Newspaper Page Text
rnactsaiD mr TtaHS Di.iLT Aeas. - -fif Uail(peyablia elvee),pr.oa.n,l.0 J " " iiz month., .i0 By Will - . i -aBut,. . By Mil i molB... J -Br Citr Cismsa, 15 O.att ptr int. 5ii Const Cats. Hat 0py, (payable a advance) tZ-M Its Conn 21.00 ao.oe twenty Oopiet ' fsirt.y OopLi 0.0 I Twentieth Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 LOCAL .NOTICES. Toilitke it unrivaled ai a beaoti6er of the complexion, it if a powder, harmless, re fined and elegant. Trj it, 60 ceato per box. Cu.vhuhial Fklicitt. Nothing tend more to connubial bappinen than cheerful and health; infanta and children. Mrs Whitoomb'a Syrup is tbe great children' toothing remedy. Henna's Pain-Killing Magio Oil i the huret our far Uheamatiim in na. In fact, it i good to oure any kind of pain or 1 atneaeaa, and it i olean and delicious to ue. "It work like a charm." ForaIebj John Bengston. Faosi the Centra Baptist, St. Looi : "A few day since a t'rieod handed u a few package of Dr. Prioe' Cream Baking Pow der, with a request to "try it." We tried it, aud found it uperb. Vi'e gave (mail pack age to a few friends, and tiiey all came back to us fur more. A we were not pre pared, however, tu abandon the conduct of the Oii.ru7 to go into the Baking Powder basineis, we ware obliged to turn them away duappointed. For their gratification, however, and that of the general publio w will ajr that this inimitable Powder oan be had at most of the leading groceries in tti city, and at wholesale of Thompion, Steele & Price, Chicago and St. Louis. Tie Xca Zing- Hafrig-erator, VVnian created each a (ensaiioo, and took in tirtt premium at the Cincinnati Expo.-i liia, St. Loan Fair, Illinois 6iate Fair, and al: line Fain taroagaaat this Stale generally 14. .a4ou, is now to: sale aud cuu be een m a:iiiil operation at K. V. cSpeacer' il luieaold Furnishing Good Emporium, on Iniuou alrool. 1 uo li-iirisrator many atviii over all others ever manufactured, auijag welch tnav be mentioned the fact t:i,i it save tifty per eentot' the toe required la au-y other 'rttirijrertor of the lame tize. 1: n it prtMarvar, nut a oouiuuier, like the ii i : -nil lc-i ia)!;ars called Refrigerators. 1. ,.rjljjjj u uuld lumpsriuure IQ the prtTJiu(r calabar. The temperature can be riJ.icjit.i ivi',k; d agrees heloic freezing y nni )na ar;i.'ie of looi will not partake of la o ii.iil or tatt of another. The pro T11111 gaAmbnr are alway dry, iweet aa ! c'iau, at they hare no dripping from toe. Fiah, game and meat of all kinds can b- itxpl frozen any length of time, and in a prfrf.itsiiy dry and praiervei condition. The ' U ifri ;?rtcir it divided into two separate and distinct compartment, aud alto has a Water Cji'ii a'.tacaad, which furnithe an uulimr iied tupply of ice cold water without putting i -e i'i the toiler. It eonanme about ten cmiK wjrih of ioe every tweuty four hoar Tin e3aomioal piece of furnitnre cottt no more than aor otbor refrigerator, and it manalactored of ail aizei, aud suitable for Hotels, Ueitaarants, Grocer and for family purpose. Call at E. W. Spencer' the only agent f tt Hick Island, Molina and vicinity, and tae working of thi indiipeoiable article in actual operation. aprlS dwtion IWTES OF ADYERTISINB. lor each teaare. el the (aa epli by t Iiae of elid, Oa Dollar for each ia- l.rtiea. Bnaeial Hotie.t. 20 teats rtr lias. Wfetr la itrlid I month er more, 10 per ttit abovertfa lar advertiiiag rata. -r Coaunanieatioai, or arti.l.t iarte aaieag r.adlagmaer.lleeattptrllaa. i Dailt aid WiiXiT. A aistoaat or zo p.r at. will be made from the Weekly rat, ea yearly and half yearly eoatraets, wh.a theaaai aiatt.r it iamrted In both Daily and Weekly. Doable Oolama will be charged J per eeai additional. VorU traaii.atadvrtltBita adraa pay tnt It r.qaired. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Clook i. 31. NEW Y O J&L. XXall does not Intend to impeach Connolly last of the abstracted voucher A. Secret consnltm tlon Adjonrned-Fire at Saratoga Zioss $200, 000. WASHINGTON. SSajor Hodge's dafalcations - The Traatnry Cep't responsible. ILLINOIS. First Passenger Train over the Qaincy, Alton & St. Xioais Hailroad Talr news. iALVE, for Corn and Bunioni, Boilt and Iinraa. aor tale b; all Druggttu. 20 nts. per box, r R.nt oo r?oipt of ptice. Audrett ALL RIH T5CIark St., ChiciRO. tpU-dly GERMAN! INSURANCE CQMP'Y OK CUICAliO, ILL. Ossh Capital. $200,000.00 Surplus, 57,820.64 DauuiCK & Shaw, Agent, apr21-dly Kock Island. Iowa State Fair. The Bright case Accident Sick ness of the Crovoroor elect. Foreign News. Foondered off band's Sad Ons- toms Treaty Coalition between France and SLnssia. Harket Beports. even a greater sucoes than it did veiterday. The attendance i immenae. There are not let than fifteen thooiand people npon the grounds, and everything goes a merry a a marriage bell. A light fall of ram last nieht laid the dnt somewhat, greatly enhancing the comfort of the visitors. The westber continues cool and cloudy, and is remarkably adapted to we occasion. Philadslphia. Sent. 14. Dellaker. rain ier of the Mint, about whose accounts there baa been some mymfioation, baa been com pletely vindicated. Hu aooouoU were all found oorreot. Ikoianapoui, Sept. 14 In the Bright oae thi morning, a nnmber of expert were on the witne stand, and testified that the amount of book paper used in doing the work dona by Mr. Bright, between the 27th of February and tith of March, the time for which the alleged false account was made, oonld not exceed 150 reams, instead of over GOO as charged for. Several State officers were also on the stand to testify to the work ordered by them to be done. Yesterday afternoon the city of Lawrence burg dismissed its petition in bankruptcy against the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & La UjBtte railroad, aud to-day Perkins & Liv tugston Post, of New York did the same. The outlook of tue Company is now very good. The Cincinnati and Indianapolis Junction railroad Company are removing their shops roia Cambridge City to this place. They are very extensive. Yesterday afternoon J. L. Cozad, of Cleveland; C. C. Gale, Superintendent of the Hae Line; . S. Ford. Chief Engineer of the Bee Line; and J. H. Elder, President of the Water Works Company, fell into a tunnel at the Water Work whioh they were exam ining, and were all more or lei injured. Mkmpeiii, Sept. 14. A special to the Dai ly Pre from Pulaski, this morning, lay, Gen. John C. Brown, Governor elect, has been exceedingly and dangerously ill. H was taken very auddenly, but this morning he was much better, aud strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. Over-exertion at the fire which consumed his dwelling last Sunday, was the immediate cause of his sudden lllnett. Lokdok, Sept. IS. It it stated that an American brig foundered yesterday off Land's End, aud all on board perished. The name of the vessel i nnkuown. Nkbsailles, Sept. 15. In the Attemb to-day, Komusal submitted, as a result of the recent negotiations, a bill aothoriziug I Thiers to conclude with Emperor Wiiuam a customs treaty, which embraces in as pro visions Alsace and Loraine. The immedi ate consequence of the treaty will be the evacuation of the department of Aobe, Cote d'Or and Jura, and the reduction of tbe nnmber of German told it-rs in Frauco to 50,000. The Assembly declared urgency for the bill. Paris, Sept. 15. A proposition was in troduced in the Assembly yestrday pro posing amnesty of all communists prisooerts, but was defeated by a large majority. Beklik, Sept. 15. It is asserted in di plomatic circles that the secret alliance en tered into by Bismarck and Yon Beutl ou the part of the governments of Germany and Austria, is in opposition to an alleged ooalition between France and Russia. It is also stated that Italy was invited by Bis marck to beoome a party to the Austro German allianoe, but the invitation was de clined by King Victor Emmannel, who pre ferred observing a polioy of neutrality rsther than join in an alliauce with Ger msDj. It is further stated that in oooae quance of thi refusal of Italy, the German premier now threaten the abiorption of the Italian province of enetia and Lombardy into the Aoatro-Gerroau territory. Thne statement cause great oneasinea tn diplo matic circles, and farther developments re garding the alliance and the looming diffi culty with Italy, are awaited with great anxiety. COMMERCIAL. Gold 1.14: X-4. Bock Islaud, September 15. Tait Flour marktt i eorreoted at Waraw't Mills and th quotation, are the ruling prieet oi the Book Itlaad marktt. Wmraa Wbbat. f lock Wholttalt $8..tft " " " Bttail v.0 Brans Wbbat Tooa Spring boabl Sxtra la bolt, waalttal $6.80 k.iH Baaksas waol.l,,., 7.011 taU tub Laos at waol l , m. tail T AO GaABt'a 8a ir Baisibs Fiona Retail i Barrtl.iaok $2.6 " " 1.S4 1-18" 6i BcoEwaaA Floub Wholaaala fy c0 lU.liO W aa AT , new.,. ,.,-,., ..B0abU 0 2i Oat New. 2UaJo Bablbt So. 1 40r.o KijcoUd.... ..36 Bdttbb Choio hU, for retailing, will brig... lit 0!iN. Y. FoiorT 11 Lass per lb ............. ldalle foviioa, ...... 20:() ArpLBt perbaihtl t0 aes par dot.. ...12io Tae above prious are the whole, alt Bguret at nrtt nana. POCLTRT Llyt Tarklet, per lb 10o Drsattd " ' 120 Chicken,, live " bo " dratted" Wo Daokt " " lOo Host Li" - . siu4.00 Cattlb Llva weijht, oomaoa. .... . oc Prime tblppiag, par 100 lbt.............006.0tt Wo os Oak, par told...... .. .. 6. it Hitkoi ... 7.0S COAl Coal Yallty Yard Ifo lleveland 1'arJ ! Hat Prairie, per tot 8.00a.Ciu TiaiotbT.... S.uUaU.OU Tbas Taaag Hjiob, ooaamoa " fair is good prime to ohoioe.. Saapawdar, aommoo to fair prima to ohoioe...., mperial ........m. ........ Oeloog, eommoa to flr ........ . prima to eaoioa... ... ... Japaa Uort-BB Bto, eommoa to fair u ...... prima to ohoioe THE lilt BISHOP SOU LE. IT 18 A WELL MrfTAB LISHBD FACT thai any article whleh has been tharoaghly totted, and whioh Invariably gives satisfaction, mill be a good artlol. BldHOP 801 LIM3ISIT IoT.Dt.d bj the lute BISBOP BOLLS, hat proved by lu own merits, tbat il has no equal in Ihe world for tht ear of S-iutica, Inflammatory and Chrome Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Kidney and Spinal Complaint, Sure Throat, Lame Back, Sprainx, tc. This Liniment trill instantly stop all pains caused by Bams, bar your D )tor't bill; boy ; try It; use Hotting elte, and you woull not be without it in ,,r h .ate for ten times Its oat. BISHOP SiUrLi'o" L1KIMB9T will euro all of tht above complaint!, and 1 lie only tare tare lor that dreadful dnwe Sciatica, tot sale by Drug gitr. Prioa7S ou. aad $1.75 per Dottle. F. W. RYDBR k 80S. Proprietors, J(,r,dwly BOSTON, MASS. ZSA1. H FOWAB i. I.. BBBBHA. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I --BY THB Hong Kong TeaiJom'y Branok Home, Palac Eow, KOCK ISLAUD, - IX.I.8. Wheiawa are offeriac aarivalled Teat, at th inc low orlofli at at their "Kattarn Uoutt." Hy importiug Tea ia oargo lott, they aaabla at to retail to tbe ooatumer at extremely low nrioat. Soo the Hoog Eeng Tea Palaoe Row, where will be found the saast, pareet and freehett Teat, Cofea and Spi ce, at prioe, beyond oompatitloa. mvidwaai P0WAR8 h FKlKMAsT, Ag't THOMAS II. BBOWH'S Novelty Carriage Works. GOTO ! G0IG ! ! For particulars call at the Plunder Store, Buffalo Street JOSUH GATES & S0S8, Maaalnotarers of Maanfaotarst of R. ported Exprei,'.y for the Aaec. Niw Yobk, Sept. 15. Ii is believed that Hall does really intend to impeach Connolly. The liat of abstracted vouchers will be out in a day or two, they were given by Mear vey, Ingersoll, Keyser, Smith, Miller, and other ring ooutractor for alleged work. Gov. Hotfmao i to be requested 10 utpend Meitra. Ball, Connolly, Sweeney aad Tweed pending the invettigation of the charge agaiotl them ; and to puniah them to the fuileet extent of the law if they are found guilty. A lecret consultation was held yesterday in oonjunotion with District Att'y Given, for the pnrpoie of devising some mean to e oure the ditplacement of Comptroller Con nolly. The result of th comultakion is not known. No oloe whatever has yet been had touch ing me taeu 01 toe voucuera iruui tue uuu-1 w b J troller'i offioe. Controller Connolly, while COrilCT illlllOlS clllll disclaiming ait xnowieage 01 tne aDRirao lion, has suspicions which he says he dare nst breathe at present, but which the public would have very soon, and which would en tirely exonerate him. Judge Barnard adjourned over till to morrow at the conclusion of the aigumeut of Beaoh, counsel for tbe Controller. An eiDlosion occurred shortly before 2 o'clock this afternoon, in the Union Torpe do Works, near Fulton Market, killing six persons iustanily, and wonnding eight or more. The government sold to-day four millions of gold, instead of two millions, at adver tied,Jet from llo.7o to 114.Ub. Ex-Sheriff O'Brien issued a circular oal ling for a secret meeting at Appollo Hail to night, for the purpose of organizing a Demooratio anii-lammaoy party. Among thoie invited were Judge Ledwitb, Joseph Blamenthal. T. U. Olney, L. Walsh, Con- sressman Koosevell ana juae Darcara. Only the two last mentioned axceplea the ovation. A very few attended tbe meeting, the proceedings of which were secret, Saratoga, Sept. 14. A fire to-day destroy ed property to the amount of nearly f 200,- 000. Park Place Hotel, Columbian Hotel, and a large part of the Crescent were des troyed, with many other bnildings. Incen diarism is believed to be the oause. Wasui.votos Sept. 14. It is responsible upon the Treasury department not to have disoovered Major Hodge's defalcation sooner. The actual amount of Hodge's defioit is $473,939. In hi letter of oonfession he refers to parti of this city and one in New York, th-ough whose agencies he has made speou latmna. The narties in thi city, he de olares. are perfeotly innocent of any knowl edge that be was using in his operations m th thtim thn nnb 10 IUDQS. 1 v.. Y,l )a atatna. knew trie money ium with iK.m' , nnblio money and not his caused to be communicated to WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Uaaalastnrtrt of ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING PH1ERS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMTTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Gan XvXacb'isery. DOUBLE MiLLINS MACHINES, Mill Work, Shitting and Hunger,, Patent Self- Oillug Box. WAREHOUSE : lOT LIBBBTYH., NEW YORK CITY IdANUFACTOBY : HAM MOB D ST., (Opp. Janetlon Depot) WORCESTER MAfg. All Trains entering tbe City, etop within tan mm. .l.X0al.4 .....l.Sial.aO ..l.UVal.2 1.40al.6l l.bJal ....VUal.l l.lsal 40 lJTalSe Jtfaiue Old Sovernment JaTa......... ..Jai.o 6naAat Haw eommon to fair............llallto prim to chotoe... ... 1 liaise Keraed Snau. srathad, powdered aad gran..... Mi H. I, A do extra 0 ........ ......... Ke BeSced 6agar, do C ..... ......... lilt atotaaiet Bar lOallc B At floe - 3 0 Suiar -J O Dairy, wita taekt...... .0 6C Cirv, witliout taekt .? LlKB Part Srroa, por obi I I c &iok I'.land, per bbl...... .. .l.Ot 9 reen b lobert' 7 J at-e Green oaredM..........M..... .MM........WaKe Fart cared ... . )aWo Ureec aalf J4o Crioa, Pep per ttiagaporBHMMH ...... ..M.M..36a2S Pimoato... - X&e CloTe.... ..... ISeifte MnlmegtKe I l.lUal.U ttinger, pore- ....... 3Ualbe Cavena Feppr . eie Oils Caro. n Oil .- Lard Oil, extra I 351.40 Lard Oil, Ho. 1... -.....l.JO Lis taed Oil, raw ... .. .$ C " " boiled l.l'l Fbcit Pried applet, ohoioe.. 7aie oommoD . M. ... ... oo Dried peeena, haife...., . lie quarter, tic Xante Current, new llalL'i baiime, in layer,, per box, new. 3.25 per half box I TU Tarktth Prone,.. ... -12c Pried Oherriea - - 11 BOAF ABB CllDI.ll W.rao.k RaUton'l 0. K.per lb- -...6je Benrv Dart't bous' Y. K. par lb 14 Mobnde i Gtrman Molted, per bar 7J, per it. "io Star Candiat. 14 oi -C9 Pbot aid Powoaa Rifle, per Beg 6.50sT.OO Coal iriics, do..... .4.o0a.0O BlatiD, do 4.60a5.CO Drop btiut, per tack Book rihot. do '5 Bar Lead, per lb lio 1SC0. 1871. THE PiOMEERMUSIC STORE, A LASGK STOCK ALWAT ONHAKD 01 HTECK, KMEHSOJI, AM9RICAK, HAINES, MARSHALL ASD WENOE1 L Geo. Weed & Co'tAYMty Organs and al: kind, of Muiic&l Infttruments. S'ueet Moiio of latest iitati, and the best im ported Slrinj-t in the citv JOHN H'tYT, pi Corner Xllinoit and Washington ttreet. ARTISTIC TAILORING. STBW aft.SVBS.TZSX3SISZTTa. 3 & bt., OHZOAOO. DRAPER,TAlLOR AND IMPORTER OF Fiuc Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDD1AG 0CTFIT8 A SPECIALTY. Shirt to Extra Denble and Perfect in Fit. Clergvmtn will be allewed 8 per oent, aietosnx. teblHdly THB SSW DlSIHrECTAHT! BR05I0 CHLORALUM, Oir-POISOSiOCS, ODORLESI, POWEEtCL DEDORIZKR AND IH1 B FECTANT. EXTIRELY HARMLESS AND SAFE. ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. Teed In Drivato dwelling's, hotels, resuurama nnk. llC hChOui. hnNnjUln. UlHtinO acVlUm, dt!IKll:ine jiiils, priwiii!', poor-houses, on ships. Fleam-boats ana in tenement-honees, markets, for water-cloaete, urinal?. Iilks. eeweff. cens-pooN- itables. dc. A Kpeeifle in all contairion ffl i?e(tileiitlal dis eaces, a Cholera. Tvpboid Fever. Ship Kever. Small in. anei t ever, Jdeaelee, dle&e ol animals, Sc. 'repared only by 11LDEN co., kg William etrect, Now York. Sold by all Druggisti. BtTASLIIBKS IB 1830. WELOH & GRIPFITH3' 8CPKRI0K TO ALL OTHERS I Ax, FUi, Cait Steel, Kill ?arni.Mag, ana siacainery. aaQct the beat, thev will prove tht eheapeit. Pritet radnoed. Send for prlot Lidand tirooiart. WHICH 4 GXIFFITHM, aoJSdwlT Bo, ton, Ma,,., er Detroit, afieh SASH, D0018. EOLaINDER & HUB EE, Saooettort to J. A. Biddiboh, MacnfActnrert of Sah, toors, Blinds, Koaldicgs, riAHKI, BKACKET8, And everjthiEg in their line. Glued Bath on hand, alto Feed All work warranted. Corn Meal and feblldwSm NEW& BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, Son Meiningr, 35cte Have iou teen Louite Comic Soag, Saxton, 40 barling Belle of the Bonrdiitg A'cto,Porter30 (rirl tnth the Uiattrette, liomie COraeila, -iV Jolly Hiyh Timet, Couiio, Park,, ?. Aoicv-uoan tf-ntttke to know, comic, i-ora ia.u Jewell nj the Heart, Beautiful bong, Aillard3u Loir in the Memiotc, ' Zu h, 36 Let it I'tittM, tar Bui or Alio, " 35 Yet One A-jeti, Duett for gop. and Barr. Gab'iri, 50 Quarrelling Seiil,bon, Coojie Duett, Auber, , j Somebody' Child, with va-iation?, Mack, 60 Heavenly ureettntj, Pensie Buvmantiquo, Biaccbev, Holiday Vocation Jtfarcft, illustrated title tiilsmn, Stceet Antiripation, Schottische, " " Qiletno, Daity, Fantaisia, Krug, Any of tha abov tent by mail oa receipt of the market price. So m attar where jrou tee a piece of Muiic or Mutic Book advertised, send to oi and job will reoelve It by enclosing the publi.hert price. BA&&XBS. & WBBBm, MC1C DKALBRK, mJ7-dedl2m. ST. LOCI8. Si SO 85 J. at. BrrOED. S. B. EtlD. TAYLOR'S STOMACH HARVEST for AGENTS. H TO $ A WAY. (cntlemen and 1-adies of idreta ami rip. portmcnt. can have iiiformatiini and the best instruc tions ev.-r pulilhed. .-iit free bv mail. A irrand comhniaiion ir Hu,tory, HiocraphV, Km4V l'oetrv, and the Fine Arts. Every boa v want- it " Cauvaii in bo,.k free, lnternminnal "rubiifiing" Company, SO Liberty street. New York. The CONGRESS lECTIC. ine best winter OVERSHOE t iu ottsLKs in Bram ,A(J TkUIBLE to pot on! Neat, Genteel, Stylish t ASK TOlBSnOE DEALER FOR IT t AND rrector TilTHRIDGE -w. .-BV v MjM VlwH.nnn LAMP CHIPSETS. Btand Et better than any ether made. Ak for I)ithriita'"s and talci? no oilier. See that our name is on everv box. DITHKIDIjE & SON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send lor Price Lirt. BAND LEADERS. For aomethln; interestirr. eend your address to ijtUKl-t: W.tiATES, Frankfort, S. Y ilOKTH-EAST MISSOI R1 Farms and l ulmproved 1 Lands for Nile by JIcNutt & -Mos. Paris, Mo. Agents! Read This! VI7H WILL PAT AGEBTS A SALARY OP VV (30 per Week aad Expaniea, or allow a laraa ooniBie.ioa to .ell oar sew aad wonderful inveniioBt AddrtFt M. WAGS KB A CO.. tartbH, Mieh. boob srasxnra. wrxUaUki xstTaLss. Book Binder and Paper Banger. Shop on Orleant St., opposite Conrt Boss. B0CK18LA5D, ILL. Bjv. All kind, of Paper Bcie. Bad to order, auglSd tf Buford & Reed, FIRE, LIFE AND ISLiSD INSURANCE 6EHTSI she Foilowin? Old nd Reliable Oompanies Represented : Home, Ins. Co., of H. America Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Republic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Hiitual Life S30. WH Will, PAV $30. Arent 1 30 per week to sell our great and valuable dicovene. ll'v.iu want peimin m, bunorable and pleasant work, applv fi'i'wriculars. Addreiw UYEit & CO., JactMiu, Mich. A MILLION DOLLARS ! Shrewd bnt quiet men can make a fortuee bv revealing tbe tecrrt of tue bu.ineia to no ono. Addres J. WEST, fiSS Broadwav, New York. COPP & BEO., Livery and Sale Stables. Office under Bart's Sail, ROCK INLAND 1LL9. Most Complete K.tabli.htnent in the City Partioolar attertion paid to furnishing Carriage, fur parties, Ball., Procedion, eto mh4d lj DeEAVEH'B WILD CHERRY BITTEkS The Best Tonic ia fee World fo Leather Belting, Superior lace I eatlier, and Factor n pplias g tntrally. LOWELL All kinds of FIBB E.vaiNB HOSE, mad. rr ,...( iiollt nf Philadelphia ana tsaiti- More Oak Leather, and put to jethor wlta i innea Rivets, a new improvement whioh prevent them from corroding and rotting ae leather. j14deodly Ckeap Farms ! Free Doise ! On th lint of th Ucien PaeiGc Itailroad ! Dyspepsia, Indigestion Loss of Appetite, GESKKAL BELIL1TY, CBILLS, Etc. THE iio mm BITTERS SAB ZrO BQUAX. It it acknowledged by every one who hit taken it, to b th Best Xl-oiiiody For the disease aamed ever offered. Depot, 44 LaBalle ttreet, CHICAUO, HI. n. HAVEN A WALES, Sol Uanufaetarfrf . for .ale by Drnggittg. je22-dw6m A LAND GRANT OF Gentlemen's1 Road and Family BUGGIES, tSlceleston Wagons A ID 44 Adam Street,.... fcULKIES. ....CHIOAQO, Light Work a Bpeaialty. Repairing aeatly and promptly done. mhl7deadweowiy Cardboard & Paper House. TEUMN S. GILLETT, Mannfaotarer of and Dealer ia Cardboard & Fancy Papers flat raperi aad Colored Msdinins, NO. 43 DEARBORN BT, CHICAGO, Cat Cards, all kind and lit. Cardboard and f easy Paptr Meaafaetarad U .i . " ... ... Gen. Brioe the names of thee parties m 1,UUU.UUU AereS follows: Middleton A Co., bankers. van ineton : Lewi Johnson & Co., bankei, Washington, and I'olhetnn & Jackion, bankers, No. 66, Eiohange Place, New York city Quihot 111. Sept. 14 The first passen ger tram that has vet passed over the com pleted portion of the Uuincv. Alton & M Lionia Kailroad, left here this afternoon with an exouraion a.rtv. eonsiatinv of tk Count ouoer.i.or, railroad omciais and members oi tbe pre. The road ia completed twen ty-mile, and ooonecta srith the Hannibal & Naples road. There is a report that tbe pl: 11. L a. w , . uuiuagv, anoii ex oi. Lioms roaa naa pnr- cDasea mis, out a vet no transfer ha been made, and th probabilities are that the Cuioago, Burlington & (Juincy railroad wiU bn it. A splendid rein fell her last night. Acroba.IU,, September 14. The rainy weather has somewhat dampened tha fair. and it ia a doll day. Owing to the storm, the offioers have resolved to continue th fair nntil 8atardaT eveniDjf. It n a fine ex hibition. State Fai Gbocnm, 1 J OF THK Btst FarmiEg avnd .Hiueral Laadi in AMERICA. 3,000,000 Acrtt of Choiee Farming aad 6ra- siag Liana on tne use oi me road, in tb State of Nebraska, in the Great Platte Valley Mow for .ale, for a.h or long credit. Tfeeaa land era ia a mild and healthy climate aad for graia-growlng and ttock-raleing, nntur- patted by any in tne united ctatta. rricei rng:e from $2 to S10 per Acre MASTA'S Pulmonic Balsam, THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND REMEDY. SKW ADYE2TI5E5JENT?. U1EK1S & CBI$U0LM, Proprietors and Kaoafaolurert of mill mm mimm, OTTAWA, ILL. Thi celebraud Dre.ter it a perfect uooM, aad all ar warranted. myjvdiy 1,003 GIFTS. liRAD GIFT CONCERT AND UlTIUBUTIOX For the Kc-ncflt or th: FOrNDI.INti ASYLfM OF XKW YORK. AND SU1.1MKR1' AND Ail.(liS' olil'HANS' iiUilE. WAM1INOXON, D. C. To 1m? bWri in WrL-bineiun ci- .-mm r. fill T.Vkt.! are oiJ. ui w bicn 'it'U Dn' Notice will ncn. aui not later tb.iii November &iii. lTl. Khtire uum- ler ol IinlieTf. fii.'i each, l.niCj amouut- ' to ?'i.iii. to be awarded. Send for L'niiis iit of oius and Iteiereti e-. Tn ketx ran lie bad f HlLtV i SAhoEN 1', l'Uiladelpbia, Ci'lumbUf. O.. mid Hicliinona. lnd., or 1'. Ut. JJ.., teueral Ajfent. ?A Nfli--au street. New Yirb Hon. H. M ( n.I.Ot'GH. Elku.n. . . M.ii. ttu. T. CASTLE. Baltimore. 4 -"niui rs. llou. J. S. NtuLEY, l'ittr-bur-, lrutee. TBS CTJKTAIJT KiklSED How it is done, and who dot's it. The Aleim honk 1! uager, giriieou'l- illuMrated with cut--. ioiiioiir-, AC. Sell! bv mail, fceCureiy cealed. tor fifl V eentH . Oruisd, Iree. Artdrew HAPilAEL fiAit'lO. b broadwav. New York. Engraver & Die Sinker, Medals, Seal Pre?ee?, Steel tauiVJt, 8oap Staaipt, Bookbinder's Toole, Ac. NO. Itii II8AHHOKN tl HHKT, Opposite Postottoe. CHICAGO. aur2tl-dly ALE& Total Asads lii pieaenttd, over 860,000,000.00 ! OFFICE-Ho. 3, Argn Buildlafcr. Post Office. Cp Stair., KOCK 1UMI Itl,. ni)?4-dtf B BLBKIDSB. 0. B. sisnisos &. SS.O., Seal Estate & Insarsnce Igdnts, No. 1 Vielo't Bloek, D i VK5P0ET, .... IOWA. Auead per.oaally a&d prooiptly to tbe boyiog in mwb oi neai estate on eoBimit.toa, rent iag KoB.e. and ITarKt. L.vl2d6a. w. a. BAT.. GEO. !I. LAW TOU. ,mmsi: AID Commission Merchant, il Perry Street, DAVE JiFOaXT IOWA jy28-dlm , Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sept 11. The Couth Uj of the State Fait maies H0MB8TBADB FOR ACTUAL BETTLBES. 2,500,000 Aoret of Government Land between Omaha and Nortk Pletta, open for entry al Homtatead only. SOLDIERS OF THE LATA WAR Ar entitled to a IBEB HOMESTEAD 0? 180 A CBKS, witala Railroad limit, equal to a Sirtct Bonnty of S400. Bend for the new edition of decrfptiv e pam phlet, with new nap, mailed free everv rhere. Addr. O. F. DAT 16, i.ana vommuiiionw U. P. R. R . Ce., ep4-4oaw-3mw Omala,Kb.i Tflasta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Colds. Masla's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Cocgbs. Masla's Pulmonic Balsam CUH1.S UUAfiSKBSS. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam IJLKU) DUIUS A UKOAT. I Masta's Pulmonic Balsam ! Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Croup. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Hooping Cough. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Asthma. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Check Bleeding From thb Luhos. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam EXLtEVES COBSCKPTIOS. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam OF TUB Immaculate Conception DAVESFORT, 800TX CO-, IOWA. COBDCCTED BT THE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. ft. Will ouminenee it 16th Semi-annual fes.ion Wednesday, August IG'.h, 1S7I i'iu. Being incorporated ia accordance with tha lawt of the State, thit Institution oonferi the asaal ooilegiate degrees upon its graduate.. For Circular addre.e aull-d3m SISTER BCPERIOR Niagara Steam Pump Works, S 1 Cobes amd Relieves all Diseases of tbx THROAT, LDJfeS AND CHEST. au h OOODWHJ & CO.. Boston, and byall Dealer in Medicine In the Kew Knglaiid Btata.. . . leptUwea fiariBiiiinrriiiiHiii Charles B. Hardick, No. 9 Adam .treet. BBOOKLY. NEW YORK Sole afaaufaeturer ef ' Harildk'i Patent Donb'-Actlag Steam Powp and Fire Eagine. Mining Pumps a Specialty.. Patented la BaglaaaV Belgiaam and Fraaoe Bond fo euaalar. augiaty Cream and Stock Ales. GOH a STBOKG Proprietor of th Diseases of tbe Kidney and Urinary Organs, The .ymp turn, of whioh are rch that per.on cannot be ait takes a te the tronble. Each a pain, tenderne.t, and beat tn the .mall of tie back, leading pain; urine i. frequently of a high color, sometime streaked with blood, at timet a tmall amount, other, a very lrg,often aecompaaied with white or reddiih depotit. When bladder it the teat of th dileat there it pain, heat, and nnea.ine.a in thot part. TAYLOR'S Stomach & Liver Corrector Bat no Eop erior or equal for dileatet of this aa- tnre. Bilious Rheumatism. Per.oct who rc.ide in the vicinity of twtmpi, low lands, or near any atagoant body cf water, are more liable to thi. diiEae, at Ike mia.aae from n?h plaeti it almo.t tur te pro duce Fever amd Ague, and Fever In different form.. Kllion. Rheamali.m it ai.o induced by expu.ure duritg raicy weather, or tudden cbn irt.'. of temperature. A die ordered Liver will frequmtly cau.e thi diteue, alwavt inerruiiig tbe irtrlt-ring, and readerisg it miir diffcnltto ure. Tbe tymptom of tkit extremely j aisfal form of Kbeamatic eomplalut are, pain lo the liead, Ksn.ea. a furred Ten joe, etiffnift ! the JjicU. and violent paint tbn ugh tbe body. TtTlor'. BloBjfb and Liver Corrector will tnrely effect a cure. Kone of the ingredient! are in any way injuriont, and the curative powers are wonderful. T'. valuable medicine .earchee to the root of tb . and part affected, eici ting the IWer to healthy aeii-B, relieviag the body of it paint, removing all .tifTnei from lb ioictt, parify ing and leanttn th whole tyt-ttm. iXecralgia, or Acute Itheu-matisin, I.ocea.ioned by oare.'eci, ert.ernre, or any of th varioo way aud mesa by which take tevereculd, or it may be eau.ed by fatiga. The symptom, ara.extrema Brvounee, fnten. am in tbe mn.cle and joiat., the flub I twol- len and etnsttive 10 tbe touch. One pt coliarity f thit form of Kkeumatiiin It, tbat it frequently hangea from one portion of tbe body to another rea when no exUrual application bet bee a a.ed to drive it to any other part. Tbe entire . y- tem i. prottrate by .nfiering, we long for rest. but tbe aeute, darttsg pains will not permit a that plea.ure. Kxlernal appleatiun are aaa- e. and of tea prove dangerou., ty dr.ving the a'.u to .ome vital iriin. Drive it oat of tee ev.-.em in. tead of driving it in, and Taylor Stomach and Livtr Corrector is warranted to give relief. It will ge to the teat of pain, tr.ngtken the nervoa tyttem, and eflect a cure. MERCHANT'S LUNCH, Are. ole Agent, for Pearlee't Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For .ale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oet2 atf . C. CLIiVILil HAYES & CLEVELAND UESZKAL Insurance Agts Bepreteuting the following old snd reliable Companies a Underwriters lgeacj, New fork. Cash Asset, il, 000, 080. Phcenix. N. Y. Cash A.set. $l,S00,00. Continental, ft. V. Caab. Asset fi.jOO.OOO. Korth American, N. T Caih Asiet illO,000. i'acifc, California, A.set. Gold, $l,f00,QO. Merchants, of Chicago, Oath A. .eta, 800, 00. North American, Hertford, Caih At.ett IjOO.OUO. UTEKKlTlOXiL. SEW YOJIK, Cash AiteU $1, ' 00,00. Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash Al.ett 1300,000. Washington Life, New fork, Cab $3,060,0011. . Saloon & Billiard Rooms, Be, S Harper Eos Sleek, lOtk ISLAND,... ILE Dealer ia Fine Bourbon Whiskies lad Ioportf d Wine & Brandies: Ageat for Hand., Lillt, aad Joliet Alet. alst, oeti eciitcn t u . Kceii'b Ale and Losdoa rr ter lor .a.- Ctlca N bile mi. far (ale by tbe barrel. A gtBt for A. Zeil.r'. Billiard and P iffeea Hola labia atauuiaclor.. aprt-dtf H, E. WEST, Proprietor. OLl U'ATKK H01P. UEO. W. COPP, AQBbT FOB. THB LBADIKd HARTFORD & HEt' TORK FIEE, MABIHE AND Insurance Cos MPBBSBSTraa S25,CG9,CS0 ia Capital. IT SLOCK ISLAXD, ILLIK318. ; AU I adja.tad aad pvempkly said at thi. jdki'f TV'S? Tflj-S-i TAYLOR'S Liver & Stociaeh Corrector list oae great di.ilngui.hing f.alnr., nhith ha. long been (ought for in a cathartic preparation to take tbe place of that medicine which leaves tbe t"Wl. mora or le.t weakened for a time, in- a.cavea oy lubecHBent eutlivenett, which it tb cat with iuott cathartic taixtBict and pais, la ilii. preparation there i. combined a Tonia. whi.h coifcpkttly tottaint tie bowel aad .) -tem wbile a cathartic intlueuce it leitg proda ced, therefore tcrer lo.e. it. effect, duet net leave the boweit cottive, aad may be by th mo. I delicate i.ritB. lot th diteatet caujed, u acta with the moet p.rfeel efiiciency, tearcbtcgand voting out all imparititt ef ti.e tyttetn, giving beaith, vigor and .ir.aglb In the ahele body. Aad after you have ue, y. a will recouimiind it to all with like trjabl... I n doubtedly yon bave taken that k'.nd of medicine, witbott getting the relief tosght tor. There are to many different kind., all for the tan-e dia ., that it ia a great wonder if do sol let detpair take the place cf hope, aud retign you .jlf to tb ravage, of ditea.e. 1 will give fiuU reward for cate ..f aeraLged liver that eanmt be eared by Taylor' ?tomach aad Liver Correc tor, where tfce c 'DftitatioB i. not entirely bro ken down by d ... or tb liver eon.atned. A great many woaid at tbe qoe.tioa, bat can we eat, and bow mu a?" Wbat I on rras meat i. another tciu'i poiton, it an old .aying, and a true oae, too. We will an..r, "e.t the be.t of everything tbat agree, wish you, but a moderate amount. Washes ia Celi or Warm, Car or Soft Water iviTunriT nmr.TNGi V ii livu a liv- AXD Without hinry to Clothes, Sating Lbor' Tlme and Fo'!1 uap s "4 by maay Ladiet ia ,b e'V mai tn,T " proneBBo it luperior te -T other they aver nted. It ave time, labor ul pi. i arret tbe eiethcl. Manufactured by th tOLD W1TE2 SOAP tOJIFASP, il Sorth De.plaine. Street, CHICAGO.. ......... a. I For .ale in Book I. land by WING&BUBST, BA&PS OLD ilAi'D. aptl-dwlm Salt Rlieam. Thi. com. undr th bead of ef tb nnr skim, and an rear. at. frtnucntlr oa tb. ,'iand. thaa any other part, but tbe whole bod liaiile to attack, aad it oftes produce, the moM maiignaat tores, which have b.ffled lh . ol il,. .. I. Ja A. ,r. Iti.alrilepolon tn the blood, aad oo loeal PP';r", but a -eiicui. ti, h a h. power t. ..trails, the ..; - 'J "ot fail to get a bottle ei Taylor . Stomach liv er Corrector. . ,,, - . rofula or King's . Evil, Whether in the fora of lump or hard tweUirvi about tbe neck, under tha ebin, or tb eord c the neck, or la tb. groin, ar in the form of reu sing scrofulous tore., by a. iag Taylor'. Stuaiach ana i,iver uorreetor, yen will find relief, where it appear oa and arronnd tb. no.e an chla, sn ointment Bad. of two parts lard and one part I.Br of ulpb.r. applied night aad morning, and the Corrector tabea, you will Sad a car.. TEE BEST BEElflKE CTfcE MICK F02 5UI. N. S. TAYLOR, 60I.E PROPRIETOS, t III Wabaia AvBa,..."0HI04.Qf, makMoaei-vsewl