1 MEDICAL SPECIAL NOTICES. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME, READ-AND REFLECT. THE CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN FOR THE TREATMENT OF CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, ASTD ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, isvtna; if Lilly lll ha Daren port, eenlielly iavites all whojnay be sufieriag will Car Disease., U .ell at kU4 .! ia Fillia'i Block, 8t Perry Street, Half Block Kortn ef Post Office. . OIHIT li trn ko.wa Mlki riM4 ef U..M.ottresJ (G. S.) Medical Iatute,.leBd .pre priatsreflh. Bleetre Bodeetl laetitata, Milwaakee, Wicaeiw. .orri9fl navs. a9 to l ; a to e: an 7 to s. CON VOLT ATIOH FREE. I IK. sm.SKir HAS GIVES HIS ENTIRB ATTENTION rOB THB PAST U tftMS yars. U tn. tr.Btm.at .f CBKOKIO DISK ASKS, la.ld.al """"r mm hs. seeded nrtealehiag reel.. Meay ar. t..y wk. a a v. '"P1"4 " ? Iwprepev an af Calomel. Me., whisk kav. prodowd aa aaaaa lereo ! " I ! ,.V ?t. ,.7" (To AIff BM HMALSDI , ...i.r. ... wh.iyo.r .rouble- -V K "d ! Ik. Doctor eiamia. ..... If it i. r.kl.. k. -i 1.11 y.a .. ; " . t n " ..II aol .ad.rtak. a .... ..I... k. i. .vosd..t .fer...i.g a .ar I M "l.f hf S.as.loetioa.S .1.... .lorf,,...k '" " 4. traali ntrtso&s avo dxsbassb or zsa blood. 3HIi.IV I f ttu mar t. of Jr. ire. of tkie, laa dsreatse I. fortei YOUNG ,f rcc Ms. afceM .f yousbful WUh or iediserMtoa, will do well to ; reete.1 b.sw .v.rleid at tha aJtar ef ..Bering humanity. Dr. 6 PI II NIC l will it ONE aOSDMD DOLLARS for every em of dentinal W.akaa.i r PnTat. rill ivate hi ..ra...aaraetsrwh.ci be .adersakee aad fail, to .ar. Ha would therefor, say to any aa- foriuaate i.Iar.r wb. may ra4 Ibis aolioe. that yea ar. tr.ading apon dengeroas grooad wb.a y. loader delay ia esskiag II. proper r..Jy f r yoar .omplatat ; aad ay ba la Mm first .tag., re a..b.r ye. ar. appraUbi.g lb. laws! If y.a ar. k.rdari.g apoa th. teat bad ar. "!.( a. r all .fit. ill offsets, r.-.-oer that If y.a b.tiaetely persist ia proeressaaatiea, TBm limm .jsr oo wHtif rat osr scuLroL PBtsIoiAN cam MKitDta too no as- 11STAS0E; wb.a tka d.or of kepo will b. .I.mI fr.v.r ageta.t yoa; wbMM eagal of m.rey ... h,,.- ... relief! a ao .a.a bai lb. Doctor failed of success. Thm lot D.t d.tpair work itwU .pea yaar iiaagiaaiiaa, bat arail your.all of ttaa b.a.Baial raaobti of bit Ir.atm.at bfora yoar .arc nayoad lb. reaoh or m.li.al .kill. orbfor. gnna (' bnrria. ya to a prataatara grarp. 31IIIL.li: AGED ra.r. .ra otaar of iba aa of tblrtT to tft who aratroobhd with loofreoa.nl Kraoaatioa. ot .a. Hlaliar, ofua ae.ootf ani.d by a am ar U n g or buroiag lewaibioa, and waabaalBg Ib.iyiMm la a itnr tb. pati.nl .aanot aceoaal for. Ob Mam. onion af lb. Cnaary D.p.tit., a ropy i.diaaaat ofc.a b. foaad. aad .om.iim.. .owl I partiola. if aibamen will afp.ac, .r Iba oolor will ba a tkia i L ;.u . ...I. .kuviaa Id & ! tArnld ftnnMtrteei. Tharaara B..t tB.B who dl oi thil ililBualiV, igBoranlof anaeaai.. which ii tha SNOOXD STAQB OF SBMISAL WEAKNESS. 3r. 4. will giiafaat.. a PERFECT CCHE m all Mil saaoa.and a boaltiy rwtoratioa of Iba Crio. try organ.. lleonaaalcatloni atrictly oonfldeatial. All lttur. aostainicg Nn.p fi rf lj.ae wdi .itk.atdalay Po.t Offlo. addrwia, Look B. J0, Daranhort, Iowa. daodwaowly 1 a ALEXANDER STEEL. (FORMERLY OF HARPER A;sTEEL.) HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, MECHANICS' TOOLS, AND a7".o;cxx-36ii:ls.ora3 Stooli. ZCoa. a &. 3 Jkrgus Snildinf, East Sagle Street. (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.) ROCK 1&L1XD, ... , - ILLWOIS cjoods, and would the general public your patron ace. ALEX. STEEL. H. MrnnHAiji . row Prannirtiiiid Ylaecar Bitlrra are sot arUo Faacy Drlak. Made of Peer Ram, Whlakey, Pml riairilB aad1 Refaae Ijlaaora doctored. .plci and .woet cned to plcaae tha taat exiled " Tonie.,' " Appetla er," ' Reetorera," fte., that lead the tippler on to drnnlcenneaa and ruia. bat are a true Medicine, made from the Native Root, and Herba of California, tree from all Alcoholic Ktitnalanta. They are the GREAT BLOOD PI K1F1ER aad A LIFE UIVIXG PRINCIPLE, a perfect B orator and Invlirorator of the Syatem, carrylnfr off all poiaonona matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Ko peraoa can take IheM Bitten according to direc tion, and remain long unwell, provided tlielr bonea are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of re pair. ThrV are a Gentle Pargatire aa well aa a Tantc, possessing also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or lnflsm mstlon of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COHPIJUSTB, whether in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood or at the torn of life, these Tonic Bitters hava no equal. For Inflammatory and C hraaio K beam a ti.aa and eat, IM'apepoia ar I.digPHtloo, Billons, Remittent and Intermittent Fevera, niar-aoea of the Bload, I.iver, Kidney., and Bladder, these Bitter, have been most snocessfnt. finch Diaeaaea are caus-d by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement 0 the Digestive Orgaae. DPEPS1A OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Psln In the tlioulders, CoukIis, TiKlnness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Kmctstlons of the Stomach, Had taste in the Month, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Tain In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the tftomach and stimulate tho tor pid liver and bowel, which render them of unequalled ettieacy in cleauKlug the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter. Salt Klieum, Blotches Spots, pimples, PtiMules, Boils, Car buncles. T:lnK-AVt.rtns. Scald-Head, fre Kyes. Knsin- ei.i!, lreh, fcH'urtM, Ii!s tdi jitnu.s ot the Skin, limnors and Iiineiises ol'tlie skin, of wl-atever nnu'e r timure. are literal. v dni: un and -rt:rted nt ot the .r, n, m . short tunc bv tlte use of lliee Filters. One borne in sueh CHSes ill von luce tbe uioe-l lucrt'du louts ot tli-ir curative tttect. Cleanse tlie ViTfnted P.lood whenever vnn find its impurities hurMiiiK through Hie klu ia nrnple. Knip. IIOUS or r-nre, icmif-e u iit-ii jnii i.iiii 11. iiri;unii and slnirvisli in the veins; clenKsi It s lien if istonl.s;l J-our feeling' will tell still wtiee. Keep tilt blood pure slid the health of the sywtem u ill folk w. PIN, TAPE, and other WOUJiS. Inikn g ir, the evstl m ot Ho Ititiey ttiou-Hi'di.. are t uecll!;- i!tslri-. ed and renioveti. K( r full infections, n iid cit :;i;!y the circular sronnd eiii'li letlle. printed in loi.r Un guages fcuglit'h, German, 1 ii in h and frpaiiU-li. J. WALKER, Proprietor. K. II. Mr DONALP CO., Propgtsta and Gen. AgeuiH, San Francisco, Ciil., and JC and 34 Commeree 8trei t. New York. gaTLl liV ALL IiKl't'UiSTd AMI l'KAi.HlS Joha B.agitoa, and 0. A. BcB.er, Agant, Book I.land. UseSenno's Fain Killing "It Works like a Chans." sugge.H, readjr olotion of the international' eopj- rigkt qaettioa, woioh it caniiug go many hard words and ion hard feelings, that American authors be allowed the seme rights in England as natives witboal regard to the way in which English authors are treated here. The English law at present is quite liberal, allowing to foreign witters all copyright privileges ia England, provid ed the same rights are accorded to English writers by the respective foreign nations. The Economist proposes to go farther and give them the full benefits of the English copyright law on an eqoal footing with their own aalhois. Thus it hopes to en courage the diffusion of good literature, aad brings us to a seat! of reciprooal d alias by heaping coals of fire upon our heads for the piracies of the past. It think, that this generons measure of joaiice would soon be meted to c.ng'and again by corresponding regnlations in other eouotries. Thb London Economist Thb Galveston Xetrs says, that ''in con sequence of their defeat, the Radicals are moving heaven and earth to have Texas delegated to military role;" and it rent arks that "while this would be a breach of faith by congress, and aa invasion of American liberty, sun, it there is no choice except ooatinning the present plundering and mur dering administration in office and a federal military rule, give ns the latter a thousaad time.."' To which an exchange adds : Mar tial law wss once considered the harshest of all rule; bnt it seems from this that the civil rale of Radicalism is something a thou. and time worse. When thegoveroment providtd by congress for Texas is so oppressive and ic famous that the people ask fur military rule, as a relief.it is a question for the whole people to consider, whether tbo policy whicjl governments ought not to it produces the same it ha. produced ia establishes such be overtrriwn before frnite elsewhere that Texas. raozAi. notion. Dr. Hurley's Ague Tonic Purely Vegetable; I Xfo Arsenic, Ko fiSercary in ti competition 1 NO OUEE, If 0 PAT, la durations bo follow ed. No danger in taklag aa ov.rdoso, as wa put no poison in our mediainea. per eotti. On. dollar Or. Harlej'g Stomach Bitters! XB Ik. rta.dy, par exeell.n.e, for ail diseases arising froat dekllitv. dUord.red ate ai ash. Laser appetite, torpid liver, iadlgoatioB, aad all kindred ailmeaU, where a rentl. aad perma nent stimulant aed tsnlo i. reqoired. Pleasant t. take. : Oa. d.llar par bottle. Or Barley's Sjrap of Sarsaparilla WITH IOOIDK OF POTASH. THIS Preparation has long boea roeognli.d by th. m.st eminent aalnda ia th. Medical Profession as th. m.st reliable, aearchiac and karmleis alterative within their reach, and a a toed Purifier Iteertainly stand, without a rival, One dollar per bottle. DrSe&brook'a laftai ethiig: ) rnp IHBiBdispeasakl. remedy ia th. nursery Mo more as. for laadaannt, natererie. Bate aaaa's Drop, er ether atrong opiates No bad fleet, from th. as. .1 Sleabro.k'.. H.alth to the ehild, rest to the mother, aad a .l.ar eonselaaoe to tha vendor. Tw.nty-flv. cents per bottle. Br. Hurley'B Popular Worn Cutty I S really all it claims to be a 8 PECIFIC re. A. atovisg all worms from Ih. human visoera, N. harmful etleet from its use, Ohildraa lev.it. o daager ia giving aa overdose. Twenty-five jents per box. Dr e book's Klixir of Brw mi Iron rpUE Ureat Tom. and Appetizer. One d.llar X per bottle. All for sale by druggists every waer.. J. W. BEATON A 00., Proprietor.. oot27-deod-mwfAs4m Bold by John Be. g.toa Loalsvilla, Ky. WISE RAILING. will i FOR OKMBTRT LOTS, C0TTAQI8, As. WIRE GUARDS, VorStor. Fron ts, Factories, AsylnotE, Prisons, A e BEDSTEADS, With Wire Backing, are eleanly, strong A durable Paper SSanufactnrert' Wires. OSXAMKMAL IRtft W01K, Wiought Iroa Frame F.noes, Fancy Window Screens, t. Iv.ry taformatlon by th. maau factanra. M. WALKER A B0N8. So. 80S Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. j.Udeod,m.w,riy E08E91&BF. 8PALDIXCS EOSEMABY SPALDISG'S 1 ROSEMARY Ooatains everything (ia oar opinion) required So (iv. rlohnae., beaaty and uleganoe to th. bair. I neat, clear snd fra from all lajarioa. n oer.:.. We advia. ail to n.a it, who desir. a olean. health, assln anil beautiful hair. The Rosemary 1. the best d ren in restorer and bair nrodneer in n. ITawt upoe ohildraa tt will lay the foualaia for a aa perior head of hair. Sold by druggi.fi every where. E. M. SKINNSR, Proprietor, jelSdaodweowly 28T Trement St., Boston SPECIAL ItOTICIS. Parmelee's New Teetible Pilli, Coatsdniag a disk, and Dandello-and wlU Cars i Liver aa K.idDey Complainss, Dyspepsia OesUv.ae.. H.sdsohe. Purify tti. Blood aad regalaU the BMr.ti.( nmov, M Bill... mat tot and prevent Aga. Xkas. Fill, are aati Bili.u. aad a Specific t tn, ., of thoM Cbroai.and BilioasDmntniiratt myi4,wi, EPILEPST Oil nxs. m seas eras ar this sWsrtn.mp!ta1UBOWma)L f htrwBerbslPrsStoB,PeHiifco-iTik Tu, I Bsows. TsepreWptlswMiBovfa'yhia,i.re s srarMMItsI BSBSer tha fc mT??0ir nnusrasisfcsHa iowa, sbs.-;j" ass ass. It tar Pits, sew Bsvaul SaUeS SB I tim himilUM h.. Ka obtslnsS ArBBl SB: ZTT" D . mim ... Dm. O. I Brows. No. tl Orawl Stnet, Jsrssy City, N. J., ITUl OS BBS! DJ aprddwly ., sad it I OILS. ossra r. HAXwaix. wiiaiaji a. wbbblbb. MAXWELL, WHEELER & CO., Mansfiettsrers and Dealers in RAILROAD LAUD OILS. Lubricating, Burning, Machinery and Wool Oils. Railroad Paint, lc. AOX2ITT8 L08B Oil, OO. OFFICE lOOoINDIllf A AVE. , Factory 398, 306 and 9t Illinois Bhreet, feblOdeodly-mwf C BIO AGO, SHOW CASESs ON MARRIAGE. Happy Rslisf for Tonng K.a from toe ef fects of Errors aad Abases ia early life. Man hood restored. Berveus debility cured. Im pediment, to Marriage removed. Sew method of treatment. Sew aad remarkable remedi.s. Book, aad Cir.ulara seat free in sealed eav.lope. Address, Howaas Associavioa, No. . doatk Ninth Straat, Fhllad.lphia ..asdw3a TA2X SOAX?. r-". l mil now oi;orinrr n cutirt-iv new mihm m TCiH-ctfullv call the attention of mv oll t'rioiuls and to trie same, and f-Lall endevour to merit sail wtf Iicsjx'CtfuLlj, mOLINE PLOW COmP'NY 3Joiiiiifn-ctiii"or,i8i of Bav.yo. Eaadache? Have you Toothache? Have you Neuralgia? Bar. yoa Rheumatism? Have you Sore Throat? Have yoa Sciatica? Have yon a Bruise? Have you Cramps? Vt Ronee's Magic Oil Us. Kenn.'s Magic Oil r.e Renne's Wagie Oil I se Renne's Magic Oil Is. Kenne's H agio Oil lae Benne'a Magic Oil r. Kenae's Magic Oii Use Heane sMagio Oil A Soft k Be autifnS Skia ! J. A. POZZOiWS MEDICATKO Oomplexlon ?0 kV Dfl&l Imparts toth.Skia a beautifel, trans psreat nhiten.FS uialii'. ihe .kin deli csttiy suit A smooth, removes sll freckies, tan, sad allays ail ir ritation. 1 hi. valu able cosmetic cbb be ned with the reat est confidante. Fifty ernts and tl per bn whole-ale and retail at J. A Pozzoni's, Fifth street. nnv2-dlv EOCKli'S JUfcNK TIC OIL AND Liiver lills RB THE MOST WOKDERFUL OURA A live Medicine, now known. Tkey contain no mercury, no areas!., no polsono S drags of any kind to injure toe human ey.tem. The Magwetie Oil is both an inurnal and external nnredy, and one that will aot only remove pain witheat fail ia an almost incredible abort space of time, but subdue, inflammation the toarce of paio. ibe Lit IK flll.s act in tsrmony th the Magnetic Oil. stimulatiag the Liver to healthy aotioa .treagtheaing the digrstive aas. removing o! (tructiens from the Liver and Kidneys, cleaa.e the blood, and assi.t Sa tire to thr; ondiea.e The Magnetic Oil and Liver Pill, are preped siier the direct supervision of Da. S. ROtiEK S Dock Street, Pbiladelphia. and sold by rug.iste and dealers in Patent Medicines. oot30-deod-mwf it weow3m 31AST.VS uiincnic Balsam, eULTiVAT MOLINE, - - - ILLS This Company, with increased facilities and experience, are mami- : .,m;nf, uunn a frftater varietv than usual uo.n in Bize and stvle of their bnperior Tlows, amon- w .cn will I found tbe STUBBLE ; OR, OLD GROUND, BOTH WOOD AND IRON BEA2S.) Hav.y.uOholeraMerbus?!'.. Renne's MagtoOil Have yoa Lameness? TJse Renne's Magi. Oil This is th. Best Family Remedy, lo euro al kind, of Faia, yoa over tried. It is elean, ssl'e and delieieBa to nee, and if yoa use it faithfully, It will do yon Good ! Directions on each bottle. Bny it of the Drug gist or Merchant where yoa trade. If they have aot got it on hand tkey will send for it, at year request, and ..11 y.a Osnuin. Sanaa's FaiB EiiUag Hagls OU, at th. manufacturer's lowest price at retail. aT-Sold oy uruggists, aserchaBU aai urccera. It I. not ap la three .i see. and sailed "Trial 8is, -Msdioai 6ise," and "Large Family Bite" bottlea WM. BINM A SONS. Solo Proprietors and Manufacturers,. Je-dweowly PiTTariaui, Mate. Bsld W bolesale and Ketail by C. A. Beater, Druggisu, Koek Island. Look to Yonr Ihiidrea ! THE SKEAT SOOTIIIXG SYRUP i'lii: i.KLAT -Ltt L.M.i HlZIIZl V i iZl.ii'JI.. Dalsam Masia's Hasia's C: 2- s Ci Breakers of every size & style, SINGLE SHOVEL F XVS, Double Shovel Plows, Iron and Weed Beam, Michigan Double Sod and Sub soil Plow, Five and Nine Tooth Cultivators MRS. WHIrillHB' TRUF. f Cure. C( ) in the Bus I Isles Ibe p Cure. Colic and tiripiag rlea and fsctll- f rocet . of teethia g echoes. CoaVBiaiOBS, and over-") PRICE eomes ail di.ea.ee iaeident to ia- f S ant. and childred. ) CLH18. pLilmonij Balsam Ct-r.s Coicns. FlIoh::: Balsam Masla's Faimonio Balsam Ct!RE3 Soke Ttrno.vT. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ci nta BsOKCiuTia. Masla's Pulmonic Baisam Ct lira Ckocp. Masla's Pulmonic Balsam Crr.rs IIoofing Cough. Masla's Pulmonic Balsam CL-itea Asthma. Masla's Pulmonic Balsam Checks BiXEniNO From the Li-nus. Masla's Pulmonic Balsam KtLirvES Cosei itrTioN Masla's Pulmonic Balsam Cl'RES ASP KELirVI S ALL DISEASES OF THE THROAT, Lf'GS AND CHEfcT. MS- fold nv UOtiI)I- ec tx., Koston. ana by all Dealere in Medicine in tbe Sew Kngland Bute. sol i in Rock I.land by John Beng.toB. septldwSss W. L. CARROLL, (IF Ktlll lVt, S a Ten port, ... Zo. Also, ia eoaaeetioB with Dodge A Huts, Washington, D. 0., tk. forsae' Examiner ia the aiest Omeo, has saaerior faeililie. for attend- ( to all hi ads of Patsat OSae kasiaess for IN MTOH8 osvlVdSs Flat Papers aad Colored Ksdiums, 4S DEtRBORS ST CHICAGO Cat Carda all kiad. and sites. uaraboard and fsaey Papers HaBufactn.ed to order promptly. R1C11E- u&s nUITuiMB'f TEHF. I- (.pi, Care. Diarrhoea, Dy .en ter y ana summer iom- a'.ot.inchildraa .t all ages Relieve pain, weakpeos or ex-" hau.Uen ia la or ill m'.eali s.h.vidj tone and power to ine svstena. J PRICE CENTS. It is the Great Infants- aad Children's Suoth- iai Remedy, la all disorders brought on by teething or any otbor cause. Be particular la .ailing for MRS. WHIT COMB'B BY KLV, aad taae no oloot. Prepared by the G P.AFTOS MBDI3IXE CO., St. Louis, oto. Bold bv Druri Jf and dealers in Medicine everywhere. 0. nes.BTtos. a.nna ulass. R0BEETS01 t CL1S, D.aler. ia CeU,WOGD,WmRUME, Pig Iron, and f eke OfEee corner Msin and Peoond Streets, RAOINB, WI? Old Companies' Lehigh, Pltlstoo. Lackawan na, Bloteiierg, tirler Mill, w lliow tfaek. sySV-dly ALSO T11E CELEBRATED ' P1-- B. B. tSi" . -Njkoa . t-U. fc-?if A itOK Fit THl SHLLlOSs or to tha Married or .j I those about lo marry, ll U lllss I on n PhT siologieal mysteries aad revelations of the sexual system, witk the lateat discoveries in producing; and pre venting oBspriag, prewrvlng ibe oomplexien.Ao. Tki. i. so interesting work of iZi paces, with numerous engravings, and contains valuable in formstiea for those who are married or contem plate onarriage : still it is a kook that onghtto he Bsdsr iocs an a aav, ss. not about the house. Bent to any on (fro. of post Me) for 60 oeats. Bb !llLIAS 13 LHS AiliiObSU SI. U mwn.." Before applying to tbe notorious Qoaoks who advertise in public papers, or using any wnai-a Remedies, peruse Dr. JJatL' work, no matter wh at yoar disoase is, orbow deplorable yonr con dition. . Dr. Batts can beoonsulted persona ij or cy nn tK Sisessss mestioaed in bis woras. OlRee Ho. Ii H K e-hth street, pel. wiaraei sua Che.taul St., St. Louis. Mo, jsnU-dwiy J. H. TEiSFODLE t-VJv -t :-y '.- iry. , v- r---.i Ua. To wliicli wa would cull Bneciitl attention. Iu a salo of over nix thou sand tiie nast Year, it Laa rriTen entire mt'if action, and proved to be the k tf 7 ----- O d ' Best Walking Cultivator now in Use Its Tjrincinal T)oLnt of excollenco are invention!? of our own. andeecured to ua by Letters Patent. "We present it to the Farming public o its own merits. Our Plows and CtdtiwatorB are of the bent material, made np with great care, and are not excelled, u equalled by any made in the West. Feelinr? confident they will stand the test of thorough examinatioi and trial, we .would respectfully ask all who wish for fint-dass impl merits to look at our Flows and (Jultivators belore purchasing any others Letters ef enquiry or orders, will have prompt and careful attention if addressed to ; (- BIOIiIXu-. TX.OV7 co Molina, Aogast 28, 1871. M0L1NE, ILL. EAGLE MILL PATKKTED Al'C. 1', l!!. Mansfaturer, Wholesale and Rstatl Dealer In tmm mills ARD milk: safes Constantly aa hand or mad. so order. 5o. (10 Mara street. a AcmR wis. Post Office Box 45 aovlt-dly P-CE.E TOia LEITuKss 1 A JUDICIOUS CK OF Frank IXilloiH -PIEPASKD HARNESS OIL B'ackiag far Haraeas, Carriage Tops, Ac, aad ki. . LBATBBR PR linKRVATI VU IID ATER PROOF Q!L BUCKIN6 For Boot, aad Shoos Is most .xcelleat economy. The, artwlas are always rail sole, fei sale by Benedict, Smyth m MoConuell, and J. A M -eserfield , w . , j1041y DR. WHITTIER. C1T St.Charles r.8t.lnis,llTo. KReUI.AH rKAJVA-f Bf vr V(JIJ1R1 K. AS DIP fjrfU ttOOW, Mb tvejaytj IMUW (Mora. ! tM) kMMa, WMa. UfS rmite sVaAaM t DAVENPORT ADVERTISEMENT. ABIES' VARIETY ST0.lt X: t'KI! tOI ai rli'lietrj i d tr MiWict SSTA2L13HSSST, MO. - i S4IS STSBBT, OAVBSPtRT, - - IOWA. s.ptJJdl r. Persian Healisg or Pine Tar Soap. T7ACH ak. ts stamped "A. A. Oonstantine's - Persian Healing or Fine Tar Beap, Patent ad March If, 1897." Ko other is genuine. For the Toilet, Bath and Nursery, this Bonn has no eqsal. It preserve, the eoe.pl.xioa fair, removes all dandruff, keeps the bair soft and silky, and prevent! it from falling off, and ia tbe ''best Hair Renovator in as.," IT CURES chapped hands, pimples, salt rh.sm, fro.ted foet, burn., all disease, of the scalp and skin, catarrh of the head, and la a Gtd Sharing Soap. This Soap has already won toe praise and ss teem of very many ot our first families in this city and throughout the country. IT Ir 1KL) extensively oy our best physi cians. Wherever used it has become a house, hold necessity. We advise all to try it. For sale by all dealer.. One agent la wanted in each town. Add-rees ft. 4, (omnu A o.. 43 Ann street, - - ZlTew York. Or by all Druggist, in R'ck Island. mch41eod-m w f-wly Victor Scales 1 DR. BOflAMAN Office Ko. 619 Ksrtk Fifth stress, (betweea Washington At., bbs Oreea .tracts), SAINT LOUIS, - . MISSOURI. Established m St, Locls 1837. CDRB8 AEl. 0HR0HIO AND SPECIAL Dl.ea.es in a short time, either la Mai. or Female charge, low fess; ases no Mercery. 18. BOHAHSAM'S "Trsstisean ft-1 . . .... ' ssi isseaaea, wwien luuy eipl.ia the natara, ""i sympioBjs, etc., oi Spermatorrhea" er 'Beminal Waakne.s," Syphili., Fesaala Cons plaints, all impediment, to M arrises, and val nahlelaferaiatioD oa other delicate subjects, .nt FRKB to address in a plain sealed envelop., oi .nifiivi BBC BIBBSp. 8EKII1L WEiKSESS CCEXD. uk.. BUnttiSAS 8 "VE9BTABLE 0U- aanvs' peraiBB.Btly cures all forms of 'Boer matorrb.a" or "Seminal Weakn.ss" ia from two to s.vea week. tin).. It restore. "Lo.l Power' and brings back the "Tonthfwl viger" of thoae who has. destroyed it by sexual excess, ar evil practice.. Toung Bia .offering front the effect, of that dreadfully destruetiv. habit of Self Abuse cbb asa this medicine with the assures c fa speedy and Permanent our. This r.osedy baa been ased by old Dr. Bohanaaa la hia nri- vale practice for over thirty years, and has a.ver failed ia coring even the wor.t eases. Prloe $ per package. Beat to any address (ts. from eaarvation). Bold only a) Dr. 0. A. Bohan Baniofnc, l"Te 610 "forth Fiflh.treee.8t.Loui. Me Kstabiished In 183T. sschi.1 dwly 6 i af JtJh4L IJwill-i v-t- V af - 1 Jgi'S- Cardboard & Paper lloase. TRUMAN 8. GILLETT, Maaafacturer of and Dealer ia ardhoard & Fane) Papers ti T 3 -. a r .ai " The Best is Cheapest! SIMPLE, ACOCRATR. DCRAbLE AND Reliable of W.st.rn Inventions aad manu facture; they are "up to the lime." and belong to this century. They require no foundation below th. actioa of the froit, as thoy weigh accurately witk the platform ia or aut of leva1. Fir.t Premium at three State, seven County aad four Union Fair., and St. Louis Agricultur al aad Mechaaieel Asso.iation. Purchasers will save $25 to $50 in cost of set ting scales for grain, bay and stock purposes, by buying this aeale. Tfts- Rvery Scale guaranteed. Address I.H.I1TMM. IHIR DTE. LEVERTON'S Lightning L. A. ?RE9E!IBUB6H & CO., vsmm mi MAKUFACTUBBM8, SS A 37 LaSall. aB4 m Li)k, Btrrt, O0ICASO,.... vvv Show Case of every Description. Hetil, HalBQty Cherry, Biewod, Ebny. Etc.. FU. s4T- Show Oases Shipped to all pan. 0f the United States and Osnadas. asglS-daoiwly BLOOD ENBICBEB. THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. Tbe sure Repairer of Broken Health. The true "Nerve Supporter. The Permanent Strength Renewer. The most Energetic Tonic. Ia all caeea of Debility, Poor Blood, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it surely and durably benefit. Sold by all Drtiyrjutt, or the Manufacturer on the receipt of $G, will tend, by Erprent, 6 Bottles, which u sufficient for 3 or 4 months. Prepared only at the Laboratory of Thompson, Steels & Pries LTf'ar Co, MKrFrTURsTaiS fiF CR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER, Special Flavorings, for Ice I'ream.fakr A Pastry. 257 and 219 LAXI CXSEIT, - CEICAM, ILL. 327 SESCKS STSZZT, - - - ST. MfflS, HO. Removed to 47 A 49 West Lake street. et4deod.,mwf Awly HAIR ICTOB SCALE C0MP1NT, SZOX.ZZ7X1, ZXiZi. ( CI AGO U0E8E. 15S SUte Street. )aJO-deodm,w,f,wly mehlS-dU NlTiaiL DESPATCH Fast Freight Line for Detroit,! incinaati,thicao iPRMRll WEED BALM. TRADE MARE. For Inlialatlou. The method of treating Diseased Lunga.Asth- Mark Package. N4TIOMAI. IlkSPtTfU. LANSIN0 MILL9, General Areat, jyi&d Ko. Si tVssbingt..n 6t BOSTON. SZlSDZOAXa, St. Xsoois, Slock Island, Omaha. And all points West. sbt- fare, -b . 1 ma, ustsrra.sD. an xooercuinr auecvions.ny id. 1 O JL lIXllUlttll3Fat, halation, is aa acknowledged success. Byin- balauea of tbe VAPOR from the B A L M every cell of the LTJN98 is reached am expanded, aad the healing qualities ot the MEDICIN E ar. brought Into direct action snva tbe organs diseased Th. RED from which this HALM is made, was discovered by a well known professional gentle man of Boston upon the PHAlflK" in the CSBAI I ILLKY of the Ml -si IKSI PPI through the Instinct of horses affected with tb. Hears!, and Is therefore a GBMAT NITCBIL BE91KDT. He fir.t cured himself of CONSUMPTION when told by his Physicians that heeoald not lire over six weeks, and now recommends tt ua- hosil&tiniiv to the public. Puce $1..' 0 per bot tle. Including inhaler. HKIhS St POTTER, General Agents, 170 Washing! :n street, MILTOK AUS.TIW, PROPRIETOR, BOSTON, MAES ACHUtSTTS lels-deod m.w.fly Warranted the best ia the Werld QIICK AS LIGDTNING ! ,md S HAIR OR WHISKERS, A Beautiful, Permanent, Black or Brown AB DESIRED. Manufactory and Principal Depot, 39 XKAB.7XI.T ST2LE1ET, POBTfsnotTU, - S. B Sold by Druggists and Dealers .very where. tea. r:ci one dollar, -t-t. octlT dAwly C0HD1T10.1 POWDEB. Noams' CBLKBaATtO) IMPROVED COMlTlttN P0WDER8! Xor ELories, Oattlo. AheepsZtog-f. and l".wial Tb. cheapest ana only saia, certain and relia ble Medicine tor some ot th. disease, peculiar to all of tne.e animals. For 11 o ss. and Cattle. They are a Sovereign Remedy tor Loss of Appetite, Hide-bound, Lis tempers, Rheumatism, la ward Strains, levers, Founders, A.., St. Aad a sere car. for Cough, ana Colds, whioh 1. th. fonadatiea of tb. more tatal diseases. These Powders ar. ao eompoan' ded, and of such ingredients, that all of their valuable quslitiea blend in harmonious uaslon, which readily enter Into the element, of th. bl.od sad jnioes, and are thereby made lo pene trate .very part of th. sy.tem, tbu. assisting na tar in allaying fevers and iaflammatioas, break ing np .olds, stopping coughs, rsmovmg tia healthy obstructions, looseaiag the skin, opening its posM, oaueiug tka hair to lie smooth, and giv ing it a glossy, soft appearance, purifying the blood, giving ten. to the stomach and digestive organs, and imparting new ltfe, vigci and strength t. th. animal. A few doe, of tbeae Powder, will prodnoe a wonder lull effeot upon tbese animals. For Sheep, they are a perfect remedy for Dis tempers, Foot-Rot, waatof Appetite, wool Drop ping, Scurvy Ac, and by feeding oa.e a we.k freely, will prevent all th. above diseases. For Hogs, tbey will keep In better eondltien. Fatten Qu cter, and on lore food. Half a Pack are shoald b. mixed in every barrel of swill Tnese Powders have nescr been known to fail to care that fatal disease known as Hog Cholera. BK il RB ASD CALL FOR KOBRIS'. Frio. 25 cents per package ar five for $1. frepar.a ana sols waeiesai. ana Beteu r.y 0. G. NORRIB. CLEVELAND, 0.. and .old ky Druggist, aad Merchants generally. row sal. by John Eengaton, Boca maca. octo d.od tt wf- ly - CATARRH EILLIRG MORE PEOPLE THAI ATT OTH ER CISRASS 1 loBsum, lion Urglfctfd urrl COtoTslUilOWAL DIMAsB CUHl.i by remedies that build np the constitution. LITER, BLADDER, KIDS EI 8 and MTJCOtb Burfaoe. generally affected by Catarrh. B.R16IPBLA8 aad RHEUMATISM froa. cau ses similar to Catarrh. Lcucorrkuaa and all LHsea.e. of the Mnaousi. bubsabd Jembraai. Oold., Coughs, Consumptive ten denci.., akin 1'i.sa.es, anC everything ot Scrofula nature. Patronize Home Industrj! SOCK ISLAND STOVE 0. STAVES! The Bsst and Cheapest SHIP fBUDM' BY. . B. CABPSXTaa & SANDS, Manufacturers oi Sash. Doors aad Blinds PLUSISGAXD hATCniKG. Scroll Work and Rt-Saving done to order. All order, promptly atteaded to. Factory btwca Erie and St. C'.aire 8treeU. West side of River. RACIXI, WIS. Pries, as lew aa any ether kens, ia the lly Biou28 dly Set.se of Smell Reatured 1 Catarrh Cured, I and Used-Up Feeling Banished by Con stitutional Catarrh Remedy. Kesrrs. LiTTLSPiELD A Hires: Last lai' I feeling about u.sd up, I was troebled with th Catena, and I felt snout ant of sorts. I thought 1 I would try a bottle of th. (mli(uieol Catarrh Hemeju. 1 brought it home and took a few doses, and tboaght ther. was aot much to it, but I kept I on taking it aad found it rather a powerful I medicine. Itdid memueh good t I felt better, aad I by the time I had used half a bottle 1 found my self pretty well patched np, se mach se that 1 1 set it away and have aot asei any medioin. I inc.. Bad Catarrh six muntks. and difficulty about breathing : could not smell. Am now all right. THOMAS R. HOVT, Maihamatieel Instrument Maker and Civil Engineer. UoBetowa. Jan., 1871. - . l ST Ml JV- T'I BKUII L. THE GEOTINE DIOKEY iJlS SBX.SZXIO. I If. H. GARDKEH & GO. TA.rri7CB.v LEATQEH CELjIXG ! Oiet, 119 Washington street, BaflalOf.. ...a...........JsTs Taaaarj, IS leas., stream. Mto-dsed l,M-ly 3 BSiBceUaBMttaV PETER FEIEB, RRCTIFIIR ARD MARtFACTrilR 0 UsBisstl. Lloaots. lasporssr aad Dsalsr ia Wissssaatttve-i. "vast sweet. epe- tt Vsrry Laadaag. Utaaa, iaj EOUIDOTEKs vrssa.ikls..sa aa .last aed aad baud, aad I press. oves, so tka H wttl took as wall as k- m. WILCOX Taller, Wb. has rm.ved . West agls Btsieot; sadw sb. Rsk Islaad Baas.' t-saoma-wis , mm: fJJ Sir m iliini .iiniBiHiif" EXTBACTB, AC. DR. PRICE'S SPECIAL rLAVOHlNGS. I FOR BALK AT DAVID DON'S, Opposite WADSWgRTH'8 DRY GOODS STORE. 'mektdwly VA1TXLLA, T .TTTiTOlT Ste Fcr Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes dV Pastry. THOMPSON STEELE & PRICE M'F'G CO. Depots, Chieaga and St. Looia, soimnmrM or BK. PRICE'S CREAM BAKIITO POWDER. AND BLOOP EN RICHER. Removed t. 4T A 49 W.st Lake street. IflSW Store & Cense FcrBlfthing jStore. r.:JaL..' WILER, Formerly of fiwiler St Bpcncer, Has open.d a t . t v b T2tTJX7Is3, dba. JT. W. WIRTEL, ADA0TTWB Or TBBHKS, YiLISES, TBAT ELISO BASS, AC, W20XX!8AB StUXAXL. Re. dOBrady DA TEMPO -- Bspairiag asaly dossa. IOWA. -AKD Ship Chandlers And Dee'are ia A SfbUsmbS Vesarl. ss. siksr ehjssslsB ts Bt, s-seis, Pypbilia , Sysasrrheu, fritus 4u Oleei, . . THi ft sad Hn!a r Hsmars : sa tirlnsrr .....ii 1 1. Heroarisl sSacttoas sf ts tsrasl. Hit. Bsss sn tiesu. wliB Wiisrsllatoc sseans. ' teaeraiassrrhett. Sexaal IeMUty wad Ins. BBBiDev. ss the result vrsslf-sbaM Is TU. Miuii h star TMn, or sUmt SftsSMa, Bed Bliick pruim was f tar foltawlas aSMU, SS vm Borul SBilartni., BMobai , SxhUity, diszlaesa. dlmaess wf sight, esw lUM sf MVBS, VU SfbltUSS. STSMOS W BMSMT f fcosl, U.. of Bftsmo sua Bus) poser nssanafttsiss rl !,,,,, srs ibi isnnsiiy smi, SM BftmpfcBS . rrLUo! b, ibe.. i for two sismpo. Call er vriM, s niwndlr BUk oasts aotkunr. afedlelaiis seas svsrvvhen. U K lf oeA Bu s phrslcuta was tnsu sasMSBdsBf r?7 ror aoqolras rs sklU. Owusvy Bkysteiaa. . sSBBiiis till. rrqBtlv rammfaeBS psraoss ssbivsub. uatwBor, wa. .soar. m. ut)i,ualr.a. . . aWBYBWsfiHBSIQnJIjgBJgBBJIBBBJQ . M AKIIOOO t VTO9IAS11O01 1 wmv t 'PM1BMIBM ; whB sot. Why. BMVS si "Whs way wanr. I BUS SSIB. U to- Marrtaas teaMoaaa ort.L. ut. ir i athar, Biatlior, roaa. Bias an. j jdi, wwmm afeasM a. saesi " siih 1st Tsa Aitrm, Pa. Wsvuis.au at. Ca,i-Bag Mo. . laanlriUva Blah sskBaW. ' ! Srl M-11C.IU.I.B I . SB ?'' "ri 1'' s) f trN " ' -I . Catarrk of Ten Years' Standing Cured Also Kidney Troubles 1 S.cth Wsiss, N. H-, Nov. 14. 1H7S. K.ssrs.LtTTt.sriaLD A Bates: I feel it my duty to let U. aubhe kaow what fcan.fil your Coaatitational Catarrk Remedy has don. for m. ,. - . . 1 r LK. . 1 j KisvSHSrBTJIim AAD CORDAGE ..wvwuiu lrm a - my head. I ased only on. bottle before I felt eoti-.lv well. The discbargs has entirely atop pad, and I am only trouble wnea l get a eold; thea an. or two doses will relieve all troubles. ' I al.a lead vary bad Kidney trouble., whioh hav. IB a free degree leu bjb. ior, .a. ... . Mad.' by ... . . AL8EET P. DICEET, ' At ' A C 1 K Hia assssassj saiss. ooa.eooao aaaoow ookwwo t 1 . Oao W D. Rbbis, Aook Island 1 V tLsranv S Paissvsa. Dsvsaport, asaau m.kis-dly Head and Throat TroabJes. W.bckstbb, Mass. Meye, !87S Messrs. LiTTifMBLn A Havas ; -Qsata: While at b.ss. .i.k tn Mare a last, ay folks .i.hsd m to try Tr C-tarrh Rem dy for my heed and throat I went to yoar plane and got bottle ead need it. aad bs'saat boea so wall fT year, as I was after I bad boea- taking it three weeks. - ' , ' ' . I took a severe eold aboal twe w..ks ago, and . i,..d beelns ts trouble ma a sin It is tke Catarrk st eao.gk. Bead me oae bottle om.w.TseIeegetw at oaa. the prieaf wki.k (tl ) f a will dad eu closed, aad eblig. Trnlyyonrs, " t '. r For .ale by H tb. leading Druggists of Rock Inland aad Dev.aport. ... . jyt iB,Wfas,. 20 aad 307 South Water Rtsset, CUICAUO I We weuld call par;ten'ar aUenHoa of thstvsds to oar ai sal-, as we at aU times base tB targe, and beat assortment fa tb. West, of CTTti AD ri.AX DUCK. (All Widths) DHclijBg Ropes, ; ntnuw asa Tarred itepei, - m a nii.i. Basra ButKinir. Burlpt uibm, un-B.nifu, ci V . a 1 . .a. i-L ;-m sHyv.I t ar moofior. J"iteh.' ana remng Sit ,WINK ItflFK, Bith.r IROK or 8TIII. far Miaiag Hoisting or Ferry parposes. leais 01 .very. kind. Tarpaulins Wagoa Covers, : of otaia aad Rubber seated Daek Ot Silk or Baatiag, as p.r Army Regulation' constantly en aaas or mad. to order. Jy'-dwly . i,, . , Store, House furnishing d compute stoos or gooas, obi SUBIZTSCat OAS9S. Attorosvs. r. t. Witk a aew aac II T IHO IS S 1 KtAT, oae dear wetof the iutiNaJ Bk.k.r..asfthginta. H faraieklos; la. oaa be found of th. b.sl saal'-r aad at r.dueed pries. I have the ageaey f John B. nerron eft Celebrated Stoves, Among irbioh Is tb. 'XfM.m.t.O" Oook.1 : Which kse b.ea imerored duris g the p est moatb aa)af, (t i. all reapeets a first eiass .leva. THE -CHAtta," A new paUaea, with all th. latest impr.v.as.ats. " t VlTB. BLPAlBls I shall keep, eoastsotlv on bead a full .took of grates,, linings aad ref.lra for tbe Idsho, Ckalieage, Rival aas all the leading eook stoves that Aav. bee sdd ia Koek Island. 1 . Partisaiar atteatioa wttl ba paid to all kiads of tia aad sheet iroa jok work. 0 Well aad eUtera panspa kepi .eBstsatly.a haad. :;,se ,.,,!. s... ., . Tk akfal for past patroaa. e l would rsepast faliy ask my .Id frisad. to sail at my new placa . 1 hasinese. ; J am dsterssiwes t Soar, ao patas toplsas. those wko favor m. witk ihslr p ateoav. af..'-'- ' M A. BW1LKR,! . SmShU-dwtf I - ' ' m iukis. "so. Assort. MctXBEBKE k ABBOTT, Attorney" d Conniellora at Xraw a BD OLlCirOKS IN CHARCRRI. Of A. ee opposite Kook Island Heuse, HOC C 1 9 LAUD.......... -........ .........ILL, s.fSS dwly - 0. C.SSBLIVW - - B. t. C0S3ELLT. & H3EAL, Attorooyi aad fJausaitera at &a aooKiaiivirp-i t-Vnl'ttiwoia. WILL GI PBOMPT ATTRHII05 TO all basiasis aatrastsd to bham ia Rock Island aad adjoining counties ia Illlnsis, and eon eoustj so adj.iaang eoaati. 10 Iowa OAs la PoM Office Block. febSdwly. . ...CUAKLKa B0BUtJr. ATTORKKT AT LAW. Hull's Block, cos. Washington aad Illinois strwets, Book Is laad , Coaaacted a ith Ai.bee A Marsh's Law and Ooll.jtUa a 00 of Chicago. ' m-idly INII a. aatvas. . 4 AS W. SI...S.S ILLES 4 SlM0sa. A TTORRITS AID '.CpffUMlORJ A. IW,sVookIala-a,lU Block. ..Btldly. AT Oaeeia B .ford's 4S.1P. HBITCOMB, Attoracv Cjanietor at Xaw, M. De.rbora ,tf..t1,:...CfllfJApOTLL. ' Prompt aU.Btiea glv.a to eollaetiagaad all eth.i basiaras Charges moderate, C.iresp.a daaae solicited. Ref.f.e Editor of Lke Aaerj.. da.T-dU t t '. . - .':' ,i.: .'. ii it..i