Newspaper Page Text
WES OF AQYERTISIM&. if it 4 let Mk ee.aara, at the spaee eeoaaied by lis.s.f solid aeapae.ll, Ob Dllw(trMk tax writ.. Special aTelleee, 2s seats per Use. Wbe l sorted aeaths er more, 60 per eeal ebeve rage, las advertisiag fates. O.aaaaioetioas, er ertielee taserted eaoag retdiag Better, hiU per Ilea. Diitr sin "fesiiT. A diseeaat of J eeal. will be made frea the Weekly rates, pearly aad kalf yearly eeetraels, wb.a Ika last aiatur la (aserled la kolk Daily aad Weakly. Doable Ooleaas will be charged 26 far aaat additional. FerU sreaiieatadrertissasa eiveace pay at U repaired. Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 rnuitiB it AAavm v&zzrvzzxa oohpt, TERMS. Duir Aars. By Mail (payableia adveaes), par aaaua, I I.OB tfy Hail " six aioatbt, .0 By Mail " I months,.. I I By Mail 1 moata..., I am-Er Citt Oakum, 28 Cents par waak. Biicm Conai t Caata. T1BM8.- iagle Copy, (payable! a edvaaeo)......S2.Sf Tan Copiaa " .... tt.ll Tweaty Copiaa " fbirty Copies . ............ I0.6 Will Yov Be Got To-xioht. -To tiaua lo leetaraoa matter of faot abject if not always striotlj amosing. Naitber i (t always a pastime to deliver soo. a laotar. To-night Mr. Baboock propoaet to address our citizens oa the manufacturing fjtoro of Rook Island, and will endeavor to point oat certain measures calculated to seenra ii. Ha will lay before bia hearers man -alo-abla soggeetioos, the result of long experi ence ana observation. Hit ability to enter tain, and bit capacity to instruct, will no doobt draw oat a food audience. I til always bard work to wako ap a com-mani;- to anything of tbis obaracior. The majority are skeptical, while the balanoe regard it with speeies of drowiy indifference. Persistent Sort is reqaircd to coaimooicato to them mental impreaaioa sufficiently strong to be of any practical benefit. Some few refase to devote their evenings to boainesa, while others are wholly absorbed in mora peraonal matters. Bat if we west to bnild np Rook Islahd, increase tba Taloa of oar property, and do something whereby all may be benefitted, we moat take rig hi bold on the matter, and show a proper interest ia it. We most bo coateat to slady dry facts and figures, and to give cloto attea tioa to all that appertains to the public welfare. If every maa among us sboald settle down to bis owa little bssiaSss, and care for nothing alee, oar general interests wonld sooa bo mined. It is tba 1 daty of every good citisea to bo always williag to devote soma portion of bit time to tba ad vancement of tba eity ia which be lives. Mr. Baboock bas employed much time aad money in beoomiag eoaversaat with wbal be inteads to talk aboat, and all who are present ibis evening will feel nmply repaid for their troable VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O ANOTHER RlDICUIIIlfl ir von Waat a Cook, Waal a Situation, Waal a Seiesmea , Want a S .raut Girl, Want l j rant a Store, U'aat to .ell a 1'iano, Wat to sell a Ure, W4ni io land Mjooj. 'aol to buy a Uouae, Waat to bay a Qorie, Waal to real a Hau.e, Waal to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding Place, Waal to borrow Money, WanttoeeU lry Goods, Waol to auil Groceries, Waal to sell Furniture, Want to aoll Uardware, Waal lo soil Real Eotate, Want a job of Carpentering, Waal job of Blackamithiog, 401 to tell Millinery Good., V.ut to sell a Ilouie aod Lot, STaal to fiad any one's Address, M oot to 6ad a strayed Animal, Want a wife and 7 or ft cbildroo, U'.nt to sell a piece of Faranare, 'V.Qt to buy a seoood-baod Carriage, 'Jnttoe'! Agricu'tara! Implerpeati, ''knt to ad anything yoa have Lost, ant to advertise anylhins to advantage, Vantto fiad an owner foranyihieg found, Advertise in the Dailt Ahjcs. Yet TUB PARK TRAGEDY! A Post Office Bobbed ! INDIAN 0UTEAGE3 Great Colliery Explosion ! BIRD 8T.EM OX TIE OCEil ! Inundation in China! 1,000 Person Drowned ! TEE MCBDSK OF COL. GKOSYENOB oaa recover. Theie is hardly a doobt left that the prisoners killed iheark family for money. Wasbikqtov, Not. 16. The Examiner designated by the Comptroller of the cur rency to make inveaiigaiioa of the affaire of the Chicago aationai banks damaged by the late fire, reports them ia excellent con dition. Chicago, Nov. 1C The Journal, this evening, says it bas il from trustworthy authority that the grand jury of the Crimi nal Conrt have aoaaimoDaly deoided that there is no good ground for indicting any body for shooting Col. Grosvenor. Sa Fbakcisoo, Not. 16. Dispatches from Arizona say that the ladiaas who bstohered the Wiekeoborg elage passengers, oat io red the greenbacks arouad oa the ground ; tbey did not take even the eoia from the boOiea of moat of the passengers. Aotivo pursuit is being made. The press of the Paeifio coast are naani moaa in bitter dennnoiatioa of Collyer'a in terference in Arizona. Arizona advices reiterate the charges that Coonize is not and bas not bee a oa ibo Canada Alamosa reservation, bat on the war path. A cripple not resembling him, having been sent to draw rations from the pa '00 eomntieaioeere, and kaowiag bim well, swears to eeeinc bim in the late fight and speaking to bim. Philadelphia, Not. 16. Major Calhoua has sent ia bis resignation ot tba pension agency to the Secretary of the Interior, ask ing time to elose bis accounts befor bis suc cessor takes possession. lie asserts that his reported defalcation is antrae, and the etamiaatioa of bis reports will show against the govern meat a balaace. A Washington special says that a more rigid examination will establish the fact that bo ia a defaalter, aad tba deficiency ia bis money balaace is attributed to bis igaoraace of any system of keeping books. The commissioner says that bit easa ia ia ao respect similar to that of Forbes, who dsfanlted by changing bis accounts. NfW YoK, Not. 16 A Paris diptch reports that it is estimated that 10,000,000 belonging to the French govern mtnt, is on deposit there aad held for the payment of the German indemnity. The monetarv disturbance in Paris is par tially nbdvd It is reported that the back of France intend to double its cnpital, making it 375 000 000 franc. BKAVEa Dam. Wis., Nov. 16 The post office of this place was broken open !et night One thousand letters were opened ant1 ided. L1TI.R HI trUTOB. SIMONS' TIIE Symptom of Liver Complaints are nnessineae and pain in the Hide. Home times the pain In in the shoulder, and 1. mUtaken tor rhenmatir-m. The Htom av h in sttuc ted vrii b loo of appetite niek'kiiefi. bow els in geueritlilive, .onielimeB alternating wilh itix. The heart In tronnled witb pain, and dull, heavy en- iwtioo, considerable tot or memory, accompanied with painful aeomilion ot having left undone something which oukdi to bave been done, otiea complaining of weaknem, debility and low apints. Mmetlmes LIVEE uaTTTTniOoveTypLoma attend the dievaae, and at other times very few of them ; but the liver ia f en erally the organ moot Involved. Cure the liver with LIVER REGULATOR, A PREPaHATION OF ROOTS AND HERBS, Warrantee to be strictly vegetable, and can do no in jury to any one. It has been used by bnndreds, and known for the last thirty-live year, as one of tbe mot reliable, effi cacious and harmless preparation ever offered to the aufferiBg. lr taken regularly and persistently. It Is mre to cure Dyspepxta, headache, jaun dice, cosiivenesg, sick bead ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections ot the dysentery, affections of tbe kidneys, fever. nervoaHnese chills, diseases of tbe skin, imnnritv nt'lh. )l t . u kH nu.). aucuoly or uupreKioii ot spirits, bean Dnrn, coiic or pains in the bowels, pain in tbe head, fever and agne dropsv, boils, pain in ibo back and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and bilious disease generally. Prepared only by J. at. ZsILia C., Dmpjjists. Macon, G.. and 820 Arch street, Phila delphia. Pa. teiid for a Circular. Price fl; by mail fl. 25. For eale by John Bengrtoo. Kock Is land, 111. novll-dty Regulator, IDIUHOUL. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Kannfastarars of ENGINE LATHES l SHAPING Al SLOTTING MACHINES, FL1HR8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMTTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Gas XfcXacMnery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Werk, Shattlag and Hangers, Patent 8alf- WARIH0CB1: lOT L1BBBTY fsl., NKH YORK CITT MANUFACTORY: M AM MO l D ST.. (Ops. Jaaetloa Denet). tVOttCKSTtiit .1M 4X8. All Trains entering the City, stop within tan rose of ear Works. jelS tf BOCK ISLIND JESiiNiiiess OollejLo OPIS DAY AUD EYKNIIG, Tor Ladies aad Osatlsmsa, Boys Misses. A large nutoeer aw attanding. Evening dchnul atteaded. oott2 dtf General Summary. Market Reports. R.portad Ixpraisly for the Ansts. 16. John M nice hem, snangnai, oiea on the eiplore LOO L NOTICES. T i'mtiiir is nnrivnled as a beaotifier o t-, pj-npiion, it is a powder, barmleis, re isi aai elegant. Try it, 60 cents per boa lkitr Fivk CiNT3. This naiauot will b. e bott!i of Mrs. Wmtcomb's Syr op, i.i ?rat aoaihing remedy for all disease. nl to infants aad nbildren. So h ghlv eonoenirated are Dr. Price's ?pc;al flavorings, that a small quantity o-..r mad l,c oaed. Get a bottle of an; f !eor, aoJ see bow tnncb mora tba bottles bold, besides being superior ia strength. lUasuoa Qcioc Interesting work uaeroos engravinfs, 224 pages. Price 6U okbii. Address Dr. Batu' Dispessary, U Nana Eigbtb street, Si. Loms, Ma. Se slxtrtisenieal. Ma. Rk5sb claims tbat tba name "Magic 0.1" is bis "trade mare"," aad that aaj per sons bo nse tbat name for a madioine Oo io at their peril, as snuob so as thoogk tbej loie any ether property of bis, beside their utra maH I Tba geaoine Bense's Pa n Killing Kagio Oil ia wbal Ua aopU aot, and will bave. Put QriiTloirs f ItaLIDS. Hare lo routine nsedioines of tba profession doo-t von ao good T Are yoa disoanraged sod miserable 7 If no, teat ibo proprieties of -bs new Vegetable Specific 'Dr. Walk er i California Vinegar Bittere, are already Uauus a the finest invigorant, eorroctivr au.l aUnriiative, tbat bas aver ssen tbeligbl. I'vipepiics aad persons of bi.ions babil should keep it within reach, if they value h th ani ease. all ii &ar. kit BlGBT Shavouai, Oct. British Cuuaul at aih inst. Bron Richtofen bas started lo tbe extreme north west of China. More than three hundred lives were lost at Macao during the typhoon of SeDteiaber id. Tbe Corean expedition seems to be given UP;. lhe rains contione in tbe north. Ia the iast tea days the water baa beta higher ihen at any previous time. Twecty Ibou aud square miles ot territory hv been in undated One tboasabd people were drown ed ia Chiang. Loio, Out. 16. A tremenoona explo siou oucurred in tbe colliery al VYigan al a lata hour yeswrdev. Tba bnildings ia lbs vicinity were rooked, aad people rnsbed trutn their bouses. Quito a panic prevailed. lbs explosion was heard lu the country round for several miles, and much alarm as toll. Furiunately ike disaster occurred alter tka w.,rk ng gangs bad withdrawn, or tbe loss of life would have been appalling six men were killed, and possibly oaa or tmt mora will be found. Tba oause of iha elolosi.a ia aol known. Heavy gales prevailed all day yesterday and last eight arouad tbe British ooast, ieveral aasuaUies lo tbe ahippmg is report ed, bm no American Teasels are mentioned J be bank of England redooed its rate of iiscount to four per oeat. yesterday M lout, Njv. 16. A morning paper ays: "We aaderstaad Ibal some of our shipping merchants are preparing thair claims asraiasl the Briliab (overemeat, to oa presented te the Geneva Commissioners lor the retura of war premiuma which tbay paid ia 18ti3-64. after tba aeeaneof the pirate Alabama from the sort af Liverpsol The papers for about one million dollars of uch claims bare already been put is form ll allowed, tbe question may coma np as to now far, it at all, the claims ot the under writers nndertba Washington treaty are to be taxed fur thasa war premiums. SiSDT Qoot, Nov. IS. Alexis is not on the Russian frigate that arrived and aaob .rad off J) ere last nighi. She reports baring parted company with tba ship having tbe tirand Duke on board, Nov. 6 lb, ia latitade 21; longitude 70. w aSoIsgtox, yor. 16 Ihere are ac counts of Peonion Agenl Calhoun, of I'hila- ielpbia, having been found deficient to tbe .mount ot f 11,000. lie bns been given till io-dy to make them good and resign, failing ia which be will be removed Other pension accounts are being closed and crouaued. Daily Market Review. Rock IsLisn. Sur. 17. Floar, Family brands, barrel. . I 7 tO r'roar, lad cjaality.. 7 (ju Whsal 1 Oial IS BmI.J 45o Waia . 2ia27a l)nokkat Kiuur S wa UU Braa,J ton ..... 11 u ahip amff ;ii no Pura ateal, l wt 1 SOal 80 Cora. . 2jJ.Hi Apples .......... .. . 2 oJi uu l'utsi..i..... .......... SaoUe Oniona 35a40c While Baans (navv) i0 Xf (s f doz . I aiie Butter jj ib lS2ls Lari 10.1 J jo Hy Prairis 9 (iii.)o no Timothy 10 00. 1 I tin ioe.. T Ul.m 8 mi Pickery Wood, , y 0 O.k WsO, im h kn Coal ValUj Coal, bu.k.U. 14. li. Lslitj 31 Tears. Jcaes' (ouimercial College, S. W. Cur. Fifth aad Otite ttroU, ST. LOUIS MO Joaatban focei, - President. JOUN W. 10USS0N, l'rufsiiorol Book ki-ej.-ing. Thus. P. SAV DEES, Priaelpal B..k ksp iaf Ixp.rioirnt. JOHN W. KLL1S, Profetsor wathoatisi, in shara. Cuatm.rsial Clou. anon Uesertnisei. JOHN ii BOBMB. i'r.iesaor Peemaesbip in karfu Writian Dapailnaol. JONATHAN JONES, Lactarer oa Consmeroial Law, Etbios, etc Open day aod Xight. Circa an and .'atalogoai glvinf al! necestary Dformati.n in rtgard to taitioa, board, tlaia to camplaia, .to., nailed frta No va.ation iddrras J. W JOHNSON, Mans;iBg Princ'pa: n ot.I ii k Jm ST. LOUXft, AV9 Rock Island ia4road ! 8T0CKH0LDKKS' MEKTINQ. Kotloo la harabv viv.a thai th as an. I mm ml. Iff .fill KtOfikhntjAr. of ikia rW,.lv.a. srill held al the Company's utBj. ia the any of Kock laiaaa, oa i aarsaay, the 23d day ol novsmber, at 1 o'eloek noon. JA3 ft. YOUNG, Rot D. Cnoss, President. Bee rotary. Reck Island, Oet iil, 1S7I. dtd Zmivmr. C0PP & BEG., Lherj and Sale Stables. CUe under Sart'a Call, KOCK KLtU, II 1 Mmt Cn-rplei. E tablithm.ct in the Ci y Partieolar attrr tioc paid tu Uronhmj Carriages far sarties. Balls, Pruces.ioni , eto mkldly STOYt; POLI O. Oaleagw cSarpt. Oais.e., Nov. 17. Hour Qui. I aad naohanged prion ; ship per, inquiring tsr lew ptiMt ist no sai.s at sack. W heat Modaraiely active and someehsl ir regular aad prims not materially nneb .aged un til toward tbe olo. a whan it dfolmed a traotiua ; No taold early at 1 22. d.olic.d to 1 2"4; sloaed $1 21al 11 ca.h far sailer November: ler lleoaraber at $1 J;il I.".; .lotisg at oat.ide proe: No 1 scares aijl iH; So S firsa and high r$l 14; rvjaoted uniel at tl 03-1 04 Cora Moderate J aetiv. bat prioss waak aod lower; So sold aarly al fis, bat steadily Ss aad elosad qni.t at 42 esab: 44e for selkr Not; 43a seller l.o ; rvject.d opeo.d aative t4i45io. OaU Qalcl and lower; No 2 Sla35e, elesing at 3e. Rye la good demand and firmer; Ke 2 regn lar 63e: fresh 6a84c: rejeeted A7e. Barlsy Ia good demand for all grades as firsoer ; sales Ne 1 8aS9c; No S 4aale; tsject-ed40e. Whiaky Pteady aad Ira at F7e. Reoeipts Flour 4i54; wheat 3(1.145: eora 117.310; oats 64.KW) ; rye 1 (K;.r; karl.y 7.464. hhiomeau Flenr 3 484 ; wheat 1,4.(0; roia Tl.Sel: oaw 9,025; rye J.j0; barley 28 771. Provisions Mess Pork dull aad aomtnal for cash; sales of 3011 Mils, seller Dee at f 12 73 Meets ia lair demand aad Bra; bans e7tfe for heavy and light weights; shoulders 4 do, 10 day In a't; e packed. Lard I a fair demaed: eales ef 9!9 Heroes eat a eeller Dee aad sa'ler year at -Jo. Rntter Ckoies at 24a2e. Eggs Fresk 27r, ehmoe pickled. SsrraiVU XT A. B-IiXL.-XsW. GRllllBS OF COMFORT. Patented Sfovember lit. 1870. IF YOU WOULD Save Moccj, Time k Labor, If you would have your STOVES Bftutlfullj & Brilliao Ij Policed Glra ths CRUMBS of COMFORT a Trial. es 4k year Qroeer for It. eet CdAwSm BAG. HLVb., (or Ouras and Buswea, Bails and Buran. ir sals by ail Druggists. 15 sts. aar bnx. r .nt n. rswipt of pvee. Address ALL iW,ll W.Lake 8t . Chicago eepU-dly I ibab.Zj's anFinnxs WHITE GLYCERINE. The oa'y article khown to chemistry that will Penetrate the Skin vilhnut Injury Derolor ize all SjxiU and hfertnally Uanoce the Various FanUs of the Cutiqilexion IT ntsSACHK- Dili Klrv 111 A MIHVILLOVS WHIIDII'-, Eradicates all tfotf, Irteklss, lan, Motn- Patokcs, Black Worms, or Grubs, Impa rities aad Dlaeoloraliuns LoXDOX, Sot. 16. A dispatch from Cob- I ot every kind that may be either within or upon laotioople rep-ria 380 cholera deaths last the skin Te wtiatewr axteat m"l it IS tt rtnlos; leain tbe skin unojth, soft, pliable, ssd of that i.rf-ct Wiaaaeass aad PrairT which eooititutcs tee RXALLT BIATJtlFUL 00XPLKXI0R. Bold by all Drugglsls aad D.alers ia Perfu mer; and Toilet Artioles. HART, ASTE & CO., Xos 5 & 7 We t Madison Street, CHICAGO. SE&MUSS GRAIN BIGS, Barlip Bags tunny Bags, Flour and Paper Sacks. Bags of all Kinds. Send In your erd.r and we will f II tkem on aptly Miner, will please saad ttxir brand in fu.l, as all other pruofa have beca destroyed. eet-3 om EOLANDEE ti HTJBEB, Basossaors le J. A. Bmnieos, Manafaeturers of 6ah, DoarB, Blinds, SloaUiags, KM A MB. BliCkKTI, And everything ia their line. Olaisd Bash oa hand, also Corn and fsed All work warranted. feblidwAm EAGLE M3AT MARKET! faC)IV?N 3trfkLE, Pf0'. Tni 8U;rfjiBBB WOULD KE9PECT fully aanonase to the eitlssns of Kock Is lead, that tbsy have opened a first-elass ideal Market, in ItLYTHB ft STODDARD'S (Old plane,) Cor. of Or'eant and Isg's streets, W kers tbsy will keep at all times tks best kinds ef Fresh and Sailed Meats, llUltCB, BTC. .m. share ef pahlio patroaags is solinlted. TBEMANH A BE EH ILK. JaT fll be open Satarder, ev. 18th. awlidit last eek P. sr. or. 16 Monet is DlentT in --i ------ . - QermanT, and is rapidiv drifuag into Amer- can Ptiritiva. UermanT will, variy nu tear. Mdm thirtv millions sterlinjr of ber i l .if war mdHsnn tv. half in Janoarv ana naa in Febrnarv. PaAfirjE. Eveaiae-. Nov. 16 An imperial deoree having been received from Vienna, jraering aa imaediata election lor mem bers ot the Austrian Keichstag direetlf bv ma people of Bohemia, tba usual pnblio do- tineatioos oi holding election were once issued. . ... ,. Nw Toric, 17-.i0 Newark, N. J., r iu,uuu worm or property as de moyea oy wind and water n Tneeday 0,'Bl. eevera( andmabed hons.a h..iea- i. J 1 . ----- a.a-. at noiiaea and eellars and basements ouiidiQrt were blon down, Tk lamageio ine snipping interest aaa Cea laeraoie. it ia ei peeled lurlher losei ill be reported Tbe Preshvk-riaa church at Freehold, N. J., was partially devastated by the vale TTo, Pi. J., Not. 16. Uffioial re turns for Oovernor show f arker s majority to be 6.007. Louisville. Kf Not. IS. Tba Grand Jury of Clark eouotv, Indiana, has found a roe bill arainst 8qnare Taylor, Charles Davis aod Qeorge Johnson, negroes, for tba Park marder. The testimony is strong esainst them. Tailor's grandson. ig years ,M. aonfaasae to beiBaT implioated. Tba .anna-eat danffkUir is siskiag fast. Evaliae saasas bailar, but U u kardly probabla Treasury Department. Ornrs of or tb CraanscT. 1 WAfiaiisToM, Ocl. 7th, IS I. j Wcniii, by satt.f.etory evidaBoe prraentd to the ui.tlrrnj red, lr has brio mr.ti. to appear ihat '7e A t Ulnmt A'atiimal Hunt, in thr t"iry f Rock In'nnti, Iw ihf i.t.rtty ff tit.rk - land and Slate n IlUnm has freeo duiv orraa sed aeder and according to the requir.meoia of the Act of Congress, eatitled "An Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pled ire of United States Bob dr, aed to provide for ths eir- oalatten and redemption thereof approved Jane 3rd, I SS4, aad has complied with all the provisions of said Act rsq.irei o bs eoaplisd iih betore eoain. naing the business ef Bank- ag.aader said Act. Now th.rtfors, I, Hilatid R TT lburd, Co mo irollsr of the Currency, do hereby certify that 'The Rock Island National Bank." io the city f&ock Island, ia tbe county of Rock Iiland. aod State of Illinois, ia authorite to commence tks knsincr. ef Baakinfr. aa ler lhe Actaforesaid. Ia testiauay whereof, witaens my l. s. hand aod Real ef ofs thia 7tk da of Octi-ber, HIUND R HILBCRD, Ni. 1SS9. Comptroller of Carrency. The Rock Iilanl N'a'iooal Bank will opea for :iif at So. 23 W. Illinois street, November 1st. is:i. Bsn. Harper, ) John W Kpaneer, j Peter Fries, Edward Barraiii; Jr., Directors. J H Witnin, A.B.nedist, I T. J. Robinson. ) T J ROBTNSOI. PresM.nt. BRW. HARPER. Visa Prea't. A. BENEDICT. Cahi.r. October 15, lS71d61t AaTISTIU fAILCBIKG. 637 WABaifi ABUXTr, onzoAoot. QRAPER.TAILOR akd uiporteb of Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN') TJE. WEDDING OUTFITS A BFECIALTT. Shirts to Heasara Extra Double and Perfeet in Fit. OUrgymtn Kill t allowed 10 per cent. discount. UbUdly MEDICAL lSTsiOifc!T. DAT1D As klStl, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Instrument!, AUD OtlTanie Battert.s of all Kinds and Sites. 114 4 66 Canal I treat, CHICAGO nlhu All Kinds af Kleotro-Magaetie Instruments Neatly Repaired at short notice Alto Models maa'e ot all descriptions on short notice. oet-d3m F; W. ROSENTHAL & CO., MIPOBTEBS AUD JOBBERS IM Wall Paper, Window Shades, OUETAIN AND 410 Uorth Fourth Btroet, BOVS-doB SS. &OUXS. ZrZO. MAYHON, DALY & CO., xasroB,zzia0. tss iAB.aB.s Lira FANCY DRY GOODS HOUSE -XQVOKB. NOTICE. HAVING 9 CURED LKTTEwS PAT. BNT ON ODi BHAHDS. CANE SPR NG, LICKING VALLEY AND -DQU8LAS-ELK-KQRN That wa established in this market in 1866, give warning to any one aiag those brands, or say reprsiei tatioo fcf them, that they are infriaging npon our patents, aad they will he proieeatsd to 'he fa:l eitent ei the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. We have for sale the following well-known brands Keatnck; Copper Wkiakieas fane Spring Conrbciu Fprisg 18G9, 1870 and 1871. Licking Valley Boarbon, spring 1869. 1870 aad 18:1. Oosglas-Elk-Qorn Bourbon, Eprios; 18C9, 1870 and 1871. The abova branda are p.teatsd and can be had ONLY from the Proprietors. J A. 3I0XKS & SONS, iov3-d3w T. tOUI. AHr3. MEDFOSi) HUH. LlvTEEKCE' MEDFOBU DAMEL LAWRENCE & SONS,! Only Manafaetarers of MEDFORD RUM, Still eajoy the repatation oi maaafaeinring The Best Earn, ia the States, Duly authorized by State Licemee. The superior qua ity and parity of LAW HKCK' l DKI1HI) HI M Fur tba past forty etren year, bas male i' evary where knowa i the Stsd Ri. Ne pain will be spared to mai.taiu its purity nd high repotalioa. Ine pablie is caatioa.d agaiasi and counter), ts ORDER DIRECT F ROM of re Kill warrant perfect eati'fartinn. Address orders by mail to MBtroRD. mass , Sad orders by tiprti. o- other Ise 127, 129, 131, aad 133 Bread st BOSTO Aad they will receive prompt attention. DAN I EL LAWRi.SCE A SONS. ootJI-dfim EiTABLitasn is 1S30. ELOH&GRIFFITHS' Bawa I sST7S7-ai ! s A-vcaal 8CPKR10R TO LL OTHERS 1 Anss, TUea, Cast BUel, Kill Faralsklaars. aad aUoaiaer. am. Set the best, they will erova th. k..t Prices redoeed. Bendfor price List and alrealara. VTKLCU A GklFKITUM, aettdwly Bostoa. Mass.. as Mirk a. row. as - niiut Xiao -xrort-bL-wost- HAVl A FULL STOCK OF Bergmann's Worsted. Germantown Wools i AMU ALL FKRTAINIS3 TO A FULL L1XE Also a complete assortment of Millinery Goods. "We liave iust re- ceived a large invoice of our famous brand "AAAA" cord edge Jiibbons. 148 BSichiffan Avenue, - - - - - - CHICAGO. SlTAELUnBI) 1840. The Oldest iHiuic House In the North-west. EL N HEMPSTED, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN MUSICAL GOODS IIP EVERY DESCRIPTION ! PUBLISHER OF Slieet 3Xnsic and Xusio Books. Wholesale Ageaey for Kteinway k Son'i, Hazelton Sroi., II sines Brotber'i and Parlor Oem FXAZfOB and BXasoa t& Hamlin OROANI. A Largo and Elegant Stock of Gooda at Mew York Figures. 410 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Send fr Catalogues snd Price Lie's- ocfl-d eodAwSa WW &'60b " HAVE THB Largest Stock of Fine Clothing For L'L.VS Jt COTS' WEAR, west of New fork. The best All-Wool Suits, for the money, in this country, for S1S.OO. (BELDIKQ'S SDCCE8S0ES.) 45 4, W. MADHOa ST., am. 387 1TAIX BT. CHICAGO, ILL. Kojai Letter; ol Cuba. CONDUCTED BY THE SPANISH 60V arnaeal $300,000 in Qold drawn every ssr enteea days Prizes cashed and Information faraUhed The highest ptiee paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of Ooli aad Silver. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers, febSdly 18 Wail Street, Mew York. FLOUti. JOHNSTON'S MILLS UansXaetanrsei Choree family GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braaea House, Palaee Kasr, ROCS ISLAND, ... ILLS. Wbsisws .re oCsriag aariralled Teas, at tka aae low prlees a. at their "B.itsra Honse." By iw porting Teas ia cargo lots, thar eaable es to retail to the eoasnme- at eitr.meli low er oss. Don't fail to ri-it the Hong Eoag Tea 4tere, at Palaoe R w, where will be fonad the, arst and frsshest Teas, Colfesi and Bpi , ai prices e.yons eotap. iuoa. . otmw.i ruw iiui a rnllaA I, Ag is From ssleeted Bpring and Winter Wheat, aressly for tka eity trade. ALL KINDS O Flour and Meal Onkaad.aad CeMrered FREE OF CHA ROM ia tke City. JA8. A.POTLB. Atent. Baala. Wwaan frost ud ri1:iu ikMtf GIFT ETEBPeUSE. OIL OF 04P. THE SARATOGA SKATE. OOJfBlSISa STRISQTII, LIQHT5E88 WiilioHt tbe nse of Straps ! All who hsrs tried it uss ao ethsr. -Isnnfactured by tke Providence Tool Coia'y. X warrea ai. cw org. To whom all erdere shuaid be addressed. This Skate ezeeis all ethers la firing a a. at . - aw. . I . . lik, al .i . i aoDaaraiiOT w ! .-" i r r . . . lusted, ana wbea leatened en. beeomet as era as the boot itself. M aispeasis wui an snaps waieb are eo binding and disagneable 4e the foot, stepping theeirealatioa and eaasiog aaab. aesa and aobiag. Our 8s ate has been mae wtlb speoial refweno. to -oid strain npon the auk!., and It eeaplawly obeletel that diffiealty eo tal te Ladiu A hainaer aaa stand apea Ibea witao.t im-t-. They are aade ia me beet manner, of tbe best materials, and r lawaiis u ae in erery respect tbe e-a Skate ever offered la the market Their n'.ianey ease and (raoefal appaaraaee reader thea the most teeireeie weer oEared tbe pablie. We aake eerea eises : Lads', ... 1, a Md 9 inch. 0.atleaea's,. ,...1S, ltia aad tl lsvea. aerl-dtf OIL OF SOAP (PATENT APPLIED P0B.) FOR HOUSEKEEPERS ! It Is the nist cleaner in n-e, for rlpanlns Jtalnt. plaw. nmrt'ie. stone arid fnrniuire. and for removing .rea-o fnm flwr. coriieis Bn(i elti H. aliile fur laundry Diiro-ei it is nn?xcel!(?4. It dues it" eorlt quickly and ell. and is cheaper than common soap at ic per poioiu. i-'"""'- iu n. 0 potarti in it. No poi!Ku iu it. AJi your Vi uj;gNt or (irocrr lor tt " r-roprietor', Ml Spruce street. bT. LOL1S, MO. tXf "XX OIL OP SOIF" FOB Lrtll Hoads. ThtsWas;ronKer',rua.pd is n.ed in clean! oe of Cars. KnUtf. c, and is fur this purpose the hi thins out. U contains no potah, lye 0f KreM i the accuiuulaiion or Coul . . ...... .-- - , . .-"h lull HI, mmm fnim a car at a slugta aiiiincainu. .. . liquid form, atid ia fortius rvMo mnch mora con v.uient to aee than boap or any other cleaner as do time is wated In it preparation for Be. aud h doee i h work with cold or warm water. It I. mixing with water as pur dlrvciiom) and apulrinv with woolen cloth, sponge ts- brush. To painters tbis will recommend itself at once be cause it leaves tbe surface clean end smooth readr to receive the varnish aud one in Which will not Crawl, and this we claim is an advantage it has By toe barrel ouiy at v cents per gallon. - J. M. RALL CO.. Proprietors. 607 gpruoe street, Kt. Loaia, Ho. "XX OIL OF SOAP" FOB - ... V Factories and Printlag Oificeg The best grease remover in the world, and for tvpe washing, those who bave tried it Bay tt Is enteatiid. and iu cheapness and being non-eombostible, will wariaat a trial of It. J. M KALLaCO., ato-MAsrlas " aaot ai., l. jLoa.a. Tis 0ly Eeliabln Gift DlstnhnHsa Ia ths usontry: $60,000.00 vaxsUabxsX. oxrxs: TO SB DIITHISIITSD IS li2od REGULAR MONTHLY QIFT TEHPRbE, To ha draw. Monday Kot. 27, 1871. TWO OKAND CAPITALb OF Piauow ior J. Zimmermann's Piano MaDQfactarin Co.. So. 10 ain Street, 0 AV8NPORT,.. IOWA f lease take not e. or tbe great chance in the price of Piaaor. I offer for sa'e at the fall whole, ale price the Large Sue Bosewood 7 Oe tare Pianos, with all the latest improvements, ana warranted ior ere years. Lain prise, $?7 JOHN ZIMUBRMANN. No. 10 Main street, bet. frost and Second, Dav- enport, Iowa. novUd'm a w aJOIilV HOYT. Wholesale Dealer ia 8teinway, Steck. Weber and Emerson PIA3XTOS ! And tbs Celebrated and Unapproackabl' GEO. WOOD OIIGAW! Cat 4 rattllS. Oil T BASSI.T. WM. OARTCXG & 809. Dealers ia No. 59 Main Street, ey2A-d wly EBKOSHA, WIS. Boston Bazaar 1 NEW NEW STORE. GOODS ! C rXl BEST IN THE WORLD. i Kew York Office, 27 BEEOIAN ST, aovl dSm STELLE, YOST k CO. Acknowledged hy the Critics to be h. k..t now In nse Hastes! Warerooms. Cor street r, Daenp.rt, It.wa. Brady aad Foarib spl 5.000 each is Greenbacks LSMUTiS MUSiC, S $100 lU ; - fla--o. I wo Prizes Fivt Prizes Tea Prize Whole Number Cash GiJU 1.000 ! 1 Hcrse A Beggy, w th Silver mounted Har.eii, worth fr.00 - Uu. riue tuned Kewoo Piano. worth S-00. Ten Kamily rawing Machine orthtlOP it'll. Five Heavy based ttold Busting Watchraand Heavy 6 old Chains, worth $400 eaob. tire Qold Aaericaa Baotiig Watches, worth 12S each Tea Ladies' Gold Hunting WateVs, wertb f IPS eeoh. oOU Gold ssd Silver Lever Buntlnr Watches (In all! wunu ir.iut w s w biwu. Trlls' Gold Leontiue Chains, tint's Gold Test .,i . .iirri aim i,uhi.(wiiu c?ii.t nn viw) PlM.d Tsbl. . d Teasoooos. Ivory Handled Dinner Kntvsa. Silver-putted Dinner Forks, Silver Vest Ph'jrr Photograph Alhums. Ladies' Gold Breast nlnd Kar-AnkT. Genu' Gld Breastpins. Shirt State andWeeve Buttona, Finger Rings. Gold Fen., .i, 1 tru r Whole number Gift e 0t Tickets UmMed to 0,00 AGKNla j.:, i wl. Y y""". Blue Eye, Song Ueiniager, SScts seta Lvnie Comio Soeg, Saxtea, 40 Darling Krlie of tke Bonrding .V( u"'.P"ter30 ffirl with the Ciaarette. Comie Cordelia, 30 oy High Timee, Caaie. Parks, 30 Note wouldn't tike to knout, Coaie OordlaSO , Jeitelie of the Bem.t, Bwaatif at See g MilierdJ'l silUUSMI'IS, " ' - ! , Let it fan. for Bus or Alto, " K Otoe Again, Osell for Sop. and Berr Oah.iel, ' QmarreUimf Neighbor, Ceale uss,.s-r, &.SMSW; 'eVhitet, wita va-iaioos, a sea. Heaeenly Oreetvnge, P.asi aoimantique, BlaaeeeT. Holiday VacaUa March, illaatrated title Gilsiaa, it Sweet A niieipatione, Sohottiaehe. " wilsina, Zl Dairy, FaataUia, Krag Any of tbe above sent by mail oa receipt ef the market price. - . WHOLES I LE IiriLEES IS CLOTHING A. Tilt mwmim coods ! 419 Slain Street, St. Louis. Hanufactorj, 32U Broadrfsj,1, 1 C Uilll ACo Trade ' Generally, so is , Rreminnw will be DSid. Btagie Ticket. Six Tickets; Twelve Tickets t at. .attar where yea see a piaee of Si aele er Mr.1.r.rLmuSysliiCo? pri ats'. a deeerip- Musie Book adrartisej, sea i to as aod yoa will tioa of the maooe'of "if1?" reeetva H by enclosing the publish, re pri. o-rrtaSrtoent: AMlette"r, iust be addreeeed to BAaSXEB. sfc WSBBB. rv nuiiw.stb8t. acu-dwly I smIT-4adl2BU ST. LOUIS. ftMv?izZ attention . .. .ti anl parncumi ty .1 IT 1 -l those wli have boon in me i mo a of Buying Clothing in other markets, toonrnd UoI,l!U A'tViciot Jlen's, By? anti YouUia Clothing of our trim inanvfacture, which we will tell to Cash anil UruibU, ltvmpt jxtying time customers; as Low a th. y can. be bought in any other market. ; p " w Farnestly &,licit a visit from ali good merchants, before giving orders to representatives ' of other cities East or West. "We mean business." .: 1 '? Call and bo convinced.. ?,( STELLE, YOST & CO., ; ' 410 XT. BXala St., Ht. Zaoala aevj dim ' ' " r' ' 1 ARGUS JOB OFFICE, jBtobU "r XaflfaO 'ilia .-rr .mVS rnu.dted.aay hied W mi iA ... ki.k L.. be ordered, at he sherteet a-eslhle aellee, aad U t-e. bea,j Saaeaes.j tl e t'sve ;s s I S. GATES & CO., ILLINOIS ST., .ROCK ISLABD. (formerly MoQee's Shoe Store,) OFFERS FjR BALB 10,100 yds of anbleaohtd Shtatiogs at 19. 11, 12. 13, U, 15o. As. o,000 yds ot white Unslia; at 10, 124, 1, IS, eto? labia Lineal, bleat hd and anbleached at 36, 45, at), 7oo, ate. 10 pieces teal turkey red table linen, at $1.10 per yard. oo des Napkins at 76, 1,00, 1,25, 1,36, eto. White bed rpreads 110, 1,50, 1,V0 ere 5,00 yds orash towalins, . 8, 10, IJ,, 16, eto. 50 doi tinea towels io, Hi, 16, 20, 26o, ete. L.ige lot tinea d lasers, cheap. 60 dos tsermaa corsets, lb boaes white and col ored ali nam bers a' Sse p.r pair. 0 dos Franoh corsets very eh.ap. 20 dus French silk embruidrd corset. SO dui Kid Gevs all eo ors aud aaabers, at ti ctnts per pair, ihe.p. " 26 dos Kid UIot.s, extra nice 06cts per pair 2U d a 2 button Kids all colors aad Buabere Tory cheap. , A larg lot Lisle thread ssd Cotton Gloves. 200 Ladies c.lio.i wr.sp." at 1,60 and 2.0( ssch 200 -0, , . '. 0 S.B. 4,00, 4,i0, 5.0 to $25 each. A largs aaJ apleDdid asaortaens of Ladiea' un der .lulhiDif Cheise 40, 13, 90, 1 00; 1,25, eto. Drawers, at), 75, l.t O.ete. biebt Dre.aet, V0, 1,10, I 35, 1.60. eta. Turned Skirts, 55, 0, 1,00, l.ii, 1.50. Csder Shirts, tacked and riV.ei, only 60o. 5w des Apross froa 20 to, i. A large line ol' ana MIes Hosiery at . . 100 dos' b.raa.d B.adk.rohtefs from 6e up sards. A are.'. ''" e tatt ns snd triamiags te be tula at hail ihs ksaal prices, lily dt s Lauies' I so Ji lls s at 10, 16, 25s, ete. Ladies' Keel lhrtad Lave Collais 10, v 1,25. 1.60, ate. 10,000 yds of eotion Edgiegs, at 1, 2, S, , I, 7,8, 0,10, eto. , 10,000 ydsef Ilambarg Idgiuga a ., , 10, II, 16, M,25, 31, 35, 40: 46, 60, etc. A large line of icaartioaa to match, eneap. 400 d Bpool Cotton, 200. yds bach a'l eolers Kad n.absri at jl eta per spool or 41 els per dt'i.n ..... 3iKi dos Coals' aad Clark s cotton at 8 Scats - spool. " ! ' (-.... Mo des 'pool Silk, 100 yds eash at a spool. . 150 dos of apool Silk 12 yda each at 2o a. spool, dkein 8ilk snd Teist at 2e J. English s pin toc. Stadias, So a paper. rtDi a on a paper. - . lastio Cord 3 4, Ic per yard. . - - - 25 dos Gsnt's white Skirts, at 1,00, 1,25. 1,0 and z,ou open back. r- - , Ga fs nuder htrU 25, Si. 60 TJ, 90, ,00, ete. Usui's plaid F iai.a.1 skirts Jft, 1,00. 60 dus hn knit W'oolea Socks t 40c a pal'; tie.t r coitwa Boas H. 12i. 15, , 25 to Ueut'e Paper, 6, Iu 16, iO .ad 25. U.kt s Keckties I , 16, 2 and 25e. ' O.ut's h.amer Hsndkerobiofs, IO, 16,2S,29,ete. Meat's Kid Uletes, cheap. - - ' 1 10.0SS yda Ca io, at 1, , ' f 1"' 1,011 yds Bed tieki. g at 10. I ., JSe, st. I.6U0 ydscott..Fi.Xnela. 12 ..,5'" k large as.ortmeal el abitesnd red , be sold cheap ' ' ..,... . ... A too Ilea ef black aad eelered Alp-eas. A " Ha. of sillt and wool Poplinl low prioss - " -- ' M ; ,:L..Ll,.;;;...''! A goad Brtertmeni 01 ptais a-- Bl" fc SUssfrea 1,60, to M V"J -jN 1 600 pi.S ef ii.boa all wiaius a w.v.. A fall line or reto io""--- Aa extensive aa.orta.nt of Jewelry to be ield " at great barsaias. ' ' ' to daa H a Bkirfat eery law arirss. :t nur-h A fall line of Perfumery wad large variety ot artioles toe aametoas te m atloa f , j ti i t i a