OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1871-1872, September 30, 1871, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053941/1871-09-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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. miiTtfiiTtTir- I noTFiti. ' kw ab-emi.emeit8.
i flanflMii uwKAVdiat i I nri ir ti i I m i .. AA.n.sac:a7.ia.aBk. i 7 " r- t , ,
r " I I in n 1 -1 1 - 1 T rj ' ? 1
1 ' - .... . HlTinKK STATE
Saturday, Btpiember i
IlifaeU D-aWCi-atie Stat.
' Inntfiu. Aagnst .
A sUUeeBveaUou of the democrasy of Tilt
nela will ha Bald la the ity of .", -: -
B Briar eld. ' .Wednesday. 01. 4U, Wl,
.i..iuk - to wt'oh the democratic
voters t ease eeaaty era reauested dtle-
... . tk. .mM ef Boaianttag enadl-
5.,. 'a. .MMmiktiv ia eoafrett from the
... i.-.t -p-e.
Tee west otnrnptwseitatlee IB the eoaveatien
will ba tbe Beaker of votes OMt for Horatio Sey-
aoar tot president U IMS, delegate Being
entttled to a teat lot to 00 rotes cut,
aad on fot iuk freetloa of ISO vet and ever.
Tbo followiag tabl ladioatet the number of
delegates to whioh eeon Bounty M eatiued o too
basis Iim :
Adams I
Alexaader ...j
Road. .,...
Brow '
Oarrell j
Caro'n I
Oimk.. -..j
Clay !
Chs too..
Coles.. -ot....1
Dekalb -
Douglas. ......
Defeat I
Pdwardt ......
Kfleghata .
Ford .
I alum
Hanson k 1
tit try
. Jo Dnries
I.BSalle. .....
f coviTia-
MTI1S Lta.
1UV8 3 LiTtogtloa
77sJ J lKiaa ......
SOfl, i.aluoa.-.
1S0J Maooapia.
23l 8 Madiioa-.
70 i S Marioa .....
tMi 2 MarmhaU.1,
1403 6 Maon..
T Hutu ......
7 MoDonoQh-l
1H0 MoB.nry
1T' S Manard I
!2Tr 1 Mareor
1V10A 6i Moar-a
1477 6 Moatgomor.
I M.uUna.. .
Ofla '
4 P.orla ;
4 Porrj
f Piatt. .........
1 Pika.........
! ; !
7 Palaikl .
1' f it nam
127H, 4 Raodotb...!
4118 4 KiclUaad ....
1I S Rork laland..'
Sfij talioa
966 3 Saaanoa ...
)2-4j 4 hajlar..1
3o87.ll SaaU ..... :
4."0; S Sbalk .!
1010 t Stark! 1
17JH 8t. Clair
l7i' 4 aupbaaaan..
153.'. 4 Taia-oll....i
lt:U 4 lialoa
1930 VonaiUloa..!
1VV8. t'Wabaah .... i
f l Warra ..l
Hi 2; Waakinf oa.l
153 Waaa .
SVi S, White
3(f, 8 Will.... ,
l)yu 4 WUHaeiaoD ;
4439 18 WiBcabafo.-
1175 4 Woo4ford
mil e
a 132 i
lVtl 6
2236.1 ?
J431 U
24001 8
ltZt .
72l; 9
421 14
Sam it
4i 2
487! 3
117 ! t
135 t
U4i: 4 1
! 487S1
i i"5; e
! H27! 4
' 277 10
i n' 2
; i26'n
, 23,1
J064 7
831 S
11b; e
1283( '
16K1, i
1752 l
1444' i
sm 10
SS8 1
224 T
aoia, on of t $309,000 ; ia Kentucky,
on ar $333,000 ; in Obio is oao of $635,-
000, 1 and ia Loniiiana one of $600,000.
Vaar of tboae oaae indeed ubIbm are
mafik mistaken, all of tham are thoae of
known Radical inoombecU and polltioiant.
Ia ooo remarkaole cat ia N 4rki
where tke delinaoent Joshna F. Bailey,
reported in tke paper of to-day, ak
..... i:1 stna
lraveTiliir Tar nlaaanre in wr-t
o --- r ..11.
foand two ckargei in to diBoreo.
-footkg op to the taoe one nuion
lartl la tke 8uu N,w Yotk
oat of $4,000,000, oigkt well-known ttopab
K , ,tol oref two million. Skendan
skhnk a -roniooct New - York Radical, h
,s a defaolter in tke inm of $534,762
. . . t. . j
71. nil bonatmen nnre not Deeo prooecanu
(thoT are Grant men for next year,) Shook
hlauolf ii at Long Branck, right under tke
ere of tho Admtniitration, riraling rreol
. ia
dent Grant and Jim Fik m the maftnitt.
canoe of kia torn -out and kU Kreried flon
kiet. r Tke impatience of tke thief and kit
toleration by the Tretident faai bo parallel
a American history. Uailley, tbe new
York Colleotor, whoio itealioge OTerrnn a
million, was allowed to escape to Europe.
Bit eoretiea, influential and wealthy sup
porters of the Preeideat, hare not been
tried, nor ii it likely they ever, will be. Yet
erery oent of tke defalcation ovOld tiaro
been reoovered from them if the law had
been euforoed.
to bb coxtihced. ,
arsgiAt. ixotxosc.
Total nambar tf dalaf atea 6''7
? ordarof tka doaoaratia alate oeatraleoa
mittM. A1.BIKT U. BliKft, Ckairmaa.
Gmift B. KiaEaatr, Saerntary.
Tbo Radical! are making tke best ose
they can of the aliogtd extravagance ia the
eorernmeot of the city of New York. Tke
motive is papable. It is to divert attention
from the defalcations and stealings of tke
(iraat Administration. But it will not
itvell them, for the people of Ohio, opposed
to stealing everywhere, have a direct inter
est in stopping it in the National Govern
ment, while their ooncero ia the snamcipa
expenditures of New York oity is vert re
mote. If there has been extravagance an
frand in the metropolis, itisforthe people
of that city to correct. We do not jaatify
or palliate it anywhere or by any party
(rant Admiaiatration. We are enabled to
give some light on ihia suljtrct tlai iK
startle our readera. It is gitanvd from
oScial reports extracted from an onwiliiii?
administration by the persisteuce of IVilc
cratio members of the iast t'on?rea.
We havo before n "i.J-.v utict Document
Xo. HO, 41st CoogreM, ! sesaioa,"' which
afforda far more ut-rtisrnt matter for the
Partiaalarlv horut'uia, bare tksir otit!a in an
ill-aured or aaeleated diteto. vo wo not aee ev
err day paraoui atagguriua under tba weight of
taota lil-iroalea aiut aunaTiagoux oj i-v-uiaal
the rauiaioa of a fjrmar malady ? , Wby la
ttt II la beoaaae the treatment waa not suite
l.le or loft, off too toon. but tho patient is
BBUsbad np ahilo tha droga era a'.ow4 to ra-
tuaia to breaK out gala ev" ia
Uoaa. Man; aull'ur iha foal taint of Sarofa'.a to
in ia tha avataa for a Ufa time. Clean ana
aoroa that are eating ewaj tha very foantain of
Ufa era allowed to co on. riapiea. bioiunaa,
and Utleraatio dtatifara the faeea of thonaaudi.
Thata ia no nocaaa.tv for this lamentable condi
tio utfit aottlea i tka Saaaatltaa'a Root
and etarb Jaioea will eradioato taa aul taint. In
all bad oaaea wo will faraiak tka raaedv free el
abarga until a aura ia effeatad, thaa pruvicg be-j
read a doabl that ail oan ba oared. Pimpiea'
and blolohea ramavod, Iboraby aaviag many n
laaaaat ram ark a. Ladiea who deatra a brilliant
oompiaxlea eaoatd aaa tbo aaaritu't Boot and
Barb Jaioea. Prioa $1 ii per bottle. r
Diaaaaea ariaioz froa indiaorotion have baaa
treated with Balaaa Copaiba and klarcory, un-
tu tba Hnnaoha of patiaau aaing them beoaine
to naoaaatad and wtntenal that it was cara to
deotdo which waa the worst eoasplaiat, tba dia-
ardered alomach or the oriclnal diseaae at
leairth iha Baaaritan'a Gift made ita advent, and
an entirely new avatem at care waa inaugurates
and the beneficial resaltt at oaee seen. , Iba die-
gaatiBg drags and poiaons were discarded, and
to-day the tift is Jreaaribad by aoabera of tha
leading Phyaieiaai; yet, notwltkatandlag, te
Saaaritkn s tJUl is known to be a positive care,
nnrelv veze.abla, aad nleasaet to uae, asealy
tea cilia have to he taken, man? eld anti-delovi-
ans will stick to their aioaanlng drufeand gorge
their natioats for weeks perhaps montns.
W Baa a loair job and a hut bill any
thing to do wita it? Male paskaea 2; Faaala
S3. Ient bv mail, at eannnt avoid uiuli tui
attention of delioate feaalea So tke Samaritaa's
Gift aa a positive cure for Whites; Ey following
direetiooa yoa will aoon get rid of that trouble
some diaeaea, and become robnat and hearty.
Hold er DroggiaU generally. S"
DE8Jf5D OO.Praara
SIS Baoe street, Philadelphia. Pa.
CiB Bassaa. earner tllilfoia aad Market
atraet. Agent for Keek Island, j
monSdwIy i
Tbi. anaarh Hair v ia the aVal Ve tit world
at is the Democratio . poaition ; bnt the I perfectly haraleateliable aad instantaneous:
. ' . ; j...i..ninini.ntr ni ridielooa tints or on-
that immediately concerns ;"" b',;odor. Tbe g.ie-W. A. Batcbe-
of Ohio jast now is the profligate ex or . Hair Dye rrodneee JaimriiTiiT a splan-
diture. and enormous defalcation. of tS. did Bmek J'J
tle of la.id nr any liijorioua compoaoa. eoia ry
ail Drnsgiat'. Factory, 1 Bund etreet, N. Y.
1 that aov article which baa beua tboroachly
teateS, and whioh invariably gives eetiefaotioa,
mnat be a good article.
Inv.atad by tbe late BISHOP BaLLB, baa
.v...it hv Iim own anarlta. that il has no eaaai ia
, ... . r .i nir r; --; ---- , i
serious cons'ueraiiou ii tn pcuie vi the woria w m curt i
than any developments made, or likely to j Sriatica, Inflammatory and Chronic Rhew
be made, in New York city. This doen
awn ca nd s of Ooaramp-
The primary eanse eC Oentamptioa la de-
rangetaent of tke digsttiva ergsns. This da-
raagameaf prodnees dacciant antrUlon and as
riaUatioa. By ataimllation I mean that process
by.wstoh theantrlmeat ef the food Is eonverted
Into blood, and tbenoe Into tke kolidt of the
body. Per bob a with eMkastln.thnt Impaired,
having the sagkteet predisposition te pulmona
ry disease, or if they take cold, piUbe very lia
ble to have Coasamptioa at the tangs in Some
ofits forms; and I held that it will he iuipoi-
alVle to oure any caaa ef Coasaaptioa Without
Brst restoring a good digestion aad healthy as
Slmilatfon. Tbe very nrst thing te he dene is
te ale ansa tke steraaeb and towels from all dis
taaied moeas aad slime which it eloggiag these
organs so that they eannot perform their fnae
tions, and then roots op and restore the livjr
to a healthy actios, for this parpoae tke sor
est and best remedy is Bohenek's Mandrake
Pills. Thsse Pills sleaa tke stoaaoh and bow
els of all the dead and morbid slime that is oan
sing disease and daoay in the whole system
Tbey will elear eat the liver of all diseased bile
that has aoeamalated tnere, aad a roc to it ap te
a aew and healthy notion, by which aatnral and
healthy bile is secreted.
The stoaaeh, bowels aad liver are thas oleao
sed by the ase ef Sekenek'e Maaifakn Pills
bat there remains la the stomach aa axeets of
aeid, the organ is torpid and the appetite poor,
In the bowels tbe laoterals are weak, and requi
tag strength aad support. It it in a condition
like this that Behecok's Seaweed Tonie proves
to he the aott valuable remedy evsi discovers
It is alkaline, aad its ae will nentra'ise all ex
eess of aoli, making the stomaeh sweet an
froth ; it will give permanent tone to this im
portant organ, and create a good, hearty appe
tite, and prepare the aystaa for the Gratproeeas
el a good digestion, asd ultimately aake good,
healthy, living blood. After this preparatory
treat meat, what remains to oure moat cviea of
Consumption Is the free and perteve.-iag nse of
flchenok's Pulaonio fyrup. Tke Pulmonic
Syrn-p nonrithas tho tyttea, pnrinea the blood,.
and ia readily absorbed into the circulation, and
theaoe distributed to the direaaed tangs. There
It ripens all morbid matters, whether in tbe form
ot abceraea or tuberelea, and then aaiats Nature
to expel all the diseased matter in the form of
expectoration, when oeoe it ripens. It is than
by tht great heeling aad puttying properties of
Sahenek s Pulaonio Syrup, thai all nloers ana
envitles are healed np sound, aad my patieat is
Tbe essential thing to be dona in enring Con-
. A . 1 . - J .
eamplioa la to get up a guow p ' " -
good digaation, so that tbs body Spill grow in
8eah and get atrong. If a pereoa haa diaeaeed
lange, as vity or abseeas there, the cavity can
aot heal, tke matter eanaot ripaa, so loag as the
tygaem ia below par. Want neseaaary to cure is
a mv order of th'.ngs, a good appetite, a good
antrition, th body U grow ia 3ah and get fat:
then Natnre ia helped, the cavities will heal, the
alter will ripea aad be thrown off In large
quaaituee, ana t.e jirti& regain nca:in iu :
strength. This is tho true and only plan to
cure Consumption, and If a person is very bad,
if tho lungs are not entirely destroyed, or even
if one lung is entirely gone, if there ia enough
vitality left in the other to heal ap, there is hope.
I have seen aany persons eared with only One
aound lung, live and enjoy life to a good old ago.
This is what Sshaack's Medicines will do to tore
Consumption. They will elean out the stomach,
sweeten and strengtnen it, get up a good digea
tion. aad give Nature the aaaislance ahe needa
tn , the avataa of nil the disease that is in
tha lunga, whatever tha form may be
lt ia important that, while Being Bohenek's
medioiaea, oare ahould be exercited net te take
cold; keep ia doors in oool and damp weather ;
avoid nitht air, and take out dear exercise only
in a genial and warm sunshine.
I with it distinctly understood that when I
recommended a patieat te be careful in regard to
tnkioa- eold while nsiag any medieinea, I do so
fjraspeoial reaa n. A maa who hat bnt j ar
tiaMy reoovered from tha effects of a bad eold is
fr more liable to a relapse than oce wao lias
teea entirely cured, and it is precisely the same
ia regard to consumption. So lecg t tie 1dd
are not perfectly Laaled, juat to long It there
imminent danger uf a full return of tbe diseaae.
Eence it il that I so ttreauoatly caution pul
monary patients againtt expotir.g tbemtelrei to
an atuiocplitre that la not gen ini and pieaaaat.
Gunfirmed oostuiaptivta' lunga are a matt of
aorct, whioh the leaat ohaag of ataioaphere will
inflasne. Ine grand aeort of my auoevM ith
my medioines eooaUts in my ability to aabdue
inflammation inttead ef provoking it, at many
of the faculty do. Aa inflamed luag cannot
with tafety to tha patient be expeaed to tha
biting blaata of wir tar or the ehllling windaoi
f prig or autum. It thoald be earefnlly tLiaio-
ed from all irritating influences. Tbe
e Shops
V 3JCa.g-nii-o's '
U ' .
W. H. W. CCSHMAIf, frop'r.
A. B. MOORE, Bup't.
L,s."i.s. i..,.. .....c Mauafaotara t i. J -
f tt Am EigiBCs. Keapergy tfowerg.
Horse Powers, Machinery for Srlat Mills, Paper
Mills, Glass Works, Zinc Factories,
Siareh Factories, Coal
Mines, ate.
a very large. Our facilities , fat taetiaar aad ia-
ahtag have bo snparlor west Of ; Ckteagej w S
avlte the atteatien ef Mill Wrights to ear ex tew-
','ve stoek of Patterns for Mill Gearing, ate
Ottava Reaper aad Mower,
. Climax Utaperand Moteert'l
Victor Com PIcim, , IW -Mre Wagon,
Ool. A. Ba BSoore,
Superinteadeat, Ottawa.
Geo; W. Da Harrifi
la the A goat for thsse Works, and Farmers de-
tiring te parehasa eaa see aay ef their me-
thtnes at his Warehouse on the Levee.
Patronize Home Indostrj
(H'ITU I80N,)
The best Baoon, Btomaoh ad Livbb Medi
ejnt f et Sffisrsd to the publia.Jt ia very agree
able to the taste and will net affect the teeth as
Iron preparations generally de. - - ,
i What ii mill d:-U will be found vastl su
psriorloany of tbeCalisaya and Iron so ex ten-
velv used tor invixorattas: ine system. XI wui
maketlooi; likewiae thiekea it. - It will reatere
the aale and emaciated. the weak attl debilitated
to eoler. aietti. haa lb ana Btrea2inv in bb increu-
tbly short time. It will I tree gib en the narajng
mother and Intra tie the flow of ailk, also bene
It tke eh 114 at tbe breast and prevent aaay of
the eomclaint. to whioh children are aabjeot la
iafanoy. It will tead to restore the eyesight
when impaired by coatinued applicattoa ia read
tsk, writina or sewing, by strengthening the ap
H nerves It will give vitality to momenta
fMBlties when depressed by olote confinement to
lady or ouatBeaa pnranits, ana ptevent nervona
headaches. It will parlfy the blood and pre
vent the breaking out of boils, pimples aad other
enptlons sauted by poverty of blood. It wil
restore tbe genital organs, wnen weaa, to a
healthy condition, regulate tbt taeaitrual period
also relieve debility caused by summer heat or
eneetsive prespiratloa. "
A sinerte trial will prove eon eiusiveiy tnai ws
have not ever-estimated the value ef this excel
lent medicine.
Price, tl-OI per bottle.
Cb:it!:a and Drnggists, Sole Proprietors,
Also propiietors of Maguire'S celebrated Bxsn
rLXXT, a sure cure for Diarrdci, iiyseatery,
Cholera Morbus and the AtialhCholera. All
erdsra froa retponaible parties promptly tiled,
The Best and Cheapest
feoa,3. ciBOfJmM ST.,
West end koron Bt.,"Brldge,
wurilmatnlraa. a, ... .- Wlh
F. F. ADAMS & CO.,
Otdeta-'frem slots Cash Bnyers soliolted.
oM5-dly j, -
raaaxH liaaen.
BARNUM & PBATT, ( PaoraiiTjaf
fecoBd aad Walnst street,
f , -v .-:. ET. LOCI8, MO.
The Aneos kept ea 'e. t
raxaa sr. wbstwobtb. caaa. a. miwh.
WZHTWO&TH A W001WOBTH, Proprietore
Cor. Baudolph St. and ifth Avctne,
Rock Island Business Cuirerst-j
WILL- 0P8K A.U8U8T 1st J87l,lIOK
the reeeptien of stadsats, both Ladies aad
Bent.smenj. . ti, . v.. a.
3X. DoLa Brown,
Proprieter of Bloatir.(toB Bnainess TJaivsrslty,
baperintenaent 01 oouraa ot inatraovioiu.
Lata Praf.aaor of Business and Ornanental Pan
maaship, Fen and Penoil Drawing ia Iowa Wes-
eyaa University, leetursron uBiwoimttra.
knadanee.' bnmnata eastoms, laws of trade.
t in ehara-e of writing del) art ment
Other aoBDetetit teaohere will oe in aarg
ef phonography telegraphing, end Jtaglish da
snvBkMtnan nan tat
r-L , , . :. i.t th.
iwanty-ionr leotnrea win u 6" - -
f.n anil winter, on mercantile law, eommereial
laws and easterns of
trade, etc.. free to all xean tar araaeaia. u
inailtatiaa will he ilea tbe meat thorough an
nraeiieal baala The unly aotnal baaiaeee eel
U la Hnk Taland. where each student Is
quired to go through every detail as in aotnal
busiaers. IS it very important aaa
that all eon men a e at opening ef term to as te
create as much aniCosaaity and system as possible.
Cards, subscription headings and 0'nemeatal
pea work of fin oat workmanship with tbe pen,
exeonted to order. Bonn ;i lor specimens.
Hall nearly opposits Hnck laland House, open
day and evening after July 28, t871. For ia
formation send for cironlar or addreas
jy UJtf P. O. Drawer 447, Rook Island, 111.
Opposite WADSWORTH'3
Store & Hense Forsblifiig Stores
F-rmci!' of
Swiler & Spencer,
Has opened a
House Farnisbing Store,
With a aew and cwaplete atoek of goods, en
ILLINOIS SIREKT, oaedot-r we-tef tha farst
National Bank, where everything in tba etoase
furnishing Mne one be foosd of the best quality
aad at rednoed prices. I have tbe agency el
John S. ZXerrcn & Co.'s
Celebrated Stoves,
Aaong which is the
"IclsalxO OooU
Which haa beu improved during tbe past aoatk
makiaa it m aa reapeeta a niat olass Stove.
A now pattern, with all the lateet improvvaents.
I atall kaep roaitattly on hand a fail ttock
ef graira, lining! and rj aire for the ldehu,
Chaiienge, Rival ad all tha le&diD cook atovea
tnat have beer i id in tvoek If'aan.
Particu'ar atteatioa will he .aid to a.11 kiijdt
of tin and thet iron job work.
Wall aad elitern pampt kept constantly on
Thmkfn'. forpait p-t:. I would respect
fully atk my eld frtenot te ti'.l at my new piase
t b'atinees I Bin determiwed to a pare no faint
topleaae those who favor me with their patron-
Cores all diseases sensed by self-abuse, vn
8permatorrhsa, Seminal Weakness, Night
Kmiitioas, Lots ef Memory, ITnlvsrtal Latsi-
tude, Paine in the Bak, Dimnets of Vision
Premature Old Age, Weak Kerves, D Ocult
Breathing, Pale Countenance, lntanlty, Con
samrtion, and all difeatet that follow at a te
qaenoe of yoathfal Inditoretiont.
k;B-Tbit medicine has been ward ia eur prao-
tloe for many 'ears, and with thousands treat
ed, it has not failed Tn a single inttance.
aRach package of TYo'n6'e Cure ia wrap
ped In ultramar no blue paper, prilled In gold
letters, aad contains one bottle filled with n
car-coated Pills, snd one vial of Medicated
Powders, enf.cient to make one-ta'.f pint of in
tetir.n ; snd one Syringe.
tand Hsat better titan aay ether male.
Atk for Dithridge's, and take ao other.
gee that ottr name lson every box.
DITHRIDQ1 At BOS, Pittance., Pa.
Bead for Price List.
, i ii Cbtatnet Street, v i
Dally Boob Ula Aaeot kept on ile.
""walnut street house,
Corner e f Walnal aad flalns ttree
t. o. vroxaa,
La4e ef I. C. L.
Cor. 4th and Myrtle Streets,
THIS House has jnst been rsltted and thor
oughly renovated. Is centrally leeated.
Tke proprietor will spare no warns te aake im
good firttslatt, ttuona rate seuie.
Transient iirice. if , per day.
aevSt-dly . . H. Ct Atio t, Prepneteri
CHICAGO. - - -
This new and megnlfieeet Hotel (the Inest
weetot Jtew York), sitnatea eorntr b tale and
Qulucy itreett, wat completed and openea nept.
2fi, 18T. It haa two hundred nod fifty rooms
casey of whioh have bata roomt ania wm oi..
ita attached), which are made aeeeaaible from
tbe ground floor, where the grand rotunda end
effioe is situatsd, by Otis Tuft s be,t paaaenger
elavater. W . P. F. M K bESVS, Prop.
(in raoM)
ntvs I
matitm, Neuralgia, Kidney and &pinal
Complaint, Sore Throat, Lame Hack,
Sprains, ic. This Liniment trill
instantly stop all pa.'ns earned
by Hums,
bare your JJoolor a bill; buy u; iryiir ate
nothing elae, aad you wool 1 not he without it in
vour houae for ten timed ttt eott BISBOP
SOULK'.t LISIMEST will cure all of the above
ment exposes how tbe moLey of the people
of tbe Union the common rand of the
whole nation has been stolen by "Radical
nSoiels. It is the reply of Hen George S,
lioulweli, the Hadical Secretary of the
T In . r..rlntl,in bv the HoOSO of
Be ores
1 -7l). cullioff for information at to the bal- .j,u. pria. 75 Ba. and $1
an raj rlna tba r.aarB.meat fxosn collectors
of internal revenne not than la offioe. Mr
HiatweU i reoly It dated Fbrn.a7 1871
two months after the call to information
but It wat not "traotmitted to tbe Hoote
until the doting eight ef the tettion, March
3, 171. Tkie it a very tutpioiont eirenm.
l. Ss.rrelerv boutwrl'
lot may.
The rrest Indian U.or-tis,
cures nil dlteatet of the V!a
ary Organs, such a Inconti
nence of Trine, Inflammattoa
of the Bladdor, Inflammation
ef the Kidneys, fne in the
D'adder, Stricture, Gravel,
eapeeially reoommeaded for
F'.uor Albna (or Whitee.)
tan. Each package of
Yrrjrtoble Rtmrdy Is wrapped
in dark enameled paper and
printed in (old lettera, and
containt one bottle filled with
Bugar eoated Pli't, and cne
vial with Meditated Powders, tufficient to make
one pint of Injeotion ; aad one Syringo, enough
to cure any ordinary eaee.
jST Price tS per package, said by all Ding-
gittt, or tent by nasi I for $5.50.
The "Vtgttable Cure nnd VsjreUble Ktra
edy" are sold ky responsible Drurgiata every
where ; some dealer, however, try to sell eheav
and worthless compounds in place of tbe,e, In
order to make more money. Bo not deceived,
aak for these $5, preparations and take no oth
era ; if the dealers do not xcp tbem eeeicta tke
moniy ia a letter su.i we will en1 item br re
turn mail.
1, alien or Oiitlemao w riling .r trea'.ruent,
will rtr.to tbir r trtotr.f in fnit ; J.ry vri not
hetitate ot: acci-i nt f tb-:r iaslilin tw visit ut,
aa we have tria'ed pa'.iertt tacceatfuliy in all
portions of the continent b) correrponHencs.
ftt" Ws dsi're te tr.d car ihirty-twe page
ra'!V''t. ei titled "Vn toil Wr ir" na Inva-
?a, u every reaaer 01 ima paper.
AddrefS aa f.'l!owi -
St. Loiis WaoicsL Assuriano,
117 totrs sixva stbbxt,
. . Baiar Loris, Minsorai.
(Basaeaeoe We Jacob RIVay)
0a the lefeeTRoei Isrind."
Brefaand Iron Won
AND ; ' 1
The eub.ce-iber, at bis shop on tae Levee, na.
Woltaaa a, lavnes the nttcntioa or bisfrlenai
and tht lt'.blio secei!'j tu Lia Krga and com
ple e ilul of P.tasi A Iron yood,aich as Steam
Cocki. Yalvea, Water "aural, Whit lea. Oil Cap
Beer Cocks, Pumpe, aa and Sieam ripe of all
tises, Zinc. Babbit Metal, etc , etc
SitaDMilim w.u rfuu.pi'.y audail to
aad put up in workmanlike manner.
Copper, Smltbint; and Sheet Iror
la all Its branches. Use
Done on thort aotiee. ,
uL-linii rou or van oauacn
What it has done, what R Is doing and what ft means
to dp. lie power. Its despotism. Its Infallibility,
ltu frauds, its relicte. It miracles, lis Jdoimry.
Us persecutions. Its hatred ot our poonc ecnoow
and 01 civil ana religion lioertr. iu naming crawt.
lie borid wicked uese, and 1U IW 1UK& KIUl.
I A book that is wanted everywhere. We wen
I agents to Introduce it In every county at once, and
Will DSy tuem lloerniiT. rciiu iur circular, nuurtme
e, Jonroe St., micago, 111.
1)R8. COLE & J1C0BS03,
OCCLISTS snd ACRISTS, treat til dlaeases of
The Eye & Ear,
At their Institute, 303 Wabash Avsiue,
CHICAUO. wheretheyare prepared tn acremmorlstB
paiienta with board aiid lodimg. Letters will
receive prompt attention.
Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Sammer Complaint,
Cholera Morbus, Flax, Children's Teeth
ing, and the Oreat Preventive Asiatic
Benne Plant !
BYRON i. BALDWIN' e CO., Paeraiatoat,
Oorn.r Olark and Vaa Bnreu Rtreetas,
nRII'lllil. - sa.a.
nam. This Hotel, near Michigan ooumern aaa
Rock Island Depots, is centrally leeated, neatly
nnd elegantly furniebed. ana wi.i anora 10 viait
ore aad aoua rv merehanU at good aeooamodn
lions as oan be found In tbo city. Terms ai.oo
per dy.
This extraordinary medicine, the fame of which is
knMll rst Ihroaobunt the COQBtrT. bl Un-
loobtiy euporior to any remedy ever oflared to the
public for tne eompiainte lor wnicn it mtcuueu.
We hTi- In nnr Dumeitelon teetimouials furniFhed
voluntarily bv Ool. Ismg. late Cdierupograpnicai
Engineer Bureau, at WaebiuKton: Uen. Fill Henry
ieelon teetimouials furniFhed
Warren, (Jen. Mesamon. snd o;ber of the army ;
Father V. i. Uebmet. the celebrated 1 no tan mtwiou
ary ; alo, Officera of the Navy ; Surgeon, Hospital
Htewarrta. commanders of nearly every ateainerply-
110; .111 111 " m inMnfijiui luu 1 1 1 11 11 1 a 1 . ii.cid. w
era Sanilery and I'bnetian OramktO", Army ( nap-
latiM, ana otoers loo Dnuieroue to mention. LiKfi
hlfebert eucominma of the preea. prah-itiir It? valnalile
medicinal quiiiities iu the hlghetst terme. No other
medieiiie has euch recuuinieiidations. J&C
UCIKK, 8ole rnirietors, bouth-wett corner of Oliv
andSecontt ftr!et. St. Louts, Mo., and aold by Drug
gists and Medicine dealers everywhere.
gents: t ulier nuller, anscbttitcic, sicven?on
t Iteid. I'htcacn; Ricr Rising. Milwankee: Mc
Keesun & liolibins, VI and Wt uilon St., New York.
Ettabliihed 184. Burnt A Rebuilt, 18S3.
Maaufaetnrers of
BAJE, fc rid &B AO.
Raw Liiseed Oil, Eoiled LlBseid Oil
All Oil guaranteed strictly pure nnd lull weight
lie haa a acrew eatting tnaohine, which ouu
screws npea eat and sleaa ripe irom e ei aa
inch to 4 iaokos tbe largoat maebtne west ef
Chloago. ......
Agreeable, PigestilU, Nourishing, Satisfy
tng, oomnmg, oirrnyteraray.
Thit farinMOHS preparation eoktai s all the
.1 . ..... fnw &nil rpn.ir It
t-v-awamtj a - - - ....,. tr.. Tiiiren rnwoitr
haa tor year been the prtni pal lood l.r u.iauta , ItillattJ BUM I luiica IKJUIH
and invalids in England and the Colonies, an I Maaufacturers of
ia proven vy h lc " - j, n uiit
t 1 1 ' .......
Sold tn cans of all sires, and in 2) cent pack
ets lor the million by druggists and greeers gen
erally. (.ALE BL0CKI, UrBjftUti,
SO, Randolph street, Chioago, Agents
RemoTed to Hull's Kew Bulldlag,
VTasnlnton Street.
IV lieaeetle Liaaort, importer and Dealer la
loseiga Wanes aad Liquors. F-iont aueet, ep po
ll Ferry Lamlv, sT"a Itlaad, Uu.
Orders froa the trade solicited, aad promptly
lied. E. W. 3LATCHF0RD A CO.,
70 North Clinton Street.
rOCR eletk';ng oan be olaaned aad keaad,aad
pretred ever, to that it wfll leek at w:i at
Bow. hy S. WILCOI Tatler,
Who haa reaeved to Weat Eagle Street, under
tbe Rook Inland Hoaae. aekl-dtf
. L m . t n.antutw I ooaplamts, and IS me only tare oure tor mat
antativet or. the 13tk ot Wecenawer, r sw-iBTira.. For sale bv Drn-
fr rer notle.
F. W. RVDSR BOS, Proprietors,
stance, and ekowt
to have been an unwilling witoeet.
Big elowi
Cosfldf&tial PhjsIfltD,
lTJSontk Clark "treet, CHICAGO, ILL., Prl
vnte aad Chronic Diaaaaea in both sexes suseess-
f th.reoort to Congress wat Wl, tre.Ud. Dr Big.lew h.. .r.d snosatex
- , ,l md venereal diseaaes in tbe last 29 years
purposely delayed three wceke after Mr
Rnatw.ll aimed it, and tken is wat tent in
am4d tae eproait 0f a last aigkt tettioa tke
title to it wan tnerely read and il waa only
v. .;x.t that the Democratio members
.fit.. HanM discovered itt character and
tkaa any other physiciaa in the western eonatry
He eares Nervous Debility, or Involuntary Sem
inal Emissions, and restores the enfeebled organs
to perfect health and vigor. Be euros Syphilis
in all itt forms, whether aoote or chronic, with
out the bio of minerals or vegetable poiaen.
caottea should be observed ia this particular,
as Without It a sure under almost aay eiroom
stances is an impossibility.
The parson shoul be kept on a wholesome
and nutritious diet, aad all the medioines con
tinued tntil the body haa restored to it the nat
ural quantity of flesh and strength.
I vi ay self cured by this treatment or tns
worse kind of Consumption, and hare lived to'
get fat nnd learty these many years, with one
lung mostly gone. I have cured thontandt
tinse, nnd very aany have been enred by this
treatment whom I have never seen.
About the first of Ostohcr l expect to take
possession ei my new building at the next beast
corner of Sixth aad Arch streets, where I sball
be pleased to give advioe te all who may re
quire it.
Full directions aeoompaay all ay reaedies,
as that a pereoa in any part of tha world ean be
readily cured by a strict observance of the same.
J. 0. SCHKBCK, M. D ,
" Philadelphia.
32 Lake street, Cbioago, Iilin -is.
Wholesale Agents
EojaI Bavasa Lottery ol Cuba.
ernment f 300, 00 in Ould drawn every rev
et leen days Prices cashed and In'oruitticn
irnithed The highest price paid far Doub
loons aad all kind a of Oold and bilver.
TA'LOR A CO., Bankora,
fbbSilv " ! Wa'l Street. w,w yerk.
resoued it frota tbe rubbish and eecresj of gaud for hts "ftnide to Health," pubhakod
monthly free of charge, if yoa tfiiak tbe writings
of the greatast Spee talis t of tbe present day
worth reading. Ladies send for descriptive eir-
sslnrof Ptsssaio Rbhsdib, aniversnlly ased
bv married ladies. Addvets
tke doaomtnt room.
Tke attonnd'ing aatitre of tke develop
menU ia ihie official report of the Sooreltwy
of the Treasury fully explaiot if itdoet aot
iuttify bit dilatotinott ie makiBg it, aad the
trick by which it wat hoped to bury it in
the rubbish of the Congreational document
room. ' It appears front tke report tbat OB
the 30th day oi June, 187H, there were 00
tbe bookt of tbe Treasury Department
three hundred and fifty defaulting internal
Revenue Collector, whose total indebted-
na.a ! tha Twnturv amoBBtea to over
twenty million of dollar
facts in brief. - -
0. B IOELOW, M. D..
P.O. Box 14 Chioago, III.
A or oat tke Atlantic eflecit net tnole Bamnel.
He attend' to hit toilet as utual. Bpyiaga
lew gray hairs ea hie venerable caput, wbat
does bo do ? lie resorts at onse to the only ar
ticle of its kind ia the wide world, whieh is at
the saae time Safe and Perfect, In other word
Crhtadoro'c Eicelsior Bait Dye
gnarsateed harmless hy Professor CHILTON
aad ether distinguished Chemists, and the
most popular dye ia America, baeanse It
parts the aost aatnral shades of color with tbe
greatest certainty and lathe ahorteat space o
time. Tbis lamooe ar title ties
of itt wovld-be vItbIs, and is now master
tbe situation. As a dressing after dyeing, ase
Is an ItQUitiTi Pownaa fob t Ooirrt-axioa.
I'nlike anv ether in every respect, principally
c L ... .1.1 in iir,li(.tion. it beinz applied with a epooge.
DHVB ail .w I rr " . " T ......
uamaned witn nare eoiw w...
! d.uniAil PrliM btt eents per box. xor aaie
W. . ..V1. .a it,:. t;m tn nnhliah tha I bv nil Drnnriete aad Perfuaers. Ssl5 doawfm
vv ea bssbj waaatjiu iaj at tuie diiajw - s w "
7e do
long list of defaulting ool lec tort.
not know that our reedert would care to
run over their names. They are all appoin
tee! of Lioooln, Johnson and Grant, they
were bob firmed by the Radical Senate; aad
with few exceptions they aie all prominent
RaJioal politicians at tb.it time. It it worth
bearing ia mind, that when thete appoiut
mentt were teat to the Senate by the Presi
dent there were raferred to the Fiascos
Committee of which John Sherman of Ohio
is chairman. He reported on them favor
ably, and to this extent tbey are the pro
toget, of our great' finaocier, now working
for rs. election to the Senate.
One peculiarity ef theis dofalcationg i,
the eBorntont amount ot tbe publie money
captured by tingle individual!. Thit pro
vet the Ttoioutnett of the revenue tyttea
at nJminietered by tke Grant party. For
example, Rhode Island hae a tingle defaW
ec'ion of 1 125,000 Ia California, one ool
leetov owea, $750,000 ; ia III molt one 43C,-
000. aad another 1587,000 1 in Penaoyl
The.Be( Tonie la the World
Dyspepsia, digestion,
Loss of Appetite,
hai no nQTjAZi.
It is aokaowledged by nT one who has
takes It, to be tke .. .. .
Best X earned
For the dlseates named ever offered.
Depot, 44 Laaaile street, ,
CHIC t bO(MW,.,...i .... mXjWt,
Bole VawDfactar-rf.
teUt ri-nfiltta.
Latilesa late fariitDiar he lice.
Tbe Real Telpau Female rills
WARM AN Taxi aij.aiCH,
These Pills, so celebrated many years age ia
Paris, for tha 'elief of female irregularities, aad
afterwaida for tksir criminal employ meat in tha
prastioe of abortion, are bow tiered for sale for
the nrst time ia America, xney naveseen aep
ia eoaparative obscurity from too laet tnat ta
originator, Dr. Volpau.is a physiciaa in Paria
ef xreat weaith.aed has strist oonsoieutiourapria
eiples, and has withheld them from general nse,
lest they shoul be employ ea lor stiisiti pur
le overoonuna jemate vwatrastiene, mwaim
of the Womb, hltes, Green Sickness, Snpptes
tloa. Retention, er ImmodernU Flow1 of the
Maathlr Mecharges, Nervous and Spinal Affee
lions. Pa'lna la tbe Baok and Llmba, Fatigue on
slight exertion. Palpitation ef the Heart, iiys
tericl, Ae., and will effect a euro when aU other
meant have failed ; end, aitteagn a powerisi
femedr.de net ecntaln calomel, antimony, or
t y thing hurtful to the sonstitution
Te aarriea latiet aaa young guia wao save
never been regulaud, the are peou! iarly naited.
They wUI, In a short time, bring on the monthly
period with regularity. , . .
cautiost. Marrlea iiaeieaawwiw ,
thea when there Is aay reason to believe them
selves pregnant, for they will be tore to Brogues
Ladies eaa preeere a Vox, sealed froa tha eyes
er tae enrieas, by enclosing one dollar, six
posta.ro a tempi to at W. M ACOMJBER, General
a tent tor vnitea Btatae and Oaaadas, at Albany
. TM er ef any authorised Agent wjlddwty
MADSE i Have vos a Mead, to
Mchc f "Then yon are Intereetesl
In knowificT wht .
- f - : ' ;
DOKS KOM H M A I tiuiC, -
Hit UArlrc 1 ILa a frioem."
ae iiviaa aaav -a 1 tmaiHit
ead thcte LeiUrk, but abova all
1UV THE MAiili; OIL!
Athbus, Tsna.,cpt. S, lb,
Mr. Rxx.nb Dear Sir: , ; '
I ;.t tonj aaord for yonr Fain Killing
Merit Oil.
1 have beta xrtet suCeicr from that awtul
disease, taek iieadaobev It getMrally attache me
early m tue mormug, grewt in intensity aU day
all l in 111, aad all the next day. and generally
ihonwn aol alwavs. ciee off donna the seeand
night. It cornea upon me at leaat oaee a month,
and ettea two er three times, always confining
ane to my bed for aneut thirty-six tn forty houia,
and paining ae so t mibty tbs ts seams as if my
head would burst olbu m anile oi skull aud
everything else. A Barton's hand wuld be
thrown entirely off by itt throbbtnc In short I
id dared agony wdeeef tiiable. Oar best .Fhyti-
ctant tailed in my case, and i Have nstd most o
tbe popolar remtdies sold, which arereeoamead
ed as'-sare to sure" iust such eases, but they no
only failed to cure me, bnt seemed to aggravate
jbj aiioaiwo. a. lew meatnt ago, 1 lorteaateiy
ebtauied a bottle of your Pam Killing Aiagl
Oil, aad aa yea slain "H works like a ehjrtn !"
When I feel my olu plaeue coming on. I aie tin
Magio Oil both externally and inn rnaJIy. fmly
and faitiitully, and now I do not even nave
stop my work, but g about my butineas at
I assure you one fellow-man has been bene'
fitted by your invention, and for which I feel
grateful. May Uod reward you. Ia my' house
and family, your Maio Oil is ss lndiepentibie
as flow. 1 nope my letter may be the means cf
letting other poor, sufferers , know the
virtaes cf your Magic Oil, and yoa may ase
my name as a reference if you choose.
Gratefully, I am yoars, Ao.
Wm '.1 !:: ''Muiii..,iaii.ni.
iii,iniBi awtfhirainaWwi ilfri ' 'iTntTWIi 1
' . h-. 6th anilTUie6U LasiSw ftU.
t A .- "-. to n'ord eai". vUirktLUMttdi
m .40 lle-lL ae.-leal KAlLL tuilAat IsnrtsA (lTTJ
;f f.rm un l avt-MD lOlsorm mKiffO-r meal.
'"'.4 W iYt i)TftrictTiitliy,TfT? far Mil Crcel
.-i i
, .nv It- With IH'trtK-ttODf, 1TI Ul WiJ
r iVt- A..niTtTwrirt":tMTrrht wiihtn ibprarri
saint.!' i w.inmtUA-:,.i'Jtig BaiYuire.jiM .
maa- tie.' ft, -1 Mr-wr l"lre,
P'nrrhorfa stU?s fiiXH, imftUpatlem PUIS
.'". rtli rin-ai: toprvn of CMmst1?!
r . . .; ; .vrandALtie HtalwOOa LlTrrPill
fi i .., - ' ' t.-fi rer. N-nralsia PHl-t
t.fC. r.-:lf t M bikM . Mtntl OUT tm aV few day . Tonic
JsMV.l"it i.o, t.oefappetrts?e!c. Blood Tills $1.00
i rw.- ffas. aexj putr WT-MtAktStp, m cn tw tknmc
ttJOU lV 4.v ro RX1F U(Xei-CaUUt. iiclls I'lllaV. B1 BOT
i it OCT. tifc1il?f frlal tlTfoHrj; tJ(Pif P ltrV J Uli .TUgOMB
v .r ,d ef .if t, eVBitVo fcMl uardrdsit ftr. Iimpl atrel
Ffrkltrnr s).l. ihrtoat srfBwtv tncrrn to ab piv
t-.iv J'ilf tkra SI, Pu tter aii fons 1 Fmais) pi.
fruo w- ts. to sjA0 pr box. eAlo fluid prpartlocie
of ttt kin is t leieSBiMe fHtf. Ha4 twm tnatrrp tVir
Cetittoirus?. sVI4 f drucjrUta, If rov dua t ttu4 VhvB ggeit
direx t le . a4drew oociPcbf-iit1. Vr.M. 0. Eottd.
9. tt. lBTrU,smafttFylTadjlaMasjc Dr-BBm, on orrW
MOT hatmr Cttt-d alls PiMinewtiJclavv brv, &rcml lay.
stLrttnynt. or WMieal aypHtkcs?, Ttfarouga QAtryulM- prtosm.
613 Chesnut St., St, Louis. Mo?
Mates tprrmatorrhtra ,tminat weaknem, ner
vouidrbilitg, lmpatcn, weakness of either aes,
mu'rirJ or t ofc a sprcicUy. If you art out of
health, nerve, ieiilitat f, feel aversion to
society, lots of mantf power, fie 4i&gmti Ay
pimples, yallote countenance, tre4 effutvrs
events, fearing ta merry, or, if lamed, unhap
py, ap-flf end o cured SsndSstsmps, statinf
ease. So fee sskrionJf at curt promstt. AU
diseases oj delicate msturt, artrine, from ex
"'lOr erponrn, trntti scUnttficarty. Ml
617 Sf.Charles St,St.Iuis.Wo.
lema at offloe WW abo, hae enen kieaer enrar-,1 In t he
trt-atm-jt ef Vferafl.Miia ewS fltveta tUMM., Ul.a
aaa nsyalcian ln.&w boula.
- Vjs4iilW enewrneav. taleet. Stricture.
Ombilii. Brnile er Kaptnra; aO trlnarr Diieo aad
K.rpiiiUtki or aicrairtat jtawafcaeier aw ThmM, stln
Bonn ar Ut4 wttn UDparmlll.d .uoce...
SpermaUrrlira.-SexaaJ Debility and Im- '
j wte.aBttieie.oitrei!ir.inMaBjeatb.wxiie'
la eisiurrr y.r.. or ether mum, bqc niJc.h prodoc mm
' tr th. riwttej aa afmannUeniuwioui, Mvi, i.,
debility, dixzineee, dimneae ef aicbt, cen
fmfc,. a Ww B foreeeiUaea, mmUm u fT ef
ETtlA" nww "il Boxnel trnnr renilnBltv
tST'iy?- tabeatUr eaml. scaled pamobiet
Kf HS S.t1"" ' tor tee i.wp.. Cu er rli.
rrtcndlr talk ooata notklnf. MelalJ, arot mnwlw. i"
it ft wir erldt teat a pbrittritn van trru tbou,iil .r
VZZi'JJW.H!? ..Cweer enr.icl.ae
v'wjnftrfeqw-ntly lnoi7ii?nd eersoii. to BT ere.
onea SWa. S a, tt, at mrm. aaeua.U
1SS Pagni.
Of Rock Iilitnd Count-, ehoes Horses ia tbs
most woikinanlike manner.
Experienced and akilffol vorSfnieS; horses
ttod witbeat pain. Having a ( rctioa) sndex
teadaa experirnce in tbs Vnsinees, I solicit your
patron -gf, confident that I can pirate you, and
do batter work than anv other tbner in tne oity.
Shop Sign of tbe Bit HORSS SHOE, en
Washington street, nsar ths river.
mayS-dtf WALTER DAl'BBB.
$875,000 !
In Cash Gifts, to be distributed hy the Me
tropolitan Cash Prize Co.
1 Cash Gift S100.1O0 I 60 Cash Gifts, each tl.ono
5 " " each 4'UtnO I ,0 " " s)
in " ' - DtMjueiliei ' " uo
SO " " " b.iKai,0 " " " Us"
M Elcrrant Rosewood l'lnnos, each ti to Tn0
75 - Melodeous " 75 to
3ie Sewing Mnchinee, " J to 175
,ViO tiold Watches " T5 to 300
C a.-h Triies. Silverware, etc., valued at f l.0.ou0.
A clunoe to draw any of the above Prizes for 45c.
Ticket, de.cribirg prizes, are sealed in envelores
and well mixed. On receipt of 2.'. a Sealed Ticket
is drawn without choice and sent hy mail to anv ad-
! ort-se. Ine frue named upon it will be deliveied to
Uie ticket-holder on ibe paymeot of One Dollar.
Priws ar immediately eent to any address bv ex
press or retorn mail.
You will know w hat your prize is before yon pay
for it. Any Prie exchnnperl for another of snme
viilue. 2io blanks. Our patrons can depend nn (air
lti'leretic;. Tlie following lately drew valunVtle
p-iee. and kiudly permit a- in ntiblish them . An
drew 4. Bnrues.'tJhicBiri). ?10.ikiu- Mir Clara Wal
ker. Bi.liimo c. piauo. ms ;, Jas. M. Mat: hew-, V:
troil. (A oiiO: John T. Anderson, riavanoah. f5.(HO ;
eom?s Muir.ions. Boe!tn. flo,0t.
I'ress Opiniotis. --The firm is reliable." W-klv
Tnbnne. Dec. ft. '-Deserve their sncrfss." N. V.
Kt.alJ. Jan. 1. Jutland htmoratjle." os.lec.i
rVn'i for ctrcnlir. LibiTui iudncmeevs i o ut iii?-.
Saiifactlon uarnitteed. Every p-' kaiie of Stm I-i ali'.-1
Ksvelomw eontatus One Cash tiifi. Seven tick, te
I fur 1 ; 17 for f ; 50 for 5 : -:j fur f 15. Addrets
ii.wt AK.MK CO., tk llroadttav, . .
Y-i ;fi
laavtka wknaa . axi,,. . wbt-Vm ana mstrear.
W. RnxjiB, Esq. Dear 8ro.
The letter from, dward . Cobleigh, It from
my son. He haa suffered greatly, from Head
ache, but has reoently toend a cure by using your
PajB Killing Magic Oil. rUr. Bro. Speaee, oar
agent, uses y we-Meg i Oil. and i relief from
the severest tender lie ! I also nse i n my family
aad Snd it excel tent ia several ailments. I trast
yoa ere doing the world good, as well as getting
tome pecollary belief t to yourself, with year
Faia Killing Magle Oil. I aa truly years,
: ?. - N. X. COBLEIQBT,
pretidcat Wesley an. University, Atbsas, East
Tenn. , ' 1 "?''
I am eonJdentthatevery faaily willlad great
benefit by keeping, and nting my Magio Oil.
Our best PkyatSlaoS use and prasertbe it f aad
seat te the ramtly Physician it ran be depended
a pen, as a clean , safe and delicious remedy, for
all kisdt of Pain, sure to give immediate relief,
and aerer do karnc. Dirt Stic no with twee bottle,
Tears truly, WM. BENHI,
- Manufacturer, Pitttteld, Mass.
Call fori where yon ntnally trade., Held by
all Druggist, Merchants aad Sroeero.
tJtetrltWPaSprlvt.lltc.lCoini..lr. rverj
non.r, asotSw, ,oMi t,m U1,IU wewiaaetieaia rmi
Aiin,Um. Witti.17 it.f ttylw at. a. ale.
; ' ' ' .-lU . . .... . .
raBobkf nature.
: ATOtmsf xm s perms, zborjld as seal
w'-T ?dern and a,ttoilj,4aM.'3HeiKir.
tft' bumnn "bob pt, 'y ti va.
't -Ti Onr-a enrsxat, -biHy. - snu
v HjJ sTrpo-jKiw- toctj, bov naaoretl, Vneia
"- i;.? WBea 0iwiMedj how cured, how pi.
vwntc -com aisease. VJurrin e-all aboa; K.
AlsJl to any -vdtlrext securely tetl, on sc
ceipt ot tfty cenk, , it contafk totekvlrM.
worth hmat ds of. oflars to tlie ywiEkt. ,u
it endorsed by UiOpreaeand pulpt. , TT
To the a Bictotf and uiior.'j.oti
fbould semi tarUiia JBoek., It, jnny inye J-tw?
bealtj, aol preeerve your life frotn murZi
and misery .7 If wfU ta ve y ou om Ujelotf
ous otlootu 0f n9ftcfe marines st&ruIZvSa '
whicji are ear tomla you,- V. , AToolSr
U the most successful physician ta the wes?
;, and tor the hasi. years his devotl hi. whM.
Sexual Ciaoanea, i ha ud equal on Z
rnrm,..iSM8 Jin, A. G S1kJo. loa
?t&lU CWee, Alf correa-
, pondencw Wctotty' eenfldential. ConjnittAiosa
- pre. Agtwu wanted ettrwlvsra,
Boiler Worksl
The undertigaod are paepared to ataaafaetate to
' order - -
Beilers for Steam Eiginei
all Kinds, Styles and Siaee. Also, evesy va-
- - -i.'.t i. . r, rUI ot .:- .I-.-,- .
- 111221 12,0 2aT TfOaUZ. -
All ear Boiler work is warraeied.
af Repairing 1 f all kuade doae promptly aaa
theaply. .
Shop near Moline Iron Works.
Man nfactnrt reel Chess FaaUy
3?' O TJ R'
From te4ecttd Spr4ng and Winter Wksat,
preJy for the city teade.
Flour and Meal
Oe hand, and delivered FREE OF CBABOi
in the City.
JAS. A. BOTLB, Agent.
Ragle. Keiwean freat ana Tlloaa mrhHil
J02Z!'"&i ' . Sueeessor to" y .
'f ,r"t.eBiicBAHBBrBB,SJ .
II 4 IJlinets Suesl, bet., L
l' J ! Kagte A Buffalo. . of ,.
sis SUael, b
, - . . ....
x.agie sunaio. . ar-
' - Sa iafnotion, guar
A anteed. Prieet Jw.
s and set,
.If sJivCoa
' If " -
Card i'iiclogrgf h Portraits
t, la the
1st ABt
ktd at
artiitle'etyl,, "
' Bet laraassed tht t sWe ef Bow Tevk taken a
Ht, 1 , .,, A, B, (JATIORD'S,
4 "' : ' '
A slatt, la tae kighttt style ef ait, te he ka '
,';!::Wewejrsi.f .
" "" stt!Csi WoDBMA'ill.,-,.Last-?
Staple aad Fancy Groceries, rrovitlons,
Qneecswsre. G'ssaware, Woodaa and Willow
Ware, A e. Corner Orleans and Ohio streets, -
For quality ef goods and prices, X defy etm
patltten. mshlidly
1I lonp; been re)-arneo as the best awl cheapest
Bakim; Vowder in nse. Perfectly pure and heoiihy.
It makes., at short notice, delicious Biscuits. Eolis,
etc. There need be no wnsie of food prerjared with
it, as U is always f the beet qunlity. We would say
to those who have never nsed it that a verv few trials
will enable them to ase it, not only with entire satis
faction, bur with economy.
Put np mil. net weitfbu as represented.
Grocers nnd Healers sell it.
, Oil New street. New York City.
WANTED AGENTS -To sell the wost taklnir. In
structive and aiiiverf-tily sought after book is
sued for years, viz:
Carriage Manufacturers !
may29d4m DAVENPORT, IOWA. ,
AND UOW THEY WKRK MADK: or. the stnissles
and triunmhsiif onrself. made tnpn Hv.l. H. Met ARE
4 Jr. Ajfonts already at work are clearing from pi to
J tt0 per month. By 4i"i eminent examples, it teach-
r "u 1 u pii.t.-weix ui uis uu ac tne auoe onto nene
nt nwnkind. For particulars, notices of tbe press,
and extra terms, address - E. HAJSNAPORll CO..
i Publishers, 130 south Clark street, Chicago.
O Jk. R JEul iage 7i
-y A A- i.
Corner Id aad Reek Island 6u.,"
Opea and Top Baggies,
Kspt eonstantly on hand aad made to order. n
Xr Raptirio; promptly tioat. , apalo-dly
j The BKsT in the air let! Willkeep lor yeast
in aay etiaate. Pare, healthful, reliable, aad
naeda oaly to be kaowa. W become the loading
Baking Powder is tbe esuatry. Pat ap ia air
tight tin seas, ef 4. i. 1, aad & lba., fall net
weight inch eaa hsv jag" upon it aa elegant la
bel ef 41 r actions, la English, French and G ev
ent a. i ' ; -i ' 4 i
Mauuiac tared bp HOLUSTER A CO., Tole
do, 0., and told hy Oreeers.
I7iixm'imi;''& Freight
es aad .Carriages!
Ws have recently removed to our oew aMwxpa
alous,8hees,s4taUd en the Malina Wetor Petr
eer, aad ais fearedl te til all orders with
poajptaass aad ditpatok. , , r, .
r ii if Qr:J
-Look for ear Tirade Mark ea tun tor-
am ether are reautae.' Seed for Price Lifiiaal
BtseJ.;t;:. .f.-.f . U-.-J : U dAwly ,.
UKPOT and jreneral WIN
DOW GLASS Warehouse,
I'WIartelphia. Imiiorter tif
K.Nt.lJSli C it V S T A 1.
STUhJtr Glass, funrxtibed
not to stain, est tn thick and well Battened, for Dwel
lings, titcres. Railroad Car Windows, snd Loorniu
llv. Head Lights. French window, picture and ho
toaph ifIbss. French skylii;ht glass. Blue, red and
gtot'B signal and ongraVBii glasa; enamelled and
eutbtweed glass; lookiuir-frlaee plates, iee taiitf
K, n.eent on aiiplicatiou.) btoree So. MCM,
, Sll, N. Founli sireet.
G E RA L JLliC'S 1 0 S EE S,
; 0Sc fa Pettee Migittrates Osteo, "
trad t all bSMseWt a
WrlipreSBSHly nttee
te ha earOH- -
Autthn &ni Cenaissias
-. - relit a rat:. ; .
Bjtdos xatStAarp; ' -J -&s.a,:
L Blaee of asiBts 04 .
ILL! If 0 1 0 S T E EST,
text deer le Sen A B1H;h's Stove Sure,
tlseds received os eeaaigiaeBt, - f
Sicilar Atttiffoii ifiifei
1 tlt'H:Miiit.TU'l:-.
ht Mw sagaeeead hand, boagkt aad told.
' Bitytdly, -

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