Newspaper Page Text
s an. HUES OF ADYEHTIS1KB. riiuuii r Vea i i " 1 V-TSXS.-I4,J AaltrsV- J 1 ir Kelt (pay eblela edraeee),per ,$ i .4 iy Mail . ,i, aoetks, s.U fly Mail w a imoaihs,. . By If sit . 1 moate 1 Br Citr Ctaai'aa, tJ OiitifirnV. mn Cartas etieatc. i -, IRMft.--Wl Asessi -4(le Copy, (payable! a advance) ....$!. r.a Copies " " f w.aty Copies " w fkirty Ooaiee ' --wsaamanwkw- Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1871. Established Oct 13, 1851 CI10UIT OOVtT. R--aler September Tara, 1871. Ho. Oko. W. Pli A. K. Moot, Etq Wm. Pay:, Esq, -lASAJrTS, Judge,") V ., Dtst. Att'y, I . SpL IS, 1. . CHIL CAUlM Sophia A. WhwUdk s Ivory Lord Ejectment. Omn cob tinned at plaintiff's ooit. . . ) ... Rinaah Wells vi The Rock ford, Reek Island and St. Louis Railroad Co. Tres pass. Jar oelled and trial began. C. H. MeCormiok ts J. N..Marshell, et a! Assumpsit. Jadgmeat for plaintiff. C. H. MoCormick va W. and S. McCon BellAtsaaioeU. Trial had bat jary failed to agree aad eaoae continued. 1 IS dUSCEtY. Dsvid Linjrle et a) vs Mary M. Lingle et el Partition. Order of sale made and A. F. Caller appointed commisiioner.' Mary Ana Uesi et el t Stephen E. Gjoilow, et el Partition. Report ap proved aad asaipnmsot confirmed. 8. W. Wheeloek va Hannah B. Stoogh ton, et al Ejectment. Defendant de faulted. Referred to Matter. far sssa saaare, er the space eceapiet by tea Uaee of selid aeapareil, Oae Dollar for each ia. Mrtion. Speelal Kottees, X stats pet Hat, When la. sorted months er mere, M per seat above rge lar advertising rates. Gessaaaieetieat, er artltlet laterted amoss; readlaf matter, ti eeatt per line. Daily ab Wbbklt. A discount ef 26 pet tent, will be made frea the Weekly ratal, ea yearly and half yearly eentraeta, when the taaie matter it (alerted la bath Daily and Week'y. Doable Oolnaai will he charged J per eeat additieeal. I tot-Il transient advertissmaa adTaneepay ".at is required. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Clook IJ. Jl. Thc Catholic Ball aid Pbizk Conckkt. The prospect! of the Catholic Ball and Prizs Cjnoeri are very good, and ticket are already in oouiiuerable demand. The ball it to be one of the very belt; aod from what we oan leero, toe prizes are ot a superioxL kind, and win form a vary interesting and attraolive portion of the entertainmeat. Han't forget to oall on M. V. Gannon, P. T. MoElberne, etc, aod aik for tiokets for Oc tober 10 th. - ' LOCAL NOTICES. &epnblicn State Convention Ra tional Bwin Bzpcsl.ion TTni veraalita Otoaral Oonrin , Hon la rhiladelphia. , Toilctiks is QAriraled as a beaatiGer of the oomplcxion, it is a powder, harmleii, re fined and elegant. Try it, 50 cents per box. Mat. Whitcjmb'i Strop. This article it 2oi for all diieates incident to the pe riod of teething in children, and is sold for -5 cents a bottle. .VUsriagk 'Jrtns. loter:siias; work, .1 i u TO'ii :oif ravia,ii, 21 pa?es. Price 50 ?s m Hrais Dr. Butts' Diipeejarjr, 12 i IVt'i strd;, St. Loaii, Mo. See Spraini are tnoroughly cared if there be not exteaiire leiioa by thoroughly ming Rdoae'i Pain-Killing Mgio Oil. It is also good for other paia i Aod aohei. It is an excellent family remedy. Try a bottle. ALL MIGHT. BALVr., rar uorni ana Buaiont, Boiu and ltar-i. V ,i by all Drafgiata. 24 ct. per hoi. or laot oa raociyt of ptica. Addreaa ALL R14HT,H5C lark Bt , Chicago. lepli-dly Oan. MeOUUan's opinion -Connolly ts Ball An aire it SfTarta to nnita the Democrat! to de feat the r:nr-0'Ooraaaa ad. vises Ball to reeogniie Connolly-She committee of Peventy advise Aegal proceedings. So ZClnz Stery spoiled. Sir Knights in Conclave and Orand Sncaatpmeat la Baltimore. loroitrii News. Market Reports. PIPE! BttXKS. H. JL. SOHELL, (Sncaeesor to J. B. flehaaider,) If aiiafaetarer of CTery deaeriplion of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. OrJ.ra promptly atteodad to. aapl5-d3m TUOniS 0. BKOWN'S Xoveltj Carriage Works. Hanafaeturar of Gentleacn Road a&d Fimilj BUGGIES, NkeletOIl WafJOllS create a diaturbaooe. AID SCJLKIEI. I O'Gormann adtiiei the 41 im.3irat, Heported Kxpraatly for tke Aaaci. New York, Sept. 20. Gen. MeClellan thinks the alleged peculations of a tew poll ticiacs will not at ail effect the vote of the democratic party at large. The refusal of ibe mayor to reeogoize either (Joonolly or Green, will have a aerious effect at the pay departments, a&d prevent the employes trom getting their pay until difficulties are settled. A leading Tammany politician lays that Connolly intends to keep hit otbce as long ae Hail is mayor; that he wants to get tat utaolion on Hail fur his treacherv. The comptrollers accounts a now that Ut.ii friend i were well provided with sinecure aoicipal poimoaa, at salaries raLirin? from $ 1,200 to 5,000. I he police detectives have made an ar rest which the authorities acknowledge had something to do with the robbery of the mining vouchers, but decline to impart in formarion on the subject. Connolly said he believed the ruen to be a thief ho had been put op to the job by the ring, as a desperate resource to force him to reiign. It seems settled that there is eo shadow now on the side of the maor. The Tribune, commenting upon the situ ation, says the law which was formed to protect the rogues of the ring, now, m the most singular way, becomes the most invaluable maohina in tbe bands ol the itizens to prevent the alarmed conspirator from remodeling the adminis nation to sait toemtelves. A meeting of Anti-Tammany Democrat!, held last evening, was attended by about uue hnndred and fifty prominent democrat. Hon. A. G. Courtney delivered aa address, declaring that a union of all democrats should be effected to defeat Tammany, and to restore to power mea who are opposed to corrupting infiuenoes. Some diaouaaion arose by reason of the action of certain parties, who were thought to nave come to the meetmff in the interest of Iweed, to ed President. The Constitution adopted at Uloaoester, Mass.. baa been been ratifiea. and is now a law. The treasurer's report, which was referred to the auditing committee, shows the re ceipts of the past year to be $112,493, of whioh 1 100 ,457 was contributed to the Mur ray centenary fund ; present debt of the convention, $31,000 j balance in treasury f 10,434 ; total loan indebtedness of conven tion, $2o.000. The trustees have establish ed from the surplus receipts a sinking fund to uquiaate these debts. . Litili Rock, Sept. 20. A few days tinoe the sheriff of Sebastiaa coujtv re ported the Kb Klux ia Sebastian county so bad that the civil officers could not eaforce the law. ' This report was extensively pub lished. The oitizeos in that county held a mans meeting and appointed a , committee of tea republicans tu visit the localities where the outrages were reported and as certain the truth. They did so. After ex amining forty toar witnesses, nearly all of whom were republicans, not a single in stance was found wherein Ku Klux figured. A few disturbances had occurred, but were generally traced to members of the militia. Baltimore, hept. 20 Ihe nineteenth triennial conclave and grand encampment of the Knights Templars of the United States, is in session here. Yesterday a procession escorting the I Grand Encampment of the United States j moved through the principal streets to the Masonio Temple, where J. H. B. Latrobe, Grand Master of Maryland Masons, deliv ered an addresi of welcome, to whioh W. S. Gordon, Grand Commander of the Grand Encampment, made an appropriate re sponse.::- JMmeteea Uommaaaaries, mostly from the western and southern states, re ported to-day. A grand banquet was given the Knights Templars laat evening at the Maryland In stitute. There were three tables extending the entire length of the hall, and several hundred seats. All the seats were filled with grand officers and invited guests, in cluding some fifty ladies. Speeches and t casts followed the edibles, interspersed with vocal music. An aocidentof a painful nature occurred last night. While Ascslon Commandery No. 16, St. Louis, was parading with iis band, preceded by its eminent commander, Wm. VVhetten Ebringer, on horseback, and passing in front of Barnum'a Hotel, where the street was densely crowded, the horse became frightened, reared, and fell back on the rider, breaking one of his anas and otherwite badly bruising him. lie wat taken to the Mount Vernon Hotel, the head quarters of the Commandery. Jasmtilli, Wis., Sept. 20. The body of an Irishman named Dennis Freeman was found in the Rock river here last night. He has been missing since last Thursday. Sus picion of foul play is aronsed. Paris, Sept. 20. The forts are to be for mally surrendered by the Germans to-day. The evacuation of the four departments crn to Paris will follow immediately, and he completed by the 2:h. Uerr Von Arnim and Thiers are to set tle the details of a peace convection to day. Berlin, Sept. 0. The violence of cholera is on the iocreate at Konitbarg. Tbe ratio of deaths has increased trom 50 per cent to 70 and even SO per cent. The deaths for the weak ending the 17th were 300. The German army is to be placed npon a peace footing immediately and reduced to an effective atrengih of four hundred thous and. Gen. Von Moltke has been created a marshal. Tram, Sept. 20. The Kicg of Italy ar rived here to-day, and had a private audi ence with Count Dereousat. At a banquet yesterday, Couxt beremusat insisted on an alliance of all tbe Latin races. Signor Vis eoonti, in replying, advocated a union of France and Italy. The King gives a banquet to-day. Lodow, Sept. 20. George Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury under Earl Derby, died yesterday in Dublin. The ports! money crd-r tyttem between the United States and England will go into operation on tne 2d ! Of.ober. COMMERCIAL. XocK Islaid, September 20. Ten Floor market ts corrected at Waraat't Mills and the quotations are the ruling prises oi the Rook Isl sad market. Wiitaa Villi Fxeea Whol..ala,...$.40 " " " Bstail . Braisa Wsbat fLoca Bprlg Da,bl Bxtra la hbls, 7.6l Baoha as waeleiaie.-, 7.P -tail mi Leoee, a wfcoii. enwe esaTa40 ...$). 6 ... l.! ... .64 ....10.00 .-SO. JO .... 25 Oaiiv'i ga r Bimia Flocb Retail i Barral, sacks . t . " i-i" - ""y".'".", BdcXWHSAT fLODB Wbolesala .... eNaieil...... ........ ,... ... aa a, new.. , Goal . Oats ft ew ......2Ua2i R'a .....w. MMMSHH. ..... 40 Barlst So. 1 .. 40a5t K.Jtt 36 Bcvisa Ckoiea iota, for ratalliag, will bnmg 1 i Owbbib N. T. Factory......-. 1 1 1ass par lb lOallo goVAVons J0e30 ArrLBi par bushel 60 lees pai do ... HI The above prieet are the wholesale figures at nrai nana. POULTRT LIvsTarkies, p lb. . 10s Drtsaed " " m Chisksns, live " 8s " draaacd" 10c Saoki " IDo Hoes Live . Ia0s4.0 0 A TV La Ltv. w.igkt, eoMca... .. 4ia Prima ahtppiag, par 100 lbi.............00et.6t Weoa Omk, par ard 5 Hiakoir .., 7.C Coal Coal Valley Tarl 1 "Hevelend Taiu 13a Bat Prairie, par o......... . 8.00&9.C0 Tlaothj O.OOalJ.OO TlAS i Teang Hr.oa, eoamoa... - .7 lair te rw l.i0al.4lt " prima to shoia.-....-.1.3ial.60 Qaapowdar, eomooa to fir.....1.00Al.24 " prime te heiaeM....1.40al.A0 Imperial .......-1. 6 Jatr Oolong, eomaoa to fr..... .........WOal.f prima Uohoioa...........l.Ual 40 apaa Oorraa ato, eummoB to fir....... ..... .....1JT1S ptiae to ehatae .. . ...IVaiUe Old ttsvaraaant Java ...l3Qa SOSARS Raw aonaio to fir. llaltfe " " prime to ehoioa.. ...! Italia Retaad SaaAr, araah.d. powaeraa and (. TAD. - K. T,A Uio do extra C 13a Eaio.d frngr, ao C.................... 11 tiolaa.aa SusAr... ISalls Salt Pioa . - t0 Suiar M ..... w J.r w Lairy, with .ck .. ...o.i. D.rT, wUcoot .Ack. .......... Lisa Port Bvroa, par ebl.l Eoek I.iaad, pw bbl... . Bids ftraaa batchers' ........ 6raaa cared Mw Part cared .. Sims o:f..... ...... erioas Pappcr, Siagapere Piaaate. OtoT.a KatacgsKo 1 WOOD, LIGHT & 0., Manufacturers of ENGINE LATHES' SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES. PLIIER8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASMTTIIS' STEAM HAMMERS, Oan Machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangers, Pateat Belf Oiling Box. WAREHOUSE : lOT I1BBSTY T.. SEW YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : HAMMOUD ST., (Opp. Jaactloa Depot), VTORCB8TER, .MA?8. All Trains entariag the City, stop within tan rcdi of cor Wcrki. JalU dtr 1869. 1871. TKE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWAT9 ON EAKD Of SltlNVYAl, iTKCK, H4IVRH, M AM8II ALL AND EM)E! X. Geo. Wwod & Ce's.&Estey Organs and a I i klad. of Muaical Instruments Sheet Metis of latest issues, and the best im parted Strings in the city joint H ' Y T, ipl Corner Illinois and Washiagton s'.rset. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 4 WAsnzzrasozr onzoAao. DRAPERTAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WLDimG OUTFITS A 8PECIALTT. Shlrti to Wee.are Extra Oanblc and Perfect la Fit. Clergyman will be allowed per ecnt, diicounL . feblHdly SIKH. ElTAILISSED II 1S80. WELCH t5cGRIPFITH3' SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS 1 Axes, Tllsi, Cast Steal, Mill Tarnlthlagi, aad Haeklaary. a,Oet the belt, they will prove thc cheapest. Prices rsdnccd. Send for price Listandsiroalars. WHICH GklFFITBH, aettdwly Boston, Han., er, Sficb &ra7 ADvaaTiiEranif ra. THS HEW DUIimCTAHT ! BB0M0 CHLORALUM, nojr.PoisoMmj, odorives)", POWERIUL DRDOR17.BR AND DIaipucTAIIT. KSTTRELY HARMLESS AND SAFE. ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. Used In nrfvate dwelllnp. hotels. restnrnt. k He school?, hospitals, insane asylums, diopenparies, jail. prisons, poor-booaes. on ahipe, tteam-boats, and in tenemeut-houses, markets, for waier-ciueeta. Aspocitlc in al! contagious T!iHl pestilential dit case, m Cholera. Trpbofd Fever. Ship Fever. Hmall Pox. Hoarlet Kwver, Measles, diseases ol animals, Ac. Prepared only l,jr T1LDEN A CO 1T8 William street. New York. Sol by all Druga-lst. " - HARVEST for AGENTS. aio 111 Mo A DAY. Clentlemen and Ladies of pood address and de portment, can have information and the lest instruc tions ever published. ;nt free by mail. A grand combination of History, Bioeraphr, Rway. Poetry, ana ine r me Arm. trerybody wants it. CiLvass- KS imernanonsi publishing Cumpanv, W Liberty eueet. New VorK " SASH, D0OK9. AC. EOLANDER & IITJBER, Buooctton to J. A. Bisotio, MAnufaoturers of Sash. Doers, Blinds, Menldlngg, I'M A Mb . BKiCKBTS, And everything in their line. Glared Bash on hand, alio Fee All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dwm XZ7TJ5L7CS. J. H. BCrORO. The congress Arctic. we BEST winter OVEESnOE I ju tsitnLhs to break ! hAU TKWIBLE to pot OOt Neat, Genteel. Stylish I ASK T01R SHOE DEALER FOB lit f X BV -wetasBa, D ITHRIDGE 'S XX FLINT GLASS LA MI' COIMNEVS. Etsnd Hsat better ttsn any other made Ak for Dithrideo'e and taVe no other. See that our namu is on everv box. bITHKlLMiK d SUN, Pitteburgh, Pa. Send lor Price List. BAND LEADEES. Fdr eomethtnir interesting. innd vonr addres. to UKOKCK W.iiATES,'r ran;lort, Ji. Y. N ORTH EAST MISSOURI Farms and l-nlmnraved uuiuii ior vue oy acsutl s, Muse, ran, Hit. Agents ! Head This ! T7B WILL PAT ASEUTS A 6ALART OF VV f30 per Wcait aad Ezpens.a. or allow a largo comatia.ioa to leli our new aad wondfierul mveeiio.. Addrtss M. W05KR A CO, Krhall, Wi.b. DISEASES OP THR ASH Itomac! a U lager, fjra. CATecaa Pappar... Out Cars, it 01U 7.. Lard OU, extra.w.... Lard Oil. Nc. 1 Liaaacd Oil, rw " boiled , Pbditi Drie' apples, ebo"a. ..-..l.l l.0 7ja8. i?iaKc Sieve 12c .J6a3Se 4e ......IJtte 1.501.1 30a 6e 8ia IS .1 SJal.tU .l.0 1.0s ..CHICAGO SOWS! S0LG ! ! For particulars call at thc Plunder Store, corner Illinois and Mayor to with draw his notice to tbe various departments, and treat with Connolly as Comptroller de Light Work a Specialty. Repairing neatly l" if not dejure, he deems thia course id promptly dona. aichlT deedwecwly joecessaxy to prevent fiaaneial difficulties and complications, aad it is reported that 0fFar SfrPPt ku uiiid on tba aovirui and fliracted w w " Deads of the departments to so recognize Connolly. The committee or seventy must on lur aishinff counsel in suits to recover property said to be stolen from the city. The Mayor shore MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. OLaaiatz-e of Time. FOR SALE! ONE FRAME HOU6E AND LOT, PBICR $1,200: one half cash ia hand, balaacs In .... T.hc eommoii -So Dried pcaehaa, halfs ....... i..l lc " quarters lie Zatitc Carraata, new .M...M.tlal2$ Raiaina, in lay era, per box, new. S.So " " - per half box. 1.70 Tars iih P ranee- ..- 12c Dried Cberne.. - lie 6oAr a Caidlbs Waraeok A Ralstoa's 0. E.per lb- ...6Je Heory Dart a 6bs' T. R. per lb Ij MeBride'a Gorman Molted, par bar 7, par lb. Star Candles. 14 ot ... eov us Powosa RiSe. ear ker ... aT.0 Coal Mine, do...........-....... id4 60 Blutiac. do. ..4 t0a4.eC Dron Bhot. per sack.. .......-.....5.02.76 Rack Shot. do.. - Bar Lad. par lb ...... 13o NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bnaht Blue EV, Son Meininger, 35cts flare you fen Lnit Comic Sc.f , Saxton, 40 Oarlmg Belle uf tke Bearding &au.Poiter30 ff'W the Ciyantie, Comic Corueila, 30 .h.UyHitlh T,m(4, Ccmie, Parts, :! .Wic wouldn't $'tn like to kwr, Comio.Cord'la HO JtictU vf the lltart, Beautiiul Pong MHIardSO Low in the Stf.vinc, " " Zn h, SE Lt it fa, for bail or Alto. " H Yet Otei- A rnn, Doett for Sop. and BarT. Gab'iei, iO Quarrelling Keighbori, Comic Duett. Auter, 75 Si-mtbodh'e Child, with va-iatioes, Mack, 60 Hearenly Greeting, Penaic Boymantiquc, B laacaev. Holiday Vacation March, illustrated title Gilsinn, direct Anticipation, Schottisehe, " " Uilsinn, Daity, Faatalsia, Kroz. Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market pri?e. So natter where you see a piece of Music er Music Book adrertised, send to ua and you will receive it by enelosing the publishers price. SALBSBB. t& WBSriB, MCS1C USALBRS, mI7-dc41Im. ST. LOUIS. S5 50 50 15 BOOS BZZfBXSSO. TsrnuAjts asTJiiKsst, B)k Binder tad Paper Hanger. Shop en Orleans St., opposite Court Hoate. ROCK ISLAND ILL, feoAA!l kinds of Paper Boxes made to order. auglDd tf ZXVEBS-. Buford & Reed, PIRE, LIFE AND ISLAND INSURANCE &EEHTS I The Pcllowing- Old end Reliable Companies Represented : JStna, Homes Ins. Co., of IT. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Bepublie, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National, Connecticut Mutual life $30. WB WIX.X. FAV $30. Atrents .) rn;r week to stl nnr irre.l anrl v.ln.Me dipcoveneH. If you want ni-rmin ;nt. honorable and plcajant work, app'.v fur varticulurr. Aiidr.:s- UYElt & CO., Jaclcon, Mich. A MILLION DOLLARS ! Shrewd but quiet men eaa make a fortuae by revealing tbe secret of the business to no one. Address J. WEST, fi$S Bmadway, New Turk. 1 003 GIFT3. tiKAND GIFT CONCERT ANT) DISTKIDUTION For the Ik'nefit of the FOt'NDI.INti ASYLUM OF NEW YOHK. AND SOt.tIr.KS' A N i S.MLtlHS' tKPHANS llUMiS. WAMlIN(,TO., D. C. To he held in Washington a socn as all Tickets are wid. of which Ten liavs' Notice wiil be iriven. I and not later thjn Noremiier S:id. 1K71. Kntire nnm- ler of linkeis. o e; h, l,'.ci (iitie. amount ing to f 2' l.O"0. to be awarded. Send for circular, Livinj; lit of Oilts and Reference.. Tickets i an be had of U1LEV 4; SAKt,ENT, Philadelphia, Columbns. O., and Hicbmond. Ind., or P. C. DEVLIN. Genera! Apnt. 31 Nassau street. New York. Hon. H. McCIXI-OUGH. Elkion. I ,, Mai. GEO. T. CATLE. Ballnuore. 1 Hon. J. S. NEULEY, Pittbur, Trustee. ,. Comm'rs. the oxraTAisr BsozasD. How It is done, nnd who doe it. The Alena hook 92 uaffe'i. trorireuQIv illtiHtnttd with cimj. ifkt4rioDH. Ao. Seut by mail, securely -ealed, lor nit? vma Grand Cirtuar, tree. Addts KAPdAEL UAKTO, WW Broadway, New York. C0PP in BEO., Total Atsets Rejiresenied, over Livery and Sale Stables. $60,000,000.00 P. TXIHSBS.LXXfO, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Seal Presses, Steel Stamps, Soap Stamps, Boukbinder's Tools, Ac. KO. 161 DGAKUIIRK I1HHET, Opposite PostofEoe. CHICAGO. apr20-dly ALE & PARTES. Cream and Stock Ales. Office under Sart'a Call, ROCK ISLAND,. ILl.s. Mott Complete E.tablisbment in the City Particular alter tion paid to furnishing Carriages 1 for parties, Balls, Procei.ions, etc mhldly OFFICE Ho. 3, Arens Euildinp;, Oppoiits Post OEcb, Up Stairs, OCK II,AJii lit. P?4-atf Thiirellsbls and favorite ronte will Issue e ashoduie on hoadey, Deo. 4th, after which date trains will run as follows: MOHsTIHO MAIL. Leaves Chlcage at Ji:30 a m. iton at all way itationi, arrive at Cleveland t-.'ia m m. SPECIAL NEW YORK EXPRESS l.oavae at V:OW a m. Stopi only at tbe moat im nortnnt stations. Arrives at Toledo at 6:20 p in.: Cleveland at 6:46 p m : BaffaH 4:10 am; New Tork 7:00 p m. Sleeping Coach Chloage to Hochester. ATI.AMTIO BXPRESS. Leaves Daily at 6:li p m, witb Sleeping Coaebei attached fr C eve and. Buffalo ana Aew lorn, muning mm without rhanre. arrival at Cleveland 10:50 a m; Buffalo 2:00 n m : Hew Yefn 7:15 a m, second morning. MIGHT EXPRlif). Leaves at 9:00 p m RlMnine- Co.nh attaabed. Arrives at Toledo, 8:15 a m ; Olcvalaad 10:50 a a ; Buffalo 6:50 p m : New Tork 12 m. The 8:20 a m and :uu p m Trains eonnaet with Trains on tbe Kalasmasee has left the matter of bringing such suits to oae year with interest. O'QormariD, whom ha states is the bead of One frame home, Cooper Pbop and let, price tba la. department, and has full discretion 1,000, ene-b.lf e.ih in band, balance in en. to bring any aotioa at law He may seek, ior fi0 TOrd9 d 0,k weod, ,a aoo perch . i a. .sraa.AaBn.ciMvwtA nirv ann - city, the promotion of the good of the leaves the matter in aia nenos. DoDUtv Comptroller Green is proceeoiag with a thorough investigation of the affairs; of the office. Th Greelev Rernblioans held their Sena torial Conventions in several of the city dis tricts last night, and nominated candidates for the Legislative offices. The Urant wing ot the city i.epuoiicuc met in the several Asterobiy Districts night, and elected delegates to the Syracuse Convention. Among the delegates chosen tre James W. Booth, Edwin D. Morgan, Theodora Dwight, Frederick A. Conkling, Jackson 8. Schultr., Chas 8. Speneei, Chat ter y. Arthur, John Rustell Young, and Slajor J. JR. 13 ana. There was a desperate row between the ef building stone, Hoek Island, bept. B. DAVENPORT. lfith, 1971; dim J0SI1H GATES & S05S, Manulaeturers of ! 5 .11 o t ; 1 1 the, Tlarlinor and anti-Darlincf factions in the ia Chloaste eoancot with the abewe mentioned Twentieth Assembly District. The police trains. F. E. MORSH, G. W. Paai. Agt. , HOUHH THC UUICRESl AKD 61 Miles tbe Shortest Lhe FP.OM CaiClGO TO SEW YORK ! Via PITTSBURGH. Fort Wayne and CMcao, AND PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ROUTE. Twentieth Assembly District were obliged to interfere. 8pamoriBLn, Sept. 20. Tbe Republican State Convention meets here to-day, and tbe city is full of delegates and politicians. Tk. . aavp.n candidates for the nomine- thouebt tbat alter ine ui.i Thia is thc onlv RouU reaning III whoU Train nillllllil. DAT AND PALACH CARS ! and the only Route Ran nici Three Daily Llnea of Pullman's Xhrougb Palace Cars from Chicago to HIRIIbBU&GB, PBILiDELPBIi tU AVitliout Olitang-e Wltb but one change to Baltimore, Hartford; Sew and Haven, Providence, BpriBgfleld, Woroester Thronrh Trckcts for sale at the office nf eon Booting lines in the West, and at all emcee of the Tort W syne and Pennsylvania Central itoaie in Chicago. W. 0. CLELAND, Gen. Waci'n Paai. Agent, P., Ft. W. A O. R'y, Chicago. TH03. L KIMBALL, Uanl Wcst'nPass.Ag't Penn. Oeatral Railroad, Chisago. it ia ballot the contesrwill narrow down ta ex Auditor Dubois, Gov. Oglesby, and Gen. J L. Beveridee. with tbe chances Dubois. . , . T. The remains of the late fresioen wn- eoln, and those of his twe cbiioren v wfere interred with him, were yeswruay moved from the temporary to the permanent vault just completed for their reoepuua " Oak Ridga Cemetery. Tha removal was at tended by no ceremonies, but mere worn present Robert X. Lincoln, tbe one surviv ing child .together, with Senator Trumbull, uovnrnor B. liret Brown, Ot saiisoun, Judge Davis, of tha Uaited States Supreme turt, Judge Treat, or Illinois, tbe Mate officers, and the o Si oars af the Lincoln Mon ument Association and many oitizens. Chicago Sept. 20. Tbe National Swine Exposition at Dexter Park, ts a decided success, ao far as tha show is concerned, five thousand of the finest specimens of MIYCTKI.L. t;L.: wl w...v . On eiuionun. im ii earner lo-uay was cold, and threatening rain, and the- atten dance was very small. SaltLax Citt, Sept. 20. The grand jury inpaneledin the case of the polyg m lets has been exoused. The Mormon jour nal! are Tery bitter on the United States law officers in oonsequenoe. Philabslphia, Sept 19. Tha Universa le. f nnral Couvsntion met WIS morning FIRE ENSKE HOSE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace feather, CMcafa BSarket. Tcicgrapkeitstke Aaais. CajOAee, Sept. 19. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Fairly aoiive ; Re 2 closing oa 'changeat II lbl cah or Sept.; $116 teller Oct. and in P. M. at II 16 ; No 2 red wiuter e $1 23. Corn Firm ; So 2 doling 47 cash or Sept.: 4S seller Oct.; rejected 46J. Oats Active; N.o2 JO; rejected 23. Kyc Firm; Ho t 3a64. L!.rley la fair demand; Ko 2 G2a66 ; latter for Northwestern. Receipts Flour 6578 ; wheat 10085 ; core 14fi,a3U ; oats 2,T91 ; rye 17.1C5 ; barley 6S,- V20. Shipments Hoar 6843 ; wheat 73.43; corn 153,771 ; oatil,620 ; rye 1,010; barky c,- 41S. Provision! Pork 13 00 oath. Lard Firm at bj. Oblcago UTS) Stock. Telegraphed tc the Aaeus. OsicB Secoa Tsbbs, Sept. 1. Cattle RaoeipU 6702 ; mottlj Texan: lalei of 1385 at SI OUai for Tezani ; 4 50a5 50 fair to good shipping, with an extra lot averag ing 133o at $6 00. Hogt Reoeipti 1519 : opesed quiet, but prices steady, doted dsll and weak; s1s at jt OOal 25 for ccmmon h.avy ; $4 50a4 7d for good to extra; ti 40a4 60 for light smooth lots- KKrF ADVESTIbEKEXTS. Proprietors and Mannfactareis of MILL STONE DRESSES, OTTAWA, ILL. Thil celebrated Dresser is a perfect eacoesi, a bldiudss. c. a. xunaieas Real Estate & lasaraaee Igdnts, Ko. 1 Ticlc'i Block, DiVSSPORT, .... IOWA Attead penosallv acd promptly to thc bayinc aaa scuing ci Heal Astatc on aommisstoa, real lag Hoasca and Jrarma. A-cvlSdCm aad all are warranted. ny30ly w. h, sins. B. C. CLBAVBLASB and Factory supplies generally. LOWELL.. MA, All kindi of FIRE ENGINE HOSE, made from the ben quality of Fhitade'phia and Balti more Oak Leather, and put together with Tinned Rivets, a bow improvement which preventi them from corroding and rotting tbe leather. jaHdeodly mCKERS. C1TTT BAxizza-r. Dealeri in orSi No. 59 Main Street, ny2-4 wly KKKOSHA, WIS. yosara r. baxwbil. ' viiiiis a. waaaxaa. WnEELEU & CO.. , Manafacturers and. Sealer ia RAILROAD LARD OILS, Lubricating, Burning, Machinery and Wool OiU. Railroad Paint, 4c. AGEZfTm CtlaOSB OXXt OO. OTFICE 108 SOUTH WATER BT. Factory 381, 396 and 297 Illinois Street, T. Ti. W. H Rvder. of llltnon, was elect-1 UblOdcodly-mwf , CKitAOO, ILXaV. EEEP I01R FEET DRY ! BUCK'S Water-Proof Composition WX&l. SO XT I It will keep ont Water from tk, thianeit Boots. II wiil keep out Water from the thick eit Booti. It wlU keep oat watet from Ladlcr thinnest Shoes. Will positively keep out Snow Water. It will make the leather soft and pliable It will not csange tae eoier or leather. It will aot injure the leather in any way, bet will positively preserve it. It will no interfere wits blacking and polish- lag. It is rood for baektkta er leather elovea. It is thc best droning ever used on harness. It is an article long desired aad one tbat will fulfill il tne asventageseletmei for It. Also ..- ' Real JapaB -Blacking! used nr evebybodi Manufaetared by STJOSXtAaSZt fc CO., 209 Washington street..........CHI0AGO.ILL for sals by all Grocery Dealers aad Boot Makers. septl0-dm,w3m (.E0. Ha LAW TO 3, mion AKD Commission Merchant, 51 Terry Street, DAVESPOIT IOWA jy28-dJm OF TBI Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, 8C0TX C0-, X0WA. C0RDUCTKD BT THE SISTERS OF COABlTf B. V. 31. Will commence Us 26th Somi-annael Session Wednesd.j, August IGih, 1S71. ijft Being incorporated in accordance with tha lawi of thc State, thil Institution confers thc usaal collegiate degrees upon its graduates. For llrcirlari address augl-d3m SISTER SUPERIOR. COS a STBOKGw Proprietor! of the MERCHANT'S LUNCH, Are sole Ageau for Peaeiee s Celebrated Cream and Stock ASes. For sale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oel29 dtf Saloon & Billiard Rooms Niagara Steam Pump Works. r"- " - - - - b Charles B. Hardick, Ko. 9 Adami street, IiaOOkiLYI. KBW YOtK. Sole Maaufsetarer ef Hardlek'a Patent Double-AetUg Steam Pomp and Fire Eiglne. Mining Pumps a Specialty.. Patented in laglaad, Belgium and France Bead fo ciieaiar. . , augxiaiy HAYES & CLEVELAND GENPRAL , Insurance Ag'ts Representing the following old and reliable Com pan ie. i UadenTriters Agency, New Tork. Cash Assets $4,000,010. Phcenix. S. T. Cash A .set. $1,800, 00. Continental, !. T. Cah Assets $2,500,000. Sorth American, N. Tc Cash Abseil $41)0,000. PaciSe, Caiifornia, As?cU Uoid, $1,00,UOO. Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Assets, S00,0C0. North American, Hartford, Cash Asicti $.09,000. ISTKBS VT10NAL. MM 0BK, Cash Atiati (100,0(0. Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash Aiscti $300,000. Washington Life, New Tork, Cash A-sete $3,a0,n0P. GEO. W.C0PP, ASIKT TOR TBI LKADIXG i HARTFORD & NEV7 TORH FIBE, HABIHE AHD l ife Insurance Cos S25,COO,O0O in Capi.aL AT SOCK IS LAS D, ILLINOIS. . AUlessesadJaitcdaad prcmpUy paldattkii Rc, 3 Earpsr House Block, ROCK ISLAKIf, . -ILL. Dealer ia Fine Bourbon Whiskies, lad Iaponed Wise k Brandies: Ageat for Sands, Lilli, and Joliet Alei, ali beat e.-..-.-h i knglieb Ales aad Loodoa Por ter lor Ctiea W Lite riod for sale by the I arrl. Sg nt for A. Z.ller's Billiard and PigccaHoIc fable Manufactory. epr-dlf H, E. WK8T, Proprietor, Mercury or Calomel Is the great remedy tbat pkyiiclasi appeal to and use almost entirely m all diseases of tne Liver. There are thoaiandi at the present time tbat are Buffering with the rbenmatio pjm in tne joints, eaasea by thc sic of Calomel which has created a disease of itc own worse than that wkion it was iatended to care. There is no drug that leaves its mark more prominent in thc eystem. Yet, perhaps, there are timec when it can kc given, aad have a benifieial efleet, but should not be dealt out al it has been, and le at tbe prc.ent time, by these that pretend to know what tkey are doing, but in reality do not. The Liver 1 more liable to diieaae tbea any ether organ in the hemes system, and when tbat fella to do Hi dnty It lcavei the weak point! of the body cxpoaed, as the bile ia not thrown off, bnt taken up by the blood, al it pallet through thil great filter ef the lystcm, and becomes impure. Then follow! a train of disease!, whose came ii Legioa. There are many that infer from pain lathe tide and across tbe bod j, doll, heavy, drowij feeling, faeadaobc, paia in the right tide, oftea severe pain la thc bowels, eoilivcLsii, fiat alcnee, diarrhea, more or less indigestion, loss of appetite, sallow skin, white nf tbe eyes yellow, sinking of 13. -h, depression ef ipirits, at other times a great crav-ng lor food. Some of these symptoms are caused only by torpidity of the Liver. It ia impossible to give all tbetjmptomi of a deranged Liver, and they are all eureable without te aid of Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, The ijmptomi of which are, pain in the right idc running to the ihonlder, a lou af strength, appetite ana energy, a lente of tppreilitn, low lies ol .pints, equeamiehntes ot thc itoaach, a yellowuh seated tongue, restless ness, fright ful dreams, all of which yield to the isfloecce ol TAYLOR'S STOMACH AKD LIVER CClR RBCTOB," of whioh enough ahould be taken to cause a speedy and free evaccation of the bowelc indigestion cr Dyspepsia, Is a weakuess or want ct power of the jaices m tbe aivmacu to convert our iced and drink into healthy matter for tha nourishment ot me whole aj.icm. It is caaied by every thing Uit lend, to weaken Ibe body, and moie parl.oularly the stt.n.acL htalij,il not quite uue h II ot the dicenies, to which we are liable, proceed fiom it. Indige.tion produce! a great variety ot unpleasant feelings. Among tha most prominent ol its miserable eficcle are, a want of, er an iaordinate eppttite, sometime! attended wiib a con. tant craving tor drink, soar atoaiach, grinding paioa in thc stomach, ceprts- lon of spirits, gioom of mind, xretlulnesa, wast ing of flesh, loss of energy anl strength, very irritable, heart burn, oepiaasant taste in me mouth and tumbliag in the bowels. In lone aeei ot depraved indigestion, tberc n a com plete disrelish for food, at ether times a person o afflicted cau eat heartily without much grati fication. A long iiua ol aervoas .jn-i.ttmi arc also frequent attendants, general debility , great languidncst and incapacity tor exertion, tne inda of pereona ao amioted trcqaently Decerns irritable aod desponding, and great anxiety It observable in tbe eoanteaaace; tbey appear thoaghtfui, melancholy, and dejected, acder great apprehet.ion of some imaginary danger. will start at any unexpected noise or occarrtnee. aad much agitated. Yet for al) thil the mind is exhilarated witnoct much dittculty, pleasing events and society will for a time dissipate all appearaaoe of disease. Other symptoms arc, vi olent palpattilon, settle cess with a sentc of ght aad odpression upon thc chest, night mare, etc. It ii almost impossible to name all the symptoms ol this invader npon the constitu tion, as in almost every ease of indigestion, there will probably be something peculiar to cacti, nut oa wnat mey may, taey arc an vc.- s ioned by the food becoming a burden, rather than a support to the stomach, and ia all its sta ges, the medicine most wanted is tuat wnicn ill aOord tpeesy assistapce to me uigeitive or gan, aad give energy and strength ta the ner vous and muscular sysum, and a new life to thc whole body , and nothing eaa be, and there tl nothing, that will give to quieu reiiei, as Tay lor's Stomach and Liver Corrector, the Great Remedy for Blood, Liver and Skin Dlsea-ts, and front one to four bottles will effect a cure. COLD HATfch SOAP. Sick Headache, Those that are subject to it oaly know wtat a distressing complaint it is. aad is a very un welcome a isitor. At firt it cao.f s a dimness of vision, followed by a terrible p"'"' I""" " the .tomaoh. aad vomiting ad then hr iiij or two, a person feels as thoagh they bad a St of sickness. One dose will care when first at tacked, and one to three bottle, will effect a per manent care. Jaundice. Wh.uyoui.eBpcr.on..y';o " "ff' bag (a eomme. ,i-r. rj atarally das' 1 " , ',i.t it i. Jaandiee.caaicd C'B.'U ' -- -- - . ... . - I cl the Liver, By tae cue neiag come to tne cu. by a di-rangemex Xira.tedand flowing the blootl tnrougoBt ,.m. instead of pasting B la 1U nature - i 1 I . (OUT f IBrw "C UWwrejisj. rar ' Orl cat Costiveness. i ...... tytieu. Washes ia Cl& or Warm, Ea'd or Soft Water WITHOUT BOlHXG ASP Withwt inDrJ to Clothes, Stiimr Libor Tin and. Fuel! ki Sop kas been by many Ladies ia ,k. city, ac 4 they all pronounce it superior te as, other they ever used. It saves time, labor aad preserve! the elethes. Uaaufaetnrsd by the 10LDW1TEI 801P COM PAST, a ,63 Ssrth Desplaibei Street CH1CAGO,H,mIH..HM.. ......11,1 Por tale ia Keek Island by WIHQ & BURST, BARDS 0LO ITAKD. . apil-dw I i. aad derans'-0'" " nl."u"ri.i.- b- .heraar. I "jt" tbi e-ictredag diieaie el rantioB- 1 Be ut aveysfesiessi tuai f tnVTYit. Ilata AftViaa Thi. by -. r -- so maay treablcd ad give It se little tbat follow habitual -oituveoe.s arc many, oi wnicn Bus llcaaacbc Bkof Iileod to tba Head, Dyspeyiia, Piles. Ue.rt, Lnog and Skin DUeaee aad Tcmale and Kidney Complaints, are always aggravated by tt. Many retort te pills, and never have a free evacuation af the bowels without their aid. To these, I Say, st.p aad consider, as every pill you take eontaiae mercery, whieh will ia time cauacyoe to regret tke eenrse yon bsvc taken. By n.iag Taylors PtoBiech and ivar Corrector, yoa will aot need to take pill., two te fear bottles will eare yea. - Per Sale by all Druggists aad Dealers In Medicines. TBE BEST KEDICISE ETEE MIDb FOB 8IAI. Ne S. TAYLOR, SOLE PROPRIETOR. . ltd Wabaak Av.aa.,.. aealSdeed-weewl CHIOAGft