Newspaper Page Text
WES IF ADYERTISlMSr SiffiCN iKY. r j3 lf j? - -?! BT M i ' , Fer eaa tfiin, ar the ? ep iet Vr ten liae f solid aeBpareil, Oa Dollar far eaek ia. Sertiea. : Special Botiea, It eeat per liae. ; Wk. ia tea-tad I aseata at more, par f-at, AheT "ja lar edrertitieg rates. C.aanaieatioaa, at arlLIes lai.rtsd emeag readiag aiattar, t eeat par liaa. Duly abb WaBaTT.--A diseoast ef 26 par aaat. will a seeds frees the Weakly rates, aa yearly aad half yearly eeatraeta, whea th. seats Dtttn ta iaserted la beta Pail; Bad Doable Golems wills (barged it per eeat additional. -.--.- " -f -.: For 11 traaiieatadvertiMmsa " 'advance pap at U required. . . " v fSBJfS. atar Aae. i. a Mail (pay B.reee), ., I l.M By Mail i , . , .. .,,,..: lis m.atbs, By Mail .'.' " Stneaths,.,' .. By Mall ' 0J' Xiioitk....' ayBtftTT OalBtSB, Goats per week. . Bineia Comb A Cast, i ;-s TS&atS.- TiHlf lmi- " liagleC.pypajableU edvees)v ...'J. InCtiiN ,". . ,,..-.. JM Vweety Oepies ' -' ' . thirty Oopie " . 0. ' 4 .5 Hi . . Twentieth . Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1871; Established Oct. 18, 1851 visC.v.Wi2.. I u- " i ., tr- ia 'P t LOO A.L NOTIOES, TeiLiTin ii ritaU4 ma bMitifiaral . to aa aipleiioa, it it a powdr, aarmlaaa, f- fiaed an alaf ant, Try it, 60 centi pr box. Mas. Whitcomb' Sratrp roa Soothixo Cbildriit". Many ileepleti nijrati of pain fol watobiaga to taa aaxioei mEw might ba aroidad, by oaing this taralaaWa prep a' ntta. ! jjfu-t::t., ; i-.,.;- .v. UAaauaa OinDB, laUraaiiag work, aumaroa aagraviaga, 224 pagas. Prioa 5 aoU. Addreu Dr. Ba'tU' Dii paaiary, It North igkla. .atraat, St. Looia, Mo. Saa adTertiaament. NscaiLQi U eared by tba uae of Ranaa'a Jain-Killiag Magic Oil, aareat of aeythieg : wa arer triad ; ia faot, it oarea any kiad of pata or lamaneia, aad ia aa "artiola aary family ahoald keep tn the hoose. Sold by oar aterokaate. ALL EIGHT. BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'OIooLc JP. JXi 7eIlow Tavcr in Brooklyn Arrest of a well-kaown Tammany pel- j Itielan BZeotinf of tho Qree- : Ity commitUa FortonaL all mm? WASHINGTON. VnltoA tte and British OUimi Commission. SALVE, for Oorat and Baaiaai, Boil aad Bar as. lar aU by all Tru(gl.ta. 26 ata. par box , or aaat oa roaoiptof patea. Addraaa ALL KI SET ,850 lark It., Ckicaga. aapli-dlj 6ERMANIA INSURANCE COMP'Y OF CHICAGO, ,ILIm Ossb Ospital. .200,000.00 Bnrplos...--..- ..-$S7.8ao.64 Dbdeiok 4 Sbaw, Agent, aprJl-d!y - - Hack Ialaad. PBOTCGaVlPHS. I. O. PEOK, Photo eraDher 1 !(K'i ILAsiO, lift, XecativM Proaurved. ...111.. f.b2-d6m PIP1 BOXES. JEJL .A.. SOHELL, (Baeaaaaor ta J. B. Sakaaidar,) Manaiaatarar of eTaty daaariptiaa of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. Ord.T aramptlr atUadad to. sol5-d3i srsoxAii noszsas. ILLINOIS. State Pair Distinguished visitors Bolcide of a wealthy citizen. lOWk.. Poweshiek Oonnty Pair Johnson County Pair Brought. Masuachnsetts Bepsblican State Convention Befeat of Butler Washburn nominated for Governor. Foreign News. CH1QX1C AILMKKT8; rartiaalariy Boroloia, nara taair ongia la aa uliured or aazleotad dtaeaaa. Do wa at sea tr- tetr aar p.n.m aiea-aering nadar tka weigh! of r.tiui. ill-treat.d diseases aoffariageat by pieee Bs.el the r.maiai ef a former malady ! Why is ill It ia bmaasa the treatment was not saita l, u or left off too soon. Thus the patient is p.en.d ap while the dregs are aHowed to ra nj. 'n so break eat g e.ea in fetare f.e .ra ti aa. Many suffer the foal taint of S.rofola to r.aatn' ia the system for alife time. C leers ana sores th at are eating away the rery fountain oi life are allowed to go on. Pimples, blotches, and tette re a.'se di.fig re the faees of thoasanda. There is in aegWty for this lames table eoodl tioa, as a few hot. ' Baataritoa'a Ee.i and Serb Jaioes will eradicate tie fool taint. In all bad aaaee we will far"iln tke remedy free of energe ami! a eure is effe. d. thas proving he yond a deabtthat all ean be eared. Pimple, and blotches remered, thereby wiag many en pleasaat ramarka. Ladies wke CliT bnUiaat eompleziea should ase the amarit ' Beotano . Herb Jaioes. Prioa tl 13 par bottle. FOB, OSSf BB,aXXOXrS Diseases aria Lag freas tatdissretloB bare beec kraal 1 with Baisam Oopeiba aad Mercery, us il the ettfmeehs of patieata asing them beeamt ee nauseated aad weakened that it wee bard to daelde whiek was the worst oompiaint, the die ordered stemaoh ar the original disease. At leagtk the Samaritan's (iif t mads its advent, and m entirely new system of eure was inaugurated ad the benefieiai result at onae seen. The dis costlag drags and peisona were disoarded, and te-day the rift is preaeribad by aaabers of tha leading Payaieieas; yea, notwitastaadtag, tka Samaritan ' Oift is known ta be a positive oare, parely vegetable, aad pleaseat to nse, as enlj tea pills have to be takes, many eld aati-delavi-ana will auak to tkeir aiekeaing drugs and gorge patieata far weeks perhaps months Hat a leag job and a big bill any thing to do witk it? Male packages t; rental. Sent by mail. We eaanot avoid ealling the atteatioa of delleate females te tke Bamaritaa's Gift as a positive care for Wkitee; By following direetieos yea will aoen get rid of that tronble otae tiisesse, and besoms robust and hearty. Sold by Druggists geaerally. DESM OJIO h 00. Prep'rs. SIS Base street, Phtled.lpkia, Pa- Ci. Bassaa, aeraer aad Market etreet, Ageat for Beak Ialaad. mehSiwly Queen Victoria's aichaess Wrecft A, Ztady shames life-boat men and saves lives Emanci pation act. Market Beports. f - . T " (aeperted lipraaaly fertka Aaava of SVX1T LAST IB TES LAaTS lEOTTLO KBOW What White Glycerine Zs AND What it Does. WHITE "fiLTCE&KE It mow acknowledged te be, In every respeet,tba superior of any and all articles need to beaant tha skin aad iapreve the completion. Tbetkia which kas been long filled with imparities, spots or d isoeleratlone, or which has been injared, as is often tha oase, by the application ef poison ous oosmetios and lotions, may be pexfeotly rea ovated by this remarkable fluid. Oaoe thoroughly Impregnated with White Olyeerlae the skin grows purer aad clearer, aatll it reaches a pearl-like transparency and beauty, unattainable by any other known aeane, after which but little, comparatively, la required to aaaintaia a rich, healthful, natural and beautiful vomplexioa. It is also unequalled aa a speedy and positive eure for chapped hands, rough skin, etc. PKAEL'B "WHITS 6LT0XBIXB Is told by all wholesale aad retail Druggists aad dealers ia JTarlamery ana 1 ollet Axueies. jelSdly JOB ZktOSZa.' Sir Jamei Clark'i Female Pills. These invaluable Pills are unfailing ia Ue eure ef all those painful aud dangerons diseases to which the female ooaatitutiea ia subject. They moderate all e loesses and remove all ab stractions, from whatever cause. TO MABBMD LADIES they are particularly suited. They will la a shert time bring on the monthly period with regularity i aad alueaga very powerful, eoseaia nolhint hurtful te the eoastitatloa. Ia all east of Nervous aad Splael Affeetioaa, Pains ta th Back and Limbs, Fatiaue oa Slight .lertioa Palpitation of tha Heart, flyaterioa and White. they will effcot a eara when m)l ether means havt failed. The eirealare aronad eaek package give full directions ana advice, or will be aaat free to all writing lor them, sealed from observation. spBciAi, mo rice. It is the fate of every true valuable medloiat to ba eBB-Taaraitaa. Job Moses' Sir James Clarke's Female Pills are extensively cent si- rairiB. Dishoaeet Druggists endeavor to aall the counterfeits to make greater profits. N. B. Ia all oases where the Oenuiae eanaot be obtained, One Dollar enclosed to the Sole Pro prletor, JOB M08BS, IS Oortlandt Street, Vow xorn, wuj lasutw a sews as taa ttaasdae, eoa containing Fifty Pills, by return mail, securely s.aisa rreA any Aaowieage i its eeuveats. Nw York, Sopt. ,28-r-Tkev"Brooklyn po lice dependent reports one case 01 yellow revet; ta that oity. - n ; t Deputy Comptroller Grsea has determia ed to distribata tka priatmr of kis depart meet, formarly dace bv tka New York Printinr Aaaooiatioa. atnoac a namber printing astablukmenta. Tka report that Thompson C. Dodo, oll-kaoaa Tammany politician, kat been exiaated for aascected complicity in tke a-veber robberr. proves to be incorrect. At tk Protestant fcpisoopaloonvenuon oi th- at Eastern rew lors tots iviia. i?:akoD Potter presided, and Blah An nni.tnt f Tavoeaaoa. Biahop Smith it k anlnnWr. aad Hia top !'". Jliaaonri. wara erase nt. iop rotter, in kis address, refsrred ta tka a.,,!rbu,V fsnerntn em a arMiaaf ST nf tKmaat I. ulna aiaitivaJw Cat (iltA laluie tka tob- jeet was postponed till tka next conventiv. Stbacusc, Sept. 28. Tka Greeley com-1 mittee bad a meeting at 9 o'clock this morning, wktck wa largely attended. Tba uhairman, Siaolair Touoey, and T. S. Stew art aad Ira O. Millar, expressed tkeir dis atisfaotion at tke manner ia which dele gates bad been treated by the eouvention ic strong terms, and much bitter feeling was manifested. Tke meeting adjourned to meet at 1 1 o'olock. Tke Greeley committee re assembled at 11 o'clock. Palmer moved to appoint a committee on resolutions. Waldo llotch- ina made a speech against tke corruptions of tke opposing factioas, and Mr. Andrews followed, saying they had to eontend against tke power and patronage of tke govern ment, yet tke people against tka office holders were only defeated by tke majority of thirty, lie declared that the money bags of Wall street had also been broogkt against tnem. After a number of speeches severely de nunciatory of the Uonkliu party, toe meet ng appointed a committee to prepare an address and call a State convention, if ad visable, and then adjourned. Buffalo, ept. zs. The coroner a jary, waion has been in session here tor the last taa days, inquiring into tke oaasa of tke deatk of Peter D. Yeomena, cattle dealer, find that Yeomang was poisoned by parties uaknowa to the jory, and aoqnit bis wife of any complicity in the crime. WAiHHGTOff, Sept. 29. Before Decern bar bo eases will be heard by tka United States and Britisb Claims Commissions Tka rales adopted do not excloda any claims baring tke color of justice. The claim of British subjects residing tn the aontk darins tke late war will not exceed 96,000,000. . Du Qcoiir. Sept. 29. The attendance at the State Fair to-day is tka largest of any lay siaca its o pernor, and tbe Bomber variously estimated at from li.vvv to io, 000- A great many of those here yesterday doubtless returned home last evening, and told their friends about tba wonderful taisg o oe seen, lor bgypt is bera tn immense force and is drinking ia all tka eights wltk relish perfectly refreshing to see. Among tke distinguished visitors are Gov. Palmer aad family, witk most of tba State u racers ; also John Newell, President tue Illinois Central railroad ; Mr. Mitchell lieaeral Superintendent; P. Dafgy, Land uoaimieaioner ; ana w m. A. iklmendorT, Japenniendeot of aleeping cars. Tkey a! aem pleased and appear to catck aa mack iuat as any otker single individual. Tke jtfiaers of tke Illinois Central railroad very generously ran two sleeping oars oa tka aide track at tke fair grounds, aad placed tkem at tbe disposal of tbe press aad omoers tka As-rioultural Society. Tka most prominent actio' ia Mechanics Hall, and unquestionably tka most valuable invention, is tbe haboook sell eotiea; engine aad extinguisher, from Ckieago. It works oa tke tame principle as ike axtioguiaker. beias? self aeting, and throws s ooa tin bobs itraan of aarbofiio said cas sad watt oa tka Hamet. Two men and a team of hones re all tke force necessary te work tka larg est size, makiag a very economical fire de partment for towns aad villaee. They are exhibited by Mr. George Matkews.ef Cki- Yesterday afternoon aad this- forenoon were consumed ia tke exhibition ef horses, cattle, swiae, aad skeep, aad as tka live stock is tke large ead of tka fair, of course tke interest kas beea great. Every olassex kibited seams to be mora for nse than orna ment, and shows 'a very commendable growth of blooded stock, of whiek' every ilinoisiaa ought to ba proud. ' JaCKSott tills, III.. Sept. 28. To-day our citiisn are startled by tke faet' that this forenoon at kalf past 10 o'clock, Mr. Joshia S. Moore, one of our best ' atd wealthiest ciuxeos, committed suiciae oy taking tryckawa, as i aoppoaed by the faot that kortly before kis deatk ka asked for tka ar ticle at one of our drug stores, wkiok the rnggist refused kim oa account of kis strange appearance. 1 be general supposi tion is that ke wai laboring under an , at tack ef tenporaJy insanity. . No other cause can be assigned for tke deed. Malcolm, Iowa, Sept. 28 This hat been great day for tke Poweskiek county cen tral agrieultnral society. Six tkousand people were on the ground. All Grioaell nd Brooklyn were out. There was a one xhibition of horsemanship by ladies and gentlemen, which was observed witk great iaterest by tke crowd. Tkorongk-bred hor- mulea. cattle, aad other stock were in tka ring, and attracted great atteatioa on eeeoant of tke good qualities manifested ia early every animal. v ,i. Iowa City, Sept. 28. The attendance pon the fair kas beea larger than ever nowa before estimated at from three to ve thousand persons. The display of stock and cereals of all kinds is remarkably fine. Never kat Iowa felt tha effect of a drouth as now. Cloud upon cloud of dust fills tke air. Bostojt, Mas., September 29. Tke result of the Republican State Convention at Worcester, yesterday, is eminently salisfac lory. Tha real test between General But ler aad kit opponents was on tha question addmttting the eootettiug Butler dele gates from the aixth ward of Bostoa 1 hey were rejected by a vote of 607 to 460. The announcement of the vote was recieved with uproarious applause. It became apparent at an early stage of the proceedings that all the elements of opposition to Butler far Governor had uait ed. and wkea tbe br.t ballot was taken ao one was soprised that William B. Washburn received the entire anti-batler support. The ballot stood : for Washburn 643 ; for Butler 464. The large majority against Butler wa quite unexpeoted. His friends announced hia aoauieaoenoe ia tha result. he deemed his defeat a fair and decided ; one. The entire Republican State ticket, a nominated by the convention, is as follows : William B. Washburn, for Governor; J. P. T acker, Lieutenant Governor ; Oliver War- Secretary of State ; Charles R. Train, Attorney General : Charles Elliot, Auditor ; Charles Adams, Jr., Treasurer BiiLTiMOBB, Sept. 29. The National Commercial Convention assembled at 10 o'elock this morning. Nashville, Sept 29. Grant Oliver, Cald well, and Anderson Holland, aegroes, were last nigkt taken from tke jail at Winchester, Tenn., and kaoeed by a party of disguised men. Tkey kad beea committed, ckarged witk burning tke Methodist Ckurck and tke residence of Anderson Wagoner. Tha church was burnt ia retaliation for burning neyro chorea. W agoner bed made him elf obnoxiou to tbe negroes by a oontest u get possession of a aegro girl hired by bim. . ? s -' , New Yoax, Sept. 2D. The European mails to-day bring ample evidence that the condition of Voeeo v tctoria is more serious than is generally anticipated. Loxdob, Sept. 29. The brig Manly was wrecked to-day, oa Drogheda bar, in plain sight of the life-boat men, who refos-d to go to her assistance during the prevalence of the gale. Six men were carried ctTtke bulk by tbe surf and drowned. A lady put off from shore in a email b et, and at the riak of her own life saved that of one of the men left on board the vessel. Lisbos, Sept. 29 The steamer from Bio Janeiro brings news that the Braziliai, Chamber af Deputies has adopted a bill for the emancipation of slaves. COMMERCIAL. aoia 1-1 o-G. ... . Book Islaid, September 2S. Tbis flour market Is corrected at Waraat'l Mills and tka quotations are she ruling prieat as tha Bock Ialaad market. '; s Wmvbb Waaav Plocb Wholesale... ...to1. " " Betas!. ...... Sraiie Wssulwss prlag Deabte liwt ta eels, waelesale... ..96.81 t.lil...-.-.M......,.-...27.P Seefcae wholesale ,-T.0 - - s ..e.8 ..mT.IS t 6 1.2 a .il.00 ....lo.ou ...8UaW .....I6a26 ,..3ua2M ...... 4U .. 40.C. . 3. iteoaa, a wheleeaie, BatauU Usilt'i Sm.m Baisiio Plodb ttataU t Barrel, saaha.. BocKWaaa. fxona Wkelesaie atetaU w aaat, n.w., OoaB-. Oars New .... Bra BaBLBY Be. k.jaet.4 Botraa ,, . Okaiea lots, far tetsdiiag, will t Onasa 6T. X. Faotery 13 Iaa par lb ........ IPalle ,r V"" f ',. i, ., , ,,r T ... loaO Aretva pee kaakal 80 Seas par iow l e Hishwinss ...... ............. ... ........ Stti Tke above prices are the wholesale ignres at firat head. PerLTar Live Turkiea, per lb. 10s DfSSarSJial " i.ea te ia.a.M aeeeae eea UfJS Chl.k.nt, live " " arm4 .. ic Daeks - ..... 10c Hoes Live ... I 50e4.0 Oavtlb Live weight, soaisi.a............ iias Prima akippiag, pa 160 lbs.......t.0at. Waoa Oak, per eord Hlskory . Oeaa Coal Valley Yard. Cleveland Yard. .... Teas . . ,. fi - fair te good UaJ.4l ' - prim, te ohoiaau.. l al .60 Raiaaadu. aomm.a tw air .100al.2 S - priaaa to ekeiee., Imperial W000, LIGttT & CO., KMatMtmrt of ENGINK ; LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING PLAKEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N ASM TIES' STEAM HAMMERS, ,. Oun BZachiaenr.' - DOUBLE MiLUNS MACHINES, Mill Work, Shalliug and Bungers, Patent Self- 'j - r- ' CillBg Box. WARKH0C6B: lOT LIBHRTY ST., HUH VORk CITV kUNTJIACTOBY ; HAMMOND T., (0pB. Jaattlon Depot! VtORCBSTkCR, ..MACS. , All Trains entering the Oity, stop within tan reaf ear Works. . jelO-dtf T1CMC. ..5.o0 ...T.0 ,..13e ...13.1 Oolong, eoat mo a to fair.. " prima to ekoiea.. Japan Oora-aa Bta. eemmoa to f?vlr prima to obote..... ... Old tteverameiit Java...... .... Rcsais Baw eommoa to fair - - pnme t ehotee. Betaed Dvgat, eraakea, P rrae....H ...... S. t,A Aa extra 0 Betaed Sagar, do C aielaasea 8aar BAtt Flaa Boier Dairy, with Basks, Dairy, without sacks...... Liaa Pert Byrea, per hkl Soak Island, parbbl. Bibbs Sreea eitth.rl'... OreeB eared..., Part eard 1860. ; 1871. THE PIONEER JWUSIC STORE. LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAH D 0? L. BTkClHvVAY, 8TBCK, KMERSOH, . AMBKIOAV, HAINBS, MASNnALt. AND WEKDEI X, PIAINOS, si- i.4o.i .ee Geo. Wtcd & Co's.AEstfj Organs ana an aiaaa 01 musical instruments. Sheet Musis of latest iasues, and tha best im parted Strings in the eity jnii n nit r, spl Corner Illinois and Washington street. NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. ABTISTIC rAILCftlKG. 3 Jt 4 WASBZZrOSOlV DRAPR,TAILOR AKD IMPORTER OF Fiue Woolens, FOR : GENTLEMEN'S : USE WKHU1G OUTFITS ! " A 8PECIALTT." " j Shirts to Ueasare Extra Deukla and P.rfeat In Bit. Clergyman will be allew.4 S per cent, dieeeuat. tehlSdly , ' THB B1W DldlBPECTABT ! BR0M0 cnLORALUM, HOW-POISONOUS, ODORLESS, P0WKRFCL. DFDORIZPR AMI Il- FECTAKT. ENTIBELr HARMLESS AND SAFE. , ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. Caedtn rnivate dwellings. boteU. He echoiil. boeoltale. insane avlnm. riiannndlvi.. jails, pri-on. poor-hoasee. on hip. neam-boMH. ana in tenemeDt-houMe markets, lor w&ter-clueeta. A epeclflc in all contagioa "SW pectilential dl. ease, a. LhoJera. Tvphoid Fever, Ship Pever. bnull Pox. Scarlet ever, iluasica, diseaees oi animals. Ac. rrepared only by TTLDEN 4 CO.. 171 William street, KewTork. Sold by all Drngiflatg. : KaTASLisaao in 1810. WELCH & OKIFFITHS' SUFEbUOa TO ALL 0THEB8 1 Axt, Tilts, Cast Steel, Kill FuralikUgi, ana waoainiry. baV Ost tha bast, they ill prove the cheapest Prieet reduced. Bend for prlee Li.taadsirsv.lars WbLCH A GtlPPIIBI, aotldwly Boston, Mass., er Detroit, Itib 8I8H. DOOKS. f. EOLANDEE & HTJBEE, , Sueeessors to J. A. Bibdisob, . Manufacturers of Sssh, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMKS, BRACKETS, And everything in their line. Olaied Sash on hand, also Corn Meal aad reed All work warranted. feb24dw8m xnstJz&iaaSroE. 3. at. srroBD. s. a. BIBB. ,..0al.( .l.lsal 40 ...,51.U li7al9a . ...IValOi ...18a30s Another Big Stock f IT af - aTkafb i"l57 QA 1! AU V T VIUUlO at th? Plunder Store, f I I ! aa aa .4 aTk STBl M 1 corner "u RnflTn In Street Call sB-aW - M.M bl at jr ws wa. v and see them. notice. Tbe Union Steam Spice sum Of Davenport, will suspend operatiant fer hot ten days atter the 1st or Oeiooer, aunog i. moval of the Fa.tory to New Quarters, foet of Perry street. The trade will please govero themselves accordingly. 15-dlw . K. JOJNBS, rroprieior TOR SALE -ne J 91.200: one half oath ia hand, balaaoo in .Be year with iaterest. One frame house, Cooper Shop aad let, priie tl.euB, .ne-hatf cask m baa a, baianee ia one year with Interest. Alee, 60 eords dry oak weed, and 400 perch of baildlag stone. B. DATBMPOBT. Bock Ialaad, Sept. 16th, 1871; dim ....-Halite .........ntei:.i iiwduad and li eaaaaaa eeaeeea ae 1 . 1 (alls 2.10 ) .a ax. 2t 0 3 it ... ..75 ... Tia8. t10c . .... ,,, m Hi tnalSe SSa .............laiOo ..iJOal.JS ... .. 30aS6e Sse 18e ....l S'!- l.M l.t - 7a8Jc 1 Ic IU 1U12J . 3.26 IWIMH,NM1.I 19, a an ana aoa as - tireaa aalf 6ncas P.ppu, Siagapaia. rtm.ator... Cloves.. ... ... Matmegs Ko 1.... linger, p.r..H.. Cay.ane JPepper., Oils Caro b Oil ..... Lard Oil, extra..., Lard Oil. No. 1... Liasead Oil, raw. ...... " " boiled .... ffartTS Drii apples, ohoiee.... eoumoB Dried pachea, halfs - aaenera taate Carraata. new .. &aUaaa, in layara. pat box, as " " . par kali box- TarklsbPniaes. Dried Charrlea Bear abb CiSBtas Waraevk A Rala tea's C. B. per lb ....- Hear? Dart's Boas' T. B. per lb - 74 McBride'a German Molted, per bar 7t, per lb Star uaadies. 14 oa -16 Saov Ain Powbeb Bila. ner kes .. .......8.o.T.0O Oeai aftae, 4... t.a.0 Bleating, de t.0ai. Drop Shot, per sak...................-i.o' 'o Baok Skot. do ...............1.7o Bar Lead, per lb.. Uo A Bright Blue Sae, Bong Meininger, S&cts Iaee you atn toit Comic Eoag, oaxton, 40 Varhng Utile of the Bomratmg &aooi,rueu (ixrl with the Cigarette, Oomio Cordelia, 30 Jolly High Timet, Comic, Parks, 30 Xowtccldm t voa (aire to t'io, Uomia,uora la 30 JeatlU of the Heart, Beautiful Song Millar dSO Lorn im the Meadow, " " Zuch, St Let it Pat, for Bus or Alto. " is Yet Onee Again, Duett for Sop. aad Berr. Gabriel, 50 Quarrelling Xeiohbon, Comic Duett. Auber, 75 Somebody' Child, with variations. Mack, 60 Heavenly Ureettngt, Fensie, Blaaekey, 35 Holiday Vacation March, illustrated title Uilsina, 0 Sieeet Anticipations, BcbottUche, " " ttllsina, u Daity, BaataUia, Erug, ti Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. No matter where you see a piece of Music or Mutio Book advertised, send to us and yoa will receive It by enclosing 'he publi.brs price. BAiaxsa. i wsssm, MOsIC IlkALKHK, ml7-ded'.!in. 8T. IOUI8. BOGS SXXfBXSi'G. BnSW ADVBATXSZSSXSZrTaV HAEVEST for AGENTS. HI IO $t. A II A V. Gentlemen and Ladip of trnnfl .rlfirm.. nrT rin. porrment. can hiire Information and the beet inetruo tion ever poblShed. eent free by mail. A jrnuid iiBiiKuon ui tiiory, Biography. Kay, Foetry, and the Fins Arts. Evervboov want It. t'anvase ine book tree. lnHTnational Pub.IshiDR Company. 83 Liberty eirect. New York. Ihe COlTGEESSlECnC. ine BEST wlntr 0VEBSB0E I ju BiiiiLLs io break ( , TKUiBifctoputoni Neat, Genteel, Stilish I ask Tors shoe dealer for ni t I V TAYLOR'S ST0W1ACH orrectdr TjlTHRIDGE' O XX FUST CLASS LISP CBIMJ.ETS. Btand better than any ethsr made. Ask for Dithrldge'e and take no other. See that onr name Is on every box. D1THKIDGE oi KO-N, filtoburgh, Pa. ; Send for Price List. ' BAND LEADERS. For something intcroBtirjg. send your address to GEOKUE W. GATES, Frankfort, N. T. AJORTH-EAST MISSOrRI Farms and Unimproved ll ixnius i'n baji: oy .ii (.ui. op juuei, rana, Jlu. Agents ! Bead This ! WB WILL PAT A8EWTS A 8ALABT OF $30 per Week aad Expanses, or allow a large oomauealoa ta sell ear aew and wonderful iav.atioa. Address M. WAGBB& A CO., Barshall, Mi.h. WUslVZAZaX BXITXX.X.2X 8ook Binder aad I'aper Hanger. Shop on Orleans St., opposite Court Bosae. ROCK ISLAND ILL. Sjk, Ail klndf ol Paper Boxes made to order. augUd-tf XXVBX.'S-. Buford & Reed, FIEK. LIFE AXD ISLAND INSURiHCE iGEHTS! Vbe Following- Old aad Kclisble aompauiea Represented : -ffitna, Home, Ins. Co., of N. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Aiides. Eepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life 30. WB Willis 1V S30. Asents S0 r week to sell our creat and valuable discoveries. If you want prmiue nt, honorable and pieaoiuit work, uppiv for paniculnrs. Addres! DYEK & CO., Jackson, Mich. A MILLION DOLLARS ! Shrewd but quiet men ean make a fortuae by revealing the secret of tha business to no one. Address J. WBST, ' 8S8 Broadway, Sew York 1 003 GIFTS. GRAND GIFT CONCERT AND DISTRIBI TION For the Benefit of the FOUNDLING ASYLUM OF NSW TORE. AND SOLU1ERS' AM SAILORS' ORPHANS' HOME, W ASHING I ON, i). C. To be held In Wfishinpion ia soon as all Ticket, are itold. of which Ten Lfaya1 Notice will be given.) aud not later than .ovember 23d. 187a. Entire num ber of tinkers. $5 e-h, l.oift Gilts, amount- Ins to $JW.0"(, to be awardud. Send for circular. giving list of Gills aud Reference. Tickets can be had of RILEY SARGENT. Fbiiadelphia. Coiumbas. O., and R'cnmond. lnd., or F. O. DEVLIN, Gsneral Aut, 31 Na.-sau meet, New York. Hon. H. McCULLOUGH. Elkton, I . Mai ;(Tll T I'ISTI C tUlti.nnn. COmm IS, Hon. J. S. N KG LEI, FituburK, Trustee. Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Organs, Ike symptoms of which are each that person cannot be mi.tak.n aa te the trouble Buck as pain, tenderness, aad heat la the small of tke bask, scalding pain; urine is frequently of a high color, sometimes streaked with blood, at timaa a small amount, ethers, a very large.oftaa aceoanpaai.d with white or reddish deposit When bladds Is the seat of the disease there is paia, heat, and uneasiness la those parts. TAYLOR'S Stomach & Liver Corrector Has no Superior or equal for diseases ef this a e- ture. Bilious Rheamatisiii. Parsons who reatde in the vicinity of awatsiiB, lew lands, er near any stagnant body of wat.r, are mora liable to this disease, as the miasma ariau.g from aach places it almost snre to pro duce i.ver wad Ague, and tev.r tn different forms. Biliou. BheaaaaKam is also indoced by exposure during rainy weather, or sudden chan ges or temperature. A disordered Liver will freqa.ntly cause this disease, always increasing the .nSeriag. and raedtriig it more difficult to ure. The aymptoma of this extremejy paiaful form of Kneumatio eomplaiit are, pain in the Head, Nausea, furred Toagae, stiffness el the Joints, aud violent pain a through the body. Taylor's Stomach and Liver Corrector will surely effect a eure. Nob. of the insredieats are in say way injurious, aad the eurativa powers are wonderful. 7v,s valuable medieiae searches to the root of the isease and parte afferted, exci ting the liver to healthy eeiiin. relievirg the body of its pains, removing all stiffness from tbe ioints, parifying and eleanslee tbe whole system. TuILKTlNKa C0PP & BEO., Liverj and Sale Stables. Office under 3art'a Ball, attlCK. 1SL4M 11.1.. Most Complete Establishment ia the City Particular atter tlon paid to furnishing Carriages for parties, Balis, Processions, eto mh4dly SXW ADTE8TWE5IESTI. 0TPICE-R... 3, Argus BaildUaT. CoDOsits Post Office. Up "taira, OCK ILL sp24-4tf TOILETINE, I. an BxooistTa Powoaa roa i Oomplbxiok. Unlike any other in every respect, principally in its being applied with asponga. dampened with iare cold water. Its nse cannot be detected. Priee 50 cents per box. For sale by all DruxVists and Perfumers. B.15 doawtom U1EE13 & CHISalODI, Proprietors and Maaufacturers of MILL STONE DRESSES, OTIAWt, ILL. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect suoosss, aad all are warranted. mySUdly H BLDR1BSB. B. B. BLBBIOBB XLOUSCB & 3XLO.. EesI Eslttc & Insurance igdnts, Ko. 1 Tiele's Bluek, DAVBNPORT, .... IOWA. Attead persoaally aad promptly te the buyinc aad selling of Real Estate oa eommissioa, reat lag Houses aad farms. Levl3d6m. CIFT EXTEBPEISE. - - i CaQiKen-ENTrc ULalllii ?rri Eockford, Eock Island & St. Loaii EtllrBtd. f PRBsiaaaVs Orricx, Boca Islabd, lLt.,aet. $3d. 1871. i N0TI0B IB HEREBY GIVES' tHAS TBS Annaal Meetiag ef the atoekhelders ef the tiooaiora, 'oa iaiand A t. Lewis Railroad Company, will be h.ld at the effiee ef the Com pany, in the City of Rock Island, Illinois, oa Wedaesaay the llih day ef Goto her, 1871, at let V giVUaaa OtrUBl . . - HAB90M B. OABLB, President. Jobs P. "Wbitbbbao, Eeoretary. . septt3-4td f a i a USHEDd1 The Only Beliahle Gift Distrtbutlin tn the . veuatry: $60,000.00 vnr vsViiu AB&a Birxii TO B8 BMTBISGTBn, II l. d. siirsriHrs lt2nd BSGTJLAB, MOBTBLT GEO. 3. LAWTOJf, nnnninn Vlll li litf lift H I liuiaJiJiiiiuniiiiii i AND Commission Merchant, 41 Perry Street, DAVEKPOBT,,.. ..IOWA jy28-dlm rs A Hotice BEatavEI UlVKfl TO THE 6T0CK- bslders, that the Book Island. Co, Afriealtural Asteeiation, 0a Saturday, Hevember 4th, 1871, at S o'clock P.M., will tkis city, iu irst Annua Hiaetioa, and elect freai J.oi, Vie. Preaidant Treasurer, eae Director and applicants for main- bershiD. All persoas desirous of beeemiag member of the Society ehoeld head their applieatiens to the secretary before the aonaal meetint. In pBraaaaot of the prov tlon for ehanartna? the Constitution, aotlee is also given that a vote will be taken open changing Artiola 9, ao that from aad after the next Anneal meeting the fee fer membership shall be $ instead of $16 a aew provided. i ? , ? . . - By order of the Board of Direst. - - B. F. HABTMAHPresident. V. M. BatABaaaa. Sas etary. . Beak Isla4, IU., Sept. J5th, IgTl. ' " -dftwtr OF THB Immaculate Conception DAYBNF0BT, BC0TT C0-, I0WA. COIDCCTED bt the SISTERS OF CHAEITY B. V. 5i. Will sommsne. it S6th SemUanaaal Session HIFT PSTERPRISE, Weinesd.y, Augast 16th, 1871 " "" BU Beinar incorporated in accordance wit To be drawa Monday, Kt. S7, !71. SWO GRAND CAPITALS OF 85,000 each in Greenbacks! Two Prizes $1,0005 fn i V Whd Kumber of Cash Gifts 1.000 ! 1 Hcrse A Baggy, with Silvr-mount.i Harae, worth o0ft- Pine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth 50n- Ten Family Cewtng Machines, werthl0,e-.- Vive Heavy tlkased Oeld Haating Watches and Heavy Se!d Chain, worth $i00 eaoU. five io!4 Aaaarleaa Hunting Wateaes, woru rua eaen. i.a tdi,' Gold Huntiag Watches, worth tl eaek. 800 Gold snd liverj Watches (in all) viwitta hvsh e?v ac-"' vbul - Ladies' Gold Leontin Chains. Oent'a Gold Vest ,!...;. ,a Rilver-Diated Caatora.Soiid Silver anil ItnnKia Plated Table - d Teaiyoona, Ivory Handled Dinner Knives, Silver-plated Dinner Fork Silver Vert 'Wot Photograph Alliums. Ladle.' Gold Krea.t- nine and Ear-rings. Genu' Gold Breattpiiw. Shirt PtuQR a . . - - - " - " , e WHH . cue. Niagara Steam Pump 5Works, nr uffliii.iTO. ailA nnmber Gifts AGENTS 6.000 Tickets Limited tn Rn (too WASTED TO SELL TXCKET3 , to i ihflral Premiums will be oald. Sinsrle Ticket fl; Six Ticket 5; Twelve Hcketa g . $10; Twenty-Five Ticka s $20. Circolars containing a full Set of prises, s deacrip tioaof tbe manner of drawing, and other information . ..Tir to the Dixtrlbution. will be scat to anv one ordering them All letren must be addressed to Ia. a). BlXaH, 86, ' , , ; . r CIUliAaXO. Omo,ieiW.eth St . 4- ootl-dwiy Being incorporated in accerdanoe with the laws of tha State, this Institution confers the usual collegiate detrees upon its graduates. for circulars address aal-43m BISTER 8CPEBI0B tr 2 " .ifi--tt ir t M 1 mtJ 7. Charles B. Ear dick, ' So. 9 Adams street, ' HBOOaiLYN...m...-N K VV YOBK - : i Sole kfaaafaetarer of -HardUk' Patent Double-Actlag Sttam Pomp and fire Eb glne i , 4 , -Mining Pump a Specialty.. Patented ta Baglaad, Beadrot eiiealae. B.lglam and Fraaee, ,i-.-y.r, augaaaty Total Assets Represented, over $60,000,000.00 TUB CT7B.Tat.IXr &AISS'aV How It ir done, and whi doe it. The Alena book lpftireN yori:e.uly illustrated with cute, pofitioo. Ac. seui tv uiaiLucurelv rcak'd, lor mt centw. Grand C', tree. Address itAPilAEL fi.RTO, h-s nroauwav. ew lork. P. ZU3S.3&i.tAVg, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Sol Presses, Steel St.mps, Soap 8taps, Bu S'UDJer's Tooie, 4c SO lot itg .MB tat N .1HKKT, Opposite Posioftoe. CHICAGO apr20-dlj ii.K & FtiETEE. Cream and Stock Ales. GDE fc.STBONGw Propriators of the MERCHANT'S LUNCH, Arssole Agents for P.asl.e'a Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For .ale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. ot2.dtf eura!gia, cr Acclc EIicg- Is occasioned by earsleesasas, eipesure, or any ot the various ways and mtam by which we lake a severe cold, or it may be earned by fatigue. The sy auptoms era txtrtme nenoupneae, Intense pain in the sauscies and joints, tie flesh la .wol- en and sensitive to the touch Gee t eculiarity of this form of Rbenmatitm is, that it frequently hangea from one portion of tee body to another area when no ext. rnal application hes beea seed to drive :t to ar.y other part lhe entire sys tem is prostrate by suffering, we long for teat, but tbe acute, dartiag peine will not permit us that pleasure. Ixternal afp'lcations are use less and often prove dangerous, by driving tte pain to some vital organ. Drive it oat of tbe era tern instead of driving it in, sn4 Taylor's Stomach and Liver Corrector Is warr.BUd to giv relief. It will re io the seat of trengtaen the nervosa aystem, aad tract a w. a, Kara. B. C. CLBaVBLXIS HAYES & CLEVELAND GESFBAL Insurance 4g'ts Representing the following old and reliable Companies i Underwriters Agency, Nrw York. Cash Assets i4,vv0,f0. Phcn.x. R. T. Cash Assets $1,800,001. Continental, K. 1. Cash Assets $!, 500, 000. North American, If. T. Cash Assets 1100,000. Pacific, California, Aetata Gold, 1 1 ,MI0,U00. Merchants, of Chicago Cash Assets, 800,0 0. Strth American, Hartford, Cash Asset $ 00,000. nTthFSmOMI.. M IV VOEk, Cash A seta tOA.OOO. Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash As.sts ISOO.uuu. WashiHgton Life, Aew fork, Cash A'Stta t3,0e0,000. WEST'S Saloon k Billiard Rooms, Be, 3 Harper Eea Bloek, OCK INLAND, . ILL. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, lid iBiiortcd H ise & Brindfet: Agent for Bands, Lills, and Joli.t Al.a, alat oast PcoK-h ml hnglisb Ales and London For tar tur rate. Dtiea Lilt S.od for sale by the larrel. Ag nt for A. Z-n.r's Billiard aad Pica Hoi Taola Manufactory. aprt-dtf H, B. W EST, Proprietor t0LL UA1KK MIA P. pam. cure. TAYLOP.S Liver & Stomach Corrector Ha one great distinguishing feature, which has long been sought for ia a cathartic preparatioB to tax. me place or that mediolne which leaves the bowels more or leas weakened for a tme, in- atoatea ey aabse)ueat eosuveaess, which ia tke cae with mustoaahartie xaixtans and pill.. In Una preparation there is combined a Toms. nich completely sustains the bevels and J- tem while a cathartic influence ia Lai eg produ ced, therefore never loses its effect, does net leave the bowels costive, and may be nstd by the meat delicate persoa. For the diseases earned, it aeta with the most perfect efficiency, searching and rootin g out all impurities of the 3 sum, giving health, vigor and strength to the whole body. Aad after yoa have used, you wlil recommend it to all with like trutis l"a ioubtedly yoa have taken that kind of medicine, withoat getting tbe relief aoniht tor. There are -o msey kinds, an fr the ame dis ease, thai '.t is a great wonder if yon do aot let lespair take the plsee of hope, and resign your a.If to te rarages of ditease. I will give J.'OO -rward lor a eaae of deisLged liver that rann t be eared bv Taylor's Stomach aad Liver Corree tor, where the 'consti'stion is not entirely bro rn down by ditease, or the liver .onanmed -a treat mai.y would ak he qcestioa. ' hai eae et, and how much ?" at ia one man meat is another man's poiaon, a old saving, and a true one. too. W. " ' h best of everything that agrees with you, tut a moderate amount. Salt Rheum. Thiseome asder the head of disease, of the aor skin, and appear, mo fr.qoBtiy ea ine h.nds thaa any other part, hut the w.ok. body I able te att..ks. a. d it eft.. P''?a'' 't"' aalignaat sores, -hie have b.fBe the tki 1 of GEO. W. C0PF, A3IST FOB THB LBADINO U&RTFORD & !!!' TOBK FIEE, MAEIHE AHD i is i Insurance Coa s . .-, urBBBBBFiaa 4 i $25,000,000 ia CapitaL , it KOCIb ISUXD, ILLINOIS. A3aeeseedjasted aad pcempUy paid at this Ageaef. --xaaylTdtfc ir-. t.- n CaA Ar Warm. Mi'd It aSlIPS an - - , 1 or Soft Mater WITHOUT RILING Witbosf sjrj to Clothes, String Ltbor, Time and Foeli This Soap kas beea used by many Ladies ia the eity, an they all p onounve it superior te ay other tbes ever Oac 1. It saves tiae, labor aaa piesertes tke ei.thea. Manufactured by the 10LD W AT Lit SdiP CGHPIKP, 63 Berth Das plaines Street, CB1C A go,..l.: .;.ro..i ILL. Forsa'e ia Bock Ialaad by WIHG & BUBST, BABDS OLD iTAl,D. epl-dw- .v.. dueior.. Jt i aierrioie poison tn tbe blood, aad applications aloa will .ereit kat a aae-lieine that has the power t eutraiire the poiaon, we 6nd ill et re. Do not fall tn nettle ef Taylor's Etomach and Lie. .r Corrector. Scrofula or King's Evil, Whether in the form of lamps or bard awel i: e about the neck, ander the ehla, or tbe eords . tbe neck, er la the grain, er ia the form of ran aing acrofaloas aoree, ky asiag Taylor's Stomach ana x,tver Corrector, yea will find relief. Where It appear oa aad arreund the aore vat chia, an ointment made of twn part lard aad on. part tear of sulpb.r applied nirht aed morning, and the Corrector taken, yea will find a eara. TBE BEIT B!EIIf UK ETE.1 MAP FOB A$. U. S. TAYLOR, it SOLE PB0PBIBT0&, 14 Wakask Aveaae,--, atahJedaed-weewl .CHIOAOg