Newspaper Page Text
HUES OF ADVERTISING, TI&U8. DatiT Aaeos. Hy Mll(payebUla drea),pr nBm,tl.O0 By Mail " eixsssBtas, 00 By Mail " I sseatks,.. By Mall " 1 ssoatk.... 81 afBi Oitt OabbibBj 19 Cwats er w. Biitia Cor;;, e Coats'. T1RMB.- Wbsblt Aases. tiagle Copy, (payable! a edvaaee) .... Taa CopUa " " ..... tvaaty Copies " " . flirty Copies " ' ........ tl.BS Twenty-first Year." ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 The Liberal Movement ia ZtXii oari. Th first frails of tbt Missouri Policy, promulgated by lb St. Louis ItepMican, bar taken form ia the shape of an address, and a call fur a Stat cooTentioa by the liberal Republican! of the Stat of Mis souri. Aware that our Radical neighbor has aot suffioieat liberalitj of principle to lay this dooucnent before the liberal minded of bis part, we have published it elsewhere. It is signed by fir Stake oficers, three State .senators, twenty-one members of the House( and by other prominent and influential citi zens; end, ie aulxteaee, transfers the lib eral movement of 1870, to the national contest ia 1872. We do sot see how these liberal Repnb. loans oonld well avoid taking this important step, if they were honest ia their professions in 1870 then they labored to enfranchise citizens now to enfranchise the Mate, loosen the grasp of despotism opon the rights of the people aad check the ooaard marob of centralization. Socoets crowns J their efforta in 1870, and, there is every reason to believe that, with aa honor able ailmno with the Democracy, sucoess will follow in 1S72. This address, with the names of iu signers, who by this step have demonstrated their honesty of parpose, and are therefore entitled to a hearing before the bar of puMio opinion, completely refates the oft repeated assertion of Radical journals, that the liberal movement iss dead past resorreotion. Ne deabt ita sseweea ia Ilia soori, in Tennetee, in Virginia and where tried ia larger oities makes them wish it d ad ; all the Federal patronage to bribe, and all the axeoutive prosoriptioot aod royal anathemas to frighten and in timidate have boon unable to kill it; and if we may credit the signers of this add.ess with knowing whereof they speak, then the num ber who endorse their principles is greater than m ls70. This address is the first strung oard that has been played for the Missouri policy, and ruust claim the osreful consideration of all 1'eaocrats, to whom it is addressed as tuuoh as to liberal Kepubn cans, for without the hearty oo-operat'on ol the Democracy they will be ad powerless to remedy existing eviis, as is the Democracy to accomplish the same result without their ussistaooe. These men are willing to drop their party pride so far as to attempt the dsfeat of their party, and, certainly, the Democracy can do no less than lay aside all that partisanship which has characterized it ia the pant and contributed so forcibly to its defeats, so long as noue of the vital prin ciples of the party are lost sight of by the alliance. While we oaonot expect these Republicans to stultify their past action by openly enrolling thimselres under the old lime Demoora'io banner, we shall never consent to the abject surrender of the De mocracy. A party that numbers nearly three million voters oaonot be withdrawn as this,a Idres calls for , but it can, at this time in its career of defeat, afford to wait and sue what this movement means, what strength it detelopes and what bases of ai.iance it proposes, before it shall act independently of men who have shown, to say the least, an honesty of purpose, to be found ia poli tics only when the life of the nation is in dancer. To this end we lay the address before our readers, In the full light of the tightened grasp of the Radical party opoa the reins of government; federal byonete suppressing reforms, dispersing conventions and interfering at peaceful elections; a rad ioal majority in C ingress licensing thievery and robbery aod prohibittiog all iavestiga tion In the light of all these and kindred avile that tend to a oeotralized despotism with Grant ut the head, let every thinking, Lonest patriot who loves country better than party and principles more than spoils give beed to all that bears opon this great iiuestion of reform or in any way points to redress. LOCAL .NOTICES. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olook Jt- Congressional Clap-Trips ! mKXTI0 TALK IX MEXICO! Portugese Emigration to America lor sash sonars, or the spas essayist fcy iiaes of solid nonpareil, One Cellar for eask la. ssrtion. Bpeoial Fotleos, 19 eeits per liae. Whoa In serted months er more, f per eeat above toga, lar advertising rates. Oossmuoisatioas, er artlslos ia sorted aaoag rsading matter, ii easts per line. DiiLr aid Wbbklt. A diisoaat of 16 per ssat. will be made from the Weekly rates, ea yearly and half yearly contrasts, whoa the same matter la inserted in both Daily aad Weekly. Doable Columns will be charged 3 per eeat additional. fovwl traniisatadvertissmsa advanss pay meat Is rsqslrsd. al Assembly to-ly. They sat in the center of the members 01 toe Kight. Their appear anon created no sensation. A bi" was introduced ia the Assembly providing for the release of Communist prisoners who have held no rank. LIVER RLGCL&TOB. Democratic Politics in Kentucky ! Daily Market Beview. l.OO l-O. 20. 7 0 T 00 ... 1 05al IS 50e StaliOe 8 OOatf 00 14 (0 SI 00 1 60al 80 228 ... 2 60al 00 65a70 60aJ5e 0 240 1810. lOelXte 441 be 10o . t OOalO 00 ... 10 ODall 00 ... 7 00a 8 00 7 00 ... 6 60e SO 14aUe Bock Islakd, Dot. Flour, Family Brands, $1 barrel..! Floar, 2nd quality.. Wheat Barley .. Oat Baekwhoat Floar Braa, toa hip Bluff Oora Meal, ewt Corn.. ...... Apples Potatoes Onions .. White Boans (navy)-.... If gt 1 dos Batter ib Lard - ...... iimini ... Dressed Perk .. Chickens Turkovs Hi y Fralrie llmotny Blough Hiokory Wood, ooed ak Wood, e Ooel Valley Coal, buihol.. THE Symptoms of Liver Complaints are eneasine and pain in the side. Home times the pain is in the shoulder, and ie mistaken for rheumatism. The stom ach Is affected with lone of appetite and sickness, bow- eie in eucml coative, soinetiuiesalteniatiug wilh lax. The head in troubled wittt piiin, and dull, heavy sen sation, considerable loes or memory, accompanied with painfulaeniwtion of having left undone something which ougni to have been done. Otien complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes LIVES liro tat Cuinoy Wanted ! HAND TURVIR IMMSDIAXKLT- Ix. steady job by the year. Address 1 Chicago Murderer Sentenced! PHILlDELPBli BANK G0E CP ! The Southern Eclipse! Burrs for Sale ! TWO BCH OF S3 IN0U OLD STOCK Portable Bans, in good running order. One Ingheai Smat Machine (new) 00m. late ma- oaine. One Stationery Engine 7 ineh bora and 14 inch stroke. One 30, one 24, one 19, one 18, and four 11 ineh Iron Pulleys. Beeond hand Bolt Clolh fo 20 fool rael. A lot of different itas of Shafting. All or part will bo sold cheap foroath. Address F. SIMM0NSO1, deoll-d.odJw Erie. 111. GcneiMl Summary. Market Beports. Reported Biproaa!y fortha Attn. AO EES OF IOWA LAXD 0B 8AT.E OR EXCHANQB FOB REAL J. Estate in Rook Island Coa.itj. For par tlonlara address or oa'l at COS NELLY A McHB VL'S dssfl-dtf Law OiSse, Eask Island. Toilitisi is unrivaled as a beaetifier or the oomplexioa, it ie a powder, harmless, re ined aod elanl. Try it, 60 cants par bo. Dtci.aTs Aki DaJKitKocs. Mother, as you love your o2"iprm doa't fail to use Xn Whitoomb's Hvrap, for sooth I nj children. Uead the advertisement in another column. Msaau'ta nrins Intereslinft workj numerous inravings, 221 paes. Price 50 oenta. Address lr. Butts' Dispensary, VI North Eifrhth strset, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. What is Salk,ti'8? -It is .a lye. The only wholesome matorial for uie in making good bread, biscuits, pastry, itc, is lr. i'noe's Cream Baking Powder, which contains nothing but what the stomach re quires. Some people suffer, and their friends suf fer, from severe pa n, while they spend mora cnonev foolishly than it would cost to care them, if they need fteune's Tain-Killing Magio Oil. Take our advice and use this popular and certain cure for noch ills as tlesh and bone are heir to. How to get St am IV A. Iron framea and etrou;: nervous systems are not the lot of all. Hat the feeble need not despair. l' adopting the righ means they may live as long and enjoy life as much as their more robust neighbors. Physical invigoration is however, necessary to this end; and while the spirituous tonics and nervines usually administered, eventually depress both body and mind. Da J. Walkeb'b California Vinboab Bittsbh invariably supply new vigor to the frame, while they regulate every disordered funotion. KOHKZR'B ZXPKCT0RAL WILD 011ERRI T05I0. The Universal family Remedy. Is tha best known remedy for sora throat, 1 a its worst aod most aggravated forms Hundreds have been cursd by only using one bottle. It is also aa oofellible remedy and sore cure for fever and agne aad all disease of the stomaok aod intestines, Dispepsta, l'ain of tha Kidneys and baok, lntlemntioa of the bladder, gravel. It is pleasant to take and can be given to any ootid. Ladies, youag or old, suffering from general debility weakness end irregularities will find it aa alHoacious and never failing remedy. Call for it at Joha Bengstoa's, or address J. Bohrer.sole proprietor, Lanoaster, Washington Dec. 19. Senate In to day's session, .Mr. olorrill, ct t rmoot, reported the House bill appropriating ? 1,000,01)0 for publio buildings in Chicago, and asked its immediate couatd eration. Mr. Kdmonds introduced a bill to punish stock gambling by publio oQicers, and for other purposes. It prohibits all officers or employes of the government from speculat ing in stocks or bonds, under penalty of fine ana imprisonment. Mr. Cockling moved to take up his res oiution directing the committee on retrench ment to inquire into the Schnrx charges against the Jsew lork custom bouse. Mr. Scburz offered aad amendment to the pending bill, specifying numerous alleged abuses and frauds in the New York custom house as special objects of inquiry. The resolution was then adopted unani mously. Mr. Summer moved to take uptbe resolo lion offered by him last May, oalling on the Secretary of the Navy for information about the number of ships employed on the coasts of saa Domingo since the beginmg of negotiations for the acquisition of i-eme na Bay, with the cost of sending and keep ing them there. He said that whenever this information should be obtained be would move to refer it to the committee on retrench ment: Laughter. Mr. Patterson, referring to a recent ar ticle ia the ew 1 ork Times, criticising m severe terms the former committee on retrenchment, of which Mr. Patterson was chairman, denied the truth of the statements and defended the action of that committee Mr. Blair offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the committee on re trenchment to inquire whether any Minister of the United States, in any foreign country is engaged in any mining company and is using his official pasiton for tha promotion of its interests; and, if so, whether it is compatible with his duties as such Minis ter. Tha reseletion of tha eosamirtee aa elec tions, declaring Mr. Nurwood entitled to a seat in the Annate trom Oeorgia, was egre ed to, and Norwood was sworn in. Chicago, Dee. 19. Gregoria Teare, wh killed two men in his sa'oon on the day of the great are was to-day convicted of tnur der in the. first degree and sentenced to states prison. The small-pox is on the increase in the city. Loniion, Dee. 19. A Paris special say hr French government has received the fol lowing from tie eclipse expedition: "Th Buocluruui of thtt corona attests the czis tenceof matter in the space beyond tha at mosphere of the sun. Pu:t.At)Ei.rDu, Deo. 19. Henry Perkins has been appointed receiver of the Fourth National Bank. Its ileposits amount to be tw.-en J jOO.noo and fiiOO.OOO, which, it is believed, will be paid during the month but the surplus and capital stock have (lis appeared under the mismanagement of its omoers. Mw 1 obc, Dec. 19. A Herald specia states that the Bishop of Londonderry (1 oouooed the proclamation forbidding the procession in his sermon on Sunday. The procession formed and on attempting to marob to the cathedral was attacted by the military. A light ensued, during which several persons was hurt, but the procession tinally dispersed, ureal eicneacni aou more fighting Is expected. I -isvilm. Ky, Deo. 19. Hon. T. C. McOrei;rT, late United States Senator from Kentucky, was nominated by the Democrat io legislative caucus at Frankfort last night to socoeed Garrett Davis. Atocsta, Ga, Dec. 19. Milton Smith, Demoorat, was elected Governor to-day. to Gil tha unexpired tes of Governor Bullock. Quii-CY, Dec. 19. The axtensive store of Castle 4 Co, in this citj, WM entirely de stroyed by 6 re this morning, t was valoed at 93,000 insured for f J-i.doO. Lisbon, Deo. 19. The press of the city show much anxiety over tha largely increas ed emigration of workmen to the United states and recommend that measnr( bo taken to prevent further increase. Neit York, Dec. 19. A Madrid letter states that lien, sickles received secret or ders to return to Washington immediately for consultation on an important state of publio matters. City of Mrxico, Dec. 11. Anarchy contiuues throughout Mexico, and the Com plications increase. The Juartsts are alarm ed. A North Amercan protectorata is seri ously discussed. Foreigners say tha only salvation for tha country will bo plaoing it under the American flag. Pabis, Dao. 19. Duo D'Aumale and Prise d Joinville took seats ia tha Nation- iitHitv hi Lh.t m kjy! uiuiomf aiinQ i ne aiHeane. ana at other times very few of them ; but the liver is gen erally the organ moet involved. Cure the liver wilh sx. sxaxztxoH'a' LIVER REGULATOR, A PREPARATION OF ROOTS AND HERBS, Warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no in- Jury to any cue. it nas tx-en used by hundreds, and known for the last inirty-nve years as one of the moat reliable, effi cacious and harmlens preparations ever offered to the suffering. 11 laKen regaiarly and persistently, u is sure to cure Dyspepsia, headache. Jaun dice, costiveness, sick head ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections of the biadder,camp dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervoncnese chills, diseases of the skin, mniirilunflh. hln.J mat. uTTT)!TTrSTITcT?ouT)i spiritJt, heartburn, colic or pains in the bowels, pain in tne neart. lever and apue dropsy, boils, pain in the back and limbs, aslhnia, erysipelas, female affections, and bilious diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZUILUl ak CO., Drueeists. Macon, Ga., and 829 Arch streets Phila delphia, Pa. fceud for a Circular. Price f 1 ; by mail 1 1.45. For sale by John Beugston. Rock Is land, 111. novu-diy legislator. deelldeopli SIMMONSOS, Brie, 111. KDrCITIOSlL. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manufaetnrers ol ENGINE -LATHES i SOAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLAKEBS, Bolt (hitters and Upright Drills, NASMFTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Oan XVXacMnery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aid Haagsrs, Patent 8eif- Oillng Bos. WAREHOrSB : lOT LIBBRTY feT., NKW YORK. CITY MANUFACTORY : HAMMOND ST.. (OtD. Junction Depot). WORCESTER .MAP9. All Trains en taring the City, stop within tan r4s four Werks. jelO-dtf ROCK ISL1ND 13 tar-;iiiON!- Oollcssro OPSN LAY ASD EYENIVO, For Ladies and Osntlsmsn, Eovs It .Hisses. A largs number naw attending. Evening School wail attended. ooll2 Jtf ALL RIGBT. ALL mmt A LYE, for Oorns and Bunions, Bolls and Bares, for sale by all Druggists. 25 ets. per box. or sent oa reeeip of price. Address ALL &IflHT,4t W.Lake St., Chicspo. sepla-dly EUb'.i!iei SI Years. Jones4 Commercial College, t7 B. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets, 1ST. LOUIS M0. Jonathan Jones, - President. JOHN W. JOUNSOS, Professor of Book-keep- ing. THUS. P. 6AVKDERS, Principal Book-keep ing Department. JOHN W. ULL1, Professor Mathsmatlet. in charge Commeraia! Calculation Department. JOHN t BOHMB. Professor Peniranfhip in ehargp Writiag Department. JONATHAN JONES, Lecturer on Commercial Law, Eihioa, ete. Open day and Nigkt. Circulars and Catalogoss giving all necessary Information in rsgard te tuition, board1, liaas to complete, ate, mailed free. So vacation. Aflareis J. w. .IWH?U, Managing Principal dot3 dAwSm D1VID A. RISLL, Manufacturer of and Dealer in CIcctro - Medical latrasxeats, Qalvanle Battsrias of all Kinds and Sizes. 1W. Kaadolph Street, CHICAGO ILL. Alt Kinds of Eleotro-Magnetis Instruments Neatly Kepairad at short notice. Alio Models mande of all daicriptions un sLort notice. oct4-d3m STOVE P6L1$U. GS0CE&IF.S. CRIMES OF COMFORT 3Ta tanted Xfovamber 1, 1870. IF TOU WOrLD Save Money, Time & Labor. BY " If you would hare jour S T O r tlt: Beaatifally & Brilliantly Polished Olve th CRUMBS of COMFORT a Trial. SsaT Ask your Orosor for It. oot'0d4w3 WEST ED GROCERY, One block southeatt of Chicago, Rock Islaad and PaciDs Depot. MOUSE, ILLINOIS. Cash raid for BUTTRR, E30S, aad other kinds ef Produce. The sabseriher would iatimate to hi, custom ers ant th pablic that by recast arrival from Ohicaito and elsewhere, he has now nearly com- leatal bis tall stock, which comprises one o( TH3 LARGEST AND BSST S1LE0TED STOCK OF or lOOXC-R TT7!fs5J lo ie iouna in tne e.iv, tugeiner wiib all n., necessaries for the coming holiday saason, and all the articles nsaally fouad in a flrst alass tirocerf Store. W. B. DAWSOK decll-dljanl C. 51. Moseman & Bro. james kelly, Manufacturers of FINE HARNESS Wareroomi, 114 Chambers Street, iraw xo&s. ALSe, Harness for Farming. Teaming, Tracking, Cart ing, Expressing, Contracters', lae Oom paalas'. Livery Staklas', Ooape, Read, Ooaeh, Basinesa and Plaaenre Vs. at $8, S10, $12, S15, $23, $25 to 500 per Set Seed for dtsnrlptive list. oct21 d3m Staple aad Fancy Oreeerlas, Provisiens, Qaesosware, Glassware, Woods aad Willow Ware, . Covaer Orleaas aad Okie streets, ROCK ISLAM), .... ILL For quality ef goods aad prices, I defy com petition- - met lid I t CHILD & CO., XsXannfactnrerB of the Celebrated Davenport Boots ! IZav tbe Largest &a& most Octa- leto Stock of - ASXD SHOES To be foand la the Xorlawett, Inolading e Large Stock of Home Made Warranted Work, at lowest market prices. frLNI) Y01E OEtiK .S 10 CHILD & CO., decT-eodlm Davenport, Iowa. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE RELIANCE WRINGER Have bad uansual opportuaities of atoarta'ning frecteiy whst Is wanted, and or frodBeig a perfect machine They have brought out an entirely Nrw WniKona, whieh they call tbs "PROVIDENCE " XVeT?. 1871. rerfsct A G2EAT IMPROVEMENT Over all Other Wriasers. MEDICAL INSTSCMESTS. Tre&Dry Department. Orsice c CoMPTKoi-LEa or tbs Cchfct, WasaissTOM, Oct. Tth, 1K71. ) Wmitis, by satisfactory evidence crstented to the undersigned, U has txen made to appear trial "Iht Jiuik- lulcnia Hatliniai 11 ink, tn the Cty 'f A'-'cfr Inlnnil, in tlf Ci.mij nf l-"'k le tting and Srit nf lllinoi has been dulv orcan sed ander and according to the requiremente of the Act of Congress, entitled "An Aot to provide .National t'orrency secured by a pledre of United States Bonds, and to provide fur thecir- onlatien and redemption thereof approved June 3rd, 1 84, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act reqoue l to he complied with betore eommenoing the business ef Bank ing, under said Act. Now therefore, I, Hiland R. Jl.lburd, Comp troller of the Curreoey, do hereby certify that The Rock Island Aaticnal Bank ' in the city of Rock Island, ia the county of Rock Island, and State of Illinois, is authorize! to oommenoe the bnsinex of Banking a a Jar the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my l. s. hand and 6sal ef oSoe this 7th dav of October, Ifl. HILAND R. HILBCRD, So. 1SS9- Comptroller of Cerrsney. The Rock Island National Bank will open for bssiaess at No. 23 W. Illinois street, November 1st, 1671. Ben. Harper, ") John W Spencer, j Peter fries, Bdward Burrall.Jr., Directors. J. H. Wilson, I A. Banodiot, I T. J. Robinson. T J. ROBINSOS. President. BSJT. HARPKR, Vise Pres't. A. BENEDICT, Cashier. October 25, 1871 dSOt AMTliTIC TAILORING. C87 WABAIB AVBUTjr), OQXOAOO. ORAPER,TASLOR AND IMPORTER OF Fiue Woolens, FOR UBNTLEMBN'g UBE. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measare Extra Denbie and Perfect in Fit. Cltrgymtn Kill bt allowed 10 ncr teat, discount. leblSdly z.ozTs&-r. Royal Haraia Leltery ol Cuba. CONDUCTED BT THE SPANISH Gov ernment 300,000 in Gold draws every sev enteen days Prises cashed and Information famished. The highest prise paid for Doub loons aad all kinds of Gild and Silver. TAT LOR A 00., Bankers, fehSdly IS Wall Street, Mew York. CBAI. . FOWABS. J. 1,. SBBBKAS. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS I BT THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braaoh House, Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, - - ILLS. Where we are offering nnrivalled Teat, at the lame low prises as at their "Btera House." By importing Teas in cargo lota, they enable BS te retail to the consumer at extremely low prices. Don't fall to visit the Bong Kong Taa Store, at Palace Rcw, where will be found the taest, purest and freshest Teas, Coffeei and Spi ses, at prioes beyond competition. my5dw3m POWAKS A PRBEMAS, Ag'ts LIPPIHC0TTS MAGAZINE I AS ILLUSTRATED MOSTHLT 0? Popular Literature and Science. With tha number for January. LIPPIN COTT'8 MAGAZINE will enter npon a new volume. Arrangements have been made for the oontinnanoe of the?e features which have hither to proved attractive, with such improvements as esperiene has shown to be desirable. The num ber of pages will be increased, enabling the conductors to furnish an additional snout of Popular SLeadin? in the Best and most Emphatic ensa. In addition to the shorter articles by well- nown writers, tha following ATTRACTIVE ERIAL WORKS will bs published during the ear : A Powerful and Absorbing 1EW STORY BT GEORGE MACDOXALD, LL. Ih, nthor of "Alec Foebks," "Aniils op a Qciev Xkisbbobhood," etc., ALSO, A CHARMING NEW NOVEL, C0PP & BRO., Livery and Sale Stables. Office under Dart's Sail, OCK ISLAND. ILL? Most Complete Establishment ia the City Parttenlax after t ion paid to furnishing Carriage tor paruea, Balls, rreoetsions, eta mbtdly Notice U School Teachers and School Officers. Office Corvrr SrrERixTFKDEvr or 1 tH-HonL. Rock Island t'orsTT. V Kock Island, 111., -Nov. Int. 1ST1. j The 4th Annnal Session of the Rock Ixland C'oun- tv Teachers luslitute. will he held in the Rock le- lnd Hii;h School Hall, during lccember the 20lh. ilst and -iind. A. D. 1X71. The School Law makes it obligatory on School Directors to allow Teachers" wacve to continue du- nitirihe lime they arc iu actual aTTendance upon In- "tHiue: provided, the time does not exceed six days til six munilis. Tench -rs re therefore request ed tn make every reasonable effurt to attend, ami the co-operation ot Ottieers is respectfully asseu. m. m. mi ijtu.. tonnty tuo I -S. 1. Ltitenainmerit will be secured in private famines for Ladies. Gentlemen will be expected to provide for themselves. The llotele and Boarding nouses wiii cmoriam leacuc-rs at reduced rates. uuvl-lld. By a Talented American Author. 8Sr. Edward Whymper't Z3xqaii- itely Illustrated Worh, Scrambles Among the Alps, B ill he continued from Month to Month until completed. A large amonat or ., ... , ... r'" will Ka f pvnlkrf In OrR Monthly Gossip, which will be with short and lively artioiat on peraoua ef note, inoideats of the day and ether novel or amusing topies. iLLfSTRATIosrs designed by dittineuished ax. tits and engraved in the highest siyl-s will ao company e ah number. 1 EKMo : 1 early subscription, ti. Sinzle namber, 3& eta. Clsb Satbs. Two Copies, $7; Five Copies. $16: Tea Copies $30. with opy gratis to getter np of c'nb. LirptscoTT's Mioazixb, per annum, with Tha Sunday Maa-n- ne.$.i.74; with Good Words for the Younv. $5 66 ; with Good Words, $5.75. Specimen Number mailed, postage paid, te any address on receipt of 25 cents. J- B. LIPP1NCOTT A CO.. Publishers, 75 and 717 Market St., PHIL ADKLPHIA. nov2od w2m SIFT EXTESPilSE. Yi.H.jey J0SI1O GATES & 80X8, ef S HoPticgi: i ; a, FIRE ENGINE HOSE, Leather Belting, Superior Lace I father, IT WBIITGS FASTER THAN BT HASD. We consider the Provideaoe annerior to all others, for the followlag reasons. 1st. Th. BOLLER8, ef lar a!.a and best quality of White Babber, are all secured e their Shafts ia the moil permanent manner, by the ouiton rreeass, making tha Best Bollsr in tbs World. 21. Ths PATENT METAL JOrTRaTAL CA SINGS prevent aay wear epea the journals. The wooden joarnals ia which the Iron eh efts of other machines ran, soon wear, and the effi ciency of tee Wringer is thereby greatly reduoed. 3d. Tne WUUBLH SPIRAL COdg a.ed ea "nsgirgivs i no almost ease end tieadi ib worsing, wtiile the double stop prevents than front bottoming or being thrown outei tear. We furalah either single or double gear 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CI. MP readily adjusts this Maehlne te tabs of aay se or latctneis, mating a perfect fastening He woodaa pegs or rabber straps on this Clamp. Mh. SIMPLICITY. BTR1NQTH end BRAU TT, are oossbined la this Machine, with all ths requisites of a first olesa Wringer. and leotorj supplies generally. LOWULL KAKB All kinds of FIBS ENftlKB H08, mads I T)wtv4 iaviaa vTv1 (1AmV frosa the best qaaltti of Philadelphia ad Balti- iUKlUBUW AUUi VUIU J, ore OaK leather, aad pat together wlta l inuse t ,. PEOVIDIKCE. R. I. nivets, a aew tsapreToaient wntou pmwis i W thesa from oorxediag and rotting the leather. JeiMeaax aevJ-dtf sS&n'gHTrnr,... BLrtfiaN 18,7 Principal Office 101 W. Fifth St , Clacinuati,0 The Only Sellable Gift Distribution tn tbs Country! L. D. MXE'g EIGETEEXTB Grand Annnal Distribution To be drawn l3onday, Tan. 1. '72. 200,000 00 llSl VALUABLE OirZS Grand Capital Prize 10,000 III AMERICA! GOLD 10.050 n AMERICAS 8ILVES Five Prises of $1,000 3 S3 Ton. Prises of $500 s Greenbacks One Spaa ef Matched Horses, with Fatally Carriage ana stiver -mountea Harness, worth $1,600! Fice Ilorus and Buggies, vith Silver-Moun ted llarufss, worth f 000 each I b Tine-Toned Rosewood Pisaos, worth $500 eeth it Family Sewing Machines, worth $500 each 1300 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all), worth i om $20 to $301) sash ! ritlea' Oold Leontine and Gents' Uold Vest Chains. Solid and Double-Plated Silver Table and Teaspoons Photograph Albums, Jewelry, c., sic. N umber of Gifto 45,000. Ticket limited to 100.000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, te whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Siocle Ticket fi ; Six; Ticket $1 ; Tweive Tickets ); Twenty-Five $40. firi-niara containing a full Hat of prize, a descrip tion of the manner of drawimr. and other information f...n. to the Distribution, will be sent to any ., nrderinir tbem All letter roast be addressed to Si. , SZIVZI, "ox 86, CINCINNATI, O Ovnoa. Ul W. 6th St. oeU-dwly HEDKJAL. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AND REFLECT. THE CELEBBA.TED PHYSICIAN FOR THB T&EATMENT OP CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, a.D ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, Saving .,r a 4,jnf !,Uwl Davsnport, sordially invites all who may be .uff.ring with Ohroa Diseases, to call at his Booms io FIton'$ BI.ek, 81 Perrj Street, Bilf Block North of Post Office. R-s"'--lswenwaowaasrhsfoimderorthe.Meatnial(O.B.) Medical Institnte, and pre p.tor of the Blaotro ..Ueal la.titula,, Wi.,.no. ' OPl"loa HOTjRii to 1 ; a to 6: and 7 to 8. CON jULTATIOH FREE. rjtt. PISSKi- HAS GIVES BIS ENTIRE ATTENTION rOR THE PAST .... halroduced il"'?1 aBJt0!"a DISS ASKS, inoldant to both ...... .nd hi. .... ImnroVer ns. of f 'T'lv M"7 ih"' who b"" '"P'"" i t"ir by th. " OO HE A ff n VTl,,'," " " "p ot l,.a... To suoh, he wonld SV 1S3S.S Atf D DISBASBB Ol THH BLOOD. YOUNG MEN ! STho may be suffering from tha eJeot. oi youthful folUe. or ladisoretioo, will do well to avail them, elves of this, th. greatest boon overlaid at th. altar of suffering humanity. Dr. SPINNEY will paraatea te forfeit ONB BOSDHBD DOCCABStor ev.ry oaf. of S.minsi W.akn... or Private .u n.raever wnioa ne aneertakes aad fails I to car. He would therefore sav to an n. or.UBat..un.r.r who may thi. notio., that job are tr.ading nponvdang.rousgroand when yoa long.r delay in seeking th. prop.r r.m.dy Ut your eomplaint; aad any b. in t. first stag., a.mb.ryoB.r. approaching th. last! If yoa are bordering npon th. test andare snffering some r all of its ill effects, remember that if tod nhn;ni.i. ena u VUSTCOMK WBBS TBE MOST SKILLFUL PlffainiAK msr n vnv vnn a a USTAfOE; when the door of hop will be oloied forever against yon; when no angel of merer an bring you relief ! In no oase has th. Dootor failed of success. Then let not despair work itseL aponyonr imagination, bat avail yonrtell of the benefloial re.uUs of his treatment before yonr ease beyond th reaoh of medical .kill, or before grim Death harries job to a premature grave. IVXX013L.E AGED IVtEIV. There are many of th. at,, of thirty to fift who are troubled with too frequent Evacuations of (he Blatder, often accompanied by a smarting or burning seoeatioe, aad weakening the system ia a nanser the patient cannot account for. On eaaminalion of the Criaavy Deposits, a ropy s.dim.nt will I often be found, aad sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or th. color will b a thin nilkith hue, again ohaoging to a dask and torpid appsarano. There are many men who die of ibit iiSo-ilty, ignorant of the eaose. which is the SECOXDSTAGE Of SEMI A L WEAKNESS. Or., will juaraate., PE S F EOT CO H E ia all suoh eases, and a health y restoration of th. Urin ry organs. All eommsoicatlona strictly confidential. ithout delay . All letters sontaining stamps for reply, an iw.dr Post OSo. address, Look Box 360, Davenport, Iowa. deodweowlj EST ABZtlt&ZlS 1849. The Oldest AIiulc House in the JVorlh-west. K. N HEMPSTED, IMPOBTEB AND DEALER IN i rrriur l ! PVBLI8HER Of Slieet 3Xnsic and 3Xiisic Books. Wholesale Agency for Steinway d, Son's, Hazelton Bros.. Haines Brother'! and Parlor Gem rXAZTOS and XVtason &. Hamlin OROAIVfl. A Large and Eleg-t 3tock of Ooods at Nw York Figures. , 410 Broadway, Hllwaukee, Wis. Sand for Catalogues and Price Lists- octM-d eodAwSm F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., 1MP01TKB8 AD JOBBERS IM Wall Paper, Window Shades, CTJETAIN -3STD orth Street 410 XToraia BovS-dSm ST. Z.OTJIK, ZVXO. QX. ACS. ZilQirORB. IsCSlf. IPitiiiOK lor St27Ci J. Zimmerinann's Piaso Manufatiuring Co., rxzssBU-aaix STAINED GLASS WOB.XXS, HO. 23 MAKKKI ST., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM NELSON, tilass gtalnerand Me tallic gash Manufaoturer best adapted for ehnroh windows. Having erected the most complete and axtensiv apparatus for th manu facture of colored and ornamental window glass, he is prepared to fnraith eve. y rarity for ohnroh e, private residences, offiee windows, etc., in superior style. Orders from all parts of the aoantry will receivepromptattenunn. fblBJJy. HAVIftU CURKD LKTTEIS PAT. fcNT UN OUR BRANDS CM SPRING, LICKING VALLEY AND DQUGLAS-ELK-HOBN T IIIllOI'IPl No. 10 iain Street, DAVENPORT IOWA. Please take notic. of the great cbenze in th!DAIF.I. price vi naoo. t onur lor sale at tne tall wholesale price the Large Size Rosewood 7 Oo tare rlaaos, wits all tne latest improvement, ana warrantea tor tivo rears, tain prise. J77S. JOHN ZIMMKKMANN. So. 10 Main street, bet. Frost and Second. Dav enport, low. nnvMdTm il II UlkJlllliUl That we stablishd in this market in 1866, hsrahy giv warning to any on nsing those brands, or aay representation of them, that they are infringing npon our patents, aad they will b prosecuted to ths fall extent of the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. Wehave for sals ths following well-nnowa brands Ktfatecky Copper Whi.kie. : Canf tyring Bourbon, j fpnng 18G9, 1870 and 1871. MEDFORD RUM, Valley Boorbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. MEDF03D BI W. MEDFORD IU1. S0SS, LAWRENCE & Only Manufacturer, of I JOHN HOYT, Wholesale Sealer in Steinway. Steck. Weber and Emorson PIANOS! And th Celebrated and t'aapproaehabl GEO. WOOD ORGAN ! Acknowledged by th Critics to be the best now tn ase. Mutieal Warerooms, Cor. Brady aad Fourth reei, uavaport, Iowa. pl rfNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. ip A BrifU Mf ye, Song M.ininger, 3aots Uavt go ee Lomitm. Comic Soag, Saiteo, 40 Darling Bell of Boarding .S'caooJ, Por ter30 Oi'rl with Ike Cigarette, Com le Cordelia, 30 Jnllf High Timet, Cootie. Parks, 80 If o wouldn't yn like to (now, Coaaio. Cord 'la SO Jewelie of (., Beautifal Song Mlllar tow w A Mtadnv, " Zeh, Sf Let it Pa, for Base or Alto, " 35 Yet One Ayain, Duett tor 6op. aaa carr flahrivl, to to JO It nr..ilina Neighbor: Oomi Dtt, Aober, (4 Sowtebodf'e Child, with variation. Mack, 00 Ueaeenly Ureettmj; t'.ntl Hoymantiiiu Blano'ai, Holiday Fiieafoon Afurrl, illustrated title Oilsina, Sieeet Anticipation), Schottisclie, " " Qilsioa, Dain, Paataisia, Krag Any of the above sent by mail oarecwiptef the market price. ate asttr w'aer yoa t.e a piee of Ma sic er Musio Book advertised, sead to as end yo a will receive It by enolostng the publishers pries . BALXtXBB. k WSIBft, MB8IC OBALHR .ir-d412m. BT.LOOII Still enjoy th reputation ot manafas'orlng The Best Bum in the States, Dull) authorited bit .SV.ifw Licentr. Th superior quality and parity of LAWBESCK' MEDl'ORIl RUM, For the pastrry-rt-m yeart, has made it every where known" at. the SvisnaRD Rtm. N P'" will b (pared to maiatala it parity and bign reputatioB. The pnbli is ruiie"l gD,t imitation, and ounterfe.ts ... ORDER DIRKCT PROM r. .rvwarsreet ..ui.-wm. AdJr.s rdr. by m lil to MEDFORD. MASS.. And orders by S.p.. o. otherwise 127, 129. 131, and 133 Bro.d st BOSTON And they will receive prompt atteatioa. DA.NIHL LAWRBNCE A 80NS. 0tJ4-d'I'n Niagara Steam Pump Works, ! Doaglas-Elk-GorQ Bourbon, Spring 1869, 1870 aad 1871. The above brands ar patented and caa b had ONLT from ih Proprietors. J. A. mKS & SONS, ' , rwr.' Til N SBroltl) fT Ber3-dX m T. LOUIO. Charles B. Hardiok, No. 9 Adams street, It HOOK IV aj. 1KUW Yi'BK. Pole MaDaraiBrer of Hardlck's Patunt Soubis-Actiag 6 If am Pomp and Fire Kegioe. Miming Pwnpi a Specialty.. Patented la laglasd, B.lgi A Soft & Beautiful Skin ! J. A. POZZOIMI'S MEDICATED Complexion row sas! Impart totliBkia a beautifal, tranc Barest whiteness, makes the skin deli cately soft A emouth, removes all freckles, tan, aad allay, all ir ritation. Thi. valu able co.metio caa be ud with the great eat eonfidease. Fifty eents aod f 1 par box wholeaaleand retail by J. A. Pozton', 1UK. Fifta strs.t. f-OB". Mo., and by all Draggt.ts. ete. ov"'y 8 sad for eirealar. and Fraaa. augJldly f hdl n-n r t - -.SS AlA T"- , sttb s ri I l .ll Wm itt r- fMlil'0, SENoFoitAciamm -tSSSX- Hew.York Office, 27 BEEXMAH 8T.J ' ovl-dSm ; '!