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' Ttlthf, VtTimbir IT. HTL C10F. FlLMEtt'S HiSSltK. sroxxcsa. burnt diatriet. truarrfiOB- tbe nnburnt dit- triat from disorder and danger by further ret, tod protecting the ttore home of Pplie. ... . , ll will be en that a diicomog the eon- Tbii able political document Ilea te fora at, bat its great length prevent oar pablitking it io oatftil, n we weald like to do. ll it Urgelt mad up of oommtju oa Phil Sheridan' uturpelioe ol power at Coioago. Wo titraot the following an anwrb!e argument ia regard to toe natter. I have tha. pretested, with ft degree bl sainateaeee that ma; Da thought uaoece. terj and ledioot, aa aocouat of the effort, made by the elate aatbonties to ditobarge their whole duly, and protect ererj tnter rett of the eitizent o( the atato ; and than, to make the "iaiorj complete, 1 wilt ad J what is wall koow. i that oa the I'M daj of October, 1871, both hoaeet of the gen eral assembly patted bill appropriating two million, biqo hundred and bfij-bie tbouiend three hoodred and fort; dollar, with the iftlereet thereos until paid, fro. the treatory of the state, for the relief ol Chioage end for tbo eeppjrt of ite police and fire department which bill ftl onco approved bv the governor. . It will be eatilT perceived that thii tet' meat doe sot preteat a complete hi t tor? ol the eoteofthe Major and Lieut. General Short Jan, and the perton who acted under the command of the latter. 1 have bean ia formed that be tutned ether ordora ia tpect to the organisation and govern ea of lb regiment, aad that either fie or m attordiaale at ante the right to eorumeod the organised militia nf the State, and that be alio gave direotiont to the city poiiee a ia lhair datie. Enough, however, can t ducovared ia tbe foot developed to jutlifi the aUtemeat that the conduct of the Mayor and the military force a well the regul troop an the woluoteore raited by Lieotea ant General Saerideo we ia all repot violative of tbe Cteoututtoa snd law of the I'm ted State and of toll State, and at the came time, by their direct effect and ex ample, eabveraive of the principle of of frve government. It teami to me to be to clear that the coodnot oomplainfd of I contrary to the ooottitoiioa and the lawt, that it id impot tible, by any prooet ol reasoning, to snake it more to. The Mayor, the mere execu tive officer of a oitv created by the lawt ot thit date, without control over the police, and with oulv tbe reneral power otft contefva tor of the peaoe, abdioated tome of tbe tnoel important faootioa aad dutie of bi office, ad, ia connection with this refueal to dieoharce hie own detiee, attempted to place the law of the State under tbe feet of . a . , J . citizen, wno, lorgelitu oi nit own uuij s rctoeot. obey and eeroree tbe law, to tbe capaoity of an officer of the United State, army, availing hiuwelf of the color of au thority conferred upon bitn by the Mayor, tu'.jected hit fellow-oititea to military rule. No officer if the United State, or ol the State of Illinoi, ba the constitutional or authority to etercue ach treoicuo dent rower t for Lieutenant General Shen dan employed the troop of tbe United States in a manner not authorized by federal law. He raited troop without tbe consent of Conzreti. and i mooted upon them an uolawlal oath. . He disregarded the provi sion of the eooxlilutita of tbe Stale whu-h provide that "tbe military shall be ia ttri uhordination to the civil power," and bi poetinjr hit roard and teotinel upon lb treet of a popoloa oltv, w'th instruction. to arrtlt proe patting upon them, and I fire opoa lota in cat or relusal to obey i hair anthnritr. the life of a citizen, who wa under the protection of the law, wet dettroved. And the eroobd upon which thie dan- gemot attamption of authority i defends i. it that ofemergaacy or necessity, i no n admit that any oeceesiiy or emergency the could potihly eri.e would justify or excu the not, of the Mayor, and Lieut. Oen Kharidan; hot a thi detente lor then conduct hat been vehemently urged, and bat no doubt, made om imprenon upon the public mind, it may bo proper to con sider it in tbe light of the fact. Up to the time of the arrival of the ttate troop, on the mornlnt of tbe 1 1th day vi October, aocording to all the evidence pre entei by the paper (ubmitted, Lieut. (eu. .NheriJtn had not ofioie'ly interfered in the lightett degree with the affair of the city, nor wm thera a (iogle toldier of the army of the United Statot ia Chicago, if there were a y doubt upon tbe point they are put at rett by bit own tutementi, in what i pabliahed a hi official report, tie 'here ajt: "The dinorganised condition of affire in tlit City, produced by and immediate) following the late fire, induced tbe city au thorities to ask tor the aseiiietic of the military fovoet, aa thowa by the mayor' proolamatioa of October 1 1, 1-71. To protect tte publie inter ettt obtruded me lj th mayor prwtama lion, I eailed to thi en eompanie A and K," el. H obviouely intend to inform the adjutant general that ho ordered the troop in Chicago after the loanoe, and ia nouiueaoe of the mayor's pcoclamatiou. If he bad m faol ordered regular troo, in to Caicao prior to that time, I bin to reooocile that faol with bi report to hie ottoial tuperior. The 6' ore broke on the night of the ib of Oetobar, and eeatsd during the afternoon of the "Jib, and during the day aad aigat of the it. tb. da, . . Kt f the 10th of October, the civil otfioer and police force aided by a int(lr battahoa of tao militia under Major AU trup, who bad tendered iu services to thr chief of polioe oa the 9tb-and the people of the oitv, largo Bombers of whom bad been sworn ia as tpeoial police, bad withoot difficulty preeerved order. At four o'clock oa the morning of the 1 1th tbe adjutant general of Illinois arrived, with two hun dred men, to increase the force, and at 8 o'eloak a. . of tbo tamo day, before the mayor's proclamation watittued, there were oa duty in Chioejroflbo regular police force, numbering upwards of four hundred men ; Major Alttrom't battalion.' two hun dred men eve hi repjrtj, the militia of tbe tele, 315 men tea adjuteot general'e re port, others rapidly approaching, and sev eral oompanie of orgaoistd militia within &v roach f tee adjutant general' report 1, and the whole male population of Chicngo and Cook countv ubiect to the call of th local authorities, and ibat of the state under tie order of the governor. Tha otfioer ia command of the troop sent by me to Chioago were among the mot distiogSMhed of the lte eoiuuieer eervioe Ia proof of this, no soldier or th late war need be more than reminded ol Col. Uurbort 1 ill er. of the artillery of the army of the Cumberlnnd ( Major Jame M. Herdiey. or the 13th Illinoi volunteer, Major E. S Johntoo, of the 7tb Illinoi volume r ; Captain J W. 8." Simbough, of tbe U. S engineer oorpt J Captain T. Coivor, who. honorable crutches ntlet bi bravery; Cap tain E. Snyder, a trained soHier from Eu rpaa armiM, who earned hit American eitizentbip by valuable tervioe in the south and west, and now fill the honorable posi tion of profettnr of language and military taolict, in th Illinoi Iodottrial University; Captain H. Kuhlmann, of equally tried aer vice or Captaia Donegaa and bi colored men, each of whom participated ia tbe honors of the mine before Petersburg, and bears an honorable ditcbarte from tb army. Nearly all the enlisted mea it may be ad led were honorable soldiers of the late war. Then what was the amerreney that oc curred oa the I ltb to justify tbe nets of lbs mayor and lieateoeet general T I have BO information on that point, except what 1 gather from Lieutenant Oeneral Sheri dan's offiotal report. He says, in detcrlbinr the employment of bis foroes t "These troop, both rernlara and velanteart, were natively affgagsd, during their tervice bars, in prnteeting the treasure ia the burn diitriot, guarding tbe anbwot district from disorder and denser by further 6,-es, and ia protecting th stors-hoo. depot. aid uh-4oaM of supplies, eitablUhed for renei oi sunerers iron lbs tire, i bete not, it is true, in thit report, made oa the both troverementt, and ate .derogatory to 25th day of -Ootober, alter enumerating: free o-overnuient everywhere. - Already it theee mere polios dull., allude to the ser- appear, upon the authority of a dispatch Tha Caose and Caro of Consnmv vioeoftompaoyL.tif the regioa nt of vol- I fruin Washington, published in a New York I , , , , vnteert. Ibat as lata as tb nubt ot the 20th nnr. tbat tbe paraivxm uiuaunce or this I ' of Ootober, at a distance of lure miles from daoeerons example of military rule is felt I Tb Prim'J e of O insumptioa It de- the burnt district, while entorcin miluarv ia Lbioano. .11 a staled la ta disoatch 1 rugeieai oi toe atgetiive ergsnt ihit 0- rsls by guard a. id sentinels, with order to quote, that "thotgh tbe people oi Chicago I rangeaent produce deteient nutrition and arrest suspected periontand shoot surhairw-l are uuwilling to admit publicly that they I siailauoa. Bamaillation t m aa that prooeti fused to ooet their ttrdert.killed T W.Uros- aetd resblar troops, thev have petitioned I by which the natrimeat ef th tna ( aaererted . . .ji. . . . .. i- venor, but the omission mutt be accounted i tbe president, privately, for them," and it ia I .a to blood, and theaee into the soliis of the for by supposing that he regarded these said mat four companies of regulars have ! body. Perross with dikestiwn thut impaired, operations ns merely inciaen... - uu .eui i vuic.o o give ,o ise people h.Tl.f tW, , ; fcu .radi.0,iiioa t. pnlmonn ireu, w.iy o. proieoiing - - muaoi- diie. or ., th t.k. ,old. will B. " wuw wiwiovnwu iubu u:t.oaaai u y i . . . . ihairntvn f ara I w nur fjoniumf ti Of tb LiOoga in omo It is the language of the consihu.ioL 0UW ro'm,i "d 1 t",M,"t " W'" lmp' tbat -the supreme excutive powr shall b ol Coosa apt.ea wunout vetted in the governor, who shall take caret fiitt restoring a good dit-eitioa and healthy as set of the mayor and Lieutenant Oeneral that the laws be faithfully executed ;" nd 1 1 similatloa. The very srst thing te be dene is Shrridan, I Save preterreo ia follow tbe bave in thi instance a in all others I to sleanse the ttomsok and bowels from all dis- faithfully and fearlessly attempted to di- I seated mucus nJ slim wliich is uloggiag these charge thaldnty upon which the vigor of I era-ass so that they oionot porform their fuae tbe laws and tbe preservation of all tbat l I tions, end hen rouse up an restore the livw precious ioids peopie Q-pena. JOHN M. fALMEli, Avovxoir 19 Water Stmt, Cf MCI J M ATI,.... ..... oet4-dIy account riven by tbeinselve, raibt-r tbau those which have been loveoted and exav eraied to create a public sestimeot unfavor able to a fair judicial inveetisatioo. I pro ume no inttaeee can ba found in the hit' tory of free stale where publio officers, for rentont to flinisv. have undertaken to tut pesd the law. Influenced clone by a eense of duty, nod by the belief that the act of tbe jiariie bamod " were contrary to 1 1 laws and re mlNQOXAIs XfOZXOS. CUaOXii AIL.).tMJ rariisBiant Oorolula, bave taeu urwia ia au proachful to the characur of the people ut ili-surtil ur ustfleotea disease, lio w aut see ev the state, and ol most Oangerou example eiJ Ua.y rswu sia(fte,iua under tha weigui vl l a l...J ;. m. d,.i. ,o I., afl ih. Ucih ''-" ai.s-.un.,.uB-ui oy . u., j j j I meal ins remains ul a luiinsr malaUy ? Why u belore the Ueueral Asmoiy auo ine peo-llt7 n ,. 0e... ih. ir.aimcui was uoi .un. ule of the state. In preparing anl aduress-1 ,ta r ivfi oil too soon. Itiu. iho u.ueiii iair the letter el lb -.Bib aay ot octooer to I rtwimi up ebue ins 4ro are aUuw.d iu js ha anoraev ffeaeral aad slalo s altoraev ol uiaia to break out gai eju in tuvure gaueia .k. .......V. ;,t,nal eir.-mt. and. li.da.d m ' Many uttr .a toul (ami or sererala to IUD ,HIB1I. 1 , - I . ... .11 ... I k. . writta. , don. in rard to r ' lB ..... s. . .s .V... I , w- -.v J IDW uai.j " - loarevjly avoid - grviag offvnea to powerful ntereele that hate, lor tbe prvseut, Ibe sup port ot tbe opiaiooe and sympathies of many perhaps a majority, of tbe people of Chita' i, and! Knew, also, tbat ins people ot me si.te are still so far under tbe luduence ol leahnjrs of hostility to secession and it km dred heresies, that ibt-y are inclined to view with distrust the assertion of the autuorit) of -a tat; aad ita constitution and laws hrnrver the authority claimed is opposed to av pre'eneioa oi in ceaevai goveru- sneni. or ai.v person who rroles'es to act in it name. Nor can I proless to be entirely tree from ineb feeling, though 1 caaaoi bring myself to believe tbat the federal aud ttate troveromenlt are hostile or rivai rzanizaiioDt, each eaifer to grasp and absorb tbo proper powers of the other, but 1 regard them as in fact but d liferent agents ad trustee of the reop e, mstituted It Ulcers ana louutio ol ills ar allowed logo on. Pimples blonbt-s and tetters altu disbjare the fsoss of thonssod. I here Is no neess ty for this lamentable ei.idi tiea. as a lew hollies ot the Sse&uritau s aoo sni Herb J moot will srJk'l. tie toul tsiot Iu all bait esses we wilt furnish tha remedy fiee ol shires a eur is eBoeied, ibus arovisg be y jbj a duu.l that all eD ne cured. timpie aad olou-Uos rem ve3, laoieby taviuf mmy uu pleatani rsui.rts. LiK'S wbo ui'iire a bri.liani eoinplsxion should use ths Sasiaritan's Rout and iierb James. - rrie i ia per nettle. rOS. OBIf J3ILATX0X? Disssees arisuig froai indiarettua bavs bsaa treated wuh Balaam Copaiba aud Meicurr, uu til ths si niacin of patients asinK thru, baoauit so aaussated aad wsatened thai it was hare u dsaiue wbMih as the waist eonpiairt, lbs uis ordered stomach or ths original disease - l ieBKtb ihsdaatarilaa's tiineaade iu advent. ana aa enlireiy new system ot cure inaugurates sd tbe beu.Ooiai results at ones setn. lam dli ti.v druirs an 1 noitons were disvarded. and Ij day the Kill is rssorlbid by s "Bibers ot to a hsalthy souon. this parpoae the sur sst and best rsmsdv is Bohenek' Mandrake Pills. These Pills elesa tbe stooiiuih ad bow- ell of all the Je.d aud mirbid slime tnat is cau sing disease and dec .y tn the whole system. They willoleareulthtliver of all difead bile that has eoeumilatsd tnere, and arouse It up to t new and healthy aotion, by which natural end healthy bils is seereUd. Tbe s owasb, bowels a.d lirer are thus e'san ted by the ate ef heheark's lsadaka fills but there remains in the stomtch an uttn ef aoid, the organ is torpid and th appetite poor (a ths btwels thslaoterals are weak, and requir ing strength and support. It is in aeonditioa liks ibis that Schsnok's feaweed Tonie proves tone thi.aot valuable remedy ev,i discovered ft is a!ktliae,aai its a wi.l omra'ise all ex ( or acid, maxinf tne itomaon iri ana freih ; it will give pormseent ton. to this iin psrtsnt organ, and create a good, hearty appe lite, and prepare the system for ihe firtt process ot a good digestion, and ultimaiely aakt good healthy, living blood. After this prepkrator :restasaot, whatreo.ain to ears most ceses el 'onaumpuoD is the free and persevering use ol 'ebenok's Pulmonic Svrup. Tee Pulmin y ap oourishss the system. pnriCss the olou ad is resdily abfbd into tbe oi'toUtion, an benoe distribuud to the direased lunrs. ; There t ripen all morbid matters, whether in the form I abcersss or tubercles, aud than as jtts Nature io expel all ths d'iMSkes matter in the form of "loectoration. when ' ee it ripens. It is lhe by tbe graat jkeattag and puriytng properties e OOZaSE3XS830X7 HARVEY, DS1&B & CO., . onioissioa merchants, M FLOUB AND GRAIN, v .OHIO. tiENfiRlL ID CTIO a EE IX, OSes hi Ped4e Hagistrata't Offiss, S.OCK I8LAHD, - - - ILUHOIS, j.TillprBsptl7 attead te all hasiaess en. asted to his ear. dec! tdwtt. sanrsxsTs. j. u. STARK, I ENTIST, tlOOMS NIXT DOOR 10 TILEGRAPB I Offise, Illinois street, Rock Island. All kinds f Ds.tal work does ia tb. most approv ed nianaer. Charget reasonable. plO dwly 9XU a. S3. 8S 1.9X23-0, D E 1ST T I S T It DBSTAL O PKR ATI0N8 PKRFORM A. B D according: to the n.osl approved erirei pies. Office in Harper s B lot k, cor of Illinois aod BulTal. arrests. . aut;i-aii FftK ISM. REMINGTON'S 17-1 it 12 told by ths Tradt) Generally. fgk Li'ocral Dissonnt to beaters. -kS'l.OOii turn i bed the V. 8. GettraeutBt t it Ot - Eiirnpeaa GverBments Arssy, Navy, Belt, Police and Pocket Rere! Vers; Repeating and Vest Pu-ket Pistols .n Rilla Canes, u'ie Metal'lc vartndges, Br toadine and Rcvolvmf KiHe.. K. ltSlaio.i eie. ocl2S-iI6w Illiok, S.Y. ,K t K HI Tr.n. n ,.r and dps,Buerl 'for '" J. olW.l.e l..t. -.p.-.- -- taiuaritau' dlfl th- ia kfluto to ba a DL.itive cure. tiQerent purpose, aud Ihe'. toe people cau , ,o. aoJ pieasaat to u.e. iiiidI. no will inouuv anu uiiuuunu curiae . . B . . oare lo be taken, ulauv o.u aali aemvi- powers of each, as ihcv may determine will will .tick to their sicKenin russnd trorg MFuri their own liberties and promote their neaeate for weeks p -rhn.s mnntb. hanniups. " long job snd a Dig bill, any a... l:i- ,1.. I ihius to do with it? Msle parkates f2; r.saal. . T . T . j J ', 3. fient bv mail. We e inn .t avoid calling th- to wnicn i nave oeen essneu ut ,uj ,M.BUuIl 0f d,h,,a feiBi.. lo b. PamantanV citiien, it is my doty to exert all the powers ,.(ft M , p0()tiv. care fOT whilst; Bv followinK (hey nave eonierrea upon me to maintain i directions je will saon kci rid or thai trouble the adjustments of political power, prepiiex I ,oas dissass.ed bec.nie robust and bearty . as the people of the United States and of th. I o!d by Druggists generally. Stale of Illinois have, by thur own olimr, ikj. i it t o. t r.a rs. vto Kseesiroi, rnu.aip.ia, ri Cits. Rk(. s iraer Illinois a.d Marks: trset, A ess t for Hock Island. DDohH J v ly duties wave terminal -d on the 23d inst, lar atarted to thai. u..;.. . a live Volaataer war diaobarged," He does eonstitotions, determined. I am not at lib -rty, even by my silence or indiSVreooe, t content to act that will, by their direct con, teqnences or bv their infioenre and elamp'e iosidious'y ebanre the spirit and subi'.nr of our institutions, while the f.irni of th government apparently remain onalternd Una of Ihe vital principle that underlie our whole tystew of government, Is tbat ol tb complete separation and the absolute ludupeod.uce ot Ibe ledera. and state gov rrnuaeut. Cbiel Jut'.ice alaraball, uue id. most eminent lurinl and slalesmeii hose names adorn our bi.lorj, said : ' 1 Auierica the powers ot sovrreiutv areUi vided between tbe itoverumeut ut toe tioion and thoew of th states - .'bey are sovereign, with respect U the otjeri com u i tied to it: and neither sovereign, wub respect lo tbe objects coii.wuied to tbe otu cr." And I have supposed that gut-h is u. jnly the proper view ot the relative powr, it ilici iwo systems iu the lihi ot the con stitution aud of judicial tiecisious, but thai it has ill foundation io necessity and Tru nin. It it impossible to suppose the cr, jf two goveruineulal ageucies that pours be name powers, tbat an sulij.-. l lo tn 4.e ddii-t with repfi-t lo tbe sane ob ;eOi at the lame moment. If such a vie wet possible, under ai y incum prrbrnsrhl system ot politics, what wou-ld be the etfrr of an attempt to give it practical applica tion ? It would be, tbat oa oci a-iotis ol iisordcr or difficulty each would depeua upon the ether, until tbe rights ai d atl-t if the people would be imperilled ; or, i both should eagerly hasten to the discharge of the common duty, their powers would be nrouvlit into collision for if their powers and duties were equal, who can decide betweei ibeno ? Oa the late occasion in ChioaffO, it wa only heeaose the repreHnlalives of lb legal aud rightful authority ymHed though uoi'onspiously io that which wa usurped and iliegal, that we escaped an controversy. And it h o,uii as difficult fo imugioe a case 1 1. wbicb tbe luhabuants, or any (.Ul cer ot a oily or aisinci, ease in right, when they require assistance, lo elect the government fros which they will de mand it Chicago is a part of tbe stae ol Illinois, and, upon principles that we can understand, the right and duties of the tate aad tbe city are reciprocal. Tbe ob ligation of tbe inhabitant of the oity i I'.hi.-ego, and of all it officer,, to obey ibe law of ibe state, and to submit to and en tires its authority, is continual, and admit f ne interruption; and the duty of the i stain to protect its people by the authority nf ta laws, aad Ibe agency ot its olneers, can neither cease nor be aaspended. Bui if the people of Chicago, or it mayor, h the right npon oocasion of emergency, t'. call in tha support of tbe army of lli Umtd 'Slees, and thereby exclude ihr authority of tbe date, bow are the olEcers of tbe ttate to govern their conduct? On the 11th day of October, after the militia of the itate bad reached the city under tbe call of the mayor, be decided to call oa the military force of th United States, and to authorise Lieut Gsn. Sheri dan to reject tbe aid of the ttate. In his brief note to Li ut. Gen. Sheridan on the morning ot tbe day. be taia : "It, in your opinion, the men are not wanted, order their return." If this nghi of elec tion and exclusion by the msvor exists what are the futnre rjutiei ol' the authori ties of the state? If tbe condition of Chi cago should again be such that iti cm' force is inadequate, and a call be made noon the governor for eupport, what would hehiedntvT for the right of election en not be alone in the city, or the mayor, and even the commander of the United State, force might conclude that he would nut in lerfere. It teem to me, then, to be clear, thai our free institutions rest upon the priociple that the power and duty of the etate to pre serve order and maintain the law witbiuns boundaries are complete and perteet. and are not subject to the oootrol or inier- . a". I f T . ' j fere nee of the authorities oi me lul.u State, in any case whatever, nor can the authorities of any city or cointy relieve the state from uch du,;. I am nut torge.(lu' of the fact that by the provisions of tbe 4th section of tbe 4tb article of th constitu tion of tbe Uui'-d Stale, tbat govern ment it bound, onder oer:ain circumstanoei, to protect the states from demestio violence; bat tills oooiiuunorni provision, uu i laws enacted in pursu tnce thereof, are not in opposition, but accord with tne perreci ndependence of state. I be language oi tne oonslilution li: "lb Lnitea states- shall protect each of tbem tbo states on application of tbe legislature, or of tb executive (when the legislature cannot he ironvened) otfainit domestic violence. Under tbe constitution it is left to the ttale authoritie to determine the necessity for federal aid. and no offioer of tbe army, under any circumstances, is at liberty, with oot their oooseot, to interfere in their inter nal affairs. The objection nrged by me to tbe con duct of the parties present no question of coolliuting authority between Ibe govern ment of Ibe ITaiied States and tbo slate of Illinois, nor do my view impugn the right of the United Slates to ea force its laws ia tbo states sailboat Ihe assent of the state enthoritiee, or by ageneie eroasad bv itself. nhder it own constitution ; for the acts set i Chss. A. aenawr lovin are opposed to lb taws nnold by Kook Itieai, I lit; LHKt l I'KKM II st.He.UI. ESLAlt AKKE'S 8FICIFI0 PILLS, Prober d by GsatMcitus A Dupost, No. El -t Kus Lombard. Puris.sud biahlv reoo.inen. dsd by lbs entire Medical Faculty of Fr-uc, sr. the ve y test remedv ia all oases of Speruia lorrboea. or Ksiual '-A'.aknesp; Nijh I; Uailv or Premature Emission. . Sxusi Weak oe s or I .potency; Weakness aiisiug Irom sret Hahitr aoa :eiual Kxeesses: Reiaxatina n' the Don ilal Organs; sa Spiue; ' Lime" or Buck du.-t" deposits In ibe Lr ne; Mils L- hsl (;." etc .ai.d ali the ghast'y tram of ytnp ti.DS arising from Over... or Excesses. They .:ure when all other remedies fail. Fkll d reoticitu tn each box ; Pries $1 per box. or 6 boxes for $5. Sold by ths principal Druggists, or will br feci by mail, .ecu rely nettled from al I ooer alios o prcetn the tola Sonera! Agent fr Amcrisa, JOB M1SKS, 18 CorlUndt t ct. Sew Vers. Taaiphlets ol advi aeMlresto aay ad. trees Bt A ' Ft! t )M J U vH-.. re niifaiiin in the Care of Roughs, CoU asthma, ttronch.ti. Throat, tl.ierst-n.f . Uilbtuli lireat .ii.g. Icipirnl Cnrun't o. and lllKeases ot the U;i. Ihey have do tes'r ol medicine, and auy cniKl aili take thetu Th. .ends have beo r stursd to helih tht hat (Mifcr. despaired. Test imony rives Id bn.4reds o' eases. A g SliLE liO'E tIMKVES IN TEN HIXCTFS. Ask for IiRYaVH Fl'L VlfiXrC ygRS. j2" dwly U4IIIU tllk'e HAIK olr- This superb Btr is the 4ei Ms icWil perfectly harmless. reliat le and insiantancu.: a. di.appi lntuietil ; ne ridi-ulous tints or i ag'reabie odor. The genuine VTm A. Bat he lor s ba r ly. prsdares IvKirisTt v a spies did Black or Natural Brown. Isaes t. hair rl,n .nnfl. Imnutt tt ; doss aot so.laia a parti sle of lead or asy injurious ee.pound Boid b all lral"'". f'aslery.lo B Id streel, K'.l. IfiT UTETlSBTRflBU. T IU WELt MT AB LiSHE D FACT lea ted, nd which innby grret Hifioti.t mut bv a g od -rtiol. DJ.IiCP SKILL'S LUlSi M isvsstsd by the late BISHOP OCLK, has pro red by its own merits, tual it has so equal n tb. world for th. cure of Sciatica, lnfittnmnlnry and Chronic Rhru matum Neuralgia Kidney and Spinal 'Complaint, Sure Throat. Lame Hark, Sprains dc. This Liiumeut v ill instantly atop all pains caused ly Hums -are your Doctors bill; bay it; trv it ; ass sotting a's, and ou woul not be without it in your home for ten .imes It cost. BISHOP 0l LK' LI MM K NT ail curs allef ihe above cesuplaints, and Is the only sarss.r lor that areadtul d.aa Pciatic. J-or sale by Drug gists. Pria7i ets. aud tl.7J per sottl.. f. W. RTDCR A SOS, Proprietor!, jefidwly BOSTON, MASS. Nos. 13 fvncl 2S. EECCLIA EUnUEUS CTHAIITTIS. EAxr. rnovrn, rnoM mr. most avi.t; eittierletire.nii entire nuei-ee: mplr- l'ronmt Kffloient and Ittuilln. Thoy nro tho tnl. Medi cines nerfetaiy uuatituU Ui (eiiiulur iim iui .in.pie th:tt ruitak can n't he nnulo in ttfinfr thim : n hurmtee lo b- rr'-e troni omiL'or. uml erhfient tw to be Blwuyn reliaolo. '1 m-y li.cvo ruietl the lui:ii- est etmmentiauuu Iruin it.1, una r. .u ulwuym roiiUar Cents. .25 .Ho itheock's Pulmonic r-jrup. that all ulcer aod amities are healed ay sound, and at patient is cured. Thsessnntial thing to be don in eurirgCoe- asnpnoo I. to got Bp a g oa appe lie aua . dig stioa, to that tbo body will grow io est. and get strong. If a person has diseased lungs, a e vity or absoess there, the oavity oaa- net heal, the Bitter cannot ripen, so long is the sssem Is below oar. W t at necessary to eure is new order of things, a good appetite, a good nutrition, ths body to grow in fish and get fat; 'hea Mature is heiocd. the cavities will heal, int matter will ripen end be thrown ttf i larire Quantities, and tbe porson regain health aod strength. This is the true and only p'aa to cure Consumption, and if a person is very bd, if the lungs are not entirely dest'oyed, or evee if -me lung ia .ntiiely giioe, if there iseuough . itality left in the otlu-r to h al up, there is bopo I hv. seen many person. cured withonly One uund lung, livs aod enjoy life to a good old age This is what 6 jhonck's Medicines wiil do to car. CoDsuaiption. ' They wiil clean out the stomach. sweeten and strengthen it, get up a good diges tioo, and jive Vmre He asiisiane she need? lo clear the system of ail ths disca.-e that is in toe luegs, whatever lb loru. may ba it is ssportaat that, wail, asing (Sousneii', medicine, oars should ls exercised net o tfce c.ld; keep in djors in ooj! aod damp weather ; avoid uwkt air, and take out doir exerci.o oniv n atcaial aad warm sua.hiu. wia it distiuettt andrstood that when l reconitnenlvd a patient to ne c-etul in regard to taking cold while nsing my medicines. do so for a special reason. A nia wbo has but psr- tia'ly recovered from the effect, of a bad eold i. r'.r more lia'ile lo a re!ape th:in one who h. bps entirely cured, and it .. pren.ely tne same iu regard lo eoraumpiinn. So icsg a?i the lunie re not p.rf.otly healed, just so long Is there imminent danger id a full lUum of the disease Hence it is that I so strenuously caution put innuary patients againaiexpoiing themselves to - atmosphere that is not genial and pleeeaot ..nlruFil con.uetntires' luees are a mas. o ore, which the loatt chanjt. of atuioiphc-. inflam.. The craud saoret of m success with mymeitoiues ooosists in my ability to .ubdu ...(!.,.... i, r ..,.t., I i,f i.ror. kli.r il, a. . . : l .. ... a ,1 Inn. na.nn .1 the f.euiiv - " with eafaiy to tb. pstieat he exposed to the biting blat of winter or the chilling wio ;.o pring or autum. Il should b. careXu Ij shljlu' d from all irritating influsncss. Tha ut sutisa should bs observed in this partie as without It a under a:moa a' ircain is an impossibility Th. person hiu! bs kept un a who'.eiom sad nutritious diet, and all the med ieines con i.ued antil the body ha restored to it the net ural quantity ol flesh and strength. Iw t myself cured by tb.s trea tnent of th worse kind ot Consumption, and havs lived t; get fat and hearty tfaiM nto; years, with on lung mostly gone. I have cured thousand inie, and very many bar. been cured by thi treataient whom I have nevcrseeu. About tbe first of O-ilober I nii.i t to take piiss.e.ion ol uiy no buil lmg at ths nor bcas cjrai-r ot Sixth and Arch streets, wher. I thai iw pl.tsed to give adrice te all wbe may re el u re it Full direotioas ascompaay all my remedies so that a psrtou in any part ef th. world oau b. r.adily our.d by a striol observaac. of the lams J. B. BCUENCS, M. D-, Philad.lphia, RURI.BTJT A EDSALL. 33 Laks street, Cbicaga, lllm .is. T hoie.ale Agents FINE HARNESS Wevrsrooms. 114 Chambers Street. uaw roan. SLSO, Hrn.s for Farming. Teaming, Trucking, Cart ing, Expressiag, Contractor.', 1c. Com panies, Liyery Stables, Coope, Koad.Coaoh, Basiness and Pleasure Vim, at$8,S10, S12, $15 $20 825 to $500 per Sst Send for descriptive list oct2l-d3m Nos. 1. Cores Tf-vrm. Cnncestlnn, lnrtmmntlrn., 1. i. 4. 6. 7. n. 9. . 11. 11, II. IX, ll. 16, e'l, . K. II, ii. 27, orma. NVoriil rever. Worm t'ohe t'eyinu-Colic i.r teetliing of lnfiint......2j joarrnft-s, or t.nnuren nr Atliute.... Ilvaiiterv-. Griping. Itlliniia Colic... C ' bo I e ru-itl rb I. a v .m i iir.g I sskIih, .:oid Itronclnt i Neuralgia Tooii.nclie. Fuceerbe... tteRdRchea, -ick llenCnclie. Venit;. Ilyapeweta. Jltilou rtonnich eiinpreNfil. or Fnintul I'eriotiis N intra, fio Profuee 1'erlorte ?5 roup, ( niich. JiiDlctilt Breathlna, yjit Itbcnni, .ysliclns. Eruptions.... 75 "lieiiiiiatiHiu, Ithcim ntin f'ulns. "2ft r.r.ver e nd Asne, t'i 111 Fever, Agues. .M Ilea, Mni, ,,r l,l,.riln " " -il '"!,.!?,"wV. uml si ne or week I vV".In urrn. . . . .. -. . . ... - t.....nT . ' MI'tlllO. Jti:illll I XIt... ft Aaliiiia oli nt couth. l-eroi...!.. i-ninrv. d Bni,, li-ir.. I '7 . "xy.- tinvsical . akntsaa. ut et'cretiors . , '' ',ruai,'lt"'l?"-.M e, I ,1 ... euniv e.-cretiors i -n -r-iii-K neen, ricsneee fr, K iflnpvalllanaei. xyervpa urniuiy, aeniinnl FiniH. eioiia, invniunmrj ICO live Hoew.wlth ore 2vUUf l-nwucr very necessrirr In serious cases m rore lyionrn, t.Hnaor I rinitry tnknt:ea,wpttir!r boil...', fii) I'nliil'nl Perltytta, with Hpiisms U) rendering at ehanrn irf life 1 ou 1 nilepay, Swnu, t-u Vitus' lnnei. 1 DO U.phlbcria , utcemted sore tiuruul.... to TATBILT CASES Of 3-1 fa flit Inrsre vlnla, moror-co r re-ev ood rner, enntninlnir tt Hperiric for evrery erdlnary die. rase a I V ia anbiect In. anil book, of rlireeiinna. fn in fio lof 33 Smaller FhrhII.v end Traveling- ensee, with 211 to a vtei- fn.m 8S to BS uyw. . 11 . mi rronir leinere, Ixith for Curing- ami for Preven tive treataient. In uiU and pocket atse .. C2 to Cj TOND'8 EXT ft ACT, Csreii Ttnrssi tl rn 1 ere,, I nmrnrea, Forr-nrea. ore Tliroai. SeprnuiK, TiMithiu be, I jiri I.e. Itlesmallisn, l.iimhni,.. Illee. store rve. rifeerlin. ft tbe mack, or cf 1 ilea i Ij.rue. riore,. tlY OT' 00 r1 rlnte. 91.S0 i Qunrts, bfthttiiMtrr.lni;l(t box, nro mint to w y Jtrt .f t! e ec-uiti y, pt nun i ur rxTrwi, irw iX cuarxic. A MiLUQM IN THE FIELD 1 . a salllioa of men. to aay nothing of the ladies, know by experience that CrUtiwOrVs Kxccbier Hair Djt produces shades of o.iur tbat seem to bave bee brought eut by aatur. hsrielf. They kuew, too that it ii fr e from all injurious matter, because they have used it for yean, and thus tested it by a process more oertaio than even ob.miual anal ysis itself. Io fact, tb. daily experience of mu litudas o! both sex-e, eoafirmr the deolaiation tbe first analytical chemist in America, thai th Exce sior Dye contains "nothing deleterious la health." A good oreteing should be used aiut the dying, and the bast is CRISTADORO'B HAIR PBESERATfTl. BSSSZOnVXs. filLWlCKEE. D. Fs KlLCKBOFF'S ' CELEBRATED mm ' . ' eras . , Mexican .nr ti.rc uiuers V '':; " 18 ' Psrely a Vtyetible tviapouBd. BOTELVI. Ir. O. JJigelow, COXFIDESTIAh PHI8IC1AN. Ha removed fresa Bo. 1 79 Booth Clark-.tser. atoar.e, to So. 78 lottth ilauta -. 11 it wen I.... bv ait rtaf of tb papsii tbat Dr. Big- cio u tbe -Ideal wlablishsd fbysieian In Chi cage, Who bat mad tn. weatmsnv e. au curonio and ttxaai uiseasw. a mymim.j. u. v... i.ui ik. last twenty vsars of hit , to the treataient ef all formi of I n. w. Kalekhoff. (deeaated,) devii.d the for MU" v a . . a a tk I ... . 1. . ad' : . private complaint tn bom teiee. si. tor m. mula, whieb hasresuiteu in ia. .a.e. last year hat been loeattd at 179 Senth I ur. Bitter. ci.rk tuett Chicaco. 111. I ur. sLalcanon. I-ns- anowu .-.i Fro a. hi. lonst establisnmens, ana imu.. i le-dine chemist l. Miiwansee, saaitouee o tooee tnaoeii ia earing all eaiet wniea com. uuue. ". enter, in mi own tanuy,na ''"v .htm. h. has a-amed a Union-wide repatatloa, nrMtiei for over 30 yeari. Thi Elixir oi lifs wbteb Him tb amstad ia a i preserver i onrety a vegwewoiw .repamtuw, . c...e. Til. r , . , . j ytc. irom ail part ot tn uaiieu p,a.aat to tne lane, .uu guee to w-uw up well known laat anwaeoaii oa aim " "j sot nit uu iimmira tiuui; me.euuue private afflietion, eisvi, and will, be ear. ia th I ,yttai. ,. . ihortest poisibl. time, withoat th dangeroa I iQt bilious, remitlant and intermittaut fevers effects of mineral poison l oan ma wbo nay dyspepsia and indigestion, headache, pain in th ininrvd themielvei bv a secret habit skotld lose I .koulders. eouaht. tisrttnest of th ehs.t, dusi aa time, bat call oa vr, diibw at u un w. .aa.. soar eradication ei mc tiumacu, sunni .nrad. All female dis.asel and irregnlarltlet I f tk. ktdnev and bladder, in connection wuh with B.rfeet safety and laceesi. Dr. F. Kalekhoff' Mexican rr Cur c bend for his circular peculiar to ei i tbartte n il, era tn great oiooa purinar, an. fema!es. I are a certain eure lor erupliuns, salt rheum, Send Usaltb. Ail lent ire., on 1 hlotehet, ipott, pimples, boilt, earbanslet, ring receipt of stamp-, in sealed envelope, free from I Wurm. err sinelat, etc. For all lent le eoui- abservatiea. 9ffiee hour from 9 a. as. to .. I plain t thev cannot be excelled ; as an .xceli.nt Bnadavi from J to izm., ano no a " r. i appetiser and general stimulant, 'ney nave n. 0fl6ee and Parlor! separate for ladies and I -,,u.i ThoHtamdt bear Teumtnn lo thttr t- gantlemea. Address all lettri t air. cige-1 rfice Powert. oufferers, all ihe proprietor oi low, M. 7.1 Boutn oatsteti St., eoa. .j. "e.xlo.n Ever vara tsiliers as, is to giee their medium a fur trial, and b Convince ot Briggs House! .... ( Formally he Laclede', COSHeS MiDISOS AND CAML Wefiiwonh, Wtolworth & Co., ootlS PROPEIBTORI. TttlBOI BaBxOat. L. 1. Pkivr BABNUM'S HOTEL BARNDM 4 FKATT, PaoPKiKT.iw Second and vl alnut street, 8T. LOUIS, MO. Th Aaoct kept sn file. WaewiejwBSSeeewaaeyjaSeeae I iu medical properties. Price $1 a botile. , Dr. Kalckhcff'a Mexican IZiet Cure Cathar tic Fill. The crest requirements of the people, all over the world, for a reliable and active Cathartic Medicine, induoed Dr. Kaickhofl' to form tbe eal.brateu "Meiican Kve Cufe Cathartic Fills.' Thev ate composed from purely vegetable .un tanoes. are thorough in their actiou, searching oat all oastrnctiuDS, and strike ai the very root of Thev prcntace n pain or jr.ipiac These TilU ore an unfailing Female Begulator, I daring their operation, and act more thoroughly . , r. j t , . . ,i ..!.,;.,. tbtn say vmnsrlio run et.t orougst uciurt me ' ' I . k. : . - TU. . . . e Anfltin III. and alleviator wires miUer and cheaper vitiliiinee ail. ... I'. ..' ....1.. ,.... ..a aiak h..,l. t. ' - - tot tVi.B, . II ... mu ew.i, e-e-. ' - wb ' Tkey areecmpoeed ef the most aetiv aad j aehe which are Induced by bilious erangetnenti powerfnl pri.eiplci of pla.ts. recti and berries, eotnvenest, oaigesttoa. too. e.oto.ct, , .o, 1 , r . . . L -, I lio. tivtveomplalat, supprsnon, drupsy.rhen- lo h ghly noentrated that each put eonfaint I mkU.w -0, nerveut deblritY, Inability r dit- more medicinal ttrength than a whole box; or I inclination to move loss of mseular power. Tor the XUmoval of Gbitrnetloas uni the Xnsarance of Ref n Urity In the Recurrence of SSonthly Periods. AMERICAN HOTEL, Chetttumt Street; OPFOHTX OLD IBDEFE1DEICX PUiadslphia. i. M. HK0L1N68. - - PROP Dally loot. Lsxaib Ar kept oa 1. "WALNUT STREET HOUSE DAVXS & TTJCXXaS!., Proprit'i Oorasref Walnut aad Oa'ni Strse'., CU-IIHATI B. - DAVIS. St. AM. .OHIO i. o. vcoaaa. Let. of 1. C. A L. MO. HOTEL, Cor. th and Myrtle Etntti, T. L0PI8, r T11I8 Home hai jnit beta re B tied aad thor oughly renovated. Is esntrally locatsd. Ths proprietor will spare no pains te make it a good first-elass. seeoad rate boas. Traaei.nt prioe, 2,0fl per dsy. a.vSs dly H. C. B ACBY, Proprietor. (. Fenian k E!ro. Mauufaotorers of bottia vferdiaary metteia. in the market. A I' thtfWjk jromrfnl, yet so tei'M went ptixtmant in tkeir opcrnfioe, thnt the wie.t feektt e n tnte ihrm with ferfeet trtrfy. 1 - - it-fc-Tliey ..may b. safely used at any age. and at any period, em bpt pcaijte mi iasv Taasa month., during whUih the unfailing a at nre ef tl.cireffdota weald iafallibly pacvaxrpregBaaey ffip AH l'terv teehihg information or advice will be prempt'yifreuly and discreetly aniwered. 2V; Each box eontaiot 100 pills, and Wrap ped in whit paper printed in Jeep red letters. with full and explicit directions enclosed, . fce,Seut by mail, free of postage., on receipt of price, $, per box. PAIeTIXXO. HOUSE ANO STEAMSOAT Fs SSiL0., Lata of tb. krm of Smealon A Elomm.r, ) au aoaaoea tbat bs is prepared to do HOUSE. SlflS AND 8TSMB0AT PAINT INt, PAPBK HANJIN J CALC0MI1S As., Ac 411 work praatptl exaeated; ia tk. klhs.t ttyle ef the art, at short eolics. Shop. Bas Sagl. Merasi, opposite tka Hat Cork. f.hlS.t 'eQa.Th Cheroke Fills K. 3 are told by all enterprising druggist ia the eivllired world, toae aaprtnripl.d dealets, however, try to tell worthless eompont ds in pltce ef this; these rni ip j. sisisoss hn? Aid iu Taiuter milationot IVo .4 tin t Marble, Paper Hanging, alcominicg, Ac. rend orders throegh the Post 4iio. tOCK ISLAND ILLS. S. ti. faction guaranteed fek?S dtf deafness, partial bliadness, pleurisy, its, paral ysis, pain in the breast, palsv, St. Vitas dance, scrofula, etc., etc. f ioe -io cenit par sox. Dr. Kalekhoff ' Celebrated Worm LozeBge are a ssfe. pleasant and most reliable cure for worms. Price 25 cents per box For sale bv all druggists and patent med'ciat Italera tbrouahoul the United State! and Can- asst. - ' taAIe-vltaiJe t t W i-u., i " " 1 ropri.ton. Depot, Ao. 57 Ooeid ist., Milweuaee. Dr. Kaickhofl 's Celebrated Eye Water There are few .llect-e. to h c: mankind subject, that are mote distressing than sere eye. aad, perhaps, tor which m re remedus have been us. d wi bout success. Uaviag long beea acquainted with these facte Dr. Kalckholi p seated his celebrated Eye Water te tbe publio. .9 ths only Eva Water ever discovered, lor the permanent reitcx oi vieai lanamauoH aua ee. teoucnt debility 1 1 ihe eye. It will remove op thelima or ii flt mmation of tb. eye at their .ommeccemeat and will core lor. eyes trom a ertiiieV. time . ,ni I detluxiun ol sharp numors, lnuucmz sacu oeon r r r . . . I its in them, that visioa is effected with utmost make m re money. As you value your health difl,CBUy. In ,u 0llmm0u complaints of tha do not be deceived ay suoa unprincipled urag-1 ayes, it wtll be found a speedy and enectual a-ists. nuit fur theee to pitle, and take no othert. I remeJv Price 2t oents tier box. If the Druggist will not buy them fa? you, enclose tbe money in a letter aad we will seed them to yen ly mail, free of postage, aeeorely sealed fmm obser atioa. Ladies or Osntlemsn oaa add re's ut in perfect Jenee, slating fully and plainly their disease and symptoms Palients need aot hesitata ba. eanse of their inability to visit as, as w have treats' patients successfully in all portions of the civilised globe, bv Patient! addressing ns wiil please state rlatnly all the st mptoms, and writ. Post Offlos, County, rjta'e and name of writer, aad enclose postage stamp for reply. 4-e We desire t sen dcur thirty -two page pam phlet, ntitied "Has aad Woman a Invalid to every reader of this paper. Address as follow : St. Loci Mebicl Association, 117 0T SIXTH THE XT, "rv I.ons. Mr.socai '. Eurecsiorto Srosson & ESctsinger, ' Mtnuftotursr and Wholesale 1'ealer in jl o oaco o, SNUFF AND CIGARS, 106, 188 and 110 Summit Street, TOLEDO, 0, Heavy Dart'1 8obi, and 3eo. L. Quilt, Agent for Hook Island oct2-dly LJILKB. Boiler Works! h. aadsreigaed are ptepared to maaafsctnrs to erdi r Beiltrs for Sleia EBgiaes all KiUiis, Styles and Stsee. - Tietv f Also, every va- til e.r Bilr work is warraef.d. " BSs Kepittrieg i f all kind, doaa pr.sspily aad ...Dly. et.cp Bear MoliBt lrtn Works. Iti . 0 I I.I.ISaER A TKCM BTL! Thomas Yates, (6ocMt- he Jvcb RiMy I11 T J$ eeet M. X t. Ladies, Uk Partimiai Ntiiice. pure 1 hroai. sirn fieHt-alcln. Rhewrt Itoila. sttinsra, stori Iiltna-a, Nm. Sinn I Icera, tlld reoreaa fir eirnreee. svocipt of tbo nrlco. Address, IlTiinphrcys' Specific Ilomeopathio M Sicl-.o Co. ' Omee and Deptit. No. ua Buoaiiwat, Kr.v-uuK, ton BALE EY JILL tJULGeUaXU. , and 0. f?pidel, Ag.nU for ' .:'-": li-'.'J 3.; The Real Telpaa Female Pills! H ARKtNlaO rttkMCU, Thes. Piltt, te oelebratad many yeart ago ia Pant, forth, -eliei of leaale irrcgaiaritlet, and afierwaidt for tkeir erimiual tmpluyuant tn the prune, el abortion, ar. now nfier.d for lale for th. tr. titue ia Amariea. Tb.y bar. bs.n in comparative ob.eunty from th. I aot th.t th. origia.ior. Dr. Valpau, is pa siciaa id Paris, "f great wealth, aad hat rtrieteonuieiitiuunpriB sipl.s. aad hat witbhel 1 them from general ate, last they should be employed for unlawful pir potwt . -( . Obstraatiaas, Palling of the Worn. btU. tfroen dicknest, Huppres sioa. Retention, or fmmoderaU Plow of the M rnthlv Diichargsi, Nervous sn Spinal Affeo tioni, Palm in th Baok and Limb.. Patirne oa slight exertion Palpitstmn of the Bean, Hys terics, Ae., and will effect a eure when all other means have failed ; aad, altaeagb a powerfal not . at.i. calomel, aotim ay, or r nything enrtful to th s-ntltution To sta risd lai island young riilt who hav aever been regulated, they ar peculiarly lulled. They will, ia a short time, bring on tb monthly period with regularity : CkvrxoK Married Ladietshould never 'ak them wbe thar Is aay reason te bejisvs them .1vm pregnaai, far they will b.sur toprodae wjiscarrisg.. .... La lias eaa proonre a box i.aled from th eyes efth earioas. bv .aoloaiag a., dollar, and sis postag. etaaips to at; W. M ACOK BKR, G-esaral Aaeat for Unitad States and Canada., at Albany Tf, rof aay aatharlaad Ageat myttV' wly . AND 5 T A fii F I P & - LIVia. SIAR FERKT LAKyKO.. The sub criber, at hts .hop on tit L.ree, nea Wolimsa's, inritei the attention of his friends and tbe public generally to his larg. aad com plat, stuck of Brass A Iron gooda.ttcb as 8 team Cooks, V.Ives. Water baugaa, Whis let, Oil Cups Beer C icss Pumps, bas and Sitam Pipe of ali sites, Zinc, Babbit Metal, ate , ete Steam and ties Work promptly atteadsdto and pot up in workmanlike mamer. eppfr, Smithing and Stcrt Iror Work In all iti branches. Also Done oa short notice. He has a .crew catting machiae, which eut. screw, upo. gas and stean. i ipe frou 1 of aa For sale by all druggists and patent medicine eealert in th. country. K.L0K1.0FF BRO i CO., Proprietor!, S7 Oneida St Milwaukee, Wis. oct28 dfim . F. KLIEXSTLf BEBs JnclilMist & Kngravrr, MASUFACTCRER OF MODELS, SMALL Machinery and brass castingl; ales ml no. torial, official and but'tness S I A .LS in superior presses, and everything else in the line of en graving. Orders rtate Street, oet27 d6m from abroad directed tuSlS MILV ACKEE, WIS .T I. Distiller, ail i j:. Reetifier, Importer, IS'-' sicSvai, rj) m I - " S - - 1 "S i H I V, as . - 5 2 S .-r IS aXtASB. AXD Wholesale Lipor Dealer, aug-' MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW REarOaEs- pab li.bed bj lr. Lull, ibt pages, Ihir, Kdi uon, tbe .d.dical Companion and Guide to health, on the radical .are of dpormalorr keca. or beiaiaai W.akaass, lav.iaaiary tteminal Losses, lmpoieiiey , Ate.taj avd Phy.icai inea pacity , 1 . pediment to Marriage, eta . and tb. Venereal aad eypbillitie MaJaote., with plain and dear directum fur th. .peaty ear. of tae ondary symptoms, lio.orrhcra.tileets.tjlrictuiMt. and ail disaswes of the akia, tuck at S.urvy, Secret o la. Clears, Bails, Blosceassad Pimples ea tk. i ae and bo ly, Coa.umptien. Epilepsy, aad Fits, mdacad by self tndalgeno or ez Iravagestc. . - t Th. celebrated author, ia this admirabl. treat i.e,. lear!y demoaeuates, from a forty years sac eea.fal prautioe, that tb. alaiaaing snnisequenc oi i arm. may be radically curd, poiatmg oct a med. rf cur. at one. simple, snrtain. and eSecluaUby means of which .very taSwer. a. matter what his conditiun m.v be. eaa be etlect- a!!y cured, cheaply, privately aad radically. mlf This ae -k should te in the hand, .f ev ery youth aad aver man in th. land dent under seal, in a piais envelop. Price SO cents Address DR. LKW, Ne 7, Beach s New Vork. junelS-d A w Jy MtflTEES. Ineb to 4 inches the Chicago macbiD. west ef THOMAS TATKS. ILK 4 P.ETESs Cream and Stock Ale GOE a STaOKC." Proprietor of tht 51ERCSAii,tS HJiTCH, Art lute Agists for P.asie.'s C.lebratsd Creaa and Stock Ales. for tale by th Barrel er Half Barrel. . . oel2 dtf ..W.i;.;HrJP.ti ,. Saloon k Billiard Uooss, 8 Earner Haiti Block, Ula I-LANIi. ILL. , Dalr ia Fine Bourbon Whiskies, lid lnBtri1 Wine & Braa1ie( Ageat for Balds, . Lillst, aad Joli.t Ala, alat, bast Scotch aad gagtish Alas aad Loudon Per twr tur sale. - . Dtiea White for sal. by th. barrel. g at for A. Eeller Billiard and PIgesa Bole Table MaoBtaolory..r , aprs-eiU ; , . .. H, B. W18T,Preprit. , SliaBLOZED SLATE MANTLES i EXCEL MARBLK IS Beauty, Cheapness AKD An eiact imitation of the finest Foreigt Marble. u. IJ. W. A. Prt i-li Cor. Third A Tine Street, CAMDiiN,. !is.V JKitSiSY (Opposite Philadelphia, Pa ) out31-dAwly 3Xfigitir3,i-j SMloAPARIllABiTlf (WITH I at ON,) The test Be,ooo, STouacH .id Ltvaa Medi cine ever offerad to the public. It it very agree able to the taste and win aot affect the teeth as coa preparations generally da, What it Kill do: it will t, feaad vastly n erior to any of the Caliiaya and Iron so iiim sively need f..r invtgorattag toe system. It will make blood; likewise thickea it. It will roster, the pal and emaciated, the weak and debilitated to eolcr, flesh, health andstreagth I an incred ibly short time. It wiil .tr.ogibea th. nursing moiher and increase tbe flow of milk, a!o bene It the child at tb br. .et aad prevent many of the complaint, to which children are .abjeot ia infancy. It will tend te ratter th eyetight when impaired by eoatiaued applieatioa ia read lag, writing er aewiag, by (trengtke&iag tk vp tic nerve It will give vitality te th. mental faoalti.a when depiaiied by clot confinement to stady or basiasss parsnits, aad prevent n.rvaat hsadachet. It will parify tbe bleed and pre vent th break ia. eat of boils, pi mult aad uthar Motions caased by poverty ef bltvod. . It wil reatoc th. genital organs, when weak,, to a healthy condition, regulate tb meattrsal parted alio reli.v debility eautsd by tummer heat er eioeiiiv prespiratiea. . A (ingle triad will pr.v eaoolaiively that wa havs aot ever -estimated tha value of this.xeeV lent mtvdlcine. - , . r , t. Price, $1-00 par bottle. i j . : -f jr.'dk c: maoJsik;'S6s'; ' Chemist aad Druggilta, Sole Preppeiort, . ,, BT,.LdOIir. Also proprietor of Mgaire'ealtWetd Base Piaev. a tar enro for Diarrhea, OysenWy, Cholera MorbaJ aad th Aiia'hCJbolera tAll order feoaa raspoaaibl n a-ties promptly Ailed, saob!7-dwlj ..'. ev 27S last Water Street, iL t:;KiiF., - ' . oct2S-d6m WIS. E. W. PIERCE & CO. and Ret.ii Dealer! in SH1SGLES, PICKETS, Lath, TiBbcr, Cedar Posu, if. Office 1 10 West Water Street, - Oor. Clyboara, MIL. AlkKE. oat2S-d6m Diploma Atra-fied at the "Wisconsin State Fair 1SV0. WM. STRl'EDEU, Manufastorer of a:l kind of m SO, 101 1& 103 Ferry St., t Water, STAIJMkD glass W01.IX8, MO. 3 WRKKt T., PirTSBCHGH. WILLIAM NELSON, Glass Staiaer and Me tallic Saih Manufacturer bstt adapted for church windows. Having erected tbe moit complete and extensive- apparatus for the manu facture of colored aud ornamental window glass, h is prepared to fnrnisheve.y rarity for ohurch , privet residences, office windows, etc., ia uperior ttyle. Ordert from all parti of tb country will receive p romp t attention . ie ISO! T- FABIKS FOOD. :-.tffelWP;' Ajreeallf, Figestible, Nourishing, Satisfy ing. Soothing, Strengthening. This farinasous preparation cot tai all the .laments necessary f..r growth and repair. It has tor years bees tbe princ pal food fr (nf.LM and invalids ia Kngland and tb Oalonies sr.J It proved by eipc icnc to be the belt ercry cay food ff.r eiiiTiH. Sold la oscs of all tizei. and in 2i cent pack eti for he miiii-n by tiroe-giete and graoers gea eraily. (iiLK & ZlMKl, Driii)rlets, iOS Rsnuo'fi. street, Chioago, Agents jc23-dly (Foul of It SZilratiteo, Wiku bhow Cases of every description and materiel shipped to any pa-t of the United States. ecUS d3ta 3ADGE3 STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! K OS. 1, 3 A S tUL ItOLB Be ST., -West end Enron St., Bridge., ' - - - Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO.. PBOPR'BTORi. Orders from alcl Cash Buyers solicited. mchSa-dly I O 5 C. W K I A Ta 5 S. - i T (Suecetsor to Welles A Bale, Dealer 4 GDIVS AiD PISTOLS, Keept constantly oa band an assortment of American and English Breech loading Shot, 'ne, renoeting Xackl., Oaa Matartai, Fishing Tkle. M.Ul Cartridge. Jfly'i Wadi, ad Cartridge 6h.Ui, Powder, fcbot. eto. 87 Wisconsin Street, Milwaukee. Hifles aad Shot Oaa mad to order. K.pair lag work promptly done, . oct27dln JAMES SELLY, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Previsions, Qaeecsware. Glasswar. Wooden and Willow Ware, Ac. Corner Orleans and Ohio tlrtets, ROCK ISLAND, - - . . ILL. For quality ef goods and price!, I defy com patlt!.. ' ' - mehltdlv WHITTIER Hodical Instituto, irea taifntcf Vevtrrt- tttau Mj eSikcr tn DBAKE BROTHERS, i s So. 259 Booth Water Street, Ml LW AUli Et...... U...... Offst to tb trade a fall stock of WIS. , . Medicines, (hemieali, s LtSLSIIiL OIL'S, M'OXtt!-, AC. At very low prict. Send for quutationi. SOLE A3KNTS FOR ? wH. L: Rohc'k California . W ises sod ! (Certiloate. , ;;--.,-, I have mad Pasta B both in ageal for Jttilwaukee, Wlsoonsm, tor tb s.l.of my Sunny elope Wine and gu.ny 6!ipe Brandy, aud t srarrantthem o be the pure prod not pf the Or. p. and made by myself en ay Viaej 'd knewa at uany Bi"p..i!o Lot Aagele CoBBty,Californea. . L. J. RQLS, Los A.gles, California. ' Weksep a large stock of Ur. ow'i Braa-ty, Aagclioa and Fort Viiw, and ejnSdostly ree omwnil them t the Drug Trade at being pr feetty pur med the vary bstt produced io Cali fornia PatBaUs sect ea Bolicaio and lo..- ial quotations given t I bos wbo. bay In larg ejOMV i. v.tisi ti f.-rf OeA..,,-d.B, f. He. beea looeeir eetebltebnl fnr the at, Sexual ead Privmim Vim aBerlea. Orehltl.. Rernl. or Raptor.; ell lrin.rr Dieeaar. and fffphiHtle or Mi-rcuriu At.lnii or ibe Throat, ttkia or Bodo. .re trealiel Mb lod ueoe,. Mpprmatorrhea, Kevnul Di-bility nnf tm- JeiteocT, eeiherewilt bTeelf-eouw in yoeia, KtBtleux.eM tn w.turer reer. ir other okiuhni, end ehlrS produce at Um foiteaueS .'la'te, ea aueteinMt .ailtiln... Sl.n n. debility, dizziness, dimneas of eight, n- rutioD Of idteu. OTii foieOOdtoee, arereloei to Mectete of 1. melee, k of meiaorT u eenej rower nrodefioi nier . rl..e improper, ar. pemaaeatlj eared. Seeiott peiut lilel rel.tin. to e'eiee eent f r two .tin.e Ceil or Wnto a rrieady: talt oo.u aethiDC Modioiue. Msit eeenetiere. It it eelf erMeat die. an laetttntiim tr-etio, taouaewteor ee... e.err yer eeelre. ret iu Country pbreicmu. LowHif tka weeuUr irnnntt peieom iVetiroare. . . "m""ueie. a. a. air. .. Kund.rutolr m. Atre.., C. WHITIIIW. tt 0., 61T St.CliarIesSt,St.l.ouie3Io. Ann ' B- "'HITTIkK. M. TI . 96 Penn st., PitsbMrSh, Pa 1 ' Or ST W W1ir,"l;. . DUT Hroadwitv, Xeiv York. iMAMIOOD! nOHAVHUOU! 18 Ptp. Book, tor the Billioal" Who rr., merry whe Dot. Vt'htt Imp iboent : Oe-iwe. od Core, aii ' tbel the ftouhtrit. rrioweor lao.Kittv tekaoa A true Iterrtuvdule.ed ortt-ate-HodH-eloiiaeolor Retry I feibor, mmhrr. nni le.B e.d own eiemt .tioeM reed , Un. Ki-aliee.aetw.ei. :lMMM.eieM. ei.hl.v7oe. r WHITTI23 I.CSTITtJTE7 i Addro.. Da. C- WrrTilLH Si Clarke Si. St. I,. .Ms Me "-',r-"i; W"W . Vr tit .Piil.burt . r.. . Or Ba. Tt-.tT Trxmrns 97 Hroa-laat. V York DR. JNO. B. HUNTER, -tmMt m CnireMitj. Virttltn;! kv4 afsvWvldi.- : wi (fit) twTnrUwnatntml caaw. .Ivpb 1!ft t,j oil r - twirvf-i! 1t atn. TbwiM wtQ.r TMe i i( ii.(.,roB. : ei parti! lip.i-tv'y t-s,B be turM a-Ustk frm. . CakUor sentl etur suttu( for Matfa.l Kv.. Van. w Qtect). Cbevrgcs aBfdrtts. tmns in. to ? p m sUQ4ftft.9 m. ft U tt-HMi tiii c -M' I veH ntif'l. So. 61.1 I bfitnut Srr. i. jot. Mn. MAN '"WOMATl'Zr fitt afrfrti tfvariwl of Hi flits f lv.'liti (-irt,i-H i,t.,ri w ?. Qi-mn?.) aro Mturi-itf. ti iuarr firt; Htaf- , bunti. IU Jttf t tu4 nlre. Imtt-cit;. VvtWitavl ! tkaeo- i HierilsT niMi, Varfcw;h, Fhv ). - tt-rtltiav T?j tiric, B-.)anit, Ht-icik. Hrjrt-ei?rc.itl! uMBtit'O ft he Kietrl ejrif, Ai 4Hae JHm UliMT v.BlMitta. Ftw 2ivajt It will W mni it. nlod Wtter favtoi . v lr H rrrsii. . Ctafstn Ku-etn. St. Lotiin, Mo , evtj.. tc -mtt ptt ai tiiM-Aanrtj ucwtfallT. r ry (wil-r otto-ht t tv H. dIt Mf9i ' tkud nwrt luforatttiibo tbn ih?r Hai Mytci it, uhj, in iirUm All '..tit.'t-nniaf in " rrl-it-f wtimtld rf fr H SPERMATORRHOEA. CatHt4 by e If w rec-.TC Tener , ta.j jai;iam bel-iidr Ssinittual ttUKt.iM.. .rrimlrilttr. (om f mui iy ri-wr. umiuw t tede.iy. readeri-ag nirri$e inprDper Thi tiMefthM vmnr atiAsm u4 tLousmads uiL-t aot ktH-iUf bat in &e matter. mny d evrt ttrcuin rllt, : fci Aftfr J ftmr tptimm I Tkmf ptUrttd our.-, t No. I Tit remu (b nc;e. No Tbf tag of protrreM : No t Th of decay- n9 .r-oiMey . M $6 rfrtjot-nf-DC A 6 pW'-k. csrvt oanv, b1 fsenireri.i H corTtuiy asyl kind. Stftt jemr case fuilv, tt-114 r 44iara 4 th we you iminI will bo oeot, fMt-fi4 t . j - mxj t.iu aw uttsuv ssi trrm inu va.rlltllC I - V Will OBaVlQOta w tlBse) tka twruAVt V wl m 914 teueg siBTetioM tr to 4-a reM DR. A.G.CUIN.Mi fitttiBuCBlCAQO nr IWWW, WUlwfst VtXkUt- n naVlBktaTe-Vlli safantrtta w.n f mua truri in UDia WRT M tr aUa triiMfM Vo tiktii QiroumtMiic