Newspaper Page Text
HUES OF ADVERTISING rSBLtSBBB IT I..i.k ina.r. or th. I1UI OSSIsisd bv ten Macs ef solid nonpareil, Oae Dollar for each !- sertioa. . - TEEMS Dm Aaess. dy Malt (pay able ia edvaaee),pereaaam,$l.0 V Mali " (is .oaths, 80 B Mail m ,,,. tat By Hall " - 1 aieata.... S BwkTir Citt Caaaiaa, tt Oaati far wk. eas Coriai Caata. TIKKt.. Winn Intl. tft Cepy, (payable a edveeee)... Taa Copies " , . IMS watr Oeis ' " . Ssasial Kotic.i. 10 coats pn line. Wne ! scrtsd I months or more, (0 per teat above regu lar advertising rates. Ooaaianieatieas, or articles lassrted amoBg reading matter, Is eentl per line. DutT abb Wbbblt. A discoaat of S5 per coat, will bo made from the Weekly rates, ob rcarly aad half yearly contrasts, wbea the sane matter Is inserted in both Paily and Weekly. Double Columns will be charged J percent additional. , 'or U transient alvcrtisemen advaaee pag sssiit is rcqalrcd. Twentieth Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1871 Established Oct. 18, 1851 riirtr oaiM . ...... mm. BOSABALH. I to earl part of tha present canter; , and previous to that, medical treatment p rosea ted aa aspeol of woeful igooraooa of tba stroetore of tha kinii body, and the fa omen oonttitatioa, and tha oaases of tba diiaaiaa wbiob afHict it, that ia to-day sad aeoing to tniat or, yet nu provokes a mil. To eajooe who sot only tinder ataada tha thonsands drags and remedies tbat ara ia ma today, bat how and when to ase than, thara ia something tragically gro tesque io tba piotnre of tba former diaciple of hsculapios fhtttog from patient to pa tiaat witK powerfal doses of meroorv in one haod and tha lancet ia the other. One of the mora enlightened of theie pbyaiciaaa once aaid, bea epeakiac of himself And brethren, Wo atill eoatiana to bleed, and our patient continue to die." After tbia ceaeaeomevhei protracted period when the newly founj pawers of certain drcge over the human system were need literally ex perimentally ; for tboaa who discovered their capacity of good or aril, in molt instances kept their leoret to thtmsdlroi until they had found out by experiment in what dis eases it wai proper to exhibit them. But, during th ia ara, msdioal aoienoo wai being moat ailoniahiagly aided by the ginat itridei of adaoatioa. Pbyiioiana became mora oholerlr, and n oompetitioa awoke among .'hem whioh wai heightened by the cooeiooi ne's that edooation and enlightenment had qualt 5ad a large number of their patienta to oriiici them and their medioinaa. They began to atady not only the phyiieal ailmenta of men, but their temperament!, t noeptibilitiee, and leoret weakneiiei ; and to Gal oat where lympethy wai so impera tive a oejeaity that, without it, tha patien' could not be cured, beoaute hii morbid aen attvenen would not permit him to "tell hii tale of we." "To know ourselves diseased is hlf the cure." Knowing oarse'vee dis eased, the other half of tha euro eon" eist ia knowing whoae medioioei to me, and to get well again by their n Lit such s .utTjr from Scrofulous, Hyu'iylxiSi Kieuroetij or Skin dioceses, Cir.ioio fttreotioua of the Blood, Liver or Ki loey; toe may distressing nilmaata inoileotal to emalea; lend to Dr. Ciementi A C., CI, Eiobange Plaoe, Baltimore, for the Roialalii Guide to Health book, which it publiihed there for gratuitous diatribu- tioo. Kmadalii ii, probably, tha moit pow erful Alterative in the whole world, and hai won a well-eeraed reputation by ita unfailing aocuraoy when applied in tha above oaiei. But it will, no doubt, be interesting to some to peep behind the scenes a little and learn the names of two or three gentlemen who in the firm of Clements & Co., apeod their in tellects and lives in quietly working to ueliorate the condition of their fallow creatures One of them is Mr. Wb. D Schntz, a gentleman whose position in Bel timers is of that solid kind that is only to be ettaiui'4 by n well earned reputation, among ft. kiw men, of lol'd, sterling integrity, and ineoy years of indomitable perseveration. Mr. J. J. Kromer ia the busioesi manager of tha coaoera. He ia quite a young man, of remarkable ability and oapaoily for the immense businesi whioh ha conduoti. Bis shrewd intelligence, his quickness, and hii oourteooi affability have made him, at an early age, a man of mark, one whom to see is to like, respeot and admire. At the Lab-! re lory of Dr. Clement! k Co., yon will alio iod Dr. Pugh, tha principal Chemist tA the concern. Dr. Pugh ia man of , ilendid education in bis profession. Be is n m oi deep retearoh, and consummate ecqua aee with tha mysteries of tha spe cialty on whioh ha ii engaged. If any one wants to k Rosadaha ia, they can ask Dr. Poa'h if tb7 01 lh,t the wor th. rornr wonld for moment dream of telling them a professional eeoret, but be cause he known best the ingienta of that wonderful medioino. Connect with the establishment of Clements A Co., to" fi'm are fitting np a book binding room, 5a which to bind their almanac, tha Roiadalii Guide to Health book, tba demand for which in creasing enormously. Ths N. Y. Week I v, ia the "Historical Items" of October 12th, 1871, sevs tbat Charles XII., king of Sweden, was killed by a eannon ball at tha liege of Fredericks hall, Norway. Ii is troe that ha met hi, death there, but he was killed hy a pistol iiJ, and a Frenohman, a Colonel Siguier, wha had aooompaaied King Charles, and who brought the news of the king's death iutir she Swedish camp, with the words, "Thi; war is over, tha king is dead," wa. nusDieted of the deed. It oonld not, how ever, Se proved against him, bat the saspi cioa t ected on him. 1. Universal Want. The universe! want, at tha present time, next to plenty of monej is a good, driving, daihing rain. Th weatb tr is altogether too dry, and the streets altogether too dusty. People ara getting si ok at the stomach aad very billions to boot. They begin to return to their first love, nod cry for a little water in thair'n. We put in oar influential voice in their favor. LOOA.L NOTICES. ToiLBTit is unrivaled as beautifier of th oomploxiou, it is a powder, harmless, re 6ned ad elegant. Try it, 60 cents per box. Dbiay Not. Convulsions, wind oolic and griping in tha bowell of infants oauie death. Mrs. Whitoomh's Syrap it a tried rimidy. It ooits only 25 eenti. Mabuiaob Qoidi. Interesting work, numerous aagravingi, 224 pngea. Price 60 ueati. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 N'orta Eighth itreet, St. Looii, Mo. See advertisesaenl. Every person should be loyal ia thought, word and deed, to io good govern stent as ours ; and they that are) not loyal, liava no claim for its proteotion. Wa do, not any that nsing R.une's Magio Oil for coring quickly all painful complaints, in th only evidence of love to our country, lint it is sign wa lova ourselves soma. GERMANIA INSURANCE COMP'Y OP CHICAGO, I IX. Oaih Oipitnl, 4ULOO.000.00 arplrji, S57,ia0.0 DsDnct dt Shaw,' Agents, api21-dl Book lalaad. ' VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, 4 O'Olooli A. J. NEW Y O XT IC. The Injanctlon Qaeition fettled - She forthcoming' Rochester OoBTentlon Oreat excite men In political circle Secape of m noted forger. WASHINGTON. dot Guilty Judge and Attorneys severely criticised The Ohio campaign. ILLINOIS. BSaionlo Orand Xodge of Xllinols Silliards Bridge bnmed rire at Macon.; Steam rionring- SSill Barned. 1 She Fenians and the Folic e-The Sentence of B.ochefort -Thiers reply to Victor Stage's appeal. Market Beports. Reporud Kiprw.Ij fortko Aaecs. Naw York, Oct. 3. Judge Beruard Las settled the injunotion question to-day, adopting portioua of the third order sub mitted. The order reetrains tha payment Ol money without the indorsement of Andrew II. Green, Controller; probi ita tbe raising of money without tha sanction of the Board of Apportionment. There ia excitement to-day " in politioal circles over tha forthcoming Kocheater Con vention. Tha Tammaay ring ia working to oour tba representation. Tha Ketorm Democracy hop to smash the hopaa of the rintr with tha country Democracy. The ring delegation ia tainted, and, if it bo re cognized, there will be aa etl.ctual division of tbe ranks of the Democracy. Judge Barrett saya that if it ia found tbat any of the thievea who ara to be proceeded against attempt to llee, they will be arrest ed immediately. Ha thinks himself not one of tha ring will fao tha accusations Tha proceedings are to be pressed with vigor. Throughout the day there has been great exoitcment in anticipation of tha arrest ol some of the nag-leaders, all sorts of rumors being affoat. It is definitely known that measures were ooncooted for the arrest of Ball, Tweed, and some others connected with the city frauds. Buffalo, Oot. 3. Augusta T. Berck, alias Charles Baker, alias Thoa. S. Y ileon, one of tha most noted forgers in the ooun- try, was arrested on Saturday, in Montreal, by members of the ttutlalo police, and held i r extrication. The forgery waa committed thL' morning. Po'Uobkekpsib, Oot. 3. Fifty convicts made .n nnsoooesslul attempt to escape to day by sizing a propeller lying at tha wharf near tha prison bare, out the oaptain drop ped anchor and all tna connote were re oaptored. Wasuisotoh, Oct. 8. Dennis Darden, who ahot Jack McCarthy on Pennsylvania avenue last August, was acquitted to-day and discharged from custody. Darden and McCarthy were both gamblers and the death of the latter resulted from a personal quar rel. Opinion here is general that Darden should have been convicted of manslaughter. 1 he trial waa conducted in a ioone manner. Th oonduot of Judge Humphreys and th attorneys is severely eu.ioised. in Democratic organ here asserts tbat a latter has been reoeived irom Senator Sher man, stating that the Demoorata are likely to oarry th Legislature, and his chances for re-sleetion are not good. On inquiry among tha friends of Sherman, no suoh let ter can b tound, ana it is generally soppos ad to be an invention. Tha Democrat here boast that th party is making a fight only on th Legislature, and that the object is to elect Pendleton. Seoretary Robeson speaks at Davton. Ohio, next Friday evening, and at Cleveland SaturdBV veninir. aubsc are the onlv claces at which he will speak Ohio. He leaves her for Cincinnati on Wednesday. Chicaoo. Oot. 3. The Maiouie Orand. Lodge of Illinois commences ita 3 1st annual communication in thia city to day. A laraa nnmber of delegatea are already ia the oity. A match game ol billiards was played here, between Maunce Daily, of Ne York, and Albert Gamier, of this citv. reanltioi in favor of the latter. The gam was tbe Amerioaa four-hall carom game,ou a pocket table, 1,500 points np, for $1,000 a aid. Gamier led from tha start. President Grant held a publio reoeptioa at th Tremont House to day, and was called upon by a great number of our peo ple. The President left this ev ening for Washington. Jourr, 111., Oct. 2. This morning the canal bridge tbat crosses th Dliaoi and Miohiean canal, on Jefferson . s treet, was discovered to b on fir, threatening several adjacent bosiues home. It was with con siderable Jiffieulty ex tinguishsd bef ore much Urn waa done. It ia not known how tt oaugbt, bat is supposed to hav titkn fir from a cigar stump oroppeo py iw i... imnlKf. Tha extreme drvueas of every k:. n .nmnct of the drouffht, makes everything combustible as tinder. , nmT Til Oat 2. Mrs. HoOsoa, af A 0 V A sy man ahoat twantv-fiv yara of aMocwes srw v w r . a . 1 . . 'abortion produced by Dr. Parks." SrntNOFiiU), HI., Oct 2. A fire at Ma con, in., on t naay last, destroyed eight buildings, inoluding four stores, a hotel and the post office. Lois, $20,000: small in surance. Wkbstir City. Iowa. Oot. 2. The brick building oconpiad ai a steam flooring mill, and owned by Moore A Solders, of this place, wai burned Saturday night. The mill waa valued at $8,000, and insured for $5,000 ia the Republic of Chieago, the Hartford, and lookers of New York. The mill ii a total Ion. PoTTSviLLf, Pi., Oct. 2. An xplosion of sulphur ocoorred thii afternoon in the Otto Collierv. Patrick McMichael, Geo. Dualap, Jacob Yost and Thomas Havs, were killed, aad George Baiaoa waa aeri- onsly injured. One miner is missing, and there are no hopes f recovering him alive. Londom, Oot. 2. The collision between tha Faniam and police of Cork yesterday wai tae remit ot illegal drilling by organ ized bandi of Feniana, a nnmber of whom were there. Many were fonnd havinc Sni der pistols in thetr possession, which discov ery caused considerable excitement among the police, inere waa aotive flearohing for a proof of n violence of law, which resulted in the discovery of several bands of Feni ans, and the capture of their weapons. The recent gales have extended to the continent, with some damage to oropi. Telegraph lines hive been prostrated in very direction. . Fabis, Oot. 2. Henry Kocbefort is press ing hii appeal for the mitigation of hit sen tence. Victor Hogo, among others, has written to Thiers in his behalf. Thier's bee replied to Victor Hugo's ap peal in behalf of Roohefort, that the Par dona Commissioner alone can modify tba sentence of the military tribunal. Iwdiaiapolis. October 3. Abrami. who wai expected to make some alarming de velopments in the Clem case, did no luoh thing. Hii evidence helps the defense rather than the prosecution. He was sub jected to a long examination on Saturday, and was again on the atand tbia morning, but threw little additional light on the mys tery. A beavy embedzlemeot came to light at the gas works this morn i bit, but tha fall particulars are not known as vet. Slt Lace City, Oct. 3. Brigham Yoang waa arrested thia afternoon at 4 o'clock, npon tha indictment nf the Grand Jury charging him nnder the Utah statute with lewdly nad licentiously oobabiling with lixteeea different women. The arrest wai made by the United Statei Marshal Patrick, at the residence of Young. Owing to the sickness of the prisoner, be was allowed to remain at his home to night, in charge of the Deputy Marshal. He will be taken be fore Judge McKean to-morrow. Rumors of trouble end ontbreaKi among the Mormons are not to be credited Be sides the assurance of Mormon leaders that all the procesei of the Conrt will be obey- d, Gov. Woods has made every preparation j for emergency, and he will maintain the law at any coitt. Another Big Stock of NEW GOODS at the Plunder Store, i i corner Illinois , ami Buffalo Street. Call and sec them. FOE SALE ! OHE FKAMB HOC BE AND LOT, PRICB $1,200; one half oaf k ia bead, balaeo In ae year witk interest. One frame bouse, t'ooper nnop ana ist, price $1,000, one half cash in hand, baienc ia one year with mtwwt. Alio, bU com dry a weoa, m perea of bailding Mono. B- UitA.NFOar. book I. land, Bepi. VMh, 1S71; aim Notice IS HEEHBY GIVBN TO THE 6T0CK h.lders, that th. Eock Island Co., Agricultural Association, Oa Satordnv, Nvembr 4th, 1871, at 2 a'alook P. hf., will hold, in this city, its first Annua ikleetion, and eloot Pre.i .of, Vice President Treasurer, one Director and applicants for mein acr.htn. AM persons aesirous oi Moommg mimteri oi the Sooiety ftiouia nana appuoauon. to toe Secretary be fere the annuel ssaeting. In tiarsnuee of the provision tor enanving the Constitution, notice is also given tbat a vote ill be taken npon changing Artlole , so tbat from and after the Best Annual meeting meice for memberchin shall be f insUad of 110 as now provided. Uj order or tao jsoara oi Airecior. g. F. II AKTMAX, President. T. at. BLA!cmo, sleek Islaaft, III-, Pe t. Jath, 1871. 2-dftww ALL EIGHT. SALVE, for Corns and Bunions, Boils and Burns. . for sals by all Druggists. 25 ets. per box. or sent oa rsneiet of prioe. Address ALL HISHTSO lark Bt., Chicsgo. sepU-dly THI6KIAT AMiaiCAH HBALTH KBSTO&BE. pani.s th. blood and euros Ssrofuia, ByphlUs, Skin Dis 0 eases, Bhcumatlsa, Diseases of Wemoa, and all Chronic Afoetions ef the Blood Liver and Kidneys. Beeomaacaded by the Jt.dioa! Jf acuity aad maay thou, aads of oar but citiseas. ' the tc.timoav of physicians aid patieats who have aaed Rcsadali.; snd for oar Koucalis Said to HaalthBook, or Alnaaae for this, wataa w pub lish tor grtaluas distribBtieni It will give you mash valaable Information Dr. K. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says 1 tk pleasure la reeemmoBding your .oaaa. aa a vary powerful at muv. l bar s.a is ased ia two cases with happy results oa in a ... f soadary syphUL. In which the pa tient proaoaacod kimsolf eared afur having taken At bottles ef Tear mdi- ein. The other is a eas of aerofale ef Id'g steading, which ts rapidly imarey lag aadar iU asc, and the Udieatloas ar s.a sa pairaai wiu mi recover. I kvi earefally ezamiaed the formal by wakik tear Xosadali is mad, and lad II v xecuras eempoaaa or alter atlva Ur -edients." A L B Dr. Bp,-", or nieaeisvuie,ltysays k has ascd Rosadalls ia ef Bero fala aad Bsc -adry ByphlUs wltk satis- factory result. v-M a cleaner ef the bleed I kaow ae bett r remeay. Bamaelw. af.Faddea, Marfreesaere, Turn., says t "l have ased serea bottles ef Kosa dalia. aad am Bliry cured f Kkm .tiiai ad mafoar kettles, a I wUh it for my brother, who has isrefaioas sore v..." B."taBia Bohol. ef Lima, Ohio, writ. I hare ss S.rd for twenty ya with t avoterikte eruptloa ever his wholeeedy; ati.hort timcsiaee I par ehamd a b.ttl .t osadalis aad It ef fected a perfect eaire." Becadallsie sold by all druggists. Laboratory, (1 Bxakaag PIshm, Bal. tlmeie. , fir. CLXJU1T1 GO - ' Proprietor S fehll4e44tAs age, Oiea aoaieniy to-uny, ana saspioion being aroused, no inqneit was held, which resulted in a verdict of death from nn till BIGHT COMMERCIAL. OolcS. 1.14: O'Q. aocK Islaic, October 30. Ibis Flour market Is eorreetett at rTaraw's Mills and the quotations are the rating prices oi Ike Reek Island market. Wisvaa Wbsat Vieoa Wholsale......$.9 " " " B.Ull Braise Waa At boen pvlng Doable Bxtra la helm, wkelMalM..tS.8S ltiiiH.....M..H.rt.M.-.mM.M.M.w";-6i gaekaet li.i ,, ,t aetail Aeeee,a! wholesale., Beta! UsAit'i lair Kaibiio Fiona Retail i Barrel, saoka.... " 4 ' " . " 1-18 " " Btciwssit Flodb Wholesale &tail $J 61 6a $.00 ......1U.00 ,8090 ,...lba2J .20a26o 40 . 4060 lis f siii,mw., 0iB Oavs Kow, ...... n Bablit So. I Rejected mm., mm. ...... ... ...... ...... ... .. Bexran Choice tots, for totalling, will briag-. Vaaasa m. T. Factory , LAIS ft lb M.... ...... 13 lOalle tOaSO rotAtoaa . Arriaa per baskel eas per doi ....... ......m.m.... HiGHWIKBS ...... ............. ......SVi Tkc above oricee are the wholesale tzures at ur.t nana. Pocltt Live Turklec, per lb....... lc wesson " " II. Oblckcns,UTO " 8c " dressed " 10c Ducks 10c Hoes Uto m mm l04.00 OlRkl Lire weight, ew ... ., dice Frlaie sklpaias;, aw 100 lbi...........0a. Bat Prairie, prtei . 8.008 00 TTltotky, mm.. 9.00al2. Woon Oak, per cord - 6.4 0 Hickot 7.0S CcAl Coal Valley Yard . 13c Heveland Yard 13c Teas Teuag Ilysca, eomaiea....M....M " fair to good . ....... .m.m.-i.J-v - rtac to ckoicM.M.M.M. Sl .40 Oaapowdcr, eemmoa to fair.M.M..M.MMl.00al.2i " priae to eboiee.M.M....M...1.40al.60 Iasperial ............-l 5al.7J Oeiowg, eoaiaioa to fMt .04 41 priaiteaoicM.M.M.M.M....M.l.ltI.40 Japaa 841.1. Oovaaa lto, eeaiBioa to flr... ......... -ljTl. " prtaaa to ohoto.... ...IVall). Old wevcrnaicat J ava..... M....la30s Ricac. Raw eosissoa to firMMM...MMM-llltts prim to .hole. mm-1U12c Rciaed Bogar, erasbed, powdered acd S. Ym AmM.. M.M. ............ 14C do extra ! Bailees' 6grt do C . ... 13. Ssoiecwe SiU........ 10He Kockford, Eock Island & it. Loais iUiiraid. rRSSlBlWT S Ofvice, Rock Islahd, 111., Sept. 23d, 1371. "VTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVES THAT T1IE it Annual Mectinir of tbe Stockholders of tbe Kooktord, H ck Ik, and A St. Loi. Kail road umpany, will be held at tbe ofiioc of th Com pany, in the City of Rock Island, lllinms. on Weaoodiy the 11th day cf October, 1871, at 12 o'olock, nooa. K A1SOM R. OABLG, President. Jons P. Vi'bitb dicad, f eorctary. eptt3-dtd RON BEDSTEAD MFG. CO. o CsC 101 Now is tbe time to get them, to insnre health aadoieanness. Thev arc extensively used in the west, and srive universal satlsfaetion. Fur niture dealers, Institutions, Hotels and Board lng Houses dealt with liberally. Orders by mail promptly attended to. For sale at tbe Factory. 351 and 25S Einsis street. PaUated 1S69. maj2-dly tues CB1CKERS. Cm BASBSLTT. wai. HiefuiiG & son, Dealers ia No. it Main Street, - KK50SHA, WIS. may2A-d-wly UFT ENTERPRISE. The Only Reliable Gift DUtrtbnUon in tha veuniry : $60,000.00 " TO BB tttTBIBFTlD II L. D. SIDE'S : 162nd BliiULAIL itOKTHLT (JIFF ENTERPRISE To be irawA Konday. JTot. 27, 1871, L TWO GRAHD CAPITALS OF 5,000 each in Greenbacks Greenbacks! fit Prlzti f vw Tea PrizM I00 Whole Number of Cosh OifU' 1,000 1 1 1 Herse A Baggy. BUrer-ateuated Haraess, worth $B0O. One Fme-toned Koeawood Piaa worth T," '"til wing Machines' wartatlO eah- .live Heavy O eased Sold Bneting Watches aad Hear Sold Chains, werth t3M eaoh. r'lre Gold AsserleaB Hantine; Wateaea, worth f 125 aoh. Tea Xiadias' Gold Haatiaf VateV. worth fit saeh. 800 Gold and CTver ITerj Flnntlne Witches (In all) ?V worth from W to each. ' Indies1 OoVd Leontine Chains. Cent's Gold Vest Chain. BHver-plated CtistWH.holid silver and Doable Plated Table and Teaspoon. Ivory Handled Dinner Knives, Bllver-piated Dinner Forks, Silver Vest Chains. Photograph Albnms, Ladies' Gold Breast nl... tuI Fjir-rlncs. tients' Gold fimastiilna Hhirf Btnils and Bleeve Buttons, Finger Kings, Oold Peas, Whole ltnmbet Gifts Tickets limited to flo.oiio AGENTS WAK1 til IV fcEEL TICKETS whom Liberal Premiums will be naid. Single Tickets 1; bix Tickets t Twelve Tickets h. Twenty-Five Tickets -20. Circulars cuntaininir s full list of prises, a descrip flon of the manner of drawing;, and other information In reCerenre to the Distribution, will be sent to anv one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to tt, X. SXZfXX, Fx ss, ; CICLNKATLO. OrflcB.101W.5th 8L otti-dwlj WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maaulactarcrs oi ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLAAEB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NAMTmS1 STEAM HAMMERS, Gun Machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangers, Patent Self- Oiling Box. WABKBOrSB: lOT LIBHHTVfeT., NBtr YORK CITT MANUFACTORY : stANMOXD ST., (Opp. Jaaetloa Depot), WODCBHTER MA8. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten roes or our works. Joio-dtr til SIC. I860 1871. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. LARGE STOCK ALWAT" OS HARD OF 8TEI1WAV, STKCK, KHERtCK, AMKRIOAN, HAlNKH, MtllHAU ANI UEDEI I, I3 I -A- TV O Go. Weed & Co'siL-y Organs and 1! kind, of Musical Instruments Sheet Music of latest utoti, and th be.t im ported String, in the city pi Corner Illinois nd Wa.hinptoa street. !NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, Song Meiningsr, 35cts JdH yo. vs iMiH vomio oo.j, dbxvso, iv Dnrling Belle of the Boarding AVAooI,Poiter30 ?i'rl irith th Ciqarttte, Oomie Cordelia, 30 Jolly High Timet, Cede. Parks, 80 Atok wouldn't fou like to know, Comio.Cord'la 30 Jewelit of theUeart, Beantiful Song, MUlardO Lmc tn the Meadov, " " Korn, at Let it Pan; for Ban or Alto, " 3a Yet Onrt Again, Baett for Sop. and Earr. Gabriel, . bfi QHttrrelUnq Seiqhho'i, Com io Deett. Aobfr, S imtbody't Child, with TaHaiioon, Mack, f 0 Heavenly Ureettnge, Koymanttqu-), Klaneaey, S5 Holiday Vacation Mare, illustrated title Gil.ina, 0 Sieeet Anticipation; Schottische, ' " uil.iim, JO 15 Dairy, Faatalsia, Krnf, Any of tbe above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. 2io matter where you see a piece of Music or Music Book advertised, send to us and yoa will receive it by enclosing the publi.h.ri price. BAlXaTtm & WSIBfi, MCS.IC DBALBRI, mjr-dcdl!m. 8T. LOtlS. 1ZVBKT. COP? & BEO., Livery and Sale Stables. Office nnder Dart's Ball, ROCK. ISLAND, ILL?. Most Complete E;tabllshment in the City Particular attertlon paid to furnishing Carriages for parties, Balls, Precessions, etc. mhtd ly 1CKW ADTKBTISEMESTS. H1EEI9 & rillMlOLM, Proprietors and Mannfactnrers of MILL mm DRESSES, OTTAWA, 111. This clbrted is a perfect susocss, aad all ar warranted. my30Aly CLEBIIGE8. TB01S H. BE0W5'S Novelty Carriage Works. Manufaeturtr of Geatlemen'g Read and Fimily BUGGIES, Skeletou Wagons AID 44 AdamsStrt,.... sITLKIGI. .CHICAGO. Light Work a Bpeoilty. Repairing aeatly aad promptly done. saehlT-deedweewlr JOSI10 G1TE8 & S05S, Kauuiaeturers ef f . i Vj5 ..v - i iC FIRE ENGINE HOSE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace I eatlier, and factory supplies generally. i i: LOH'Ett.... ........ MA8S. All kind of FIKK EXQ1KB H0BB. mad frost thbst quality of Philadelphia aad Baltl- ore Oak Leather, ana pat together with Tinned Rivets, a Bw iasprevement which prevents tbeat from eorroding aaa rotting the leather.: j14deodly sxfa&AVzaro. t. sxiBB.z.zzra. Engraver & Die Sinkeri Medal., Seal Presses, Steel Stamps, Beep, ,-t.a i Boekbioser iUo. BO. 161 DIAEBOBtM ITIMBT,') ODDiu Poetoffie. ' ' - ' CHICAGO. AHTIST1U TAII.CRIKG. 9 3 A 4 OTAlHXZrOZOZf ftT., OT2XOAOO. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WLDimG OUTFITS A SPECIALTr. Shirts to Measar Extra D.abl and P.rfut in Fit. Clergym.n will bo allewed 6 per cent, discount. (eblBdly UVT8. BSTAILISBBB IB 1810. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' mevxxrml ei'wBZ HcaxTcraml BOPBBIOE TO ALL OTHSBB I Anas, TUes, Cast Steel, X1U FarnlshUgs, aad htaehinsry. SAVQt tke best, they will prove the cheapest. Prices redaccd. Bendfor price Listenf circulars. WBICU A GRIFFITH", aolldwly Boston. Mass., or Detroit, Vi.h SASH, D0018. IC. SOLANDER & HUBES, Successors to J. A. Bincrson, t htanafaeturers of Sash, Doors, Bliads, Moaldiogs, I'RAHEI, BRACKBTB, And everything in their line. Qlated Ba.h on hand, also Corn Meal and feed. All work warranted. feb2dw8m XJEZSURASrCB. i. M. BCrOBD. S. B. SKID. Buford & Reed, FIRE, LIFE A XI) INLAND mm AGENTS! She Following: Old and Sellable Companies Represented: iEtna, Home. Ins. Co., of IT. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, lorillard, Andes. Eepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life Total Atseis Represented, over $60,000,000.00 ! OFFICX Ko. 3, Argus Building, Opposite Post Office. Up Stairs, BOCK ULASill... . lit. p?-dtf BLBBIBOB. e. B. BABBlBaB XaXSaXXBSS fc B&O., Deal Eitate & InnraDce igdnts, X. 1 Tiele'a Block, BAT15P0RT, .... IOWA. Attead personally aad promptly to tb bayinc aad selling f Real B.tai ob vmmissioa, rent ing Boases and Farms. kv!Sd6si. w. m. batbs. B. O. OLBATBLABB HAYES & CLEVELAND GESFKAL Insurance Ag'ts Representing tbe following old and reliable Companies Underwriters Agency, New York. Cash Assets $1.000,COO. Pbrxnix. N. T. Cash AsseU$l,$00,Q0. Continental, N. . Cash Assets (2,500,000. North American, N. Ts Cash Assets $S00,000. Pacific, California, A.sets Gold, 1 1, 00,608. . . merchants, of Chicago, Cs.h Assets, SOO,000. : North American, Hartford, Caih Assets $300,000. IXTKtSiTIO.ML. tH T0EK, Cash A.sets f 1,600,000. Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash Assets 1300,000. Washington Life, New York, Cash Assets 3,000,000. ' GEO. W. COPP, - AGXkTT FOR THI LI ADIMO IIARTFQBD HE1. TOR FIEE, HAEIHE AHD X IF E insurance Co. s 821,000,000 in Capital , VlT LOCH ISLiAD, IUIS0I8. ' - AO We adj4 aa4 peesapUp Bald at this mm UAVB Largest Stock of ."mm or itlLA'B & itUlS' VEAQ, west of Sew forks The best All-Wool Suits, for the money, in this country, for 915,00. (BELDIHO'S 8TJC0EB8OBS.) COB. BAHDOLPH AID DIAB10BH BTS, CHICAGO, ILL. saw BvaasisBaaaava. AuouiiouiiU oi Locoa-mit tHl,fv. Ac-know 1 'dpnil Hit bett promoter nfthe armrth and bmity f the hnir. J03. BUBSEfT k .. Boston, Mnsa. ioltl by all druggists. Harare of imitations. rnrr for one montu to all who ask intC FOK IT; Toe. to Jan. '73; tl.50tojuly "72; f 2.60toJn. '73. THE METHODIST. Every week a Lecture Room Talk by Beecher ; Sermon or article tV Talmnee. second only to Beecber In popularity, Mrs. Willing e great serial Htory exposing secret wortinai" of Rouinniem in America, and much other good reading. U. Ualeted, 114 Sau at. New York rprr TRY SAMPLES of onr (m-at 8-pase fl.iio fnCC illustrated weekly 8U years estublUhed. Fine eteel eneravinea free to euliecribere. AL'euta make t5 a day. Seuil for, Sati bday Gazette, Hal owell.Maine. Solicited by MtTSN & CO , Publishers Snentijie Ameri can, 37 Park Bow, H. T. Twenty-five years" experit-nce. Pamphlets containing Pntent Laws, with full direc tions how to obtain Patent, free. A bound volume of 11H pa?e. containlne theTtEW CENSCH by counties and ail large citie, 140 linrra- vmgs ol Mechanical Movements, 1'atent lawa ana rules for obtaiuing Tatents, mailed ou receipt of 25 cents. 11 ITHRIDGE' XJ XX FXINT GI. ASS LIMP CBIMNETS. Btand Esat better than any other mads Ask for Dithridgp's and take no other. See that our name it on everv box. DITHKIUGK & SO.N, I'iltsburgli, Pa. Send lor Price List. 930. WO WXXiX. FjVT S30. Asrents f30 ncr week to .ell our treat and valnable discoveries. Ii you want i-rinaiii-.ut. honorable and pleasant work, applv for particulars. Andrews "DVER it C'U., JavkeoD, Mich. L4DY AGENTS Wanted in every county in this Slate, to whom steady, genteel and profitable employment can be given. None but lame that ran send tlio bet of references need address FK AUK ANT SAPOI.IE.NE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. AVOIO QUAO S. A rict;m of early in discretion, nervons debility, pr- niatnre decay, etc., having tried In vain every ad vertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of sell-cute, which lie will send to his tviiow-sullerers. Address J. H. HEEVES, TS Nassau st. N. V.. SIGNS. sept29-d ALE & F9MTRK. Cream and Stock Ales. GOH STBQNG Proprietors of the MERCHANTS LVMU, A r. sole Agent, for P.aalee's Cslebrated Cream and Stock Ales. Por sale by the Barrel or Half Barr.l. , oetJO dtf WEST'S Saloon & Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper Eobss Bleak, BOCK ISLAM I III Dealer la . Fine Bourbon "Whiskies, lid Inpcrtcd Wine & Brandies: Agent for Sa-d. tills, aad Joli.t Ales, also bst 6cjI :b an i Aajhsh Aies and Lotion Por ter tur sale. TJtioa White S.nd for sale by th barrel. A gent for A. Z.lUr's Billiard and Piga Hoi (sdi. manoiacioty. aprt-dtf H, E. WK8T, Proprietor, of Tin Immaculate Conception DAVXXPORT, BC0II C0-, IOWA. COKDCCTED BT THE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. if. Will commence ita 26th Semi-annual Session Wednesday, Angus 161b, IS71. Biog incorporated in sreordancs with thlaws of th 8tte, thistn.iita'"1" i centers the aanal ooilsgiate deg r.s upon graduates. eogl-dm" 're"SI8TKR 6CPERI0R. Niagara Steam Pump Works. ta rr. t-r- sr U3 ill fm ii an -if Charles B. Hardick, . Bo. 9 Adam, street," BROOK.LYH,, ; .KEW YOBK. Sole if aanfaetartr of ,v - T Hardiek's Patent Double-letlaa " Steam Pomp and Fire Eiglne. 1 l " " Mining FUmpi a Sperialfy ? : .Patented U'lagUuid, Belgian and Vraaoe, Bead foa eUealat. - auglldly i sal II in iipiiiir ftli Open Work IHxSli jJWanufacturw, 1 fcfcjfn!!i 5 aa ?l w ?? list 5inif?3d 2 2 Vi.rf?.--.- f, S SIS! & CO, THH Fine Clothing Boston Bazaar ! NEW STORE. NEW GOODS I L. S. GATES & CO., ILLINOIS) ST., KOCK ISLAHD, (formerly MoQ.'a She Bters,) OFFERS FOR BALH 10,100 yd. of anbleashed Bhsetings at 10, II, 12, 13, U, 15c. A. ' Moulds of whit Maslia; at 10, 1 J$, 14, 15, eta. labia Ltn.n., bleach. d aad anblsaahed at 3S, , 50, 7 jo, etc 10 pieces real turkey rtd tabl linen, at f 1.10 per yard. 60 doi Napkins at T5, 1,00. 1,25, 1.S5, et. White bd spreads 1,19, 1,50, 1,00 ete. 5,000 yde erash toweling, 0. 8, 10, 11 J, 15, eto. j0 dot lines towels 10, 15, 20, 2So, ete. Large lot linsa diapers, theep. 50 dos German eersets, 16 boass white and col ored, all number, at 85o per pair. 20 dos French eorsets rsry ob.ap. 20 dos French silk embroidered eorset. 50 dux Kid Ulor.s all oo.ors and numbers, at 65 ctnta per pair, hap. 25 dos Kid Gloves, eitra aio 95ets per pair. 20 dos 2 button Kids all oolors aad aaaabrs Tery cheap. A large lot Lille thread aad Cotton Gloves. 200 Ladies caliao wrappers at 1, Ml and 1,0C eh 200 Shawl, at 60, 75, 0, l,s0 2,00, 2,50 8,50, 4,00, 4,50, 5,00 to 25 each. A large and splendid assortmeas of Ladi.a' nn der clothing. Chemise 50, 75, SO, 1,00, 1,25, ete. Drawer., 50, 75, I, CO, ete. Might Creisei, 90, 1,10, 1,35, 1,50, ete. Tncsed .skirts, 75, 0, 1,00, 1,25,1,50. Under Shirts, Inched and rtOled, only tOo. 50 doi Aprons fro. 20e toil i. Alargeltneof Ladles' and Misses' Hosiery at very low priees. 100 dos Ladies' hemmed Handkerchiefs from 5o opvard.. A great variety ef buttons and trinmlng. te be avid at half th a.ual prioes. 100 doz Ladies'Lao Jollars at 10, Ii, 2"o,eto. Laiies' keal Thread Lace Collars 50, 75, V, 1,25, 1.60, to. lO.i'l ii j,i. of cotton E.lgiag., at 1, 2,.", 4, 5, ti 7, , 10. etc. 10,0110 yds cf lUmbarg Idginis a. 7, 8, 10, It, 15, S!,25, 3(-, :ti, 40: 5, 50, etc. A iargj line of insertions to match, (heap. 10n di7. pool Cottoa, 200 yds each ell colors aad numbers at 4 eta per spool or 42 cts per dzen 300 do Ooats' and Clark's cotton at 8 eeats a spool. 200 dozrpuol Silk, 100 yds eaoh at lii aspool. 150 dot uf spool 811 k 12 yds each at 2o a spool. Skein Silk and Twist at 2o eaoh. J. . pin stnex Iteelles, 5c a p.j er. Tins 5 ets a paper. Bia.tic Cord 3, 4, 5c per yard. 25 doz Gent's white Skirts, at 1,00, 1,25, 1,50 and 2,00 open back. Gent's under Shirts 25, 31, 50. 75, 90, 1,00, ete. Gent's plaid Flaon.l shirts 75, 1,00. 50 dos hand knit Woolen Rocks at 40e a pair; Geat's Cottoa Hose 10 Hi, 15, SO, 25. to. Gent's Paper Collars, 5, 10, 15, 10 aad 25. Geat's Heckties 10, 15, 20 aad 25e. Gent's hemmed Handkerchiefs, 10, 15, 20,25, etc. Gent's Kid Gloves, cheap. 10,000 yds Calieo, at 7, 8, 10, 12, ets per yard. 1,000 yds Bed Tisking at 10, 1 5, 20, 25e, .to. 1,500 yds cotton Flannel at 12, 15,10,15, ete A large as.ortment of white and r.d Flannels to b sold cli.ap A good line of black and colored Alpacas. A fall tie of silk and wool Poplins at uanaaal low-prices. A good assortment of plaid dress goods. Black flilk.from 1,60, so 0)5,00 per yd. 600 pieces ef Ribbon all widths and oolors. A foil line of Cash Ribbons. Aa extensive a.ortm.nt of Jewelry to be sold at great l.arrain.. 50 dot Hoop Skirt, at very low prices. A full line of Perfumery end a large variety of artioles too numerous te m.atlon. ep6 deod-mwtlwly AVCSXOS7 A OOSSfiSZSftXOSf GE5ERAL 1UCTI0-SEEB, OSes bi Poile If agittrats's Ofice, R0CZ ISLAHD, - - . ILLIHOIS. tWfll pronspily attead to all bnaiaess ea lasted to his eara. dselldwtf. Asetiaa and Cesnaissios "CvJCoicliEit. aOQg ISIiABTg. - - XfcA. PI. ef a ILLIIfOIS STEEET, Keit doer to Do Ilhott's Stors Btor. 4 sod. reivd oa (sigaa.eatr Particular ktttstien GiYca tssalU ory d siry. FU irrUE kotk aadsseoBl haad,hBght aad s)d -a.I41y. Three Grand Excursions Tt- c ' Salt Lake Citv I The Socky Mountains, AND BILVBR MIXES 0? COLORADO AND UTAH. October 5th, 10th & 17th. Trains ever the Chicago, Boole I.laad A Pa trifle Railroad oa th akev det will carry x earsioBlsts to 8alt Lake City at the followin g eorsi a rt.. i '""", ' .1 hnUra December 10th, 171. LUIH UU , Bock blend te aad retarn, 18.10 , J28.60 ",,. Bait liake ty and 1b1b ....i-.... 140,8; dleartrisi to Denver....... n?,B. OMHSLLlf .pt29t4'ui ;" " 1 ' " Xiaket A. ; -