Newspaper Page Text
UUl OF AOYEHTIl!uS. far eaeh .ara, at tha opaee eeeaaled hy tea lit ef elld aeapereil, Oae Delia far eaeh la tertlea. Special aTetteea, SI teatt Bat Ha. Whew la eerted I ataata er aoee, It per eeet aheve rage lar adrertisiag rale. Osaateteatieet, at arllalat laserted aaa reetlag Better, 15 stst aat llaa. Daiar Was air. A dioeeeat af SI aat aaal. will aa Bade frees the Weekly rates, feerly Bad kalf yearly eeetraet, wbea Ika MBit else ia liwM ia beta eily aa4 Weekly. Oaoble Oelaaa will aa eberged J per aaat additioael. fat .raa.ieafedvertlsesssa adrBBae Bag eat U repaired. Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 CHICAGO HOTXI. North Clark ttreal ia to ba widened from Fraaklia ttreet to Fullertoa areas. Tha rivar it Hill filled to ao iaooareaieat eitent with dabria of tb fir. Tka city ia to ba diviJed into 10 fir dist'ioU. I.rittol, Eoglaad, bas giraa $10,OJO to npporl th Chioago toffrr. Tha merchant! are instituting tb cotton of deroting a oartaia portioa oi tbair aalea to tb raliaf faad. Tb city baa established "fir limit," etrtaia itraaU.aad withia ibaa eertaia kiada of building and inaaafaotoriei ara to b ax olodad. Robart Colljtr baa raeeired a diipatoh from Loudon ttalieg thai bit frieadt ia Eag land will raise $20,000 to aaaitt ia ra-boild- ing bit eharch. A aillioa dollar' worth of aidewaltl war destroyed ia tba fira anoogb, if ba plash bad beea placed aad toaad, to reach from Chicago to Bottoa. The eitaoaioa of tba Baltimora 4 Ohio railroad ia to eatar tba city oa th Illiaoi Central track, aad ataiat ia building tb mammoth Union paataager depot at th foot of Lake ilrect. Oa of th most heroio aad affactive ffbrU ia taring Uvea aad property from tb fir trat mad by Cap. Gtbtaa, of th tog-boat Mag ao'ia. II to wad ail or eight helplott achtoa art aad propel Itrt out of tb titer, taring tb lire of th handredt who bad take refute a them, aad altarwardt attitled ia ramor ing maay thoataadt ptat ap oa tb tandt oa th North Sid. H ooght to I ga- erottly rememaarod. VERT LATEST BY TELEGBAPH. LOCAL N OTIOES. ToiLiTiti it aariraUd at a beentifier of th omp1etia, it it a pewder, barmUtt, ta nned aad eleg eat. Try it, 60 ceatt par bo TwitTT Fivt CttTt. Thit amoaal will bay a boltlo of Mr. Whiteomb't Syrap, the great tuotkieg remedy for all diteaaea iaoideot to iafaata aad ehildraa. So highly concentrated are Dr. Price' Special r'laroriBgt, that a tmall qoaatity only need be oted. Get a bottle of aai flaror, aai tee how moch mar the bottle, hold, betidet being tuperior in tlrength. hf aaatai.a Gcidb. Interesting work, numerous engraving, '12 pages. Price 6C otntt Adire Dr. Bail' Dispensary, i Nona Eighth ttreet, St. Loan, Mo. Se advertisement. Ma. luss tUmi that lb name "Magic Oil" it hit iiade marl','' and that any pot- toot who as that nede for a medicine tXu to at their pen!, at maun u an though they Hole any otarr prper'y of hit, be.ide their txlra Mi jtii',i.v ! Tka granine Hanaa' 1'aia Killing tfarfio O.l it what th peop. want, aad hart. 4 O'Olook LEGISLATURE COB I Able Message from Palmer Election of Democratic Senator ! TUB PARK TRAGEDY! The Boston Horror ! GREAT 8T0SM II THE Elf T ! CtXCKKSSlIlX tttfiES IIDICTED ! Small Fox in Africa! Shwtklig Crime ia Rhtie Lsltad. General Summary. Uarket Reports. Riportad Bipruilj fartta Aasci. Plain y"tlT:f. tj Ivaluu. Harr the routine moJiciaet o! the prifm.Mou don yon no good ? Ar yoa diesoaraeJ and miserable 7 If to, tett ta pruprn tiao of the aew Veretabl Specific. Dr. Waik- er't California Viaegar B.Mare, ar already famoui a th baeat inaigoraat, eorracure and alteroatire, that bat rr seen theluh. Dfipeptict aad pereont of bi.ions habit ihoald keep it within reaeb,if they ralu beaikh and ease. FOR KENT. tan or Era jaari the Olirar Browa pro prlr, ht t'a mil froa Ika eitr liit. be o th ta i Caaiaa roat. Tnrt-a asrei i43l. wnl tajr-l, ita al ktade ef frnii, f 1 mi itjrj fraa toate, barn, aaibaiidicg Co., aid food aitmra Apply to Jiitta JuflNifO.V, Book Itland nnrl d ttf ILL KlGlf. Stokee. of Twtetwt, charging him with receiving feea, arhil a BpraeatatiT in Congreta, ia acting a aitoraey for the elaimi of a certain militia company. Th total amount of money receWad at tb treat ory department aioca Kovrmber 30th, 1863, aad oredited to what ia kaowa aath "Contcience Fund," i I26,U7. Of thit amount $8,747 wat received daring lb fiioal year coding Jan 30, 1871. A number of prominent ditiitlert ar bow ia th city tor th parpoae of urging upon tba proper committee a change ia tb rele ase . law affeotiar dutillation, aad for ecoriog a oontolidatioa of talet. Lokdox, Not. IS. Mail advicet from Africa tay that oa th wet coaat the peeple ar dying off from the tmall pos like rot tan aheep. Th deaths amount to over 20 par cent, of thoa attacked. Th Jojumen prieatt ar boy inttilling into th minds of ignorant aatirea that tb diseaa ia m judg ment of their juja or goda oa the people fur to many of thm embraciug Cbritliauity, , G30DRU-H, Oat., Nov. 15. Th whole of Catneroa'e block, oa King treat, waa bora- this morning, including the Star office, John Payee aad Oameron A Ourrow'a law c-f- ficea, and th Huron Hotel. Lott, $21,000: iniured. Chicago, Nov. IS Tb Diamond mills at Peoria, II)., burnoJ thia morning. The lott it heavy. Iuiurtd for abont $20,000 PaoriDtNCE, R I., Nov. 15. At Black tone, thit afirrnooo, Mt. Francit V.'al field took bar young child to a abed and chopped its brad to picee with aa axe. The mother, who is probably iotane, made two attempt to drowa herself last week. Daily Market Review. Baca ItLARR, Nor. IS. Flour, Family brand, i barrel..) 7 0 r'lear, lad qaalitj ...... 7 0u Wheat 1 al 14 K M). j ... 46o tals ..... ......... .... ..Ha. . . ... 3ia3i a Baakwhaat Fiear uua UU Braa, J ioa 14 U hip kiaff..M ........ ..... tl 0 Oera alaal, yt awt 1 60al SB Cora- .. 2S.3J. Applae, 2 XVat Pu4ia 4sa50a 'i .. liatUc Wkile Beam (aary) . 1 Kifdot . . iSaifc Batter lb l8a20 Lard lValJto til J rrlrl. Oti.lo (iti Tiauthr.. 10 Olal U Blak ..... 7 aa u Hiekery Waod, eotd ...... 7 W U.k Waud, da & i. Ooai Valla) Ceal, ft kutkal 14 l roiLitaaa ar aa TIBHS. DutT Aatvt. BjrJtfafl(paTalUia advance), per aaaaa.,$!t.0t aj Mail " " six meatha,., t.tO B Mail " " I aioatki. By Mail 1 aeatk..... jaaBr Oitt Oiaaiaa, 16 Cants per week. 8iLa Conn Cents. T1XMS.- WaaiLT Al. iarla Oepv. (aarablal a tea Cepiet " Tweaty Oopiet " .. 15. tt Thirty Coales " 9.t LITfcS Ht CrUTOE. TUB Symptoms of Liver Complaint are nneasineu nd pain in the side. Some time tbe pain is In the ! shoulder, and is mistaken i fur rheumatism. The etom- acb U atfecLtd wilh loxe of I appetiiaaDdtiirknea. bow els m trenerulcoxlivv. omelimeBaltemaiinirwiib lax. The head ie troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sen sation, cousiaerauie loaa ot memory, accompanied with WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maanlaeturers ot LIVES paiutui eniauou ol having left undone something I which onirnt to have been I done. Oltan complainii of wealuiew, di blliiy at maay ol the auovu ayuipiom aitena uie aixeaae, and at other times very few of them ; bat the liver te ren erally the organ mot Involved. Care the liver with LIVER EEGULrlTOR, K PREPARATION OF ROOT8 AND UKRHS, Warranteo to be strict! v vegetable, and can do no in- Jury to any one. it aaa seen uaeu oy nnndreds, and Known Tor the lat thirty-ltve yi-arv as one of the most reliable, effi cacious and harmless preparations ever offered to toe sunering. ii taxen regularly and persistently, It is mire lo cure Dyspepsia, headache. Jann dive, coxtiveueaa. sick head sche, chronic diarrhiiea, al- tectioua ol the ll.,dder,canip dysentery, artecilone ol the kidneys, fever, n'rvousnes chills, discards or ibe skin, imnnril. nl lh. Kl.uwl Mul. anchuiy or iii-prc!.ciuu ot spiriui. heanbum, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain In the head, lever snd pae Amn.MWt ui. i. (....b. .ml ..ll.m. Uiup.,, WULUN 1 11 111, '. H ,. I llll nl, I. ' VII U1U. erysipelas, female affections, and bilious diseases generally. Prepared only by 4. u. zkilh c.. Druggists, Macon. Oa.. and ilt Arch street, Phils dehihia. Pa. 8eid for a Circular. Price l ; by Kegalator. il l .. land. 111. For sale by John Bengfton. Kock Is- noi4-aiy ZXVMmXX. ENGINE LATHES l SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PL1KEB8, (Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, na surra? steam hammers. dan XsXachiaery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Werk, Shafting aad, Patent 8slf- Uillng Box. WAREHOtSB: lOT LIBBBTY H., NKW YORK CITT MiNCFACTOBT : MAMMOa D ST.. (Opa. Jaactlea Denst). MORCRSTLR, NA. AU Traias an tariaa the City, etop within ten I rats af oar Werks. Jslt 4tf T. LOI7XK, AX.TOXT ASD G0PP & BEO.. Uverj aad Sale Stables. Rock lslaod Kft;road ! Offift uader Bmrt's ZSall, MOCK ISLAM ILL. Moat Coai lists E tablishmant ia Ike Cite Partiealar attat tion f ai to faraishing Carriages for names, Balls, Fraoeaaioni, ate asktd ly BOCK ISLAND OiiNiiiCHH Oollego OPIN DAY ARO t'VKNI J Q, for Ladies aad Osatleatea, Boys tt Kiistt. A lar buiq bar naw attsadina. E renin 8T0CKH0LDB&3' MEETING Ketiee Is kerebr girsa that the aaaual meet- lag ef the Stockholders of this Ooatpaar will be heid at the Cempaay's otSoa ia the eity of ateck lalaad.ea rkarsday, the 23d da; ef November, at It e'eleek aeoa. JAS R. TOUNO. Rot D. faosi, . Presidaat. Secretary . Reck Islaad, Oet iV, 1S71. dtd AKTI8TIC FA1LCRING. 5L 9 687 WABiLlB AVBKTjr, OHXOAOO. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USB. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. 8hlrti to Measure Extra Deuhle and Perfest In Fit. Oicrrftmen trill 6 allowed 10 per eraf. discoaat. IsblHdly MEDICAL lHTaTiMt!TH. D&T1D i. KCSt.1 , Maaufactnrar of aai Dealer in Elect - Medietl lastrnmeBts, AKD OUyaaia Batttrist ef all Kindt aad Eiiet. 4 A 66 Canal Street, CHICAGO...... in,, All Kiada ef Kleotre-Magnetie Instruments Neatly Repaired at short notice also Models mane of all descriptions oa short notice. oet4-d3m X.XQTJOXS. H AVI KG SCUHED LKTTEI8 PIT. KMT M ODt Bit AMOS CANE SPR NO. LICKING YALLEY AND DOUGLAS-ELK-HORN F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., I3IP01TE18 AND JIBBERS IX Wall Paper, Window Shades, CURTA-ZIS" -ISTD 410 Worth ronrth Street, ao8 dss VS. fcOUIf, MO. MAYHON, DALY & CO., X&XFOB.TSB.S. TUB X.AB.QZ3ST aSsTO FANCY DRY GOODS HOUSE H AVI A FULL STOCK OF Bergmann's Worsted. Germantown Wools! AH0 ALL PIRTAININ9 TO A FULL LINE Also a complete assortment ot Millinery Goods. We have just re ceived a large invoice of our famous brand UAAAA" cord edge Iiibbons. 148 Sffichig-an Awenne, OBXOAaO. SXTABZsaZXIlD 1840. The Oldest Untie House in the lorth-wcst. K. N HEMPSTED, IMPORTER AND SEALER IN Schn 1 w!l attrnded oatl2 dtf ci b isti-d SI Tears. Oileaf daraa;. Flour Rather more aotlre, but still Jones' (omiiiercial College, ""UJ euaiaaatng ror losr prices, aa hoi ersstal trai: salss ol soriaz uu .t i r j I'll mmi B&LVE, far Ooras and Baaiene, Bils aoi Bares. I r Sale by all Drufrte. n m. f bsi , or seat 'is raooiyt of pune. Address ALL RI4BT,1I W.Lake it.. Ckieage. eeplt-dly 8110, DO OH. AC. EOLaNDEB & HUB EE, Gaeeeetort te J. A. Biaeieea, lfaaafaetarert af Stih, Don, BUnis. Kaldiags, FBANstS. BBACeiETS, 1b ererjlhlng la tkeir liae. Glased Bask aa kaad, alee f se4 All work W arras tad. Cera Meal aad feeUAwftai R OSADALIS A La 8 S Til SRIATAMlRtOAnTallALTB L RB.rORIR. ear l., tk. .laod aad eareeSirefeia, Hrshills, Bkla Die easee, stk.aaiatlsBt, Bisaaaeeer Wessea, aad all Careaie Afsetlaas ef tke Bleed Lifer aad Kid says. Beeaoaaade fc the Madiaal Vaealty aad ataaj tkeaa aad ef ear feast eitieees. Bead tke teetiaieay ef as jslslaee aat aaneeta wke kare asad Rasadaliai seed far ear Resadalis fleidete BsalUBovk, er Aiaaaae far tkis rsar, whlak aepek lisk jr cratalteee dist-ikatiea ; It will gira aa ssaok raiaakle lofurmalisa. Dr. R. W. Carr, at Baltissore, savsi ul talk aleasara la reeeoteisadiag ear Raaadali a a very aewerfal at taratisa. I kara seea is asad la twe eases witk kappr rasalts eae ia a eet ef eetesdar sj(;kllU, la wkisk tke aa tieat proa.aad kisiself eared alter kasler takea Ire kettles ef .sr sssdi- elae. rae etker It a tase er ssrorala ei leag staadieg, arklsk is rapidly Is prer lag aedsr its ess, aad tke tadieatlees are tkat ike will sooe reeerer. 1 kars earefally eiaaiieed tke tsraiala kr srklakrear Rosadalls ie siade, aad lad it aa eiselleal eoaipaead ef alter- atire ierredieaU." D'. Sparks, ef Vlekelsrille, Ky.ays ke kas esad Rosadalls la eases er Bero Tela aad B.eoedary Sypkllia witk satis f eatery rasalts a a eleaaeref ika eleed I kaow ae kstter reaisir. Baaael 9. Msfadiea, at arf reeskere, Tsaa , says : "I kare asad eerea kettlee ef Roa dalis. aad am eatirel eared ef Rheaav atlses: saad sasfsar keUlea, as 1 a-isk it for ar kretker. wke kat earefaleas sere eree." Bse"laia!a B.jhnl, ef Lime, Okie, rile, I kare aalerel fer tweaty yeart with areterate ereptloa erer kt wkelesaar; atskart tlsaasiaee I par es atad a kettle ef Resadallt aad It ef. tested a perfect ears " ' Risadallsls sold by all drsrrist. Lakeraury. ! Biekaaae Plaee, Bal. II store. Dr. CLBKIITB II CO Propria Atlaxta, Ot., Not. 15. The Lef isie- ure yasttruay eiac:ed, b an O'erwhelmius; oisjoril, ILomas t . .NjttOud, Saraobab, uiudcrate Jaiuotrst, to tke La. ted Atalaa Jatttie. Luti.tiLLE, Kt., Nur. lo. Tke eioile- iieu l iu C.aik cvuuij ottr tbe I ark trageoj a oa: sunnily av0aie4 there la no dan ,er ui Ivncaiug tbe briaoitera. Uiber ae- rwe nnre been arresteii, inviudtnjt Square iaj. or, Jobu lajlur, Liy mil, end an hitler named Liar. A search ol Tajlor'e lyase bruujfbt out the tact that ke had oen receising quaantiee of stulsn goods i.-um Cbicairo, ebich were f-unu packed in Tbe Gret-d Jurj wai in sess' in al! daj at wbarleston, where tbe prisoners hate been .akee, to eiaoaiae into tb affaire. Helen Parka it atill lingering, Lraline ap(red sli(htly better, but eoald giro i additional UdH on tbe subject. Bostom, "or. 15. Michael Castick, who o cured as a witneee daring the iaqaeet orer ibe murJerad Kat Lehan, wa tu-de? cod- oiitted tujaii us a murderer. The loss of the (iloocetter Fishing Feet J arm- the present season ia greater than during any prerioos rear, and the number of lires sacrificed axeeeda that of any other tear except lweatT-tworeeaeltbav been wrecked, tank ar abandoned, valued t tlOOOO, on which there as f 89.316 ia- urance. nearly all, however, oa tbe mamal I (rUn, 136 fisbermen lott t!ie r 1 res, 45 of I wbom a t widows, .nd uawardsof 100 child ren wera reniared fatherlese. bnrine li70 ntnnaiberof eesitela lott was 13, rained at 73,500; laiaraace. i0.4'J5. Th anm- ber of lives lott was 80. SaDT Hook, Not. 15. Midnight. Th 'essel teen from tbe Highland thia after iOon, which was eupooead to ba an of the rtuesian fleal.hat tiocd off .bore natil taora- tag. Saw Yoac. Nor. 15 Aaoiber Russiaa triirale has Uighlandt. waiBiua- vessel oi lb tlaet acoomDaaTia t-v .. - ' " toe Luse Aiexie. la Ualsoa eonatT, Naw Jerter. tba raracee of tbe storm war loesee emanating to a hundred thousand dollar oramuriKLD, Nor 15. Both hoasee of a U"r" Aoibl7 m-et ia thit city w-day. N baeiaeea, taora that the ordinary ........ , iBBiag, waa traaaaoUd uorernor e enee.asa eras raad U ha.k bouse. )t regarded by per.oat of a 1 partial, a tb ablest Slat paper rer wruiea. Aetata meet of facta aoelaia bis position IbMj in regard to tba ooouoatioa ot . C l ... 7 &0; oalaiila pnee lar spasial bran naeai Aelir Bra aad high r; No 1 scars ant in deaaaad t $. 25al 251: Ne 2 fra-h uU fct$l 2la 21; elossd brui at el 2iil Hi : salitr aat kaii sold at$WIJl 22.elu.iag at unt iue Bgare; .eller ile'emb.r sUs.d at 1 Hi 12M. -at arm at $1 124.1 13; r'iected quia, at II OSal IIBJ. M Cor Irreialar and elo.ed weak ; No 1 so.d early at trje; adaeo.t to 47 ja , deoliard and olose qatet at 47e easli; teiler Nor. soid at tlia 44e; l.. 44s4io ; njceted la mojerate d Bead, bat lower et 4Ri4jj. Oats Qaiat and lower: No 2 npeaed at Iie ; 0I0..J qai.t at iio eb; 32is Bur. Rye In good Jemand firm and higW; So 2 sold at 82at31, eloted at oattide prioe; rejeetad Irm. sales at AT. Barl.y In gond demand far all grades and prices higher, Ne it sole ai 17a te, elo.edat A7je: 5a 3 4es; rajesU'd ITaHSc. Seeds- Ia g.ol demand ant Irmer; Timothy told at f 2 0a3 15. CI icr f.t Mia o. Wbisky Dell, sal.s ef id bbis. at Sie ; 100 bbls. at nTs; clo.lag te sellers at bo Ptoeisiaae Ratker qaiat; buyers inclined t-k-ld off fur lower prises; mess pork .old is. mall lott at III 87a4l eask ; road Itts qaotet $1 J 71 all SO: Tiry little inquiry for fuieraaad prires nomlaa'Ir at' ban red. tireeo meats le moderate d'aisnd; hams 7e74: ou side priee for light skoaldsrs Sja4e; sho'trih ijaSe; s of skoal ders 25 dars In sslt at 4e for loose. Lard In rood demand and eteelT ; ie eesh or Desemker : SiaSio January or February ; Be for Varoh. ateoaiett Finer 4.29S ; whet 58,S!W; cirn 1t.Ai: eats 43 110; re 2,750. harler : H.4H0. tkiFQiBts Fl er J 73: wheat 49 20: eorn 69,821: ea'llS22S; rT14: barley 817 S. W. Cor. Fifik aad Olire streets, ST. LOII3 MO. Jonathan aTonea, - President. JOHN v. lOUXsON. Professor of Book ktreo AT ng. tklOci. P. SAl" S VERS, PriociERl Book-keen iBsr department. JOa W. KLL1S. Professor ratlnoiati. in eart Coaaoisroial Cslcnlation t'esartmeat. JOHN t BUB MS. i'ruessor PeamaasbiB in " rinse Urrs tmeiit. JON A I H A N JONES, Lecturer on Coimeroisl L. w, E .bies, etc. Opn day and N'igkt. Cirea ara and .ataleguas giring all aecea.&ry nfortnatian in ragard to taiuoo, ba.rd, tlaae to rompleie, eto. mailed free No reration Address J. W JOHNSON. Mansgrg Principal nor3 d w ; m 8T0TE roiin. OF COMFORT. Tretsnry Departmeiitt Orric cr ConnaoLitu of tii Ccaeicacr. 1 WisemeTos, Oct. Tth. 1S71. j Wniatas, by satisfactory erideaee presented te the uiideTkiaed. ft has been to appear that "ike hurk .Mfirf Xiti'ntal flttnt. in the l ily vf Ktrk ia the Cig 'if H-i k In land and State tif llliwi has been duly organ isad aader and according te the requirements ef the Act ef Congress, ettnied "An Act to provide national tairemy secured be a pledira af United States Bosds, aad to provide for tkeeir- ealatioa and redemption thereof apprered aua ru, iof, ana uii Bumpuea witn all tae I n fit as . provisions ef said Act required to ke compiled I PDriUg DvUruOB; uu oai ore eomtnsneing tee business et bank- inn, ander said Act. Now ib.refu, I Biland R. H lburd. Comp troller of th Currency, do hereby certify thst 'Tbe Rock Island Naticaal Bank" in the eity of Sock Island, in the eoonty of Rock Island, and State of Illinois, ia authorized to commence the business of Banking aa ier the Act aforesaid. Ia tettimoay whereof, witness my l. t. hand and Seal of oOe this Tib dav of Octt.her, 171. HI'-AND R HILBURD, No. 18S9. Comptroller of Currency. Tkat we ettabliihed ia this market in 186S, hereby gWe warning to any one a lag those brands, or aay repreiei tation cf them tkat they are infrieging upon eur paleutt, and Ihey will be proteeated to he full eitent ei tke law J. A. Monks & Sons. We hare for sale the followiag well-known brands Kentucky Copper Whiskies: f priag 1869. 1870 and 1871. Litking Valley Bourbon, eprfBgl869, 1870 aad 1871. Donglss-EIk-Horn Bonrbcn, Spring 1839, 1870 aad 1871. Tbe above brands are patented and can be had OXLT from the Proprietors. MUSICAL GOODS OP EVEUV DESCRIPTION I PUBLISHER OF tlieet IVIusic txiid jVIusio Books. Wholesale Ageaey for tteinway tk Son'i. Hazelton Bros., H tines Brother! and 7arlor Oem PIA1VOE and Xasoa t& Hamlin ORGANS. A Large and Elegant Stock of Good, at Mew York Figures. 410 Broadway., Wis. 6nd f r Csat goes and Pice Lis's- octM-d eodiwjm J A. 310AKS & S0XS, The Rock Island Xa'onal Bank will opea fori eslBcss at I. 23 w. Illinois street, November 1st. 1871. Esn. Harper, John W ftpeseer, t Peter Fries. I EdwaH Burrall, Jr., Direclort. J H Wil-n, I A.B.nsdist, I T. i Rnbiason, T J ROBISSOI. Pres!dent. I BBH 1URPKII. Vies Pres t. A. BENEDICT. Cahi.r. October 25, 1ST1 dftt 111 t acroxo ST eov3-d3a T. LOUia. ?atented Ifovamber lt. 1870. IF YOC WOCLD Save MoacjeTimc & Labor, If yon would kare your S T O V E S LlrTREKCK'8 MEDF0RD BfM. DAMEL LIHUEXfE & Only Manufacturers of EsTABLitaan u 1S30. WEIiCH&QRlFFITHS' a-v71 Saws! tS-AxwtBt SUPERIOR TO LL OTHERS! Axes, Files, Cut Steel, Hl.l Furnishlags, ana aiacainery. .Uet tba bast, they will nun th. .ku.ut rrises raoueaa. BenH for prise Listand sircn'.ars. VYItLCU aa GKIf fUUH, asISdwtyl Boston, Msss er Datrait. af irk I2AS. a. rowans J. a. riiisn ZaTedical. Atteatiea is sailed te the advertiismsat of Dr. Boheaaaa, of is. Louis, Me. Bis repatatlea it that of eaeef the most tncoenful phytlciaas bis speciality la the West. BeaatifallyJLBrilliaii ly Policed ME DFORD RUM, Give tbe CRCMBS of COM FORT a Trial. bT Ask your Groeer for it cot 0dAw3i RE BEHffiEK IMi HAVK TUB Largest Stock of Fine Clothing For HEX'S t B0TS' HEAR, west of New York. The best All-Wool Suits, for the money, in thia country, for $15,00. (BELDIHQ'8 6TJCCESS0ES.) 45 & 4T W. If AOI iOH ST., aau 387 1TATS IT. CHICAGO. ILL. X.OTTSa.Y'. Hojai Biriaa Lottery oi Cuka. tOSDCCTED BY THE SPANISH GOT rn meat (300,000 in Gold drawn every sev- enteen days rrii.s eatbea an Intormanon farat.hed The highest pt'.ce paid for Doub loons and all kinds of Gold aad Silver. TAVLOR A CO., Bankers, febSdly IS W:t 6tre.t, Mew York. FL6CK. JOHNSTON'S MILLS Manufaotartraot Choice Family BIG. Still enjoy the repatation ot menafatiuring The Best Rum ia the States, Duly authorized by Stati Lietnte. DART, ASTEX & CO., min n in irran t il ITH J Aiiiii'lUUii Mlh .5A7WetMadhoBSJreet. CHICAGO. OOMBISIKG BTRIXaTH, LIGHTS r-ob AND CTILITY. Wiihont the oie ef Straps ! Ail wha hare tried it nte a ether. Manufactured ky tke . .n. u- aaotoer rauuiaa 1 . . m 1 s"l . t appeared ia eight from tbe PrOVldeiiC6 TOO! COUl J, N doubt it it oa of th re-1 11 VJATTmn alt. . XTeW York. 11 Warroa It., Xf ew York. To wkom all erdere tboald be address.d Tkit Skate exeen all ethers la airing a asat aDDearanee to tbe feet. It is liabt, easily ed ju.ted, aad wk.a lastenad en, beeomak as Bros ae tbe beet iteelt. It dispsnsil wtlB an straps wbleh are to blading aai disagreeable to the foot, stepping thaeirenlation and earning aamb ae.s and aebme. Oar rSkata has been snada with special reference te void strain npea tb ankle, aad It eeaaptalele obi la t-1 that difficalty so ta lal te Ledie skatieg A beinaer esa stand apea sheet whhoat taoatiy. Tkey are ateue in tne Best mann.r, ot tkt st ataiertsii. anu are intend. d to be in every respect tbe best skate ever offered in the market Tbeir piiinry ease and crae.ful aooearance render tbeas tn- SEAMLESS GRIM BiSS. Burl-p Eagi, Gunny Bags, Floor and Paper 8aek. Buz of all Kinds. V ' The superior qua ity aad parity of LAW eti:CK' Mt-DFOHO Kt M Fur tbe past r'y ' year., has male i every -here kuowe i. the ?rnan Kru. Kt pain will be spared to ssai.taiu its penty .nd high reputation. Ibe pnblie is cannoned agates imitstions and eounterle it ORPKR DIRECT r KOM r, ana" a-e will warrant perrert latfjactxan. Address orders by mail to MK DFORD. MASS., A sd orders by Bxpress e other" Ise 127, 129. 131, aad 133 Broad tt BOSTO Aad they will receive prompt atleatioa. DANIEL LAWRI.NCE A SONS. o.t dfitn GIFT KVTKEPaISK. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I BY TH K Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Breach Eoate, Palace Eow, ROCh leLAKD, ... IlLS. Wheie we -re off.nar unrivalled Teas, at the ne low ertees a. at tbeir "Hxtsra Honse. By laiporiing Teas ia earge lots, tkey eaakle as t retail to tbe eoasume- at eitreaaelv low er.eea. Don't fail te vi-it tbe Bong Eoai Tea S:era,at Palaee R w, where will be fouad the laeit, earest and freshest Teas. Coffees aad Spi ees, at prices bsyond eotnpe'itloa nyadw.iai PJWtKr t f HltUAI, ti n Front ssleeted Spring and Winter Wheat, pressly for the city trade. ALL KINDS 0 Flour and Meal Oa kaad, aad delivered F REK or CBAKQM ta tke City. JAS. A. ROYLB. Agent. al. kalwaew feaat aa4 m..!. wieh4l4 Send tn your orders end we will f'l tkeni erresptly Mi Ier- will please ssnd their brands I in fu I, aa all other proels bave bee. destroyed. eeUS disa 0ILP 0IP. We stake eevea sues Ladies', Gsetlessea, nee 11 ever offared he pub!. c. . 8, S. 9 and J Inch. .10, 1ti and 1 1 mob. AttrncT. T0. ABBOTT. Tl. a u..w.. t ne oocument ta quit riigtny, ana win D reed with interest by l. b;wwv,w. waviiw. Chicago, oT. lo. A letter fia Mayor Uaaoa, ia reply to that of Gov. Palmer, a sfaepti of which waa eeailel eight, ie pohliahed thte reninv. The Mayor eaye if th Governor, when in Chicago on th 11th and 12;h of October, had informed him (the aeyor) or Own. sueriden of hit distppro'al of thai ilayor'a coarsa ia aolieiliag Sheridan' aid in preserving peat and order in the eity, satisfactory reason could have bfea vtrea B,m for ao doing, no any 01 wnim it ta unwue to rank public: that he believed th emersreurv required bint to take tbe step. aai that he did aot brlie when the lie aod property of tha poop'a aad th prate and order of tha cit war a in dnnrsr. it aa. hi place to atop and consider aay questions I Attorney AUtd OoOBCaUora at ZiAW (kJlda.d-t.IAt r. T. a u.bbb. McrLBKHXE 4 ABBOTT, Attorney! and Ccnmellori at Iit an S7.IWIUI8 IN CKAkClllY. Of- i. naa oppo.ite Keek eland Uanae. ROt'A lLi), e.f 3t dwly .ILU a. e. caBLLY a. v. assaat C0SSELLT & SfSEAL, OH- OF fSOA l'l (PATEST APPLIED FOB.) FOR HOUSEKEEPERS I 11 I. the best cleaner in ue. fur rlpaniii? taint. oil... m.irble. etone aurt funil tire .nrl for removine cn a-e fnm dnor. cariieia ami cloih-. aliile for laundry riiirpoee it i unexo.'lled. it doe Its work quu kly ana well, and i" chenH-r than romninn ap at lc per pouna. nn greaee ,n tl. Na j,a in 11 JiO poieou m ii. "j .'"r irtu-pt or lirwvr ior u 8H7 Spiucc atrt-ui, ST. LOl'IS, MO. "XX OIL OF SOAP" FOR 'iftiios ior $275. J. Zimmennann's Piano iilaDufaclarin Co.. No. 10 ain Street, 0AVBNP0RT IOWA Please take aot c. of the grea' change in tke priee of Pianor. I offer for aa'e at tbe fa!l wholesale price tbe Large hue Rosewood 7 Oe lave Pianos, wit k all tb. latest improvements and warranted fur nve yea s Caih prise, f '7J - JOBM ZIMMRR3JANN. Main atrett, bet Froat and Second, Dar- -acort, Iowa, nov!4d7m I The Only Belittle Gift Dittrihutlea ia the country! $60,000.00 I If V Alt 17 AS 111 aiFTI! TO KB DISTRIBUTED III D . 8 I N E ' S 142nd REGULAR MONTHLY JOHx HOYT. Wholesale Sealer in Steinway, Steck. Weber and Emerson IA3XTOS! And th Celebrated and t'a approachable CITY BASB&T. VM. GiRTCSG & SON, Dealer ia Craok.ers o. 59 Main Street, - KhNOSHA, WIS. may2fl-d wly AREER'S 8RELO) fSIIHT PIIM . Hew York Office, 27 BEEKMAN ST. novl d?m if policy, but if tha United Slate, br the strong arm of the military, eoald pit the required prutertion. it was the duty of those ia power to aratl tbamtalee of tuca attit- taaee. St. PartasBoao N. 16 Tha Motsow ifsr.ette. ib an elttorial article, couatalt Kuttia to demand tha aeutraliiatioa of Uenmatk, and th addition of SoheUwi; M a meant of eoinUracting tha power of th latter oa th Bal'ie. MiLwtotr.a. N. 15. Chif of Polio Book waa accidentally etot while arreeting a drnoken man last Bight Feart ara ex pressed that tha thot will pro fatal Fobt Waie. Iod , No. 15. Tha trial of Barhdala for tha murder of hit wife at Col Arabia Cit elod to-day, tha lory ren darine- a veHict 0' mnrder ia th teennd J.whnb- and aenteneiDf th prisoner to th penitentiary for Ufa aoci UlAXD. tiriLL !. PROMPT all ba.iar lt.LlSOlF ATTBHTIOS Tfj est .atrs.le to thtm ta Uiaaa aw a aagoiuag eoeauet ta lllineis. ... geatt eea.ty and aoiaiag eoaatiae 10 lewa oaee ib rest tmse Vloek. fabUdwl ATTOftVKT AT LAW. Hair. B'.otk. so, WasbiagUa aad Illiaeie streets. Book I land Connected with Bisbee A Mafih a Law and Oelleetlaa ewee of Chieage. m-I idly aavea a. Ahumu. listi w. iaee 1LLES MM0M$BK. ATTOHWITg AID OODKBSLOla AT LAW. awak laiaad.lil Oat.. M.fs.J . leek. epMdly. r. WB1TC0MB, Attttraet and Oonnselor at XVaw, Dearaera stra.t, ...... ...CHICAGO, ILt. S Ul..liu 1 . 1 . I m.. . T 1 ' ,w e- - sa eoiieeiiBg ssi wit WiaBiMOTO. Not. 15. -Tha Uraad Jary .,kr baaia Oharataa a..u r .......- ef tha criminal aoarl of thit' dUtriet to-day j daaaasolteitad. aeferet Kdiwraf th Aaeoe. foaad traa bill agaiaat Congrattataa i AeeT-dU Tl,. s?tTorfrr hrnd.nd is nsed in cleanine of cr.Knnao.e..and is for u,, pnrposo tlie . ..I 1. f llll I I II. Till ....... . It romovee tho aocnmulatU.n of foal .oni. dirt and ert-aM irom iiiication- is tn liquid form, and for this reason much more con venient to u-e than bosp or any other cleaner, as no time M si" ,j , and it does tbe work with cold or warni water, n i, tt8ei by nm vxmivnm GE0 W00D oegani T H,'1 1 LIU Kl?li' Acknowledged b, th. Critic, to be the w" AJ now Q ala. To be draw. Monday Htw. 27, 1871. Musical Wareroomt, Cor. Brady aad Foarth TWO ORAND CAPITALS OP I 'tree! s. Davenport, I..wa. sal 5,000 each io Greenback KEW Sl BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. -lipeRDdCKo! I wo Prizes $1,000- f Five Prize $500 lea Piizes $100 i JTAoZt Number Cash. Gift 1.000 I 1 Ucrse A Baggy, th Siirer mounted Haraes. worth fnO't. One Fine tone! Rirewood Piano worth tnOO. ten Family rawing alaohine. wortkSIBO ul Five Heavy Uhasad dole miihiff wl'.h water (aa per direciloiis) and auulvine Hneting WaUheStnd Hearj Sold Chaine. worth with woolen cloth, ponge or orneb. rr ' f (,i0 ,Mtt. Fie Ootd Aaseneas Hanti-ls to nainiei. .wjwchw n once, ne I av ... 4 Bright Bin Eye, Sons; Heininger, 35cts f?iee yoa seea Comic oag. Saltan, 40 Darling Hellt of th Auarrfixy ScAoo,Porter30 9t'rl aptrA the Ciunrette, Cosaie Cordelia, St Jotlflliylt Tim, Comie. Parks, 80 faiuomldu'lgnmliketatntMti, Ceesie Cord 'la SO Jeveii' of tkt Htart. Beautiful Seng MtllardSO . ta. Afeadow. ' " ta.n. a 34 To palntera tnia wia rBcommeno ttaelfat once be eanm it - -' r - 'uiooio, ready to receive tbe varnish aad one in which vamish will Dot tiuvu in. " - twin ! auvaniaira it over any oiher cleanar hi uj. By tne barrel only at V cents per gallon, i J. M. BALL CO.. Proorietor. 607 Spruce street, St. Loub, Mo. Watches, worth SI25 each Tea Ladies' Gold quoting Watret, worth 1' 0 each nm Gold and Silver Laver BunHnr Watches (In all) I S.aieaoJjr wii 1. 1 it Pam. for Baas or Alte. " Yti Omnt Again, Oeett for Sop. and Barr -.lel, ' QuarrtUi-f ffwosterw, Oessie ueetc, a, . - Tjiiies1 Gold Leontine Chairf., tient's Gold Vest with a-iatioas. alacfc. asie WoTmantiqus, Blase. ry, SO "XX OIL OF SOAP" Chains. Silver-p.ated Ctora.Solid Silyer and Double a j-j Faeoltoa Uarek, illastraUd title Plated Tanie ToaKpooae. Ivor J-udted Uinner J. ' 60 Knives. SUver-niaied Uinner rMs, Silver Vest Gilstna, cSllni: Pbotogriiph Alhtiaia. Ladle' Gold Broart- Smt Anlinpattoe, 6ohottiscbe, FOE a a-A.tM KrMSar ninti. PMiirr i a. !.:. itude'and Sleeve Butwna, Finger Kings, Gold Pen, p. Pa,t.,ia. strag KItm'r GiftV"(wn. Ticket Limited to tW.onn I Any of the above eent ky rieTM WANTBU TU etbL iH.B.e.18 to Liberal Premium-will be paid. Factories and Prinfiag tatt.?i:sIZ Tbe heat crease remover ia t waabins:. thoee who have tried it say it le eplei and Ha clieaoness aod being non-coubuatible. 4. ja aau.atl.. BOrS dAvlu . BSI apmce au, at. ionia. li ail oa reoeipt ef the market priee. tfe matter where yon see a piece of U Bale ar Musi Book advertised, seed to ae aad yoa will , .,, ,,,,, . u of the msnn-r of drawing, and oiher informauon I flr, , by en.losieg tbe publish. r price. 'iii iham Ah lfltrer I i.giwriia,- 0tft nikiKt vi v. a, Tl r VL1 VV " A A. v. MUalc Oms.UlW.ttb BU octi-dwly tair-ddl2m. UI.Aa.llMW, BT.L0TJIB. STELLB, YOST k CO., UHOLESILE UFALEES IX CLOTHING AXIS FVlUllUtt C.00DS ! 419 Main I tree t, fit. Loots. Manufa:(orj, 326 Broadway,-'' We call Special attention ' ,he Trade Generally, ami particularly these who have been in the HibU of Buying Clothing in other markets, to our Large and Complete AY? ot Mens, &ys and 1 outh Wtlar,9 of our am manufacture, whicli we will (oll to (JOJsfi ami lie2mtbiet J'rompt paying time customers, aa Loio as they can be bought in any rtiif market. We Earnestly Solicit a visit from all good merchants, before giving orders to representatives of other cities East or West. "We mean business." Call and be convinced. STElLE, YOST & CO., ,. 419 XT. SSaia St., It. XiOtiU n.v2 dim . ABGUS JOB OFFICE, tfTooli Isltxti J, 111. JM are at present prepared te d.aay kiad V ef Job werk wkiek may be ordered, a b bnrM easalbte nal... m"B.f. Boston Bazaar! NEW STORE. NEW GOODS I L S. GATES & CO., ILLINOIS nr., '..ROCK Ill.taD. (Formsrly MoGse's Shoe Store,) OFFER8 F R SALE 10,100 yds of unbleaehtd th elinge at 10, II, 1, 13, 14, lac. As. 5,U0ilyas ol white 3daslia:at 10,121. 14, 14. eta labl. Liu. as, blta h d auo v.ui,iacL4 at iit, 45, 40, 75c, eic 10 pieces real turkey ted table liusn, at $1.10 per yard. 0 dot .Napkins at 71, l,t0, 1.25. 1,35, ate. Wait. bd .-preaJs 1 kt, 1,5U, l.stlete 5,l)0 yds low.lin, . 8, 10, Hi. 15, (.to. 5U do linee lo.el. 0, ll'i. 15, 2V, 35c, eie. Laige lot linsa die ers, rbeap. 5u dot dermau eursets, tb bases while and col ored all naiuaers a 8c per pair. 0 dot French corset vsry cb.ap. 20 du Fr.nch silk enibruid.r.d corset. aO dux kid Uiev.s all eu or aad umbers, at 05 cms per pair,th.p. 25 do kid Uluv... e&tra aice 95cts per fair. 20 ut 2 buttoa Kids all colore aud auaibsrs very cheap. A larg. lot Li.le thread nd Cotton OIots. 200 Ladies calis wr.ersat 1,50 and .0 each 2ui)Bhawl. at'O. 75. , !, 2,. .40 3,40, 4,011, 4,50, 5,0- o tach. A large aad .pieodiJ assoteas of tadies un der slutlnac ' Chei.e 40. . l",l Oil '.,!5, etc UraweM.5'1 1,'O.eto. Miaet De "0. 1 10. ! 35, 1.50. et Tuc.vd J-siru, 50, .0, 1.00, i,!4 I 5i. i;der Shirts, t.ekid and riP.d, on y 50o. 4 rto Aurun. fro 20c to, v. . Alarje lin.oi Ladi.s'ana' Bos.ery at lOu'duaLl'neiniEed Baadksrohiefs from 5o upwards. a -re. varieiy ef battens and trimmings te be .ld at bail ib. asosi prices. lul d Liies' l-aee Oolla e at 10, , 25e,.to. lZi,- Kai lhrad Lsce Collai t0, 56, 91 i, 5 I 50, tte. 10 ooo yd. of ootion Edgings, et 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, S 7,,,l0,eto. .1,000 yds .fllsna burg tdgmgse' 7. , 10, " 16. 20,15, 3 . 34, 40: 4, 40, etc. A latga line of ir.ser.tos to maica, 40.1 d..i Sp.ol Cottoa. yos ... and numbers at e .is per epu.. v. -.. r 300dos Coats' and Clark's cotton at 3 ooatl a oi.H.T.'rDool Silk. 100 yds eaeh at l4t aspooL 150 dos of spool Bilk I2.yds eaeh at 2o a (pool. Skein f'lk and Taut at 2e e.ek. J. Engliib pin stuc. iells, 6o a paper. Fins a eis a paper. glastio Cord 3. 4, be per yard. 24 do Otni's white Skirts, at 1,00, 1,25. 1,60 and z,o open BaoR. u . Ge. t' uader -ihirU 25, 8i, 50 75, 90, 1,00, ete. tieut's plaid Fiain.l (tin. b, 1,00. 40 dm hand knit Woolen flock at 40c a pal'; ue..t a cotton noee Hi 15, 20, 25 .to. Ueni's Paper Cellars, b, 10. 16, 20 sad 24. U..I S Neckties If , 15, 20 aad 35e. haimea H-udkerchUfs, 10, 15,20,25, ete. went' Kid Ulovcs, the. p. 10,000 yd Ca i-e, at 7, b, 10. Ul. s pee yard. 1,0110 yds Bed Ti.ku.gat to. 14, 1". 2oe, sto. 1,500 yde cotton Flannel at 12. 15, 10, A large as ortment ol white and red b sold cheap ... A good lineef black and eolored Alpaoas. A full lia of eilk and wool Po.lin. at nnusua A .aad assortment of plaid dre'S good. Bit k ilk. frosa l.5t. to $f,00 p.r ji. 400 of Eisbon all widih. and color. A full line of rash Ribbons. - Ae eatsn.ire aa.ortajnt of Jewelry ta be sold at reat braia. -60 d..a Uoea 8ir "t ery low prirsi. - k full li. ..r Perfumery aad a large rari.ty af I artioies loo anmerein to w ation sp deod mwfiwly