FOB 1872.
xl.tinr Statu, cf the tmoeratle
I arty -Its Opportunity and
Whea Job; cherished opieioa ere too
rudely Jostled there il commonly aa Out
bant of eeg-r or eoetempt, ead a general
iteratloa of tba cffeoder. Fortonetelj ia
niol Instance the fit of Mif aaf'oa aooa
peudsiM fur;, and ia eelraer aseanem
their stowly awaken, perception, tbat ka
most cherished foroj aad baliafa may
advantageously oprde4 by other better
adapted to eiisting- oireamitaaeaa. With
reeler eiperieee) wider 'observation,
ve btir appraoiata tba fact tbat 10ml
retpeet J doe to tka raalitiaa cf tba living
pretest, M wall at to tba memory of tba
departed poet. Tbo change iadicated
varies aosaewbat emeng aaia accordion to
their intelligence, tbo pressure of aocial or
party iaflaaaoo, aad iaoata love of trota.
Ia noma it oiteada no further tbaa com
parative eqeieeece or forced content
ment witb arrangement aader wkiok they
chance to live ; ia other, who admit tba
logioel sequeace of event and consistently
act apoa tkeir deliberate conviction, it
eiMotially modi fit i aot only tbeir provioa
ooinioe bat alio their ubtqoent acta. It
tieootne apparvat to tacb tbat namee
formi, ergeeisetioe, aad aaodee of policy
which bava served a useful porpoea ia the
past, asay ia tba manifold change of con
dition maakied ara eubject to, outlive their
sinfulness and become effete atnl worth
lese; that tba progress of publio opinion,
like tba growth of nation or tba diversities
of political actioa, ie almost elelusitely de
termined and moalded into eucb forme and
aipreeeioa a eliding condition require
Tba leading idea aad measure of a ran
jority for tba time being ara not aecsterily
right, tor thoae of lb minority necessarily
wrong, aad both may ultimately 6od their
relative petition reverted. Coald
divetl oar naiad of all uareaiooable
prejudice end ba willing to follow the light
of troth however and by whomsoever shown
to at, undoubtedly mock sooner aoJ ofteaer
tbaa commonly occur w thoold he will-
log and aaxioo to ba abowa what it n
wbiok ba indaced other to propote a "new
departure," or org alliance which at Grit
tbooght Ma aawia and repuliive. At
tba vary leatt, whea mot, of probity aad
aagacity (orawara danger aad dettrsilion on
letew deflect from oar prevent direction and
miqibi another, tier is substantial reason
for tbiskiog their advic come from a per
oeptioa of something wa bava not ourselvts
clearly perceived, or baring endue confi
deaeo ia ooreelvna ara aawillini to accept
Applying thete obtervationt in a general
and aot iavidioa eoa to tbo preeaat eon
ditioo of tba democratic party, let ot fairly
aad bonettly consider it dieting itatn and
fature proepoot.
A large aad iodu-otial nomber, if not a
majority, of democratio votere still Crm'y
believe ia tba potency and efficiency of tic
democratio party sinsp'y a each. They re
call witb pride the glorie of (he pent, and
tba party achievement ia the pa'tiiy day
of Jefferoa, Jac-ksoo and their uccettor
and ara loth to beliov tbat the Dime and
fume of tuch a party ba fallen into decad
ence and it about to become a thing of the
paet. Notbiog daunted by ten year of ad
versity, and tenaciously holding to the name
an'l organization of the party a in it day
of opri-macf, they atill look forward fur
nma rai.tinn nf tinhKfl AniaioA and revul-
ion of fortune to their opponent which
hall again give the party atcecdency, td
rettora tba aduvaialialioo of the general
government to their hand. Can it ba possi
ble, they ay, tbat a party which only three
year aj, aad under adverse circumstances.
east 2 643,612 volte to their opponent
2,978,551, o hopelessly devoid or vitality
to b oa lb verge of 6onl d-ssolutioo.
Vy-ere i the evidence tbat the party i not
a itroog sow a it wa 1808, when it waged
the content against a chieftain whote mili
tary laurel were then freih and blooming,
and wboia friend claimed his election to
the Chief Magiitracy aa but the juet tribute
of a nation' giatitud. Admitting all h
let o ioquir whether or not there ba since
k.B . i. l.k.lt ta ba anv each increate of
damooratio vote a will materially lessen
tba numerical atroogth by which tbey were
tbaa defeated. If there ie, a all democrat,
bava ardently bopad, and many ot
than raally believed, the late fall election
fail to abow it. Undoubtedly there i at
tbia time, and there waa than and previously,
considerable disaffection in the republican
ranks, and it ia not Improbable if a solid
vole could be given against tbe present d
mioiitrelioo by all who are not its cordial
upperter. tbat 0b. Grant could aot be re.
elected. This problem or footing np a me
jority ia unquestionably one of vital inter
est to the democracy, but to se
cure a majority it i equally im
portant to determine whether or rot
aoder it preeeat name aud organiiatiua it
is possib'e to gin the detirable accretion
of voter, and whether after all it can on'y
be orly and soccersfully accomplished by
the abandonment of a name aad organiza
tion which, jutly or not, by reason of cir
eamstaacea past recall, we know is unpelet
able and offensive to tbe elemeot sought to
be influenced and brought over. In abort
the essential query of all others when look
ing around for eourcee of iocreaee, oarrow
down to the simple question whether con
servative aad diseffrtCled republicans, not
withstanding tbeir diffvreaoe with tbe rad
icals, would not atill prefer membership
with the republican party, just as it is, to jo
operalieg with damewrata aader tbe to them
distaitoful name of democracy. It ia ne
les to complacently ask "what' in a
aame," pride and obstinacy on the art of a
Roandheod are as much pride and obsti
nacy ae tbo came obnoxious qualities are
ia tbe person of a Cavalier. Tbe rose of
itself ba no significance beyond its vegetal
growth aad beauty, bet symbolized in
party badge it crucial test will long be re
membered by mac hud in tbe bloody eon
tests of the White aad Bed Koats where
the partisan! of each wreaked political
vengeance and death apoo the adherents
of the other. If the success of prinoiplts
is the iaaee at stake, and party enpremaoy
but aa incident to this eod, drop the ob
noxious badge and all other extraneoue
hindrances, and by every available means
t all co-operating agencies. That
ch w00ld particularly address to
x evTV 1 tbemeelvec -life-long demo"
Tk.Tk f'th nd c? ere for-
ena limited to
devotion to party fealty, and wbo to pre
serve tbeir consistency and party fealty
disregard tbe more important troth, that
form and orgaoisationa of one era cannot
be rigidly moalded and stereotyped as ap
plicable to all times and conditions.
Whatever may be the nomber and icflo
eaee of this class, there are andoabtedly in I
the democratio ranks men of intelligence
and sagacity, equally life-long democrate,
and whote integrity it beyond qaettioo.wbo
do not hesitate to exprv" willingness to
yictd all mere forms and party names in
Order to save the gnht and fundamental
principles npon which the party wet found
ed; wbo for this purpose would concede
everything aot essentially destructive to the
vital elements of constitutional liberty and
representative government.
Among sack may be instanced tbe lion.
0o. B. Parker, of Davenport, whole letter
apoa the stato oi the party has eo resently
appeared ia the Chicago Time and other
iadaeatial democratio organ. The follow
ng passages takea from good democratic
authority in an artielc discussing this very
sabject arc also aa equally erophatio utter
aace of similar sentiments :
General firant't re-election to the Freoldnncv
wonld bv a vtrtutl mirreniU'r of self government hv
the people the tuh-titnUou of a cvuiral despotism
hi nitre of a ropnhllc.
Tit enttra Demoorttlr pvtv, and at leatt one
third of the Kepnhllme party, are to dny oppoted to
Hie re fieciHin oi tMi-rtti wmni.
Th wniocrnile partr alon cannot elect a rreal
dent la onDotlilon to lioneral Oram.
itM not our pnrpote in nut anicie to aicn tne
emu which nave romnineu to pit 'o tho IH-mocra!
tc oartv ot tho countrv In the minor! t. The
ttaoot. ana mere i no irainaviuir it. ror anvnt
that the Uemorratlc party aa a tola and tinrulnr
orvanlaatlnn ran do to prevent II. Gvnerit (taint
will be frmldent until the fuunh day of March,
The contcrvatlv portion of trie Rcnnhliran party
l hvlplmt In the rVdi-nil clutih-pofft-lni; the
ha'atice ol power, bill tx-inK utterly tinahle to ne It.
luKlile the onrntiiutlon ol the Hmliral party It It
taopelrly haniiH-rtMt, honnd hand and foot.
An alliance of the m-mocrtilc party and the antl
Granl wIuk of the Keptibllran parly lor the cam -
palL'n of ITi It ihe only romhlnattou that cau be
mtle to defeat tvera-ral ttrant.
It It our delttternte oplttlttn that thla alUtncn
tlionM and our Ami hellei lhat It ran and will le
made, and without ihe tuw-riflVe of vilnl prmrlplt- hy
Hitter at the alhee. Thai there mnt he uiiiiual con
ceimlon ol partlcan prejndirei tnulU!tl .ntertiit'int ol
dead Ittue we admit. Mil upon the hroad platform
of hotn-t and rapahli- sdnilnl-tration ol me uovern
m nt. a return to the Integrity, pnniy. and eeonon.y
ol ihe found. -r of ihe rt'pnhllc.all true men of whal-
vvr party affiliation can tiatiu tnouuier to Biioumer
In the comtiiu coitlt-pt.
t t t t t t t
In order to avert thit Imminent ralimliy wc heart
ily favor an alliance of the llemot-rttii party with
toe antl Orunt elementt out-lde ( that orirnnii itlon.
and the forniailou of a int'td phalanx which thall
ninrcb under the banner of civil aervlee and reeuue
reiorm and jfeneral amnesty.
l'oii ihe latter Iwoie tbe honett maet of llt
tontl ffepuhlleanand liem-M-rati. nutted and woo
a Klonout victory over Uritnl and the concentrated
IHjHer if the Kfdtrnl ifoveriiment. Hevenne re
orm will ween ihe Wet, and amne-tv will hold the
Hotith even aain-t tirant't htiyonet. Civil tervice
retorm will revtltulonie New Yirk and tihlo. and
thake hlth-iarlff Hitdlr ilim In Penniylvnnla Even
MfMUH'huwtla, v.iih iuuii)i-r to lead, will not he tar
out of linn.
Dtirlmt nearly htlf a rentnry thin paper hi" foiiL'lil
the hnttlet of ihe IVtwvra'y. It. fniin l-a firm li
hope a buoyant now ae in the dayt of it party't ami
ilt t-outitrv'it protinrity. It would notatlii.u the
aandotim-nt or -npjir. ton of en- of the ir--it pnn
liance.it is safer and more politioto preserve
irtact tbe party discipline and organization
Tbe language of the N. Y. World, in
speaking of the new movement, is terse aud
to the point, and no doubt very fairly repre
sents the views of liOersd democrats who
are willing to change baa a far as needful,
bnt would do so eantioosly and prudently.
A tnort time aco. we thousrht it wonld be dlfflmlt
to atari it; ottrpretent apprehentioo !, that llemo
cralt may move latter in this direction than prudence
will warrant. There It no doubt a wlde-pruad dit
aaittnicttun with tfrjni In the Kepnblica- party ; not
strong enough to preven hl nomination, but quite
umcieot, tnconJuDC Ion wiih the Democraiic party.
iu ueieai nit eieonou. nul we mntt not tump totne
conclntion that thete element of oppo-ltion ctin be
eauy comotneu. 11 nil ti tuer.n np n wtiether the
rei-aiciiratii nepaoiieaui. nua inturpid le.ioert in their
ovm patty. On thl point we hare, at yet. no grnnndt
of couddence. If one eminent Republican attacka
Qrant, hi will tlmply be read out ol the party.
What it needed it a combination uf tuch leadern of
euttk-lent -tindin and iiilluetce to render the move
ment lormidtble, and to lnfu-e courage, confldeura,
aud hop luto tbe matt oi dltaatwfled Ktumhllcjina
it, uuniiK iue en-u tir winter, mere thall De devel
oped a atrunir loaderuln of tha rtuht kind, ikera ean
rewu"ie uoui.i it me retuit ; and in that
ca-ti the tiemocr.itic party will not be found lmprac
tlcanle. Hut we ro-ut not connt th -te iliic"eu be
fore tuny are naichdd. li oouHl bi au -reiriont
oiun.ier lor the Ujiu icrntic p i-iy in ctiweu, 10 the
eo-ca I led "passive policy' nnti the lieir.ihlic iti o 1-
p otiilou tottrnol ha- ta .eii torm anil iwdv. A pro
vialonal pateivity may ba well enough: but it uiutt
be nudertood tnat it It m -rely provieional aud nt
pectum. Thjra It no u.k o.-Ii v lor callme Ihe Dem
ocratic aitonal t'ouvenuon earlier than July or
Autfu.-t; ani 11, meanwhl.e, theie ehouid hj nu or
ganised Kepubhcjii bolt a'a:u-l Uraut. the Demo
cratic pirty mu.t have its foreet in readiuet tor a
vigorou iudepnndent cninini.'n. planned to uraw utl
in urinii me unerni Kepunitiatia whom Ot-leelive
k-adership may prevent lrm fecedini; 111 a r.oay.
Tne new tuo.em.-iil U to wull it itrted lh.il il r,-tiinte-!i
no lurtner pu-hiu ; and we niui take rare that it
diK-t inn disintegrate ihe Democratic p.iriy. It may
be true, at a reunion poet rr. that -ihttv al-o
terve wbo only liUiiicl and wait: '' bin thit we aku il.
It only on ine eypotnet ibai vli;oitm acnon it
goiui; on eitewnero wn.cn iney ougut not impede.
1 tie retul a ol ihe election iu
srjacxA.1. no xx oss.
fariieaiany Bcrofuia, have taeu origin ia aa
ili-aured r aegleeimi diaei. lio we aot tee ev
ery day partem stafgeuna under ta weight of
ihnsa ili-trealtel ditwava tafitriauut by pieee
nteal ihe reiaaiut uf a tjrtnor malady ? Why it
it? It it beeaate the trmtmeni waa not suita
ble or left off too eoon. t hut the patteat is
peichtd up ehilo Ibt areg. are allowed to re
main iu break out gala een in (aiure gtaeix
lluat. Mnj suffer befoul taint uf sarut'ala to
remain ia the y ilea, for a life time. L'lceit and
torvt tbat aie auns ktttj ih vtr tuuutm of
ill are a. lowed lu jco uti. riuipiet b.u.thea,
and Utkrealflu diautre tha fteea of thonfaudt.
ineca no noeti ty for init lamentable OvQdi
ilea, at a lew butt rt ot the Saomritaii't B-ooi
aa j tleru Jaiowt wiii eraJiuale tin Ijuj taint. In
all bad catet We will turn.ab tba remedy free of
ebtriie nn.il a cure is etfejied, ihua proving be-1
unt a doutt thai ail ean be cure4. Kimpiet
and oltueuea rem vei, tae eby taviug many un
p tastnt rttnartt. Lauiet bu uetire a bri.liant
cutnpleilun should ate tbe ea jiarilau't Keol and
tleto Juioee Price fl lb per bom.
L.tinHtj wniii(( i rut, ltiau tf-io hkkT bea
trnateU with devisktii Cupsviba i.a Mercury, ao
IU UAUIvftle l sttiti W t-Ud thttl kl tiftrd to
tivuiue Licb a ihu u i it euiif pi tut, lh ai
rUcrwi tuiiist a or lb oriitiui uisnnfe a.
Vftglb .htf tftriOieli Itetu'l (it I U.a( Itt ivtJUt, ftHvs
Ut?uiirt. lien s-siej vt curt ws inugurdlJ
n. tbe tH.Q. ti-iktl vesatts t ooott ttD. Tba ii-
ust .ng Uryg vr uoiuu were dipoiirtiej, ana
1 1 tmy iue jti is ,r orib)i by a-iubt-rt of fc
ivimniaj tasr.Auc), yet, uoiwi(l.,.o i'Bg tt
tiuai nu t Jilt id knuivu to d UtHitive cur.
yuiieiy vvgo ta.ui, ni (jlf8t,t to use, i oo ;
tto pill ut to t lAkeo iuuy old .nit Qtjluvi
Th Casse and Cure of Oooinmp
'' ' " lion.:- ... , : , .
The primary eaote of Oontumptioa te de
rasftaeat of the digestive orgea. This de
ranjreaient produees deficient nutrition and at
limilatioa. By eiiitniletion I maa that procett
by which the natrimeat of the food it eoaverted
lato blood, aad theaee inte the toli.it of the
body. Per toot with dikeitivn thut impaired.
hvit(t the t ight it prtdipotitioo t ' pulmona- j
ry diieate, or if ihet tah- ejtd will b- vr tta-1
ble to hive Caneuiuttioa ot tbe Lungs in toxe
of ite forma; aid Ih .14 that it will be impos
sible to cure any eaie uf Canto apt oa wiihout
first restoring a good digest ion and healthy at-
timilation. The very Crtt thing te be dene it
ta tieanie Ihe ttomacB and bowel from all dis
taated mucas anJ tlime which it "logging thete
orgaot to that they cannot perform their func
lions, an 1 then roueapani reatote the tivtr
o a htallhy tenon. Fur thii pnrpote tb tur
t an 1 bett remedy it Sohenob's Mandrake
fills. Tbett Pilit eiean tie ttoiaioh sad bow
tit of all the te! and m-irid slimtt ,at it eau-
ting diaeaae and do j in the whole aytlera.
Tbe; will clear oat the ! iver of ail diieased biie
that bat acsumulattd tm re, aad arome it np te
t new and heallby ajtion, hy which aatotal nd
aealihy bilt it tearct'd.
Tbt o aea, buwels aad liver ara thj e'ati
ed by the af el renen. k'l Vl tud a no Pillt;
out there rniaint -n the ttomacu aa , xcti ol
aitid, the orta ia torpid aa trie appetite poor
Or. O. Bigelow,
Bat ' removes froat t. Ttt geuth C;ark-tt tor.
atonre, to Me 78 Gotta Hals ted St. Il is well
kaona ay all raaara ul ih. papeia tbat lr. liig
elow is me tldett ettabluitiad fnytician in Chi
cage, who hat made ihe treatment ef all ihromo
and Scxoal diteattt e ipeuiaf.y.
tie bat dev. ltd the last twenty years of hit
timeeaetutively to the trtatioent ol all forint of
etivate cumpiaintt la dohi tetet. ana lur iue
last twelve jeaie hat beo 10 ated at 179 ituth
I.. ark t.nct tfeicagu, II..
Diou. nit lonit e.iaiil.tnment, ana aneqnaiea
suecest iu earing all eatea whub evm under bit
chaige, be has gmncd a Union lde repatatioa,
alii h saanea tbe tBU.td to e k bit aia ana aa
vitt fiOin all Dartt of tne United States. It It
well known tnat all whj call on bim with any
Private affli tint, cm, and will, be care ia tbe
tbortett poiaibl time, withoet the dangerous
tBe.'Uof mineral po tons Voun m-n who have
injtrcd ibeiatelves hy a secret habii eboald lose
bo time, out all oa Dr. Bigei w at onoe and bt
e H Hi :Vn ate d t-aits and irregularities
trtattd wiih ptrfeet tafety and tueceit.
8end for iia oiienlar peculiar to diseases of
Send for Guile in Health. All sent irae. on
receipt of U pt. in sealed etirelopet, free fro
obnervati' n. Otlie hours from fl a ta. to p.wi,
Sotdavs from ID to 12m , nd from 2 to 4 20 p
as. Oifii-e ami Parlors ttptrate for ladies and
ri't'eam Ad J rem t.l Irtiett to Dr. v. tsige
iow No 73 Snnih Halttrd t .box 154. J'1.1
Dr. F. Kaiekboff, (deoeated,) devised tbe for
mula, wnieb natretu.Ud in tho H lioos Sirer
cure billxt.
Dr. kickhjll, lag ktntu at tcieutiit and
leading obeoiitl in Milwaukee, saadeute of tueae
L. A. Piitr
taiaoi iiuui.
Bluer, iu hit own tiuily,and ia hi- -urrtnt BAKN'UM h PRATT, - PaoratKTv.af
Second aed 'a!nut street,
practioi fur over it) yeast, fait Klixir oi life
presvrver it pu.tiy a vegetable preparauuu, it
pieaal te tbe lale, and guea I at to bild ud
mad renew the exbautied vitality ot tbe nervous
iror Oiiluui, remtttant and interinittant feveta
d)pepaiaaadiadigttion, beaaacbe, pain in tb
thouiuere, coughs, tigatoess of tbe cbo.t, dmi
test, sour erudicauuu ot the atumacb, diseases
ot the kidney and bladder, in connection eitu
X)r. f. Kaickhon's atexican Ever Cure ie
thsttio t"i Is, are tbe great blood puriflor, and
are a certain cur tor eruptions, tall rbeum,
blotebes. tpott, pimples, bulls, caibuntles. ring
Wurms, eritierlat, etc. For all lem le com-
eipleein whli-li the fotindntion-of the repuhlic were
lain, it -.imply aK!. tnat party wnirn nae siwuyi
Iteen found on the atdj of free government to iorm
an honorable allluce with au bouorab.e power
a'atul a common enemy.
A still bolder negation of democratic ac
tivity ia tbe coming presidential couWst.
and perhaps a step in advanoe of any other
proposition yet made on the democratic
side, is the so-ca'led Pasfire or Missouri
policy which has been urged wrh no lets
ability than earnestness in a series of well
considered leaders in the Mmtouri Republi
can, and which has received tbe warm ap
proval of many distinjruth'd men io that
state, and elsewhere io other states. The
subjoioed sjuopt'S will erve to indicate tbe
general tenor and purport of the pattite
policy :
The proportion Tor s withdrawal of the Demoer.t
CV. B a partv. from the pre-ldt-lltlal etin'e iti 1 r-T-a
bat mtde ruch headway that th detail are already
lielni; ui"CU-ed. Tin-re I- -in h a weight ol euti
ment In II favor thut the que-! ion whether il -hall
be adopted, or not. ' already hetriniiiui; to ;iv'
place to Ihe next question, how it phall tie carried
Wo think a rareful rr'ew of the whole .Inmtion.
nninllneiH'ed hv party tradition and party ta. iu -.
will -how thut ihe -inipler the plnn l-omde ih more
talltlartory and ell cuve it will he. It ohould not
be mude to eepend upon a holt of the antl-Crant lie
publicant from their National convention.
Pretldent firsnt I already renomins'ed He li i
oeen anthoriiHtively ptetented a a tandldite hy a
I lower irreaier than hit party. Ho hi noatlu ne i
ilmtelF; and hi party know nothing bettertlian the
moitlfvltiL' tet lhat it will really only ratify adit-rated
eif-noniinatlon which it mav neither rete I nor
qtetlin. It I the president' ittderoron preeitma
lion of hit candidacy more than two year before the
election, lil- deliberate and uoce"-rtil attempt to
forestall the action of In party by a peremptory pre
occupation or the n-ld au'iiiii-i a I inner cihiihh i.
and In extratmilnarv lite of the fedcml power toe-laltlt-h
bi perwinal title to the nninetronln aileiri
ance or hi partv. IhHl ha been the m.iln av'en- y in
exranirini; tli "thonirhifnl. IliMtral eienieni of lhat
party Irotn him; and It would le tlirhciilt to Imai'ine
what more l needed to make I lit etranireiueiil
complete. It I already nl!l, ient ; and If ii were
not. It It jrrowinR every hour. Il hat the di-pliion
to act ; It need only the opportunity, and that would
he found in the properly iinontu--i wlihdntwiil ol
Ihe Demorraev fr..in the llel.1. H hen the ..llf -t.rallt
K. liiihliraiM hail have heet a-turt-d that the D.--unx
racy -a partv. will not cotiiett the pre-id -ncy
wiih litant. Inn yield thai hlnh honor and hard duty
to ihem. ihey will not need to boll ; I hey im
wait to holt; Ihevwlll inIniilly n-coirnlie Ih-ir nnly
anl.jor.t!. tnd leap Into in- n -m won an enipnu-i.
Hint will ilitlnirul-h and d -cide Ihe nmi inter.-i m,
tireldetitll CKiiiiiHl'-n we luve ever had. Then
perlenre of the pal twelve month ha lanclii I
tbe niict
of New Yotk and Chicaito, one a Demo
crttic and the other a Republican city, die
tioctly indicate lhat the people them-eWe.
are uot inteosiDe io tbe enormity ot cor
ruption and prculaiioti among official in
bi(t) placet, and tbat when left fre to
Krnpple with the fearful evils growing up
under the shadow of party pairoi.epe ai.d
poner.thry are ready and wilting to rrpuaiate
party and puaiah the abuse aid violation of
public trust. True, it may be taid thete are
merely local reform, aud claimed as not
likely to extend to national kffairt, but thry
certainly have this tii6eeuce , that h-ti
men c'eeilj perceii Canter aid at -lem
atic abuts of p illic oouti I -uc-, that the
powerlul force of party discip'm it i:iut
ficirnt to hold huiie.t luen q net at the
mere dictation of party And when
disintegration com nieni-es even in small
lfirt, it ia impottible o lor-te how far it
will eXIeu l or h-iw toco a pari? which it
more or lets corrupt uiny be inommouely
repiditted. The fait that men of boih
parties ill tuch irnpnr.aut local . I if a as those j
i.etiiiouril ean, and d- fiod r. ncestry t
unite their atretith ani tutTme irrcapec
li'e of party, though it - only in
alftirt, i no f-viot a 1 nnbr;ion of what i
possible to t-ke place upon a wider theater
of action and in rejrard to questions ot
national magnitude. It points with un
erring tini6cance to the further fact, thai
we have not yet reached a condition to
revolting to coLsntutiut al libtrit, aa that
the people are willing the tflices atd ap
poiutmeutt of public truet thai, bt mere
sinecures to theuccupanis for then personal
wealth and aggrandizement. Let ut hope
tbe time it not fr di-taol when a iuiilr
movemnt will become national, and the
attempted reformation of ecatidalooe cor
ruptiuo and nepotiam will not be iitr.it.-d
eiinplv to tbe cities f New York and
In conclusion, we feel it due, wLiU- mi-d-etaiti-
SJ h laiij'l e t the de.-u icracv. lo
at that we too be ever leeti an u-ila1!' i
ii.fr detnoerat. an 1 at lli:s very m xueni f. r
at deep ao loterrst in tl e i. rev 1 -l ce and
uceBtof the eenli! prita ip:.-a of t-u-deinO'craCf
as at am ... iti. r tut i -
Eeu yet wear- unpreje-red to -t iu.t Ui.
exigencies of ih timet deiani ii nt i.ov. .
chaniro of or or t'lbttai.ttl m idifi, -(ion
of prei-autioiiar dittjpline iN-iliKp-the
propitious mrment I. aa c t yet, ami
po'sibly mav oever arrive, when the chi ifet
aad alliance proposed can be al' It ac
copted. Neverthelesa, lo be caLd il, tat
as now appears, these or others ol a ainiilar
kind teen to be a inj-tt tho only reaourc-t
left to the Once powerful drmorri partv
ot preserving ittelf from lutal itiatiitidn.
Clearly, in the preteot apct of pablii
itfair , it it the. duty of tbe democracy not to
ure or era ploy ilt name and organization
in a deB.int or repellaut spirit. The least it
can do is to em-ouran the di.s-nrioLs of Ha
opponents, ilivide tt imperii. A more noble
-od geueruut ooiicy would tipenly iuvite
aut will ttitk to tbeir ticeutn run i tnd ote I In tkt bonelt the laeteralt are weak, ani rtqulr
their t ateolt for weckt p ih(,t montht ,trei,iith and tunnort. It U in a eonditien
jrJr Hat a long job and a big bill any! - u i.t it-
ihug to ao wnb il? w.le pa kaet it. Kins'. u""v' " . .
$.(. Sent by mail We c i .n t avoid e:liug tb-1 ,J be the ot vtluabie rme1y ev u ditcovered.
atteatiuB of de: icaie femnlet to the Sainriiaa's I t is aikliae,ani iti a e wi.l nauira ixe all ex
Gittatapottliveourefor Wbitet; by tollewing ce 0f makini- the ttouiaah feet and
4irecti.nt yun will uoo et rid uf tbat trouble
torn distst aud become robntt and hearty.
Sold by Druggists entmlly.
Db'sM SU CO Prtp'rt.
9li Him street, Pbiladdpkia, Pa
Oats. Bstsst, t trier filiaoit aad Market j
trt. Afreet fr Rook aland
meh iti,
Halt tit.t -'! H A I K i.Vb,
Thit superb Elutr Oyt it Ihe bemt in the ?ore
perfrctiy brculei ivliui It and tnst antaoev,us
a distppo mtuieal ; n ridi uluus tints or els
agreeab.e odor. The gebuine Was A. Batche
lur't Hair t v e proou t IvntritTt i a tp en
did Biaek Oi Natural Bri.wn, Ita-et ta ha.r
r.Vtirt, e-.r, ite'tnt,'.,f ; -i ..t not eontiun a f-aru
oi ol tcai or auy uijiiriuut cooipuund. Cold by
a I Drugiatt. Ktciors .16 B nd ttrrtt. N.Y.
fresh; it will give permanent ton- to thit im
portant organ, and create a good, hearty appe
tite, and prepare the sy stent for the first proeesi
ol a good digestion, aud ultimaiely stake good.
healthy, living blood. After this preparatory
treatment, what regains to cure most eviet if
Consumption it ifcv free and persevering nse of
ickenek's Pulmonic by tup. Tie Pulm.nio
-yrap oourishtt the tysteas. purifies tbe elood.
tnd it readily absoibtd into the citcnlation, and
thence distributed to the d, 'eased latins. There
it ripens all morbid matters, whether in tbeform
I abcera. e or tubercles, and the? as iris Nature
ioeirels-l! thedi-eael tuatjer in tbe form of
expec (oral ion, when ot'Oe it ripent. It it then
by tht great healing and puriy ing proptrtiet of
8eheeek's Pulmonie Syrup, tbat all nicer and
Cures all diseases cau.-sd bj telf-abus. vis
Kpeririatorrbea, Seminal Weakness, Night
Etni-SH Bt, Lnis ef Memory, Universa' Ltssi
tude. Pain in tbe Bak Dimnert of Vision
Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, D fficult
Breathing. Pale Coantmanee, lneaniiy. Con
sumrtion, aad all d l eaves that follow as a te
qnrnce of ynn'hfsl in iitoretions.
SaThit medicine hat bean at d in our prae
t'ce for many cart, and with thousands treat
ed, it has not failed ia a single instance.
r Etch package of egetablt Curt it wrap
ptd In ultratnar ne blue paper, printed in gold
letters, tnd contain! one bottle filled with Su
rar-eoated Pilla and one vial of Hedieated
Powicrt, sufficient tu make one-half pint of in
jeii''n : and o.-v 8yrint;e
Mf Jdlliei, ilark 8 I CHlSle rill'a. etviiiesarehealedny tound.andm., pa-.icalis
These lavaluabie Pills ate unfailing in j
cure ol' all those oainfal nd dngerot d .eases
io wbicu the ttit e cun iiuiiul tut.jeei.
they moderate alt eice. st-e and rv slc. at, i o
sfi actions, fr.iu hte-er eue
I'll MArtt.lt II l.lllll Si
they are particularly suited. Th y will in t
horl ll m brti g on the ni.nlli y period wut
reguanty; aud alihot-gh very potreilul. eo lata
nothiug bun ul t the oonsiitution in all case
ot N .tvout and pml Alfcti as, Patut in the
B.ick ant . iji it. Fatigue o-: slight exert-oa.
Pli la'ionol the tle-trt, Hyatenet and tnl .
hev will elK-ci a cure when a I other meant hair
Tin e'tiutiai t bio; to be don in curing Ccn
iiafiii(in i. to ge' np a good appetite tnd a
guild dig -alius, .o that the body -ill grow in
leth and 4t-t ilrong. If a person h.u diseased
lungi, ae vtty or abeess tbsre, the cavity can-
a.it heal, ti e matter oannot ripen, to long tba
syssetn is lelow par. Wist neeestary to cure it
new o.-d.r of things, a good appetite, a good
lulrui .n. the bidy t grow in 8-th and get fat;
'.li.-u Sa.are it helpei, the eavitn-a will heal, the
waller wiii ripen in 1 he thruwa eft" ia !are
(in rsoMi
la led. Ibe t-rculait around eac package give quaaiitiet, and the person regain health and
lull I'irerii-nt d ail vice, or till be seat fir to
all writiag tor thim, tealea iiots ob-ervation.
tPht ltl. Ml I K K
It it tb fate of every true valuable medicine
to b corat tareitt D Job Moses' Mr Jxtn-s
Clarke's Prnia e Tills are et tuit'Uv coi tTKa
retT t. Dishonest l)ruK'gitis end. tvor to sei1
the e -uute-feirs to make greater profits.
N. B I a all ctset whe-e lh- eletiuioe cannot
be obtained. One Hollar enclosed to the Bole Pro
prietor. JOB MOSKS, IS ''orllandi Street, N.w
V -rk w ll tnti-e a bottle of the li-ntin. e-ia
etintsining Kif y 1'illt, by return mnil sex-urelv
eatd from nny knowleiire ..f itto-ntenit.
li. A A'Elt, .srAB.-i6alKD FACi
lbat anv wruul araicU bwt o a thorourbh
tjU'J, mill which iorarieibiy ivei toiisftiatifB,
tor lUs our it
L. i Tl n t
uijrttt iil u Ut bc vqum! i
Oil -Uflf
iuvveied by the lale
prwved by
th-. wur.d
iaticfi. Iniiammtitnry and Chronic Kfiru-
nm; mi,. . i mil. ij-, h ilnnj ami .M,,rti
t.'vtttyUlt ul. A i t tU:otti L'-iint jSiick.
Sprains .tc Ttits Liuimr.ut I'lU
instantly stop ni piiiiis suuseU
hy iiui i:S
e your ifoitfor't ln.i; buy it; iry it; us.
do l Liu e e, 1.1, u y ou vtoul not te n itlwul 11 in
your bouee 11. r ten .met itt .ost. Ki.H'tr'
.Uli.t' LIIIl.N'1 i:l cur ail of he atiovc
eooiplaintt, and ia the ouiy aureeuretor In.
Jreauiui di-ta-e Minti. l-orsit by Drug
gist Price 7 c:t au .1 $ 1 .76 per 00. t ie.
Y. W. RV'JaK X SUN. I'ronetort
Ull.-I 10 . MASS
trength. thit it the Ira and only plan to
cure OoDiumption, and if a perton it very bad,
if the luagt are not entirely dettroyed, or even
if on lung it entirely g me , if there it enough
ittlity Inf. in the other to h al np, there it hope.
I hittteen many peraontoured wttlionly Oue
tound lung, iirt and sjoy life to a good oid age
Tbit it what 6 heock't Medicines will do to core
Consumption. Tbey wilt elean oat tbe stomach
sweeten and strtegtnen it, get up a gold d ges
iiou.aud ire S.-.ure t..e 8.isiaace h need
o clear 1 he tytteta of ail Iki ii-e-n lo.t ti it
ino lung, h .tever th form may be
lt is tajjrtait tht, whit insj Seatai'i
medicnev, of-e should 1 exc-rei-ed net to lte
c .id ; keep in d jort in cool and iiiss we. her ;
avo d nuht air, and take out doji - .erctte oa.y
a a genial aad warm tuavhine.
i wita it disiioctiy uniritood that hcn 1
reconimenlcd a paiieot 10 be ea clul in regerd to
tki:ig oold while asing tnr tue.l.cuet, do to
.ut a sj-eclit reason. A rsa who h .s but t tr
tia.lv recovi.red from the efTects of a I'V-t cold ia
liable lo a re a; -e lb tu oue wiio lias
e!s eu-ei,t.M 1! r-'-'-l t:-e ?arn'-
nsuajt.'.i'-.i. j i-.tii as tl.e luns
r more
eu eu:;re
in reirr-J t.i
the real Indian Uwretis,
ruret all diseaset of the t
ary Organt, tueh as nconti-
nenee of linn, infiammatioa
of the Bladder, Inflammation
of tbe KUnevt, St -ne in the
B adder. Hlncture, Gravel
-peciillT recommended for
Huor A!oi(or Whites )
tosx. KscH package of
Veartable Remciy it wrapp
in -lark enameled paper and
printed in cold Utters, aed
contains one bottle filled with
sugar eoated nm, and one
vial mo Meditftted Powdert. sufficient to mak
one pint of injec ion ; an J one Syringe, enough
to cure any ordinary rate.
JeJ Price per package, told by all Biug
gists, or tent hy mail for $.50.
The "Vegetable Cure and "Vfe-e'ab'e Bern
edy" are soli by rtoisibl Druggists every
where ; tome dealvrs, however, try to sell cheap
sad worthiest c meoukds in place of the.e-, ia
ord r io make more money. Be not deceived,
ik for these f i, preiiarttiont and lak no olh
r ; if tte dealr do not ke- p ihem enclose the
m -i.iy in a leiter ani we will end ihtm bv re
turn otail.
T.a lit or O-ntlemtn writing ftr treatment,
will state their ryu plums in full; they eeei not
beaiikte n account of their inability to visit ns,
as are hare trailed p'.(ieott sa.-eettfuily in all
pert (ts of the eont ner.t b. correspondence.
(SO-t de. iie t send oar thitty-tao page
p"pli et, ei titled "iltn acd W.anau at lora
lids," to Tery reader ol this paper.
Adjress as fuliows '
pt Lot is -'rm-AL Ass curios,
.it I "it Wtvs-rst.
lexical. Ever Care Bitters
Purtlj a Vtge.ible tumpeuafj.
Briggs House I
( Formally h Laclede',
VTeatrTcrih, Woolworlh & Co.,
Th Attti kBvt fll
BT. 10DI8, MO.
Obestnmt atreet.
Daily Hock Islaid Absus kept on SI.
plaints tbey cannot be excelled; as an excell.nt pwwjj & 71701X33.. TrODria'a
appetiser and general stimalant, "hey have n I Wwflii.ia, ropri
equal IhwwiuiU hear Jentimuny to eAeir ta-I Comer ef vTalnnt and Oairt Serve!
rf,n I'HUlrrM entfrr i Ih tlffllir.Stlirl OT I
.h.-MetUan Gter t:., R,.t.r.' a... it to rir. CIJl"ATI OHIO
their medicine a fiir trial, and b convinced oi j uavis. 0. vrjcsnn,
itt medical properties. Prioe Jl a bottle. -'e of I. C. A I..
- 1
I)r. Ralckhcflf'a Mexican Ever CureCatbar- UNION HOTEL.
1 1
tio rills. I Cor. 4th and Myrtle Etrettt,
Ihe great requirement ot the people, all over 1 BT. LOCIS, tin
tbe world, for a reliable and aouta lathartio I ritH 18 House bat jott been r.ftted and thor-
mi.aieine, lnoueta asiosuua to lotmioi X oaghly nnov.l.d. It Oentr.lly located.
iui . .1... . TM, BTonrletor will tnartno nin tam.a.ls.
iuy an tp 1 "t"" I eood flrtt-e as, second rate bona
stances, are thorough iu tbeir aetioa, searching Transient prioe, 12,00 per dty.
out all eettroettunt, and itriKe at t very root ,Tit dly H. C. BACBT, Proprietor!
otdisote. They proaee no pain or g'tpiag
uaring their rperation, and act taore thoroughly
than anv uamariio run ever orougat ueiorvine
pablio. They are a certain sir and alleviator I
of eoldt, chills and fever, nervous ani siek head
ache whieb are indueed by biMons eraneements
eostiveneee, indigestion, fonl stomach ; for jaun-
dioe. liver complaint, suppression, dropsy, rheu
matism, goat, nervous debility, inability or dis
inclination to move lots ol taetsular power,
deafness, partial bliadnett, pleurisy, ftt, paral-j
ytts, pain in the breast, palsy, at. Vital daace.j
ecrofula, etc., ate. i'rioe I'D centt per box.
I H A. B. 31LMI(.KK,
Euecestor to
Bronson & Bfleiiingtr,
Mtaufaeturer and Wholesale Ilealer in
Dr. Ralckboff's Celebrated Worm Lozenges
are safe, plea.ant and most reliable care fer I Ageatt for Rock Island
worms. Price 2o eents per box.
For tale by all drnggittt and patent mdcins
dealers throughout tbe United States and Can-
aeas. ' B. ALCKHOr Jf BhO B CO.,
Depot, No. 57 Oneida St., Milwaukee.
Dr. EalchhoS's Celebrated Eye Water.
There are few disease! to which mankind are
lubject, that ara more distressing than sore eyes,
aad, perhapt, for whieb store rtasediei have
been otd ti tint tnceete. Having long been
acquainted with thete tactt Dr. Kalckhon pre
seated bit celebrated Bye Water to the public
at the only Eye Water ever discovered, for th
perm aneet relief of gieat innamatton acd eon
sequent deniiitv ul tne eye. tt will remove op
thelwia or inflsmmation of tba eye at their
sommencemeat and wrl cure sor eyes from a
defluxion of sharp humors, inducing sach dtbll
itv in them, that visioa is effected with utmost
difficulty. In all ewmmen complaints ef the
eyes, it will be found a speedy and effectual
rente ly Price 21 cents per fox.
For sale by all druggists acd .tint medicine
'ealera in ihe eonntrv.
KaLCRBOFF-BRO S CO.. Proprietors, 57
Oneida St Milwaukee, Wis. oct28 dnm
10o,lC8and 110 Summit Btreet, TOLEDO, 0,
3f Henry Dart's Bons, and Geo. L. Vnitt,
publicant lhai to oppose i-re-inent urani t a e riou. i.-. ,.,.,.. rt;il,.,i
Lalnoaa. au.l thai w.,u revived oil, 11 miial be a war l"-' "! pr.ipote attllliatlou.
ft l otitriiticif.
ir the Democracy vl-lil the rnntett to the anti
firiint Kepnlilican. th'ey houlil Ho il faitly tiltil lully
wiiliout in-! ructions a to how they Miall cot ilnct li.
Il the l.ineral oooo-liion be left 10 adopt their own
plutiorni. ti, .-leci their own po-itinti anil fl'ht wiih 1
iti-lr own wenpon. they will act with the nve tree.
,1..... .....I ..ml ih. i-iimiiiieii Mvi.tilil nut Hutl
(..mil not cli! wiihout h.-lnu- m irked on ih l.ih. .00H SKIT HOOR 10 T 8 LE'i K A I' Il
eral "lite by a bola anil In-plrlni! rearttrmatioli 01 j 11 Olfi )e. tliiooit trt, Kvck Island. til
Kr,. . u..m" i.n. p ,.,.-..,,.,...-. ...... jiuqs t Utotal work d-a ia tbe uioti tpurov-
ed oiaanr ,.'h rget 1 sooabl.
J. M. MARk,
tr.'iiitnl rlkihtat which form .hp Lfmuntl r lKn.M rt
i opM-mon tu ib p rem-nt atliiilultiration.
oa. o. as. BBLDINO,
12 N TI S T .
U-roocratli- vote would r.u-e I. (.. .-.,- A U DB S TAL l KRTION8 PfcRrOkM
. necoiiu. It miL'iit Ite urif-tl ih it h- ihe i a b I) acoordiog to tbe n.oai approved t rioei
ulv Otfi in It .tper't Block, oor of Illinui.
nl K.ilTtln tre.ts aiifl -till
Thla mode of proeee'linir wonld avoid the dlfllciil
tv of making a ticket tulicn-ntly Ttepuhltcan m he 1
upported by K-puhlican. anil tiifll ientlv li e. r.il 10 I
be .utiporteii by liemia-rai ; lor iin linile ttomini- !
tlon bv a Itepuliitran liatton.il eonv.-ntion vioiild j
comply fully Hint the llrt condition, ami il aii-ilii'e i
neeu or tne
ply Mitli the '.:. mi.. It miulit
liemtH-rary woulil sn)ply tf.e hulk ol the ,,te. it
ouclit to name the ticket thai 1 to receive them
Hut II niut be retnenibered 1h.1i the uir.-ni.- olij -i i
ol Ihe llt'inurrarv In Hi b-not toel-i 1 th kei 11., tn-
Iniiieil by neii. but io ileieat fre-i lent l.r.in: m ml
ntjtrn 1 an ine puny tuai n ioi nn- Miieniher
elncilnnt do ibis an the parly thai Iw 1 aiilnrma
In MeptemiMT and New lork in Nov.-ninr prtmle
liberal lie, ublican victory nutter li- I -nler.hip a
year trom mm. The lietiMH-iac hnve. linl.-..ii m .,!,.
a icalu at the Mourh In ihe IhII el. riioup; hut w.- nil
know thai ihe irreat tirn-.-t'ie 01 lH.-i u, iivniied
on .Noriheru oil ; autl Ii nmy he ij i---irt teil v.h-ih-er
It la wie for lhat party m ilenvmil th - lenii,.r-h.p
of the oppoallion lo frealilnnt I. unit in winch
has lol two powerim minnem roniu? and n.it maite
a tingle iorilieru gam iu lriti.
Most assuredly thit it not onlj a "new
ide one from the tuppo--
of "oid
p II Owl y
jeiidv 1 ?
What VCbite Q'.ycerlne it
Wltnt it Doon.
Wuite Uiycerme may b de,cnbd as a beau
tuul. perley white, teiui Iran. ptieal ami atli.
Iluid, ba. mor cOkSivtrnce o -boy" thn ibt
uiun glycerine 1 ah eh it a linn, .yrupy fluid
aaeuiiie colu. of wnter I It h noue ot the
aitriouie or vnarecterintics ol aitro giycenne ;
baa tl. gin, ag erattle ,! ; dep a. uo tedi
iii.nt. Us iuo.i singular ob.r cieritilc it its re
aatkahl artiuity l..rlhetio; I.U it dees not
a h.u hern tted, "leve a trnpraui coa-.fcg
which .n uihi s if. a pei.ly "lute enutne th.
can not be remuved " It peueirte the skin
aod it is bere t liftt it. eitr .or linary dec.iloruin
ndble.clmg p tati .r- du-e tesu it at on
a-tonirbi.it and gatiiimg it so olaritie. thi
kmthtit mat he sin tu :ev-it without p 1
er blemi h, aa t ertt in i portly a' d beauti
s thill t.l I he t.lte.l . llil.i t , et othel
rliil.l propertirs- e).e.iallv in e.nibina ion-
1- whieb, ho-ev. r, t it isnpinniirr he e t
allude, it 1. i pre., nt nff rrd only in a rsflned
fate fur .,tnsttt- , t toil I ti-e.
1 h-t it is an art fie ahieh can n t injure tb
kin is prove hy th n i t searching enetiiicel
analyis. a- e by tn l.v.g eimtinu- I t si of til
use by hund eels It ba ix-en tke internal.'
wnb mi injurlna-elT ets, and i h.lieved 10 ie
eeiirel- powerless , f harm. It ba. in'ariabii
r.-eeived ih- com mend tln" of all who have ne
it. for a le hy l Orncci ts
- n.it pe.-u-eily ale, jusl so ljnis tli.-re
mmicent rtaner of fud t. tu-u of ihe dieease. j
Heuce it : lhat I o trcouoiy eioiiut ( 111- J
aun-try ptitieuls ga ins l ex pi., ing the tusei t es to
a aimosphere ihut is not geuiisl aad pleasant.
Celiliruicd coDuaaptivt' luegs are a mas. of
eo-es, which Ihe l.t eha- f auuo-pliere will
cd.ru.. The grand tccictof my succcsith
ny me liinnss ons'sls iu Uiy anility to .ubiuv
i,.ilAmu.iicn iL.teaii uf prov- king 11, as .nany
1 the I".. cully d- An iofl.med lung csnie-l
w lb rafety to ti.a patient be expo.eu lo lb
nitiag blast" of w.n.er or tbe c"jtui..g wine.ol
-priug or autum. It should be carcfaly e h i s i ti -t.l
from all irritating in;lutncs The olam
aatj' io aboald be observed in thit particular,
at without it a tare under almost ay eircuai--tances
ia an iraputtibi lily
The person thiul b kept on a wholesome
ind nntrttiout diet, tnd all the m.dieinet con
tinued antil the body ht r.ttnred to it the nat
ural quan.ity ot Herb aiid sirengib
1 w 1 my self cured by ibis .re meat of ih.
worse kind ol Contuaptiou, ana hav lived tu
41 lat and beany th man; j cart, with on.
lung mostly gone. I have eured thootandt
.luce, and very taa-iy bar boen eared by ibis
rrtituM-ni whom I have o-ver.-eo
Aout lb tint ot October 1 expect Intake
....sse.sion - I tny on. builliof at th. u.r beet
1 .rsi-roi S;IU in I Ach streets, wher I tll.ll
e plsed to give adrice tu ail b. may r-
ill re it.
Fill ltre,i i -as ;iim.itit all my r-melie
C F. K LI Km U BO,
Sachl'tit &, Sfg-av r.
Machinery and brass castings; alto ef no.
torial, official ani bn.icese 5 8 A LS in tnperior
pretttt and evry thing else ia tbe line ef en
craTinir. Orders from aVoad dtetd tu S10
-tat.tree, MILTATKhE, WIS
octIT d6m
Distiller, Rectifier, Importer,
f0 l S 1 i $
lb -15. g 1 . ! s
lVl M
W a,icS-ai5 cD
"s 1 : : s 2 t-; " s I b I
XVr- aigi fl
3t A.JM1O0JD:
aoW LUST, 110 KExOrti;il JIlsi (.0b
lished ny tr. Lewis, Jib paes, lhirt. Kit
lion, mi 4 . 1 c tl Oumpaoiun aad (iuide to
biotiih. no ih radical cute of Sperxatorrbea.
or AeH.,nl Vte.kucss, lavo umary Seminal
i-"i, I ui otei.cy , Vtuii a-.d Pby.ual Inea
pscitj , 1 keuiu.Li ,e !ttri!;e, tie , and tht
Venereal aLo ey,hi.iitic Maiauies, wtih piais
aud eltar directt, n i,,r it. j ie(y core of See
vnditrt sytupl...m,(ioaorrhce, lileeu.Siricittri-i
.nd all ui.ra.e. .11 the -km, .uoh at hearvy,
Scrufula, L'lm rt, Bull, Blotct and Piu pies o
tb face and bo ty, Coo'umpii n, Kpi epsr. aaa
F tt. induced by ..If mdalgeic or' texaal ex
.ravag nee.
Tbe celeorated aalhvr, ia tbit admirable treat
ie, . learly demontjai.t, frum a fertv years toe
e.arf.1 practice, tbat tbe tl.iniic euntequeooe
ot sen any. may ne rioie.lly curtd, pointing
out a mode f cure at one. timpie, certain, and
ueciuai.ny m.ant 01 wsicn verv tuno-er. no
natter what Ins c. nullum m.y be. can be effect
Ty cured, cheaply, privately an 1 ralicallr.
a- This bo k should tc in the hands ef ev
ery youth and ever) man in the I end
ttcut under seal, in a plain en- elop. Price bO
cents Address DR l.KWIS.So 7, Beach t'.
New Vork. jUn l.'-W w 1 y
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
27 Bast Water Street,
ll'KEF, ... WIS,
Wholesale and Ret.il Dealers in
ai!-, Tiober, ffdar Posts. &c.
0ce 110 Wett Water Street,
Mlbrt ATkSE.
BO. 23 Sltekti aT PITTSBURGH.
U ILLIAM NELSOK, Ulatt gtaieeraad Ut
tai lie rjasb Manufaetarer best adapted
for churrb wiedowt. Hiving erected tbe snott
sots plete and exUntive apparatus for tbe mana
facta.e of colored and onminecti! window glattf
he is prepared to furnish eve y vtTity for church
es, private residences, office windows, etc., la
tnperior style. Orders from all part ef the
onntry will rece reprompt attention.
a p
ry r-a.-l ol tht w.,rlil e.u rH
,T1 . r. A. I t (,LrS,
ladies' variety stoiu
NIi FtslllllkAUl h
tliiiiDer) aud )rr.t nakiBK
so. Z a a 1 a mill,
tapt lid ly.
departure ' but
. rii.u
ed aeneral eenliroeni 01 o.u hub Uemi
orals," and yet if once al'nitted that the
deuioorattc Dartv cannot without tbe aid nt
conservative allies fleet a President in 1 M72
even tbit plan, startling as it may at first ap
pear, be many points which seem featible
and sensible ti coiumsnd it. Ibe people
theratelves are not yet corrupted, the honesty
and integrity of tbe nation as such it above
suspicion, aud furthermore there is at little
doubt also that a majority of the people of
Ihe country desire soma sort of ohange from
ibe corrupliou of otlice holders, the nepot
ism, inefficiency, and military characteristic
of tbe existing adoiioistration
To acoomplth this some common ground
must be fouud upon which democra's and
contervative republicans can both unit
aud eu-operaie, and the candidate must
command tbe confidence of both More
over he should be of large experience in
governmental affairs, of pare and spotless
character, rigidly averse to all invasions o'
the liberty of citizeuthip, and possets a war
record which eanuot be impeached. Such
a nomination would be a pledge to the
whole country of an honest desire to place
the administration in honest and capable
Still another position, somewhat between
the extreme of a democratic movement
pure and simple and the passive or nn.nom
inatioo plan, it that which acknowledges a
willingness to co-operate 00 honorable
term, but maintains tbat for the present
aad until we posses better data for est -
aa anfa'tering I mating the strength and efBoieocy of aa at
11 113
Boll bytherxrade "enera'.ly.
ptrA Liaeral DisIOnt to It.lcrs.
100 O'lo furnished the II H. Government
t u.U 0 ' turoptao a mtnmtnU,
Army, Navy, Belt, Police aud I'uck.t Revol
vsrs; Kepetiingand at fo,:kei lut, an(j
Kine Uauit, u lag Vletallic tartndgee, breech
loading and Revolving Rille.
ocl23-dI6w Illiok, f. X.
Nos. 13 rind C8.
eiullia smiLErs czztcjl
i.vv..-.oir-j.'Z'i-iiC C r'.ci
Havf. rr.ovrn, thom Tiin jwt avti.e
exiterieiii e, i. 1 entire rneevtet : h mple i-t.imot
i:m.:ient iind Ueiiiihln. Tbey lire the nuly Mcilt
rlnrs perfectly adapted to pnptihir ne so aln.pin
Hint mistaki- run mK. bo rniulo in u-ins; lh-e, :
barntle.. n n tm free, trom thincer, im.i aoeniel"i-.t
as ti, be hIwhvs reliah:n. i'nev pure ntied the hlirli
est comntendutloa trom u I, und v. ;'.t i.lt.117 rentier
No. Tents.
1. Cure PresSfc Pnrtcoatli.it. 1 tft-.-rtmiil int.. ?f.
Worm. tV,ii-iii Ki-ei'i-. Wurin I'ulit;
t'rviiiu-t'i.lic itr teething tf Infents 2
j.mrma-n, nr i-iiiian n r Atiuif
llvm.nlery, ;rlptuR, Ililious Colic.
nniern.llornua, v.m iu.g
. .. -1
. .r.
0. . Muscmaa k Bro.
Manufacturers of
114 Chambers Street,
Harnett for Farming. Ttataing, Trucking, Cart
ing, Exprett.ng, Contractor!', Ie Com
paaiet', Livery tablet', Coape,
Road,Coaoh, Basinets ani
Pleasure TJse,
at tS, 10, tl3. SIS 1 20. 1 26 to $600 per Set
Send for dssoriativ list. oet2l d3a
t'ouuli. t'uitu, hroncriit ...
IVeuralirtn. Tootlr che. K; un'ir
Ilenilnt-lif., t ick lleei't cl e. Vci'li.o.
Ilv.itepain, Ei.nin eton : eh
enpprewnl. . r I'.ilntnl l't-rtuu,.....
W hi tea. u,n Profnte rorlitls..
C roup, f.uich, Jiinienlt Brenthing...
S-I.U lebenin, lysi i-lna, I'.niptiuna,
jh ni-nHii.i i.n i.iii-un'ni 'e rains.. t,
I, " i-evernnn Asno, I : ill Fever, Aiucs..-'i)
r.'. " I'lle hlio.l or I leofting ', ' ,J
H, " tlplitblnniy. rml re ,,r wi r I 1 y'.'q fft
U, " C'Hlnrrli. ncnt 1 or chrorlo. It flm nu, Wl
r V hnnpine-CoiiKli, v til, rt inuht .. iMi
il, " Aathmn. oppr skhU Breething... . .'11
" F.iir III linrsree, Ir i-nlrcd henrm- W
fl, rcrfHln, eohiritcd 1 Ini'i'B. fiwellln... fj
II, " tlenernl I bilit v, plivsiet i wi uknet,a....W
2, " Ilrpyn"d tcunlv r-eeri-tinrs. . . . e
tl, " Hen-fileknetw. sickno-. fixiuriiliiicili'rji
77, " Ktilnry.Dlwn.e, Cn vrl to
" Jiervooa Ilebllirr, Hinnnnl T mi
ion, lnv.'lunt:t-y 1 u-t h.-.tre-.. 1 00
Ftwe llastea.wtth 01 e 2luif Hewucr,
very necs-iry In auriout ciiMt 5 rn
n, " More Month, Canker fo
VJ, " 1'rlwt.rv Wrtknr;e. "!,. .j ui
1, " rn infill Period, withrttisu.s so
1. " rn!terinBa at chT f ll'e it,-,
t, Kpllen.y, Kptsmn, el. Vltes Itnrt. . . .1 m
t. Uipliiboria, ulourucd tore tiiiout.... )
Qf 35 ta f!l lnire vlnl. tnnrnern
r nwewoeil cn-rt rotitninlnv n
peclfle for rrrrjr rrrllnnry di-r-nae
a fiimllv ta arbject to, nnil
book of diroctinn f n r flOtoTCS
DU11111 -r r.mut l""ll 1 fUVt'llDS CUSi ,
with JU I tZl v'-'l. "...fr. n r"
Blieeifl" t"T ml PrlT tn 11
both ft rnritiir ait-l fir rrevrn.
five) trcataient, in vi::'.i rr.d puckit
etc fT- to Cj
rOXD'9 rTTftAC?,
CnwaTtnma. Ttrnl.ee, T.nm-nr--, f 'r-n-'-a.
Hftret Threwi, Sirnin-, Toorlinel-i., 1 ur- lie.
Ttenrmliriii, Khi-nmuf lpr, I-nibiim, ?ili--.
linns, r'lnirn. enre vc-. I 'OirtT t'-o
.nnir. 'e, Pfuittc, cr t J" I IIco Conn-,
lecre. Old rSorca.
. Prtco, 0oB.,53ct8. 1 r:nt,?a.CD 1 Cnartn,
VI. 70.
rw These Ttemedlee.cTeetT'OVTif: rXTT. Af",
by theeuaetor sit-uio box, nrorjn tou-y 1 art of I o
connt-y, by m :l or exnrcss, lrco cf cUuryc ui
receipt of ihe price. AiJurcss,
nunphrc75' SpcciCo
nomoopaC io M c!ici.o Co.
Office and Depot. No. id BuoAttw a v, N cv.-.Vousf
easily cuttd by a ainoi observance of thesame.
J U UK. ICS. .VI. U ,
II' it BUT A ED.-iAUL,
:ll ,.k ttreel 0 10440, film it,
w Uu.eale Agents
Ytt a aiil ii'B ut men It. lay Loihiug of Itt
adies, know by ex ericuee ibt
tiiit-ttorn's i tthiiir Jliir l?)t
prouuc.s tbauct of e . r th.t aeem to Lave been
roogbl out by auiuie lierself They fcu w, no
that il is fr e trim ail injurious matter, btcuus.
ibey bave used it fur ars, atid ibut tested it by
a prut-css in re oertaiu thau ecn et.. mi. al anai
y.is itself In f.at, tb duly . tpe i nee ul uiu
ntude. o: bum stx-t, cotbruis the Utclt atiun
the 61st ana ylieal thimi.l in A met'ca, lhat tbi
aia tic tmr lye containt "ivlLii g ilt liter uus tc
aeal.h." good i le.sii.g tti-ula te tsed u.
b dying, and ihe i-ct m
to C3
Chat. k. Benttr and
Eoeb Island,
Spidel, Agent foi
Ltilifk, late PirlKB ai Kiice.
The Real Vtlpau Female rilUI
KklM(, l.lUfH.
raet Fills, tu oel.ttat.d mnv ye.ts agu .i
.'ar.s, lor tn. -eh. of ieui.1. irrega.arn.ti., u..
.fierwaidt for their criminal eml .ymeni in th
raaiioe ol aburtiuu, ar. no ..tteitd lor tale tut
" '- Uu"! ia America 'I t,, a.e uecu a.pt
ia compaiativ. oh.tunij trt-tu the lei :B .1 la
.ritiaaiur. ut, vlpau, it a p .icitu iu Pns
I retwelia,ad bat ttrii o.rtsjit .tiouriprin
tipl. aad ua itbiel i ibea fr.ui aeuerai a
est iney should o employ , ro. aala.tul u--
i I.S
iu uve-oitxtng 'nm ij;.atrcliunt Falling
v-- Oil, a. titeeu Si kaest. .-app.es.
'"" !euiu. ur imtnoi.rate i-'lo .j in.
d nthiv t....h trs, Nmt.us .111 u I Alfec
'on, P ,in. in Iue iic. aud Liioq,, fatigue ..
Iiaot exeitiuu Ha pil.t.. a tt th lle.ii.Hv.
net, Ae.. and will effect a our when all 01 be.
'netnt bat. tailed; end. tlUongb a powurtu
mrdy.de not nti calou.ei, antim y, o
nyiuin, nurttul to tbe . a-lilution
fo a tied .a iirr auil youug itiit who hav.
ot, r b.en eguUt.! tbey re peculiarly tuueC
Th.y will, in . eh.irt time, trmg on tbe mouthl'
per od with regularity
Cacvior Married Ladle. should never akt
thot whet there is say reatoe to believe tbe to
-It. pregoaet.fei tb.t will beture to prods
L,a tie eaa procure a box sealed from tt eye
f the eurio., by eaolotiag .tt dollar. od tit
pottagt stamps to M W. M ACOt btB, O ters'
tent for United Atatetand Canada, tt A haot
I., er of ay aeiherised Agtal tayS4dwl)
t M , V
E. D. & W. A. FRENCH,
Manufucturers and Wholesale Dealers In
Sole Manufacturers of tlio Celebrated.
iiii.vl.se gueex.
Tlilrtl and Vine t-t reet.,
I iiji-iiireu'
ill I
, tv I I it I a ts ,j
The tei BkOoo, SToHAca akq Livaa Medi
1. ever otlcr.d . the pubiiu It I ver agree
a 10 ihr Lite and i 1 net affect tb teeth i
en prep ,rti.n. geairail 00.
fl't.K ,f Jo; Ii .iii 1, fBBd vastly u
enor to any ol ih. Calitay and iron tutaian
.ive.y u.tdf r invigorating ine eysteoi. It wil
make oloui; I ike wire th.ci.en it. Il will rcston
ulie aie aud ataaciated ,the weak and debilUaled
lu 1111I.1, B.erh, haalta BAtlalreagth ta an inured
ibiy tkori time. Itwi.l.tr. g bea tbe nursing
tuuiiieraud : ucre.ee .be flu ol tallk.alsu bene
'il tbe ehilu at the br ant uJ prevent many u(
ne complaint, to wb ch children are abieot it
uf..ncy. It il! lend to r.rtorc the eyesight
ben impaired by continued pjT cation ia read--
ug, rmng or nr. by ttren.t.eist the p
icnervet It will give vitality to tb menta
taeu. lie. who depressed by o ott conCnement t.
tudy .ir itusiness pur-u.l.nd prevent Be.rvooi
hoiiaibti ll ili purity the blood and pre
lent the "le.L n. out ol bulls, ptmele and thet
rupi ion. e.uaed bj puverty of biuod. It wil
estur tbe g.nilai org.Bt, ahen weak, to
fieathy condition, regulale the menstrual period
..so relieve atoiitty eaused by rummer hal o
tees.it prespirat en
A aingl trial wil pr ve con -lusively that w
have aot over est i a at d the value ef this excel
ent medicine
Pri.e.f till p.r buttle.
J. C. HtGLIKe,
OUoiaist and I-ru-is'.s. Sole Prunr'alort.
bT. LOlile
Alto proprietors of Mag ir't oelebr.ted Bat.
'LttT. a sure sure for iliatrbea. Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus and the AtiaibUbelera. Al
orders ' root responsible pa Uee promptly it lied
aaeazi dwly
Cor. CWbouTne
Diploma Awarded at th Wisconsin Stats
Fair 18T0.
Manufacturer of ail kinds of
AjretaJilt, Pigestille, Kauri sh ing, Satisfy
ing. Soothing, Strengthening.
This fariaaenut preprat nn coital 1 all th
elementt pecetary f-r growth and repair. It
nat uir years oeen me principal lood for mlantt
ana lnvaiiat in tcgind and tbe Colonus, and
t pruvad by txte.ience to be tb oesf rrery day
fovd f tr cht'ldrtn.
bold I cans of all sires, and in St cent pack
ets for the million by druggists and grooars gen
IMLE k BLOrKI, PrnlMg,
SOI Rtndolph ttrett, Chicago, Agents
99, 101 & 103 rerry St
(Foot of East Water,)
fiXilwaakee. -
Show Cases of every dterintion and materitl
shipped te any pa-t of the United States.
ool.b da
West tnd Huron St., Bridge,
ftSilwaitkee. ...
Ordert from e;.se Cash Beyers solicited.
Staple aad Fancy Groeeritt, Provisions,
Qaetnrware. Glassware, vTooden and Willow
Ware, Ac. Corner Orleans and Ohio slreett,
ROCK ISLAND, - - . . ul.
For quality cf goods ani prices, I defy torn
petition. mebUdly
C. WJlLli? m.
(Suoseesor to VTlles A Hale,, Dealer in
Keeps ecnttautly on hard aa a.tortment of
tai ic.n and English Breecb lo.iting t-l.c.t
Jont, R.fles. Sboutint Tkl. (inn Mat. rial.
Fi.bing T.ekle, MU1 Cartrldg.s. Bly't adt,
d Cartridge f-hellt Po.dcr eb.t etc.
87 WiscoEsla Street, BSilwalte.
Itintt aed Skot Oust made to order. Btpair
ng work promptly dene. cet27di'm
Bo. 269 Seuta WaUr Street,
Offer to tbe trade a full stock ef
JJedidnes, Chemicali,
At very low prices. Eend for quotations.
II. 1. floNe
California Ub(s ind Brandies!
I have mad Ussii B.uTHiat ageatt for
d ilwaukee, Wttcontm, 01 tb. a.leof my Sunny
lop. Wine aud bu oy blop Brandy, and I
w.irant them e let be pure ptodaet el tb Gr.p
.nd made br mtttll n stt Vinaya'd kn.wa at
-uany 61 pa.in Lot Angelet County, Califoinea
L J. KOLK, Lo. Auglet, t aiiforeia.
We keen a larc ttock of Mr. Ho.e' branty,
Aageliea aod for. Willi, ai.d eonfidestly ree-
jui.i.l them t tne Drug Trad as oeing per
leeny pure aad th vary beat produced in Call
, or aia. BamoUs sent on anolit.-e.iioB and tp
ia! q notations gives to those who bay in large
1 u,iiu ia. eeuv-a'sa
Medical Institute,
Hu btatay. Vonevr CMaMlehM frr the t rea t rar-n u T Teoerl.
. aVl, Sftutai evutl PiivaVie Dlwaevti, tliao muj mhtr In
A mrr-tca
trtriM"t, Hernia, nr Ruptur; il I rinirr I(itui9 aaf
Sjrictiiiiie .p M'Tviiriil An.Ttl t. or the throeu, Bkia or
liita air1 trrauni v ith uii iril-Med sii-efsj.
Sptrmalorrltf-a, Ii'bi.itf anil Im-
Wl-'OCT, MLBertttiitll -'f tH-lf atlsunw! ttt TSXith. lafiK UAI e Krvyilwe
in maHiirvT Tear-, .r ":hr cus, ftnJ wLich ,.tt.ajvtj sm
f the? foioio fevw, aa oorium-J tniititvno- biotctt
debilitfe dizzine, dimact mi t-ht, coo-'
futoB of idrai, rrfl forattodian, tvcrrston to MNSfftr of
sVttt.vM. rotj M mrmnrr mn4 wxrU rwer rvadTiijnnr.
VUgr toptroftevf. r pkwmmtmiXj cutW. HrsJes i.ttnt: bn-t
rv.-ting to iTf tent two M-ovi Ctvll or wriw
frtefjdiv tmlk ru HHlinf. MrH.'iiti tu.nt vrv re
Ii U -if .nivatbhu fctHni itui oo ir. t1i.f H.tMi;-.otl..f
J1"""' rNl.f, ..tili Oouoi't ft'-.,-laf
fre iitouny reoornrotyrtd perMDi inoorcif.
OQio Uuura. A. u. U 7 r. Muo-Ln, u u 1 r M.
617 t.Charle!s Si.m. l.ouig.Io.
W P. WH11 T1H. M. P ,
-896 Pcnn I'it.sbiiiKh, V
691 nroi1 w:iv. v Vork.
mm uigCTsa &mwxaatmm&mi
egM WtLtf-. P H;k- v.r rtrt Mllltonr Wbomitv narr
wtt not iVitv? liimtw: t'li-eM aud 0tr.,, Xl
than th- Oo'.t'i' '- f uriatii. i.r ltTii.ttUt Uti to kiioer A
true? Muri'-i:-' ''ft nl privtt M .iictit ''emwli-r Krery
ribr. m'iiw- J'otT mem mu4 y lUf. wtntn houiJ r nl
tti S ntii k A.LEO 1 a txiU5 ---tt , rw.Th f.r :'ae
r2irrn:E htsical ixshtdts.
AtJr1r.--. Dit. C rirfn.PtblJ St ffe.r-- m, St . l.oi. Met
Oil w. . a utrrtiev KS peun St . Ptuttirti it Pa
Or W V. Wmit-i inn. ft7 hrtwdwa-. vw ytrt,
footlnafw tn treat pU ChriMJi VlrnVnt nttt np-fl it
n. UI4 WDtitutlotifl ens, rt v -u i-'rien nr
enwvJ htw. TheFveiulta f wlf tMp ts "t! j- form.
? mrt4t imirtafw cm a h c-jn-tt rtot(Unnr.ii fi.
Callur wo ! uv HAtniD fir llt-di ul v. t i'rr -inr
aetcM-d. ChariTM mrAic. Hmtre n. w ? p. n
. gUBflTaj.B a. in. Ut U ui-.(Q tti".-0 r: i.u ai reiir-p.
No. 613 Chratrtnt ir. M. I.oiii. Mo.
WMnWI Bill! II I in iHTM
r-eat snlvir-U tr-trfl of In thin pawhltrt ' which (wntaioa
nottiac et-Mn. r Hirii. b airrT crt: tS-if-9tur.
l erlveu AUdrare. Inii'iHf inr. -u UI !(.
hifrilitv nf Wmo, Vartcr;!e, Phrttfmii. Wt!nt
tio Blnltt. Mt-raia, Hv4rmtc.lcHtf)tsujn uf tbe Btrl
4r. Alo Ui-a? pWHlikr ww men Ft &cotm h will
Im (tent ia aealfHl tetter eotatone. ht Dr. Htjmtbk, tS
Chaat Street, 6t Louia. Mo , ht ue I'evtevt 4levsea
uwiffuttv t ferv; fatuiilT onaiht U' have it. Only M at-
awl more lo form at ion tbsu SK wbt-re tb. object ta booi.
Hiinjf All v-re-mrlu'lPf rr-fn-- h"tii w-nl for It
Caw net by M!f-ahy or tvce-lre feoerf, the "jmptomg
beiaf retBiBJ lnv.s. IidiifisUfti, trrtttt1itv. rm of ajaa
w ntMarfM-, aresraion la afo4ty, remlartag marrtafa Improper
Tbia diaeaae ia very eommoei aod tbouaaotle atopa not
vowinbat la tbe Batter, mmof da atH ar caonot Tiait
. AftetraO ara expartcavoe 1 bav prapairad earea
to. I The fa rat U ot. tage. No. 1 Tba tije of prog rati
Ko f 7be ef tt-ecaf and Impnteve;, at $6 a tre-at-
tawrat. A fear panacea aarva aaoat cm., aad parMvcranoa
triii car aoy ca mt laa kind.. Hute yoar eaae fuUT, aand
re dotlara aael tba car mi aaed will be eeaa poet-pa id ;
tana yom aaaa atr akltl at boiaa at leaa taaa traveliac aa -peaaea.
wltaautexpeaare One packaa will aoavtae yoa
rated a care ta thi way la eer.aut ia tVima aa raiMdj ia
ahag4 ta aait airouavtaacea
Pasnpblnu aiiabtia( aoj oue to eta tbetrcaae felly, M
aacaa la aalaf.i iaUer aavotooa for Xj ceaie. Addraaa