Newspaper Page Text
UTES OF ADVERTISES, for st,ear,t tk tf aeo eeeaaiadey Ma liass of eell. B)eap aroint). Dollar for eaek tn rllo. L.. Bpeaial l"etlee, St ats pet line. Wkae la ssrted I saoatkt er more, 10 per eeal rf lar advertising rata. ? . . , s , . ,. ; . Ooamuaieetioes, er articles laserted amoaf DtiiT aaa Wbbult. A diseeeat of J rat. will be li from the Weekly rate, yeerly aa half yearly miIfmU, waea tke eons matter U iweartad ta kotk Daily eed Weekly. ' Doable Ooluaes will kt okerged pereeat adlitloaal. , V . V .' .i' ' J Per U treaties! atvertlsemeu in tat U required Ml . lr 1 ' v. t ' Mlll III IS I . L II r 1 : 1 'j II III 111 l II lis y :W ii JSY ffix ' fX 41 ah V Twenty-first Year. ' .--- ROCK ISLAND, ILLIK018.j MONDAY NOVEMBER 20. 1 871. Established Oct 18, 1851 l9c4LfiJSiS..-.AKIyf39- ' rilLIf IT ; . Vkt annua v&rasraa coewt. '... TKEM3. Paiit Abcvi. .'. 1. By Mall (pay blia 4TM),paiaBi,$l0.09 By Mail ' ' u- (ii aieaikv - By If ail " M - aaatki.. By Mail " " t ataatk.... jBaT-Br Oitt CAanaa, IS Oaatt par waak. BiitLa Conn a Oaata. . ; , , , T1BMB.- WhutAhii. tafia Copy, (payakjala a4raaaa)...,...M..3.M Taa Copiai " ...... aaty Ooplaa " " .t rkirty Oapiaa . f - Thi Spiht or ADvarnjat. Sarieaa people may talk at n pfeaM 4rard to gift enlarpritet,-and lottia of ery dasoriptioa ka paklia la, uerertkeleaa aioaadiagly , faad- f tkaat. We aaad a litlla laaaatloa now aad Ibaa ta nlirea th4aUt matUr af -foot f rerj day Ufa. . Uift eatarpriaat Maotly fill thi reqqiramanl. They gira eai So' the pirt of adtaatora wbkk taa'ittt a aticking to at, no matter hew old aad .sedate we ma 7 oeoaaioaally feel. One of the. stoat oomawndatOTT aohemet we know of, it L. D. Sine't Gift Eaterprlae, ' at Ciaeioaati. It hai been 3 ji operattoa for nearly twenty year aiace 1W4. Oa the first of Janaary the regalar moathly draw ing take place.' The f rand capital prizat are well worth charing after-fl 0,000 in Amarioan gold, aad $10,000 ia Ataerioaa ailrer. Either one would nicely eel a man np in boetaeee, or boy him an elegant little home. In the greeabaok liae there are fire prizei or $1,000 each, aad ten vf them of $500 each. This, to eay nothing of bortee and bnggiei,., epleadid rotewoed. . pianoa, ailrer plate, jewelry, Ac, toe maWitttdiaoae to easmerate. To cat a long tlory abort, the fall value of all tW prise drawa will be $200,000. Now ia he . time io woo the imilet of fortune with a daring band. 1 For complete pertioalare, eoaeah aa adeaniae- ment in to-day't iaiae. VERT LATEST 2 AiA) .t-ty - BY TELEQBAPH, 4 O'Olook i. I- Arrival of the Grand Duke TIE ICIiH FLEET ALL BIGOT I X Failure 5ew Tork Bnkf The Cholera Imported ! E018TED TO DE1TB If IOTJ Want a Cook. Want a Sitoatioa,' . 1. Want a Saletoaao, Want a Serraat Oirl, Want te rent a Store, ' Want to eell a Piano, Want to eell a Horae, - Want ta Und Ueaey. Waal to bay a Hoaae, . ' . . W'anl to boy a Bbrae, Waat to rent a Houte, Waat to eell a Carriage, - Want a Boarding Place, - Waat to borrow Money, . Waat to cell Dry Qoods, . f Want to eell Orooeriea, Waot to eell Furniture, Want to fell Hardware, Waal to sell Real Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithiag, Want to eell M illiaery Gooda, Waal to sell a llama aad Lot, Waot to fioi any one'a Addrett, Waal to find a etrayed Animal, ' Waat a wife and 7 or 8 ohildroa, Want to toll a pieoe of Furniture, Waat to bay a eeoond-hand Carriage, Waat to eell Agrionltaral Implement Waat to find earthing yoa hitve Lott, Waat to adrertite anything ta advantage, Want to find an owner for anything touna Adrertite in the Daily Aaoca. SS'?" 5 i LOOA.L NOTICES. 1 Ml&UERES WHIPS OCT JfDCE - LiMCB! STJIGIDE AT CHICAGO. ToiLr.Tiir ia nnriraled at a beaotifier of the oompleiioa, it ie a powder, barmlaea, a- ned and elegant. Try it, 60 cent par bos Ecokomt. By uaing Mis. Whitoomb' Syrop for ohtldrta many a doctor' bill oaa be aarad and tnooh anffariai averted. Bead tde edTerlieemeot ia another colama. MiRRikti OtriDE. Interettiag work oumerojt eagrariagt, 224 page. Price 50 oentt. Ad.dret Dr. BatU' Diapentary, II N'orth Eii'hth atraet. St. Lonit. Mo. See advertisement. Pfart'XSd. Some of the tuodt czquMile rterfume are aad br the manufaolarere of Tutx,ths new and pletant!y aromatic per fame for the breath One of the iafl'edieo till ie Oiler of Kate. larder in Jackson Co. nvestlgatltn of Iadia Affilrs r cncral S u miliary. ia tha event of a acb oalook ed for oaenrraaee. They also repudiate any coaaectioa witt tae ring. " Richard Tweed retire trom tie aietropoi itaa hotel oa tha firtt of December. . Orrr or Mexico, Nov. 11. Afarmidabla revelation i taking place tkraogboat the country, ana a change in the exietmg gov ernment U expected. The treaanry ia bankrapt, aad tha people ara goiac over ta tha revolutioaitta. - Niwbirmb, N. C, Nov. 18. The tem er Mary E. Sanford vii barned at sea with the neater Dart of her cargo. No live lott. ; . ilsw Yoik, Not. 19. A tore to Cay, in ta ld Tabernacle Charoa boiidieg, near Mnlbemr atreet aowa leaeent houe. lud ia the' dettractioa ef the hontehold furniture ef tweaty-fiva poo femilie and the fatal burning or Anna weicn. Cbicioo. Nov. 19. Dr. O. H. Hett, for merly butinest manager of Crotby'e Opera Home, attempted taicide yesterday evening in a reitaarant oa Sute ttreet, by shooting hlmaalf ia the breast with a revolver Ike ballet did not penetrate to a euQioient depth to aerioaaly injure him. Domeatio inleiiot tiaa are eaid to be the caate. The inppoied remain of John McUevttt, the celebrated billiard player, were found yetterday afternoon, in the area under the sidewalk ia front of the Tribooe building. Tha remain were 10 ditngured a to be un recognizable, bnt the fact that McDevitt waa laat eeea la tie place waera tee re mam ware found, and urged to escape oaly a few minute befcre it became untenable, leavee little deabt aa to hie identity. A cold rain atorm prevailed here all laat night. Tha weather to-oigkt cloudy aad cold, with proapect of now. , ,1 Omaha. Neb.. Nt 18. A bill for the repeal ef female suffrage ia Wyoming U now before the Legislature WAtHlHGfow, Nov. 19. There teemi bo doubt that the Pacific Coast Congressmen will move an inquiry into the management of the Indian affaire, ia order to aacertaia officially whether the peace policy has prov d ucoeifel. IiDiAHAroLis, Nov. 19. A mob lat oifht at Brookville. Ind., forced the jail aad attemoied to take Cheek, the murderer of hie father-ia-law at Lawreaceburg, ia this State, a year since, therefrom' with the top- posed intention of lynching bim. Check kaooked tbe bnt man ia tee ceil oowa, tat ing hie revolver.. Many of the mob were bart. The jailor rang the fire-alarm, bring ing tbe citizen to hi aid, whereupon tha mob scattered. Cheek has been granted a new trial, and his sentence may by light or tha es,e d ismissed. Lift ELCCLATOS. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., 8MM01W The TBE Symptoms of Liver ' Cmplalnte are neAaHioese and pain in tbe side. Some times the pain is tn the nhonlder. and is mistake. for rheumatiam. Thestom- mk is affocted wick loa of appetite and stckneee, bow- in irencral costive, aumeumeB alternating wiia lax. . wli 1. tmnhieit wtta nam. and dolL heaw sea- iiauoa, conmutiraDio tun 01 memory, accompanied with natural KnMtioa of bavins left nndone eomeihing which aatrn to bave bceo done. OHcn compiaining of weakaeas, debility and low spirits, homtilinias Maaalaaturer ol L I V E a iumhv ol the above cvnipiom aiicnu mo uiiano, u .t otiier tinws verv few of them : but the liver 1s ren- emllv the oru'an moel involved. Cure the liver witb ENGINE : LATHES l SllAI'IMi AMI UWG IIVER REGULATOR, 1 PHTTPAHATtDV OW ROOTS AND HERBS. Warrantee to t strict ly vegetable, aad can do no in jury to may oa. It has bt'en uec-ll by hundred, and kaown for the mi tiiirtv-nve Vfr one 01 tne mot reiinnre, ui ' -: PLAXEE8, is nre to rttre cacioue and ha"rmle preparatioo. ever oflercd to B0t CntterS flUfl TToriffht Drills. Ibeenfferimr. It takeu regularly and persistontly, it VAI. VUUCIB aVUU wpiUV aaaao, NASMTTHS1 STEAM HAMMERS, . Oaa XtXaeaiaery. , DOUBLE .MILLING MACHINES Kf guilder, DvKDewtau keadHcbe. jann- dit'e, coetivenetM.sick head ten, cliromc diarrhoea, al- tettionsoflhe dvoentery, aflecttons or tbe kidneys, lover, n-nrounnewi chills, diseases of the skin, imnuntv of tbe blood, me I auclioly or tiepn-sKion ol pirtt. neartbnm, "!i. r Htn id tne eoweia, awn mm?' Z ropvv, boils, pain in the back and limbs, asibua. ervHiDelas. female affeclions, and bilious Uieiii generally. PTiared only by J. kt. ZEIHH JI., TWl.i. l,r, Oil. and S29 Arch street. Fhila delunla. l'a. febd for a Circular. lrice 1 ; by mail 1.-25. For sale oy Joun oenffBion, ia IDfCiTIOML. Mill Work, ShattiDg aad Hangers, Patent Belf- Uillog Hex. WAKKH0CS1: IOT L1BBMTY T., KHW YORK CITT MANUFACTORY : . MAMMOhO ST., (0p. Jaaetlea Depet), WOICBITBI, MA0S. All Trains enteriac the City, stop withla tan reds ef our Werks. J.10 tf Harket Reports. Reported Ixf rassly fertke Aaets. KOCK ISL1ND OiiHixiCHH Oollego OFIN DAV JIHO KVBNIIO, 7e Ladle and Gtntlsmsn, Boy Klttet. A large aamker naw attaaiing. Evening School w.ll atten ed. eet!2 dtf Daily Market Review. Su t nAtiAi-Hi, netvoutnett, and eontti pation cared by Qut-doorexerciae and earee bread made with Dr. Frio' Cream Baking powder, which i a natural aperieat, aad really make bread autritiou. Ir every family ia thi towa knew the value of Renne' Magio Oil, aad wonld keep a I'O't'e of it oa head, to ase ia case of ac cident, wa ehould b a happier if not a baadtonsr people. Try thi Oil. bT. Lonis, Xsov. 19. A poor woman named Francis Shu maker, living five mile abeve Grand Tower, Jackson county, 111., waa brutally murdered last Monday night by sons taknowa person, - She . wa first attacked ia her kouae aad beaten with club, bat eeeapea aad wae followed ai.d traek with aa ase, aad bar bead aaarly ae versa from her body. When foaod 01 Wednesday her remain were nearly de voored by hog. No clue to tha murder. Ntw Yoac, Nev. W. Early thi morning the Kuaeiaa frieate. Satlaad amved aafely off tha liffht-akia with the Uranl luke Alexia on board. She experienced etrong head wind and heavy seas nearly the whole passage. The otbeer oa doty made immediate in- 1 11 : fl .. -. qoiry U outer vettei 01 me nusaiaa uk bad yet reached port, and when iniormeo liiat they had, iuamediately commuuiated int(,l.iei,c to those o board the Sat- lBd and a loud cheer eoon testified thai tbe news of the aai'ety of their companions had reached tbe raja 0' the crew. The Hag ship, tha Raaaian clipper Abreck, came to the upper quarantine yesterday. The Sutland ie to be promptly inspected by tha health officers. The officer of the National Savings in stitution, corner of Houston and Broadway, deny that it ha tuspended, and eay it will open on Monday, prepared to pay all de es aade, aad thai every depositor i folly secured. Richard M. Tweed ie one of the truetee of thi bank. A Lvnn iuf hi wile ia a brutal meaner, then pour- ing kersone over her am testing nor om uro. Sn waa liurallr roasted te death. The body was tttll burning when louna, aua pre- tented a aickening eight. There were mark ot violenoe oa her bead, cooiiitisg of two or Flour, family brands, barrel. iloir, Ind qaality Whaat Barley OaU Buokwboat fioar ... Uraa,V in . .. hip bmff.... . ... Cora Meal, 1 ewt.... Corn ... . Appl Potato.. .. ...... . ...... - Onions m.. ........ ......... -- VTkita Bsana (aavy). . IS' doi. BatMi i tt Lard lltv PraUU 1 tmothy ... Hiokory Weod, eor. Oak Wao4, da Cul Va'ilrJ Coal, f buihol. Keen ILAr, Nov. 29. 7 60 7 00 1 C5al la 45o IiaI7. 8 uua UO li SO it du 1 5('al 80 25sS0e 2 6Uat tilaijo laa4Ue t 50 )8a'20 lOaJU. lOalljc t OUaJU UK . 1 OOall 00 . 7 ei a 00 . ft 0a6 6 Ual5, E8tabU&b4 SI Tears. Jones' Ccmmercial College, 8. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets, ST. LOl'IS MO. Jonathan aTooes, - Preaideat. JOHN W. JOU.VSOS, Trofesser of Book-keep- iac. THUS. P. SAUIDERS, Priaoipal B. ek ke. p- laa- CcDartment. JOHN W. KLLIS, Professor Mathtasatlas, ia ckarre Coatmarsial Caloulat'.on Uepartmaat. JOHN w BOBMI. Prefeaaor Psemaaskip ia ekarce " ritiar Department. JONATHAN JONES. Lectarer en Coapmeroial Law, Etbios, etc. Ocen day aad Night. Circulars and Catalogues riving all nee'ssary Inf.irmali.n ia rsaar to taitioa, boar, tlav. to eamalete. ate, mailed free. No vasation. Address J. W. JOHNSON, ST. ZiOTJXft, ALVOIV AXXD Rock Island RaMroad! BT0CKB0LDKR3' MEETING. Kotiee It hereby civea that tke annual maet- ' iag ef tke Stockholders ef ibia Company will be held at the Company s offiaa in tbe any 01 sicca 1 1 m a .v . a.,. 1 vTnn. V... at 13 e clock boob. J A3. K. YOUNG, Rot D. Cbosi, Pretideat. Saeretary. Rock Islaad, Oat 19, 1S71- dtd ABTISTIC rAlLCKIKO. 6S7 onxoAoo. DRAPER.TA1LOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S IRE. ' WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Meaaare Extra Deukla and Parfaat In Pit. Clergymen trill be allowed 1 per etnt. teblHdly F. . ROSENTHAL & CO., , IMP0ETEBS AMD JtBBCKS W , 1 .J, Wall Pauer, Window Shades, 410 Zrorth afaorth Street. aovS-dCai MEDICAL IXSTBTMLMr. DAVID 1. KCSEL, Vaaufactursr of and Dealer in Electro Medical Instrumeats, ... AD Qklvanie Batttrist ef all Kindt and Site 1 A 66 Canal I treat, CHICAGO .. .1LL, All Kind ef lleotre-Magneti Iattrumeatt Neatly Repaired at skert notice. Also Moe'els meae'e of all descriptions oa short notice. oeta-d3m &XQTTOB.B. IsTOTICIE. Managing Principal aovi JAwSm COPP & BRO., Liver j and Sale Stables. Office under Bart's ZXall, ROCK 1SLAHD. ...ILI., Moat Cnmelato Establishment in tha City' Pat titular atter tioa eaid to funishing Carriages for eartias, Balis, Praoessions, eta. mhtdly STOTK POLISH. teet of thi bank. Febraery; rales af 2,iM0 bbls mo special from Boston says a man named delivery at range Uraen meati a U. Clinton, a barber, was arrested in 6iT: 3J3f ; .h-rl I, Mt, las', a-ght, charged la beat- e"k' Oblsag e J.rtt. tswii., Nov. IS. Qaiat: a few sales for loeal u. at in. chanaad arieea. Wheal- Quiet; price ra.'ucr weak, bat not qaoUoly lower No I a .Id at 1.2i for hard: No ret:alar al $l,2ll.ili: wintor rtceif t I I! VZ; Jie u nominal atll, 14: reioftrd J I Cora Qniat and weak: f-o 2 ald nt 4J5a lSl caih; closed at 43 sailor Novm.r: elos.d at 42 i; rejected 2a42i. Oata Only mod.rataly antive bat price, ea sier: No 2 slosed at ill caeb; seller Jan. qaited Bt31(. Barley losoe demand for No 2 mostly on shipping aooeaat with a,es af regolar at 6c; fresh bl Whisky Dull, with bajers and seller, apart: 87 bin, s asked. Provisions H.avy aad lower; Perk weak at f 12,50 cash December or Janaary; $12,76 for Febraery; rales ef 2, 1)00 bbls mostly for latere meats qaiat; Bams ibs Draft. with tales of coxva zx a. TaiAi. CRUMBS OF COMFORT. Patented Uovember 1 1370. IP TOC sfOVLD Save Moan , Time k l abor. If yoa would have jour STOVES Be Rutlfoliy & Brilliantly Policed Olva the CRUMBS of COMFORT a Trial. A.k year Oroaer for it. eot'OdAwSta Treasury Departoest. Orvice or Cohptboller or tbe Ccaaaacr, WasnitBToir, Oct. Tth, 1S71. j Wnraaas, by sali.factory evideaoe presented to the undertined, it bas be a mda te a j pear that "Tie Hurk Jl-iid .... Jmk, tn the City of Rock ItlnmH. i e t'outi'j nf Hock -Innd and Statr of Illinoi has been duly organ- a Siler and acoording te the requirements of tha Act ef Congress, eatitled "An Act to provide National Cuirency secured by a pledge of Cnitad States Boad., and to provide for tke es calation and redemutioa thereof approved June 3rd, IS 4, aad has complied with all tbe provisions of said Act reqaired to be complied witb before eoamaaoing tie DHSinees ei lsana iBg.eader said Act. Sow tbsrrfore, 1, uiiana B. 11 1 1 bora, comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that Tbe Rock Island National Bank" in the city of Sock Islsnd.ia the eouaty of Sock Island, and State ef Illinois, is authorised to commence tke businey. of Banking uaier tbe Act aforesaid Ia testimoay whereof, witaejs my l. S. band and Baal of oSo this 7th day of October, 171. HU.AND R. HILBCRD, No. 1SS9. Comptroller of Currency. The Rock Is1an4 National Bank will epee for bssiecssat N. 23 VT. Illinois street, November 1st, isn. Bee. Harper, John W Spencer, j Peter Fries, I Edward Eurrall, Jr., Directors J. H. Wilson, 1 A. Benedict, I T. J. Rnbiason, I T J. ROBINSON. President. EBH. HARPER, Vice Pres t. A. BENEDICT, Cashier. October2. If 71 dfiOt MESFOJO FTT. II A VI NO StCUlED LKTTEiS PAT BUT ON OCt BRAND CANE SPRING, LICKING VALLEY AND DQUGLAS-ELK-HQRN BOURBON WniSRIES, ST. X.OTJH, MO. MA.YHON, DALY & CO., FANGY DRY GOODS HOUSE In tlie Nor tliwest. HAVB A rCLL STOCK Of Bergmann's Worsted. Germantown Wools'. ABU ALL riBlAiai.l'J XU jA Ulli liin. Also a complete assortment of fiM.iNKTir Goona . ' Wo have iust re ceived a large invoice of our famous brand "AA AA" cord edge llibbons. 148 Bffichlgan Avenue. - - - - - - - OBXCACM. ElTABLlinUD 1840. The Oldest .llucic House In the Worth-west. K. IT HEMPSTBD, IMPORTER AND DEALER IK That wa astablishsd in this market In 1868, hereby give warning to any one aiing those brands, or aay reprasattatioa cf them, that they ara infriaging upon our patents, aad they will he praaecated to 'be foil extent ei the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. We have for tale the following well-known brands Kentucky Copper Whiskies: Cane Spring Bourbon, Spring 1869, 18T0 and 1871. Licking Vilify Boarbon, Spring 1869, 1870 aad 1871. Donglas-Elk-Qorn Boarbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Tbe above brands ara patented and can be had ONLT from tbe Proprietors. J. A. MOMS & SONS, MUSICAL GOODS If EVERY DESCRIPTION PUBLISHER 01 " " Slieet Music and Music Books. Wholesale Ageaty for " Btcinway 4l Son's, Bazelton Sros., Balnea Brother's and Parlor a em PXACTCS and Xvlason & Bamlln ORQANB. A Large and Elegant Stock of Goods at New York Figures. 410 Broadway, ailrvaafeef, His. Send for Catalogues and Price Liats- ' ectll-d eodAwSat rents spTOf'fffK! til I EOOJID ST aov.Vdlw T. LOUIS. SiHS. K.VaBLISBBD i 18S0. WELCH&GRIFFITH3' Oawail laA-vajrtai: SH A-Vcraa! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS 1 Aitt, PUas, Cast Steal, Kill Purnitbiugs, aad Kaehlaery. tBBvGet tb. be.t, they will prove tb. ebeape.t. Prices redaeed. flenifor yrlce Lixasdeireulars. VKS.CI: : T' 'f!, o?SJt' K iti if . M o !'Tc-.t. Mirk SD WARES, mgw- a f a II AVE TBH Largest Stock of Fine Clothing For MES'S it B0TS HEAR, west of New fork. Xhe best All-Wool Soits. for tne money, in this country, for 1S,00. (BELDIHQ'S 8UCCE880S.) 45 W. HADI80H 81., and 887 ST ATX BT. CHICAGO, ILL. Xtoscssur. Rojal navaaa Lottery oi Cuba. COSDTJCTED BT THE SPANISH GOV erameat $300,000 in Oold drawa every sev enteen days. Prises cashed and lnrormttiea faralshed. The highest price paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of Gold aad Silver. TAYLOR CO., Bankers, febSdly n WeU Street, Hew York. FLO IK. J0HHST0FS MILLS Manafactnrtrtot Chorea family 0 TJ BAGS. Dcatb wt7i.n B iMPOasiaLB if the pre clamalioB ef the aloohotio-nestrum-mon ers were trae. But alai 1 theea terrible azci tanU eend thoniaad ttaggeriug ta tha grave Inttr 1 of adding fuel to the fire of dieeate . t j00K1D- tt though they had been with each deadly compounds, try the caol- Bade with some dull iostrameol. On her ing. reeovating, purifying, aad regulating breaet were alee wound which appeared to effect af that ia.rti.abto eoatbiaatlea of "d b' '"c b"de ... , flsDtl. herbal juioes and extract, V. w Aia A ipec,i from Scraaton ave the aioite- tsLlFUBMA v ixroaR DXTTias tne J' I mant at tlyd r era na parnaiiy auoaiuvu peoi Headaohe. Ooot, Reheamatiam and Chronio Cootlipa tioo Raoeipta Hoar M3; wheat ."7. 970: corn I, 125; eats ,; rye 4,57!: barley 11.740 Pkipments Flour 8,34; wheat aS.lOB; eora II, JI8; oats 14,740; rye 1.071; barley l,37l. all u&ar. iuimi i mini. uiin!j - mens at nyao rare dm i7i.i'j . ,. n,i. j ifio for Dvspepsia 1'hy.ical Debility, Tha ground ha. ..ttl.d aoou. oa. foot mora SfltJ iache. Biou. Colic Liver, 'oZ tt&Xllfetk aavs that the breaking out of tha diseaee is . . . . . H..I. -r due to bad water, uecieenuaeee ana iaoa u. c ci;.ka i. th. aide, tha proviaion. Ike tn.uinoiencj oi coai u oi.r..-v. r - ' ...-..r mada it necessary to use the trunk tkin and eye ass o me a thick yellow coat, ileeriige p,tieBger for foal to bring her digeatioa it impaired, aa unpleasant sinking I jnto porl ensation at tha pit of tha tomacb i ax-1 1 eiterday afternoon two men entered tne k V.a1. ara ireavnlar. tha mind I OlhC of rva WB IUV syvwwsej eavav aw- y EAGLE MEAT MARKET! tvtT-MlVK A RtTRKKI Praa'a. the Union Trust Company, and r,-, r. nown f...,! . ..tiMs ' -"'-"6 - - I ,. .Bno,o to the oitlsens of Roc Is .... ... " president concerning a loan the other went - . fc nd . firlUilMt Meat light oeugU, oolduees of th hand aad fet, iolo M adjoining room and took 101 bond Mk,ti in ' r sometimes lost oi appetite aad at atbar an- or Si,uuu eaen oi tne moaticeuo nauroaa BLYTHB th iTODDAID'8 (Old place.) oatural craving for food, dizxine of the Company. Uae ol the men, who gave hi Oor. of Orleans and Eagle sfe.u, HART, ASTEX k CO., Kos 5 & 7 4 Madison Street, CHICAGO. UMLESS GBMH BIGS, Burlap Cags Gunny Bag$ Floor and Paper Sacks. Bags of all Kind. Sand In your orders and we will f 11 them prrtaptly Millers will please send their brands in foil, aa all etber proofs have been destroyed eetZS asm aoTlSdti nee tha beat kinds ausage, arc. A share ef pablie patronage is solicited. TREMAHH A BEERELE. Will be open Saturday, Kov. ISlh. -.a. aa h J saaallB waa aaansail Hi Ann. I f.H.t- ..o.n.d witk tb- ka....' n W WUI kef ' .... r I al rv i r ...... : i j l 'I 'I A . , i inree iour-aory uuuuioga " 1 . a i a , 1 If j wbo.fouad.tira.wera.ndeTm.ned by the rCSJl jujQ 1160 iUeaiS late storm, teu yeeteraay atteravow, varying Che. Nelton, a laborer. Tha loe was 000. . . . . Tweed has filed a demand asking tne place of trial for hi esse be cnaegea iron Albany to New 1 ore:. , . i-t i . .... The collapse Ot tae uruaroiap 7"- terday, is taid to be owing to th withdrawal he TcJ 1 . mm .maiil of citV and A LAND GRANT Of oountv honri. d.nnaitad there, rendering the 12,000.000 AcreB ank unable to caaba check for 70,0q0 Ot THI T 1 preteatea jetterday. a run aa tb Bowling uraea oaviag Baak to-day caused it eas pension at two o'clock thi afternooa. Officers ef tb bank av tha? at the end of ait 4vs it wt 3,O0,OOl Aoresef Choice Parmiag aed wra- kbl to meet all demand. It i reported lag Itaads ea .e iiae oi tne roaa, ta taa i .... hera m.;ri t.. rnn . nanka on JStat of Ktbratka, in the Great Platte Valley Monday. H.w for sale, far cash er long credit. I The National baving Bank aito tuspend- head, depretted spirits, foaling of uncertain ty, of having left (omethipg undone, bnt can't tell what it it. Take Simmons' Liver Regulator; it will remove all unpleasant feel ingt aad make yoa well. Ckeap Farm. ! Free Domes Oa tke liae ef the Union Pacific Railroad I Bnt Far-alar; ant Mlieral Lands la AMERICA. THE SARATOGA SKATE COMBINING STBBNQTH, LIOHTHE6S AND UTILITY. I Without (he use of Straps - All wh have tried It ate a ether. DAMLL LAWalhftCE & S9.s, Onlj Manufacturers ol MEDFORD RUM, Still enjoy tha reputation ot maaafaeturing The Best Bum in the States, Duly athorized by Stntt tieeme. Tbe superior qaalitj and purity of LAWttEKCK.' MKDFOBD BITM, For the paaturfy-atya yeara,kas mala it every where known at. the SraaDaBO Krs. He paias will be spared to maietaiu its purity and high reputatioa. The publie ia eaatloaed against ntatiens and eonnterte tt. ORDER DIRECT PROM t', and wt will wirrant ptrecx tati 'faction. Address orders by mail to MEDFORD, MASS., Aad crdere by Rxpress or otherwise 127, 129. 131, and 133 Brod t BOSTON Aad they will receive prompt atleation.. DA5IEL LAWRRKCE A 80X8. oet2t-dfim at. r.i, l. raaaHK. OIL OF 0IP. OIL OF SOAP (PATENT APPLIED TOR ) FOR GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I BY TBS Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Palace ew, ROC a. ISLAND, ... ILLS. Where we are offering unrivall.d Teas, at tke same low prioe as at their "B altera House." By importing Tsas ia cargo lots, they aaable as t retail to tbe ooasume at eitremelv low prices. Don't fall te the Bong Kong Tea Store, at Palace Row, where will be foaad tha f aest, parest and frasbest Teas, Ceffees aad Bpi aes, at prioes beyond eomr.iitlon. mySdwas POWARS A FR1EMAH, Ag'ts CKICKEB8. Wil. H1BTCN6 & 609, Dealer ia o. 59 Matn Street, -may2-d-wly KXBOSBA, WIS. THE CBLEBIA1SD DEXTES 2.17 1.4. From .eleot.i prinit and Winter Wbest, pretsiy for tbe city trade. ALL KIXDS 0 Flour and Meal 0a head, and ehard FREE Of CBAHOM ia tka City. JA9. A.E0TLB. Agent. Ragla. batwaan freat aad T!1ois. wiebSdtf ItftlC. C1FT ETEfiPSISK. A Iimiot- for 527'" J. Zimmermann's Piano Manafactarin; Co., Ho. 10 ain Sirtet, DAVBSPORT, IOWA Please take a otic af the great change in tha ' price of Piano. I offer for sale at the fall wholesale price the Large Site Rosewood 7 Oc tave Piaaos, with all tbe latest improve meat., and warranted for five years. Cash prise, $175. JOHN ZIMMERMAN X, I No. It Main street, bet. Frost and Second, Dav enport, Iowa. covl4d7m VACUUM OIL FITS HARNESS PERFECTLY. K. B. It Is also axoallont for Boots A Skoes, rendering the hardest leather sort aa aaw, aad absolutely water-proof Try it. Bold by Harness maker generally, bold in Sock Island by F. Ludolph, John Sauerman aad by Height A Bears, Davenport. 0CtZ3-d-Dsnawly na sll aT?5 CXI BEST IN THE W0RLD;,T Kew York Office, 27 BEEOIAH St aovl-dSm it l. the bast clesner In ue. for clcsnln? paint. plas, ninrble, atone and furniture, and for removing Tease muu "" .... m auu v kh n.. uno .... .ml r nuroooee it ie unexcelled. It doe. ite work quickly and veU. and u cbesper than common soap at lc per pound. NoRrease in it. No potaxb in it. No poison in it. Atk yottr lrugglt or Urowr for It " .... .--" u. v . . j-ruiirii; w' ' 507 npruco street. ST. IA7CIS, MO. "XX OIL OF so&r .. ' " ' POR Iertll Roads. BUSHED Principal OSee 101 W. Tilth St , Oinclnaatl.O. Th Only Reliable Gift Distribution ta th veuntry: L. D. FKE'g CIGSTEEHTH Grand Annual Distribution To be drawn Monday, Jan. 1. '72. fl20o;ooo-oo fcrv-'IISr VALTJABX.S OirXS I 2 Grand Capita! Prize! JOHN IIOYT, Wholesale Bealsrin Steinway, Steck. Weber and Emerson IA3JOS! And th Celebrated aad Ub approachable GEO. WOOD ORGAN! by the Critic to be the bast SffBOLAXs xroxzoxs. Acknowledged new la ase. Masieal Warerooms, Cor streets, Davenport, Iowa. " Brady aad Foartb P1 Tka lauds ara la a mild aad healthy all mate ed to-day, making three in all aad for passed graia-gr.wlng aad stock-raising, ansar by aey ia the Osited Stales. I Xrlcs range from 1 to 910 per Acre II0MIBTBADI FOB ACTUAL 8ITTLIR8.; 1,600,000 Aoras ef Ooverament Land between Omaha aad North Plette, open for entry as Bomesteads ealy. SOLDIERS OF THE LATE WAS Are entitled to a IE El HOUIBTEAD OP ICO ACRIf, witkla Railroad limits, equal te a Direct Banntr of Sf.00. S.ol lor tk new aditioa ef dss-riptlve pam- pniet, wnn aaw maps, mailed free everywhere. uaress u. . BAVIB, . Land Oostaitsieaet U. P. R. R. Ce. There wa considerable excitement abont the Saving Bank Buspensiun. Depositors assembled in large cambers aroaad tha bank, though no ' demoaetration wa mad. A pacific feeling aroa from th Dtatemetit that the bank would resume oa Monday. Manufactured by tha Frovidence Tool Com'y, XX Warren St.. Sfew ITork. To whom all order thoald be addressed. Thi Skate ezeeit all other lu giving a neat .nnaaranoe te tbe foot, it is ligbt, eaaily ad iu. ted. and wkaa fastened en, beeoiuet as fi.-m as I J . . ' . T. n-i. .1,1. .11 ,lr.,., ,h. hoot itself. It diepsnsis witu an strap. wbloh are eo binding and disagreeable to the foot, stopping theelreuletlon and eauaiog numb- Prominent bar. had official -0: ithall tb tkiee auspenoeo VJ... ".u.t diff.,,it, .o fa. wasaiav aa DValUkSafl Wa" bw-- tal ta Ladiaa akatlair. A betinner esa stand upoa thaas without diffloulty. They are made in tne best manner, of the best materials, and are iataadod to be in every respect the best Skate aver attend la the merAet- Their pUaney eese and Kreosfal appear. use reader them the most dasiable aver oCered the public. Wa aaaka aavaa aiana t Be ale J tU tadiee', 8. 8i. aad 8, Inch. aa .X - aV Ias f . niAM I jt esa wai M t 1 imnS a.naa Uara Il.UUlM'UV, ua. , uaawemo. a,... . lu, if .uti AAnnaattiaaa bank, Tweed being freeiuent ot tn uuar- dian bank. fOllOO Uommtonr onry , ' . - a . V . Smith, holding tb lime poBilion ia in oow- The officer cf the YorkviJl 8avmg. Baak, of which H.nry W. Oeaet i Frei d.nt. deov that there has been any ma npoa ' - . J - O filar. aaa ts I it M reporwa ynray. This Is a stronger brand, and is used In cleaning of Car. Eniriaes. C, and Is for this purpose tbe beet thing ouu WUM"'0 " youuu. ive or greae. i It removes the accumulation of Coal soot, dirt and renne trom a l iinicaiion m in a ..ill fi.rm. aud ia fortius reaeon much mora con- vaulent to ue than Soap or any other cleaner, as no time Is wa-tea m h prrparauon tor u, and it does the work witb cold or warm water. It to nsed by mixiut: with waier (ae per directions) and applying with woolen ctuvu, fpoufre o arnen. To painters this will recommend itself at once, be caumi it leaves tbe sorfaee clean and raooth. ready to receive tbe varnish and one in which varuian will not t iuwv and this we claim is an advantage it has over any other cleaner in nee. JBy the barrel only at Sft cent per gallon. ' . J.M.R ALL CO., Proprietors. .' , 601 Spruce street, Bt. Louis, Mo. "XX OIL OF SOAP" s I 10.000 IS AMERICAN GOLD. 1 0.0ft 0 H l!tlERICA!i 8ILVKR! er8-4t - POR . Factories aad Printing Offices. The bert grewne remover In the world, and for type wBMh!t,s clirM who have tried it aav it ia enlendid. and its cheapnem and beiug noo-combubtible, will warrant a trial of t. ..... J. M. RALL A CO., HOvfrtJAwlm . . , 607 Spruce ttn St. Loul. NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUS!C. A Rriahl Blwt Eut. Son Meiningar, 5oU Ban oa seea Lvatae Comic Soag, Sexton, 40 UarUma HelU or l aoaraing " . . r r- r .j -1 1 - aa Tiwa Priaaa ef SI 000 3 ( . . i. breenDaCtiSI.j,i..i. rr.,,r,. ComieCord.lla, Sd Jolt High Time. C ie. Parks, SO ar JiJm't u tike to know. Comie.Cord'la SO "WW -- . - ..--. m,..jA Jtwtli' efthmllwri, Heaulliui oong. aiiiiv io- ,. th, Ueadow, " Zu.h, A it ti Pa, tor nasa or Alio, Ytt One Again, ilaett tor oop. aaa Sabtiel, , . 7 QuarrtUma A'o8r.. Oo-ie Duett, Aober. 7 Child, witb vu-ieuoaa. Mack, e Heavenly Orteting., Boy, Holiday VaoaUon. March, iUustratad title Qilsina, w Anticipation; Sckottlscbe, Qil.inn, Vain, Faeteisie, Krag Taa Priie ot $600 i. Oa Spaa of Hatched Horae, with Fatally Carrlasr aad Blivar-mouuteu aaiani, worth SI.600! Fiee Uorttt and Baggie, with Silver Xoun ttd Harness, tcorM I bUO each I aFiee-Tonad Rosewood Piaaes, worth $50eaoh, ti Family 8. wing Machines, worth 50 eaen etna Oold aad Silver Lever Hunting W ate has, fin all W worm n.a iv hi w" trlifts' Gold Leontlne and Uonw uoia v lno?o'nraV J- UUVfr: I ot, , : iA inn Itfaf. f) umber of Gifts AGKSTB WANTKII TO "tl'la n.ava. t. .knot Liberal rremivaaa w... I IS 0 10 15 STELU, YOST I CO. WHOLESALE W. A LEES IX CLOTHING GOODS ! 419 ZrXain Street, t. Ztoois. Mattafaetory, S26 Broadway, Y. We caU Sjeaal attention of the Trade Generally and particularly those who have been in the UaM of Baying Clothing in otter markets, to our 7 and CompUte Stock ot Men's Boys' and louth s Clothing of ourow" manufacture, winch v e wiH eell to Cash and Bespo Prompt paying 'time customers, as Law aa they can be bought in any other market. . . . . We Earnestly Solvit a visit from i . KAfAPis nri TJtTilT all o-ood mercnauw. orders to representatives vi cities East or West " We mean business." J Call and be convinced- STELLE, YOST & CO., 419 IT. Mala UU fit. Louis novl-dla . BATCH RLOH'H HAIR DTE. This tusetb Bair D J is tbe hett in tht world perfectly harmle.e.rellabl. and instaataaeous: ae; n ridleaious tints or ai- agreeable odor. Tba genome w m. a. sateue lat'a Hair Dy produeea Iuubsiatblt a aplea- dld Black or Setorel Brown, leavet tae nair eUan, toft, beautiful ; does aet contain a parti cle of lead or any Injurious compound. Sold by all Druggists. Faotary, 10 Bona ewees,n. a. Nos. 13 and 28. tvtit.t snnirBiis cuAjIttjii. nrJtPHKEirs' IIOMEOrATJIISC SPECIFICS HAVK PROVED, FROM TH!t MOST AMPI.K exix-nciK-e, nn enure ucct : b nii.le-l'rotupt KffiTu'nt and kcllaMe. They ere the only that nfn-uikra can n be mate In oln(t thp l.rmi.M a. to be free from danger, ami so.efl liar use so aimfie ipin : mi wmlpM a. to be free from (lander, ami so emck-ns be alwava reliable. Tncy nave raiwn "e-'Ji": M rr,ndaUon from ail, and will ulxavs renJer aatialacllon. kos. c": LCurea 11. 1 A., of the abeve cent by mail oa receipt ef mmf - th aOa-rket pric. Ho mtvtur w&ar yoa pio of r . . . j : a m J In ns anrl woa wtl! . .... . Atnoio- Muaie cooa ' W?i of drawing, and other inXormaUoe 11 by enelostBg the publisher, prioe. .,,, rickets ; S x Tickets fio ; Twelve licaete Single TicKeis vj . nSrence- the - A WBB&at, nnanrnorilU' tuow ' A MM ... . t. . zara. oz aa. cm OTnca,10lW.6th8t, lUICUiNATl, O. ocu-awiy ctlT-dedl2wu MOSIC DBALBBS, , - BT.LOCXa. e ASGUS JOB OFFICE, JSLocl: Xslohia J, 111- "1TB aroat present prepared to deeaykiad W " ...w-I.k -kt.k L.. a. ardared. at k. .hartaaa waaalbla aatiaa. aad la the best Banasae. --' --t j. ' :' '- : ft . 27. 5,': rnu-i V ' a i . svn - fjnnlillf. rtiutniB wu.,.,..." rb;Ter;:M.rb,V;rllu,g raV!7 Co'". Hronclima iirSlirla. Toothache. Face he lb f,R.lHcbe, Sic Heartache. Vertiso.... f.,.prpaia. Billons Stomach Nnmwa,or Painful fenoda. g Inlra, too Profuse Period..... ('roaa, Confrh. JHrnpult Breathing alt Ubram, KrynrrUw. Brupuona.....-5 Khramaliam, Rheumatic Patna...... Feer and Ae. niu JTever. Aamea'i Pile, blind or bleKling v',"2 Ophiblawiy. and or weak y, ...W f 'aiarrh. aiote or cbponio, Irinuc; 14....W &if-tS. "'"7ei flanoa, Swelll.wa. J.) JeVeraUx-bility. physical wcakueaa..W iiIifinil soantv evcretiona So prepay ' .,rn frum ridine....ii 1 1 II, un ..rave. aloua. Involuntary IllM:lmrire. 1 00 FItc Boae,w1th one S-'vIrI of Powder, very necessary in senaoaoaaes,. Here !tl ..sec oath. Canker M 1 rinnry Westkneaa, weUln Bed..... W I'ainlnl t-enaoat witnepnaua.....,. no (nlferinaa at change of life .1 0C J.pil-Iy, Spaama, t-u Vitna' Dance.. ..1 in Uiablkeria, ulcerated sore throat.... 6U FAMZZT CASKS . ' Of 3.1 re fin larsro wtala; sisrnres' ' or rMwaMHi cae, ceiiiaiaiea m Bperiflo far every ordinary i- i raar H family ia enbject to, and D H nirniii ........ 1 1 1 Ml, v , , U v Smaller Family and Travelinc eaae. with to as vials rT...from3 to f Specifics for all Private I)!ea. onin ir t;.nn anu tot rreve.. tive treatment, la vials and pocket c - 1 i 5 t. POXD'S EXTRACT, r.rea Ttnrna. TtrniMMu I,."'"""- 't""'"'" h.ore Throat, Hprainx, Te.'""',""- ,7 Searaltri". Ubf ''-"' ViVSlS't-V V ifco' rVS-fVEZ.' SSSmiiTiT at ii " t lcera. Old Sorr. . n . o.arta. Prtoe,6o.,00ta.iriut,S1.30Qan' 1.75. . ... . -nvTisKxTnArr, the caae or Bir.l box, Br.tK .y 0R ,n,r, bv m'l or exiircas, v w o urioe. Adilresa, w r 1 CMUSf! . - Homeopathic M"dicir.e Co. OSMiMpoi,.-i . t,,T,iaiSTSL 1UU DAI." Cha:JL Bensar aad 0. Bpidel,AnU for Aa wtaaa. - -., t.-r- 'ef , by receipt of arenesef we-itaaad able to make jooa Mpt-uoat Jaaw Ootaha, b.