Newspaper Page Text
4 MTES 6F ADYElTin S. lev mk .eaere, at the irua MniM by liaes ef solid aeaparell, Ob Dollar for mk la. s.rtlea. Special letlees, II easts per Ha. When In. t eaeatbe ar snore, M per mt above rge ler advestioiag rasee. Coosaaalealieas, ar articles ia.crted aaeaa reediag Belter, Hail per Haa. DatiT see WaaiLTV A dl.eeaat af 15 per eenl. will be made treat the Weekly ntN, ai yearly aad half yearly eeatreete, whoa tkesam. attar ta teeerted la both Dally aad Weekly. Doable Oelemas will ka ekerged H per east 4itleaal. Bar ..'J srea.leal edvertlsemen advenes pay I li repaired. ' BOARD Of IUPBBYISOBS. Special Seetabow Tafm. I Wsdnisdat, Oaatiaoed. Tan commit tea oa publie expenditores maaa ia following report, which oa anotioa of Supervisor Fliokiager wai adopted : YUr SOCBBaittM OB BBtlia llnuilllin. hava th honor to raport that they have ex- ' m nine ior tot lotiowiof amount ad reeosassead they ka allowed: Christ Siaeanoaa $6.25; Chat Wolf 2 80; J 4Ui Kealro 30 25: Schmidt & Raj,. 314 47, Keatoc WiUoa no tfu; nam. Kearro 178 75: Job Beagatoa 13 fiO, Al.i Stool 2 30; Beaediot, Smyth A MoOoaaell 1 77: E W Spanoar 16 35; E W fi A ATA TIT f " epenoer a ouj c w Etpoaoor 76 50, KMpaoUallv, D. W, DlMOOK, si Abbaham, V Co A. r. HOLLIsTEa, Tka eoamittaa oa towa and sown aooouaU submittal the followiag, whioh oa molioa waa adoptad : Yont committee oa towa and towa ao counts would reoommend that th following named officers bo allowed the aaonala tat oppotite their reepeotive timti for servioes readered at the November election, 187 1, and to the members of the board for ier vioes rendered ia potting aotioea of eleotioa aad approviag aad returning collectors' bond, and that ordert on the treasury be draws ia their favor for the same : R M Qrenaell $11 90; J D Vaadebnrg 8: W I) Webster 8; J Q Adame 4; M H Blending 4; James Hill 11 75 Stephen Odell 8: James Kampf 8; H. C. Ward 4; James Dillia 4; AF Hollister 11 15; Waa U Osier 8; C Qeaaiog 4; J V Bailey 4; M Pratt 4; II 0 Quick 14; S R Allen 13; Treat 10; Taos Hashes 4; Geo E Holmee 4; K H Heat 10; 8 W Beat 11: Daniel N Baal 8; Jaaes P Davidson 8; John Wain wright4; Nathan L Dow 4; Henry Clark 10; G K Wells 7 65; F II Stephens 4; Wm Eddlemaa 8; Albert Walls 8;' Geo A Crawford 8; Geo W Henry 8; Orrin 8kianer 9 80; Enooh Moore 4; Thomas S Silvis 4; James Mo Borne 4; Frank Gaaaell 4 45; D A Holt 6; Wm Stafford 10; E H Gleasoa 6; Watson W Webster 5; W E Stereos 4j Joha Barge 14; A brain Wareier 12; T N Reyaolds 14; J H Haber 2; Wm C Biaokbara 4; Wm C Shaw 4; G Bollmaa, Constable, 4: T B Mills 14; W L Sweeney 14; F W Winship 12; W H Landy 4; P Soott 4; V M Blending 2; Chas B Eaox 10 ; Charles Haasgea 4; Harrison Boff ess 4; Joha M Albrieht 10; G W Grover 10; Jaoob Doge 8; Daniel Fisher 2; S W MoMaster 4; L D Hoover 2; Gee W Baabarger 4; Joha Zeigler 10; Ketco Dodge 8; Adolphos Daalap 4 60; Jaoob Adams 8; L J Aadersoa 8; Deaiel Piakley; D 0 Davis 4; Andrew Donald son 8; John Fitspatriok 10 40; lleary W Deal 8; R D McCreery 4; Adam Failing 4; Thomas Lees 8; Frederick Free berg 9 80; Robert Lee 4; Robert Thompson 8; Peter 'J Bratt 4; Joha Clarke 10 '23; William Milter i8; Archibald ArmstroLg 8; James P Johnson 4; William Blakaly 4; John Houston 7 80; A W Smith 8: John Bnffum 6; J T Koaworthy 4; Joha H Eby 2; J M Montgomery C; Kobsrt Ross 2; Abraham Orebi 8; James Taylor 10 55; Eli E Cavett 8; Timothy Duttoa 10; J P Taylor 8; Wm DraryH; John Edgiaftoa 9; Frank Lamb 2: O H P Moore -4; John E Wrey 12 80; HJ Brandenburg 4; B H Vaadolah 4; 0 F Wells 8; Joha K. Tyler 4; U M Grsnnell 7 90; James Hill 7 73: A F Hillister 7 15; a a rotter 4; V T Whitiot 12; ? it Allen b 7U; 14 tieal 7; Geo W Henry 7 80; D W Dimook 4 45; H H If In I r T1 a n w . . iusjo iu 10; a faniap uu; joais mi son 8 10; Joha Clarke 6 10; Joha Bnffum 5 80; Abraham Crabs 6 43; Joha Edgiagton 7 75- M F Felix 8 50; M A Swiler 10 60; E E 1'armenter 2; E C Cropper 2; James M iisarasley 0. Keipeottslly sabmitted, Joh Clarke, 1 Geo. W. RtguY, Com. Jamss Hill, j On motioa of Supsrrnor Flickinger, the following resolnlioa was adopted: B.soletd, Taat the oouotry attorney col lect of Adam Alday for the ooanty oi Rook Island the sum of $120 for keeping his insane wife to date and that said Atday give to the county ia the sam of 1,000, covenanting and agreeing that the said Alday shall well and truly pay to saiii oouoty tbe.sna of $5 per week from data to be paid by him quarterly ai :ae end of eaoh quarter, the first judg ment to be made on the 15th of March, 1:7, aad that the money when collected be paid into the oouoty treasury. r.Kilan and J. fcl. Yi uson, pre. id anu J. U. Yt ilaaa. Tlrfi.ident Banner Coal Co.. made aDolioatioo for the abatement ot their assesmenl in the towa oi l Coal Valley. Referred to cammitleajon ab- ate meats The sum of $25 was appropriated for the benefit of the poor of Cordova aad plaoed ia the heads of K. M. Grennell, Dr. Joha Farreli was allowed $25 for pro fessional services rendered Mrs VYorliiing toa,of Hampton township, ia 1970. The bill of lleagy & Stoddard, $114,27, we allowed. Tne bill of F. Oredegal, $16, was allow ed. The bill of the Rock Island Argus, $j0, for p4bl1.1b.10g proceedings, was a'lowed. The bill of the Kmi Island Gas Co., $500.94. was allowed. The oommittee on abatements made the followiag report : The undersigned, oommittee 00 abatements to whom was referred the olaim ot Lobdell A. Hull for abatement ot las oa ne ae seo 2H twp 20, 2 e 4 p m., in the sam of 4.97 oa auooaal of UX being pail ia Whiteside ooanty. report that they have examined the eama aad reoommead that the eame be a! lowed ia the sum of 4.07, being the tax of Hock Island county for all purposes oa said lands. (Signed) S. R. Alli. O. W. Uekrt, A. UCSLAP Oa motioa of Supervisor Fliokinger the following report of the committee on town aad towa aoooanta was adopted -. AUB commuwe un uwu ana town 00 oounll to wnsm was reterrea me assessors bills of the towns of Coal valley and Boffa lo frairie for assessiag said towns by order of the board, respeolfully raport that they have oxamiued the same and that they have allowed Lewis B Thomas the tarn of $9000; and Adam Failing the sum of 75 00; for their respeotive eervioes for assessiag the towa of Coal Valley; and that they have al lowed Joka Bustler the sum of 45 00: and Lorenso 0 Elliott the earn of 105 00: instead 1 r. n tn v , ' i - . ' 01 uu as per nie 0111, ior tbeir reapeo tive servioo in assessiag the said towa of Buffalo Prairie: and that the supervisors 0f 1 . m - said towas pay (out of towa faads ia their heads) the said aaaaseors of their respective towns ine laid (ami aoove allowed them. (Signed) Geo. W. Hsiar. ) JoHit. Clabx. y . Com. Jams. Hill. j a ne committee on ways ana mesas re ported amouata dae members aadoffioers of the board whioh on motion was paid by the County Treasurer, amounting ia total, for me present term to f 145, Board adjourned aatil the 2nd Monday ia Riarcn next. J, M. BlARDSLIT. Conaty Clerk. ACRES OF IOWA LAND FOB BALE OR EXCHANda JOB BHAL Batata In Bock Island Ceanty. lot par- memoaaarees or can ai . OONKBLLT A McJilAL'B 4cc-4tf Laa- Offleo, Bock Island. lie Twenty-first Year. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, 4 O'Olooli i. -ft. THE PAfitCE IUPROYIIIG The Eetrencliment Com mittee! i COBirPT IDMIMISTliTItN 1E- IfkED! Eat QiarkS Of Mr. WilSOSl! Carl Schurz Follows! TrambuH's Amendment Rejected. Tne Ori'intl Eeilitloi Ptgied J g-t a 1 lenCral OUmmary. Market Reports. Reported Kpr!y fertke Aaeos. Washihgtok. Deo. 14. Sesate Th Senate resumed oonsideration of Mr. An thony's resolution to ereate a committee oa retrenchment, with Trumbull's amendment air. Wilson warned hia Rennhlioaa friends that they were placing their party ia a false nosition before the nniinin Already there were millions ihronehont us country woo believed that an attempt k. - J v J - . . . -vi neo uiaae in tne senate ot the United Slates to shield the administration. He "!" "y wouia be unanimous for the irumouu resolutions, to lat the people see "yuunoiiii oonaiaerea the adminl stration pure in all its parts; thai there were republican th:eves as well as Demo vra wnm, ang nepnoiicaa ibiet 1 was to him the far more hateful of the two, beoanae he brought disgraoo upon the Repnbhoan party. But, notwithstanding 11s defeots, the present administration was tar purer and more emoient than its prede cessors. Mr. Blair called the Senate ' attention to the ease ia Arkansas, where the District Attorney and Marshal were both removed from offioe for proouring aa indictment against a man fur violating a law of the Lnited Slates. W ilson did not know of the case, bat be did aot desire to boast of the purity of uo naminiatration. He desired, however, to be just, therefore, he eaid, it was seeking progress in a right direotion, though a good deal more of it waa neoes sary. Mr. Nye opposed Mr. Trumbull's resolu tion, and said certain Republicans who thought tiie President was becoming too pop ular, aevisea tne scQeme 01 civil servioo re form, and under that crv they were now at tempt log to revive the old oommittee with a" the extraordinary powers for eendinr for persona ana papers. Mx. Schurz replied to Mr. Nye, and ia the course of his remarks said the legitimate sphere of the comedian is generally within tne stage, but if the Senator was satisfied with tue role he plays, no one else has rea son to complain. Thoae who delisod their oeuse always resort to certain lines of defen ces to attempt lo throw suspicion oa others' motives. Mr. Soharz also replied to the remarks of Mr. Conkiing, made yesterday, in reference to the New, York custom house, and declared that the earns abases exposed by the com mittee of investigation existed to tbis day and reiterated bis former remarks in which he had declared that when the most respect able merchants of New York bad protested against it, when the Secretary had repeated ly proaoaaoed agaiast it, when the oommit tee on retrenchment bad denounced it, aud when it was still sustaiaed aad kept alive mere must be some mysterious power sus taining that system stronger than a decent ragava ior pnblie optaioa and stronger than ine oeoretary ot the Ireasury himself. Ur. bhurz eonoluded bis remarks bv as sorting bis only purpose in the course he was pursuing was to secure reform and in this be was in dead earnest. JUr. Upton followed ia suDDort of Mr. Trumbull's proposition, referrinar to the statement of Morton yesterday that the ob jeot ot friends of that proposition was to show that great corruption exists under the present administration, and lay that waa exactly what he wished the people to under stand, tie denied the statement that it was an attt 1 opon the Republican party. O the eontrary, be desired to redeem the party from the ourse that bad oome npon through mistakes of the administration and oormption ' of its omoials. ue believed there was corruption deep, damoinv and lestering all through this administration ibe Senator from Ludiane Morton! had boasted it was a diatioeaiahine? mark of Re publioaaism that it waa prompt to punish wrong doers among its members. He (Tip- ) d "ce believed it, aad bad acted I bhab w la saw Kal!A L. . a a a 'LB npon that belief, but had been prosoribed and puoiahed for it ever ainca. Mr. lrumbulrg amendm..t waa reinsUd 1 r t t . . . ny a vow oi i yeas 10 35 nays. The fol lowing Kepuphoans voted for it- Alaorn. teuton, liOgan, Patterson, oberUon, oonqrz, onmner, liptca, Irombnll. West, ana vv iisod. The original resolution was then adooted Nkw York, Dee. 14. The World's special from London says the highest med ical antbonty gives assurance that the Prince of Wales will reoover. LoMDott, Deo. 14.-2:30 P. M. No further change is reported ia the Prince's condition, Hopes of his recovery are freely expressed, and the public teeliog is more confident. Lohdov, Deo. 16. 2 a. u. An offioial bulletin from Saadringham, dated I A. M., says the Prince has been very restless since 10 o olook last night, Lowdoit, Dee. 156 a. m. Later des patches from Sandriagham etate that the rriaee of Wales u deoidsdl better, and WW wit ' & t takes bis foo !! His strength is wreater. aad there are strong hopes of his continued progr toward reoovery. It is oontradioted that Gen. Schenck is 10 be recalled. The telegraph strikers have resumed work. The government intends to snp prets all outdoor demonstrations at Lon donderry, aad troops have been dispatched to that plaee to suppress all disorders. Chicago, Deo. 15. The largest fir which has occurred here sinee the great oon flagratioa broke oot yesterday ia a block of dwellings oa Michigan A venae between Twenty-Filth and Twenty-Sixth streets. Damage, half a million. Hedge's Brick Block was also burnt, and a young ladv waa killed. , N. Y Deo 15. The Snn has information that Eva Lewes, wife of plasterer Lawes, ar rived yesterday from Switzerland, and is instructed by her husband to say that if be will be shielded from proseontion he will betray Mayor Hall, Sweeny, and others. LOOA.L .NOTICES. Toilctiic is unrivaled as a beautifier 01 the oomplexion, it is a powder, harmless, re ined and elegant. Try it, 60 cents per box. CoNirBUt, Fklictt. Nothing- tends mora to connnbial hanninaaa. than nkaarfnl "4W1hy infants and children -Mrs. Whit. 00 mb s byrup is the great onildren's sooth ing remedy. MABRiaoi Gdidc. loterssting work numerous engravings, 224 pages. Price 60 sents. Address Dr. Butts' Ditpensarv, 12 .Vorth Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. Dr. Pbicc's Special Flavorings, Lemon, Vanilla, elo., and Cream Baking Powder, are growing daily in popular favor ; they are bow used in a million homes, with universal satisfaction. Liter Complaint, one of the most com mon forms of disease and yet one of the moss mmcuit to core, can 6e cured ana effectually, too, by the use of Norman s Chalybeate Tonic. For sale by W. G. Morris, Agent, Molina, 111. To cure a Sprain Take a medium Sized bottle of Renne's Pain-Killing Magio Oil, and as soon at possible after the sprain, rnb this Oil in with the hand freely land faith fully, until it is cured. We have seen a oure performed by this treatment in half an hour. BalQBTLY Breakxs the Morkiso of a Dew era in the annals of medicine. Aloohol will toon be banished from the list of reme dies, and only known as a poison. Da. J. Walker's California Vivbqar Bitters, oomposed of wholesome botanic extracts and jaioes, are everywhere superseding the fiery astringents, which no man or woman ever yet took without bitterly repenting their credulity. There is uo disease acute or chronio, in whioh the new tonic may not be admiastered with beneficial effect. DailV Market ReVlGW. Gt-oica. 1.00 Q-L. Bock Islasd, Doe li. Flour, Pamllr kranda.fl brr.l.. r o 7 00 Oial li rioar, tat qaality Wheat... Bar ley . Oats Baokwheet Floar : 1 5 lie JiaXtia 8 UUa'J 00 Braa,t toa. .. hia Btuff . ......... 14 ia SI 00 1 60al bO Oora Meal, yt wt Cora . ......... ........ S4a28c Ape lac Potatoes Onions White Beans (naTj) . 2 60a 00 65a70e i(l5io t i0 25c ISalO. JOallic 4ia4i. he IPe OOalO 00 10 01111 00 7 Otia 8 00 7 0(1 6 60 ad 50 Halis gga V Batter p ft ., Lard....... ...... ...... Drosied Pork ' Chick. Dt. ........ . 1 Turkeys Hy Pralri. ; Timothy. Blongh M Eiokory Wood, V oord Oak Wood, do Coal ValUy Coal, bushel ObUagv SSarket. CmcAee, Dee. 11. Flour Tory quiet, shippers very quiet, but prices however firm and aDohanged. n seal rainy active, no J ranging at 1.1 Vi al.lSj eaih; eloiieg steady at l.lVial.l. Corn Moderatively aotive, but easier aad a shade lower; Bo 2 sold tar I J at 411, declined to 41; closed at 41 cau ar Doe. Oats Quiet and lower, No S, 31e34 eatb. Bye Quiet, Ne t 63a63, sales t ears at quo tations. Barley Dull and lower. Be 2 sold at 62a6xj electngat 711. Whlaky Lower, sales 140 bbls 01,- closing sellers V0, buyers 8. eeds Timothy ia better demand, sales good l.OOaZ 91, choice 3.10. Dressed Hogs Fairly active for all lots country aold readily at a higher range of pvlceR sales X4 904 ; with a lot 01 fancy at $5. Provlaioaa Irregular; ocen.d dell, weak aad lower, bat closed firmer at a dcoliae; mesa pork I IS 20el3 25 eaih or Doe; !13 35aU4U Jan; IS 70 Fob. Meats ia fair demand at pre vioac qnotatlons. There was ao ebange in th market at evening board. Lard Steady; 8e ea.k; 80 Jan; 9fre Feb. Beeeiuts Flonr 3365! wkcat 28,780; eora 103,979; eats 36,806: rye 1067; barley 18,967 dreaaod hogs 1053. ShlDmeats Floor wheat 3d4; corn 7308; oats 5943; rye 3422; barley 113D5; dress cd hog. 1987. ALL IIGBT. ALL ior voras aad Bunions, Boils an Boras, mn sale bv all Dmt.t. ?R t. aer box, or cent oa TMeiet of n.i. W.takejt;;;.,,. sepU-dly AtTIPICUL LIMB!. DR. BLl & J. Ec GARDNER r--CITEBlMENT ilTIFICUL li ' . LIKB Haaufaetory, 83 Twenty-Bocoad at-, CHICAGO - Biaee the Brcat Fire. Patients Hoartfe Tree while here. ao8dwtm Notice t School Teachers and Schwwl Offieen, Ornci Cocktt Sdpirihtendent or iicBoout, Rock Iiukb Covmtt, Kock Island, IU., .Nov. let. 1871. The 4th Annual Session of too Rock Island Coun ty Teachers lusutnte, will no held in the Kock U uind iiiirh School Hall, during December the iiOih, it m,.xA a n 1!l The ttchooi Law makes it obligatory on School Dt roc ton to allow Teacbera' warea to continue du ring the tlow they are la actual attendance upon In- Biuuiwa, iiroviuea, me lime aoee not exceea an days in six months. Teachers are therefore request ed to make every reasonable effort to attend, and the co-operation or achool Office ra Is respectfully aaked. M M. tjTL RUKON, County blip t. 1 In. B.SntertainucQt will be secured in private ; families for Ladiea. Gentlemen will be expected to rovide for themselves. The Hotels and Boarding norl-dld. .iti.-Li r mmi ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER LITER BLGlLATwB. THE Symptoms of Liver Complaints are nneasineu end pain In the side. Some times the pain la in the shoulder, and ia mistaken for rheumatism. The etom ch is affected with lows of SIMMONS' til general coMtivti. sometimes alturnjiMnv wiih lav The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy aen- saiion, coDsiaeraoie losa or memory, accompanied with fiainful sensation of having eft undone something which ongm to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and LIVES row sninia. romeumes many of the above bymutoms attend the disease, and at other times verr few of them : bat the liver is ren- erally the organ moet Involved. Cure the liver with DB- XSSBXOHS' LIVER REGULATOR, PREPARATION OP ROOTS AND HERBS, Warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no in jury to any one. 11 naa Deen used By tandreda, and known for the last thirty-live years as one of the most reliable, effi cacious and harmless preparations ever offered to me suneriBg. 11 taken regularly and persistently, it sure to cure Dyspepsia, headache. Jaun dice, costiveness, sick head ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections of the lladder,camp dysentery, aii'ections of the kidneys, fe ver, nervousness Regulator. chills, diseases of the skm, impurity of the blood, mel- aiiihol ur Ucpiuiioii ot spirit, heartburn, colic, or ains m ine Dowels, pain in tne head, fever and arne ropsy, boils, pain in ibe back and limhs. aHlhma. erysipelas, female affections, and bilious diseases generally, l'repared only by i. B. ZKILIM CO., Drnpriets. Macon. Oa., and 849 Arch street, Phila- aeipnia, ra. r-euci Hr a i ircuir. fricefl; by mail f 1.25. For sale by John Beiigston, Kock Is land, 111. iiovl4-dly EDrClTIOXlL. ROCK ISLAND 13 us in ess College OPIK DAY 15D EVHSHG, let ladies and Osntlemsn, Boys Misses. A large number sew attending. Bvenicg School well attended. eetI2-dtf Kstablisnid SI Tears. Jones' Commercial College, 8. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive sueeti, ST. LOOS MO. Jonathan Jones, - President. JOHM W. JOHNSOH, Professor of Book-keep ing. BOS. P. 6AUISERS, Principal Book-keep-isg Department. JOHN W. 1I.LIS, Profeiser Math.matl.i, in charge Coamereial Oaloulatioa Department. JOHN d BOHMB. Profe.ior eamaniblp in ekarge M'ritiag Department. JONATHAN JONES, Lecturer on Commercial Law, Ethics, ete. Open day and Night. Oirealars aad Catalogues giving all neeessary Information in regard to taiiion, board, tia. to complete, ete., mailed frea. Be vacation. Add rata J. W. JOHNSON, Managing Principal novS dawlm 8T0TE POLISH. OXVB XT A. a.XAXu"tot RIMBS 0H0MF0RT. T atented IVovember 1st, 1870. IF TOU WOULD Save Money, Time & Labor, If yon would have your STOVES BeaDtifally Brilliantly PtHshed Give th. CKUMea 0f COMFORT a Trial. SaVAik your Grooer for It. tesA3ai BIGS. HART, ASTE & CO., Nos. 5 & 7 West Madison Street, CHICAGO. SEif.UESS 6RA1H BiGS. Burlap Bags, Gaany Bags, Flonr and Paper Sacks. Bags of all Kinds. V 1 Send in yoor orders and we will 11 them pre aptly Millers will please send their breads in full, as all other proofs have beee destroyed. oot;s 03m TBB MANUFAOTDBERS OF THB RELIANCE WRINGER, Have had nau.ual opportuaities of ascertaining precisely what Is wasted, and ef produeiag a perfect maehiae. They have brought out as entirely New Wrisobb, which they eel) the "PROVIDENCE." XeTev. 1871. rerfect. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT Over all Other Wringers. 22 IT WRINGS VA8TXB THAN BT HAND weooosiaer the Previdean. .n.rinr to all Ulu.., .v. .v..w1Bg reasons. 1st. ma auL.jut.K8. of l.,. .u. d boat quality of WhiU Babker, are all scoured to their 8hafu ia the most permanent manner, by the Monlton Process, makUf ths Be.t Boiler ia the worm. ..2J;,Jh PA"ST METAL JOURNAL CA- O1ao aaj wear upon the lournals The wooden journals ia which Ike iron shefts vi " ran, soon woer, and the ofll- oioeoy w linger is thereby greatly reduced. 3d The BJTJBLB 8PIRiL COGS d en this Wnafor viva the ilm..i .... ... a. nesa la workiae-, whila the S,.nhw (. tkess frowi bottoming or being thrown eat of feas. We furalah aitker sin ale or douhu .aat W.flAa.u .. . " 4th. The ADJUSTABLE OURVBD CLAMP ojw mis ssaentne te saos or aay S'se or tBiesaess, making a perfect fasUa1ag. De woodoa pegs or rabbor straps on this Olamp Stk. ' IMPLIOITT, STBBNGTH aad BR AU TT, are eoabiaod In this Ifaohine, with all the requisites of a first olaas Wringer. Providence Tool Com'y. 'V- - PE.OVIDINCB, B- I. 11 Weurea St., XTew Tork. ; Id WOOD, LIGHT & 0., MaBafaetnrers of ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLAHB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMYTHS? STEAM HAMMERS, Qon Machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangers, Patent Self Oiling Box. WABKHOtBK: IOT LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. CITY MANUFACTORY : RAHHOID ST., (Opp. Jaaetioa Depot), UORCBSTKR,... MA88. All Trains entering the City, stop within ton rodsef our Works. JelO dtf MEDICAL imilJMEm. DAVID A. KCSEL, Manufaoturor of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Instruments, ARD Galvanlo Batteries ef all Kinds ana Siies. 18 W. Baadolph (treat, CHICAGO, lti. All Kinds of Bleotro-Maguetie Iastruments Neatly Repaired at short notiee. Alio Models maado of all descriptions on short notice. oet-d3m Trea&nry Department. Orric or Cohptbollkb or tie Ccbsescy, I V ASBISSTO!,, Oct. Tth, IS7I Wnaasis, by satisfactory ovidoaoe nr.iented to the undersigned, it hat been made to appear that "Tht Xotk Jtlnnd National B-mk, in the Ci'fy of Rock Inland, in the tVunfy of Hack It land and State of lUinoit has been duly orgaa ised ander and according to the requirement, ef the Aot of Congress, eatitled "An Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the cir culation and redemption thereof" approved Jnno 3rd, 184, and haa complied with all the provisions of said Act req aired to be complied with before oomm.neing the bn.iness of Bank ing, ander said Act. Now therefore, I, fiil&cd B. Hilbnrd, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Book Island National Bank" in the eity of Book Island, ia the county of Rock Island, and State of Illinois, ia authoriwd to commence the bn.inesc ef Baakiac nader the Actaforxaid. Ia toitimoay whereof, witoei. my a. s. hand and Seal of office this 7th dav of October, I 71. HILAND R. HILBCRD, No. 1SS9. Comptroller of Carroncy. The Rock Island Natioaal Bank will opea for baalBeas at No. 23 W. Illinois street, November lit, IS71. Ben. Hrpr, ") John W Bpeneer, Peter Friec, j Bdward Burrail, Jr., Director.. J. H. Wilnon, I A. Benedict, I T. J. Robin. on, T. J. R0BIS505, Preild.nt. BBW. HARPKB, Yiee Pres t. A. BENEDICT, Ca.hi.r. Oetobsr25, 1871 d60t CHILD & CO., laXacafactnreri of the Celebrated Davenport Boots! Have the Xiargest and most Oem- lete Stock of XX D To be found in the Northwest, including Large Stock of Home Made Warranted Work, at lowest market prices. SESDT0rR0!DES TO CHILD & CO.. dec7-eodlm TJavenpoit. Iowa. CIFT EXTEKPaUSE. Principal Offioe 101 W. Fifth 8t ,Cincinnati,0 The Only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country! L. D. HSU'S EIGHTEEITH Grand Annual Distribution To be drawn RXonday, Jan. 1, '72. 200,000 00 ZTt VA1.TJADI.1I aiFXS ! 2 Grand Capital Prized s 10.000 I IV AMERICAS GOLD 10,000 IS AMERICAS SILVER Five f rites of $1,000 3 i ( Greenbacks Tsa Prises of $500 One Spaa of Matched. Horses, with Faiaily Carriage aa Biiv.rmounlea Harness, worth $1,600 ! Fiee Horse and Buggies, with Sileer-Moun ted Harness, vorth J600 each I 5 Tine-Toned Rosewood Pianos, worth $500 each li Family Sewing Machines, worth $600 eaoh f 300 Gold and Silver Lever Huntiag Watch... (In all), worth foot $20 to $300 eaoh! Ladiea' Gold Leontlne and Oente' Oold Vest Chain., Solid and Double-Plated Silver Table aud Teaspoon. rootograpn Aiuuma, woweiry, etc., etc. Number of Gifts 85,uO. Tickets limited to 100.000 AOKBTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to wboat Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Ticket f4 ; Six Ticket. 10 : Twelve Ticket tw, Twenty-Five $). Circulars containing: a full Uet of prizee, a descr p. tion of the manner of drawinsr. and other informs' dOB ia reference to the Distribution, will be sent t- , tnT one ontorlng them. AU letter must be addreer to &. xs sura, txao, I ,, gjrrica, lei w. eth St. ; , . A oa'dwi, , 15, 1871. ARTISTIC TAILORING. 657 oozoaoo. ORAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR UBNTLEMBN'g USB. WEDDIHG OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measare Extra Double and Perfect in Fit. QUrgynen wilt 6c allowed 10 per .eat. aueount. febl8dly fiojal Hatabb Lottery oi Cuba.. CONDUCTED BT THE SPANISH GOV ernaaoBt $300,000 in Gold draws avery .ev ealeen days. Prites caibed and Informatioa fsrnl.hed. The highest prioe paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of Gold aad Silver. TAILOR A 00., Bankers, feb8dly H Wa'4 Street, Hew Tork. TTJAB. . FOWABS. J. a. VBBBHAI. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I BT THE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Breach Home, Palaee Bow, ROCK, ISLAND, ... ILL. Where we are offering unrivalled Teas, at the saaae low prloee aa at their "Bastera House." By importing Teas ia cargo lots, th.y osabls SB to retail to the eon.umer at extremely low prices. Don't fall to the Hong Eoag Tea Store, at Palaee Row, where will be fouad the laest, purest and freshest Tea., Coffees and Spi ce., at price, beyond competition. aySdwim POWARS A FRBEMAN, Ag'ts LIPPIITCOTT'S MAGAZINE 1 AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OP Popular Literature and Science. With ths number for Jannarr. LIPPIN COTT'S MAGAZINE will enter npon a new volume. Arrangements have been made for the continuance of thoae features which have hither to proved attractive, with .nob improvements as has shown to be desirable. The num ber of pages will be increased, enabliag the conductor, to farnirh an additional amount of Popular Reading in the Sest and most Emphatic Jem. In addition to the sho'ter articles by well- known writers, the following ATTRACTIVE SEBIAL WORKS will bs pnbliahsd during the year: A Powerful and Absorbing NEW SIORY BT GEORGE MACDOXALD, LL. D., Author of "Alec Fobbes." "Asms or a QllEV NEIOaSOBBOOB," ITC, ALSO, A CHABKISG NEW NOVEL, By a Talented American Author. Bffr. Bdward Whymper't Uxqnia- itely Illustrated Work, Scrambles Among the Alps, nill he continued from Month io Month "ntil completed. A large amount ofsp... , b. totm, Ocb Monthly Gossir, whioh will b. ennch.d with short and lively articles oa periou a of note, ! incidents of the day and other novel or amusing topics. Illistbatioss de.igncd by distinBuiihed ar. ti.ti and engraved in the highest stylo will ac company each number. TERMS : Yearly subscription, $4. Single nember, ai ets. Clsb Sini.-T.o Copies, 7; Five Copies. $16; Tea Copies $30, with copy gratis to gctter-np of e'ub. Lii-piecott's magazixb, per annum, with The Sunday Maga tine. $."; witk Good Words for the Young-, $5 fit ; with Good Words, $5.75. Specimen Iiumber mailed, nostaee said, te any address on receipt of 25 oonts. J. B. L1PP1NCOTT A CO., Publishers, 75 and 717 Market St.. PHILADBLPHIA. aov25dkw2m IPiaiios ior 275 J. Zimmermann's Piano Manufacturing Co., No. 10 Xain Street, DAVBNPOB.T, IOWA Please take notic. of the treat ehanara in tka price of Pianos. I offer for sale at the fall wnolc.aie prioe the Large Bile Bosewood 7 Oc tave riauos, wita all the latest improvements, anu warramea ior eve years. Ca.h price, $?7s JUUN ZIMM KKMANK, So. 10 Main street, bet. Frost and Second. Dav onport, lows. Dovl4J7m JOHN IIOVT, Wholesale Sealer in Steinway, Steck, Weber and Emeiron And the Celebrated and Unapproachable GEO. WOOD ORGAN! Acknowledged by the Critics to be the bet bow in ase. Musical Warerooms, Co. Brady aad Fourth Streets, Davenport, Iowa. apt NEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, Song M.ininger, JSot. Taec yoa seen Loaie Coinio Soag, Baxten, 40 Darling Bell of tht Boardinj School, Poter30 Girl with thCigarxte, Oomie Cordelia, 30 Jolty High Timet, Coraie, Parks, p s9 Nomecouidn'tjonliJtgto toic, Cotnio.Cord'laSO JewetU of the ti ,1, Beautiful Song. MillardSO Low in th kwm., " Zn-h, Let it Pat, f f Baas or Alto. " ' Yet One Ap ,, Daett tor 8op. aad Barr. Quam'lir g Neighbor, Comic Daett, Aaber, 70 .eiod' . Child, with va-iations. Mack, Heaten' Greeting; aoymanlKlue. BoV 4Vneaon Jforck, illustraUd title 85 0 eeei Anticipation; Bohottlsche, " . il.ina. J" Dai.f, Faatal.ia, Bug Any of the above cent ny mau -ir. . the market price. Bo matter when yoa see a piece of If u.le ar Book advertised, send to us and yoa will receive It by encleeiag the publishers price. SAissim aft, wasam. MUSIC DBALBKS, 8T.LOOIS. , saJI-dedlJm. ; Established 0tt,18, 1851 MEDICAL. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AND REFLECT. THE GELBBBATED PHYSICIAN FOE THE TREATMENT OF CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, AKD , ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, Baving ir a tu.ntlf looU.i U Oavsnport, cordially invites all who may be suffering with Chros Diseasss, to call at bis aomg la Faltoa's Block, 8S Perrj Street, Balf Block Korth of Post Office. Oa.SPtSSBT is wcU troowaac ths foudor of the-Wostreal (0. B.) Medical In.titute, aad pre prietor of the Blactro Jlolicel laatituto, Milwaukco, Wi.eoneia. s-orxxon aovas-9 to 1 ; a to e; and 7 to 8. CONSULTATION FREE. )B. SPISSEY HAS ... 0 ie treatment or CHRONIO DISEASE Jess has produced astonishing re.ulM. Many ars they who h vmvrfuaiDs your case If It ia nnr.kl. kv;ti,&ii t i .... .. ill not uad.rtak. . k; .-"l?' .nation.. H. BV&303.S AXVD BISBAIB OT TBB BLOOD. YOUNG MEN I ho may bo .ulTaring from tbo effoot. of yoothfal follies or iadiseretion, wUl do well to avail them laives of this, the greaten boon overlaid at the altar of suffering humanity. D'. SPINNEY will ,uarnU. toforf.OAr BOSDHUD DOLLARS for every cafe of Seminal Weak n... or Private ... -7 ns aoiertatesaaa wr.Huaio.anorer wno may read this notice, that you are treading a longer delay in seeking the proper remedy for your oomplaint ; and ember you are approaching the last! If you are bordering; upon A all t - ill , . .,i vi i,. iii, rsnvniiiflr idu ir von ab.tin.tAl 7,Vti JWr 7 ,a ra iSlCIAa VAN RENDER YOO NO A8- ilSlANUt,; wheu tuo diorof hope will bs closed forever against yon; when no angel of merer .an bring you relief! In no case has the Doctor failed of.acce... Then lot not do. pair work itsel apon your imagination, but avail yoursell ef the beneficial remits of his treatment before your ease beyond the reach of medical skill, or before grim Death hurries you to a premature grave. X 1 13 13 LIS LOEO MEN. ZhVf a" m"J f lha of thirty t0 6tlf who "'roubled with too frequent Evacuation of the Blatder, often accompanied by a smarting or burning sencaUoa. and weakening theayatcm in a ananrer the patient cannot account for. On examination of the Criaary Depo.ita, a ropy sediment eill often be found, aad a jmatime. .mall particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be a thin ailkishnae, again changing to a daak aad torpid appearance, Thareare many men who die of thit diffioMlty, ignorant of the came, which ia the SECOX D STAG E OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Or.d. willgaaraateea PERFECT CORE ia all such oases,and a healthy roitoraUon of the Crin ry organs. All communications strictly confidential, ithout delay Post Offioe address. Lock Box 260, E3TABlVtBlXI.D 1849. The Oldest JSiuic House in the Worth-west. E. N HEMFSTED, IMPOBTER AND DEALER 15 Mum (,'OODS (IF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! PUBLISHER. OP Sheet Music and Music Books. Wholesale Agency for iteinway dc Son's, Hazelton Bros., Haines Brother's and Parlor Gem riAXTOS and AXasoo &. Hamlin OECiANB. A Large and Elegant Stock of Good, at New Tork Figures 410 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Send for Catalogues and Price Lists- octM-d eodi3m F. W. IIOSENTIIAL & CO., I.TIP0BTKBS AD Wall PaDer, Window Shades, CTJHTa.IIsr AXD 410 STortn roarth street, aovS-dltm GLASS. rzzvssTj&as STAISMED CLASS WOSLHB. O. 33 MtBKH ST., PI TTSBURGR. WILLIAM NELBOK, Glass Staieeraad Me tallic 8a. a Manufacturer boat adapted fee church windowa. Having erected the most complete and attentive apparatus for the manu- I aetata ol colored and ornamental window glass, he Is prepared to forauheve y verity for obaroh ee, private residencec, office windows, etc., in superior style. Orders from all parts ef the country will receive promo t attoa tion. feklSdly. MEDFQRD ECSI. HWBEJiCK'8 MI!F0ED ZU1. DANIEL LAWRENCE & Only Manufaotnrers of SONS, MEDFORD. RIDf, Btill aajoy ths reputation ot maBara.iuring The Best Rum in the States, Daly authorized h Stat Lieente. Ihe superior quality and psrity of LAvVSEXCE'l MBDI'OHI) RtlM, For the past forty-tecen jeare, ha. male ' every where known bl the STtunasB Bn. N will be spared to maiataid ita parity and hgu reputatioa. The puklie ia caution" against imitation, aad onunterfe ts. ORflRR DIRECT FROM I v will warrant perfect tati'faetion. hUt orders by. mail to MKDFORD, MA-i Aad order, by BP ' 0ti""''v 127, 129. 131. 1" B"d ft BOSTON Aud th.y will receive prompt attention. DA.VISL LAWBSSCE A BOSH. 0et24-dfim Niagara Steam , Pump Works. Charles B. Hardick. Ho. 9 Adams street, BRCMlkL W YOK. Sole kfauu a.tsrer t f ; Hardick's Patent BouVe-Aettag Steam Pomp aad Fire Eagine. v; Mining Pumps a , F$ecMty.? 3 " Patented la laglaai, Beigiaas and Fraaee. Bead I ok eireelar. & re- ' fi aaHljr.- 1 Ik 5 pf- 'Urn rtrsiisiSD ar tu TIBV3. Daiit Abous. By Mail (pay abloia advance), per annua, 1 1 0.00 By Mail six months, s.0 By Hail " " S months,.. . BMail laeaU 81 rBr Oitt OABBiaa, 26 Cents per week. BiMSLa Corns t Cents. THRM9.- WaaiLr Aaevs. ingle Copy, (payable' n advance).. ten Copies " " .... Twenty Copies " fhirty Copies " ' .. ..$2.10 to.ot M.00 sO.Of 4r w- -v GIVES HIS ENTIRE ATTENTION kOR THR past S, incident to both sexes, and his lue ave implanted in their systems, by the a crop otdii.a... To sech, he would V'.' lvu " ' " " wul w '' fails to care. Ha would therefore .ay to an ua- pon dangerous ground when yon may be in the firit stage, ra the last and are suffering some All letters containing stamps for reply ,an swedr Davenport, Iowa. deodweowly JOBBERS W BT. XtOTJXB, BrZO. LIQTJOS.S. IsTOTIOE. IIW INC CURKI LKTTERS PAT. at NT UN OUK BRANDS CANE SPRING, LICKINS VMLEY AND DQUBLAS-ELK-HORN 1111 DIHIV r That ws e.tabliihsd in tbis market la 166, hereby giro warning to any one uiing those brands, or any reprc.eatatien of them, that th. y are infringing upon anr patents, and I hey will be protecated to 'bo full attest oi the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. We have (ot sale the following well-lea owe brand. Kentucky Copper Whiskies: Cane Spring Bourbon, F pring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Utklag Vallej Bourbon, Spring 1869. 1870 aad 1871. DoagUilk-Il0rn Courbon, Spring 1869, 1870 aad 1871. The above brand, are patented and can be hal ONLT from the Proprietors. J. A. MOMS & 711 S tEfOSDST kT.'LOt'is. aov3-dSw Aoft& Beautiful Skin! J. A. POZZOsWS MEUICA rBD Oomplexlen 70 woati Imparts to Ibe Ekia baaatifal, trans pareat whiten. ., makes the skin deli cately soft A smooth, remove, all freekleo, lau,aad allav. all ir ritation. Ihis valu able cosmetic can be nsed with the great est oonnaense, ruty ernta and f 1 per box wholesale sad recall by J. A. Potsoni, 114 K. Fifth stre.t. ;00," Mo., and by al) Druggist., - nev3-dly SHOTGUN) ... ssmis ta A D I Ti l Oh ..lew York Office, 27 BSEKMAH..ET. : aovl-d3ia ::t IJ-.. - I ; 1 " T I