Newspaper Page Text
TIRM.S. 04M.T lllll. Bf Mall (payable ia advaas),p.raaaoas,$IO.Oi of Mail " aii Ik .UC ily Mail " n ao. !,. . By Mali " 1 Ik.... ' sBBt Citt Csbbibb, J Cents per week. Biiblb Corn Cents. riaxs wiiitr inn. HinrJeCcpy.Cpnyableln advaeee)............l- Tea Copieo " ' rty oi - ftrtT Oopiee " -' Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1871. Estahfished Oct. 18, 1851 sorted . lar advertising . Communications, er a,., reading matter, Si seats per line. U-1LT ana W BBtLT. . a ni v. J . r.. . S WnklT ntil. CB mi. win . . - - i. yearly aad half iwl; eontraets, when the seme matm II inserted t note wiuj , -v Doable Oelumas will be sbargsa percent additional. for JJ transient edvertlsemea adTaaee pep lit U required. Th. ITew York H.r-wBS Trat. 1 No branch of easiness Lai within tha pail tea or fifteen yean undergone ao many change, ai tba harness trad is Na York and ia other larja eitiai in the United States. Ton lino was, and not a very die tnt tine, either, whea eaddlet and bridltsi like shoes aed breeches, were ordered ol retail dealars, end were cat end furnished by measure, after the consumption of no little time by the maker, and at a great ex pense of the patience of the customer. Ia those times an uncommon number of orders ciming opoo even the most extensive of the smell re'ail harness dealers would hare created en extraordinary axoilemeat in the w.irkshap. aud pat its resource, to the se verest test. Then, a demand for two or tare eat. of double harness woald have disturbed the equanimity of the entire community of retail dealers, and much time aud a iirjst deal ef shinning woald have been required tajneet the demand. If the harness trade bad ooatiaaed to be confined to the smell workshop, it would have taken a century te 6t out the thous ands of coaches end tracks emd liirht wa rtM which now erewd ear tboconghtnrwe, ot to tnpp'y the handsome wqninpngee which present such an imposing and beaetifal spssiaole ia the jttrks of fsehi aabte oities pertienlarly ia New York. The neeessi ties of the times were too pressing to be met by aaa the most fashionable of the baraeHi makers. Business and wealth in creased too rapidly. There were too many laboring horses to be haroeeed, and too many si pensive and tl set-footed trotters to be decked oat, and too many stately car riage horses to be caparisooed. Equestri anism and driving outers the resources of the harness trade, whioh was too limited aad too slow for the time", besides beiog as costly at it select and limited. The c iosaqnenoe was, that for a long period ef- ter the business or nany cities requiring the emptor ent of additional means of treaKpartatio-, had increased with a! m ist -erveloa. aad with certainly nnpre-o-.liQU.l rapidity, and a mama for fasti and handsome establishment had siud the gay a.ii fashionable pari of the piipln, the owners of famous teams were r inti ''lJ til forero the p'eesure of ialro- In -in? them in pnb'ie for want of suitab'e r. .r.i. Tie little manufaotprers were r. -. p' to ths oecaaion, and lare mana ! -l rrs with abuodaat capital and energy, ii fjl of the sp.rit of the period, came in oap ir'.uoely, not only to accommodate the publio, but to aoeammodate it at a reat savior of time, and at as great a sating of m ioey. Tnete large manufacturers bate only Seen 01 the s?eoefur aboot five years. The Arai of C. il. losemae k Uro., of So. 114 Cianbirs street, are the leaders in the raive-neot. The? bef an, and have eontin nai to maaafaotare harneas on a larre acale, buyiesr their material by wholesale.1 for oath, and taming out harness by hnn dre la f sets at a time, and at a price far b l w tSat at bi"h it could be sold nader (at o'i system. Tber employ a hundred ma i at their factory who are cousiaully en ga.tJ malcia; harness of every qua'ity and !r every purpose, and which oaa beforniah J to Cistomnrs without delay and at a prioe of twu-y-eve and thirif per cent be lu (Bat at wuicb it cn be oblainrd of re tail dealere, without the least sacrifice ot be-juty or durability. They have warerooms fuil of nu of harness from f d to t'lOOeach, a id are m a position, if such was required of taem, to fit oat almost the entire equiue raoe ia their oit?,oa twenty-fonr hours i tioe, with harness sotted to their vane us conditions, from the plaio, substantial, strong and durable garb of the cart aol trujn horse to the rick, gey and gilded trap pings of the well-bread r-jedoter. We called up them to order a handsome carriage haruets and saw over six hundred eels hing ing is their warerojms ready to be replaced b utbr sets as the demend of their noov ' 11- r .l 1 ernut iiustatners cans tor tneir numii. Tutrs i nut a taste nor a fancy hon they gratify, nor a pocket which they can acoonlate, aad they are at this time the Urgul and most popular dealers in their hue in this eoentry, eupplymg the farmere of tfaiee at well as the planters of Louis fk.v are. ia faot. looked to by ail pans of the Uaioe fur every form of harness nasi, either for business or pleasure, and their workmanship is as familiar le the Western farmer as to the eny trookmen, aal ihir ksadsoitje tornoats are admired alike in Cniral Perk, in New York, Druid's LIill Park, Baltimore, and on ike Shell road at N' Orleans. u,,. O il. Vosemaa s Bro. not only now supply those who have hitherto looked to the small retail dealers, Dal tney luroiso naruess makers themselves who artieles wkioa re-appear ia fashionable equipages in the best frequented drives, and their work ia now aoujbl bv the moat experienced "horse" men at being the most Siylish, sob- .,,n-i.l and tba cbeaoeat harness that is Tnav oaa hardli be said to have oompeiitors in theu busioees. so few, if any hv. tba facilities to compel" with them Kid being yoenj? men of stirriigand active haoits. aoui taste, oooooqueraoie energy .h,.,lnt reiouroes. tbev oil be re j - - - -r . . irar lad as masters of tne s tua.ioe. 1 hei .. .n.t. ar atadv. their perseverance nn o .uuded aed their oapual ample, and thus situated there is o obstecle wbicb tney can Mnt snrrilAanl Their ingenuitv is not th Wuu of their qualities, and in the course of ioir business nle they nave tntroeuceu aciraotiva eltles in their workmanship ; k.,h:m r.aov kooU. fronts, bailers, mart in -ties, chains, faooy blankets, etc.. which VERT LATEST BY'TELEQRAPH. 4 O'Oloolc 1. 31. YLe Ddnn Fall of Tam Bsany Thieves ! What th8 New York De mocracy are Doing ! SPEECH OF FRillK P. BU1R The f hicaso Canal Bill ! TDK f0TD f AlOLIU DESPOTISM the American government wee doing a good ork in suppressing reman raids. The fiines this morning believes Ike jealousies of England are extinct is the United Slates Subscriptions received at the Mansion loose for Chicago amount to 33,000. rieddersfield has contributed $700. Nswark, Oct. 20. The jury in the case of Geo. Bolts, on trial for the murder of 'Tel" Halsted, to day rendered a verdict of guilty ot murder in the bret degree. Montgomery. Ala.. Ooi. 21 General Frank P. Blair made a speech here Thurs day night ia which be advooated the nomin ation tor President bv the Democralio party ot ft Republican opposed to Ku-Klox bills and military laws, and in tavor ot universal amneetv. He said he was no friend oi tne "New Departure." though he believed in the " r - e . i patriotism ana parity oi mouvee ci imm who bad cnoaeo mat lann. at oeueveu in ' New Departure" tailed to bring sucoess in :ha elections this summer and leu, tor tne reason that it was confession of inability He deplored the belief that President Grant would be re-nominated, and stated that if such is the case, some of the most conscientious, able and conraeeons men id the Republican party will then leave it. Chicago, Oct 21 The canal lien bill for the relief of Chicago, which has parsed both bouses of the Legislature, was to day sign ed by the Governor. Contributions from New York for the re lief of sufferers by the great fire here amount to $2,200,000. of which $460,000 are in supplies, the balance in money Kock lauaao, Oetober 20. The market Is just now exceedingly fluctuat es;, lbs fallowing quotations constitute a fair average : Xaia if lour market ia corrected at Wsrsei'i Mills and tba eaoietions are the ruling prices ei the Rook Island market. Wiavaa Waaav tfioea Wholesale atetail Seaiae VTaaav ftooa Sfiiag iloakie Siut la feels, wkelesaU ATsIUiEMEWT. Explosion In New Orleans ! Official ElectionEeturns More Radical Stealing ! Generiil Summary. Dart's Hall. t)KB RIGHT ONLY ! Monday. October 23rd The New Departure BIHT & BIDGWAYS MINSTRELS 9 Good as Gold ! it FIRHT-Ct.AS'S PLar-IIKMEKSI Nothing Old ! Everything New. New Son s, New Jokes, New Masie, Saw lots, and Danoes, inoluoirg the Beat Brass Band and Orchestra Vravell ng I Adatlsslon 60 eesU ; Ressrvei .Seats 7a rents Raservad S.als for sale at tne asual places. oet 18-e-U COMMERCIAL. 1.13. ..V.KS . 7.6 dea au rftalMit.HHW, m.. ....... fj.tiu atatau T.en we,a eauiai....... 61. aau ..... ?.) Uit'i s)a r Hatstee Vlogb KataU - i Uerral, tacks BccawanaT fLOva a) kolaoaia. ........ v7 asit, n.w..... Ooas ..., Oata New ............ Basaas Boerae Ckeiee less, fer retailing, will bring OwsBse R. T . Factory Laaa per lb Peeavens . WOOD. LIGHT & 0., afaaulactarers ef 6 ... l.ii ... .6a ...fv.uu ...25a29 . SUaS 38a4(i ......Us IS lOalla . 47ai 60 . 15e ArrLBS par basket leas per 4o..... HienwiKBs Tk above prices are the wholesale fgurcs at first haa4. PoDLTBT Liva Terkiaa, par lb ! Dressed " Chiekena,Uve bc " slreasedx lu Daeka .... 1 tloaa live I S0i4.00 OatTLa ulre weigkt, aasieia.--.. 4&at Prime sblDeiar. oar 103 lbs s.OOaS.Ot Bit Prairie, ear sa 9 OOalO.OO Tlmotkv lO.OKali.W Woo ENGINE LATHES I SHAPIM AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLAXB8. Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASMTTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Q on Machinery. DOUBLE MiLUNS MACHINES, UiU Work, Shaltlng and Haajers, Pateat Self Oiling Box. WARKHOC8K : HIT MBBRTYHT.. tiKVY lOKltlll MANUFACTORY : MAMMOkD ST., (Opp. Jaacti.o Depot), WORCKBTItR All Trains enteiiag the City reie of eur Works. iiak, per sort.. Siskot .... .... Oaas. 6.4 . 7.00 Harket Eeports. H.portaa Sxpressl; fertke Aaecs. New Yoac, Oot. 20. Boston yesterday adueJ (lu.UUO to bar ooatributioua tu Chi canu Ike Chamber of Commer.e of this citj bae a I read v couir.buled ia money over f;c.6,ouo. Toe Commercial Advertiser stales that the total lueses of the various losoraucr companies by the Chicago fire was $57,740- UUU Henry P. Freeman has been appointed receiver to wind up Market Fire ln.uranoe Company. Juhn Cook has a'.ao been ap- Dar Hall. ,...13a ...13s Coal Valley Tard-.. leta.ead lard.... Tsas r.a.a UiM.k MBBtl ...... li. ni l.iual.4C - - prime to .hoiee...-.-.l Si'-s0 l.UOal.Ii. 1.40at.Ku l.bael.Tl vUal.i l.Ual 40 . J0al ...J!at4 alwava mtt with oopuUr approve Tbey are the manufacturers of an nlmtra bleha!trore peculiar pattern, or wnn thv make lo hondrei dozeo a month, nn hirh meeie with rapid sales. Their cart L..n..a ia aaiieoiallv in favor, and is lb onlv harness used at this time by railroad contractors; and there are no owners of horses, whether they be professional stable keepers or private individuals, who keep vehiotes for pleasure or profit, who will not find it to their advantage to ihtain their supplies from Messrs. C. M. Movman & w, 1 1 1 Cha-n hers street. N. Y. Call and ,,-C the one they have seat n, end order one just lise it. LOO Mi NOTICES. pointed receiver for the Atlantic Insurance Company ot Brooklyn, wnion saspenuea yesterday. Tbe Washington Fire Insnrance Company suspended to-day, aud a receiver wae ap pointed. Tbe capital was $400,000, with a aurnlus of $3i0.OU0. Tbeir losses in Chi caro amount to abuut f .uu.uuu. Cbas. O'Connor has associated with him self W. H. lVckbam, Wm. K. Everts aud udr Emmet the first being Uemocratic aod tbe two latter Republicans as coun.el n the prosecution of tbe defrandsrs of tbe municipal government. Tweed will be probably the brat attacked. I he leuos: Ben e Uemoorauc iwiurm Assoeiauun is the name wf nn o'jniiixaiioii u'sl establttbeL --"" - "1 Sheriff BrenoM has deserted Tsmwivny. There is a revival of the rntaor thai Coonoliy is to be rm peached. The nominations mate last Bigot vj ! Democatie reformers ' aeeet with the ap proval of Bepublieans senera'.y. PHiLADtLruiA. Oct. 20. 1 he Ldner save tbe failure of C. S. IVrker. Jr Co., . J . r - . l. :. f..J..ftl"0 urn leaves n aencn in tne suy iubub wi cu,-'"' fhe firm Las been speculating with the ii moneys. 1 heir assets aeo tooee oi me treasury miy cover the amount. More saad ical thievery. New York, Oct. 20 A Bangor dispteb says that Mr. Mitchell, Mater of the Ue- mmion f isheries, nays it is untrue m.i j British. cruiHers rnve bfen seen at Gloucester. BiSHioB, Oct. 20. The peeins; of th European and Nona American Railway wae eelebraled yesterday. Versailles. Oct 20. The ratification ol the treaty gives great satisfaction. Pahs, Oot. 20 Prince Nstpoleon arriv ed at Marseilles to-day, end leavej to-day lor Ajaccia. CoLCkiBCS, Oct. 20 The Ohio States man to-day publishes returns fiom sixty- uiue counties of Ohio, sixty -three of which are known to be official, aud six eopposed to be in whirh Nove's majority pier Mc Cuok is 11.107. The resnaibiog nieeteeu counties geve Sherwood, f-r Secretary of State, last veer, 10,119 rnejority. If thee counties remain unchanged. Noye's majori ty in the Si ate will be 21,226. Clevklaiid, Oct. 20. The Treasurer ol k. t'himeo Relief Fund has received, up to njon to-day, over $22 000 in cash. Mrs W. B Sanlee, ol this city eoio yiHterday, by taking laudanum. Nkw Orle, Oct. 20 A wagon load fnnioo t..rpedoes exploded this moron g k Friday, October 27th, air. Frederick KnUataa takes . leaser ib an Beunciag two Grud Total antl lasirumeiul Concerts BY THB WOALD RINOWNKD V1EHHA liDl Uihm Uoaaistmg of IWK5TY IN; T B.UM 1 K TAL PKEFORMSnS All of who arc Teang Ladies af ) thaa 2 yaars of age. whose extiBoretnarv masiaa.1 tal ant scoured tbem.for a number of year., instraa iuB their respective lnstruueaU troai the ssostminant Kur. peaa Protaasora. Xany of thaai giadunied with high honors at the Conservatoire vl lenna, ueraaaoj. To heighten tk eclat of tae Ooooeris, Sir Rnllaaan bas fertkrc eogaged IS !a-t great Mu sis 1 Hoveltv, the wo-ld s wonder, jarile A.xn Slzcr. Prima Donna Sopreoo, onlv twelve yaais ef age .1 -haa recant in Lon ion aad oik,r European cap tel., have oa hr .v.. i.nrtit. tf Rovaltv. and who, at ker tender aio. i fwv the rival of evarv Prima Donaa ot ' w. Hi-nil VI 1! JR. lb resaVI. ai.u, a.'- .... rectlT admired Benton. fr.m !he flrano up era Hons of Frankfort, Mermany. JflKKFIVR WIISMOH. Conductress. Aad amone theos are a nember of dminguUh- ed S.lo Performers en the Harp, B t VI .1. aln Mescal Conductor, Mr. MTLDEE FABRI D MISSION - - ONI DOLXAK Ho extra charge for xeseived seats. Gallery -h Tha aala of tickets will eommcBce three days ia advenes at Jehe Hoyt's Mufio e. iTnru Cara will mu to Meline after ke Concert. isanewdar, eommon to fair - prime to choice, las eeiiaU - 9oioag, eosuaos to fair priaseteeheice.-.. Xapaa Cerrna to, aosiaiaa to fair . prime to shut jld ftevcramcct Java (tv eoamoa to fair Hal 24 " orua U okolo. .-..-llil- B .a J Om r araaliaA. Dewdared and ' ' t41, vvaa ' K. A ...... ..-..-1- da axUa O I3 R.IBd 6agar, o C Jf sfalaaaM 5Bctr.HM. . ..ivaiftc 8ai 1 1 aMm. -. - tier m.....m.. .. airy, with aea..a. sir) , without aasss... I.iaa Pert Bvron, par kbl S.60 2 3w .4 7 stop within ten jelO dtf iLILUVTrB CMKAM. VOL III AM) BEADT1 Areasanred those whe make nseef that magnif- ioeat cosmetic, LI RUE'S ALiBiSTER CREAM And the Ladies who desire a Perfsct Ename' Solaodi Cosmetie. and delicate pe.-fame eo biaed, will use no other It is, as a beantifler to the complexion, nperior to aaj attic! In the TForld ONE TRIAL PROVES THIS. So'd by all Druggists and Dealers in fancy dooda. G SO R. LB. Proprietor, m72aa Hartford, Conn Jeba Bengston, Agaat, Sock Islaad. AUOTion &. oosxasission AKTIBT1U rAILCBIKG. 6S7 WABASXX AVJirffTJP, onzoA,oo. DRAPR,TAILOH AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S TJSE. WLDU1G OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Bhirts to Measara Extra Double and Perfect In Fit. Clergyman will be allewcd 6 per cent, discount. tebldly tSBBEffiBSi ME HAVE THB Largest- Stock of Fine Clothing For 31LV8 & COYS' WEAR, west or flew lorn. The best All-Wool Baits, fer the money, in this country for 915,00. (BELDIHG'S BTJCCK880K8.) 45 ft vV. MADI0.t it., eat. 387 JTATB M. CHICAGO. ILL. B1V ABVB&XXBBBSSasa. SASH, D00K8. AC. EOLANDER & HUB EE, Sneocssors to J. A. Biddisos, Manufacturers of Sash, Doers, Blinds, SIuldings, FIAMkl, BRAClkKTfl, And everything in tbeir line. AiHiiouml ul CunxiHinf Uil.tfc. Aekmiwl Hlui'il the best promnterofthe growth and btauty othe kir. IjZ. B0SjIX k C Boston. Mass. tkild by all druggists. Jleicurc of imitation. Olased Bash on hand, also feed All work warranted. Corn Heal and feb24dwnm SAVfg. BsvASLisaen ie I8S0. WELCH t&QRIFFITHi' 80PBBIOR TO eLL uTBERS I Axes, FUes, Cast Steel, Kill rsralshlags and Baehlnsry. tOs-Qet the host, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Bend tor price Lis lane circulars, VTkLCH G-ltfirHl, BoISdwly Boston, Mass., er Datrait. Hi h xsaus.Azs'cs. CDrC FOR ONK MOSTU TO A1.L WHO ASH iriLL FOK IT; uiJan.'T'i; 1.5o to Julv "7; -2.5ilto Jau. "T3. THE METHODIST. Every we'll a Lecture Koom laiKny twecner ; sermon or ariicie bv Talmn(r. Imcnna only to neucner lu pnpuiantyj. lira. Willing ereal serial siory expuint: secret nor lnui of Komnnixm Id America, and much other good reading. U. llali-ted, 114 aaa si. Kew lorn TRY SAMPLES of our great 8-ase 1 .00 illustrated weekly .w yeur esuuiiUea. eel engraving free Ki cubw.ribera. Agents make : a day. beud lor Satikuay Uazltte, Hal owell, Maine. free; Fine r-tei Solioiied by ftTJSH & CO., PubH.hers Sntnltjir Ameri can, 37 Park Hew, H. T. Twen:v-flve vears' erperienee. Pamphlet enntaining Patent Laws, with full direc tion!! bow to ohtain Patents, free. a hiinnii vi.inn, ,,r lis ninreK. coDtainini; the NEW CEN'sl'S bv cnunliea and ail laige ciiiei', 14U Engra- Tlnim of Mnrhaniral Movemeuts. Patent Laws and rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt of lb cents. D S LAMP CflIHETS. Stand Esat better than any ether mads. Art for Dit bridge and take no other. See that our name i on every box. DITHK1UGK & bO-N, Pillobargh, Pa. Send for Price List. S. B. REED. HARVEY, DRAKE & CO., Commission Merchants, IN FLOUR AND GRAIN, 19 Wa er Street, CINCINNATI,.... eot4-dly .OHIO U Ell ERA L ACCTIOSEEB, OSes ia Fetlce Mafistrate's Office, BOCK 18LA51). ... ILLIB0I8. crSw Will preiatptly attsad to ell hnsiasss ea lasted to his care. deol Idwtf. Booh Island, per bbl- Sae elraea batbrs'..... i r .ardM.... ........ Pan enrad. Are ealf. Bricns fsnper, Hisgapore.. iiiBBto.. Olov. . Baiasagsaie siagev, pars......... Oayaaa Pppr.. Oils -7ar nOU - tard -il, ltra...... ard Oil. tie. 1. Linseed Oil, raw ' keiled . 1.10 1.0 1.E0. II. LAM0, nn nnnn TiaSe Kialie -iac Hie 3fta2ba ,. e 2xi .l.:iial.i 30a be 85o .tit ..I SSal.CV ,l.J0 1. .... l.o AD Commission Merchant, ICdtd 05 ss- ,ce GO o 33 reiT Drle apples, ohoioe.... .out m on...... ... ... - Dried paaekea, klfs..... qaarr... .. lant CarraaU, new Baisina, Im layera, pee hen, new " " per half bez., CarkUh reeec dried C berries Sbot an Powetn Bifle, per kr, ....... Ooal ailae, do Blaatiec. d... Drop 6bt, per s aek.... - Baek Shet, do Bar Lead, per lb......-..... Ta8Jc c ,. lie I la Ual2i 3 lb 1-70 i -c !S-d3m &1 Parr atratt, DATEKPOBT, IOWA. W. a. L.UIIYf isctioa and CoasaissioE lerohiint. &oos, - - 121 ,.6.aT.0O ...i 0a.v ...4.0a.e ,.S.60al."i ......- llo ES lo1 3"-a'o55s0vi ie n?5 's.-bOt; Tat"W " no a''"i2iltfSf'S5 ?v5 o ROUTES LOST ! WEPNESDAT BlOrjr THE 1MB irst., twe Horses stray.d from my place.- I ana a hi w BV. SB. n oiBtr.orv.. marked with tbe letters "B. K. 1 will tay J3 for infermation eoraing the. TEHBASCE FLANAGAN Koc k, Oct. lth. 171. JOdtf riaee ef basics, ea ILLINOIS STEEET, Kext doer to Dob A BUiett'. Stove Stere. .eds received ea caeigBSsent, Partienlar Attention (met tc sales ia eenatry and city. FUmTU E kolk acw aadsccead kaad, boegkl sad sale oavtdlv ' 1. H. BDrOBD. Buford & Reed, FIRE. LIFE AND ISLAND IHSUR&HCL ABEHTSI Tha rollowing- Old aad Kelt able Companies Represented: JEtna, Home Ins. Co., of IT. America. Franklin, Hartford, Security, Lorillard, Andes. Eepublic, Putnam. Enterprise, City Fire, Merchants, Northwestern National. Connecticut Mutual Life $30. V723 WXX.X. PAY $30. Agents fVt per week to sell oar great and valuable dincuveriM. If you want pttrmindntw honorable and Dlttetfciuit work, apply fr particulars. Addrufs r i v 17 u jr. ru Jtiritwn Mtrh. LADY AliOTS Wanted In everv conntv in this State, to whom steady, genu-e! and pnlliahle employment can be riven. None rnt ladies Ihat Mil wild tie best of Feferencee need acldresa FKAUKANT SAI'ULlli.NE CO., I levelaod, Ohio. AVOID Q.IT4C S. A victim of earlj in discretion causing nrvnns dehility, pr. nisinre decav, etc., taavinp tried In vain every ad vert ie-d remi-dy. ha discovered a simple means of relt-caie, which no will aena to nis lenuw-auucmi. Auure&e J . U. ttttv b, IB iasau si. i. i ., PVPEfc BOXES. IX. .. SOHELL, (Sncesssor to J. B,) Manufacturer of ererr dxsoription of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake street, Chicago. Orders promptly attended to. etpli d3m ZZVBS.T. C0PP & BRO., Livery and Sale Stables. under Sart's Sail, HOCK lL4!IUP Ill, Most Complete E tablishment in the Citj Particular attrition paid tofurnithing Carriages for parties, Balls, Processions, etc mkid I j a. w. nrKKKsoe. i. n. wortbi.ns Uaanfacturers of SHOW CASES, Boston Bazaar ! NEW STORE. NEW GOODS ! L. S. GATES & CO., ILLINOIS) ST., ...ROCK ISLAND, (formerlf HoOec's 8koe Star.,) OFFERS F iR BALE 10, .00 jds of ambleaehed kh. clings at 10, 11,12, 13, 14, lie. As. 6,Ut"ij Cs ot vkite Muslin; at 10, 12j, 14, li.ete. la 01 Liana, bleaih.d ana nnkUached at St, 4j, iu, tit, etc. 10 pices, real turk.j red tabic linen, at $1.10 per vard. ou dos Napkins at 75, 1,00, 1,25, 1,35, etc. Waive bad .preads 1 , 1,50, 1,V0 ets 5, una jd. erask toe.lio, s. 8, 10, Hi, 15, etc. 5U dot linen toesls 10, lii,-l3, ZU, 23c, etc. aig lot linen dialers, cheap. 5U dos Iserman corcets, Id boeea white and col ored, all nainoers a. 85o per pair. 20 dos French corsets very cheap. 20 do i French silk tmbroidtrcd corset. 50 dos Kid tiiov.s all oo ors and cumbers, at 65 cent, per pair, the. p. 25 dos Kid tilov... extra nioe 95cts per pair. 2 es 2 button Kid. all color, and numbers rerv cheap. A larg. lot Li. la thread aad Cotton Oloves. 20U Ladies calioo virpers at 1,50 and 2.0( each 2011 enewl. at 0, 75, WU, l,s0 2,li0, 1,50 3,50, 4.0U, 4,50, a,0. te t2o tach. A large and splendid assortstens of Ladies' un der olothmg. Chemise 50, 75. SO, 1.00; 1,25, etc. Urawers, 50, 75. 1, U, etc. Might Dreescs, 90, 1.10, 1 S5, 1,50. etc. Tucsed Skirts, 70, V0, 1,00, l,V, 1,50. Uader bhirts, tacked and riffcd, only 50c. 5w doi Aprons froas S0e to i. Alargelineot Ladies' ana. Misses' Hosier; at vers low priet-s. 100 doz La i:es' hemmed Haadkerchiefs from 5c upward.. A grea: variety ef buttons aad triavmings te te .old at half the asual price.. 100 doz Ladiea' I ao ColIaiC at 10, 14, 2 .", to. Lalir.' Keal Thread Lace Collars 1U, iO,V9 1. 23. 1.50. ete. 10,000 yds of cotton Edging., at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7,8, V, 10, eto. 0,000 yds t-f Ilambnrg Fdgings at 7, 8, 10, It. 15. 20.25. 3 . S5, 40: 45, 50, ete. A larffe liae of icseriiots to match, eh. p. 40u doi Ep.-ol Cotton, 200 yds each all color. and numbers at 4 ets per spool or s ete per duzea 300 dot Coats' and Clark's cotton at 8 cents a spocl. ' 200 dotrpool Bilk, 100 yds each at 1 is a spool. 1j0 doz or spool Bus. ix yus eacn at 20 a spvui. Skein Silk and Tm.t at 2e e.ek. 3. Eoitliih pin .tuca H telle., 5e a paper. Pins 5 eis a paper. Klastic Cord 3, 4, o per yard. 25 doz Gent's white Skirts, at 1,00, 1,25, 1,50 and 2,00 open back. Qe t'a under hirts 25, 3. 50 75, 90, 1,00, ete. Usui's plaid Fiarn.l skirts 7f, 1 00. 50 dot band knit Woolen Pocks at 40e a pat; Gent's Cotton Hose lo 114, 15, 20, 25 to Gent's Paper Collars, 6, 10, 15, SO sad 2. -cat's Neckties 10, 15, 20 and 25e. ti.nt's h.mmei Handkerchiefs, 10, 15, 20,15, ete. oVent's kid Gloves, cheap. 10 000 yds Caiiro, at 7, 8. 10. 124, ets pe yard. 1 000 yd. Bed Tiaking at 1 u, 1 o, z, s jo, eio. 1,500 yds cotton Flannel al 124, 15, tO, 15, ete A large as-onment of white and red F. annals to be sold cheap. A good Use of black and colored Alpacas. A full line of silk and wool Porlins at uantua CHIC ;,. ootJ-dSsa 7 Lake Street, ...I LI, ZiOTTEXL-'. r - oot" 3 O tail Si-ill w3ai ROCK ISLAND OPIS DAY' AND KVENX3G, I Tor Ladies and Gsitlsm.n, Boys ft Kisses. A large number new ISoho.l v.U attended. Koja' Havia LUrj ol Cuba. CONDUCTED ET THE 6PAMSH GOV arnmeat ISO0.000 in Geld drawn every lev eaiser days Prizes cashed aB4 Inform ii-i faiawbed Thehlabe.i pri. paid for Doub lot o. and all kin, of Goll aed eilv.r. X A LOR A CO., Ban.r, fehSdly 16 Wal Street, New lura GIFT KMKSPIlSi:. Total Atsets Represented, over $60,000,000.00 i OFFICE So. 3, Argus Building. Oppoiits Fcst Offico. Up Stairs, KlfK II.AN. , ILL. eipl dtf a BLOBinea. c. n. SLoeie. xiLsa.xsaa & ss.o.. leal 4. iuhur-Bce IgdnU, Ke. I Viele's Block, JiVKSFOKI, .... IOWA. Attead peraooallv aad promptly t tie kying nliiiliDI ef Real -slate on commission, re.t e.T noa.e. and urui. L.evl3d6m . a. B1TSS. B. C. OLS1VILASS UAYE3 & CLEVELAND OE.XFRAL R o TiiLcrKK is uorivalel a a beaatifier o th o-T4pl''iii". it i powJar, harmUss, i fiajd n4 nlegant. Try ie, 50 cents par dos Dklsys a DiSUkAafi. Mothers as . In., .our cffsoriDBS won't fail to use rs. Whiteomb'i Sjrnp for soothinjr child ..n tha advertisement is another cj'.auiu. Ax IsnfJtBT. 1st it not better to porcbas Dr. Price's Craans Bakinjt Powder an Special Flavorings, that bare stood tha test of years, thao worthless compounds baeansw they appear to be cheaper 7 QoiDk. latarestia work numerous engraviogt, 22-1 paces. Prioe) 69 oeots Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 North Eii-hth street. St. Louis. Mo. See advertisement. Rhsuiaalisos is cured by using Renns Pain-Killiog Magio Oil thoroughly. Wsdo not say itoeres ''after the joints are tamed into a chalky aabstaaoa bulils aarlj and taithUI u pravsakt ttu Changs. lime tk. .1,,... inalanl.V. be being bluest severe! hundred feet. Itswinaows m i.w iomi't wne shattered bt tbe concossn'B. Am t' er mni was severely injuredf and ' ! .'ighily wounded. Wsbin(;to. Oct. 20. Inte'liireBCsfroin York vil. e, a C, is to ths effect thai quite mbor ot prominent citizens of that aectioa have left Ibe touuirj, oatensiblv on busi ness, bnl really to escape the penalty of the lav. Senator Herns, alludinr to tha Presi dent's proclamation, says no Ka lm ont ragss were over ooamitted ia Marioa Coon- BanLiN, Oot. 20. Tha Cross Oacrtto niradicts the aaco'iot given by Benaeditti iif the oefrotiatioB between Bismarck and Napoleon in 181.6 It eaeerta that tba Uer- man. while at ver. auies I jnna ia in ar chives of tba French roveroment a copy m R.nlitti'a hand writing ' too tamoos ae- erat trtBty which was poblisbed last jaar. Gotsta, Ool 20. Fall reports of tba lata n.... evnadition to tba North Pola a ra A iw atunding. .vening f Jj? octi2-d.f ) -.riHr w C I - a r" w i a AH 1 SollPIUinri rK& gU ua ia uuu vjiuu a 1860. 1871. THE PIOMEER JUSIC STORE. A LARGE 8TOCE ALWAY? ON HAND Ok slilkWl, iTCK, fc.MKRwW, AM H AN, UtlNK, HAskllsLI AM) WKSIIKI L. iJ i . rs o s, Gee. Wwod & Co'HLRtf j Organs ' and al kind, of Mnaical Instrnments Sheet Stasia of latest issues, aad the beat im. ported ttring. in the city J"M if r, . apl Corner Tllinols and Wa.biagtoa atreet. NEW& BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. low prices. A good assortment of plaid drcil goods. Bla. k 8ila. foe 1.50, so $0O pr yd. 0O pi. era ef Bikbon all widths and colors. A full line of fash Bibbons. ia extensive of Jewelry te be sold at treat bareain.. Ml doz Hoop Skirt at very low prices. A full line of Perfutnrry and a large variety of articles too numerous te m ntlon. sept deod mwfAwly MILL HTU.tE DtiKBSKS. DiBElS &, CBbQOLM, Proprietors and Manufacturers of ilLL M0E DREEH, OTfAWt, 1I.L. This celebrated Dr.rser is a perfect suoosss, d all are warranted. my30dy Insurance Ag ts w I A Briuht Blue Eye, Sons i Representing tbe following old Companies i and reliable HEBW" SALVE, for Corns and Bunions, Boils and eras. For sale by all Druggists. 2 et. p kz er sent na renei p. of prioe. Address ALL RIlHTjHaC lar. Bt tnicsge. sepK diy Ol' CHICAGO, II I,. OMb Capital. 4290.000.00 orpin..-- 37,ao.f Didbick bBiw, Apentt, apr21dly Rock Island. MKDrLnTmiy.Tl.. Tba Oaly Ssllabla Gift Distrtbntiam la ths oonntry: $60,000.00 TO B BISTBinOTBD IS rJBOHlAl AMARICA HEALTH RBtfTOklft. psrifes the blood aad car, rjjrole., Bypkius oai- a... eaaea, Rkaaatlsm, Oiaaaes ef WomeB, aad all Usrente ASectioae ei Liver aad Kidneys. Romaaa j the kledioal faculty aad maay saoa. aads of eur bast eitiseas. u . ..t mi ... ii.tssi aec fTr7. INSURANCE COMPt I . D . S 1 JST K ' B or Almaaac fer tkis year, whleh wepun lisk lorgrataileas distribattrai It .ill give yo maok valuable informatiea. Dr. &. W. Carr. of Baltimore, save: "1 tat pl.aiur in reeemm.ndisg year Bo.adalis as a very powerful al terative. I kavc cn it need in tee oases witk happy rainlla one ia a caa ef sescsdary syphili., la which the pa tient pruB'iun ed himself eared a'trr kav-a( taken 3vs bottles ef lusi sine. Q.IFT 152nd HEGCLAR MONTHLY IJiWERPFiISE, To be draw. Monday Kot. 17, 1871. TWO URAND CAPITALS Of kt:.k.-l Tha Po lar ea waa ciscover.a t r nd awnrm ia with wbalaa. irvv iiv Lordov, Oct 20. Earl of Oraaeitla.ia a spaaoh at Manchester last tif b. aipiM 4 a foaling af w ida oeer tbe Alabama tia- .ntiatinns and their result. iha saffsriogs U Chioo, ii e- Hs resrrv) tted and itata Ut A L 1 S Tb other is a ease of screfels ef ag staadiag, wbi.h ia rapidly lmrov iac aader Us us, aad tbe Indications kr( ikat tk patient will soon recover. I bare carefully eiassiaed the forme's by which year ftossdalis is made, aad gad It aa exeeiiess n.s.ssi er alter ative lBgredieBis.M ,,. Dr. parks, er nieseiavuie, ay.,.ay h ka. a .ed Bosadali. ia eaees ef Bern fa la sad deeeadary Syphilis with satis factory results a. a cleaner ef the bleed I kaow ae better remeey. Bamaol ., auin wvore, Teea , saysi ut Ware aaed sevea nettles' ef Boss dalis as satirely eared ef Bkeam atl.m ; me fear bettl'S, as I a-i.k -. . Lrelber. whe has ssrefuloas .. core eye.. Boa"jei Bjbol, f Lima, Ohio, yiVlD A. MSi.l, Manufacturer ef aad Dealer in Electfw - Medical lastramenti, OklTanU BstUrl.s oi all Ximdt aal Sitaa. M 00 Canal Street, f-uC A CO,... ..... ,........ H an triads ef Eleotro-Magnetic Iastrnnents tl Repair. at chert notice ; 4lo Modal. mee'e ol all descriptions on short actiee. oetA-dSm MUSICAL! -attoir. 0. B. WI'GaTB LATELY PROM A Berlin, desires to sanoanea te tbe eitises. ei Rek Island and viniiy, tnat Be is acw pie. S5 000e.iCaiinrfcabackN A . l t. t Fiva Pi ize $500 i ii!rJC!lL)dUv i wriue, I have aa-araaj m 7 - - ( far I whol.'.Mv'i I per ln8trBC(JnS e be PilDt Ftftf, aad will always be room at tne ocnooi or tbe Misses Bobiasoa ia Egf lestoa's Row Having been for (bree yeers ander the special instrue tioa ef P. of. Theedere Kallsb, o- ef he roes' distlesrui.hed musicians a Barepe. he ee's eoa fi lent of being able to reader satire satisfa -tioe la all nasi, ? l:,.:- fc--evwtw ebaaed a settle ef Resadalls an feeted a perfect cure Boeadalisl. sold by all iruggis's. Laboratory, SI Bsebaegs Place. Bal tlmere. Or VLXOBIT CO Proprter Tw. frizes $1,000 s f tea i'ltzcs $ iuu i H'hde. Number of Cash Gifis 1,000! 1 Ucrse A Buggy, witk Silver mounted Uaraeas worth tfi- W ine t'"t,i Rwoo f,1"' worth rM. ten family rawing sincbine nrtk till" each. Five Heavy Basra Uolc Boating Watches and Heavy Said Chains.wortb (MOO each. - Five Wold A soar wae (tenuis Watches, worth 2 eacn. Ten Ladies' Uolo Hae'ieg WeteMB. wo n ei-e eacn- - $00 Gold sad Silver Lever Hunnne Watches (la all won a ii ii c" ww. mu. Uidles' Wold Leootiiie Cbalne. Uont'a Gold Veal Silver-p.atedtiaxtorv.Holid Silver and Onubk- Knlvea wiver-pmied Dinner r'orka. 8ilvr Vert Chain.' Photograph Alliums. Ladlo- Gold Brea Dlnssnd frir-nn. Grnt,' G 'Id Breastpltie. Hfl" Iwdi andhleeveBotto, Finger Rings, Gold Pea. "le" X"i ft" '0.. Ticket Limited hMt AGPNTO WANTED TO 6BLL T1CKET3 to 8U.!. .. fUb JSST Underwriters Igene j, Nfw York. Cash AMets f l.'IOO.OOO. - Phrnlx. 5. T. Cash Assets $1,800,000. Continental, Ns s Cash Assets $2,600,000. North American, Ns T. Ca.k A.sei.. f i"0,000. PaciSe, Califernia, Assets Gold, 1 1,00,000. Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Assets, 800,01 8. . . North Imerican, Hartford, Cash Assets $500,000. ' UTEfcKlTlOVU,. M W T08K, , Cash ArsiU ll.f OO.ItOU. Brewers Milwaukee. Cash Assets 300,000. Washington Life, New fork, ' Cah Aeets 3,0,00. ar fjwr rye, ouni ommii.i, iivi. Hum yoe cm Luiit Comio So.g. Saxton. 40 Darlutg Rite af ike Boarding School, Piter30 Oirl ml ike tVuur.if., Comic Cord.lla, 36 Jnltg Hiyk Timet, Camle. Parks, 30 Knit tronldm I ye f tee to l'i.'i, UomiO . tord la au JexeUt of re Hn,1, B.autiful tiong il Mt'iilint, ' " La b. 3 Let it fa... for Bas. or Alto. " 3 Yet Onee Again, Daatt lor Sop. aad Barr Oakiiel. n OuarretiMg Seiakbar: Comic, Auber, 7 it Somebodye Child, with va-iatious. Mack, 60 Zrarrey Ureettntji, rnsi ormsntique, Hlsnesey, Halidtif Vaeaeiee Jtfarck, illustrated title Gilsinn, Sweet Auticipationt, Sohottische, " " wlISWB, -. w..tai. tri Any of the above sent by mail on receipt ef the market price. Va natter wkere eon see a piece Music Book edverti.e.1. feed to us ' J . .:.. re r.r. i receiv. u by ene.osiDg 'he F ,,m " ' Ull-IC lKAI.IvtW, ST. LOCI8 tni7-ue -o" -BAB. i. rowans. j. l. asai. GREM REDUCTION IN TEAS! 0 f Waste oi ii fhU4aea4A : r fiM-nton . conlsluliie fn" lb of prises, s descrlp tlon of no Sfn." r of drawing and o- her tnformatio. il.rLr.MKto llio DWribntion. w.ll beaeirtioani oaSige- AUmbesdrtreio ,. p, ZZeTSs OX 80. " i, ; -. ' OJtClilMATI,. 'o-WWW;a8:.3 .is:liaaAV 6E0. W.C0PP, : A?TF0R THItlADlHO ; HiRTFORD & iiEV T0B FIEE, HAEIHE AHT) : lxfe::';-;: :1 Insurcinco Cos 25,000,000 in Capital. IT BOfl ISL4SD, ILLINOIS. All ! adjastad aad prempkly paid at this igeesf- .payHdtl. jStiam Pump Works ;iYi-lrii. -ii"... - BY THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch Hobm, Palaaa Bow, ROCK ISLAND. - - 11 LS' Wbcte.c are off.riag nnrtvallcd Teas, at th. same low er'. a. at thU "B..wrB Hua. By l-por.lug Tea. In c.rge lots, tb.y saah tcr.ta.l to the consume- at i pr oes. Don', fall to via. U. Hoe. B.- Tea ore, a, P.l.e. R ". "ffe .,, g lasst, pereat and ' WILLS & HXIKEAY 0sre remeved r- m Rly the's bnilding snd .tatt ed a New Shop ea lllDDIBOVa COHSEB, Charles B. Hardick, Ho. ft Adams street, IllOOK LY BJ , - BW YOIK - 6ole Mannfsetnrer of ' Hsriish's Patent DsuDlB-Astf Steam Pomp and Fire Kaglae i ' . .. Mining Pumps a Specialty - '; PatnUd ia tsglaad, Bslgiam snd rf"0 Bead fa elisalar. auglldly l l,- J Ja WaktoKlua aad Resh River streets, jiey established a pei, and i'e new prepaied to Aoail kinds Ot ilLACKSMlTll W0I.K ! '-. - isr THS SK3T. It AKH BR. Ws profess to uharstand every branch ef tbe lusfne.s aad we hold earselTec ia readinees te o aTl kinds f work. ' All kied. ef heavy forg- l ig. BteamHaat work, Machiae forging, Plow eork. fine Baggy and Carziene wetk, an evor Uisriptiia of titene Cntters' aud Stone Masons ti oll made aa4 repaired. Ib regard to Forso Shoeing ! vTedonot he.l'sta to .ay. a. trm U.pnbli. ia 0.l.b r. Uo pr pared tf' baild -a o d.r all kinds a. Wagoas, B-f.o'"Ug' TmB'i lilTmiAl..