JCeaaey, Dsssmbs 4. 1ML jiiii ritiiii i MisK of kk- FOttMlTlOt. BT Mtl. SARAH B. DCRXO. COTICSD., Nsit day Uoela John was punctual to tha timt, and the started fur long rids. Ada wnt not to oneerful as was nsoal fur Mr, Bad L'aol Joha obierred it. H aa qu.rii wool bai Oei'tliaa htr, that tha u bo quiet Bad unlike herself. Sbo told hi a of btr oall Bad it effect oa bar. Soa waa gaia silent fit a far tnioatat Bad thao lookioj? U-iole Joha in tha tace said, "no I save. sjivoJ b problem. Yoa matt go right to work iad mess lova to that low! u,rl- ' Sba is of B saitabla and Hat baaa Dura aiedurstsd iaro. Wo knotr alliha family to ba inte.ligeni Bad rsspsotable. woald opaa tba foaataiol of your adeotioa ad Data lhatn bljuoai si tb rose, aad that old tosnblika hone of hauts of jours daaco to lha stasia of har Toioa." Ha an aaired. "woald too like 10 sea Tour old UacU marrisd 7" "Old I" oielaimad Ada,1 'wbm ib tha rld do you mean, by old T Yo ara aot forty yat Bud yoa ra ooly oil btoause yoa h do ooa to opao tba woll s print's of your life aad bit! thorn gush forth. Grandma it not old ; har heart ia at frah aa B now blown rota sad as frngrnal at a lily. She ia always cheerful. To ba ire aha mnaei dear Uraadpa, bat aha doa not io to tha "va'.le? of tba ahadow of death," to commune with him, bat op to the Heavealr bo ma, where ho awaita at. Undo John draw a long ugh aad replied, "perhep too baa two told that i once lofed B beautiful jrirl, aol jutt about the time wa vera to hare been married aha died ; and 1 have oarer thought it poiiible to transfer my affections to another." Ada paused b moment and then enquired, "did i ad take her?" lie replied, "1 hLva no doobl of it " Ada enquired, "and did aha loss op tha avenues of yoar heart before she left yoa T or are yoa expecting her back to claim you 7 Tins ia tha fats of all who life like you, shot oat fron all that makes life worth living fur." Uncle John replied, "I bars mat that tame picture, since the scorning too rams to breakfast with ma. I hare felt how pleasant is the company of one we lore at Bay time, more especially at the table. The rolls ware lighter the cakes were better, and the ooffe more fragrant. The nait morning I sat there at the table, all waa changed. Nothing looked good, or tasted good. I was alone." Ada felt she had conquered and the rest would come in like day and ni'hl. She torn had Uncle John's horse with her whip. They cantered off at a rapid spaed aad soon arrived at Field Place. Dinner was awaiting thoir return, hare an old bead on your yonng shoulders, and reason like a philosopher." After breakfast they went through the house aad made a memorandum of the rooms that Beaded paint and paper, and started for the eity. They oalled at Field Place to aay that they were going to town. Uncle John enquired of Mrs. Field if it would be coo- venienl lor ner to go who idem, aa ne u'"u like her advice in aeleoting a few things for the improvement of his home. She replied that she had just ordered the carriage and it would be at the door ia a few miootea. She was going to do some shopping and woald be pleased to render aay assistance she eoald. She ia?t4 that hi leave hi s horse at tha stable and take a seat with' her in the carriage, and t:k the matter over on the way. "May not I go oa WildQ r." said Ada. "Jottas yoa choose," replied her mother. "Then here we go my good Wilddower," she Raid, touching him with her whip. She was out of sight by the time they were started in the carriage. UacU Joha began : "Sister Anna, I have lived alone for ten years past. Bod have made op my mind that it ia about time fr a change. I have been too lonely and sad to enjoy life, or be useful to toots around me Ada, the eweetehild, hat come to me like a ministering angel and rol'ed back the atone from the sepulchre where I sat with the dead, and bade me wa'k firth, and like the man to the Gospel, I am now in my, right mind. She ts an enigma to me. I confesa I do not comprehend her, still I suffer her to lead me. Or. rather, she lead me in apite of myself. I am a willing captive In her will. Mrs. r ie!d replied, "1 fear her love of fun and mischief will sometime in volve her in serious difficulties. If I at tempt to reason with har on such Impropri eties, she throes herself about tnv neck and ennnires if she is not an obedient child. 1 am compelled to say she is. Still I am anxious lest her love of fan should lead her to indiscretions, fatal to her hap pi sens." They had by this time arrived at the citv, and found Ada waiting for them She had given Wildflawer ioto the care of boy, and waa readv to accompany them They went to a paper warehouse and looked at the different styles or paper Ada stood by the eonnter and heard thremarke of th seller and parohaeer At length in a tone of irony she aaid, "Sir, will you please sho me your gold paper?'' He complied with her request. 8he looked at the different patterns and selecting one and said Uncle John, this is tha paper for the par lors, and if you cannot afford to pav f r I will take no a collection and pay for myself." Uncle John in reply said to her, "yoo shall have your choice, little mtschie and von ran select anything that your blar area would admire in the parlors, where I hope you will apend mom time in future than voo have in the past." Ada answered him, "dear, good Unrle 1 You are beginning to live in this world. You tried another quite long enough, and I was not the child to go with yon to the tomb, clothed in sack cloth, and be reminded of the angels who eat rv onr Saviour in the sepulchre olothed in white. I think Miss River roust hve been it ia wicked to be seeking her in the ahadow of death, when she is living in that better land adorned in white rnbs." To be Continusd and thay had a good appetite after such a tnntf lilt, vaaltainar ttta, n,Ava,K that "a, cheerful soirit doeth food like a medicine." i ' 7" ""' not " nA Aa I nele John was leaving for home Ada took him by the hand and said, "will you remember '" He replied in the affirmative Ada look ed into hie face and said, "dear, good Uncle, I will hiss you for thttt promise." tile stooped down and she bias ed him tenderly, and be went home. Ada's father was smokiog on the veranda and beard what had passed between them. He calied ber to him. "Is this a Dart of your plot?'' be aaked. "No I Yes. Just one inoident." ".Vow," said ber father, "will yoa tell me what yoa have done to make srsoiAL noxicna. ilUOMt tlt,.TitYi; Partioniariy tturofuia, hare tneir onla ia an ill-tured or neglected diaeaao. lo wa aot see ev ery day pers.oua stefgeiiua. under tha weight ot thole iJi-lreatsd dieeasee sutieriug ut by pcee ml ua remaiufl ui a turuisr mlay ? vt hy l him so cheerful. Nothing only he shut " ' nee Hi irueiimui em not urn his heart up on account of the death of bl or a "" iliu. ih aiu-m Miss Rive,, and I have taken -him a.av rb' P '' r.. .now.u i , , , , . .; uint lu bretk vul gia e'eii ia iaiure koucib- from her tomb aod sent him in search or, ., M a v tuffor .b. foal i.idi uf itm.m to one who lives in the name world he does. r,Mio ia the tyem for alifo time. Cler. na That is all." Hr father enquired if she . lores ttaat ara tm w ilia vtrv louutain oi would tell him her plan of operntions I life are a ljwd to go ua. Piauivt b.o.thfi, "Oh, no," said Ada. "no deooe-nent ! n al.o di.tiare the U... ot th ihmM.. mi mn.t .hi m.. the merchenta lav. ' " V -"- v -j yet. There must be a demand before you pro cure the goods, and I am working out that part of my plot now." Her father rep! ed "1 think he ia pleased with yoor eff orts. He likes to ride with yoa so much of late. I never thought your Uncle was very food of yoo till lately. lie seemed to tbiuk yoa too wild for a young girl." "He does not think so now," sail Ada. "he begins to un derused me he says , and yoa -e if I don't prove the greatest blessing to him, he ever prayed for." Her father re pi ed "I have triad to convince bim that it is not right to mourn so immoderately, but he finally repulsed me and i gave it up." "I do not give him op," aaid Ada "till 1 aee so great a change ia bim that he will not know himself in his mirror." She ran away to a4tist Anna with her lesions aod promised her she should rids Wildllower if she would spell every word. She misead one word but Ada aaid "yoa shall ride just the same It waa aa aglv, hard word and yoa tried very, very hard.1' Bill led Wild flower up to the veranda and put Aona on the saddle aod walked round the yard several times with her, she holding the bridle, being delighted to fiad that ahe could ride horseback. Uncle John went home aod began to look about his bouse as though he bad lost something and was try ing to find it. Al length be settled him self in.o his arm chair to read the paper. After tea he went again through all the rooms. The housekeeper enquired, if lie had lo.l anmethinv. "Soibiog ' aaid be "ihet yoa ran find." B beard the hollow sound of his own voioe as be rep'ied aod returned to the veranda to read fle took his paper but let it drop opon bis lap ; he waa to buey i with hie tnougbte to reea. lie eaquireu ui himself if be bed not been mistaken and formed erroneous views, and made himself believe that Hiss Rives bad been selected of Providence as bis helpmeet for life. His reflections suggested to him that if the had ham made aaoeoially for him. she would not have died, and defeated the ends of Providenoe. "I have deceived mysell," aid he "aod now after so many years be t io to see it. It is no fault of hers, sweet girl, bot my own despondenoy that loft its dark risage on my heart. I wi'l not tear il from its abode but call ber gentie spirit to dwell ia another form, aud she snail nver, no never, depart from me, but she shall gulden, yes she shall be one person in our tnniiy and stay with os evermore." lie felt calmer than be had fur ten years, -since Mia H s bad biea dead. Neil morning he looked through the hou again. He found that the paint needed to be renewed ; that the furniture waa getting ehabbf,. aud the veranda rickety; that fenoea wanted repairing, aud painuog, and the magnolia trees waated trimming, tin thought it strange he had not observed it all before. He felt as though the dsoay be saw bad all taken place within the past wsek. He went through the gate, to look at the boas from the road that be pasted several times each day. He could soaroely make himself believe that the boose looked so dilapidated. lie stood there in amaze ment, be heard the sound of a well known voire and at it drew near be moved hit bead Ada approaobed. Unci John oalled to her aod aaid, "I am glad to see yoar cheerful faoe I was just looking about to see how ahabby this boose is Why did yoa not tell me." Ada replied, "I tboaght if I could only poke yoar eyes open yoa woald see it -yourself, without being told of it. Il is jutt the time to fi I it op now. Aod did you observe bow the paper is toiled, and excuse me, how the furniture looks as though Mrs. Noah bad nsed it when she took a voyage to Mount Arrarat." "Well, my pel," said Uncle John. "Will yon go to the city with me to-day aad assiat me in selecting paper? I intend to broth op a little." "Certainly I will. A niee clean care and thee a bird ia irr Won't that bo splendid, and then I will come ont here often and make these old trees ring, and bare eooh a jolly, good time, and yoa, dear Lnole, would have a life worth living. Do yoa hear?" -Yes Ada, I do hear." be replied and I have about made np my mind to call aad see Miss Mills." "(loud, good I ' Boiejuha. Ntv it gat II tato your "'eased old head, that yoo aee eomg to fall lova as yoa did with Miss Rives. Yoo V? ol(1" aad tha affections like every- w sober d as yars go by, i aey io,a la tntenoty thev more r us repuea, -yoa lioa.aialew bott.- ol lha .'ts.lilau a tool an I rtrb J meet will era lloat. 1 1 ljul tamt lu ' all be I cases we will I'lrnuh ib rsiuo lj fiae ol : ' ebare until a eure is etT.Miv'l, thus proving te- : 1 yjni a doubt that all can ba cured. Funnies' and blotoues rem ivel, larao saving many nu- pleeseat reuians. Leoies who ui-tire a bri.naul ' completion sbwuld uie tba eUaarttau'e K1 and ' tiaro Juioat Price 1 li par bottle. roa QszffSRaVcxosrs I Diseases arising froai iiidis.retion have bt-an traatai wuh Baliaia Copaiba and Mercurv, uu Sil tha tv-.rnechs of patients ein tbcm Ukid:! so nauseated aod weakened tiial it was bar to deeiea which waa the worst cou piaint, tha an ereered elouieeh or the original dieeaee At leagth the Samaritan's Ui t ma ia its advent, and an entirely new system of cure waa tneuif urnted, aad tbe bonshoisl easalte at out nan. Tba dis- (tstiag drafr vrd poisons were discarded, and to daj ibe ift it prescribed by ambrrs of iba leading Phy'iriane; yet. notwitbMandmg, tba Samaritau'a (Sift is known to ba a pcettive euro, paraly vege able, aad pleaeaat to use, as only tee pills bate to h lakes, many old aati deluvi aat will stick to their sicicenioic rugsand "rce Ibeir paiieatt for weeks perhaps mns HT- flat a loa joh and a big bill any rbiag to r with it Male packae 1: Paaiala I. Sent by mail. Wa oaaaot avoid calling tbt atteatioa oi delicate females to the Samaritan t Uift as a positive eure for Whites; By following directions yoa will soon get rid "f thai trouble some disease. aad become robust end hearty. Sold by Druggists geearally. DKitM Mi) A CO. Pr.a rs. 81i Raoe street. Fhllad-lpkia. Pa Csaa. Bum, airenr Illlaois aad Marks: street, Agent far Reek Island. mabHdwly ToILKTIXF. sracxAX sotxcsk. j Th Oatue and Onre of Oonsnmp lion. The primary eaute of Consumption It de rangement ef the digestive argent this de rangement produoei deficient nutrition and at timilatloa. By assimilation I mean that proceti by which the nutriment ef the food it soaverted lato blood, and thonee into the tolidt of the body. Pertoat with dlkestUn thai impaired, having tha t'ighutt pradispotition to pulmona- ditease, or if they take cold, wilt ba very lia ble to have Contumptioa ot tha Lungs in tome of its forces; and Ihjld that it will ba impot- ble to eure any case af Coosa apt. oa without fiist restoring a good digestion and healthy as. limitation. Tha vary brat thing ta ba dene it to eleanta tha ttomaob and bowels from all dis sented mucaa an J slime which it "logging thate orgaat to that they oaaaot perform their func tions, and then rouse ap aai restore the Hv to a healthy aonoa. For this purpose the tur est and best remedy It Schtneh't Mandrake Pillt. Thete Pills tleaa tba tlomach sad boar- els of all tha lea 1 and m iroid slime t .at is can ting disease and dee .y in the whole system. Tbey willelearoattheliver of all diseased bile that hat aesumulated toere, aod aroma it np to a new and healthy aetion, by which natural and healthy bile it seercted. Tha eioaesh, bowels aad liver are thus e'ean si-d by tha ess ef beneock's Mandiakn Pills but there remain! in the stomach aa eiee,s of aoiJ, the organ it torpid and the appetite poor Ia tha bowalt the lacterala ara weak, and re.juir ing strength and support. It it in acondttiua like this that 6ohenck'i Seaweed Tonio proves lo ba the most valuable remedy evsi discovered, Il is alkaline, and itt a a will neutra'ite all ex con of add, making tha ttomaoh tweet and fresh ; it will give permanent ton- to thit im porttat organ, and create a good, hearty appe tita, and prepare tha system for the first proeos ot a gocd digestion, and ultimately make good healthy, living blood. After this preparatory treatment, what reo.aina to euro most cases af Consumption is the free and persevering nse ol SVhenck'i Pulnonio Syrup. Tie IMm nio eyrnp nourishes tha eyates. purifies the blond and il readily absorbed into the circulation, and tfcenoe distributed to the direased lengs. There It ripent all morbid matters, whether in tbe form et abeerscl or tubercles, and thecal )f Is Nature to expel all thadifaatad matter in the form of espectoration, wben oeoe it ripene. It is th.90 by the great healina; and pur ij ing properliea af Bcheeek'i Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcere aud earittes are healed n sound, and mj paueat it cured. The essential thing to be dons in curing Con sumption ie to ge' np a good appetite and a gsod dig ttioo, .othat tho bod; will grow in Hero and get strong. If a person has diseased lungs, a 0 vity or abeei there, tha cavity can not heal, the matter cannot ripen, to long as the rsem is below par. Wnat neeesaarv to cure is a new order of things, a good appetite, a good nutrition, the body to grow in flesh and get fat; then Nature is helped, the cavitii't will heal, tbe wiatterwill ripen and he thrown cf in large quauiities, and the person regain health and strength. This is the true aod only p'an to cure Conintup'.ion, and if a person is very bad, If lha lungt are not entirely destroyed, or even if one lung it entirely gone, if there it enough vitality lefi in the otht-r to hel up, there is hope. I hare seen many personseursd with ouly One sound lung, hvs and anioy life to a good aid age. This is what S.henuk's Medicines will do to cure Consumption. They will clean oat tha stomach wseten and strengtnen it, get up a good d ges tion, aod gift Nature te aS'tsiance she needs to olear the system of all th diM-ae tot ia ibe lungs, whatever th form may be lt is mportaut tb at, while aiing Peheaci's medio'nei, oar ebould be e&enied o. t 10 take old; keep io d jors in eo.,1 aad J .4 inn wea her ; aro d mcht air, and take out d ill fxerei.e ooly ia a genial aad warm sunshine. I wish it distinctly understood that when reaoiumen i.-d a paiieat to be ca'elul in regard to taking cold while nsing my medicics. 1 do so l'r a special reason. A onaa who has bnl par tially recovered from the effects of a bad cold is f.r more liable to a relapse than one who has cea entirely cured, and it is preMsily the same 1 111 regard lo eonaumpiina. So long as the luns are not perfect'; healed, just so Ion is there AVCVX0X7 aft. CCKXXSZSSIOn B1RVET, DRAKE & CO., Commission Merchants, IN FLOUR AND GRAIN, 19 Water 6treet, Cf NCI N N ATI OHIO. oetd-dly JOIX27 ritAZvTAaAIT, UEHfiRlL ADCT10B1EEB, OSics in Poice Uagietrate't Ofiee, MCiUUSl), - - - ILUBOIc. aem-will proiov-liy attend to all besiaats an. lasted ta bia aara. deel tdwtf. DHZtTTISTS. SSBBZOdtaXt. zztsvaABrci:. J. H. STARS, I E TINT, K OOta NHST DOOR 10 TILEUKAPD OAs, Illinois atreet, Beck Island. All kind! if Dental work doaa ia tha most unprov ed manner Charge! reasonable. epia dwly Da. Q. &z. BELDirza, D K N T 1ST. ALL DBSTAL 0PKRATI0S8 PERFORM K D according to tbe n.osi approved pried- Ji-. O. Bicelow, CONFIDESTlAi, PUVdlClAN. Hat removed frcm No. i79 South Clark-ateor. Monree, to Ho 73 south Baialed St. Il is well known by all naoers ot the papeta that lr. big elow is the eldest established fnyaician in Chi cago, who has made lha treatment of all ihranio and tczaal diseases a specialty. lie hat dev. ted tha last twenty years of his limo delusively to the treatment ot all forms of private complaints in both leiet. And for tha last twelve jeers hat been located at 179 South (Jiar'a street, Chicago, III. Frora his long establishment, and naequaled lueoesi in caring all catet which come unoei bit charge, he has gained a Uaioa-ide repatatioa, wlih saaset the affletad to se-k hit aid and ad vioa from all parti of tbe United Stales. Il It wall known Ibat all who call oa him with any private affliction, ean, and will, be eure in the shortest possible time, wiihoat the dangerous efieett of mineral poitont Youne mn who have injured themselves by a secret habit thoald lota no time, bat call oa Dr. Bigetaw at onee ana oa cured.. All female diteatas and irregularities treated with aarfeot safety and tucoesi. Send for bis eironlar peculiar to diseases of fema'es. Send for Guile to Health. Al! lent free, on receipt of ttassps, in sealed envelopes, free fro observatinn. Office hour! from 9 a m. to n p v Suadavt from 10 to 12m., and from 2 to 4.30 p. m. OfEco and Parlors separate for ladiei and gentlemen. Address all letters to Dr. L. cigo low. No 7.1 South Halsted St.. box 151. jeld mm LIFE AKD INLAND plea. U!he in 11 irper s and Buffalo trerts Block, our of llliaoii ausl--dtt Jit. . A. t(iUr, LD1ES' VARIETY STOElIi ANIl KA'ltIO". AB1 K Sliliinrr) at:d l)reH MkiD XSTABLl&HHEST, o. IS DAVENPORT, sepllldly. OFFICE Rc. 3, Argtii Building-, Cppo.ite Post Office. Up Stairs, gOlk laLANl , . M...ILL, She rollowinr Old sad SLelikble Oompaaiet Represented : 7l?TH flKS iNriUftANCK COMPANY iJLi Uartfora. Conn Assets over $4, 0U0,()!I0, a-lor paying Chicago ),oe,ee. V, Ft KlLl'KtlOFPS CSLEBRATED Mexican Ever Cure Hitters 13 Parelj a VfgcUble ioai.,uuti. HOTELS. 11 OME Insurance O'Bipunv il New York, AikIj over f4,l'tlO,10U alter feviog Chi cago loites. IOWA. Fin: ...m. REMINGTON'S Sold by tlx9 Trrde Generally. tt&fA Lloiral DisoouLt to bealera. lO'l Ui) furoiahed tbe C et. Goverament t u.ll 0 Kuropten G .verameiit. Army, Navj, Bell, Hoiico and Pocket Revol vers; He peati 11 a and I ei-t focket fistola aad Rifle Canea, u -ia Hetal'ic CarrridMee, Breeoh- loadiog and Revolving Ritl-s K. RKV11NT0 A bO, octSli-oItiw Illioi, .Y. Curei all diseases caused bj lelf-abusa. viz Pj,errr.atorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Night Emissions, Loap af Mt-morj, Universe' Lassi tude, Pains in tbe Ba-k Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak Nervel, D flicult Breathing. Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con lamp'ion, ail all di ee that follow as a se-qai-nce of jroa'bfa' tBlisereti'.ns. i.Thlt medicine has been as d in our pro t!es for maer ears, end with thousands treat ed, it has not fai:ed 'n a einirle instance. . Kach package of Yegrfahle Cure is wrap ped in nHramar ne blue paper, printed In gold letters, and contains one bottle filled wiih Sn-gar-eoated Piili and one vial of Medieated Poac'crs, t .flicient to make one-balf pint of in-j-eti' a : and one Svrinie r IJ ETF0RD I7fRE I AT- of fctarttord,!. Conr Uuu alter paying Chicago lceres RD lfRE Insurance Company of Uarttord, a Conn. Assets ovor $ 1 ,509,- jyORTU JaiTISUand JERCAXTILB Insarsnce Company -f Leedon and Edinburgh Assets over $ 12,00 0,t 00, (gold), after paying Chicago losses. TNSt 11AXCK rOMPAXT A V , M ERICA, Philadelphia Pa. OF T0BTH it Assets ever 00,000, after pay ing Chicago loaaei. iaUVrlv. 0. N. Movcmau & Dro. Manufacturers of FINE HARNESS Warerccmi, 114 Chambers Street. rJSW V021E. IlarnesB for Farotlng. Teaming, Trueking, Cart itii, Etpress ng, Cntractor."', Ice Com panies'. l.iVery 'iabirs'. Couf.e, Road, Coa.h, Bun'ioess and Plaaanre I e, at S8.S10, $12, 315 S20. S5 tsCSOa per eat Send fur descriptive liat. oct-l-d3m I iNreoMl (THREE) DAYS pKASKLIN JIRG Insurance Company, of Philadelrhia, Pa. Assets over $2,T00,0(I0, after paying thiengo losses Ir. F. Kalckhoff, (deasased,) devised the for. mnta, which has resulted in tbe H.xioan Bver Care Bitten. Dr. Kalckhoff, 1 ng known as scientist and leading chomist ia Milwaukee, made aaa of the. a Jtittcra in hit own family, and in his surrent practioi for over au years, lb it Klixlr 01 life preserver it purely a vegetable preparatiog.it plaaaaai to toe taste, ana goes lac to bila np aad renew the exhausted vitality of the aervost Uitem. For bilious, remlttant and ictermittant fevcrt dyt pepsin and indigestion, headache, pain hi th. boulders, coughs, tigatness of tha cheat, dizii nest, lour erudicatiua 01 the stomach, disease! of the kidney and bladder, ia connection with Dr. F. Kaicuhotf's Mexican Ever Cure ce tbattie Pi IS, are the great blooi purifier, and are a certain cure lor eruptions, salt rheum blotahea, tputt, pimples, boils, carbuncles, ring Worms, er aipeias, etc. for all lem le com plaints they cannot be excelled: as an excellent appetiter and general stimulant, hsv have no equal Thimn(tnln bear Teatimuny to their Cu ratire Wera. BniTerers, all ihe propr etcis of ibt "Mexican Kver Cure bitters asx, it 10 give their meelclne a tur trial, and be convinced 01 its medical properties. Price ! a bottle. Dr. KakkhcO's Mexican Ever Cure father tio Pills. Hie great requirements of the people, all over the world, for a reliable and active Cathartic .Medicine, induced Dr. HakUtiuli to form the eelebiateu "Aleiican hve: Cure Cathartic Pilla They are composed from purely vegetable tub elaucea. are thorough in tbetr astioo, searching out all obiirootioiis, and strike at tbe very root ofdiee.ae. They prodaoe no pain or giping daring their operation, and set more thoroughly than any Cathartic fins ever orotigiii oetore ttie public. They are a eertaiu 3i;e and alleviator ol eolds, chilli and fever, nervous ani lisk head ache whioh are induced by bilious eracgementi eoslivenees, indigestion, foal stomach ; ior jaun dice, liver complaint, suppression, dropsy, rheu matism, goat, nervous debility, inability or dis inclination to move lost of muscular power, deafnett, partial bliadnesi, pleurisy, itt, paral ysis, pain in the breatt, paitr, St. Vital dance, icrofula, etc., etc. Price 2b cants par box. Briggs House! (Formerly he Laclede', COKSEg MAD1S0S AKD ( AXiL 8T. WentTConh, Weoltrorth & Co., octl3 PR0PKIHI0HB. Km STEAMBOAT immiaent danger of a full riturn of ibe disease, lieoce it 11 that I so strinuoasly caution pul monary patieals against exposing theuifelvss to a- atmosphere that ia aot gnniial and pica-eat. Confirmed eonaumptivti' lusgs are a maaa of soret, which the leaat ehange ef atmosphere will in 6 am a. The grand aeeret of my success with my medioinea connate in my ability to subdue inflamaiatice instead of pros. .king it, as many ol the faculty do. Aa inflamed lung oenu. c w.th safety to tbe patieat be nr s. ibe bhingbl..t..fw..r. tbe chilling wi.oaot prleg or autum. Il should ba carefa.ly shield ed from all irritating in.iueuces. The utxusi eaailaa skoald be observed ia this particular, aa without It a eare under aimoal aay eireuan staaces ia an impossibility. The person thoul ha kept on a wholesome and nutritious diet, and all the mad icines con tinued antil tha body has restored to it the nai aral quantity ot Heat and strength. I w myself cured by this trea ment of the and have lived to : worse kind of Consumption, get lat and heany theae many years, with one thousands F. S3E1L05, , Lata of the trm ( rjmealon A ylcurner.j an eoaacea that he ia prepared lo do I0CSK. M'JS AND ?tl-MiOAT H A I N T I.Nvj, PAPER UANJlNd. CALCOMIN l.Nil, Ac, Ae All wort pr-iaptiy ext-cated. ia h& highest a:vie ol tbe art, at abort aollca Shoe ',a Uaa Kaaie Ktrel, nc..He iba waa the real Indian 1 uretis, coret all disease of the V 'n ary Organs, such a Inconti nenee of I'rine, InSamraattoa of the Bladdi-r, Inflammation f the Kidneys, Stone In the B adder. Stricture, tlravel, ".peciu'ly recommended for Fluor Aibosjor Whites.) va. Eac'i rachage of Vcirtrihte Rtwiy It wrappad in dark enameled paper and printed in gold iattert, and contains one bottle filled with Pngae ooeted ri!l., an i one ! vial with Meditated Powders, sufficient to mrtke one pint of injection ; aai one Syringe, enough I to cure any ordinary case. Price ti per pru-kage, sold by all Diug- gittt, or sent hy mail for $.ifl. The "Vegetable Core and "Vegaab'e Rem edy" are eoli hy responsible Druggists every, where : soru? dealers, however, try t sell cheap aad worthless compounds in place of the, e, in ordtrtomake more money. Re not deceived, ask for these $, preparations end take no oth ers j if tbe dealers do not keep them enclose the monty in a letter and we wi'l send .him lit re turn mail. Laiietur (l-otlemso writing fer treatment, wili state their symptoms in fall; they nee4 not hesitate on acccuutof their inability to visit us, as we have treated patients successfully in all port ons of Ihe comment b; correspondence. jatj vi aetue te send oar ibirty-twe page pa"ph'et. er titled "Man and ffi man at Inva li.ts." to every reader o! this paper. A i iress a fallows St. Lot is MtniciL Ass riartoe, 11? IOBTB IT STRFST, Sivt Lot 1 . Miairai. !S A DE3 In nrance Couisany, of Cincinnati, IX. Ohio. Assets over $1,0(10,000 after py ia Chicago losses. Policies Isxae d ia abore Compa- nlet at Reasonable Rates. eovS dly BLBeinaa. e. at. tittttsi 33X.SB.XBOB & SHO., Real Estate it insurance Ajdals No. 1 Viele'a Bloak, ID.WKSPORT, .... IOWA Attend periooally and promptly to tha baying ana selling ot Heal fcslate on ecmmissioa, rant lag Housra end farms. LovUdSm tuaaoa Biascv. l. A. snatr BARNUM'S HOTEL. BARNUM 4 PRATT, - PsoiB!iT.if Second and Walnut strati, BT. LOUIS, MO. The Auuu, kept . , AMERICAN HOTEL, Chestnt Street, 0ir03IT2 OLD IHDEPSBDKSCK mn FhiUdelpbia. M. HEUL1N68, - - pp.OP'K Dally Hocx IsLAiin Asses kept on file. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, DAVIS & SUOSSai, Froprifj's Corner of Walnut and Qi ii Etres . CIK-I5SATI.. B. H. nAVtt. ..OHIO i. 0. rrctst, LaAe of I. C. A I.. UNION HOTEL 1 Cor. 4th and Myrtle Strttts, ST. touie mo. THIS Bouse hat jnrt been reftted and thor oughly renovated. It centrally located. The proprietor will spare no pains te make it a good first-class, second rate house. 1 rantient price, jii.l'U per dir. eeviJ-dlv H. C.BAOBT, Proprietor: TOBiCtO. V. n. HaVSI. m. c. oliitiuii rll fl B !LKa. rvxoiain Boiler Works! Ik aciri;aJ arc prtttputagi to a.c nfaclar lo ordt-r Boilers for Steaa Caisti kll K.rai, 6tlsg ,md Alto, vry riotT of KZXX.2T X 3.017 W03LS. Ail oar 8oaler art la warrarted aitr- evepatriBg f ,il bind Suae pram pt! and beaply. Saop near Voltae In n ttorka " MI l.l.llanKft A 1 RTV HI I 1 I uing mm TOILhTIINE, la aa IxgrisiTi Powra roa Tee Comj'lkv 101. I'nllke any other in every reapeet, principally in its appliratioe, it being applied with a sponge, dampened with rare cold water. Its use cannot ba delected, price 50 centt per bis For sii'e hy all Irng?ista and Perfumers. eelM rlniiwlnm Kos. 13 nnrt 111 -jipiturvw Have rrtovrn. ftiom TTn: vot avt'-ih: eHriHiiit.i,ii entire rtiei't-ee: r- tuple--ronilit I'.fRelMlil and IteltHlile. rJ li.-v nr.. M,- ,,- ji,,,((. Clnea IHTfeotlr Biluit.Ml to i"Pu..ir Iw- amiule that nileUlkea nin n-tt he nio.l.- in ti.ir.s thi'n( : Vt barmlea ne tt be fre trom iliniL-er, im a,, ernrlent aa lo he alwava reliable. I'ttey II ive rtllseil ttte hurli- rl comnteiidaUuu Iroia u.l, una ,11 u.v.uj h ri naer eatietuulion. Noa. Cents. 1, Cnrea Fevera, Cnnceethm. lnrfirrmntoina .... -, 1. " Wnrnia. Wi.rin Kevi r. Woriii ,.n,. i, f 'rvii-'"lic or teetiiinu of liif inu r. 4, " iirrhrpn, or liiinren or Ainiit. -, b, " llvaeniery, (JrlnliiB, Bilimis olic ;, . " ( holi-ra-Marbna. Vonilting 7, " t ouirlt. oiiis. hronoliit a -, 5, " Seuralirln. Toothnehe. F.ieeaehe z; t), " llrilillli'lu-a. Met II I"'. VsjrllBi....".T l'l, " Hvapf Pi. lllllotts HtoniiK'h ! II, " Mtipnrfawii. "r Fnin'tll I'erioUa 13, " Whiirm too Priifttsn Forhxte it t'ennn. r'riiorh. Innictilt Fretithtna: 1 1, " hhll Khrnni, T"il-l. Kni'tions....2i I... " HheaniBdem. Ithenmnnc Fotna. Jt Fever and Asrnr. t i in never, Aguee....;-; f'llr-a, Mind ur bleeding "J OphthlHinr. and sua or wen k rvts....f ntnrrh. m nto or chrnntc liitlin ria....i t hianpina-f eoirti, v ol nt c..Lilia ....wi Aethtntl. llr. eeej Brtttttblna M F.nr lt. hnrirra. Iniulred henrini' m rernlnln, enlnrt'ed i liinda. Swellltits....rJI (rnrrnl liobiitty, pbvalcitl wiaaiiuaa....fi ItrspsT aed ecuiitv r-eerettm'S W psen-sslekneaa. alctm-aa from riding. ...wl ta Iflnrr-lliaatae. iinivel u Nrrvona Jlchilirr, H-ntlnnl Kanim eiowa, Involuntaey litaehiirres 1 00 Five llxe.wlth one 2Tlnlof I'owdur, very neoeeenrr In acrioua cuaea. 5 Of! Here Month. Canker 6U Jrlnary W'rakneem, wettlns iK-d.... f nlnlul PerlexlB, with Hpaauit pneerinare at chnttte cf lite t Ho Feileiwy, Hpaama. ft. Vltna' Itinen....l utl i)ipblhrri,iilceruted sore tlirout.... UI TAVIZT CASES Of 3.1 te On Inrae riala. snnrnrre sr rn-eeieea rnaa, enntnlnlnir m atpeN-iUc tor e-vrrjr ftrdinnry alia raw at fninllv la anbjt-ct to, and bonis uf dirertlnna front 910 te Is3s sjiuitll-r Fwvnllv nod Trmvelins cttses, with VI low vlltla from 83 to 9 Bpeetnr'a f,.r nil Privntr IMareiara, b'tth f-r rnrliie ami for I'rrvrn tlve treutuienl. In vlula nnd pocket taaoe 63 to 63 TOSD'H EXTRACT, Carea Ttnrna, Ttrnlaea. 1 nmenoa. atnrmaaa. ree - atrwav, rsprnlD. 'l'eotlin'Kr. t.aarHi ais. iw. Khentaailaat, J.nnihtivat. lil-a ttnaa. ewtrs. t vre. Flf-Hin ef , u m Noaa. H t nu n, ' h . a,r aif rilt a i ph. nurrs. stlv cone. I have cured .u:-, and vary many have been cured by Ibia treatment whom I have never seen. About tha first of October I expect to take possession d my new building at tha nor heaat c irutr oi diitu an 1 A -oh streets, where I .lial ne plassed to give ajrue ta ail whe may re 4u ro it. Full directions accompany all my remeditt, so thai a paraoa in any part of the world can be readily eurad by a strict observance of the same. J. H. StHEh'CK, M. !., Philadelphia. IIUH1.BUT A E IS ALL, 32 Lake street, Oncago, Ilhn it, Wboiesale Agt-uts. A MILLION IN THE FIELD ! Yat. a mlllioe of men, tc aay nothing of the ladies, know by experience that Cristtw to'b l KffiMvr Hair Dj produces shades of eoiur that aeem to have bean brought out hy nature herself. Tbey km-w, too that II is fr e frcm all injurious matter, because tbe; have used it for years, and thus teated it by a proeesa m jre oertaiii thao even ebemioal anal ysis itself. In fact, the daily experience of muU titades of bote taxes, eoefirnis the declaration vf the first analytical chemist in America, that the Kioe aior Dye ooiitaim "tothing deleterious to heakh." a good dreaait g should be bsed attar tha dying, and the beat is CrUiJIADOB.0'8 HAIR PBEE&A 1 IVH. Thomas Yates, k v .raj to Jacob Ri.oy ; Ua the Lfvee. iicck hUnd. 3ltV.iN HOOD: OW LOST, HOW RKsXOHCas -Jast pub- haiud bt Dr. Lea is, J.'ft paKea, Ibir. Kji- tion, tbe .111. i. cat Ooinpaaiun aud tiuide to H.eita. the radical tare of permatoi rio, or ftii.nl WeakueEa, Invouniaiy iniiml Loatt,., Iojj uteiicj , kealai aed I'bv.ual pacity , 1 pediment to JMarriagf. etc . and the Veuertal ecd eyfhiilitic kaiaoies, wnb plain aad clear dirc tiona f..r the speedy cure ol .See fll 'lali sjmplums. Uosorrbo a. ij leela. l nriari'l, and all dis-aes ot lha skit., uoh aa 8c trvy, f-cro(ula, l lcers. Boila. Blotrbes and Pinaplea oa tna lace and ho ly, Consnmptin. Kpi'epsy, aad Fita, induced by ieit' inaulgeice or aexuai ex travaga&ce. The celebraied auihir, in this a Irniraiie treat ise.eletrly dptnoDUaiti, from atorty jaars sue eeeslal practice, that toe a!aru:ng oonseo, uence ol aaif ai'us. may be radic!! cur.d, pointing ant a mode f cute al once aimj-le, certain, and eSeetual.by mtana of whioh every su?cer. bo matter wbat bis condition may be. ean be eiTeot 1:V cured, cheaply, privat.ly mai ralicatly. atST- This bo k should te in the hand! ef ev ery youth and ever) man in the land 8ent nnder seal, in a plain envelop Pi ice ftfl cents Address IK LEWI, tio 7, Beach f. New Vorb. junel S-H Jt w ty HAYES & CLEVELAND (J ES F H AL Insurance Ag'ts Kepresenting the followina; old and reliable Companlea i Underwriters Igency, Sew Torkt Cash Assets $4,000,000. Phtxniia Ss It Cash Assets$l,800,00t. Continental, N. Ts Cath Assets $?, 500,000. IVorth American, N. Ta Cash Assets t iilO.OOO. PaciSe, California, Assets Gt,id,tI,hC0,t 0O. Merchants, of Chicago, Cash Assets, S00,0r0. orlh American, Hartford, Cash Assets J tm.OliO. ITKMTI.ML. i.XV YCHK, Cash Assets flOO.COO. Brewers' Milwaukee, Cash Aa.ata 00.000. Washington Life, Xew Tork, Asrts $.0r0,tC Dr. Ivalokhoff's Celebrated Worm Lozenges are a iafc. pleasant and most reliable care for worms. Price z.i teata per box. For tale by all druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout tbe United states and Can. alas. KALCKHOFF BRO S A CO., Proprietors. Depot, No. 57 Oneida St., Milwaukee. Dr. Kalckhofi's Celebrated Eye Water. There are few diseases to which, mankind are subject, that are more distressing than sore eyes, and, perhaps, for which more remedies have been used wubout success. Having long been acquainted with thete lacts. Dr. Kalckhoff pre sented his oelebrated Bye Water to the public, at the only Eye Water ever tra covered, for the parmaneat relief of gtc-at innamation and coo sequent debtlitv ol the eye. It will remove op- thaluiia or inflammation of tbe eyes at their aommencement and will cure tore eyct from a defiuxion of sharp humors, inducing sech debil ity in tbem, that vision il ecocted with utmost difficulty. In all common eomplainta ef the eyet, it will be found a speedy and enectual remedy Price 24 cents per box. for sale by all druggist! and patent medicine dealers in the countrv. K.LOXHOPF BKO'i f CO., Frcprieton, 47 Oneida St Milwaukee. Wis. cct2S dfim K. TlL-vl-r K, Successor to Brcnson &. REeiilng-tr. Manufacturer aud Wholesale Dealer in T o baco o, SNUFF AND CIGARS, 106, 103 and 110 Summit Street, TOLEDO, 0, pif Henry Dart's Sont, and Geo. L. Quist, Agents for Rock Island oot2-dly t. F. KLUMSTLIBED, Hachiui-t sfc !-:rigrayi'r, MANUFACTCHEa OF MODELS, SMALL Machinery and brass castings ; also of no. torlal, official and butiness 8 R A L8 in superior presses, and everything else in tbe line of en graving. Orden from abroad di-eeted to S18 State gtrcet, MILWAUKEE, WIS. oct27 dfiin I fi - s i zO 1 3 i i K W m siCfia is tli 5 :-g-SS3Sagi 'PI II ja a IS av v. jt S fcj "-sLjl Vol S g3 iff J A i Distiller, Rectifler, Iniporter, AND- WbolrsaEr I jsjucr Dealer, Cash TRADE 5lf3v MARK. AND iienralarl tnila. rt . s It-l'Tta, at !J V aB 50 " I rinte. 1 .5 0 Qaarta, V 1.7 a. t r"Thes RcmeOlM.ex-epnt roxnn KXTtl ACT. bv the ewe or eliifi box. nn un to -y t nrt of the emni-7, it mfii or evoet-ea, tree ol l aanwiM ui tiiv iriw. cuaruu, on Auureaa. Uumphrfys' Spccito HonioopatMc M dlctro Co, Offlca) and Depot. Xn. M Diioai.wat. N nr.-. Vol; Yolist. )OU BALK ET ALL MiUGUI.-Tb. and C. 6pidel, Aganta far Chat. A. Benssr Rook Ulead, Ltdiei, Utt PAfiiiUlu Ptoticr. Tbe Real Velpia Female I'ilM WAHKtf) r aa I fata Mil. Tbete Pillt, lu eelebraled many yaara aao Pant, for the -elief of female lrrega.ariilea, and afterwards for their erimiual .l y mam in tbe praetiee el abortion, ara bow oflered for tle lor (ba Sri. time ia America. Tbey hare been kepi ia comparative obacuruy from the faot that the origiaator. Dr. Velpau, it a pa aicten in Pant, ef great wealth, aad bat atrial oansjieationnpria eieles. aad has withheld tbem from (eneral asa leal they should be employes for unlawful pir poses la overcoating female Obitraetiont, Falling of tbe Womb, bltea, Ureea Sicknesi, 8upp-ea- lioa. Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthlv Discharges, N'ervout aad Spinal A flee tloos, palaa in tbe Back and Limbs, Fatigue on flight eiertion. Paipitatma of tbe Heart, Hvi terict, Ac, and will effect a eure when all other meant have failed ; and, eltboegb a powerfal remedy.de not etwtaia calomel, antim ay, or raythiag artful te tbe eeaetltutina To married laliet and . young arirla who have aeverbeen regulated, they are peculiarly suited They will, ia a short time, bring on the monthly pertodrith regularity Cacriojt Married Ladies should never 'eke them when there it aay reason to believe them selves aregaaat, fer tbey will be ears toprodee miscarriage. La lies eaa procure a hex sealed from ttte eye ef the eurioas, hy enclosing nee dollar, and sis postage stamps to M W. MACOVRER. General A seat for United Hiatal and Cavaadaa. at A I baa v Toref aay aalheriaed Agent myl4aw1j i i4 t. LEVEE N'EAH F t R k T The sub eriber, at sboi. IAN IG. l ob tue Levee, nea Woltmaa'a, iavues the attention ol hia frreeda ant tba public aenetally to bis Urge and com pleia t..ek of Brass A Iron )uod-.a ch as Steam Cocks. Valvei. Water i auaea. Whia a. OUCuls Beer C .cat, Pamps, bias aad 6 earn t iue cf al sues, Zinc. Babbit Metal, Mc .etc 8tean end Gas Work romntlv attended."!' and pat up ia workmanlike mat or Copper, Smithing and Sheet Iror Work In all its branches. Also EllrLnO-lD 23. S Doae oa abort notice. He has a aorew screws apoa gas inob to 4 tnobes Chicago octrmg macntne wnicn cuta and steaoi i ipe frow of aa -tbe largest machine west of THOMAS YATES. ILK i k-BTtSt. Cream and Stock Ale?. GOE STRONG. Proprietors of the UERCBaUn'S LUaCB. Are sole Agsats for Peaslee a Celebrated Cream and Stock Airs For aale by the Barrel or Balf Parrel. oetZ dtf E. D. St W. A. FRENCH, llauufacturers and Vt holesale Dealers in PAINTERS' snd BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, FAINTS. Fr.ATB MANTKLS.OirJt.TAaXldll, 'vtlSO.iW OI.ASS, I'LAtTtR, CRM KM, c Sole Manufacturers of trie Celebraied CHINESE GREEN. Third and Vino rstreotat. AtlSVT FOR TFIEI. EADfSO UABTFOBD i M Mi FIRE, MAEIHS AND J l F E Insuranoe Cos RSPBKSKSTIXS 25,000,000 in Capital. AT OfR 1SLA, ILLIMUS. All loasea adjaated and prompt); paid at thia sga.av . aavl7dtf. SXXTZ33L3. Saloon & Billiard Rooms, W, 3 Harpsr Eouae Block, tOCli ISL4Si ... . ILI Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, tit laycrtett Wine B'tDtfie: Agent for Sa dr. Li'lt, as4 Joliat Alet, alt beet Beotck aad Isgiisb Ales and Le, ilea Por tor tor tale. TJtiea WI lie 8-ad for sale bj tbe arr ! g at for A. ZelUr't Bilii rd and Pigei.a Hoi. Table Waaafaeterj. apr4-dtf H, I. W18T, Proprietor. SAUSAPAIULLA BITTERS (WITH la.ut,J The teat Ba.ooD, bTonacB asn Ltvsa liedi ina ever oderad to the public It ia very agree able to the taste and wi.i n0t afToct tbe'teeth as on preparatntis geatrall oo. (V Aut it teill do.- It .ill be found rattle tu erior to anj of the Calisava and iron aoextan livelv used f r invigratiag toe istem. It will make blood; likewise thicken it. It will reirnre She pale and emaciated , the weak and debilitated tooolcr fllesh, healtb andatreagtb ia an incred ible abort time. It win ,tri g hen tbe nnrsiag mother aod Increase the flaw of milk, alto bene It the child at Us br.astand prevent many of the complaint, to which children are sabjeotis infancy. It will tead ta restore the eyeeight when impaired by continued application ia read leg, writing or aewiag. bj etrenctaeing the - p tic nerves It will give vjtaaJitjr to the mental faculties when depressed by oloie confinement to study or business pursuits, and prevent nerrout beadachts. It will parift the blood and pre vent tbe breakias oat of boila. pimples and other rapt ions caused by poverty 0f blood. It wil restor the coital organs, when weak, to a health; condition, regulate tbe menstrual period also relievo debi I It; caused b; tummer heat or ttceastve praepirat f a. A tingl- trial will prtve conclusively that we have not over estimated the value ef this excel lent medicine Price. $'-00 p-r bottle. i. V M S;IJIKK, Chcmttt and Druggiiti, Sole Prnpretort, HT. LOCIS. Alto proprietori of Magaire'leelebr-ted Baaa Plast a t ire eure fr Uia rhea, Dyaentery, Cholera Uorbua and tha Asia b 'belera Al orders 'rom responsible pa ties promptly tiled, j Baggie., Caniagei and rleighi. mehZT-dwlj I ootlO dtf WILLS A jlllf mil m Hi -S barW - mm s i a- , a " t at i i:xrELi02 ti AND G&BRUGE WORKS, I B.H.KIMBALL, Propristor, y ROCK ISLAND. if All work warraa M ted . Wag" ne eoa i'i atactly on hand. ', iSa-Carri. get of ,j ercry description i made to order. feblSwly JLlCKSiMITHWG. WILLS & MUREAY llavs removed from Blytbe't building and start ed a New Shop on ninnisoK's com n ef, 27 Ka-t M1LH tl Kt r, oct26-dftm Water Street, WIJ. R. W, PIERCE & CO. Whoile nd Rciisii Ds.!rt in .yAYfV L ES, PICKETS, titb, Tiabtr, Cftlar Posts, &c. Office 110 West Water Btreet, Cor. Cly bourne, JllLrAlhtE, ooiL'lt-dCin rXTTBBT7B.aZZ STAINED GLASS T70S.S3, KO. U.l KtfiKel T., PITTSBURGH. UTILMAM NELSON, Glass gtainer and Me l,.iiio Saah Manufacturer bast adapted for churoh windows. Saving erected the most complete and extensive apparatus for the manu facture of colored and ornamental window aOass, he is prepared to fnrnUheve, y verity forebcreb- et, private residences, office windows, etc , In superior style. Orders from all parti of tha eonntrv will rcceiveprompt attentioo. feMSdJj. FA'S 2 :K,'S rOOE. Diploma Awarded at tha Wisconsin Pair 1S70. Etate mi STZIEEDEli, Manufacturer cf a 1 kinds of A7 if A ri X1J miDZD 99, 101 & 103 Terry Et., AjrceaUr, Liijtstilie, Nourishing, Satisfy ing, Bwitking, Strmyihening. Thit farivfaeoui preparation ooatai all the element! necessary f"r growth and repair. It hat tor years been the principal food for iiifsnts and invalids io Eugland and the Colotiiit and le proved I y expe unce to be tba oral errj tt'oy food f r vh t iiiren. Sold Is cane of all sizes, nnd in 21 cont pack ets fur the tniiiior. ky druggists Rnd grocers generally. G4LE & F.L0CKI, Drnincthts, 102 Randolph itreet, Chicago, A cents jeSf-dly (Foot of Eatt Water,) SSilwaskee, rjhow Cases of every description and materiel ihlpped to any part of the Vuited States, octri d3m BAD GEE, STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! MOS 1, 3 & S CLYROl'MK ST., Watt end Huron St., Bridge, XVSilwankee. - 7 is. F. F. ADAMS CO., PROPRIETORS. Ordera from slote Cash Buyers solicited. mohSo-dly GKOf KlilKS. JAMES EELLY, Staple aad Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Queens ware. Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Ac. Ccrner Orleans and Ohio streets, BOCK I6LASD, .... ILL. For quality of goods and pricet, I defv com petition, mehlidly joi c. w:;ia (Sucoeesor to Wellci A Halo, Dealer in Oa Washington aad Rock Hirer streets, where they have ettabliihed a pet manast baiiiess, and are now prepared to do all kinda ot 0LACKS311TII W0KK ! IM THE BEST MANSER. We profess to understand every branch of the busineaa. and we bold auraelvea in readiness tc do all kinds of work. All kinds of heavy forg ing. Steamboat work, Machine forging. Plow work, fine Buggy and Carriage work, and evory d.ianpti n ol alone Cutters' and Stone Masons' Tools wade aad repaired. In regard to Forse Shoeing ! We do not heil'a'.e totay, aa we taanufaeiutv oar own .hoes from the very best iron, that we can give BETTER (SATISFACTION both good Siiitaetial and fancy thiBg, than any other shop in Rock Island. We would alio ia form the pubhe is amoral that ws sre alio pre pared to baild te order all kinda o Wagons MCRKAT. ASD PISTOLS, Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of American and English Breech loadinc Bhot Gnna, Rifiei, Shooting Taekle, Can Material, Fishing Taekle, Metal Cartridges, Bly'i Wads, and Cartridge SLellt, Ponder, fchot. tto. 87 Wisconsin Street, ZilwtiIte. Rifles and Shot Gnnt made te order. Repair mgwork promptly done. oct27d2m DBAKE BROTHERS, Ko. 255 South Water Street, MILW.AUKKf WIS Offer to the trade a full stock of 2D-.R. TJ Gr 13- . Medicines, (hcmicals, CB8ElfTIIL OILS SFCHSKS, 4f. At very low pricet. end for qsotations. BOLE A8BNTS FOR XX. Hj. Homc'h GENUINE Califoroia Tines snd Braodics! Certiacate. I have made Dana BaoTnaas ageai for Milwaokee, Wisconsin, tor tha tale of my Sunny ilupe Wine aud Euany Slope Brandy, and I warrant tbem c be the pure product of the Grapej and made by myself on my Vineyard known at unay Bl".e,ln Los Aogelet County, vai'tornca L. J. ROLE, Los Angles, California. We keep a large itock of Mr. Rose't Brandy, Aageliea and Port Wiaei, and e.mCueetly ree emaaead them ta tho Drug Trade as being per- toetly pure aid the vary bast produced In Call foraia. 6amplts sent on annliratioa and speo ial quotations given to those who hay In large quaiitiuas. QStSS-AatTt WHITTIER SeXedical Zzistituto, H btt?n rtnft;r et mMtafasjsl for the tremunrotof Ve-nert-kl, SfsuU aud Priratsj blteim, thu aay oUkr in A m eric a. Orrhitfn, Hernia nr Roptirv: all rritsarr Ditteaar anrt HTphilitip or Mercurial Af--ti"tj of th? Yhroat, bkia r Boo are trrafevi wub nnj.rli.-ltl asjfVvtt. Np?rmaterrhca. rual Drbiiity r,n(f m. rsMfocT . tu ttk result orHf-abue lo woutlt. tMtKMi rxoMa In nuiiiTtr rs-ara, or Kber curtf, and watch prthltica mm ef th Mtawlntx ifiK-t, a aociurn-j amj.on,, blothrtj debility, dizziness, dimnetss of joht, con- ftimoa of iilraa. rii forsjhsilintr. Tvrfe.a to aaMJietf of frmalM. kM f mttfayary aa4 txuai pnwr rwdtrincit.ar ritvti' impropeT. are permattaUT eurvtl. Seasrd psn.j.hitft roiatitif to abore aent f, mo ttant Call or wrn a fTKBilt talk ctMta uotiiiitfr" licias ant evervvb-re. I it setf fvliient an luarltutioa uvatiTic thotwan.Uof pur everr yMr acquire yr-at skill Cosirurw rTsi, )ua kaowiacMl.Ii frequt-AUy recnrnmeiHt persons U ourcsrr. a , . Hotjra, Ia. a. u7r- n Jtm1ftvp. IX fcr 1 r at. Ajlrtreas. c WHIITIKH. if. D.. 6IT 8t.CharIcsSf,sr.I,ouisTl. W. P. ft HITTIKR. it. P 296 Penn St.. litftiiiirgii. Pa Or ' W WtfirriBK M. 601 BrondwaVaJVw York. NAMIOOH! H(UXHOOI MH P H -' frthe Millt-.p!" Wh,Av marrr b pnt, W hT" !mp".two.; CaiAe and i ure- All tbai th p(tuMf"I. 'no or tequulflrt w!b to know trup MsTirvultaaiit ftrluiv MfxItrftH'fttftia )tr Rrj ftatner. tm-tiber. touuj ma a a&4 js wmiaD ah-jT'id ra. thfri. V' ' '"i "sai-fco fnvitnT-j : iiijcntainrh !.-.th fsr & TT2:xri33 HXCICAl isTirtrrs. Addrcs Da. C. 'inrritigsSn Si CbarifsHt, m,. I.owia u i)E W. M. YViiittiBH. H Pson St , Pmttmra-.fc p Or Da. IT. W". ft'HiiTit,a. tiy; Prtta4iaw, y York ""--:;!- TlTTiVr. a-w-tT i'sei tr-n-d .f.-"r-. DR.JN0. B. HUNiC t?oaUii to trwM all Chrovie. Timlin t ami ; -iftl.iia oii CsattuiWi).U cae. ritr-a up in :.--sr.a- ctiredferbini. The reatjlu et arlf-aHu,- in s n tift.-, evw ftarttKl tWatrKjr can etrid IVtismlt t - r, frw. OaUorid one stani for Msdi 1 K-;tvt. .'un'i-r antord. v'barcea ntaf&raxe. H- ir v a m i 7 y. m 8unelaB.ta. n. to li imt tm.e central vl retfp"d. rhvptnnt tn'-t. LniiU. M. UTiimTmtt n ui-a'siir7M tmrrT J-i -f f-trmn if A A P Ti iat.rct trt4 of ia tfcla pamrhtet (which naatain BfthitisT obsnne.) ar MarH'ttfe; who msrrt ftrt : H-l-a rui -e. iw (: Is and-'tire, lmfotco'v, Vcut'Tliti di"fa Hteriiftvof Woman, Varirwele, Pfctmoft-. 'ttnI Tra ti.ttf, HUultaM. iie-rnla. I!rdrftcch?.ln!twKri"a of ihe Blari tivr. Alto U.PBf jatuliar towt'Dieu. For iM'foU it iU tt at ni in raJii letr evebi-w, r lr. Hi KTia, 6ia Chf sipil StTit, fst Loai, lie, who trvais 4tctai diseaHt-e uww-sr'fntlT Kvcry fiuttlv Rt:t:h! i v tl. nr 3d pK.-t acid more tai'tirmation uin &M whtj-re the olytmt in tH.,,- SPERMATORRHOEA. Canittvl fcj er lf-bae or retierr, the trrjiptmi bi na HeaiBl (ostes. litdisestioa. Trritahilttr. is of bid ij p"r, ersim u sovteM v. rejocisjrm mHrrUgv improper Tbis ? Is fry comaafa aud thousands aiopa at kaowiBaT what Is the matter, mauv to aot ar eaanot visit nit-. Alter 30 rtjara exper1etio I hat isrvpaired carrs No- 1 The formu en stmie. No t Tat U of progrent No. 3. The stage of stecav and Inpoteocy, at ; a trtas ncut. A few packa?e cures aiest c at.es. and berteerauc will core aay aaaeuf the itiad. Stai tsw case full, sea d five dollars aad the jaire yoa ned will be sent 4est-vaid ; thus roa neve my skill at howw at h-as thaw trareUagex peuMs, witahoiitexpoaurB Ooe packarfe wlUooaviaee you and a care in this pray Is eer aia la Uma aa raatedj ta ahantrad to aait eireuraBtaDo Pamphleta anabrtng aor one V state their eaae folly, M face ijkaealiat leuer tsarcloue tor Sa oeou. Adiiretvs BB A. Q. OLIN, 685 Bute St., CHICAGO ISVALinS.