Newspaper Page Text
WES Of ADYERTW. Aiaffi rum ma eotxrr. TB&klS. tUiar Aaess. f l.rt(eyehlele Biv'aaee),pereasaB,l.0 T Mail - " ! BOBlhe, If Nill 'iMMkM-'11 By Mail - - lBlb...- Sasy-BT Citt Batman, It Oet per we.k Btsaia Corn t OmM. Tl&MI.. Wasst Asses. ' Siegl Oey,(peyeella ed venae). . -J'-M IH VeplO f vasty Copies " flirty Oaple " M tt.M 14. M I. Twenty-first. Year.' .ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 851 far h laun, er the eaeee eeonpied by tea lin.of .olid neBparell, Oae Dollar for eaeh in ertion. Bpeeial Ho ties., II cents pr line. Whr la rtod I month or aor, 9 par at above rega. Ir advertising rout. Coamunicatioa. or article! laiartad iM reading matter, 4i cent p liaa. Dailv abo A diseoaai of J par aaat. will ba Bads from the Wkly ratal, oa yearly and half yearly eontreeta, when the aa natter li inaerted In both Paily and Weekly. Dnable Column, will bo ebarged J per cent additional. For -Il traa.ieet advertl.easa a ranee pay meat 1 reqaired .. A Bio Eiti.ibt. -The tnaoaota drag establiskaeal of Drake Brothers, at Milwesk, bajrinninc; to rcnen greadly ja this direolioa Tor eddUionel cutlets fgt taaewee depository of euppliew- We vieited WT ol 'lttl surprised . snag niiede of ita arran (fe rn (Dta for faaaCtUjr a eoloaaal business. Il bat several cpeeiaUios WOTlk7 of ' tbaa a passing ' notice. In addition to tha aioal articloa bund in that line, such as dregs, cbamioala, it baa tha eiolo- eive egeecy of L. J. Rose's genuine Califor aia wioca and brand iee, M our road era will by a eertifiocte publuhed lo-day, io the adrartiiamaot. Alio, Iloaa'a Brandy, and ABgelioa and Port Wi tea, aampfea of which ara bra forwarded to oa for trial. Wa 3ara labaittcd ih.m to be tttd by coa Mieeeore, and they hara beaa prooouucad fall oqoal tj tha boat Fwnck or Rhooiah a.tidaa, if oot acadinf1y aoporior. Wa baapoak .' thaaatarpriaiaf Draka brotberi a boary fa.V n4 wiatar . trada from thia ootioa. . Vi Wo.OMrctcuTAT.T" MIOI-wCl- to day's iatao will bo fooaa' dTortiiaoieat of Rorora' Maotio Oil Li?er PU1 .r,.r.H n.dn tK. l.M.t . riliOB Of r--r , their di.tiaguiahed iareator. Tha?C0BU, ao poiaonoQi draga, act speedily, tboro and efficiently. Wa take pleatare ia co.'" all j racomaadiog tben. CacMBi or Compokt. Wo are all look tag for eraaiba of comfort ia oor trying joaraeya through life. Tba greeted one boeoewivea will wer find are the little peek gai of atora poliabj goiag aader tbataane, which save aaoaey, tiaae, aad labor, and foe tor aaeal geaial aad happy teapereneal oa the part of tba atori. Sao adrartiae-wieat VERY LATEST BY-TELEGRAPH. , 4 6'Olook ' Jt. JI. Radical Oatrages h Ken tacky ! gfalfntecf a Leadicg Mormta! Heal Atiftcfe on Po ll gamy. Oae of Tuc ds Big Steals. The ufficere of the Compeay will bo triad ia November. J adze Ledwun, a member of tba com mittee of aevealy aoeepU tba nomination of both Tammany aad tba Democrats for J edge of the Supreme Coort. Tha amount of sobacriDtions from tba Catholio cbarcbei to Cofcago is over $23, 000. Several clergy men of Cbieago are re ceiviag private contributions. Another large shipment of clothing and bedding was seat yesterday by the police depart ment. ( The Oreeley Republicaaa last aigbt adopted tbo aominatioas of tba Reform Democrats. Tbe Murphy party has adopted tba same ticket. By this actioa there is a union of the opposition to Tammany oa tbe caadidate for Register, and Jndgaa of the Supreme, Superior and Marine Courts, The nomination! ar the result of a com promise, giving the Kupublioans a portion of officers, or caedidatea for legislative city officers other than tbe above. Aati-Tam- aey parties, as a general thing have seorato nominations. Tweed states to a reporter that ba doei not believe Iogersoll has fled, and thai ba will return eooa. He deelarea that bis chances of election will not be impaired by tba proceedings againat him, but declined to answer interrogatories as to bis lino of defense. Iogersoll is reported to bo in Portland, Haioe. Mayor Ball strongly arges tbe electioa of Tweed as Seaator. ALL tit. if. ALL 11 8ALVK. for Ooraa and Huaioaa, Built aad Born. Fr eale by all Dm (glut. 55 eta. aer ke. r aeet oa reoxipt of priee. Addreee ALL aWHT5C lark Bt , Cbmage. oepU dly BitEETS. BASKETS. WILLI IMS MncVlCTCa G CO. HORTfli UFTOIt,.. .. MAS9. ttblMh.d 151. If aoa'attareM of all kiadt ofOekaot Rattan BaektU. For tale ia Cat ! Earner A f elia; L Onald 4 Oo. Na haa Walae. and tlaratea A Peek trot., aad ia Mt Laate by Haaaal Capplae.aad Warren. Okee rer Oe. aaySMl; CmitGES. icntcnce of Rosenweig! TBE WAR IN N Room OAea, M1XT BOOB TO TILEQRAPB lUinei atroet. Reek Ialaad. All kiadt ef Peatal work doaa ia the aett approv ed aeaaer. Ohargea reaeaaable. apll dwly , . - XOTTBX.-T. Kej&l laraia lottery ! Cuba. CONDTJCTED BT THE SPANISH SOT era aieat $301,111 In fleld draw a every eev enteea days Priaaa eatked aad larorattiea raraUbed Tha htgkeM ptee paid for Doab- loeat aad all ktade of Sold aad Silver. TAYLOR OO., Bankers, febddly II Wa'l Street. Hew Terh. TIILttlXC. Defeat of tbe Government Forces ! The Weslfieli Explosion Case! roiiticii Icv AffAlrs YorK. In BCUftlTT at HitSCIILL, jerobant Tailors, a d to l.'.'inolt et., near waekington Reek 1.1. id, where th.y have a atoea ' .' ..odt. aad Are P'epad t. make ap eUthmg to Srder. PatW flta gaaranUea. ''"t; j i.. n. Hmw u.d reoalrint doaaah.aply nwvaria) k . wnw.- i - . aad BTOm.U. A ' e",t. rMpestfaily . .halted. They ba' blade Clothing. t lock of Reey meaftd J. W. 8TARK, D'ENTIBT,: WOOD, L1GUT k CO., bb.. a. ss. iSLsraa, D E'N TI ST. ALL DBHTAL OPSRATIOK8 PKKFOKM D aeoordlng to tha a.oat approved priwet- pie. Offleeia Harper's Bloek, oor. of Illiaota aad BalTale treeta. angis-atr HOUSE AND STEAMBOAT F. 8SSE1L0S, (Late of the Ira ef Baealea Blaaaer,) aa- eaaMee Ska no u prepared te e B0TJB1, BIGN AND ST1AHB0AT PAINT U, PAPIR HAHwliia, OALOOMIK INa.dte., Ae All work preaptly ezeentedi ia tha hlgheet style ef tke art, at akort aettee. Bkopea Bat Bagla Street, opposite the wa Weeke CeblSSt PHI IP J. 81JI0SS, Uocse and Sign Paiuter JkVO OZ.AZZB3U lattatienoi Woed and Marble, Paper Hanging, Oaleoaining, AS. bend orders tkroagh tke roat Uffloe ROCK ISLAND ILLS. eVatiafaetion gaaranteed. feb?S dtf rtPEt BOXES. H. SOHELL, (Bneeaasor to 1. B Bahneider.) M anufaetnrer of every deteriptioa of PAPER BOXES, 77 Lata street, Chicago. Orders preaptly attended te. sepl5-d3a H11LER8. Tooms .n. Baow.vs INoveltj Carria bf anafaatarer of Works. THE UNION AGAINST TAM MANY ! General Summary. COPf & BE0., Liver and Sale Stables. Offiee under Sart'i Ball, NOCK UltKD. in- Unit Compute E.tabH.hment ia tbe City Partion! uut tion paid to furni.hing Carriage for partiee, Baita, Proee.ion, ete ak4dly KEEP YOUR FEET fiRT ! Harket Reports. Reported Kxpreetly fertke Aaeca. Nnw York, Oot. 8. Chat. O'Connct Ik. I ,1 ... i.o .U.rl. kt,. IK., .a. - . " --- J - i'weet. mai a8iciete Iraudiileutiy ob- taibed ii m 109 roaaway oaua, wivcoui .k- . ? riu. some fo.uuo.uuu a (ifitlfmfn'i Bit. tni Famllj BUGGIES, Skeleton V fig-oiiH A SID wfJLItleCal. 44 Adaa. Street ........ CHICAGO. Light Work a Specialty. Repairing neatly aad preaptly dene. aehlT deedweaw ly ALE PtlTEI. Cream and Stock Ale.. OOE a STBONO Proprietors ef tka MEIUIIWPS LUiCB, Aresela Ageass for Peaslee's Celebrated Creao and Stock Ales. For eala by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oetitt dtf WKT'H Saloon & Billiard Boons, V, t Harper Eeaso Bleak, BOCK.19a.AH 1 LI. Dealer ia Fine Bourbon Whiskies, Aid laptrtec Wiae t Braidiest Agent far Bead, Lills, aad Jellet beat Seeuh aad BagtUb Ale aad Leadoa Por ter tur aaie. TJUea White Bead for al by tbe barrel. " Ag.atfcr A. Zeller't Billiard aad PlgaaaHola Table maaalaetery. aprt-dtf H, B. WBST,Proprietar. GIFT CONCERT. si,ooo,ooos By anthoritjr of thn act of Itirialatnre of Kentuckj oi jurrn i.i. iiti, ine iruHieen ui ine j-uouc Lihrurj of Kentucky will giro a O&AXTO OITX COSTOZB.T. AT 'XJV1STIU.K, KYM On Tawda- 031-1,1871 l 0 WiAU of AmiBBio a0 xh. earraocy, Ut AM S3. Qrtr TI.HeXBaVa.' y0 recovery on "7'""" , . J .J . U ftv- Ln..lal a... aaleas lutorfat w'" "1 ,u"i wiihia ninety da f ... In ih. ll.,..vVlA" case me jury au r. - .urted a verdict in tbe seoond degree, and rUoorder Hackott seateoeed aim to state P.nn .Bd be.rd Ub. ir I oi seven yearn. Ei disregarded :be reoc mmenaation to met cj y the jury. Salt Liu, Oot. 2. Cbief Justice Mc A nleaa Ibis aoramg passe a aeaw. uP I bomas Hawkins, the wolygamist, a olio wa : "Thomas Bawkias, I am so "7 tor you ery sorry, loo stay nut t&u'1 but I shall try to make you think by ihr aercy whioh I eball abow you. "iou oame Irom cngiaua to tnis with the wife of your youth. t msny fears jou were a kiad busbaud an. a kind father. At length, however, the evil spirit jf ploygamy tempted and possessed you ; aeu bappiuaas departed from your nt u.e- nold, and now by the complaint of your faithful wife aad tbo verdict of a law abid- ng jury, yoa ataad at this bar a convicted jrimiaaL "The law gives me e large discretion u passing sentence upon you. i mignt dv.u una nnd imprison 3 on, or 1 might , fine you only, or impriso a you only. 1 might tm- prieoa yon tweaty years aad one yon one ihossead do Liars. 1 eaaaot impnsoa you eas tbaa three yearn, aor fine yo't less tbau brae bnadred dollaii. it is tbat you hould ba fined, aiaoog other reasons, to aelp defray tbe eZDtinses of enforcing tbe laws; but my expert eooa in tbe Mate ba been such tbat ware I to fine yon only, 1 am satisfied tbe fine wor ld ba paid out ot other funds than yo art. and thus you would be tree, absolutely free, from all punishment. men tnose men who mislead tba people would make you raid to a thousands ot otbet Mormons believe thr.u God bad tent tbe money to pay the fine ; that Qod prevented tha court Irom send D2 ou to prison, and that by a snuaol', ,oa in4 .bea reaoued irom iu. umvlllM 0f tne uaiiea oiatee. I most r ik lo ii that sny judgment gives no aid ansy nmfnrt to aach men. 1 must ook to ik ' a, m, iudgmeat be not so ever s to see .indictive, and not ao light as y teem I . ;n- .th iuatice. This communitj Hi"" af BUCK'N Water-Proof Composition WXU SO XT 1 It .ill keep oat Water froa the thin not Boot Il will keep eat Water from the tbio'e.t Bool.. It will keea out Watei free) Ladtea' thlnae.t Phoea. Will poaitivelv keep oat Suo Water. It will aake the leather autt and pliable It will not ekange tha eo or of leather Il will not injure the leather ia any way, bat will po.itirely areeerve it. It will ant interfere with black eg and poli.h log. ft i good for beck.kla or leather glove. It i.' the he t dreeaing ever .ed ea hanoe.. It is ma article long devred aad one that wil fntfill au h advantage elaiae for It. A l.o . BLieking ! Boiler Works! the aadonigaed are prepared t aaaafaetare te order Boilers for Steam -1; Cntd, Btylee aad Bit 9. Alee, every va riety ef rosr wois. .11 . n.11 l 1 . -ie;.a. aW- Repairtag . f .11 bind, da." .aeapiy. ft. op aear Moliaa Iron work. 1011 8OILtIV0IH A TttrMBTJLT Ifaaniastarars ef " " ENGINE LATHES l SHAPING AND SMI MACHINES, PLAXEBB, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills. NASXYTES' STEAM HAMMERS, Ooa SfZachiaery. nnilDIC Mill IMC MiPUIWCQ UVUWLL IIKkklllU irirtWIIIIaiaWi Mill Work, Shaltlng aad Hanger, Patent Self- Oillag Bet. WARXH0TJ8B : KIT 1 lBsfRTY T., NKW YORK CITT MANUFACTORY: MAMMObD ST., (Opp. Jaaetlea Depot), n ORCKTr.R M All Train, entatiag tha City, atop within ton red ef our Work. J to dtf SS. LOUIS, ALTOS? ASTD Rock Island liaMroad! BTOCEBOLDBRS' MEETING. Notiee 1 hereby girea that tke aeaual meet lag ef tbe Stockholder, of thte Ooa.paay will be held at tba Company onloe ia tbe slty of Bock Ialaad, oa rharday, the 23d day oi .November at It o'oloek aeon. . JAS K. TOUNG, Ror D. Caoss, Pretideat. Seertary Reck t.laad, Oot i9,lS7l.-dtd AalTISTIC rAlLCKIMC. 9 0S7 w ABAS XX AVBlfue, OQIOAOO. 3RAPR,TAILOri AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR UGKTLEHEN'g UtE. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirt, to Mearar Extra Deable and la Fit. CUrgjmtm wUl b tbUd 6 diaeenat. ' ' feblSdly miW ASVaXlTXSSSSBXlTS. CUNDURAN60 ! Bliss, Keene & Ca's Fluid Extract. TIIE WOSDKRFCL REMEDY FOR CASit KK, MtPUILI , SCHOKUI A, UI CfcRiS, MALT Si lit V . Alt D A 1.1. OTHBtt IHRONIC BLOOD IJISKA- I)b. P. T. KEENE havin? Jost retnrned from Ecna dor and broutbt with him a quantity of the t-TNOURANUO BAKK, secured tltroath iho oflt cial rticoru inundation and aeaiatance of His Excellen cv the President of Ecuador, and the Government of that Kennhlic, we are prepared to fill order for it to a limited extent, and at a price about one-quarter of mat which the ct of the nret very email impply compelled us to cbargu. Uur Flvib Eitra t la prepared from the genu ine CiHDURANo Bark froiB L"ta, Ecuador, eecured by aesbrtauce ol lue auihoruiua of that country. Sold by all Ilrueiriau lu pint buttles, having tm ibem our name, trade mark and full direction fur use. rWce, ixiwuimurj iiu. wi uenar t., ixew YorK. . BUSS, KEENE CO. D. W. Blins. M. D.. Wavhininnn il a Rii M. D. , Sew Tfork ; P. T. Keene, M. D., New York. I8CftlKCE. SERMAN1A INSURANCE COMP'Y OP CHICAGO, ILL Oath 0pitaU 4200,000.00 SurFluay... S37,8ao.04 Dsdrick & Sbaw, Agenu, apr21-dly Rock Island. MILL. STOtE D-iKSSKB. CHIH0LM, Maanfaeturer of Proprietor and HILL STOM DREISER, OT r A W A , ILL. This celebrated Drenir it a perfect toost, aad all are warranted. mySod'y (Suoece.or to Welle A Hale,, Dealer in GMS AD PISTOLS deep eoaitaatly oa hand an aaaortaent of Amet-ioan and Koglifk Breech loading Shot , R.fle., Sbaatiag Taekle, Gaa MaUrial, Fishing Taekle, MeUl Cartridge. Kly'a Wad., aad Cartridge Shell., Powd.r. febot. eto. 87 WiBcoasin Street, XtSllvankee. KiSe aad Seot Gobs made to order. Repair- og work promptly done. eet27d-m Real USED BY tiRHYBoDi. Manafaatai. hJ 209 VTaihingtoa .treat,-..... by all Groiery For aal Vakere. 4l ..HIOAGO Deal nd eaptlt-d ILL Bpoi wi.wAw3a Treibnry Department. Orric or Couptsollc of tsb Cnaaracr WasaiaeTo.i, Oct. ?th, 1871 j WnaaaAS, by .ati.factory a rid ace pr.oti l. the a deXtiteed, If ha been made te appear that -'The hock Jtland fiational Bank, to tht t tig of Rock Inland, im, the County of Hock -land and State of lllinoit haa been duly organ iaed aoder and according te tbe requirement, ef tbe Act ef Congre.., eatuled "An Act to (r.ivlde a National Carrency .eeured by a pledge ef I'nited State Bod, aad to provide for theeir ealatien and redemption thereof appr.ved Jane 3rd, 1 8t, and haa oomplied with all tke proritton of .aid Act reqaired 10 bt esaplled ith before eoamaneiog tae baaine ef Baok ag.ander .aid Act. Now therefor, I, Biland R. B lburd. Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that be Rock Jatioel Bank in the city (l( s;MK Ts;nd. ia the coaaty f Rock, and Stateef i.'!'00'' ' D'horid to eomaenee th. bu.ine.. of BJSSing un ter tne Aoarore.ata. I, tettiaony wnereoi, wuar. my band and S' f oBio thia Tth dav f Oi-tober. 171. HII.AD R HILBCBD, So. 1889. Comptroller of Carrency. The Reck Katioaal Bank wiH opea for bi.iaea. at N 23 W. Illlnott .troet, r.OTmosr 1st, 1871. Ben. Harper, John W Hpeneer, j Peter Friee, I Edward Barrall, Jr., Bireotor. J. H Wil.ta, I A. Baoedtet. I T. J. RoWaon, J T .T ROBIVSOV. Pretident. BKV H tRPER. Viae Pre.'t. A. BENEDICT, Ca.hiar. October 23, 1871 d6ftt ) flai4baaiavl akhfT ER'B SHOTGUN Eew Tork Office, 27 BEEKMAU ST. D1T1D . MS. t, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Eleetre - Utedical IotrameBt. AHD QUvauio Batteries of all Kind and Bites. St A 66 Canal street, CHICAGO .J ILI . AH Kind ef Eleetre-Magaetie Xaaritreat Neatly Hepaired at abort notice al-o Model maa e ot all de.cription oa abort notice. oct-d3m SOSSOTXO rLUXXf. Wickos' ECLECTIC OIL J 3 ESTIRKLY WITHOUT ODOR, AND has no eS.plo.ire properties. It i pr. pared care.nuy at tne BCnso,1 BUEB CIL TT0KR8 ! For a io ordinary Sera.eae Lamp. No accident i possible froji carelett ue, or oreaking of Lamp. For tele ia Ro k Island by J"in Bengstea. oct2l-d3mwoa WILL. II. CAELETOH, AimtoR or . Tl na- a a e- n ..- - ca. j - Edits and Writes for THE DETROIT WEtKtY TRIBUNE, The Best Family Newspaper in the Conntry. fi a jeur, oeuu tor specimen copy anu ciun circular. AQdress '1UK lKlBl.Hr; Detroit, Mich. EVERY MiDWix la Invited to send his address and 'ecelve Free and f ostage raid a copy ot tbo American Farm Journal The most Practical, the Best and Cheapest Illostrn tel Agricutlnral paper in the l ulled Mates. Only io vcuir pvr year, cuuu luraFiirciuicu (.opr. - Address MlLLElt, LOCKE 1 il.. Toledo, Ohio. Uflfini? HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE Is offered IT UUU v free dunng the i.omi SUbscriiier ol 'Merry's Sdu-eiiin. the free during the l orumg year lo every Toll-do Biade, PnmemyV Ucmncrat, etc.. o7 which is au evid. nee Horsce t.reelov. .Ismes itKWoiih aul noonlaritv, rarton. i neooore niton. ;ml Hfiiuiiioi'. mc., en:', wriu lor every uuiuter. In cfuTTiHug""it offer- three nrst-elass perioi!-;!. lor me price oi one ot mem. a variety ot prenii ums on equally liberal te ros. It Is an original. flr-t-cias ma-.'sjine. Volume X begins with Address ewoortfli. . . Ib.i. 9. S. WOOD, DON'T BE A FOOL, Ana reiuse io learn wny we aeu rOVA-TOXV BA7 80 X.XII, 14x7 Fast, S75. Shipped everywhere. To he paid for when tested All -lzes, at oue-b.Uf Chicago prices. Send for tree Price list. THE JONES SCALE WORKS. BUighjuilon, .New York. Solicited by USS t CO Publisher. Scientific Aaeri cu, 37 Far. ROW, a. Y Twenrv-five vers' Pamphlets contatninsr Patent Laws, with full direc tions bow to ontaiu f stents, tree. A bound volume of lltt paees. coniaininc the NEW t KNM S hv comities and all lame cuius. 140 Eiicra viurs of Mechanical Movements. Patent Laws and rules for oblaiuiug Patents, mailed on receipt of 23 cents. OF THH B.TABLKBBB 1830. WELCH&QRIFFITH?' Bwa 1 esvml Awa2 8CPERI0R TO ALL OTHERS ! Axe, Tils, Cast Steal, Kill Farniihlag, and btaeblnery. SjfA,Oet tbe beat, they will prove tbe ek.apest. Priee radaeed. Send for prloe Liaiand tireaiara. WKLCU A G IFFIIUM, otSd.tjl Bn.toa. Ua... ai Detrait. Mi b jjrr IrlEIlFOSD Rev. WlV li D LIQUOR. PURE IOWA WWL'S! Tkiderignd offer to Phydeiant, D."g gista, aad the publte, at private aala, the p re 4 a at ef several years vintage, bing the PURE JUICE OF THE BRAPE, nade Into Wiaa aader his personal inspection aad ia aeoordanea with by whieh the totive Barer ef tbe Viae i.aniapaired. Th Wine tbaa offered ha been aade direct front the best grapes, as fellow : Catawba. Concord, Cliatoo Delaware, XsabeUa, Virriaia Seedlinr. and other ehsiee rarietie ; will be old by tba Doza Beltlei, or Barrel. AT TBS Cellar, ondar Daren Dort'. Blook, Corner Main and 2d Btreets, DA7ENP0RT, IOWA. am. All ardors proaptly attended te. QUO. Jm. DAVBaTOEf, Clifton Vineyard. sept 3n-d4a Rock Island Busiaess I niversity 17 ILL OPBB AUGUST 1st, 1871, POK V tba reeeptien of tadnt, both LadiaaaaJ dent eman. 3X. J3o Lta Brown, Proprietor of .Bloomlngtoa Buaine. C Diversity, i.M-intendeat of oouree ot laa raotion.. r' T. aanahip. Pea k ayaa Oaireraity, etc.. ia oharge of writ "f" : , . taotararoa Caaaereial eaateas, w ot uaae, aera w iU be (a oharge ef pnonography le legra j ain' "'6 be girea during the lemmerciiu co.tom. vf LiWSENCK' M" I FORI) tlM. DANIEL LAWREXfE i SOXS, Only Manufaotnrer ot MEDFORD RUM, Btili enjoy th reputation of aaaaraaturing The Best Rum ia ths States, Dulif authorized 6y State Licente. Tbe superior qua, ity and parity ef UnaENCr.'. M I) POM ft Hk.'M For tbe palt rry teren year., ha mai i' every where kuowa a. the ST iDn Rm. No paia- will be .pared to saaiataiu it. purity and high leputatioa. Tbe pnblie i cautioned again imitation, and eonntene is ORDER DIBECT f ROM V, and ire tl warrant perfect eati-faction. Addre. order by ail to MEDFORD, MASS., Aad orders by Esprco o otherwise 127. 129. 181. and 133 Bread st BOSTO Aad they will receive prompt attention. DANIIL LAWRBC A SOS 8 eet2t-dfm SID, D001S. VC. r 0 LANDER & HTJBER, Saoee.eor. to J. A. Bmoisos, of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings Fit AM a a. BM At uvKTS, nd everything in their line. part menu. i woniy-iour leoiaree win . " .i.l f.ll and .int.. . m..ti V 1, . , i , , and etaics, pviiiisw waBinj, i.w Thi laaronrh trade, ete., free te all regular institution will be apoa the aaat . myvm VU1 wv. , nraatiaal haai The enlv actual ' iegein Book Ialaad. where each at deat u re quired to go throagh every detail a t in actual bUSiaell. t verj mpunui . - tbat all ooa aeoe. at apening of tera so a. to create a mnoh aniforaity aad ayetea a. p .aible. Card, subscription beading and a name.uai oea work of finnat workmanship with the pen, tiecnted to order. Bend $1 for spesiaens. Hall Rnek bland Hoa.e, open day and evening after July 28. 1871. For ia formation Sena loroiroaiax or aaaree M DI LA BROW ft. jylSdtf P. 0. Drawer 441, Rook Ulawd.HL GIFT KNTEKPavlSK. FABMt AMI BONKS. ui Vu, acnt dj tetter: tbe DIr" office money ' , .. nr (1 ran. order-K'""", -ill cusist of four qnartom, value -ca "Z. The holder of en iv n ticket will be 5S 0,000 in O reaabacka ..-in w- dMirtbated by lot tr. the holdea of tickets I iftl troin ". nlgbeomoflOB Uie Ww- wnhiie Xslbrary ef Satntky. IMOS Bn or asntncay u l-reasurer. au raiors and ouptirviaore are me nun. , Th i UttlMOS i" V "tKmhTtta. taa Governor of Kentucky, B' . . Hlaftnilii.liMd and maw- wwuntj-aovea oi u.. a- - ... .. ...... ..........i nrlnclnal buainees nunsger of lbs vert .occaf'ul Oift Concert for the beneBt ot "L m ...mi. ni,,, nf Han Frisco has been ap pointed Agent and MAuagor of this gruua lft Cuu' 'HTi- A u.lni. anil dlatrihntlnn will take DiaCS in public and everythiug will be done to ealir bo3'e r, ,h.t their loursau will be as well prowc- ti-d a. If laoy poraouAlly auperiulended the enure For' tickets and Information ,PPlT0pBTER.Si No lW Main Street, ijouisvii;., Ky. N.La Astor Uouaa. Mew Jf itk. H. H. Hempated. I4U Broadway. Mllwirliae. M A French, Virginia City, Nevada, u x Wolff, Slb Chsatnut etreet, St. Louis. Ticket elw for sale Is erary nrgmioeut pljoa la ..eiioiwdntatas ow4UUa ougb1 a.Mia to laara that God does not de so erders tbe affatra of His nnirewe Jb.t seoaer er later crime ataaoa acw - with justiee. aad just as tbe wesier, a w... ,ay here and now that wueoev.r yu. behavior aid tke publio food shall justify aa ia dang ao, I will ladlj recomneud tbat you be pardoned. "The judgment of the court is wet Cued fire hundred dollars, aad tbat yon be iinoruoued a bard labor for tba tern O' three years." LaxiKGToir. Ky., Oot. 29. -The Myor aad many of the oRioiala of thia eity hare been arrested oa aa indictment froa tbe Federal Court, ebarged with felony growing out of the disturbances at tha August nicot ian. General indignation eiiata at what is considered a gross eatraga instigated by leading Radicals of this laee. Nw Yoan. Oot. 29. Speoial telegrams from Mexico report tbe snrrenoer et tne Juares forces ot Salttllo to the revolutionary eoesmnnd of Gen. Trereno. Trereno has foaad considerable, war material ra plana. Escobeda is prepared to defcad Neneoo Uoa nreinet tba revolotioaeat. Uau. Pavon prooonooed against Jaarea in the Huactioa oooatry. - 0r ca hundred eieil suits have beea Ihe staten uiaBu r.rrv Waat- d fifty snora are being prepared. Tne "ma gi i elaiasd rarj from $1,000 M $5,000. WOOD PRESERVING ET Till Namaels Process . WB 11TI and begnw against Cotnpaey by persnns iejored in the Weat 6ld esploaioa, aad near.y one hodre and bbtavblxbsbo xzr oxxxoAao The largest and most poworf itl works In the world fur preserving woou ot au Kinds from DRY BOf OR DECAY. j i vim the attention of Railroad Men. Bridire I Builders. Carwenters. Farmers, and all worker lo I wMid to call and examine oar works. We are now I .n.d to receive urders. as we can treat ltial I feet every twenty-four hours. Thia process has I mgny .UTailUln. WHIG. r-u"...,. m MUVWU IU U1C 1 pUbUC, UUUUft U1M1 nm .uo . IT SEASONS LUMBER, ao It can be used in three weeks after being treated. It prevents CONTRACTING AND EXPANDING. . ,. n.ta and other vermin from Infajattrur ' soSrhonses. barn, c . C . Tbe additional ctaa I Is only fe.60 per thousand toot, aoara Beaaura. TO FAXitilXSaLat. Thia proceaa la Invaluable Cor fonclng poets, be-, aa the lumbar will never decay., FOt riVEMENTS. STREETS, AC, it ia far above all other article ever need, and will but aa kmc again a any rock pavement. To parties interested we say. CAU. aV9D on OCB WOhUlS. or wnd for Circular. .. DbU Lf KK rUCLENN &rl ; -offi-o 117 tatdoio. it., rklcaro. OCtMaodlm-Bwf Caeap Farms ! Free Homes ! . Oa the line sf the bUnioQ Pacific Railroad! A LAND GRANT OF 13,000.000 Acren Or TBI Lrst Faraias and utieral Laadi fa AUERICA. Olaxed Ba.h on hand, alto We4 All work warranted. Corn Meal ant feh24d worn n C01TGRESS ARCTIC. The BEST winter OVERSHOE t NO BtrKLES to break! 1 m TE0CBLE to pot on ! meat, uenteei, sijnsn i ASK Y01BSH0E DEALER FOR IT! s XX FLINT Ol.tSS LA HP CHIUXEYS. tnnd Heat better than any etbsr made Ask for Ditbridge's and take no other. See that our nam is on everv toi. DiniKlDUK & SON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send lor l'rice List. $30. WB V7XX.2. FAT $30. Acents f-'to per week to sell our great and valuable discoveries. If you want perm menu, honorable and pleauanl work, apply tor particulars. Address UY tu o lu., dacason, jnicn. Ol)1 A MONTH ! Horse furnished. Expense! paid. H. B. SHAW, AUred, Me. AVI Q,l'C !. A victim of early in dissrrlioo eausiog debility, nr mstnre decav. etc.. tmvtnt; tried lr. vain every ad venist-d remedv, has discovered a simple means ol seir-ctn e. which he will send to his feliow-sufferers. Address J. H. KKEVliS, 78 .Nassau St. N. Y TlliH ' YV ".' i XPrslEitlc IN Tnt TREATMENT OP Chronic and Kriail Liiseases. A Physiological V.ew of Marriage. The cheapest book ever published con'ainin Flu: ihMs REMINGTON'S Soli by thn Srade Generally. sTA Liberal Dissount to Dealer. O.Otln furui.hed the C 8. Government 0.0' 0 " European Government. Aray, Navy, Belt, Police aud Puckat Ravol vera; Kepeating and test rocket risiol and Rifle Canes, u lag M.t.llic Cartridge, Breeeh load tag and Kevulving R'tlt. B. KLUlDUIOi A 6U.S. oct33-dI6w Iluok, . Y. nearly three hundred ptres. aud one-bnndred aud tinny tine plates and ciigiaviiiss oi tne ana omy oi the human orgjns in a state ol bealib and di.ea-e. wiia a ireattpe on early enois, t s aepionioie conse anences upon tbe mind and oodv, witti the auibor'. plan oi ireaimeui lue ouiy rational aim successiui mode ot cute, as slioun by a report oi cases tieatea A tiuihlul adviser to the nuuried and iboe couiem p'atiuir m.irringe, who euuuatu doubts ot betr physical conotiiou. Sent free of postage to any ad- Uless. on receipt of twenty live tents in stamps or oostal currcocv. nv anaressiiii; un. i.a v huia. Al MdioVeu Lane. Albanv. . Tbe auibor may be constilteu uoou any ol be aweases uton wnicu nis book treats, etuier persnnany or iiy malt, ana meui- Cllies tteui to any pari ol me wotia XSA4V. omao Mercarj or Calomel Is th great remedy tbat physician appeal to and ua. almo.t entirely in all of th Liver. There are thou. and at the prsicnl time tbat are aufieriag wita the rbeumalio p in. in thejuinta, by the a.e of Calomel which ha. created a di.eaie of it. oa worse than that wbien it waa iutended to cure. there i. ao drug that lean it mark aor promiu.nt ia the ay.tem let, perbapa, tbeia ate time, .ben it can be given, and have a benifieial eflert. but bjul aot be dealt outaa it has been, ant. t. at the preient tima, by th. tbat pretend to know what ttey are d. icg, but in reality do aot Tbe Ltver ia more liable o d'.eaee tban any other o. gan in tbe haaian .y.tem, and when that fail io do it duty it le.v. tbe weak point of th oody, as the Ml i. not thrown off, bet taken ap by the Mend a. it panes through tbi great filter uf the ajattm. and beeome impure. Then follow a trait of disecae), whose name ia Legion. There ar meoy ifc at .offer from psin in th id and aero, th. body, doll, heavy, drow.y feelirg, beaOavhe, pain in the right aide, 'iften .overs pain in tbe bowelr, eoitivet. . Cat nlener, diar hea, more or lee inaigertion. lot of appetite, sallow .kin, white of tbe eye. yellow, -.inking of flV b, depression t.f spirit, at other time, a great erav;ng for food. Feme of these .ymptom. are .med only by torpidity of the Liver. If i ipoeible to give all th. jmptotna of a deranged Liver, and they are all eureable without t a aid ef Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, Tbe lymptom. of which are, pain in tbe rlgb) side running to tbe h elder, a lo.. ef .ttengtL, appetite ami enrrgy, a rente of pprti n. low ae.s ot spirit., .queami.hDea. ot the .ton.rh, t yellow!-h e.tsd tongue, rertle.t nesa. fright ful dream, all of whisb yield to ihr is fluster ol TATLOR'S STOMACH AND LITER COK REfTOR,' of hish encogb should br taken to ause a apecdy and free evacnation of the bewei Indigestion or Bjfpsia, Is a weakness or want of power o the digestive uioes .a ibe U.niacli to avaaii eki and itrina mlw liaaltby mailt r lor ib uoaiiiha.tat tbe wiioi. sy.itiu. It ia casta by ery- bing tha land, to weaken tbe body, and mute pari.cularly tbe . htail , it bvi qkite uue h It et ih disease, to which weareliaLle, proced fiom it. lndigeation pioouce. a great variety ot unpieateui feeitcg. AmOLg tba aio.t (iromment ol it. mteerael eStcta iu, a want of, or an iaordiuate et ittite, aometiint attended with a oon.tant craving tor drink, aonr stomach, grinding pain, in the etoaaik, Utprta a.on ol .pint, aiova of mmd, ftetlulnrn, watt- iog ol flesh, luaa of tn.rgy and strength, very rritable, heart bum, annUasant last in tne uiuuih and mmbliag ia the boweia. In tune ast. ot uepravaa iiidige.tKB, tLtie la a com plete for tooa, at other tiaeiaper.on so afflicted eau eat heartily without B-rxh grali tieauon A long tfin ol LerTon niptcni are i.o frequent attendant., general detautj , great aoguidnea. and incapacity tor exeriion. as. . ibu. of pet.on. ao anlicted f'tquenti) become iritabl. ari d. ponding, and gieat anxiety ia jbtervabla in tbe eoaateaaace; they appear tboaghtfui, melanoholy, and d.jeoted, oder grvat appreheaiion of lome imaginary danger, ill atart at ana unexpected noiae or occerrcnce, and auuen agitated, let for ail thia ihe Bind exbilerated wnbont much difficulty, pltaking venu ua eociety will for a time dl.aipate all pearaaoe .1 dmaw. Ota.r .ymptom. are, vi lent balpattiion, atatles nets with a seat ei weight and odpres.ion on the cheat, Bigbt- sare. ete It i. aim. t t. poa.tbl. to tiaroe all he sjuijiooj. o ihi. invad.r upon the conatita- ion, as in a most tvtry ease or inaigesiion, bete will probably be .omtihing p collar to Mb, bat b. what tbey may, tbey sr. all oc.a- iuutd by the lood teiomiri a burain, rather haa suiipoit to the ttumacb.asd in all ita sta- the msdieme nist wantd i that which .ill aBord apeeey at.itta"ct to the oige.uve or- .n. aad give eiirrg aud a rtnirtb te tba ner vnui aad mu.cular ay.t.m, and a nw life to he whole bo'ij , and aothmg caa be. and tfcere . nothing, that will aire o q-iick reliel, a. 1 ay r' Stomarb and Liver Cornetor, th Great Remedy for Blood, Liver and fckin Ditee ea, and t'roa one to four bottle, will effect a cure. n. rowAB i. l. rasBBAB (. M. lineman k Bro. Manufaotnrer ef FINE HARNESS 3 GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BV IHK Hong Kong Tea Com'y Branch Bouse, Palace Kow, RO(b ISLAkP, ... II Wheie we r oCertag anrivalltd Teas, at tha Same low uriees aa at tbeir "B. stern Housa. By Importing Tea ta catgo lot, thy aaab a. ta retail to the eoa.unie at extremely Unti l to vi-it the Bon Kong T,.t fauao. tt w, where wi.l be louad tn taest, pareat ana Tea., Cot ea. and Sp ce, at priee bayoad competition. ysw3a POW ARM a rrlBKatJia. eg Sick Headache Tho that r labieet to it only know Jlarr.aailiBT f IT 111 II t it 1. Iia ' ' . WtrajPalBJar OV sav SJ I a aj a , sicca r. A. Bral -' "'" ...ion, followed bya-'rr.a.e pate, a lb. ete aaeb, ..1 vomit-ug aad thvn for a d) ort.o,.per.o feel. tboa.U tbe) baa a . .1.1.... Ore A of e will cure firft at- taeb.d, "iid one to tnr(e noiue. - r mantnt care. Janndire. J.OiKI.0011 ere ef Choi Farming aad 8ra- xing fc.o. n una m lu road, in the Slate of Nebraska, in the Great Platte Valley Sow for aal, for ab er locgore4it. Th-s laeds are ia a mild aal healthy climate aad for grata-griwleg aad .took-ralaing, ansar passed by any la th United States. rrieos ranffe from 02 to 810 per v anvcre , H0MHTBAD8 TOR ACTUAL 6STTLIR8. I 600,000 Aeree ef Qtsraraaeat Land betweea Omaha aad North Pl.tte, open -for entry as eaesteede ealy. SOLDIERS OF WE LATE WAR Are entitled to a fSCI H0MB8TEAD OF 169 AC&Bi, witbta Railroad Hmita.eqnai te a Xtirwct Bjnaty of 9100. Ssnt for tk new edition of do riptive pea ahlet. with new aap mailed 'r ever wpere 9 Adtre. - ' V.4 L..d Ooaiml.loaar U. F B R C , eenValoaw Sabw Omaha, Ken. AT Cistnbntlcn ta the The Only EeUatls Gift - venniryj H60.000.00 T , , isr vaiuab i. xi a x r TO SB BISTBIBCTED II L.D.SINE'S 142nd &XGULAK M0MTHLY giMEUPRISE, To be draw. Konday Kew. ST, 1871. " W0 GRAND CAPITALb OF $5 .000 each io Greenbacks Two Pr.ZMl,0OOM i t I Fi Puze. W 1 h!GCI.UlMv. ieaPiizcs U00 i- H'hole S umber Cash UifU 1.000 1 FLtK. Q.1FT Warerooma, 114 Chambers Street, ALSO, Itrns for Farming. Teaaing, Truefciag.Cart- ia v, Kxpre.sing, Contractors', Is Com pti..', Livry Biabl', Coup, Roa. Ceaob, Baine and FUaaare Ce, at,$10, $12, SIS $20..25to$500 per Bat Bead for dsscriative list oct21 d3m EDfClTIOML. 1 Hcree A Baggy, witn Silver muuated tlar.e.., worth R0t. One 'n tonad Rosewood Piano, worth SoOO. ten Family 'ewing ataohine., worth lit)"1 each FlT Heavy ' based Uold Baatinc Watcbs end Heavy Hold Cbain,wrtb $.400 eeob. ,w uold Am.rloaa Bantt.ig Wckaa. worth i3 eacb. Tea Ladiaa Uoia Haatiaa Watc'-ea. worth tli'S eaoh. gOO Gold and Sliver Lever Bunttnr Watches (in all) lAdlee' Gold lontioe Cbait.s. Oeat's Gold Vest r!? : uu..r.n atml c..ifH- Solid silver and Double v'""r7s:. : i: .. i. iuj mi,n KH.-r.nuted Dinner Forks. Stlvnr Vest VD..U. a -W'-i - KMStDtn. Sbirt 1S- M5r7 BuTZZ riir Kla, Uold Pens. Wal, mimber Oifts a.000 TickeU Limited to W,000 A i theral Premiums will be paid. whom UOOTOS0, -T.,,b,. ivT Tv m,v.u Single We- - 'i.ntrs conUiuina a fuh list of priaea. a deacrip tw ibe auu' of drawing, and iTbor infornauon tloa at io i - rii.,rthu,.n la, huI to any IS tbem All i lettemurtbe addr-od to CISCLNATL O. Omcx, ttl W. 6tb 8t octl-awiy JOHNSTONS MILLS Mannfactrrsol Choiee family 17 L O TJ -art Froa lcUd Spring nd Winter, pre.aiy for th eity ttade. ALL KIND9 0 Flour and Meal . icrr (ir rRlkbl, a fatTrcn aturslly I Kaa-I. a ike City. J8. A. R0TLB, Agent frsal a.fl !l:".is mrh'-l" E0CK ISLAND BiiMineHH Oollejr; 0PBN DAY AHD EVENISG, Ter Ladies aad Q.atUasa, Boys Hisses. attending. Evening eotl2dtf A large number new School well attended. ACADEMY or THB Immaculate Conception DATISPORT, BCOTt C0-, IOWA. C0IDCCTED BY THB SISTERS OF CH1EITI B. ?. M. WlUoaan U. th 8ai-aanaal 8sion WtdDcsdtj, iogast I6ih, 1871. u iocornor.iod l acoordenc with the taw of tee Bute, thi in.titatioa confers tbe t-f t o.lagiat danriKS up. n ht graduate. For Clreu wis addre auf 43a bHIEB 8CPERI0I. Niagara Steam Pump Wolka- -a - When you s.e.p.:.on.. v..lo. a. bag, (a f' u i.Ja.noice.c.used ?.7der..ea.tol tbe Liv.r,by the berg .'Ifrlteceod w th '',"; le r-- " . ssans into the bewei. cor th wont case. Oae to three bottle, wi" Cosriveness. i a. tian Charles B. Hardick, Ho. 9 Adam street. BBOOKLYM,... , ..KVT YORK Sole Mssafstarer sf ' ITardiek's Patent Doubts-Actlsg Sleam Pomp and rire hagine Mining Pumps a Specialty Patented in Baglaai, oelgis 8end for circular. Tins Iscaawd by a alaggi.b, torpid tatof tbe Liver, aad S.ran.amsBl of th whol .y.tem. It j. surprising ibt there ate so aeay tnubled ,,ib this dn'res-it g dire and give it e little attention. Tae aikeaae tnai lollow naeitnai rostivene. are nia.y, of which Buk Heaoaebe. Ru-k ef Blend to the Head, Dy.psy.ia, Pile. rlsart, Luag and Bkia Diaeaae aad Faaala and Kidney Complaint are alwaj aggravated by it. Many ir.ort to pill, ai d never bare a free evaraatioa of the bowels without their aid. To he, I say, tup and, . every pill you tk OBtin mercary, which will in tim cause yo te regret tbe enarae yon bava takes By using Taylor's "temacb aad 1 lar correcior, yoa will aot need to take pilla, two to four bott! will sore yen.' Per fale by all Druggi.t. and D.aler In Medl- eiae. TliECEST MEriCIXE ETER MADb and Kraaee aug'ldly FOR Mil. N. S. TaAYLOR, SOLE PROPRIETOfc, IU Waba.k As, aa.0deod-wowl .CHIOAflA