Newspaper Page Text
I RUES OF ADYERTISIMB. a. is pxiafftrcra'ooiar'x. Foreaeh aaaara. or the svsee Csnied bv taa tiaaaaf lolid aeBpareil, Oae Deijlar fe eah hi. lartioa. I j-. TiaVS. D411.T Aaeoa. 4f Jieltfpayableie elvaaea), in aaaaaa, $l.0 if Mail . - . . sBealhe, -t B Mall -. " " I aeetht,... I t Br tun 1 ... n aaT--Br Citt Oaaaiea, It Cats par w.e. ; Sivaia Caries Ceeta. T1RIH.. Wsait Absbs. Cepy, (Bayablet a eiraae.) ...,.I.M Im Copies . " " -. e.M twenty Capiat " . f hirty Capiat M Bp.eial Hotie.s, 20 teats par line. WW in serted I months ar mora, 10 par eest above rtga- lar advertising rates. - Cotamuniealioai, ar articles Inserted amoag readlag mattfr, Si eentt per llaa. Oailt abb Wheat. A diseoant r 20 par at. will be mada from tfca WaakW ratal, oa aarly and kalf yaarlj eonlraeti, wbtn tha lama aiattar U iaiartad in both Daily aad Waakly. Doobla Oolomaa will ba sbsrged 36 par eaat additional. Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1871." Established Oct. 18, 1851 IVor-H traariaatsdrartifamah nt li raqnirad. adranca pay n . m r irk u t pa v iu- WftM a m rara raz It ill 1 1 I II 1 111 IT ' "iLlil I If I II I II I ilfl AVW IV7vM.Hl if II II II II vYi 11 1 1 V W JZJ V O V VlucA I llVfl UIL II Hi llJiy WK 11 i lUlv iUlli ill . NJOiT r CW AN, 7 VV lAlffiM fX- SHl tX W LrJ ff4 WJWJ 1LJAJ AV A 7 AILvW AATA . . y V FmOW ...... . . CiacuiT Cocrt. Tha Court will probabl? djoora to-morrow. Tba followinj ciril eaaaa bare bao ditpoiad of: John Clao.iiaa Jamna b'irit anaaiptit. Vardiat for plaintiff, 1189. For.l A Brad lay va C. I. Maiwall A Co aoi fa Joba UaxwalL Diaaiaaad. II. S. Taoapaoa, adiatUlrator, a J. II. Kbr aoi K Ktri man appeal. Diamiiaed fat waat of proaeoation. Fraaoil Johaaoa s Cbriitopber Blakel aaaaapaii. Vardiot for plaiatiff, damar ea I8J.T2. Motioa for aaw Uial. C. Uaelli Sooa a Galdaaiopb & Scbmidt Jadgmaat by drfaali for $456.99. Kock Riar Naig ation Co. va Bailey Da apott. Award of cob stationer filed. Tbe cbaaeery caeca diapoted of are aa follows : , IlanneweU k Hilt Kllee aad Margaret Marthall toroeloeor. Daatb of Margaret af f eeted and anil abated as to br. Kmaia J. DeVera Eofrena J. DeVere diroreo. Decrea of llorco, wita coeto dy of ebild, granted. U, D. 1 L M. Baford Mary P. Bo ford bill. Diamiaeed by eomplaioaau. Bailey Darenport vs Rook Rier Naviga tion. Co. bill to eajoin. Answer of dafand aat filed aad toolioa made to dissolve in jaoctioD. Leatdcs Beltiso. Happaniag to be in Buffalo tbe other day we called opoa Messra. X. H. Gardner Co., at their office, No. 123 Washington Street, where we were for tooele enough to make the acquaintance of the elder Mr. Gardner, and spent an hour very pleaseatly ia listening to hie remiuU eeneee of history, travel, etc. We also met the younger Mr. Gardner, upon whom reiu the responsibility of tbe largo bosiaess which tha Crat does. Ei mi fine fellow, aod a good bntineas man. Messrs. N. B. Gardasr l Cos large Tannery at No. H'tl, Seneca Street Boffalj. The vast quae, titicl of leather belting maaufactared by l'ii firm are hold ia high catena in tha mar ket. We spaak from experience, as we nae some of it and find it aa excellent belting and all it ie repreeentei to be io e'rry ree. wet. Meiers. Gardner ship largely and do a ri ban orai-, eipecially in the West lb Twitrt on Sueoa street u a very tjairiVn aa writ at loige ettabliahment and cjuiataa overt modern device and improve moot which ocituce kae made kaowa for tha baltr converaion of hides into leather aad enabling the tanner to produce a better qia'itr of leather at a lower price in com aaiiaoo. The Agents for the sale of Measrs- K. H. Gardner it Co's Laaibir belting it Rank Itiaud are McCalliater & Stewart. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olooli x- JVt. NEW YOXMC. Tb Anti-Tammany Deltg atet ar gne thtir case Stat a commit- , tee selected. Wojd PaKJitviKO. Mbisrs. Oe Golyer A MoCTennao, whose oEce ts 147 Ran d jlph Street, Chicago, have established in Caicao the largest aod must powerful works in the world fur preserving wood ol all kinds from dry rot and deoay, by tbe Samaels Frocete. This prooeis seasons lumber so that it eaa be aaed ia three weeks afiar being treated. It prevents contractint aad expanding, aad it preveaU rats aod other vermin from infesting bouses, barai, etc. tha additional coat of its application benog only Jt,50 par thonsaad ft-et. Tbe lumber will never decay, and the prooesa is admirable adapted for pavements, streets, etc: aad to farmers for fencing, poet and anber lumber. OHIO. Unveilinr of the Tyler-Paidoa fomatain. Site Olem Trial-Statement of tbe defense Jkrreat of a lady for XSnrder. Foreign IVowh. Alanoint Bicknest of Victor lingo X.ocbefort to commit suicide Two tremendoas fatal ex plosions Talse report of amnesty. Market Heports. Btported Bxprettly ferthe Aaecs. Ercar keeper of horses and cattle g.B0 ve bow mach inoonvenienco is oansed by sit bt ailments which speedily get tbeii stook oa f condition, leading frequently to damairine tf sot fatal diaease. Io secure p a aiaiatt tbeee nnavoidab'.o accidents, ever) on-t wbo keeps e'ubor boree, cow, sheep, pig, or poultry, is to always have on band a auantitv of Norria' Celebrated Condition Powders, which will invariably prove l remedy, and prevent the trouble and ex sense of sending for veterinary surgeon r the loss of valuable live property. The) re cheap, reliable and read for immediate BSC. LO 0 A.L NOTICES. T,,,,, ;. aarivaled aj a beantifier ol the complexion. ' powder, barmUas, re fined aod elegant. J'J 60 cent! per boi nri.4 (' iijions. vind oolit anl gripin? in the bswels of iafaaU caus I.k V.r.'i "5naD it a tried remely. It oosls oaly 25 ceata. Jlittifit Gdid. lnte.'esting work numnroot emrraviait. 224 pajrvs. Price CO xaait. Dr. Batu' Dispessarv, 1 NVii Eighth street, St. Loais, Mo. See advertisement., alum, argols, and indigeslib'o wh.te earth are oommonly oied to make baking powder cheap. None of these oi other adulterationa are found ia Dr. Price'i Cream Baking Powder. A trial will provt it pure. Evekt peraoa ehould ba loyal in thought, word aod deed, to so good a government as ours ; and they that are not loyal, bavo ao claim for iti protection. We do not say that uiing Rhone's Megio Oil for curing quickly all painful complaints, is the onlj evidence of love to our country, bat it is a mgn we love ourselves some. w i ore, Oct. 5. It was apreed that representative of tbe Aati-Tammanv dele Ration fiom New York city should ba heaid in tbeir own bebalf. Mr. O'.teadorfor was tbe first apeakar. tie declared that it was not tbe purpose of me allegation, nor ita constituents to throw 4 brand of disturbance into tbe convention, cut it waa its purpose to bare in ibis con fection a delegation from New York which Jenounced ecu abhorred tbe corruptions of Tammany Hall. He thought the action of ibe convention yesterday would reflect great diahonor. He was followed bj Mr. Lawrence, a member of the delegation, who aaid the ere aggrieved at the eoti n yeaterdar. It would not do to say Tammany Hall wax be regular organization. The Tammany ielegatton came here wuh a cloud cunfea- dly banguig over them. They bad run away.' tie asked the convention if that to aid go oa with the city of New York un represented. Mr. William b. Curtis, of the delegation. ihen spoke, saying bo bad a letter from that lifelong Democrat,, Charles O'Connor, kioh be would aik to bo read. The letter it O'Coanur was tbea read. Ho refers to the field which tho oity of New York pre heats, of eoatending parties for purposes of political speculation. Tbeee same aneoest- nl adveaiarers in tbis beid bare not beo tontent to enjoy in secret tbeir ill gotten rams, but Haunted tbeir magnificence be 'ore the public gaze. Tbe people are prest os; for redreae with an energy which is ir- eentible. The action of tbe Democratic Convention should evince nothing elie than tbBolute freedom irotn all complicity in tbe treat official erimo of tbo day. The ira eached individuals are not few in number. and bavo not been deemed, in deed or word, ixponenta of democratio opinions. If tbe aresent city rnleri or avowed friends should oereceitea m o tbe e nreit;oo on any iermt, or tolerated by it, tbe odium of tbeir position would inevitably attach to the par iv. which cannot continue to exitt nnleis he convention stand aloof from these indi .'iduals until their fitness for public coefi 'ence shell be satisfactorily vindicated by fair public investigation. Mr. O'Connor -efers at length to the peoulatiocs of the :ity otLmela, and says ' until a judicial in 'ostigation determines otherwise, tbo ac j a ted parties cannot be deemed trustworthy Tbeir trials would be a farce while tbe tors -.bemseWee are in power, as to tbe power hey have over the ballot is added their tutbority over tho jury box." Tbe credentials of tbe Reform delete ion were read, together with tbo names of in delegates. Mr. Tudeasaid: Tlie object of the gen- lemea appearing having been accomplished ie was tiroi'eeding to review tbe action of the convention, when he was oailed to orde a speakmf to no question. Mr. Tildea said ae waa about to make a motion. Being tressed he moved to proceed to the nouina .ion ot a fctute tioket. Soma oonfusioa ensued, but order was reserved, when Mr. Tilden denounced Tarn nan? and declared that ho would vote gaiast tea candidates tor the Legislature 4a by that organization, if that was 0(jt mocratic he would resign bis position Cvrmea of tbe Mate Uommittee and olosed, and the indications are that there will bo more strangers ia tho oity that oa any day in its history. ' I 1diapolis, Ind., Oot. 5. Tbo State retted ia tho Clem trial thia morning, and tho defense opened tbeir case. Major Gor don atated that tho defense expected to prove that a woman, resembling Mrs. Clem was seen baviog the scene of tbo murder aad bad since disappeared. Salt Lake, Oot. 6. A speoial session of tbe Church of Jetus Cbriat, Latter Day Saiats, waa held yesterday at tho New Tab eroaole. About 8,000 persons were present. The three first Presidents Brigham Yonng, Jr., Geo. A. Smith and Daniel H. Wells ; the twelve apostles, the high priests, and Other obarcb dignitaries, were on the plat form. Among the speakers were Geo. CJ. Cannon who aspires to succeed Brigham and Brigham Young, Jr. The remarks were generally bitterly, denunciatory of the offi cials termed "the ring." Cannon said be did aot anticipate that tho Mormons would have to leave the territory. They have broken no law, aod have not violated the Constitution. Brigham Young, Jr., spoke moot excitedly. He said the Mormons bad settled tbjenoaaiain region, and they were entitled to its oxolosive oocupation and en joyment Tbey asked no favors or assist ance from any source. Tbey defied al their enemies, the government of the United Slates included. The government offioials now representing them were tools of the devil. He prayed God to curie them all forever. Said he, "Trust to God and keep yoar powder dry, and don't fail to have oa hand a good supplv of amunilion." The latter remarks were received with applause. The regular semi-annual conference be gins to-morrow, aad will last three days. Stir Fartsco, Oct. 6. Mrs. N. J. Sa vier, wife of the agent of tbe Atlantio A Pacific Telegraph Co., who shot Mrs. Lake with whom ber husband was living at Stock ton, bas been arrested for murder. Niw York, Oct 6. Victor Hugo is alarmingly ill ia a town nsar Paris. Felix Pi at is residing in Brussels. Roobefort ia determined on suicide nnless tbe sentence is changed. It ie denied that tbe Emperor of Austria bas any thought of abdication. LoDoa, Oct 5 Two successive aod tremendous explosions occurred in tbe es tab'iitbment of aa oil merchant of Chelsea, in which thirteen persons were injured. four of whom, it is feared, are in a dying condition. Pahis, Oct. C. Tbe report that amnesty was to be granted to the Communists is pro noonced false. Thiers receives the compli ments of everybody from (be occupied prov inces, for declaring the presence of tbe German troops insupportable. COMMERCIAL. 1.14 3- Bock Islasd, October 6, XauFloar market ia eoneciaa at Waraat'i Miila aad tba quoialioaa are the ruling pricea ei the fieak ItJaad market. Wiitbb Whit fLoea Wholaiale......$8. " Betail V.Oe Braise Wan f loca eptlag Doable lint ia kbit, wk.ll....6.80 iail.. ... -7. (j (j 0aeaa at wbeletaie.. aWtaU, Leoea, M wboleaaia., T.OO ...0.811 ..Ml UaAie't Ba.r Butiis fLoca Relail i Barrel, lacks.. . it 6 i " " 1.14 ' 1-1 " ' fii eeeaeeeae a aUa BDCXWBBAr IXOOB W koltjU ... ...tll.OU B1.V411 . . ... ld.Oo V aatv, new .80ad Ooai ... .... 18a26 Oavs New ..,.... 20a4o BAaaar It.l..M..m. 40a(St &t)U ....34 HciraB Oheiee tela, far rautliag, will kriag.....lS Oaaasa H.T. taotory, 13 La per lb . lOalla g.i. , lir , a OOaAO Arrui p.r kaik.l -.. SO eas per ot. ..15e HlOBWlUBt Tk above prieei are tbe wboleiale Igurea at trit head. PoCLTBT Live Tarkiaa, par lb lOe Dreaaad"- Ilia Cblekeaa,UTe e " dreaaad" M.. lOe Daeke " 10a n. ...... ....... H .... in. ....... . - Btet Live ItOit lt Cavtib Lite waigkt, HaaMn.....,.ww t)a rrlata aklppiag, pee Ibe ..... Oa 0 BtT r rairta, par ton . , , , . ea 0 Tta.tbr. tOall.M WOOD, - LIGHT & CO., Mft&uf&tnrrt of ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING 3IAOHINES, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASMrTUSr STEAM HAMMERS, Q on Zttacbinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Haageri, Patent Self- Oiling Box. WARKHOCBK: lOT tlBBRTY ST., KtSW YORK CITY MiNi'FACTOBT : AM MOM D ST., (Opp. Junction Depot), vVOHCBSTKK .MAS. All Traiui entering the Oity, itop within ten reds af ear Werkt. JelO dtf Another Big Stock 0k,p.rrl ... Bieke C.4V Caai TalUv Vanl !leTa.aad Vat A.. -.. Tata Tea eg Hjeea,eaaaea - OMr w f oo4 prtate to tktlee.... QaapewdM, etataoa rttrm... ... " pna t ekeir.... lasertal Oeloag, eoaawa et Caw a rim. la 4ai. w ... w Japan ..... Oervaa St., eomatoa to Mr..... w prtBM to rbolc. ...... . Old 6. vara atil J va..... ........... Ssetas Baw eoaaaao to fair., prime to eaoloe f. j I ;-! .Ts .....I Ji4l i 81.J ....I tOal ,..i.t.:j !4l.J l.ltal 40 .... ...Kltl.U ,...-l:ale ...UalOe ....53ve 1860. IS71. THE PI3MEERJMUSIC STORE. ALAR'TK STOCK ALWAY? ON BAUD OF SlKISHAt, XTKCk, Htl Ki, NARSHAII AM) HEJiDKl L 1 I A O Geo. Wwcd L Co's,&i:stej Organs aad ti. kialt of Mutieal Initrumtnii Sb.t Ma.ia of U.utt, and tha bent im parted tiring. :n tbe oity JOHN HOYT. apt Corner IUiaolt and Washiagtaa ttreet. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 a 4 Vjvsiixnazoiv IT., OBZOAOO. DRAPER.TASLOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S ,TJSE. WEDUHG OUTFITS A BPBCIALTT. Bblrta to Meatare Extra Deuble aad Perfeet In Fit. Clergymen will be allewed 0 per cent, diteoant. leblMdly 81H, D00S3. AC. EOLANDEE & HUB EE, Baoeeiiori to J. A. BiBDiten, Manufacturers of Sash, Door, Eliods, Mouldings, FRAMES, BRACKETS, And every th id g in their line. - Gland Saib on band, alio Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. feb24dwfim SAHS. E.TABLISBBB IB IS JO. WEIiOH&QRIFFITHS' aSBx7-aBl 8awb! .emcrml BCPKBIOa TO ALL OTHERS! Axes, Files, Cast Steal, Kill Furnishings, and Kac binary. kaB-Get tbe belt, they will prove tbe eheapeit Prieei rednoed. EiniKor price Littand eiroulars. WtLCil b CM1FFITKM, aottdwly Boitoa, Mast., ar, Wl-b saw svsa.szssss23BSi. Anniiiuniiaiii n..,i iHl,ifc. Aoknowl- C ri'.l the best promoter of the armrth and beauty q me ntnr. jv.. Buai-i.1. t c;.. Muss. bolii by all drugginte, FREE Harare of imitation. t un it: ric uuan. .a; to .lul '7-2- J.'.oiMuJiiii. '73. THE METHODIST. Every wek a Lecture Room Talk by Btfeche r ; Sermiiu or article by Tatmacw. fuecond only to We.'cber in popularity. Mra. - Williug'B eruat eerlal etory exposing tucret worliiiu. (if Romnnii'ni ia Amu net. ami much other good retding. O. llalstcd, 114 Nassau St. New York rnrp TRY SAMPLES of our great 8-pape $1.(11 flLL illuatrated weekly 80 years eetablUhed. Fiiio tloel engravings Tree to ubicriber. Agent make a day. Send for Satciiuav GazTTE, Ilal owoll, Maine. Solicited by MUNN ft 00., PablLhera Scientijie Ameri can. 37 Park Xow. 9. Y. Twen:v-flvo years' experierce. Pamphlets cnutaining Patent Laws, with full direc tion!' how to ohtaio Haieius, free. A bound volume of lis page, containing the NEW OKNSl'S by counties and ail large cllies. 14U Enirra vlnirt of Mechanical Movemenis. Patent Laws and ruleB for obtainicg Patents, mailed ou receipt of 5 D ITHRIDGE 'S XX FLINT CI. A MM LISP CHIMNEYS. Btand Heat better than any other made. Ask for Dlthrldge'ii and take no other. See that our name in on everv box. DITH 111 DUE & &ON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send lor Price List. $30. WD V7XLXi PA'S- 630. Apentp f.30 per week to ell our preat and valuable discoveries. If yon want ponnment, hiinoratile and pleasant work, applv for particulars. Addrecs "i)YEK ds t u., Jackson, Alien. BISWASES OF TH1 AMD Stomach 1 AVII Ul'tC !. A viotim of early in-di.-irrtion. canting O.rvoat debility, pre mntnre decay, etc., having tried in vain every ad vertised rt'medy, has discovered a simple mea'us ol sclf-cnrc. which he will send to his feliow-sutferers. Address J. H. KEEVES, W Nassau St. N. Y., XSTSTJSLASCS. J. at. Errottu. s. B. BtBD. ...llallfe lHal2o of iE W GOODS "VlttJr!!4.-m. X. 1 , A lit at the Plunder Store, Raises' Eager, ateiattea safer. corner Illinois and extra C Baxv Fie.-.. Seiar w ...... t4l. eat tatki., Tim RIH1 !6PP! tllPlTI. 'rtByroa.parkbU. Buffalo Street?;. Call SgrS.' 05E F! 91,201 FOR SALE ! SAME BOUSE AKD LOT, PRICI 2U0: ene naif sub 1b band, balance In oae year with iaterett. One frame home. Cooper Shoo and lot. price $l,eoO, ene-half eatb In hand, balanea ia eaa year with interest. Alio.GOeordi dry oak waod, aad 400 perch of baildiag ttone. B. DAVBNPOBT. Book Itlaad, Sept. 16th, 171: dim .M 13 .... ft. .Utile 1.10 i.f a 6C 4.T .1.10 i.e GEO. E. L1UT0S, iinnrn ivnieiiTinniiiii ASD Rorbford, Eock IsUnd JL St. Loais PwSilread. Presibbbt's Orrire, Rock Islaud, III., Sent, i'id, 1871. j NOTICE IS iiE REBT GIVEN THAT THE Animal Mcctintr of the Stockholder cf the I Kocktord, n ek Is and A St. L un hanroad Company, will te held at the cithec of the Com pany, in tba City of Kock Island, lllinnui, on tbe Inn. day el llotober, ls71, at 12 o clock, boob. RAHSOM R. CABLE, Pre.ident. Joh P. WaiTanEAD, Feoretary. aepai3-dtI Commission Merchant, 51 Perrv itrset, jyl-d?.m DAVESPORT, IOWA. JiBOW CASES. Q. W. BlkBBSOB. i. M. WOBTHIBO. ECkEB 05 A WCSTIlG, Maaufaetureri of SHOW CASES, 79 Lake Street, CHICAGO... octt-d3a .III. EYEMIVG SCHOOLS AT TZXZ3 DAVENP0ET MEDICAL IXSTiOItXTg. ! &NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSiC. A Bright Blue Eye, Sunt; Meininger, i5ett U imt yx tee Lue V-omio eoag, eaxton. 4U Darling Utile of (A. Boarding .fcAoo,Pui ter30 tfirl ritk the Cigarette, Coiuio Cordelia, "0 Jntig High Time; Coaie, Parki, ZO ftmcwouidn ryca Uke Io knotc, comioAora ia nil Jeieetle of the H'.art. Beautiful Song, Millard.tO Lok ia the, " Xunh, 3' Let it Fa: fur Bt.t or Alto, " 3j Yet 0et Again, Duett for Sop. and Barr. eabuel, SO Quarrelling Heighton, Comio touett, Anber, 75 Smebody'e Child, with vaiations, Meek, nO Ueavcnly (rreettrg, P.nsie Boymantique, Blanekey, 35 Holiday Vacation Afarrb, illustrated title Qiliina, SO Sieeet Anticipation, Schcttiscbe, " ' i;inn. " Daiey, Faataitia, Erng. 15 Any of tbe above tent by ictil on receipt of tbe market price. So matter where you tee a piece of static or Book advertieed, tend to ut and you will receive tt by enclosing the publithert price. MUSIC OKALRBC, mir-dedl2m. ST. LOUIS. C0PP & BB0 Liven and Sale Stables. Office under Dart's ZXall, ROCK hLtMl III!". Mott Complete Eitabli.bment in the City Partieolar attsrtlon paid tofurnuhicg Carriage! for partiet, Baiit, Prooettiont, ete. mbtdly Buford & Reed, FIBE, LIFE AXD INLAND Wm.m &QEHTS1 She Following' Old sad Reliable Oompacies Represented : iEtna, Home Ins. Co., cf N. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Eepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Her chants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life PIPE BOXES. Will. COMMENCE MONDAY EVEX1XG, October Otli, '71, And Continne Six aZonths. Stsdents may enter tor tbe BcrcmcsB couasa, Or for In.truelloa in PENNAMHIP ONLY. It It dxtirable that all should enter at tba opening if peitible. D1VJD . kumi, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Instrameats. Galvaulo Batteries of all Kinds and Sizes. ' 11 Dearborn ttreet, Oppotile Po.t Offioe, CHICAGO, ILL. All Eindi ef Ileotro-Mafnetie Imirurr ecu Neatly Kepaired at abort notice. Alto Model, mii't of all deteriptions on short notice. oetl-d.lm (Sueceisor to J. B Schu.ider,) Mtuulaetnrer of every dterip'.ion of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chic eg a. Ordorfl promptly attended to. ivlo-d3a WBITI5G FLfll). LBWIB COX. LK WIS B. COX. 7. KtSBBUXiZlSra, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Seal Presses, steel btampi, Soap Bttmpf, lioko-.iiaer s 'toon, c. JtO. I.l ItSAKBOKN ITHKET, Opposite PottoSoe. CHICAGO. apr'JW-diy - oct4-dl ivstawrc. OF Till Immaculate Conception DATINPORT, SCOTT C0-, X0WAV. COIDCCTED BY THE SISTERS OF COlRlTf B. T. tf. Will torn me aee Us ISIh lomi-enBael Seatlea Wedoesdtj, Ingast 16th, 1871. km-B.lnr leeorporeled la aoeordaaee wltl; the law of tha State, this tnttttutiea eenfers the a.aal eoiU(iate decreet upoa its graduates. For Circulars addreas . auf l-d3m 8IITEB BTJPEBIOB, VBAt. a. rewABS. 1. a. rasaBA. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I BT TH1 . Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braaoh Houte, Falaee Beer, - ROCK ISLAND, ... ILL Where we are of.riag aarirailed Teal, at th Same low prlees ai at their "Batten Home. By la porting. Teas ia cargo l0tt, they eaabl. at te r.ull te the eoatnaier at eitreeiely lew pr'.eei. Don't fall te the Bong oag Tat Sieve, at Palaee Bow, where will be foaad tb Saest, pareet aad freshest Teas, Oeffeas aad 6pl see, at orloet btyoad eompetitloa. ujtinlm FOWABo AFBIIstAjr.Ai'ts etire with his plundered fallew-eitizens. applaas, . The mot ,B protwea io iu bouiiiiuui hi . ri.n ta waa nomicaiea tor oecre- arrof State. Tha tNlortn oeiegann, hichba was a ttember. IM7 COX & CO., Manufacturer! of Writing Fluid, MUCILAGE, GERMAN1A INSURANCE COMP'Y uim. f uiei d CHICAGO. ILL. IBB-. Cash Ompltml, $200,000.00 torplns,....- $57,820.64 Dcdrice L Sbaw, Agents, apr21-dly Rock fslaad. He. 17S Horth Water Street, CHIC AGO.. .i.I LLI SOIS, All Bhipmenti at ?nrahaaara' ritk oct4-d7m vould .f not to have eny of th ' ."m?" 0B be ticket. Cheers. Uieo.c " ea received tha nomination as Secretary f Stat. A. V.Nioholareoeived the nominatt.'n ' .he convention for Comptroller. " neeier u. Bristol was nominated for treasurer. The name of Chas. O'Ooanqr was oreien- 'wi for Attorney General. Several atated that be would not accent taa nomination. iftersome debate the vote on tbe eoniaees reeulted ia the choice of Marshall B. Cham jlain by 62. to 42 for O'Connor. an R. Richmond was nominated for 4tate Lnsiaeer. O. W. Chapman was nominated for Canal GorDOOiesiooer. . David B. McNeil was nominated for In- ipeotor of btt.te Prisons. , ibe selection or e Mate Committee was then made, with Mr. Tilde a as Chairaan, ilter which tba eonvention adjourned. Washigto, Oct. 5. Tbe President c'id aot arrive thie aaorainsr as expected. elerraas received to-day etatee that be wilf be hare to morrow more in r. At most of tha member, of tba Cabinet are out of the litr, it ia not probable that ft Cabinet meet ing will be bald to-morrow. CiwctwjrATi, Oct. 6. The Tjler-T)evid-on Fountain will be tin veiled to morrow t ene o'olook r. U.. and water will be im- nediately ; turned on." Tbe ' Chamber of Commaroa and Board of Trade will be SI, 000,000 s By authority of the act of Iirislatnre of Kentncky ui mann ia. loll, tlie Trute of the fuMic Library of Kentucky will give a fiaAVn nttii. n.ent)W AT LOUISVILLE, BY, On Tnesday, October 31st, 1871, 100 000 Tickets of Admission $10 Bach, currency ; Half Tickets $5. Qvarter Tickets $2.50. TKET9 will be aent by rptri.tri.d the n-oney for them may be Mint by Poalofflce money . - l-ICril .... Tr- ... uibii. I OrOBI . .1 . fc , ,n.lB. ,,, ,,.-4 ... . I VtkCB 1 1 - ' ' ...... i.iu. I SO e.cb. 'be bolder ol an entire ticket will be i"uled to admiiwion to ibe Uonoert and to tbe val enu. ....HjH f i. It. frurttfin ueolSiu"""- S5CO,000 in oreenoacks W'll be dietribntd by lot to the holders of tlckett I in tiifie. from jhiu.w"'. j" "s m .to toe Kw. 1 ""V r... .k. honcllt Of tlie Tbe kaumvi . ww Vnblic Ubranr cf Beaitncky. 1 The Cltleent Bank of Kentncky ta Treararer. and . ' .nri Hnnarvieora are the Hon. Thorn- 1. K Bramlene. late Governor of Kentucky, audi tientv-eeven of tbe moet diaUBghiiibed and reepec !?r.. fsu.rth.Hiata. The underMirned. late principal bnglnew mantijrer I of tbe very uncceml Uirt Concert lor in. oeoeoi of .u. w ..,!i. iihnri of Hn Ftiftco bee been au- polnted Agent and Manager of thia grand Gift Cou- "'The drtwlBS and attribution will take place ia itBblie, and erTthing will be doie to BttiKfy borer. .J tirk.tH th.t thair TntrM will DC at We" mto- ted at If they personally superintended tbe en'ir. a Blur. rorucaetaanu l&rormauou appij i , C. K. PETERS. Ko m MhIb f treet, Loulnville. Kf. No.o Aetor Uoune, New York. H. N. Hempetxd. 1AU Broadway. Milwaukee. . M. A. French, Virninia City, Nevada. II. A. Wolf. SIS Cbeatnut etreet, St. Loots. Ticl-etH airo for aala in every prumlnent place in theL'niUjdmate" - o-aeuUin rsra-aiiAViiiQ. UD A(iEXTS Wanted in every county in this Stat, to whom ptciiiy, pt'ntifl nrirl priitifnhla employment enn bt' pivcu. une nni Indie; that cun i-i-ud ti-ebiiHtot' retr.renree neea ailtlress FJtAUliANT fcAl'ULltNE CO., t leveJaud, Ohio. ALL K I Gj&T, SALVE, for Oorni and Bunion., Bolla and Boras. Fnr tale by all 25 rU. per box, or sent on receipt of ptice. Addre.i ALL amHI,S5C lark Bt , Chic.go. tepH-dly TcILETIXS. A mm TOiLfcTlNE, Is an KxurtstTK Powpa roa Te Complkmos. Uniike any other in every rcspeet. principally in m arri:caiioa, it being with aiponge, damptEpJ with I Br. cold water. It. u.e cannot be detected. Price 50 cent! per bex. For a!e by all Druggist, and Ferfuuers. telj Joawft'm GENERAL ill CTIOSEEB, Ofica la PoJe Magir.rate't OSce, BOCK ISLAND, - - - ILLISOIS. r$A,WrIl vrowfx.j attend to all buMBei. ea- f neted to hi. eata. dtfllldwtf. GiklVET, DS1BS & CO., Coiusiissicn Blerebanis, IN FLOUR AND GRAIN, 19 Water Street, CI NCHIH. ATI, ......... octt-dly .OHIO. TilOHiS U. BE0W!,'S Novelty Carriage Works. Manufaeturer of Total Atscts Represented, over $60,000,000.00 OFFICE-K. 3, Argus Building. Oppotite Post Office. Cp Btair., KOCK 1LA. ..ILt.. tapSA-dtf BLDRIDSB. C. B. ELDB1SIB Heal Estate & Icssraoee Agduts, So. 1 Tiele't Block, DAVF.KPOBT, .... IOWA Attead per.onallT and promptly tn tba liayiBc tea tunj or Keal cute on eemmiMiOB, rant iag Hoa,et aad frm. AevlSdCm CIFT ETEBPI8E. The Oaly Beliable Gift DiitribuUon In the Country; ZX7 $60,000.00 TO BB DltrntBCTID IB Ta i. D . 8 1 jST E 9 s , . 152ad &KUCLAR M05IULT, (JIFT IJKTEKPHISE, . To be drawt. Monday, Kot. 27, 1871. tWO 6BAKD CAPITALS OF $5,000 each io Greenbacks Two Prizes $1,0002 f , , , Old Diaiaandt Ke-set. septalm Firs Prizes $500 ? Tea I'fizts $100 Whole Number ff Cash Gifts 1,000 1 1 II ,re Buggy, - th lirer-muuntcd Utrte., worth It'OO. One Fins tnet Rot.wood Piano. worib 100. Ten Family tewing Machine., worth flUO each. Fie Heavy I'ha.ed Gold Hoetinr Watcheiand Heavy 1old Chain., worth (jUO each. Five (Jold Auarieaa Hasting Watches, worth each. Tea Ladiei' eld HantiBg Wateei. worth noo each. - MM Gold and Pltrer Lever fluMlmr Watches (in all) wmu . "... -- w .w eacn. Ijulie,' Gold Leoutine Chain, tieiit'. Gold Vest Chains. Silver-piatad C'uetore.Solid Silver and Double Pitted Tai . a i eapoiHi, ivory Hann lea limner Knives, t-ilvcrpiateil Ulnnor Forkt, silver Vect rh.lna. Pliotoeraph Alhame. Lnli" Gold B(est- eine aad riir-no". Genu' Gold Rreattpine, Htiirt tad and Sleeve Uutlou, Finger Kings, Gold Pen, 1.1 rrMilOU.l etc Y.t , t ; ,; ,. Whoie number fri 000 Tickets UmUed to A,one AGENTS WASito i&i.ii nuiiltts to wImhb Litwral Pi miiinw be paid. . : . Sinele Ticket l; Six Ticket. tJ: Twelve Ticket , . $10; Tmy-Kn Tkke a $, . Clrcolare contjuuinir a full list of prizes, a descrip Mi nt th tnnnni-r of drswimz. And other informatton In reference to the Diftrlbothm, wiU tie eent to any ou orderliur them. ' All letter wiurtbe tartreesed to Is. , EXZTID, ex 80. Omca, 101 W. tb. tV ?S tliJ eeWt Gentlemen's Road and Family BUGGIES, Skeleton Wagons AWD 44 Aam,3tr.,t, ..... ...CHI0AQO Mercnrj or Calomel It the great remedy that phyiiclaas appeal te and u.e almott entirely in all of tha Liv.r. There are thon.andt at tbe pre.cnt time that are suffering with tbe rheomatie p in. In tbe joint., canted ' by the ute of Calomel wbicb lit. created a di.eaae of it, own wor.a than that whlcn it waa intended to cure. There it no drug that leave! itt mark more prominent in the y.tem. Yet, perhaps, there are timet when it can be given, and have a beoifielal eflect, but thauld not be dealt out as it hat been, and it at the present time, by thole that pretend to know what they are doing, bnt in reality do not. Tbe Livar I. more liable to dlteate than any otbrr org.n in the bumtn tyitcm, and when (bat ftii. to do ita duty It leavea tha weak point, of the body, ai the bile it not thrown off, bnt takes np by tbe blood, at it pa.tei through tbii great filter of the lyttem. and become, impure. Then follow! a train of diientef, whose name la Legion. There are many that tnffer from pain in tbe tide and aero,, th. body, dull, heavy, drowpy feeling, headache, pain in the right tide, often tcvere pain in tha bowels, eoitivez...!, fiat alenee, diarrhea, more or le.e Indigestion, lore ef appetite, .allow .kin, white of tbe eyee yellow, sinking of fleb, dcpret.ien of ipirite, at other timet a great erav'ng for food. Soma of there tvmptoroi are ean.ed only by torpidity of the Liver. It it Impossible to give all the .ymplfms of a deranged Liver, and tbey are all eoreabla witbont tie aid of Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, Tha symptomi of which are, pain in the rlgbt aide running to the ihonlder, a lo.i af Itrengtb, appetite and energy, a tenae of cppre.sion, low ne. ot spirits, iqueamishnes. of the ttomtch, a yellowi-h conted tongue, re? ties. ne... fright fnl dreams, all of whleh yield to the iefluerce i f "TATLOR'8 STOMACH AND LIVER COR RECTOR," of wbieh enough thoold be taken to eante a speedy and free evaeuation of tha bewail Indigestion or Dyspepsia, la a weaknesi or want ot power of the dtgettlre jaicet m tbe stomach to eoavert cur loud and drink Into healthy matter tor the noeruhaient ot the whole ayttem. It it eaated by every thing that tend, to weaken tbe body, and more arlicttlarly the itomacb. fcierlj , it col qaite uue of, to which we are liable, y roc. ed (iiib it. Indige.lion produce! a great variety ot unpleasant feelings. Among tha ost prominent ot its miserable tcecta are, a want cf, er an inordinate appetite, aometimes attended with a constant craving for drisk, sour stomach, grinding paint in tbe itcmacb, depret tiiun of spirits, gloom of mind, fietlulness, watt ing of flesh, lot. of energy anl ttrecgtb, very irritable, heart burn, unpleasant taste in the mouth and inmbliBg in tbe bowel.. In some aeei ot depraved indigestion, there U a com plete diireueh for loo, at ether timet a penon so afSicied eau eat heartily without much grati- uealion. A long trin ol nervoBi tymptoms are alto frequent attendants, general debility , great languidnest and incapacity for exertion. The Ki&Ca of person, io afflicted frequently become irritable aol desponding, and great anxiety ia obiervable in tbe eoButeaaaue; tbey appear thoughtful, melancholj, and dejected, vnder great apprehension of some imaginary danger, will atari at anv unexpected noise or occurrence, aod mueo agitated. Set for all this the mind ii eahil.raud withont much difficulty, pleating event! ana lociety will for a tima disaipate all appearance el disease. Other tymptemt are, vi olent palpattilon, seatlesinesi witb a sense ol weight and odpresiion upon tho ebeit, night mare, ete. It ii almost impossible to name all the srmptoms of this invader upon tbe eonsiitn tion, a: in almost every case of Indigestion, there win prouab'y be something peculiar to each, bjt be what they may, they are all ocea lioned by tbe tood becoming a bnrurn, rather than a support to tbe atomach, and in all it, ita- gee, the meitieine mint wanted ia that which will -cord apeedy assistance to the dige,tive or gan! aad give energy and s'rtr.gth te tbe ner vous aad mnsealar tyst.m, and a n.w life to the whole boly, and nothing eaa be, and tkere Is nothtng, that will give to q-.nck relief, aa Tay lor'a Btemach and Liver Corrector, the Great Remedy for Blood, Liver and r-kia DUea-ts, and from one to four bottlea will effect a cure. Liglit Work a Specialty. Repairing aeatly aad promptly dona. aehl7 deedweewly I. BiTtl. B. C. OLBA VSLABB HAYES & CLEVELAND qen-fraL Insurance Ag'ts Kepreienting tha fallowing old and reliable Companies i odcrwriters Igency, New Torks Cash Asteti $l,Oi)0,C00. Phrxnk. 5. Tt Cash Assett$l,S00,00. Continental, S. T. Cath Astett $2,.".00,000. North icierican, M. T. Cash Asse'i $i!0,UOO. PaciHe, California, AtseU Oo:d,tl,600,b00. Merchants, of Chicago, Gatb Assets, S00,OQO. .North American, Uartfcrd, Cash Aiseta $:0t),Ol'O. WTEESITIOXAL. NF.W I0SK, Cafh Anets tl,f00,be0. , Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash Aneti 30,(M)0. Washington Life, New Tork, Casli A-eet, tS.OfO.fOn. '" I XTBACTP, f. DR. PRICE'S SPECIAL FLAVORINSS. GEO. W. COPF, Aa'T FOi TBILKADIliO OiBTFQRD I m m FIEE, HAEIHE AHD Insuranca .Co. s 25 000,000 in Capital. : V IT BO CS ISllJrt), ILUS 818. AUbtMB asjertai aa4 feeatfUf paid at tali Aflta.f- avayl74tf. Sick Headache. Those that are subject to it only know what a distressing eomplalnt it I?. tnJ Is a very ob walcome visitor. At f rst it caoe. a dimness of vision, followed by a terrible paia, siokBesl at the atomaeh, and vomiting and then for a dt or two, a person f.els as tbongh th.y ha a tit ofsicknens. One dote will core when first at tacked, and one to three bottle! will efiecl a per mAnect enre. Jaondice. VA1TTT.I.A,, LEliOlT Etc For Flavoring Icp Cream, Cakes A Pastry. THOMPSON, STEELE A TBIfE M'F'G CO. Depots, Chicago and St. Loula, imrriiTtnf" or es. psicrs CEEAM baeinq powdee AVI fl.'W ENUICHER. " When you see a person ai yellow ai a laflron bag ia e.m.OB sayiag.) 7a vary naturally suS. te the c.elB.iBotl,at it i. Jaund.c. cao.ed I, d. rang.meot ot the Liver, by the bile being obitro.tedtn.l flowing With tbe blood throogont jhe .V'teni, instead of passing off In itt nature" eaur.'e into the bowels. Oae to three bottlet will cure tiia wotat case. Costivfflfss. Niagara , Steam Pump f, r . .. x . -J-hf, (?1 - A"r V v 2 - i "i rs-"-- rt. s, IV ...i.l..v.;,.t ---itt R ..... . Charles B. Hardick, Ko. ft Adams ttreet, DHOOKXYK .... SEW YORK. Sole alaBufaeturer of . ' Eardlck's Patent Dobble-Acilag EteaQ Fucip asJ. l ire Eigine. ' , Mining , Pumps a Specialty.. Patented in .iasUini, Bebjiaaa and Fraeoa. SeaAfoseueuUi. s-f ag"dF This Isctot"1 hJ ilefg'il't torpid Itataofthe r;r alId derangement of tba whole I v Item, r, it s'orprising that there are so many Troubled wltb this distret.irjg diiette and give it ,e little .luntioB. Ibe diteatas that fallow habitual Mttivenett are niaay, cf whioh BUh Haadahr. Rnkof ill .ad to tha Bead, Dyspeysia, Files, Heart, Lung and Ekin DUeaae aad Female and Kidney Complaint!, are always aggravated by it. Many inert to pills, and never have a free evaenniioa of tha bowels without their aid. To these, I sty, stop sad eoaslder, as every pill you take eoetaias hiertsury, which will ia tima eausayoa te regret tbe emirs you have taken. By using Taylor's "totnach and Liver Corrector, y no will not need to take pills, two to fous bottles will eere job. Per Sale by all Dfoririiti and Sealers in Medl- einea. i ,. TEE BEST KEIIfWE EVER MADL !:-1 '.'iFoauar - 601K PR0PRIET0E, t , 184' Wabash, AvoafP?v'"y?5?.0Aft BMhSOdaea-weowl