Newspaper Page Text
f f i i mi aw ii V.ii etaMsti RATES OF ADVERTISING, rusussBB r via TERMS. Dailt iuii. By .tseil(payableia tlTMUpHiaiia, $10.00 By Mail " iia atitki, e.00 By Mali ( moaihs,.. It By Mail i ,,... awaBr Oitt Oiaaina, 18 Oeats par k. Stseaei Corns i Oasts. TiakTS.- TiiiuliKl. Single Oopj, (payable! a edvasee)..... ....... $2. taa Copiat " ....... treaty Oepial " " ............ ti.t fairty Ooptai " e-.a Twenty-first Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 lor east, seaare, or iha spaee essnpisd by Us liaes of tolid, Oat Dollar for sash ia s.rtion. Special ffotiees, 10 aaat. ptr Ilaa. Whsa la. tartei I month, or mora, 10 par ssBl.aber.rega. lar advertising ratal. Ooamunieatioas, or articles iassrtsd among r.ading matter, Si e.nt. par Una. Dailt aid WaatLT. A discount of 15 pal e.nt. will ba mad. frora tba Weekly ratal, aa yearly and half yearly eontraati, when the same matter la Inserted In both Dally and Weakly. Donbla Oolomai will be a barged Ii par teat additional. lor -Z1 traa.iaat alrartla.m.k meat 1. required. advenes pay They asfai to b ledaced. The radical! of Missouri do not teem to be anxious to have the strength of tba liber al movement in that state ia tba casapeiga of 1872. They doubtless fear a repetition of the inooess that attended the same more tnent in 1870, for do sooner do tba liberals fling tbeir banner to the breeze than tbe chairman of the committee receives a letter from a radical senator, who kindly allodes to his devotion to republicanism, and smil ingly assures him that all differences engen dered by the " little unpleasantness " that elected B. Grata Brown and enfranchised Oitisns is all smoothed o?r, and funher mors proffers the information that tbe libe ral niOTement meets with no favor in Illi nois and lodiaua, and was killed in Wi coniin, and is in fact dead, that no leading repuh'ican ia in the movement ,ud if they will only oume back thy shall ht'e a warm corner in the radical church- a friit few, directly under the hirc of tr.e a'.tar. .(,- eraliam fail c. n-ethe pw.&s. ur e.e tut uct sufficient onti I. :; in the s.iu r..y i f J these promises, aud u us trie, rali.a: iht. very plain truths, auch as that they "de mand thr honest co'leotioa and expenditure of the revenues a reform of the civil ser vice of the country so that honesty and capability should be passports to office that the earnings of the West should not go into the pockets of the Kant under the name of protection, and that the people ought to be free to eatress their principles, or their preference as to candidates by their ballots, without presidential interference, by military force, or olEeial patronage. " This dsoided refusal to strike their oolors moil give the movement strength in Mil- noon as well as esmmend it to the iavor of Liberal Republicans in other slews. Al ready the Democracy of Missouri have thrown aside tba "pensive policy," and are reaJy to subscribe to tbe principles as set forth in the address of the Liberals, be- aose those principles are their principles, and they even take a step further, and say to these Liberals, "Go on, we are with you." " l on reflect our sentiments, you enunciate oar principles." What this state of affairs will have iu other states remains to be seen. We do not believe the Democracy North or South will let a partisan spirit stand be tween it and an alliance with any body of men who thus boldly condemn the very evils tbey oomplain of, and who freely and clearly enunciate the principles of free gov ernment they bold so sacred. True, Democ racy is not a reverenee for ancient forms of party organization, or a blind devotion to party names. -M iiDer is it democratio to keep silent, as it oertainly is not bold or manly. The strength of the people is not in silence or inactivity. We are not ex ustly prepared to go the whole figure with the Missouri Democracy, hut are willing to mt thi'ie Liberals more than half way in the matter of dropping party pride for the success of principles. They Lave r.ailed their oolors ti the mast bead, and they look wonderfully like our own. LOO A L .NOTICES. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olool J. Important Political Docu ment Stolen ! Liquor Regulations ! Want's Sfpotism Diseased M0RTCX WAX 1 8 IT lVF.STIG!Tr.D ry Superintendent Rauch for the past week, shows tb small pox is on the increase and spreading from the part of the eity where it fir.t appeared, to other localities. There vara 46 cases and 16 deaths for the week ending December 16. Baltimobb, Dec. 20. Robert M. Smyth, who has been on trial in the U. S. District Court here on charge of embeizliug funds oi the United States, was acquitted to-day. Madbid, Dec. 20. The members of the Malcampo Mini. try have tendered their resignations to the K'nz. ft was Erst re ported that Zori''o won . the for mation of a nf Miois'r, bat it it now known that the teak has bsen trusted to Shj; nit a, who had nor, tip to noon today, soeiVeded in corcp'euug h Oehiiat. He of ered four portfolio, to Zorilio aid LI sup porters, tiut they rtffasd. The crisis c u tiiiur.. Pakis, Due A depot'! 'n r-?' IVercfc Pr..tfS lets, li&d at. .ntrv wish Thiers, aha received "'.etn wih s'Jiil.i. atd j. remised that tko it'iplvus tque'.; should be inaiulvotd. TH Wi-rk of tryia? ti Conr'ni i t prisocors is prry'ioj fast. idJitnir..! court a.f to H creatpd. to tnor. rs.i ' t dipos-of the r ui4 r.'.rp ct. Up to -pr4ftit i?av prnnna l.av? beei; 'r;- i: of lhe 2 022 hare bsoa Ct.t-viwO, art) -i re d:tc': rgtd. SISDIOaW LIVEE Custom Houses to Shoveled Out ! D9 The Eoase Liber Bill Passed. Severe Illness of Grant's Father. KEGLO MOB l TUB 80TTH S General Summary. Market Beports. Reported Bipra.tly feita. Aaecs. Toilstiks is unnvaiei as a beantitier oi the complexion, u is pjader, harmle... re Snod and eiereot. Try it, 5(i cent, per r Dki.aym Aiir: Dimi love your offipri i Whitoomb'a Sraj, Head the ai't-rm- u iii..'!re N?aau;s ilciot. lutriing work numerous enravioirs, -i paea I rice Di AdireaH Dr. Batia' Di.peoaarv, 12 Eiirhin street. St. Louia. Mo. ."e oeols. North advertiMement washisotok, Dec. 20. Senate Mr. Davis offered a resolution instructing the committee on investigation and retrench meut ia regard to the President's .connec uon wun puDlio contracts ; also as to his appointment of relatives to office, and the appointment to office of those who made him presents; alao concerning the San Domingo treaty, and as to the President and heads of departments absenting them aeives irom V astnntton. Mr. Ltlmuads thought the resolution scan daloos, but wanted it printed aa a campaign document. Mr. Morton wanted it to pass. The reoluliou was laid over. Mr. iiuckingham offered a resolution, 0icb was adopted, eutboricmrf tbe couiaiii teon rpireni haieut to a.t n h city ot New Vurk, and eulhonaiug tie aub coin nittee to administer oalL ud lake lait - Daily Market Rcviow. R;ck Islaxm, 1... 21. Flour, rmlly brand., barrel. .$ 70 four, lud qaality 7 00 1 Sal 14 Hariej Stic Oat. JJaSUa Floar 8 OUaH u0 Kr ion 14 0 Bhip Riuff 2J 00 Oora Meal, et - 1 0al 80 Corn, Jr.eSOc Apples 2 5leJ 00 Folates. 6ia70e Onion. 0a56o WhiU Baana (navy)....... . l If g. dos - - tie Batter tt 18a0. Lard lOallio Drae.ed Pork 4ia4 " Chickens . e Turkeys H'o Hry Pralria OOalO 00 Timothy 10 OOal 1 t'O Blough M 7 0l)a 8 00 Eiok.ry Wood, W eord T 00 Oak Wood, do 6 sOaft AO Ooal Valley Coal, bu.hel 14ali. OkUftge) fiKavrkat. CeiSAaa, Dee. 2t. Fiuur Dull at entirely anehangedprieea. Wheat Uxdarately active, but irregular; No 2 sold early at 1 l'i bid tor cash or liec; 1 Is fur Jan, 1 21 for Feb: No 1 quiet at 1 blj; Ho a qoll and lever at 1 0i; sale, of So 1, 2 ear. at 12-4; N. 2, 140,000 buand 47 ears at I 17; 10,0110 ba and 8 ears at 1 If; li.Pi'O ha and 12 ear. at 1 174; 2 oar. at 1 071. Cora Quiet aad irregular; Ko 3 e.Uiag ealy at 40, declining to dyj; at iMici fur eaab or Deo; 4U8a4i'4 f"r .lan; 4'.'i bid for Feb; re jected 3; .alee of No 2, .''; cars and Ci'.uoo ba at SU i; 7S eara and 15,000 ba at 3i; 14 caw at 40. (.ate Lower, hut in good demand ai a de oline: No 2 at 31 A cah: 32 forJaa; rc jecti d Eye Quiet and .teadv; Ml for .trlotly freb No. 1 aad 2, with aale. ef 3 oars at that quota tion. Barley Dull and naehaaged: No 2 ;9ia00 for fre.h. Dr.eeed Hojje Kalh r dull and price, lower: few ohoiaeeold at 4 eia4 tU; bat tno.t .ales at a mi. Provt.ion. Trreguiar, Knd ocened dull and weak, but cloied a hade firmer; .ork closed at 13 13 raih; 13 25 Jan: 13 5.S Fl : .rpi e h..!il . der? S5: rongh fi le, ij; ha; for he.vv and liiibt. Lard Si eneV.; - Ji( r!i RwfiMi 1 .i n"-at 13.fcli; .n,n HI i.r;, ' . I.S 7.'0: ia l44; I a-ley ll.Pif: ir.-rt l- 'g' ""'. -S ;a;eiit--r'nnr "-f.- -h at r"2rern THB Symptoms of Liver ComplainM are nneaoineee and pain in the side. Home timee the pain U in the ehonlder, and ie mietakeo for rheumatism. Tbe stom ach iB affected with loee of apietiie andaicknena, bow- elt iugenuialcu4live, eouaelimee alternafiuwiLhUz. The head i tronhleit with ohiii, aua dull, heavy aeu- .Hlion, conquerable lots of memory. acoropanied with pmnful eeniwtion of having left undone aoineihing which onifut to have been rioue. Onen complaining oi weaklier, d-Diliiy and litw MikirttM SnmtiniKa iniiuy ul I.,e at'oi eyniptOlu attend llio noo), and at oilier very lew oi mem; bin tn- iiver isr-n-erally tbe urau nn-t mvoive. fure the liver wuh LIVEE REGULATOR, A TKLPAUATIOV OF AM) HEKUS, Warr;tuteu to b i(nc;iy vcei.:i,c, r,a m dn no iu juiy lo any one. U iias bein UrMid by hautlrtiij!. ainl kiiow u fur itie iftl tbirty-tivt yMrr At- ou- ol li e ui4)-i i liiit.le, ctil- j .m muv mi' i ui imrr jm fjwii inn- evei tuitsi -u it) the curteriin: It triken 'f trulariy and p titji;,y. ir ib enr lo cure liH't;. t'O'ltCllfn.', flt'K tlH-l m i vliiO::,t. li.rtt rht OH. tit-t.-rii -n- nt T'i. ! dil'i.c: iiip 1 vr-ijiH.-ry. ioiiotr ti ill1 uHlti. -. it'VIT, IttTVOa-H.' iiiiU, li-H-r-i-s iI nit k'ilLt .a l",r:f oi l.i-.- iut.l-f-:i .ti. U' c-tlir. or -i if;. h'' t-i. iev.-r fpinl ri.'lit- baciv hint iim!.-. ii.-iuua. WOOD, LIGHT & CO., 4daaufa.tar.ra ot Hrgniattir. ENGINE LATHES I H1AP1XG Al SLOTTING AC II 5 IV Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, SA SM V 77.N" S 7 KA it HA MMEJiS, Qua IVIacMaery. milling machines, AKTISTIU rAILCRING. SIP 6S7 WABASH AVHZffUO, OBZOAOO. DRAPSR.TAILOR IMPORTER OF AND Fine Woolens, I out in... .: ,!. ir. j, IK.lCl it til-. h..V, i-. ! druiwv, nuiiK. iiain in lue er)Ei)e)a-, teui;ue au'eclitm-i, and baton-- uieeaaee generaliy. lrc'mrcd only by J. H. ZKII.IH A CO., Drne'istH, Macon, tia.. and 3.MJ Arch atrect, Vhila deluhU, l'a. huiid for a t ireuiar. i'ncetl; by mail 1 1 2o. For aale by John Beugciun, Hock la- laiirt, ill. liovn aiy DOUBLE K-ll Work. Patent Suif- EltlClTlOML. KOCK ISLIND Hiif-iineHi- Oolleiro OPN DAY AND EVEXIHG, Tor Ladies aad OsaUsmsn, Boys & Hisses. A large aumber new attending. Evening School well attended. ootl2-dtf EsUb!hbed 81 Tears. Jones' Commercial College, 8. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets. ST. LOUIS Jonathan -Tones, MO. President. JOHN W. J0HX30N, Profe.ior of Book-keeping. TBOS. P. 6AVSDERS, Principal Book keep lag Department. JOHN W. KLLIS, Profe.sor afathea.atia, ia eharge Commereia! Oiloulation Department. JOHN" ti BOHMK. Profenor Peninna-hip in abarge Writiaf Department. JONATHAN JONES, Lecturer on Conmeroial Law, ElhUi, etc. Open day and Night. Circnlars and Catalogue, giving all necea.ary Information in regard to taitioa, board, tleie to eomplete, etc., mailed free. So vacation. Addre.. J. W. JOHN'SOS, Managing Principal nov3 d AwSm WEST ED GE0CERY, One block eouthea.t ef Chicago, Bock Ixlaed and Pacific Depot IMOl INF ILLINOIS. Cath paid for BUTTER, ESSS, and other aicd. ef Produce. Vlr. Lrr? i . .. :i tC . 2 ati e t b iiirii' 1 i. .4 r'l ,',.,Vure. I. .'. . ... e, ikU.ei.fe :nie ! tai 4 to t- j i. Obi :- I 1. . Hdu h alkbti It ia . a lye. ihe oolr wholesome material for daily ue in malting good bread, bisouits, paatrv, etc.. i Dr. I'rioe's Cream Heklog Powder, which coDta'oi DOthiog but what the stomach re quire. Sjrno people sufTer, and their friends suf fer, from SrTsre pain, while tbey s;end more mjaey fjohh! than it would cort to cure them, if tner need Kenoe's Paia-Ivtll-in? Uaio Ui!. Take our advice and use this popular and certain cure for such ills as flesh and bone are beir to. ... How to oct Stamina. Iron frames and Stroud nervous systems are not the lot of all. lint ths feeble need not despair. P-T adopting the riht means they may live aa long and enjoy life as much as their more robust neighbors. Physical invigoralioa ia however, necessary to this and; and while the .pirituous tonics and nervines usually administered, eventually depress both body and mind. I) a J. WaLEta's Califc-kma Vltiiuaa B itt ens invariably supply new viiior to the frame, while they regulate every disordered lunation. BOHEEt'8 ZXPKCIO&aL WILD CUERE1 TJHI0. Ths Utftrsrial Tamlly R.msdy. Is the best known remedy for sore throat, in its worst and most aggravated forms Hundreds bare been eured by only uaiog one bottltf. It is also an unfallible remedy and sore cure for feeer and ague and aV diseases of the atomaoh and intestines, Dispeps'ta, Pain of the Kidneys and lack In!laiiiation of tba bladder, gravel. It is ploasant to take and can be given to any child. Ladies, youag or old, suffering fro general debility weakness and irregularities will Gad it an efficacious and never failing remedy. Call for it at Joha Ben jr. ton's, or address J. Kohrer,sole proprietor, Lancaster, Pa. ALL RIGHT. all mmi cU i., for Oura. eni Bunion.. Bull au nara. I ,r sale by all Dru(cit. 21 ct.. per box. or ttii ,n renoiet of piioe. Adlre". ALL SlflHT, till w. Lake tt fhie.ra .e;,ltdl DR. LILY 1 l. 93 Twenty Baoou ' .t cHUaO Hiooe tue Or,.l r Patients Board)) Vrae ti:i iii.. u.,siw3 l'Vnton, fru . ii nce, repurcn l a . ':a eervii-p. ua i . ut tluea and p--i. ,!' thai iu lieu -...ii pcri uaiies ol a . ;icer. lu ibe cusioin ntv n s at ( erta.n rales. hlci St. Diacussiou ou 'i.; i-Tu.-o oil! was resumed. The bill, as passed. provi:. l ,r the i; pointmebl by the l'reiae-i I7 anl wiit tas adtlce and cunseut Ot tbe uaW, w cc.111r.ii iijii of three persons, of ere ttt..i be practically laeulified r'i Uie Ut: iij ic teresi. of the country, at.1 who eiia.l be Selected from civil life aoleiy with rtferoLCr to their character and capacity kt &u honet and impartial iurestigation, and irrerpec-j live ot political or partuen cou.iaeran. nr ; Lij shall hold oil.'ee lor a term of one i"r, unless tbe ir duties are sooner aocomp'.ulitV, aud wbo chall iLvea.igate the subject 0 wages and hours of labor, and ol tbe divi sion of joint profits of labor and capital be- ween the laborer and capitalist : who shall cveelifrale the social, educational aad sani tary condition of the. laboring classes of the oited states, and how the same are anect I by the existing laws regula'ing com merce, LoaLoe ana the currency, me com missioners are to be paid a salary of five housand dollars each, and be authorized to mploy a clerk, and shall report tbe result of their labors to the President, who shall transmit it to V asBiNGTov, Deo. 20. The Commis- ioner of Internal Revenue has notified the Aaaeaaor of Internal Revenue in each dis trict in the United Skates that the commis sions of all surveyors of distillers will be revoked, to take effect on tbe 31st inst. The Comis.ioner will designate tbe Assessors to perform all tbe duties heretofore performed by surveyors. Ibe President sent the nomination to the Senate to-day of Horace Weeks, for Collec tor of Internal Revenue for the 0th Diatrict of Illinois. The Seoretary of tbe Treasury has issued a notioe calling in twenty millions ot n-zv bonds of what is known as the eeoond series of tbe act of February 25, 1802, the interest of which will cease on tbe 2Utti 01 Aiarcn next. Niw York, Dec. 20. The Herald's Weihmgton despatch says that tbe copy of th statement in tbe case 01 tbe unuea Stat. i'jr the Geneva arbitrators was lost in No veiaNer jMt. There M suspicion that it fe.l into tlte hands of the English Govern moot and v.. used by them to the disadvan tage of our Uovernmenl. Tbe statement is that the book was lost in the streets of Washington. New Youk, Dec. 'in. The promised Con gressional investigation into tbe genera order of business here exci'ea much interest omong importers StariUnat exhibits of fraud and extortion are exp(-ted. Cisicissati, Ied. 20. .leaae Grant, father of the President, was aiffnkeiQ with at 1 v. M, to day, at the oviugt'jr po.toffice. rle fell to the tljor and r-niaioe1 inkcofiiole an nour, aner wmcn n w, Tr moved to hie residence He 11 h evening, and lias ai f.r r cjvari '. a. t t op end talk some. H. sheath if ! ws' apparently as good al nnua.. 'i" t 7G ! rears old, MuMPHIS, l)?.c 2 ). H-,Tp j.r. Un?A1 i,d rrett, the ilir( rhiu 'nei; who n..:r. 1-red the negro Uwt Cuj; in CL:30l ouuity, Arkan a-. i i.eti:u sincr, w.?r., ves-t-"1av tken from j.-i. at .j-.ty, fcy a :-',rit mob a-id sh it i.iOVn'u The then . k possession i f tfee li'fi nd hlfl it. At ,i acoouiin uany citiz-f s had tlvd fjr safety . Cu.caoo, Deo. 20 The report of aiti- 13. 71; -d h .f 1'.C HI r I.. The 'Tibscriker would iatimate to hi. custom er, and thj ( snilothat by recent arrival from Oh, ago and elsewhere, be ha. now nearly com- pieatf i bit isll Mock, which eumn-ise one ot THK T. r--t--T AND BKST SSLHCTKD STOCK gr .: O IO & 1-- hutting acd iiaflirer. O.V-an K.ii. WAKEUOLSE: I IHBHTYM., MiH VOHavCITT MANUFACTORY : HAMMOND T., (Opp. Junction Depot), vtORCBSTEH, .MA!S. All Trains entering the City, .top within ten jelO dtf FOR UENTLUSIES'S USE. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. 8h rt t-J Mci.are Extra Double aud Perfect in Fit. Vitrygmm Kill 4 allowed 10 r (, titeC'tuyit . teofdly ioxssia.'sr. lot red. of oar Work.. MEDICAL ISTiniKNT8. DiVIl) A. KlSLl, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Instruments, Oalvaulc Batteries ef all Kinds and Sites. IK W. Randolph Itreat, CHICAGO,.. ILL. All Kinds ef Electro Magnetic Iastrumect. Neatly Repaired at short notiae. Also Model. maede of all daecriptioa. on short notice. ocU-d.Sm Trei&nrj Department. Oritcc or CoueTBOLLsa or tsk Ccaasscr, Wi9buto, Ol-i. Tth, ls71. j Wnaaais, by satisfactory evideaoe pre. anted te the under.igned, It has been made to appear that "The Rork Mnnd .atioual Bunk, in tht City 0 Rath hlonti, in the County n f Bock -land and Stat' of Itlinoit has been duly orgaa ised ander and according to the requirements af tbe Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Carrenry secured by a pledge of United State. Beads, and to provide for tbe cir culation and redemption thereof approved June 3rd, 184, and has complied with all tbe provi.ion. of said Act reqsire.l to be complied ith before eommenoing the bu.iners ef Bank ing. under said Act. Row therefere, I, Hiland R. H lburd, Comp troller of the Currenoy, do hereby certify that "The Rock Island National Bank" in the city of Rock I.laml, ia the conctj of Rock Island, and State of Iliinoi.. i. authorized to eommenee the buaines of Banking nu.ier the Aetafore.aid. In le.timony whereof, witaes. my l. s. hand and Peal of office thl. 7th dav of October, 171. HILAND R HILBCRD, No. 1SS9. Comptroller of Currency. The Rock I. land National Bank will open for bs.iaess at No. 23 W. Illinois streVt, November l.t. 1871. Ben. Barper, 1 John W Spencer, j Peter Fries, i Kdward Burrall Jr.. ! Director.. J B WiUon. j A. Benedict. I T. J. Ronton, T .1. P.OBtVOS. Pr-lent. V.B5. HARPKS. YieePreat. A. BEMiDlOT. Chier. o.-:---i t:i -d-tOt ojai Uivarta Lerj oi lufca. CtONDrCTKD BY 1 UK SPANISH U0V .rnnjeBt S3O0.000 ic liold drawn every eT-cote.-n dav. 1'mes cashed .Di lnf iraittion fsruuLfJ Tue hijhepl paid fur doub loon, aad all kinds of U-ili and silver. TAVLOH A CO., Banker., febSdly 1 Wall Street, Haw Vork. THAI. a. POWABS. 1. t. rassais. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS ! BY THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Breach House, Falaee Kew, ROCK ISLAJID, - ILL8. Where we are offering unrivalled Teas, at the same low prises as at their "Baiters Home." By Importing Teas iu cargo lota, they enable as te retail to the consumer at extremely low prima. Don't fall to visit the Hong Kong Taa Store, at Palace Rew, where will be found the taest, purest and fraebest Teat, Coffee, and 8pi eea, at price, beyond competition. aySdwSa. P0WAH8 FHIEMAF, Ag'ta LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE I AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Science. With the number for January, LIPPIN COTT'S MAGAZINB will auter upon a new volume. Arrangements have been saade for the oontinuanee of these feature, which have hither to proved attractive, with .uoh improvements ai esperiene ha. shown to be de.irable. The num ber of pages will be increased, enabling the conductors to furnish an additional amoentof Popular Heading- in the Seat and moit Emphatic ens. In addition to the aho-ter aniclc. by a ell known writers, ths following ATTBACTIYB SERIAL WORKS will be published during the year: A Powerful and Absorbing I ORV Bescue Firs Cctnpasy WItL CIV Grand Christmas lhl O N Mstiay Ereabg,Dc. 25th, '11. AT 'X'liriie: Hal I. Tiiimil. Supper elite 7otd 2,'obb AJSS OF IOWA LA3D FOR BALE OH EXCHAN'IB FOS REAL Kitats in Rock Island County, for par ticular, address or ea'l at CONKKLLi At ancaaAi. s d.eS-dtf Law OfBoe, Ro.k FOR RENT. FOR one or five years the Oliver Urown pro half a mile from the city limits, be t tka tvi Camden roads. Thres acres ef lnd. well feneed. with H kinds of fruit, good two story frame house, barn, outbuilding. ele., and good eislern. Appiy o JObKPU JOHNSTON, Kook Island nov3 d Awtf OSADAL.IS s A 3 Pieele aad Fanev Groceries, Provisions, Qaeensware. Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Ac. Corner Orleus and Oble streets, ROCK ISLAND, .... ILL. For quality ef goods and prices. I defy com petition, mehlidly 1 . "r. a." 32o".," s!ftfk BY GEORGK MA CD OX A L D, LL. IK, Author ot "Alec Fobbbs," "Anbals op a Quiet Neigbbobhoob," btc., ALSO. A C H A i SI I S NEW NOVEL, By a Talentel American Author. Sr. Sdward WLiymper's ISsqais ite"7 Xllastrated Work, mi! i c Cffiee undo.- rar.V. Ziil. ((( K ti t --1. i: i C.u.I-'s-! K 'I f l-.-i t ;c ', .k ''r i an uUr aiierti -!: paid t-- Turn. kv ns Cerrlast' ' r yert:-?,, i'rm:,.i:ii. e;c mtUaH School Cnieerr. ana HIKGERg. A THI QRBATAMX&ICAM HEALTH L RBSrOKKH, pants, tbe blood and earea Ssrof uie, Bvpbilia, Skin Dis eases, Rheumatism, of Women, and all Caroms Aseglion. of the Blood, Liver and Kidney.. Heeommeaded by the Medical Faealty aad many thoas ends of our best eitisens. Read tba testimony ef pb v.ioiaa.aad patieats wbo have used Resadalis; send for ear Rosadalis Uuideto Health Dock or Almanac for this year, which w. pub lish ltr zrataiioas distribution : it will give joa much valuable Information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, savs 'I taka pleasure In recommsnding yonr Rosadalis aa a vary powerful ai teraiiva. 1 have seea it used in tws eases with happy resells oae in a eas- f secondary sypbiJl., la whieh tbe pa tient proneand hiesseK eured after having taken It. bouies of your medi cine. Tbe ether is a ease of aerofala ef loag standing, which ia rapidly lmprov. ing nader it. nse, and the ladieatlom are that the patient will soon recover. I hare carefully examined the forasala by which y oar Rosadalis is made, aad lad It aa excellent composed ef alter attve Ingredients." Dr. Sparks, of Nicholsvim, K; ,, ha has used Ho i;i- m cases of gc.i fula and 3'!iln Syphilis w'.tb .-.'is factory refill's a-i a eie&aer i( .be blooo J ke;.w ao bMtar rejiedy. ( caiani w. -cf alien. it'irM.n.i, j Tws., says: j 'X kve ascd S-vcn beitles f llosa j dal't. aad T. ent'islv ejrei i irdai ti"n ; "nd me fear bsttl?., as ! e ra i it ft y 1ioiUor, was has isrtfi.ious i B'B.'.j'-'si! BtJho!,- ef w'me Ohio, , ' r!:e"-, f t ssferei fjr is.Liy years j i "tU Beli-r?.t eroji l-.n over Hi ! I wkale'atdy; atli.-rttito.-aoe I per-i I . base! a boitlc of H'ajali. aad it if. f.itto a er.'eet e. "; te sli iJ all urngg'a.s. Laboraturr. el &XRbas((t rl&;e. i i.'. U store. tr. CLZZZZXt C- Pli:r.'i.. ' THS MlHUraOTTJRERS OF THB RELIAiME WRINGER, Have had unusual opportunities of ascertaining precisely what t. wanted, and or producing a perfect machine They have brought out aa entirely Nkw Wrixsbb, which they sail the " PROVIDENCE " ZsTew. 1871. Perfect. A GEEAT IMPROVEMENT Over all Other Wringers. Office Oountt Scterixtexhent or 1 SrU'liM.8. 11(K K I-UMI I'llI'MY. V k l?lanil. 111.. -Nov. lt. 1M71. ( The 4lli Annual Session rif the Hock Inland Conn ty Teachers Iijsiitntc. held in tho Ruck l- lard Hiirh School Hall, during December tbe 20th, 1st ami -Wnd. A. U. IfTl. 'l'he school lav makeiji it ohliiratorv on School Pirecior to allow Teachers" wajres to continue du ritigthe time they arc in actnal attendance upon In humes; pruviueu, idi iime uoee noi exceeu eix dav in fix months. Teachers are therefore request ed to make everv reasonable etforl U attend, and be co-ooeration of Sjchool Ufhcere is resnecltuily asked. M. M. STl RGKUN. Conntv Snp't. rs. ii. tntenamuient will he secured in Dnvate faruiiies for Ladies, tientleraen will be expected to irovide for themselves. The Hotels and Boarding ionst'9 win enienaiu leacners at reduced rates, novl-dtd. i- kr s i - h 3 CPRWOtNCEld - -5 a. in aAt'l'fl IT WRINGS FASTER THAN ET HAND Weoon.ider the Providence superior to all oiuera. mr iub loiiowing reasons. 1st. Tbe ROLLERS, ef i,, ,i Dd best quality of White Rubber, are ail .ecured te thslr Shafta is the mo.t permanent manner, by the Moulton Proee.a, making the Best Roller in the rvona. 21. Th. PATENT METAL JOCRSAL CA Slrl'lo prevent any wear upon th. journals. The wooden jocrnals in which th. iron shafts or o n.r osecbines run. iwn r tbeeffi eisr-ey of the Wnngeristherehygreatly r, 4uoed. 31. The mrilLK SPIR 1L COGS used et tnis wringer give In- i.!mi ease end -teadi ues. in wor'iicr. Vi- !'u stop ur.- on eat frora eau lug r b-i: 't rowo , .it ui ff-.nt htrif ruhr e.,i,-.e -r fl.,i(',:J; ."itr Pmrirlnam v'eiire.-: r 4h Ir. GIFT ENTERPRISE. m4- BUSH ED Principal Office 101 W. Fifth 6t , Cinciunati,0 The Only Bali ibis Gift Distribution In ths country: L. D. ML'$ EIGBTROTD Grand Annual Distribution To be drawn Monday, Jan. Is '72. 200,000 00 ZN VALUABLE OXFTS 2 Grand Capital Prized! 10.000 IN AMERICAS GOLD 10.030 1 AMERICAN SILVER Greenbacks s Five Prises of 81,000 Tea Prises of $500 L 'sjrAri.E tUIKVKt) "1.- VSfi'iliV s.-'u-' 'r Ihl !llii?a 0 -ill frgs '.a tl.U Ms " ' f a 'r t richer 'IMi'ttflY, !H'ii:ti In eie hiiiB re tr.l-i of nur n tflaixp sy KS "i pd T.'ff.', fl.J- :!li!--l. V.'ti fi.'.i i-r i V. tii-.irer. One Span of Hatched Horses, with Fauily Carriage aua bi vr mourned Harness, worth Si. 5U0! Fist Horn ond Buff'jie, WfA Silrer-Mmtn til Hantes, north f0 ach .' Vine-Toned It si vi,od ViiTao., worth J ideaeb J..1C Usui an y.-r liaisti ; wan-h WI V' r-n.l ! initi ax,4-t,t. ri; i -i'es t f a Providence Too! Coxn'y. rStfe"Ift(.f-.. 1' !. 11 barren &U, Mrvtr "Zoik. . novS-dif i,ini!iii.-r;iph Al'- aui'.M's vtant:: O.d.Lt- i 1 1.1 f I -It Hlld ..., dt- tips, M-nth SI EDI H L. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AND REFLECT. THB CELEBRATED PHY8ICIAN FOR THE TEEATMENT OP CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, AND ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, Saving nig at!y located ia Davenport, sordially Invites all who may be suffering with Ohren, to eall al his. omg la FnUoa-i Block? 8 J Perrj Street, Half BUek lorlh of U Office. 11 fIHaris wall koown aa tat founder of the-Moatreal (0. B.) Medical IssUtate, aad pro pnetor of the Kleotro Jledioal Iastitute, Milwaakee, Wi.sonsia. L,orrxon nouas-9 to 1 j 2 to oj and 7 to 8. COIC3T7LTATIOH FREE. (JH St-IXSKT HAS GIVEN QI3 ENTIRE ATTENTION KOR THE PA8T V.T tU tfai"uenl of CUftOSia DISEASES, iucld.ot to both ...., and hi. .... ,J" ' Many ar. they who bave implanted in their .y.tems. by Ibe OO 11 ' a Ih r ,B.T,h,iohIh" P'ol"-" 'op 'I To such, be would aeAt.?.' whatyour trouble, may be, soms and 1st the vH aot a.dTtaaVa"6- "1 L" Ml " lf ot- Be will t.ll yo.Tn.t Vor"! villaotaud.rtakea.aseuuIesshei.oinideBtofeff.etinga enre. It will cost vou aotb i. for STJ &ZOB.S AVD DXtBASSl OT TBS BX.OOB. YOUNG MEN ! if ho may be suffering from the effect, of youthful follies or Indi.oretion, will do well to avail them lelve. of thi., the greate.t boon overlaid at the altar of suffering humanity. Dr. 8PIN5KY will (oarantee to forfeit ONE BOSDSBD DOLLARS for every ease of Seminal Weakness or Private Disease of any character whioh he aad fails to care. He would therefore say to any un fortunat. aufferer who may read t hi. notiee, that you are treading upon dangeronsgroand wbenyoa longer delay in seeking the proper remedy fer your complaint; aad may be in the first stage, re aemboryoa are approaching the last! If you are bordering upon the last aad are suffering some .rail of its ill effects, remember that if you obstinately persist in procrastination. THE TIMS VUSTOOHK WBKS THS MOST SKILLFUL PHTSIOIA ff OA If BENDER YOU NO A8 USTAtiOE; when the deor of hope will be olo.ed forever again. t you; when no angel of merry an bring you relief! In no ea.e has tbe Dootor failed of success. Then let not despair work itsel spon your imagination, but avail yourself of the beneficial re.ukt of his treatment before your ease beyond the r.ach of medical .kill, or before grim Death hnrries you to a premature grave. MIDDLE AGED MEN. are many of the age of thirty to fifty who are troubled with too frequent Evaeaatloas of (he Blaider, often accompanied by a smarting or burning sensation, and weakening tbe.ystem la a nanxer the patient cannot accoant for. On examination of tbe Uriuary Deposits, a ropy sediment ill often be found, and lometimes smaJI particles nf albumen will appear, or the color will be a thin nilkiih hue. again changing to a das and torpid appearance. Thereare many man who die oi .bit difficulty, ignorant of the eause, which i. the SECOND STAGE Of SEMINAL WEAKNESS. )r.i. will juarauteea PERFECT CUBE in all such ease., and a healtby restoration of the Urin- ry organ.. AUsomtnsaicaUona itrietly confidential itbout delay All letters soataining stamps for reply, an .w.dr Po.t Offloe address, Lock Box 280, Davenport, Iowa. daodw.owly SSTABX.TSHBD 1849. The Oldest Mimic House in the iVorth-wcst. K. N HEMPSTED, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN MUSICAL GOODS (IF EVERV DESCRIPTION ! PUBLISHER OI Nlieet M-iisio and jVEiahIo Hooks. Wholesale Agency for Steinway Sl Son's, Bazelton Broi., Haines Brother'! and Parlor Gem riAirOS and Mason & Hamlin OB.OAKfl. A Large and Elegant Stock of Goods at New York Figures. 410 Broadway, Bihtankee, Wis. Send for Catalogues and Price Lists- eetSl-d eodAw3m r.v i .- pheH a to .:. d r naiu9ing n-i'l ae- R W. ROSENTHAL & CO., niPOBTKfi AKD JOBBERS IX Wall Paper, Window Shades, OTJJElTIISr AND t. X.OT7IE, BXO. 410 iLVortn Sonrtb strwet, BOfS dim Cisv.'d in ill jit psny eaon nuiiiber.!ii5 ; - lrij ul.M-.liil--.a. ii Siiigl. liini er, ct. I L?li .irK-, li ;fpiea, ; i Ur..'i.!u, Ti ! :., with! y gratis to g-tte' cp i t , n;. Lii'IMSCotv's Mauazisc. per annum, wi h The dunday Maga- ite.tJ.iOi wun liooJ Words iur the lounc. 5 61) ; with flood Words. $5.7.i. Specimen Number mailed, postage paid, to any address on receipt of 25 cents. J. fJ. L1PF1SCOTT CO.. Publishers, 7i and 717 Market St., PHILADELPHIA. ov25d w2m I'iiiiiOK ior &Z75 J. Zimmermann's Piano Manofattaring Co., He. 10 Main Street, DAYKNrOP.T IOWA. Please take notic. of the great change in tbe price of Pianos. I offer for sale at the full wholesale price the Large one Rosewood 7 Oo tave Pianos, with all the latest improvements and warranted for five years. Cash prise, ?77J JOBS ZIMMERM ANN, No. 19 Main street, bet. Frost and Second, Dav enport, Iowa, novMd'm JOHN HOYT. 7 Wholesale Sealer in Steinway, Steck, Weber and Emerson PIANOS! And the Celebrated aad Inapproachable GEO. WOOD ORGAN ! Acknowledged by th. Critics to ba the best now In ale. Musical Wareroom., Cor. Brady and Fourth streets, Davenport, Iowa. api TAILED CLASS WC3.XX8. SO. 23 HlRKkTIT., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM NELSOK, Glass Stainer aad Me tallic Sash Man afaeturer best adapted for church windows. Having erected the most eomplete and extensive apparatus for the manu facture ot colored and ornamental wmaow glass, . he is prepared to faroinheve, verity forohorch- i e, private residences, office winaows,ete., in NOTICE. superior style. Urdera Irom an parte oi sountrv will receiveprompt attention. f.eldy. the MEDF0R1) BUSf. iCNEW & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. is? A Bright lttut Eye, Song Meininger, Sicts Hore o teen Louise Comic 6oag, Sexton, 40 Darling Belle of Ae Boarding School, Porter.10 ffiVf wtr Cigarette, Oomio Cordelia, 3 Jolt High Time; Cemio, Parks, 30 Now wouldn'tyo like to ko. Comio Cort la SO Je.utlie of the Ii art. Beautiful Song MlllardSO law in the Mt i i-, ' let it '. for Bass or Alto, Yet 0-e An tii, Doett tor !op. aod Harr i .. ... ..! !!-, Coolie t.tietc. o"v, r"nh va-'ation, Week, M I' . M-fiiiaeti 35 50 DANIEL LAWRENCE & SONS, Only Manufacturers of MEDFORD Rinr, Still enjoy ths reputation of manufacturing The Best Rum ia the States, Duly authorised by Stole Lieente. Ths superior riuallty and parity of LAWKUXCK'S MBDFOBD RUM, For the pa.torry-seera years, ha. made it every where koown at, the STasoasB Ron. will be spared to maintain its parity and nign reputation. Tbe pnbli. is caution"1 -'' imitations and counterfeits. ... ORDER D.R.CT 0 K'trront perfert otfttrtt''n. mail to MEDFORD, MASS., Aad orders by Hap"., or Jtheralse 127 129. 13L aBa 133 Broa, BOSTON And tbey will receive prompt atteation. DASIIL LAWRENCE A SOWS. 0,121-dfiin HAVIXS SfaCUKKD LklTTEIS PAT ENT OK OUR HRASDS CM SPRING, LICKING VALLEY AND DQUGLAS-ELK-HQRN BOLRBOX WHISKIES, That we establish. d in this market in 1S66, hereby give warning to .any una those brands, or any repre.entatlon cf them, that they arc infringing upon eur patents, and they will he prosecuted to the fail client ef the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. Wshave for sale the following well-known brands Kentucky Copper Whi.kie.i fane Spring Conrbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Licking Valley Bourbon, Spring 1809, 1870 end 1871. Donglxs-Elk-IlorD Bourbon, Spring 1869, 1870 aad 1871. The ahove brands are patented and can be had ONLY from the Proprietors. J. A. & S0XS, 711 IV. ECOM ST HT. LOUI. do v 3-d S m A Soft & Be antifal Skin ! J. A. POZZOKUK'S- Niagara Steam Pump Works. reel l II : tt (u 'l. r, jtu v.: t.d On-' i;il'l Vet Vh'. 1 ;..:r l rll;U- aud I ea-pJ' wi'lry, d;o.. jac- i'lt'kt't - limited to 10-i' 1KLL TtCSKi.-. t Ticiiei l ; Twelve ticket '; T.v.i,y-r'iv U. i.j, i.i,, ti-t ui' prize. -i fli . -.:rij- ii; i p-v-i.iT. ;iu 1 inl-r isii'iirui.illoli ,i '!- r. ! i:ut w ll 'i-Mini i.i an; . :e; - n '.-l b - re-.wl 10 13. fviitfli. f 8, i:it i nati. . octl-dly If, ..!.' tC I f fi!inr. D;-,i. r,-.t1iii Kr Av .if tb- aii ve e ti.e urki-t price. fsu ni'iltsr where sua ae Mi!i-. Hook advari.-t. tvr, !' iv ii hy i fl; s.' I ts,a.tiK. 14 i H tett 37-d4l2iu. l.y ma. I oo r. S5 40 to ti jeirt of ft ssas X I saw I as i s nf Miisltj or ta us i-rid ynu will i'-' i- f,. r- i t'st ' If ; sr. LOGIF. fK SB - : f g.r r:-- .z t Charles 3. Hardick, ffo. 9 Adams street. nilllllKLt N SEW YORK. Sole Manufacturer ef Hardisk's Pateut Doubie-Aeting Steam Patiip and Hre E-gine. if initio fum ii a Specially 'atentci in 8i 4 for sireular- i.i;ii. Beljtiuie and France aegildly MEDICATED Complexion rOWOBK! Imparts totheEkia a beautiful, trans parent whiteness, makes the skin deli cately soft A smooth, removes all freckles, taa, and allays all ir ritation. This valu able cosmetic caa ba need with the great est confidence. Fifty eents and l r be wholesale and retail by J. A., II N. Pi'"h ur"u Btl Mo., and by all Drnga-.s, '" novl-aiy CmiST IK THE WORLOT - enf Hew York Office, 27 BELKMAN aovl d3m ft SEND fouacircuuh JSjS r"