path) Jlrfluo. Xoadey, October S3, 1IT1. Orders ta irt will atvltk areapt CITY. CITY BULLETIN. OHfCAwO. 10CK IILAID PACIFIC ft. ft. Train. p. fto.k I.laad ooive a. sr. 8i14 a- m. .. a, . 10:1)0 p. a, ' 1:46 ft. a. 10.3 a-a . 6:ep. a. Day Ei press end Mall. Hook luud Aeeeamedatiea, Night K. press, aoie wssr ay Bxpre.. ui Hail, Beok I.laad AoeoameleUoa, lgkt liriM, Beok Ill-md ia.....J.,!... Ar. Bureau Janstioe. Leaves Bureaa Junotloo e.ilOp. m. e.Sle.m The Day Iipre.e u4 Vail leaviag here al ;Jj a. a., seaaesls at B area a Jaaelioa al 10.14 a. m., for Peoria. Tka Bight Bsprcss leaviag ban at 10 a.m. oeaaoels at Barcaa at I.eO p,a tor Peoria. iriarus rmoi . . OI BOKTB ni'i. ABB1VB (prat A Mail, " :50 p. a. IliiUmiiiu, 3:3 p. a. Ui2s a. a Conarets villi all roads for the east tad west. OUKrOftD, B.IslASD Ae.. LO.HB.ft. Ouloc North mil, i areas Book lalaad at Mail lieiug .Viath I tlll. Mail " (pree. freight ITra.ghi ., 11CKET! ELECTION, TUKSWAV, KOV'. T. Pot Con great aaa at Large, 8. 8. BATES, OfOoek. lor Coenty Treeeurer, WK. H. JABVIi, Of Rook I.laad. - Tor Ooanty Burvaysr, 1LIXAR HAZLITT, Of EdgiuglOB. jroncx of aiMOVAL. Be it known that tha Atoiri office has been removed from the old place and is now ia the Annua Building, eatranoe on on Weit Eagle (treat, oppoaile the poet office. All oor patron aod friendi are in vited to drop in and aee what a nice estab lishment we're got. 7 00 a a 6:10 p a 8:44 a. a 7:1 i p. a so a. a 7:JUp Tkaaa traias UaTa MoHea going sooth 1ft m la ale, la ad ranee al' Hook line; goiag none ia aiaala. alter leaviag Hook Jeiaad. Tralae leave Caadau geiag Berth Is alautea of Book lilul lima; going suuth II aiaate. aftar leaviag Ibia ally. Train, leave Coal Vaiiey going aortta tt aia ui ia asva-ce ar nock lelaad lima; goiag aaia to aiaaie. after leering tbi e'ty. ci itLAiD a riotu &. ft. Law a. Arrive ftoek Island 6:1., a a 10 4U IJ.itUpa 4.IUa DAY IS PORT A ST. PAILK. ft. aoiutt KOKTU. -i.oeaBodetiea Depart 8.24 a Mall rillia COIJid BOLTS. Davoa port Bi press arrlvallilOe Aeeoaaedaiioe aad Mail " 7:30 p I aia roai eoaaeels al laa C. N. W. eroeatag wilb taa Ohloago aad Nartkwaatara Eallraad, (or poiola aaai and waat. BCaLIST0ir,CIOAE EAVIDt A MtHHB- OTA E. E. tfm Paok lalaad to Martlagtaa. aaaaagrl Iraa Eoak IaJaad goiag arar tail lika Will ita Ika rag alar true goiag waat aa tka A rlai a of tka O. E. I. A P. E. E., eoaaeatiag al Oolaakas Jaaotioa, aa follows t To Pirllag'oa, a. a. Jak U-a4, Ija. a. A,0 p. m orxmo axd closiu or majl roar crrira, o-ipcsill a anna's SLaca. It ia said that Parker & Stone are goiog to change the word "cold" to "cool" in con sequence of the host who imitate their soap Kiwto Bate a si says of the Chieapo Business Csliege (Bryant & Chase's), "Ii oompleltt what onr public scbools partialiy accomplish. Iherk was Mrs. L. very deaf she might hare wore A peronseion cap, aod bee a knocked on the head, without hearing it snap. LTood said so A pedlar sold her a bol of Durno's St. uif, and the aary next dor she hsatd from brr buabatd at Botany Bay. Rork laland l.adivs aimilarlr alllioted sboold call for Duroo's sous' at the Harper Elousu Drug Store. Ill 011 At PLOW CASE. A Hraly contest, wherein in any handsome greeabecke hare been expended, aad neck brain work laid oat to the best ad rentage, kasjnst reached a fiaal termination. The parties to this gigantio Jejrel "mill" were Joha Deere & Co., end Candee, Swan & Co., Of Molina, both firms being; rich, infle ential end resolute. The point at issue was whether or not Candee, Swaa & Co. had the right to cell their articles of manufacture 'Moline Plows" to brand them aa such s nee Deere ft Co. claimed to here first need each a breed. The question wea en important one, aad the principals not only took a deep interest id the case, but also the citizens of Moline and Rock Island. It waa rery diffienli to predict whet deoiiion w mid eliimately be ertired at. For lereral years past the atreggle fceabeea ia progress oom in ana out of court. Each firm waa untiring ia its efforts for victory, and each realized it had found a foam an worthy of ta ateel. At length we ere able to announce that the feud is happily orer, foi Deere & Co. are too honorable aa rirals to yield the beld in any other than a graceful meaner, At the Supreme Court, at Ottawa, last week the Chief Justice declined to accord them a new hearing, and reaffirmed the decision ot Jane last. Hence the strife ia orer. and two powerful corporations ere once more et liberty to labor together for the materia prosperity of Moline aad Rock Island eooa y. Victors aad vanquished are equally de serring of popular favor. Keel Estate. ' The most exteneire sale of real estate which tNa community baa witnessed for jeers, ia mat or tha Andrewa estate, to take place et Moline, Oat. 30th end 31st and Hilen Nor. l.t, and this city Nor. 2d This sale includes 44 splendid city lota ia aiouae, west or the Malleable Iron Worka eed 7 aeree of splendid bluff land over looking tae town, 80 eerea of excellent timber land neer Bleck Hawk Watch Tow. er, 110 acres of fine grass and her lend west or Milan; one lot near the engine house of C, R. J. 4 P. rl. B., and oU lots m this city, all worthy the attention of cap italists. Tbeadrenisement will be found on our second page. &OOA& GOXtUSSSr. H niT KYEIT PBtSOt SEEDS. ; 1 S some remedy for habitual Coattveneee. would vho are troahled with uyepepma. I ad vim all uoae Cootlveneae. Pilea, BiliourDwie, Headache, or any form f JndigiMtloa. to ana 1)H. HAKRISON'B PEK- rseTflGiiPHs. BllkUi HT'NTINti- TON, U. 1)., Ex-Ueut. Uovernor ot Maaa. For al at o. 1 rremont lemple, Boatoa, by K. 8: 11AIUU- bu tu, rropnetore, and by an drnriots. For sale by Jabn Besgston. , I. a PEOK, Photoeiapher ! OC I8LA0... m Negatives Preserved. ILL. fob24 dom OPPICf HOCki - EAtLKOAD TIMi;. ( f aa 4ai!y, laadayaaiaoptod, at i loaoa ' ' ..ri i.uT,rT S:VS r aoaay Ordor OSIsa apoas at t 01 a. a. " " " aloaoa at Si00 p. a. Opes aaday frna S OI a. a. ta 10:00 a. a. Thc Last Sad P.ites The funeral of W . T, f f . Mrs. ilary i L'evoe, wile ot nr. Uevoe Of this city, took place from tha residence of her parents et Bath, S tube a county, N. Y.t on the 22o& inst, at oae o'oloek in the aftrr noon. Wo have already mentioned the few incidents of her demise, and the aud- deaneaa with which it occurred. In his bereavement, Mr. Devoe will receive the hearty sympathy of bis frionds at this city. - - -tim. - Vittwa ok The Fai-' km City Now is tbe arceplol time for our readers to collect their aouvenirs of Chicago's calamity. A f' months hence if will be impnsaible. Mr. John A. Pbilleo lays on our table a larirr number of fine stereosoopic views of tbe mini, taken in tbe moat accurate manner. Every parlor in Rack abould be sup plied. aim ihroi ph tbe pout offic e, Box 4.". Ir too want news. j',, von want alaop, siaodpr a ' a Arwi-s. Pay your moi 0!,'. a. chP' . Ow'.n. oeieASe ad a .a rasa AvsireeT A Btariia ar. sons ad aoi raaai 7 II a. a. T ift p a. 8:01 a. a, a. a. ":.') p. SB. 4 It p. a. srsBLiaa 4 BoaraaaB mitirin A auBTaaaar '. 1 5 a MILAB aad hoyoBd b:4 p. art wisoaoa ; Jo p. CLosaa, T S a. a. t0 S p.r. -0 a. B Ja a n 0 0 p.m. t 04 a. a. S I'S a. m 7 I ft a. 71 a. si. take the Unit in. If nd stale wit, talc money and Ukeyour C rotber Ilaverstick's eyes are very sore, he suffers from tbe dypeps;a, and ia occa aionailr afllctrd with chronic impecunioaitT. Hence, any little ebnllitioa f spleen on bis part is recieved by us in e spirit of Chris tian kiodni'ss and fnnrm nrs. A dose of saltz would entirely revolutionize his ideea Furs ! Furs 1 1 1.1AY BRQ'S Davf jasl oprnrd tbe Urgest assortarot or erer lro:ghl to thh fify, which thf j offer tt the Lowest Prices! ALSO A 111,1 L1SK OP For Trimming & Frinrcs Call early and make yoar aolootioaa. JMAV BROS. ock Island, - 111. Baay4l.4!y Wasu vour lace. ladies, wlih the Coir) Water Soap of Parker A Stona. Norubbiep is required, aod the lace is as good a ne. IXP0ETANT KAILROAS APP0IRIXEIT Mr. ilagh Riddle, General Superintendrct of the Cbicapo, Rock Inland A Pacific Rail road, has been iirotnote'l to the vacancy cauaed by the death of the lata Vice President tlbeneerer Cock. , He will not only !'. the new roaition, but also retain his oid one, a coa.p!ioienl to his ba in ess oapeoiliee from the Company, of DC ordinary character. As a railroad manager Mr. U:ddle enjoys a reputation second to none in tha wostera country. Stockholders rill be gratified to loam of this imperial t f'poictment. I'Dit tUM. for xtiirsT- AT Tolin Zimmerman's So. 10 wain Blroal, D A H I !T PO ET IOWA. All iaaiaaaoal warraatad. Torma roaaoBabla. aprll-dTa PRESERVE 10ll LL1TDER! A JCDICIOCS tsi or JPra.nU. 31111oim PIBPAIKD HARNESS OIL B aokiag for Baraoaa. Carriage Topi, Ac, aad kis LBATUEK PHIilBRVATIVK A1B ATER PROOF OIL BLACKING Par Bool aad Itbnas la aaat eaialleat ooooomy. Th..oartialos are always reliable. Pas sale by Hxaodiot, Baytfe oonHold. Tuie VtKXJtA TRurra. The Vienna Lady Orchestra will give one of iis cksaic entrt- tkinments at Dart's Dell on Friday evening and will undoubtedly draw the largest house ot the season. Frank Leslie's Illm trated N'ewspaper says of tbem : "It is mt- iatocratically very brilliant orchestra, anr . r - I i proaeota o wiin some ura raie orcnBairai playerp. Miss Leopoldine, toe leading first violin, is an admirable member of it, and a first class soloist on ber instrument, whi'e the violincello of Miss Klise is to the full aa purely played. Upon tbe first evening scarcely any dolbt can exit but that tbe feeling of tbe audience was merely one o' curiosity. This waa, however, soon dis pelled. Tb overture to Nabaco waa ad mirably pvea, aod the wait by Miaa Wein- licb, tbe conductress, aod the fantasia on the violincello by Kuromer, translated by Miss Kline, settled the question as to theii success. A lovelier group of musicians na sever appealed to any audience, and if Mr Uullman had to encounter many diQioulliea in getting them to vinit the I'oited S:ates we honestly believe that bis trouble will b well repaid by the attraotioa tbay must pro duce wherever they appear." Lames. Do yon wish to wash yourlacra with little or no rubbing ? Try a bar ot Parker A Stone's Cold Water Soap, aod you can do it. Warranted not to injure the fin est fabrics. All grocer keep It. A MaCoBaall, aad J. A M. lodwty sxrasLAVXivo. T. XTZ1SK.X.XX70, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medal,Ssel P """". Bteol Mamps, eoap Biaapr, Hoekatneer s louia, o. MO. ' CANAL STHttET, CHICAGO. apr20 dly 'ViIMER &Ssi .-.eai 1 1 II. J nsajjiui IAYER2 it Cemered to 108 Vf. Rudolph St. MttT-da i r 5 AHI ' -.x oet7-dla vQAT OBITUARY. Mr. Cbarlea Hengntler's home circle has been invaded by tbe re!ectl ss destroyer and robbed of one of l.s loved ones. A little son, Lawrence, who would have beei thirteen years ol age next February, expired this morning et ten minutes past one. Some seven weeks ago he accidentally stabbed himself in the right lung, by falling from a fence while holding e knife in his hand Tka around was not at first considered daugerona, ano no epprebeneiooa were en tarteioed of eoy eerious result. Iuflem matioo set ie, however, attacking tbe lefi t t i . lnng. end other vitel organs, irom ineenocw- of which death baa resulted. The littl. sufferer boreothe pangs of lingering disso lotion with all tbe patience end fortitude o W .. ' - .1 1 .1 e strong men. in mis tneir sea loss, afflicted family will receive the sincere con dolance of H their frienda, end the public generally. The funerel will teke place from Mr. Bengstler's ree:denee to-morrow (.Toes day) afluraooa. at two o clock. The last remains of Hon. Jab a Bircherd of Pleeseot Valley, were yesterday after ooi n interred et Oakdele cemetery, beck of Davenport. Hundreds of the Old Bottlers of Scott County were present, as well ns (arte delegetioe from the Rock Island Asso ciation. Rev. J. E. Goodhue. of ibaTrinii? cburch coodooted the rmpreaaive burial ser vices Mrs.. Samuel Heagy, of Hampton, i a daughter of the deceased. A WORTHY IHIXaPEISK. The man who said musio hath charms to soothe the eavage b re eat, should elso hare made seme trifling allusion to oysters, in the same remark What muaio and oystera won't do toward patting people ia a good humor, oan't be aooomplished by any other agenoy. If yoe touch a man's heart with a pubetie melody, aod then touch his diges tive organa with a good fat oyster, his pjeketsara entirely at your mercy. Having sacceslul.y established tbese points, we will now proceed with our story. On a week from to morrow sight, a feat ral will take piece at tbe Swede Lutheran Church, acroas the slough, ia the First A'ard, under the auspices of the Wesley Mission Sabbath School. The net prooeeds will be devoted to tbe purchaaa of' books pp: ro, sc., tor tbe sohool. There will be e most delightful vocal and instruoieuta muaio, while obese and amiable oya'era wi.l suz and swim around ia red-hot frying pan-, r-dy aud anxious to die in so good a cause Tsere will alo be other appropriate re freshments, and a olcaaaut time ueneiailv Everybody and bis wife ia invited to be present. The prograium.4 will be duly uouueed. SCRAPS. La Rce's Alabaster Cream for sale by John Bengaton. The Chicago papers may be obtained at i. C. Blackburn 'a book store, as well as all other leading journals and periodical. I Bamberger has the finest stock of clothing in Rock Island This morning we devoured Lucias Well's .'5 onnce pipin, and we don't want anything more to eat lor a week . For perfumeries, brushes, combs, toilet articles, bair drtaaitga, and all tbe fancy little odds and enos we reqoire in gettiug ourselves up ia killing style, go to Sptidel's His stock is absolutely limitless. The Dis Moines header man is heavy i n fore cn quotations. He epea!a of an in-i-nded wife as "one's nance," which i prtry good. However, Some of 'em do come under the head of fineticial affair, after they once ?et started. A new aaloon has been opened on Illinois street, just opposite the Rock Island depot The loterational wbereof Jobn Lab:ff ia proprietor. Ee invites tba public 'o call aod be refreshed at the usual Enures and in Brat data etvle. Thera will be a grand opening to-night with musio aod varieties. Beau Brummi'l was fatuous fur dressing well. The secret of his success lay in the faot that at his time there exiated ia Loudon store exactly like Burwell A Bailey', at the Harper House, and he and all other rst class gentlemen bought their supplies here. We are glad to hear that Prof. Fox is meeting with every success. At his meeting o Saturday, nearly two hundred and fifty oung ladies and miutes enrolled tbeir sines for bin singing class. With such an array of borne talent, aod in view ol bio jwn superior qualiScatiocs as a teacher, he ill undoubtedly acme evening give ua a musical entertainment of a character we w little dream of. Success to his project. Unwelcome Tiihn(;s. We hear unwel come tidings of Dr J W. Telie, formerly of this city. He had attained the cherished ambition of bs lite, having been appointed Professor of Ornithology in the Chicago Icedemy of Science, which commanded a comfortable salary. In the buildings of the cademy, which were considered fire proof. he bad placed his fine collection of birds, to., aod tbese, together with bia books, pa pers and private collections were all destroy- d and not insured. He haa only left bis booaahold effects, and had to run for hia life in the effort to save he property which he lost. This is a aerioua blow. A wortha nan has been deprived of hia choicest pos sessions, and left in humble circumstances. VII who know him will join with ns in the hope that he may soon retrieve his fortonea. medicai. -ur. A. J. tirover a successes a surgeon ia without a parallel ia the West, having performed many of tbe most critioal and dangerous operations known to surgery without a single failure. . tie cures Uooaamptioe in its ti-st stage sorely aod permanently ; also Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Female Diseases, and al Sexual weakness; whether from youthful indiscretion or other cause. ' ' Dr. Qrover is a graduate of the Old end New (Atlopathio aod Kclectio) Schools of Medicine, his practice is peculiar to himself, eot following aoy creed. Office in Kesoa Block. sept 29-dA wit DX2, ; S EV0B Died sadJenly ea Saturday e ealag uet. lain, etthsreaideaee of her pareats atBttb, bcobocb aouaty, a. l ., or eongeattoa of thai nags, Mrs. Mary t Devoa, wife of J. O. Uevoo, ot Hook laland. 111 I uaeral took plaea on ma I- iaa , et t a oiock P M. . Dyspepsia, , . Kothlng will so permanently gtra tone te the I digestive organs, regulate the appetlta, ovor- eeme general debility aad nervons proatratioa, I and energise the whole system as Dr. Price's I Blood Earl char. ' A slaglo bottle will eonviacol the most iaoradaloes of Its baildiag Bp qaell- j ties. It aoU at eooa hy inereasiag the appetite, 1 renewing the e 4 blood, losing Bp the stoaaoh. All are reqasttsd to try It, aad ef iU good re-j taluthey will be satisfied. Thoapsoa. Eteell A "rise maaafaetnra it, as also Dr. Priee's'l Cream Baking Powder aad Special Plaverings. Sold by araggisu and grocers. , , . JOHN FOOT'S nilTfc-H. ' John Boot's Bittsrs arsafaaily aadiclsa. I John Soot'a Bitters sure general debility. 7 v TVXanufactiirer or iL-C 4 MOLINE, John Hoot's Bitters sore dyrpopsla. Cae I T0!f0tIU. it. John Xoot'a Bittsrs euros fever aad ague, lttsrs euros all bilious John Soot'a I saees. . John Boot S Bitters aures BorvooeBaas aa beadaake. Try tk They are warranted John Boot's Bittsrs ears iadigestioa Try Jo.n Eeot's Bittern are net a whisky driak. Soot's Bitters for sale at the Uarper Hoaee J Drug S lore. my2 J-dood-a,w,f Awly John Eoot'a Bittera are aalA by a'l drog- (ista. John BeaajatoB, Reek lalaad. 111.; Har. riaoa A Oolaaa, Daveaport, lewa, wholesale! and retail dragejiats. HARPER HOUSE ShaYisg& Bathing Palace, aad I 1 This Compatty, with increased facilities and experience, are manu- factarinff lor tue enmug BeasoQ, a greater Taneiy man u.uu uu.u il size aud style - of their superior Plows, among wicn will be found the STUBBLE ; OR, OLD GROUND, t B0TB jrooD AND IRON BEA2I8.) ILLINOIS 8TBEXT. A- J. rOaD.........;.......JTrtFnw' Lata Poraman at tha Brlgis Hoase, Ohioago, aa. Partieaiar attention ciraa toflirOat ting my 34 tr TIILOHIHG. To-Bay' i. Advertisem'ts REMINGTON'S , Valveteans, Oiirpa-s Laeaa. Heal flawmrtag, Oattiag aad repalriag daneshoap y rt L v- r ., ... . , BBdareaBtK A s" ewatea respeetfally S aad H.adkerci.efa. Alee the best r h, eek ef Ready Cold by the .Trade "enerally. pfk. Liberal Diaaoant to Dealers. .00.000 furaished the C. 8. Goverament. SlO.OrO Europeaa tivearanienU. Aray, Sary, Belt, Polioa asd Pocket Ravel vers; Repealing sod Teel Pocket Pistols and Rifle Canes, aalag Matallie Cartridges, Breeoh loaaiag ana Keealrins Kiflee. R. REMINGTON' A SONS, oct3.'.-dI6w Illiok, S. Ta Wadsworth d. 7anonsf Jaat received by axpraas, Orieatal Cloaking, F eaey liaed Piqoe, Paialor Btawls. Silk Cloak. iag Velvets Laee Cellars line of Dress Goods ia this oily, consiatisc ef Oret-Bos, Bpilingles, Biarrits, Caskmatwa, Satin Dk Cheea, Irish Poplias, Blaek aad Faaey Bilks, A "TT "!" I P"" r ether goods. Aaything yea bay of mem tney win gaaxaaiee to oa gooa er reisea taa money SrilJIlTT J. MiRSCBILL, Merchant Tailors, Bave removed to Illinois aU, near Waaalngtoa Reek lalaad, where they have a sUoa of piase goods, aad are prepared e aaka ap elething te rder. Perfect Its gaareateen. oiaaatag, Tkey I Made Clatklng. aok8d HT.LOtW. THR CK1KBSI1BI) BEXTES 2.17 1.4. it VACriMOILBLUIlMS! PITS DARKESSEJ PE8FECTI.T. K. B. It ia also eieal1i;nt for Boots A Shooa. rendering the bardeat leather eoft new, anil alisn'ateiy water-proof Try it. So'd by Barneaa makera eiuirallr. Poll ir. Sock In ami bv F. Lololph, JoBn Saoeraac Bad Morris Tobin, and tJ Haiglit A Sears, Iav enport. oetl't d-man A w I y RLTNOLtiS' BLOCK. IR .MAOISONiMMIOKrl ; CHlCA-aO. Evebt grocer keeps Parker A Stoae Cold Water Soap. Yon buy it hy the bar, and find when you use it that it ia the cheap est thing oak HARTFORD Fire Insurance Go. CS AUTIJRED 1 8 lO. Equal (o the Great Emergency ! The Iron Clad Closing out Calo. Aiksk is bow selling good fast eaier Laval at 20o ; F resell Organdies worth Cfts al 40e ; Freaoh Lawns worth Mia al JOe; Peteaiea worth 30e si 20e; French Ginghams weetl 36a at &; do worth tie at 20e; Samatr Poplias worth AO aa4 75oat49e; do worth 40 and 50o at 2doj Plaids, Paplina worth 40 and 60a at Je j Tan anises worth tfle at 40a; a few LaeeShawla very eheap ; fnatnor Siawls at half pries; I. aces sad White very ebesp. Aikea wiUwillaail aoy kind ef got. da aidea twlnw regular prl ira aa he ia determined to(tl nt i,; traee ; - le-Tsr c . - r . I. ii.ti ". t-o, rtiu-a tSiB, t.iui,le, iDc-worm. anit ruouL. o oiaer iiti&auai af ezlioiia. cured, and ibe skin abaue aott aad iwootb, by naing the Juniper Tar Soap maaa hj Caawell, Haiard A Co., Kav York. It is more joarenient aad easily applied than etner reme piea, avoiding tbe trouble of tna areaay aom poonda bow la aia. ut,weow. Tenng Kan's Library Asseelatien. The ratal ef tba Toong Hea'e Library Asaa e-lca are opea from I A. at. antii is r. as. .. r day ezeeat Saadays. A larva aad wail aleoted aaaortment of works bow oa head, rickets three dollars, whloB an always be pre ared af the Secretary maytdly. Temple ef Boaor. Roek lalaad Teaple of Honor Me. 17, amts erery Thorada, aveaiag, aad Social Temple Mo. every Taaaday evaolng at a'eloek, ai Odd . allows Ball, C. At. KIN ,KT. W.C.T. A. A. Bcrrca.W. R. des22 dif 'OLD Never SorrcBders! ! Teatad by tbe Storita tt Ol Y Ft H And is sound. Para from hersarplasof $1,00,000 her losai-s hy the preat Chicago Fire i Leaving her magnificent capital af ONE MILLION nntoachad asd a Ql ARTr.EC F K SIMMS KI im TO HMRE! tt WHS HE ASS THE POLICE ? Yesterday afternoon, while people enjovtng the quiet jut enioving the beautiful ftabbath, a hap full of beer went were sunshine of wild yoanp charging op and down our principal thoroogbl'area on a nag as untamed and reckless as himself. He was 6naliy thrown heels overhead to the t round, down ly the Court Llouse. That naif a dozeu persons were not run over was a miracle. Not a solitary policeman could ie found. Jim Anderaou, the municipal pet, ho should have been on duty at the time, -as probably sunning him on the soft side f a potato hill. We never before had such a worthless set of police. Tub Minstrels Burt t Ridgway'a min urels this evening perform at Dart'a Hall aod from what we glean from our exchanges, re the equals of aoy odw traveling. Bra Hayes end Den Connor ere among the no tables. Mr. and Mra. Wood, in their Pro teen changes, have won many eooomiouie. In faot, where nil are ao proficient, it is al most iovidioua to particularly mention any Dart'a Hell will probably be crowded with a larger aodienoe than at Cal Wagner'a levee. Tbe braaa band treated oa to some fine musio thia afternoon, end will Jo better this evenioff Turnout to one of the finest aioatrel performances of the season. Hionaar ease prices paid for old irra ftraee. copper, ete., at the Bock Island Iron Worka. Baboock, B beady 4 Fleauiiq. 'Get the Best." GET HABTFORD POLICIES. Ill FORD & REED. Agents, ock Island. oetI3-dlt 0. SI. MoscmaQ & Bro. Manafaotarers of FINE HARNESS Wareroomg, 114 Chambers Street, SXBW rOB.IL, Harness for Farming, Teaaing, Trueking, Cart ing, Kipreseing Contractors', lea Com panies', Livery tables', Coape, Road, Coach, Baaineas and Pleaearo Use, at $8, $10. $12, CIS. $20, $26 to $500 par Bat Band for daeoriptiro list. oet2t dim AOADEMT 01 TBI Immaculate Conception DAVINPORT, ICOTT CO-, IOWA. C0BDTJ0TED BT TBE SISTERS OF CHlRITf B. V. If. Will eommenoe its 16th Seai-anaBal Session WfdBsdty, lagost ICih, 1871s 3SL. Being incorporated ia accordance with I'm laws of tba State, tbia loatita'ioa aonfera tha asaal eoilagiate darraes upon iU gradaatee. (HBLTENH4U. FIRE BRIOK AND Clay Retort Works! . . . - ... ' ! KTEXS st ROirity. ' rrprlet MaaafaetBrara af .' Fire IJrkk, Gas Cease lilt Clay Betorts. B'dtt Furnace Tile, Plain fc Ornamental Ckimuty Top, Sewrrage Pipt from 3 to 30 in. Diameter ' And all articles nsnally made af Fire Clay. CiSre. 10 Saath EleTeath aireet.". aacajs-dif ... 8T Locre, MO ..OLTIVaTOB ILLS Breakers of every size & style, SINGLE SHOVEL F .OWS, Doable Shovel Plows, Iron and Wcod Bcaa, Michigan Doable Bod aad Sab-soil Plow, Five and Nino Tooth Cultivators, ALSO THE CELEBRATED - Tbb pareat aad ivn.ui God-Liver Oil In the world is Hazard A Caswell's, suade on the e-ahore, from freab, selected livera, by Cae weil, Baaard A Co., New Terk. It iaabsolaiely r and eveet. rlieiita aha have once takes it prefer it to ail outera. Payaioiana here de cided it enperior to any ef tbe ether eila ia HP s 'S; Sv iW - 3- 5 : S s 9 zil Z a. Y il " on D a . '- rC I wr rSt5o4ia. . 11 Vy Sf R .. - b?J 1 S S3 c!OP ZSCIr JESESn: Its principal points, of excellence are inventions of onr own, and eecv to aia by Letters Patent. We present it to the Farming public oh To which we would call special attention. In a sale of over six thou sand tiie past year, it has given entire satisfaction, and proved to be the Uest Walking Cultivator now in Use and secured OH Its own merits. Oar Plows and Cultivators are of the best material, made up with great care, and are not excelled, if equalled-by any made in the W est. Feeling confident they .will stand the test of thorough examinatioi and trial, we would respectfully ask all who wish for Jirst class imjfo merits to look at our Plows and Cultivators before purchasing any others Letters of enquiry cr orders, will have prompt and careful attention if addressed to x&o&sxtn ri.ow oo., Moline, Angus! 1871.- - - - - MOLINE, ILL. market. febJTdfri-sal,wweow. DIL H. 0L1I, The Eminent Ooalist aod Aurist if Chicago, will be ia Roek lalaad, at tha Harper Beaaa, oa the first rid ay after tba first Meaday la aeh aoath, for tha perpoee af treat t( all Aieeaaea of tbe Eye and Bar, bother sargieel or otherwise. Operaiiose for Jatarae., roes eyes, staphyloma, elosara of the leardoot, Ae. freaoh artifioial eyes iasartad aukoatpaia. Chioago oJoe l?y Soath Clark Uoet. aepS-dAwly Odd Fellows keck Islaad Lodge 5o. It, I. 0. 0. P., aeeta eery hiada avaaiag at Odd Fellows' HU, aostbsast aoraer of Illinois asd Bagle fits., at It a'eloek r. a. Lome V. Icibakbv, H. a. M H. Mc3ivat, a. 8. laledicaJ. Atteatioa is called to the advertisaaeBt of Or, Bonannan, of 91. Louis, Mo. Hia reputation ia .hat of aaaef tbe aoat sneeeaafal physleiaaa ii lie speciality ta tha West. Ladies who nre suffering fro a certain com plaints, knowa enly to females, should at esse ,et Ir. Velpau's Female Pills. They prodace a moat oiiarmtug effect. Sold by a. 1 Dfuggi.ta. Vftil atteatiea to tbe card ef tbe St. Loni, II .d. cite Co., a charterea institotioa ; they offea Metiopulit.a kill 10 al. Ida a envoi W aaia.-Whe ai; aarry be aet, way, lug pagea, aoalad. impedimenta l,'ee. aed Hare. Ibil l, tlr, W Miller, BIT l. Vbarles .ireat, Ft l-"". Ma. A beight, be.Uhy eeu la a paaeaaial epaiaa -r je- I. ever .ell e.(.l..a aaeaily, aa -(,.,. a iwime, waoaiur taa strife ana wrautl ul -miring ea mm mam; tm al MfaH f ears By tea Inaeweat pratu af Bis mltf f ferBape tliia father le a wvriaiy aaa,aa aaAra 5ld aia Idol, ha at y have hoaa aeaoeoMi.i aa, ad ama.eed riebae. Tat plaee hi. ehUd oa ' aiek bad, aad all his geld is at tha disposal ef tBe yhysislaa, and tha only ratara ha asks is tha ree toratloa of health to kis auhild. Pathera I AfotB ersi would yon praaorTB your ohild ia health f I Baa Itatea to as. l here 1. one prevailing oaase of tbe disease la shiidrea, aad that aemsa Is worms. If this eaasa ef disease ia aot removed, yoar eana win sioKob and die, or linger a anrjar- ing tavaiiu io ma. w. preeenl to you an lnfal iibie remedy for warms; at 1. Or. Jedsea's Dead that Warm Candy, and ia pat ap ia the form ef a stiok of candy, aad ao pieaeaai ie tae taete, that eBUdrea areedily teeee for U. It ia purely Vegetable, aad eannot aan ana eaeueel obild. Ash for lr. Wadeud a Dead Shot Worm Candy, for sale everywhere s eenio per package. W. H. 00M8X0CK., defll g8. Proprietor Ib naabers there is safety. - It was spaa tais pnaoipieinaitaaroraala efJliB.eas atora vaib Haaa Pu,e waa prepared. Dr. Jad.0B, lauadiag U apead a ferlasM ia advartisia. bia pills, aabm tud his raeiea M tba reeiaioa af the aoat Intelligent and leernad pkyatoiMie ef tbe a. - aaa resanu asusipia Bat most etaoe cions aa- ioine tha Jeaaoa's atecaviis Baas Pitts. T ay parify tba blood, raaova al) ob etraetions, clause Iba akta ot ell pimplea aad b etches, aod are perfectly ear aad safe ia tkeii oparatioa. The .cases'! Mocsrals Haas PiLBsesrs BilUeaaaeas, female irrega aritie., Heads eke, aad a -ay af the disease arisiag rrea iapare blood aad a deranged d gesslon. Cae the Jadaoa's hteaataia . arb PUIS aa' wbaa yea have proved their vtrtaa reooamead thoa to yoar frieeds :they are both ssgaa- eoaiep aaa plain, gar aale every where. ' If yea di Bot feel weU yea eead for a doctor ae call apoo yoa, looks wise, sera wis sows hureglyphies apoa a pteca of paper which yea take to a drag stare aad there pay seats is 4.1 -ka ... . . .. i u, oaaiaaa us a clot's lew, ror reaoay aias tiaas eat of taa aot half ao good as Dr Morse's Iadiaa Bo, t Pill, which easts bat Ii cants par boa- Bo yea think '.he former tbe east, haaaaae yoa pa she moat for It 1 If yoa do, we advise yen tj aaa, jaet aa aa ezaari a at, h- . Worse's Iadiaa Boot Pils. They are prepared frea a form a la, preaoanaad br she nuat learaod physieiaaa of ear O'-aatry, to be ha best aad aosl aaivsrsal of family as dieiaea. The Morse's Iadiaa Bool Pills sere Headache. Liver eoaaalaiBt, ladLnariaa. Dee. I aaasia. Peaala irreeelrtttea. Aa.. md m not for Circulars address , e betb aa-a -coated aad pleia. wtv Shea e augl-4Sa illTEB iCPEBIOB. trial AoM h all daatase i-..s,a miiiKiK. ESTABLISHED IK 1SU. DH.LIB TBOPSO. TBOB WALST0B. TIOMPSOS & CO., Wholeaala Dealers in Pure Sour Mash KENTDO KY WHISKIES ! Tf Fourth Ptrcet, LOrjlsIVIH.E. ..KV Proprietors of DE1EGX 8CI R MiD MPPtCLIS- TILLEKT, actJ-dtm TATLOB CODBTV, KY. MD LIQroRH. PUKE IOWA WLiS ! The lederaiga.d offers to Phyaieiaas, Drag gist, and the public, at ,rirate sale, the pro ducts of several years vintage, bung the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE, made into wiae eader bis persooal iaapeetloB aad ia aoeerdanea with proeeases he which the astire Bavor ef tbe Vine ia nniapaired. The Wine tbas offered has bee a aadc direct rrea the bast grapes, as fallow. : Catawba, Concord, ClibtOD. Selawart,. Xeabtlla, Virginia leedUar. oraer enaiea varietia. ; -till be sold by thc Dozm Battles, or Barrtl, AT VBB Callar.BBd.r Dev.. p,rt. Block, Corn.. Mai. and 2d Streets, DA7ENP0BT. IOWA. fcAll orders promptly alteaded ta. ono. X.. DAvrrrcH.T, Clifton Vinevard. sept S6-d4m Earn PLO W WORKS ! (ESTABLISHED BY JOHN DEEEE IN 1847.) --!;SS3l DEERE & CO;, Manufacturers of the Genuine ivi oiiiNB mwp 'Li o Deere's Walking' Cultivator ! KNOWN AS THE OLD RELIABLE. i s' rxma axTix7ax7XBHzaL. Orer Three Hondred Actual riren Tut Out with it ! More thaa $5,000,000.00 Werili f Vrtptvj tared fron tkt llamei. T H X 3ABCOC E: Pi t RE EITINGUISHi. W PAE WELL, Secretary, 18 Washington Street, Chicago. iBSarance Companiea red ace rt.e ...r. ti lo rodoeed. The ereramet 1,.. .jt. -.t .. aBP-Pataoat Baraiag Karesaae, Tar, a -aerad IU iaeard " ' ' We Manufacture Viowa adapted to all torts end conditions of the i brand" riow and olwtors Warranted. All onr riowi bear -v-.w.-u.j.N JLJiJo IJv7 ADDBBSS ALL OBDIBB TO mayisd&wtf sanaa & co.. Moline. in. ALEXANDER STEEL. , (fORMERLY OF HARPER 4 STEj.) HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, MEO HANICB' TOOLS, AND ' . STo$. a tt. 3 Argus Snilding, Saat Bagle Street, - (0PP0SITI POST OFFIOB,) " aecs isLiRD. - - j : i ? - illikois. I am now offering an entire! v: new 6tock of rmods. and wmil.l respectfully call the attention of my old friends and the general public to the same, and shall endevour to merit your iairona;e. " ' Itespectinlly, ; - - t, ALEX. STEEL. engSA-wU