Newspaper Page Text
r"vi-wr w,- WES OF ADVERTISES. . ess.. v. .e-,. , lei (Mil laaara. ! tka M.apiaa by tan Aaoxxj r&tsrix&a oosxr.T, tiaai of loltd aoBparail, Oaa Dollar for ana ia. wane. 'iiiirwmmw' t'iaMenia,B..?W'oaMv ww"w;nww , a-' a. '" 1 1 i . X: 1 ; in ill , Ml i iin-Bi Hi im i i r Mi-aa i WKTX l lV r rrw . " 1 .rw-trvri? lV 5 i Ul I I VVJ 1 Q JT, N wA, 1 1 - v Vila '-T raWr l Z r m ' Tl&m Daut Asset. It it1 (payable la ntveeee),p.reaaeaa,l-A Hv stall ni aa.athe, . By Mail " I iki,.. r m.ii - i ...i..... i' BwVBr flfr -fl.eeraa. IB fiwtlMrtwk 8ieie Conn Cnti. TSaMfl.- Wiiitr Asses. Me jte, (payablet a edvaate) ..IJ.M Tee Copies " " IMI Treaty Capiat " . " . flirty O.plea ' ' aCM . n i if i i i 1 ! i i r ... i . iiy i ii i ii i it l ii I iisi vj i i 1 1 j 1 1 i 1 1 ii i it i ...,-.f- ii ii ii nil .Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1871. Established Oct. 18, 185 Bpaaial Botieaa, 19 aaat. par haa. Wfc.n ia- an4 aioatka ar mora, It par aaat abate raga- lar adT.rti.inj rate. - vDBBiaicMiPBit .or r.ii. lr.anaa aatoag r.adiag atattar, ti aaata par liaa. - c t : , iAiLt u wiiut. A aneotat or 20 par east, will b mada from tbe Waakly rataa, oa yearly and half yearly eaatraetf , vboa tka taaa ; taattar la UnrM la botk Daily an4 WaakJy. , Donbla Colaaiaa will bo ebarged J par east alditioaal. ' i ForntraaaiaalalTarttMrnaa adraa.a pay atUratairaa. K1PID GtOHTD tF f. LcriS. I, f ding Bmiai XSovttt Setnr TrrasiarrtA from Mala to TifUi treat ZTew . BoUdlaf Srtad by Oolliar hairs, to ba Occapiad by-Jadd, Browa 4l Co. Cbe Com mercial rrotparlty of tha City, terete . Tba bHleideoe of toe waalth aaa prot pr.tTof aoity Uita grawtK. Tha ba proof of iu eomaiarcial ad.aactnDt ia tbe ipaotioa or ita merohanta, ruaaulHctorer. and bnaiaaaa rnaa. Tha parmanaat and rapid growth of St. Lia'n liooa tha eloaa of tha war baa aatoa iihsd tba buaioati mea of tba Kat, aad aioited tba ear of bar rival ciiiaa ia tba Waat. Tba oaw lifa that baa beaa iafaaad ioto ber eapitaliaU, ia applying tbair meant to tha building op of the citj.and giving aid to tba forwarditg ef all aaterpriaaa of a public ebaraotar, it marked, aod beabacome a object of comment all orer tba cooa- The rourohaaU and botioaat man are en larging tbair faoililiei to acoomodata tbair iaorca-sio trade, and ba paore fall enabled to toecajufolly compete vitb ather great oitiet of oar ooantrj. Tbe leading jobbert and importer are tranaferriag their itocka of goods ta more desirable localities on Fitth street, irhere a Bomber af large and ooatlr bo.inett booses are in process of completion, ready for ooeopaacy for tbe fall trade. Tbe clats of buflJingt now ia nrooets or erection oa r ilth street will compare farorab'r ia magnitada. and baaoty with nay in either of tbe large cities of tbe United Stater. The one now receirin? the fioi.hiog touches, on tbe corner of S. Charles and Fifth streets, excels ia beautr aoJ magnitude any boaiaets Lou.-e iu St. Loait, and, with ar few exceptions, any is New York, or either of tLe large oiiiet. Theittloof architeoture is Italian, aad ii a proud mnuuoieiit i tbe enterpriae jl t.bra!itr of tha Meiers. Oilier, tba O'tiert, at wetl at ao oraameal to tbe-city biob ebalieoges the admiration of alt who It. Tba enterprising 6rm of Void, Brown 1 C . hare beoome toe leesttts for a term of tear, and will bae their immenae a lock of ilrj jioda arranged ia it ia time fjr the rand opening, wbiob will take place oa the first day of September. We treat a brief de scription ot tbia truly grand strooiure will it prja uninteresting to tbe general reader. The bas-aat is 115 feet wide, by 140 df3, extending ander the sidswal'ks on K.fti and St. Charles streets, and twelve tent ia height, being in itself a magnificent stare-room, aod is lighted frem tbe front aod aide by Hyatt's illuminated tiliog, and Iron the rear by ground giets lights, forrn- iag ptrt of ths fljor of the first story Thi fir-it Ujor is supported by fifteen ciroolar caat-irjn pillar., that not only uphold tha girdert that sapport tbs door, bat add moch 1 1 tbe symmetry and beauty of tbe bate XDitni. waiob it ooooreted and cemeuied. To eaginss are plaoed ia the rear end, for ths purpose of running twa of tbe Miller eieratsrs, one to eonrey beery boxes aad gooit from the basement to tbe "fifth fljor ; the o;ber for tha acoommodalion of the ons tomert of tbe houte. These engines hare p jwer enoogh to propel ths slerator from t jo tu ooe hundred and fifty feet per minute. One of Hoot's celebrated Patent Safety Boil ers it aitoated ander tbe rear alley; it it CVhorte power, aad will supply steam to beat tha eutire buiidiug ia oold weather and run lbs elerators. Tue first story is IP feet high, baring as irjn front, with handsome pillars, erowned . . ... . . i with Uorinlbiaa capitals wmcn support tns tc -oi story. There are twe'.re opeaiogs oa Fifth street, eme of wbioh are filled with toe fiaett quality of French plate glass, eix l.-ei wiJe aad fourteen feet high ; tbe other three to be need as doorways ; three win dow of same sice oa St. Charles street, and two others oa either eide of the eatraooe at tbe east end of the building oa St. Cnerlet street, aod same site as those ia front. The ground floor is 100 feet ea Fifth street, extending baok 125 Cpet oa St. Charles. The offices and olerkt' desks are upju this floor, aaolosed by, black walnut anl glass screens, which is really an exhibi tion of a high arder of -mechanical work manship aad taste. Tha rear aad of this 11 oor is lighted by aa immense, skylight. Two flights of stairs, one ia front and ooe in roar, lead to the fifth floor. The general finish of tha room is much finer tbaa aay we bare seen iu the East. Tbe third, fourth and fifth floors, are not so high as tbe first story, bat are fiaisb ei in the saise style. There are 200 large windows in the building, making it one of tbe best lighted butinsss houses to be found iotas United States. Tbe four upper stories, frontiag on Fifth street, are built of the beautiful cream uo.ored magoesiaa limestone ram the ote4 .uarriee near Joliet, Illinois, which is so extensively used ia St. Loais and Chicago iu frosts of ths finest and most costly build in.. The top is crowned with ao elaborate comic, and a balotlrade extends around tbn whole roof, which adds mach to the bnauty and appearance of tha building. Tbe St. Cbarlea front is built of pressed brick. , ',",-, Great credit should be given to tha enter pri.Hs of Dodd, Brown A Uo., who have be-, tint the lessees, and for whose benefit this ediGoa has been erected, at tW inaugurated of an enterprise wbiob will be of so much advantage to tbe city of St. Looia, and tha p'anniag of the baildiog in its peculiar adaptability to tbs purpose for which it ia to be uted. Of the five treat nrinoelv Drv GooiU Ettablithmeota ia tha United States, whose busiest! is estimated in millions ia place of thousands, that of Dodd, Brown ft Co. of Ht. Loais is mach the youngest, bat has growa more rapidly tban either of the others They inaugurated their wholesale Dry Goods home aear tbe dote of the year 18(G,and within the short period of five years have bee a eompelled to traaefer their stock of goods to larger houses two different tiiret, to enable them to transact their im msutely inorearor butiaeee and, to-day, the wholesale Dry Goods houae ef Dodd, Browa ft Co. occupies tha relation to St. Louis that A. T. Stewart ar H. B. CUfllia ft Co. oooapy to New York. Their basiness VERT LATEST -BY TELEGRAPH. J . - j -veii-tj- IVf" I 11 i MOTHER RADICAL THIEF Sympathetic Switzerland. government property. ,xeitemeat tins high. Mia-rais, Oot. 3h Tbe crew of tbe steamer Mary Boyd mutinied this morning, aad attacked tha mate, who shot oaa of them, a negro, twice, wounding him severe ly. Bat tor the arrival of tbe pelioe. the mate would have been murdered. Several of tbe mutineers have been arrested, bat the ring-leaders eieaped, i Dublin, Oot 31. Tha trial of Kelly ereates mach excitement. The police are hissed, and the prisoner cheered ia passing from prison to oourt. . There has been no disturbances of a serious character. New Yore, Oct.. 31. Tbs situation in Lmanicipal affairs remaiaa oocbaaged. Ru mors circulated by the evening papers yes tetday to the effect that Tweed bad resigned his place in the department of publio worka and withdrawn aa candidate for Senator is incorrect. He has not ' withdrawn from either position, and does not intend to do so at present, if at all; ' '- More Hartlal Law Chlcngo ! in Prosecatiwii f the Mormtns ! HURRICANE AT. 8BA ! CONSPIRACY L SPAIN ! INDEPENDENT CHICAGO TICKET ! Daily Market Review. iVtDBSDs.T Brasilia, Hot, 1. Flour, Family brand., p barrel..! rloar, tad qaality.. Wh.t , , , Barley , Oats....... Baokwheat Floar...... Braa, ton ... bis Smff.... . - .... Oora Meal, wt... Cora. ipplaa.... Pol.l.u Ontona .... White Beam (nary) If f dok Batter Lard --. Hry Pratria... I imomy - 1 7 eo 7 oo 1 OSal 15 eueaSe ' 27a2Se 8 U0a9 00 14 0 SS 0 60al 80 SOe 2 COat Ot asaase 18a21o 1 SOal li 2 S0a22e 18a25s KalHe OUalO (10 10 (Hlall 00 Slough Hickory Wood, "j aord ........ 0k W.od, do Coal Valley Coal, buabel..., .. 7 Oda 8 00 T 00 ... 6 5ftaS SO General Summary. Market Beports. R.porud Izpraealy f.rtka Aasus. now extends threogbonl too length ana brenlth of the great Mississippi Valley, in eluding New M sxioo, Colorado, and all tha Territories, embracing an area of country ranch larger aad wider than pays tribute to eiiber of the great oities of tba West. Sinoe the disaster ta Chicago there has been a larrs increase af trade to St. Louis from tha Northwest aad this house has beaa doing a lerg portion of thst basiness. Ciacias&Ti, Oct. 31. In insane yoaag man yesterday split open the head of his father, Jamea Howell, in Darke county, Ind., while out cutting wood. Tbe Enquirer will to-morrow come out with a lengthy editorial ia favor of tbe nom ination of Ibos. A. Soott, of Peanpylrama, at tne Uemooratio candidate for 1 re.ideal. Coscowi, N. il Oct. 31. Kirhteen bna- j ... . urea eneep and six feortea, brought through from Canada by Raz ft McKarland, were aeized last aigbt while at Hirer Junction. oy me oustom umoera, lor underva.iation. San FaiKrisca, Oct. 31. Mrs. James Sullivan, of Bay Point, Coatra Costa ooun ty, while quarreling at their table with her brother ia-law, aeized a abot gun and blow.d the whole top of his head off. St. Louis, Oot. 31 The report of the arrest of Mrs. Ruth, at Lawrence, Kansas, for alleged complicity in the murder of her husband by Dr. Medhcott, is confirmed She is now ia jail Seymour Voallaiue, a prominent criminal I lawyer of this eity, tbe first hatband ef Mrs. Kuta and lather ot her ohildroo. ta bow ta Lawrence, and to day obtained poeseeeion of the three youngest children. Fbiladblpbia, Oct. 31. Tbe Enterprise Issorauce Company, of this eity, was foroed to sutpead oa aocooat of Chicago losses. Deputy Sheriff Irwin, radical, eoavicted of taking illegal fees, baa been pardoned by the Governor. BacsssLS, Oct. 31. The King of tbe Belgians has made a donation of f 2,500 francs to tha Cbioago relief fund. QcxtKBTowir, Oot. 31. The Inmaa steamship City of Brussels, from New York Oct. 21st, bound for Liverpool, called here this morning. Her oommander reports having enooontered a hurricane, yesterdsy off tbe Irish coast, daring which the foanh officer was lost overboard, aad several of tbe crew eeverely injured. Fiats, Oct. 31. It is thought none of the Communists remaining in prison will be ex euted, exoept M. terre. New.York, Oct. 31. A late Paris letter ssyt the working classes manifest no dispo sition to labor, and that ia many instances trade is suffering, both from waat of skilled artisans aod from habits ef idleness eon traded daring the eeige. Ia rebuilding workmen will only consent to restore what some of their own number hare contributed to destroy, or on the payment of exhorbi tant wages, and even then often leave their work half done. Madrid, Oct. 31. Further arreatsof con spiralors have been made at Barcelona, an aaaitionat evidences ot tbeir guilt are brought to light. Stores of arms, bomb and other warlike implements were disoov ered. The International eocietv is at tb bottom of the plot, aod men arrested are tk foremost members of that organizatict. CuiCAoo, Oc;. 31. A meeting of Itecub : j I. ... . uoau too l'emooratic politicians who art distalisGed with the Union ticket for ooanly ana oity omcers recently nominated here, has been in session here sereral days, and to-day noany agseed upon an opposition ticket, oomposed of Republicans and Demo crats. U. C r. lloldea ia nominee for Mayor, Ira W. Buell for Judge of Superior Court, aad Lambert Tree (or Judge of the Circuit Court. Wasuihotox, Oct. 31 The Consul Gen oral of Switserland, Hilts, haa reoeived a letter from the President of that Kepublic, atating that the people express the warmest eympatby for sufferers by the Chicago ere, and that liberal subscriptions are being made for their relief. At a Cabinet meeting to-day n petition from Chit-ago was read, signsd by repre sentatives of both nolitieal oartiea. aakiof tkat troops be stationed in that city for tbe protection oi property, those which were there immediately after the fire baring been withdrawn. In accordance with the peti- n. i l i ..r. ' oeea issued by whioh a portioo of the infantry will be dispatched naWtn FOR IE!. FOR ..RESIST- PIANOS AND ORGANS ! AT Tolui Zimmerman's Ve. 10 aaia Street, D AMm poT, IOWA. All iaatraaioats warranted. T.raaa reat.aable. , . . . , epr-d7sa . WOOD,: LIGHT. & CO., Mannfaetarera et ffffn I 3 ! 0 1 . oa o r'a t i2.lB lis rjjjl vjL - i - Ay ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLIN'EEtS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, V f. ' Oan SSachiaary. - ; , DOUBLE MILLING ' MACHINES, Mill Work, ShafUng aad Haagert, Patent Self OiUng Box. WAKEHOrSH: lOT LIBBRTY 6T., SKff YORK CITT MAX U FACTORY : HAMMOND ST., (Opa. Jaaetion Depot), WOlCBiTBK, MAPS. All Traiat entariac the City, ttop witbla t.a redt of our Worka. J.10 dtf ARTISTIC TAILORIHC. 1TB W ABVSB.XXZBXSZS'Va 697 WABASH AHUWt OBZOAOO. ORAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR ; - . (iBNUENBS'l USE. WEDDING OUTFITS A 8PKCIALTT. Bhlrti to Meanre Extra Deabl. and P.rfeet la irit. Clergymen will be allew.d per oent, ditaaaat. teblSdly JUNDURAN60I liss, Keene &Co's Fluid Extract. THE WONOEBFUL REMEDY FOR CANCfSR, 81PHILI, bCEOKDIA, UI CBRCI, SALT StHRUSS, AND ALL OTHBet CHRONIC BLOOU IJI8SXA. ES. Dr. P. T. KEEN R h.Tiiw Inst retnrnpd from V-. dor and bronht with him a quantity of the genuine CINDUKANlsO HAKK. aeenred thronirh iln nm. clal reconiniendatiun and aasuUince of Hi. Excelluo- cy in rrenaeut of Ecuador, aud Iho Government of that Repnbllc, we are prepared to nil orflere for it to a uumru exient, ana at a price aoont oue-qnarter or that Which the coot of thtt flrirt. vnrv RTnnll utnnl, compelled us to charge. Our Fluid Extrmt is prepared from tbe reun- k -,iNDrB"00 Makk from Lo.ia. Ecuador, fecured ; - i"" Kuiaormeg oi tbat country. oia by all Uruirmata in pint bottle harin? on thenfour niune, trade mark aud full direction for use. frice. iv. utuonuory no. bo cedar at.. New York. Tl BUSS.KEEXE CO. D. W. Bliss. M. D., Wahiii(rton, U. c; Z. E. Bflw, .. D., Kew York ; P. T. Keene, M. D., N.w York. MEDICAL IXSTKCMENT8. " Oaviemza asrtteu , I . "arsAee, Oet. 31. Flour Qaiet aad la fait leeal demand; wis tar extraa f S TAa.S 25 ; low grade to faooy ipnag aalrat 4 251 3. i atot.rateiy actiT. sat lower; a .p.bibs at $1 20. iu. : II 2t for taller last half or.. Sat deoliaioc rapidly aud eioaiag rapidly at 11 leseaahar ov : $1 Jo ssllsr la.t half sr.; small lot bard No 1 apiiugtold alfl 124; u 3 at Si Ileal IS. Cora Qaiet aad tt.ady; .No Z l4ioaa ; 46 for teiier Koresaber; yellow 80: rejected 45Ja 46a; new corn, seller first hall A.rcoiber at 40.. Oata Quiet and ataady ; No X et 30c oaah; JOJs taller laat half November: S24e teller January. Ry. Dull aad aatier; ao i 60jc; rejoeted ilo Barley Dull and lower ; No 2 elo.od nomi- al at b&ie ; N. 1 told in tpacial hou.e. 44a 444e. Whitky Dull aad weak at 88a. Preri.iont laaotiv.; a..t pork nominal at $12 75 eaah talee of 00 bbla. taller January at 12 75 ; fifty tiercel sew. Lard Cjo. limn Hams Bold at To. Batter Cbotee ia eetlv. d.mand and firm at Z32Je. Ega Firm at 25e. Heeeipta Floar 730 ; wheat 55,360 ; eorn 36,710; e t 46S14 ; rye 6S84 ; brley lJa.'S. Sbi.m-a a Flour 1V77 : wheat TMu,; norm S3 14; oata 29688; rje 7341; barley 25S5. COPP & BEO., Liven and Sale Stables. Office under Dart's HaU, ROCK IILAND.M ...I LLP. Mott Gomelota Ettablithmest ia tha Oity Patttealar attortiotipatd to furaiafaing Carriage. lor parties, Balls, rreoeiaiont, ete mu4dly n: IC4TI0S1L. ST. LOUXS. ALVOSr ABD Bock Island lia4road ! STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice It hereby Eirea that the annual meet ing of the Stockholders of thlt Oompany will ba held at tba Cempaay't offlc. ia the eity ef Bock Inland, oa Thar. day, tbe 2Jd day 01 2iorember. at 12 o'oloek aoon. JAS. R. T0CNG, Rot D. Caost, Freaideat. Secretary. Rock Ialaud, Oot 19, 1S71- dtd E0CK. ISLtND Btitiin.eeis Oollesre! OPIS SAT ASD EVSNIIO, -For Ladies anS Osntlsmen. Boys at Hisses. A larg. Bumber n School wall attended. att.cding. Ereuiug oet12 dtf Dr. Hurley's Ague Tonic - - - , ... Purely Verwtable! Wo Arsenic. TXo BXercarj ia ts compoaltion X OF TH1 Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, IC0TT C0-, IOWA. CCIDCCTED BY THE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. 3. Walieommne it 1 5th Semi-aVDnaavl Seseioa Wednesday, August lGih, SS7I. B.inr incorporated ia acoordarea with tb. law. of tb. State, thi. lastitatioa oont.r. the anal coil.giat. d.grMt epos ita gradual... ror Ulnculart addrct augl-dim bISTER 6CPERI0E. NO CfHE, 90 PAT, It dirastlons be follow ed. Ne taa in taklac aa at we put no poieoa in ear (uediaiaes. per bottle. One dollar Dr. Hnrlfj's Storaaen Citifrs: Ktk.ran.dr. war azMll.aee. f r all diseaaes n.ln from debilltr. diaordered stomaoh. ... of an petite, toraid hrar, ladlgettion, aaa all kindred ailments, where a gentle and p.rma- oeat .timalaat aad tonle 1. required. Pleasant te take. One dollar per bottle. Or Hurley's Sj rnp of Strsaparilla WITH IODIDBOF POTASH. TBIa I'rcparslios baa loag beea recogcij.d bv th miada la th. idioal Profossivn at tb. boat reliable, aaarcbiag and barmteea aJteratir. within their r.aeh, and at t load Purifier itoertual ttandt witboat ariral. One doUar per bottle. UrSetsrook's iafant Seothisg hyruf IlIE iaditpenaable remedy in the a ornery . So more uto for laudaaam, pareeerie, Bate aa's Drone, or ether atroce opiatet. No bad effeeta from the ate et Seabroek'e. Health to the ehild.roet to the meth.r, aad a elaar ooneeieaee ta to. randor. Tw.nty-flre oent per bottle. Dr. UurleVs Fepular Worm fasdy TS really all it claim, to be a SPECIFIC re. 1 moriar all worms from the haman vueera. Ne harmful affeet from ita use. Child rea lore it. No danger in giving aa orerdoae. Twenty-five sentt per box. BL1C.UKG. KEEP YGUB FEET DRY ! Buck's Water proof Composition WXZ.Ii SO XT 1 It win Keep oat n ater rroa. tb. thinned Boots. It will k..p aut Water from tbe Bu. Itwillkaea oat Watei froa LadUa' thinaMt I Bhoet. Will positively keep oat Saow Water. It will make the leather .oft and pliable It will not change theeo'er of leather It mil not injur, the leather ia aay way, bat will poaitirely preserve it. It will not interfere with blacking and poliah- la g. It it good for backtkla er leather gloves. It it the b.t droning ever need en aarnets. It la aa artlole loot; datlrad aad eae that will fulfill all th. advantag.i alaima for It. Also Real Japan Blacking ! TJ8KD BY EVBRYBODt. Manafaetnred by BVOSZiAtTD 6l CO., 209 Weeaingtoa atre.t,. CHICAGO ILL. For tale by all G rotary Dealers and Boot takers. s.ptlfi-dm.w A w3m Treasury Department. Ornca or Coftolleb or rat Ccbbescv. WismsTos, Oet. Tih, 1X71. j Woititk, by tati.faetory evideaoe pre.enUd to the bat been made to appear that "The hork Mand Sam,al Jinnk. m te City of Kotk Island, in la. Citify of Rock - Utnd fut( State vf JUinma hat beeu duly organ ited ander and aecordiug te tbe requirements ef the Act of Ceagrett, eatitled "Aa Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge of I oil. J States Bonds, aad to provide lor the cir culation and redemption thor.of approved Jan. 3rd, 184, and has complied with all tbe provisions of said Act req.ired to ba complied ith before eomm.aeing the bu.inef. ef Bank ing, under laid Act. Now therefore, I, Hiland R. Bilbord, Comp troller of tbe Currency, do hereby certify tbat "Th. Rock Itland Natieaal Bank" in tbe city of Book ia Ike county of Rock, and State of Illinoit. i. authorized to oommenc. tb. butine. of Basking aa l.r the Actafnre.aid. Ir ttt:m-. J whereof. witees my l. t. band and Seal of otfio tbi. 7th da of OH!t4.ber, IS7I. HI1.ASD R HILBCRD, je.-J.SS9. Comptroller of Currency. Tbe Rock I.laad National Bank will opea for bs.lnest at Ne. 23 W. Illinoit ttreet, November 1st, 1671. Ben. Harper, " John W Bpeneer, J Peter Friet, Edward DurraJl, Jr., Directors. J. R. Wilsoa, I A. Benedltt, I T. J. Robia.on, T .T ROBTS80H. Pre.ld.nt. BBS. BARPKK. Viae Pre. t. A. BENEDICT, Ceabier. October 25, 1S71 dGOt D1V1D 1. KISKL, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Instruments, f ASP 9alvaulo Batteries ef all Kinds and SUss 64 A 66 Canal Street, CHI C AGOjm.hhm .....M.... ...... ......... I Fill. All Kinds ef Kleotre-Maguetis Instruments Neatly .Repaired at short notice. Alao Models manSo of all detcriptiont on abort notice. oct4-d3m ' DCLIIOTIO rLTJIU. Wickes' EGLEvTIG OIL I ODOK, AND It it prepared IS ENTIRELY ITH0l'T has uo ezplottre properties. at tbe HITDSCX BiVCS CIL W0BE8 ! For ute iu ordinary Keroaeae Lamps. Noacsident la possible from careless uae, or breaking of Lamps. For sals In Rock Island by Jeka Beogtten. oct21-3mwoo R1EDF0RD El Tf. DrSeabeok'i tvlixirofBark andlros TUE Great Tonis and Appetizer. Ooe dollar X per bottle. All for tale by druggists every whor.. J. W. BEATON A 00., Proprietor!, oot27-deod-eBwfAw4m Louisville, Ky. Sold by John Bengetoa WOOD PRESEttYIXG ! BT THR Namuels Process. ri mi BSTABUSmiS Z7X TJHZOAaO AMI x tire fiOfii.a'8 MibNEllt OIL AND "Liver jPills KB THE MOST WOkTDKRFUL 0URA- M.dicia.a now known. Tkey contain no artaale, ne pol.ono-. drag, oi aay kind to m J or. tbe human tyitem. Tse Magaetic Oil is both an InUrnal and external ram.dy. and one that will not only remove pain with. at fall In an almost incredible thort epaae of time, but tubduet inflammation, the aosree ef pale. Tha UVIK ritOLB sot in narmony with the Macnetl. Oil. stimulatias the Liver to a healthy aetioa. streatrthesing the digestive organs, removing . ob.traetien. from tbe Liver aad KiUa.T., eleaaas the bleed, and an vat He tura to thr.w off diteaee. Tb.Maga.tie Oil and Ltrar Plils are prepared aader ike direetsuperrisiea of DS.S. BOGKHf , 306 Dock Street. Pfcn.rflr,hi anil sold br vruggieta and deal.,, in Patent ootJu-oeod-mwAw.orlm ALL tlGITa SALVE, for Corns and Buaioaa, Bolls aad Bora.. In sale by all Brugglttt. 26 nts. par box, or test oa reoelpl ef prioe. ALL ElwIZrwSO Urk It., Ckloaga. Hpl4-dlg ... win .o.iii.. ta) prose cution of Mormons in Utah. If aeeettarv, more troops will be sent to tbat Tareit,.' It is kaowa tbat some Federal officers bare asked for troops to aid ia snakiag erreete but tbis is considered to be Inexpedient un less resistance renders an additional force necessary. Assessor Sbattuck, of MUtaistipp'i, repxttt that aa the eight ot the 23d mat., aa at tempt wae made to bora the Assessor's offioe at Okalona, bat the 6 re was eilia- ssisbed before material damage was done. Tbe Assessor thinks there is no doubt tbe fire was the work of friends of the party of Ke-klux. fire of whom had been arretted that eveoiag aad confined ia fcii ho oar. Threats are freely made agaiast Mr. Hill. Assessor's alerk, for the part ha took ia the affair. Assessor Sbattuck suggests that troops he stationed there ta yreleat tba S shot curias Q BEST IN THE W0RLD.1 Bew York Office, 27 BEEDIAN ET. LlrTEEHCE'S 9IEDF01D RUM. DANIEL LAWRENCE & SONS, Only Manufacturer, of MEDFORD RUM, Still eajoy th. reputation of maaafaelurhig The Best Ram ia the States, Zy autiurized ly Slate Ltcente. Tbe superior quality aod parity of LAWttEKCE'" MKDI'OBD RUM, For the past furtv-w year, hat made it every where knowa at the Staxdaks Bum. Se paiat will bo .pared to maiataia itt pnrltr and high reputation. Tba pablie is caatWned agaiast imitation, and eoonterte tt. ORDER DIRECT FROM CP, and c til! warrant ptrfeet tatirfaetian. Address orders by mail to MEDFORD, MASS., Aad orders by Bxpnts or otherwise 127, 129, 131, and 133 Bread st BOSTON And they will receive prompt attention. DASIBL LAW&1NCE A 8053. oct24-d6m HILLSTdWEDSESSSR. LHBBIS i. CHIsUOL.-rl, Proprietors and Manafacturera of mill mm mmm OTTAWA, Il.t. This celebrated Dr. nor is a perfect sueoess aad all are warranted. myauaiy TOOEHL. SHOW C1SE8. a. w. k saasoa. J. at. wontsrso. ECKE.tOS h TTOBTnWG, Heaufae'tnrers of SHOW CASES 79 Lake 6tre.t, CHICAGO,. ootd-dSm f ..Itt. WILL. M. CAELET0N, autuuk or "33ot3oy- nxxcl I aro Out," Edits and Writes for THE DETROIT WEEKLY TRIBUNE, iueuest ramtly Nflvrspaper In the Country. $2 a joi. m.uu iui opt-viiiieu voiit aim nun circular. Addreaa T11K TKUllMS, Detroit, Mjcli. EVEBY FARMER Is Invited to send" his address and receive Free and Postage Paid a copy of the American Farm Journal Tae most Practical, the Best and Cheapest lllurtra- w!" Agncuuurai yi,per m me Lnttea states, uuiy iu turns yer year, penu ior a spectnjeu copy. Address M1LLEK, LOCKE CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Unnn'C HOI SKHOLD MA(;aZISE Is offered If UUU a free durititr the comiue Teartoeverv euDscriiier ot .Merry s jiupenin, me 'loieno rtiane, romeroy h jiemooraT. etc.. which an evidence of lis woriu aud popularity. Horace i.repipy. .mme ritrton. i neonore I Mnin trail HiimilTuu. clc, etc , write lot' every uuuiUcr. clubbing, it offers throo first-class periodicals lor me price oi one oi tnem A variety ot prenit urns on equally litveral terms. It is an original, flrvt-clas rnH?rt7lne. Volume X berins wilb ouu. i.a. iiirto- hjieclmon copies fre1 S. S. WOOD. Nowburtrli. .. V. Address HAEPEE HOUSE Shaving Bathisg Palace ILLINOIS STREET. A. J. TOIL'S, .Proprietor. Late Foreman at tha Briggs House, Chicago. tea Particular attention Kiven to Cat tle g myia-dtf DON T BE A FOOL Aad refuge to learn by we sell rouc-sonr hay solhi, 14x7 Fast, S75. Shltiped evervwhere. To be paid for when tested All sine, at one-half Chic aeo prices. rend for tree Priee list., THE JONES SCALE WORKS, ' Binhaniton, Mew York, Solicited by SiU.NN S: CO Pnblisber. Scientific Ameri can, 37 Para Raw, S T Twentv-flve veare' exDerience. Pamphlets omtamins Patent Laws, with full direc tions how to obtain Patents, free. A bound volume of IIS pajrec. containing the NEW t fcNSL S hv romities and an larae Hies. 1 10 j.Ui'ra vinirs of Mechanical Movements. Patent Laws anri rules for obtaitiinij Patents, mailed on receipt of cents. it a aj ka aW s PIPEB BOXES. H. J. SOHELL. (Bucettsor to J. B. Sehntider,) Manafaeturer of every deaeriptioh of' PAPER BOXES, 77 Lake Street, Chicago. Ordera promptly attended to. tep!5-d3m 2.09TS3tV7. Eojal Hatabb Lottery el Cuba.' COSDTJ0TED BT THE SPANISH GOV orBBjent $300,6(10 in Geld drawn every tov- eBteea dayt. Prii.t eaah.d and luformauan faral.hed. The highest price paid for Doub loon, aad all triad, of Cold aad (Mirer. TAT LOR A OO., Bank r., tobSdly l Wall BtrMt, Baw York. Ba. CBUKE&S. WM. HASTUSQ & SON, Dealert ia f So. 59 Main Street, may2A-d wly KENOSHA, WIS. n4 CONGRESS AHCTIC. The BEST winter OYERSIIOE! K0 BUCKLES to breakl l 0 TE01BLE to pat on t eat, benteei, hiyiisn i ASK T01B SHOE DEALEB FOE IT I XX FI.IWT GLASS LABP CHIMEIS. Stand Heat better than any other mads. Ask for Dithridg-e's and take no other. Pee that onr name Is on everv box. DITIIKURtK & SON, l'itburgh, Pa. Send for Price List. Executor's Sale of Keal Estate . IN THE COl'NTY COVRT of Rock Island County, Htaie of Illinois. m. Jane L. Andrews, eiectitdx. and John M. fJoultL executor, of the last will and testament of Lemuel Andrew, deceased, vo. Jane L. Andrews. Ellen S. AniireWK, Lemuel Andrewi.. Jr.. John S Uillmore. William liuxeutiale and WiUiain Doyle Petition to sell real estate. Public notice is hereby eiven tht the undersigned executrix and executor of the last will and testament of 'Lemuel Andrews, deceased, by virtue of an order aud decree of the County ourt of Itock Island Co., rtate of Illinois, made and entered at the Aucni-t term, A. D. 137 1, of said Court, on petition of the nn dersiimed to sell real estate ol said deceased, will ou Thursday, ths 2nd day of Hov. A. S. 1871. between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 5 o'clock &m.of tbat day, at tbe north door of the Court onse. In the city of Hock Mand countv and state aloresaid, sell at public auction, to U highest ana best bidder, the fallowing deecrilved real estate, sit uate iu tbe county of Kock Island, in the stale of Il linois, to wit . Lot number live 5i iu block number one ( 1) in Bailey & Boyle's addition to the city of Kock island, aud litis numbers twenty-nine 'and fifty -two SiJ as known and designated upon the As sessor's plat for A. D. 104, of out lota and sub lota to the city of Hock Island, being in section unmber thirty-six Sb township eighteen lh north, range two 2J west ot tne fourth 4tlij principal meridian. haid sale will be made npon the following terms, to wit. : One-third cash on day of sale, one-third iu nine months, and oue-thirtl m twelve months, with iuterest upuu such deferred payments at ten per cent per annum, and the purchaser will be required to give notes wiih rotai fiersonat security for the payment of the purchase money, and a morignge tip on llicland pnnhased. lim uuuurii'ucd iu their canacitvof executrix aud executor reserve the right and privilege of one bid upon each lot, piece or parcel of laud offered for sale in pursuance ot this notice. JANE L. ANDREWS, Executrix of last w ill and testament of Lemuel An drews, deceased. JOHN' M. GOI.LD. Executor of list will and testament of Lemuel An drews, deceased. Dated September ltth. A. D. 1871. octnuttd J. T. BKOWXlNli, Att'y. 830. T7H wllili F&7 S30. Agents f30 per week to sell our great and valuable discoveries. If you want permanent, honorable and pleasant work, apply for particulars. Address COM A MONTH V paid Horse fnrnished. Expenses H. B. BHAW, Alfred, Me. SAWS. AVOID (IU AC S. A viotim of eatly in discretion, eausine nervoat debility, pr mature decay, etc., having tried in vain every ad vertised remedv. has discovered a simple means c selfnte, which he will send to his fellow-sufferers. AuiiR-n 4. a. KluvfA ts .-asean at. A. X., JOSIin GATES & S05S, afanulaetureri ef 4 The largest and most powerful works in tbe world for preserving wood of all kinds from DRY HOT OR DECAY. snd invite the attention of Railroad Men, Bridge Builders. Carweuters. rarmers, and all workers in wood to call and examine our works. We are now prepared to receive orders, aa we can treat liO.uoo led every xweiiiy-iuur nuuni. mis process iih manv advantages wnicn snouiti ne known to uie public, among tbem are the follow ing . IT SEASONS LUMBER. so it can be used in throe weeks after being treated. It prevents CONTRACTING AND EXPANDING. It prevents Rata and other vermin from infesting VOUT nouses, iwik, m.., "j. . i ue auuuiouni vvo. is only t',.S0 per thousand feet, board measure. TO PAB.XaIBS.1. This proccua l inTaiuaoie ror fonciBg poeU. c. toe lunioer wm ucuuv. F0 FAVEWET8. STREETS, &C, it is far above all other articles ever used, and will la-t as long again as any rock pavement. To parties interested we say. CALL AND SEE OC K W OKK.S, or send for Circulars. DcGOLTER & DleCLEMAI. Offire U7 Eaadolph St., fblcaxo. octH-deodlm-mwf ElTAtLIISBD IS 18S0.J WELCH t5c GRIFFITHS ' a9exrsBS Sax7SBi! SAWal BUPBRIOK TO ALL 0THEB8 ! Aits, Filst, Cast Steel. Kill FnmlshUfs, and Haohlaary. w.S.t tha but, tbey will prove the cheapest Prieet raduood. Bend for prioe List and eirenlart. WELCU dt GRIFFITH!, anJSdwly Boston, Vas... er D.trait, kfi'b THIRTY YB4KS' aXPEHIESGB IN THt TREATMENT OF Chrome and Eeioal Diseases. ' A Physiological View of Kaniage. The cheapest book ever published con'aiuiug nearly three hundred pages, aud one-hundred and thirty fine plates and engravings of the anaiomy of the human organs in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable conse quences upon tho mind and body, with the author's plan oi treatment tno only rational ana success! ui mode of cure, as shown by a report or cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their iihvaical condition. Sent free of postage to any ad. dress, on receipt of twenty five cents in stamps or oostal enrrencv. bv addresr-ing DH. LA CKOlX, No. Bl Maiden Lane. Albany. N. . The author may be consulted upon any of he diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or tiy mail, and mem cities sent to any part ot the wono. FIUE mmE HOSE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace I eather, and Faetory luppllet generally. LOU Ki t .........MASS. All kindt of FIBB ENGIMH H08B, made from the best quality of Philadelphia and Balti more wax L,ea.mrr, ana put together with Tlnn.d Riv.ts, a new improvement wbtch prer.utt them from corroding and rottiatr tha leal a sr. j.Hdeodly . GIFT EXTEHPtilSE. s. ! a t k The Only Bailable Gift Distrtbutisn In the Country! 1.000.00 VALUABLE OIF7S: TO BC DIITB1BCTBD IB EOL ANDER & HTJBER, Suceettort to J. A. Bidduoh, Hansfaeturers of 8ash, Doors, Eliods, Mouldings, FBAMKS. B81CKBT9, And everything in tbeir line. Gla Feed lad Bath on band, alto All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dwAm 11 IMC. QIFT CiRKIiGES. KjrOXVZI IT CRU VSLZAL.-a OF COMFORT. 'aUatad ZtToTembar lit. 1S70. ,; , , .-. ' C if YOU WOULD " "' Save Money. Time & Lat or, If Fo weald bave your , S,T OV;13 Beautifully & Brilliant I j f tUU i blvs ths CBUMBB of 00MF0BT a Trial. aAtk year Sroew for Jt. 'set? OdAwtsi ' THOSIS n. BROWN'S Novelty Carriage Works. Manafaeturer of GtHtlemen'i Bad a4 Fjtail i - aid U Adasti BtTMt, aULKIK. -...CHICAGO. Light Work a Ipesialty. Bepalring neatly aa d promptly eeae. asehlT -deed wee wly L . D. 8 IIsT E'S 162nd BEGULAB MOHTBLY To be draw. Monday. Hot. 27, 1871. TWO GRAKD CAPITALS OF $5,000 each iaGreefibacks Two Prizes $1,000? fn i i i Fir. Prize. $500 J h 66 UdUlS Tea Prlns $100 lu WTiol4sKunber of Cash QifU 1.000 1 1 Bene A Baggy, with Silver-mounted Ilaraeai, worth C0n. Oa. Fine tonai Rosewood Piano. orth $500. Ten ramtly Pewinar Maehinea. worth tW eaah. Fiva Heavy tlhatad void Hutting Watchetaad Heavy a. Id Cbaiat.werth $.100 eaah. Five Gold Att.rieaa Bunting Watcfcet, worth lzb eaoB. Tea Ladiet' Gold BtBUBg Watses, worth vita eaek.- 800 Gold and Silver Lever Bunting Watches (In all) - worm irom r' to tiou eacu. Ladle.' Gold Leontiue Chains, Gent'. Gold Vest Chains. Silver-plated C.stors.Solid Stiver and Double Plated laoie ana leaspoons, ivory uannieu imner Kniims. Silver-plated Dinner Forks. Silver Vest Chains, Photograph Albums, Ladies' Gold Breast- pine and luu-ringa. uenur uoia ureasupios, smn Muds and bleevs Buttoua, Faager Ulna, Uotd Pans, imi . .vtension.l etc. Whole number Gifts S.OtX) TickeU Limited to 80,000 whom Uberat Preaoinais will be paid. . Stasia Tickets l; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets S10; Twenv-Flve Tickets f. Circulars containing a full list of priises. s descrip im nt auinner of drawing, and other Information ia reference to the Distribution, wftt be sent to any on. oaaaiiia' tbem. ' All letter, must be addressed W Zt. z. wtxsrzi. z 86. CINCINNATI. O. Omo, 101 W. 6tb 6U oou-dwiy I860. 1871. THE PIONEER JMUSiC STORE. A LARGB STOCK ALWATP OBHAHDOF ii. sTtlsiTAV, sIKCK, EHKRSOK, AMVKICAW, HAINEB, MARSHALL AMI) VYKKOEl A. Geo. l. od&Co,,i.E8tejOrgaQ and all kind, of Muaical Instruments. Sheet bluai. of latMt iaaeaa. aad tha h.t in port.d String, in the oity .ions h rr, api earner Illinoit and Waahingtoa ttreet. (NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eur, Song M.ioiager, 35ota Bant fou ten Li Comio BoBg, Sexton, 40 Darling Bell of the Boarding &Aoe,Portcr30 67i'rl tntk the Cigarette, Oomio Cordelia, 30 Jolly Uiyh Time; Comle, Parks, 30 Aov wouldn't fou like to knoie, Comis.Cord'la -10 Jevelie oftheB earl, Beautiful 6oog, MlllardSO to if Afeoiiow, Ea.h, lei it Pan, for Beat or Alto, " 3 Yet One Again, Daelt for Son. and Barr. Qnarrtlling ITeigUort, Cotale Daett,Aabr, ti Somebody vmia, wuu v'i""", Heavenly Oreetinge, Pestie atoymantlque,' Blane'eey, Holiday V'oeatoow ifarck, lllu.trated title Oilnina. Sictet Anticipation, Sohottlache, " ailtinB, . is Vaatalsla. Krog. " An. of th. above teat by mail on receipt of tho market prioe. Mo natter where you tte a pieea of Mutle er Mutio Book advertised, lead to us aod yon will reoelve it by enclosing the pnbiUhtrt prioe, , .. BALSXra & 'wTSSSIL. MUSIC DIALBRS, mJr-dedllm. BT. LOUIS. eo ti to SSAB. b. raviti. J. L. VBSBHaB EREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS 1 BT THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y Breach. Henae, Pal.ct Bow, ROC. ISLAND, - - - . II.L.K What a we are offariar narival'td Teat, at tbt tatae low prieM at at their "Batters Houao." By Importing T..a ia oavrgo lota, th.y aaabl. at te retail to the ooatumer st extremely low prioe.. Uua ( i CJ to vl.rt the Hong Rang To. Store, at PUc Rew, whera will be fouad th (nest, pareat aad trubeat Thi, CoFeet and 8p at, at prieet btyoed ootnp.tltloa. mj&dwMw. FOWAK8 A F&BBMAB. Ar't Brandy for the Kitcliea. FL0CB. J0HHST0FS MILLS Mansfaettr. re ol Choice family X-s O TT 3IL' From ttlaottd Bprisgsad Wieter, preaaly for tha eity tied. ALL KIKD3 0 Flour and Heal s.wr.d runt vr .tiAllV Oo hand, ssd ia ik. City. JAS. A. P0TLE, Agent tren ad Ill'i.i. miM Niagara Steam Pump Wrks- 5 Charles B. Hardick, no. Aaamt street, -BBOOK.l.Y'Ii,......KBW YOBK. Sole MaanfaalBror ef ' Hirdisk's Pstant Deabls-Aeting Steam Pomp, and Fire Englaf. - Mining Fbmpt a SjKcialty.. . PaUnUd ia Etglasd, Belgian snd Kraace. Send for eiitalar. augSldly Thij Cognac penr Ia CaliDe pa pure brandy of high proof aad delicate fla vor, iaditpen.ible to eolinary porpoa..; and at a beverage tt un.urpeed bj any other French Brandy. No familv slieaU be without it, at it is etpe elaltj adapted for of sieknett. Manufaclured by STJPUXra T22.S2.E. Chaloaa aur Saoao. Foraa!eby ail Druggi.ta and Giocer.. Ad di.a order, to CRAS. F. FOKRSTBK A 0., . Depot 680, j'22 and .21 Unbbari I ttreet, dele agents fur the failed State., ay:i-.locA3ni ; GIFT C0SCEST. 81,000,0008 By Biiihority of the act of I'llaturc of Kentucky of March 13, 1871. the Trustees of Hie I nolle Library of Kentucky will fc'ive a QKAifo airr conojaaT, AT lAri8VlLLE, KY., On Tnesdaj, Cflober 31st, 1871, 100 OOO "Tickets of Admission 910 Bach, corrency, XZalf Tickets $3. Quarter Tickets $2L50. TICKETS will he sent by regMerod letter; toe money for them may be sent bv PrMiafflr mou order, greeubavks or draft. Kach ticket will consist of four quarters, value M.5t each. The holder of an entire ticket will be entitled to admission to tho Concert and to tua val- Gigm awarueu w iu$ iractlon. 550,000 in Greenbacks Will ba distributed by lot to the holders of tickets ia Gifta, from $loiMtiiG. the highest, te 10o the low est, beini; 7'il gifts in all. . The t-onoert i lor tbe pencflt of the Public ZiibrAry of Seattntky. Tha Citizens Bank of Kentucky is Treasurer, anil the Corporators aud Supervisors are the lion. Thom as ii. liramleite. late Wvernor or KonnicKy. aim twenty-eeveu of tho most disiinghished and iwpec table citizens of the Htato. ' The undersigned, late principal business manager of the very successful Gift Concert for the bonelit oi the Mercantile Ubrary ef ban Frisco u."K" pointed Agent and Manager of this iraud Gift Cou- CeThe drawing and distribution wDI take Pjs ta, public, and everything- will done to tis'y buyers of tickets that Uieinntenjsts will ba as well P'Otee Sd a if they penouaiJy tuperliiteudcd the euturn afi'sir. ' . " , . For tkkotsand. inforuiation "'JP1 PETE its ' ? , Urn ,MslnSre'ti' -j 6. .-. . " jJo.Astor House, New York, f II K. llempsKiit, 140 Broadway, Milwaukee. . i i ' M. A. French, Viriula City, Kovada. M. A. Wolff, 8li) Chestnut street, ht. Louis. Tickets also for sale iu every prominent place ia the Culled Stale octt-deodlm.