Newspaper Page Text
MTES OF ADYEHT1SINS. f M h aetata, r th lfH (id bp tea lia.tef Bella avapareU, Oae Dellnrfer eak av rtlB. v . plal Vetle, 1 m.u per Iiae. Wke 1b rt4 I moaths er am, it per ml, above regu lar edvwrtisiag rate. Oommaalealleat, r BrtUl taserted am eat roedlag Biiitor, It Mat par Ita. AAtlT 41 WbBKIT. A iiet ef 1 Mat. will be made treat the Weakly ret, ee f early aad half yearly eaatraatt, whoa la eattt matter la laserted la both BeUy aad Weekly. Doable Oelamas will a erg II far aaat additional. Far 3 truiittl edvortlsem, edraaee pay saeat li r.lrea. LOOA.L NOTICES. Toilbtiib it aarlmlet aa a kaaatifiar of ka earn pie tiaa, it i a pewder, aaamkaa, tw ine i and elegaet. Try it, 60 eeatt par bo AraaT tia Jim.. If asothera would f i?a Mrs. Waitooatb 's Strop to their ohil- dren wkea aiak, mortality weald be laaa amaag than. Il cotti only 25 cantt. Th ptealier rirteee of Dr. Prioa'a Craam Bkiag Powder ia ahawa ia paraeat who offer from dyipapia, thay oao eat biaeaita, ale., aada witk it fraalr aota a aid to digestion. . ' ; Mitauoi OciDB. lalaraatiaf work, aomeroaa aagrariafa, 22 pagaa. Prioa 69 eanU. Addraaa Dr. Batu' DiipaoiarT, 12 Nor Ik Kif atk atraat, St. Loaii, Mo. Saa a4Tarliaamaat. SaraoaK of tka fleah, toadarnall of tka aoalp, ara carad b maiaf Baaaa'a Paia Killior Mafia Oil. Tkia ia asoellant for aoro throat, paia ia tka joiaU, and paopla nj "It worki Jika a okarm." PRraioLooian tay tkat oar bodiao ara ra nawad aaoa in aavan jaart. Tka matarial of wk'iok tka?i ara racoaatraetad "la tka blood, nod naleaa it ba fully oknrgad with witk tha alamenta of vitality, tka atraagtk and haaltb of the tyitam dtoliaa. Of nil blood dapurenta, Da. WiLKin'a Vicoa Butkm it tha aafeal nad most infallible. Thara ia no diaeaaa, aritiag from deprara tion of tha blood, wkick it will aol tpaadily . v IF YOU Waal a Cook, Waal n Situation, Waata Salaaaaa, Waal n Serraet Girl, Want to raat n Store, Want to tail n Piano, Wnnl to aal! n Horte, Waut to land Money. W0t to bay n Flooae, Want to bay n Horte, Waat to raat a Boote, Waal to aall n Carriage, Waal n Boardiag Plaaa, Waal to borrow Money, Want to aall Dry Goods, Wnnl to aall (rrooeriae, Want to aall Farniiore, Waat to aall Hardware, WB to aall Real Etuu, Waal a job of Carpentering, Waat n job of Blaoksmitkiaf , Waat to tell Millinery Goedt, Waat to tall a Home nad Lot, Waal to Cad nay one'a Addrett, Waal to Bad n atreyed Animal, Want n wife nad 7 or 8 ehildron, Waat to toll n piaoa of Faraitara, Waat to bay n teoond-kead Carriage, Waat to tall Affricallaral IaiplaveaU, Waal ta find aay thing yon haa Leat, Waal to advertise aaytkin? to adraatage, Want to Had an owner for anything found, Adrertite ia tka Dailt Aacce. encaca directort. B4rnT Oararn. 8. W. Corner Orleant and Elk etneta. Ber. J. S. Habie, Faator Baaday rrlool at 11 A. M. aad 74 T. at. Babbaih eohoal a A. at. of people' t prayer Htlni Mond.T ere. in ai T. Senenl arm ar neetiaa Wedaetdar eraaiac at T. B. 8. teaeh an aaatlac Taeedar erenlct at 74. Beat) free. All are welcome. Sr. kUar'i (Ctbolio) Cntaon. Cor. Boek Birer aad Deck Sla., Ker. Father J. P. Bol.e, Pernor. Haae, Eaadaye. at I and 104 A- aad week days at 8 A. a. (Jataokitm at 2 P. n. Vaxperi aad Beaedietiea at 7 P. a. Bpiaooraa Cm v warn. 0rnr af Oreea aad Jeff.rraa rlta. Serrieae at 11 a. a. aad 7 P. at. Babbath Sobool at S:il A a. Sana aw trraaaAaOaiTaoB. Oa Madiaoa St, R.T. C. A. Meineeke, Putor. Berrtoaa at 14 a. h. and 24 p. a. rmiTTKRiA Cncaro. On Xniaoil ttreat, Bc. II. A. Newell. Pallor. Sabbath terrieat at ID j . m. and "k P- Sabbath Buhool aad Bible elamt at 84 a-m. . Prayer aweting Vedaaaday and Baurday eT.aia.. Paator'e reeldeaea, Or leaae etmei, eeoth aide, third door weei af Otter. Curno PaaiarrBBtAB Cacaoa. Oor. Orleant aad Deer 8ta.t Bar. Henry Wallaoe. faetor. Berrioei at 11 A. a. Sabbath Bobool at 4 A. a. Prayer meeting at 4 P. , of Snadayt, and 7. P. a., Wedaeeday. 2ioa atmeioa Baiiatb 6cbohl. Hear Cam ada Road, arary Babbatk at 14 P M. Preaeb taa cm Babastk aftaraeea at 4 a'olaek. at.' K. Cataca. Cor. ieSereoa and Bichland 8ti.. Rev. J. II. Kbea, PaMnr. Preaebior II a. a. and I. P. a. Sabbath. Prayer Meeting Wed aetilay eroainK at T. Sabbath School at4 A. a. Pattur't Bible Olaat at the eame hoar. DiiotPtiD Cacaca. Ooraer Orleant and Elk treett. Slder Rng.ra, paetar. H.rrioee at 10J A. M.. and T P. M. Border School at I A. M. aaaaania Mtatioa Sabbath Pob.ol meet in their ecbool room, ia Howard'. Addition, erery Sabbath afternoon, at J4 e'olook. C L. Baeoom ptit tiir error, or omiwion. la any of the above aotioei wtll be eorreoted on information being left at ear editorial room. T. M. 0. AiiocuTior Room la the Poit Of (ae Bloak. opea ta all erery ereniag. Daily Prayer Meeting at 11 A. U., and tloeing at 11 at. Toang Men'l Prayer Meetiag erery Friday evening. ....... . . Montblr btutaeaa meetinc ef tha Aeeooiatien on let Tender eveaiaa, aad meathly meeilacei City atlwtu. .od Treat Co aim It tee aad Ttaitort oa 3d Toe.dav eveaiag of eaob meath. R ohadalis 1 O s TBI Ski AT AkURIOAB H1ALTH BIST0&BA. BBtilat the bleed aadeareeStrefale, BTpkllU, Bfcta Pla eatet, Bkeamatlam, Ciwui.l Wemea, aad all Ohreala Afeetloas of the Blest), Aiiver ana aiaaeys. hiuU,i by iae meaieai faeaity aaa maay tkeat. aedt ef ear beet eitlaea t. Bead tke teatlmeay ef pkytlelaat and patieau wke kave ased Beaadaliej eead for ear Baeadalis waidete Health Book Almaaaa (ar tkis year, wklek wepab- lith lor gratallaat diitribatiaai tt will give yea maeh valaable tafermatioa. Or. B. W. Oarr, af Baltimere, aavt MI take pleanra la reeemateadiag year Besadalis at a very pewerfal al terative. I kave aaoa tt aeed ia twa A eaeea witk happy reealta oao ia a eas el aeeeaaary typallU, la waieh tke a- Ueat nroaeaaeed hlmtelf eared aftav kavtaa tekaa Ive aattlet af year mad eiae. The etkef It a eat af .ere fa la ef laag staadiag, wkltk Is rapidly imprev lag seder Its aae, aad the ladieailoas are that tha patleat will sooa rw I kave earefally examiaed the fwmala by whlehyoar Kotadallt It made, aad at tt aa exeelieal aempaaad ef altar. A ativ lagreaieata." irr. sparks, ar Kiatolsville, ay.,tayt he hae ated Botadallt ia eases af Sere fala aad Betoadary Byphlllt with tatit f aetary reealta a. a eleaaer ef the bleed I kaow na hatter remedy. Bemael 9. afe'eddee, Marfreeahere, Teas., .art I "I kave aeed eevaa hettlee af Bom- dalis, aad am aatiraly an red ef Bkeam autm 1 send me (ear aotUet, aa 1 wit it far my brother, who kaa ttrafaloas I lore eyes." Bea'Mamia Bethol. af Lima, Ohio, tltee, I kave for tweaty year wiia araioraie avapiten avar hit whole b ady ; a tshert time siaae I par ehaeed a kettle ef BetadaMs aad It of feated a perfeet eara. Botadallt It told by all druggists. 3 Laboratory, II Bxehaafe Pi tea, Bal It mere. Br. SUaUBTf Of Preprivter f. Twenty-first Year. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olooli X. 3X. ADDITIONAL ELECTION RETIRXS! FRAUDS AT BROOKLYN Death of Marshal Beoedek THE STATUE OF SCHILLER. Fatal Railroad Accident ! Escape of a Desperado ! Rascality oa the Plains ! A MUDDLE WITH SPAIN General Summary. Market Reports. ft.ported Ixpreuly f.rtk. Aaatt. Ntw Yobk, Nov. 10. A Havana letter af the io iaat. reporU the arrest of forty prominent citizens, hitherto supposed to be loyal, for alleged sympathy with insurgents, ana their trantportatien to the 1.1a ol PidCS. Boston, Nov. 10. Rrturnt from all bat til towns give Wathbarne a majority all of 13,960. Watscta, Nov. 10. The official majority tor Heveridge m Iroquois oouoty it bid Moaaisos, Nov. 10. Returns from sev eral towns ia Whiteside county are not yet in. The indications are that Btveridge't majority will ia about 1,200. Kalfigh, N. C, Nov. 10. Gov. Caldwell hat received a latter from tha aheriff of Wathiagtoa cooaty, informing him that the notorious negro desperado and condemned murderer named Luke Johnson, who was to have been eieented 00 tbe 24th intt., bad esoaped from the jail of that county. Kikostoh, J a., Nov. 10. Advicet from AspiawalL ara the 26th ull. The Spanish war steamer Tornado waa still watching the American tteamer Virginia in that port, aad an attempt at caplere was apprehended despite the protectornte nssumed over her by the Greaadian government aad the United State Consul. Political troablei continue ia Guatemala. Tbe archbishop and bishop have been allied for complicity ia tbe lata revolutions. Sas FtAacitco, Nov. 10. The United Statet grand jury at Tucson. Arizona, will make formal charges against the manager of the Indiana fcLrtervaiion territory, show ing that the Indian leave to go on the war path at will, 8peci:;ing nureeroua marderi committed by Iod.ant direct from camp Grant, and ebargiag that tha Iadiant are supplied by the agenta with arms and am munition, act their women ara prostituted by the otboert ia charge. CiscittATi. O., .Nov. 10 Aepeoial te the Gazette soys the mail express train on tha incinnati and Indiana Janotion Railroad wat thrown arum the track by a cow, aaat of Liberty, Ind., yetterday afternoon, wrecking the engine, tender, baggage ear, oae patten get car, and the Pallmaa tleeping ooaeh Fifteea partont war injared, tea Seriouily. Among them Hrs. tt. L. Armttronr, of Burlington, Iown; F. Armstrong, of Cbili- eothe, Uhio, and his little daughter. Wasbikotok, Nov. 10. This rovernment ana the bpauish authorities nave aot arriv ed at aa agreement respecting tha Hornet, now at ron aa 1'rince, and men aeed by the Spanish. A correspondence it progrete- og between the btcretary of State and Mtniater nooerts, the former arotastma agaiatt tha detiga to seize the vestal, which is unuer hi American uag. It appears from a Oeorala paper that mtoh alarm prevails there, under the ap prehension that tha President will deolari artial law in that State. Bach ta aot hit detiga, there beiog nohting ia tha eonditioa of any part of Georgia to warrant each meetort. Prominent gentlemen here attribute the tpread of tke small-pox ia Philadelphia aad other eitiee to tka aal ol buffalo robot there, taken from the Black feet and Pigeon camps, where th disease prevailed three years aaa. At that tim tbav were forbid dea to be sold to traders, bat several months ago 1 ney disappeared from tboaa neighbor aooas aaa found their way elsewhere. "W XOBK, K0. in The nnblithara o the SpecUtor, aa insuraaoa joaraal, have issued a table thowiaa tha trrnnlt losses ui vvnymum oy oiatas, tbe number sus - . ci. peoaea ana aiseeted. and tha nW nn aDeetea by tbe Chicago 6ra : Total nnmber af Com pa let 1B tha uaiiaa etatM 335 Aftrerat. aapital a 71 ,030 !l Total prott aatett.. M 1S5,429,42i Total lotto 83,821,122 vompaniet tatpenaia . r ember assosoed Naaiber aot eoooarsed it th. fir - -5 Th following are , the niet by States 1 New Tork ........ .. , loaset of com pa .; It Ohio . 4,818,667 4.48J.600 tassashuseUs, Pennsylvania., Illinoit... 0eaatlout... Bhod Island.. J.C82.000 33.878,000 425,000 S.72.600 California. ,850.000 Mlasaari Marylaad Witoaasia, 675,000 897.185 ; JWO.OOt tTOO.OOB 100,000 Miohigaa... hllsBeoU... hUtn.. ta.oo .ad K..BI aokr.... - - (.800 Lots el furtlga tempaulet ,U,000 if rinfiYtnT ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER iachet of mow fell here to-day. St. Paul, Na. 10. Austie'a majority for Governor 8,222 witk tha upper eoaatiet yet to hen from. ' Wathka, Nov. 10. OfEoial majority for Bereridge ia Iroquoie oonnty 839. Nsw Yobk, Not. 10, The latest retornt from tka State give the Repnblioana 17,000 majority. There waa an unprecedented amooat of independent voting and the majority for Republican Senatora nad At- lembljmea ia generally larger than for the Slate ticket. The Attembly ttandt 96 Re- pablicaat to 32 Demoorata 1 The citizent of Brooklyn, without dit tinction of party, hold a mast meetiag thin evening, denouncing tha net ooaeerniag tka fraud) ia enatiag aad eonntiag tka fotea at tke recent eleotion. The Tammany membert of the Board of Aldermen and Atiiatant Aldermen held a teoret caucut on Wednetday sight, aad it ia believed they will attempt to hold over another year on the tame ground that the other ofboiala bold over, alleging the elect ion of a new Board ten year to be onconiti tational. They' threaten tome damaging eipotaret of their leaden unlets they are backed up in this claim. ' It ia oowrnjaored that liiltoo will retign from tha Department of Parkt ; Haak Smith, Tammany Republican, will retign from tha Polio Oommiation, and Hitchmaa from the Police Committioo. Sural, ia a card thanking hit supporter, rtqnettt proof of fraudulent voting to ba sent him, with a view to punishing the guilty. Henedeck, the vanquished commander in- chief of the Anstriaa army Sadown, died of an attack of apoplexy at Oratx, Styria, on tha 25th of last month. Faited Statet Attorney Tracey laid that a gang of tweaty repeatera went ronad openly oa election day, at Brooklyn, aad visited almotl every district in every ward ia tha city. Witk tha oonnivaace of the polio. - at leatt tea thousand fraudulent votes were cast. KivoaTox, Jamaica, Nov. 6. Peroviaa advice state that a riut occurred in Lima during the election, ia which aiz pertoas were killed and 70 wounded. Beaut, Nov. 10 The oeremoay of un veiling tbe 1 tain of tha poet Schiller waa )berved to-day ia the preeeace of the Em peror, Crown Prince, Prince Frederick Charlea. and M. Wraogel, President of the Reichstag. Tha crowd present at tha cer emonial waa large, and to the last degree Daily Market Eeview. Bock Iilabd, Nov, Floor, Family brands, t barrel. $ 11. 7 80 rioar, in qauty.. ......... W'heat..... . .. .. Barley ... Oats Bnohwbeat Floar Bra , ton hip bmff Cora Meal, wt Cora .. ... Apples...... m....... n. Potatoes (nioni White Beans (navy)-... Bgg de-... Better i lb .. Lard Hty PmlrU Timothy...... 61oagh.... ..... Biokery Wood, "j oord O.k Wood, do 7 01) 1 Ooal 15 4ac 26a27e 8 uuail 00 14 00 'U 00 1 50al so 27 2 50a 00 4oa48e S5a40e t to isioc ISaJO. lUalle OUalO 110 10 001 1 00 7 vua 8 00 7 00 b 60a6 50 14al&. Coal Valle) Coal, bmhel OBlaaga JCsIaraat., Not. 10. Pioar Ball aad weak 1 tome demaad, but overt related to pay th. former prioe. henoe talet were very tmall, and price! nearly nomi nal. Wheat Irregular, only moderately e ive ; a 1 sold ai $1 Jliel 24 ; No i opened at $1 IV ; old np to $1 Jt'i; deolia.d, and oleted qoii-t, but firiu; i lVjal 30 regalar and fragheattii $1 l'.'i taller Sov; $1 2li arller lat half; $1 i3i Dee ; e 1 aold at It H4al 12 ; rejected dull at tl 834. . Oara Aeuva aad arm : o 2 aold at 4ta-tbjo eatk. aellet Bev. eold at dii46i ; olotiagat te ; rejected in good demaad at 46jal,o. Oats A.tire and firm at yetterday'a outside prleet; e 2 ilomg at aaSS ob or tec ; re iectrd In demand at 22a30o. Kye Qumtand eteady; t2 Jelling at ooabie fo res alar and freth. ' .--,- J Barley tjalet; ale tea mnereaner: iitu at 4atoc; olosing at intida ligere ; No 3 qaiet aad firm at 4."44ej. Reoelttt Flonr 40H0 t wheat 47,tiS : earn 60.5t2; oat J9.01; rv 114: barley 97T3. . ShirmsBts Flour 27&0 ; v.heal I'l.lM'O ; corn 8H.4t9; aats Tfc.feCO; rye U81I. barley I'lJB. W biakv 6tca and 6- m at b6e. , Previiioar yuict; teller! trm and Lujert aolined te hold off : men pork Arm at $12 ,6 oath or Dea : S12 8T4al3 Vt Jaa. Meals hrm, ama TaTJo: sheald.rt UcHe; short riot 5a. No boil packed to date; 40,000 againit 69.0UO same time last year. Lard Firm at ff?f e . or tfiivery any e before March . 0uc:ry lard sold at (fie. jLBsuMiaaxmvB. Xrairt's XZdll. SIX XIGBT OILY I OOKKIBCIBa Monday. November 6th. Ta osiglnal aad only 31 A R T I IV O The Ur famed California Illoiionitt aad Cham. aiaa Vaatriloaaist of tbe world, whole woadar- fnl performances ia the Art Magiqae throughout th world, etasoo him as beinc far superior to all profeeton af tke Art. Everything Zlatiroly Xsew I Tkirl annnal seatoa of Martino't iashionable ant delightful exhibitions. ISO Beautiful and CotUy PreteaU. fiitu Aw.t kver Siaht Worth From 7 Centt to t75. Prof. Martina hat made an engagement with GEltT! IL0UE1C. Iseselekrated teoond-ilght lady, who will ap pear every Bight. ttood manic in attendance. Admlttioa, It etats. Beiervd lU with three envelopes, 50 .nts tl 00 tiektt aivei yoa one asmisiio to a reserved scat and oj aambar entitles yea to a pretest. voort epeu ai i a oie.k. Performano te eom meae at 8 a'aloek. A, D. HABT. Tree. 6 BO. H. TWOMBLT, Advaaoe Agent, aovl ' . ALL UGH AIL M1E3T SALY. (or vornt ane .dubious, .nulls an B.rat. Ir tale br all DrurgUtt. 25 ett. box. or seat o raneiet of pt iee. Adirets A tl1HT,e W.Lak Bt.. - ev14 dly FOB CBUBTBt LCTS, COXIAQEI, . For Store FroBts.FMtories, Asylum t, Pritont, Aa , , , ,-I0S BEDSTEADS, . With WireBaekiof ,arl,ftnly,itrong A aarabla - Vaper SZascfactiirera Wtros, . eiSiaEMlL IB OS rFEK Wrought Iroa From F.oeet, Fancy Window Soracas.ate. , tvery Informatioa by tha maau- faotarat. m.. "Akiit a BOSS, Bo. 83 ktarket St., Phlladelptla, Fa. sjoxvomu, u.t uvi. iv. iwo lacnes i ran kkii. i jwaaaa,w,ujr ... - - ' 1 " ' vatr-ty uoalet - w - - . - - fa.S FOR RENT. PIANOS AND ORGANS ! AT Tolm Zimmerman's Be. 10 xaln Street, DANI9P0BT, ...... IOWA. All inttrameat warranted. Temt reasonable. aprt-d7at EDrCITIONaL. 4 feOCK ISLIND Business Oolleg-o , . 0PB5 DAY ARD KVENHQ, Fef Ladiet aad Gsntlsmsn, Boyt Mltttt. A large Bomber new attending. Xreoing School well attended. oetl2 dtf ACADEMY OF Till Immaculate Conception DATI5P0RT, BC0TT C0-, IOWA. COBDCCTED BT THE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. fif. Willeommtnee its 16th Semi-annaal Pealon WcdBesdcj, August IGlh, 1S71. ifSU Being incorporated ia acoordaaoe with the laws ef tke State, this lattitatiea aenfers the atnal aoilegiata degrees apaa iu graduates. For Ctrcol art addrett augl-4Sa . SIITEB STJPEBIOB. Estib Ishfd Sl Tears. Joses'CoRimercial College, S. W. Cor. Tlflh and Olive streets, ST. LOCIS ..MO. Jonathan Toaes, - Tresldrat. JOHN W. iOUSSOR, Profoetor of Book-keep- TBG8. P. SAUKDERS, Priaeipal Boek-keep- lag Drpartm.nt. JOHN W. ELLIS, Profetter Mathtmatiet, in ekarge Commereial Calsnlatien Department. JOHN BOH M K. Prefetnor "enmt.ship in eh (true M riti( Departmeiit. JONATHAN JONES, Larlnreroa Cottmeroial Law, Kthiet, eto. Opea day aed Night. Circa 'art and Catelegati rivinr all accettarv nformatiea ia regard te taitioa, board, time to mplete, etc. mailed Tree. tio vaeation. Addrett J. W J0HNS0I7 aaagag Principal aoTj-dwJm Notice U School Teachers and School OlSeeri. Otttpt Conrrr Smntrvrrvnirvr or 1 Jkhciou. Ruck 1lakd C'orsTT. v Kock Island, 111.. .Nov. 1st, 1871. The 4th Annual Session of the Rock Wand Coun ty Tencht-ns Iwiirutc, will be held in the Rock l hind iliirh School Uall. durioi; liocomber the SUlh, Slet and nd. A. D. 1871. Tbe School Law make It obliinttnrT nn School Directors to allow Teachers' waee to corjiinae ia rine the time They are in actual attendance upon In mtniee; provided, the time doe. not exceed aix days in t months. Teachers are therefore reuncst ed to make every reasonable effort to attend, and the co-operation of School Officers is respectfully KCQ. St. M. t I L KOtU. UOIintV SOD t. N B Kntertainment will be secured in orivate fnmilies for Ladies, tientlemen will be eroacted to provide for themselves. The Hotels and Boarding nwntr m vuicilsiu iciH;nerv ai renncea rules. novl-did. 8T0VK POLISH. BUBS OP COMFORT. afatentod Savtmber 1st, 1870. IF YOU WOULD Save Money Time & Labor, If yon would hare your ST OVES Beautifully & Brillian Fj Polished Givs the CBCMBS of COMFORT a Trial. ak year Oroeer for U, oot'0dlw3m BAGS. HART, ASTET & CO.. Xes, 5 & 7 We4 Madison Street, OHIOAGO. SE&LUESS GBilH BAGS, Bnrlap ; Bag, Gaunj Bags, Floor aad Paper Sacks. Bags of all KiiitJ. Send In yenr orders and wt will f 11 tkem promptly Millwswiil pleat eon d their braodt ia full, a all ether prooft have bar destroyed. oet. 8 OIL F VOIP. OIL O SOAP (PAIEST APPLIED FOB.) ' FOR HOUSEKEEPERS ! It Is the best cleaner In ue. for clninr nint. plass. mnrble, stone and furniinre, and for removing tease inim uir. uircui waa. cloths, wlnle lor ninrtrT Durooses it is anexcelled it A.m i wnrlr quickly and welL and w cheaper than eonanon soap at lc per pound. r.ogrme In It. No Pirtash ia it. No poisoa ia it. your unigist or (irocer for It . m. ol tu.. iToprietor?, 57 fpruco street, ST. LOL IS, MO. MXX OIL OF S0AF' FOB Rail FtOacXs. - Tht. u tronrer rrand. and te iwi - of Cars. F.nrmeK. e.,nd is for tht purpose the heet thing out. It eontame no potash, lye or greaM. It removes the accumulation of Coal soot, flirt and mid form, and is for this reason much mnr. venient to ue than Soap or any other cleaner no time l wasted In tt prcparatiow for use, aad it doe ths work with eold or warm water, it i nu. v.. mixing with water iae per directions) and apulylni To pointers this will recommend itself t Onr mm ii w vwh wy MBootn, ready to receive ii varuuu no one in wmcn tarniea will aot C'Riwi. and this we claim i an advantage u has over an j oiivt uc.uri w hn. By the barrel only at 36 cents per gallon. i. M. RALL A CO.,Pr.prietors. t ! - -s f j 60T finrBo street, St. inai, Mo. "XX OIL OF SOAP" " FOB . ! Factories and PriutlBg Cilices The best grease remover in the world, and for tvpe waahlnar. those who hav tiied it say it is sDlundid. and it ehDBt aod being nou-cwttbustiUle, will wariaut a trial ef It. , J.M. RALL CO.; ' 807 Bpruoe au, St Lools. norS-dAwlm ill! WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maaafaetarert e . ENGINE LATHES 1 SHAPING AND SLOTTING PLACERS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N A SMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, ' Clan XtZaeninery. DOUBLE MILUNS MACHINES, Mill Work, Shaftleg aad Hangers, Patent galf Oillng Box. , WABKHOrjBB: IOT UBRBTYST., KBW YORK CITT M ANUFACTOBT : nfAMMOKD T., (Opp. Jaattlea Depot), WOBCBSTKR, MA88. All Trains eateriag the City, stop within tea redt of ear Works. J. 10 dtf T. ttOUZS, AlsVOir AXf B , Rock Island RaVlroad ! 8T0CKH0LDBB8' MEKTISG. Kotlee 1 kereby givea that the aanal meet ing of the Stockholder of thle Company will ba held at the Compear s offlee ia the elty ef Back Island, oa Tharsday, the 23d day of November, at II o'clook aooa. JAS. B. TOUNQ, Bot D. Caots, Prendeat. Secretarv. Reck Itlaad, Oet 19, 1S71. dtd Treasury Department. Ornc or CoMrTaou.r. or tbe Craartcr, 1 n 1SI1JSTOK, Uft. Tth, 1871, J Wdiiih, by tatifactory evid.aee pretented to has bta made to appear fhat "Tke !;,; k A.-7n Aalnmal Jlnnt. in the City of Hock Iltitt, in the Vttunty of Hock Is land and State ,f hhnnit hl been duly orgaa ited aader and according to tbe requirements of the Aot of Congrrtt, entitled "An Act to crovlde a National Cmrency secured by a pledee of United States Boads.aed to provid for th. eir- ealatiaa aad redemption thereof aaDroved Jan 3rd, 184, ad hat eomplied with all the provitiont of raid Act req.irei to be eomplied in belor eomm.aomf tha buataess af Bank ing, under said Act. how therefore, L Hiland B. H'lbnrd. Cemn- troll.r of the Currency, do hereby certify that i n. Koch Island Keticaal Bank" in the eitv of Bock Island, in the eoanty of Rock Island, and State of Illinois, is antboritei to commence the butincn ef Basking aair the Actaforetaid. la testimony wbereor, witect my l. i. hand and 6eal of ofo thtt 7th day of October, I8?l. HILAND R HILBURD, No. 1SS9. . Comptroller of Carreney. Tha Rock Itlaad National Bank will ooen for btlact at No. 23 W. Iihnoit street, November 1st, 1871. Ben. Barper, 1 John W Bpeneer, j Peter Fries, Bdward Burrall, Jr., Directors. J. H. Wilson, I A. B.n.di.t, I T. J. Robiaion, J T J. ROBINSOW, Pretld.nt, BKH. HARPKB, Vise Pres t. A. BENEDICT, Cashier. October 25, 1871 dfSOt MEDF02D BtSJ. MSDF0KD RrI. DAMEL LAWRENCE & S0XS, Only Manufaoturert of MEDFORD HUM, Still eajoy th reputation of maanfaeturing The Best Rum ia the States, Daly authorized bg Stale Licente. The superior quality and parity of lAUKKICK'S M aDFORI) Rt.M, For the patt years, hat made il every. i where knowa sl the Be. No paiat will b spared to ma l staid ,lu parity and high repaUtioa. The pebli it cautioned against imitations aad eounterl. tt. OBDEB DIRECT PROM UP. ewe' ire will warrant perfect eatx-f action. Address orders by U to . i : .. . . ; i MEDFORD, MASS., Aad aiders by Express or otherwise 127, 129, 131, and 133 Broad it. ..BOSTOX Aad they will receive prompt attention. DA5IKL LAWRINCE A SONS oet24-d6m GIFT EXTElPslISE. Th Only Btlitble Gift Distribution In the Country ! $60,000.00 KZ7 va.x.tjab:lxi axriit to na BisTaitDMD ia L.D.SINE'S 162nd REGULAR M0XTHLT Q.IFT TOTMPRISE, To be draws, Monday. Nov. 87, 1871. WO GRAND CAPITALS OF 5,000 each in Greenbacks Two Prtzci$I,00t s jjEreenbach Five rrizei $500 Te. Prizes $100 Whole Number " Catk Gifts 1,000 ! 1 Horse A Baggy, with 811 ver-sneuated Haraeti, worth $600. On Fine-toned Rotewood Piaao, orta $500. Yen Family fe wins Machine. worth tlOf- ah. Five Heavy Uhateg Gold Boating Watefaetaad Heavy Geld Chaina. worth $400 oaoh.-!- Fiv Oold Aairinl Hantlsg W at cket, worth S12 each. Ten Ladies' Oold Bunting Watee. worth 1 1"0 aaoh.. BOO Gold and Silver Iever flnotlnr Avatches (In all) Ladle' Oold Leontiue C'tMii.s, OoDt' Oold Vest CfesiM Silver pwUKl Cantorsiolid HUvt'.t and Doable Piated Table and Teaspoons, Ivory Handled Dinner Knives. SUver-piated Dinner Forks, Silver Vest Chains Fhologvaph Albums. Ladies' Gold Urea. r,Tm 'rf Kar-rrncs. Gents' Gold Breastpins, t-blrt Studs and Sleeve Button, Finger Ring, Gold Pens, Whole nurnoer iifts 6. 000 Tickets Limited to 0,000 AGENTS WASTED TO fKI.L -TlCKlfm te whom Llbend ifmiiime U1 fce Pi -. Blnele Tickets (i; fcr-TSekeUS Twelv Tickets l.i: Twenty-Five Tlcke $. -Circulars oontaininir a full list prtr-es, a deoip Uu r tae uw of drawing.aod otlwr wformation to referencito lb Distribution, will be sent to any one orderim; them- AH letters must be addressed to 1 & XIS'23. OX 80. - aat . - - " - ' - -CUtCLNNATI, Omca, lal W. Btk BU . . , . . aetl-dwlg 11, 1871. ABTISTIU TAILORING. 687 wab&is Avairvr, DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fiuc Woolens, FOR UBKTLEHBS'g USE. WEBBING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measara Extra Double and Perfeet In Fit. OUrgymen ill bt allowed 10 per cent, aittonnt. ' ebl8dly medical imiiniKm. D1T1D A. KISEL, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Iastrnmeats, AMD Oalvaule Batttriet ef all Kindt and Sites; 64 A 68 Canal Street, CHICAGO, ...ILL. All Kindt ef Bleotra-Magueti Instruments Neatly Repaired t short notioe. Als M.deli maada of all deecriptieai oa short notice. oet4-d3m 8A8H, D00ES. C. 0 LAUDER & HUB EE, S section to J. A. Bitoitea, Manafactnrer of Sasu, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FIANII, BRACKETS, Aad everything in their line. elated Bash on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. feb24dwAm ZiZQXTOB.8. H A VI KG atCURED LtiTTEBS PAT. tSNT its OC BM AMDS CANE SPRING, LICKINS YALLEY AND DOUELAS-ELK-HORN BOURBON WHISKIES, That w aatabliihtd in thit market in 1866, give warning to any one Bting thoie brandt, or aay representation cf them, that they are infringing npon our patent!, anil they will he protecated to the full extent i tke law. J. A. Monks & Sans. We have for sale th follewlag well-known brandt Kentucky Copper Whiikien Cane Spring Bonrbon, - Spring 1868, 1870 and 1871. Licking Valley Bonrbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Doaglas-Elk-Horn Bonrbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. The above brands are p stent, d andean b. had ONLT from th Prcprieters. Je A. MOSKS & SONS, 7lt M wm AT. LOUIt, aov3-dSa BlTABLlSBBB IB 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Bwb! Sawsl Bawal 8CPEBI0B TO ALL CTHEB8 1 Axtt, TUtt, Cast Bttsl. Kill ParniskUtTt. aad aUoklntry. U Set the best, they will prove tbe eh.arje.t Pneet radaeed. Bead for vriee List and eirenlar. Wt;LCHGtimrB, etldwly Bottan. Matt.. Detrit Vt. h ZBAB. B. POWABt. J. L. raaaKxa. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY IBB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braaoh Hoaee, Palae Eotr, ROCK ISLAND, . . . ILLS. Wheia wa ara oSsrinr aarlvalled Teas, at th tarn low tries as at their "Bestera House." By Importing Teas ia ears: lots, thev enable aa t retail t the eoarumor at strmelv low pnoes. ipot i iBti t ritit th Hong xvong T Btor, at Palaoe Bew, where will be found th laett, earest and frslbeat Teas, Oofes aad r?pi e, at prices beyond competition; mysawssB rvliv Arts If-tKKMAJI, Ag'ts DO TCCS 0ff FEITIG- . WITH A Ifo?eIty Printing Press Thesaost va'uablead ditioa ta the business of- See. Tbe most efficient nftrs.tor in scboel. The most fasoiaatiag at mstruotiv. amain aent ia the Family, aad nturpataed I or . UK..K ih JOB PBl!IIlNQ4J,i,o , i Bend for illustrated pamphlet ta , , BESJ. 0. WOODS, Manufaitarer, 351 Fsderal tUeet, Boston. ' W. T. Edwards, 543 Broad war. Naw York K.lly, Howell A Lndwlg, tlT Market.., Phil adelphia. Pa.j KelJogg A Loomit, 45 W. Wash lag toe trt,t;hteg, IM., Ageat aov4 doaw-tat Aw3a ..ii. ; tt jUVM Zl BEAUTIFUL MUSIC A rull Blu Em. Song Meiniager, I5oU Bam pom Imuut Comie Boag, Bsxton, 40 Darlimo Bti of th Boarding cloo,Poiter30 , Girl wtcA tie Oigortttt, Comie Cordelia, '. SO t JmUgtin). Tim-, Cemle, Parkt, 30 KtKtuJdtt'tfoulilu to know, Cemio.Cord'lailO JmnU f Hrt, Beaetifitl Song, MUUrdSO Com in th JtWow, " " Zaeh, lot ft for Bass or Alt. , .' - 3 Tt One Again, Dett or Bop. aa our flahri!. to Job u m QumrroUing KoigUbon, Cmlo Dtt,aaber, 75 Somebody Oteld, with va-iationt, ktack,; 60 Uoaoenlf Greeting, Peaaie aofmnUo.ue, Blaaohey, . ' . " Holiday Vatattun MartX, aiuttiatad title - , tiiltina, a i Smtet Anticipation, Bohottisch. " "0 "- ! ailsinar.. . , Daiiy, Faataisia, Krag , . - ,s . . Any of the aoov scut by mail a reeaiptef th market price. : ;a.i., inm act ' Ha matter where yoa lee a piece of at uic er Uuiie Book advertised, tad to us aad yoa will receive it by enclosing the publisher prlee. SAtSXBa. 4l TTBEEm., - e'--, ttfc.. MCJSie, OaHALatBO1, aUT-dadUa. -j-, w.t ; . X.mOwIf. k ;;iW: ;s .. atsaA4 ,i $o v. i . Established Oct. 18, 1851 F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., IMP01TKKS AID JOSBEtt n Wall er, Pap OTJRTAI3ST -ISTD 410 north J-onrth gtriet, aevR-dm MAYUON, DALY & CO., xiiroM2.B.s. Tnn lab.gsib FANCY DRY GOODS HOUSE HAVB A FULL Bergmann's Worsted. fli Atii, faniAisiSG TO A FULL LINE Also a complete assortment ot Millinery Goodb. "Wo havejust re ceived a large invoice of our famous brand "AAAA" cord edge Ribbons. 148 Michig-an Avenne, - - - - - - . . CIZZOAOO. SatXABZiltZIZlD 1849. The Oldest niueic House In the North-west. H. N HEMPSTBD, IHPOBTEB AND MUSICAL GOODS (IF IW DESCRIPTION ! PUBLI8HEB 01 Slieet 3Xnsic and JCtisio Books. Wholetala Ageaty for Kteinway V Son's, ZZazelton Bros. Baines Brother'! and Varlor Oem rXAITOB and laXason tSi. XXamlin O&OAZTft. A Large and Elegant Stock of Goodt at Bw York Figuret. 410 Broadway, - - - - -, Tis. Send for Catalogues and Price Llets- octll-dAwSm HAVB THE Largest Stock of Fine Clothing For MES'S & BOYS WEAR, west of New fork. The best All-Wool Suits, for the (B ELD ISO'S 8UCCBS80B3.) . 43 xoxtzis.'S'. Sej&l Harasa Lottery el Cuba. COXDCCTED BY THE SPANISH O0Y aramoBt $300,0(0 in Oold draws ovary ht- ataaa day, frit cashed and Inrormatiaa firalihed. Th hlghett prioe paid for Doab le. ns aad all kiads of Sold aad Silver. TATLOB A CO., Bankers, febSdly 16 Wall 8 tree t, Sew York. FLOCK. JOHHSTOFS MILLS . ktaaafaetartra ot Caoie family Front sietd Epriag aad Wintr Wheat, arassiy far the ity ttade. . ALL KINDS O Flour and Meal Oakaad.and dehVered FREE OF CHAROM. I ia tke City. JAS. A. BOYLK. Aeent. between frost aad Illieoia. mektdtf BEST 1H THE WORLD. L Sew York Offioe, 27 BEEKMAN ST.-' novl-dSm . . : YOST k CO., WHOLESALE DEALEBS 1 CLOTH IMG AND FllSXllO GOODS ! 410 XXain Street, Bt.Xonis. Maanfactorj, 326 Broadw-JV- We call Sjwial attention of the Trade Generally th particularly those who have been in the IlahU of Buying Chlhing in other markets, to our Large and uompuw siock oi Men's, Bj and YovtiCt Clothing of our own manufacture, which we will sell to Cash &m BponsihUx tr,nf. immna time customers, as Law as they can be bought in any other market. , , We Earnestly Solicit a tislt from all good merchants, before giving orders to representatives ot other cities East or West We mean business." I.I Call and be convinced. r ., STELJLE, YOST & CO.,;',' 410 Tl. XsXaiB t St. TaOBil Bv-dlm- . ' ABGUS JOB OFFICE. ol IslfllJ. J, 111. lTi araat pretest prepared t doaay kiad V t 40h work wklek may be order, at k ikorutt nsstbi aatisa. aad la t east maaaat ,1 -- i -i 1" rnuiln bt rax TIBttS. DahiT AM. 1.;'. By MaH(peyak!la advaa), par aaaam,f 11.00 By Vail - ixmntht, 6.M By Mall , ..;'. .. moatks. . By Hail 1 aieatk la MT-Br Oi r Cabiihb, St Oaati par week. SisaLa Cot-ias i Oaata. , . , TflBH B.- Waaair Aaa.. , single Copy, (paablet a adranoa) ....... $2. It lea Oopie " , " . St.M rwaaty Capiat ' ' i ............ Shades, ST. LOUIS, HO. STOCK OF Qermantown Wools! DEALER IK moneys in this eonntrr. for 15.00. W. KADI80H ST., aad 867 8TATB 8T. CHICAGO, ILL. dlCKE&S. CITY BAHX2317. WMs H1UTU5G & S01T. Calers ia No. 59 Main Street, mey2S-d-wly K1N0SBA, WIS. Boston Bazaar 1 HEW STORE. NEW L. S. GOODS ! & CO., ILLINOIS ST.,. ROCK I8LABO, (Form.rly MeGee's Bka Star, Of FBB8 FJB BALI 10,000 yd of anbleaebed nhcttinirs at 10. 11. 12 1? 1, 1L. 1. f 6,0l)0jds of white Muslin; at 10, 12$, 14, 16, etc. labia Linens, bleached and anbleaebed at 35. 4j, 50, T5o, etc. 10 pieces real turkey red table linen, at $1.10 per yard. 50 dot Nepkim atT5, 1,00, 1,25, 1,35, eto. Wklt bed tpreadt 1.1 1, 1,50, 1,90 eto 5,0U yds tuaih toweling, . 8, 10, UJ, 15, eto. 50 dot line towelt 10, ll'i, 15, SO, 25o, eto. Large lot linen diapers, eheap. 56 dot Serman eoreeta, to' boaet white and col ored, aU nambers at S5o per pair. 0 dot French cortett v.ry eheap. 20 dot French tilk embroidered corset. 60 dot Kid Gloves all eoiers and aumbert, at (5 oents per pair, eheap. ib dot Kid Gloves, extra a ice 95cts per pair. 20 do t battoa Kids all eelors aad nambers - very ehesp.- A large lot Lille thread and Cotton Gloves. 200 Ladies calies wrappers at 1,50 and 1,0C oaoh 2U Shawls at DO, 76, 00. 1,0 2,0, ,50 ,6, 4.0U, 4,i0, 6,00 to 125 each., A large and splendid assortments of Ladiet' un der tlothiug. ; . Cheuiie 50, 75, 90, 1,00, 1,J5, etc. Drawert, 50, 76, l,0,eU. Bight Dreitet, 90, 1,10, 1,35, 1,50. el. Taeked Skirts, T5, 0, 1,00, 1,M,1,5. Under Shirts, taeked aad riffled, only 60o. 50 dox Aprons from 20e to, i- , . A large line of Ladiei' ana MHts Honery at very low prise. 100 dot LaJiet' hemmed Handkerchiefs from 6o upwards. i great variety ef button and triaaniingt to be ..Id at half the asael crises. 100 dot Ladies' Lao Oolla't at 10, 16 25e,.te. Laiiet' Heal Laee Collait to, 7 5, it 1,55, 1.50, eto. ' ' . . 10,009 ydt of cottoa KdgUgt, at J, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 7, 8, 9, 10, eto. .,,. tO.OOO ydt of Hambnrg Fdgingt at 7, 8, It, II, ! 14, tQ, 24,31, $6, 40; 4, 50, eto. A large line of lEtertions to matsh, eheap. 40u dot 8po; Cottoa, 200 yds eh all eolor d at a t per ipoal or 41 eta per dosen. ' " , . 300 dos Coats' and Clark's cotton at 8 nta a spool. ' -''-' " ' ! -S) :,- 5 . 200 dot ipool Silk., 100 ydt tata, at 121a atpooL 150 dos of spool 811k 12 ydt eaeh at 2e a sool. Skein Eitk and Twnt at je eaek.- ' :c: J. nglith'i pin stack BeadJet, t a paper. - rintetia.paparVi.3:. tafi ,? v ,. Ilattio Cord i. 4, A par vara. ' 25 det G set's whiu VhirU, at 1,00, 1,25. 1,50 ana x,uo open naox.. - , 6Lf ander hrrt J5, St; 60. , t, 1,00, eta. G.ot's plaid Flasnol ihtrt 75, 1,00. 50 doa hand kait Woolea Sockt at 40 a pair; uest t uottoa Hose 10 124, 15, zv, 25. eto. Gent's Papat Collar, 6, 10, 16, CO aad 2 Geat't Beektioa 10, 15, 20 aad 25o. Gent's hemmed Handkerahlefi, 10, 15, 20, 25, eto. Gent's Kid Sieves, eheap. ' . t; . 10,000. yds Calise, at T, , 10. 2.ot P 1,000 yds Bod TUbing at 1 0,16,20,23, eto. 1,500 yd eotto. at 12. 15, 0, 5. ela A Urgi assertmaat f white and r4 Fiannsls t ; b sold cheap- '-''.,, i . A good line of black and colored Alpaeat. A full lit of silk and wool Poplin at aausua low prioa. r . t :-' i L'J irit A good assortment of plaid goods- : Blick Silks from 1,50, to $5,00 per yd. , ' - 3 400 piseet f Bibbon all width ad aolort. Afulllinof SashBihbons. . . Aa xUntiv attortment of Jswelry te basalt at great banraias. r.--f - . rs !t-ce' 60 dat Hoop Skirti st very low prists. , A full lino of Perfumery nad a large variety of - articles too Bmroui te nwnttoti.v . -ia -tcj! .-l-t ... -.''. " spl-dao44n.twlT Window i