Newspaper Page Text
JUTES OF ADVERTISING. lor m samara, ar tha ifm eeeapiea1 j Urn liaeasf H4 aeapaseil, One Dollar far seek ia sertlea. Special Hotlees, It seats pr Maa. Whew in serted aaaaths ar more, St par eeat above regu lar adrertisiag rates. Oosassaaleatieas, at articles laserted asaoat leading Batter. Mati par line. Daur aaa WaaaiT. A discount af I ai aaat. will a aada fraai tka Weakly rata, a yearly aa4 half yearly Bootraets, whoa tka nut aiattar It Iaarta4 la ketk Daily aa4 Weakly. Doable Oelaaas will ka charged Si far aaat a44itlaaal. ? .U traaf iaat edvertleeesen ad vaaee fa; calls repaired. Twenty-first Year.' ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 roiuiaiD st via 4.itj viLxntmta ooaxr'-sr. TIBH9. Da.ur Aaacs. By Mal(payableia adraae), par annum, $1 1.00 dy Mail " " mx months, .00 dy Mail " " t months,-. By Mail 1 month I Br Ctrr Oiaaiaa, IS Oanti par waak. Siiolb Conn Ccnti. TBRV9.- Wssstlt Aascs. micle Copy, (payable i advance) $2.10 TB Copies " " It. 00 Twenty Copies " " J6.0t Thirty Copiai " ' iO.OI THZ BAOHELOeVS BALL. Editor of Argut: Dmt Sir: Yoor notioa of tha Baoha lor'i Ball ia Saturday'i papar, u ia the main oorract, though thera ara soma mat tart ia oonatotioo that theold ba onder ttood. It it true, and 111 to resolved and understood by tha partial getting op tka ball, that tha iole objaot of it wai toanabla tha bachelor' of nou-retident familial to make a suitable ratoro for tba many hospi talitiei they had enjoyed at tha haadi of oar citiceos; bat being willing to get the credit of tail they were unwilling to atend the entire expense 10 called to their ai liiiaooe eaoh bachelor! of resident fa mi lie ai were willing to divide tba burden. They alio resolved tkat ao bachelor who failed to 001114 dowa with hii $12 or W ihoald be ei'her invited or aimitted, but that invita tions should ba ooutiueJ to married people aad yoau ladies. Yoang ladiei, yoa would ii well to noure one of the thirty elsot.otherwise yoa moetrelyoa yoor papal, for the thirty baohelon will bare to enter tain 10ms and red yoang ladiei, if all go who are to ba invited. It is a questionable matter whether it would 001 hare beau ia better taite for the bachelor not member! of resident familiei to hare discharged their own obligations, and it mar be ao opea question whether it will ool now be ai well to hare grand hol iday ball at the Harper House, at which all of our respectable oitizem can attend by paying a reasonable price for tickets. Bacheloi. X. B. That invited f ue.ts may not ex pect too grand a repast, 1 will add that the earn paid to Mr. Harper wi'l aot justify him ia offering any more than a plain ool lation. No oysters ia aoy shape will be served. We stand correoted Ed. Aroi'i. LOCAL N OTIOE8. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'OlooLc -E- He Is Sent To Prison ! LOOKS SCARED IN COURT ! Is Released on Bail! The Prince All Right ! Janrez Make8 a Speech! He is It Yet Frightened! ToiLiTtiri is unrivaled ai a beaatifier 01 the oompletioa, it ii a powder, harmless, re Soed and elegant. Try if, 50 cents per bo. Dti.iTs arc Dahoerocs. Mother, ai yon love yoor offspring doa't fail to 01a Mrs. Whitoomb'a Syrop, for soothing children. Read tha advertisement ia another oolamo. M. amine Qcide. Interesting work, numerooi engravings, 224 pages. Prioa 60 eeali. Address Dr. Batts' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street. St. Lonis, Mo. See advertisement. VThat is Sileratus? It is a lye. The only wholesome material for daily nie ia making good oread, bisouits, pastrj. eto., is Dr. Prioa's Cream Baking Powder, which oootalm nothing bat what the stomach re qu.rel. Some people suffer, and thejr friendi s of fer, from severe pain, while they spend more money foolishly than it would coat to care them, if they used Renne't Pain-Killing Magio Oil. Take our advice and 011 thii popular and certain cure for such ills as flesh and bone ara heir to. Annexation Ideas in Canada ! ILIRHIXG ILLE OF SEWARD General Summary. Market Eeports. Reported Kipressly for the Aaacs. Srcciss io the best of superiority ; thi wonderful demand for Simmons', Liver Reg ulator is one of the convincing proofs that thU artiole is appreoiated above everything else of the kind. However much its jea'ous defamors may throw their shafts, truth will prevail and 10 will thii medicine. IIow to ost Stamika. Iron frames and iron? nervous svstemi are sot the lot of all. But the feeble need not despair. By adopting tha right meant they may live as long and enjoy life as much as their more robust neighbors. Physical invigoratlon is however, necessary to this end; and while the spirituous tonici and nervinei usually adminiitered, eventually depress both body and mind. Da J. Walker's California Yivsoar Bitter invariably supply new vigor to the l'raiue, while they regulate every disordered funotion. ROa&Eft 8 EX PECTORAL WILD CHF.EB1 TJRIO. The Universal Family Remedy. Is the best known remedy for sore throat ia ita worst and most acravated forms. Hundreds have been oured by only using one bottle. It is also ao nafallible remedy and sure cure fur fever and ague and aii disease! of tha itomaoh and intestines, bmpnpsie, Pain of the Kidneys and baok, InlUmetion of the bladder, gravel. It is pleasant to take and can be given to aoy child. L1ios, youn or old, luff rng from genwral debility weakness and irrtgu'.aritiee will find it an aoa:ious and never failing remedy. Call for it at J oh a Beogatoa'i, or address J. Rohrar,iole proprietor, Laooaster, Pa. AG EES OF IOWA IAND Fa BALK OR EXCHAXOI FOB KIAL B 1 tele ia Ro Intnd Coanty. For par- tloalars address or sell mt OO.NKBLLT A MoIBAL'8 deet-dtf Lew Offloe, Seek Island. ALL RIGHT. ALL ft of Nw York Vo. 17. Tha residence John Edsoll. at Hidgebald, JS. J., wai rob bed Thnre'J nlfbi ot bonds, money, fto., valued atflOU.000. Chloroform was id mioi'terd by tba burglars to Edsoll, who a resolute man, notwithstanding his age was 83. Ha always slept with a pistol under his head. Richard M. Blatohford, 29 Xaiian itreet, wai robbed dn the itreet yesterday afternoon of $50,000 ia bondi. A report wai preiented to the South Caro lina House of Representative last Thursday by a oommittee of investigation, headed by O. C. Brown, to the effect that tha State has been defrauded by aa over issue to bonds of (6,314,000, and recon? mending the House to take the necessary steps to hold accoun table those persons who have violated the law and ruined the credit of the State. Memphis, Dec. 17. John P. Dorffe, a clerk in the postoffice here, drew the oapital prize of thirty-five thousand dollars at the Louisville library lottery to day. City ok Mexico. Deo. 17. The revolotioa continues spreading. The States of A Coca, rteuva Leon, senora, Durango and acat- reas ara ia the power of the revolutionists, and pronnnoimentos prevail in San Luis, Vera Cruz and 1 oeblo. President Juarez opened tha session of oongress on tbe 1st witb a remarkable speech on the situation. He wtiid the coun try appears to be consuming itself in un fruitful struggles, bringing back tbe time when revolution signified a change of indi viduals in power. Tbe speaker ot Cangresi replied that Congress trusts peace will be soon reestab ished, and the Republic is satisfied with the re election ot Jaurei excepting the States of Xaeva, Leon and Casaos. He maintains a fearless attitude, and speaks confidently of suppressing tbe rebellion. LITER REGULATOR. SIMMONS' TITE Symptoms of Liver Complaint are nnesninees ana pain in toe side, some times the paiu 1 in the xboulder, aud Is mistaken for rheumatism. The stom ach is affected with low of appetite and sickness, bow els iu ireucralcosiivu. sometimesalternatinswilhlax. 1 The head is tronhlecl with pain, and dull, heavy sen sation, considerable loss 01 memory, accompanied witb WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manufacturers of Daily Market Eeview. 1.00 x-o. Rock i, Dee. IS Floor, Family brands, barrel. rioar, led qaallty Wheat Barley . Oats ......... Buokwheat Floer Braa, ton ship Siuff........ .. Oora Meal, "f et Cora Apples Potatoes..... Onions White Beans (naTy) fi "v4 ao .- Batter lb Lard Dressed Pork Chickens " Turkeys ... Hy Prairie Timothy ... Slough...... ... -. Hiokery Wood, f eord Oak Wood, de Ooal Valley Coal, f bushel 1 7 BO 7 00 05al 16 50c Jia.'iHo 8 U0a9 00 14 00 21 00 1 601 -0 4.28c 2 .Sflal 00 6a7Ue stia65e t t0 25c ISaZOe luallic 44a4t e 10e 9 ODalO 00 10 OOall 00 T Ot'a 8 00 7 00 6 oOafi 50 Ualie LIVEE pamlul sensation 01 having left undone something which oiirot to have been done. lten complaining of weakness, deoiiity and Inw Bnirita Kninrfttm.. ulanTThTaUivynTpioms attend the disease, and at other times very few of them ; but the liver is gen erally the organ most Involved. Cure the liver with SB.. xMitzoxa-s' LIVEE REGULATOR, A PKEPAKATTON OF ROOTS AXD HERBS, Warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no in jury to any one. it una oeen usea ny nnnareos, ana Known tor me last thirty-five years as one of the most reiiaMo. effi cacious and harmless preparations ever ottered to the suffering. It taken regularly and persistently, it is snre rn cure Dvspcnsia, headache, jaun dice, costiveness. sick head ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections ol the dynentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervoiriis chills, diseases ot the skin, impurity of the blood, mel- 11. h,. 11 11, ii. iut!SMii ul mints. heariDurn, cone, or pain in the bowels, pain in the head, fever and ague dropsy, boils, pain In the back and limlw, asthma, ervsirmlas. female affections, and bilious diseases generally. Prepared only by j. h. zkixis. Co., nnic-irlsts. Macon. Ga.. and 829 Arch etrect, Phils- rt..u..i p send for a tircolar. Pricel: by mail 1 1.25. For sale by John Bengston, Kock Is land, 111. uovn-aiy Regulator. EDrClTIOMLi ENGINE LATHES 1 SHAPING AI SLOTTING MACHINES, I'LWLRS, I Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NA SMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Oon ZVXachinerir. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shattin? aad Haagers, Pateat Belf- Oillng Box. WARHHOrSH : IOT L1BHXTY hT., S Kff YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : iAHMOsD ST., (Gpp. Jaaetlon Depot), WORCtfTKR M ACS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. . lelO dtf ROCK ISLiND I3nwiiieHH College OPSN SAY AND KVENIXO, Tor Ladies aad Osatlsmen, Boys Kisses. A large number new attending. Evening School well attended. oetl2 dtf MEDICAL ITKmtT8. Wanted ! HALVE, for Oorns and Bunions, Bolls and Burst. Ijr sale by all Druggists. 2S nts. a aox. or sentoe reoalel ot pvioe. Address AL ftIRT,'it W. Lake Ht . Cfcioegs. sapU dly CHILD & CO., ZklannfACtarera of the OaUbrated Davenport Boots! Haw the Zisrg-eit and most Oom leto Stock of EBdD IT sr d To be foand la the Northwest, including a Large 6 took of Boas Made Warranted Work, at lowest market prtees. 6ED I01R 0LDKC8 TO CHILD & CO., (Iio7 iodln SftTaQport, Zowa. Ksw YoKt. Dec. 16. The Grand Jurv of toe court ol geueral aessioos vesterdav found indictments against Wm. M. Tweed and R. B. Connolly, aad it ia stated others oonected with the Rine frauds. The otment against Tweed oharired him with felony. Recorder llacket immediate. y issued warrant for his arrest, and about live 000 ast out l the sheriff found Tweed at his rooms iu tha Metropolitan Hotel, anested im, aud left him ia tha custody of his depu ties, bo bail having been mentioned m toe warrant. Latbh. There ii a large crowd at the Court House General Session this morninsr witness the trial. Tweed left about 12 'clock, ia charge of two deputy Sheriffs and accompanied by Judge Graham and x Jadga Uuuley aa Counsels, lie appear- uooonccroed, and immediately euterea tito oocsulletmo with Lis counsels. Dis trict attorney Garvin announced his readi ness to proceed with the trial. Graham asked an extension of time to plead. Gar vin had no objection to giving a reasonable time, tbe prisooer in the meantime being consulted in the usual war, time was grant ed, anti t weed was lent to tha lombi pri on to await a bearing in the case as to rhethor bail will be aocepted. Couoolly is lick, and confined to bis bed at Ludlow Street Jail. He complains of aUection of the kidneys, which hn friends say he has been afflicted with for several yean past, and which has been brought on airain bv his confinement and lack of exercise. LoKHtiv, Deo. lt". A special sayi that agenti of the international Society report he French army composed of Republicans and Imperialists, the latter being much the tronzest. The first bulletin from Saodringham this . . 1 - e . 1 - TioruiLff. says the convalescence 01 wie O ' ... . . r rince progresses slowly but steadily. Boston, Do. 1C. Wm. Brown killed his wife ia Lynn, thii morning, by atabbing her with a dirk. New Voat, Deo. 16. A Quabeo ipecial tatei that, last night, ia the Home of Ai embly, one of tha leaders of the opposition oreated great exoitement by charging bribe ry and corruption noon agents of the Minis try. Tbe Speaker had the galleries olearea by armed polioe, when tha crowd organ izea meeting outside, it being addressed by prominent annexationists, who claimed an nexation to the United states preferable to armed provincial tyranny. JSew Iokk, Dec. 17. Auburn papera state that Hon. V m. H. Seward is very I01 witb paralysis. Thera is great excitement among paliti ciaos over the action of tbe Grand Jury and the arrest of Tweed. Jodge Barnard this afternoon admitted Tweed to bail in the sum of $5,000. whioh was promptly furnish ed. It is understood that indictments have been found against twenty or mora persons among whom it is said ara mea not hereto fore publicly known ai having been conneo ted with the city frauds and ballot box stuf fing. It is Hated that two iodictmenti have been found against 1 bomas J. fields, one or mora aaamat other Darties connected with r- the oitv Park management. It hs leaked ont that James M. Sweeney has been indicted for felony. The evidences against aim ara aven itrooger than against Tweed. An indictment is said to have been found against one notorious fellow who vot ed 600 repeaters at tha last election well-known polic judre has also been in dieted for bis connection with ballot bol stuffing. The Grand Jury exect to a-et through their labors on Tuesday next, when iome thirty or forty indictmoota are- expeoted to make their appearance. Ida anxiety is very great ai to the expeoted developments, and a greater excitement than any heretofore created is expected when the facta are made knows. When Tweed appeared at court to-day he looked pale and oreattallen, aud tried va,n ly to smile pleasantly when his friend grasped hii hand. Ha had all tha appear an cps of a man who was oompletxty scare and the air of pleasantness he tried to as tame made him look all the more ghastly Politician! of allclaises densely crowded toe court room. As Tweed entered hii adher ents railed a cheer io his favor, but the oheers were soon drowned by the bines of hii opponent!. It is stated that from the character of the indlolmenti against Tweed and Connolly, the indictment of Mayor Hall moil follow. I HAN TURNER IMMKDIATELT a. steady job by the year. Address F. 81-MMOXi'ON, deelldeoplw Krie, 111. Burrs for Sale ! TWO RCN OF :i.1 INCH OLD STOCK Portable Barm, ia good running orier. One Ingbaai Bmnt Machine (new) ooroi.lete ma chine. One Blationerv naiaa 7 in eh bore and 14 inch stroke. One 30, one 4, one IS, one 10, and four 12 ineh Ires f a '.!. Second hand olt Cloth for 20 foot reel. A lot of diff.rcnt ses of 8hafrln. All or part will he pnl 1 cheap roath. Address i. deotl 4od: Erie. 111. Rescue Fire Company WILL G1TB i Grand Christmas Ball, ON Mtnday Ereniag, Dec. 25th, 7I, AT Turner- XI fill. Tickets 1. Bnpper extra. 7dtd EsUblhhsd SI Tears. Jones' Commercial College, S. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets, ST. LOUIS MO. Jonathan Jones, - President. JOHN W. JOHNSOS, Professor of Book-keep- lne. THOS. P. 6AI IDERS, Priaeipal Book-keep ing Department. JOHN W. ELLIS. Professor hf athaasatlas, in charge Coamrainl Calculation Department. JOHN ti BOH MR. Professor Penmanship In ebarge writing Department. JONATHAN JONK9, Lecturer on Commercial Law, bibles, eto. Open day and Night. Circulars and Catalogues giving all necessary Information in regard to taition, board, time to complete, etc, mailed free. Ko va.atlon. Address J. W. JOHNSON, Hanaglng Principal nov3 dawSm DIYID A. hlSLl, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - KerJical Instruments, 1SD Oalvaslc Batteries of all Kinds and Sites. IS W. Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. All Kinds of Kleatro-Magnetis IosiruTent. Neatly Repaired at short notice. Alio Models msase ol nil descriptions on short notice. oct4-d3m 'ABTIBTIO rAILCRING. 9 6S7 ?7 ABA. SIX AVBUrjO, oaioAao. DRAPR,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fiue Woolens, FOR UEKTLEMBN'g USE. WEDDING OUTFITS A BPECIALTT. Shirts to Measure Extra Doable and Perfeet in Fit. QUrgymen kM be allowed 10 per el. discount. leblHdly X.OTZSB,lT. Eojal Havana Lottery ol Cuba. CONDUCTED BT TBE SPANISH Gov ernment (300,000 it. liold drawn every sev enteen days Prises cashed and Information fatal. hed The highest price paid for Doub loons and all kinds of li'ili and Oliver. TAT LOR A CO., Bankers, feb8dly 1(1 W. I gtrenl. New York. ISA!. a. FOWABS. J. L. rnasMAi. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Where we re off. nor. anrivnlled Tens, nt the same low prlees a. nt their " B ..tern House." By Importing Teas in cargo lots, they enable as to retail to tbe ooatume at eitremely low Don't fall to viit the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palace R w. where will be fonnd the laest, pnreat and fresbest Teas, Coffeas and Spi nes, at prices beyond eoinpe'itlon. myidwSm POW ARS A FKBRMAH. Ag'ts HOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AN 3 REFLECT. TUB CELKUitA TED PHYSICIAN FOR THE TREATMENT OF CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, ASTD ALL- CHRONIC diseases; Having ,ir a tmitlf loaUsl U Davenport, eordially invites all who may ba suffering with Caret, te call at his Rooms ia Fultoa'i Block, 8J Perry Street, Half Block Korth of Post Offices H.mSNSr is weU Itwa as rae founder of the-Hontreal (0. K.) Medical Institute, and pro prietoroftoe Sl.otro MeiticU Institute, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. v-OTZUQ nTja-9to 1; a to; and 7 to 8. CONSULTATION FREE. GSOrEHIES. WEST ED GROCERY, One bloa southent of Chicaso, Rock Islnad and Parifio Depot MOLINE ILLISOIS, Ca.h raid for BUTTER, aad other kinds ef Produce. A&XTJSX:2:CX7TI. C0R1STHAS BALL! The subscriber would intimate to his custom ers and tb pablio that by raeeat arrival from .atcago and elsewhere, he has now nearly com pleated bis tail stnok, which comprises one ol THE LARGEST AND BEST SILECTED STOCK OF I0 a ITi T TJaal io ne lonuu m m o.v. wri-ivpi w i.w . . eofB.ariea for the romiBt bouday season, ana the articles nsaally found in adrstelass rncery Store, W. B. DAWSON deoli-dlianl HTERHATIQN&L THEiTRE! (Opposite 0., R. I. & F.B B. Depot PR0PRIBT0R STAGE MANAGER, .... Lbadsr or Ocbbstba,... ,JOHNLAHIFI,J C. W. FLORENCE Pbof. Buhl Foil Compacy of Talented Artists Open every Evening! ao- All First Class Asttsts wlshine an en gagement, will address J. W. Florenee, or eall on the Proprietor. 8T0V P0L1U. UirGIVB IT TB.IAli.s)3 CRUMBS OF COMFORT. T atented Uovember lt, 1870. IF YOU WOULD Save Money. Time & Labor, If fou would have your W T O r IS H Cetutifully&Brlllianlj PolNhfd Give the CRDMBS of O0M FORT a Trial. aT-Ask yonr Oroeur for it. eat'OdAwSm J0SI1Q (iiTES 4 r Mans r SOS 8, ilaetnrers of FIRE EKLE HOSE Leather Belting, Superior Lace i eather and Faotory supplies generally LOWELL MAM All kinds or FIBS ENGINE HOSI. made from thebet qaallty of Philadelphia nd Baltl ore Oak Leather, and put together wltk Tiaoei Rivets, a bow improvement whioh prevents them from corroding aad rotting thi leather, J.Udeodly TreiMirj Department. Orsice op Covptbolleb OF tie Cobbescv, WAsaiisro, Oct. Tlh, 171. j Wqbbbas, by satisfactory evidence presented te the has been made to appear that "The Aor Jtaui Aattoual Bunk, in the City of Rok lutl, in the County nf Hock I- lami ai Si ite f .'' has been dulv orean ised ander nod according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge of United States Bunds, and to provide fur tbe cir culation and redemption thereof approved June 3rd, 184, ar-d has eomplied with all the provisions of said Act reqaired o be compiled with before eemtn.aciog the business ef Bank ing. under said Act. Now therefore, I, inland K. u lburd. Comp troller of the Currency, do herebv wtifv that 'The Rock Island National Bank" in the eity of Rock Island, in tbe county of Rock Island, and Stale of Illinois, is authorise' to commence tbe business of Banking nn ier the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my l. s. band and Seal of oSc this ?th day of Octi.ber, 1!71. HU.AND R HILBURD, No. lt?S9- Comptroller of Carrencv. The Rork Island National Bank will opea for bssiaess at Ne. 23 W. Illinois street, November 1st, 1S71. Ben. Harper, John W Speneer, j Peter Fries, Kdward Burrall, Jr., J- Directors. J. H. Wilson, j A. Benediet, I T. J. Robinson, I T J. ROBINSON. President. BER. HARPER. Viee Pres t. A. BENEDICT, Cashier. October:5, 1871 dfirtt IIPPIHCOTT'S MAGAZINE AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Sciences With the numVr for January. LIPPIN- OTT'8 MAGAZINE will enter upon a new volume. Arrangements have been saade for the continuance of these features which have hither to proved attractive, with such improvements as i per it oe has shown to be desirable. The nam- ber of pages will be increased, enabling the conductors to furnish an additional amount of Popular SLeadlny in ihe Sest and most Uuphatic ens. In ndditton to tbe sho'ter anlcies by well- nown writers, thj following ATTRACTIVE SERIAL WORKS will bs published during the ear: A Powerful and Absorbing JAMES KELLY, COP? 6c BRO., Liven and Sale Stables. OfSce under Sart'a Ball, ROCK. ISLAND 1 1 LP Must Complete Ettahlisbment ia tbe City Particular attrition paid to furnishing Carriages lor names, Halls, rrocessions, ete mhtd 1 v By a Talentei American Author. SSr. Edward Wbymper'i Slsquit- itety ZUnitrated Work, Scrambles Among the Alps, Hill he conliiitted f,om Month io Month until completed. a large Staple and Fancy OroeerUs, Provisions, Qaeensware. Glaeswara, Wooden aad Willow Ware, Ae. Corner Orleans and Ohio streets. ROCK ISLAND, .... ILL For quality ef goods aad prices, I defy eom- petltioB. mob ltd Iv THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE RELIANCE WRINGER, Have had unusual opportunities of ascertaining preotsely what is wanted, and of producing a perfeet machine Taey have brought ent an entirely New Wrisobb, whish the; eall tha " PROVIDENCE " Zfew. 1871. Terfect. A GEEAT IMPROVEMENT Over all Other Wringers. Koiice to School Teachers and School Officers. Office County Supfristeshknt or ) Sc hool. Rock Inland County, v Kjck Isiand, 111., .Nov. Ist, 1K71. ) The 4i h Annual Sewnon of the Rock Island Conn tv JerhtT8 iiiiMntt1, will be held in the Kook I; bind Hitrh school Hall, during December the 2uttv, tt and nd. A. I). WTl. The School Ijw make it ohlirratrT on School Pirwctors to allow Te ache re' trni:er to continue du nniy the time they are m actual attendance uoon In rttitulee; provided, the time doec? not exceed six days u mx mouth, teachers are therefore reuuest ert to make every reasonable effort to attend, and the co-operation of Schnol officens is reiiectfnlly Kea. M. Ml. b I L KliKON, Voilltty Sup t. N B. Entciituiaient will be secured iu nrivate families for Ladies. Tentlmen will be expected to provide for theaifelves. Tha Hotels and Boarding tiouies wui emertaiu leacuere at reaucea rates. uovl-dtd. gift EMcaraisi:. OQ w a H O -1 U a gT ' 2j t H p-r,rM. sEs--l J 2. -i Principal Offioi 101 W. Fifth St , Cincionati,0. Tha Only Beliabla Gift Distribution In thi Country! L. D. MLS EIGHTEEITQ Grand Annua! Distribution To be drawn IvToadty, Tan. 1. 72L 200,000 00 faster than bt band. Grand Capital Prizes the Provideaoe snpsrior to all S 10.000 IV AMERICAS GOLD 10,060 IS AHERICAS SILTEi r Vrecnbacks IT WaiNGS We eoosider others, for the following reasons 1st. The HOLLERS, of I., else and best quality of White Rubber, nre ail secured te their MUatts ia me most permanent manner, by the Mouiton, making the Be.t Roller in the 'orta 21 The FATSJf T METAL JnrRlAL CA sinus prevent any wear npon tha journals The wooden journals ia which the iron shafts of oilier machines ran, soon wear, and theeffi oieney of tbe Wringer is thereby greatly redueed. id. ina BOUBLK BPIRiL COGS used on tuis wrmrsrgive tbe ntmost hm .nil aleadi ne.. ia working, while the double eton nrevents taosa I'om bottoming or being thrown out of gear. We furnish wither single or double ar rcuriueuee as aesired 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED TI.tMP readily adjusts this dachioe ta tubs of any s;ae or inicKitess. maKles? a nertoct fastening;. ia woodea pegs or robber straps on this Clamp. 5th. SIMPLICITY. BTRHNOTHandBRAr T Y, are oosahined in this Machine, with all tbe requisites of a first class Wringer. Provideace Tool Coin'y, PROVIDENCE, R. I. XI Warren St. Xf ew York. ' aavo-dtf in vai.tjabi.1i azrxs Fiva Friiei of $1,000 Taa Friiei of (500 One Span of Matched Horses, with Fauily Carriage an silver mounted Harness, worth $1,600! Fire Uortes and Buygk, with SHeer-Moun,' Ud Harness, corlh f G00 eack J & Fine-Toned Rosewood Pianos, worth SSVUeaeh. ii Family Sewing Machines, worth $500 each 1.100 Gold and Silver Lever Hooting Watches, (in all), worth t 010 $i0 to f-iOH eaoh ! Ladies' Oold Iontine and Gnt tiold Vest Chains, Solid and Doutale-Platcd Silver Tahleaud Teai-poonc Photouraph Alluiuif. Jewelry, AC., EC S umber of Gin ZS,ih. Tickots limited to 100.000 AGESTS WANTED TO MELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid Siuifle Ticketo 4 : Sis Tickt $1 ; Twelve Tickets ttO: TwePty-Flve HO. f-' rnnt.ininfr fnti Hat of Driaes. a descrip tion f the manner of drawlne. and oiher information in reference to tlie Dlslrihnllon. will be eent to any nrrierine them. All letter roust be addressed to Ornot, 101 W. BtA St. CINCLNliiATI, O, ocU-dwly )K. IPISMhY av4 GIVES BI3 ESriRE ATTENTION kOR TDE PAST fifteen years, to tie treat nent of CUROSIO DliK A SEX, incident to bolt sexes, and his sue. ess has produce! , .nisumg resulw. Many are they who have implanted in their systems, by tba .P 'ooVb vn!;,hA'' " "9 ' To aaata. be would U wbe'your trouble,, may be, some aod let tba .ZnatllTn,'Ia"e"e- "'""''.ua will tell yn so; if not, be will tell you that; for he .onanltatio. . " nls ' UDieot of effecuug a euro. It will cost yon nothing for "trail. ?'"" 1 whether the U.etor under.tauds youv ease. Dr. au 3ii aD oisa or ran blood. YODiG t IiN ! Ibo iamr te fuTar;og from the effects of youthful follies or Indiscretion, will do well to avail them elvee of this, tne reteil boju everl .id at the altar of suffering uuinanity. D'. SPINNEY will tuaranteelofjrfeitO.V HaSOiSO O )L i A K t ,r evary ji.eol -te mual Weakness or Private Jiseaseof aay ja truster nioh na ia lertakesaad fails to cre. He uli; therefore say to any nn Ctrtnnate sufferer wuo may read thi. notice, in at you are treiiiug uuon dangerousground when yon longer delay in seeking tne prp?r remeiyftr your eomplaint; and my be io tbe first stage, re neaber you sre appro.euiug the last! If you are boriering npou tbe last and are suffering some r 'l of its ill effects, re ne njv (Sat if yoa obstinately per.i.t iu procrastination, THE TIMS idSTGOMS was rue oir skillful puymoias cax resuhh you so as- 11STANCE; waen toe 1 ur jf nope will oe alosei fjrerer a.iast you,- when no angel of mercy an bring you ralief ! (n no ease Has the Dootorfailed of success. Then let not despair work itsel. iponyour imagination, but avail yoursell of the benefioial results ofhis treatment before your oasa h.yond the reiaa of me deal lit. II. orbefure grim Death hurries yon to a prematura grave. MIDDLE AGKD Tneie are many of the e,e of thirty to fifiy who are troubled with too frequent Evacuations oi .He i!a tder, often acoompaoieJ by a smarting or burning .eusaliou, aud weakening tbe system ia a nanxer ihe ptieut cauaoi acsuuiu for. On examination of the c'ruirv etvsil., a roy sediment vi II often be f luui, and jmetimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be a thin nilkish hue, aaaajiu to a dasex and torpid appearance Tbjreare many men wbo die ot :bip iiicrtlty, ignorant of the cause, which is the SECOND STAVE OF SEMIS A L WEAKNESS. Jr. J.-will utraatee a PERFECT CORE in all auuh, and a healthy re'oraUon of tba Crin rJ irgans. Allcommaaications strictly confidential, ttbout delay All letters sontaining nsrtj. for reply, an swede Put Office aidress. Lock Box 2S0, Davenport, Iowa. deodweowly EST A BL' SEED 1849. The Oldest ..utic Htiue in the, .orth-wcst. K. N HEMPSTBD, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS NEW ORY BT GEORGE MACDOXALD, LL. V., uthur of "Alec Forbes," "Axsxli op a Qciet Xeigbbobhood," etc., ALSO, A CH AftSIKt SEW KOVEL, yiH GOODS (IF Mill DESCRIPTION! PUBLISHER OP Sheet 3JLusic fiiicl I 1 1 1 w i 13ooliH. Wholesale Agency for Steinway Ol Son's, Hazelton Bros., Haines Brother's and Parlor Qem PXA170S and IVlason 61 Hamlin OHQJL.TIB. A Large aud Elegant Stock of Goods at New York Figures. 10 Broadway, Bihuukee, Wise Send f"r Caialognes and Pi ice Lists oct 'l-d aodAw3m Our Mosthlt Oassir, of space will be devoted to -" beenrioh.d with short and lively artistes on persou s of bom, ineidents of the day and other novel or amusing topies liLi iTRiiioss designed bv distiDKuished ar. tt.ts and engraved in .he highest style will ac company ea.h number. It KMC : Xearly subspription. Si. Single number, oi ctt. C'lcb Bans. Two Couies. $7; Five Copies. $ 16; Ten Copies :0. witb e'py gratis to getter up of c'ub. Liitibcott's Magiziis. per annum, wrb The Bundav Mssra; with Hood Words for tbe Young, j oe ; wuo uooa ora. f a. 74. Specimen dumber mail.d, postage paid, to any aaaress on 01 io cen'S. J B. LIPPINCOTT A CO. Publishers 7i.nd 71? Market St.. PHILADkLPHlA aovl!5d t 2m F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., IMP03TEBS ASD JOBBERS IX Wall Paper, Window Shades, CUJEITA.IN AND Pirviiom lor J. Zimmermann's Pianj Maaufiieturini Co. No. 10 bib 8treet, DAVENPORT IOWA Please take not e, of the gre&t change in th price of Pianos. I offer for sa'e at the fnll whole. ale prioe the Large Size Rosewood 7 Oo tare Pianos, with all the latest improvement and warranted tor Eve vea a. Ca.h prise, $?7 JOAN' ZtMMRRMANN. No. 10 Main street, bet. Front and Second, Dav enr-ort, Iowa. Dovl4d7m a Xffnrth Fanrth fitraet. ovS-drim ST. XOUXS, XttO. GXiA.tt3. Z.IQTJOS.S. XfZZSSSTJZLaiX STAINED GLASS W0B.JX8, SO. 23 MARKfel KT., PiriSnTJHGH. WILLIAM NELSON, ()!ass retainer and Me tallic ih Manufacturer best adapted for church windows. Having erected tbe most complete and eitensiv. apparatus fur the manu faciute of colored and ornamental window glass, he is prepared to furoitheve verity forohcrch ee, private reidenci-e, omce windows, eto. superior style. Orders from all parts aonntrv will receiveprompt attention. - fe ld3 v- NOTICE. of in tha HAVINt;) (UHKU Lk'TTEIS PAT. WNT (M OU HHAN D9 CANE SPRNG. mm VALLEY AND DOUSLAS-ELK-HORN 'V .li MF.IIFII2D F.l if. LlffRElvCK'K MEI FORD EHI. n. il II I11US.11IJIli That we .staliH.hul in this market iu le66, harabv gite wa-nin to any tine a in those brao'ls. or aay Fepr.e talion cf them, that they are infriagiog upon our patents, and ibey will be prosecuttd to he fall sttent 01 tbe law. J. . MDks u Sons. We have Tir s!e the foll owing well-aowa brands Copper Whi.kies: Cane Spring Bourbon, rpriog 1863, 1870 and 18T1. MEDFORD Itmr, Lifting Valiej Bourbon, Spring 18S3. 1870 aJ 18:1. DANIEL LlWIlEXrE & Only Manufaotnrera ot soxs, JOHr HOYT Wholesale Dealer in Steinway, Steck. Weber and Emerson PIANOS And the Celebrated and 1'aepproachable GEO. WOOD ORGAN ! Acknowliniged by tha Critics to be the best now In ate. Musical Wereroome, Cor. Brady aad Fourth Streets, Davenport, Iowa, spl gNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Bite Eye, Pong Meininger, S5ots Hate Sa e" Looi Comio Song, Baiton, 40 Uarlig Bmlle uf the BoarJiny .Vco,Peiter3U ff.rl ict the Cigtrtte, Cmic Cordelia, SO Jolly '' Time, Camio, Parks. 80 AW couit'ty Hke l ,i..m, Coasio Cord'la 30 yire." -the Uea.t. Beautiful Song Millard" U,c im the Hed.,, " " Zh. Let U Pa: fT Baas or Alto, 3 Yet Once Ayain, Dnelt for Sop. and Barr. flaWnel, v QWHng Neighbor., Comie Duett, Aaber, 75 5. Child, wilb va-iations. Mack. 60 ir k. tiretima. P.nie It ov man t iuue, OW-'J " ' ' - .t 8 till enjoy th' reputation bt manufaeiurlr.g The Best Rum in the States, jDay authorited A Si.i't Liceatt. The superior quality and parity ef LIVTNGXrL'" SI HI) KO H I Rt'M, For the past frty .rren yenre, has male i' every where known the St.hd.rd Rm. Ne paias will be spared to maintain its purity .ud high reputation. Tbe publie is cautioned gan...t imit. lions and oi-unterfe is ... ORDER DIHKCT FB"M I s- " ' rnrrnnt perfect .ti..;i.m. A l lre" J mail to MKDFORD. M.s . Aed orders kt 127, 129, 131, and 133 Broad st B0ST0.1 Andthev wi-'l receive jroiuj.t. attention. DA.VIKL LAWRENCE A SONS. O0,24 df,m Doaslss-tlk-ilorn Bourbon, pp.-ing 18G3, 1870 aid 18T1. Th. .h,ir.. bran l. are p.teme i and can had ONLY Iroai ib. froprietviS. be J A. 31 OAKS & SOXS, 711 fc "B OM ' noi'3-d.Tw .T. LOUIH. A & Beannfuf !5kia! J. A. POZZON.S to Pen;ie Boy manlique, Uolidnx Vaeotfm March, illustrated title c;il.inn. Sweet Anticipation., Bohottische, " ' ilsina, ' Vai.y, Faatalsla, Krsg Any of the above sent by mail oa receipt of the market price. No matter where you see a pieca of Music ar Music Book advertised, send to ua and yoa will receive It by enclosing the publish rs priee. BAISSB& & WBSBlt , MUaltJ OKALttRB, mlT-de412m. 8T.L0CI8. Niagara Steam Pump Works. J-sf f. -rat m 5 Charles B. Hardick, Ko. 9 Adams street, BROOKLYN .KKW VOHK. Sole Manufastorer of Hardiek's P stent Douh e-Actisg Steam Pomp and Fire Engine. Mining Pumps a Specialty . ia Kagland, Belg n' by J A. Pi. non Mo., and by all Droggist, eto. iMEMCATSD Complexion 70WOS&I Imparts to th. BVia a nSautilal, trans pareat whitenets. makes the skin dell Caltly soil A i-uiootb, removes all freckles, taa, aad allays all ir riiation. Ibisvalu- alile eosuteiio can be u.ed With the great sst cuctiden-e. Fifty sent, a 11 4 II par box wnolu-aleand retail 1 IS K Fifih street, rt. Louis, rt-dly Patented Seal for cirsular. and Fraaca. augSldly SHOTGUN Hew York Office, 27 BEEOIAH BT, jovl d3m