rDlLIIIIB BY " A&axri rxiatiaa oonrr, TI&MS Dat Aas. . 11 Mail (payableia edvaa.),pereeaaa,$IO.OO By MU " " lis months, e.OO Br Mail moaths,.. Br Kail " " I moath II antr-Br Oitt Oaaeiaa, SI Oeat per ink. Sueta Conn I Oeat. TI&MI.- TnurlMii. Siegle Copy, (payable! a advaaeo)...... ....$. tea Copies " aa aa r .... ..,.. if,H ivaaty uopie firty Copies e.OO , eO.OO $1 AY. Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 A Bio Eitabliihjikt. Te firm of Child k Co., of Davenport, hava tha largest wholesale boot and ahoa establishment ia ither Iowa or Illinois. Ia fnot, it baa ao aqoal ia aizt wait of Cleveland. Not only do they keep all tba moat noted gooda of tba east, but ara alio ooatinoelly abla to apply tbeir eaitomer with honao mada work, warranted ia every reipact. Daren port boot and abooa ara known all orar tba country. They hava a big reputntioa among dealert, and eery joitly, too. They ara manufactured on toicatific principle! from good material and by fint-elaaa workman. Tha ele of Child Co., amonnted to $50, 000 last month. This U an old jtablihd firm, it it loaroaly naoeuary to mention, and by fair and aqaara dealing with all men, bai built op an immenie and proiperoai business. That it ii certaia to increase aad expand, there is not the alighteit doubt. One member of the firm permanently re- idel in the tail for the express porpoie of taking advantage of the market!, and get ting goodi at the very lowett ratea. This ii one leoret of tha low pricee the firm eelle at. Skillfal management redonndi, in tbii manaer. to tba benefit of the tend cos- tomer. Id to day'e issue will be fonndJChild k Co'e advertisement. Oar boot and ehoe dealers will profit by giving ii a perusal. Cbablcs Riiiie boaiti that 375,000 oopies of hid last novel have been sold in the United State. LOOA.L NOTICES. VERT LATEST BY TELEQBAPH, 4 O'Olook JE. The Apportionment Bill! THE SPANISH DIFFICULTY Fire at Washington! Proeeeding f the Legislature AUSTRIAN POLITICS! teat to-day by a tog, that a large portion of ina river oeiow toe Dridge piera i open, and ferry boat ara again running freely. ine river oetween nere ana (Jairo ia report ed to ba alternate stripe of ice and open water ; bat if the warm aontb wind and warm atmosphere which have prevailed to day continue, navigation lontb will toon ba resumed. Ditroit, Deo. 6. Anxiety ia felt bere regarding tba bark Sonny Side, doe from Chicago. A terrible anow atorm on Lake Haron rendere navigation axtremely peril ous. A tog baa gone in aaaron tor tha Sonny Side. A large number of vessels hare gone into winter quarters at Port Ha ron, their voyages oommg to aa abrupt ter mination on account of ice Several vessels are frozen in on the St.tJlair flats, and will probably bava to winter there. Cincinhati, O., Deo. 6 A farmer named Daniel Ballard was shot and almost in stantly killed yesterday afternoo t by three men, one named John Klein, the others supposed to be two brother named Brenk aer. Kleine was arrested. No cause ot the shooting is known. St. Thomas, Deo. 6 The United States war steamer Nantasket arrived here from Porto Rico, and Carpenter had a conference with the Spanish man of-war, who dis claimed any intention of molesting the eteamer Florida eieopt to prevent her from approaching the ooastt of Porto Rioo or Cuba. Jacmet, ov. 22. The crew of the Hor net threaten to blow her np rather than sur render to Spanish authorities. RATES OF ADVERTISING, let cask i start, or the stats ettttltd by tea liatt ef solid atapartil, One Dollar for eatk ia ttrtioa. Bpeeial sTotlees, SI ttat! per Ilae. Whew in serted t months er more, It per eaat above rsga. lar edvsrtisiag rates. Oomaealeetioaa, er article Inserted amoag readlag matter, 11 eantt in llae. Dailv aid Wsiiit.-A disseaat ef S5 pet sent, will he made from the Weekly rates, ea Marly and half y early contrasts , when tat tan attar Is iaserttd In both Daily aad Weekly. Doable Columns will be charged 31 percent additional. I ot;i transient adrertltemea mttt is required. advaate pay THE Symptoms of Liver Complaints are uneasiness and pain in the aide. Home times the pain ia in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stom ach ia affected with loht of appetita and sickness, bow LIVEB THE MEXICAN WAR! Rgx.vk'8 Pam Killing Magio Oil ia ex cellent for sore throat ; its nte seem to cure any kind of pain. Try it freely. ToiLiTtis is nnrivaled a a beautifier ot tba eemplexiou, it is a powder, harmless, re Sned aad elegant. Try it, 50 oenti par bo Iwfast. Miah suffering to these tender little buds of the hnman faaily, might be allayed by using Mrs. Whitcomb'a Syrup. See advertisement in another oolamn. Still Victomocs. Dr. Prion' Cream Baking Powder, after a five year' test, stand to-day, ia the estimation of thous ands, ahead of all other preparation for makitg light sweet bread, biscuits, and pa- Maaausa Gdidc. 'Interesting work, numerous engraving, 224 page. Prioe 60 oeatt. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensers. 12 North Eighth atrael, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. VICTORIES OF THE 1EBELS ! Murder at Cincinnati! General Summary. Market Eeports. Reported Kiprsssly far tike Aaet. Im tbs Havds or SciEtr all thing be. come valuable by adapt meat and salutary by their application. Thus Da. J. Walceb ba obtained from oertaia vegetable pro ducts of Calforaia, that have been trampled npon for oentariaa by tbe ignorant, the in valuable curative knowa as tha Camfobsia YisiuAe BiTTcas, a medicine which is ex oiting tba wonder of tha community by its beneficial operation ia tha worst case of Rheumatism, Pulmonary Disease, General Debility, Congestion of the Liver, Constipa tion, Sarofula and Malarious Fevers. Boston Bazaar 1 NEW STORE. I Daily Market Review. l.OO 3-4. els iu general cooiLvu, gome times alternating with lax. The head in tronhlert with pain, and dull, heavy sen sation, consiaeraoie loss or memory, accompanied with painful sensation of having left nndone something which ongnt to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes uiauv of the above hvniiiioms attend the disease, and at outer times very few of them ; but the liver is gen erally the organ most involved. Cure the liver with ssl. sxarxaffonr LIVER REGULATOR, A PREPARATION OP ROOTS AND HERBS, Warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no in jury to any one. It has been nwd by hundreds, and known for the lat thirty-live yeans as one of the mot reliable. etM caciouH and harmlene preparation ever offered to the suffering. It taken regularly and persistently, it ii pure to cure Dyspepsia, headache. Jann dit'e, cogiiveiieH. tuck head ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections ol the bldder,CHmp dysentery, atlections of the kidneys, fever, nervousness chill. dies or the skin, iinnnrilv ..t th. t,l.,.,H ini.l. I!niuirTi7iu!i!jinl (-Dints, hoariuurii. coiic, or pains in the bowels, pain In the next. lever ana aaue dropsv, boils, pain in the back and litut). asthma, erysipelcis, It-ninle affections, and bilious di&eaees geuentliy. Prepared only by J H. ZUILIH A CO., Drnt;rists. Macon. Oa , and 3J9 Arch slroet. Phila di'liiiia. Pa. elld for a Circular. Price fl ; by ill II tot sale by John lieii)jon, Koca Is land, 111. novu-dly itegolator. KDrCITIOML. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maaa'astnrert of NGINE LATHES l HAPIXIi AND SLOTTING MACHINES, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASXTTHS' STEAM HAMMERS. Oan machinery. OUBLE MILLING MACHINES. ill Work, Shattln; aad Hangers, Patent 8elf- Oillng Box. WAREHOUSE: lOT I1HBKTYM., SKW YORK. CITY M A XT FACTORY : tMMOMl ST., (Opn. Jaoetioo Depst). WORCfcSTlvR, M.ts, All Trains en taring the Cit. slop within ten da of our Works. jalO dtf Rock Islaxd, Dae. ly brands, barrel.. $ quality Flour, Fate Floor, nd Wheat Barlev Oats Buckwheat Floar Braa, ton hia Staff. Oera Meal, ewt Cora. Apples Potatoes Colons Whits Bsans (navy).. Bfgi doz Batter $i lb Lard Dressed Pork " Chickens " Turkyas Hsy Pralrla r o T DO 1 05al 16 4;c Statue 8 UOaV UO 14 0 SI 00 1 50al 80 ITaSOe 2 SUal 00 ROCK ISLIND O iiwineMs Oollese OPKS DAY AND KVESI3G, Fet Ladie aad Osatlsmsn, Boys at Misses. A large sambtt now attanding. Evening School wall attended. oot!2 dtf KsUblhhcd SI Tears. llll Jones' Commercial College, DAVID A KlSr.i, Uanulaoturer of and Dealer in leetro - Medical lastrumeBts, aso Qalvasie Batteris of all Kind aad Six. 18 W. Kaadolph Street, HICAGU, I Li- All Kinds ef Eleotro-Megnstie Instruments Neatly Repaired at short notice. Also Models menee of all descriptions oa short notice. oeti-d.im t to lsa28c ISalOsI Uiallioi 4ia4s 10o 12ie OOalO 00 Timothy 10 OOall 00 Blomh 7 00a 8 00 Hiokary Wood, socd... 7 00 Oak Wood, do b SOaS 50 Goal Valley Coal, bushel I415s NEW GOODS L S. GATES & CO., ILLINOIS 8T ..HOCK ISLA1IP, (Formorlf MoOso's Bkes Btors,) 0FFEB8 F )& Bill 10,100 yds of anbleaohod Hustings at 10, II, 12, 13, 14, lao. as. .00i).;ds of wkito Mssha; al 10, 13$, 14, 15, etc Table Llnas, bleeohsd and aneleaohei at 3, .', 60, "jo, elo. 10 pisses real turkey rod table linen, at f 1.10 per yard. ot) dos Napkins at 75, 1,00, 1,25, 1,35, ete. Tfklte bad spreads 1,10, 1,50, 1,110 ete. 5,0ii y ii orask tow.llnf, . . 10. llj, 15, elo. 6 dos Itoaa towels 10, 1-1, 16, 20, 26c, ete. Large lot liuta diapers, sbsap. 6(1 d i wsrinaa eorsets. Id beaes while and col- oral, all uamoers at 86a psr pair. '1 do French aorsett verf obsap. 30 do Frsnsh silk etabroldared oorset. tD dos Rid moves all eo ers and aum'sers, at 65 eeaie per pair, aheap. S6 dos Kid moves, estra aloe 5ats per pair. 20 dos I bottoa Kids all colors and aaahars very cheap. A large lot Lisle thread aad Cotton Oloves. 20D Lalms oalioa wrappers at 1,50 end I.OC eaoh 200 Bbawla al 00, 75, 00, 1.60 2,00, 2,50 3,50, 4.00, 4,60, &, to $2J each. large aad splaolid assortment of Ladies' un der clothing. Ohesiise 60, 76, 00, 1,00, 1,35, ete. Drawers, 60, 76, l.Ou.eto. MiKbl Dreisas, VO, 1.10, 1,35, 1,60, ete. Taoaod Skirts, T5.VD, l.ou, 1,26,1,60. I'edor Bhirla, Saeked aad tefflad, only 60o. 60 doi Aprons frost 2ts to n. A large lino of Ladies' ana Mtssos' Hosiery at very low prleaa. 100 dos Ladles' bsmned Haadkarohtefa from 6c upwards. great variety of batten aad trimmings te be Id at bairtko asset priaee. 100 dos Ladies' Laos Joller at 10, 16, 35s,eto. Ladies' Real Thread Laoe Collars 10, 76, t 1.25. 1,60, etc 10,000 yds ef ootton Bdglegs, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0 7, 6, . 10. ate. J 0,000 yds ef Bamberg Bdgiags at 7, 1, 1, It, 10, XU.I6, 91, 36, 40: 46, 60, etc A largo lino ef inserlloas to matob. ebeap. 400 des Bpol Cottoa, 200 yds each all eelers aad numbers at 4 eta per spool ot 43 ete per aosea. 300 doe Coats' and Clark's cottoa at 8 eoats spool. 200 do spool 811k, 100 yds each al Hie a spool. 150 dos of spool Bilk 1Z yd each at 3s a spool, Bkelo Bilk and Twist at 2 each. J. Hsglisb's pin ctuok Beadle, 6 a paper. Fins 6 ess a paper. Ilaatio Cord 3. 4, to per yard. 26 dos Osnt's white Skirts, at 1,00, 1,25. 1,50 and 2,00 epea back. Qest's aadet thlrt 26, SI, 60. 75, 80, 1,00, ete Mint's plaid F.aaeel skirts 75, 1,0V. 60 dos band kait Wooloa Hock at 40s a pal'; loafs Cottoa Hose 111 12, 16, SO, 25. ete. Usat s Papas Osllars, 6, 10, 16, 10 aad 21. at's Hecklles. 10. 16. 20 aad 26e. Oeet's hmmsd Uaadkerokiefs, 10, 16,28,25, ete Weals Kid Olevet.eheep. 10.(00 yds Caliae, at 7, 1, 10, I2i, eU par yard 1,000 yds Bed Ttaklae at 18, 16, 20, 26e, ete. - 1,600 yds eotloa Flannel at 12, 16, 30, 35, ete A large assortment ef white and red Flannels se be sold ohsep. A good llae of bleak aad colored Aipeee. A fall llae of silk and weol Poplins at oausna tow prioes. A good assortment of plaid dress goods. Blaek Bilks from 1,58, to $5,00 par y t. 600 piaoee ef Bikboa all widths aad oolors A fall line of Bash Eibboas. Aa extensive assortmsal of Jewelry te be sold at graat baraiaa. 60 dos Hooa Btiris at very low Brian A fall lias of Perfumery aad a large variety of Nsw Yost, Dec. 6. A special dispatch from Metamoras, Mexico,'of December 15tb, ay the rebel General Trevelob baa takea Saltillo with heavy loss oa both side. The government troop still hold possession of the c reach fort on the outskirts, lhe rebels control the poeition from two point and it surrendor ie hourly expected. Quiroga, rebel commander, is organizing at Monterey for operations. Carlina, government commander at Rivero, UU wail the results of Treviao aad Quiroga' movement. Tba government commander here oonteals ail newi. This is considered unfavorable to tha government. Teletrraphic and mail communication witn tha interior ia entirely suspended. Oxiii. Dee. 6. The passenjrers who left her for tha West oa Friday morning December lit., were at Laramie station to dav. It i not known how toon the road will ba cleared. Tha weather has modera ted. A great number of ease ara reported West of persons frozen to death. CmcmnaTi, Dee. 6. The building of the London Woolen Company at this place was totally destroyed by fire this morning. Loss 10,000. Insurance $10,000. Viinra, Deo. 6. Count Aadrassy ha received the congratulations of tbe Russian government oa his elevation to the premier ship of the Austrian Empire, coupled with ao expression of confidence in the wisdom and j astir of the policy which will be psr ued under hi administration of tha foreign relation of the Empire. SpaisoneLD, 111., Deo. 5. Ia tba Senate to-day, a message from tha Ooveruos, trans mitting the correspondence relating to ad ditional ground for erecting government building in Chicago, waa received and re ferred to the committee on Federal Kela lion. A resolution to redoce the fees of clerks of circuit court was reported back, r- ad a second time, and ordered printed. A bill providing for special session of tbe Supreme Court, and creating a Judicial Department, to bold session at Springfield, was ordered to a second reading. In the Honse, Voek's bill to regulate life insurance companies came up on a third reading. A motion to table was lost, 17 to Hit- A motion to recommit wa also lost. The bill wa then pot on passage, and pas ted ; yeat 1)1, nays 50. A number of other bill were pasted, in eluding a bill for extending tha rights of women. WAssiaaTOw. Dee. 6. The total lot of the Chicago National Banks, by lire, i f 1,- 005,000, leaving them with capital nmm paired, and fOO.OOO still available. Wasuisutos, Dec. 6. HorsB. The Louse adopted a resolution this morning that tbe Railroad Committee inquire into the expediency of connecting Lake Mich gan and the Mississippi river by a snip canal. nt. Hanks offered resolution whiob were adopted, calling on tbe Freaident for in traction to naval commander in Cuban water for tbe protection of American lifa and property, and the maintenance of the nag ; for tuformation of the recent exeou tion in Havana, aad in relation to the faiinre of Spaia to carry out tha promises of tha reform in the Wait Indie. Mr. Butler obieoted to the in trod notion ol a resolution calling on tba rresiueni ior in formation of the invasion ot south Carolina bv troona Tha Honse went to tba Uommittee ot toe hole oa tha apportionment bill reported at the last session. Tha bill provides, first, that after March 3d. 1673. the House of Representatives shell contitt of 281 mem bert, apportioned aa follow : Maine 6, Ne Hampshire 2. Massachusetts 11, Knofl Island 2, Connecticut 4, New York 32, New Jersey 7, Pennsylvania 26, Delaware Maryland 6, Virginia 9, North Carolina b South Carolina 5, uaorgia 9, Alabama Mississippi 6, Louisiana 6, Ohio 19, Ken tucky 10, Teanessea 9, Indiana 12, Illinois 19. Missouri 12, Arkansas 4. Michigan Florida 1, Texas 6, Iowa 9, Wisconsin 8 California 6. Mianesota 3, Oregon 1, Kan se 3, West Virginia 3, Nevada 1, Nebres ka 1. The seoood aad third aeetioaa, providing for additional member in tha 4Znd Uon rss. ware, on motion of Mr. Farns worth stricken out, after disoussion and offering ii varinna amendments. Tha Republican senatorial cauou appoin t.t ik. fllwiii ir committee to report ohangei in tha standing oommittees : Messrs. Book ingham, Sawyer, Pomeroy nd Fralinghir son. The opinion prevana u m. phano-ea will ba placing Mr. Norton i rk. rmaH of tba foraira relations commit i.. .,! t.-nafarina- Mr. Cameron to the committee on oleotioaa and privilege Wall's Onera House burned tbi anor niuff. Loss. (30,000. &. T.nr-fa n e The io arorge ia the obicaro azttFket. Oaisaee, Doe. 6. Floor In good shipping dsmead oa soothera accounts and prices firm ; spring ssper sold at $4 0a4 76 , extras $3 75a6 76; eataido pries for Mianesota. Wheat Ruled qniet ; Ke 2 sprlag aarly at $1 2 easb; deslinod to f 1 19 bet closed strong at the decline, seller Doc. same as cash; seller last half closed at $1 20jal 2i: eellsr Jaa'y sold at tl 30se 22j; No I dull at l 26; No 3 qaiet at (1 40al 11; aales In store of I car Na 1 at fl 28; Xo S 10,000 ba. end 13 oars at $1 20; 26,. 000 ka. aad B ears al tl IPS ; 15.000 ba. and 2 eara at 81 191; Na 3 S ears at tl 10 ; 1 do la Keita Western 81 11. Cora Fairly aotiva and firm; So 1 sailing at 4He41e eash or Deo.; closing with 4 las kid; seller Jaa. aold at 42ia42o ; selk Beb'y 4;'.c ; yellow aotivs at 41a; rejected 3ue3Vta ; ear firm at 4fte ea track; aales of No 2 84 ears 25,00 bu. at 4 1 is; rejected 6 ears at 39s; 32 ears at 3Pgc : S4 oars al 3iio ; 5,000 bu. at 3V?s; 6 cars R. I. at 2i4a. Oats Ia aollve demand, firm aad higher; Wo 2 at E-'td advanced to 3Jjio; closed at tie bid ; alas B euset iitte; 41 oars and 10,000 ba. at 3te; 1 ear at e3gc; 1 ear rejected lie. Eys Doll and steady; 6 cars freih receipts I and Z at 6Zo Barley la good demand and higher ; So 2 Id at 63af'ljc; closed with sellers of regalar at Bile: 'o 3 sold at 63at34c; sales Io 2, 2 cars at 63c; 2 cars at 63Je; 8 cars 63tc; 5o 3 1 car 63e ; cat 5Jio. WhUky Firm and higher; sales at 90c; olos d with that figure bid. Beed Unlet; Timothy z bubj IX. flatter Ooiet ; eeoise to fancy 20a22c. Previsions Quiet aad generally higher; mats ork held til 00 with 110 6 bid; sailer Jan y 13 20; Fab. $11 60. Green meats a shads high- r; shoulders 3ie3ie: bams scarce and firm at io for heavy and light weights; bulk meats 5 to 20 days old shoulders 44ie : olear rib 6c; clear 61c. Larp la good demand and firm; 8jo saili; vi 6. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive strsets, ST. LOCIS MO. Jonathan Jones, - President. JOHN W. JOHN'SOIt, Professor of Booh-ksep- Jg- TBOS. P. 6AUJDERS, Principal Book keep. iag Department. JOBS W. 1LLIS, Professor Mathamaties, in skarg Commercial Calculation Department. JOHN a BOH MB. Professor Peaiiaathip in ekarge Wriliag Department, JONATHAN JONKS, Lectereroa Commercial Law, Ethioa, ate. Open day and Xigkt. Circulars and Catalogues giving all necessary Information in regard to taitioa, board, time to complete, etc., mailed free. Ho TaeaUon. aaaress J. w. juu.su., Managing Principal nov3 dawtm UVBKY. COP? & BHO., Liverj and Sale Stables. Office under Dart's Ball, BOCK IDL4XD, ILL. Most Com Diet Establishment ia tha City Particular attertlon paid tofurnishice Carriages for parties, Balls, Preoessions, ete. mhtdly STOVE P0L1"U. HafOIVB XT TB,ZAaV.-a Dressed Hogs Ia good shipping demand for straight oar !nts with sales at S4 7s; mixed weights $4 6sa4 TO. Keoeipts Flour M.'B ; wheat it.s in; corn S2.T30: oats 24.T26; rye 427; barley 1066; dress ed hogs 409. bhipmeats Hour lOf.o; wneei oaa ; corn 6492: oats 3275; rye none; barley 3293 ; dreteed Oft 427. SALVE, for Corns and Bunions, Boils ana Boras, for sal by an iruggisis. t v. p kax. or seat oa renetat of pttoe. Address ALL aiJHT,1 W.Lake Bt . Cbieage. septs-aiy OF COMFORT. Patented Zf ovember lt, 1870. IF TOC WOULD Save Money, Time & Labor, If you would lave your STOVES Beautifully & Brlllianij Polished Qlva the CRUMBS of COMFORT a Trial, 4aoVAnk yoar Grocer for It. eet'Od&wSm BIGS. Sos. all ri(.ar. ALL ?M FOR RENT. OR one or fire Tears the Oliver Brown p .rtr half a mile from tbe olty limit, be tween tbe twe Camden roads. Three aerss of !.! w.ll f.nnod. with all kiads of lruit, a rood two story frame boose, barn, outbuilding, ete., aad good oiatera. Apply to J0SIFH JOHNSTON, Book Islana aovSdAwtf HAUT, ASTEX k CO., 5 A 7 Wet Madison Street CHICAGO. HT SE&MIESS 6R&1H BIGS. Burlap Bags, Gunnj Bags, Floar and Paper Sacks, of all Kind 9. Bars V Send In your ordsrs and ws will til them prcmptly Millers will please send thsir brand In tun, as an other proofs bare been destroyed, ost.' Jm OSADALIS O A A L S TBI oKI AT AMIRICAS HEALTH RKSTOEiE. nariflas tba blood aad anresgarofttia. Svpbllls, Skin Die eases. Rheumatism. Diseases of Women and all Chroale Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys, aoeommaadad by tha Uadioal Vaealty end maay tboes ends of oar bast eitiseaa. &ead tha testimoav of Bhrsielansand patients who bare need Resadalls : send fer ear Roaadalis Guide to Health Book, or Almaaaa for this Tear, whisk ws pub lish lar gratuitous distribution I it will give oa maoh rateable information vr. a. w. Oarr, of Baltimore, sar 1 tela pleaaura in raeommendinc yoar avosada.is as a vary powerfal at taratlvs. 1 hare sesa ii a led ia twe eases with happy results la a eai ef seeoadary svphilU, la wkish tbe pa- tleat proaoaaoed kimsalf eared after having takea f ve bottles ef Tear saadi elae. Th etkar is a ease ef scrofala of leag sUsdiog, whlek is rapidly tmnrov. iag aader its ass, aad the tadioalloas are that tbe patiaat will sooa reoovor. 1 nave carefully eiamlaed tbe lormala by wbiob yoar Resadalls I made, aad lad tt aa steeliest eosapoaad ef alter ative lagredieats." Dr. Sparks, ef NlsbolsvUle, Ky.,,ays as bas sied Rosadalis ia eases of nero fata and Beeoadary Sypkllls with satis factory reaalu at a eleaaarof she blood I kaow ao bettor remedy. Bsmssl 0. Msfaddea, Marfreesbers, Taaa . savs: kave assd savaa battles ef Rosa del is, aad am aatirely eared of Rheum atism : ssed me foar bottles, es I wisb it for my brother, wbe has ssrofuloas sore area." Bea'Mamla Bssbol, of Lima, Obi writes, I kave saffered fer twenty years with t avaterate eruption ever bis whole sedv: a tshort time since I per ehased a bottle ef Rosadalis aad it ef- fasted a perfect eare " Rosadalis Is sold bv all drnrrists. Laboratory, tl I in basse Place, Bel tlmore. Dr. 0LBK1RTS ft CO Proprietor Notice U School Teachers and School Officers. OmcE County eupinunTitNiirxT or Schools, Kim r Ihlanu Coi ntt, Kock Island, 111., ov. 1st. 1S71. The 4th Annunl Pension of the Rock Island CouH' tv Teachers Ii.eiitute. will he hnld in the Rock Is land High tcnooi nan. during December the soth. let and tKnd. A. D. 1871. The School mw makes it obligatory on School liirecion io leocuerg waee to coniiuue au- rinif the time they are in actual attendance noon lu- etitulee; provided, the time does not exceed si davs in en monthe. Teachers are therefore request ed to make every reasonable etfort to attend, and the co-operation of School tmicers is reepecifully asked. M. M. STURGEON, County Sup't. N. B. Entertainment will he eecured in private families for Ladies. Oentlcmen will be expected to proviue tor inemeeives. l ue Hotels and Boarding uouses win cuki uuu teaciiers at reduced rates novl-dtd. THE SARATOGA SKATE COMBINING 8TR1NGTH, AK UTILITY. LlflHTKESS fekJ84aod-t,tl Wlthont (he use of Straus AUl who have tried tt na ne other. Manufactured by tbe Providence Tool Com'y a warren Bt., Z7ew York. To whom all orders should be addressed. This Skate ezeels all ethers in givine a Beat appearance to ike foot. It Is light, easily ad jusiea,ana woea lastenad en, beeomas aa firm the boot itself. It diepenais with ait atrai which are so binding and disagreeable to the foot, stopping tha circulation and sensing stab. aess and aching. Our Skate has been made with special reference to -void strain upon tha aak and It completely obviates that dimcelty so tal te Ledia skatlar. A beginner eaa stand apea them without difioulty. Tbey are mads in Ike best manner, of the best materials, and are tateaded to be in every respect tbe east Skate ever offered la tbe market. Their pliancy ease and graceful appearance reader them the most desirable ever ottered the public Wo make sevea sises Ladies', Ueatlemea'l, ........ ,.8, 8, Sand i Inch .10,10, andlliaok .MfclMl AL lJTlMt.1. '1 Treasary Departments rvica or Cohftbolleb or tbe Cubbeboy, WasaiiaTox, Oct. Tth, 1S71. Whebbas, by satisfactory evidaaoe presented to the undersigned, tt has been mada to appear that "Tke Sock jtlnnd A'ational Bunk, ia the try of Rock !, in the County of Hock It- land and Slate of Illinois has been duly organ ised aader and according te the requirements ef the Act of Con press, entitled "An Act to provide National Currency secured by a pledge ef United States Bonds, and to provide for tha cir culation and redemption thereof approved una 3rd, 184, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act reqsired to be compiled ita oeiore commencing too oaamess ei i5anc- g. aader said Act. Sow therefore. I, Milan d R. Hilburd, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that Tbe Rock Island -National Bank" m the city of Sock Island, ia the eonntv of Rock Island. d State of Illinois, is authorised to oommenoe tba business ef Banking uajar tbe Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness mv l. s. hand ant Baal ef oSce this Ttb day of October, 171. H1LASD R. HILBCRD, No. IS39. Comptroller of Currency. The Rock Island National Bank will open for sslacte at No. 23 W. Illinois street, November t, 1S71. Ben. Harper, ") John Vt Spencer, I Peter Fries, Edward Burrail.Jr., 'f Director!. J. H. Wilson, I A. Bsnediet, I T. J. Robinson, j T J. ROBISSOU. President. BHH. HARPER. Vise Pres t. , A. BENEDICT, Casbisr. October 25, 1871 dnot AS1TISTIO TAILOBI1IG. 697 WABABXZ AVBSfTJs?, OBZOAOO. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR (IBNTLEMRN'g USB. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTT. ouiris to Meaeare Jtatra Doable end Psrfset . .. oieroemea i 6s allowed 10 per .ent. amount. feblMdly . F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., IHP01TEKS AND JBBEl Wall Paper, Window Shades, 410 STorth ronrth ttrset, Bov8-dRm ai. Z.OUH, sso. Kojai Hariaa Luiter ol Cuba. CONDUCTED BT THE SPANISH OOV ernmeal 3O0,0U0 ic Uold draws every sev eatsen days Prisss cashed and Inform stioa feral, bed Tha highest psioe paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of Gold aad Silver. TATLOR A CO., Banters, fehedly 16 We 1 Street, New York. fSAI. a. rowaas J. L. raiBKia. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY TBK Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch Honse, Palaee Sew, RCH S. IIAN1, ... .lu. Whets we re offering unrivalled Teas, al tha same low prioes a at their "Btiera House." By importing Teas in cargo lots, tbey saabla as te retail to the consume- at eitremely low prioes. Don't fall te visit the Hong Eong Tea Store, al Palace Row, where will be fouad the laeit, pares! and fraabsst Teas, Coffees and api ses, at prioes bsyond competition. myidwJm POW ARB f RIBMABT, Ag'ti LIPPIHCOTT'S MAGAZINE ! AS ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY 01 Popular Literature and Sciences With the number for January. LIPPIN COTT'S MAGAZINH will enter npon a new volume. Arrangements bare bsea made for the continnanee of these features which have hither to proved attractive, with suoh improvements as ei per into bas shown to be desirable. Tbe num ber ef pages will ba insrsaaed, enabling tbe conductors to furnish an additional amount of Popular Reading- in the Best and most Emphatic fensa. Ia addition to the shorter articles by well- known writers, the followinz ATTRACTIVE SERIAL WORKS will bs publiihsd dnring the year: A Powerfsl and Absorbing NEW IORY BY GEORGE MA CD OX A L D, LL. D., Author of "Aleo Fobbes," "Axiaii or Qcie Neiohboebood," etc., ALSO, A CHARMING SEW KOVEL, MEDF0S0 Eltl. LlWSEKCE'g 51 KD FORD KHI. DANIEL LAWRENCE & SONS, Only Manufacturers of MEDFORD RUM, Still enjoy th reputation ol manafaaturlcg The Best Rum in the States. Duly authorized ly State Licetue. The superior quality and parity ef LAHHEHCR' MEDFORD HUM, For ths past forty -leren yean , has made it every where knowa at. the 8tdb Rch. Ke paias will be spared to male tal a its purity end hieh reputation. The public is cautioned against imitations aad counterfoil. ORDER DIRECT PROM TJS. and ice mil tcarrant perfect tati'faction. AddrelS ordsrs by an to MEDFORD, MASS., Aad order by Express or otherwise 127, 129, 131, and 133 Broad t B0ST0R Aad tbey will receive prompt attention. DASIHL LAWRIKCfi A SONS, ost24-dRm 6IFT EUTESPBISE. ITablIsW18 A s Principal Oflfio 101 W. Fiftb St , Cinelonatl,0. Tit Only Sellable Gift Distributien tn th country! L. D. USE'S EIGBTSESTB Grand Annual Distribntion To be drawn aVXonday, 7n. 1, '72. 200,000 00 m va&uajblh ozrss 2 Grand Capital Prize! 10.000 IX AMEBIC!" GOLD 10,000 IM 1NERIC1N 8ILVEB Tie Prtae ox i,uuu a ( , si ureenoaciaS Tea Frit of S600 2 (. One Span of Matched Horsss, with Fatally Carriage ana Diiver mouniau asratis, worth 11,600! Fire Hor$es and Bugju, with Sileer Moun ted Harnett, tcorth f bOU each I 5 Fine-Toned Rosewood Piesos, worth $500each tt Family Sawing Machines, worth $500 eash 1300 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches, (la all), worth f om (20 to 3U each ! t ailiea' Onld Laontine and Gents' Ooid Vest Chains, iiolid and Double-Plated Silver Table and Teaspoons Photograph Albums, Jewelry, Ac., &c. N amber of Gilts S5.OU0. Ticketo limited to 100.000 AGENTS WANTEft TO SELL TICKETS, ta whom Liberal Prsmiems wilt be paid Slnirle TickeU 4 : Ticket f 10 ; Twelve Tickets ell. TwAnttf.li'ivH 4t iM.im ronUinini? a full list of prlr.es. a descrip tion of the manner of drawing, and other information i- i.iaHi u tha Difltriburfon. will be sent to anv one ordering them. All letters must be addreeaed to Xi. B, IZSTZJ, ex 88. CI5CLNMATLO Omen. 101 W. 5th St octl-dwl UOTTESTOTS SEEN GATHERING BL'CIIU LEAVES AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE FOU H. T BELMBOLD. By a Talentet Amerioan Author. EXr. Edward Wbymper'a Szqnit itely Xllnstrated Work, scrambles Among the Alps, YTM be continued fiom Month to Month until completed. A large amount of spaoe will be devoted te cr Monthly Gossip, which will b enriched 1th short and lively artielesoa person s of note, incidents of the day and ether novel or amusing topics lLLCSTBATiom designed bv distint utsbad ar. tists and engraved in the highest style will ac company eash number. THUMB : eerly subscription, St. Sinele amoer, oo on. ilbb Bites. Two Conies. 7; ive Copies, fib; Tea Oopies $30, with copy gratis te getter up ol club. Lippiscott's Maaazisa, per annum, with Tbe Sunday Maga- sme.rj.ie; wi.n itooa woras for tbe loaue. j d ; who uooo woras, o.73. npecimen Slumber mailed, nostase nald. ta any address on receipt of 25 cents. J. a. LlPr-lHCOTT A CO.. Publishers, 7S and 717 Market St.. PHILADELPHIA. Bov23dAwZm From Dispensatory of the United BtateB, DIOSMA CBESATA-liUCHU LEAVES, PROPKRTIE19. Their olor is stroni;, difTastve and somewhat aromatic : their taste bittorish and analogous to mint MBDICAL PROPERTIES All I) USES. Buchu leavji ara gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to tbe L'rinary Orgaus. They are given in complaint of lh-s Uriniry Orani, euch a-) Gravel Chronic Catarrh of tha Bladdec, Mor bid Irritation of ths Blsddur and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate Gland, and Retention or Incontiucncc 0f Critic, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned In Its evacuation. The remedy has also been recom mended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Uheumaiism, Cutaneous Affections and Drbpy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT IJI CMU is used by persons from the ages of 18 to -25, and from 33 to 5 or in tho decline or change of life ; afte r Confinement or Labor Pains ; Bod-Wetting in children. In affictions peculiar to Females, the Extract Buchu U uueoiuaHed by auy other remedy, as In Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity, Painfuliwis or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous State of tbe Uterus. Diseases of tha Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and firopsical Swellings. This medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbatts into healthy action, by which the Watery or Colcareuua deposi tions and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as 1'ain and Inflammation. Helmbold's Extract Buchu has cared every case of Diabetes in wnlch it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of the Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dost Deposit and Mac is or Milky Discharges, aui lor enfeebled ani delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following srnii;oins : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, D2fHcuito of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, florror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Handr, Flashing ol the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Helmbold's Extract Bachu is Diuretic ani Blood-Purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excesses and imprudences in life, impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding Copabia in affec tions for which it is used, iu connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. Price, $1.48 per bottle ; or six bottles for $6.50. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Describe symptoms in all communications. Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. Established upward of twenty years. Prepared byj fl. T. flSLMJOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 594 Broadway, N. Y., and 104 loath Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. .SOLD BY DRUGGIST" KVF.R YWHERK. VCftlf. IiniiOH lor J. Zimmermann's Piano Manufacturing Co., So. 10 4aia Street, DAVENPORT, IOWA Please take aotic ef the great change in th price of Piano. I offer for sale at the fall wholesale price the Large Site Rosewood 7 Oo tave Ptaaoa, with all tbe latest improvements, and warranted for five years. Cash prise, $?Ti JOHN ZIMMERMAN'S. No. 10 Main street, bet. Front and Second, Dav enport, Iowa. aovl4d7m JOHN IIOVT. r Wholesale Sealer in Steinway, Stecks Weber and Emerson And the Celebrated and Unapproachable GEO. WOOD CHGAN Acknowledged by the Critics to be tbe best now in aae. Musical Wererooms, Cor. Brady aad Fourth streets, Davenport, Iowa. epl CfilCavEBS. OIZ7 BAS11B.7. Y3I. H1&TCN6 & SOS, Dealers ia 0,0 No. 59 Main Street, may!A-d wly ers, - KENOSHA, WIS. Niagara Steam Pump Works. felt. 2 "rtfiHl -i frffmaT -a B EAGLE MEAT MARKET! TUEMm & BEEBKLE, Prof'a. THB BVBSCMBtBS WOI LD RRSPKCT fully annouase to the cittiens of Rock Is land, that they have opened a first-class Meat Market, in BLYTIIB ft STODDARD'S (Old place,) Cor. of Orleans and K agio streets. Where they will keep at all times tke best kind of Fresh and Salted Meats, SAUHAGE, acTC. fcA share of publio patronage is solicited. TEEM ANN A BEERKLE. T- Will be open Saturday, Kot. lSih. aovladtf LBi;-t; - 'i-iir.Wiwoiair r. ii-lii.'-wi Charles 8. Hardick, No. 9 Adams street, BIOOKXYW, NB1T YORK. Sole Manufasturer of Hardlok' Patent Double-Actiag Steam Pomp and Fire Engine. Mining Pumps a Specialty.. Patented ia lagland, Belgium and France. Send foi cireelar. augSldly IOWA LUIDft FOR 81LE. 8U0W CI8E8. o. w. raaasoa. j. a. woBrHise. tCkEE0 & WORTHING, Maaufacturers of SHOW GASES, 70 Lake Street, CHICAGO,., octt-dSm ILL. pNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A BriaU Blue Eye, Song Moiningar, ISots Bam ton seen toi Comio Boag, Baxton, 40 DarlilgBelU of the Bonding Sc kool Poitor.iO Oirl witk tke Cigarette, Comio Cordelia, Jolly to Tim-, Cmie. Parks, 3 V. jj-. Me to kna. Comie.Cord'la SO Jmvelie of the Ueart, Beautiful Boag, MlllardSO Uado, " " Zuh, Let it Pan, for Bass or AHo, Yet Once Again, Daett for 8op. aad Barr. -"'. v 5? Quarrelling fieigkbare, liomis .,., Somebody e Uhtld, with va'iations, maca. Heavenly Greetinge, Paasie ovmantlque, Blasesey, Holiday Vacation Hard, illnstratsd title Qilsina, Sweet Anticipation; Behottische, " " - il.inB, v Daiey, Faataisla, Kreg l& Any of th above sent by mail on receipt of the market prioe. No matter where you see a piece of Maslo or Music Book advertised, seed to ue and yoa will receive It by enclosing the publishers prioe. BAttBSBB, 6l WBIB&. MUSIC OBALalRR, ar-dedlla. Bt. LOUIS. et 85 10 TBE IOWA R1ILR01P Land eolapanj's Lands! siTcaran i Carroll, Crawford, Harrison, Woodlury, Monona, U' P'J'K Siovx, Cherokee, O'Brien, Beuna Vista and other Counties in the jo? t iite oi" Iowa ! i nn flOO Acres aneoualled aad anenlled are aow offered te Settlers in tracts to suit.foi Cash, short time, or on long time, with sn per eent in terest only on deferred payments, and al from 93 TO 90 rSB, JLO&S ! All adjaoeat to lbs groat Thoroughfares Tbe Iowa Division of th Chioago and North western, tke Illinois Central, and the Sloes City and Paoifio Railroads Comprising four Government Railroad Orants. Zhese Lands Have Never Been XeXottfaod, and their Title Is Terfect. DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS, Giving price and terms, Coanty Maps, showing the Lands for sale and all necessary information HOW TO REACH THB LANDS. And where to procure Exploring Tickets, Bent free by Mail, on application to JOHN B CALHOUN, Land Cim'r, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. JOHN OCHri SONS, ' A rents. Davenport, low. Who will supply parties with Ksploring Tickats from Davenport, else Mapaaad all the necessary rn.mBtioa. meeiww LANGE & BHO., Manufacturers of FIRST PRKMIUM WOOD J SIIsVUIv. 429 X?ortb Third St. Near Vine, ST. LOUIS, MO oovl d3m A Soft & Beautiful Skin ! j. a. pozzowrs MSDIOATKD Oemplexlon rowoui Imparts totheBkia a beaatifal, tram parent whiteness, makes the skin deli cately soft A smooth, removes all freckles, tan, aad allays all Ir ritation. This valu able oomefi eaa be awd with the great- ia.t confidence, ruiy and tl tsr box wholesale and retail . . ,...V.-1 1 w at J. A Pdisoni s, rtttn ' 5A jrnlf.C tv-r.fiAyi'rnr,ic SHOTGUf i.rUr-e-r m THE WORLD.iJ Kew Toik Office, 27 BEEOAN Bt aovl-dSm wuwaa we aaaereas se miatioa. - i 1 r wff ar. arbor MjJtrokenoJU0hnjX;