Newspaper Page Text
rJS'..l.aSO T Til Tiaili. Dailt Aeeos. ir Mi(payableiB p,r ,BOni,IO.') 3jr Mail mo.,k,,. 3y Mail .-. " . I 0k.- OT"Br Citt Caaataa, 16 Oenti per week. Stseia Conn t Cents. f 333.. Viiiit Absbs. inrle Copy, (payable! a ad ranee) J.M Tea Copies " " 11.00 twenty Oopies " " .00 fhirtT Ooaies " ' SO.OI Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 General Novas, lbs Radical candidate for Governor of Obio, ii opposed to general amnesty. Ad anti-Cameron newspaper in Pennsyl vania the Belifonte Republican, nominates Andrew G. Cartia for Vice-President en the ticket with Grant, Read yonr own paper. The prooess it simple and easily performed, and consists in bringing or sending $2 60 to thin office, and your paper will come for twelve monthet. The New Orleans Times joins the Rich- if;,.- j o r- i . . . - r"njnuimiimtrm liiair in re commending GoTernor B. Grata Brown, of Missouri, as the Demodratio candidate for President. AH the Democratic paper of Petersburg, Virginia, indorse the so-called "new de parture." The Progress says : If the flood bad occarred in the time of Mr. Alexander H. Stephens we rerily be lieve that darintr the thirty-nine Hay's rain he woald have been sen astride of the ridge pole of the Atlanta Sun office, holding a faded umbrella over his head, drawing np hit diminutive leps to keep them out of the surrounding surges, and calmly inditing a teo eilaua editorial to the people of the late Confederacy, to prove that the shower was null and Toid, and the flood a matter to be resisted at the ballot-bos ; and no doubt people would have been found in Georgia who would hare stigmatized Noah's ark at a "new departure," and have hazarded both life and soul on the faded umbrella end pon derous editorial of poor little Mr. Stephens. mil OF ADVERTISING. for each tsnare, or the spas esenated by tea lines ef toll nonpareil. One Dollar for seek ia. strtioa. Bneeial Hetiees. 20 seats nsr lias. Wher la- srud montk. or more, le per tsat ebOTeregn- lar edverti.iag rates. ' - CommasieatioB., or artislos insert among reading matter, Si esntt per Mao. Dailt aid wsssit. a aieseaai er aw par seat, will be made from the Weekly rates, on yearly and half yearly contrasts, wbea the same matter is faiorted ia both Daily and Weekly. Double Colamns will be charged 3k per eeat additional. lor -"J traasieataivsrtisessen advance pay eat L reqaired. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olock J. X". NEW Y O 3 It. LOCAL .NOTICES. Makhiags Gems. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 224 pages. Price 50 ceuti Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, J2 N'uU'i Eighth street, St. Louis. Mo. ' See dertis8toect. CoxxcitiAL Fti.iciTY. Nothing tends more to connubial happiness tlian cheerful and healthy infanta and children. Mrs. iiiicomn s ruo is : tie reined v . the gi ?at ihi T.r.f a 1 n. a r - t ,lir.g .acuroei it i :io Utl is the ia asp. in i t- cur? any kind of paiu or I n-i it is clean and delicious to i,..'. "!t w.irita like a charm.'' For sale by Jo1. a iienifSton. Hall, Bvoinir, weed and Con--tolly .An gat t Belmont to uc cted Connolly Xngertoll rons away S OO Government la borer! demand wagei fiSett.B? of the Commit tee of Seventy - B riper lntendent Norton of the P. O. Dep't con fesses a default of $115,000. WASHINGTON. Decision of the Attorney General She Bn Blnx inb -committee Deputy TJ.B.JL. paymas ter defaults to the ex tent of (300,000. How in a Dance XXonse and Shoot lag affray Tirat day of the Methodist Conference Tazewell Co. Fair. Toe editor Milwaukee Sentinel (Feb. '71) says: ''Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powders are universally admitted to be the best in use, sod oaring used them for a number of years we have no hesitation in adding our testimony as to their merits. There it noth ing deleterious in their composition, an im portant consideration in riew of the earner ous preparations now put op and palmed off, whboQt considerations as to their effect, up on the health of the consumers. Dr. Price's Special Fiaforings, extracted from the fruit, r! realty the most deiioioa flavors we ever usoi " 5? i.e Ice 1110; Refrigerator, Wn 10 a created such a sensation, aod took toe hrst premium at the Cincinnati Exposi ti3u, St. Louis Fair, Illinois State Fair, and all the t airs throughout this state generally last season, is now for sale and can be seen ia actual operation at E. W. Spencer's Household Furnishing Goods Emporium, 00 Illinois street. Tne tin tr iterator possesses many advan tages orer all others ever manufactured, among whioh may be mentioned the fact that it sares fifty per oentof the ice required ia any other Refrigerator of the tame size. It ii a praHrrer, not a consumer, like the n a aiarods ies melters called Refrigerators, It proliaus a dry, cold temperature ia the preserving ohambers. The temperature can b reduoeito fourteen degrees below freezing p int. Uae emoie of food will not partake of the smell or tatt of another. The pro vision chambers are alwayt dry, tweet nd clean, as they have no drippings from ice. Fish, game and meats of all kinds can be kipt frozen any length of time, and in a perfectly dry and preserved condition. The Refrigerator is divided into two separate and d:stinct compartments, and also has a Water Cooler attached, whioh furnishes an nnlimr itd sapply ofice cold water without putting ire in the wittr. It eonsnmes about tea cunt worth of ioe every twenty-four hours Tan eomomieal piece of furnitnre oottt no more than any other rsrrigerator, and it manufactured of a!l sixes, and suitable for flotels, Restaurant, Grocers and for family purposes. C'l at R. W. Spencer's th6 only agent f.r Rick Inland, Moline and ricinity, and see the workings of this indispensable artiole in artual operation. arirlH dwf.m Che Iowa State fair. The Bright Case-aSurder will out She Vanderpool murder case Acquittal. Foreign IVows, Doncaster It. leger New French SSinistr at Washington Committee of as. it impossible for Stettler to reoover. Martin has been arrested. This it the first day of the Methodist Con ference, and the city it full of delegates. Some 400 or 600, in all, are here, probably. The Conference assembled at nine o'clock this morning, and organized for their ses sion, which will last abont a week. The Taxewell County Fair open on the 19 th instant. Csdar Rapids. The display of poultry at the State Fair it very fine, the principal exhibitors being M. M. Morse, of Farming ton, and A Williams, of FairHeld. The collection of Iowa fruit is laid to far exceed any previous Fair. The crowd here to night is immense, and it estimated that there will be twenty-five thoutand people on the ground to-morrow. The hotels are fall, bat the citizens are doing their utmost to have all who com e accommodated. A large number are stop ping at Marion, six miles north, on the D. & S. W. R. R. Boston, Sept. 13. The Massachusetts Railroad Commissioners Lave requested the officers of the Railroad Companies ia the State to meet them on the UUh inst., to con sider matters of vital importance to the rail roans of the State. 1 he Commissioners say the investigation of the late accident at He re tv, clearly estatimbed certain facts to which they wjsh to call the particular atten tion of the managers. Ioe Commissioners maintain that the Revere acoident was caused by an attempt of the company to op erate the road without the aid of the tele graph, and neglect to equip the cars with brakes operated from the locomotive, instead of the old fashioned hand brake. Iidiakapolis, Ind.. Sept. 13. Ia the Bright case, yesterday afternoon, a jury was obtained alter calling thirty three persons. It contains six Democrats and Republicans each, and is regarded as a very fair body of men. Tuis morning Oeneial Harrison for the State, made a statement of the case, the defense saying they would attempt none. In the fall of 18o9, a jour printer named Smiley was murdered in this city for hit boots, a new pair that he had purchased the day of his murder, with money subsc ribed for his needs by his fellow craftsmen. It is rumored that William Kennedy, who was fa tally cut in the attempt to burglarize the house of David Hooper, in Shelby countv, Friday night lost, and who is now in the Shelby county jail, confesses to a knowledge of the affair. Kennedy eays the murder was committed by a man raaaed Cross HobDs, now under arrest at Chicago, oa a cha rge of murder. Dktroit, Sept. 13. The famous Vander pool murder trial ended to-day in the prison er's acquittal. Vanderpool was tried first at Manistee, convicted aud sentenced, ob tained a new trial and change of venue to Kalamazoo, where the result wat the jury disagreed. The case was finally sent to the Barry connty Circuit Court with the result above stated. London, Sept. 13. The great Doncaster St. Leper race came off this afternoon and was won by Baron Rothschild's filly Han nah, the winner of the Oaks, with Albert Victor second, and Ring wood third. Paris, Sept. 13. M. de Tocqueville, nephew of the late distinguished statesman. will probably receire the appointment of French Minister at Washington. Versailles, Sept. 13. The Assembly have adopted a bill providing for the proro gation of the session from the 17th of Sep tember until the 4th of December, 1871. The main feature of the bill is the appoint ment of a committee of twenty-five to con trol the government during recess. COMMERCIAL. Hock Iblasd, September 14. Tan Floor market Is eorreet4 at Werner's Mills and ths quotations are the ruling prises 01 the Rock Island market. Wistbb Wibat Floob Wholesale $8.4A " " " Betail .U Braise Wan at J loo a Spring Doabt Mxtaa U eels, waeU,al....6.80 K.lmil . ... . -7.68 Sacks at w aoi.l. ......... 7.l HataU T.60 Leosa,at waolala r . s mi BaU 7.4 UaAit's Bi r Kaisisu Vlocb Retail i Barrel, sacks $2.6 " s " " . " 1-16" 65 Bcckwbbat Flogs Wholesale fK.OO HeMWl 1U.OO WaaiT, n.w. ... 800 0o S3 ,......2('a2ic 40 40afi0 .3 lb 11 lliU a , lualiO 60 1240 WOGD, LIGHT & CO., Manufacturers of Oas New Babiit file. 1 ....................... . ...m....... w.... Ecjwt.d Bern a Caeioe lota, for ret.lliajr, will bring.. Cbieib N. Y. Factory.............. Labd par lb FovAioae .... ., Apple s per ba.hal leas per do. The above prices are the whole.ala flgnres at first head. Poultry Live Turkic., per lb 10c DtHHd " Ui Chicken., lira " 8c " dre.sed" 10c Dacks ' " 10c Uoa Live . 1504.00 Oattlb Live weijMt, eowo. 4Sae Prime .bfpioj, par 169 lbs .O.0 Wood Oak, per cord .. 5.0 Hickoi 7.C6 Coal Coal Valley Tari 13e Cleveland Yard Hat Prairie. ros..m. o.00a6.C0 Tluutky S.OOalU.OO Teas Tcong Hy.on, eommoB - " " fair to s-ood M..l.0al.4O " " prime to ehoioa .....l.Siel.SO Ganpowdcr, eomoioB to fair...... .......l.OCal.ii " prime to ohoioc...... 1.4iiat.60 Imperial l.6jal.7i Oolong, oommon to rir.. " crime toohoi...... l.lsal 40 Japaa ...4al.l Ootsbb Eto, eommoa to fur.. ....... ......... ...... j7ale M prime to eholca UalOe Old SoveramcBt Java...... ......Im.HUo esabs Raw eommoa to fair. llaltle prime to oioloc ....... ...,..tlil-o era.aed, ENGINE LATHES' SHAPIiXG AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLAXEES, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N A SMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Oca XsXaehinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, UiU Work, Shafting and Hangers, Patent Seif Oilii.g Box. WAREHOUSE: HIT l.IBBRTY ST., NKW YORK. CITY MANUFACTOKY : HAMMOND ST., (One. Junction Depot), mRCliTKR MAf8. All Train, enterina the City, step within ten rod. ef our Work.. JelO-dtf Market Eeports. 0 til sir. 1S60. 1S71. THE PIONEER JMUSIC STORE. A LARGE BTOCR ALWAYS ON IIAND OF HTktnW AY, MTKCK, KMKRf'S, AMERICAN, H AINKx, MAHdHALL AND IVEMIEl L PIAMON, (ieo. Weed &Co's,& Est ey Organs and .1: kind, of Musical Instruments Shct Mu&io of ltet is.udt, and the bet im ported String in tiie city Jdtl H iYI, pi Corner Illinois and V hil.ingtun ARTISTIC TAILORISG. onxoAao. DRAPER,TA!LOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDDIVG OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirt, to Uearare Extra DeuMe and Perfect In Fit. Clergym.n will be allewed 6 per eent, disccant. tebtdly RlTASLISRCn IB 1830. WELOH&GRIF2TITH3' Saws! Bawa! ?sawa SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I Axes, Tiles, Cast Bteel. MM Farnishlaars, ana ssaeatnery. Qet tWbtii, they will prove the eksape.t. Prises reduced. Send for price List and sirenlars. WKLCU A GRIFVITBM, aoltdwly Bo.toa, Ma.... er Mith BASH, D002S. cC. EOLANDER & HUBER, Eoccoor. to J. A. Biddisou, Manaraetnrers of Sash, Doors, Blinds Mouldings, FRAMES, BRACKETS,' And everything in their line. Slated Beih on haad, also feed All work warranted. Corn Heal and fcb24dw(tm THB HSW DISIBFECTABI! BR03I0 CHL0RALU3I, MOH.PUISONOCS, ODORI.ES9, POWERfUL DF.I10RI7.ER AMD SFKCTAHT. ENTIRELY HARMLESS AND SAFE. ARRESTS AND PREVENTS ONTAGIOX. Vsei In private dwellings, hoii I, n-itanrant. tinh. lie sclioiilc. hosnii:ilr. in;ane asylum-'. iln.'... jail?. pri-Mtni. poor-housep. on sbips. vteam-hoitt ana in lentfiueut DnUMe, marm'is. mr watwr-clowt unnal. liik. sewers. ce-pH"-1. Tai)ies. &c. A nefiu in ai! rfinuiiri'iiis wi neMilemial dU- eaes, hf t'lmiera. Tvplwiid Fever, t'hip Fevir. Kninll Pox. Sr irli t Fi ver, Measles, diheases ol am mail', 4 c. 1'rupared only liy T1LDEN t CO., no William street. New York. Sold by all Druegietn. ORIENTAL f BEAM. HARVEST for AGENTS. ! IO 81(1 A lY. (ientlemcn and Ijidipa nf eootl addreee and de portment, can luive informatiun ana the bee! innruc tione ever published, sent free hv mail A grand combination of Historv. Biography Essay Poetry, and the Fine Arts. EwrvlMMly want- it Cauvase ing -book fn'e. International Publishing Company. Wi Libertr street. New Vork. tw Ihe CONGRESS 1ECTIC. ine best winter OVERSHOE I j niiivLts 10 Dreab J TKulBLE to put on I .leai.urnieei, stylish I ASK Y01KSU0E DEALER FOB IT! TIITHRIDGE U ST -. .' ' X. 'S XX l'LIST GltM LISP CHIMNEYS. Stand Htat better than any other made A-k for Tithri!ir' ami tnbf no other. See triflT our Tmni in tut everv lox. DITHKlUtiK & bU.N, liiuburgU,ra. Send lor Price Lwt. BAND LEADERS. For Boiuctbiiie intercptfnp. non rnnr addrnw to ULOKCE V. GATES, Frank fort, iN. V. 10 TRIOMPHE 10 ?H8 I 'Wonderful Baeeess of , Dr. T. Felix Gouraud's "ORIENTAL tllMW 0K MAGICAL BE&CT1F1EB. Its Faaie is rapidly Spreading over th Country. Every Beautifal and Pair Maiden Ueea it. Ilie Annals of Modern Boisnce are blatoned fortb with no prouder reeord tlian the bi.cevery of this World-Renowned Preparation for tte Pre.ervation and Cocrvation of the Human Cuticle. 6e the ava lanche of Testimonials in its praise, never before adrartited. Cincinnati, Jane. 1S67. Dr. Gocrasd : I have heard of your elegant preparation si ' (Jruatal Cream," and been tery anxious to try it. mat valous powers. Mas. B. V. V. Proriden.e, Daeember, 1S67. Dr. Uonraad : I have u.ed vour "Oriental Cream" fur a considerable length of time, and think It exoellest. Indeed I would u.e no other after ence trying that. Clae1i. A French lauy writes: M idi, uouraud : 'lis bat an act cf ju.tice that 1 should spontaneously giv you my fid'i taBlliuoDlal of the nnited emeaay, innocence, and fragranoe of your preparation tor pnrifyin; aad cleansing the .kin. By iu use every pimple and freakie have Vgyu.ntd Item my lace, i on .hould, Mrm Ami, a. It is so sovereign and CD arm 111 (j a remedy for scattering all blemishes from osr faeaa, call it ! dftice tie iiuwies, en tin nor, f tii cNAtjitr de le Qoemcttque et j'en roue remrrcie de font mot ccrur. Euillb Dssmocl, Madison Avenae. Philadelphia, Ootober, 1S65. Dr. T. F. (ionraad 1 I have your "Oriental Cream" lu a.e ; it is an admirable artiele, and I hall recommend it. 8. P.P. SJOKTH EAST MISSOURI Farms and I nlmprovcd II uiniis lor sum dj .iciuii & Motss. l'ana, Alo. zzrs'ors.AZJCE. SEHMAHiA INSURANCE COMP'Y OF CKICAt.O, II I.. Oaili Oaoltal, J290.000.00 arplm,.... $37,820.84 Didrice 4 Sbaw, Agents, a-.)r2l-dly Rock IalanJ dB iaAT AM2EICAN HBALT3 libalOiiE H. narifle. the blood A. aad onre. Sarofuli, BypkiUs, Skin Dls- Rhcowatl.m, Si.ea.esof Women, and all (Jbrooio ArSeotloBS of the Blood, Llvar and iaidnay.. &Mommeaded by tu. U lical Vacuity aad maay thoas- aaai 01 oar best eitisens. &ead the t.itimony of pby.iaians aad who hare a.ed Reaadali.; sand for oar Roaadalis 9oidfto Health Book, or aimanaa for tai. year, which we pub li.h ijr grataltoa. dl.tribotioa ; It will give yaa maab valuable Information. Dr. K. W. Carr, of Baltimore, .ars: "k tak slea.ara in txnni...;.. yoar Ko.adali. a. a vary powerful al terative. I have ...a li Sl.d in Swe ea.a. with happy v.alt.-aa ia a eaa ef se.osdary .yphilU, ia whiah tka - sarins taasn nvs Bottles of voar slas. Th. other Is a ease of .omf.i. loag staadiag, whiah i. rapidly iaprev. lag aader it. ass, aad the Indications are tnat ins patient win sooa raoor.r I bars sarsfally sxamlBed the formnla by wkiehyoar Keaadalls Is made, and lad II aa enelleal sempoan at altar. atlve lacrediSBts. Dr. Bparka, of Kleholsville, Ky., .ay. fee ha. a.ed Ro.adalls in eases el tssro fala and Saooadary Syphilis with satis factory resnlu a. a eleaaeref Ihe bleed I kaew ao better remedy. Bamael S. BfeFaddea, MarfrMsbere, Teas., ears: "I have lie J seraa battles of Sosa- dalis, and am entirely eured of Bhea atl.a; sead me foar bottles, as I wis it for mr brother, who has sarofalom sore evaa." Bea"lamia B.ohol, sf Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty years with . aveterata eruption aver his whole ady; a tsbort time slaea I pur chase! a bottle ef Bo.adall. as It e footed a perfect core." Bo.adali. Is sold by all dror fists Laboratory, (1 Exchange Place, BaTI tiaore. Dr. CLKKIIT8 CO. Proprietor feblSdeed-t.tAs A la Beporud Kxpre.s'y forth. Aaer.. New York, Sept. 14. It is believed that the Hall and Sweney attempts to oast Tweed and Connolly will ba the means of breaking np the ring faction. It is said that Aognst Belmont will suoeeed Connolly if Connolly resigns. Ingersoll has, it is said, left for Europe. Five hundred city government laborers to-day demanded six weeks back pay at the Chamberlain's office. They were told they would be paid to-morrow, and wers then driven away by the police. The eichl hoars a day working men's procession to place t day. The procession numbered 12,000. Eight men dressed in white headed the procession, drawing a can non on which was the inscription "Eight hoars pesoeably if we can, forcibly if we mnst." The committee of seventy met yesterday. The oommittee on Remedies submitted a report whioh was readily adopted. The committee of citizens appointed to examine the accounts accounts of Comptroller Con nolly met this afternoon and appointed sub committee.. Superintendent Norton, of the Money Order Department of the post office, has oonfessed that he is a defaulter to tl e amount of $115,000, and he and his wife have voluntarily snrrendered all their pro perty at Piain6eld, N. J., consisting of a farm, several valuable horses, A c, estimate d in all to be worth $ 175,000. The govern ment will not suffer by the defalcation. It has been ascertained that Norton drew funds from the sub-treasnry and deposited tliem with a broker for nse on the street in speculation. The money order acoount was entirely within his control, and there was no heck upon his operations. . WAgHisuTos, Sept. 14. The Attorney General has decided that the Comptroller of Currency has no authority, under the law to deolare a dividend to private creditors of National bank before the claims of the nited States of all kinds are first satisGed. e has also deoided the government has no ht of priority of payment aa against pri vate creditors of insolvent National banks for moneys which the bank holds to the eredil of the Lnited states lreasnrer ana United States disbursing officers, over and above the amount which may be realized from the bonds held as security for the de- nosits. The Eu-Klux gab-committee find to-day that several Governors have failed to supply ihe neoessary information. Major J. 8. Hodge, deputy paymaster ol the United States army stationed in this city, is ditoovered to be a defaulter to the government ton very large amount. Ine investigations are still incomplete, but enough is ascertained to show the amount at defalcation ia at least f 400,000 to $500,- uuo. Ha was yesterday taken bv United States offioera to Fort MoHenry, by direct ion of the general of the Armr. who has ordered himio be plaoed in solitary eon 6 oe- mm in a guarded oell. Major Hodge was appomted in 1687, and was stationed ia this oity. Il is said that a year ago detectives disoovered that his financial affairs were in a loose condition, and that an investigation was oroerea, wnicn, tor tome unknown rea (,C1G ! 601G ! ! For particulars call at the Plunder Store, corner Illinois and Buffalo Streets. EEIST05E A. ;lass works. SAMUEL, Manufacturer of PATENT FRUIT JAflS, S. E. Cor. Howard A Oif-rd street., pnrr.rEi.PHi , mch4J-w PA. MASTA'S Pulmonic Balsam, THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND REMEDY. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Colds. 1 Masta's Pulmonic Balsam j Cotes Cocghs. 1 Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Clues Hoaxseness. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ci:res 6ore Thboat. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cuexs BHONCnrris. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam ClUES Croit. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ceres Hooping Cough. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Asthma, Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Checks Bleeding From ths Llkgs. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Relieves Consumption. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures and Relieves all Diseases or the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST. jB3- Bold by GOODWIN & CO., Boaton, and "by all Dealers In Medlcinea in the New Kngland States. eptldwRw B.aaed Sugar, rB...... ............... Ji. I, A. do extra Bein.d ngar, da C ...... Uclaste. &Qu.....w ... f 1 !.... ............ ............. Soiai . ., Dairy, wita iki...... Dairy, wiinonl lack.. ....... 1. 1KB Part Byron, per kbl.. &oak I.iand, per bb!,... .. Hides him. baloheri'.. Oraea earedMM.. Part cnr.i ......... ......... tirea o!f.... ..... Srieas Pappsr, Blagapore.. Pimcate CIot ...,.... ... Kataegsiio ginger, para..... ........... Cayenaa Fepper Oil. Carbtia Oil...... Lard Oil, extra.- Lard Oil, No. liaaeed Oil, raw ...... .. " boiled Fkdits Dried apples, efcoiee. - TaS common .....Ho Dr ed peactai, Lilfi ...lie " . ijnartar. 11c Zacts Cnrranta, .ew 1 1.12J Rai.ins, In layers, par box, naw...... S.'b " " " per half box 1.7(1 Tarkltb Prases 1Y Dried Ohrriea.... .MH lie Soar ad Ciiclb. Warnek A Balaton's C. B. per lb............6je Henry Dart'. Sons' Y. E. per lb- Ik McBride'. German Molted, per bar "i, per lb. To Star candiaa, 1 os 13 Shot asn Powsbb Kifie, per keg 6.Ka7.(!& ! Ooal Mine, do...... ... SUao.OO Blait.og, do........ ..-...4.0ai.e Drop fcbot, per .sack ...2.6Ua2.7o Bank Shot, do S.7o Bar Lead, per lb lZo powdered and 13ia 13. 13s ICalle 0 2.f u 4C 4.74 110 1.0 7JaSe ,...SlCe Sale Uie ... Ja2Se e S.alOo ....l.iOal.lS 30a6e ....n..... Swe ....1351 40 ....... 1.1 c , 1.00 1.04 & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Bluf Song Meininger, Sacts Htme you arm Loaite Coinio Bong, Salton, 40 Darling Utile of ihe Bonrdinj .ScAoW.Poiter.'iO Qirl iriiA the Ci.jnretu, Comic Cordelia, HO Jnlly Hiyk Timet, Coasie. Park., 30 AW wouldn't ynu like tnknotc, Com:e,Cord'ia30 Jewell of the Hrart, Beautiful Song, MillatdS.) Lotn in the Mradtnc, " Zn?h, S5 Let it Pant, for Ban or Alto. " 3j Yet Qarr Ayaiu, Dnctt for Sop. and Barr. fabric, iO Quarrelling SeighLo-, Comic Dnett. A ukt r, 7 5 Sntnehody'e Child, with Tanationa, Mack, 60 Heavenly Greeting, P.ngie Boymantique, 8!ancey, Si Holiday Vocation March, i!laelratd title Giisinn, 40 Street Anticipation, Scaotti.cbe, " " Oil. inn, 40 Daiy, Faataisia, Krog 43 Any of the above .cnt by mail on receipt ef the market price. Ho matter where you t.e a piece of ftlnalc or Book advertised, send to ns ami you will receive It by enolof ing the publi.h.r. price. BA&XsXEB. & WSBII1, Ml'Slt 1)KALKH, m57-dedl5m. ST. LOtlS. zoos Bmsista. Book Binder and Paper Hanger Shea on Orleans 8t., opposite Court Eonte. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. taaVi. kind, of Paper Brxea made to order. aogld tf Z.IVE3.X. C0PP & BE0.. Livery and Sale Stables. Office under Sart'a Sail. ROCK ISLAM) 1LI.H. Mott Complete Ertabli.bment in the City Particular attrition paid to furnuhing Carriage. lor partie., Bat!., rn. cessions, elo mn4rtly Brandy for the Kittiien. sun, liarer took plana. Detectires, both hare and in New If ork, are to-day endeavor ing, bj inquiry at banks and el.ewhere, to discover father information. It is snspeot ed that ether parties are interested. Peoria, Sept., 13. A row occurred at a dance house on Water street last ereninr, dorinft the progress of which a fellow, nam ad Martin, shot a railroad hand, named Joaenh Stettler. infliotin a danrerom wound ia hu abdomen, from which it ii thought it Ctlcar market. laiagrapked ie the Aaecs. Obioaso, Sept. 13. Fieur Active demand for shipping gralee at l"u:i previoaa prion. Waeat Atlne and excited, and uosattleJ, No i opened oa 'ctaiige at H 14); .old djo to $1 then uaatr new. ef the advance at Liv erpool adranaed to $1 10 cash or tSept ; and $1 1 H4 sailer Oct.; oa open board in P. M. pri'ei dropped again aad closed weak at $1 lf-jal 18 ca'bvr Sept; No 1 .old at $1 lvjal 20: No 3 $1 Hal n; No 1 rai winter $1 22. Corn Higher; Ko 2 closing 47).: caih or Sept; 4iic aellet Oct ; No 2 y.llaw Sild47al7c; leiecied 44a44io. Oat. Active; No 2olo.ed at Sic cash. Kya Fairly active, Ke 2 f.2je. Barley Firm i o 2 62Jo ca.h ; sailer Octo ber. lleoeipt. Flour 4795 ; wheat 1 14510 ; corn LtO.OoG; ot. 107,iSU ; ryi 17,lfl ; barley 52,- wheat 0,936 : 00 r a 108 : eat. 11,2s?; ry. UN; barley iJlu. Whisky; iron bound SOjc. Provision. Firm, Pork $13 OOal.1 25 seUtr Dee. Lard Steady at 9e sa.b; 8J0 seller Pec. Butter Prime at I0a26e. Egg. liim at Haloo. CMcago X.ire Stock. Telegrfipked le the Aaecs. Csiea btocc Tines, Bept. l.i. Cattle Reoeipts 2367 : market fairly and prices firmer, with sales ol 79 head at $2 87a . . T . mmA n . .i A 1 - rn 2 O IOV ivwi; V4Bil W IUI -nnd to extra sows and butcher, steer. : $3 75 for .toekers, and from $4 75a5 73 for fair to geod tn choice. Bog. D316; active an a heavy grade, a .hade bia-her wlt .aies at .was o ; baeen grades sold at I 30a4 40. Sheen '318; good mutton grades ia good demand and firm; soar lets doll and not wanted. Shipment. Floor 7,ftOS ; whi l3,2y: eat. 17,2s8; ry. 1187; SKW ADVERTISEMENTS. !ilBB13 & (TiMJOLM, Proprittors md Mnafaeturcri of MILL mm DRESSES, OTf AWA, ILL. perfect .uooees, mySHiy This celebrated Dreueri. and all ars warranted. J. m. BrroRD. S. It. REED. Agents ! Head This ! Wl WILL PAT AGE5T8 A SALARY OF (30 per Week aad Ezpea.ea. or allaw a large ooinoueiion to sell our sew and wonderful invention. Addrec. M. WA65KH A CO Banhall, Miah. Chicago, September, 1S67. I)r. (iouraod .- It i. the belt preparation I have ever nsed, and I have recommended it to many friends. Miss H. C. P. Buford & Reed, PIKE, LIFE AXD IXLASD wm mm The rollowing- Old and Hell able Companies Represented : iEtna, Home. Ins. Co., of N. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, lorillard, Andes. Eepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual life 830. V7D WILL FAIT $30. Airents f V wt xrci'k to onr "rest and valnahln diK!Ovenea. If you want mTm-mcnt, htmorablc aud licasaut work, iipjilv for partu ulars. Atidreiw BYEU & CO., Jackson, Mich. A MILLION DOLLARS ! 6brewd but quiet men can make a fortuae by revealing the secret of the bu.ines. to no one. Address J. VTEPT, 683 Brnadwav, New York. 1,003 GIFTS. liUAXU GIFT CONCERT AND DISTRIBUTION For tlu; tk-nefit of tliu FOt Nni.INU ASYLUM OF NKW YORK. AND bOLDIKlis AND SAILORS' OlU'iLANS' HOili., WASHINGTON, I. C. To bo Ik'M 111 :ihin.'iou ta mioii as all Ticket are sold, of which Ten Da' Notice will Iw riven.) jin uoi lauT m:in ovemiwr is,i. hmirt: ntiin IM'r ot tmkIs. 5S.f..l .r CfiCh, l.oil trltlr". aniOUIit- jiiL' to iuMi. to If- awarUcil. Scud for circular. inMui; U.-t of vjiHs and Iifl r.-nrfs. Ti kf ran l liad "f Kil.KY A- Alii;KNT, 1'biladulittiia, Colnmbu-'. i., olid Ric(iinjud. hid., or :il tlreet. New York. Hon. II. Mr( TI.I.orc.H. tikion. i .. M:ii. (.Bl. T fASTLE. Baltimore. omm re- Hun. J. s. N EG LEY. l'itu-uurir. Trustee. Yy.ilanti, April, 1667. Dr. T. F. (ionraud: My wife became ao quainred with yoar ' Orieatal Cream' through a lady friend, and was .0 highly pleased witn Its effects that .be ha. since ordered It direct from yoar depot. Other ladies here, too, bare become acquainted with It. superior and magical attests opon the complexion, and eon.ider its u.o indis pcnaable. W.. Cox. Albany. Dr. Gouraud: I think it one of tba indis putable, for a lady's toilet. Miss II. E. A". Tba following from the Eminent Trage dians Mrs. Ii. e. Bowers : Pa-k Theatre, Brooklyn. Dr. Gouraud: Will yon please .end .is bot tle, of your "Oriental Cream" to the above ad dress, not forgetting to be reasonable in prlee. Your, truly, Mas. D. P. Bowaas. THS CURTAirX B.AXCES. How it ir (lone, and who dooit. The Aiena hook lMpaft. n;eunsly illustrated with cut. poMiious, Ac. Sent bv riuiil. securclv t'Hlc(!. tor ti'o ,vm. Grand Citxuiur, tree. Addre RAl'riAEL liAKlo. Hroaiiwav. New ork. P. KXESUK.LII.O, Engraver & Die Sinker Medals, Seal Pres.ea, Steel Stamps, Soap Blampr, Bookbinder'. Toole, Ac. HO. lt.l DBARIIOKM ITRKKT, Opposite Postomce. CHICAGO. aprl'O-dl.v Fh'ladelplila, December, lst6. Ir. Gouraud: I like the "Oriental Cream" better than anything I ever saw cf tba kind, and I trn.t you will eontinae to soaks it, and I think if you do not, yen at lea.t might let your customer, bave the teri'pe. It would be a pity to have thi. "Oriental Cream" die out. Mas. Cats. Ihe following' from Mrs. Col. Young, Lady of col. Young, of "Young s Kentucky Car air :" Dr. Gouraud : I cheerfully bear testimony to the efficacy and perfeot innocence of your "Or. lental Cream." It is decided: j avalaable coj meiique. I canaet eament that jou publiih By name. Its above is frcm a lady in 83d street. Dear Sir: Having bad a very favorable op portunity, je.terd ay e Vening, for eipatiatiigcn the merits of your "Oriental Cream," a bowing the ellect. it produced on my hand, and lace, a yotng lady rebooted thai 1 woald procure her a botue of it. Plaa.e.ead one, per Ltarei. Alas iifth Avenae. Total At sets Pqjresenied, orer 800,000,000.00 ALS& POSTES. Cream and Stock Ales. OFFICE-Kc. 3, Areas Building:, Post Office Up Ptair.. ock ulanp sp?4-dtf Oppoiite .ILL. at SLDSicax. e. . cieaietB XLDaiaon & ss.o., Util Estate & Insurant igdnts, Ko. 1 Tiele's Block, DJ.VKSP0ET, .... IOWA. Attend penoeallv aad promptly to tba bayinf and eelUng of Real Eiuie on ecmmi.tioB, reat- u ktoa.e. and Farm.. iovl3d(m. ODE & STBONCw Proprietors of te SIERCOAH'S LlCO, Are sole Agent, for P.a.lee'a Celebrated Cream and Stcek Ales. For .ale by the Barrel or Half Barrel, oetls dif w. m. lir.i. a. o. CL.ivitiaa 99 vwtV muvm TbiJ CogDie poor la Cuisine j! a pare brandy of high proof and delicate fla yer, tndi.peo.ible to euiiunry purpoae.; aad as beverage is unsurpassed bf any otiier Fr.uck Rnaiv. N family ahonld be wltaoet It, as it is -elall) adapted tor cases 01 sieaneaa. , Mannfactared by DTJPT7ZE3 ET TMHB, -, Chaloas sur Sanaa Tar sale by ail Druggi.U and Qrooer.. Ad art ss orders to - CHA8. F. FOEUSTEB, A CO., ; Depot !0, 522 and 24 finbbard street, CHICAGO. Belt agents for the United Elates. 1 -at ayJ-dooAwen j . : r . j - GEO. 3. LIWT0N, MERCHAN DISE BRORElt AkD Commission Merchant, 51 Perry Street, D.4VEKP0BT IOWA ;y!S-dim JCAJD E MY OF TUB Immaculate Conception DAV1NP0RT, SCOTT C0-, IOWA. COlfDCCTED BT THE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. 31. Willeommenoe its 16th Semi-annual Session Wrdnesdsj, logast ICilt, 1S71 O, Being incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State, thi. Institution oenfer. the nsual cotlegiate decrees upn its graduate.. For Circulars address aufl-d3m SISTER 8CPERI0S. T003HS H. BROWN'S Novelty Carriage Works. Manufacturer of GeaJlf men's fisai and VivaWj BUGGIES, Skeleton Wagons AD RULk.IES. li A dam. Street, ...CH IOA 0 0 Light Work a Specialty. Repairing Beatly aad promptly tone. : saahll-daedweiwly Niagara Steam Pump Works. j S e-5v Eji rnC- "' ', s-'---" J -nlWliiifilil MMmtm EAYE8 & CLEVELAHD GENFRAL Insurance Ag'ts Bcprc.enticc the following old and reliable Companies t nderwriters Igeccy, Xew York. Cash Aoseta f4,000,C0. Phopolx. S. Y. Cash A.setj$l,SOO,05S. Coctinrntal, N. Y. Cash ?!,500,000. North American, S. Y. Ca.h Assets $300,000. PaciSc, California, A.eeU Uold,$l,S00,000. Merchants, of Chicago Ca.h As.ct., 800,000. Sorth American, Hartford, Ca.h Asset. $00,000. IJSTEtt.VVTIOWL. SEW YOUK, Cub ArseUfl,r00,0e. Brewers Milwaukee, Cash Auets (3U0,(I0. VYashington Life, Sew York, Cash $3,o(0,fi0n. ;1 J Charles B. Hardic No. Adams street, I RROOKLY W, .... H W YORK. Sola Msaafaetarer or , i ' Hardick's Patent Deable-Aetlag Steam Pomp and Fire Eegine. Mining iVasjx a Specialty.. Patented U la gland, Balmiest and "raaoe. Sead tot eixsalar. ao.xiaty 5i loon & Billiard Rooms, Hi, 3 Harper House Bloek, OCK lUARn ILL. Dealer in Fine Bonrhon Whiskies, And lnpertcd Wice & Brtndies: Agent for Sacd., Liils. and Joliet Ale., also salt srotrn Kagti.b Ale. and London Por ter for .e. UUea "Lilt S.iid for tale by the Karrtl. As ntfor A. Zeller'a Billiard and PiaeenHole Table Manufactory. apM-atr H, K. WEST, Proprietor. tTlica, Jane, 1867. Dr. Felix Goaraud . I value your Oriental Cream" ao highly that I am on willing to Le ilh out it even a .liigleday. Bins W. Cleveland, April, IMS. Dr. (ionraud : I have ueed your Oriental Cream" lor aome t:ue,and like it very mucb in deed, aad should feel very bad to bs deprived ef ii. ilks. fc. a". Hamilton, Ohio, Jaly 7, 1869. Dr. T. Felix Oouraud : Dear Sir borne weeks tinea 1 wrote to you, incoaing tba .Sui.ujr Jji'1'O.uh. with a aotioe of yeur valuable coa- metio, Oruntal Cream." 1 fear tkat you did not receive my communication ; tl net, I bal be aaarb plea.ed to hear from yon, and al.o grail ilied to reeeive a half doxen ol your charming preparation for the complexion- Yoar Orieatal Cream" aboeld be immortalized, as I bave ao doubl it ia already by maay a lair dealer in this charming device lur rendering ycata immertsl. T bey bava .oeto very weak imitative, la Cin cinnati, ucb a. Wagoner a "Oriental Drop.," Madame Ireucb ."l.ny n bite Pari.iaa Loti. t or Liquia Lily bloom" all of which area bate imitation, aad verv iejuron. to the compif lion. I eould sell doten. of bottle., a. the women are all ctaty to know I'.e ' for a brilliant ccm- t'lexlon. L hava to.t nail ox my got d locks already for tbe want of this indi.pen.sbla luxury, as 1 am traveling tur tbe health of my little boy. Obediently your.. r. L. orsn. From tne Countess Be EUrskV. A Society Lady: Dr. Uourard : Koc'aarter, Feb. 1, lt-67. Dear Bir Fleaie Send ma two more bottles of your charming 'Oriental l ream," by Amerioen Kxpre.a, and oblige, Yoar. re.pacttully , Cooirsaa Da JSiaa.Kt. COLD WATER 80AP. are awaie of. large .a.e is a i 0.W.C0PP, ASSST rot TBS LBADI50 HARTFORD li Ml Ml FISE, MASIHE AUD ;V- x ip je: Insurance Co.'s $25,009,COO ia Capital. AT BOfK ISL1KV, ILLM0IS. AUlasaeaadjaated aad p.ompUy paidattkia SSjl7dt- ' . ; Washes ia Celt or Warm, Oar er Scft Water WITHOUT KOUJXV AND , llley . ea iied by moy Ladies ia uf other they ever used. It saves time, labor aad pre.erves tie eieiuee. Manufactured by the 10LD WATEX 80AP COMPAXP, 13 Horta De.plaiaea Street, CHICAGO,... ,..... ILL, Ver.ale ia Beck Island by , :i t WING & BUBST, BARDS OLD HAND. ' sp.l-dwlm Prsm XUt Tannie Stockton, tbe Prima Donna oi the Opera House : iiulia.o, December, It 66 Dr. T. F.tiouraud : 1 uu n't w.aa lo pet auytbiBg elau in con lect mitt u.y la.e, so de listed am 1 with this matrfilt-.s cofmetiue. P.ta.e tenduie ten buttl... Ira.v.'.ts biocstcs. Tie following from Evans, tne elebrated Perlumer, sf 1-J.i adelphia : fhiiaaelphia, April 30, li'.". Dr. liocraud: I tlnaa your Cream" i. u qu.itluuabjy the ben thing in thi. line, frun ite ren n, wh.n a iady once u.cs it .ba continue, it m pr.lercnce to anything elfe. sr curtomers lr are regular one.. 1 fed it i. retailed ty the druggi.u and fancy .lor.o at Two Dollar, a kottle .t. There I. more sold iiere Ihsn JOB Vital l. "4"'"" " liberal am"Btt .teat in iodieioaa advertise. , , ' ' ' r.reeialiv ihe ,rice, and if they once try it we ure a rrgnlsr easterner. If 1 was tbe owurr. I wouiu .eii mora oi u in mis eity maw i ra(i of tne skin preparations put together. T. W. Evass. We might go tin amplifying tbe merit, of GUatAUlM! AL CasaiAM, but wa think a candid i cru.e: of ihe above num erous Testimonial., ei.d bendrecs of otnere in ths Doctor', po......", '7';""," ," aaui.d PAtA "BA otner Calebritfts, who aav. t. 1"',"c, Ento,e''cier. Ve eoavine. any one not wilfuljy blind. H tbera be ch' ,S-t apply to them Jaas-a' Scripture, and .ay : "If ya ..lieie not ntoses and tbs Pronhets, neither would ye beiieve though one rose from tbe dead." Tae rnee ef the '(IKIEITAL H i:A M," t tl.5tl a Bottle. Ladle. canhave "ExpreMed" for that seat. -Hat. tiOUKAlilJ'i Worid-rsnewned Pre paration. on be bad at hi. only L)fj. 48 Bond 3:reet, tew lore, and of fate., 129 wa.bicg ton Street; Weeks A Potter, 10 Wa.hirgton, snd George C. Goodwin A Co.. 3 Kaaover f tieet, Boston ; Kvans. 41 South F.icbtfc treet. and Jobi.loD, Ilo loav A Ciiwden t3 Arfh S'rtat, Philadel-nia: Lilly A Iiiock. Ba'tim-jre ; Win. Rtaliler, Draught. Korri.tnwa, Fena'rlva nia: W. J. Cami.l.cll. Norlb Fif.l' FCreet, e.-.r- ner of L6cut rt't. Mo. ; Van Ke.fce.-3S, !"ei- ensoa A 8id, Lake Street, eomsr oi iearr.orn, Chicagr., HL; -Crane A Britib.m. a Frai.eirco, Cal , and DrugRl.te. Jal4dedd wnamSm PUOTCtRAPUS. I. O. PECK, PMoffraDher 1 o X OCK IsSLA WD, atV N.xatlva. Preserred. aw w