Newspaper Page Text
1 j?T AY RATES OF ADVERTISING.! aitri rx.Y.srzraa oossr'V. TSHM3. Dailt Ann. !Jr Jil(payablala iJrun),pnuin, $10.00 Ut Mail " tii months, .0 Br Mail " " months,.. . By Mail " " 1 month..... i (Tit Citt Caaetfta, 15 Osats f er wok. Jioli CoriBi I Coats. TIKlfS.- fnurlitn. ,,n'e Copy, (payable1 a advance). .......... .$7.1) Tea Copies J.enty Copies " . fBirty Copies " Mt fib Twenty-first Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1 871 . Established Oct. 18, 1851 UVEK ELGCLiTOR. Jot sack sqaare, l the space esospied by ta line, of .olid nonpar!, Ob D oliar for each la serttoa. --- ... Bpeeiat Motles t, IS tents per tiro. Wttj i serted 1 monthi or mora, it j n seat, above rtga lar advertising i ates. ' Oommunicatio ai, or articles inserted astca; reading matter, Si cent, per lis. Dailt aid W man. A directnt of 16 ft eent. will bam a da from tie Weekly ratei, ei yearly and half yearly contracts, ween liertBt matter it inserte d in both Daily end 'Weekly. Double Columns will be charged J percent additional. For ..Il transient aivertliemen airaneeaa A J , . W W un ia requrrea. latest Sfews. Small pox has broken oat iu Chicago. Two hundred and fifty colored orphans wore feasted in New York on Thanksgiving DaT. The admire, of an actress, in New York, has presented her with a eel of diamond! valued at $35,000. The small-pox caoiet a growing alarm in New York. Tb epidemic has reached the auliurbs, and many cases are reported. The "Bible in Schools' question is rio h'Dtlr eclating Long Island City. Several open rows hare oooorred in the places of publio education. NYwark, N. J., has a sensation. Private residences are shot into, pistol ballets fly through the windows, and past people's heads, in the moil reckless manner. Eight residences hare already been to served, and the police are at fault. While it's mother was at mass, on the 23d, iu New York, a little child, named Curtis, got some bits of stick together and set fire to them. The Hemes caught her dress and burned her to a crisp. On Sunday, Nov. 2ti, a woman named Mary Hudson, was waylaid at Champaign, Illinois, brutally beaten to death and ber corpse concealed behind a haystack. The whole affair it shrouded in mystery, neither motive nor murderer being discovered, though smpi''ion points to her own brother. The ravages of small pox in Philadelphia, lave become alarming. 13 persons have died from it in tire weeks, thousands are suffering from the scourge and the mortality is increasing. A Ilritish seaman has esoaped from a Chi nese prison, after baring been cruelly tatoo ed in various colors from head to foot. The operation was intended to kifl, but he sur vived. He has sold bis skin to the British Museum, acd is living on an annuity secur ed by the revision of his post mor:em ootids. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olook X. Jt. DISCLOSURES ND1 Female Snffrage Flayed! Mexican Amusements LOU A.L NOTICES. Tolt.sriNK it norivaled as a beautifier oi the oomplexion, il is a powder, harmless, re ined and eloaul. Try it, 60 cents per box DEATH OF AN EARL! ASXIET1 IS BEKAEDTO WALES 1 The adopted resolution censures Benton'i resolution as tending to evil. Nxw Orlkahs, Dee. L The) prire fight between Mace and Coburn, took place yes terday, on a point on the Texas Railroad, about forty-five miles from this city. A train left here at 6:30, a. m. loaded down with "the fancy." The fight oceupied four hours and ten minutes, and some very hearj blowi were exchanged. Coburn threw Mace every round to the last. After the twelfth round both men failed to oome to time, and the fight was declared a draw. Sam Fbakcisco Pec. 1. Recent despat ches say the garrison of Goaymas, State of Sjnora, revolted, killing the Commander, Nov. 20lh, and pronouncing for Diaz. After levying heavy contributions on the merch ants tbey embarked on board two small ves sels for Attola, expecting tbe capture of that place without trouble , Governor Paequera raised troops immediately and reocenpied Goaymas, and dispatched a force down the coast in pursuit of the revolutionists. The people appear to have taken no part gener ally in the revolts, at either Sonora or Smo- ha. Losnox, Deo. 1 The final settlement of the United States funded loan was made to day without disturbing the money markets, bonds closing higher than ever before and the loen advancing to fold. Becenee a settlement was anticipated, the portion of the loan unhealed at the opening of the books to-day was only $ ll),000,000, and of this taking nearly $15,000,000 was arranged in London, leaving less than $5,000,000 un disposed of with the oontinect to hear from. There is no doubt that the whole of tbe loan in European markets is taken. The death ol Karl Chester field intenei fies the anxiety for the prinee of Wales. The publio uneasiness is so great as to have per- oeptiblo effect on the markets, which were generally duil and flat to day. The queen has returned to Windsor from Sandring ham, where tbe bas been watching by the bedside of the prince. SIMMONS' LIVER THE Symptoms of Liver Complaints are r, nearness and pain In the side. Some limes the pain to in the shoulder, and is mistaken Tor rheumatism. The stom ach is affected with loss of ilsiu tfeueral costive, sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sen sation, considerable loss oi memory, accompanied with painful sensation or having left undone something which ouirnt to have been done. Utteu complaining of weakness, deoiiiiy and laMBlHii, spirits. c-omeumeij uittity of the above uipiom attend the disease, and at other times very few of them ; but the liver is gen erally the organ most involved. C'nre the liver with xa. xxtrx&xoxsrft LIVER REGULATOR, A 1'rTEPAKATTON OF ROOTS A?TD HERBS, Warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no in jury to auy one. j It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last thirty-live years as one of the most reliable, efti cacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suflerrnir. If taken regularly and persistently, it is sure to cure Dyspepsia, headache, jaun dice, cosiiveuess, sick head ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections ol the bludder,cauip dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervousness chills, diseases of the skill. inipnnty of the blood, mel The Great Prize Fight! Truth. The pDwers of Mrs. WhitcomVs Syrup for chi'drea aro as positive as the suoli"ht from heave, n and gentle and sooth ing as an angel's whisper. TuitKisii Buu.-il E'estro-Magoetic and Medicated Baths, in charge of Dr. Orover who gives special attention to Sur gery and cbrouio diseases Negus block. Thc purity, strength, honest measure and attractive style of Dr. Price's Special Flovor ings of Lemon, Vanilla, Almond, etc, make them the most popular and destrable arti cles in market. Financial Statements! AMERICAN FOBS ABROAD (icncral Summarv. Daily Market Review. C3rOlc3L l.lo O-O. Market Reports. Reported Kxpre.tly forth Aaecs. tfaatUAoa Orms. '.Interesting work, numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price 50 cauls. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. Reader, if your Druggist or Merchant doas not keep Ratine's Pain-Killing Magic Oil on hand to sell he will send for it at your raij ieit, and sell it at tbe manufac turer's lowest price at retail. ' It works like a obarm." 'Wfut I Know, I Kow," said the great surgeon, Wageniie. "Give me stubborn t'aots I eirs not for theories." This is sound dootrine. Possibly a medical mart int might be able, in a plausible way to show why Da. Wai.ksk's Vimsuar Bitters, nujhi wit to O'ire indegxtion, iljadache, Nervousness, Liver'.aiut, Muscular Diseases and M.aMintio Fevers; but as they du in every instance effect tbat object, his fine theory would be a waste of words. Ad Magendie said, the world demands facts, not speculative opinions. ALL EIG2T. tssnsa qquubu y Nxw Yore, Deo 1. Treasurer Spinner's report to Secretary Boutwell stales that, notwithstanding the unfavorable circom- stanoes at the time of putting the 5 percent. loan on the I-uropoan market, it bas been taken at favorable rates, realizing one hun dred cents on tbe dollar, while the French loan put on the market at the same time realized only 87 cents, lie favors the pay ment of interest on our bonds in foreign countries, where sash bonds are taken, and believes it this system is adopted, the re maining loans of 4$ per cent, and 4 per cent, will soon be disposed of in Europe at par. He devotes considerable space to the refutation of the charges against him by the newspapers of New York, which bad I been previously published. 1 ' ' .-r. i.l in k.vai, 1 L a , V, M when taken to Jail. Be had private apart ments there. He lacks $100,000 bail. Several friends called yesteiday, but cone went the necessary bonds. Three of Tweed's bondsmen signified their intention to withdraw their names ; from the bonds if others are not secured, when he wnl snare the fate of Connolly. The Tribune states that Connolly yester day prepared a full confession of all tbe transaclioti of tho Ring. Washihotom, Deo. 1. The monthly debt st element of November shows a reduction of $3,40,00. The following is a recapitulation of the statement of the public debt : Debt dearing intere.t ia snln hoods at B percent $1,577,135,150 Oft Bonds 5 par cent 2;7,.1B:t,7f'U to I'rluoipal l,SJ4,4!i.S..O CO 3U, 54.S.S 41 Rock. Island, l'e. Flour, Family brands, p barrel.. $ t loor, Ind quality Wheat Barley Oats Huokwbeat Floar , Uran , ton Ship Btuff Oorn Steal, r evit Corn Apples Potatoes .. , Onions Whita Beans (navy) Kefs f doi Batter lb .. Lard Dressed Pork Chickens .. " Turkys. , Hy Prairia Timothy. Slough Hickory Wood, "j oord , Oak Wood, do Coal Valley Coal, "p bushel Hegnlator, aiu lioii or depression ot spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains me Dowels, pain lit me neaa, lever ana ajiue ciropsv, boils, pain in the back and limbs, asthma. erysipelas, ft.-mnle affections, and bilious diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. 7.UIL1H A CO., PrnL-irists, Macon. Ga., and 329 Arch street, Phila delphia. Pa. rend for a Circular, price fl ; by mail fl . tor eale by Joan bengston, Koek Is land, 111. novl-l-dly IIJIC.TIOML. ROCK ISLIND BnwiiiGrSi-. College OPtS DAY AND KVEXIHG, For ladies and Gentlsmsn. Boys & Misses A large number now attending. Evening School w!l attended. ootl2 dtf 7 f0 7 (IM 1 Cial U 4.'c 8 t'sia'J l) 14 0 ia (u 1 of'ai W) 7a:i;'c C itiaS 00 50ao.Se 6 (i a.) 5c S 50 i:o. lalio 44. ltie 12Jo 8 ui'alii no 10 OOall 00 7 0a 8 0(1 7 00 6 SOafi 50 Ual5e WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Mannlaoturer. ot ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLASEB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMYTnS' STEAM HAMMERS, dan XVXachinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting and Hangers, Patent Self Oiling Box. WAREHOrBK : 107 UBKRTVSI., XKU YORK. CITT MANCFACTOET : MAHMOSD ST., (Opp. Janetion Depot), VVORCESTEH MAfS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of onr Works. j10-dtf ARTISTIC TAILORING. 687 WABASH AVBHnP. OBZOAOO. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR life: Si TUBMEN'S USE. WEDDING OUTFITS MEDlilL IM4TRIMKXT1. LMabSUbiti 31 Years. J ones' Couiniercial Ceiiege, 8. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets, ST. LOUS MO. Jonathan Jones. - President. JOHN W. JOHNSON, Profeeeor of Book-keeping. THUS. P. SAU5DERS, Prineipai Book-keeping Department. JOHN W. ELLIS, Professor Mathematics, in charge Commercial Calculation Departmeat. JOHN a BOHMK, Professor Penman. hip in charge VYritiag Depattoient. JONATHAN JONES, Lecturer on Commeroial Law, Etbies, ete. Open day and Night. Cirec art and Catalogues giving all necessary Information in regard to tuition, board, time to complete, etc, mailed free. No vacation. Address J. W. JOHNSON, Managtcg Principal novj iliwia DAVID i. KISEL, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Inslruraeutg, AMD Galvanic Battsries of all Einis and Sixes. IS W. Rajidoiph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Ai) Kinds of Eieetro-Magnetio Icslrurrect. Neatly Repaired at short notice. Also Models mande of all deeeriptions on short notice. oot4-d.'im Oalear SXarkwt. CaiOACt, Dec. 2. Floor Steady and firm. Wheat Strong at an advaao of alc per bush ; No 2 olo.ed firm at $1 l-.'il No 1 $1 2 H ; No 3 $1 09; aalcc t 1 one ear at $1 2S, ; Ko 2 cars and 16,000 bu ; 1,510 bu.h at $1 Corn firmer: average J. Jo better: No J closed firm at ce : rejected Je ; 48 for yel low ; 43c for ear ; 42a4:ic on track ; sa'es No 2, six ears 40o. flats Stronger and higher at 31ja"U for No 3, olosing firm : rejected I'Sfa'ftjo Bye Saleable 01 jc for Nos. 1 and 2. Barley Firm and higher; No 1 closed at ft tc No ( .'lOat'ile: rejected baotable at 41c. Provisions Me.c pork opened stionp at (13 -25; weakened aud clo.ed at $18 OOalS 05. (irven meats firmer; elosed at $11 874; 4 soul dir.; TiaTj hams: dry salted meats 15 to 20 days; 4jali shoulders b'iii rcngh sides; fiaf.J clear rib. Lard Steady and eloaed firm at oa.h or seller moath. COP? & BEO., Livery and Sale Stables. Office tinder Sart'i Call, ROCK IDL4ND 1 1 LP. Most Complete Ctablishmect in the City Particular after tion paid to furnishing Carriages for parties, Balls, Processions, etc. mhtdly STOVE P0L1U. A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measarc Extra Double and Par fast (Jtergymen tcill bt allotted 10 per cent. in Fit discount. febl8d!y Rojal HavABa Lottery ol Cofca. CONDCCTED BY THE SPANISH Gov ernment $300,000 in add drawn every sev enteen days. Prises cashed and Information feral. bed. The highest price paid for Doub loon, aad all kinds of Soli and Silver. TAYLOR 00., Bankers, febSdly 18 Wall Street, Hew York. st. powabs. J. a. FBIBMAI. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Whcic we arc offering unrivalled Teas, at thc same low prices as at their "Eastern House." By importing Teas in cargo lots, they enable as ta retail to the consume.- at extremely low prices. Don't fall to visit the Hong Koag Tea Store, et Palace Row, where will be fonad tbe II nest, purest and freshest Teas, Coffees and Spi ces, at prices beyond competition. my5dw3m P0 W AR9 FRRKMA5, Ag'ts ai V.'.'.'K, for Oirns and Bunions, Bolls aii'l !la-a(. Vjr sale by all Druggists. 25 nts. per b x, or sen t oa rcoeif t of puce. Address ALL HKJHT.B'il W.Lake St . Cbioago. sepU-dly FOE HENT. I J iiloae or litre years thc Oliver P.rnwn pro perty, ti.lf a mile from the city limits, bc twnn ths tw Can lei roai. Three acres of lei I, w.-!l fenat-l, with all kinds oT fruit, a ir l tw story fra-ni hnac, barn, outbuilding, . aai raoil eism-a Annlv ta JOSKfH JOnriiTON', Biolt TlLtnl. novn.dJiwtf T UK S KB AT AMERICAN HBALTH KKSrjRKtt, parilas the blood and cares fioroiuia, Hypkilts, Skin Dis eases, Kh'iaaatUa, bi.aa.csof Women, and all G&rooia A!lclioa. of thc Blood, Liver and Kidney.. rUaomtnaaded by thc Medical faculty aad maay thoas aads of oar bast oitisen.. Ecad the testimony of physisiana aad patieats who have ascd Ka.adali.; far oar Ro.acalis ttoideto Health Book, or Aimaaac tor this year, wnica wepnb. li.a Ijr gratultcas diatribetioa; it will give yoc maoh valaablc laformatiea. Dr. K. W. Carr, of Baltimore, savs: "1 t plea. arc in recommending yonr Ko.aJaUi t a very power fa 1 al terative. 1 have seen i a.ed in twe cataa with happy remits oac ia a cas cf secondary ayphill., ia which the pa tient proaeunecd hisssclf eared after having taken Ave bottles of Tear medi cine. Tbe other is a ease of sorofnla cf long standing, whish Is rapidly Improv ing aider its ase, and the iadioatioaa arc that Ike patieat will soon recover. I have carefully examined thc formula by which yoar Kosadalis is made, and Sad it an excellent eompoaad of alter ative lorredient.. Dr. Sparks, of Niehol. rills, Ky., .ay. Be has ascd rlo.adall. in cases of Hero fala aad Secondary Syphilis with satis factory retails a. a oleaacrof the blood I kaow no better remedy. Samuel (i. McFaddca, M arfreesboro, Teen , says : "I have ascd seven bottles of Rosa delis, aad am entirely eared ef Rhcam ati.m; scad mcfoar bottles, as 1 wi.b it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes." Bea'Matnia Bejhol. ef Lima, Ohio, writes, I hava .offered for twenty years with i nveterate eruption over his wholcsedy; a tahort tlasa since I pur chased a bottle of Kosadalis aad it ef fected a perfect care." Rosadalisls sold by all drnrrisis. Laboratory, AI Kxchanga Place, Bal timore. Dr. CiMBITS a CO Proprietor lehlSdW-t.tAs 4e7,coo oo 14,000,(109 Of) 73,4'.ill,on0 00 SS,lnH,000 00 244,760 00 175,S2!i,72fi 00 21' 1,3 e 34 8j7.i9!,8H 25 40,161,036 05 21.92H.140 00 422,6Mfi,S77 30 1,412 II 2,354,631,512 45 !i,J5S,:.51 84 1II,12S,6.S 76 2,457,479 07 121,754,413 09 64,018,832 60 1,615,470 B0 12.692,475 41 S,?17,907 44 3,374,567 97 sf la tare. I ljkt bearing iolere.t iu law ful money, ccrtiticates of in debtedness a' 4 per cent Navy peotions funds, 3 per rent Certificate, at 3 yoi oenl. ........ Prinoipal luterest... Debt on nil ich interest ceased since maturity, principal. . Inter Mt Debt bearing bo interest, old demand and legal tender notes Ideational currency Coin certifioates I'rin.iipal I noiaimed lutetcat Total debt Priaeipal..2.Bl7.m,l24 56 ) Interest.. s7,50H,r,S7 Hit J Cash in Treasury Coia Currency - Treasury, De cember 1 , 171 2,2IH,551,367 85 Deorea.e during tho month.... U,4li,0rlll 18 liecrcasc since March 1. 1, 1871 doorcase from March 1, 1869, "to March I, 1-71 Bonds issued to Paolfio rail way companies, intcreit pay able ia lawful money Prinoipal oatatanding Interest accrued and not paid Interest paid by l oiled States Interest rspaid by transporta tion of mail - Balanoe of interest paid by I Vnited States .1 cat . . Thereuortof the Secretary ot the ravy will reoommend more liberal appropriations by Congress, those of last year being insuffi cient for an ufTuMive force, not more tnan thirtv or fort. v.a.i-la beiiiff DOW alluat out ol onebundred on the list exolnsire of fifty iron clads, nearly all of which are laid op and out of service. The secretary read the proof sups oi nis report to-oav. The post master General, this afternoon, commenced sending to dmtant points copies of his annual report. Lie encloeet a note to publ'shers, depending on their honor not to print th report in advance of its delivery to congress. He will again recommend the Abolition of the franking privilege, and ask the legie'ation to relieve the department from the delav and embaransment of readver for proposals for carrying mails in case where there have been deceptions and fail ures by straw bids, and to make provision for giving contracts to the lowest responsi ble bidders. Omaha, Deo. 1. Information which ap pears to be reliable, is received, here that Gov. Campbell, of Wyominp; Territory, hag signed the bill repealing female suffrage. Atlakta, Dec. l.-Sume time ago, Mr. Ronton sa. dp mi hliean Senator, introduced a resolution looking to the payment of for ma a ft nAf f fur amancioated slaves. The Legislature to-day passed by an overwhel ming Demooratio majority a resolution ae feating and condsmning Benton's me Mure at J. A. Pozionl's, A Soft k Beautiful Skin ! J. A. POZZOiWS MEDICATED Csmplszicn Imparts to the Ftin a beautilal, trans parent whiteness make, the skin deli cately soft & smooth, removes all freckles, tao.and allays all ir ritation. This valu able commotio can be n.ed with the great est ennfideme. Fifty cents and (1 par box wholcialeand retail Fifth street. novj-dly EAGLE MEAT MARKET 1 1U2oll5 & EEE2KLE, Prop's. TBS BCBSCHIBIRS WOVLD RESPKCT fal'y anncanee to the oitiztns of Koek Is land, that they have opened a first-class Meat Market, in It LI Til F, & STODDARD' (Old place.) Cor. of OiKai.s and Eagle streotu, Where thev will keep at all times the nc.t kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats, SAT' AGES, tTC. tA share of publio patronage is solicited, TREMANN A BEERKLE. fC Will be open Saturday, Eov. ISth. aovl5dtf CRUMBS OF COMFORT. Patented Uovember it, 1870. IF YOU WOULD Save Money. Time & labor, If you wenld kave yonr 8TOVES Beautifully & Briiliaatlj Polished Give the CRUMBS of COMFORT a Trial. ,Sr-Aik yonr Grocer for It. oct0dAw3m Treasury Department. Ornce or CoPTaou.EK op tbe Ccnar.acv WASBiseros, Oct. Tih, 1S71. WnaaaAS, by satisfactory evideooe presented to the has been made to appear mat " l He tore y.Miof naltinai JSnnk, t the City of VocA- Von, i'h County of hx-k li htn'i ami Stae f IUiwi haa been duly organ ised ander and according to the requirements cf the Act cf Congress, entitled "Ac Act to provide a National Carreni-V eeoured by a pledge of United States Bond, aad to pro.ide fortheeir cnlalion and redemption thereof approved June 3rd, 1SS4, and has coooplici with all the provisions of said Act reqaired to be complied Uh before commencing the business of Bank ing. under said Act. Sow therefore, I, Bilacd B. Hilburd. Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Rock Island National Bank" in the city of Bock Island, in the county of Rock Island, and state of Illinois, ts autboruet to commence tbe bastnee of Banking na.ier thc Actafore.aid. In testimony whereof, witness my l. a. hand and Seal of office thia 7th dav of October, 171. HH.AND R. HILBURD, No. 1SS9. Comptroller of Cnrreney. The Rock I. 'and Xational Bank will open for business at Ko. 23 W. Illinois street, November 1st. li-71. Ben. Harper, John W Rpencer, j Peter Fries, Edward Bnrrall, Jr., Directors J. H. Wilson, I A. Renedtct, I T. J. Robinson, ! T J. UOBISSOX, President, BStT. HARPKK. VicePres't. A. BENEDICT, Cashier. October 25, 1S71 160t LIPPIHCOTT'S MAGAZINE AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Science. MEOFORl, EC.W. BAGS. OAttT, ASTE3i & CO., LtlTREKCK'S NEDPOKD 1FH. DANIEL LAWHESCE & S0XS, Only Manufacturers of MEDFORD HUM, Etill enjoy thc reputation ot manufacturing The Best Rum in the States, Puly awhorizid ly S'ate License. Tbe superior qaa'.ity and parity ef LAtVUKXCE'l Ml? I) FOR I) RUM, Nos. 5 & 7 West Madisan Sire et, wbewkiown al' the 'Zlvl will be spared to maiataia its parity and high repntati m. The pnblia is cautioned against imuanons and countene ts. ORDER DIRECT FROM US, m.i vt vill trnrr-tvt pcrrert afi;irf:fa. Address orders by mail to MECrORD, MASS., Aad ordeig by Eiprts. or otherife 127, 129, 131, and 133 Broad st BOSTON And they will receive prompt attention. DANIEL LAWRBNCE A SONS. oct24 dilm OHIOAGO. mW GRA1H BUSS. arlap Bag, fiuanj Bags, FIcar and Paper Sacks. Bajrs of all KimK Send In yonr orders and wo will fll them pn mplly Miller, will pleaaesend tmir brands in full, as all other proufs have been destroy ed. oct:: a. m THE SARATOGA COMBINING ' 8TR1NQTII, LIGHTNESS &NI UTILITY. Without the me of Straps All who have tried it us no other. Alanufactured by thc Providence Tool Com'y, 11 Warren Et.. If ew Xorb. To whom all orders should be addressed. This 6k ate excels all others in giving a neat appearance to the foot. It is light, easily ad justed, and when fastened on, becomes as firm as the boot itself. It diepenais with all (traps whloh are so binding aui disagreeable to the foot, stopping tbcoirculation and oaustng numb buss and aching. Our Skate has been made with special rcferenocto vold strain upon thc ankle and it oouipleWly obviates that difficolty to fa tat to Ladies skating. A bexinaar een stand upon them without difflou'tv. Tbey are mad in t Be best manner, of thc best mterils. and are Intended to be in every respect the best Skate ever offered in the market. Their p'.iMiey case and graoeful appoarenee render tbera the most desirable ever offered the public. Wa make seven sises : Ladies', 8, 8 J, 9 and 94 Inch Gentlemen's, 10, 101 and U inoh. no8 dif PIPER B0XK8. IX. J!. OHI3H-.I (Saeoossor to J. B. Bohneidcr.) Manufacturer of everv description of PAPER BOXES 77 lake Street, Chicago. Orders promptly attended to. top 01L0F M)iP. With the number for January. LIPPIN- tun s aiiil.s will enter upon a new volume. Arrangements have been made for the continuance of these features which have hither to proved attractive, with such improvements as experUce has shown to be desirable. Thcnam- ber of pages will be increased, enabling the conductors to furnish an additional amoant of Popular Reading in the Seat and most Emphatic ena. In addition to the .ho-ter articles by well known writers, ths following ATTRACTIVE SERIAL WOflKS will be published during the year: A FowerfaJ and Absorbing: NEW NIORY BT GEORGE MACDONALD, LL. ., Author of "Alic Forbes," "Ansals of a QutEt Neighborhood," etc., ALSO, A OHAamNd NEW NOVEL, JkTT TOU IM" By a Talentei American Author. Bffr. Edward Whymper't Bxqai- itely XUastrated Work, Scrambles AnjoEg the Alps, niu be continued from Month to Month until completed. A large amount of.pM. t. devoted to Ot a Monthly Oessir, which will be enrteb.d with short and iivcly articles on persons of note, incidents of the day and ether novel or amusing topics. Illvstbaticxs designed by distinguished ar. ti.ts and engraved in the highest stylo will ac company cash number. TKRM8 : Yearly subscription, $4. Single Bambrr, oi ots. Clb Bates. Two Copies, $7: Fie Copies. $10; Tea Copies fliQ, with copy gratis to getter-op ol c'ab. Lit'piicorr's Magazihe, per annum, with Thc Sunday Maga tine.t5.75; with Good Words for the Young, t5 59 : witb ood Words, $5.75. Hpecimen Number mailed, postage paid, to any address on receipt of 25 cents. J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO.. Publishers, 7'Sand 717 Market St.. PHIL ADHLPHIA. aov25d w2m HOTTESTOTS.SEEK GATHERING BLCHU LEAVES AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE FOR H. T HELM BOLD. BUOHU, From Dispensatory of the United States, DIOSMA. CHE!? AT A-BUCHU I.BAVES. PROPBHTIES. Their odor is strong, iliflusivs and somewhat aromatic : their taste bitterish and analogous to mint MBDICAL PROPERTIED AH D USES. Bucha leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs. They are given in complaints or ths Urinary Organs, such as Graval Chronic Catarrh of the Bladdee, Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra. Disease or the Prostrate Gland, and Retention or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in Its evacuation. The remedy has also been recom mended in Dyspepsit, Chronic Rheumatism, Cataneoua Affections and Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BllOHU ,e used by persons from the a?es of IS to 23, and from 35 to 53, or in the decline or change of life ; afte Confinement or Labor Pains ; Bed-Wettihg in children. lu affections peculiar to Femtljs, ths Eitract Bucha is unequalled by any other remedy, as In Chlorosis or Rstentiou. Irregularity, ?dinftilui33 or Suppi-essiou of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous State of the Uterus. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidtieye, Gravel, and Dropsical Swellings.-Ttiie medicine increases the power of Direstion, and excites the Absorbatts iuto healthy action, by which the Watery or Colcareous deposi tions and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. Ujimhold's Extract Bucliti has cured every case of Diabetes in wnlch it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of thj Biiidir aul ItittauiiQition of ths Kidueys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of the Urine, Diseases or the Prostate Gland, Stone iu the Bladder, Calcrjas, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit aad Mucis or Milky Discharge, and or enfeebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulto of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back. Hot Handr, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption ou the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universa I Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Hi;lmbold's Extract Baoha is Diuretic ani Blood-Purifying-, and cares all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excesses ana imprudences in life, impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding CopahU in affec tions for which it is used, in connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. Price. $1.45 per bottle ; or six bottles for $(1.50. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Uencribe symptoms in all communications. Heluibold's Genuine Preparations. Established upward of twenty years. Prepared byj B. T. tULHJJLl), Practical and Analytical Chemist, 531 Broadway, N. Y., and 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVER YWH ER B. SH0H CASES. O. TV. BCKBESOH. J. If. WORTHING. ECKKB!0X t 0HTIHSS, Manufacturers of SHOW CASES, 7 Lake Street, CHICAGO, ILt. oetl-d3m LAKGE & BEO., Manufacturers of FIRST PRbMlUM WOOD SIIiVSIiI 425 STortla Third Ct. Near Vine, ST. LOUIS, MO novl d3m GIFT EMEEPSISE. OIL. O! SOA.r (PATENT APPLIED FOB) FOR HOUSEKEEPERS ! It is the tesf cleaner in g. for clesnlntr lwint. plasB. marble, stone and rnniiture, and for removing crease from floor, carpets mid cloths while for laundry purponee it i unexcelled. It does Its work quickly and well, and ir clieaiier tlian common eonp at le per pound. No greae In It. No potah in it. o poison in it. at'K your Druggist or t.rocer lor It J. M. KALLft CO.. Proprietor, Wi bpincc street. ST. LOl'LS, MO. "XX OIL OP SOiP" FOR This is a stronger brand, and is nwd in Hninir of Care. KuKioes. &c. and is Tor this purpose the best thing out It contains no potaoii. Ke or grease. It removes the accumulation of Coal mkH. dirt and ffren; from a car at a einirle aoiii,-.iini In a bquid form, and ia for this reason much more cmi veuieut to an than Soap or any other cleaner, a? no time is wasted in its preparation for Use, and il does cue worn uu eoiu or warm water, it i used by Tufxtni? with water las per directions) aua applying with woolen cloth, enonge or bru.h . To painter this will recommend itnelf at once, be cauito It leaves the surface clean and smooth readv to receive the varnish and one in which varnLli will not vkawu auu iiuv we ciaim is an advantage it has By the barrel only at X cents per gallon. J. M. KALL it, CO , Proprietors. 607 Spruce street, St. Louis, Mo. P' i - if ABLISHEDdN iU Principal Offiee 101 W. fifth St , Cincinnati, 0. The Only Eeliable Gift Distribution in the Country: L. C. cUtC'S LIGSTCLXTU Grand Annual Distribution To ba drawn ZZondiy, Jan. 1. '72. 200,000 00 in VALUABX.I1 GIFTS I 2 Grand Capital Prizes. ! 10.000 IX AM E LUCAS GOLD 080 15 ACBiriN SILVKB Fit Prises of $1,000 S Ten Prises of $500 1 X3iiinois lor Jx274 J. ZiininermaEn's Manofaetnrio Co., So. 10 Vain Street, DAY2NP0RT,.. IOWA. Please take notic of tbe reat eh an re in the price of Fiaaoi. I vSct lor saia at the fall wholecale price the Large Biae Rosewood 7 Oc tave Pianos, with all tbe latest improvements, and wartanted for five vears. Ca.h prise, f J7&. JOHN ZIMMBRM ANN, Ko. 10 Main street, bet. Front and Second. Dav enport, Iowa. novUd7m it 15-43as j XX OIL OF SOAP" FOK Factories and PriBtiag Offices. The beet grease remover in the world, and for type washing, tnose wno nave tneu u say it is spienoia ana its cneapnees ana neing non-comoustioie, wi wurinnt a trial of it. J. M. BALL & CO., novb-d&wlm BJ7 Spruce at., 6t. Louis. S10.C 10,( Greenbacks i. One Span of Matched Horses, with Faulty Carriage an silver-mounted Harness, worth $1,600! Fice Ilorsc and Buggies, with Siteer Moun ted Harness, rorfi f b00 each I i Fine-Toned Rosewood Piaaoa, worth 1500 each 2 Family Sewing Machines, worth t&flO each 1300 Gold and (Silver Lever Hunting Watches, (In all), worth 1 om SHU to $3uu eaon : i i o,,lil rpfinlinc nd Sents Gold Vest Chains, Solid and Double-Plated Silver Table and Teaepoona Photograph Aioums, jeweuy, c., om. Number of Gifts i3,0U0. TickeU limited to lOa.OOO AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Site-to TickeU S! ; Wi Ticket. 1" : Twelve Ticket S1 $); Twenty-Pive f4tj. t'ircnlars containing a fnll list of price, a descrip tion of tbe manner of drawing, and ol her Information to reforenc to thc Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering tbem. AlUettere must be addresacd to It. D, sWSffB. ox C1SCLNNATLO. Omc(,llW.eai8i. ol-dwiy Niagara Steam Pump Works. s JOHN HOYT. 7 Wholesale Sealer in Steinway, Bteck. Weber and Emerson PIANOS ! And the Celebrated and Unapproachable GEO. WOOD ORGAN ! 1 1 ZZZ.""" Charles B. Hardick, No. 9 Adams street, BROOKLYN SiBW YORK. Sole Manufacturer of Hardlok's Patent Doubie-Actlag Steam Pnmp and Fire Engine. Mining Pumps a Sjxcialty.. Patented in Sagland, Belgiam and France. Send for circular. aug21dly the imm mm I PEIOE $5.50. The American Washer Saves SSon ey, Time and Crndgery. The Fatigue tf Washing Day no Longer Dreaded, but eonoiny, Koloienoy, and Clean Clothing, buro. In calling publio alien tion to this little ma ehite, a few of the invaluable tjualities, (aot possessed by any other washing machine yet in vent. a,) are nere anameratea. It ts tne smallest, mo. t compact, most portable, most simple ia construstioa, most easily operat- ed. A cn iid ten years old, with a few hoot.' practice, oan thoroughly4omprehend and effec tually use it. There is Bo adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay in adapting! It is always ready for use '. It ia a ferlect little wander ! It is a miniature giant, ing more work and of a better quality, than the most elaborate aad costly. One half of the labor is folly aaved by it. B.e, and the clothes will last one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub beard. It will wash the largest blanket. Three ahlrta at a time, washing thoroughly. In aword, tne abla tion of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Cur tain or Cambrlo Handkerchief, are eqaally with in the capacity of this LITTLE GEM ! It can be fasteaed to any tub and taken off at will. Do matter how deep tooted a prejadice may exist against Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to perform its won der, all doubts of it.cleanling emcacy aad utility are banished, ani the doubter aad detractor at onee become the fast friends of tbe machine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages over all others, aad from hatbands who hate thrown aside the anwieldy, useless machines, which have signally failed to accompli h the ebjeot promised ta promiaent and load sounding advertisements. It is as perftot for washing as a wringer is for wri.ging. The price, another paramount inducement to purchasers, has been placed so low that it is within the reach of every house keeper, and there is no article of domestic eco nomy that will repay the small investment so soon. $5.50. Acknowledged by the Critics to be the best now in ase. Musical Warerootn., Cor. Brady aad Fonrib stn-ets, Davenport, lewa. pl NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright BU . Song Meininger, i5ots seta Couno 8oag. BaxUn, 40 Darling BvlU (Ae flWiy A'coZ,Peiter30 0il im(A the Cigarette, Comic Cordelia, 30 JnUilligk Tima, Comic Parka, 30 A'MaWrfa'fy.''"'", CosBia.Cord la 80 JrV of the 11. Beautiful Song M lllardSD .. ,i. Uendaw. " " ? lei H Pau. for Baa or Alto. " F Once iga, Daett for Sop. and Barr Ca.rSjW8''- Oo-ic Duett, Aober, 75 S.,wtebudv Vhiia, Wlta V a-iauoo, .v., Heavenly Greeting; 0f mantique, Blanoeey, Holiday Yaeation Matin, illustrated title Gilsina, ( Seet Anticipation; rjchottische, " Qll.inn, Daieu. Faatalsla, Er2 Any of the above cent by mail ea receipt ef the market price. Ko matter where you see a piece of Music er Music Book advertised, send to us and yon will receive It by enclosing tbe publishers prioe. BAL2XE3. 3l WBlBft, MUSIC D8A1BR, saU-4e412m. Bt. LOUIS. 8TELII, YOST W JIOLESVLE DEALERS IX GLOTH CO., All that is asked for this GREAT LABOR SAVER, is a fair trial. We guarantee each ma chine to de its work perfectly. jio.'e Agents for the United States, A. II. Ffuxnsu 8 & CO.. 813 BSarbet Et , Thiladelphia. Pa The largest and cheapest W0DEH WARE HOl'SE in the I'nitrd 6tatis. oct5S oaw-sat-3m Arx es S5 0 0 IS fil Ialn Street, St. S.onis. Manuftf torv, 326 Sroadway,. V. AVe call JSjecial attcution of the Trade Generally, nnl iarticularly those who have been in the JMit df Buying Clothing in otJur markets, to our Large and Complete Stock ot Men it Bjis and Youth' 8 Clothing of our mm manufacture, which we 'will sell to Ctish and Responsible, Prompt joying time customers, as Low as they can be bought in any otfier market. We Earnestly Solicit a visit from all good merchants, before giving ordera to representatives of other cities East or West. "We mean business." Call and be convinced. STELLE, YOST & CO., 410 ST. Main St., St. X.onis nevl-dlm DO VCrfi PKINTIAG WITH A Norelly Job Printisg Press! The most valuable au dition to the busines. of fice. Tho sort efficient n.trnelor in school.. The moat fascinating and instructive amase aent in tbe Family, and for 8end for illustrated pamphlet to BEXJ. 0. WOODS, Manulaeturer, 351 Federal street, Boston. W Y EJwards, S4.'J Broadway, Sew York; Keller, Howell A Lndwig, 17 Market St., Phil adelphia. Pa.; Kellogg a Loomis, 45 W. Wash iagtoo street, Chicago, IU., Agents aov4 doaw satAwHaa tf ui a i r ST IN THE WORLD -rvvfT7rJ?; ot itFwn FOR a anciAt Hew York Office, 27 BEESMAN ST. eovl-d.lin CSiCIaKBS. T5I. HIBTCSQ & SON, Dealers in . v. . OX O JSL O IT w3 1 itZii Main Street, Ji.N0SHA( WIS. !. maySd-4-wlf , ... v:.;- -. ,;.ri c IKi'