Newspaper Page Text
tar luk teaare, er the spese eeeaplsd by tea lines ef mIU aaapereiL Oee Dollar fer eash la. ssrlloa. Speeiel Velio, II seats par liaa, sertel I mealBs er eitra, at per eeet lar edrerlisiag rales. , Who ( above r- Mediae matter, tj Hiti par liaa. DctT see WeeaiT. A diaeoaat ef tb par 1. will he made treat tka Weekly rates, aa yearly aad half yearly eeatretts, wkaa tka tarns attar It I a sorted la kotk Daily aad Weekly. Doable Oeleaas will aa charged par aaat kJJUI t wauioaei. raaat la ree. -eaelsatadvertlaemea edvaate pap ,nlred. Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1871. Established Oct 18, 1851 in moii' Zdysr SLerolator. Thara it, ia arery aaaea oij, below thai larf aire a lar taeicla whiok separates tka cheat, or tharai, from tba tMoau, aad wkiok ptaya to taportaal a pail ia ooaaao tioa with tka fuaotioa of reepimtien, a larg viaooral org aa, of a deep red oolor, V. : t I - t . i i . waiea iiee a agar xae riot na uo rigai aide aad ia oallad tka lirer Few folkt kaow what a ritally iagaortaat part ia tko oooao- mj of kemea aataro ia playea by tkia eame lirar. Thej n?ar ovea aaapeot, perhapa, tkat ia bmI eaaea, good Umpar or bad torn per it raaraly aa ancoatoioua refareaoo to Ike itata of tko lirar of tko oaa tpokaa of. Wo aro atod to eeeiof a poaaliar ellawieu tiago apoa faeot koto aad tkaro, sad kava boo iaaghih heertey, tkat tkia ia treat lirar oomplaiat ; bat, gaaarally epeatiaf , wa kaow ao aioroaboat tba tkiag tkaa aa aaadnoatad akild dooa of a book wriltaa ia ohoieo Cbiaaaa. Tka lirar kat otkar intri cate parte to play, bat iu priacipal bio ia ia tka aaaratioa of bilo. Wo kara ale to rasa tioa tha word bile, aad every oao at oaco sees ibal ka it oa a tubjaot tkat ka kaowa something aboat. Wo aow ooma to tpaak of tha operation wkiok takaa place in thii toorttioo. Ia tka formatioa of para blood tha lirar iotarraaat aad awaataaa tha blood, asperating from it a thick, yellow, bitter liqaor; which thaa ia collected ia tha gall bladder, and aobaeqaeatly passe off by tha com bob duct. Thia thiok, yellow, bit tar liqaor it what wa kaow as "bila," aad it, apoa rery alight provocation, a most pro- lifio raate of haman aneasiaett aad eaffer ing. If tha lirar teparatai it properly from tha blood, aad aecretee it ia tha gall blad der, all ia well ; oar apirila are light aad buoyant, oor hrart it stout, aad oar head perfeotly ciaar. Wa are fit for aaytkiof that may coma aeroaa oar path. Bat, to do thia, the lirar mum be in a perfeotly healthy etete, a thing whiok medical mo confident ly assort) ut it not ofiea the cate ; and all kind of diturdered lirer are met with ia every day praouoe from the slightest iueipi eat derangement to the moat aerioua effects of a diffusion of bile with tha blood orer the whole ayatem, a aute of physical aberration ot tke most serious na ture, oftea Militia; ia death, and al ways ia tha most prostrating form of tick. aaia koown. It wonld appear that ia thia country, aad apescially ia the West, the people are more anbjeol to a disordered a t 1 stale oi toe liver tnen any other ailment. It waa to remedy these diseases that lr. Simmons, a learned aad axperieacad phjsi oian, ieveated his well koown Lirer Regula tor j a remedy which baa always had the most oomplaia and signal succeas where- arar ated Thia Lirer Regulator ia ao violent pargaiira or care-all, bat is a simple regotaole oompoand, peoaiiarly adapted to the ohangea of oar climate, nearly all of whioh owe their origa to a d.seaead state of tba lirer ; especially headaches, jeoadke, dyspepsia, costireaesa, chroaio diarrhoea affeotioDt ot the bladdat or kidaeyi, eolio, female aSeoliont, orytipelas, aervoaaaete, akia diseases, ferar, 'mpnriiiee of tka blood, asthma, heartbara, dropsy, paia ia the back aad limbs, aad last bat aot least melaaaholy, or depression of spirits, that appareatly aoaoooaatablo thing from which wo often suffer so mo oh, and would gire almost asythiag to restore. Dr. Simmons' VERT LATEST BY TELEQBAPH. 4 O'Clook X. AI. THE DIKE ALEXIS ! 100 eases of cholera aad choleric diarrhoea. of whiok 40 kara prorad rata! ainee leering Halifai. una death oocarrad to dar. aad twelve patients Buffering from ckolera were aeat to tho est bank kospital witk wall passaagara alio. GtsiTi, Nor. IS. A fire whiok broke oat thia areaisg, con li ones to-night without abatement. Tka Raa Rhoaa, oa which tha fire originated, is ia reins, a a amber of buildings baring fallen riotims to tho da roaring element. Salt Laei, Nor. 12. -Tho Herald this oraiag publishes a letter from St. George relative to tho conference there, bnt aot a word ia regard to Brigham Young. Thia is remarkable, aa hitherto every murement of Brigham whea away from tkia oity kat aeeo reported daily both by letter and by telegraph. Sunvoii. Va. 1.1 Im lV VmUmA IHDIAU OUTRAGES ! "J-f more passenger railroad, the plaintiff ra- Ottrad 40 damagea. Ia eoaeeaeaeoof thia decision, negroes are now admitted iato all street oars ia tha city. Field had been ejeeted oa aooounl of his color. Bostow, Nor. 13. Elror E. Daniels, the defaulting cashier of the Webster National bank, baa bsea teotiBced to bra yean imprisonment. The friends of r rederick w. Lincoln, a promising young author of thia city, fear he is amoag the rictims of the Apache Indians recently ia Arisona. He was connected ith Lieutenant W heeler s exploring expe dition. Clkysland, Not. 13. The vessel sunk off Madison, Ohio, un Friday last, proves to hare been the Canadian schooner Juliette. All the hands were lost except the oook, Wm. H. Thayer. Chablsstuv, Nor. 13 The news print a report uf the action vt the caucus vt col ored members of the State Legislature, held last week. The caucus resol red to make no appropriation tko coming season for the payment of interest on the state debt. aud declared themselres in favor of reuudi- at on both the old and new debt ot the State. Philadelphia, Nor. 13. City Tteasurer U steer, this atternooa, entered a plea of not guilty on the indictment found by the grand : rviLitiaa ar - ' - eTIRMS. Dailt Aeons. - ... . 7 Mail (pay ablain adranse),paraaBam,tl0.O0 if Mail aizmenths, . By Mall -.. a saaaUs,.. .U 8 Hail ; . , 1 aanth.... It JaVBr Crrr Oabbibb, 25 Oaats par weak. Biaata Corns a Oaats. - T1RBT9.-. Wbsilt Aaevs. injla Copy, (payable! a adraase).. fan Copiaa " ..... rwanty Oopiat . " , rfcirty Copies " . . Sentence of an Irish Editor A BOAPARTIST PLOT! BELCDE2 OX THE B1MP1CE Cholera in Sew York ! BDrCITIONlL. BOCK ISL1ND 0P1IT DAT AKD KVBNISO, far Ladiaa aad Gsatlsmtn, Boyt ft Kltiaa. A large anmber new attan4iaf. Ivaaing WOOD, LIGHT & CO., srs of ekoal wall at tea 4 ed. eetli 4tf ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING Eslab hb4 SI Tears. Jones' C ommercial College, 8. W. Cor. Fifck and Olire streets, ST. LOUIS, ...... ......hf.0. Joaathaa aToaei, - rresldaat. JOHN W. iOHNSOS, Prefasser of Book -keeper- ' T08. P. SAUIDERS, Priaoipal Boak-keap-1B( Departssent. JOHN W. BLIiIS, Professer Math.aiatUs, ia aharea Coasaiaraial Calculation Deaertment. J0.K wSKfS. ""D",hip U Bolt Cera and Upright Drills, JONATHAN JON IS, Leetarer ea Oemmeroial Law, Ktktes, eta. Opea 4ay mat Night. Cireaiara and Catalegnas firing all necessary Information in rtgard to taition, hoard, tlasa te MACHINES, PL1KEB8, earoalata, ete.. mailed free. Mo raeatlon. Address Managing Principal J. W. J0HN801T, aarSdAwSm NASMYTHST STEAM HAMMERS, Oon Machinery. DOUBLE M1LUNS MACHINES, Mill Work, ShalUa j aad Hangers, Pateat Salf- Oiilog Box. WAKKnnrait. Notice to School Teachers and hit ubhrtyst.. kkw yobk citt M ANTJFACTOKY : HAM MO D ST., (Ore. Jaactlon Denot). W )RCKTKR .M AM. All Trains enteiiag the City, stop within tan reds of our Works. lalO dtf School Officere. A Bank Thief Sentenced A. VohhoI H n tile ! Office Cofxtt Siterinttsdevt of 1 Sl'UOOIA KOCK IxLAND COt NTT. V K.K'k lBlsua, 111.. .Nov. 1st. 1H71. i The 4th Annas! Sfelen .f the Riick Island Coun ty Teachere li.nilaie, will be held Id the Hock Is land Hiph Sohool Hull, duiiug December the aoih, Slut and ind. A. D. M7t. l'be School Law makes it obligatory on School Pirocior to allow Teachers' watri-e to continue du ring Ihe time they are iu actn-tl attendance upon In Miiute; providert, the lime doe nor exceed six day in six niuiiih.. Techcr are there Tore requ.-ei-ed to make every reasonable effort to attend, and the co-operation or School Officer is respectfully asked. M. M. STVRUEON. t'lHtntv Sap t. N. B. Entetainment will be oecured "in prtaate mmihea for lJidtes. Ontlemen will be expee a 'to provide for themselves. 1 h.-lion V and Boaraiu; IlouM-s w ill enleruiu Teachers at reduced ralea. novl-dtd. STOTU fOLlR. urQlV23 XT A rzLIAIua iurv last month. The trial is fixed for the I 27th. i hi i iiiu fill rimrm.'.i The grand jury returned threebill , I ll 1 1 11 1)A If 11 I I 111 I I Mi I . -r ...... w. flt I PjlUA'Jf Inhia liafllCal C- F- wuh larceny I I aad embexzlement. Thief ! Nrw Yobk, Nov. 13. The members ol the Brooklrn invrsiisatini; oomaiillre car they have evidrnue ahownifr about 4 000 fraudulent voles cast. 1 hey are anuiue that tha canrassert will be co.npilied to A HilrOd. ACCitlent ! lbe KePub,'c candidates on the county ticset, ana an tl -puniicao candidates, m clcding tke Mayor, oa the city ticket Tbe report will be ready aboat Friday, when warrants will be issued for the arrest of ballot box sio8Vr. Mayor Kalblfieiach profeeaes to be satisfied that he obtained more boneal rotes than Tow 11 or Bootb, and will contest tha right to tbe office in the cenrie. St. Lotjis, Nov. 13 Tbe list of wounded by the kooidxot at Wellsville, on the North Miaaoari Railroad, oa Friday last, ia received. It contains 52 names, eleven of whom are seriously injured. Tbey are all Soldiers, and two or three of them will probably die. Tke detach e.t Uft Wellarilie ye.ter.ey by apeoial train for Omaha. Patented SSevamber lit, 1879. IF YOU WOULD Save Motif), Time & Labor, If you would have your STOVES General Summary. Market Reports. Rspertedlsnressly far the Aneos. Beautifully A Brillian I j Pe.ike.i lLr Washington, Nor. 13. Tha Supreme Oonrt of the Distriol of Columbia, ia tha' oaaa of Trabwr rs tikeridaa, kae deoided that earreet authority does aot exempt a .amber of Cone teas frosa aerrica of cirtJ oroceta. aor does tha Coostitutioa iauicate .a any way that he ia ao exempt. Aooordiag to tke Hasstaa omeial pro gram ma, tha firat riait at tka Graad Duka Alexis to W aahiastOB will aot tiusa orer 4 hours. It will be merely lor tne parpos il naviae kta reaeaeU to Preaideat Oraal Regulator, as is testified bylbaosaads of I aad the members af tke Cabinet, who, ia a nnanla- nut af wham VmA aafTarad a. Imi I OOdf. Will waloOBB him at Ul eZeBBtire tkat tbey believed themtelret to be inenra" ble, ia a aara core for aay aad ail of tke above sateiiooed diaovdara, and oerer faila to do wbat ha inventor promises for it Baiaf apsrfeotlr para ra((aUble eoeapoand, it ia sot ia aay way injurious to tko meat delicate eooititotioni, and will keep the whole liver regulated. It it alto a lure tafe- gnard ageinit tka ill effsots of change of! water or diet, aad kat prorad itself to be th aafett and most perfect antibilious nedicine arer yet diacorered. Wa beliera tkat severe' couuterfeiu hare been offered to the public bat tbey are invariably detected. Tka pro prietors and sola manufacturers of this in estimable medicine are J, EL ZeiUa k Co., of Macon, Gaorgia.and Pkiladslpkia, Pa.,- to whtob latter place all communications should be addressed. mansion, tie will nave bo visitors during bis brief soiourB aor reoeire oarda. Aa tatereetiaf oaaa ia pending ia tne failed States Supreme Court, aOeotieg indieiai prooeeaiBirs is v, wa y ju. A Oentile firm is bait Lake VJity, sustained adamare of $2,009 hf tha deatraetiaa ol iheir atoek of liqaora by order ot eity jus lioee. for aoa-narment of lioeose. The firm wrought aait against the city under the ler- ilorial lawt, and the verdict wat renaerea in tne unitea statee Lmnc ouri is .uair favor fur tha losses sustained. Tha eitr aDoraled to the United htat.s Supreme court of the territory, on the ground that thia wat a lerritorial case, ana tne jurr sboU'd tberetore be summoned ly ihr l emtonal marshal instead ol tne L nu-a Slates Marshal. Tha bigber court affirmed ;he decision of the oourt below. Appeal was takea by cooacil for tbe city to the Supreme Court of the United States. Tbe Jei.itioa of the latter bat been anxious ly awaited by the Mormons, at it collaterally I gua(it Daily Market Eeview. ktacK IsLase. Nor. 14. Flour, Family brands, exrl..$ 7 10 r'loar, 2nd quality .. . 7 UU nbaat . .. 1 a&al IS Barley ..... . 4oo UaU 2Sa27s Fwar..... .. - 6 UU Bra. toa - 14 ehie muff i i'" 0ra ataal, fl swt - I 6i Oera .... 2ia3s Apptaa J Wei aa Pulaiaas . . 45aMle Onions - 15a4Uc WtiU Bm(otj) 0 leas das - IbaiOc Ballet tb ISalOs Lard ... - - lOalXjo Hir Prairi- "1 Timothy 1 H 0 Blonch - 7 a 8 Ojisx cftarawv. 6a.a. No. 13. Floar- Qaiet; d,aaad mainly local ; aaier spring exira $s tilat 5v ; spring supers $1 25a 4 AH. Wheat IrrtguUr; opeaid firm; JJe h ali.i than haiuruay ; a 2 leliisg at $1 1 4 oh, A I 213 i. t hlf . afis wr s did at J 0 u.rd dull; $1 2"ia li ea. b: l 2 U.I l.:f No I ouuled at At 24ai 44; w sales .u du.l at 1 lkrl 1 ; ijMui 1 Hi. Corn Aoliv, but cli'Sed ea.ur ; !o i optnel at 480 eaU, clsstd at4S.r; teller Nov. tteady at 4 So. Oats Aslive, firm aai bithor; Na 1 to'A at Hfite ; Wo 1 elo.ei higher at33o ; rsjeoted at LOO A L N OTIOE-S. ToiLiTist is unrivaled aa a beantiSarof tbe eo-nploiion, it ia a powder, harmless, t "ined and elegant. Try if, 60 caatt per box. TwgMTT Fivb CuifTt. This amount will buy a buttle of Mrs. Wbitoomb's Syrup, tbe gnat soothing remedy for all diteatt-t inciljDl to infants and children. So liijlly Cbiicenirated are Dr. Trice's Special Flavorings, that a amall quantity only need bt used. Gnt a Lottie of aei flavor, and te how much more tka Buttles hold, betides being toparior ia strength. MatRiaGB OciDC. Interesting work numeroat angraringl, i-4 pages. Price It) cents. Address Dr. Butu' Dispensary, 12 orih tigatu street, at. iooit, mo. aes advertisement. ila. RnKft claims that tka name "Magi Oil" ia his "trade mark," and that aay par aoaa wko nse that aama for a medioiue do ao at their peril, aa mack ao as though tbey atola aay other property of hit, beside their extra meannem I Tha genuine Renae'e Pais Killing Magio Oil ia what tha peopl want, aad will kara. Puis Qciitioss ro IiviLiDt. Hare the routiaa medioiaaa of tka profatsioa dooe yon ao good T Are job discouraged aod miserabla 7 If ao, teat the proprieties of tha new Vagatabla Specific. Dr. Walk ar'a California Viaagar Bitten, ara already famous aa tho heest tarigoraat, correctire aad alternative, that kaa orar aeaa tke light, Dyapeptioa aad persona of biiions kabit tbonld keep it within raach, if they Tain health aad aaaa. FOE BEUT. FOE one or fire y sars the Ollrer Brown pro. party, half a mile frees theettr limits, ae- tweaa tha tw i Caadaa reas. - Three aeras of lead, wall feneea. with all klada ef trait, a gaoa iwe story frae honae, narn.entbaUding, eie., aaa ooe sister a appif te J08IPH JOESiTON, oek Island Bars-dBwtl nvolres the legality ot tha brand Jorr lammoned by .be United Slates Marshal that indicted Brigham Young and other prominent Mormons under the Territorial aws. S Faaticist'o. Nor. 13 Advices from Arizona charge Vincent Collier with float- ng bis Indian reservation over the lands Dre-empted and occupied by settlers in Verde aud Sun Pedro ralley. Oor. Safford publishes a letter in San trancisoo reoooot- .be murders and oatragea by tha Indians Tom tha reservanoot, bitterly arngning Collier's late operations and repor's. Cmcauo, Nor. 13. Fifty-one of the j (Beers of tbe whaling fleet abandoned in he Arctic Soas, pasted through here yeater- iay from San rranoit'jo, tu their homes ta tba Ea t. New IIave, Nor 13 The trial of Mrs. Lrdia Sherman the ell" d poi.ooer, has zona orer until the last Toesdar in Decern oer. oba axpressea commence in oeiug aoqniiteo, one suows no signs ui im.uit;. .ad a few believe ner to De innoceui. T-omdow. Nor. 13 Piaott. proprietor of he Dublin Irishman, baa betn sentenced to n orison uent for aix months, for publishing .riiolea of aa inflammatory nature ta that iouraal dariaa? tba trial of Kelly for the allnaad murder of Constable loiuot. A formidable plot of Banaparnst gea erala, headed br Fleurr. to arrest Thiers aod proclaim the empire, kaa been disonver d. l he plotter s papers ara ia taa posses iioo ot ihiers, who is coBbdaat ot tho lau ure of tho eonapiracy. New Yobk, Nor. 13 Henry Ward Beecher preacnad a political aarmon in tka erening, ta tha eoaree of which - ha .poke of intelligent citisens. and tkeir indifference to politioal matters. He ukarectarizad tka oorraptiag teadeaaies of tko civil service a aa organised steading threat against tba liberties of the aation "Every custom bonse ta tho lead," said he, "ia a bribing shop. If places of traet shall oontiaoa to be pat Bp for eale aa tkey have been, tpta government eennol exist long." Yesterday a cripple named Sulliraa w boraed to taatk ia a fire wkiek broke out ia a taaaaaant keeea oa Ckaer street. Tko ateaatakip Frank lin, of tko aow Baltia fTjvd'sl Line, arrived Hate rd ay atgat wita a oumber of oaset of cholera She tailed ra. Ritlim Ootober lOih. touching at Copeakegea at tko I2ik aod at Christiana. At the latter sort aha raosired 22 labia aad el 1 iUMii Baaaaarora. aad crew of 67 awmatam. r ' Tea deyt oot tho firat caeo of oholera made itl appearanee among tha eteerege peaaeatgera, aad wkaa tha ateamer pat iato Halifax obtaia ooal, thara had bean aearly -Ka lie good demand and firm at 6" kty 60 te. Barley Quiet aad at.ady ; .No 2 :4sHo 3 43e44c: njeetad SnalSa. Proviiiont Oatet ana rather weak ; mess porh 112 76; UOtl bbls seller Dacf 12B2J; Jau y aaiat aboat the same cash Lard Quiet and .teady; ejeeask or Dee;8Ja Hie Jan'y or Fab ; So for March. Little done in areen msaU. rnces nneaans ed. Whiskr Qaiet and 8rm at 8Se. Reealota -Fiour oTS ; wheat J.41(l ; eorn lBJ.OTO ; eats 2.l0 ; rye I7'0; ba ley 1,omi. ehipmenU -Fleur 0'S ; wheat tl.tfuz ; eom JI1.&89 ; nets 117.r.7; rye IS 322; baney rtl. Olva the CRT 14 8 of CO hi FORT a Trial. k jor Groeer it set OdAwStB BAC9. HART, ASTL & CO., Kos. 5 & 1 Wet Madison Street. CHICAGO. SEAMLESS GRilli BAGS, Barlap Bag, (ionny Bigs, Floor Kttd Paper Saeks. Bass of all Kiiils. 7 BT. LOUZS, AlsTOZT AX7D BT0CKB0LDB S3' SHEETING. Kotiee la hereby sivan that tke annual meat- lag of the Stockholders of tkis Ooatpaay will be held at tha Company's offlj, ia tha eity of Book Island, oa Thursday, tbe 23d day of November, at 12 o'clock iioua. JAS R. TOUNG. Rot D. Caoss, Piesidsnt. Secretary. Rock Island, Oct 19, 1871. JU Tretsary Dcpartaent. Orrica or CcHfTRou.K ur tub Cirsksct, 1 Wasbisstox, Oct. Tth, 1871. j WnaaSAS, by sat i factory eviaanee presented to the ut iifr?, lr bxt betr mnde to appear lhat Tli hurk JInmi Satixnal ffmk, n tie Vity of Kotk hlnud, iu tie O'tmtu A'oii - land and Stnf f lltittnin has been dulv oreaa ised nnder and according te the reqairamems ef the Apt ol Congress, entitled "Ad Act to (.rovlde a National Currency securtd by a pMiie ef United States Boads, aad to provide fur tke cir culation and redemption thereof annravad June 3rd, 1844, and haa complied with all tha o as eoatpllad iness ef Bank ing, aader said Act. Now therefore, I. Hi land R. H lburd. Comp troller of tha Currency, do hereby certify that 'Tba Hook li ana Aatioaal Bank in the eitr of Seek Island, in the eoaaty of Rock Island, aad State ef Illinois, is authorised to commence tha batiner ef Basking nn lar the Act aforesaid. Ia teitrmoav whereof. witaea bt l. a. band and Real of otto- this 7th day ef October, is it. HH.AND R HILBCRD, No. 1SS9. Comptreller of Carraney. Tha Rock Island National Bank will open for business at Ne. 23 W. Illinois street, November 1st. 1871. Bsn. Harper, 1 John W Bpeneer, j Perer fries. 1 Edward Barrell. Jr . Directors. J H- Wilson, 1 A. B.oadist, I T.J Kobiason, j T J ROBINSO. President. BBS HARPKR Viee Pres'u A. BENEDICT. Cashier. October 25, 1R71 dfilt AKTISTIU 1-AILCRIXG. 687 WABAIQ AvaifUF, OnXOAOO. ORAPR,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fiue Woolens, f OK UKBiTLESMBN8 fJB. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPKCIALTT. Shirts to Meeaare Extra Danbla Anil D..I..I la Fit. OltrgymtH vill 6s allowed 10 per tent. IsbUdly MEDK AL lJiTEl MtlVT8. DAVID A. KlStl, Uaanfaoturer of and Dealer in Eleetro - MedicxI Instrameats, aud Oitraule Batttrist af all Kindt aad Eittt. f!4 i. 68 Canal I treat, CHICAGO, in. All Kinds ef Kleotro-Magnetic Ins'roments Neatly Repaired at short notice Alto Models mania ol all descriptions on short notice. oot4-d3m 8111, D80K8. AC. fOL ANDES & HUBEB, Suessssors to J. Biddisoi, Manafauturers of Stsh, Doors, Blinds, Slooldiags, PR AM k R. BRACKETS, And everything in their line. Olaisd Sash on hand, also Feed All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dwf)m XVIQTJOB.B. MEIiFQRl) RUf. Seal In year orders and we will f'.l tkem pr.'mptly Miner. will pleasesead theirbraads in tail, as all other proofs have been destroyed. eet-'S C3m TOE SARATOGA SKATE. COMBINING! 6TRINQTH, LIQ HTSESS' AND UTILITY. YVilhftnt that bus f fifrann ' it aaiswaiB a aa v mm -" "v v at w a- tt Lr j Ail who have triad tt use na other. Msnufacturad by tha Providence Tool Com'y, AA warren It., Sew Xoil. To whom all orders thjuid ba a4dieserd. This r-kate rice s all others iu giving a neat appearance to lba fuot. It is HgUi, esulj ad justed, at. 4 whea isstened an. beaomai as fiiui as the boot Itseli. It d' with alt trapr which are so bindipg ant disagreeable to Ihr font, tbe circulation ana causing a Bote aess ana achtag. Oar bkate haa been made with pus el releieueeto void strain upn the ankle, and it completely nbvUtrc that diffiralty so fa tal to Ladies skstlag A beninaer ria stand upon them without tfiBoully. Tbey are made in tbe beat manner, of tha bast materials, and areintendtd to be in everv respect tbe heat ekate aver offered in tha market Tbair p'.iancy aasa and graceful appearance render them th most desirable ever ofiered the pubi c LtWREICK'ft Mf.DFOtI) bum. D1MEL LAURENCE & SONS, Only Manufaetnrers ot MEDFORD RUM, Still enjoy th repatation of mauefaetnring The Best Bum ia the States, Duly authorized by State Lieenmr. Tba superior qua ity and parity if I. AH KKHri' M lFl' Ki n T r ttia pat flirty mere b. mi e i every where kuowu .t the St sd -h Rrn. paia- rill be spared to mi-teiu its purit) 'Bdbigb repatatnta. lba public is eaaiiuncd again, imittii,ri and pnontrrfe tt 0RPKR DIRECT f ROM r. J ire mi trrtr,-a,tt perfect tati-faeti'iH. Address orders by nail to METFORD. MaS , And orders by Szpresi e other'lse 127, 129. 131, and 133 Broad at BOS TO And they will receive prompt attention. DANIBL LAWRINCE A SONS. oetlt dRm HAVING SCURKI LtTTFIS PAT. atNT N OU BHANDM ANE SPa NS, LICKING VALLEY ANO DQUGLAS-ELK-HORN BOURBON WHISKIES, That wa astablifhed in this market in 1866, heresy give warning to any one aing those brands, or aay represastation cf them, that they ara infriaging upon our patents, aad they will be prosecuted te 'he fall eiteat ot the law. J. A. Monks k Sons. Wa hare for sale tha followieg well-known brands Kentucky Copper Whiskies i ane Spring Boorbon, Fpring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Icklng Valle j Boorbon, spring 1869. 1870 and 1871. Donglas-Elk-Ilorn Boarben, Spring 1869, 1870 aad 187L Tha above brands ara pt tea ted and eaa he had ONLY from tha Proprietors. J. A. MOMS k SONS, EiTASLtsasa ia IsSO. WELCHtfeOKlFFlTH SCPSBIOR TO LL OTHERS! Axes. Tiles, Catt Steal. Kill raralehtaee. aaa macainary SiaW Get the best, they ail) prove lb eheapa.t. Priees duel. eetd for price Lis land siroaiars. V ti h li IKtl I Urn, oJXj-ly, H ..!. JJ... Detroit I (sIFr E TESPallSK. We make seven sises : Ladies', Gsatlemcu's,. aovg df OSADALIS T aad 0 aasas, Kh-ia j aad all Can Liver aad t HB 8 Rl AT AMIRICAS HBALTB A D A s aai earas Ssrofuia, Hypbllis. Skin Dis aatism, Dia.asesof Womea, araaia BDeotloas or lee bid.., alidaeys. Raeommeadad by tha siedisal faoaltv and but thous ands ef oar best eitiseas. Read tha testimony ef pbysiclaas aad patients who kava nssd Rosadalia; tend far ear Reaadalis ttmde to Health Bok, er Almaaae for thia year, whieh we pub lish lor gretultoae eialributi a; It will glva yaa mash valaable information. lr. aV W. Oarr, af Baltimore, sars; 1 take Bleeeare In raaesamaadiae year steaaaana as a eery pewerf el al- teretira. I have eeea It aaad ia tw. eases with happy resells one ia a eas el seeeaaary syabliU, ta wkiek the na tleat proaeaa'ed kimsaU eared alter kavine taken are kettles ef rear madi alee. Tke ether ia a ease ef eerofala ef leag steading, wkiek It rapidly Imprev. tag eader its are, and tke iadisstloas are that tke patieat will soea recover, I aeve earefally eiamiaed tha furmnla by wkiek year Keeadalta la made, aad nd It an exeelleat eampsaad ef alter ative la (radiants. vr. aparaa,ei nieaeisvitie, B.y.,says Be aaa nsea aosaaaits ia eases ef Sere fala aai Beeeadary Syphilis with satia f eatery resalU a a elaaaeref the bleed I kaow ae better remedy. emaei 8. wleraddea, Kurfreeaeere, Teaa , aayas " have aaad seven battlee ef ReM dalle, aad am eatirely eared ef Rbeam. atism : aaad ate tear battle a, aa I erisk tt lar asr Vvetber, eat has serefalewa sera avaa." Baa"iamia Bejhol, ef Lima, Oh la, writes, I have saterad far twenty years with. .. awotorato eraattea ever hie wkelesedy; a ttkert time si sea I par eaaeaa a bettla af Kosedejls and it ef fee tad a aerfaet aara " Kesaaallsl. aold by all arnggfft. atsakaace Plaoe. Bal timorev . r CL KBITS C( . feepriet". ..8. 81, 8 and ..III, 10 j and OIL 6F 04P. 2 ti?l5? OIL- OF SOAP (TATEST APPLIED FOP..) inn mil ukuiniv i I j ia uv ajuuiiuaja liltu It U the beat clesner In ue. for rlB.ninff naint. elam. niMrble, stoae and furniiure, and for removing t-reas from floor, car pa is and cloths, while lor laundry oiirpoeoe It at tine let' lie 4. It doee It, work quickly ana well, and cheaper than common soap at JC per poonu. .'o granae to n. No potHKb In It. no poison in u. jvot urncjrrt or Uroccr ror it w.. froprietor'. 507 hpi uco atreeu ST. Lul ls, MO. "XX OIL OF SOAP" Tha Oaly Reliable Gilt DittnhntioB In tne Country! $60,000.00 IX? VALUABLE OXrSB to aa bistbibctib ia L. D. SINE'S 162nd &IGCLAR MOITHLY Q1FT giMERPHISE To ba draw. Monday Sew. 87, 1871. TWO 8RAND CAPlTALb Ot fhi. ! a atronsrer brand, and is nsmt i .u..i. of Cars. Engiao.e., and is for this purpose tbe beet thing out. n contains ao pousn. lye of ereae. It removes the accumoJation of Coal mxn, tin and tTT.lM.IM 1 , 1, tU v, w. a L.UIIUK1U.n W in - liquid form, aud Is forihw ruaaon much more con venient lo uh) man ooap or any ouier cleaner as no time is waited in Its preparaiioe for am, and it does tbe work wlibcoM or warm water, tt U need by mixing with water fas per directions) and applying To painters this will recommend Itself at once, be- nan n wcn.vm . vmiq uii emunin hm to receive the Tarnish and one ia which varnieh will not tuwL, asu urn wa cunm m an eevanuge it has over any uum whhw By tua barrel only at C cents per gallon. J. M. RALL CO., Proprietors. - . S7 Spreoe street, tH. Lent is, Mo. 5,000 each in Greenbacks I (Breenbacks aya4Mi.4.tA "XX OIL OF SOAr FOR - Factories and ' Printing OQees. The best grease remover In the world, and for tvpe washing, those who have trted it aay it is solenoid. sod its caHUBM and oeiug neu-ooffibuaUuia, will war auta u tl of it. . , . ' nov6-dw: - " (JI bpmce at., Bu Loula. iwe rrizei $1,000 f Five Prize $500 lea ruzci $iov t Whole Number of Cash OifU I 000 ! t Ucrse A Baggy, with dilrer asouated Uarsess worth lAO'i. One Fine toned R.ewood Piaao worth AriOO. iaa Family -awing Machine worth a h Vive Heavy Uhaeea Uold Busting Wauht-.and Heary Said Chains. worth .W0 eaeh. Five Sold Ameneae Banting B7 atchea, worth a '2d each Tea Ladies Oola PJsaiieg Wat. hea, wortb I lr8 eaeh. goo Gold and Stiver Lever Huotlnr Watches (in all) t 3old baeatioa Chains. Meot'e old Test iTrtr. uur-n l OMon..Hatid Hllver snd Uoarite iwn---rj , . pialMl 1SDIC e. I itoii 'nwreu vihhvi ic 'iZ Btrvrr-piased Uioner rorfca, silver Veet fJZL' Pboioeraph Alnume. Lsdlea' Gold Braeet niM and Esr-nnT-. . nt-' Gold Breastpins. Hbirt StSdland Weeve Buttona, ringer Kings, Oold Pens. I r .1 - arrabuls-aal. I aiU - WDOtO Dtilst' ffa-. cfwrf. Tli-aT V-Tit n AGaS" TT A Lv I El LT M V rjuu a. aviaat aw srw attwgw'lr. Single "T ',-.,, TW-Jia a . ,....inin fall Met of Drlsea. S eeoip- .. M're. .T' ' rT,. ,JA rewiuir. sad oibarlefBraastsea tareterenca to the Dbuuoiwill b. sent loan. one ordering tnem- m J eiai Ia, aVs aVAWaW w aw. l.uu.i1sii, y OrncB. 101 W. 6th 8U. oetl-dwly NOTIOB. P. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., I3IP01TEK8 iSD JIBBER is Wall Paper, Window Shades, 410 Zfforth Fonrth Itrcet, aov8-dtm ax. iiovzi, xkxo. MA.YHON,. DALY & CO., ZBxro&TS&i. Tnn IiAxqbit AND FANCY DRY GOODS HOUSE IrL "tlao Nortlawest. HAVH A FULL STOCK OF ' ' - - " Bergmann's Worsted. Germantown Wools! AND ALL PKRTAINIS9 TO A FULL LINE a -a . mW Also a complete assortmtnt ot Millinery Goods. "We have just re ceived a large invoice of our famous brand "AAAA" cord edge Ribbona. 148 Michigan Avenue, - - - . . . OZIIOAOO. USTABL'tXXBI) 1849. TIl Oldest "rlu tic lloue In the IVorth-west. K. N HEMFSTED, Tlf PfiRTF.t iVIl liRATItn; Tlf' MUSICAL GOODS IIP MSI DESCRIPTION ! PUBLISBER Of ' Hlieot 3Xiifsie a,nd M iihIc Bookg. Wholssale Agesej for Steinway k Son's, Hazelton Sroi., Haines Brother's and Varlor Oem FIAZTOB and Itlasoa fc Hamlin OKQAITB. A Large and Elegant Stock of Goods at New York Figures. 410 Broailray, - - . - - - Hllwaukee, Wis. Send T"r Cataligucs and Price Lists- ocfl-d ASn WAMS, MMIWMT & mM HAVH TUB Largest Stock of Fine Clothing tUataV I For HEX'S & DOTS' WEAR, west of New York. Tbe best AUWool Suits, for the money, in this country, for $18,00. 45 W. MADIdOH ST., ant 387 dTATI BT. CHICAGO. ILL. Eojal HaTAia Lelterj ol Cuia. OONDCCTED BT THE SPANISH GOV- arasseat $300,000 in Gold drawn ever sev enteen days Prises cashed and lnformstion t.faed The his best nt:ea paid Tor Doub- loeas and all kiads of Gold aad Silver. TAVLOR CO., Bankers, fabSdl IS Wa t Street, Xaw York. it vn t aov3-dSa ST. LOUIS. MvTS. rroas seleeud Serine and Winter Wkaat. eressJj far tke eity trade. ALL KINDS O Flour and Meal e hand, aad delivered FREE OF CBAHOl in it. City. JA8. A. POT LB. Agent., 'U. K4ee '. ril:nj. e. r win j. l. rasaass GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY TUE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braacn Honse, Pal sea Bew, ROC ISLAND. ... ILLS Vvhsiswe ire offirini unrivalled Teas, at tka ana low artoes aa at tbeir "B.stera Hansa. BJ iasporiing Taaa ia earro lots, tbsy aaabl as is retail to tne ooasutne- at eitr.mely Ion pr-.oes. Don't fail to ti-u the Bong Eone Tea Store, at Paltee R w, where will be toead tha lasat, s a rest ana freshest Teas, Cofeet and 8pi oes, ai prises nsyoaa eornps'inon. mjiiwAm POWAP.M A FKKKMAH, Ag'ts T. LOCI. HE1.TBXHAM FIRE BRIOK AND Clay Retort Works ! ETEKS ft B0W1ID, Praprlet ntaeufaatnrara of Fire Brick. Gas Boose Tile Clay RetortM. Matt Furnace Tilt, PUia & Ornamental Chimntu Toot. Sewerage Pipe from 3 to 30 in. Diameter And all ertislas usually made of Fire Clay. OfBee. 100 Ssatk Eleventh street, ch23-dlv at L0UI8, MO (BELDIKG'S SUCCESSORS.) LOXTSB.T. FLOCtt. 0HKST0FS MILLS Manafaatarsrset Chores family CKlfhKES. Oil BAKX.SL7. WMs niafco & go, Dealers ia Craok.ers. So. 5I Main Street, . KaNOSHA, WIS. may28-d wig Boston Bazaar! HEW NEW SHOTGUN ORLD.ti? I SEND FOR A CtRCULM Kew York Office, 27 BEEKKAiH SH nor Id 3m STELLB, YOST UO. rCNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC A BritU Blue Eve, Sons Ueieingar, .. l&ois 0.m won sens lumiM Com lo 6eac. Sextan, 4 Dar4if KJt of Bourdimg &awi,Petter30 Viri w IA viyareue, voaiie veraeue, , ow Jollm High Tim, Caaiie, Parka, SO Sou woH't pom itke tukmoa. Coasia Cord'la.tO JelU mtkeHf.-t, aWotlfal tfeag MUlardSO , tke iimdr.w, Za h. S tat tl fame, far Bas ee Alte, " 34 Yet Oees Aewte, Daest lor 8oa. aad Bare AaBiieJ. OuarreUil Hmignhore. Coaile, AaeerTTS .wW' Child, with va-iatioes. klaek tfsese'g ?rss, P.asi. Bor mantiqua, Blaaeeey, HUidif Vacatur Merck, UlnstraUd title Oilsiaa. Sweet Antiei)tmtie, fiehottisene. ' " aUsina, r , . , S W Date, faatalsia. Kreg Aey ef tka above aeat ey ssaii eareeaiptef the market price. . Me metier where yoa tee a piece of Katie er Musis Book advertised, sead to aa and yoa will reoeive It by eatoia( he publish, rs price. : BAtittim waias,. HtSlli UKAkhM, mJT-dedlla. ' f ST. LO0I8, ' SS to WH0LES1LE DEALERS IX CLOTHING AITS FLUMSIILXG GOODS ! 419 Main Street, St. tenis. MaBofactory, 326 Croadrray, Wc call Special attention '' the Trade GeiieraUy, and rticularly thoee who liave been in mo uavu oi Buying Clotkbg in otier markets, to our forge and Complete Stock ot of our vicn manufacture, wliich we will sell to Cash and Responsible, Prompt paying time customers, as Low a thj can be bought in any other market. We Earnestly Solicit a visit from ali good merchants, before giving orders to representatives ''of other cities East or West "We mean business." " Call and be convinced. STELLE, YOST & co.; 419 XT. SSala UW Bt. ZiObis aarg dim . ') ' STORE. GOODS ! ARGUS JOB OFFICE, .Rook It In ei J,-- 111. il'S are at pre. em preyafsS is aoany ! e( loh watt which war be ertfered, ai e( Joh he sktirtos, ia .A".- .1 ka, L. S. GATES & CO., ll.t lMil J.T., KOLk ItLADD. (Formsrly M.U.e i Shoe Store,) OFFERS F R SALE . li) too jrdsol anbieachtd kh etings at 10, 1, 13, 13, 14, too. A.. i.uuii j js t.1 diu jlu.-lin. at iO, 12). 14, 15, eta. iaole Lin.Ls, b.ia h.d ai.o i.nbiiavtied at 36, 4a, u, 76c, a.c. lU pieces teal lurtev red table linen, at $1.10 yvt yard. . aoa Aajikins at li, 1,00, 1,26, 1,36, eU. . Wan. bid .-preaJs 1 to, l,5u, I vo et. ft.rna yds crna towelins, . 8, 10, '5, o dot lin.a towel, it), 12 i, 16, 20, 26c, ete. Large lot lin.a dialers, cheap. 6U dox Sermaa corsets, 16 buses white and col ored, ali numbers a. &5o per pair. 0 dux French corsets very aheap. 20 dux French silk embroidered corset. 60 dot Rid Ulor.s all oo ors and numbers, at(6 cms per pair,cBep. 26 dux Kid K loves, extra nice 8icU per fair. 20 ax 'I button Kids a'.l colors and numbsrs Very cheap. A largi lot Lule thread sad Cotton Gloves. 200 Ladies cli. wr.spsrsat 1,50 and 2.W each 200 Shawl, at r, 75, i0, 1,10 2,00, 2,60 S.oO, 4,0U, 4,iU, S.Ou ' ai ech. A large asJ splendid aisortmcnt of Ladies' un der alolhinir. Oheuii.e 60, 90, 1,00. S,J5, ete. Drawers, 60, 7, l,o, eto. Higtil Drese, , 1,10, 1,35, 1.50. eto. Tricked Skirts, 75, kt. 1,00, 1.54, 1,5. l ader ahirts. tacked and rxfiSsd, only SOc. ill dox Aprons Croat 20c ti, i. Alargalinaor Lsdis.'sna !U.s' Hosiery at very low priees. . 100 dos La lies' hemmed Headkerouiefs from o upwards. A f rest variety el battona and trimmings te be eld at half iha asnal prices. 100 dux Ladies' I aoa Oolls.s at 10, 16, 25s, ate. Ladies' Keal Thread Laee Collai. 60, J5, V 1,25, 1.60, ale. ..... 10,000 yds of cotton EJgiojs, ' 1. -3- a' 0 7,8,0, 10, to. . . ,a is :u,000 yds of Hsmbarf Tdgiags a 7, , 1, 1, 15, 20,25,3 ,36. .. et0; . ... A lares liaa to taatee, ahsap. - -400 dos Bpol Cotton, 200 yds each ell eolera aad naoibers at 4 sis per v gm, -' dosen ' SOU dos Coats' end Clark s eottoa at 8 eoata a Sf ool. 2tiii dus'pnol Silk, 100 yds eaeh at lf)e a spool. 150 dos of spool Silk 12 yds eaeh at Se a saool. dkein 8il andTaistat 2oeeh. ; J. English a pin ttuo. Hiadlea, 6o a pafer. . Pins 6 ots a pspar. ' - Hiastis Cord , 4, to per yard. ' ' -25 dos's wkite tairta,at 1,00, 1,25.1,50 axui 2,uu pa nana. Qe.fsauSer ihirU 25, Si, SO T5, 86, 1,00, eto. Ucal'a plaid Fteaael iktrte T6, 1,0. 60 doe Band kail Woo lea ftocka at 40e a pal'; ue.t Csitut Hose lv 12), 16, Jo, 25 .to Ue-l's Papal Ool.ars, 5, Iu. 16, l) ,td 26. li.-t a Iteukue li , 16, 20 and 25o. ' Usal'a h.mme, Hiadkeroauls, 10, 16,2w,25,ete. etsat's Kid tile c, v heap. . U.OUU yds t,a i-e, el 7, e, 10.12. ets pa- yrd. 1,0 yds B.4 leekiig at 10. I5,3 -, 25e, .to. tUoa iuoFlna al 12,, 16, 0, 5. at. A .large aa el hiie and rd V ba soid tt.p . ... A gaol li'e oi ul "h and e .lered lpas. A fail line or and eeol P., lma at una.aa luw priori A gooJ aoiiment of plaid dre-s goods. .. Bl'k 81I.S 1.5. to V, f r-. SOU pieeraef iboa ali Widths aad scrors. A fell 1 na of ra.b Kibbons. , . Aa.itsn.iveas.ori-.ntof Jtwel.y t Be aeW treat Bra.a- -J 't il ,-" 'i 60 dx Uoopo!"-" low prices. , , , Alitlllioaot H.rl'umrj sad a large Variety Of artio es lo. aunisruaitu u htiea.s ia.! :,ih -.! . : . ' aept feud mwi A wjly -T