Newspaper Page Text
Prissy, Bsptsmbw IS, 18T1. Iiliioii D.aocr.Uc lutt cwentlai ' ' '" , ' raiseritiB, Augsit 1, 1871. AiteUec-BVootioa of th d.mocrssy of Till nlswiUbekldlBtboltyof eprlBjitid, Wednesday, Oot. 4th, 1871, At 12 e'sloek a., to wtloh the democratic voters ef eehuBty ere requested U send dele- f etss, fof Ik purpose of nominating a eandi date It rreaitiv U oongrsss from the state-at-larg. Tke basis of representation la the convention will be the number of voles oast for Horatio Sev moer far president 1b lt, obi delegate beta encmis to e for eaob BVV votes east. tea one tor eeon traction of 150 votes and over. The following table indioetes the number of delegates to which each eonnty is entitled on th bam tied : i Si co bstiss. i : U42 1 2132 6 1V02 6 223B 7 S43t 11 88.13 12 40' 8 1532 a ITU It el 1 2721 9 1380' S 3f5s 13 lli'Jj 4 138 U45 27ui lUii 1507 4-j; V((2 .73 o-iy 11 t3 4- 2 47 o 17 6 1S5 4 1 H 6 1145 4 475 to 15S t H27. 4 277 18 Till J S2n U 539' 0 2735 17W 2M ltfls 1283 15M ' 1752 1444 3134 It 33S 1 2i40 1 Total cumbur of delegates 657 By orler of the democratic state central eo mittee. ALBEKT . HT KE, Chairuiaa Uk.iSGS 8. klMhtRLT, Secretary. Written Expressly for the r;:u. SELF ACCUSATION. XT HT. BfRDIiTT. (c'OJiTlNUEP.) CHAPTER III. Sieol Tli v heart, ttion t'uiit hst reveno wlrliin Steel thy hoari, I tell thee thou utmlt.neod it all. Indelibility U not what taou wantest: lor, such being the case, tbe iron which tiuer more or less into thoicul of jeaiousy wouiu te eajugh. ea, thv heart, aud with the tiaest temper; for, if it be not ho, it were better not to aspire to aught so lofty an re venge. For it is lotty, it is the hihei: branch of the accouipiiehment needed to uaite thee a Prince of the lower world. The the very acme of tempsr is needed, lest atifce last moment, some gughtandtouch icg duoi actiou oa tue part of tbe victim, may be to thee what the last pound is to the over laden camel, tied may daah the Lard and well earuwd, hut oh, how ie, i, cup of revenge from thy lips, just wen about to enjoy that hard ami wall earned reward. My booI, my heart, yea my whole se.t u full of bitterness to-day, aud 1 ffr to to;: the paper, I am writing onL a partial ta'.c eUing furih my justltiuatioti, a d o 1 leav. it for a while. Shortly ajftnr tan iir.orriu last wruiuti, a I sat at my bre.'a-il, 1 lr,eed my eyea a usual over tbe columns ot a daily paper, u: which I saw aomething, causiuz me aouie what abruptly to aunouuee my departure for London, "on, pretoiut: business, which 1 found wan being liopiccu'd." 1 kuew no peace until I bad arrived at London, aou called at tbe owners, to know where 'the re mnant of the crew of the outward bound merchantman, Venture, l.MOO tuns regimer. were located. They had been wreoked on the west coast of boulh America, I learnt. Why had they returned ' I asked. Tbe clerk believed there were no passeugers ori board, but would refer. The crew had no object but to return when their vessel was lost, but as yet no particulars were known. "And where, do you say, are the unfortu nate men ? saiu I. Tile oierk calculated in his mind for a rccmntit and said he thought no one bad larked as yet. "Yen will be k:r,d enongh to let me know when the ntiforturibte men are about to land ?" sai l I, "1 am staying at the Lion Hotel close by here." Here I pat on an agitated look upon my face. "That I cn easily do sir, ' he replied, "as they will have to call here first of all. It it did not occur to me before, sir, that perhaps you axe " ' You are tight" I interrupted, "I am a very dear friend to one who was on board tbe Venture at the time when the illfaled easel went down." "Dear, dear. Well, I will be sure to let yoa know sir. But, 1 beg your pardon, did yon say orew or passenger," said he. I mnaed, and then eaid 1 believed pas senger, for i was not sore whether Joe was aper-oargo or not. 1 do not know why 1 dried before this man, who most be need to sunk scenes in rtaVJ'J. Perhaps it was be came I lacked even the semblance of that vat,il f!inir which even an uninterested perion would have shown under the ciroutn staocei. Late in tbe evening I " telignnce that th whole of . " -""a in" from the Venture hud I- en "fd an Inn np one o' -oded nd gone t0 leading from - e many little streetb clerk .Mf docks. The oonuderate If- so sent me a list OI men umo. craia felt giddy, my eyes i ioub i. A ...mud to aea nothing ; lur a as is, . , , ,j k. Joe Agar w . - ---- - , . . . nan I anuuiu u.c t v. .i thrnnvb ail mv ja- llll T7,fW ' ' L' , - -- ou, I bad still liked Joe. Handsome Joe ; I can call Vim before tny tnifld now. o. Joe miuieat K. drowned. I cleared nT yes, and awdied rny brains to look at tbe list, ana as 1 did t0. mT whole Doay rrBW calm as death. 1, was the reloru of tbat new, that diabol.c teeliiie?. which I had . V...J . ...... .1 n 1. ' ,1 Va ". na. cung passionate unae,t00,t Ba iigt of the ,aved a ' and read most of the names, and still no "Joe :" yet I grew not in the lenatalarmed. reaomostot th names, and still for nxj quiet leeling had retarned. The last tbree names were as follow, -. James Wilson, Cook, Jaanesl Weston, Apprentice, Robert Bootbroyd, Cabin Hoy, And he was not there I 1 read it again as Adams j 47l 18 Lee Alexander I"'-" 3 Livingston...! Hood ":i 2 Logan I Boone ' '""-. Brown '40 Maoonpia I Bureau. ' 2;l 8 Mdiioi,: Calhoun.... I 2 Marion j Carroll nfitf 2 Marshall Cess 1W1 6 Mason j Campaign 112b T Ixiig - Ckrtsliea 2284. 7 Mcbonough.. Clark 1 lud MoBenry I'luy. l-i" 4 MeLeaa Ohuton...... 1 i70- 6 Meuard Coles.. ) M ! 2217i t Mer er Cook ltflW M Monroe : Crawford 1477 k Montgomery.' Cumberland... I 'M 4 Morgan DeKalb !yo J Moultrie Do Witt 1.U0 4 Ogle Douglas U 4 Peoria Da Fag 1 Jr!! 4 Perry Kdgar 2o- S Piatt Kdwardl 421 I Pik. KJngham'....' lt' fl Pope ' rv.tle. Sli-'f 7 Pulaski Ford 1 P-itnsm Franklin-.... 127: Riudolph I'ulton 41 IS U CiohLud Oelletin 102i 3 Rook Island- Ureene 2:rW 9 Saline ; (IrondT 9M Sangamon ... tlammen 15.i4 4 Schuyler ' Hen-nek otiU 12 Soot : Haftln 4ft' 2 Phelby i Henderson... . luiiu (Stark!. Henry ,: 175fl R St. Clair j InvinoM.. ' 1"2S 4 Stephenson...1 eokson ' 153.1 4 Tazewell Jespsr J. 1134 4 Tnlon 1 Jefforteon.. . . 19:111 Vermillion Jersey 1 lVus Wabaeh . i .In Daviess....' lSKJ. 6 Warren- Jehnien fJ 1 2 5 Washington.. Kaae. - ; 16M 6 Wayne. Kankke..J 867; 8 Whit I Kendall sllV J Whiteside Knox ' 340 H Will Lake lOflil, 4 Williamson - LaSetle -:9 IS Winnebago. .. Lawreuc 1171 4 Woodford before, nd on finishing it, turned the psrpsr over carelessly in ny hand. As I did so 1 looked abstractedly out of the window of tny room, and stood lookinir there for at least a quarter of an boor. How much lon aer I should have remained I know .not, wt,.. auddanlv I beard a voioe sayinir io ao .nniinlstins manner. "No, no I Never i.J I I'll introduce mvselfl" 1 heard tbat voice before, but had no time for disappointment t ne ridioslou. tints or dts- , . ... . Rn,j .-J JM agreeable odor. Th genuln Wm A. Batehe oooiectnre, for the door opened, and Joe Io"t , Dy. prodnw Uubwamit Agar stood there, Wltn B. niwniy, yet m au- M Blkck or Nalnral Brow; leaves tke hair dened smile on his handsome lace Joe j ejBl ,Bft, beautiful ,- dot set oesrtaia partl Avar stood there. I almost shrieked, for he I cle of lead or any injurious cowipouBd Bold by saemad like aw Asss of Betnbution to take in before) my time before my re- Ten ge. otill my face was lnexpresiire and calm, until on rallying my inner man, I felt myself blush scarlet ai 1 ihouted 41 Joe. Joe, oldfeliowl Joel Is it really yoal Are job really aliTe ?" He aniwered notbioff, and only looked at me. bat a fflauo from Joe'e eyei tpoke rolamei. "Why Joe,- continued, Tye (rot the lilt of the yed in my hand, you are not down there!" ai 1 epoke I held it op to bit feoe, and lo! tbe f only name on the whole pae was "Joteph Agar, Only F.neager. and nnderneath it in, " ,h,.nk,he.,s the one, and bare told him where to find yon. IS" It all flaihed upon me in a moment. I bad only read on one eide. That wai not like Harold VVestly. Joe now spoke and iomethio teemed to choke bim. "Yea, Harold, 1 baok: I wae ent back," said he looking upward with deep emotion, ''sent back, with a broken spirit and a saddened heart, c ved her, and I will wed her, for it ii io ordained 1" His head iuok oa bii brent ; and, calm as ever, I bent a pierotng glance on him, to see what be could bear, as be stood there at my mercy. Mer.oj ! Talk not to me of mercy t Talk to the heathen lavage whose only religion is re venge, and who has never beard God's word, oi mercy 1 and he will pity yon and wear contempt npon his lips. I bad heard his word, and knew it better than many of the canting hypocrites one can see every day ; and 1 understood it. There are very few do that. 1 understand it still now I am old, and can look back on love and curse it. The bauble "Love," for' which I sold my soul, receiving nothing in return. And yet I did nothing wrong; no one bis ever ac cused me ot to doine, and no one does, but conscience. So that as I am an old man, and may die any day I can review the horrors of death calmly, for I have no living tie on earth 1 write this to ease myself ot s n ihaj has harmed nobody, for nobody was ever . undeceived. Bat I am falling 'back upon that phantom of rov old aje, self-justification, which haunt me still, every day, aTiBii, while tnere is life, there is hope that pon in a t at live l joespone again, t ao yon smile a rn. Harold ; and smile in that wav, whec 1 feel so serious ''If you can tret her, Joe!" I laugh if you can get her, my boy. There are two people, you know, in a weddine. 1 never Ihoocrht" ontinned I deprecaticgly, "iha yon loceii her. Re bent his head, that handsome head and his whole frame shook convnlsivelv, as he sobbed ay, sobbed like a man. T il opposite him, and watched "him. Then I rose and stint the door, fearful of hie being overheard, fie, at length, recovered hi self, and seizing me by the hands, threw himself on a little seat beside mv chair. Where was the cold Joe Agar ? "Listen to me, liaroio ; yon nave always been rav friend, now be my conscience." I did not start at the word friend, as I had done when she persisted in saying it Still it seemed ominous. "Listen, Harold, and listen carefully." to hk rosTtxrEP. CH0SI UL..LM; y'aj-iioa'ar.y borol'ula, bare their origin In an lli-curcd or uelecied dueate. Do we avt see er cj-y day persons staggering under th Kvigiit o tu.ift ili-lrealed uuMft-D tuCeringout VJ tueee Uioal Ihu remjbd lit loruier u.a.dy 'I Hky i& a': It Is becauoe the treatment m not suita ble or let t uS too soon. I'huttlia patient is paiclisd up eUiie tbo are are a.iuwed to re tuAiu ho break out gta eveb la fntare geoeia lioas. Many suilor .oa foul taint of Serotuia to remain is tn t) stem lor alife line, l irei t aiiC ores tiiat ate eating wey ai, vtry fouutis o! .lie are allowed to go eo. i'lmples. biotches, ud ttiorsaiio dikfik-are the Usu of thwnfe&nd. 1 tiere is no neoets.ty for tbu iaiueutable cuiidi eion, uafew boti ts ot ibo Sauifiliui'a Koet ani iierb Juices will vradieaU tae loul taint. In tkit bad eaabs wo will iurusb. tao remedy free ol oliare a eure is eiluote4, thus proviLg te j. oi a doubt tbat ;1 can he cured. e tind uloU'hos rem jvei, IboreViy savtog many un pieaiaut reuiarss. Ladies who acsire a brilliant ooniplexlon should use the Samaritan's Uoot axid Herb Juices. Price $1 25 per bottle. roa QEiia.ATio33 diseases arising fro Si indisoretios have been treated with Balsam Copaiba and klercury, tin ill tbe sSv.macb ot patients asing tbem beam u nauaoateii aud Heakened thet it was bard to deuiae wbioh was tjie wort ooaplaint, the ill, ordered stomach or tne original disease. At eagtb Air Siimar Hue's Ul!t mtili its advent, aud an eotlreiy new pyetem of cure wen inauL-urated, a4 tbe iienvnaiai results at oaee seen. In dts ut'.Bg drags and poisons were discarded, and to day tbe ttift is prescribed by Bombers of tbe ending Pbysicieus; yet, notwitbdtanding, tte "aiur;tan'i Mill is known to be a positive care l.uteiv v..'e aoie, aud pieasaat to use, bsod.j u.-n pr U tiftfc to he taken, mitny o:a asti aeia i- acs will sttok to their sioeeulng drugs and or their " patienti fr weeks perhaps months. ;rr- Has a lont: job and a ing bill any thing to do witb it? Male pankaes f2. Female ii. Sent by mail. We cnu,.t avoid oaliicgtbs attention of delioe:c females to the Samaritan's tl.ft aa a positive cure for Whites; By following directions yoa will soon get rid oi tnal trouoie some disease, aod become robost and hearty. Sold by Drnggists renerally. DESMOSW -CO. Fren'rs. ttl5 Base street, rbiiadelphia. Pa Cm. Esssse. eoraer Illinois aid Market treet, AceLtfor Koek Islaed. niohd w ly JQ3 HOiES' sir James (lark's Female Pill-. These invaluable Pills are unfailing in cure of all those painful aud daugerous disease to whu-ti the tauiaie constitution is subject. They moderate all excesses and reacts all ob- ruolions, from whatever cause. TO NAKUleilJ L,tI)lfcS tbey are parucaivHy suited. They will in a short time bring en tbe monthly period with regularity ; aud although very powerful, not, am nothing hurtful to the eunsutatiun. In all eases of Nervous and Bpinal Alleetions, Pains In the Hack and Limbs, fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysteric and Whites, they will effect a euro when a'l other means have failed. The lirealars around each package give full firection ana adviee, or will b sent free to all writing lor tbem, sealed from observation. HPKCUI. siuricu. It is th fate of every true valuable medicine to be oocifTBBrBTTBB. Job Mosee Bir Jame Clarke's Female Pills are extensively cecavsa- PBiT-n. iisbonest Druegists codeavor to sell tlie counterfeits to make greater profits. N. 11 la ail eases whore the Hanuin oannot be obtained, One Ilollar enclosed to the Bole fro prieior, JOB MOSE, If Cortlandt Btreet, Sew York, will lusiira a bottle of the Ueneiue. e: containing Flliy Pills, by return mail, se"r(y sealedfrom any knowledge of ils .jnteuts. EVERT BAD'S IS TKZtAIiD SHOULD KNOW What White tWyeerine 1 ASn IrVluvt, it Dook. White Glyocrin may be desoribd as a beau- pearl,,T-wliite, semi-transparent and e.astie - i aBl(, bee more consistence o. "body tun tne 11 I .., rltoeriue I whlsb is a this, syrupy nnia I . .i . i.. .,r ,..r t hu iodi of the i .nnniufl buiu. " - - ------ - h..ari.tl0s of nitre -rlv.erine . .liuht. asrrweabl odoa : aposiw sunn uient. Its most singular characteristic is its re- ...rkabls affinity for th sain ; oat u aoes noi as lias ben stated, "leav. a transparent eoating fhich solidifies int a peariy-wuite enamei mw r,r.t bo removed." It penetrates tbe skin, and It is her that its extraordinary deooloniing and bleaching powers produce r.suU i at OBoe I ..inni.hUir aud sratltvinir, --- - tM t0-,eait witho.t.pot blemish, as perfect in Its parity and beaaty 1 Bs I A ITt 1 Bl II LBI Dancui a aa I'aar 11 - ellll(1 u ,,., otb.r no 1 . ui. .,....-Beeiallv in oombinations ".- r .-. , -to whioh, owevr, it """'; " allude. It ll at present onuea only in a ru tk fn Ai.,KAatiA Sf SOllt BSC. Tbat it I. an article which ean not injur tne skia ts proven by the most searching ebemieai analysis, aae by theloog continued ti 01 oany nse bv iinndreds. It has been taken internally with no injurious effects, and is believed to be entirely powerless of harm. It bai invariably received th oommendationi of all wbo have used it. For sale by all Druaauts. BiTCHELOR'B HAIR DVB. This superb Hair Dye is th bet in th world had perfectly barmlesi.ieliable ana instantaneous come all Draggtsts. Jfaetory, 10 Bond street, . x rxoiA& Boneii. fTb Cause and Core of Coninmp- tion. The primary eanie of Oonsamptioa ti de- raagmnt of the digsitiv organs. This de rwageneat produoes deficient nutrition and as- ilation. By assimilation I mean tbat process by wkioh the nutriment of the food Is onverted Into blood, ani thenee into the solids of th body. Persons with digestion thai impaired, avlng the slightest predisposition to pulmona ry dilease, or if they take cold, will be very lia ble to have Consumption oi th longs in some ofits forms; and Ihold that it will b impoi- ibl to eure any case of Consanpt on without first restoring a good digestion and healthy as- llatlon. Th very first thing t be dene ii to eleansa tke stomach and bowtls from all dis- eaased mnens and slime which is clogging these orgaai so that they cannot perform their func tions, and then rouse np and restore tke lirsr to a healthy action. or this purpose th sor est and best remedy is Echenek's Mandrake Fills. These Pills clean the stomach Bad bow Is of all th dead and morbid slim that is cau sing disease and deosy in the whole system. They will olear oot the liver of all diseased bile that has aoeamalaied tnere, and arouse it up to a new and healthy aetion, by which natural and healthy bile is seoreted. Th stomaeh, bo well and liver are thai elesn sodby the sie ef Seheoek'i Mandrakn Pills; bat there remains in tbe itomaok an exeess of acid, the organ is torpid and the appetite poor In tke boweli the lacterala are weak, and requir ing strength and Support. It is in a condition Ilk this that Sohsnok's Seaweed Tonio proves to be the most valuable remedy rei discovered It is alxaline, and its oe will neutra'ice all ex cess of acid, making th stomaeh sweet and fresh ; it will give permanent tone to this itn portant organ, and create a good, hearty appe tue, and prepare the system for the first proeess oi a good digestion, and ultimaitly make good, healthy, living blood. After this preparatory treatment, what remains to cure most cvses of Consumption is the free and persevering use of Schenok's Pulaonio Syrup. Tbe Pulmonic eyrnp nourishes the system, purifies the blood. and is readily absorbed Into the circulation, an theno distributed to the diseased lings. There it ripens all morbid matters, whether in the form oi abcesses or tubercles, and then asits Nature to expel all the diseased matter in the form ol expectoration, when onoe it ripens. It ii the by the great healing and puriying properties o Sehenek's Pnliaonie Syrup, tbat all nicer s an cavities are healed np sound, and my patient is cured. The essential thing to be dons in enrirg Coo sumption is to get op a good appetite and good digsstioa, so that tho body will grow i flesh and get strong. If a person ha diseased longs, a o vity or abseess there, the cavity can not heal, the matter oannot ripen, to long as the iT'sem is below par. What necessary to cure is a new or3er of things, a ttood appetite, a irood nutrition, the body to grow in flesh and get fat tliea Nun re is helped, the cavities will heal, th etterwill ripen sod he thrown eff in larg quantities, and the person regain health an strength. This is the trm and on:y plan to cure Coniarr.pilon, and if a person is very bad If the lungs are not entirely destroyed, or eve if one lung is Etir!y gon, if thsre is encash vitality left in the other to heal np, there is hope. I have seen many persons enrsd with only one souad lung, liv and enjoy life to a good" id ge. This is what Sahenck's Medicines will do torqrt Consumption. They will clean out the stcinsoh, sweeten and streegtnen it, get up a good d ges tion, aud give Nature tbe a:istauce she r.eeds to clear tbe v stent of all tbe disva.-e that is in the lung. whatever th furm rosy be- j It li important that, while bsib-? Pcusnek's j tiled e.uci, care snou 3 t-e exer nea -et to ae j cold j keep in-door, in col aa.l damp weather ; avoid night air. an-t take .at -loir exercise only ac 1 ditr.p wra'.ber ; j in a tenia! and warm sunthine. . . . I wisn it distinctly uudarsiood that when 1 recommended a patient to be carelol in regard to taamg cold while my iuejreines. t ao so f.r a special reason. A ma who has but par tially recovered from tho effects of a bad cold is far more liable to a relapse than one who has cee entirely oured, and it is precisely the same n regard to oosiumption. 3o leng as tbe lungs .e not perfectly beaied, just so Ion;; is there imminent danger of a full return of the disease, tience it is that I so strenuossiy caotion pul monary patients e,ra:nl exposing tbemrelvca to an aimosptiere that is not genial and p eauabt. Confirmed cocmssptives' Ines are a mass of sores, which tbe least ohange of atmoiphere wi'.l inflame. The grand secret of my success witn my medioines consists in tny anility to subdue intiioiinatiin instead cf provoking it, as many of the f&cuily do. An ;ni!amed iur.g cannot with rafety tothi patient be exposed to the biting blasts of winter or the ohiiiing winds ! spring or autum. It should be careful V shield ed from ail irritating iuduences. Tli" ntasost oaniisB sbouli be Observed in this particular, as without it a aire tin. ier almost -y ircum stanoes is an impossibility. Tbe persou shoul ' b kept on a wholesome and cntritious diet, and all tbe medieines con tinued until th body lias restored to it the nat ural quantity of flesh and strength. I ws myself cured by this trea-ment of the worse kind of Consumption, and have lived to gel fat and hearty these many years, with ene ung mostly gene. I hav enrol thoasands since, and very many bav been cared by this treatment whom I have never sten. About the nnt of Oatober I expect to take possession of my new building at tbe northeast ourner of Sixth and Arch streets, where I shall be pleased to give advice to all wb may ro- qu re it. Full directions accompany all my remedies, so that a person in any part of tli world can be readily ourd by a strict observance of the earn. J. H. BCflltJHCK, M. D., Philadelphia. IICRLBTJT A EDBALL, 31 Lake street, Chicago, Illinois, Wholesale Agents. TKE ROAR OF CANNON ! Across tb Atlantic affect not TJnel Bamnel. He attends to kis toilet s usual. Spyiaga few gray bain on his venerable caput at does he do 1 He resorts at onoe to tbe enlv ar- licle of its kind in the wld wot'.'' whca j, Bt th sams Urns lafe and Parff- -t, in other words Cri.tadorw'i cei8lwr Kair lje far"'wa harmless by Professor CHILTON and other distinguished Chemists, and tbe a' set popolar dy In America, became it im parts tbe mesteataral shades of color witli tbe greatest certainty aa d in the shortest space of time. This famous article lias SPIKED THE- GUNS f its wosld-bc rivals, and is cow master of the aitnation. As a dressing after dyeing, ase CRI3TAD0R0S HAIR PiiiiSLiaATI VB. Ladles, taicf l artiiuUr Xetite. The Heal Velpau Female rills! WARRANTED FKKgCH, These Pills, so celebrated many years ago la Paris, forth relief of female irregularities, and afterwards for their criminal employment in the praelioe of abortion, are now ottered (or sale for th first time is America. Tbey hav been kept in comparative obsonrity from the faot that the originator, Dr. Velpau, it a physician in Paris, of great weailb.aad has itrietooniolentaoarspriB- cinles, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful pr- Doees. la overoouvlng Pemai Obstractions, Palling ef the Womb, whites, Green Sickaeas, feuppres ion, Attention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Dlienargei, .rvoni ana tpinal ACeo tions. Pains in the Baok and Limbs, Fatigue 00 ilis-tat exertion. Pal nltattto et in Ueart,Jdyi terios, Ac, and will effect a eure when all other means have failed ; and, althoagn a poweifal remedy, de not eontaia calomel, antimony, or scything hurtful to the constitution To married laaies aaa young gun wne nave aeVerbeen regulated, they are peculiarly sailed. Thsy will, in a short time, bring on th monthly period with regularity . Cabvio!!. Married Ladies should never take thesa when thsre is any resB to believe tbesn seivas pregnant, for tbey will beior toprodnss atliearriige. Ladle ea proeore a box. sealed from tbe eyes oftk onrioas, by enolosing one dollar, and sis postage stamps to M. W. MACOMBfiK, fteaeral Agent for United State and Can ad as, a Albaey M. TnMef aaatkiisa4Agat. ssyltdwly BEW ADTE&TIwEMESTE LAMP CHIMNEYS Stand Heat better than may other made. ass lor uitbridge's, and take no other. See that our name is on every box DITHRIDGR 4 BOS, P.TT.ncBe, Pa. Bend for Price List. POPEEY Tim fob or ma - AMD IBPCBUC. Wbai it has done, what ft Is dnW onrf ht. It nipene . r. A t,.. ... T. i luuu. iibi"". lie aoeoo im. lie lniaiiiuunv, Its frauds. Its relicts. Its numeles. Ii Idolairv Itt nerBeention. It haired ,r ,i,r i,nni,i M-hooln ana ol civil ana religious liberty. Its startling crimes. im norm wicaeauem, and Its NEW VOKK KlO'l'S. A book tbat j warned hvi-vw hire. We want agents to introduce it In every count v at once, and will pay tliem noerally. hend tor circular. .Address .EHil.KK McCVKDl,' tiii Monroe at., Chicago, 111, DR8. COLE & JACGBS0, OCULISTS and AtJRISTS, treat all diseases of The Eye & Ear, At their Institute, 303 Wabash Avenue, (. u it AGO, w here they are prepared to accommodate patients with board and lodgiug. J SLettura w ill htvchc piumpi. attention. Diarrhoea, Dyienterr. Summer Complaint t-nolera Morbus, t fux. Children's Teeth ing, and the Great Preventive Asiatic Cholera. Benne Plant I This extraordlnsry medicine, the fame of w hich is spread broad tact throughout the country, la im doiintly superior to any remedy ever ottered to the public for the complaints for which it is intended. We have in our ios.e.t.ion tei-tinionials ftirmr-hed voluntarily by t'ol. Lonir, lare I hief TvpnirraphicHl KiiL-ineer Hureaii, t Wai-hiiigrton; lien.' Vilas Uenry W arren, (len. I'leasanton. and o lien of the arinv ; Father V. .1. DeSinet, the celebrated Indian Mi-Kiiiu-ary : lf-o, (.lilieoo id" tho . v : SureoiiB, Hospital M.-waitls. coninifinders of nenriv everv f-ieamer ply ing on the Mi.-HKMppi and tribiuary "rivers. West ern Siinit.'irv and fliristian Commissions. Armv i hn- laiu. and tubers too numerous ui nieitiiiin. Likewise hlirhesl cuconiiiiuis oi the press, inaisiu its aluahle lueiiicinal qualities in ibe htuhc-t terms. No other medifliw has such recommendations. J c. MA UI IKK iSoie fieprioii'rs. oulh-wesl cornerof Olive and Second stn-eis. Si. Loins. Mo., and sold by l-lrug--t'lsts and Meilieine dealers everywhere. enis: Fuller A t uller. Vaiischaack, Stevenson Keid, Chieau-o; liter Kising. Milwaukee ; Mc Kesson X liolibms, !il and If) Fultou st., New York. CHICA1.9 LEAD &. GIL WORKS. Eyablished ISii. Burnt A Rebuilt, 1859. Manufaetarers of LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD BAA & Tia XtSAX), Caw Uatted Gil, Boiled Liasttd Oil AS D OIL CAKE All Oil guaranteed strictly pure and fall weight OFFICB Of TEK CSICiCe SECT T0.VE2 Gj1PASY Maanfmcturers of DROP ASD lll!Ck IHOT. RCMEl! A!I) 1US LKAD, Orders from the trade sollsited. aad nrcmnrlv Ailed. K. W. BLATCHFOHU A CO. 7.1 North Clinton Street $875,000 ! In Cash Gil.i 1c distrihutid b the M P, i;e r... A "i A 1H1.E. KVEHV lICSwriT 1 t'a-h luf; f t"i. ooo t) t Ch tiifts. each $M- ' Nl. i.-h 4 .isi. ! VI" vie El.-i.-aat H.. .;'W(,, r: sew ine Ma. li ue.-, :ai tioid tVatch.-s ( , .I. i - . ! ... to Is I t.l A ,.,1.lU.e ,0 (lr;ttt f , ) Tick-'.-, dt-n-rioii g pri.s. art- n:,lvJL '.. tv.r -'-V. rize- i "' " ""xed. V:i oftV. a Sealed Ticaet ra-s is aravn wiiiioiit ctmi.-e and sent bv awtl t sat wi- J nr-.'-r. 1 tie J'-i7e n.inicd n;.n n ,ii delivered in j k,;'.hi,'l'i"'r ? 1"",! u.'"' "'.lu.r . I 1 rirt--s are iii:ine..i.,U iy s.'ot to itiiv k.aa'K lv ex- pre-s ui return luiui. ou wil. know what vonr pri-zo is hr,iv yon Tsy for it. Any I'rire exrti'..c.vrt t.,r at, .tiier of snme vain.'. No blanks, nur pi.trois can Uvia:i.d on taar dealu;. KeleretKva -The ft!lowtnir fcitelv drew valuable and kimiiy H-rm:t us to pii!ilin them An dre J. Kuroes. i'tm-ni.-... fuuss. : Miss Clara Wal ker. Builimole. piano. s(.; Jas. M Mailbew-. lie- iron, tooni; ,),,., i, j. AiKl-r-ou, Savuniiidi, . f j.i; onnies Simmon-, r, STIn. SIII..M., 1 res Hi.lni.iiis.--iL;! tliiu is rehabie." -WeekH rribuiie. flee. ii. -le-erc their sucCes."-S. V. II. 'raid. .Ian. 1. "Ju-tana hoiioniblo.'" Nes.l)er s send lor tin uUr. Libert,) uMiucemeut to aveiit. Saii-tat tion iriiarame.-d. l".erT p:.i u! ii e;i.ed hilleiopes citiiain- ,1.1c l a.'i, i, ,.(. Seven tieki ts lorl; i; l,.i .'hi l..t ; 4m i,,r Addre-s It A K N KS, WAiiMCU i fo., fis Broadway. N. Y - '-' t yyja.g:ri ssBMgj li 5 P 23 H r :?fS-wiSsBwt&f 4sW ITaslonirlveiireL'arnedas the Wst and cheniiest Bttktnit Powder in use. Pcrfectlv pure aud hesithy It makc- at short notice, oelicions Bisniits. Kolis. Ac. 1 here ti 'ed he no waste of trsi prenared with ii. a it is always of the bel quility. We would ay lo those who hae never tiwd it that a erv f-w trial h ill enable litem to use j:, uoi uuly w ith entire satis taction, but with economy. Put up mil. net weight. n represented ruce and Healers sell u. UOULEV & KlTU'l'IIER. Proprietors. fin New street. New York City. ' '"---"r... n-io -.eii in,, uiting, in- j V univereatiy sought an it book i sueo 0,1 MEAT FORTUNES, AND HOW THEY WERE MAUti: or. the strnirtrie .'inn triumphs ..f our self-made men. Bv J. li. Mot' A HE jr. Ag,.ms already at wo: at are rtearlnc from ! to t-Oo per month, tiy 4" emiueut ex.-impies. itteolh es how to succeed in life and at lh same time hene fi. niaiikind. For particulars, notices of the press, and extra terms, address . IIANNAFOM) & CO., Publishers, Sonih Clark street, t bicaso. ia anv olimate. Pare, bea'tliful, reliable, and ueeds only to be known, to become the leading Baking Fcwder in tbe enuntry. Pot op in air tight tin cans, of i, 1, and i lb., full aet weight each ean having upoo it an elegant la bel of dirsctioas, in English, French and Uer min. Manufactured by H0LL1STER i CO., Tole do, O , and sold by Grocers. Bfrj.H.Sboeoiikfr, FRF.N'H PLATE GLASS liEPOf and general WIN 1HW GLASS Warehouse. Phiiiiclelphia. Importer ol F.N1JSH ClasTAL cuir-o-a i.lass, iruaraii'.eed not to sinin,'xtra thick and well flattened, for liwel liui.'s. stores. Kailroad Car Windows, ami Loconu live Head Lights. Freuch window, picture and puo toral.b irlass. Fieneh skvli-'lit L-lass. Ithi,. red greou sit'oal aud eugraveu g.e; eumuelled and einuossca I'M; Moanc-gist plates. (fM, rilj No. 17. sent on upplka'ion.) tiiores Ko. -Ma .i7 9, 311, N. Fourth street. ,, VfEHESAL lUCTIOKERiw, Office (a Po&e Magistrate's Office, 0CK ISLAND, - - - ILLIK0I8. gwWHl prenaptly attead to all business ea lasted to hi. ear. delldwtf. Acctioa and Commissien Meroliant. &.OOS XXX..XrD, - . ZZsSs Plae ef basiaeis A ILLI H 0 1 3 . STREET, Next door t Dob BlU.w'a Steve Store, weals reeeirsd os easigBBiat, Particalar Attention GirrE tsali loBBtry aad ity. FURmru e both aewaadseeead kastd, beagkt aad sol I naytdly. 1 HOTliLw. MI SHD. L. A.PBAfVl r BARNUM'S HOTEL V BARUUM & PE ATT, - PgofBierjnf Second and Walnut strest, 6T. LOTJI8, JiO. s Th Abscs kept b file. rBAIK W. WIKTWOMTB. CBAS. II. WOOLWOBIH. BRIG6S HOUSE, WKKTWOSTH. A WOOLWOBIH, Proprietors Cor. Randolph St. and Fifth Avenne, CHICAGO - 111. AMERICAN HOTEL, Cfaettamt tttieet, 0PP08IT5 OLD IBDXPLBjiCZ HAJ.X. rhilaiolpbla. . fl. M. HBCLISOS. - PROP' Sally Bock Islabd Aaots kept on file. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, DA VI 3 & STJOSSSt., rroprie's Corner ef Walnut aad Oains Streel, CM SUB ATI OHIO B.B.DAVIS. I. C. TOCBBB, Late of I. C. A L- " UNION HOTEL, Cor. 4th and Myrtl Btrssls, ST. LOUIS, MO. rPHIB House has jest been refitted and tbo r- X onghly renovated. Is centrally looated. The proprietor will spar no pains to make it a good crst-elass, second rate honse. Transient prio, J2,00 per day. aev2i-dly H. C. B A CBY, Proprietor; PALSH H0UL CEICAQO, ..... ILL. This new and magnificent Hotel (the finest west ot Jiew York), aitoatea corner btste aid Quiney streets, was completed and opened Bept. 2(, 1870. It has two hundred and fifty rooms many of wbiob have bath rooms and water elos- ets attasbedi. whieh are made aeeessibie from the ground floor, where the grand rotunda and ottoe is situated, ev : 1 1 a Tuft s bet passenger elevator. W. V. F. M ESbRVK, Prow. KVKIIE1T IaOCSE. BY HON A. BALDWIN A CO., 1'bopbievobs. Corner OlaiL aad Van Buren Streetss, CBICAfttt. .... IlL. aVwThis Hotel, near Michigan Bouthera aad Rock Island D.-pott, iaeeatraliy located, neatly ana elegmt y furnished, and wlllauord to visit ors and eoun.ry merchants as good accommoda tions as can be fonnd In the city. Terms $2.10 per day. mchli-dtf FATENT rOOD. Agreeable, Digest Ude, Noun'sting, Satin; r7, Smthtng, strengthening. This farisaeous preparation costal. all th elements recessary fv gwth and 'repair. It has for years been the prinoipal food fr infnnu and invalids in Figlaad and the Colonies, an 1 ts proved by expeiieno to be th Ae eerry rf aj food f'r children. Sold la etna of all sires, and in 2i csnt pack ets for the miiiipc by druggisis and grooers gen eralty. G1LE & ELCfKI, DrnT5i$!s, 101 P.andolpU itreet, Chicago, Agen's jc?3-dty riscsllaneoas. FETH FSIsg, RKCTiFUa AVI) .Dokcciu Licw.-rs. M AKryACTtKIS OF Vf'r., itovs. 15 ret eipc. '.ti Perry I iu'tEj, Bk Isla.-ia, IT T OCR eletb,ing san be oipat.sci .o4 boaai.acd pressed oter, so t'estM will iooh as weii s nsw.l-y B. WILCOX Teller, Wbo bas renorsd to West Kag'.e Strett. nnder tss uget liual nocie. mchl-dtf JAMES KELLY, Staple and i-aney Groceries. Provistona, Oasensware. Glassware. Wooden and Willow Ware. Ac. Corner Orleans and Ohio streets, ROCK ISLAND ILL. For quality ef goods and prices, I defy com petition, mefcladly G. WOEBER & BROS Carriage Manafartnrers ! may28dlm DAVENPORT, IOWA. MASON & EVANS, Manufacturers- Corner 14 and Rook Lslaad t., OAVEKi-OSf, - . IOWA LATEST STYLES CF vpea and Tcp Baggies, . s&.zid OAnnsczs, Kept constantly oa hand and made to order ""l eii-iog promptly done. apslg-dly oaggics and Carriages ! ALL TVOliK WAUnAXTEl) ! ! W have reeaaUy renter, to oar new tZi. Spa sioui Bhopi, sitaated on ths' Jlofln WaUrPsw nrser, and ar jparea ' to flI au crdn with PptBsan4 flispatoh. i ', - Bw-Look for oar Trad Mark ea each Son mean ether ar geaaia. Sand for Price List aad tsa. M.dAwlr --j;Jr'tA k&s. Saa ssVClv' A f 1. k. KAZ mmmmm AGIICCLTCaiLIMPLEJlESTP. TEE r OTTAWA Machine Shop s 8 And JP'oiiiitiry, OTTAWA. - - IJLII NlilS. W. IT. W. CTJ8HMA1T, Prop'r, A. B. MOORE, Bnp't. Manufacture CORN PFO WS, CIDER 'MILLS, Bone Powers, Haohmsry for Srist Mills, Paper llbly Mills, Glass Works, Ziae sTaetortes, I Btarek Fast rls, Coal ' I It Mines, et. . I OUR STOCK OB" PATTERNS very larg. Our facilities foseastia. aad fie- . hlsghav no inpirtor west of Chicag. We Bvneuie ewnowwi r, ,iuv. ,u, '-1 v stosk of 1 atterns tor MUl uearing, eto. Ottava Reapers aad Alowert, j (Jlimn Rtana-M'and Mower 1 m Victor Coml Plcva, Tiro Horte Wagoni. ! Ocl. A. B. XSoore, SopertnteadeBt, Ottawa. Geo. W. D, Harris Is the Agent for thai Works, and Farmari de siring to pur oh as can sse any of thiir ma chines at bis Wanhoss on the Levee. chts-dwtf S20VEB. Patronize Home Indastrj ! BOCK ISLAM) STOVE CO. ST The Best and Cheapest FOR BALE AT DAVID DON'S, Oppoit WADSWORTll'8 8T0RR. DRt uOODS caehldwly Store & linse Furnishing Stores 31. A. tWiXlSE-I, formerly of Bwiler fc Cpencer, Has opened a AND House FurmsiiiEg Store, With a new aad complete stock of goods, on ! ILLINOIS SIR EET, oBe door M of the First National Rank, where eTesythicg in tbe Honse furnishing Hoe Cin be ioond of the best quality aad at reduced prioss. I has t'u ageacy of John S. ETcrrcn &. Oo.'b Celebrated Stoves, Among waiib is tbe "IdAliO" CooLl. Which has bsn Improved durir g the p set month making it in ail respects a first class store. Also THE fHiHS," A new ptttsro, with all tbe latest iisprovemsnts. I stall keep conitartly on lacd a full s'eck of grates, linings and repairs for tke Idrho. Challenge. Rival and all tb leading cook stoves that have been sold in liock Island. Particular attention will be paid to all ki&d: cf tin and ehet ires job work. Well and cistern pumps kept constantly oa band. Thankfnl for past petrosal I would respeot fullv ask mv eld friends to sail at nay new plao f bniiuee I am determined to spar no pains topioas those who favor me with their patron age. M. A.SWILER. mch!i-dwtl iiojai UaTaaa Lctterj ci Cuba. pONDCCTED BT THE SPANISH GOV- vernment f.sttu.uuu in Hold drawa every sev esieen days irises oesaea ana Inrormatioti faraisbed. Th blgkest ptlee paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of Gold aad Oliver. T A V LOK A CO., Bankers, y Wail Street, hw lork. MiCIC OIL. t.Gse&SXI3a I XSav you at bead to ache 7 Then yon are interested in koowiDg- what Eexmo's PAIN KILLINGMAUIC OIL r DOBS FOB KBADACHK, "It Works Like a Charm." Head taeie Letim, bet abvv all IKY IHS MGM OIL ! Atbbrs, Tens Mr. Rbnxb Dear Sirs Sept. 26, lbfcil. a i,u so tay a word lor -Ma. is Oil. your fain h.nling 1 hav been a great sufferer from that awful disease, btck Headache. It generally attacks m early is th morning, grw iu iateuity all day. an nigin, ana all the next day, aad generally, Shouga not always, goes off daring the seonnd Bight. It comes upon me at least ouce a month, eiei oitea two or three times, always sonnnlcg me to my bed ior alcut thirty-sis: to forty hours, sad paining me so tirnbly that It seems as if my bead would burst open in spite of skull and everything else. A peteoa's hand wauld be thrown entirely off by its throbbing. In short 1 suffered agony indesoiibable. Onr best Piiysb clans failed in my ease, and I have U...1 most o the popular remedies sold, wbiob are reeommend ed Ht"ssrc to eure" just eackeases, but tbey ro' only failed to cure tne, bull tccme'd to aggravate icy situation. A lew months ago. 1 toiiunatelv obtain a bottle of your l'a.u Killing Aiagio uu, ana as you claim "it works like a chrmi W hen 1 feel my eld plague coming on, 1 use tbe Magic Oi! both externally and iau-rcally, frcvly and laitbtully, and sis 1 do tot evcu hav to stop my woik, but go about 4,11 business as usual. lasssreyou on fallow-man las l u heoe Sttcd by yonr invent.on, and for which I (eel grateful, iday Uod reward you. In " bouse and family, yoor Slagio Oil is s iuiipensible a flour. I hope my letter u:ay te tbo means of letting other poor suiler-fs iiow tlie virtaes of your Magic Oil, and yon may use my nam as a refrrace if you cinse. Gratefullv, I am yonrs, tllWAUD A. COBLKIGH. Wm. Rbsrb. Esq. Pear Pro. " The letter from Edward Cobleigb, is my Ion. lie has suffered greatly from Head ache, but has recently foand aonre by niicg yttr Pain Killing Mayio Oil. Rev. Bro. Speuee, oar ageat. uses yo Magio OIL and Bails relief from tb severest beadacbt ! lalso use ii in my family and find it excellent ia several ailments. I trust yets. are doing the world good, as well as getting sem peculiary bensflt to yourself, with yoor Pain tilling Magi OH. I am rrnly veers, N. B. OOBLEIGH, 1 President Weileyan CBiversity, Athini, East Tenn. - " ' ' I am eoBfidentlbat nvery family will In d great benefit ky kecping.aad using sny Magio OiL Our best Physician as and preseribe it ; aad next t tb really Physician ISran b depended npon, as a eleaa, safe and dalieteas remedy for all kiadl of Pain, sore to give immediat relief, aid saver do harm. Dirtotions with each bottle, , Tean truly, WM. RENNE, Manufacturer, PittsCeld, Mass. Call for it whr yon aiually trade.- Seld by all DrsggisU, Msrchanu aad wreesrs. - ' Uaee-dwls Tk W MagmreB AR8APAU1LL A BITTERS (WITH I EON,) The test Blood, Gtobacb abd Livbb Atedi oina ever oHered to tne public, it Is very agre- aoie to tbe taste and will not afiect the teeth as Iron preparations generally do. n rt.ii ,t uilt do .- it will k foond vast:, su perior to any of th Catisaya and Ifoa soaateu-1 lively used for invigorating th system. It will uo iimrai iiusut ttiliikts it. it sui reator (he pal aad emaciated, th weak and debilitated to, nlesb, health anu strength la an iucred. short tim. It will stnegiben th nursing motner ana merease ine Bow ot milk, also bene- the ohiia at tbs breast and prevent many of the complaints to wnien children are sabieol in infancy. It will teaa to eyesight 1 when iinnaired bv continued annlieatiiit. in ,,,,,, ;. bv strentaeni. ,i.. tlo ,,,,,. it will give vitality to tb mental f, ji,;,, wbeu depiested by close confinement to ,tady or bnslness pursaiu.and pivnt nervoui headsehis. It will purify th blood and prs- ." " ooi..,pimpiai a.a oium uintioDi esssed Bv novertv of blnod. It wil rstor th genital orgsne, when weak, to healthy condition, regulate the menstrual period all relieve debility caused by summer beat or excessive prespiratlen. A single trial will prove conclusively that we have not over-estimated the value ef tbisexcsl- i lent medicine. Price, $100 per bottle. J. A C. si AGL'I RE, Chemist and Druggist!. Sole Proprietors, HT. LODIS, Aiio proprietors of Msgulre'l celebrated k;b ruiT, a sure cure for JJia.-rlica, uyseatery Cholera Morbus and the AsiatbCholora. AI orders from responsible patties promptly filled mcbiY-dwI SSSSXCAXi. Cnrei all diseases caused Spermatorrhea, .Seminal by self-abus, viz Weakness, Xigbl EmitsicBS, Lots ef Memory, Universal Lassi tude, Pain in th Back, Eimuess of Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, D.Bcult Breathing, Pal Countenance, Insanity, Con- sinif tion, and all disease! tbat follow as a se quence of youthful indiscretions. te.This medicine bas been astd in our prac tice for many Tears, and with thousands treat ed, it has not failed in a single instance. s9Each package of YrjttulU Curt is wrap ped In ultramar ne bine paper, printed In gold letters, and contains one bottle filled with Sa-ger-eoatcd Pills, and one vial of Medicated PowiVrs, suXoient to make one-f aif 'ut of in jection ; and one Syringe. The sreat Indian liiuretio, tares all diieans of tbs Urin ary Organs, scch as Inconti nence of I rine, InCanrmatioB cf the milder, Icfi vn.o:s'i(.n ef tne Kidneys, .-toi e iu tbe Iliad Jer, Btricture, Gravel, eepecially reooroiueudod for Flnor Albcs (or Whites.) t-$t- Krc'i racsae of 1 f.-i.'ie tl'n'dj is wrurt'sd in dark cctcio'el pR;icr and pr'lLte.i ia g.M istters. and con tai one b'.tt.e lined witb ?n?ar coated Pii!"-, scl cte vial wim Me-lisetci Fowders, uiie-ient to make one pint of injection; aui one Syringe, enoagh to cure any ordinary csje. Price ti pr psckag soij i y aK Bii.g gists, or sent by li.a: 1 ior $j.oti. Tt:o "Vegetable Cure n.l Vsgetabie Eem edy"aresoij fcr ressi-.,:i.!e I'r.i rt,-U: eveiy where : some deaisrs, hoverer, try to sell ourap aad wo.-ttles ccipci.cjs p!;ce cf the., in order to make more mi uey. fie 1101 -io'-vircd. for tbete preparstionf sd take no oth ers , if the dealers do not keep tbem enclose tbe raoniy in a letter and we will send thcin br re turn mail. Laliescr Gutieman writing fer treainient. will state tbsir symptoms in foil ; thry ncet not hesitate on accoontof their inability to viiit ea, as w have tr.'aiel patients successfully iu alt portions of the ecntmeut bl corrr-5pond(.cce. fSQr W i!e, ire t Fend oar tbirty-tw paei pamphlet, ei titled "Van and Woman ns Inva lids," to every roarer oi this Address as follews Et. Lot is VuMCAi. Assriiaviox, 117 SI.UTB SIXTH STREXT, Sai.iv Lovi't. Misot siI. WWSB mm c : l : v::o rr:Drc!KS co. F? !7lh,t. I.oui, Mo. t ; . :r f. art rrXri. efct :cd L a s;tv . . 1 1. . t ; titii, ft m, ret.-. ; t - n -. -! sjkilt." UsitUdT utist drui-Io '-. 1 - . I 1. -1 -1 - .1 1 '.i- i"0Li.i: rtiiiltT Our cjctll- .-. '-v. V tri -it-..:. 'nrrm'-iix-.Tiv1 for !1 niriiy' ( ; : 1 t in' . . iu. a. , r.i :;H-r m w, eDOme f l, w - : i U t. :,: iiisirs. ii---n!. in thi war ,! ' sT T? il til i. 1 rcufbt tUUBItrOrt-SkCllof talL 1 ' it ; .ire pit !!, t'"i!cu"f.l, un-trrtaite W Ct. !!'-, 1 1 -h -tI!Zt!t. li-:tlill a v RaLiPM. - ; i.w VY t Tx LI. Mi- DiKS. 7VtT-r:, fill SOx-ts. onitiprtion Pills il ,iM. P.lfrioval'.!rt'tetorwTiion of cmtratt4 ti'r:;i:d Aau 1 iils S-HH). UvrrTiiWi S! .T. it.-, v ft.-t.1lrr' -s!7 on tbcllrer. Neuralgia nil )l.rt.l. r :Kfia m:n. a:;! care in a fe daj . Tonic J'iii t: !.( -. tJ Ncrrwii Kjihaustion. rt,yt-al Debility, I.. - ,i t i. . or ftj .petite etc. Blood Ffllft Si. 00 f r f art pursjl j- wf-pcoui U, and b taken loar, rpp 1 i. cun nuy Muwd-taiut. Kucha Jills toe ki 'it'v. lla.Mt-r and tirinnrr dtfttt-uitifs ; ihlw drug hu ft oiijt-witl rr,'taaTioDfurtxihusilrvdTcara. Pimnlswantl I'rerkle Cure I.tlieiuost efTectiix'knowra to ttepro- I, .-it lie ; ure 1 , i in ror an innns of FenaleDia. f rt-m .'Vts. to ti.(nj per bAjc Af HoM prrpanUooa .ii..Is at r.ajKtiR!.le frixva. t-vnA to iama for .dr. t-ydxutirt-t. If roe dto tfiDd them, nod t t- ui, a.lUrvfi confi-lfOliT lr. tS . D. Bead. Invaitia. csialrr Pt.rtictanK or DruaTjrixa, rim rrrloe dir.-. .rwji . '-TO-'ipius, i u'uimMic'.iir,.i .p, urtcai Io ctr.'rriT'. m- yi.t-liTUaPce. throMrb s4reTiitair pri OH. HOTTER T 6(3 Cliesrtut St., St. Louis. Mo.' M.'ki- njj. rniQtorrliua,stm:iial trcckwa, tut vojs J.ii'n, lir.potcn y, weakness of either te marrifi or tingle a tpericl'f. ffiou art out o f ie i.'i K'rvOBS, dtbtiitat vi, j'ti t overturn to so ,.1, . ,u cf matly poseer, face disf.avredbw fimules, tallow rmnteMwe, cVeof ottfur cecils, fearing to many ,er, ifmarried, unhap py, afrj!v end term ed. Send 3 t tan ns , ttatina case rte.rd only as cure proCrttem. All u (an te tent ialMl ftr twtnv-!U n ii. re. C.aiitUlioc fn. J6 jjajiOBi TAA-fsl . HI OR." WHITTIER,-' 617 Ht.Cliarlcs St,St.l.ouis,;o. A Ur.l'LAH K A it 1' A T B OF sbK11INF, AS DiV aid luuia a.t.t-,8- will ii,f,l two in'wr eoner&in rfca Ircaiiin-ut at VuiT'(tI, Hexuai tvud g'nyaMi tiMMUKa tLaa an? itihcrplij'su'iui to St, Loiila, S-ypliittK. Ouiiorrtifa, Gteet Strit-tur Or.M, Asrtift op RuptiiTv; alt 1 rinarr P)f - K , tt lc or livr. orial AtssjcUtius ef u9 threat, ta or K.iH;'s. Ae tiiBU.! W .!& Bili'lr8lr. eli.-c-'f. mperttmlurrhf a, Sexw IVhilitf ftntt lm- t'u-.v, aatltf rtjststi of ci:-uujiC Lti, sx-aiisi.. aimmm Or MiiLf rUe--. tnd itfll. n rrimurr n'nw et ih if C'U'.'tw, ftsf UtH-UsUemiAi"0. OI- if hilt Iit, d:iiu a-rt, dniut ai ijiUt. con- aw.i i.. si.HiAee ait,rl wimI iKcr rfodfrtn. mar. rU. Inipgprv-, ar erma''oeiy cnrri. fValwt pamphlet in feo a'we i ft two wanp. Cait or true, - (n itdiT ia:k co- lsi ooUiitiff. lti.-iofa am. srrerrwbere. it it awlfrtivftifctisu a,hr1ot;.B ato tr4A tmraaaacAaof .',.- i-ivrr yt-nr a-'jufn nr-m .)'. "'iir hytt. iaiia Lisowfotf ihU IVsninilr rwuDfB4 psnOBa to ka? carta. Uiice ii" , A-m. t M. W., lit ft f.m.. AjA.vAoobt v;o5iAivTiiooDt 108 PeTt. Boo tbr ti- Wmicof irkataa majrr ' vwi (. vT.f. laitfBUtiE ; Caotva aui 4 Csaio wrth b m-aiit atv .t ProcrcaUoso. hwecu, etc. AU ' thai th'Di-.i;li'""l.!r4aar itinuttive wihtok. A - tf .f atari :t-tiu:e aud prit r- Medical ( -juoavlisr. Kfetrr fatber, oaoOier. yout Mats and yoasff woma ahavtd rT 1 1 i tiim 8tu.itw ikviuiBi l4otaUgfct tot. fw J e"Book of Mature SLLyeiing... w p, ;AonM i i.u young wr, Av peon. Aonld. a dern and a tWi, d.."?. - ' v W UK IlUJUHal bKM . ftyLoV J. J " Sf,i Af o r wMress securely se.l r .o, wArth lSf7 ZatB - " cnta&u in.oijn (tel. r.a hmlr ds of dollars to the young. It Is radnreed by the press and pul pi .. .v,Jhe Mlotitf and unfor:T-.-;$o, Tom Should send lor this Book. It niaw save vonr , neaitb and preserve Tour life Artirn sufe'rimr and mlwry. it will save you from the poleon. ou effects of quack medicines and noeurmo. Winch are eure to ruiu you. Da. A. G, oiur 1 is me most successful physician in the weet I end for the last 80 ears has devofd his whole attention to th. trentment cf all I rlvate and Sexual Oiaeasea, end has no equal on our continent.; Address IM. A. G. Oi-ix, Ko. Kri Wasmiigmr, y., Chicago, 111 All corres posnkiw. Htrietly emukksitial. -ConsuitatiQiia tree. AgcoU Waau4 tvujwbcrv ITikifwr ( in moss 0NE mm) 'toS. (THREE) DAYS i Vf f UtiUUte tiUltlie. tiriMInn 'Hi 111 1HARHIAS2B7! ennr ' B1LW1CKEB. BADGEH STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! WOS. 1, 3 & 5 CLYBOl'HH ST., Wilt and Enron 6t., Bridge, BtZilwankee. - - "Gffla, F. F. ADAHS & CO., PR0PRIST0S8. Order from olose Cash Beyers solicited. mok5-dly Bock Island Baslncss luhersity WILL OPB AUGC6T lsv, 1871, FOR th reception of stedtnts, both Ladies and Gentlemen. 31. 33 1? Usta, XJrovn, Proprietor of Bloominglon Buiiness TJnittrsiiv Superintendent of course oi Instruction!. ' ' J. BPIH.OOK., Late Professor of Businssl and OrnsaentHl !'. ssaashlp. Pen aad Pea oil Drawing ialc waVet. cyan University, lecturer oa Commereial cones, pondenee, businsss easterns, laws ct tmcr to., in obarge of writing departtnint. ' Other competent teachers will be In sbsrgg ef phonography telegraphing, and E?!itb de partments. Twenty-four lectures will b given during the fall and winter, on mercantile law, con nier isl thics, political ecoBciny, laws and cuntnn . f trade, eto., fre to all regular studeits. 11,, institntioB will be npon the most thorough ard praetieal basis Tte only actual Lnt tttt col lege in Rock Island, where each stodent ii re quired to go throcgh every dtteil in a.-iiiSI busioers. It is very important aad dohaiie that all oommene at opening of term to as to create at much aniformity aid system as poiiill,. Cards, subscription headings and ornsioeB'al pen wora oi nnost workmansntp witn tne pec, executed to order. Bend $1 for specimens. Hail nearly opposite R' ck Island House, op n day and evening after July 2, 1871 . F r i. forciallon Send for circular or address M DE LA lil'.OWN. .iyl.'idlf P. 0. Drawer 4 4 T, Rock Island, 111 Thomas Yates, (Ssssmsoc to Jicob K;ify j 0a the Lercc, ock Island. tntl Iron Work, Gra Spitting AND AM PIP EH LEVBE NEAR FSRR7 LANMSG. Tbe sub-rriber, at bis shop ea tiie Levee. tu Woiticaa's, iavites tbe attention of bis friends and the public generally to his large ana com plei stock of Brass A Iron srods.stch as ?t-ui Cocks. alves, i ater lisuges, Wbis.le, C'n f'cp Beer Cocks. Pomps, Gas and Bitam i ij e of a,i Ues, Zinc, Babbit Mel;, eto , etc. Steam and Gas Work promptly alteadsdto and put op in workmsaiike manner. Copper, gnUl'Ing and Sheet Iror WorL la all its bran-cliee. Also Dotiu on short cotice. IIo has a screw oatting machine, which cuts screws wpon gas and steair pife froi I ol an inch 10 4 inches tbe largest machine wett of Ch'.cago. THOVA? TATES. DLtl "KhMITKI.VGT" If raorcd to Gait's Xtw Uuiltlicg, IasLJDtofl Street. WALTER BAUBEE, Gf P.ock Island County, tkoes Ilortts in tte most workmanlik manner. Kit erit need sad skillful workmen ; hcift shod withoat pain. Having a practical end ex tended experience in tbe basinets, 1 sol c 1 your patronr ge, cc-sfident that 1 csn pieaie in., si d do btttir work than anv other sbosr in toe c.iy fhop Bitn of the BIG IIOllrE tKCK. ta Washington street, near the river. mayS-dtf W ALTER DAI i.Si B9ILEBS. Boiler Works! th undersigned are psepared to aeanfactuse to order Ecilers fer Sie in Eagiseg all Kinds, Styles aad Eia. Also, v.ry u rity of SSSSY ZS.OIT All oar Boiler werk is warranted. RspawiBg cf all kinds done pr pt' j at.i sheaply. Bkop near Molin Iron Works. lUdlv. BC81LLIBOKR A TRCiiFXL!. J0HKST0FS MILLS Msnuftctort rs ot Choice famely From selected Spring and Winter Wl.ent, preisiy for tb city taadv. ALL KlSta O Flour and Heal Oa banc', and atekvered i'SEB Of CHa At i In th City. JAS. A. FOTtS. Agent s(l.. katw.M frB aad Tlti. wirkiai M? CW.'FLfiRENGFJ , , Sussesscr to Il.ons.vrx4 iirarFB. Photographer f Pr tit sues t artii lis stvla. had at ... c , . A. B. SAIfORD r. AMBEpTYPES. Totiarpsjsd tkttside ef b'sw Test, tst.r . A. B. SATFORD's A lists, ia Us tighMt style f sst, to be ts PisOTfifiSAPHS. ts.-o jSi?rx . i IP' . f 'I? Illinois Street, bet.. k ft? ' ? Kglo 4 Bul-a o. ? M f r UdCK Iist.AJstJ. Hi ir"B!tsfsoticn "goar-ji'-f H i -iviji ' Irises;..- A. E.Cy fare's w.llery. iiV''XaWekVsrtBlesa. ' .' r IIOB MODBsiilft.