Newspaper Page Text
RUES OF ADVERTISING. rstusaaa ar t an..' TXlilS Dah,t Asset. ... if Jfail (payable la ifaM)r,r $n.ot af " . M. ,at aaaths,. Hf Mail f , 9 ' . BNtti t.M By Mail r 'i aaeeta.,..: ! sajy-Bt 6itt Oaaaraa, J Ovals per . Siseia Conn Oeata. ( tlll.-;Tiiiiiltm. iiat-le Oepypaynblwta advaatjA-tS.f tea Copiae " " ... fe.ety Copies w . . fairly Copies ' . - leroaea sonare, or the spaee eeeapied by ta liatiof solid aeapareil, Oaa Dollar far eaeh la. artioa. - -- Bpeeial ffotieea, 20 nti par Iiaa. Wber In serted I naatha ar mora, to par seat, abdre rga . lar advertising rates. - , Communication!, or artialas interted among reading matter, J aaata par liaa. Diur bo WaacLT. A diseeaat of S par eaat. will bo made from tha Weekly rates, ea yearly and half yearly eoatraett, wb.B tha aaata matt.r la t Mortal in both Dally aad Weekly. Double Coluutat will be eh aria J paroanl Established Oct. 18, 1851 VMtinimir.Mnmn UMlt.M, I la required. Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND; ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 25. 1871, THI KWi. Tba Catneen hero ahowa that they ara fullf aJira to tba bleating! of ciriliietioa. They hara lakao ap and aWlea a who! liaa of aabmarina telegraph. Won. It. Ogden between four aad 6ra milliona by tha Caioago 6r. Cyrus II. McCormiok, tha reaper tune, loses three qaartara of a million. As both -of tbaaa gentlemen hara a fa deUere left they ara ot likely to oooao to tba poor aoase thit wiatar. rba Goraraor of Soath Caroliaa aaa got tba writ of Kalntu corpus suspended, aad rat ha ia aot happy. He only wanted a fjroe of soldiers, aad tba praaidaat para hi a tha sutpeotioa of tba writ. It waa too much of a (rood thief, aad tba Ooraraor ia ia Waabiagtoa to pal tha thing, Ised naora satisfactorily. Tba present high rates of freight oa tba railroads ia Eaat Taaneaaae aad Georgia ara ;otnpelliag cattle drover to ratora to tba old method of driring their atock to market. About oaa hoadred county Judges ara to ba eiaotad by tba nest legitlatara of Vir ginia, to hold offioe for aix jaara, nod tba congressional districts ara to ba raarraagad. A Mre. Taylor, of Sbarmaa Texas, reoeat ly gave birth to three tiring children two boyt and one girl weighing eight ponnda oacb. Tba mother and children, at lea aeoouots, warn doiag well. Tha committee appointed at a an eating of the oittzeaa of Chioago owning lead fin Miohigaa arenae, bold on Tuesday ereaiag, hare reported ia faror of interpoaiag no ob- jeotioae to the sale of tha lake front to tha railroad eonapaaies for tha porpoae of a anion depot. Tba price to ba paid tba city ia $$U0,l)U0. Tha report baa not 70! bean adopted. Toe failure of tba Stay veaaat bank era ated one of the witdeit panioa in tha Net York gold roooa ever known there, althongh the baok waa an insignificant one. Jt te reported throagh tba pa pert that a Mr. MoCalley, near Huntsville, Ala., baa this season failed aad seat to market oaa hundred bales of first quality cUer hay l'aia seems to biot that tba Soath might make ber owo hay, at leaat. A little boy of Pa'.k county, Ga , named Artnstroeg, only teu yeara of aire, baa re canity pioked with hi own haada 16 lbs. .i ! attjQ iq Se daya, beaidea oookiag for n:n; on hii aiek ptreute aod bis lit t e brothers and aiaterr. A otgro o3d Daria, liriog aear Col ombut, Ga , forcibly reminded another iiotiru, named Mahone, that ha waa ia tha wrong oorafield. The argamaata asad ware a shot gun and n load of buck ahot. Tbere ia one corn thief leaa in that sec tion. The internal revenue reeeipta for the month thus far amount to $5,435,266.42. The aoeoanta of Gea. Bullock, diabaraing oSifer of the Freedmaa s Bureau, show discrepancy of $250,000. Id Colorado a bald person finds himself alluded to as "a man with his bead above timber line." VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. r '. 4 O'Clook i. J. GREAT E RES I THE N0UTUEUi C0.V FLAGKATI0S! GREAT FIRE IH GEBF.1AHY1 llf avy English Contribu tions! Colored Politics ia S. Carolina rfiTITIS AGIIVST rOLTGAMY MARINE DISASTERS ! Oar Candidate for Congress Chicago Intelligence ! Tha Vaasioa House faad aggregataa 38,-1 000. Landing journals recaire eolumns of partionlaxs telegraphed from Queeostewa. Maraaia Wastmuiistar, Lord Ebury and others of high rank bare giren large oonUi- butioaa. DrraoiT, Oct. 24. The Michigan State Belief Committee ieeaea tha following apt peal to the people of tha United States : we akeed la teat aad plentiful aid. From twelre to fifteen tbouaand people at leaat ia the State of Michigan, bare lost homes, food, clothing, crops, horses aad cattle. Ua the aught or the Ubteego nre two tboasand people on the east shore of Lake Michigan and nearly aix thonaaad oa the wast ahore of Lake Huron, ware redaoed to aim oat absolute destitotioa, aad within two or three weeks other small villages and settlements bare been'' blotted out. The number of individual' farm houaea, barns and frontier dwellings which hare bean des troyed by the all-pervading pre cannot, from want ef information, be accurately calculat ed. The aggregate we know to be enor mous. The fires are still bnrning and new oces are springing up. The area of rain and devastatioa ia daily increasing. i be people of Michigan nave nobly re sponded to the appeals which this misery has made to their sympathy and generosity, but they are severely crippled in their bnsi oess by the Chioago fire and directly by the assistance they gave to the safferers from that calamity, before tbey were aware ot the demands which wonld be made opoa them at home. Maay ef them, too, have loat their resources br the ores which have ooonred io'thie State, fa their names, and ia behalf of the victim already known, and of many wham wa fear are vet unknown, we ask prompt aad effioient aid from oar benero lent fellow citizens everywhere. Money aad auppliea may be sent direct to the Miohio-eu Belief company, at Uetroit or Grand Rapids. "The intensity and dramatic magnificence of the calamities which orerwhelmed other citiea and villages are lacking bat the suf fering exists. A cold winter is approaching Large numbers of the people are eooessible only by water, and navigation will soon be closed Scaroely a month or aix weeks now remain in which tu feed, clothe and shelter them for the wiater season, which extends far into the months of spring. They must be helped now, or they will perish. They will need. too. in the early sprier, seeds and implements for the harvests ot next year. The greater portion of them most commence life entirely anew, without preparation, and at the beginning of winter. Their isolation from the center of commerce, and their li mi tied meant of eommnnication, makes the problem of relief all the more difficult and all the more urgent." ASOTSBBroXsTTB. COMMERCIAL. 1.13. ftoSL Is Li id, Oatober 24. Tata Floer market Is eorraoted at Waraet'a Mills aad the o,aotatioaa are the ruling prisaa ei the Booh Island saarkat. Wuvae waaa f Leva Whola.aJe ...... $S.e " " " jaatail . Iraue Waav tieea ftptlag Oeaate lUn U eels, wkalMal.$ 1 7.tiS 0aeka as wholesale. veea.aS wholesale, ,S.6 .T.ei ,.8 T.4S WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manufaetarere ot SccKwaaa. ftoca- V ho lamia ...f v.tO hVMail.... . . . 1 o.OO naw , 8DS Oeaa . .... 2iai8 Oiaa Saw 53Sc BaasT nefaataa,.... ...... ...... .. ... . ...... ........... M. h. .36 wevvaa Oholee lost, for roUlliag, will brief-.... IS. Onaasa H. T. Jaatory- - la La aorlh ... lOalle p.. . 47al Arrua par hashol , 64 leas per eea.. 2 BiGBWinia . ......... 80 The above prioea are the wholeaala Igues at llrat head. '" PeOLVBT Live Turklaa, pw lb ... 10a Dreeeed " ia Obiekoas,Uva " .. .. a 4 Daeke " " 12 i Hoaa LlveM..... ...Ma.. M.MM. 0Os3.tC Oivria Live weight, aoaiaaa..-....... J"a Vrlae ableping, per 190 lba 3.0a4.8 Bat rrairla,arioa . 9.0010.00 T1---T i u 1 1 1 l i . 10.00tJ. Wo Oak, par aori Biekor ....., Call Coal Valley Tard...... TleTolaad Yra.... Taia Toaaa Hvaon, eiK m fr tit cood mi - - 1 .S61.2S - prtaao te boia...l.Cal.0 Saoaowdac eoataoa so fir.-.l.S jal t 0 - prime to akolea 1.751.C0 Imporial l.tsV.7 Oaloaa.eomaioB to flr WUU.ta nrtsa toehoiea......... i.iaal Japan . . .- 01.40 Carvaa Bio, oommoa to fivlr - S3al3 arise to aoaiaa I Old eavoraaioat Java Ju3Io iii- Baw eomoseo to flr.......-llI prime to cbolo.... .......-1 1 talc ENGINE LATHES 1 SHAPING AND SLOTTING FL1HEB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMYTUST STEAM HAMMERS, Oon machinery. OUBLE MILLING MACHINES ill Work, Shaiting aad Hangars, Patent Self- Oiling Box. WABIHOrSB 10T LIBsaBTYST., NBW YORK CITT MANCF1CTOBY : AMMOBD ST., (Opp. Jaactloa Depot), WOBCBSTBB, MA8. AD Trains enteriag the City, atop within tea rota of ear Worka. jeiv-au ...6.i ...7.0 ....13o ....13s ... .so YOUTH AN I) BEAUTY Are neaared thoao who make use of that magnif icent eoametie, I RUE'S ALABASTER CREAM And the LadLee who daairo a Perfect Enamel, Snlandii Coametie, and delicate perfema eom inad, will Die ao other, it la, as a aaaa liner to tha eompiexioa, nperior t any article ia tbe World OKE TRIAL PROVES THIS. 6o'd by all Draceiiia and Dealers in Faaoy Goods. flfiO. R. LKB. Proprietor, mayZdfts Hartford, Conn. Jaha Bang. ton, Agent, Bock Islaad. BalBad Sag ar, graa ra.hal, powdered asd Dart's Hall. General Summary. FOB ONB RIGHT OKLY! LOCAL JS OTIOE8. Tjiktikc is unrivaled as a beaotifier of the eamplexion, it ia a powder, harmless, re- lined and elegant. Try it, 60 cents per bo CaearctT J.KO Best. -Mrs. Wbilcotnb's Syrup for obildren is sold be druggists, for 2j eeots a bottle and is an admirable prspa- r atioa for infantile disorders. MaHataca Gcidc. Interesting work. n uroeroae eagraviogs, 224 pages. Price 50 rents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensarv, 12 S'jrtn Eia-btk street. St. Loais. Mo. See a drerliaeaoent. A SiLvea Msdal was awarded Dr. Price s "can Baking Powder at the State Fairs in - 1,-leaoa, and at Decatur, III., for being t and best. His rjpecini riavor- "nllv good. aid to be the pure. mjfs are eq. T.i. .if. of Soratea waa ,-.t.0old. Had ' h"bnnd fornieked ww aa VTt with K.nne'a Pain i" w ber Market Reports. Reported Ixpreial; forth. Aaeoa. New Yoac, OcL 14. A dispatch from Niagara Falls aavs the woods six miles above tnis between LaSalla aad Tonawanda, were aare ail day yesterday. The woods ewver aa area ef two miles. Tbe forests oa tha mountains in Ulster oonnty are still burning. MiLWArutE, Oct. 24. A special to tbe Sentinel from Beloit, Wis., aays there are large 6 res in the woods aeven milee nasi of there Barna, stacks, etc., were burned near Kosco, yesterdav. Other fires are reported and the city is filled with dense smoke. Ottchwa, Iowa, Oct. 24. A fire broke jut IB this eitv abont 6:40 this atteraooa consuming Grist a' - wagon and carriage works, Tamer's liall and two or three dwellings, and badly damaging aeveral buildings. 1 ha cut was considered in great danger for eome time, bnt tbe fire ie now ander control. Ihe estimated loss is not yet known. HanRtsBCao, Oot. 24. Forests on the mountains above Dauphin hate been on fire i .v v md h.adacha ska I nce t riday last. 1 he operator at ueupotn a painful toothache headache, she ma di am UfJ.ll . . . TV . care would, no doubt, have been women of that age. HwftSBS Lttr ! MlflHT THE 1STB oraee atrav.d from my plaoe,- warkod the lettere MB. K." I will pay $S for lafarmalioa eoaooralng them. r1 WIOSE3DAY J iaat.. two Hor Bock Ialaat, TIBBABCK ILASAQAS- Oot. 19th, 1871. t. Lonzft, Aiavoir axtd Rock Island Ua:lroad! 8T0CKH0LDIB8' MIETIKO. Vuiin. 1 'it.b thai the aaaaal meat- lag of tha Btookholdora of thto Oosipaay will ba held at tha Ceapaaj a offloe ia the eltr ot ocs Inland, oa Tharalay, the ZUd day ex KOT.mow, at 11 o'eloak aoea. JAB. B. TOTJ50, Ror D. Caoss, Pteaidaat. Roe rotary. T.a-rk lalaad. Oat. 19, 1871. dtd ALL KIGITe ALL mm SALVE, for Oorae and Buaieas, Boils aad Baran. tor aale by all Druggists. X ets. per hex, or eent oa rwtei.t of price. Addreas ALL BI8HT,M5C lark Bt., Chinafto. sepU-dly GIFT C0SCKBT. si,ooo,ooos Bv anthoritv of the act of Isrle!atnre of Kentnckj Ol 31ri u in. jet i, me I rmvotw in iih huiii Litrarj of Kcotuckj will give a aB.AXa's axrx concnaT AT LOUISVILLE, KT, On Tafsday, October 31st, 1871. 100 O00iekotiof Aflmiiiion10 BBch. cnxrency ; Half Tickets $3. Qaartar Ticket! tXSO. TCKKT will ba sent by reglaterad letter; tbe ni mef for them may be aent by Poatofflce money ... l..r irreenhacka or draft. K u b ticks will coneint of four quarter, value 2 each. The holder of au entire uc.kei will be rntitled to admiaxion to tbe Conceit and to the val r.e of girt awarded to 1U fraction. S380.000 ia Orctnbacks W.n ba dlatrlbuled by lot to the holder of tlcketa la Uifis. from f IU0.OH0. tbe hlgbeet, to (tUO tha low vet. being TU gifts In all Tbe Concert la for tbe benefit of the Tubllc Zdbrary f Setncky. The Cltiaena Bank of Kentucky Is Treasurer, and tli.' Commiur. and dnnerviaora are tbe Hon. Thom- H- Brauilette. late Governor of Bentock,y, and tv ?nty-reo of tha most diatinghiahed and reepec Ulle cltixena of the rtate. 'l'ba aadereiKned. late principal bnalneas manager ot the very aucceMful Gift Concert for the benelll ot i;,e Mercantile Library of Han Frisco baa been ap- jKtiuiea Agemano Jauuagcr of tola grand uuitou Mrt. The drawiur and Attribution will take olace In pnhiic. anil uTerylhine will ba doie to aattefy bnyera ot ticknta that their intereaw will be aa well protec ted aa U they personally eopertntended the entire alinir. Kor tickets and Information apply to C. H PETKRfl, . No 120 Main Street, LoulevUle, Kr. No. a Ator Hnrnae, New York. II. H.'Hempatod. tail Broadway. Milwaukee. M A. French. Virumia city, Kevada. M. A. Wolff. 8t I'neatnul atraet. St. Louw. Tickeu alM for sale la every promineot place In cue LultodBiates ecu-daodlm the river and the entire breadth of Peters Mountain. The country surrounding it shrouded in smoke. Daubs? adt, Prussia, Oct. 24. The Court rbealer of this city took fire this afternoon aad is now wrapped in names. A heavy easterly wind is blowing and it ia feared the Games will spread to adjoining Duua-fcC"- . . . ar.u. ihe ore is repiaiy spreaaing. The theatre is entirely destroyed, and the strong wind carries the flames and sparks westward into the upper town. Ihe arsenal is in danger and tha troops have evacuated t. Columbia, Oct 25. In the eolored con vention here to-day, aa Arkansas delegate offered a resolution (nvonng the re nomina tion of President tireut, but tbe convention adopted a substitute that it was impolitio to anticipate tbe action of the Kepub.ican party. Pabis, Oot. 23. A terrible bailer ex- plosioa occurred yesterday morning at Ron beix, in the department of riord, by ' which len persons were instantly killed, and many others badly hurt. Vebsailles, Oct. 25. In tbe sic depart ment the Pruta;an evacuation is proceeding finely. Washinotok, Oct. 25. A petition wns reoeived at the Eleoutive Mansion yesterday fifty feet long, by women of Utah, proteet mg against polygamy and urging effect. ve measures to suppress the practice in that Territory. Halifax, Oct. 25. A large bark ia re ported ashore on the new harbor ledges. No tidings of the crew, i wo vessels are ashore at Pope's harbor, aad two at Marie Joseph, and one at Bickerton. CmoiGo. Oct. 25. The eervioea of the Friday, October 27th, Mr. Frederick Bulimic takes pleasure in an- nennamg on. Graad Tccal aad Instrumental BZ THB 70 RLD-RSS OWNED VIEHH& LADY QBCHESTB& Coaaistiag of TWKNIT IN6TBCM BBTAL PKBFOBMIBB AU ef whom are Teung Ladiee of leea thaa 20 a ears ef ace, whoee extraordinary mnaioal taj' eat eaonred them, for a number of yeara, inttrao ties ea their reapeetiva tnstruueats from the oat eminent Earopeaa Profeaeora. Maay of tham have rradnatad with high boa or. at the ConaerTBtoire of Vienna, Geratany. To heighten th. eclat of theie Ooneerta, If r. Ballaaan baa f artier engagea i a. taai greai ma aiaal H.velty, tbe world a woader, M'lle Anna Blzer. Prima Donaa gupraao, only twelve yeara ef age, nd reeent astounding soeoeaaea ia Lon don and other European cap.tala, have oa bar tba plaodita cf Itoyitv, and who, at aer tenaer .ra. it fainv thi- riral of er.ry Priena Donaa of renown. Al.o. Br. JACOB 31 I'LL Ell, the treat IV admired Baritone, from tha Grand Op era Hn ef Fraeafort, Germany. JOSEFINE WEIKL1CH. Condnetre.s Aad among them are a number of distinguish ed Solo Performer en the Harp, Hiolin, Piaao- Mn.ioal C.nduotor, Mr. MCLDEB FABRI, ADMISSION - - OKI D0LLAB Ho extra aharge for reterved aeats. Gallery Tbe eale ef ticket, will eomaienee tbraedava la adranee at Hoyta Mumo Btora. Horaa Cars will ran to Molina after Ike Concert. I1"1 Banned Segar, af.laaaaa Sugar.. BAA. Eeiar Dairy, with eaka Dairy, with oat aaeka.. Lib a Part Byron, par abl... Keek Iilaad, par tBl. Hmae Sim. bateh.ri'..... flraca eurdw. Part eared. Sraaa aa!f.... ........ Brioaa P.pper, Biagapora.. Piaiaato OioretMM.. ... . Ho SiBaav, par. O.T.aa. P.pp.r..... Una Carbon OU.MM...... Lard Oil, .itra.. Lard Oil, Be. 1 S. I, A. de extra do C .-Hie ..Uio 13. .... 13e .lOalle 1.60 2.7a ...3.C , 4.7 MO l.Ot Ta8e ,.. ial0o ..8Jae lie !6a2S 2i. Jo ....l.I0al.U 30a, be .. SSe Ie ...lSaal.U 1.10 I.t 1.(1. Liaee.d Oil, rtw,... , " " b.ilad . FBtrrre Driel apple., aamvoa. ...... Dried poiia, kalfi qaenere . lante Oarraata, new Kaisina, ta layara, par box, a.w... . " ' per kU aez. Tart Ilk Praaa.. . . Pried Cbarriea. Boar abb CABBLaa WtriHk A Balaton's O. B. per lb. Henry Dart'a Bona' T. X. par lb MeBride'e erajaa Molted, par bar 7r, par lb. Star Oaadlaa, 14 oa -Ie Snor av Pownca Bifla, par k.g .naT.0O Ooel Miae, 0at. Blastiag. do...w 1 tOaS SI Drop Shot, per aaek ...5,60a5 Baek Cbot, So -a. Bar Lead, per lb.. -. wo . 7aSii -...o 11 .1U12 .. S.J4 1.7 ,-12o lie 1 ..7i ILiBlsTER CBEAM. ABTISTIC TAILCB1KG. i&al al . as aw 657 CTABABZt AVSKTjr, otrioAao. DRAPH,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDDING wCTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measure Extra D.nble and in Fit. Clergyman will be allewed 6 per oeht, aiaaeuai. teblBdly rjrr FOR ONE MONTH TO ALL WHO ASK ntt FOR IT: 75c. to Jan. '72; 1.50 to July "T 2.60ioJan. '73. THE METHODIST. Every week a Lecture Room Talk by Beechcr ; Sermon or artlcta by Talmaee. I second only to Beecuer tn popularity . Mra. Willing a ifivat aerial story expoxiug acret workings of Romanism in America, and much other good reading. O. Haleted, 114 Nassau St. New York rnrr TRY SAMPLES of our great 8-ree 'l-'W mCt illustrated weekly 30 yeara established. kFUie steel engravings froe to subacribera. Agent. INSCRWtE. 6ERMANIA INSURANCE CQMP'Y OF CHICAGO, It.1,. Oath Oapitsi, 4200,000.00 Snrplna, 957,820.64 Diorick k Shaw, Agents, apr21 dly Rock Island MILL bTOME DSE88EB. B1BSI8 A. CHISDOLM Prepriatora and Manufacturers ef MILL mm DRESSED. OTTAWA, ILL. mia c.ieoratea Dresiens a perfect aad all are warranted. my30dly MEDICAL KSTBCMEJITS. DIVID A, MStl, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Instraments ISO Qxlvauie Batten.s of all Kinds and Sites. (14 A 65 Canal 8 treat, CHICAC.O Iti All Kindt of Electro-Maguetie Instruments Neatly Repaired at short notice. Alto Modala maaite of all datcriptiont on short nctice. oot4-a.(m V IrlTr A coiiilounil ol Cacoaruut Oil,fc. Acknowl edged the best promoter f the armrth and beauty nftke hair. IC3. ECENtJT a CI., Uonton. Mrks. bold by all drugguM. lieware of imitation make (5 a day. oweii, Maine. Solioited hy MUSH 00., Publithera Scientific Ameri can, 37 Park Bow'. 5. T. Twenty-flve years' experience. Pamphlets containimr Patent Laws, with fnll direc tions how to obtain Patents, free. A bound Yolunie of 118 mure, containing the NEW CKNSL'H by cnunlies and all large cities, 140 Encra vinira of Mechanical Movements. Patent Laws and rule, for obtaining Patents, mailed ou receipt of 46 s w IfllVT nw aaa LISP CHIMNEYS. Stand Heat better than any other mads. Ask for Dithridgcs and take no other. See that onr name is on everr box. DITHR1DOK & SON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send for Price List. TAYLOR'S STOMACH rrecto? S30. WS WXZiXi 7A7 $30. Afrents (SO per week to sell our great and valuable discoveries. If you want permanent, honorable and pleasant wont, appiv tor particulars. Aaaress DYER & CO., Jackson, Mlcb. LADY AGENTS Wanted in every county In this State, to whom steady, genteel and protit&ide employment can be given. None but ladies that can send the bct of references need address FRAGRANT SAPOL1ENE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. AVII Q.UAC8. A Tiotim of early in discretion, earning narvont debility, pre mature decay, etc.. havlne tried in vain every ad vertisi-d remedy, ha discovered a simple means of sen-cure, wnicu ne win sena to nis lcnow-suncrcrs. Adarese j. u. Ktnts, 7S Najssan st. . Y., Pi PEE BOXES. ATOSXOZ7 A C0ES2SXS8X02I CiaVEY, DRAKE & CO., Commission Merchants, IN FLOUR AND GRAIN, sign, D00ES. aC. 19 Water Street, CIKCINNATI,. oet4-dly OHIO. jcszt rx.js.zsrAaAi7, txESERAL AC CTI0N EE B, OCee ia PobWe htaittrat.'i OS.., B0CE I8LAHD, ... ILLINOIS WillprSDKitly attaad to all aa E0LANDEE & HTJBEE, Sueeattora to J. A. BirniaoK, Mannfaetorera of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, tB AM B S, BB1CKET8, And everjthicg in their line. Glared eiath on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work Warranted. feb24dwfm MRS. EL. J. SOHELL, (Sucaatsor to J. B. Sohn.ider,) Manufacturer of every description of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. Orders promptly attended to. Spl5-d3m Diseases of the Kidney and Urinray Organs, The symptoms of which are taoh that peraon cannot be mistaken as to tbe trouble. Euch as pain, tenderness, and heat in tbe small of the baek, aealding pain ; urine la frequently of a high oolor, sometimes streaked with bleod, at times a small amount, others, a very larg., often aeoompani.d with white or reddith depotit. When bladder la the aeat of tha disease there ia pain, heat, and uneaaineas in thoae parts. TAYLOE'S Stomach & Liver Corrector Has no Superior or equal for diieaica of this nature. Bilious Rheumatism. .ZVSB.T. C0PP & BR0 Livery and Sale Stables. Office under Bart'n Sail, ROCK ISLAND I LLP. Most Complete Ettebliehment in the City Particular attertion paid to furnishing Carriages tor partiea, rJalle, rroceasiont, ets mh4dly Ml.) 17 CASKS. J. M. WORTHlilS. I at tod te hit eare. deelldwtf. KtTABLISBKB IB 1810. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' e,"o7-ia ! Sawbi! BsvwbjI BCFBBI0B TO ALL 0TBEBS 1 Axes, riles, Cast Steel, Kill Furniikings, and Kaehinary. Set the best, they will proTo tb. Fries redueed. Band for prtoe Lis t and eirouiara. wscLrn A RIIITRITRS COlllIlliflSiOll MOrCliailt, nelHwly . Bo.toB, Mas... er, Mirh GEO, B. LAWT0N, E ASD jyl!-d 51 Perry .tract, DAYEKP0RT, IOWA. SOLBCTXO riiVXS. Wieke r5' W. Ja. l-UNDY, Aectiea aad Coaaissicn EdectlG Fluid ! TV 3 ro a nn t.. Flae of b.iiaci, .a ILLINOIS STREET, 5. zt doer to Don A't Stove Store. Ta WTTB IFTV VTTRnTT iSBt I X bu no .Bd1o.1t. nmnnli.. care.'ully at tbe ODOR, AND It ia pr.parad MEDF0KD BCIT. LIWRKHCE'8 MEBFORD BIM. DANIEL LAWRENCE & SONS, Only Manufaoturera of TirnTYT'ATiTi T TTA f iU III UJC UIXIJ AV U a Still enjoy th. r.pat.tion of maaufaaturing The Best Bum in the States, Duly authorized fcy .S"(afe Lieeiue. HARTFORD Fire Insurance Co. Beodi received oa eeMigameat, Particular Attention Gifen te sales ia country aad eity. FURNSTU both a.w aad teeead head, heaght aad i.IU ayiely. HCDSUM E5VES CIL 1V0ER8 ! For ute in ordinary Kerateue Lamps. ho acoident ia possible from careless ute, or breaking of Lamps. For aala m Hack Island by John Bengtton. oct21-d3iawoe w. b kbbsor. L( KE&0!f t n OETHiNG, Maeufacturera of SHOW CASES. 78 Lake Street, CHICAGO,... oct4-d.m .ILL. SEAS. a. rowans. j. L. rasBHAB. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I BT THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Brenoa Eons., Falacs Bow, ROCK ISLAND, - - ILLS. Whn. we are off, nag unrirall.d T.a., at th. tame low priost at at their "Katttra Bout.." By importing ia cargo lota, they enable as to retail to tbe continue.- at extremely low pr-.aea. Don't fail to the Bong Kong Tea "" x-aiao. new, wnere will b. tooad th. aaaat, ana Tu., Coffe., and 8pi ..a, at prima bayond eomp.iition. myidwsm POWiKs iKiEHAs, Ag it FIRE km. ..1810. Eqoal to the Great Emergeoff ! The Iron Clad The superior quality aod parity cf LAHBENCK'S MKDI-'OBI) RtIM nT tha naat farty-trvm vfort.haa made it erery h.ra known at tbe Etisnasn Bc. Ke paint will be snared to maiataiu its purity and high tenutatioa. The publie is cautioned against imitatinnt and counterle.ts. niMl TIIRECT FROM t'S. and tee trill warrant perfect eatUfaction. ordera by mail to MKDT0RD, MASS., Aad orders by Eiprtu or otherwise 127, 129. 131, and 133 Broad st BOSTOB Aad tbay will receive prompt atteatioa. DAHIIL LAWRiNCE k BOBS. e.t24-dSm 'i-.. liARTFORB REMINGTON'S X.OZTXaB.Y". Eojal Qavabb Lctltrj ol Cava. CONDUCTED BT THE BPAKISH GOV .rnm.nt (300,000 in Gold draws ovary tT eataen daya rriset eatnac ans Inrormatioa famished. The highest prlee paid for Doub loons and all kinds of (loll and eihir. TAVL0R A CO., Baakera, febSdly 1(1 Wa 1 Rtrwt, Kew York GIFT ETESPaiSE. Sold by the Zrade Oeserally. Sk Liberal Dis.ount to Dealer. 100.000 farnitbed tbe TJ. 8. Government. tib.OCO ' European Governments. Army, Navy, Belt, Police and Pocket Rerol v.rt; Repeating and Nest Pocket Pittolt and Rifle Canes, ulog Metallic Cartridges, Breech I loading and Kevolving Rifle.. K. REMINGTON A 80X8. oet2:i-dI6w Illioh. JJ. Y. 1 ,f tvX--: V 0. M. Moscman & Bro. CltlUGES. TnOMAS Q. BROWN'S or0rno7ir: Carriage Works. wtth There ia a stronff creature being brought to bear upon tba insurance) companies of this city to force them to act honestly with their customers, and good results ara antiot patea. i. B. txayes, Demooratia candidate for Congress for the 8tte at larfe, has recon- siderea his nomination to withdraw fro tha ticket, although hia dntiea hara in eonnaotion with tha Relief Committee Dd tha preaaure of private aff.irs will pro bably prevent his snaking a can vats of tba State. P. F. W.tPeck, ona of the oldest and ealtbiest citizen of Chioayo died blonder evening from injuries reoeived front falling down stairs at his residence. MiLwarjitB, Oct. 29. Mayor Lading tea haa recommended a special tax levy for tha benefit of Northern Wisconsin, Chicago aad afichis-aa sufferers, which trill amoaat to nearly $70,000, Tha Common Council and citizeas generally ara unanimously in levor of tha measure. Loicdov, Oot 24, For tha Chicayo relief foad Nottingham iaa JEZ.00U ; L-idder-miaster, 500j Edmborg. 1,340 ; Peith, 120; DnmUulina, 150. Tha ntrioal banaSl representations have been given vert where, Clark and other marina i tars participating warmly ia th morameAt Manufacturer of Never Surrenders! ! Testsd by tbe gterms of Ol Ge-tlemei'i Eoai and Flatly BUGGIES, Skeleton "Wagons AVID BCTLKIES. 14 AeemtStreet, -- -.0HICAQ0. YEARS! And still Is soand. Fays from her surplus of $1,800,000 her losses by tha great Chicago Fiie i Leaving her magBifleent capital sf ONE r.llLLION untouehed aad a QGlftTES CF A HILLIOS SFEPLCS SaSgTO FINE HARNESS Manufactnrers of Tha Only Saliabl Gift Distribution In tha country : $60,000.00 I If VALT7A3LH OZFXIS TO BB BIITB1SCISD II W&rerocms, 114 Chambers Street, TBW 1TOB.XL. T j . D .81 NT Ej 9 S Harnetsfor Farming. T.aaiing, Trnekina;, Cart Lirbt Work a Ipeeiatty. lUpalring aeatly aad promptly deae. eteaiT deeaweewly KETST0SE GLASS T0KRS. A. R. SAMUEL, Maaaf aotore4 of PATENT FRUIT JARS, 8. E. Cor. Howaad A Oxford strata, HIS.ADBLPHIA, . j pA aaoaac-w ? i to mis! ; "Get the Mst' GET POLICIES. BIFOBD & REED, . Af nts, B ock XiUnd. 152nd BBGTJIaR M0HTBLY Q.IFT gMERPRISE, To ha drawk Monday. Bo. 27, 1871. TWO 6 BAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each in Greenbacks Two Prlz $1,000 ? f n I i . : ; " a iiivuiiuuuiivi :Ta Prizes ilftrt c: U ; - - v v v Whole Number of Cask Gifts 1.000 1 llcrte A rWrv, with gilver-meuated Haraess, worth f AOO. One Tine toned Rosewood Piano, worth f-MIO. Ten Family rawing Machines, worth $100 eaah. Five Heavy ohated Sold Hunting Watcbvsand Heavy Said Cbaina,werth f.tOO eaob. Five Gold Am.rlaaa Bunting Watch.', worth IZj eaon. Tea Ladiat' Gold Bunting WaleVs, worth f lt) evh. 600 Gold and Silver Lever Buntim Watches (In all) Ladies1 Gold tootmo Chama, trent'a Gold Vert Chain., (ilvr-piated .'(or'.8olHl Silver and Uonbl. Plated Tanie ftQ laaxpoons, ivory nanoied uinner Knivea. Silver-plated Dinner Forks. Silver Vest Chain.. Photograph Album., Ladiee' Gold Brvart- rina and Kar-nnst.. ueata' Viola ureaaipio.. vtun. Hud. and bleeve Buttona, Finger ttinga, Gold Pens, f.t ..... r ...... u,n t ate. Whole nnmbt-r Gift R.0 Th-ket. Limited to n,000 whom Liberal Premium, will be paid. Slnele Tickets l; Six Ticket. $5; Twelve Tlcketa tlir, Twenty-Five Tteke a (l. areolar containine a full Hot of pritea. a deacrip tioa of the manner of drawing, and other information la reference to the DtaribaUon. will be eeul to anv oneorderiiur All letter, moat be adrireaaed to B- tM, at AM JU, x OU, lag, Expressing, Contractera', lee Com paaiaa', Livery rXtables', Coape, Road, Coach, Butinets and Pleasure Use, I at $8, S10, $12, $15, $20, $25 te $500 per Bet Send for desoriptive list. oct21-d3rn EDrCITIOXAL. ROCK ISLIND HiiBinoi-tH College 0P15 DAT ASD EVENIIO, Tot Ladies aad Gentlemen, Boys Hissss. A large number sew att.adiog. Evening School wail attoaded. o.tl2 dtf Pertontwho retide in the vicinity of swsmps, low landa, or near any stagnant body of atar, are more liable to this diseate, aa the miasma arising from loch plaoea it almost sure to pro duce Fever and Ague, and Fever in different forma. Bilioua BheamaUtm ia alto induced by exposure during rainy weather, or sudden chan ge t of temperature. A disordered Liver will frequently cause this diteate, alwaya inereating the .riff-rlng and rendering it more difficult to eure. The symptoms of this extremely pa in ft! form of Kheumatic complaint are, pain In the Head, Kauaea, a furred Tongue, ttiffucjt ol the Joint,, and violent paint through the body. Taylor's 8:oma b and Liver Corrector will surely effect a cure. Sone of the ingredients are in any way injurious, and the euratlve powera are wonderful. Tvit valuable medicine tcarches to the root of the . Ueare and parts sffeet.d, exci ting the liver to be altliy action, relieving the body of its paint, removing all stiffness from the joints, purifying and oleantlng the vhole system. Neuralgia, cr Acute Rhea- matisci, Itoeeationed by earelettnett, espetnre, or eny of tli. varione ways and meant by which we take a aevore cold, or it may be eauted by fatigue. The symptoms are.txtreme nervoutneii, intente pain in the mutclea and joiatt, tha Seta Is swol len and aensitiva to the touch One peculiarity of tbis form of Rhenmatiam ia, that it frequen'. y changes from one portion ot the body to another even when no ext.rnal application has beamed to drive it to any other part Ihe entire tya- tom la prostrate by tuBering,we long for rett, but tba aeute, dart lag paint will not permit? a that pleasure. External applications are uta let. and often prove dangeroueby driving the pain to loot vital organ. Drive It oat of the eyatem inatead of driving it in, and Taylor's giomach and Ltv.r Corrector Is warranted to giv. relief. It will g. to the aeat of pain, atrengthen the nervoat system, and effect a eure. VC6IC. 8G0. 1871. THE PIQMEERJUSIC STORE. LARGE STOCK ALWATP ON HASD 01 way, STKCK, KMEHwOW, AMMB1CAW, HAIKBS, MAMHALL AND tVGXDEI 1, PIA1VOS, Geo. wod & C's,&Estf j Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments Sheet Maaio of lateat iaeuaa, and the best iio ported Btringt in the eity JllHI HtlTT, epl Corner Illinois and Washington atreet. (pNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, Song Aleininger, 35cts fiare gou eecn Luuite Comic Song, Saxton, 40 Darling lietle of the Hoarding School,? orterJU Girl tctth the Ciqarette, Comie Cordelia. 30 Joltg High Time; Comic, Parks, 30 Aoir eoniim t got Ute to knote, Comie,Cord la 30 Jetcclie of the Heart, Beautiful Song, Mlllard30 Low tn the meadow, " Zucb, SI Let it Pate, for Baas or Alto, " 35 Yet Once Again, Daett for Sop. and Barr. Gabriel, 50 Quarrelling Neighbor. Gomio Duett, Auber, 75 Somebody' Child, with vacations, black, (SO Ueavenlg Greeting; Paatle Boymantique, tsiaaeaey, Bolidag Vacation March, illustrated title Qilsina, Street Anticipation; Schottltche, " " Oil, inn. Daieg, Faatalsla, Krng TAYLOR'S Liver & Stomach Corrector Has one great distinguishing feature, wblsh has long been sought for in a eathartio preparation to take the place of that medio'ne which leaves the bowels more or lett weakened tor a time, in dicated by tubeequent eottivenett, which ia the cate with aaott eathartio mixture, and pill.. In this preparation there is combined Ton it, whish completely Sustains tbe bowels snd sys tem while a cathartic influence is being produ ced, tberelore never lotet its effect, doet not leave the bowels costive, and may te uatd by the most delicate person. For the diseases named, it acta with the most perfect efficiency, .earchingand rootin g out ail rmpuritiet ot the tjtlim, giving health, vigor and strength to tlio whole body. Aod after yoa have used, yu will recommend it to all with like trouble!- ln doubtedly yon have taken that kind of medicine, withoat getting the relief toaght for. There are to maey kinds, .:i f" h "'" d'" eata. that It ia a great wonder if you do not let detpair tak. the plaof of hope, and reugn your aelf to the ravaget of disease. I will give $.',00 reward for a ease of deranged liver that cannot bceured by Taylor's Stomach and Liver Correc tor, where the constitution is not entirely bro ken down hy diteate, or the liver .onsomcd. .i great maay would ask the question, " hat ca w. .at, and how much?" What la on. man meat i. another man's poison, i en old "'"j' and a true one, too. W. will aaawar, eat the bett of everything that agree, with you, but a moderate amount- 15 to (0 15 at of of Matfc er and you will Any of the above aent by mail on red the market price. Ho matter wkere you tee a pieo. Muaio Book advertised, send o " receive It by enclosing the publishers price. BAtSXBB & WBSBl. MUSIC DKALBRtS, 8T.L0CIS. Salt Iiiieaui. Thitoomet under the bead of disat.s of the oor skin, and appears mow frequently en i hand, than anv other part, but th. who), body liable to attack., aad it of. "dn ,h? ""i malignaatsore. which have aanleg th. tk. II of B ... Tt tat a rePIBla ndtlsjntn . "woT::- uolocai appicaHoaa alo.'a will neutralite the p'! w. find ill oare. Do not J7-dedl2m. Niagara Steam Pump Work oatll-dtt I Ornca, m W. Wi SL CIHOLNMATLO. -oetl-dwiy OF TUB Immaculate Conception DAVXNP0RT, S00TT C0-, IOWA. COXDCCTED BT TBB SISTERS OF CB1R1TI B. V. 31. Will eommsnee it. loth Seati-aaaaal Beatlon Kcdnesdtjy lugnst 16lh, 1871. .in. leeorporaled ia accordance with the law. of the Bute, thit Institution eohfers the anal aoii'giaw eaeran upou in graaaa.. For Circulars address BBgl-ASnt BIIIEB BTJP&&I0B. -tSjjgpa: j''. "inii IA If Charles B. Hardick, Ho. 9 Adams street. BBOOK.LYK, . NBW YOBkv. Sole afaaafaetarer of ' . Eardiek's Patent Doubls-Actlig Steam Pomp and Fire Kiglne ; I Mining Pump a Specially.. Patented ia lazland. Belgiets and Prance. Bead for eirealar. augSldly fall to f a o" " - r t'orreetor. Scrofula or King's Evil, Whether in tbe form of lumps or bard twelllres abont tbe neck, under the chin, ortheeordtc tbe neek, or iu the groin, ar in the form ef run ning scrofulous sores, by attng Taylor's Stomach and Liver Corrector, yea will find relief. Where It eppeara oa and arronna tbe nose end ehia, an ointment made of twa parts lard aad on part (Uer of sulpbsr. applied night and morning, snd tbe Corrector taken, yoa will End a enre. THE BEST M EE If IS E ETE1 Mlt FOB Sill. N. S. TAYLOR, BOLE PROPBIETOH, 114 Wabash Areaa..--BiehSOdeeaVweewl .CEI0AQ