path) JUfltw, Tbsrslay, Oeteber 19. WL Or.r. far Job PriatiBf will wtlk romet t.aiiee al Ike Aaaet wrnea, h be eieeeiwd ( el very ' r kkd el reasonable raiee. C1TV BULLETIN. 8.1J .OD p. m 19:40 p. B :4ft a. 1.3 m It , OZI0440 bOCI IILAID A fACXf 10 ft. A Treiat d . ok l.lakd aoire bast. Day kipreee sod Mail, Ki i.i.ed Aeeomiaedeliea, Nib Atpreas, oim will Day lirnn eed Mail, keok l.ieed Aoeommedatloa, igkl aspreee, it wok I. lead AeoomtLodalloa Ar. Bareau Jeaoiiea. Jjeevee fJujeae Jaaotion S.OOp. m. 6.311 e. m Tke Day K lores, kkd Mail IutIii kere ki T:ili B. m., HIIMM kl IllIHI JekellOk kt 10- a. m.. far Peune. Tee Night Bipre.s leevitf bore kl ! niimu kl Bereea kt !, p,m lor reorik. wiirtii rnoi . k. MIH SORTB 114TB. ABB4TB terete 4 Mkll. f !Vk.BJ. :4B. k. ruuiiti. S3 p.m. Ui2.m ItitHli w.tb kl) roedt for Uk kkt kkd west. OUfcrOlD, LULilt AlI.LOCla CITY. DtMOCKAlIC lICkETJ ELECTION, TUESDAY, KOV. It. For Congre.swee kl Large, S. 8. HATES, Of Cook. For Count; Treaearer, Wli. N. JABVll, Of Rook IiUbA. for Ookntjr eorveytr, i . . ALIXAWAR HAZLITT, Of EdgikOB. tones or kihoval. Bo it kaowa ihkt the Aeoct office bet . removed irons id cia piece ena is bow is the Aaocs Buildiso, eotraaoe on ob WhI Eagle treat, opposite the pott office. All oar patrons end friends ere in- filed to drop in and tee what a nice estab- ubment we've got. kl by CRAPS. Coel Vellej it to bare a aeedone new depot. Father Role left for California latt eve I It- There it a bif demand for laborer at A BO Ml 1HBTITUII0H. The Soek Island Irei Work. We took a i troll ap to the Rook Island Iron Work, the other day, to tee how that important home iattitatioa floorithe. It it aaneceittrr to deteribe in detail the eacel- leat arrangements there Defected for work Chiotgo, in nil kind of iron material. At least two 1 Bamberger it now prepared to cloth deicription of the bnildia? hate alreadr of Rock ooontr " I tl. i . r. it been eabliihed. The ttrnotnre i keown to "e swam ooai wipe,, was tank near B-eo- thepoblioe originally occupied by Web- " ,M a j night. ber'. Foeadry, and thereafter by Babcock'. 1 mM 89 Pck" P to-morrow, Tanaert. Ita aitnntioa at the corner of ' wna wu oe nown. lllluoii and Artenal ttreet it ferr adant- 0or r(rolar iniiallmeat tf Iadiaa ub- tieon. kffordioi eatj tacilitiet for tB mer it putting in aa appearaaee. tbiooeat of heaTt artiele b either rail or Dr- Lyoat, who wu ttkbbtd at Dareo nwer. The proprietor. Messrs. Tim Bob cock, John E Bready, and A. F Fleming, are jatt the men to head a toccrttfal enterprite. The XiOOAUt OOXiVZSB PHT6aViriia. No police affair before SimonOB,to-dayMlTry Family thonld Xttp Far' Armi0 Oil la taa Htnte. It caret tokldt, barsi ktd itching bnaiort, Chilblaiki, wonndt and painfal tomort, All aoklikg Ointment ! who eon find A greater bl niag for mankiad. Fago't Kaadraka Fill. Are mild, tortam, tafo kkd ffioUnt. Voao rtaaino an leu tagar-eoated. Page't Haadraka Pillt are Dytpeatia. Page't Af aadraka Pil't tore Hoadaobe. Pago' Arai.a Oil euro RhokmatUa. Pkge't Arniea Oil onrot Pimp oaoa the Faoa. Bold by ail PrnggilU. I. O. PECK, :rai)her Photos u 1 tOCa Ma.A'l, Bk, Necktiret PreterTod. feb24 dm eoi7.doed-wtai I port, endeatly inieuls to get well again, The river ie riaiccr at a rate that Reader Step think kn it kooalo are treabled with ! ..,hui uu ara Okk. ur. n mo l Catarrh caro wiib Moer'tPatonlInhaliagTaba im m i.n Kail raliabla madioina. Bad will pesi- tl'eleeare Oaiarrb: it will alio tare ueaaaona, i La Rci' Alabaster Joha Beagttoa. Cret for wo lormer bar each etjojed mucb bosinett experience, while Mr. Fleming for wenty-three year occupied responsible positions ander the Qoeraoieot. Be was Ooing North trost Mail lloirg i.iatb Mail K sprats Vrolgbt Vraigbt aesra. took lslaad at 7:01 6 II F- 8:4 a. B 7 1 p. a. 7.3U p. ai Tkota tralat Uao MoIibo going toatk 1 a alalia adtkkoe af Hook lalaad tiak) golag north It aaiaalo afior laarikg Kook lilaad. Tratkt ! Cautdoa gaiaf kortk It ailaatw ..Mtkkooor Hoak ltlaae liaio ; golag tuaik 1 biiiui tur UaTiag lb it wt;. Tralat ! Ooai Vkiio; going sortk IS aia lUl ia kdTkkeo of ttnek itikkd lliaoi goikg toaik kiiauUi aflar laoriag tbit tUj. JI..OA IALAIII A P10B.IA . ft. Looto. Arrtro &ook lilaad 44 a at 10 40 a m " 12:J8 ib 4:10 pm DAVISP0T A ST. PAUL X. X. 0011(4 K0H.TH. Aooaamodktloa Depart S.26 p Mall " 7.10 a G01SO B0UIM. DaTtnport Iipratt ArrWt 1 1 :30 a m Aoaommodatioa aad Mai) " 7 KU p Tin road enanoalt al tbt C. A S. W. oroolag with me Cntoafo aai NartbwatUra allroad for polatt aatt aad wosl. BCaLISaiON.CHOAA EAPtDI A MISH1 BUT A H. K. Fram Pook I.Iaad to BartiagioB. i.ri from Kook Iaiaad colag oror tb li.i will lake iho rogalar Iraia goiag wotl oa lk d'Tlai ik of the 0. tU I. A P. . St., eoenottia kl Crikmkaa Jaatiioa, as fallows i To Piillag'ta, SO a.m. I.otk, I lia. m. t Ot p EaiireBirchard, the well known Pleae ant Valley demoorat, wat not dead at laet ocoonU, bnt hi life i rleipaired of. Hiobest cash price pkid for old iron, bras, copper, etc., at the Rock Island Iron 'orkt. Bakoock, Bbcadt a Flsmiiig A BtD cold can be tpoedily cored bj eting Norman' Chalybeate Ceotjh Syrnpt Sold by W. O. Morria, Agent, Moline, 111. Somctbixo or ax Afplk Mr. Lueia Well, of Hampton, lay oa our table Pncbeii of Oldenbe'g pipio which onl weigh twenty-five onncea. Thirty of thesn make a bnthel. promitet a good boating ataee before ten 1 Tootbaoho, Nearalgik. and all Noront foikt . , 6 I a tr. .ar draac it tt ono. atk for Dr WH- dkT. I ...... ...,.k o.ra&fiil tinur i Pt'Dt lakalincl . - - Aledo lent 500 to Chicao. and two car Tube Take no other Erory large bottle war- raated. B'-ia or an aruf mm. KnwrndTia A FAtBCTT. Proprietert, oetlCdaod tu6m. BoiUb, Matt. Koiadalit. tb Great Blood rmi&er and Renovator. BiLTiHOaa Jaa ltt, 1109. flontltmoa : It off jrdt mt ploosare to a d d my loadt of provision. Also expects to do more. Riches take Wings onto themselves, and 40 do groceries. Coosolt V ing the grocer Master Armorer on the Island until the first for family mppliet. f latt JuW. whea the firm was organized.! The late chief clerk of the Barti Hooe The maehinerr in me t of the err bett I "ill bereefter be proprietor of the 0tllia I t.,timok to the woedorfal kffoott of your traly h.ei.r .r, ... m.nnf.rtnr.rl'. House, at Muscatine. .xo.ll.ktmodlike-okanit. iw - , r j . ...... I . i . A ..i.i. . j i. .v. t... vr.-v.: n . I Ma are reaoaated to mention that It a tor iwo yoart imn ...v... J I . . I - . k. Ar M.tAlnn U HI Mill ketlth Western tiural ot Chicago, will be ntcea I - v .... Ilwatindaeod ti try year Koadaltt ararta , , . . , , , . . . 1 kiag aoaording to joor diraeuooe, Ave hotlleo, I ' I tan trnljr tty thkt I ha.e boon eomplotaly re- tude ot bit wive., be tun net .a inoatano itored M mj mmJ ff,,d kow 4 , b,T, doliara to tpare for Cbicaro. I io.i- D. tk, a, 0f JOar modleiao. I cordially People are begining to be "taken in" on I recommend it at an axeallent raaovator and pa- the "Cbioair'o ittffdrer' game, all around tie I rile of the blood. country. Look out for that dojge. On kceouut of soaie accident in machin ery, the Davenport Gazette wat not ittutd until about ten o'clock tbi morning. At the show, Uat niht, lionet detignkU d MOLINE PLOW GOMP'WY --:.Z.: Manufacturers of- si. TX0sini. MOLINE, GHtTLVaTeBS, ILLS of Fitchbarg, Mass. It ha all beea re- eiaved and placed ia working order. Tbe bonne mill has tba caracitv to bore aid - e - - i tura a palley twelve feet ia diameter. Tbe eopola is also of nnotnal capacity. In fact) tba entire machinery, with all tba appur tenance, is of tbe latest and most approver! patents. The building contains ample room. I with the groauda adjacetit beloopiag to the firm, for all possible operetiont. All order can now be promptly and tatialactoriH filled. d-w Traly yours, JO H.t vo.. OornerQayand Lombard streets HARPER HOUSE 8hftiB;& Bathing Palace, ILLINOIS STREET. JL. J. roaiD, iropneior. Late Porainan at the Brlgga Hoaae, Lhieage, feth, attention gi.on to H Wag j?.'.'.y TIILwKlkG. This Company, witli increased facilities and experience, are mann facturin for the coming season, a greater varietj than usnal both it size and itylu of their superior Plows, among w.ien wiU be tonnd the STUBBLE ; OR, OLD GROUND, (BOTH WOOD AND IRON BEA2iS.) oriiixo lis cLouua or kails. ' rosv ornoB, bitobsll ltrdb's Sktoa orriCB H0Ck.i railroad time. ( f. t ily, aadavttxatot.d.kt T : a. m I lout " " " p- (noatral Delivery alo.os al p.a- Woaav Ordar OlSoo opoat al ... i - alo.o. at p. m Oeaa Skkday from I a. m. to 10:00 a. m aaaivt. olosbs. caioteo asd a.traaa BATBaptBT A wat.eaa ev. tncis Antt u it a as a T 14 a. m. 7:ltp m. : k. m. : : or k. m. T-so p. m n it f. m. JTIm.HO A InlTIIII ii wunri 4 muTiwnT 14 p MtLtv and bevond A:''" p. nr. WTn pa 4:50 p 7:C t a. m 10:00 p. m I'O k. m :o, . t a n: :00 p. m S 0 a. at f) 00 a. tn 7 1," a. m 7 15 a. . To Pshsidnkhs. The U. S. Pension AreocT at Chicago it a total lost Tbe Roila,Bookt, and all papers pertaining to tb office were destroyed by fire on the night ol tb 8th. No business will be transected until the December payment. Wt learnt bat Cpt. Hkverttiok. of th Rock Island Union, sar thkt his ' first edition" cannot be bent, kud thkt be is going to tkke the prize kt the nett bkby show. American Ner.pnier Reporter. By being himself a cendidate be certain ly will. WsKTrn a decent Democratic newpa- oer in Rork Islknd. So sav many of tba party, Union. Japhel in search of his father wes'ot "irrnmatance to EIa.eri.tick in search of Democratic paper. Peraevere, brother. We'll help yoa eWg by copying yonredver- ' iim meets. Fivib and Ague of many years standing has keen cured by tbe nse of Norman Agce Pills Price $1.00 per box. Sold by W. 0. Morris. Agent, Moline, 111. Tut Riser e EsniM Messrs Clapp Jt tones have telegraphed twice that if Rock Island doesn't intend to pay for the Rescne teamer. to thtD it to Cbicaeo at once. In iew of the recent disasters, we would cor !iler il the heiehth of fully and absarditt not to retain the cuginp. That's our view Roch l.l.dia destined to be a treat Haven port at the hardest town bard b, meanfaenrino- tnint. and workers in iror. Kock Island, and hit tbe nail oa tbe head in aad machinery will not be among the least oPPT ' TRIMMlHBUBlhlMIHGS Silk Velvet, Velveteens, PUSH VELVIRE! Hutin IfrikitjeH, (iiraps la all colors. 11. i. lak.a f-mt oare ia uVI aj th go ,ii we will tell ih'TU kl tba verv lowoat pnoa. Call aad .as. IVIAY BRO'S ILLIJCIS bTREET. Bock Island, - 111. m.T4.,IAl PI!0S ASD ORGANS ! AT Tohn Zimmerman's V. 10 Main 8traat, DAJI1XP0RT IOWA All iattfamaats warranted. Terms rea.onable. Sprft d7m HrsBV Dart So, wholesal tfroeav. f tbia citv, are rereiv'Bf foil line, of ate ,.le goods from New York, (ordered by tel "irraph daring the greet fire in Chicago.) md offer them to the trade at prices based n the New York market. With large kof omplete stocks we ere eb'.e to meet all de mands. Kerosene Oil a specialty. Orders rrom the trade solicited. l.vfamiliet where there are voces; chil Iran, Norman's Chalybeate Cough Syrnf honld he always kept. For tale by W. O. Vlorrit, Moline, III. REiTBiiED iaoM ErKoi'E. By a private letter, we learn that Dr. barlet T. Rykn f irmerly of Davenport, and a few years a?' a .wdent under Dr Peck, hat jott returned from a lengthy tlay in Dublin, Loodou Kd.nt'urifh. Pant, and Madrid, where lie bad been po'.lthiiit? bis manners and tpend ir jr hit money, lie will now rtsume bit prai'tira in New York C.ty. PaieSCRVE TOUR ItlTBEE ! i JCDICI0CS Cfl Of Irnnli: MlUor'n rikPAIKD HARNESS OIL B.aokiag for Baraass, Oarriag Tops, c, aad kis LB4TUBH FHfc.aBRVATlVil SSB km P303F OIL BUCKING For S) mil aid h mo'l oseolleal eoouooiy. Ti,... .rtioUt aea alwavs roliaola. Poj tale bj Bealint, 8mvth f ootiald. A Stk' Our citizsos were thrown ini uite a tremor of esoitomoal, this efiernooi, b. tbe report Ibal half of Muscatine had burnt down, that the fire was etill reg-in?, and that dispatches tied been forwnrdrd to all points in tbis vicinity, pressingly calling lor engines and aid. We are happy to tate that no real toundkiion exixted far tbe -rport. A lr4-e building burnt down there I art t-l t, as we learn from tbe oHicrs if tbe Keilbabur, and that was all. Now Fisi Tcasort. We neier yet taw a bet- agner aud his bappy clamt, Unt evening fbe elite of our citv were present. Tie irehestra satmfied all anticipations. Ti e mging was good. Several of the chorus s were rendered with more lliko average biiity. The jokes and jibes were mostly new, ana an or mem po::ika. i ne ciog aucicg wat number one; the burietque Irulv amusing, l be next time tal comes tj Hock Island, be may rely on drawing ust as big a house as last, nirbt. II roupe had beea added to our hat of favor ot our successful businessmen. Ve ba. ad.aotaget over any other point in Wettern Iiliaoit, and can do the same work better, cheaper, and more expeditiously than it cat be done elsewhere. Our advantages tor shipping promptly and quickly in nny direc tion are unequalled ; coal it to be obtained cheaper here than at any other locality ov the river border of tbe State; while tb. government works on the Islaud are cou a anl'y attracting to our city tbe very bee. radical mecbanirt in the Union. Out manufacturer are a class of mea to im; rov !l tbete opportunitiet for tupcrior txctl in their special department, and inv are more ditpoted to do to than Babcock. Bread., 4 Fleming. To .pariiet abroad, they give by permission tuch references Mitchell & Lvnde, T. J. Robinson, Bn. Harper, John Warner. Reynolds, Smlpaugt i Co , B. D Buford & Co First 4 Roseu field, Wm.N.Jarvit. Jet. M. Buford, 4c,kOi to those we heartily add our own cordia recommendation. EASTERN KIHR0D9. Mettrs. E. C. Barr and Albert MiFar I nd, of Springfield. Mass ; Mr. Lewis W ner. of Northampton in tbe stun state; at,c Kagen Munn and W. ii. Gilbert of Chico nee Falls, have been spending a few d av al nur citr ks the guests o! . A. iuit Eq. These gentlwnen hk.e kl.enturol thu f.r westward on tbe path of empre, not in search of gold mines or Mormon settlements hut in aoest of relaxation and erouiemei, i , in tbe excitements of the cl.nie. On lb Vleredocia bottoms, the other day, the mila frightful havoo with our fekiheret ikma bgin several hundred birds o ariout kinds. Tbey not only speak ettl i, oikslicklly of the rare tport fouwd in tba region, but are alto exceedingly laudator) uver tbe food cbeer to be found at the Hill, dale Home, whereof Wm. Ernest is tfc jovial host. They moreover recommen .il kn iK.i section to ri.e illiaru a 011, at be ia well provided with boats anc earns, and knows the bunting grounds yei lecilr. Those wbo accompany him on i .hooting expedition, and return home wiib- ii t a boat load of ffam. can be rated mighty poor .porumeo. Ibe.e pentienieB, nnders'and, have been S3 well p:ekeo iih Kock I.lknd and vicinity that they fjr. - pote to vim at again next teas n. Jbey peak in high terms of our city, and belie hat a grand future ahead, Tea Best Tosic or 1o. Pho.phorat aad Ca'.itnya, kaowa M Ferro-Vhusphated Klixir of Calita;a Bark. Tbe iron rostores eolor to the blood, the pbo. horo. rAows watte of Iho aor.e tissne, and the eali.ara a aatsral, haaUh ful Una to the diges'ive organs, thereby eurisg (..peesiata lit varioas forma, wakefalaeat, gea- The officers of the Eciibsburg repott I arai dobilit;, depmsioa of spiiiU; aUo.tba bwt A UsCoaaoll, and J. A af j.liid ly Era-ouAViwo. r. axietixhijo. Engraver &, Die Sinker. Madalt.Seal Presses, Bteol M.mps, Bosp stamp Bo-ikbinJer's Tool., Ac. HO. 64 als liJ CAS AL T RMf'T, CHICAGO kpr20 dlr Ef rntrrd to 108 W. Randolph St eetT-dsm e AJa. A m t) A 1 . . . vr. (VI. JV mm It tTN OLDS' BLOCK. i..C0t . aa1oitbiiul,,0"r' l! CHICAGO. ail ajm Litesary NoTicss We've got a columi f luerary nonces to write thit it one of tbe ziest dat of be si asoi, and we feel ener rfetic in props ticn iltLce, jr u co;i lit uiioest down ipto a paragraph, and hae; it oT oar mini. D P Faald, of Loai.vil e enda us tome nice music, and kt we an t married, haven't got a "gal," and can't t 11 ne note from another, we don't kuow wh to do with it. Wood't Magazine, Appletoii'e lourtial, tbe Hearth & Uome, Good Health the (jklkXy, London News, Pienssnt Hours, n Rural World, and tbe Moline Review re each every one the very beat relijriou. nd political periodickl ever published, aoo e kdvise everybody to subsciibeet ouci aud pay double the aubacription (rice cash u advance, as well at to tend tbe editor a tnle of old clotbet to make op fur his loee in the Chicago fire. A Sweet PtTKTtD Lo alitt. Vf call he atteation of our city authoritiet to the t jockiug condition of the alley running rom Last Kkgle to Washington ttreet, and tween Front aud Illinois streets. Th fall weather alone saves us from tbe cholera A cow started tliroiifh there to-day, and go swamped in Abe mud and reeking garba?? Had uot the people io tbe vicinity rallied and lassoed it with a rope, it would uudoub dly have gone down clean out of eijrb F'jur or five hundred laborers might be en, ployed to advao'ae ia digging out lb Augean bole. We presume nothing will be lone, however. iMur.ESTioir, one of the caus of Dy pepsia, is speedily cured by th nse of Nor- nu'i Chal.beate Tonic. W. G. Morn Agent, Moline, 111. Not Coatisu. The faithful of th repub liean flin k. karvaboutt will ween and wall kod gnash their teeth to learn that that im mortal home guard hero, Gen. Beveridg will not be able to toaod bis few-gag for their edification, at tb Court House ia tb oily, as was recently expected. He is led to thus disappoint them on account of the fire ia Chicago, and the dreadful inundation ia China. Wa ar also among th mourn ers. - We hoped al one time to have tbe plea.ure oi hearing him explain why be didn't go to the front whea he got paid for doing ao. Pour nnuaektiog Beveridge he aever drew hi sword bat ha always drew his salary. Ust Norman's Universal f agio Linimeal for H-adache. Toothacbe, Earache, Ao. It never fails For ssle by W. Q, Morri Af eat, Moline, 111. Real Ektate. The most extensive sale of real estate which tvia community bas witnessed foi veers, is that of the Andrews estate, to tike place at Molin-, Oct 3lkh and 31 t and Milan Nov 1-t, and this city Nov. 2d, this sale includes 44 splendid city Iota n Moline, west of the Malleable Iron Works and 7 acres of splendid bluff laud over looking tbe town. 80 acres of excellent timber lend near B ack Hawk Watch Tow er, 110 ecret of fine grtst tnd hky land wen of Milan; one lot near the engne houte of C. R I. & P. tt. R.. and out li t. in tbis city, al worthy the attention of cap I'klitts. The ad.erti.ement will be toui.d on our teoond page. octl9Jtd IMPORTANT BUSINESS CHANGE. Just before going to prett we learn that neeocialioot for an important butine.t change have jutt been satiafactorily cloted ... . t II- . a ing tne grocer is to oe n ing me grocer ao looter. lie has disposed ol his popular establishment to Mr. J. J. Johttou, of Cor dova, wbo will at one step io and tak possession. Mr. Johnson was formerly oouneeted with tbe Cordova banking bouse of Coon 4 Co., aad is a gentleman of long and valuable business experience. We hall always b glad to tea Rock Island re inforoed with such mes. Wbel Jk-r vrn.g now intends to do we bate not learned. Seeing a hid fire at Muscatine, last Blub', hile pasicB that city. It was in tb vie - uity of the Court House. Shipping over the C , R. I. & P. R. R. -est now goes on as lively as before the ire, and a considerable amount of buoiness s being done with Chicago direct. We understand tbat our Baetist friends dilate matin, soma flight chat g in the trcbuectural eoibr iiuhments of their utw church within a short time t come. Sniely, who receutly 1 ft the Per a Democrat to tct up a print i! op of iia or,, wat the smartest city editor in Illinois. We wi.b tbe bov success in his new fie'd. Wiliiam Bottom, who iplmed hi- bot tom in beatinir Condou on thelitis i 'r.c rce cours-, a few eveoiugs aifo, left fio jmiCT, to-day, with his family aud eQVcl-. We ere now rerularly receiving ib bicago Post and Journal, which are not t be bad at news stands, we believe. It an of our friends desire to aee them, drop in. Harry Piatt, who has been t Okleebnr for some time oast, and wlio oruiuklh raduated at the ofleo, is back t liock Is'ai.d agaiu, and souiewbkt eiceitr j to remain here. We like to keep irark of the Union's et erpnse iLe only jeptr tow putlisbtd u Iniois For ir.rki.fe this morcing ilg'e a rder a di. patch from dir Jotobei tenth Mac Wiser, the genial junior barnacle o he Court House clique, left for Quia a-t evenitiff, and on bis return will tkke a .'lance at the cinders of Chicago. Officii. business carried bim off. "The sunlight is red on tbe river, aud th Mods are exceedingly brown, ana I wu; i.y trotter knd buggy, bve come, loe. i ake tbe to town" Tkkt's what the po. i ui g in one of Graham 4 Kerr's liver, rips. The s'ramer Keitbsburg will not ply ot tt.e Dubuoue and Prescctl trade, a. e .tated Ian' eveniog. On arriving here ihi norning, the received ord rs to codIiou ou the old trade between this city and Son -ro-e. Tb Grand Dukw Ales:s, we ued'-rs!ai.J, ial-nds to visit Rock ulaod some time I is fall, and will inspect the government worts sei other interesting p'aces in this vicin'M. Now, girls, here's a chauce for you. Th- tf be t gooC-lookiog, ncmarrieO, and ver partial to fair Americaot. Most of Our readers will remember Mrs. Oates, wbo played the role of John Smith t such crowded htuset in Di X 'a Ha 1 two yet rt, .no and wbo ia such a generally fa-tii. irif aympb of tbe tlage whether atsiugm, lajing, or daccii g. She hat lately mad. (Uite a aeuea'.iou m the cities of tbe tl We dropped in at Epstain 4 Bro.'a e. iabltbmrut in Harper's Block this mori ing, and took a look al their splendid nee tock of jeweliy the finest ever brought it t ick lilii3'l. Call and tee it wneiber Tel: nab to buv or uot. The firm will now be H'eiving t-oods for tbe next fi or reks. Tbe Go.cromei.t touuding party, at woi n the Kipids betwe-a Le Claire and Rock Island, have reached Molu.e. Up to Saturday evening lOO.OllO soundings hi been mace, ao average of 1 0,000 eai b rkiog day. Eight or cine coffer darj will be required to remove the varioue ihaioi' of rock. Tbe coffer dam foi Smith's chain will probablv cover six acret. preventive against add agaa. One pint ooatams the vurtaos of one eanoo ef eali.aya, aad one teaipoonful, a grain el iron and phos phorus. Manufactured oolvbv Caswell, Uasard i, Co ,sooc.aors to Caiw.ll, Mack A Co., New York, hold by Druggists. feb2dwed-thu- A weew Merchant Tailors, Hit. rem or. d to Illinois St., near WkSingtoa Rook lilaad. whera they have a sta of ioso goods, kod kra piaparad ta make ap slothing to ordtr. perfect on guaraniaao. BooFl.r'ottir aad rooairiaC dona aad protnptl, A . of enstom r-tpeotfaUj tolieliod. Thev ha- stoek of Roafy Made Clatklng. mehS4 t. ton. Wadaworth dL Partona. j Juit roeci'd by exprsss, Oriental Cloaking, F es'J lio.d Pique, Paitlar f bawls. Bilk t,loa- ag Velvats, Voiveteans, Girrpnre Laco. Rea Laeo Collars and n.adkerihi'.. Also the best of Dresi Ooois io this eit.. eontitiBg of Orot nts, Ko.lingles. Biarritz, Cah meres Pat in Clieeu, I-isb ?jpiius. Black o.! Fucy Silkt, ani piles o!' other gef"ls. ABjrito'ns b.T Of h?r ttv w'!l gi-ar.niee to be goud or rei'uao t-c if-:.. ! . j CIc3iagT oat ta!?. ' Aiksn is now sel iug gjd fast color lawn 20o ; Frea.h Organdies worth 6s al 40. ; t rench Lawn, worth 'Oe at 3"o; Poroaias worth 30., at 2e: Freeeb Ginghams worth Sio at li: Jo worth tbe at 20a; gammer Poplin, worth do ma 75oat40e; do worth 40 and 60o at 2oe. flail., Poplins worth 40 and 60e at 2o ; Tan jrtiuei worth rt'o at 40c; afsw Lao Shawl, varv ?beaj; Saanir Sjawis at half price; Lace, aad Vf'to TriaitntLgn arv cheap. Aikek will will any kind e: goods moco tow regular priocs, as bo is determined to get out Oi traaa. joait 3. H. OUtt, Tba Eaiaaal and Aariat "f Chicago, wi ia kook Ideas, at Harrer Hoaaa, ea a Srst If tin after the first M -ndaj n -ask meal, for Ike parooa of ' traai ug all diseases ef tbe fcye and kkr wkwihor esrgiowl or otkorwiea. OpomiiuBt foi tarM., ro.s eyas, aiapkvloma, olo.oro of the aardaot, Ao. Vreaak artlfi.ial a.vas iasarUS witkeatpala. Ohioago office li Soaih Clark uaet. tepS-dat . Ttmple of Htner. Rook l.laod T.mplo of H.mor No 17, meet mri Thor.d.j caing, and Social T.mplo Mo o.ery Tuesday o.onlBg at? o"aloeh, at Odd ollow. B'l. C. af . KIS KT, W.C.T. A. A. Bcrrra. W. R. de22-df Tsaag Ksb i Lisrary AtsesiaUsa. r. rwoms ( tba Ioaog Ma'. Library Am ,aiiua ara upoa from 1 A. at. aatil 1 P. A! a.,,iniil eaada.a. A larra aad wail rf . - ImmS aaaoTtmoal ef wrks Bow oa haaa Tick. I. throw dvLkrs, wkieB oak always ho pro arad af Ik. Saeraiarv ma.tdly. Oil fail.w. Iocs lilaad Lodge So. Is, I. 0. 0. P., ab ; raiy Maaday o.aolag at Odd Pallews' HH. i.aibM.1 earaar af llliaol. and Mag'.. St.., ai 7 1 e'oloek r. B. Lot is . Icssaaov, S. G. M. B Mc3tk., R . ri. Medical. itteatioa is called Io the ad.ertisamoat of Dr. Bobaanan, of Mt. Loni.. Mo. Hi. rep.tatian i hat of oaaaf lha iaa.1 suoooufal rhy.t.-ia.s ia ai. pecl:il la lha West. Li wi nre r uTriog :rom eer aio com fiaiuls. knu wa only to femaios, should at otor el Lr. Yelpau's F.malo PiliS. Thay piodaca a ami ohai iniDg irct. Sold by a I ttoutios to tbt card of the St. Li.ui daicn-B Co., a euartered iu.tuu.lun ; the; utiar .let iii' rklli to al'. jiiH,wl! W. BtNaoso. Who ni.y Ui.rri, ho uot, way. loo pg, caio4. laup.diuieui.i um aud Core. SeoJ ltt. Ot. VV hnuor, ol . HKbTRSHlH FIRE BRIOK AKD flay Retort Works ! Efiss At Bowiu, rrwpnei Maaufaetarsrs of Fire Brick, Gas Bonse Tile, Cloy Retorti. B aft Furnarer Tilt, Plain & Ornamental Chimntti Tops. Severage Pipe from 3 to 30 in Diameter And all artioles ufually mads of Fire Clay. . f'S 100 S.ath E .veath street. mohlS dty HT L0CIS MO. Breakers of every size & style, SINGLE SHOVEL F .OWS, Doable Shovel Hows, Iros and Weed Beam, Michisan Doable od and Sub soil Plow, Five and Hine Tooth Cultivators, ALSO THE CELEBRATED emmS Jit-l.V o - -w 5 i Lj II f - "9. ! A To which we would call epecial atiuution. In a tale of over six thou sand tlie past year, it has given entire satisfaction, and proved to be the tsest Walking Cultivator now in Use. Its principal points of excellence are inventions of our own, and secured to us by Letters Patent. We present it to the Farming public oh its own merits. Our Plows aul Cultivators are of the best material, made with grejit care, and are not. excelled, 11 euiuea uy any umuc . Feeling eonlident thev will stand the test ot thorough exammauui andtriaCwe would respectfully ak ail wlo wish for Jirst class mpl& menU to look at our Plows aud Cultivators before purchasing any others Lettert of enquiry or orden, will have prompt and careful attention if addressed to xao&ms now oo., Moline. Au.ust2M. 1P7I. MOLINE, ILL. vTlilK!K ETIBLIsHED I.V S14. nuns TBnars'iB. thos. walstos. T103IPS0S 4 CO., Wkoletaia Daalers in Pure Sour Mash KETUC KY WHISKIES! mimi plow works (ESTABLISHED BY JOHN DEERE IN 1847.) Whit Do Thiy Signify T Some peojjli may desire to know what those big potler. iltnify, which have suddenly ornaruenttc wo tairdtof the city within twenty foui hours. Thej are for the purpose of announc tK the fact that on Monday eve, the 23rd Burt & Ririwny' Mintlrelt will lauyh nt to iatb at Dart's Hall. The company o t its of twenty-two first class prfuriurr, aud claims to Lave (he btrSl brass band ai.e urchestra Dow travelling. The projjramm ill eontitt of actt,, Dew soir "P'c7 joket and reparteet, and the verv belt if music. We predict as full a bouse at Cal Wefoer drew latt evening. GEO. Q. L1WT0V, MERCHANDISE BROKEU, 15 P Commission Merchant, il Perrv, jv28-43m SAVEBP0&T, IOWA. Clothino roa Cuictoo Several packa ges of clutbiu' and beddinjr were handed ia at lbs Court Bonte, last evening, for ship ment to the Chicago Aid Society. More ara wanted. Don't get wear; ia well doing. Tba excitement ia all over, bat humana efforts ahoutd still ba continued. When winter finally aeU ia with iu frostj ri0 a, there will be much suffering to alleviate. &Slcatlaoeoai. FETEB FRIES, DICTirrit AID M ASCFaCTCI II 0 k bamastl Uawqrs, Importer kad D.aJ.i ia Vaaif Wasoa kw4 Lias era. BVowt .treat, eppa. it Vorr Law1ia. lalaasl, la. BOCHDOTEa. YOU elolktBg eaa he elaeaad aa4 hoaaf.aat kiweMw ever. we Ikal It will leek at wall a. U Oaarla. i.ret, St Loais, Me. a ttrijat, tt luj is a peraaaia! spriag io- taor.iy woil rgulto laiail, n wUet. ,. t-aitalar, wau allar lU swuaand kiirauu ut uii... v. riUticgj l ni kou., ia not t care or in. lnaeont pcnul. el ki. iiUu: i ,'tk. tki. lath.r is a worlalv mat, ana bmIk ,-ld KWiilvi, hm mu Save eoaa aaaouonlal ma, .od aiaassed riohot. Y at plaoo bis enild oa tn .iek bed, aad all bis (old is at tha di.po.aJ ol la tiaieiaa, ana to. oalj i alar a be aaaa is IBs rea .uratlaB of Ua.llh to bu abild f wUiara l Jdota r . would jou praasrva our sbild in beatia ? i a.o listan Iu ua. i. one proratling aaus ,1 tba Si.oasa In sbudrea, and that eauta Is ras. Il Ibis oausa ( disease it aet removed, roar oblld wiU siokea and dio, or Uugar a sutT.r og lavalid fo iia. . praaont to jot ao Infal ibia remedv for worm.; it ia Oi. Jadssa't Dead Skot Warm Candy, .ud it pal ap ia tba terra of attiok ol oaadj, aao i vl.asaai 10 tbo laslo, tbal ..kllar.a greedilr ar tur it. It i. poralt vogetabia, and eaunot ,uri tbi auallett oni.d. A.k fet Ur. Jadsud ed ebol or a. Cand. Per sale evorj w bar. a w oont. per package. W. H. OOMflTOCK, i'Ct Oo, prsprietor la kambera Ibara it aafetj. It waa kpea taw ywaoipl. tkat the rermala e( Jon.os's Mona- iis lisai Piu-t wa. traparod. Ir. JoJ-oa, ateadlaa to iaad a fortaaoia advertiti.g k jiilia, tabm tied bit reaia to tbe revi.ioo of tbt eo.t tatelll(iit sad taara d pkyaieien. eT tbe ge, and tk rasalt is a staipla bet most effiea iiousme loin. ib. Jcnsos's Mocstait Baas CiLLS T v panfr the blood, remoro .11 b trantleot, eiaanaa tbe alia ol all pimpks aat o ewbea, and ara p.riootlr tar aad safe ia taaii perktiok. . The Jsntes's MocSTata Hsat fiLLteera Billi.a.aa.., lemala trregs artlie-, aad m nj ef Ike aitoatet arttiag raw Impare blood aai a deranged d gottieu. Use the Jadson't atoa lain Us b F'lie an baa yoa Save proved tkeir vtrtae raeommood hem le your Thty are both is gar Mated aad pleia for tale every where. If yos do aet feel well yea toad for a doctor be eallt aaaa roe, look, wise, terawlt so -s biaregiypbiea anoa a klote ef aaawr wlileb yoa kat a drag store aad there aav eeate e oa.iaa tea a etur s loe, I.r e rem v iae timet eat ef tea aot keif ae good as Dr Horse's Isdlst Bo t Pills, wh eh eost. bet It enta per box. Do yoa think vhe former the best, beeaate yoa pa- tke moat for Itf Ifya do, wo aivise yoa I. nse, jaat at aa ei pen al at. lb Voree't ladi.a Root ri It. They are prepared from a formaia, pronoaneed b. the m it learned pbynelaat of ear e entry, to be be but aad most aaivartel of family me lieiaei. Tbt Monet Iadiaa Root fills euro Hoadaobe, Liver MoalaiBt, fadieoatioa, Dvs. kr WILCOX Tatlr, I pepsia. female Irrer olaHlle. Ae., aad are aat Wbe hat remevad ta West Sat le Btreet. akder i atk .aca'-aeatad aad plaia. Dtwa tkam a tbe mask lslaad Hosts. mtkl-dtf I aria). "" v all dealer. T! Fourth treet. I (riVIi.l E, . K Y a4K iTsav - . . jr . m a- rv Proprittra of 1)LUC Mia MIH (iPPLRLIi. T1LL&KT, ei-13-dtpa TAVLOH C0CSTT, KV. Witt- 4D LIQtJUKH. I'ISIE 10WA WWS! X luiortiaja ti t IT r to Phiicu-at, Drug .itj. mad tae pal a; riVAta , tb pro jti.'Uuf HrefA j-r. viutg, b-ing the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE, ua ia into Wine ao ler kit personal ioipeotiia soil iu aoourdaiioe wub pruce.! ? which the u.iive Hvr of tbi V io iiiania.irvil. Tbe VTine tba. off rej bai bnoa made direct from the best gr i s, as fi!oi : Oatab2, Concord Olittrc. Delaware. I sab 11 , Virginia Seedllnr, and obir i bu c vrieti. ; lli be.ndliy tbe Dttz a Bullies, cr Batrtl, AT TUB Cellar, nadir D. vet port's Block, Corner Main and 2d streets, DAVENPORT, IOWA. V ill orders prompt'y attended to. OBJ L. DAVENPOST, CUfton Vineyard. ep' 96-d4m riXZ3 SXTZI70I7IS11I3S.. Ower Three ZTandred Actual Firei rut Oat with it I hfore ihaa ' $5,000,000 00 H rh f Prowtir icd frg? lit riaKtM. TBS ra ABCOC V-'jTv-V p. HE EITIH6DI8BE , f W F4RELL,geretary, mWsihitgtoa itrast, Cbieaje. asaraare Compaaie. r.doeo ratee where It lairodeeed. Tke wevtrbmeat hat adopted tl te i attV-Pat. oat Baraiag Kere.oae. Tar, a aerad its B-eerd ri--K-.-et.--'tiV"'.' '-"" t'k Jkv3-, .."j- --F--ssfc--. DEEEE & CO-, Manufacturers of the Genuine Doorc's Walking Cultivator ! KNOWN AS TIIE OLD RELIABLE. We SIXanTifaetore Tlow adavte4 to all gorts ad condition! of tofls. A.U Plow and Onlti-ators Warranted. All our 71owg bear the brand MOLINE, Ild-Iia' ADDftlrm SLL oaDaa. TO maylSdawtf BBB&a & CO.. moline, I1U ER STEEL. ALEXAND (FOBMERLY OF HARPER 4 STEEL.) DSmVLsx. xza HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, MEO HANIC8' TOOLS, AND 'XV"ts;orL-3VEol5LOirs tools.. Hos. 2 & 3 Argus TJallding-fcEaUt Safle Street, (0PP0SITS POST OFFfOK,) K.fK HLkfV, - - - - ILLI5018. ISP" I m rtovp" offering' an entirely new stock of poods, and would reopectfiilly call the Hf tent ion of my 11 friends and: the general public to the same, and hall endevour to merit your patronage. RegpcctfuUj, . i : . , ALEX. STEEL. kSflt-wtf