Newspaper Page Text
RUES OF ADVERTISING .. . . . . . w A CHJ1J AXXf f jwa 09fiSr.T. v TIE-I-Daiii-Aeewa. " lor seek sqeare, er the spaaa eeeapiea by tan liass at solid nonpareil. One Dollar for each in., itrtion. Special Notices, 10 eeats per line. Whe in serted I Months sr mora, at par seat, above rgu lar advertising rates. Oommnoieatioat, ar ertisles laisrted among reading matter, ti cents per Una. Daily aid Wiiiii. A diseoaat of 26 par sent, will ba made from tha Weekly rates, en yearly and half yearly contrasts, when the same matter is laserted in both Daily and Weekly. Doable Oolnmns will be charged is par cent additional. ('' advMsVpataUSBUejBJ -r - - ni ainti, e.w By Mail - j o.tkt... . f r '.1 .,ik...i 4b AaT"Br Oitt Oabbibb, 15 Coats par week. . Comas Ceate. -V - - . - u X1&K&. Waacur ABaea.. .. ( Oaayaayaalalai aAvaaae) H.M taa Copiee (; ti .. tweaty Oapiaa. .... flirty optee - - 2...:. et ta Twentieth ; Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 18. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 Io"J transient advertlsemen advance pay li r.quir.4. j'r ! 81 ' ' ... i VERT LATEST BY TELEOCAPH. 4 O'Olook X. . REVOLUTION IN MEXICO Indiscriminate Massacre ! Jaurez JFirmly Seated ! Liberality of the English! CHICAGO. Mail m attar it bow delivered aad eorted at Cbiuego aa heratofora. A hopeful look into lb future oooupied tha etteotioa of Caioago'a ministers on Sao da The peraioiooa twaddla about "judg-e-tnaaU" wee not indulged in there. Miae Dargoa, taa aotrea offered n Saar man iloaee help 100 lo carry bar trunk down aUtra. tie refused, aba drag ad it down baraalf, saved tha content, aad ia now starring at Quiacy. A. Cninnman in San Franciaoo gava .100 to tha Chicago fund. l'aria ana already abaoribed 200,000 fraooa far tba ruined city. Large oollaoliooa war mad a M nil tba sk Loaia oborobaa on Sunday for Chieago, nlao nt tba froa-lbinkinf establisheels, Turner Hall, Apollo Gardens, e. Thara it atill eoaiidarabla saitamaal ia tba Waal Dihaion of Chicago aver reporta oi attempted iaoeodiarura. A basket of was dowwre van taken nnin jatod from n safe which bad itood therigori of tha Era. Beeofefr "ioaproveJ" tha Chicago fire to an immense audienoa nt bia caarok, on Sun day eveeiog, $1,200.00!) baa already baaa raised in N Yon, nod tha eomribationa atill poor in. A raaolaiion, providing for tha immediate baildiog ml n naw ooorl bouse, in Cbiongo, npoa ike mine of tba old ona, baa bean posited by tba Board of Supervisor of Cook ooonly. It aaoDld ba n morfl comely etruo tara than tba old, nod morn aabatnntinl too Toe Chicago Pott aayt that the I amber mta of that ony, few of whom iuffered bt tba Erj, haa raaolvad to aall to tha oitizaai fur tba purpoae of. rebotldmg, ': fifty milliou feet of iomber nt no nvaraga of ona dollar per thoaiaad fse leaa than before the fire. Tbia abowa tba right dupoaition, nnd if tba itixeas thow liberally toward one another tha work of reatoration will ba Tery much draaoed. A new llama colored glare called Fu de Ckifujtt baa been introduced into the Nee Vurk market Ali the latter in tka poat olHee were aa eamd, wiib tha eioaptiea of n amall mail which bad coma in on the Fort Wayne road nt midnight. All the edtertiied nnd regia tirud latter were aecnred. The .atampi a-xi tnmpatl aaiopea ware ia. tba vaalt, w'cV, w'leo opened, proved wortbleas. The ti'! uf the old building are wcr.hleii, nod an iffort wilt probably beaaaJa to aeoore the prmiliflo of on wbiok will earpaea any in the eoantrv. except e one nt New York. i'ulter Palmer baa telegraphed to Cbt rr , to tegia at oooe to clear away tbe da brie on the aite of the Palmer hotel ; be will rebotld immediately. mm ' Wajnant warn our exchaagea, Enat nd I II n I f m ill TTlirltOV Waat. to ma doe aara in a-irinir eradaaee ti. I 1 111 A UI tit e tbe ahower of raporta which have croon in U itireotiin. Thee it atill n city bare oil tw hundred thouiand inhabitant, not tauohed br the fire, nnd many reported in- oioia whiob toraiab doable-leaded borrort ' tj tome of oar brother editor! nre happily proving without foundation in Tact. Thorn is horror enough in the simple fact of more than three aqoare milea burner to the ground, with even the feweat poasibl iacideota of suffering and death. But some tumble utories which have bean told nre no .true. We did not roast our jail birds, ex r-o those who rot loo drunk to escape nor t'.iaad Nsrth Chioaso n Dutoh oven. Chi- az Journul. latt the church, when it was blown down by tbe severe gaie. Londo, Oct. 17. Tbe deitractioo of Chicago ia atill the all absorbing topio here. Tbe oeaspnpers continne to appeal to the people, nnd it deserves to be anid that the people reapond gloriously. Tbe Mayor publishes n atntement tbii morning, ac knowledging the receipt of n multitude of donations not included in the total reported. He appends to the statement nn exhortation to oontinue the aubscriptiens nntil the amount devoted to thia eauae be worthy of Inn eaerc enoy which cnlla for the aid of the great city of London. , This morning subscriptions from Liver pool reaohed 10,000; Leeds, 400; Cork, 400; Dublin, 1,500; Hauley 400. Bir mingham baa already forwarded the first installment of 2,01)0, and further contri butions are beiag anada. A meeting was held at Sheffield to-day, tha Mayor presiding, at which 2,000 were colleoted in n few minutes New YoaK, Oct. 17. The Tribune con tains a specinl diapatob dated at the City of Mexico, Oot. 2d, aa follows : Tbia city has just been the scene of a sanguinary insurrection. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, a eorps of gens darmes and part of the thirteenth regiment of onvnlrv. numbering in all 400 men. aur- TE0CBLE OX CmDUS WATERS, prised the citadel, and fortified themselves therein by the aid of 800 prisoners whom they had released from the Belea jail. Tbe leaders of tha revolt ware Gees Negrete, Toledo, Riveras, and Eochavaria Tbe re mainder of the city garrison - proved loyal and nnder command of Gen. Rocbn. Alatoroe, Alejandro Garcia, promptly at tacked tbe insurgents, and at midnight tbe nationnl troops nnder General Roche carried v. .:. j.i u. . u tw. r . i.4... f BELIEF FOR CQICAG0!ibereTo:,Ud ufv befurtb uck' ad esapeu. inuiacrimiiiate siaugoitr ioiiowf?u the fall of the citadel. All the officers and sergeants of tha insurgent force were killed, and also tha ringleaders of tbe released prisoners. Up to 10 o'olook this morning 250 insurgent! had been shot. Gov. Castro was killed Ly llivera, whom he was pursu ing. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Strange Suicide. FIRES IN KANSAS ! ASslVSSBKSXaTTS. USE NIGHT OSLY t COMMERCIAL. Oold. 0-8. ftocn Islaio, October 17. Xais flonr market la aorreotad at Waraat's Mills and tba quotations are the ruling prices ei Ike Hook Island market. Wis taa Waa.v Fieca " " " Ketaii . ataasae Waaa Jhoea ptlag t.(bM lini in aaU, wkelesal.M..$6.8t .tl .. -7.60 neiai . 7.UW -aii 7.01 i.ea wnowi. f frv naaa. 7.4S BataU-i Brr.l,.Mks ... " e " x-ie BncKwanAt Itlcb nrLol.iiAl. Oean ..... ... OAta -Kw fcrn 1.J4 64 l. so .....! U.UU H0a0 .M..2Uaoo 41) 4u60 -3 J .16c . IS 1 Belle . i0a0 60 5e Insarance Co. Wound np ! Wednesday, Oct. 18th. Lawless Affair in Keniackj ! Eeperted Bxpressly fertke Anene. keiturn: kktubn OF CAL. WAGNER'S MINSTRELS! Vnder the Management of J. B. HAVBRLT. Having added several Enables es to present AS E3TIBE CHAJtGE OF rKOGRAMVE From that of oar foraer visit, PRICKS AS 18UAL. Kuerved B.atr for sale in advaace, at Craan- toa A Co. 's Book Store. LOO A.L. NOTICES. TolLtTtm is unrivaled aa a beaotifier ol the eomplssion, it ia a powder, harmleaa, re Sued and elegant. Try it, 60 cents per bos Delays arc Daxoieocs. Mothers as vou love four offsprings don't fail to use :itA. Wnitcomb a Syrup for soothing child run. Read the advertisement in another c lumn. M.aaiAOn Quids. Interesting work u enrrevinra. 22-1 pages. Prioa 51 ni. A ddresa Dr. Butu1 Diapenaary, Mr advert ieema.t. atraet, bt. Loia, mo. 12 See As IxncmT. I xt 001 o11 10 Pohaa n- P,;.'. Cream Balling Powder and c (.'i.vnrinas. that bava stood tha tea' K.J V w I w1 - n of yeara, than worthless compounds beoaus. they appear to be obeoper ? Rheumatism is cured by using Renno'r p.;!i;nr Mairio Oil thoroughly. Wedo not say it cores "after the joints are turnad into a chalky substance but its early and faithful use prevents thia change. wiTj ALL B Ml aiLVC tar fJoras and Buaiaaa, Boils and H.,.. ... mim b all Drufllltl. - V aU. bot. or sent oa raneiet of ptiee. Address ALI' i.14 HT.H5C lark Bt , Chieaga. aepld-dly SERMANIA INSURANCE COMP't OF CHICAGO, 11 1- Oai Ompltnl,. Snrpln .... .400,000.00 S57.t20.64 Dannies & Sbaw, Agents, aprll dly Rock Island. EOCK ISLIND BiiHineHH College 0P1K DAY ABD KVE5IIG, Tel Ladles and OeaUamea. Boys Kisses. A large number new School w.ll attendt'd. att.ading. Ivening e.U2 dtf WOOD PalESEUVlMi ! ET TMi NamuelH Process. aTBiD zar onzoAao Tho largint and nit poworful works in the world l r preaerviu wood of ell kinile from DRY SOT Ol DECAY. end Invite the illrntlnnof Rallrmd M.m, Bridge H iilder. Carwaniera. Farmera, and sll wurkare In wuitj lo call and examine our work. We are now lr'i-ud to reculve orders a wo run treat 1),MX f 'ot everv tw-inly-foiir hours. Tbia proceaa ba nunr arlvnntatrxe which ehould be known to e puiiltc, among them are the following . IT SEASONS LUMBER, o It ran be used In three weeks after being treated. It prevents CONTRACTING AUD EXPANDING. It prpTent. KxU and other vermin from infertlng your hmim barne, Ac. c. Tbe additional coal U only per tuoaund feet, boara measara. TO Tlii. procniw 1 Inraloabla for faucing posta Ac. as tbe lumbar will never decay. . . a . a n . i m. i. . . m mm mtmma A 0 it U far shove all othor article, ever need, and Will l.t mm lunir .mm anv rock DvnmonL To ptrtiea IntunMiad we CALL AKD SEE UlU WUU, orsuuu for uircuiars. DeGLT-S - MeCLeX!l4!V 0fJQ- Ii7 KMdaipb 81., fhkajfd octoodim-mwf St. Locib, Oot. 18. Accounts from Northern Kansas say destructive fires have oen raging in Iaer Creek aad Harrison reek alleys, extending to Jefi'arson ooun- y, Nebra.ka, Several houses and barn a tnd large quaatitiea of grain, hay, etc, rere destroyed, and many miles of fen or burned. Loss $30,000 to f 40,000. City of Mexico, Oct. 10. Juarez was re-elected president by congress, receiving 1 08 votes, nil that were enat, tbe oppoaition sustaining from Toting. Everything is quiet a tbe city. Darti-ord, Conn., Oct. 18. The North Vmerican insurance Company vesteraav nade aa assignment of its property to Vn. Hastings. Tbe probata court ban ap- poiiitei th 21st inst. fur a hearing npon tbe eceptance ot the trnatea. LocisviLLr, Ky., Oot. 16. Gov. Leant as issued pooclamation calling on the jeople of Kentucky to contribute for Chi- airo relief. Last night at Warsaw, Kentucky, ot about 75 armed men came into town, anil .f or establishing pickets, the rest attacked he county jail for the purpoae of taking Abiia Grtdlev. a depperate oharacter con ned Ihere for killing a young man a tew lavs aero. - They shot hiai through tne rrntes nntil they finally. -tilled him, he de ying'and cursing bis murderers. air ile ana tniant cntia were in ine ceil ai ma .ids. f ." r " ' i ) Nasbvill, Oot. 18. Charles Durbio, a 'ooug lawyer or tnis eity, sdoi limit i nrongh tba head last eight, at the beds ice f his sick wife, oa Doing tola by a. pbya.- . a .. . 'n r oian that sne cooio noi recover. is wue lied a few minutes afterwards. Wasdi(;to, Oct. 18 Tbe President taa issued a proclamation suspending the rit of habeas corpus in the counties ot partnnsburg, Marion, Chester, Laurens, York, New burr;, Fairfield, Lancaster and Chesterfield, in south Carolina, in oaaas bere prisoners were arrested by the United ates civil or military authorities. CLorrnsTSB, Mass., Oot. 18. The report f the Caoadinn cutter in our waters is not on firmed, 'hoogh the revenue officers be- ieve the rumor to be well founded, bavmg oeun heard of her at Horton. LoxiioK, Oct. 18. Constantinople ad- rices say that tba cholera has again made ta appearance ia that city and its suburbs In two daya sniv persona died from the pidemio, tea of whom were Englishmen. New Yoak, Oot. 17. A Herald diapatob Irom Uloooeater, Maaa., atatea there was rent excitement there a few days ainoe. rbe sobooner E. A. .Norton was taken from l a. i t n tbe naoor ot uoysooro, nova scotia, Dy a party of men believed to have been sent for the purpose from Uloucester, nod the vessel is now due at that port. It is now said that a British gunboat, sent in search of the chooaer, arrived off Cape Ann yesterday ith the intention of recapturing and taking tar beck to Nova Scotia. A telegram to the Charleston navy yards resulted in the send- ng of an American gunboat to Qlouoeater, hich, after taking several United States ilioials and owners of the sobooner on board, at.rterl Let evening on a croiae to prevent the sobooner from being molested by a Kritish vessel in American Waters Several officials and citizens of Gloucester have gone to llostoa to interview President Grant upon the aobjaot. The affair is be lieved to be one of great gravity. Chicago, Oct. 17 The Baltimore relief subscriptions to date are $107,000, Boston, rauj.uuu. ioerai provision is being made for Michigan and Wiaeonsiq Bingbamton, N . Y .. gives to Chicago, $50.000 : Cazenovia. 1.000 ; the officers and employee of the Boston navy yard, 13.633. The executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce oo relief, asked tbe general committee for power to OB a portion of the donation for the sufferers in Michigan and Wisconsin. New York, Oat. 17. 3,500,000 in reney was to day. I he express aays there in- grea anxiety in financial and eommercial eiroles to hear from the Chicago banks. If the people of Chicago are inspired with confi dence, and leave their balance on deposit, ' a a a v then, undoubtedly, a more or.eenui feeling will prevail here ; but if they shonld be a rnn on the banks it might aggravate the situation here. New York, Oot. 17. At Mai on a, N. Y., Hn.n last, the congregation oi e at urrnr iza, xoxrxi OS Thursday, Oct. 19th. Seati for ! at Morris Drug Raaerred Stor Ba ad Ot4l aa aooMe eee. mm mm, mm mm Bocrae Okaiee leas, far tetelliag, will kriag ubbbsb. x. faotory.. ! par lb ,i . I, P... i t Am.aa par bashel eas per doa Bienwiass . Tkc above crises are the wholesale lirures at first hand. Poult r Live Tnrkiea, per lb..... ...... .... .... ls Dressed " - 13,. OhUkeas,Uva " .. 8. " dressed" .. lOe Daeks ' .. ..... lOo Hoes Live. 1 404.00 OAtria Live weight. , .. iSa. frime shipping, per 100 lbs....M...a.0a(.t Bat Prairie, . 8.00a9 00 Ttaiotky .. 9.00ai2.0 Wooa Oak, par eerd .... 6.4 Hickory 7.0 Coil Coal Vall.v Yard 13a llevelaad Ywl 13s Tbab Toaag Hyson, common.. ...... -7 fair t good " prta. to eboioa..........1.5i1.60 Qaapawder, eommon to fr...l.U1.24 prima to ohoioe ....1.4i).1.6 Imperial . ...... 1.43l.Ti Oeloog, eoautoa to fair. VOal.Ct artn.tesa.w. 1.1..1 40 Japan ,. Oovvaa la, eammoa to ... .. . .1 S Brian to ohoi ...lUaltla Old fteveraaect Jva ....lBa3Ut StteABS taw eom on to fair " " prima to ehotoe lH.lit Eelaed Sagar, eraahed, powdered and . T,A ISio do extra C .... .. 13 tefaed fiagar, da C ....... .- ateiaaaas Bu. ..... ..Italia Baa.v Soiar ..... 2.f 0 Dairy, wtta n.k. . ...a.4C Dalrv, wilbdct sacks. ....-!. 74 Lies Port Brroa, per kbl.. ..... ...... 1.1 Roek I.laad. p.r bbl.... 1.94 Manufacturers oi ENGINE LATHES l SHAPING AND SLOTTING 3X.CELIIVES, PLASEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N A SMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Q an ZsXacBinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Hill Work, Shafting aad Hangars, Patent Self Oillng Bex. WAREHOUSE : lOI LIBB&TYfeT., NKW YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : MAMMOHD ST.. (Opn. Jaaetioa Secctl. WOICBITKR, MASS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten reds ef our Works. . 1.10 dtf 1860. 1871s THE PiGKEERMU$IC STORE. LARflS STOCK ALWAYS ON HASD OF STIIMtVAV, STECK, EMERtfR, AHRI1CAN, HAINBM, MAatHAX. AND iVESOBl x i . o m, Geo. WeoJ i U&Ltty Organs and all kind, of Musical Initruments. Sheet Maais of latest is.nts, and the best i ported Strings in tbe eity jniiw ROYT, apl Cora.r Illinois aad Washington street. Dart's Hall. iCtf. H. LAVT0., AKD Commission Merchant, SI Perrv stnet, jj2-d.1m DAVEKPORT, IOWA. sraaasoa. J. k. wonTHiaa. CCKEES0H b Tf 0STI!IG, Mavuf-Qtureri of SHOW GASES, 79 Lake Street, CHICAGO,. oet4-d3m ILL. MEDII AL IXHTfcl MtM!. II1TID A. KlScl, Manufaoturar of and Dealer in Electro - Medical iBstraments, AKD Otlvaula Batteries of all Kinds and Sites (14 A 66 Canal (tract, CHICAGO, IL1 All Kinds ef Ileotro-Magnetic Instruments Neatly Repaired at short notioe. Alio Meeel manria of all descriptions oa short notice. oet4-d.1m Friday, October 27th, Frederick Roll man takes pleasure in an na unoing two Graad Ycil aad lostromeiUl ncerts BX TBS WORLD RIKOWXBD VIEHHi UDY ORCHESTRA F ConsUtlng of TWISTY IXfTRl'MBMiL PFRFORMXRS All oi wli'.'u arc V0U114 L.dix of let. th.a 21) y.ars of age, wbo.s .r.oruin.ry uuisioal t.I ai aeoared tbt;in,for a nuuibaror yea"., inatrao tioa en their respective instrueats from tbe cost eminent European Prole. .or.. Many of th.m giadoated with high hoaors at tbe Conservatoire of Vienna, Germany. To heightea the eclat of tke.e Conoerts, Mr. Rullan has farther engaged the last great Mu sis.l j, the world', wonder, BSTlle Slzer, - Prima Donna Bnprano, only twelve years er age, and whose recant in Lon don and other Earopean capitals, have woa her the plaudits of Royalty, and who, at her tender age, is fainy the rival of every Prima Donna of reaowa. Also. r. tuu MlLLtiK, tut greatly admired Baritone, from the (trend Op era linns, of Fraakfort, Herman v. JOSEFINB WI1KLI0H, Condaetress. Aad among th.m are a number of distinguish ed Solo Performers on the Earp, Riolin, Piano forte, Flnte. ete. Ma.ical Conductor, Mr. MULDER FABRI. ADMISSION - - Oyi DOLLAR. No extra charge for reserved seats. Gallery 75 eeats. The sale of tickets will commence three days la advaneeat J. ha Hoyt's Marie Store. Horse Cars will ran to Molina after tbe Concert. 16dld PKOPOSiLS F0K BriLDIXG E0(k HLiVt) WATER W01K8. r ttOPOSALB WILLBK RE0EIVED BY TBB A Water Commissoners until Friday tbe 2Uth inst.. for building tbe Mngtns House at tba I Rook Island Wai.r Waiks : plans and specifica tion, b.t be sen and examined in the hands of n i..i- 1 . ik. AITi nf fl A flu Mntlnt I where all information will to given by Mr, Moore. By order WAT1R COMMISSIONERS. Bock Island Oat 16th 1871. A MUSICAL ! PROF. 0. B. WIRGATE, LATELY FROM B.rlin, desires to announea to tha eitisea. at Ro.k laland and vicinity, that he ia now pre. pared ta receive pupus for I astro lions oa the PiiM Forte, n'"jofPMadeiphi.aBdBaiti- , , ' I Bora Oak Leatlier.and put together with Tinn.d ana win always be ronnrj at tba Botiooi ai sot Misses Robinson, ia ERglaston's Row. Having been for three years ami.r tba special iustma tion ef Prof. Theodore Knllah, oaa of tha mos distlaguished musicians of Rarope, he feels con fident 01 Being able to render entire satisfaolioa la all eases. oot !7-dlw J0SI1O (.ATLS S0.S, Manufacturers ef . 1A-4 HEbIC. ARTISTIC TAILCRIKG. 637 TABwlS AVSnrUF, OHXOAGO. DRAPSRAILOR AKD IMPORTER OF Fine .Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDDHG OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measara Extra Denkle and P.rfert in Fit. Clergymen will he "-Hewed 0 par oeat, diseeant. feblSdly SASH, D0OH8. stC. EOLANDEE & HUBEE, Successors to J. A. Biddisou, Manafacturars ol Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Moaldiogs, FtAMCI, BRACM&T8, And everything in their line. Glased ftesh on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. feb24dw6m tAWS. E.TAXLisatn ia 18 JO. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' -?- X mwm'wml eawsl SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I Axes, TUbs, Cast Steal, Mil Furnishings, and Machinery. kt. Get the best, they will prore the ekcapest. reduced. Send for prioa Listand circulars. HhlCH As GKIfFIIUM, aolldwly Boston, Mass.. er Datrait. Mirk zrstrSiircs. 1. m. srroBD. s. b. nun. BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. Briaht Blue Eur, Song Meininger, S5oU 7aiK yo wn Loeute Comic Song, Saxton, 40 Darling Belle of the Boarding School, PorterSO Oirl triih the Cigarette, Comia Cordelia, "9 Jliy High Time, Csmie. Parks, 30 AowacoiWrfa tynunke toknum, Uomio.vora laou Jewelle 0 the Umrt, Beautiful Kong Mlllard33 io in the Me.ariotc, " Zueh, Si let it Pate, for Baas or Alto, " 36 " Oarv Aqaiu, Daett for Bop. and Barr. Gabriei, JO Quarrelling Neighbor, Comic Daett, Anber, 75 Somebody Child, wuh ra'iations,, eu Heavrnlg Greeting, P.nsie Hoy mautique, Bluneaey, Holiday Tacatt'on Jtfarck, illustrated title Gilsina, Sweet Anticipation, Sohottische, " " Gilsinn, Dain, Faataisia, Erag Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. So matter where you s.e a piece of Mnsic or Music Book advertised, send to us and yon will receive it by endowing the publishers price. B.XB. Ol WBBEft. MCS1C D-ALKRR, nJ7-ded1Im. 8T.LOTJIS. IBuford Reed, FIRE, LIFE AND INLAND IHSURAHCE ABEHTS1 zraw ASVE,xs:--S-f-8 ! AIIH)UIIU Ol LUf.-,ii( Oti,tc. Aeknowi kIitm! the best promoter of the growth and beaut of the hair. J03. BI?t 1 Cl Boston. Mass. Hold by all druggists. Barare of initiation SaT ll rnrr for one mostu to ali. wno ask rnCC FOK IT: 73c. toJsn. '7i; tl.Wto Jolv 'Ti $2.50 to J an. '73. THK METHODIST. Kverv we-k a Lecture Room Talk by Beecher ; Sermon or article oy laimsse. loecnna only to ueecuer in populariiy). Mrs. Willing a great serial story exposing secret working, of Romanism in America, and much other good reading. U. Ualeted, 114 Nassau at. New York TRY SAMPLES of onr great 8-psee $1.(0 iliunratcd weekly SI veare established. ine eleol ciurraving free to .noscriber.. Aeent. make s a day. Soud for Saitbuav Oazattb, ll:ii owell. Maine. Solicited by HUSH A CO., Publishers Scientific Ameri can. 37 Park Rev. . Y. Twontv-five yeans' experience. Panipbleu couiniuini; Patent laws, with fnll direc tions how to obtain Patents, free. A honnd volnnw otw pa;?, rontninin" the NEW CENSI S by counlien and ail targe citie, 140 Kn"ra viucs of Merbuiicl Movemeuia, Patent Law and mle for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt of 2.1 cents. !'S flITHRIDGE U XX FtlSiT C.I.SS L11P CBISXEYS. Stand Eaat better than any other made. Aek for Dithridgc'. and taku no oUier. f5ce that our name i. on every txix. D1T11R1DUK & SON, Pituburgh, Pa. Send lor Price Lint. $30. WS WILL PAV $30. Apenta f30 per week to sell onr preat and valnable diacovenee. If you want permanent, honorable and pleasant work, apply for particulars. Address DYEH & CO., Jackson, Mich. LADY AGENTS Wanted in every connry in this State, to whom steady, genteel and profitable employment Can be given. None but ladies that can send the best ot references need address FKAG11ANT SAPOLIENE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. AVOID Q.UACk A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, pre matnre decav. i tc.. having trifd in vain everv ad- vertised remudy, has discovered a simple means of sen-cuie, wnicn ne win send to his leiiow-sunurera. Address J. li. KEEVLS, 76 Naau St. Si. V., -HAS. a. row. as. 1. l. isumi. 55 to to Si PIPE1 BOXES. XX. . SCHELL, (Suoewsor to J. B Bohn-ider,) M naffttnrer of every ivoription of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chic. go. Ordert prompt!? atteDdvd to. Bpl5-d3ni HVE-T. The Following1 Old and Beliable OompAniec Represented : iEtna, Home Ins. Co., of N. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, lorillard, Andes. Sepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS i BY TBS Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Brsaoh House, Palace Ecw, ROCK ISLAND, - ILLS. Wheie wa are off.nag BBrivalled Teas, at the same low prices as at their ".tra IlenM. By imparling Teas in cargo lots, they eaabl. ss t. retail to the ooasumer at extremely low prices. Don't fail to xhe Bong Kong Tea store, at Palace Row, where wiil be len.d tbe taut, par..t ana Tea., CoCees and Spi nes, at prices beyond eompe'iUoa mySawXm POWAKs A ir.BKMAxt. Af ts .ucsxor v coszxzssxor Diseases OP THH AND IS 3 omac Blercarj or Calomel Is the great remedy that physieiass appeal to and uae almost entirely in all disea.e. of tb. Liver. There are thousands at tba present time that are sufferiag with the p ins in tbs joints, ceased by the ase of Calomel which has craated a disease of its own won. than that wbicn it was iatended to cure. There is no drug that leaves ita mark more prominent in the .yatem. Yet, perhaps, there are times when it can be given, aad have a beaifielal eflect, but hould cot be dealt out as it has been, and is at the present time, by those that pretend to know what they are doing, but in reality do But. The Liver is more liable to disease than any othtr organ in the tints system, and whea that fails to do its duty it leaves tbe weak points of tha body exposed, as the bile is not thrown off, but takes up by the blood, as it passes through this great filter cf the system, and becomes impure. Thee follows a traia of diseases, whose name is Region. There are many that suffer from ia tbe side and across the XOST FZi ATA ASX, (iESCRAL AUCTIONEEQ, OSes In Poie Uagiiirate's Offiee, ROCK ISLAND, - - - ILLINOIS. Will promptly attend to all baria.ts ea- fast.d to hie care. deolldwt. HARYET, DRAKE & CO., to-itoissioo Merchants, Ki FLOUR AND GRAIN, 19 Water Street, CISCINSAII,. oct4-dly OHIO C0PP & BUG., Livery and Sale Stables. ay Office under Bart' Kail, ROCK ISLASD ILtP. Most Complete Establishment in the City Particular attertion paid to famishing Carriages for parties, Balls, Precessions, etc. mhtdly Total Assets Represented, over $60,000,000.00 OPFICE-Bo. 3, Argus BuUdlaar. OuDosits Post Office Up Stairs, OCK lLANi, sp:-dtf .ILL. LOTTE&Y. Rojal Bavaca Lctterj i Cua. rtOSDTJCTED BT TEE SPANISH GOV- ernaoent (300.000 in Gold drawn every sev ecteea davs Prizes easb.d and inform.tioa ral.bed. The highest ptiee paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of (iold aad Btlvar. TAYLOR A 00., Bitntart, fshBdly 16 Wa'I BtrMt, Kew York. rfl. ---. .s"- ? ' -. ' r ' Til . -t FIRE ENGINE LIOSl . Leather Belting, Saperior Lace leather, aad factory supplies generally. LOWELL. ..............MA. All kinds of FIRE ENGINE H08S, mad. iSi: MILL STOKE DEE8SER. HiBBl & fHISBOLM, Proprietors aad Manufacturers ef SILL mm DRESSER. OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect anooess mj30iy aad all are warranted. ACADEMY OF TH ikk., uss. ij. .i,ottu,uuu ta cur- L . 1 ci a.' imn"- -. - -' . ti a v a jt u rv , wv.. awwa. on Catholic cuorou recentlj araeted had jut C0DL-0TED BT XHE SISTERS OF CHASITF 6. V. H. Will aommanae Its loth Bemi-annual Session Wednesday, August 16th, 1871. Being incorporated la accordance with the laws of the State, tblstastitatioa oenfers the asaal enllegiate dearees opon iu graduates. For Circulars address auf l-43m IliTEE BCPEKIOl. Rivets, a sew wbloh prevents them iross cuimumj roiung taa leatker. iel4dnodly REEP f OCR FEET DRT ! 3XJoi:t Water-Proof Composition WILL SO IT l It will keep out Water frosa tha thlanest Boots t will keep eut Water from the thickest Beets It will keep oat watet lroa Ladles' thinnest Shoes. Will positively keep eat Snew Water. It will asake the leather soft and pliable it will sot change the color ef leather U will aot injure tea leather la Bay y,mJ) t,t will positively preserve it. It will not interfere with blacking and polish lag. s ft ia ood for backskla er leather gloves. ' It ia the bet dressing aver ased oa hern .is. eae that will laune for It. Also 33 ULOlSO The Only Keliahle Gift DiitrthuUea In ths vauntry : $60,000.00 IZf VAZ.X7A OirSBl TO BE BISTRlBttTID IS L.D.SINE'S 162nd REGULAR MOITHLT Real Japan Blacking USED BT EVEaVBODi. Manufaatared by BTJOS-AZTD OO., 109 Washingtoa street,......JHI0Att0.IlL Tor sale by all SI rosary Dealers aad Boot Makers. aaptlS -dm,wAw3ai BLsaivaa. e. si. sississt SSX.ZBaB Ol SS.O., Bsa1 Fctet A- Uenr.n.a I erAmin 5o. 1 Viele's Blook, D4VK5P0RT IOWA. Attead personally aad promptly to the b.vini aaa seng oi ueal suie on eommtsuoa. rent iag Hoases aad farms. LevlSdfiaa. W. EL. aUX r, IVI erchfiiit. B.OCH ZSAT, . . Il Place ef ea ILLIHOIS STBEET, Kaxtdoarto D.a A'a 8tove Store, weeds received oa so&sigBmsnt, Particular Atte&tioa Gives ta sales ia country aad airy. both a.w aadsecead kaad, bought bb4 ' ay?ly. W. B. BATBS. B. G. OLBAVBLABt CIFT ESTE5PRISE. HAYES k CLEVELAND QESFBAL Insurance Ag'ts Bepresenting the following o'd and reliabl. Compsnics : Underwriters Agency, Kew fork. Cash Assets $4,000,000. Phcrnix. R. . Cash AipetL800,0C. Coctiaental, N. Y. Cash Assets SS.eOOjOOO. North Americas, N. Ts Cash Assets $400,000. Pfici&c, California, Assets Gold, $1,800,(100. (J1FT ENTERPRISE, Merch?t?.LL.!!!licas To be drawu Monday. Bow. 27, 1871. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OP 5.000 each in Greenbacks J Greenbacks! Two Prizes $1,000 5 Five Prize $500 Tea Prizes $100 - I Whcle Number of Cah Gifts 1,000 ! 1 Horse A Baggy, witk stiver mounted Haraes. worth $101. One Fine toned Rosewood Piano worth $500. ten rawily Vewing ataohlne. worth $100 each. Five Heavy Phased Sold Haaticg Watches and Heavy Sold Chains, worth $X00 aaoh. - Five Hold Hasting Watcbea, wortn iiJ eaou. xaa Ladies Wold Booting WateVs, wortn hub each 800 Gold and Silver Lever Huntina? Watches (in all) WW bll II ..... vwr V T.rlln.' Hold lieootina Chairis. Oent'e Oolrl Vnt ('hnirm. silver-Diated Cmitore. Solid Silver ann nnll' Plated Tame aa iepooiw. ivory nsnaieu iilmier Knives. Silver-plated Dinner Forks, Silver Vest Chains, Photograph Albums. Lndlea" Gold flreat- ne and itr-rins:K. uents Utild tireastpins, mnin ,inrl .nrl sleeve Bnttona. Finder aimra. Gold Pens. fat r BvtnMion.l etc. w.." ... i : ... .. nnei i . t : i . ,n rui W DO e nnmni'r uiimj w.w. m-nu. lauiucu w .p-',mw AGKNTO WANTED TO SKLL Tic-El's to vhnm i.thcml Preminms will be paid. Sblo Tidteu $1: Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets air Twentv-Five Ticke'a $40. Circular, containing a full lut of prizes, a descrip tion of tbe manner of drawing, and other information in reference lo the Distribution, will be aent to any oneorderiiu; ttiem- AU letter, must be addreaeed to &. s. sxars. ox as. CINCINNATI, O. CmcL lot w. 6th St. ocu-dwiy ALE 1 FORTES. Cream and Stock Ales. pain across tb. bod t. d all. hear v. arowsy iseitng, Oesdacbe, pain in the right side, oftea severe pain in the bewels, eostivecess, fiat alenee, diarrhea, more or less lodige.ticn, loss cf appetite, sallow skin, white of the eyes yellow, sinking of fler h, depression ef spirits, at other times a great crav!ug for food, gome of there symptoms are caused only by torpidity of the Liver. It is Impossible to give all the symptoms ofadsraoged Liver, and they are all cureahle without tha aid of Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, The symptoms of which are, pain in tbe right side running to the shoulder, a loss sf strength, appetite and energy, a sense ir expression, hiv neas ot spirits, squeamishnes. ot the stomach, a yellowish cuated tongue, restlessness, fright ful dreams, ail of which yield to the Isflnence of TATLOB B STOMACH AKD LIVER C0R RKCT0B," of which enoogb should be taken to sau.e a speedy and free evacuation of ths bewels Indigestion or Djspepsia, Is a weakness or want ot power of the digestive uioes ia tne stomach to eoavart our tood and drink into bealtby matter lor the noariiiimtat ot the whole ej.itm. It is caused by svsry thiog that tends to weaken tha body, and more particularly tbe atouacb. ear!y, if sol quite ot lbs diseases, to wbieb we are liable, proceed from it. Indigestion produces a great variety ot anpleetaul feelings. Among the o.t prominent ot its miser. el. etecta are, a want cf, er an inordinate appetite, aometiu.s attended wiih a ooualent craving tut drink, cor stomach, grinding pains in tbe stomack, depres sion of spirits, gluum of mind, fietfulness, wast ing of tie.h, loss of energy and strength, very irritable, heart burn, nnpl.a.ant taste iu tbe mouth and rumbling ia tbe bowels. In some eases of depraved indigestion, there is a com plete disrelish lor food, at other times a person o afflicted can eat heartily without much grati fication. A ltng lrin ol nervous symptoms are also fnquent attendants, general debility , grtat l.nguidnets and incapacity tor exertion, lie siad. of persons so Afflicted frequently become irritable and desponding, and great anxiety is observable in the ; they appear thoaghtfai, melancholy, and dejected, ander great appreheasioa of some imaginary danger, ill start at any unexpected noise or occurrence, and mn.b agitated, ict for all this the mind ezbiurated witboct much difficulty, pleasing v.nts aaa society will for a time ei.sitate all appearance f disease. Other symptoms are, vi olent palpatttion, sesl!es.aees with a sense o f weight and odpression spun the cbest, night mare, etc. It is almost impossible to tin. all the symptoms of this invader npoa the constitu tion, as in almost every case of indigestioa. there will probably be something pesuliar to each, bjt ba what they may, they are all occa sioned by the food becoming a burden, rather thaa a support to the stomach, and in all its sta ges, tbe medicine most wanted is that which will snord speeay asstrtaree to tbe digestive or- gaas aad give energy and strength to tbe ner vous and muscular Ij sum, and a new lifs to tha whole body , aad nothing esa be. and there Is nothing, that will give so quick relief, as Isy- lor s btomaeh and Liv.r Corrector, tba Great Remedy for Blood, Liver and Pkia Disea es, and frosa ona to four bottles will effect a euro. gob a STBONG, Proprietors of ths MERCHANT'S LUNCH, AresMe . g -ats for Peaslee's Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales For sale by tha Barrel or Half Barrel. oet28 dtf Sick Headache Those that ars subject to it only know west a distressing complaint it If, and Is a v.ry un welcome visitor. At first it cse.e. a dimness o vision, followed bv a terrible Pin, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting sod thta for a da er two, a per.nn f.e' ss tboagh they had a St of sickness. One do.e will care when fir.t at tacked, and ore to three bottlea will effect a per manent core. Sorth American, Hartford, Cash Assets $.i00,000. UTEBKITIOXAL. XfcH TORE, Cash A. sets f 1,600,000. Brewers' Milwaukee, vaan Siuu.uou. Washington Life, Kew York, Caah A-srt. $3,0 O.fiOO. GEO. W. C0PP, AGIST FOK TBI LKADIHO HARTFORD & Ml Ml FIEE, SAEIlfE AHD H. I F E Insurance Co. s REPRE8SKTISG 25,000,000 in Capital AT t0C 1SL1SD, ILLISOU. - AU losses adjusted aad promptly paid at this Afeaef. sueymtf. WEST'S Saloon k Billiard Rooms, Ir, 3 Harper House Block, OCK ISLAMT) 11.1- Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Iprtc tTice Brandies: Agent for Baeds, Lills. and Joliei Ales.also M.t Bcoleh and Xagiish Ale. aad Lecdoa ror- ler lor sale. , rr.. mr ui c j...t bv tb. D.rr.i. ittal for A. Z.ll.r's Bi!lird and PigeeaHole Table anafaetory- pM-dtf H.K.W8T. Proprietor. Jaundice. WheoToulseaprrsonasyilo" bag, (a coni-o. isyiet.) very naturally t,, the co.ele'io"""' t I. JaBndiee.eau.ed bv a d -rJ.-t of the 7 B Sad flowing with the blood thtongoat 4k.v,, of passing off in its nature ' . . .1. I 1 Al )! coar.e ibi'J tiie ooweis. vne vj iv. e.r. the worst case. Costivfuess. Niagara Steam Pump Works- i j?sN F S. 1 t tt'L 2yF-?' :ia ft ' lVS. k fliemmii r a-i . Charles B. Hardick, Eo. 9 Adams street, -BOOHYIi,OT.,ltW YORK. Solo Manufacturer of Eardlok's Patent Souble-AetUg Steara Pomp and Fire Ecgine. Mining Pumps.a Specialty.. Patented in Baglacd, Belgium and Fraaco. Scad for cirealat. aogSldly This iscad by a slcggish, torpid stataofthe T iti, aad derangameat of tha whole system. Ti ii "s'urprisiaa; tuat there are to many troubled "j(B thi disease and give it ao little .(t.oti". The diseases that follow habitual ..o.tivene.s sre maay, or which Bi.k Headache, Bu.hof Bleed to the Head, Dyapeysia, Piles, Hrt, Lung and Ekin Disease aad Female and Kidney Complaints, are always aggravated by It. Many retort to pills, and aever have a free evaeua'.ioB ef the bowelr, without their aid. To these, I say, stop sad coaslS.r, as every Bill you take contains mercery, which will ia time pause yoa to regret the eoorse yo hav. takes. By ssmg Taylor's Stomach aad Liver Corrector, yoa will not need to take pills, two to four bottles win cure yoa. For Sale wj all Drug-Uta and Dealers In Medicines. THE BEST MENCiSE ETE! IBAD- F0 MIX. N. S. TAYLOR, SOLE PBOFBIETOi, ltd Wabask Avcbb,.. meklfdeed-weowl CHIOAtt