Newspaper Page Text
RATES OF ADVERTISING. lie rosusaia t turn Tor aa.k aaaera. ar the aaaaa ossaplad be- tea tiaai at lolid aospersi), Oaa Dollar for in. lertioa. Bneeial Botlees. 11 aaata nor liaa, Was ia. T1RM3. DtitT Aim. 37 Mail (pay ealeia n4veeee,pereeaasa,$ls.0 T Hail - til Heaths, By Mall . " " wiikv 8 Mail . 1 aaeaU a aBaT Br Citt Csbbibb, St Oeati par week. Siilb CoriBi t Oeata. Ta&kfl.- Waaair Abiii. " iacl py(7kll advaaee).... ..t.M Tsa Capias. " - ............ . Tveaty Oeplei - ....... flirt, Oeples ...... ...... Sf.M artad I moatks ar mora, par aaat. abevs rag , la? advertisiag ratal. Oommumcatloas, ar artialaa laaerte emeag raadlag matter, i aaati ft Ha. Daily- aid Wbbelt. A diseoaBt of 26 pat will be mate front taa Weakly rates, aa yearly aad kalf yearly contrasts, whoa tha lams matter li ia.artad la both Daily aad Weekly. Doable Oolnmas will ba eberged II par aaat " additional. for i.U traaiiaat advertlieaea advance pap ti, r.qalr.d. Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1871, Established Oct. 18, 1851 Cox k Co'a Wbitiso Fldid. There art probably, fav paopla who lata not, at sob tine, baa n groatl inooaveatsacad, by iak of bad quality, either ia tbair owa baad writiag or in tha difToaltr of daoiphariag tbal of otkari, owing 10 tba feiataen or oikar imparfeotioa ot tba iak aaad. To all nob it will ba a as attar of ao littla snticfao tioa to kaow wbara to (at a reliable articla. Vusrs. Coxl Co. ia tbair axteniiva aad ooia plate maaafaatory at No. 172 Nortk Watar St. Chisago maaafaetara iak ia itf greatest parfsctioa ; vhioa ii only to ba at taiaed by a taoronga kaowladga of tba kw iasst, aad the aao of tba pareit aad baat ia grvdienti: ia wkiok partienlara Menu. Col k Co. aUad at tba baad ia tha trad a. Tbair writiag fiaid, aad earmiaa, violet, bloo aad otbar iaka ara of tha boat quality wkiob it ia poeeible to make, aa ia wall kaowa by tbair larga list of eaatoaiera. Tbair copying iak ia ia great demand by men of holiness, becauia of iU olearneiii diatiaotnaat, and permanency; aad tbair maikiag ink may ba jaatly termad tba "ladies' fevorit." Tba Craa offeri arary faoility for baiiaeat. A Laboi Commusioj Horse. Tba larg est aad most reliebla Commission Eoaio ia Ciaoianati ia that of Meesn. Harvey, Drake k Co., tba Comniatioa Merchants of 19 Watar atreet. Tba amount of grain aad floor which panel through their baodi ia eaormooi. Daring tba past thirty day tbay kava raeaivaj over fifty thouiacd buibeli of barley from Daren port, Iowa, alone, from whioh faet too idea of tha vaatsen and importance of tbair transac tion! anay ba gained. Tba memberi of tba firm ara able, genial gentlemen of tha kiheit integrity and baiiovaa capacity. Mr. Uervey dsvotea bil attention mora par ticulary to tha fioenoiel department of tha firm, while Mr. Drake give hit atteatioa to tha baying and aalling. Tha home of Harvey, Drake k Co. bai a commercial standio? of whioh ita memberi may well ba proud, aad whioB II second to auoe IB tba (Jailed 3utte. ELKcrao-MiiDiCAL InsTRuaiiiTa. Electro-medical treatment especially ia ner yoai diiorden i rapidly adraaoing ia public animation, oa ita owa merita, aa a wonderful agent ia tha cure of diieaie. Ia the maaafaetara of tha aacaiaary initru manu for the tranimiiaioa of the electro, megnetio current, great akill, care, and aci cntific knowledge ara required. David A. Koael, manufacturer of and dealer in all kindi of eleotro-medicai ioatrnmenta and galvaoio batleriai, ii prepared to exeoate order oa tha shorteit notice. He alio man nfactare model of all description!. Ad drin, 161 Dearborn atreet, Chicago, III. TaoMAd H. Browi' Notkltt Carriagi Works. Tha Novelty Carriage Worka, 44 Adam atreet, Chicago, it oertainly tba most devirable eatabliabmt-at for any one to go to for work done ia tbia branch of buainen in the whole Wait. At theia work von find a ipleudid aaaortmaat of gentlemen' road and family baggie; ikeletoo wagon ; ml kiei, and other vehiolei; all of wkioh are in Hook, or made to order to iui cnitom cri. Mr. Brown alio make a apecialty of light work, and repairing, which be doei ia the prompteit aod aaateit manner poi nble. Olitk Crook k Co. The famooa mad iel preparation of Oliver Crook k Co., Dayton, Obio, ara ia great demand every where. The aeason of tba year aad ap proaching eold weatbar eaaaea paopla to go throoch a conree of Dr. Crook'a Wine of Tar and Syrap of Poke Root, to purify and Irengthen thair ayttem, in order that they may be better prepared for the laveritiea o1 winter. It i little thought, by thoa (offer, or who have aot tried Dr. Crook'a eele brated remediei, the benefit whioh i to be derived from their use ia all caaea of dete riorated oonititulion. LOCAL S OTIOES. ToiLUiar i unrivaled a a beautifier of tha oomplexioa, iti a powder, barmleii, re fined aad elegant. Try it, 60 cent per box. Not. Cjnvnliions, wiad oolic aid griping ia the bowel of infants eauia death. ilr. Whitoomb'i Syrap it a tried rtmedy. It eoata oaly 25 oeata. MiaaiAQB Qcidi. Intereatiag work, aumeroo engraviagi, 221 pagas. Price 60 oenti. Addreia Dr. Batta' Diipeaiary, 12 North Eighth (treat, St. Louii, Mo. See advertiuemanl. Chalk, alam, argola, and indigestible white earth are commonly need to make baking powder cheap. None of thee or other adulterations are found ia Dr. Price 'a Cream Baking Powder. A trial -will prove it pure. ALL IICIT. ALL 12IGEJT HALVE, for Coral and Baaieni, Boili aad Barai. far lata by al) Dnir, glita. W eti. par box. or (ant oa raneiat ef ptioa. Addrea. ALL BI8BT,eS0 lark St., Chieaga. aapli-dlj nit nscE. GERMXN1A INSURANCE CCMP'Y OF CHICAGO, ILL. OasH Capital, 4200,000.00 Sttrplas,..... ..ays7,tao.ei Dbdbiok k Sbaw, Agenli, aprll-dly Rock Iilaad. X.OVVSS.T. Bejal DAraia Lsllerj 1 Cist. COHDUOTSO BT THE tPAXIIH OOT araaiaal $S00,MI ia Said drawa avaay eef aataaa day. Priaa eaaked and lalormetiea faratihad. Tha blghatt prtee paid Ht Doab ioaai aad all kladi af OaU aad Silver. TATLOR A OO., Baakara, febsdly IS WaU Streaa, Vaw Taik. GEO. B. L1WT05 MI ABO Commission Zlerchant, 51 Parrv itraat, jyI8-dSai DAVKIP01T, IOWA. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olook i. JX. NEW Y O RK. Su&f Samard'a Uttemaat ta tit Orand Jary Arrival of th Ba repa-Wm. XX. Saward'a euri-Tal-SO,000 S mi grant ft. WASHINGTON. Tndg Bond refmei to ontiane tha XZa Slax casci Immtnio anp plias of Political document to VaonaylTania. Ohio aad Indiana. ILLINOIS. Saltratoa present at tha Orand Sodffo mMtinf SSootinr of tUa tat Board of Bqaalizatlon. Ooriom Shreahinr fiffacbinaj col dest. Foreign News. redan arrest Birmingham X.iber al Association BTapolaoa's se cret agents. Market Beports. B.porud Bxpraiily far tha Aaata. Xm York. October 4. At the openinr of the Court of Oyer aad Terminer thia morning, Jude Barnard, ia hia charge to tha Orand Jury, alluded to tha irregularities exiating ia tbe city government, and said that oaa of tha evila which ahou'd be (top ped wa the taking of illegal feea by city and county officials. Tbe election laa were flagrantly violated, aad it waa hia in tention to keep tb Craad Jury ia aeeeioa uatil after the election, ao aa to aeenre to the people a fair election. Ia thia connec tion, he enlarged oa the general corruption, and announced it ai a fact that nearly all theThoraea and feet womea of tbia city ware pperted from the oity treasury. Tba Iteamer Europe, baa arrived. Wm H. Seward arrived tbia mornina tram Europe, some inenae gave mm a hearty reception in the bay. Ba left imme diately for Peekikill, on tbe Bodioo. A Rochester rpecial aay( that the plat form of tbe oenventioa, aa foreahadowed by prominent deiegatee, will denounce tbe New York fraodi, demand a repeal of tbe pret est city charter, and tha aleotion by tbe people of all city offioiala, and call on tba Diitriot Attorney to proiecnte at once all thoae charged with fraud, to the end that the guilty may be brought to pnniahment Mr TilJen to-day refused to eatl a meet ing ef the State Central Committee, expec ting thereby to appoint a temporary chair man himself aad exolude the Tammany delegation. The aumber of emigraati that have aailed from the port of Liverpool daring tbe last three months reaches fifty thousand aa iacrease of five thouiacd over tha cum ber daring the previoai quarter. KocHisTta, Ootober 4. Senator Tweed and F. Fieldi reached thia oity with a large delegation of Tsew Yorkera, about tea o clock thia evening. Oa entering tbe Oibora Booie Tweed waa greeted with ap- planie. Appearanoea Kdicate a aevere fight ia the Convention to-morrow. It ia aaid that the State Committee proposed aa temporary chairman to Tammany one ot ita bittereat enemiee, and tbal tbe propoai lioa waa promptly and indt nently rejected. Report! are in circalatioMoat twenty car load! of rough are oa their way here from New York, aod tbat the police will be brought to the Convention ia airong force to preaerve order. It is tbooght tLat J nobmaoa will be temporary chairman. W AiHiKCToir, Oct. 4. A teles-ram from North Carolina, iovi Judge Bond ha re fund yesterday to continue the Ku-Klux Wt-l"l . . . caaea. nuio ueeruam continued hia ease oa affidavit. Nine pleaded gulty yeaterday, aad jadgmeat will be pronounced ia thair casea. Beth the Republican and Democratic Coagreaaional committee ara aecdiag yoa mense lappue of political documents to reaasylvaaia, Ohio aad ladiaoa, with a view of influencing the coming election. Chicago, Oct 4. The Orand Lodare of &noient free and Acoepted Mason of Illi nois met in their thirty-first annual com maatoatioa, at Metropolitan Ball, yeiterday morning. Ther are present nearly 1,500 delegate. The Grand Lodge of Colored Mason of at. - TT - It-Jci..3 taa uniieu oiatea waa alao ia aeiaioa here yeiterday. A Convention of the Railroad Paaaenget d n t Awai ' laaA!.i.- .a vt a v.aavivi AlOIWIIUUD OI I Baa I nltHfl Olaiai uumh . vm tk;. : a large anmber ef delegate are alread in tbey city. Ckaa. W. Work, one of ta oldaat aad on eateemaa Mieyraph operator ia the nest, Oiea in ui tity yesterday', or coa umptioa. t SraiiroriCLO, 111., Oct. 4. The Staia Board of Equalization met yeiterday at 12 e'clook, ia the Senate chamber. There were a few diitriot not represented, bat all were expected to ba here last eight The labor will be comparatively light for thi saasoa, a the atatiatical table ara already arranged by Mr. Was. 8toddea, the Secre tary of tha Beard. Committee will be ap pointed thi afternoon. Tbe State Aoditor preside. QriwcT. 11!., Oct. 4 Dr. Park, wboae arrest waa ordered hy the Coroner' iary vastarday, for producing aa abortioe and oaoslng the death ef Mrs. Hoboa, has aot beea found by tha offioen, although diligent aearoh haa beea aoada. Ddb0qu, Iowa, Oct. 3. Mr. D. P. C Harvey, a farmer of Hazleton, near Inde peadanae, waa drawn iato a threihing-ma- ebina oa laaaday of last week, and had a aarrow eioape from initant death. Ha wa drawn op agaiait the tumbling -rod of the maohiaa, with hi head forced dowa flat ipsa hi breaat Tha maohine waa (topped, aad he waa takea front hia precarioua poai- tioa. Phvuoiaa were called, who, oa examination, declared that hi neck wa broken at the ixth cervical vertebra. From a line about three inobea below hi (bould er, he i completely paralycad, having so eoaaeioaiaee of feeling ia tba lower hnbi or body. Ilia miad, however, ia perfectly elear. Ia tbia condition be waa on Friday evening. Of eonrse he cannot live long in this remarkable (tate. St. Lock, Oct. 3. Theetteadaace at tha Fair to-day waa about 10,000. Tha princi pal feature of the programme waa aa exhi bition of blooded eattle, premium for which were divided between Colonel M. J. MeSia, of Minneaota, J. H. Piekerell, of Illinoia, Herraad, of Kentucky, 8. Tows, of Canada, S. O. Colt, of Connecticut, Comae, Hyatt, Girard , Keawiger and Larremore, of Mia- aourt, for Herford bulla. Oa eowa W . W. Aldrich, of Blmira, Ohio, took all tha jpra- mtnma. une ot the naeit ringa ot (laiiioni of all work ever exhibited here waa abowa ia tha arena tbia afternoon. It numbered 25 ia tbe aggregate The aumber of entriea for the Fair ia abont 10.000, whioh greatly exeeeda that of any prerioaa year. Philadilhhia, Oct. 3. At a meeting of the Exeootiva Committee of tbe Union Leagne, to-day, the condition of tbe League in Loniaiana waa aabmitted, and Thoa. W. Ooewav, of New Orleana, waa removed from ofSoe aa State member, for aa aetioa ad varee to tbe iatereiU of tbe Leerc. A State oircolar waa adopted, and will be aeat to all member of the Union League After traa- eacting eome aecret bniinesi in connection with tbe campaign, the oommittee eajouroi d to meet at Philadelphia oa tha 20th met. Demit, Oct. 2. One Fenian waa ar rested ia Cork, yeiterday, for illegal drill ing, and committed for trial. Otbera were remanded for further examination. New York, Oct. 3. A London telegram of Sept 23d aay( that the Birmingham Lib eral Anociatioa hai addressed a circular to tbe Liberal membera of parliamentary bor ongba on the aubject of the reform of the Houee of Lords. The circular Bays: "V believa the time baa arrived when a beredi tary principle which neither ininrea wiidom in aa mdividnal nor patriotism in a body, muit aaohabed ; when tbe aeoond cham ber must brought into union with popn lar svmoathui nd wh th undoubted ight of the Ho"e OI Vommona io carry - . ha will of if,. r..nn e mto aetion over ail oppoaicg intereits, aiiu eTel1 the entboritiaa mast be lecured." PARIS. Oct 3. Secret a Of NatO- leon. who have been intrirrnin for tbe rei toration of tba emcire. have )m 1 arretted hare. Lokpoi, Oct 3. Tt is reported tbt Wil Hla. ia Morocco, ii believed bv a fore of tz,uuu Krabrlfi. Heinforoementa ere promised from Sarresin. Another Big Stock of NEW GOODS at the Plunder Store, e w a a corner Illinois and Buffalo Street. Call and see them. FOR SALE ! 05E FRAME HOrSE AND LOT, PBIC1 $1,210; one-calf oajo ia band, balaace In oaa year with .ciorejt. Oaa frame buu. Coonar Shoo and lafc. nrioa $l,00t, one-balf eaab in band, balanea ia one year witb intereit. Alio, 60 oorda dry oak wood, aad 400 Derek of baildlar atone. B. DAVENPORT. Hock Island, Sept. 10th, 1871; dim Rockford, Rock Islind & St. Loais Railroad. PaasiBBsv'e Orrics, 1 Rock Iblabd, Sept. 13d, 1S71. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TBAT THE Ansae! Meeting of the Itonktialdara of the Rookiord, Beak Island A St. Loaia Railroad Company, will be bald at tbe ofnoe ef the Com pany, in tbe Oity of Rock I.lani, Illinoia, oa weaneaday tbe 11th day ef October, 171, at 12 o'oleek, neoa. BA190M B. CABLE, Preiident. Joaw P. Wbitbbead, feoretary. aapt!3.dtd Dissolution of PartBershlpi THE PARTNERSHIP eaistlnc aadar tha firm HEBBT0I0RB aamaef Walter 8. Oatei A Ca., ii hereby dinolred by mntaal ooo- ent, of tbli data. "AlTIs S. SATES, TRKDERICE A. HEAD. Co-p&rtBcrthip Kotic. Xhenndersigaed hare thi. day formed a eo partnership ai ineoeiaort to the bminaai lately oesdaeted by Waiter 6. Gates and Iiederlck A. Head. The t ra name of Walter 8. Sato! A Co. will ba eontiaoed, and all aaeenata fororaeaiatt tha lata brm win na aettiea by the naderngaed WALI tta B. U41KH, WILLIAM B. WOODWABD. Kaek Iilaad, 111., Oot. 3, 1871- Sdlt OK PlaataaJl Be-set. aep-aia COMMERCIAL. Q-Q. Book Iilaid, October 4. Tan rioar mark.t ia eorreetad at Waraat'a Xilli aad the qaotatloai ara the raling prie.i ei the Rook Iilaad market, Wiavaa Waaa Ftooa Wkola.ala. $8. it " " " Satatl ......( Braiie Waaat fwn ptlag Doabla liln ia bale, wkeleeale...$o.80 a.iJi.-. ...... ;7.6 aataU -- T.ol -.r.4 liaiit'. Bar Saiiiis Flocb Retail i Banal,iMka $1.6 at aaae naaaa a 12& 1-1 ( 64 BccawaaA Floib Wbal.Bfcla .. fy.eo KataU ......... - 1 (.00 W aa A , n.w. 80 Ooaa .... .. ...... MMa.M.MM.MM.M.M.M..M..18a25 Oav S.w . , .J0a2o Babibi Bajeeted . -.-36 Bvcraa OhaiaataM.farrataiUag, will briaf 16a Oamaia 5. I. '"-y , 12 Laaa par lb 1011. n . ICa'O ArrLBa car ba.k. !..... ...... M aa ear d.i !-" BisHwim. ...... ......... ... ......tWl The above orioei are the wholeiala fgurei at m . . . ur.i nana. Pocltbt Live Tarkle., p lb. .... IBa Dreaaed " " . lia Chkekeai, live " ................ dmaad M lue Oaaki ....... 10e Live I0i4.80 OAra Lira weight, aaaw.a.. .. 4Saa (blaniac, aac t0 lb........(0.M Hat rrAirta. ar toa.. - 8.0Pa9 00 Tl "T- . v.voatz.v Waal Oak, per aorl... Htakei .-7.0 COAI. Coal Vail. y Yard.. 13a . 13a .levalaad Yard.. Taaa Tasag Bj.oa, aoa.aioa " - fair to good ........ " prlaaa to cboioa.... Qaapewdar, auaaaaoa to f&lr. prima to akolomR. T l.tOel.4 .l.Sftal.60 ,...l.C0al.2 1.40al.0 Iataatial Oeioag, aoaaaaoB to tali prime to eboiee, Japan Oarraa Kia, eeaiBaa to f&lr.... prima to ehitc..., Old Aevaraatant Jaa. ,.-1.6Sal.7 0al.Cf .l.lal 40 . Ji7all , ...19at0e .....!Sa3U. Baaiaa K.w somiaaa to 'air .)lallr " prune Vo obutoa.........-llial2. Keinad r3gar, eraib.d, powdarod aad K. A da do extra 13a 13a ateftnad Bagar, afolaaaae Saaar. C. .leallo CI?'? SafaSSXaX-. WM. HiEQ & SON, Dealer! ia G?2T JEL O JSL O 3? s ' No. b9 Main Street, KKSOSHA, aaay2B-d-wly VIS. GIFT KXTEBPftiSE. 81,000,000 B By atrrhority of the art of Lesrislatnre of Kentucky ol March 13. 1HT1 the Trnnu-es of the Public Library of Kentucky will give a QTULXXZi Q1TT OOZICIIZT, " AILOUISVlLLE, KY On Tuesday, October 31st, 1S71, 100 000 Vitkets of AdmiBaion 610 Saebf currency ; Balf Tickets S5. Quarter SieketaSO.50. CKETS will be sent by recirtred letter: the money for them mar be sent by Foelofllce money orde r. preenl)acka or draft. Each ticket will consist of four quartere. Talue $i50 each. Tbe holder of an entire ticket will he entitle o to aamiHiun 10 in itwcm auu w uie vu.t ue of gi ft aw arded to Ita fraction. 1550,000 in Greenback WMl be d istribnted by lot to the holder of tickets In Gifts, fi "m $1HI.0(). the highest, to tlOo the low est, heins ptfta in all. 'J lie Cone ?n n lor uie Denent ot me Public Ziibraxy of Sentocky. The Citizeng Bank of Kentucky is Treaenrer. and the Corporator and BuperviBora are the Hon. Thom as E. Bramlette. late tiovernor of Kentucky, and twenty-seven o' tbe moot dietinuiehed and respec tahie citizens of the StHte. The nudetviirired. Jate nrincinal bnsincae manai'er of tbe very eucuewful tilfl Concert for the benefit of me Mercantile l.lnrary 01 ana r risco naa men ap- polniea Agent ana JMaHgcr 01 tuu grana uui con cert. The dnnrinc and d'etn tution will take place In public, and everythine will be dene to satiafj buyers of ticket, that their interests will be as weil protec ted aa if tbey personally superintended the enure affnir. For tl Let and information apply to C. K. PCTEKS. No W Main Street, Louisville. Ky. Ko.a Astor Hoase, New York. H. N. Hempsted. 140 Broadway. Milwaukee. M. A. French, Virjtuiia Cilv, Nevada. M. A. Wolff, 816 Chestnut street, St. Louis. Tickets also for sale in everv oromineut piace in the l sited States. ccri-deixl 1 m Tle Oaly EiUaMi Gift Diitrtbntisa tn tha Country ! $60,000.00 iz? vAZiUABz.xi ozrss: TO BB BIlTBIBtlVBD 18 L.D. BINE'S 152nd B.IGCLAK MOATTBLT (JIFT gNTERPniSE, To ba drawa Monday. Hot. 27, 1871. TWO GBAHD CAPITALS OF $5,000 each in Greenbacks Two Prizei$i,VQQ jjfireenbacks! Fiv Prizes $00 Tea Prlzts $100 Whole dumber of Cash Gift 1,000 ! 1 Bcrse A Baggy, wit 8ilvar-aeuated Haraesi worth t0". One Tine-toned Rosewood Piano' worth $50. Ten Family 8a wing staehtnes! worth eaeh. JTir, Heavy UkasM Sold Hosting Watcheeaad Heavy Said Chaini.warth 100 each. Five Gold Am.rUaa Hantlna Watcfcas, worth 1125 eaeh. Taa Ladia.' Uold Eaatiaf VeUVes, worth $180 each. gOO Gold and Silver Lever HnnMng Watches On alii worth from $ae to awff each. 1 ' Ladies old Leootine Ubams, Oent'i Gold Vest (Hialna. Stiver-plated Caetors.Bolid Silver and FWinku Plated Table and Teaspoons, Ivory Handled trlnner Knives, Wlver-piated Dinner Forks, Silver Vest Chains, Photograph Alhoma, Ladles' Gold Breast- E ins and Ear-rins. tienta' Gold Breastpins, hhirt tuds and Sleeve Battoaa, Finger Binge, ttold Pens. fl nr.ztension.l etc Whole rtnmber Oifte .0O Tickets Limited to an.000 - AGENTS WANTED to SELL TICKETS to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets fl; Six Tickets is; Twelve Ticket! ail Twenty-Five Tickeli f. Circulars containing a foil list of prices, a descrip tion ef the manner of drawl n, and other information fat renreaee to lbs Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. Ail letters mast be addrewmd to &. Jf, SIXES S, VX 86. OJtCLSNATLO. Omtcb, 101 W. 8th St. ctl-dwly Iienaa mk 1 life M W4 WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maaufaetareri ot ENGINE LATHES I PL1KEBS. Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, nasjutths' steam hammers, Oon machinery. DOUBLE MilllNS MACHINES, MiU Work, Shafting aad Baagari, Patent 6.1 f- Oiling Box. WAKKHOrSB: lOT LIHKHTY ST., NKW YORK CITY M ASCFACT0BT HAMHOI D ST., (Ops. Jaactlen Depot), VYOICBITBR, MASS. AH Trains entariar the Oity, itop witbln tan red.ef eur Worki. JalO-dtf VC8IC. 1860. 1871. THE PiONEERMUS!C STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWAT ON HAKD OF STKCK, EHERflfi AMBiktlCAN, 1UINE, NAMHALt A!iD WESDEI L PIANOS, Gf o. Weod & Co'g,&Estey Organs aad all kind, of Ma.ieal In.trumant. Sbaat Maiia of late.t U.u.i, aad tba best its. parted Btriari in tba city JOHN HOYT, apl Corner Illiaols and VTasbingtoa atreet. rNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, A BrigU Blue Eye, Song Meininger, S5cU Ba you fen Louitt Comic 6oag, Baxton, 40 Varlimg Brllt of the Boardioj School, Poter30 &il tnih the Cigarette, Comie Cordelia, 30 JUlfUigk Time, Comie, Park., f 30 Aow vouidm'tyou like to know. Coals, Co rd'la SO Jewtlim of the Hrart, Beautiful Song, Mlllard30 ioir ia lite llradon, " Za.h, 3i Let it Pom. for Baa. or Alto, 35 Yet Our Ayi, Dnott for Sop. and Barr. Gabtiel. SO Quarrelling Seighhir; Comie Baett, Auber, 75 Strmehody't Child, with variations, Hack, 60 lcamly Greeting; Boymantiqua, Blanekey, Si Holiday Vacation March, illustrated title Gii.ina, eO Sieeet Antic'pationt, Sohottifcha, " " flllsinn, 0 Dairy, Faataisia, Erag, Si Any of the above aent by mail on receipt of tbe market price. No matter where you lae a piece of Music or Vuiio Book advertised, send to m and yon will rec It bv enclosing the publi.h.r. price. MCslC DKALBRs, ST. L0CI8. aJ7-dedl2m. UTBalT. COPP & BRO., Livery and Sale Stables. OEoe under Sart'i XZall, ROCK. 18LA NDH.. HIP. Molt Complete Etabli.bment in tbe City Particular ettertion paid tofurni.hing Carriage, for parties, Balli, Precewioni, eto. mh4d ly P1PEE BOXES. Ii. A.. SOHELL, (Boeeaasor to J. B. Sohaeider,) Manafaeturer of every daiaription of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. Orders promptly attended to. iopl5-d3m ClRMtGES. THO SIS B. BROWS'S iovehj Carriage Works. Mana ",er of Geatlemen's Eoad and Fascll' BUGGIES, Skeleton V atrons AMD KTJX.KI H9. 4 A dami Street, ....OHI0AQO. Light Work a Baesialty- Repairing aeatlr aad promptly dona. mehl7-deadweowly JOSIAQ GATE8 & S0K8, Haaaiaetarerl af FIRE m&im HOSE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace I eather, and factory mpplUs j.nerally. LOvVEIVCm.. MASK. All fclndi of FISH EKCHHB HOSB, made from the oast quality of Philadelphia sad Balti more Oak Leather, and pat together with Tinned Rivets, a new improvement which prevents tbeaa from corroding and rotting tba leather. Jel4deodly '4a" "T, gTSar-- 4 i p. Bisssztizxro, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Seal Preaaei, Steal Stamps, Soap Stamps, Bookbinder's Tools, do. O. ISt D1ABBOBH (THKET, ' Opposite Postomso. . , - CHICAGO. aps-4Ly " " ' "" ' AUTISTIC TAILORING. 3 WAsnxzravoiv tv., oazoAao. DRAPER.TA1LOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDMG CCTFITS A SPECIALTT. Shirt, to Meanra Eatra Doable and Parfaet In Fit. Clergyman will ba allewed 6 par cant, aiaaosBu (eblSdly Bitasliibbd ib 1810. WELOHcSc GRIFFITHS' e9v-a I Sawa I aSea-v7at 8DPKRI0E TO ALL OTHEBS 1 Aaat, TUn, Cast BUaL Kill Varaliblagi, aad MaeAlaary. SS)6at tbe bait, they will prove tbe eheapeat. meal reeneed. Band for prtoa Liatand alraalan, tTKLCH GRIFFITBH, aelldwly Boitoa, Man., ar Detroit, afih 818D, D00SS. &C. EOLANDER & HUB EE, Saoeanon to J. A. Bibdiiok, llacafaotnreri of Sasb, Doors, Blinds, MtnldiDgs, F1AMKI, BRACKETS, And every thing in tbair line. Glatad 8aih on baad, alio feed. All work warranted. Corn Heal and feblidwtm xrsKTj&Asrcn. i. m. arroRD. s. B. BIED. Buford & Reed EIRE, LIFE ASD ISLAND IHSUR1HCE AGEHTSI The FollOTcinr Old and XLellable Oompaiiies Represented: -Etna, Home Ins. Co., of If. America Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Republic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life Total Aisfts Represented, over $60,000,000.00 07FICX He. 3, Argui Building, Oppoilta Post Office. Cp Stairs, BOCK IftLAKO,. aati-Atf ILL. B SLDK1BCB. 0. B. BLBBISBB sxss.zsas & ztx.0.. Seal Estate & Insurance igd&ts, Na. 1 Tiele'aloik, DiVBSPOBT, .... IOWA. Attaad penoaally aad promptly to the Weyiag aad aelliag of Baal Kstata en eeeamiisioa, reat- taf Hoaaes and Farms. Levl34eai. W. B.B1TBI. B. C. OLBAVSLAIB 5AYES & CLEVELAND GENERAL Insurance Ag'ts Senreientinr tbe followitt old aad reliable Companies I Underwriters lgeney, New York. Cash-Assets S4,O00,C00. Phcpnix. K. T. Caih Aiseti $1,800,001. Continental, Jf. I. Cash, .VsseU $2,500,000. Horth Imcrican, N. ! Caih Asieu ,'500,000. Pacific, CaUfewia, Aasati Gold, $1, 600,01. Merchants, of Chicago Oa. h Aiseti, O0,0C. North American. Hartford, Cash Aiiets $t00, C0. IXTK2SATI0SAL. SE.V TORE, Cash Aiseta tl,fc0,C00- Brewers' Milwaukee, Caah Assets $300,000. Washington Life, New York, Caah Assets $3,000,000. GEO. W. COPP, A8IKT 10 THB LB AWlf O HWTFOBD & -MED YOBS TIEE, 1IABIHE AKD LIFE Fnsuronc Co. '25,000,000 ia Capital L AT KOCK 1SL1S9, 1LLM0IS. ABasoaao adJasaaA aad pewmptly paid at ta i Ageaey. '. saaylTitf. " .-" i szaw afaAVBa.szsss2Bxrzs. AcdHinouml ot c',xi-nu i til tie. Aknowl- Klfred the best prmnotrrnf the grmrth and beauty of the hair. JC3. EUEHItl k C3 Boston. Mass. OoliX by all druggist. Beware of imitation nrr fok one montu to all who afk lltC FOK IT: 73c. to Jan. '72; 1.5Dto July -7 2 aitoJan. 'T8. THE METIfODIST. Every week a Lecture Koom 'I ik Dy ueecmjr ; sermon or article by Talmace, second only to Bcechcr in popularity). Mra. Willing a irreat Kjrlal atory expiwing wcrct workinaf ot Romaniem in America, and much other good reading. O. Halstcd, 114 Nassau St. New York rnrr THY SAMPLES or our great 8-paee H.0 rflul. illuntrated weekly 31) years established. lue steel enTavinfrs free to Minscnoers. Agents make $ 5 a day. owen, name Solicited by KUSN ft 00. Publiihers Seitntife Ameri can. 37 Park Row. a. T. Twenty-five years' experience. Pamphleta coniMinini; Patent Iws. with full direc tions how to obtain i'atenls. free. A honnd volume of UK paces, containing the NEW OKSSV8 by counties and all larjja cities, 14U Enra vini.'a of Mechanical Movement. ltent Ttwa and rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt of 25 leuis. TITHRIDaE 'S - bl av aw a m u m a LA HP CHISNETS. Stand Heat better thaa any other mad Ask for Dithridge'e and take no otiier. See that onr name is on every box . DITHKIUtiE & SON, Pittsburgh, Ta. Send for Price List. 30. WE WXX.Z. V AT 830. I Agents f-'SO per week to sell our great and valuable dUcovenes. If you want permanent, honorable and pleasant work, apply for partienlara. Address L1 tit e to., lac-Kou, -Mien. LADY AGENTS Wanted in every county in this State, to whom steady, centeel and profitable employment can be given. one but ladies that can send the best of reierences ueea aaaress r ka(ja. i firuutAi CO., Cleveland, Ohio. AVOID QUAO S. A viotim of early in ditrretion, eauiicg narvool debility, pre mature decay, etc., having tried in Tain every ad vertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cuie, which he will send to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. 11. KEJi ts, 78 Nassau at. ?i. v.. SEAS. B. FOWABI. j. i. raiBMAB. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS1 BY TBK Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch Hoase, Palac Bow, BOCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Wbaiawa are offariag nnrtvalled Teal, at tbe lame low nrleei aa at their "jdaatara Boole." By Importing in cargo lota, they eaeble Bi ta retail to the ooa.ume.- at extremely low prieea. Don't fall te the Bong Kong Tea Btore, at Palaee Row, where will be found the taast, paraat and fro.heit Teas, Coffeei and Bpi. tea. at prioea b.yoad eompeiittoa. myidwXaa POWAKS A PREEMAH, Ag'ti SIGXS. septSD-dfit 1LC & PttKTEK. Cream and Stock Ales. goe & smm. Proprietor! of the MERCHANTS LUiCiI, Areiole Agsnti for Peailee'i Celebrated ream and Stock Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Balf Barrel. oet!9 dtf Saloon & Billiard Rooms, Ho, S Harper Hoase Block, BOCK. 1SLAH1),... Dealer ia Fine Bourbon Whiskies, Aad Imported Wise & Britulies: Itti.l for e. d, I.i'Is. and Joliet Ales, alio beat bovth t,, ter tor sale. hngiub Ale and London Por Ctiea WLit. for sale by tha barrel, eg at for A. Zaller's Biliiard aad Piceea Hole Table Kanafaetory. apr-dtt H, K. W EST, Prepn.tor, OF Till Immaculate Conception DAVXSP0BT, ICOTT C0-, IOWA. C0KDUCTED BT TBE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. M. Willeoinineoeo lti 6lh Somi-annoal Sasilon Wednesday, ingast iSth, 1 87 1. Being incorporate ia aooordaaoa with th.U. of tba Stated ,hl.iBitBoa ooararB the Bsaal coll.giat. d.?r, opon it. gr.duat... ForCIri-ulars aJJ" SISTER BUPERI0B. augl-d 3u Works. Niagara Steam Pump 35 Charles B. Hardiok, Ko. 9 Adams itreet, RIOOKLYir ..;slvT YOBK. Sole Maaafaetarer of - Hardlok's Patent Donbls-Aotta Steam Pomp and Fire Engine. Minimi Pumvs a Specialty.. 'PatenUd ia lagUnd, Belgiam and ' 'T' Bead foi eiisahvr. f Hi"ij Open Work l Jp Manufacturer, DISEASES OV THI AND omachS Mercnrj or Calomel Ia the great remedy that pkyiielaas appeal to and u.e almoit entire'y in all diieaiea of tha Liver. There are thoaiandi at tbe present time that are aafferina with tbe rhenmatio D.ini In I the joints, oenaed hi tin .1. if Calomel which bas oraatad a dilea.s of lti own worse than tbat which it vil iatended to care. There ii no drug that leavea ita mark mora prominaat ia the ay. tern. Tat, parhapa, there are time! when it ean be given, aad have a beaiSolal offset, but should not be dealt out ai It hai been, and ii at the preaeat time, by thole that pretend to know what tkey are doing, but in reality do aot. Tba Liver ii mora liable to diieaie than any other organ in the human lyitem, and whaa tbat faila to do ita duty It leavaa the weak pointa of the body expoiad, ai the bile ii not thrown off, but taken up by the blood, as it pan! throsgh thil great filter of the lyitom, and beeome! impure. Then follow! a traia of diacaiei, whole name ii Legioa. There ara many that lofler from pain ia the aide and acron the body, doll, heavy, drowiy leeling, haadaobe, pain in the right aide, often severe pain in tba bowels, eoitivensis, flat lenee, diarrhea, more or leu indigeition, lonol appetite, .allow akin, white of the eyai yellow, sinking of flesh, depression of spirits, at other timai a great craving fot food. Soma of theie lymptomi are eanied only by torpidity or the Liver, it ia Impossible to give all the iy mptoma of a deranged Liver, and they ara all iibont tha aid of Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, The symptom! of which are, pain in the rtgb lide running to the ihonlder, a Ion ef itrength, appetite and energy, a tense of oppression, luw aeas ot spirits, iqueamishness ot the itomach, a yellowish coated tongue, reitleiineii, fright ful dreams, all of whioh yield to the iafluence of "IATLOB'S STOMACH ASD LIYLR COR RECTOR," of whioh esoogbtboald be taken to ausea speedy and frea evacuation of the bewail indigestion or Dyspepsia, la a weakness or wabt t.1 powtr oi the digestive juices tn tbe stomach to aoavert our feed and drink into healthy matter lor the noaritbmeni ot the whole system. It is caused by every thing thai tends to weaken the body, and moie part.culariy tbe itoaaib. early,lt not quite one-U.lf ot the discuses, to which we are liable, proced fiom it. Indigeition produce! a gnat variety ot nnplsaiaut feelirgs. Amvag tbe must promlasat ot its uiseraeie eCccti ate, a want it, or an iaurdinate a)patite, aonietim.s attended with a constant craving ior drink, loar Itomaoh, grinding pan., in the aiomach, depres sion of spirits, gioum uf mind, fretiulnass, wait ing of fieth, loss of energy and strength, very irritable, heart barn, nnplsaient taste in the mouth and tumbling in the bowels. In lone caaea of depraved indigestion, there is a com plete disrelish for food, at other times a person so affiioted ean eat heartily without much grati fication. A Ions train of nervous symptoms are also frequent attendants, general debility, great languidnesi and incapacity ter exertion. iaa minds uf person! io afflicted frequently become irritable aod desponding, and great aaxiety Ii observable in tbe ecanteaauce; they appear thoughtful, melancholy, aad dejected, under great apprebeasion of soma imaginary danger, will start at an? unexpected noiae or oeearreace, and mush agitated, let for all thil the mind is eikileraied without mnoh difficulty, pLaiing eventa and loeiety will for a time dissipate all appeareaee ef diaeaae. Other symptoms are, vi olent palpattlion, seitleameis with a s.nie of weight aad oapression apon the sheet, night mare, eta. It il almost impossible to seme all the symptoms of this invader apon the oomtita- tinn, as in almost every caie of Indigestion, there will probably be something peculiar to each, but ba what they may, they ara all oc.a- ioned by the food becoming a burden, rather thaa a support to the itomaoh, and in all its sta ges, the medicine moit wanted Is tbat waicn will anord ipeeay assistance to ids aigeiuve or gans aad give energy and strength ta tha ner vous aaa Tnosouler system, ana a aew ilia io the whole body, aad nothing ean be, and there is nothing, that will give io quick relief, ai Tay lor'i Stomach and Liver Corrector, tba Great Remedy for Blood, Liver aad bkla Dlieataa, and from one to four bottlei will effect a cure. Sick Headache Thoie that are lutject to it oaly kaow wsat a distressing eomplalut it is, aad ua veryna weieome visitor. Al drat It eaa..;! a dimaeii ol vision, followed by a terrible r'. Siekneli I at the stomaoh, and vomiting- aad than for a da or two, a per.on f.els as thoagb thej bad a tt ofsiekaess. Ons dose will care when frit at tacked, and one to throe bottle! will effect a per manent cure. Jaundiff. ,n ... e.rsnn as yellow al a saffroa When you ''7" , 00 ry aaturally b,,f T r'"..l." i. Ja..dic.,c.n..d ZVaVrlZlt o tbe Liver, by the bile bela obsfruslaod flowing with tha blood throug. st ,a.. .v.urn, initeid of pauing off ia iti "; - .-. . ..-. k..l. Ii.. I Ihr.m bolti.l Will rtBnii'i.i,w.".ii. " - - care tha wont ease. Cosfiveiicss, Thi. I.cao by a ilaggiih, torpid itataoftha -. mi derannenient ef tha whale system. liTserprisiog tbat there are so maiy Uenbled vitta this distressing disease and give it so little stt.ntion. The diieaie! tbat to How habitual costivsncss are many, of which Bi.k Ifeadaehe. Bath ef Blood to the Head, Dyspayiia, Piles, Heart. Lang and Bkin Disease aad Female and Kidney Complaints, ara always aggravated by U. Many resort to ptils, and aevei have a free avaonatloa of tha bowels without their aid. To tfcie, I lay, itop aad eoailisr, ai every pill yon take sob tales meroary, which will ia time cans, yea ta regret tha eoursa yoa have takea. By ming Taylor'l totuach aad Liver uorreoior, yoa will aot seed to takepiili, two to loaf bottles will sare yea. Far Bala k all Draggiits and Dealeri In Madi elnei. , TEE BEST MEBICISE EVEE MADfc FOR Sill N S. TAYLOR, , r'f .' BOLE PB0FBIKI0K, : J IU 'fabaih Avobbi.-mehjedaed-weowl .CHIOAQfl