Newspaper Page Text
$ lfWre-m safe,., WES OF ADYERTIS!?;S. Wt iMt lasers, er the a a aaa uii kw t- 1H oeasareil, On Dollar fereaeh ia- seriiea. . dpeciel Bailees, U coats per Hoe. Wber ta sorted I lk er MHrnmt tWringi I ar advertitiag fates, . . ,; Coaaeaieaiioet, er arlislea laterted aaoa reeding Matter, It teat par Ma, w t , Dkitr as WmLT. A diteenat of tb per eeet. wfll k made fnm the Weekly rata., ea yearly aad half yearly eoelreets, when thtlaae aillu U iaeerted la beth Daily eed Weekly. Dnabte Colaaas will be charged 24 par eeat additional. - mm . t e,eeeieel eivwevleeaem dveaeejee; .4. .;. t.'t! ' i : 9lt .'. j,.. ' c - - .... Twentieth Year., n - ' hi? -stria J ?se - ROCK ' ig Am;ILLIN01S. SQRDA. OGTOBER-U, 1871. it ii L . :Tat.t.-. .... i . i k ' ' ..." . . ,.. j- o" e. s., tav - .B.4 1 Establish Octi 18: 1851 . . IISHS-Diar inn. Bf If atl (payaklaia a4raa),ptraaaa,tt-0 By Mail , r "u'i.HiMikv . ByMa4l ... , s atki,,. . By Mail - - ' ' 1 oak.... i BT-BrOir 0iaaiaa,35 Oaati par waak. Biia Coma i Caata. , TIRKS.- WaaaixAaaaf. y ag1a Oapy, (payablata adTaaaa)......J.M aa Copiai . ' i ' lZtij Sf im " " " ..-. rkitty Qopiai . ..,M M ' L&10I WATSE riPl BUBDfATOET. At laa last mealing of tba Rock Inland City Couacil, tka oo a tract K aapply tha eaat iroa water pipiag raqairad for tha Water Worka aided to Deania Long k Ce. LoaiiYille, K7. the award being cob firmed by a ooaDimODi ota. Meters. Long ii Ca. will aleo probably get tka contract to fur oih tka piping for Darenport, wkea tke aiater city conoludet to kava W.tet Workt; wkick will be tka case before a great while. eapeoiallT if aba ihould have man; more aoch diiailraae fires as that of lait week Lfeaaia Laag Jk C. need reoomea dation to tka Western cities wko have; not already made their acqoaioUace when it ii koowa that they . faraUk all the gaa and water pi pee for Chicago, at. Cincinnati ( aod tkal watar pipe " for Iea Motnei Omaha, IndianopHt, and all tie big oitiei in tke Wet and Nortkweet wkiok hare Water Works. They caa make "bet ter pipei, ad for leee money than any other firm, eimply became they bava their Workt eo arranged a to enable them to work at leta aipcoie than any other Pipe Workt, VERT LATEST BY TELEGBAPH. 4 O'Oloolc Jb. M. COMMERCIAL. 1.14 v 3- ere atriokea down by tka. flame and burned to death before reaehiag the water. . Whole familiet ware deearoyed. la tba morning tha ttreeta were ttrewn with dead bodiaa. Eight or nine bodiaa ware found ia oaa ooraer near together. One t&Bllt. aABklltlHS At flkA MAlk ..! mi I D T . . -a -.-.- - m.m i wfua. uciooer ii cni.oreu, were louoo aeaa wgatner- wnoin Tan glear atarkat It eorreeted at Waraat't three teet trem tha water. It ta enppoeed MUU a.d the ,.iaiioo. ar. U. raling prieet l Ik seek Ialaad market. pany a ooaramg nonse, one nnnarea ana up- WORKS OF ART SAVED. MUH1FICEHT LIBERUITT. b.c..noftk.ireompl..n.Mad.xt.W. gjjj aUlaS All iU'llt ! een. it it aoi claimed lor mete worn at Louiarille that they make tka bttt pi pee in the world , bat that tkey . make good at any maoafactorej ia tbie country. They claim that tbey me a aoperior qaality of metal, and that all pipe made by them it ttronger and mon valuable than it ordinarily 1 made. At an evidence of the to perior quality of the mete nted, a larjre chemical etlabliahment oi New York ordered their large catt trot retorta to be made by Mauri Long & Co.: tha proprietor! baaing previoealy viaitec Pittaburg and Cincinuati for the psrpote o .having the work done. The retorta wen made and tent, and, after a loag end thorough teat the order wat duplicated, and baa aiaco beea followed by many similar rrd(-r, at well at for oaetiogi thai will ttaod gi-rat pretaare aad heat, r June of lati yee.r a diaaatroos fire eoniplvtely dettroyid the Mai bine Worka beloneiag to the firm. The loot by fire wat fully $110,000, with an iua-rauce of odIv $30,000; making a cat lo. f 10,(100. Thnt, in a few hoora, the arramalationt of years of labor were twepi it. But, Pbn'oixlike, tha concern began to rue from the mint, and, within three weekt, the Pipe thop, which bad keen teri- damaged by the fire, wat put in work ihg order again. luring thit delay tb. M'urk on the I'nioQ Pipe Workt on th wk arf m pnahvd forward with redonbler viioi-, od the capacity of that Foundry in- cf, ,t d ao that ia a few weakt after the fin thi concern wat workin np to more that in former oapcity, though in a aew line oi mm.l'.c!tari. ia which it hat ever tine caii.tait.eiT that preeminence which dittin gaiahei it at wot only one of the largest but one of tha rtt iron work manufactorie? ia the United State. W merely relatt ih above incident in eonneotion wnk Mtsira Long & Co., in order to ehow theii eurpriaing rvtouropt, the astonishing rapid ity with whion they meet an emergency aul lutirgral capacity for buaiuett. I O OH NOTICES. l'oir.criKC it unri'aied at a beaatiber ot t d oj'Ol xiou, it te a powJer, harmleaa, rf ti a 1 a id elegant. Try it, 50 centt per box iKrivtTi. 51 a oh tuffering to theso tsedn Itittte buda of the human family might b W.Ut4 u'll Mn- Whitcomb' Syrup. aJveriiMmeat in another colamn. rfIt.aaii.oa Qoidb. latereetiag work nurrjeroua engravings, 22-i pages. Price 51 oeolt Addreta Dr. Bulla' Diapeaaary, li Kanh Eiakth atreet. St. Lonit. Mo. So adrertinement. Co.sctat. If yon iniitt npon bavin Dr. Price'e Cream Baking Powder an Speoial Flavoriug you will get them. S. long at tatitfied with cheap mixtarea. (rjcert will tell them, for tbey aTord a bet ter proot. Lost of teeth it a great misfortune, an Tiaay good tath are palled beoaute of ago ; the teeth and jawt, which might be curec aad "e, ( h nting Renne t Mag in Oil. Ihit article it good to use whe b.maing and cleaning tha teeth, and keepi the game bealtby ALL EiGar. SYMPATHY ! Murder of a Banker. Great Fires in Northern Wisconsio. Dre&.fal es(rDcUo ef aad Propertjt Life Raportee Kxpreaaly far tka Aaect. ward in number, nearly all perithed. Every report from the neighboring tene ments brines ia format ioa ot boneea barned and not a single bouse retrains standing. : Williamson's mill, at Sturgeon Bay, wat burned and 65 lives lost, betide 12 persons teriooily barotd " One report ttatet that oJLa perton were burned at Petbligo and 75 at Little Stur geon Bay.- Dae hand red aad fifty men had take refuge in bar near Pathtigo were all killed.' " A fire broke oat in Manittee, Michigan, at 10 P. V. Sunday and raged nntil 5 A. X Monday, deatroyio 200 buildings, six large mills and a vessel lying at tba deek. One half of tha entire town-is barned. Loes estimated at $1,300,000. ' ' ' , , Wiidsok, Ont., Oct. 12. A fire broke ont last nirht in the- McOregor bank, op posite tha Ham Uoaae, burning the whole blook np to tba Westers Hotel east. Tba Ham House is now on fire, aad tba post office, telegraph office, Great Wat tern rail road station aad many other bnildiags have been destroyed. Detroit era engines have arrived and the flame are being subdued .IMA .. Wiavaa Waste JTlobb Wholesale ' " " ' KetaiK. Irtua Wain Iwea- -aptlag Deakie Sim la kfcla, wkalaaal.....$.8U ati1.. .... -J. to tfaafeaat aii. .M y ,,,, at r Sk waoiaaaie.. tatl Gaast'a la. r Hiuise yuooa Beteit Banal, aaokt !-j.a;e irt''V ' Btrocwaaa IFlosb W htasala .... Vaaat, new.mM.MN, Oeaia- Oava Naw. Baaaav V.t . tajsote. $1 6 1.14 ...X.tU .. 80aM ,.lS2i 3Va2e .. 40 OeS -8 ROCKISL1ND Business College OPIN DAY AND KYENIXG, For Ladies and Gsatlamen, Boy it Hisses. A large aumker naw attending. Bvaning School well attended. eetl2 dtf daelse lest, far retailing, will hriaf...lia -- 7 1 -f 13 Lass pea lb - 10 alia a'eeaveas tOaK) irrui paraaiaal ,.... 6 ees pea dea.. 1 Hieawiaat ...... fcl Tkt above prieet are the wholesale leases at (rat heed. PdCLVBT Lira TarkUa, pl , , , ,-, - , - la Draaaad " " 1J Oalekeae,Uve " .. .M... 8e dtaaaad M lUa alarea mhhim taaaaaaet aeaeea waea Daake " 10a Boas L'va -. -,,,v , 1 Oavtu 4aa A AA.1 M Uve weirkt. eeaiaiea rime sklppiag, pa ! lbs HAT rairie,peraea 8.00aB.O o.OJall.M FOE SALE ! "VSK FRAME H0U8E AND LOT, PHICtl 1,ZU0; one naif eaak ia bead,belaaee In aae year witk intcreat. One frame hoaie, Cooper Shop and let, price i l,l0, one-half aeah in hand, balaoea ia eaa year with interest. Alto, 60eordi dry oak wood, aad 400 perch of batldieg ttoaa. B DAVKNPOB.T. hock Ialaad, Eapt. If.lh, 1371; dim ILL MT j . r vi.' nri mnd Buaieos. Boila and v.,,r.,. "w-. lata bv all Druiitlaia. 28 eta. p i ,. ...... iai d nrioe. Addreta . KU1 HT.H5C lark Bt , Chicago. eepU-dly A A OHA.DALIS TilOKIIT AHIRlCAlt HIALTk A. HBSTUaMB., panflat the bleot aa aaraaejraiBia, BTptuta. Hkia vi m, Hbaaaatliai, Dmuiiof Woman, aad all Oaroala Afwtloaa af tka Bloaa, Llttr aad tidaaya. Haaemmaadad by tha Kadiael Faoalty aad maay thoaa. aadt of ear baat eitiaaea. Raad laa Uatimoay af pkyaiaiaat aad pauaaia who bare eaad Kaiadatia; aaot for ear Hotadalie a Ida to Haalta Book, or Alaaaee far tkia year, whiak wapab. Uh tor gratalioaa diatribatiea f it wnl give roo mank valaabla laforstattea. Dr. Jt- W. Carr, ef Baltimore, aavn 1 tea piaaiere la raaomaaadia voar aVoaadalia aa a vary powerfal al tarauve. I kave aaaa It aaed ia twa aaaat with happy ratalta oaa ia a aai af aeaeedery ipkill., la whiak the pa lla-it eroaaea.ied kimialf eared aflar kavias takaa Sva kottlas ef yoer aaadi else, rha ether It a taie of aarefala of lmt ataadiea-. wklak la rapidly laprev lac aader ila aaa, aad tha tadleatleaa are ikal tke aetteat will aaoa raeover. I kave earefally exaaiaad the (oraala bf wklekvear Kaaadallt is made, aad al it aa exaelleat eoapoeed ef alter. .tlx taeredieeta. Dr. Bparka. ef K lakolaville, Ky.ayt ka kaa 9i ftoaadellf ta aaaat ai cero rle aad Saeoadary Sypkllis with tain 'eatery reealta aa a elaaaar ef the bleed r kin ne better reaedv. Jtaal . tee'eddae, Merfreaakave, p . . . i f k. .aad teres eeltlai ef Beta dalia. aad am entirely erd ef Rkeaa alua; taad aafoar bertlaa, at I witk it for ay krether, whe ks strafalett ore eyei.1 Baa"jaaiB Bajhal, ef Lias, Okie, writna, 1 have aaffered for twenty yean with avatarate ernplloa ever hit wholeaadyi a tthort tiae tiaee I far ahatad a hettle ef Keaadeltt aad it ef fattad a perfaet eere " Roaadalltla eold hy all drngglatt. - Laboratory, t liekaaga Plaaw, Bal llaare. Dr. CLBKKITI CO Freprleier Chicago, Oct. 13. The statement tele graphed Thursday, that all the pictures ia be opera houae gallery were destrored, is appny incorrect. io a iiet ot all the euies towns and iliagas in tha conatry wkicb, without wait- ug tor requeatt, have forwarded bountiful uipliet tt provitioni, blankeli and cloth. vg to the aoQerert, it would be neoesaarj .o furnish a complete gazeteer of the United states. Aaoag tba sums donated, not -aireadr oeotiooed, are the following. Boston, datt., $100,000; Kamat City, Mo., $10. J00; Pittsburg, Pa., citizens, $20,000; Pitts burg oilv. council, f 100,000; Uamiltou. Ont 2,000; Peterson, N. J., f 7,000, 6rat ioaia;!- ueottrom Buffalo, Si. X., f 100,000; lodi- napolis, Ind $40,000; Cineinnati, $100,- 000; Leavenworih. Kar., $1P,W 0; Qoiocy ..... $15,000; Montreal Hoard of 1 rade.f 1 0.- 100; Portland, He., iU,UUU; JJaitimora 4nfrican'a subienptioo list, $10,000; San Francisco stock aiobanga, $4,000 tod: vdam't Elpreet Co., $10,000; Lawrence. at., $10,000; D. L. Morgan & Co , London, eng., $5,000; city o-Kocbettr and Monroe onoty, . I., f 70,000; ban hrancuco tub- .cription lilt. $25,000, which tbey intend to aake f 100.000; Toronto, Ont , $10,000 jld; W. E. Dodge, London, Leg., $10, !0; St. Joaepb, Mo., eubtcnptions ot citi- .eua, $20,000, ouy appropriates $14,000. aunty appreprietee $13,000; avraooae, N X'., $25,000; New Orleans (subscription complete), $10,000. 8o far none of the bank vaultt bare bteo uund at all injured. Thoae of the Union National, which were at Drat reported nown up, are in perfect oondition, to far at he contente are concerned. The safes ot .ue Fide. it? Sate Depotit Company and T. ii Brran ft Co., were lonnd, when ojeoed, o have no heat in them, and every dollar t the million on depoait there it safe. Jberles Wilsoa took oat over $30,000 ia resb, clean greenbacks. The company hat stablitbed an office on the mint, and in- itet all to bring tueir money and other val- lahlat there and depotit them free of charge iatil they get better accommodations. Tbe -aviopa bankt of tha city announce that bey will at occe pay ia fall all dopotitort bote balaacet do sot exceed twenty dol rt. but not to depotitors whose balancre .re more than that sum. Tbe limit simply a cases of the latter class of depositors is lely for tbe purpose of preventing a run iv those who do not atop to cooaider the emoralizing etfaot of such ao eveot. The .gents of tba -tin a insurance Company are tow anjnsliog ana paring ineir ioases vhich they say will not exceed two and i elf to three millions of dollar. A noticeable tact, and one of immense .diportance in the rebuilding of the city, la .be pertect condition in which the fire baa efi the Nicholaon pavement. Tbe damage a ao tritlog aa not to be worthy of mention J ilea of pavement on the orth side are ..moat uuauorched and perfectly free ot Jcbna, aud even ia the South Division where both sides ot the street were hoed with lofty brick aud stone building, there is soarcely a point where a oarnage may not be driven through tbe streets, excep where buildings were blown np iu tba an Jeavor to stop the progress of the flames. The rams hafa aim out invariably fallen upon their own sites. Wheae pavemen's were burned at all, the fire oaiy charred them on the outside, and it is a question whether the process will not improve them. A rumor prevails, aud by ome ie belief id, that Honry J. Ullman, tbe banker, was .Ardered instead of having been suffocated av tha fire. Hi body was found near bit oankinr bout which ha baa eviaeoi.y jutt eft with hi money and valuable ia bit ermt. Bostow. Oot. IX The Chicago tub- tcription up to noon amount to $230,000. Nw York. Oct. The obcription of tha Chamber of Commerce ycetorday will prooaoiy be about $75 00. LoHDOg, England, Oct. 14 The ooea- tnoa council veiterdav unanimously agreed to forward 1,000 guineas immediately to tha Mayor of Chicago. Appropriate resolutions oisjmpatoy were pasteu. ST. Loot, Oot. 14. Mail advices from : - : - ... - . ...... various puioia in n Itootjtin, published ta tetterday morning's paper, show that horrible calamity bat befallen the lumber ing towns on Oreen Bay Pethtigo vil lage mill and the Sugar Butb settlement were entirely twept away on Sunday night aad Monday morning, rrom one to three hundred live lost and bodiet badly barned Whole familiet periabed, and ecores are Wins? around dead waiting for tke bonified living to bory them. At Meaekaane, ISO buildings were bsrned; at a small eettle- ment called BtrcV Creek every bona was hn,.H and ten or twelve live were Ioet. Pethtigo wa totally destroyed, aad band r.H. barned or drowned io trying io escape tbe flames. Maay were badly bornad about the bead aad face while ta tba water, manj O there, womea and ehili ree.d ed from eipoture. Some who lised a.i. ... or two timet from tha nvr Wooa Oak, pa tw4. Biaket . . Coil CoU Vallay Yard !levelaad Vfi TtAS Teaag Uyaaat, eoaaaa ......... " " fair te good ... " " prima te ehoioe, Saapewder, eeanioa te fair.. " prime ta akotea. Oaioag, eomaoa to falr...... prime to akawa.... .6.i T.0 ...13a ..13a YOUTH Km BEAUTY U, Areaaaared thoae whe make oft of that marnif-1 lt eammoa te rair ieeat eoimetie, 7 .-UOal.4 l.SSal.i 1.0al.S ...L40al.M l.aial.Ti l.Ual 40 L 1 RUE'S ALABASTER CREAM ! 1 1 Aad tha Ladiaa who deaire a Perfaet Eaaaal, Splendid Coametie, and delicate pe:fama com dined, will uaa no other. It It, at a haaatifier to the complexion, ,JiTele . .19al0e ,.JSa30a prima to ekotee..., Old ftavernaaat Java. Beaiaa eomaoa to fair .llaMta " " priBM te akotaa inaL2 BaAaad But), eraahod. newdered aad graa- S. I A lie de extoa C 13a nnerinr ta tn artiela la tba irnrld I Baiaad Sagar, do C , ... Ue I Mciaa.aa Seaar ...lOalla Ua. TaVIAL. rSUVSS J HIS. I gAi, So'd by all Draggiata aad Dealare ia f aacy 1 fiae, Gooda. SBO. K. LIB. Proprietor, may!dlm Hartford, Coaa. John Ban gaton, Agent, Book Ialaad. 0Q o 3 z CO o Solar ... 2.f Dairy, wtta aaaki ...a.J0 Dairy, ontkant aaoki. -4.7 I.ia a Part Bvroa, par bbl.. .... .l-'O B.ah Ialaad, par bbl ...... l.t B3a"a,Sfcrr'V : a - c m.3 n.s la-re 3 a' Ie 52 S Cimi0 T-m.9 2" wa Haw GEO. Ha LAWT0N, UERCQ AND1SE BROKER, WOOD, L1GUT & CO., Haaalaatarara of ENGINE LATHES I AND SLOTTING .Si'&.w'u'K PLAMESSt Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMTTHST STEAM HAMMERS, Oaa BXacni&ery. DOUBLE MILLINB MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangars, Patent Self Oiling Bex. v WAIIH0TJB1; . lOT UBB1TYIT., SBW YOBKCITT M ANTFACTORT : HAMHOSD ST., (Opp. Jaaetloji Depot), WOICB8TBR, ltAl," All Trains entering tbe City, ttop within ten reda af our Worka. JelO dtf I860. 1871. THE PIONEER JUSIC STORE. A LA RGB STOCK ALWAYS 09 HAND Of HTBCK, BMBRwOW, AMBtatlCAN, HAINBS, MAtlHALL AMD WESDEI I, PIAINOS, Geo. Wood & tVs,&Estey Organs aad all klndt of Mutieal Inttrumantt. Bhaat Maaie of latett Utnat, aad the beat iu parted Strtaga in tbe eity JOIIW UOYT, apl Corner IUlnoia and Washington atreet. AKTlTly TAILORIRG. 687 WABavJaS AVEWTJP, . OBZOAOO. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, ' for E"J r ; . OEHTLEMEN'S TJSE. WID116 OUTFIT i Shirts to Measnre Extra Deable and Perfaet la V it. Clergyman will be allowed 8 per cent, diteeaai, . . . 4 ,, .. teblSdly . 8A8H, D00K8. AC. EOLANDEB, & HTJBEB, Saeeettort to J. A. BiBDites, ' Xaaafaetnrere of fiish, Dws, Bliods, Mtoldiags, FBAMKal, BBACKBTf), And everything in their line. "' Glased Saah oa hand, alto Cera Heal and Feed All work warranted. feb2tdw6m SAWS. ItVABLIIBBB IB 1810. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' vw : sa,'t7t7a)t m SCPB&I0& TO ALL OTHERS 1 Axe, Tilti, Cast Steel, Kill TaraUkUgs, aad alaeklnary. taaV Oat the beat, they will prove the cheapest Prieet red aaa d. Bead for prise Lietand eirealars. WELCH At GIIPFITB, aettdwly Booton, Maas., er Detreit, Kiak fgELg AeoaipoonUof Cocsa-mtt OU.fc. Aoknowl- ajnguieaaw y i wpiwhui-ot wie ormrm ana Oram ijf of the hair. 103. BUSSItT k CO., Boston. Mass. Bold by all druggists. Jiewart of imitation. tore WOK OSK MONTH TO ALL WHO AfK rntt FOK IT: 75c. to an. $1.50 to July "78: 2.60 to Jan. '73. THK METHODIST. Kvery week a Lecture Room Talk by Beecher ; Sermon or article ny Talraage. laecona oniy to neecuer in popuianiy y. Mr. Willing great aerial story exposing aeeret worilng. of Romaniam in America, and much other good reading. U. Ualsted, 114 Nasaaa at. Xsw York Boston NEW Bazaar I STORE. rnrr TRY SAMPLES of onr great 8-psge fl.OU rntt illustrated weekly 30 yeara established. Pine fteel engravinfa free to aunacribers. Agents make S5 a dav. owelL, Maine. Solieited by TJHB ft CO., Pablttberi Bcitntffi Ameri ca, 37 Park Bow. . T. Twentv-flw yeara' experience. Pamphlet eoataininx Patent Laws, with fall direc tions how to obtain Patents, free. A bound volume of 118 pages, containing the NEW CENSUt by counties and ail large cities, 140 Engra vinga of Mechanical Movements. Patent Laws and rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt of S6 cents. 8 "niTEL RID CKE' XX FLINT GLAUS LAMP CHIMNEYS. SUad Etat bttter tkam any other mad. Ask for Dithridge'a afid take no other. See that onr name ia on every box. DITHKIDGE & BON, Plttehurgh.Pt. Bend for Price List. S30. wa wz&Xi tats: 3o. Agents $30 per week to sell our great and valuable diacoverlea. If yon want permanent, honorable and pieaaaut wora, apply inr particular. Aaarera DYER & CO., Jackson, Mich. LAM AGENTS Wantod In every county in this State, to whom ate:tdy, genteel and profitable employment can be given. Is one but niuien that can send the beat of reference need addreta FRAGRANT HAPOIAENE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. XHItntASOS. J. M. BOrOBD. 6 P E ? S 2-riI iS ai ak a,. SS'.-B f?6ls Va g?s5l3?"esf-l O octT-di ii...tiv3oi AND Connnission Mercliaiit, 51 Perrv street, jy2S-d3m DAVEBPORT, IOWA. i. w. nrKaasoa. j. . woarBiao. ECKE.ItOI Ja'vFdETBIltCt If aanfaetarers of NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, A Bright Blue Eye, Song Mainingar, J5cta Bart yo ihi Loatse Comie Soag, Salton, 40 Darling BtlU of the Boarding Sdtoo,Porter30 bVrl tnth the Cigarette, Comia Cordelia, ? Jollg High Time, Cemie, Parka, 30 A'ow wouldn't you like to know, Comie, Cord'la 30 Jewelie of the Heart, BeauUful Seag, MUIardSO Low te fke Mmdow, " " Znch, St Let it Paee. for Baas or Alto, , . " 33 Yet Onre Again, Dealt for Sop. aad Barr. Saeriel, 50 Quarrelling Neighbor; Comie Duett, Aohor, 7i Somebodg'e Child, with va'iations, Mack, AO Heavenly (rreettngm, Fansia Stoymantiqua, Blaaekey, Holiday Yaeation March, illustrated title eilsiDa, Sweet Anticipation, Sohotttteht, " Silsinn. Dairy, Faatalsia, Krng Any of tha above aent by mail oa reoaipt ef tba market price. He matter where yon tee a piece of Matic er Muaio Book advertised, send to nt and yon will receive tt by eneloaiag the publishers price. BALMZa, Sl WSBBSU MUSIC DItLBRt, m27-dedl2m. ST. LOUIS. S. B. BHD. 35 to 15 Executor's Sale of Re&l L'state. SHOW CASES, IU TUB COCN1T COl RTof Rock laland County. state ur iniuois. sa. Jane L. AndrcwB. executrix, and .Tohn M. Oould. executor, of tbe uwt will and testament of Lemuel Andrews, deceased. v. Jane L. Andrews, Ellen tv Andrew., Lemuel Andrews, Jr., Juhn S Gillmore, William Baxendale and William IXirle Petition to eU real estate. Public notice is hereby civenthat the undereipned executrix and executor of the last will and toatameni of Lemuel Andrews, deceased, by virtue of an order and decree ot the County Court or Kot k li-lanu Co.. utle of Illinois, mitde and entered at the Autrut term. A. 1. ltTI, of said Conrt. on petition of tbe un-d'TM'-ned to sell real estate ot aaid deceased, will on I Monday, the 80th a ay ef Oct., A. D 1871, between tbe hour of 10 o'clock a m. and 5 o'clock n. m. ol tliffl dav. on the nremises to be sold sell ai pnblic auction, to the l.iL'bed and best bidder, the lollowing described real etale, situate io the Coun ty or Kik It ana etwie oi Illinois, to wit : Lot number in block number four (4), lot numlier two (HI, three iSi, six t) and eight (Ri in block nuinlwr five ..'), lota number ot.e (1) aud three () in block numlier six(ti), lots number two (it), four .4), seven (7) and nine (Ml, in bloc k uumbereiiht t.. and lots number one (1), three 3i aud live i.'liu block uumlK-rume All of said lots and block beiutr in the town of West Moliiie. in section thirty one township eighteen i,1ni north range one i.!' west ot the fourin ittii) principal meriuiau. Also tbe east two and 17-11)0 (4!T-HKIi acres (ex cepting and reserving that portion tuereon no owuetland occupied by the Rocklord. Kock Island 4 St. Louis Railroad Company as a rlcht of way I, ol lot number thirteen (lSitu said section thirty-otie (81). as said lot is known aud designated upon the M'Mjr plat ol said section tor A. ii. IW1. now on hie in the ollice of the Recorder o( said Rock Island county. Aud in pursuance of said order and decree the un dersigned ill aiso on Tustday. the Slit day of Oot. A. D. 1871 Otivanlo Batteriat of all Kindt aad Sitet. Kit Dearborn Street, Oppttite Post OSise, CHICAGO, IL1 All Kindt ef Sleotro-afagaetie Iasiruirenta Neatly Repaired at short notioe. Also Medals maa'e of all deacriptioat oa short notice. oet4-d:im WB1TISG FLflP. LSWIS COX. LBWISB.COX. COX & CO., Maaufaotnrert ef Writing. Fluid, MUCILAGE, between the honra of 10 o'clock a. m. and So clock rnViBr B.US, iaVfaaiBa. TlSlCt Aid ii. m of that dav. on the premises to he sold, sell at 1 "IfJ " awiwa iUaVIKIDg UK. . Ko. ITS Horth Water Street, CHICAGO. . . .....ILLINOIS. I All Shipments at Furthatert' riak srtl-dTa Buford & Reed, IIRE. LIFE AND INLAND INSURANCE US I The Following Old aad Reliable Companies Represented: JEtna, Home. Ins. Co., of H. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Republic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life Total Atuct Represented, over medical issTtcMtnTg. Livery and Sale Stables. 800,006000.00 ! OTFICX-Be. 8, Argt BaildUg;, OppeelU Fett Office. Cp Stairs, OCK 11LAKI-, ILL. tap! Alt Pll'Ka BUXK. 79 Lake Street, CHICAGO,. oct4-dJa .ILL. (Suesetsor te J. M Sokaaidar.) if enuieetarer of every daaeription of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. Orders promptly attended to. tepl5-d3m C0PP & BRO., A VOID QUAC S. A victim of early in- XX Aiteretien. causior narvoet debility, pre mature decay, etc., having tried in vain every ad vertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cute, which he will send to his fellow-suffurem. Address J. H. REEVES, 78 Nassau at. N. V., GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS1 BT TBI Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braaek Heat., Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, - - - ILLS. Whaia we are offering anrivalled Teat, at tht tame low priee as at their "Baatera Hente." By Importing Teat in oar go lota, thay eaaele as te retail te the ooasumer at extremely low prtoea. Don't fail te visit the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palace Bew, where will be foead the neat, pnreet ant rreabest Teaa, CoFeal and Dpi. aaa, at prieet beyond aompetition. myw3ni rO W Ana m FrtnctlAfl. Ag u xrovzozT OOBZBZZMIOB wfoxur rivAXfAaAZf, (1ESE&1L iCGTIOHEEB, Olea ia Petiee Magistrate's Offiae, aOCK LBLAHD, ... ILLIK0I8. fc.rTlll preaattly attend to all bnainets aa lasted te his sare. deelldwtf. HARTET, DRAKE & CO., Commission Merchants, IM FLQUR AND GRAIN, 19 Water Street, CISCISN ATI, oeti-dly ...OOIO. NEW GOODS ! I. S. GATES & CO., ILLINOIS ST., ........ .IIOCK 1BLAVO, (lorm.rly MeGaa't Shoe Store,) ' OFFERS F JB SALK lt ie,0 ydiof anbleaehad Sheetings 10, lflJ, ,0u7ds ef white Mualin; at 10, Hi, 14, Table Linens, bleach. d aad anblaaohed at 31. 45, bt, 7Se, etc. ' lOpieeesreal turkey red table linen, el per y are. eu dos Maokias at Tt, 1.40. 1.2&. I.S&. eta. White bed tpreadfl,!, 1,50, 1,80 ate. 5,00 ydt crash toweling, 4. 8, 10, Hi, It, ete. 50 dot linen towtls 10, 12i, It, 20, 2io, ete. -Large lot llnea diapert, aheap. 50 dos Crermaa eertets, IS beats white aad cat ered, all aamhere at 8to per pair. 24 dos French corsets vary cheap. a. mo m ranen sua eaanroioere eorset. t dos Rid Sieves all eoiers aad aaabers, at 45 eania per pair, .kaap. St dot kid Ulovet, oalra aloe Otett per pair. 20 dos 2 batten Kidt all colors and aaabers very eheaa. A large lot Lltle thread and Cotton Olovaa. 200 Ladiee ealiee wrappers at 1,50 and 1,0C each 200 Shawls at 40, 75, i0, l,t0 8,00, 2,54 ,tt, 4,00, 4,60, 6,4 t 825 each. A large aad splendid eatortaeai ef Ladiaa' vo der elething. Obeaite to, 15, 90, 1,04, 1,35, ete. Drnwen, 60, 75, 1, to, ete. Might Drettei, 00, 1,10, l,3t,l,t4, ete. Taeked Sklrte, 19, 80, 1,00, 1,21, 1,50. L'adar Shirts, taeked aad n filed, only fOe. te es Aproas iroa ze te, n. A large line al Ladies' ana Misses' Hosiery st very low prices. 100 dos Ladles' hammed Eaadkerehieft from 6t upward.. A great variety ef button t aad trimming! te be seld at half the atnal prieet. 100 dot Ladies' Laee Oollart at 14, tt, 25a, ate. Ladies' Keel Thread Laee Collets 40, To, 8 1,25, 1,44, ete. 14,000 yds ef cotton JCdglagt, at 1, 2, 3, 4, t, 6 7, 8, , 10, ete. 0,000 ydt of Hamburg Fdg'cgt at 7, 8, 14, II, 15, 20.25, 3(, 35, 40: St. 60, eto. A large line ef insertions to matah, eheaa. 400 dot Spool Cottoa, 200 ydt caeb all eelere and numbers at eta per spool or tx ete per doxan. 300 dos Coats' and Olark's eotton at 8 teats a seool. 200 dostpocl Silk, 100 ydt each, at Hie a spool. 150 dot of spool Bilk 13 ydt each at Ze a tpeoi. Bkein Bilk and Twnt al Ze each. English'! pin at nek laedle, 5o a pnner. Pint t ett n paper. Elastic Cord 3, 4, te per yard. 26 dot Gent's white Skirts, at 1,00, 1,25, 1,60 and 2,00 open back. Geit's under Shirts 25, 34, 50. Tt, 90, 1,00, ete. Uent't plaid Flannel itirti 75, 1,04. 50 dot hand knit Woolen Socki at 40e a pais; west s Uotten Hose 1 Hi, ID, IO, Z5. ete. Uent't Paper Collars, b, 10, It, 80 end 2t. Uett's liecktiat. 10, It, 20 and 2te. O.nt's hemmed Headkerokiefi, 10, It, 24, 25, ete. Went a Kid Gloves, ekeap. 10,000 ydt Calico, at 7, 8, 10, 12$, ett per yard. 1,000 ydt Bed Ticking at 10, It, 20, Z5e, its. 1,500 ydt eettoa Flannel al I2i, It, 20, 16, ete A large assortment ef white and red Flanntlt te be sold cheap. A good liae of black and colored Alpaeaa. A full line of silk and wool Poplins at uaaaaa low prices. A good assortment of plaid dreis goods. Black Bilktfrom 1,50, te $5,(10 per yd. 400 placet ef Bikbon all widths aad eolorl. A full line of lath Kibbons. Aa extentive aasortatat of Jewelry te be teld at great bargain!. iO dot Hoop Skirts at very low prieet. A full line of Fertumery aad a large variety or articles too anmereut te m.atlon. tept-deod-mwf A wly Office under Dart's Ball ROCK ISLAND,. ILLS. ii a at i4 rA-viin. ai.. aft: n a a a 1 JBOVw VUUVlliV x-i.Btutkaiiuue tarn vtti Uanafacturer of and Dealer in for partial, Bella, Preeetiiont, ete nh4dly X.OTTSB.Y-. ur auction to the hurbuHt and best bidder, the fol lowing: uuscnueu real uevnur, biliuuv iu ,uc v. hock island and HlaW of Illinois, to wit . Lot number sixteen (Ibi coutaining two ana r-isp N-lutti acres, and the eaM half (V)OI lot uuium-r lourtevn 1 14. iu said section thirty-one (Bltafsaia u are known aud di-sii;naled upon (lie saia Asses- sor'e plat for A. D. 1N.1. And iu pursuance of said order and decree the un dersigned will also on Wednesday, tbe 1st day of Hov. A. S. 1871 between the hours of u o'clock a m. and 5 o'clock &m. or that day, at ttw Irani uoor of the Milan otine, in Milan, in auiu County and btate. eell at liuiiiic auction, to tne nitie.t ana nest niauer, tue IoIIowIiik described n-al esiate. situate In tbe (JouulJ of Kock Island in the Mate of Illinois, to wit: lli! esl half ri ol tha noi-thaist ouarter Iv north of Kock Rivcri of section fourteen (141 Cou- uiiiiiiir aeveaty-nlne and W-liWiTV 84-100) ecrat. end the southeast frac.lonal quarter (U) (south of the Blotiitb) of section twenty one til), containinEOtie bumired and eleven lu-uio ih-iuu) acree, and thu undivided one-half (H) part of the eouihweot frac tional quarter (4.1 ol section twenty-two () (the wnoie oi wiu c iincnoiiai quarter containing one hundred aud ten (It'll acres). All of which eaidiaet three Diecea or parceii, n land Iwinir In towiuhin number seventeen (.17; north, range west of the lOUrtU laiuf ,riuuin,i mcriuian. And in pursuance oi sum oraer and decree the un dersigned will also on Thursday, tba Bad day af Hev. A. S. 1871, between the hours of 10 o'clock s. m. and 6 o'clock p. ni. ot mat nay, at tne uon.ii ooor ol the Court li. In the citv of Kock Island countv and iuk aioresaid, sell at public auction, to tbe behest and best bidder, tbe following described real eaute, sit uate In ine couult oi nuts jmauu, ib me stale or Il linois, to wit . Lot number Uve to) in block number n . 1 1 Iu Bailey Boyle s audition to the r.ilv of Kock isuuiu, aou ium uuuiuvn vwuij-uiBa ( rvj ana Bfir-two oi as known and designated npon the As Kwor's plat lor A. 1. 1H04, of out low and aub lots to the city of Kock Inland, be tug In aecttoa number thirty-eixI-WJ township eighteen IB north, range two a west of tne found 4thj principal meridian. calu aaiea win w ..uu .n .uuv.ujg v . uir, . to wit i tiMi-third caah on day of sale, one-third in nine mmua. and oiM-tnira tu twelve aiottins. with I interest upon aucb deferred payments at ten per I cent per annum, and the purchaser will be required I io kivq uotee with good personal eecurity lor me i payment of the parch ase money, and a mortgage up-1 on the land Dun-i.wil I i ue uiraerriKued in their capacity Of executrix ana i executor reserve the right and privilege of one bid I upon each kit, piece or parcel of laud odered for sale iu ywnmiw wi uua notice. - . , , JANE L. ANDREWS, Executrix of last will and testament of Lemuel An drews, deceased. ... , JOHN M. GOULD, Executor of last will and teetaiueut of Lemuel An drews, deceased. . , . ' Dated Heplemher 14th A. D. 1871. ocUi-Uid J. T. BKOWNlKa, Att'y. T Ui a iAmaalt Bawet. 014 D sept29-dla Bojal Bataba Lsttery ol Caka. ONDCCTED BT TBE SPANISH GOT- eraaeat $300,080 in Gold drawn every ser es teen dav. fritet eaihed an mrormation faralihed The highest priee peid for Doub loon, and all kind a ef Oot aaa Bilver. TAYLOR A CO., Banker., feb8dly 18 Wa ! Street, Hew York. CIFT KVTKKraiSK. The Oaly Beliabla Gift Dittribntita U tb country i $60,000.00' XXT VAXiVABlVZI oxrzB! TO SB DI.TRIIUTID IB L.D.SHSTE'S 142nd BBGTJLAK MOBTBLT r. Mvm iff To b drawh Xoaday. Few. 87, 1871. tWO 6 BAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each ia Greenbacks Tw Prizes $1,0005 f p , , . vssssis: i Wholt Number of Cash OiJU 1.000 ! 1 Horse A Baggy, with Sllrer-neunted Haraett, worth SAOO. One Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth tv00. Ten Family Sewing Machine. rortk Stop eaen. 'ive nsavy t'aated Bo i Hutting Wauhettnd Heavy Sold Chafnt, worth $300 each. Five Uoid Amarlaaa Hasting Watctet, wortn n ewia. i. Ladiee' Gold Haatiag Wateee, worth fit aaeh. 800 Gold and Silver Lever Bnntlnr Wttchet (In all) Iwonu uwu. e f w f w oacn. Ladiet' Gold Leontine Chains. Gent'a Gold Test I, Kilver-Oiatee Ctors.Bolid 8Uvarand Doable Plated Taoieaa leaapooos, ivory Msnrtied uinner Knives, Silver-pitted Dinner Forks, filver-Vest Chains, Pbolograpa Arbama. Lad tee Gold Breas ninaand Kar-rinirs, Gento' Gold Breastpins, Hbirt r1". . . i U.... ni ni I ' ..IA 13.. I MUfld ann Oieo.c uuiwim, iiijqi UiU wvu tela, ,i .....nMi.n. f ate - Fhol number Gift" S.OUO. Tickets Limited to tto.000 imiim WANTED TO SELL TICKETS to ! tihral Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets ft; tsix Tickets . Twelve Tickett rlMliM nantAiahifir a full liat of nriaaa. a daaerto- Itioa of the manner of drawing, and ether informauoa in lemrenoe to the Distribation, will be aent to any 1 one ordering tnem. &u tellers masi ue anoyeaaae to Xt, tV. avaAe AJ, 0Z So, Cllt CIM NATL O. Oynoa. 101 W. W St. oeu-dwly BLeaiaea. a. a. aiBBiees SZtS&XSOB A SS.O., Heal Estate & lasnranee igdats, Ko. 1 Tiele's Block, DATBHPOBT, - -. - IOWA. Attead personally and promptly ta tbe kaviai aae aeuiag el Heal state en eoamuiioa, reat- lag Boasea aad rarat. kevl3dta nvunnnnion isiMiriiiai. a. aarnt. a. e. cLsivaLtss HAYES & CLEVELAHD GENSBAL Insurance Ag'ts Bepreaenting the following eld and reliable Companies i Underwriters Igencj, New Terk Cash Astett 84,000,040. Phrxnix. If. T. Cash Astett $1,800,004. Continental, N. I. Cash Asset. 82,600,090. North American, N. Tt Oath Asset. 1400,000. Pacife, California, , Asssts Gold, 81,800,000. Merchants, of Chicago uatn AtteU, 800,804. North American, Hartford, Cash Asssts $00,004. UTEIXITIOSIL. MM TOILS, Cash Attttt 81,b00,040. Brewers' Ililwankee, Cash AsteU 8300,000. Washington Life, New fork, Caeb Aetets 13,040,000. GE0.W.C0PP. ' AS1KT FOB TSTBLIADJ1IO niHTFORD & Nil. TOO FIEE, HABUTE A1TD Insuranco Co.'a . KlPBS8HSTTSa , ,, $25,000,080 in Capit&L AT I0CK IS LIS D, ILU30I9. Anetiea aai Coaaissba tl!exoliixzit. BOOS XSjVaYZTjB, - - SXJ. Psnee ef kwsineae ea . LLIHOIS STREET, Bext doer te Den A B ItieM'a Stove Store. Seeds resolved oa .TaaigB-cBt, 'articalar Attention Ghei te sales Va eeaatry aad eity. FURSMiTU E both aew wad seeead head, beeght aad sold aayldly. CniCEE8. OZXV BaOT.BB.'S-. WSl. niETTNG 4 60S, " Dealert ia ALE k PtlTEK. Cream and Stock Ales. GOB a STRONG Proprletori ef the MERCHANT'S LUNCH, Are sole Agaatt far Peajlee'a Celebrated Creaa and Stock Ales Tor tale by tht Barrel er Half Barrel, eelt dtf Me. 9 Main Street, aySS-d wly KIROSHA, WIS. Salooa k Billiard Roods, Be, S Harper Hoae Blstk, aocit isLAin ill Dealer ia Fine Bourbon Whiskies, Ant! iBf sriei fTine t BrtBiltt: Ageat for Beads, Lillt, aad i.1"'1'' best Seotah aad lagfish Ales and Loadea Por ter tor sale. . .. . . it,;., akii. c.J Air .ale by the barrel. Agnt for A. Zeller'i Billiard and Pigtts Hols Table Maaafaeiery. apr4-dtf H, B. WB8T, Proprietor, ACADEMY or THI Immaculate Conception DAVI5P0KT, SCOTT C0-, IOWA. COIDUOTED BT THE SISTERS OF CH1&ITT B. T. H. Will tommanae its 1 6 lb, Seaiaamal Sasalea Wednesday, Aagast t6th, 1871. Being incorporated ia aeeerdaaoe with tbe laws of the State, tbie Institution context the aaaat collegiate degrees npon itt graduates. ror vircuieu addrett augl-43m SISTER SUPEBI0B. PAVING AND EOOFDiG. The Western PaTiaA Roofing fo. Are new prepared to lay the Celebrated Stone Cement ! With despatak aad perfection. It it the best material hnowa for Paving Walht, Street., Cellara, Bteblee, Breweriea, Batemeettef Shopt, faatariet, As. A perfectly reliable HOOPING (autraateed for 10 years. Old Shlaglet sad aew eoatad,rexderiaf thea ire proof, end ' the old as good as new Shap eera-er of Pet aad Water ito, retide. " a- Kgl.80" PALMBB, Water ttreeta. aaylOdta Beataeee aiaaager BXTmaminLi. Niagara Steam Pump TTorks. Orr or ZZna&rsd Aetna! Ttrtt Tnt Oat vvlth tt ! More thea $5,000,000.00 - Worth ( Tfftij lared froutks g ia Hives T H B A B COC a I ' ff7 g t. IB V i ' 1 fT&f0. I "d ' - ' FlBE i AaUttet adjaeted aaA seeeapkly )ald at tail I4U. Charles B. Hardick, V " -V ' He. 9 Adaatt ttreet, ' ' BBOOK.t.Y)l, HKW YOHK. Sole If aanfaotarer of . - HardUlt PaUnt Dnbl-Attia ' Steam Pomp and Fire Engines Mining Pump'ta Specialty.. Patented ia Bagland, Btlgina and Preaoe. SaadfoteUeeiar. aaglldl. Hi jf -A e VW 1 KXTINfiUISHE R . w: iABWBLL. Secretary, , 12 waeaUlteB Street, C hi oaf 4. Iaseraaee Oonapaaiet rdnee rate where It " latrwdaee. i e, ovwsasat baa adopted fit - ta. ja Pats eat Baraiag Ksreteae, Tar, eerad It leerd. 4eh)ldeed4,tt