel or Ba'.f Barrel. octm dif Vnr fMreu' rl ail.tress aufl-d3m 6ISTF.R SCPERIOB. Niagara Stean Pump "Works. N. Y., far fehlSiaed-t.tws . 1 the largest aad beat collection of applM, U 1 waiting foi tha ooUeotioa of tha low State KEISTOXE GLASS WOEfeS A. R. SAMUEL, Manafactaref of PATENT FRUIT JARS, B. E. Cor. Howard A Oxford streets, -PHILADELPHIA, - . FA. ohid-W These are soma of bis remedies, and with which ha has eared Rrme of the most severe ease witn one treatment,. (10AND TAJUa W1X11 JrJ IB rsiUBls. Bo will forfeit $1080 for every ease of Tsnor eal Diseases ha fails to cure. Write him and gat one of his circulars and la all oases of Private Nature, yon ean give Mm with perfect safety vonr satire oonudenee. Hois the iriend of the friend ef the anfortunato ol both sexes. Consultation Tree. aprl-dsat- wly EAYES & CLEVELAND UESFRAL Insurance Agyts Representing the following old and reliable Companies i Underwriters Agency, Nf w Tors. Cash Assets 14,00(1,060. PhffK'x, ?. Y. Cash Atcetsf t,S3O,O0O. Ccn.iQfni&I, Ks . Cash Assets $2.iU0,000. Korih Imericau, It. Is Cash Assets f-inO.OoO. PaciSc, Califorois, Assets Oo;d, Jl.-OO.tCO. Merchants, cf Chicago, Cash Asset, 803, (K 0. North American, Hartford, Cash Aseets j-.UO.i l-O. ISTEESUIOSAL. MAY , Cash Aesot. Sl.ftOU.OOO. i Brewers' Milwaukee, Cath As ets r.U OUo. WashiQgtcn Life, Sew 5ork, Cash A.sels $.1,i i,' ('. Saloon & Billiard Rooms, Kc, 3 Harper House Block, KCtK. ISLASI) Dealer in Fine Bourbon "Whiskies, And Is j cried Wite L Draridies: Agent for Fsi-ds, Lills, and Jo'iet Ales, alst. best lic-jtcb n 1 ti.'ib Ales and London Por ter tor . TJtioa M n ae u.ui for sale by the Varrrl. Ag nt for A. Z.-ii.r'. Billiard and Pigeon Hole Tabie Mauulactorj. apr-atf li, E. W EST, Proprietor Ctica, June, lbC7. Tie. V..'.!T Gonraud: I value yur -Ou.ntal Cream" so highly that I am unwilling to he with out it even a single aay. tiafcAH ' . Cleveland, April, lt. Dr. Oooraud: I have used your 'Oriental Cream" for seine time, and like li very macn .o- Coed, and .'uou d leel very hid to be aeprivea ot ,, Mbs. L. I1"-'. TJamilton, Ohio, Joly t, laty. Dr. T. Felix tiouraud : L'ear bir Bcine weeks since I wiote to Jon, laciontg tbe ."i.i"J lh-ixiuh. wiih a notice of y cur co- uietw, "Oriental cream. Attar uu you u.v. out receive my coinmnnicatioa ; if not, 1 Lal t.e QiU-'h pleased to Lear frt m you, and als" call iced to receive a tall dozen ol your eiiaia-jng preparation lor tin complexion. Your "Oritnul i ren:u ' tl.oul i Le Imuiortalired, as I bave no doubl it is already by many a fair dealer in tfcis charming derive lor rendering j ontli m mtrnl. bey have .obic very weak lmitatiuaa m tin- cintiati, such as wagoners "Orientnl urepa, Jdalame French e"Li:y bite Parisian i.oin nor LiijUid Lily lilcrsom' ail cf which are a taee utii'.atv ii, and very iijsroos to the complex. en. I could aell don lis of botlles, si the women are all crazy to know the. lecipo lor a brilliant m piexion. 1 bave lost ba'.f of my gocd loi ks already for the want of this indispensable luaurv, as I aa traveling tr tha health of my i.ttle bov. uijeaitcuy yours, . T. L. Yorno. Frcm the ConnUss De Bierekl. A Society Dr. tlourari : slocneeter, rea. i Ik... k,r Vlrate .end me two mete bottli vour charming ' Oriental Creaui," ty Eire. and obliire. Yours rif- . cf Anici'.cm titi-y, Cotxtsss I'K UieaiiKi. rrsra EUi Fannie Stockton, ths Prima Doaaa ol tue Orera House : iuiia i. i-'ev-ember, lt? ' i vln ll't I..S2 W t ith Liy late. oe- c;.f celiac. I r. I aoyihiLg i!e iu ecu: I v w: 'IS Charles B. Hardick, Ko. 9 Adams street, n.onKllli . VUW YOHK Sole Uanafaetarer of HaTdtek'i Patent Donbla-Actlng JSteara Pomp and Fire Engine. Mining Pumps'a Specialty.. PatenUd in Bagland, Belgia goad Cot cueula. and Traaco, au21dly Vt1 f- IW'I'.W AW ii.uttd aa 1 "h this matchlet. e;fc. iHasescidi-e teubottles. KaM.ttSrt Yho fo Icwinar from Evans, tho ctieorattd rt:lu-cr, ti ttnaaeipuia: 6 , i.i .-i, ,mr "Cream is un lr. liouraud: J t j:i J ,. , , .k. , , .. i it. nir in this line, Iiom the lUefllluliaoiv tte ta ni, i" luosl 1 .. it ai.a eontiuuas it ii : eie. Var easterners I tnd it is retailed ly ana iUi'! Sloitb at Ao iyoui 1 i.tie is iioie sold here th.n job of. What is required to insurr- is a liberal aouii tieni in ju-lci' n leas. .a i,r.tert-i..e to at; s. ,ir it .le lii'"1 v" Mutiny ' r awa. .;:e3l and w e niicrmiLg. l; tue snow ,i - ,r,,ilT the and if tbT J " ..cure a regai.r U'a;a?N fa f.cJd or Warm, or Swfi Sari WITHOUT FOILING GEO. V7. CPi', A92ST JO TOE LEAD1KO IMF6R0 mm FIEE, KIASIHE am ftftft in rsital.! gjtivv-ivv ... XT 10f& ISLAND; ILUXUIS." AUWese. adjasted aad promptly paid at this Ageaey. atayMdtf. A.ND mthnzt injury to CIstlics, k'aviai ULsr. Ticia and Fuel I This f oap has beea el by many Ladies ia tbe etty, ana thjy all cfounuajs it superior te aay ether they vr naei. It saves time, labor aad pratervM the elothes, . ' !Ianaf;stured hy the tOLD W.VTKi SOAP C021PASP, , 6S Korth De.plaines Street, - CHICAGO .r. H-1- Forsa'e in Bock Island ty WMG & BUBS1V BAKOS OLD itAXP. apsWln reet of tte skin pi- f arii. f ' .igo;-n.rr;; f.DL. ctiij i .ruia' of the above iiam bU' T" rtti'moaiais, a: d hundrecs of others in Vtor ' porsenii-n, EOiOng which may he .,e,t l-AfctPA KObA and t-(hr Ctl.hntief, no b taken several Lottie to Europe, are juCi-i' nt tu oou ince any one not wlitully blind. It iberc be any sucn, we migbt aj pty to thetn the ;anguge ot teriptore, and say : it ye celieve ot sj.ifee ana iho Prophets, neither would ye believe tbough ens rote from tbe dead." Toe Retail Pnoe of tbe ! 1 1'. n s a s. ClihAH is l.St a Bottle. Ladiesoan have "Expressed" for that ibd. li. UOUR AUIJ'! World-renowned Pre parations ean he lad at his oa'y i'erol. s Bond ieet, Sew York, and of Eater, ir w asuing- ton Street; Wks A rotter, 170 W a.nit gton. and Seoree C. Gooaam ' i-.0 " tt.eet, Boston : Kvars. 1 Sooth 1, . and Johnston, lio loi.y a Str..f, F!iHadel,bie: Lilly A Work. B Wm Rtahler. llrerKLV. porrm.-.i i w i i, 1! R.Artn ruin " ' ner entn Chi.Mgo, Cal er- ftev- )0tU, . ... i l k ..nenv-u. 111.; Crane Aliri.uain."--- , ard Drugiri.ti. j.Mi, 'of Locust Mrert, Ko. ; Van J ,n A R.i4,L.fcrt: mer of Dear PUOTCttiAPliS. Photograi pher ! gOCK HlAsO. Keatlves Preserved. IIX. (ehJ-d6m