Newspaper Page Text
itWHIIi IIM FOBLfSBBD T Til Aaora vxzcrsxsra tootsr v, TB.X Dailt Aaass. Jy Hail(payeblein a4veBeo),pereaBam,l.U0 iy Mail eissBOBths, .0 By Mail mot,. . By Mail i "Bt Oitt C.atiaa, J4 Otiu per week. 8"iii Const Caats. TIRM4.- Winn Inn. 'iafle Copy, (payable! n advance) $. tea cobih " " st.oo le.aty Copies " 4.0 tlirty Ooaie. " iO.OI ASBXTX0Z7AX. CXTV. Go to C. Speidal'a for carefully and' cor rectly compounded proscriptions., choice drag and all the leading remedies and tandard patent medicines, alto toilet arti elei of all description and fancy articles for lad tea and genu. - -To the Youno Ladies. It hat baen suggested that the yonng ladies talk about the Catholic, Ball aad Prixe Concert, whlon 1. 1 . a. m piaoa no ma lienor uotober next, when the gentlemen introduced the subject ot tne weather tor the evening's conversa tion. They can assart thtm it will b the finest entertainment of the aeasoa, not tak ing into account the prize distribution. Be sides it will be a pro6tab!e aabject of con versation. Patent Medicines. When we first as cended the Editorial Tripod we made it a rule nerer to puff or commend anything to onr readers unless the atticle noticed pos sessed, in oar opinioo, real merit; aad though frequently importuned, we have nerer departed from it. Bat when anything is presented to oar observation possessing these qualities, we consider it due to onr patrons that we make it known to them. Wo therefor call the attention of oar pa trons to Taylor's Stomach and Over Cor rector in another column. We know it to be a good remedy. Hundreds of our sub scribers have tried it, and ia no instance has it failed to effect a permanent core We only speak what we hare seen and know. To those atR.cted with this prevalent di as9 we c Jm mend it, for it is well de.err. tag of confidence. Try it. It is said that the Fall styia of boaaets will cover tba back hair. LOO A. L NOTICES. Toilktiys is unrivaled as a beaatifier of the oamplexiau, it is a powder, haroileta, re . i.'i a-id W'in'.. Try i, o'J cents per cox. Vf uiTcoMB's Srurp, This ertiole ia jj jol f jr a'! dieae incilaut ta the pe riod Di teething jn children, and is sid for -5 oenU a bottle. tfiKr.ia-.B1 Guidi. Interesting work, uiaiToai engravings, 224 pages. Price 50 wan Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 S'jrt'a Eiihth street, St. Louis, Mo. See .advertisement. Sprains are thoroughly cured if there 3 nut extensive lesion by thoroughly using Konne's Pain-Killing Magio Oil. It ia also good for other pains and aches. It is an excellent family remedy. Try a bottle. GOIXG! 60LG!! For particulars call at the Plunder Store, corner Illinois and Bit Halo Street. ALL EIGHT. SALVE, for Corns aod Bunions, Bolls aad Runs. Voi sale by ail Druggists. 23 cts. per box, or neat a reoeipt of piico. Address ALL RI'i 2 T,r5 Clark St., Chicago. sepU-dly PIPEl B0XK8. XI. A. HOIIKLL (Baeeossor to J. B. Bohn.idor,) M.Daiaeturer of cvory dessription of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. Ord.ri promptly attendsd to. rerli-d-m FOR SALE ! OSK FRAME HOUSE A5D LOT, PKIC $1,200: ano-half euh ia head, balaaoo In one year with interest. One frame home, Cooper Shop and let, price $1 ,000, ono-hitlf cash in band, balanoe ia one uar with Interest. Also, 60 eords dry oak wood, aad 400 perch of building stone. B. DAVENPOBT. Book Island, Bept., 1871; -dim Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! Oa tba Una of the iTsin Pacific Railroad ! A LAKD GHAN7 01 112,000.000 Acres OF TBI Erst Farniig aod Miner! Lands ia AMERICA. 3,N0,000 Acres of Choiee Far miss; aad &re itf Lands on the lias of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in tht Great Platte YaUey Kow for sate, for eaah or long oredit. These lands are la a mtld aod healthy climate and for graia-gtewlng aad stock-raising, 01111 patsed by any in the United States. Prices range from to $10 per Acre H0M1STIADS FOB ACTUAL BETTLKRS. 2,500,000 Aores of Government Land between Omaba and Nortb Pletto, opea for entry as Homesteads only. SOLDIERS OF THE LATE WAR Are entitled to a FBKB HOMESTEAD 0 J60 ACRES, within Railroad limits, equal ta a Direct Bounty of 9400. 8ol for the new edition of deiorlpttve pam phlet, with new maps, mailed free everywhere. Adlrets u. F. DAVIS, Lead Ooamiaaioner U. P. B. R. c.. sep4-duaw-3m m Omaha, Neb. TQ0M1S He BROWN'S Novelty Carriage Works. Wftnafirtrtartr of Geatlemen's Road and Fimilj BUGGIES, Hlceleton Wagons AMD 44 Asami Street,..., ICLKIEI. CHICAGO, Liaht Work a Bpooialtj. Repalrinc ,tly aad promptly done. BiiehlT-deedwaewlf - " . -'--"BBSBWawa ijr' 11 " Twentieth Year, VERT LATEST BY TELEQBAPH. 4 O'Olook Jt. JX. NEW YOIfcK:. Appointment of Orson Comments of the Cimea and World The now Situation A Peoria Qiri foncd in men's clothes. WASHINGTON. United Statos and XtXexlc&n Claim Commission renr and a half millions claimed by X&Xcxico. A Aadieal Tet cnts his wife's throat in Chicago -Se v. Chee ney and rire at Bt. rani Ooldsmith SXaid and Xtncy at SSinaeapoIis. Yellow Fever at Charleston Em all Tox at Xowell. Foreijru Market Reports. Reported Expressly for the Aaacs. New York, Sept. 18. The Times, to day, publishes a letter from W. F. Uare meyer to Cotnptroller Connollj, adrisiog the latter cot to resign, bnt to appoint Andrew U. Green, Deputy Comptroller, and leave him to exorcise tne foil powers of the office withont conditions or interference, and with the complete custody of all the books and papers belonging to the oSce with the ap pointment of all persons, he may think it necessary to protect public property and in terests, and enable him to carry out the most searching investigation to aid the com mittee appointed for that purpose. Connolly has accepted HavemeTer's ad vice and appointed Andrew H. Green, De puty Comptroller, vice Richard Corres, re moved. In aocepting his advice he states he is governed by a warm desire to restore the department over which he prejides to the confidence of the city, and so conduct affairs so as to satisfy the just demand of the public. The Times says, editorially, in regard to Connolly's appointment of Green : "Even the World will find it a hard task to villit'y Andrew H. Green, or to assert that he is not the proper man to be placed in Connolly's position. Green, as we need scarcely say to our readers at a distance, iaa Democrat, bnt he is a man who would be credit to any partv, aad whose verdict we sbonld be quite willing to accept." The World remarks : "Mr. Green, seduced by bad advisers, has lent kimself to skulking intrigue to shield Connolly and prevent the appointment of a thoroughly npright man, like General ile Clellan, or Belmont, to the Comptrollership This proposterons fetch is not creditable either to Green or his sly advisers, and it cannot save Connollv. II Connolly ' in nocent, it is idle to make charges against the Tammany ring ; if he is guilty. Green and his hidden prompters are acting a most disreputable part in their desperate attempt to sustain the screen him. Several facts which have been developed in connection with the aDDOintment of Green led to the belief, as expressed in sev eral plaoea to day, that it was brought about br tba aotive agency of the Democratic State Central Committee. S.J. Tilden, member of the committee, and pronounced in his opposition to the ring, is credited with havint suggested the arrangement and aid ed its negotiation. Ex-Mayor liavemeyer, who concluded the treaty, is kLOwn to De a the head of a formidable movement for the reorganization of the Democratio party hich Laa the support of the State Centra Committee. Llaremeyer and Tilden are nr derstood to be the bondsmen of the new Comptroller, and Green and Tilden were long law partners. The new situation was generally accepted in view of these facts, as the beginning of aotive operations by the State Central Democratio Committee against the ring, or at least that part of it hich hoped to save itself by sacrificing Connolly. New York, Sept. 17. Irene Robinson a and nineteen, who ran away from home at Paoria. Ills., two years ago, was found tbi. oitv last niffht. dressed in boy's clothing Sh had assumed tne name oi ui P-.r.V .nit had work al teamster, laoorer and canal boatman. She gave herself op to the nolio. and asked to i sect home T , Sh r.n .... hAcansa Her tauter wauteu her to marry against Iter will. Wasiiihotow. SeDt. 17. The Cnited States and Mexican Claim Commission is expected to resume its session this week. One hundred and fifty oases have been suo- mitted by Mexico against the united States, claiming in the aggregate four millions and half of dollars, damages in the sac oi Bagnjra. This subject is expected to be disposed of in a week or ten days. One hundred and fifty similar eases are also peaoing, claiming in the aggregate eleven minions two bandred thousand dollars dam ages in the sack of Piedras Negras ia 1856. The United States took muoh pains in pro curing and offering proofs, having sent an agent to Mexico especially for that purpose. Chicago, Sept. 17. A terrible eold-blood- d murder was committed on Polk street, in this city, about six o'clock last evening. Andrew Perteet, a negro about fifty rears old. went to a house where his wife, who left him torn time ego on aooount of ill treatment, was living, and seizing her, with out a word of warning, cat her throat from ear to ear. The daughter of the murderer .nt hia victim, a girl ot eight years -h was in the next room, beard the blood spatter npon the floor, and rushed just as her mother was UUxag to the Boor, rer taet had left, and he shortly afterward came to the Central Police station and asked to be locked ap, stating that ha had been at tacked and was afraid of being killed, evi dently toying to create the impression that he was insane. He is now in jail. The Episcopal Diocesian convention of Illinois, at the afternoon session yesterday, adopted, with hot bat two dissenting votes, a report from the committee oa legislation, instructing the Chancellor of the diocese to take prompt legal measures to seonre the property and revennes of Christ Cnaroh (Rev. Cheney's,) of this City, from the cus tody of the present warden and vestrymen, and restore the same to "their legitimated and godly nses." St. Paul, Minn., Sspt. 17. A very de structive fire broke out last night about midnight in the rear of the First National Bank. It was first discevered in a stable belonging to Hall & Poor, wholesale gro cers. The fire spread with great rapidity, communioating to Cathcart's dry goods store, near by, and the millinery establish ment of Mrs. J. B. Legg, and then to the store of Hall A, Poor, which was oompletely putted. Catlicart b Lygo's store was saved before the fire had done much damage, though there was considerable loss in the removal of stock. Hall & Poor saved but little, the fire having communicated to a quantity of kerosene, rendering the heat unbearable. By the superhuman exertions of the firemen, the flames were confined to Hall & Poor's. The loss ranges from $75, 000 to $100,000. Hall & Poor are the heaviest losers. Their loss is $45,000, with partial insurance on their stock. Most of the losses are pretty well covered by in surance., i MiSKXAPOLis.Minn., Sept. 17. The fair closed on Saturday. Over 20,000 people were in attendance. The great feature of the day was the race between Goldsmith Maid and Luoy, which took place al 2 o' clock p. m., aud ended in a victory for the Maid ia three straight heats, as follows : 2:22, 2:17, and 2:21. On the second heat Lacy came in only a neck behind her oppo nent. The track is new and heavy on ac count of sand. Chablesto, S. C, Sept. 1". There have been three deaths from yellow fever since Friday. The disease is gradually dy ing out. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 16. The small pox is prrauing tare, r.ieven new casea were reported yesterday. Steps for it) seppres- on have been commenced. Toledo. Iowa, Sept. 16. Burglars went through the post ollioe and express office at this plaoe last night. They obtained only bout fifty dollars worth of postage stamps, stamped envelopes and nickels. The operators are not known. Vcb.saii.le9, Sept. 16. The Assembly as just accepted, by a vote of 533, against I, the customs treat;, concluded between ranee and Germany. Paris, Sept. 17. The Mount Cenis tun- el was inangurated to-day by the French d Italian ministers and local authorities of both countries. After meeting and oon- ratulating each other, the party embarked paily decorated tram at Bardeuche and assrd through the tunnel to Modane, mak ng the transit in twenty minutes. Boston Bazaar! NEW STORB NEW GOODS i L S, GATES & CO., LI.1SOI4 ST. ROCK ISLAND, (I j.-urlf Mjvi.e. Bbos S:or.,) OFFEKS Fjit BALE 0,000 yd. of unbleached Sheeting, at 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, lie. Ac. 6,000yds of whita Muslin; at 10, 12, 14, 14, etc labie Linens, bieataed ana BDfeleacfcea at it, 46, 40, 7 jo, etc. 10 pwoee real turkey red tabic linen, at $1.10 per yard. ai dot Napkins at 74, 1,00, 1,24, 1,34, etc. kite bed (preads 1,60, 1,40, 1,KU etc. 4,000 yd. crash toweling, . i, 10, 11, 14, etc. 40 doi linen towel. 10, 1-i. 14, 20, 2je, etc. Large lot linen diaper?, cheap. Si) due 6erniaa corsets, ' bones white and col ored, all numbers at 4c per pair. 20 dot French cor.eU very cheap. 20 dot French silk embroidered corset. si) d"i Kid tilor.a all co on and number., at 6j ebon par pair, aheap. 24 dot Kid lilove., extra nioc Vict! per pair. 21 dui 2 bntton Kids all color, and number. very cheap. A large lot Li.le thread sad Cotton Glove!. 200 Ladie. calioo wrapper, at l,')and 2,0C each 00 Shawls at 60, 74, a", 1,40 z,o a.ov, 4,00, 4,50, 5,00 to $25 each. A large aad splendid at.ortsgens of Lai e. ua- der eietning. Cheni.c 60, 75, 90, 1,09: !,15, etc. Drawer., 50, 75, l.tlil, etc. Might Dretaes, 90, 1,10, 1.S5, 1,60, etc. Tucked r-klru, 75, tin, 1,00, 1.34, 1,50. Coder Shirt., tneked and ruffled, only 5Uo. 68 dos Aprons Croat 20c to 60o. Alarse lineof Ladie.'anl Misses- Hosiery ai very low priees. 100 dos Ladies' hemmed Haadkerobiefs lrom ac upwards. A great variety of lutteu. and trimmings ic oe sold at half the asual prices. 100 dot Ladies' Laos Oollars at 10, 16, 25a, eto. Ladies' Beal Thread Lace Collars 6, 76, 9, 1,25, 1,60, eto. 10,000 yds of cotton Edgings, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7,8, , 10, cto. 10,000 yds of Hamburg Edging, at 7, 8, 19, 1, 15, tO, li, 30, 36, 40: 46, 60, etc. " A large line of in.ertions to mateh, cheap. 400 doi Spool Cotton, 200 yds caoh all eolors and combers at A ats per spool or 41 cts per dozen. 300 dos Coats' and Clark's cotton at 8 cents a spool. 200 dos spool Silk, 100 yds each, at 12o aspool. 160 doi of spool Bilk 12 yds eaoh at 2o a spool. Skein Bilk and Twi.t al 2c eaoh. J. English's pin stuck Stellee, 5o a paper. Pins 6 on a paper. llastio Cord 3. 4. to Dor vard. 26 dos Gent's white Shirts, at 1,00, 1,25, 1,50 BDd Z, HO open back. Gent's under hlrt 25, 3S, 50, 75, 90, 1,00, etc. Gent's plaid Flannel shirt. 75, 1,00. 50 dos hand knit Woolen Bock, at 40c a pir; (Jest's CottoB ito.e 10 12, 15, 20, 25. eto. Gent'. Paper Collars, 6, 10, 16, 20 aad 26. Goat's Neckties. 10, 15, 20 and 25e. Gent's hemmed Uaadkerokiefa, 10, 15,20,25, eto, Scat's Kid Gloves, cheap. 10 000 yds Calioo, at 7, 8, 10, 12, cts per yard, 1 000 yd. Bed Ticking at 10, 15,20, 25e, cto. . . . mi l .1 idl 1 , .... , , I 500 vdS couon xiannei .), in, iu. i;, etc A large assortment of white and red Flannels to be sold cheap. A good line of blaok and colored Alpacas. A foil line of silk and wool Poplins at unusual low prices. A stood assortment of piaid drc.s goods. Black Bilks frost 1,50, to $5,00 per yd. soo nieces af Bikbon all widths aad colors. A foil line of Bash BibboBS. An extensive assortment ok yeweirj w dc soia at great bargains. 60 dos Hoop Bkirt. at very low prices. A full line of Perfumery BBd a large variety of articles too numerous to nuatlon. sop8-deod-mwfAwly ARGUS JOB OFFICE, flock Xtslan J, 111. iTTX areat present prepared tc doany kind VV of job work whlek stay be ordered, at ke shortest pettlkl netl.e, and 1st ttte pest BBSS, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER COMMERCIAL. Bock Islabd, September IS. This Flour market is corrected at Waraet'i Mills and the quotation, are the ruling prises oi the Book Island market. Wiktsb Wbbai Fiona Wholesale $8.4 " " Betail .0 Brans Was At Ftooa Bprlag Doable Extra La bbls, wholesale.. $8.80 ; -7.6 Baeka at ws.Imi.,, T to oau T.B. vooUmI. Retail ,-....T.4 $2.6 ....... 1.J4 .64 $.00 10.00 ...80yo 25 M..3fla2io 40 GaAai's Bair Raisib Flocb Retail J Barrel, sacks 1-18 BcCSWBBAt Iloub Wholesale B. tall ...... ......... """"" Wbbat, new. Oobb , Oa(s Jiew... Bra Bablbt Be. l Ejou4 Boms OkoieatoM, fortetailiag, will bring.... OaiBBsa . T. Factory....... 066 ......36 ......J5e 11 lOallo . 20;;o fit) ...lx4o A.AED per lb . FotAIOBS ArrLBS per baihel aas per dos, The above priees are the whole, ale Bgures at first hand. POBLTRT Live Turkies, per lb lOe Dre.eed ' " 13ia Chtekens, live " be " dre.eed 10o Sacks " xoo Hoes Live Is9a4.v0 Cavtib Live weight, ooaio. 45a. Friaa .ulppinj, per ISO lk............00a.0 Woo Oak, per .04 .......... 6.49 Hiekory ... T.Ot Coal Coal Valley Yard 13c Jlevelaad Y.-J l:Se Bat Prairie, per ton .. S. 009.00 Timothy .. tl. 00.12.00 Tsas Toang Bysoa, oobhbob ...... .74 " " fair to good ..l.0al.4S ' " prime to choice l.SSal.SO Qaopowd.r, common to fair....... ...!. iKial.'-'i " prime to csuioe... .l. t.'.I.M Imperial . l.4ial.74 Oolong, common to fair .....VDal.04 " prim, toehoio.. ....... ........ 1.14.1 40 7apaa UCal.Ii fc.BT T0MACKBlTTEHf Arc indorsed aad prescribed by more lead In Physicians thaa auy other tonic or stimulant now in nse. Th.y are a 61 BE PREVENTIVE for Fever and Ague, lutermittunts, BiUiou.uos, and all disorders arising from Miasmatic caates. Ihey are higoly recommended as an aati-dvs peptio, and ia eases of iadigertion are invaluable at an Appetizer and Been peraat, and in cases of Ueae-al Debility they hare sever in a tingle Instance failed in prodacing the meat happy re tain. Thej are particularly beneficial to Tt- nit'ci, ttrengtheniug the body, invigorating the mind, and giving tone and elasticity to tho whole 7tm. The HOME BITTEBS are compound ed with the greatest oare, aad no Tonic li tcu lent ha. ever been offered to the public to pleas ant to the Tatte, and at the tame time combining o many remedial agentt, indorsed by the med ical fraternity aa the best known to the Pharma copoeia. It eotti little to give them a fair trial, and Every Faailj Should fcave a Bailie. We atk every one to read the following cer tificates from many of the molt eminent pbv.i cians ia tne country : Bt. Louis. July ls70 JAMES A. JACKSON A t'O.; At you have communicated to the medical profession the recipe of the "Home Bitters," it caonot, therefore, be coanid errd a. a secret or patent medicine, no patent having been taken for it. We have exaoiioed the foruisla fcr makieg the "Home bitter.," and uuhetitatingly say the ecmbin&ticn It o:.e of rire excellence, all the artielet used in its composition ara the best of the class t which they beloug, being highly Tonic, Stiinu.ant, f-tomaclin', Carininatire and ilightly Laiative. The mode of preparing them i. .trictly in ac cordance with the rules of pharmacy. Baring utod them, seen itt effect in our private practice, we take pleasure in recoeasteding them to all per iobs de.iroat of taking Bitters, as beiag the best Tonic and Stimulant bow offered to the public L O Boielinicre, 111), 10 Porter, M D Alfred Ueacock, M D. C Uerlcke, M D Drake McDowell, MD. C A Ware, M D J C Whitebitl, at D. K A Clark, M D 8 (i Moses. M D Hubert Primm. Dr 0 V L Ludwig W A Wilcox, M D. TJ. B. Mab:bb Hospital, St. Lolis, llo., Oct. 8, 1N70. Jab. A. Jacbsob A Co. : 1 hare ex amined the formula foruiaking the "Home rjtoin ach Bitters," and utcd them in this Ho. pitai for tne last four montlit. I consider them the most valuable, tunic and stimulant bow in use. H. JMELCHER. Bt. touts, July o, 1870. Jas. A. Jakso A Co. : Haring eaamlned tin formala from wliicb your celebrated "Stomach Bitters" are prepared, nd hating witnesses me method of combining the different ingredient!, we can safely recom mend them as the best tonle with which we are acquainted. From the great oare with which they are compounded, and from the choice ma terials which enter into them, we hare bo doubt that they will prove, as they deserve to be, the nvost popular tonic and stimulant in use. Bespectl'ully, yours, T. J.VASTIKI.M.D. T. a. COMSTOCK, M. D. Ws cheerfully concur with every word cob tained in the abora testimonial : John Conzelman, M D John Hartman, M D Cha. Vattin., M D John T Temple, M D 8 8 Walker, M D EC Franklin, M D. CiNoiATi,Oot. 19, 1870. Mettrs. KENNE DY A CO., Af ents "Home Bitter.,'; Gent. Agreeable to y our requests, I have examined the formula of tba "Home Btomaea Bitters," and find the remedies it contains such as sre in iren- k. tha MatlAal V... , fc eivur":,,, -they ara very scientmcaiiy ana pleasantly combined, and a. ttimulating tonics will be found especially adapted at corroborants to the treatment of low er debilitated stages of the system, whether ari- ' m imrUnil4 Hina.tin. . . nag r -fc"v.v, vtu malarious diseases Dr. J L Vattiers. R 8 Warns, Chemist W T Taliaferro, 11 D J J Qninn, M D J H Bockaer, U D W R Woodward, M D L A James, M D C T BimptcQ, u jj B P Bonner, M D C 8 Matoroft, M D W Bigler, M D Q A Doherty.M D CHicAeo, 6ept. 30, 1870. J. t. BJAITH. E.o We have ezamiaed the formula for the "Celebra ted Stomach Bitters," and find it to beeompo.ed of article, that are considered the best tonics used by the Medical Profes.loa, and one of the best bitters we know of now ia nse. Very respectfully, B 8 Hahn, M D B McTlcar, U D J B Walker, MB OA Mariner, M D Soman 8 Barnes, If D JAMES A. JACKSON. B la proprietor 107 Kerth 2d st Bt. Louis Mo moh37-4oaw-mon-w6m - WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manulactarers of ENGINE . LATHES IF nmrrmin li II 't II III I 1 II 3IAOHINES, PLIKERg, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMTTIJS' STEAM HAMMERS, Qua Machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Eangcri, Patent gelf Oillng Box. WAREHOUSE: lOT LIBERTY fsT., NEW YORK CITY MANUFACTOBY : HAHHOID 8T., (Opp. Jaaetion Depot), WOHCB8TER, MAS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of onr Works. jelO-dtf 1860. 1871. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. A LARGK STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OF sitm way, 8TECK. KIMERSOST, AMBB1CAS, MtlNB", MASeUAlL AND WEN met I, jP X J. 3i O Geo. Wood & Co's,.! Estcy Organs and all kind, of Mu.ical Instruments. Sheet Music of latest i.tu.f, and the best im ported Siring, in toe city JUIIN H;tY r. apl Corner Illinois and Washington street. NEW& BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, Song Meininger, 35ctt Hate you teen Luume Comio Soag, Saiton, 40 Darling Belle of the Bonrding School, PortcrSO Oirl tn'ri the Cigarette, Comio Cordelia, 30 J,.liy High Timet, Comic. Parks, :'() .Vow wouhintyuti like to knoir, Comio, Cord'la oO Jctrelit of the Heart, Beautiful Song, MUlardSO Low in the Mnvloic, " " Zuch, St Let it Pitt, for Bxss or Alto, " 35 "e Onre Auain, Duett for Sop. and Barr. Gabriel", 50 Quarrelling Xei'jhhort, Comic Duett,Auber, 75 Stmebody't Child, with variations. Mack, 60 Heavenly Greetingt, P.nsie Boymantique, Blanckey, i'j Holiday Vacation March, illuetrrited title Gil.icB, 0 Sweet Anticipation!, Bchottische, " " QiUioB, 50 Daiiy, Faataisia, Krng 85 Any of the above lent by mail on receiptor the market price. No matter where you tee a piece of Music or Music Book advertised, send to us and you will receive It by enolosiog the publisher, price. baxbxzs. & wssam. MfJMC DKALKKS, m27-dedI2m. ST. LOtlB. boos smsmo. Book Binder aod Paper Hanger. Shop on Orleans Bt., opposite Court Home. BOCK ISLAND, .....ILL. teft. Ail kind, of Paper Boxes made to order. Bugld tf C0PP & EHO., Livery and Sals Stables. Office tinder Dart's Sail, ROCK ISLAND 1 11, fa. Mnit Complete Eitablitbment in the City Particular atlertion paid to furnishing Carriage, for parties, Balls, Precessions, etc. mh4d 1 j SCW iDVEHTISKMESTS. 1BBIS & ( liMSOL-H, Proprietors and Mannfaeturers of MILL ST03E DRESSES, OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dre.ter i perfect saooest, mySOdly and all ara warranted. GEO. H. L1WT05, AUD Commission Merchant, 51 Perry 8treet, DAVENPORT .IOWA jy28-dlm OF THE Immaculate Conception DAVINPOBT, 8C0TI C0-, IOWA. CONDUCTED BT THE sisters of charity l v. m. Will comm. dos its ISIh Semi-annual Session Wedoesday, August 16th, 1871 Being Incorporated ia accordance with the lawt of the State, this Institution oonfers the usual collegiate degrees npon its graduates. X or circulars address augl-d3m BISTER HCPEBIOB Niagara Steam Pump Works, l1-' V r . (;0tt,f ss s j "J i. - - Charles B. Hardiok, Ho. 9 Adam, street. nBOOBiLY......... NBtV YORk. Bole Manufacturer of v : Hardlok,'s Patent Donble-AotUg Steam Pomp aod Fire Engine Mining Pumpsa Specialty.. Patented ia laglaad, Belglast aad Fraaoa. Send fo cixsalar. aig81dly L-sa7.r 18, 1871. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 4 34 wxaninaiow bt., OBIOAOO. DRAPEK.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDDING CITI ITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measure Kxtra Deekle and Perfeet in Fit. Clergymen will ba allowed 0 per cent, discount, leb!8dly SiVTS. BSVABLISBBD IB 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS Scawssl Stxwsst 0cbto7-sb: 8TJPKBIOB TO ALL OTHERS 1 Asss, Tiles, Cast Steel, Kill Fmrnlihlngs, ana xtaoainsry. aGei the best, they will prove the cheapest. Priees reduced. Send for prioe Li.tand .iroular.. WELCH di GRIFFITH!!, aoISdwly Boston, Mast., er Detroit, Mlrh DC0S. kC. SOLANDEE &. HUB EE, Soscestors to J. A. Bidoiscr, Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMES, IlBACKETg, And everything in their line. Glated Bath on hand, alto Teed. All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dwm J. M. BCrORI). Buford & Reed, riKE, LIFU ASI) INLAND IHSURiHCE &6EHTS I Xbe Following' Old aad IXeliable Oompaniea TXepresented : JEtna, Home, Ins. Co., of IT. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Bepublic, Putnam. enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National, Connecticut Mutual Life Total Atscts Represented, veer $60,000,000.00 ! 0FFICS Kn. 3, Argus Baiidlfitr. Cnnetlta Post Office. Up Stain, OCK IM,t.I Sp24-dtf ILL, B BLDBIBSB. O. B. KLDBieiD 3LSai2CJE tU BE.., Seal Estate & lnuracee Agdnts, Ko. 1 Viele's Block, DiVKNPORT, .... IOWA. Attend personally aad promptly to the bavins aad selling of Real Estate on eotamissioa. reav ing Houses and Farms. LovlSdSm. v. a. nisi. B . C. CLBATBLABB HAYES & CLEVELAND . GENFRAL Insurance Ag'ts Bcpretenting tho following old and reliable Companies t Underwriters Agency, New Tork. Cash Assets $1,000,00. Phcrnii. K. f . Oaah Assets $I,!00,00. Contiaental, Cash Assets II, .'.00,000. North American, N. T. Ca.h Assets iOO,00'J. PaciSc, California, Assets Gold, $1,600,000. Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Assets, 800,000. North American, Hartford, Cash Assets $.00,000. INTEEVITIONAL. REW Y0EK, Cash Atsets tl00,000. Brewers' Milwaukee Cash Astett 1300,000. Washington Life, New Tork, Cash Aseta $.1,660,000. GEO. W. C0PP, A81KT 90S THB LBADIMO HARTFQBD & Ml Ml FIEE, MARIKE AFD Insuranco Cos MPBEUBSTIsa $25,000,000 in Capital. AT K0CK ISLAM), 1UISC1S. AUUaaeaadjBStad aad BeeBtftlr paidattkit Ageacr-. m . tayllitf. Established Oct. 18, 1851 XHB BIW DIgIH?ECTATl BR0H0 CHL0RALUBI, HOW-POISONOUS., ODORLESS, . . POWIBTTJL DEDORIZBK AMD IIIMSKECTANT, ESTIRELT HARMLESS AND SAFE. ARRESTS ANO PREVENTS CONTAGION. Teed In Drivate dwellinsr. hotels.,. , lie pcbonlei, hospitals, inwue aylumif, di-pen&riefl, jfiils, priMn4, poxr-houtfeH, ou .hu,., etcam-lioatf aud in tenenteiit-honses, markets, fiir water-closet," uriuaid, Kiiiics, eewere, cess-pooi" Taniew. Ac. A gjier-lfic in al! cnntairions ffTti pertilential di. caxei.. as Cholera. Typhoid Fever. Ship Fevei tfnvill Ior. Kcarlet Kerer, Measles, diMjasos uf animal, Ac. Prepared only by TILDEN & CO., 19 Wiiiiam street, New York. Sold by all Dru'i sts. HAEVEST for AGENTS. IO TO $( A DAY. (iontlemen and Lfidies of good a,ldrw. and dc-purtiui-nt, i-jii have mlornmtiim aud the best itintruc Uouij ever published, wut fre by lai. A trratid foniMtmtion r,f History, Hloeniphv, Ewsy. Poetry, and the tine Art. Everybody want tt. Cauva hi? book free. International Publihing t ojupauy, Oil Liborty sUeet, New York. -""ij"'j, The COUGRESSlRCnC. winter OVERSHOE I a onRLr.,1 to oreak x I Ml TKUIBLE tO put Oil I Seat, Genteel. Strtisht ASK T01B SHOE DEA1EE FOB IT! TjlTHRIDGE' XX FLINT GLA'S s LIMP CEIMSETS. Stand Esat hotter than any ether made Ask for Dlthrldpe's and tiko no other. See that our name Is on everv box. DITlUillJdE i SON, Pitt-burh, Pa. Rend for Price List. BAND LEABEES. For something- intereotir?. send vonr artdrepo to GEOiilE W. GATES,' Frankfort, N. V. NORTH EAST MISSOITRI Farms and I.'nlmuroved linds lor sale by ilcNutt &, Moos, Paris, iio. Agents! EeadThis! WB WILL PAT AGEBT8 A6ALABT OF (30 per Week aad Exneates. or allow a large commie.ioa to sell cur new and wonderful lSTcatioaa. Addrest M. WA8KEB A CO.. Barthall, Wi.h. $30. 7H WIX.Z. PAY S30. Agents f30 per week to sell onr preat anct valuable discoveries. If you waut ix ruiaiiuut, honorable and pleasant w ork, applv for pnrtk nlars. Address 11VEK Ai t.HJ., Jackou. Mich. A MILLION DOLLARS ! Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by revealing the secret of the businers to no one. Address J. WEST, fiS3 Broadway, New York. 1,003 GIFTS. UBANDG1FT CONC ERT AND DISTRIBUTION" For the lieneflt of tin; FOUNIH.TN.; ASYLUM OF NKr YORK. AND SOLDIKRS' AND !AH.OKs' ORl'llANS HOME. WASHINGTON. U. C. To lie held in W.isbinirtoTi ia- soon as all Ticket are sold, of which Ten Days' Notice will be invcu. i ani not later thai! Noveiuhcr Wd. Entire num- lierof tiukeis. ,vj.'n j-,". c.irh, l. :f c;i'tB. aniount in' to fisi.ftxl. to Ih- awarded. Send for circular. si its list ot Wits and lieti-renre. Ttrkts ran be had of 1ULEY J: SAP.iJLNT, Philadeli-bJa, ColtimboJ. O , and Richmond. Ind., or P. C. DEVLIN, Oencral A. ut. 31 Nas-au street. New York. non. 11. MCI Elktotl. I M:,j. o. T. CASTLE. Baltimore, f t'nmm're. Hon. J. s. NEtiLEY, Pittburu', Trustee. ZZZS C7J-3.TAXS? How it is done, and who does it. The Alena book pasres. tror 'eouslv illustrated wrth cnt-. no-it um- AiC Seni hy niail. secun.'ly seated, ftr liliy cents. trulld Circular, Iree. Address RAi'riAEL BAltTO. ss Iirojidway. New Y ork. r. KincEaziiffo, Engraver & Dio Sinker. Meials.Sca! Prcssrj, Steel Stamps, gosp Stamps, llokbinder's Tools, Ac. SO. 161 liEAHilOKS STHHET, Opposite Postofhue. CUICAGO a.r20-dly ALt?a PoaTriK. Cream and Stock Ales. C-OE STRONG Proprietors of the MEiieiJAiliTS LUAX0, Are sole Agents for Peaslee's Celebrated (ream and toek Ales. For tale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oct28 dtf Saloon k Billiard Rooms, Ke, 3 Harper Honss Bleek, SOCkv 19LAlin,... ILL. Sealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Imported Wise k Eriudles: Ageatfor Fardt, Lills, and Joliet Ales, also best tf .-etch s j Knilisb A'.et and London Por- ver lot .iktc. TJtioa W hiw S, ad for sale bv the barrel. Agnt for A. Zell.r't Billiard and Pigeon Hole Bote sanaiaciory. apri-dtf H, B. WK3T, Proprietor COLO WATKK SOAP. Washes in Coli or Warm, Card or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING Withont iyarv to Clothes, grrT Lhor TIme and FoeI 1 Tbi. Soap hat beesi nsad by many Ladies its ibe ctty, ana may all pronounce it auDerior ta aay other they aver used. It saves time, labor and preserves the eletbes. Manufactured by tbe tCLD WATER SOAP C0HPAXP, 63 Korth Dasplainas Street, CHIC A CO,.J .... . .... i L. For tale ia Bock Island by WHIG & BURST, BA1DB OLD BIAKD. eoil-dm I a MTE8 OF ADVERTISING. I ; . ; -. Tor each s a, a are, er th ifMf eeeiaied by ua lines ef solid asapareil, Obb Dollar for nk i. tortisa. Special Botices, 20 esnts pr lies. Wher ia serted I month, or more, f par ooai. above regu lar advertising ratoi. Communication., or artitlss laiortid among reading matter, St eoaU per line. Duitiid VniiT. A diseonat of 26 par eoot. will be Bala from the Weekly ratci, oa yearly aod kalf yealy eoatraets, when tho iibi matter is laserted ia both Daily Bad Weekly. Doable OolamBS will bo charged J percent additional. ,. w . . . . i i -ur.i hhci f meat is roqairod. or TB.S AND omac Mercnry or Calomel Is the great remedy that pkytlclaas sppeal to and um almost entirely ia all diseases of the Liver. There are thousand, at the present time that are .ufT. riBg w itk tha rneumatio p.ins In tne joint., eau.ed by tha use of Calomel which has created a disease of Its owe worse thaa that which it was intended to onre. There ia no drug that leaves its mark more prominent in the system. Yet, perhaps, there are times when it can be given, and hare a benificlal eflect, but should not be dealt out as it has been, and it at the present time, by those that pretend to know what tkey are doing, but in reality do mot. The Liver is more liable to disease than any other organ in the toman system, and when that fails to do its duty it leaves the weak points of the body expo.ed, as the bile is not thrown off, but takea up by the blood, as it passes through this great filter of the system, and becomes impure. Then follow, a trala of, whose name ia Legion. There are many that .offer from pain in the tide and across the body, dell, heavy, drowsy feeling, headache, pais in the right .id.-. often tevere pain in the bowels, eottivene., at nlenee, diarrhea, more or less Iniiire.tion, lots of appetite, sallow skin, white of the ryes yellow, sinking of flerh, depre ion cf spirit, at other timet a great crav'Dtr for food, gome of tbe.e tymptoms are eauted only by torpidity of the Ltver. It it itapt. t ible to give all tnetymptcme of a deranged Liver, and they are all cureable without the aid of Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, The c ruptouit of which arc, pain in the ri;;hi side running to the shoaldcr, a loss of stiectb, appetite and energy, a sen.e of cppre.sitn, J w ae.s ot spirits, .queamiabtiec. ot the stoujach, a yellowiih coated toague, friglt tul drearxs, all of w kieh yield to tlie ieScer.ce t "TAL(.K8 STOMACH AND LIVLR C0K P.EOTOB," of which enough should be taken to stuse a speedy and free evacuation of the bowels Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Is a weakness or want ot power of the dlgtiln a juices ia the stomach to convert our Hod tLd drink into healthy matter lor the noari.hmetit ol lae whole sy.ttm. It is catted by every thing that UnOt to weaken the body, and mote particularly lae . tomacA. jttany, it not qnite one-hilf of ike diseases, to which we are liable, proceed from it. Iodigtiiioa produces a gnat variety oi nnpleatant fictile. Aning tha mo&t ot it. miserable eccct. are, a want cf, er an inordinate arpctite, sc-metiuj. attended with a constant craving for driak, . or stomach, grinding pains in the stomach, depre.- eion of .pirn., gloom of mind, fretfulnes., wast ing of flesh, less of energy and strength, very irritable, heart burn, ULpleasant taste in the mouth and tumbling In iba bowels. In tone caset of depraved, there it a com plete disrelish, for food, at other tines a t err a to aftlicted can eat heartily without much grati fication. A long train of nerves. .ytr.j tcnis are also frequent attendauts, general debility , great languiduo.t and incapacity lor exertion, lie Kindt f pertont so afSicted frequently become irritable aod desponding, and great anxiety is observable in tha ooantaBaace; they appear thoughtful, melancholy, and dejected, aLder great apprehension of soma imaginary danger, will start at any unexpected noise or osearrence, and muoh agitated, let for all this the an ind i exhilarated without much difficulty, pleating events and society will for a time dissipate all appearaaoe af disease. Other symptom, are, vi olent palpattiion, seetlesmess with a .ec.e ot weight and odpres.ion upon the ebest, night' mare. etc. It is almost iaapor.lbie to name all the .yiuptom. of this invader upon the constitu tion, a. ia almost every ca.e of indigestion, there will probably ba something peculiar to eai'h, but be what they may, they are all occa sioned by the fod becoming a burden, rather than a support to the stomach, and in all its sta ge., the medicine mo.t wanted is that which will afford speeSy assistance to the digestive or gan! aad give energy and strength ta tba ner. us aad muscular system, and a Btw lite to the whole body, aad nothing eaa be, and there is nothing, that will give so quirk relief, at Tay lor's Stomach and Liver Corrector, the tireet Remedy for Blood, Liver and fekia Dl'ea'ct, and from one to four bottles will effect a dire. Sick Headache. Those that are subject to it oaly kBow what a di.tresaing complaint it is, .od f. a vary . welcome vt.itor. a dircae.. of vision, fol.owed by a terrible ram, sickmis st the etomaoh, and votuitinK- and then for a day or two, a per.on f.' a. though they had a lit of.ickaest. !r.e do.e ill care when SrM at tacked, eiid one to three bottles will erTecl a J er raaneut cure. Janndife. When a a. yellow as a eaCrom bag.ia eotomoa yitg. you very natnral.y com. V. the It it.I.und.c. caused l.v a derangement t the Lver, by the bile be!r-s JbsirofteJaa.l flowing with the blood tbroug-xt th,-srini. instead of pasting off In its natura" eoar. into the bowels. Ob to three bottle, win cur. it", wor.t cats. CostivfBfss. This i.caos.d by a .logpi.h, torpid state of tba liver dBeiiBt t tha whole system, it is .'urr ri.iDg that there are to many troabled i,B tin. di.'r.a.iBg: di.eate and give It so little attention. Tho di.saaes that follow habitual ,.., veo.-is are many, ot which (jitk Headache. An-kof llleod to tha Head, Dytpeysia, Piles, Heart, Lacg and 6kin Dtteaee aad Fema'e and Kidney Complaints, ara always aggravated by it. a! any retort to pills, and never hare a free evacuation of the bowels without their aid. To these, I say, stop and consider, as every pill yon take contains mercury, which will in time cause yoa to regret the course you bare taken. By using Taylor's Stomach and Llrsr Corrector, y on will not need to take pllt, two to four hottlet will cure j o. Far Bale by all Drnggitts and Dealers In Medi cines. THE BEST MEI IHSE ETES MAUL FOB MAX." N. S. TAYLOR, , BOLE PROPRIETOR, IH Wabash Av.aa., CHI0AQf BshlOdeed-weowl hi