Meaday, JToTbrCHn. JJJ CITY. Hioiiit eath prioet paid lor old iroa brata, copper, etc, at lb Rock Itlend Iron Work. Baboock, Brcadt & Flbniko- CITY BULLETIN. OBIOA90 BOCE IlLilD FAOIIIO ft. ft. Tratas Isava ftosk Islsed eoire astt. Day Etprtti aod Mail, 8,A - Rnt lilail AiHIDtltlltl, .0t . B, Night lipsesa, p. ID WBt? Bar Brest eaA Mail, e:ee.tB, Mg kt aipreet, fit, a. Book Ieletd Aeooumodatloe. At. Barseu Jtnttloe. Loaves Boreal J a sot Ion .00 p. n. 6.30 a-m Tka Day Btprets aad Mall leaving here at 1.14 a. a., hiimIi at lirwi Jaastisa at 10:1 e. aa., rot reorla. Ttt .f hi Ixtreet leaving hare at 10 tt p. ttaatelt at Bareea at l;tt p,aa far Peoria. WBII11I UIIOH ft. k. on eara naaTB. aaaiva stress Mall. ,i0 a. at. :40 . 41 ted rumrw, 1:1 . IMa a.ta Cenaeeta with all roadt for tk aaat aa4 wett. Ths celebrated Cold Water Soap eaa be fooad at Jaa. R. Johntton't tiore oa market tqoare. Try it and job will never J other. It it itnpottiblt to plena everjbudj, yet Normaa'i Chalybeate Conga Svrup givet aUott eaivertal tatltfeetioa. Sold by W. Q. Merrit, Ar. MoUbb, 111. Tbirc if nothing equal totoapaod water to promote cleaaliaett, and a bos of Dorao's Oatarrrk Snuff to procure tweet breath. Call for il at all leading drug ttoret. BcrriLO Robes. Go to F. Ludolph t for good atd large buffalo robot. He hat jott received a large choioe picked lot, eleaa and freih, direct from the plaint. w2t. How It Went. A. private letter from aa OUtrotD, ft. II LA ID A IT. L0TJII ft. ft. I old political opponent, ioformt ot that the repablicaat were mott completely oeaten at New York City and Brooklyn. One corre tpondentretidet at the latter place. fikolng Korth iftMt Mall tleing loath Matt IS re SI freight frelgkt Freight iiava. iHt Island at u LB.VB. 7:0 6 11 8:46 a. as T:10 p.B T:tt a. T:t4 p. a 4.4SB.B ft-KJl IILAIO A PlOftlA ft. ft. a tMtt unit e eeat a Liar. Ihti Bosk Island 6.46 a i 13:30 fB 4:10 pa BOaUIflTOI, CI DAB ftAPIDI A MIIXB OTA ft. . faiNinn leavlag Rook Iilaad at 6.4t a. an, a tht O. kV. a. A P. reed, aaka olo.e coeeeotiont tbreagh t Barliagton (arriving thereat 11.30) ana to Keokuk. Alia hy leaving e tama train, nesseaeera hi eoaaeet at tireoell for Oik- loose aad Kddyville, to U toatk ; and fr Mar shaltowa, Aasl'a, (Mian.) and St. Paul ta tht aorta. . BOUTHWESTIBB" ROAD. Pnsseot-ers lenviBK Both Iilaad oa th 0. B.. I. A P. read tt 4.45 p. b. go ilrootlr ikroagh to LoBTaaworth, Kaniat, arrtviag tkor at 11 a. m. Chicago tafftren of the female periuatioa are thick ta town. Lnion. Harerttick alwayt wat well potted oa tack matters, bat tt itn't nloettary for him to be tlwayi crowding hit friends apon the Antre I attention of the poblic, 10:40 a a KoRMAn't Universal Maeio Liniment innii a.19 oLoimt r maiij. rttt etvioa, bwoibll a artoa't blor. OtllOl H0CRIB.AII.R0AI TIME. Cpta taily, Title, a. i lOMI " " " lll p. B. Ooaeral DollTerjr at p. a. keaey Order OBte eaeat at 0 00 a. b. '4 u U ,,M, S , p. a. Opea Baaday frea 0.00 a. a. to 11.00 a. a. aaaiTaa. eietat. T:0t a. a. 0:00 a. a 7:00 p. a. 00 p. m . 7i4l a. a. lo:00 a. a. 10 40 p.B. tit p.B. 0 00 b. a. 8.1fl.m. it. Lotit awt inrranBB p m , 50 p m triBLrve a toiTWtat 0 in p. a. I 'I a. a. auLWAttaa A bobtbwbit 6:00 p. a. 8.00 a. m Bl BTAUI. Alede and Oauawka, 6.3 p. m t 00 a. a Bwe4"Ba atd Nw WI lor, arrlree Tue'ileTi aa.l TkarKlart at I p. b. Dopant Wedaet 4yi aad Baturdart at 8.00 a. m. aerer failt to cure the wortt catea of ckol era morbat in from two to twenty mmatei For tale by W. O. Morrit, Moline, 111. Happt. At abont eleven o'clock, las night, an individual went howling down Orleans street, having evidently partaken tinritu frumenti ad ncueum quantum ficit. (Oar Latin it alwavt fire proof, and arranted )aal to the bell.) Rtv. J. H White, editor of tht Protest ant Miiriiinary, lectured in Davenport yes terday, on Romanism. lie will attempt to ftet an audience to hear hi in in thia city. He taket the position of tht most bitter, malignant and bigotted Protestantism, in direct opposition to Father Hecker. The western mail was forty minutes be hind hand, oa Saturday morning, and almost as bad again this morning. taitAtt aid aso rant) STSAZ-BZXXP8. y 1 1 1 1 X Hew York. Oerk and Livorpoal. New fall powered steaaskips, the six largest In tbe world. OCEAIIC, ANTARTIC, BKPIBLH', ATLANTIC, BALTIC, ADRIAIIO. 6,000 tuas tardea 1,000 k. . eack. Sailiag from Ktw Tork ea Batartlevs, frea Liverpool oa Tktrtdavt, ealliag at Cork Har bor taok way. From tbe Wklu Star Duek, Paveaoia Perry, Jersey City. Patseager areemmodatioDt (for all classes) no rivaled, eeabmiag safety, speed and contort. Baleoos, staie-ruouii, saoking reus aad batk toiims ia aidskip teotiea, where least motion is It, Btrgeoos aad tlswaidesses aeooapaay these steamers. Kates laleea, t9 la gold. 8t-erfe 10 la earreaey. Tkese wisiiiog to send for frteads fp.atheold eoeatry eaa aew obtain steerage, repaid nertiSoates, :t:i, eurreaey. Fessew-ers houked to or from all part of America, Paris, Bsaburg, Norway, Bwedea, India, A astral i a, As KtKursioa tli kets granted at lowest rates. Drafts from 11 apward. Pur Infurmatiun apply at tbe Company's offise Ho. 1 Broadway, Ksw Tork. J. U. SPARKS, Afoot. ootJT dlw4m W. -N. JARVU, Agent at Rook Island. FRENCH ROLL POPLINS Colored Silks. pmemm mm i AT- MAY BRO'S Joit Received ia all shades aad colors at EXTEA I0W PEICES ! CALL AHD BXABUHB THB GOOPB. MY BROS. ILLUOIS STREET. Eock Island, - HI. An asxioot democrat wants to know why the Aacn didn't bring out itt rooster in honor of the re-election of Boss Tweed to the New York Senate. Union Because the Akdl'S didn't wiah to tec Host Tweed or arjy other thief elected to ofiict. The radical party it furnishing the country with about all the thievrt it can stand ap tinder, at present, act when a set of democrats tiominate loch an old thief at Tweed for au office, we want to see them beaten every time. Rivta News. The Minnesota will be down, and the Savannah up, to-morrow. After an icduttrioot teaeoii't busiue-u the steamer New Bosion arrived hire this morning, from up the river, R. Melville in com maud, and L. Park hurst in th office. The New Bottoa started out oa tbe ahort line, (between Rock Ivland atd Montrose,) but has lately been plying on the upper trade. She has ordert to lay up far the winter at Montrose Slooph, and all bauds on hoard are quite willitig to quit, aod emoke the pipe of peace awhile. The close of navigation evidently approaches. Chronic nbillt, one o' the most distress ing complaint', ran be effectael'y cured by the persistent uko of Kurmao't Chaiybeate Tonic. W. G. Morns, Agant, Moline, Iii Riuprnv Vn 17 A'A thu rv mil n tliiniy V, V f .r o,.,,.,). i..m... a l,u ! railroad facilities the democracy eleoted their other two can didate! by 3 and 3 majority, tbey turned in aod gave David O. a majority of 25. It makes Davie feel child like aod bland every time he riset to eiplain. Union. Thia action had ita origin in no particu lar nreference between the candidates A r little township njoabble had been kicked j SCRAPS. Joba IIewei ia bow eminent band at Eel- ley' grocery itore. Have yon examined Livingston A Co.'t new stook of hats and capt. Speidel prepare! preioriptioei in the mott perfect and reliable manner. Speidel'i perfnmeriei are like household wordt circulating everywhere. I. Bamberger it universally voted the clothing dealer of Rock Island, Thert't no plaoe to go, to-night, to ttsy at homo and read your Bible. The barometer predict! wet weather for foor hundred and sixty-five dayt. C. Speidel, the druggist, keept all the ttandard patent medioinet of the day. A tptoial meeting at the roomt of the Young Men't Christian Association this eve, at half patt seven. Everett Berthe, a young man formed of thit city, wat recently killed by accident in a w itoontin taw mill. Ia a box of goodt tent to the Chicago oSerert wat a full tetof tecond hand teeth, contributed by a Peoria lady. Church congregation! were rather tlim , att evtning, and people who attended were oaught in a ahower going home. Waldo Gardner, recently landlord of the priooipal hotel at Le Claire, is now in a very critical condition from liver complaint, Mr. Jackson, recently conductor on the Rook ford road, aad a capital good one at that, hat thrown np the iponge, and will make a change of bate. J. U. White, at Necfat Hall, to-aorrow evening at half past aeven o clock. Ad minion free. Subject "Romanism, at it wat and ai it is." To be followed by two other lecturet. Daniel Cavanagh wat not exactly druuk but more properly epeakiog, was slightly pickled. John Parker could navigate, and that was just about all. Fined $3 and costs each, before Simonion At aa evidence of the increasing business of the Peoria & Rock Island railroad, it may be listed that at the tingle depot at Cambridge, for three days in November, the freight lists, stood: Shipments, 322,350 pounds; receipts, 66,.r00 pounds We alwayt try to do the fair thing, and Simonion already has about all the iniquity on hit shoulders he it able to carry. It wasn't he who ' legally robbed" that Pre emption man of $5 and costs. It wat per petrate by that judicial oracle, E. C Cropper. Poucx Coi'RT ''Man, being reasonable, must get druuk," Quite a number of indi viduals were reasonable, yesterday. John (not Pat.) McElherne, bad some trifling privilege to laying claim to this distinction, and was this morning Sued $3 and costs, by Magistrate Simonsoo Owens nijririns, Peter ilanaran, II 'try j Berlew, nd somebody e!, tried to get cue ' another drunk and all suoceeded. A fracas ! then ensued, durirg which IIana;ea nour ished a knife in the air, but wat careful not to hurt anybody. Simjngon fined them five dollars and cost eaeh. By reference to a cnmmunica'ioe frorn Orion, it will be seen that the Swedes uf that towuship are loeing their love for radi cal tricksters. We trust they appreciat- d the blessing Baverslick gate tLem. Their brethren of Rock lsiaud and vicinitv are also jnitly indignant at the contemptible manner in which they have been treated. The directors of the state agricultural society will meet in January and locate the fair for loT2 The uciety lost money la: I fall at DuQuoio, and will not locate at that j point. We toggett Rock Is!at.d for their favorable consideration. We have unequal ed groundt for the purpose, splendid and ample hotel accommcdations, and first clat HEL2S 07 TROY. Faom DR. GOL RACD'S LIBRARY OF ROMANCE. CANTO XI. Tor five years previoat she had been iaarned " As pupil in tbe elbraied school, (Or, female Seminaiy," as 'tis termed Corr.etly.) snder rs. Woodward's rule, In modern Troy; a lady who had Itemed Tbe art to make a scholar irum a tool! uui.iicis aad igaoianco were, to her, misno- uiers, At eighteen all her pupils had diplomas! female bominaries" are admirable eontri- vanoes for "teaching the tonne idea how to sbcot," but they would be sti 1 mre asefal if a portiea of the etereises were devoted to tbe in- traotioaor their lady pupils ia tbe art ol at taining ana perpetuating personal beauty. TBE H0SST PILES CURED. IWlSn to spjesd abroad the grest rtenent i nave derived from the use of DR. HARRISON'S PJ5B- ISTALTiU LOitMiJis. 1 nve Minerea years irum the worst rues, l iwan everything to ho ni pose, until I found the Lozenges; In less ihsn a month I was cured, and have only to resort to them heu contiveneiw reiiirns, sua always nna lnnuim re lief S O. NEAL. For fie si io. i iremont Tem ple,' Boston, by K. 8. HARRISON & CO., Proprte- ion. SUU HV mi ui ui;k:i-vd. ' ' -y . For sale by John Bongmou. joh,bii Bead Thit. Berlin, ( Wis ). January 14, 1871. Dm. U. Clabbscb Pbicb, Dear Sir, I leara with "leasnra that yo ' eentemplate T0N80SUL. HARPER HOUSE Shaving& Bathing Palace, .ILLINOIS BTREIT. A. J. roa,.. .......rropnetor. T .,. rnn,u mt tha Briirzi Hoate, Ohieago. te. Partiealar attention given to Hair Cat ting my 1!LL ST0'E DKK88EB. TO MERCUANTS OF THE North - Western :t.EVtOJ3. The following Leading Wholesale Houses of SAINT LOUIS Are prepared with full ttoekl of FALL and WIHTER GOODS, which will be told at prieei the lowest. . tor iastaaae,' thsy thtald be taaeht that offering yonr Blood Enrieher at a speeiBe out 601RAUD S ORIENTAL CRBAM will meat ,1,, yosr pracUes. I have for tome time tneabeauiilul and lovely, that it eeutaint no fc . , JOO t. Q0 i. jastiee to a suffer poisoaous lagredieats, Tkey shoald also ' . leara tae vtrtae or uUlHlUD s ltaliaa Msat- i8mihi tR r , eated Boap, ia elarifying and whitening the fail to appreciate as soon as they coma to know oy removing isd, ireoKtes, saoDara, i- Jtt m.jits. I have taken this remedy myseir, ss 1Dg:!r"'";.w,:hav. several member, ofay family, and with . ..r.,vU....,rKH, w.Sm... daltv exnaiiatsd noon and illustrated: the lie oes rean. .u young ladies would thereby learn to disoriai-1 energies, aad regulating aad building np the nate between the genuine article aad the n merous vile impositions so nnbluskiagly ad vertised for sale of this admirable emollteat. dOCRAUD'S marvellous Hairresterative would also fora a fitting theme for comment, and itt usefulness proved by applying it to ths heads of those young girls who have become prema. tore It bald, aod others baviuc wiry, SUB katr, ahowiog that it will restore the one, and make the other soft and ttlessv. Da. FELIX flOURAUD'S really TluaMe preparations eaa be had cenaiue at No. 48 Bond treet, New Tork, and of all fashionable drug gists. H1BIIS 4 CHISHOLM. Proprietors and Manufaeturerl of MILL ST0XE DRESSED. OTTAWA, ILL,. Thi. celebrated Dresstr is a perfect success, and all are warranted. ay3vy the system when other remedies had failed to produoe the desired results. Ton are at liberty to refer to me as endorsing yonr claims for this remedy. Very truly yours, 1. 1.. XBBBl, Editor 0 our ant, Berlin, Wis. JOHN KOOT'B HITTERS. John Root'l Bitttrl are a family medicine Job a Eoot'l Kitten cure gsneral debility. MrttraL. The eitizent of Rock Itland are pre-eminently a musical people, which aocoonti for their intelligence, refinement, and general progrest in the path of civilize tion. John Hoyt, the famout matio dealer, comet out, to-day, with a new advertise ment, which all should peruse, who take an interest in musical mattert. tie it ttiil dealing extensively in Steiaway, Steck) Weber, and Emerson pianos, as well at in the unrivalled Geo Wood organ, which is John Root'l Eitttrt euro dyspepsia. Use John. Soot'l Bitttrt cures fever and ague. itttn euret all bilious dis- Joha Root'l eases. John Soot'l Bitten euros asrvoasnest and headache. Try i. They are warranted. John Root't Bitten euro iadigestioa Try it. Jhn Root't Bitttrt are not a whisky drink Root's Bitters for sale at the Harper House Drugstore. may2J-deod-m,w,f Awly John Root'a Bitttrt are sold by a'l drg- aints. John Bearstoa, Rock Island, III.; Har acknowledged by critic! to be the best in I rison A Holmaa, Davenport, Iowa, wholesale Hw ,nm . it the eon ar of Illinois a M," orS" nse. and Washington streets. When you want anything in his line, give him call. He it affable and aooommodatiog, and other" wise a pleasant man to deal with. THAI QUAIL. The neighbor who tent in that whole nuail to the I inon man. mutt have been a modem christian. It requires no spiritual ist to tell ut where it came from. What a pity Bavrrslick had not lived in the time of Muses, when the Lord rained quaiit down two feet deep, aad four miles wide. Then he would not have bad to whet hit appetite with the shin bone of one tingle quail. Old spirit. Ai-k your druguist for Noauian't Ague Pills and take no other. They will surely cure yon. For sale by VY. G. Morns. Acent, Moline, III. UuAFrtD Haids, fees, rough skit, pimples, ring-worm, salt rheam. and ether cutaneous af fections, cured, aad the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juniper Tar Soap madeby Caswell, Hasard A Co.. Kew York. It is more convenient and easily applied than other reme dies, avoiding the trouble of the creasy com pounds bow ta use. m-t,weow, L. WOLF will sell Cas-imeres, Jeans, Waterproof, Chit chilas ami Honsy Combs Cloakiotjs cheeperthan It has ever been sold before. SOXtSOTZO risTJZD. Wickes ECLECTIC OIL ! i S ENTIRELY WITHOUT ODO. AMU has no eaplosive properties. It is prepared oare.allv at the BCDS0S BITER OIL WORKS ! For nse ia ordinary Kerosene Lamps. No accident Is possible from careless nse, or Breaking of Lamps. For sale In Rock Island by Joan Bengsloa rot21-dSmwoe TAIL0BIKG. 8CHHITT ft AfiESCBALL, TUTw-AaTi - w- "P ail Have removed to Illinois St., near Wasbingtoa Roek Islaad, where they have a stock of pie goods, and are prepared to make ap clothing to order. Perfect if guaranteed. OleaaiBg, Scoariag, Cattiag aad repairing dons ehssply and promptl A nf austam rsspeotfally soliotted. They ha' stock of Ready Made Clothing. moh8d Doclcl, Brown & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers la Staple and Fancy dry CUNDUBMGO 1 Bliss, Keene & Go's Fluid Extract. THE WONDERFUL REMEDY FOR CANtfcK, & 1 Pill LI.-, HCHtlKTJLA, UI CBK,NALT MHbUM, AKI) ALL UTUBH CHbUKMC BLOOD DISK A. Dr. P. T. KEENE havinff iuet returned from dor and brought with hiru a quantity or the guuine CUNDLRANtiO BARK, secured ihrounh th offi cial recommundatiun and assutance of His Excellen cy the President of Ecuador, and the Government of that Republic, we are nreoared to till oi-d,.rM f,,r it tr a limited extent, aud at a price about one-quarter of """""ra me coat 01 the nrst very small eupply compelled us to charge. Our Fluid Extract is prepared from the genu ine Cunuuranoo Bark from Loja, Ecuador, secured j vi lu numoraies 01 mat country. ola by all Druggists m pint bottles, having on them our name, trade mark aud full directions for use. JMce, 10. Laboratory o. W Cedar M., New York BLISS, KEENE & CO. D. W. Bliss. M. D.. Washineton. I) 1 ' r . K Hii M. D., Huvt York; P. T. Kecne, M. D., New York. 418, 420, 422, 424, 426 N. Fifth Coraer St. Charles. sjT. LOtjlP. Kichardsoii & Co., iVhole.ale Druggists Importers aad Manufacturers Agents. XTob. 704 and 706 BZain streei. Send for special Quolationi and Prioe Litt. ST. LOCIS. Walter ill. Smith, Importer aad Jobber DRY GOODS HO. 20O WORTH MAIJI 8TRKKT, sr. louis. ty Scherrcr Twining, Dealers ia - Window Glass, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, VARXISH- LS, IMlSUEX.ttU. 51 KOHTH tEtOSiO ST.. ST. LOUIS. WILL. M. CARLET0H, AUTHOR Of Dotsoy and I .ro Out," Edits and Writes for THE DETROIT WEEKLY TRIBUNE, The Best Family Newspaper in the Conntry. $ a year. Dena ior specimen cony ana ciuo circular. Aauresa 111. lULULAE, Detroit, Mich. EVERY FABMEE Is invited to eend his address and receive Free and Postage Paid a copy of the American Farm Journal The most Practical, tho Best and Cheapest Illustra ted Agricutlural paper In the United states. Only 75 cents pir year, bend for a specimen copv. Address MILLEK, LOCK E it CO.. Toledo, Ohio. UfflfiniC HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE is offered IlUULI O free during the coming year to every subecrmer of Merry's Museum, the Toledo Blade, Fomeroy'g Democrat, etc., which is u evTdThcojfnro'uk-TuTpopularitv. Horace t.reetey. .1ame Partem. Themlore 'n'tt.ii, iiiiou, ulc, uic , wrilo ior utery LuiuU-r. op. While Bill Jarvit wat at home at eoding to hit Jegitimate business, Dave neglected Ibb affairt of tho county, and tneakeil around to take advantage of the melee. Ouroourt house barnacles are al wayt more read; to look after their person al aggrandizement, than to do the work the people par them for. mayi-dAwly Airmail, limbi. Krs. Morgan, ho keept boardiog house near the Borne Salooa, made com pUiat thia afiernoon that Mary Veaey utias Buody, owed her twi week's board, wouldn't pay it, wat drank, aod proposed to remove her baggage bj the martial law prooess, as we!! as to butcher aod bury her landlady. As Marshal Hawee couldn't be fjund, we IF Y0C Wai.t a C.ol., V,'i.t a Situation, Waut a Saitsmaa, Want a Sertaut Girl, Waut to rent a More, Want to sell a 1'iano, Want to sell a Hurse, Want to li-n.i Mouey. Waut to buy a House, Want to boy a Hore, Waut to rent a llouee, Waut to sell a Carriage, Want a Bjar.lmif i'lace, Want to borrow Money, Want to tell 1 ry Goods, Waut to aell Groceries, Want to sell Furoiiure, Want to aell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate. Want a job of Cerpenl fring, Want a job of Blacksmith;, Waut to sell Millinery Goods, Want to ?1'. a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to find a strayed Animal, Want a wif and 7 or 8 childroo. Want to rl a piece of Furniture, Wrant to buv a second-band Carriage, Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to find anvthiug you have Lost, Want to ertie antthioa to advantage. Want to find an owner for anything found. Advertise iu the Daily Aanca. 5Ta da worth A rartoct. .luit reeeiv.d by express, Oriental Cloaking P!eeey liaed Pique, Paislav Shawls. Silk Cloak ing Velvets, VelvetBSv Qitrpure I.ace. Real Laoe Collars and Hnudkerofciefs. Al o the best line nl Dress tiooat ia th eity. cnsl.iug f Cret ires. Fp:!inj!es, Biarritz, Cashmsrf . t-Ktin Do Checn. Irish Pr.piir.s, Black and Fauey Silk., and p let i.f othpr pond". Ar.yth:cjr ca buy of thi-rn thT will gas-sntee to be gced or re!"uad He aioni y. KKi l'or lKitIIIIT. I17ITH itt gloomy attendant!, lew spirit!. v drpress'.o sinvoinotary emissions. lots of tra.a. tparmatirrhoea. loss of jower, d'iiy head, lass of memory impotence asd imbecility, find a sovereign A. 0 BASKETS. BASKETS. Cautwell Sliorb, Wholesale B O OK SELLERS, Stationery Paper Dealers, AN1 BL.ISK B0R S!ArFlCTIjaES8, NO. SOI KOHTH Mil" !T . ST. LOUIS. eJ. 11. Vcar 4&c Co., 50H SORTH MAIi ST., Importers and Jabbers oi Fancy Dry Goods Shawls. Cloaks, White floods, Gloves, Hosiery, Furnishing Goods and Not oni. ST. LOUIS. In clubbiu, it oilers three first-clasi porio.lit for the price of one of them. A variety of premi ums on equally liberal terms. It is an original, nit-eias magazine. Volume X begins with Jan. Ipii. Three ypecimen copies frie. Addre-s s. s. wooireT5uTgh75 v. Williams h i.ufactxh:;. CO. ...MASS. MsaafastorM-tef all hinds Bakts. F or sale in Chi HORTHAMPTON, I BstaMi-hed 1S5' iofOakast Rattan ana mreaienea , h Warner Felix ; 1. Goald A Co.,; Na ST. LOCI. don't know whether Mrs. Morgan eat ap Mary, or whether Mary eat np Mrs Mor gan. At tome of the planets are just now ia conjunction, much blood wat undoubt ed' spilled and divert locks of hair scat tered to the four windt of Heaven. FOE REN?. FOR oae or five e Oliver Brown pro perly, half a milefross the city limits, be tween the tw i Caradea roa-s. Three aeres of lanJ. well tensed, with si' kinds of fruit, a good two story frame house, barn, ouibuilding, to., and good eistera Apply to J0SKPH JOHXSTOX, Bock Island novS dwtf Providesce Is EvgRY DAT LtFI. It hat alwayt been terously charged againtt the olergy of all countries, that they have invariably been fonnd trotting at tbe coat, tails of princet or magnatea. Where these have not been found, at in our own conntry, Pretidentt have antwered qnite as well. The job of renominating; Grant is no claiming the attention of the political DR. BLY & J. E. GIRD.VER, ft 6wT B1SMEST 1BTIFICI1L JUMB Manufutory, 93 Twenty laeeaA it., OHIO AGO Biaee the Sreet Pira. Patieats Boardo frea while here. aoMwSm Gbamd Rrcsrnox. Everybody herea bout! hat heard of Jonet tbe photographer. He hat been burnt out twice in aucoession, but hat once more equipped bis gallery in palatial style, and it about to again resume business. At the corner of Third and Brady, Davenport, he now hangs forth hit .1 l r .it banner, ana awaitt me . ... . hfcckg of u t mor, and of tijn. Thnnday, Friday, and haturday, of i . , . d , of the world't salvation. Clergymen mutt now and then give him a' lift, and trana figure him into eomethiog respectable and altogether lovely. Ke-v. Mr. Kucwlton, of the Methodist Church, in bit discourse 1 evening, stated that tbe manner in which President Grant hat abstained from the nse of liquor amid all the temptations of politi thia week, be will devote to opening reccp tiont, and be bopei to tee in bit elegan roomt, not only all bit patrona of Daven port, but those of Rock Island. Ilis fame tt a photographer and an artist needs uo addition from offr handt. But we have teen hit new gallery, and feel justified in recommending onr readen to go over aod tee it. Tbe laaiet are especially invited. All callert will be receded with every pos. tible oonrtety. mow uiks. LAHGE & BR0., liaaaraoturert ef FIB IT PatMMIUM JT wood sxxlxrjrnJrt: 429 BTortfe Third t. Hear Viae, ST. LOCIS, MO aol dSm sxvaaJa,vzvo. m. xxassa-ZiXif o, Engraver & Die Sinker. Medals, Real Preseas, Buel tamps, Boap Stamps, noeaoiaaer't Tools, At. 0, IS W. AMDOLPat ST.. aprJC-dly CHICAGO. TOE SARATOGA SKATE. 00MEISIKO PTRSXQTH, LISHT35ES8 ASD UTILITY. Without the use of Straps ! All who have tried it uta no other. eetT-dtas Notice. rpHS CRDE&SlaSSD WOULD aVEBPKCT A tally laforsa kis frieads aad old eaatostere, that he will ecaia oeea his Meal at rk.t Orkaaat street, ia meek Islaad, aa aext Friday ev. 10h. 1S71, with a ahotee lot ef Meet a very ktad, whl.h he will tell at the loweel liy , PRAHE ZIPS . a or. tta. 1HTX did MilT deatht from consumption result from carelessness in taking cold Norman's Chalybeate Cough Syrup will relieve you- Sold by W. O. Moms, Agent, Moline, 111. XA80SIC. At Illinoit City in thit County, on the 1 Itb toHt. 11. W. Bro. V. M. Blending at Dep. Q. M. atlieled by Worshipful mattert Geo. M. Dicktoa and H. C. Cleaveland, and Patt matter! Eley and Gamble duly constituted Illinoit City Lodge No. 079 A. F. and A. M. and installed tbe following officers : L. V. Reed W. M. Louit Fiderlein S. W. Jeremiah Leqnatt J. W. Wm H. Wamacka Treat. U. F. Felix See. R. A. Hewtborne-S. D. Benj. Yanatta J. D. JameiHaye. ) St,Mda. , Petar DeMott J John Morehead Tyler. The oereioonitt of iastallation were pub lic, aad after a few remarks from tbe R W. Dep. to the large and attentive audience present, tbe" member! of the Lodge with their familial and friendt repaired to the "TaiVKLr.a'i Homb," kept by mine host ('tiABLtT Rood, and partook of one of the bail and mott bountifully provided toppert ever furnished for inch aa oeeaaion. It wat aa eatertaiament which wonld at any time do honor to the Harper Home of thit city for tasteful display, variety, and abundance of ediblea aad viandt. Charier, at he it amiliarly called, married a Mooaa, which at onoe aooounlt for the pretence of a very tuperior landlady, end tbe etoellenceof hit table. The Lodge commeaeet its ax is tea ee ondtr auipioiooi oiroemstancea, with good office ra, and tbe hearty good witbet of the fraternity elae where. cal life at Washington, has been indeed wonderful. (Considering what an old bum mer U'ysses it, it is a little remarkable.) He attributed the miraoie, however, to the direct intervention of an over ruling Provi dence, which bat sustained the President amid all the trialt and temptetiont with which he it io constantly surrounded. We presume the fortitude and patient heroism displayed by Elder Farrell and Elder War ren, in their recent trialt and tribulations at Cambridge, together with tbe fortitude aud resignation of the multitude of tinners that went out there to bear witnetl tor and against them, may be traced to the all-wise and parental care of the tame omnipotent Power. We tuggett that Bro. Knowltco continue the thread of hit diieonne, next week, and that he point bit moral with few '.lluitrationt to be picked np right here at home, where the public are more thoroughly acquainted with the paities, ptrliculan, and ciroumttancet. Mr. Kuowlton alto apottrophiied thai portion of the United Statea Confutation whion guarantees to every man tbe privi lege of worshipping God after the diotatet of hit own ooDioieooe. He considered il a glorioui priooiple even though Mormonitnt ia protected by it. The way Mormon ism it just bow being protected by it, it not at latitfactory at Brigham and. hit aaintt eould txaotly detire. Manufactured by tbe Providence Tool Com'y, 11 Warren St.. X7ew Tork. To whom all orders should be addressed. This Skats excels all others in giving a neat appearance to the foot. It is liabt, easily ad justed, and whea fastened ou, beeouiet as firm as tbe boot itself. It dispsnsis with all straps which are so binding and disagieeable to the foot, slopping tbe emulation and causing a Boun ces! aod ach.Dc. Our elate has Been made with special reference to vo.d strain upon the aakl, and It eosopieuly oWria that difficulty so ta tat to Ladies skatiag- A beginaer eaa stand upon them without tiffloulty. Tbey are made iu the best manner, of the best materials, and are inteaded to be in every respect tbe best lkate ov.r offered In the market Their p'.ianey ease and gracefnl app.arauee render them tu most desirable ever oflered ibe puhi.c. we make sevoa aises : Ladies', .....8, M, 0 and 9J ineh. Osatlemnn's, 10, 10J and 11 iuoh. nevg-dif f HKLT K N H A N FIEE BRIOK v AKD Clay Retort Works ! EfEXS L n0rT4&D, Prspret , Haaafaetnrars ot Fire Brick, Gas Bonse Tile, Clay Retorts. Blatt Furnace THU, , I'lain Ornamental Chimney Tops, Sewerage Pipe J'rom 3 to 30 tit. Diameter Aud all artieles usually made of Fire Clay. Offiee. 1A0 South Eleventh street. ach23-dly 8T LOUIS, MO. haa White, and V.a-ston A Peek Bros., and in care iu HCMPHKAYS' HOMKOrATEIC ! St Uli by famuel t opples, ana warren, vnee- i . j-t torrtrTc w Tmrirv.rTnltT i'nm- vw . 04C..IAW .1 W - Ana... m - p 1 of the irost valuable asild aad patent Curatives, they slrikaat onoe at tbs root of the, iod. op the system, arrest the dis sharges, aad impart vijor aai energy, life and vitality to tue entire man. Tbey have eared ihonsaeds of oasss. Prioe, 85 per package ef five boxes aad a large 1 vial, which is very im pertant to obstinate or uld eases, or $ 1 per sin gle box. Sold by ALL Drsggiits, and sent by mail on receipt of price. Address, HUMPH REYS' SPECIFIC! HOMEOPATHIC MF.DI CISL CO., SO Eaotnwsv, Xiw (.'has A and C, SpiJ.l, Agents for Rock lsiaad, . Temple of Boaori Rock l.l.nd Temple of Honor Ko. 17, meets . ry Taarsda; evoaiag, and Social Temple Ko. 8, every Tuesday evening at? o'clock, at Odd fellows Ba'l, C. M. KISKT, W.C.T. A. A. Btrrca, W. R. deoS2 dif Yeung Mea'a Utraxy Atsoclatiaa. The reams of the Teaag Msa's Library Asso- slatioa are opsa from 19 A. M. an til II P. U. every dty except Soadayt. A large and well selected assortment ef works bow ea band. Tickets three dollars, which eaa always be pro cured ef the Secretary maytdly. Odd PiUetri Keek Island Ledge So. IS, I. 0. O. P., nects every ktoaday evealng at Odd Fellows' HH, se itbsast eeraar af Illinois aad Bagle fits., at 7i e'elook r. a. Lortt V. IciSARcr, K. Q. M. H. Ho3avBa, B. S. X-tedics4. Atteatioa is ealled to the advertisement of Dr. Bobaanan, of 8 1. Louis, Mo. His repatatiea is that of oaeef the asost tuoeessfal ahysioiaas ia kis speciality lathe West. '9am. 'II. Hurrell, 40 An 401 NORTH MtM ST., Is the Leading RETAIL F URN I T U RE or tne West. Carries the largest Stock, Hest Assortment, Latest BtT!e. gnarantees quulitv, and makes bottom prices. Parties having houses to fur nish should try him. ST. LOUIS. V. W. YOUNG, BROvtSc CO., Wholesale Dealers in WINDOW GLASS, Druggists and Table Glassware & Lamps Chandeliers, Brackets, Lookine; Glasses, Putty. .. XIHTII MAIN T., ST. LOUIS. AVOODWARl) tfc GARESCITe, Manufacturers A Wholesale Dealers in siaA nsAiaiDa GtttiUKU tsPlCksj. AGENTS RATIL KKIfi P0U DEB, vKss AM lArXTAB, ETC. i O. 41 H. 8KCOSD tT, ST. LOUIS. DON'T BE A FOOL, And refuse to learn why we sell 14x7 Feet, $75. Shipped everywhere. To be paid for when tested. All eizes, at uue-nalf C'hio&t'O prices. Send Ior lree Price lift. THE JOXKS SCALE WORKS, Bingham' on, New lor'.. Solicited by MTJSN & CO , Publishers Sitiitijic Ameri ca. 37 Park Bow, B. T. Twentv-flve vesrs1 experience. Pampbluu ointainiu" 1'atent Laws, with fnll direc tions how to obisin Patents, free. A bonmt volume of 118 paL'es. containine the NEW CENSl S hy counties and ail large cuius, 140 Eiit'ra vinsv of Mechanical Movements. Pateut I-awa atnl rules for obtaiuing Patents, mailed on receipt ol 25 cents. CONGRESS 7LECTIC. The BEST winter OVERSHOE ! KO 61TKIE8 to break! i NO TROUBLE to pot on ! A eat, Genteel, tstylisn i ASK I0UB6H0E DEALER FOB IT I af:. ft "fc. D XX Fi,!XT GUS LASil CBISaSEVS. Stand Heat better than tny other made. Ask for Dilhriiige's and tako uo other. Sec that our name i on everv b.n. U1T11KI1X..E Jc bO.N, l'i;ibur-h. Pa. Send lor Price List. We call attsntioa to tht card ef the St. Louis ktdioite Co., a chartered instilntioa ; tbey offer Metiopolitaa skill to al'. Mas noon! W. mahbood. Who m.y marry, who not, wky, 10S pages, scaled. Imp.dimeats; Causes aad Care. Bead SSe. Dr. Win titer, 61 T St. Charles street, St. Loais, Mo. 0ILH. JOSCPB P. VAXWBLL. WILLIAM B. VSSI1IS. SIAIWELL, WBCELEU L f . af anafaeturers and Dealer! in RAILROAD LAUD OILS, Luhricating, Burning, Machinery and Wool Oils. Bailroail faint, tic. AOENTS eXsOBB OIL OO. OKHCE1000ISOI4.UA AVE. Factory-33, 31)6 and 897 Illinois Street, feblOdeodly-mwf CHICAGO, ILL. 8C0W C1SE8. NotTrci Afew dayt ago the Union published a cock-aad bull story to the effect that one of the eicgert at Prof. Foi't eonoert had taken a dote of strychnine on acoount of domestic infelicities.. We are re liably informed that nothing of the kind traa aptred. The lady wat limply tak.en ill with a diiorder of the hjiterioal description. Her phvtieiaa nat bees anable to discover the alightett traoe of poiton, or any circam. ttaaoe ealcnlated to lead to the belief that any thing elae ta Le Ac TREDESBURIiH & CO., mmy mm MAKUFACTUREItft, ti A 87 LaBalle St., end liT Lake Btse't, CHICA60,.. ILL. Show Case of every Description. t Metil, TtAlout, fberry. Baicwtod, Ebtnj, Etc., Itc. p$r- Show Oases Shipped to all parts of the United States and Cinaiiaa. aigl2-deodly Ladies who nre suffering iroa certain com- plaiuts, knowa only to females, should at onee get Dr. Velpan's Female Pills. They produce a asost eharmtog effect. Sold by a.l Druffists. A Brijut, tt.i u a percsaiai spria ofjoln.'.ry w.u-rxululi latuiiy, ma wow. i. totll.r, wauatler lbs strife aad -uiojoll ol busine.s, ou r.Uricg to bis home, is not bsgoiied of care ty tbe iDUucent ptatU. of his otuid I Pot Baft 'his lather is a wurldiy an, ana stti g.ld fits idol, he mi y nave beea e.uaeesilal su.a. nd auiassnd riehes. Vet piaes his child oa ths .lot bed, aad an tut fuld u at tu. d.ipo.i ot ta. j,Sjtloi, and tbe only tetara h. asss is tbe res ol be.ith to hts ahild. fathers '. M Uln ar, i would yon preserve your obtld ia health? 1 beo listsb tw us. There is one preraiitna ous. ot the disease la children, aud that cause is worms. It tais oause ei disease is aot removed, yonr child will skkna aad die, ar linger a saber ing invalid for life. V a preeent to you an u.ial h hie remedy for worms; It is Dr. Jadson's Dead Shot Worm Candy, and it pat ap la the fens of a suck oi caady, aad re pieasaat to the taete, that children greedily tease for It. It ia Barely vegetable, aud cannot hart the smallest child. -Asa fur Dr. Jadsod s ead Hhot Worse Caady. Per sale every where at 1 eests per package. W. fi. OOMoTOL'k, dect Bole f ropricler. Ia Bnmbers there it safety. It was upca this priooiple that the formate ef Jonsos's Mooa rait Heat Ptu,a wa. arepared. Dr. Jud.oa, ioteatlng te spend a foelaae ia Bdrertlaiag hu pills, saBas tted ku reci.e to tbe revision of the asost uMcUlgeeaaad learaed phystoinne ef tat age, aad the resell is e stakple bat moat sSea eiousmeeiolae the JtBloa'l MoutvAIt Beat Pitil. T.ey ptrify tht klood, reasove all et straotloni, oieause the skia ot all pimp 1st aad k etches, aad are perfectly sen and safe ia taeir operation. The JsBBeB't ktocSTAia Haaa PtLAieara BUlieasaess, lemale irreg aaritict, Headache, aad sasnr of the diseases arisiag frees impure bloed and a deranged 4'geetitB. use ta. JadsoB's ateaetaia Harb Jtllt, aa whea yea have proved their virtue Feoommend hesa te year frieads. They are both aagas- atea aad plaia. Ior sale every where. TK.T727SS, tJaS. ar. W. WIRTEL, tlABDPAOWtMB CV rr:iaRUt!KS, YALISES, TBATEilKG BIGS, AC, TrTXXOZJSatAXIl A mSSAZZu It. 60 Brady ft., DATHI-PObT, IOWi Aapaariae anaily Aaaa. If yea de aot teal wail voa scad for a doctor he calls apea yea, looks wise, sorawls tease hitreglypaiet apoa a flee ef paper whlok yea takete a drag store aad there pay tt ecats te , Basiaee ue a. otor s fee, far a remedy Bine timet eat of tea aot half te coed as Dr. Morse s Iadiaa Ee. t Pills, whiek easts Bat It cents per Bex. Se yea thlak th former the beat, because yon pav tht meat for It F If yom to, we atvise job o nse, last at aa expert- ex at, th Morse l Iadiaa Root Pills, they are prepared from a formula, prooouacd bs tht mott learaed phytic iase ef oar can try, t Be -no nest aad most aaircrsal of family me dieiaet. The Morse's Iadiaa oo Pills euro Headache, Liver eoutalaiat, iBdigestioa, Dys pepsia, Feaaele irregularities, As., aad are pat i at Beta surar-eated eaa aiata. ive laess b I arlai. Bold all Aeaiat. ESTABLISHED I If 1S4. ttS TBOUrsot. TBOS. WALSTOB. & CO., Wholesale Dialers ia Pure Sour Mash KENTUCKY WHISKIES ! 78 Fourth Street, I.OUISVILTE KY. Proprietors of OEAKG MiSU COPPER CIS. T1LLWKV, eot3-dm TATL0B COUstTT, KY. m.VFS AD LlQU0S. PtRE IOWA WIiS! Tke iadsriicnd offers to Physieiaas, Drug gists, and tae punne, at private sale, the pro- dusts ot ssverai years vintage, bung the PURE :JU1CE OF THE GRAPE. male into Wine aader bis personal lcsneetioa aad in accordance with processes by which the active flavor of the Vine is Unimpaired. The Wins thus offared has beea made direct from the best grapes, as fallows : . atawbs. Concord. ClintoD, OeUwart. Isabella, Virginia Scedlinj, and other varieties,' will be sold by the Doz9 Bellies, or Barrel, AT THB Cellar, under Davenport's Block, Corner Main and 2d Streets, DA7EJJP0RT, IOWA. tAH orders promptly attended to. QUO. Xi. SsfaVBSrroSLT, Clifton Vineyard. sept. 2ft-d4m $30. WILL. PAY $30. Agents f JO per week to tell our great and valuable discoveries. If you want permdiieut, honorable aud pleaeaut work, apply lor purlieu tors. AadreNt DkKit at CO., Jacheon, Mich. Horse furnished. Kxuenses 11. B. SHAW, Allied, Me. ; A MONTH ! paid MORRIS, TAYLOR & CO., G O O O X .3 ASD COMMISSION 4 MERCHANTS, RectiSers and Importers of Brandies, Wlaee, Liquors and Cigars. le tk 520 SKCOKO ST . V ' ST. LOUIS. Lirgest Retail Hosie ta ths M est. Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney, 43 125 N. POUKTH ST. Dry Goods, Larfias', Children's and Gents' Par nUhing Goods, Ribboss, Notions, Shoes aad Manufacturers of Suits Cloaks, Ac. Samples sent on order. . ST. LOUIS. AVOID Q.VAC S. A viotim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decay, etc., having tried in vain every ad vertised remedy, baa discovered a simple means of self-cure, which he will send to bib fellovr-eurl't.TerB. Address.). 11. KKKV LS, 7 Nssean et. N. Y., THiHtY YEARS' KXPEKIEKCE IN THK TREATMENT OF Chronic and Semal Diseases. A Physiological View of Marriage. Trie cheapest book ever published con'aininir nearly three hundred pages, aud one-hundred and thirty fine plate and engravings of the ana. omy uf the human organs in a state of health and disease, wiLh a treatise on early errore, it deplorable, conse quences upon the mind aud body, with the author s plan of treatment the only rational and successful mode or cure, as shown by a report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married aud those contem plating niarriape. who entertain doubts of iheir physical condition. Sent tree of postage to any ad dress, on receipt of twenty five cents in stamps or poetal currency, by addressing DR. LA CitUlX, So. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. V. The author may lie consulted upon any of he diseases upon which his book-treats, either personally or by mall, and meui eines eent to any part of the world. Niagara Steam Pump Works. VIRGINIA TOBAC0O A9SNCY. WALL fc KELVIN. Manufacturers Agents for the sale of VIRGINIA TOBACCO AND DEALERS IX CIGARS. SO. 3'ZO NO it Til KfcCOMIr !T., ST. LOUIS. TIILOEIXG. D. R.;W1CCKEU,i., HEBCHANT " TAILOB ! H. 517 Oliv r treet, 1 T. I.OLTS - HO -'' " 'is the LBADIXG . LIFE T11L0S OF , TBS 'WEST I Aad refers to hit euitomerl alLwcr the country The ehoiecst roods MADE are kept Id stock at all timet, and tamp'ea with plan of saeaaBre taent seat te any address on application. "WEDDING OUTFITS ; , A SPECIALITY." Parties desiriD aa elegant '. ' 11 A hands tent vTALKIRG SUIT, Or a substantial . . . . BUM W ESS SUIT, Will eoasalt their Interest by teadiag an order B. R. BMUCKER, Taller aad Importer of Cloths, Oastimeres, Ac. for Mob'i wear. So. SIT Olive street, Bt. Loais. A iilsaral liteoant te Ciw geatea. aetVdl j R. B. Pearce. t& Co., Manufacturers and Jobbers in Hals, Caps, Furs aad Qlofes, 417 tiORTil MAIN ST., Established 1843. ST. LOCIS. MANNING & CO., Importers and Jobbers of 601 A 608 K. Fourth & 405 St. Charlet stt. meiviiie M . wanning, i Wm. M. Sauford, V gT. LOCIS. R. J. Campbell. j ROSENHEIM, LEVIS tte CO., Importers aud Jobbers of ninnoixra, siuixs, MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS, AO., 415 S.ORTI1 I tiUKTil ST., ,T- L0UI8. BENDER & ETZEL, Dealers, Importera and Jobbers in (lotions, Fancy Goods and Tojs, Largest Stock Keat to Kew Torlt. soa north mms sr. st. i.ouis . I? , J. Comstock, Mauaf'er. Wholesale A Retail Dealer ia all kiads FURNITURE AND MATTRESSES. The Largest floase. Lowest Priees, aad bett as- tortea eioek in Bt. Louis. 409 and 411 Herth. Thir Btrt.t, DeeJen wiU pleasa tcad for Price List. - ST. LOUIS. asdfield, Vsmickel tk Co General Cemmissiou Merchants, ,(OT M. SBCONU T ST LOUI, THOMAS . JASUAHY. CHARLES T. BISKR. JANUARY t& BISER, '!- - WHOLESALE --- Liquor Dealers, And Importers ef California Winet and Braa dies, Eeotifiert ef W hLkies and Maaafeotartrt of Domestic Liqaort. . Proprietors tSeaosr's Calisaya Bitten 2UfJ VYAUCT ST. ST. LOUIS. WM. OULCO&D. WM. H. COLCORD. WJI. COLCORD & CO., Buseessors te Gaylord, Sea A Co., 0: tttSI NORTH MAIH ST., ' Wholesale Dealers 1b Boiler.' Bar Bad Sheet,; aevl-dlaa 61. LOCIS. a. ML 3 Charles B. Hardick, Bo. 9 Adams street, RROOK.LYK, .,.KBW YORK. Sole Manufacturer of . Hardick'r Patent 9 oublt-Ac tlag Steam Pomp and Fire Lagiue. Mining Pumps a Specialty.. Patented In Bag'.and, Belgium and France. Bend for cirenlar. augSldly MASON & EVANS, CARRIAGE Manufacturers. Corner td end Reek Islaad Sis., DAVBKroar, iowa LATBST 8TYT.E8 C? Cpca aad Top Baggies, ass CAaaiAor?, Kept constantly ea hand aad made to ord.r, eV Bepatring proeaptly done. aprlt-dly eewattrinii lar al ate rtis a' kaaWfacturtsrs or Farm, Spring & Freight WAGONS,'. Baggies and Carriages ! ALL WORK WARRANTED ! We have tt scatty removed te oar aew a- tpa etoat Shove, siteated ea the Molsae Water Pew prser, aed are eared te 111 all trdsrt sritk poatptBcss aad aitpatca. SBLook lot ear Trade Mark ea eack Boa aeoe etker arc aeeaisM. oead for Price Listen I A sa a m m