Newspaper Page Text
RATES OF ADVERTISES, vaatra riiBixsa oos3Vt, f BEhf S. Daut Aaess. By Mell(pnynBlela ilfHn),fituM,II.N 8 Mail - sti saeaths, . By Mail m t it By Mail - - I bmU nWBr Oitt CAaatea, 1 Seats per tnl. Siseaa Capias I Oeats. TUMI.- !. Aaess. agleOepy, (payable! a adveasoi ...H.M Yea Copies , tvMir Oepiee " f klrty Oepiee lie Twenty-first Year.' ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 . ler sack shears, er tke spate occupied hp tea lines ef solid Nil, One DolUi far aa.ii in. tertian, irt','.. ,- Special ffotloes, II taata par list. Wkta la. sorted I moatks ar more, II far ssnt. atoverega lar edvertisiag rata. . .'j Oaamaaieatioat, ar articles laterted among reading matter, It aaata par llae. Dailt abb Wbbklt. -A diteeaat af J per coat, win be made from the Weekly rates, aa y early aad kalf yearly contrasts, wlea Me taut ' atattar la la scried ia both Daily aad Weekly. ' Deukle Oolamas will ba akargad J per aaat additloaal. . - . V o laroUlraaiiaaladTartliamak advance pay eat ti repaired. LIf ht la Joliet. Tha aama af tati pleoe baa so partiealar charm to evil doan, bat to tha traveler whe hat orar pat up at tha Natioaal Hota! it baa. Tka proprietor is W. B. Caswell, a gaaoiaa tnaa, aad an eieellent landlord, esteemed bj all. Tbia wa know from a lit tia sireamstanoe that eeme under our owo observetioa, at St. Louis, day before yetter a a . .a mr ... oar. ai taa aipraii omoo wa noticed a bos marked to bia address, wbat it con tained wo iball never tall, bat a plainly framed oard, bearing the following indiot nient acoompaalod the box. We secretly obtained a copof tbii,bot could not find oat the nature of tbo other coetenta. Will the Republican giro us a Hula light oa the sub ject? St. Loris, Mo., I 85th Dec., 1871. f V ft CAawci.t. Eso.. rrniirictor Kalloual Hold, Jollei, III' a. Fri"ut : IlavlntT Vmg entertained hi?h opinion of you a. the possessor of t ham) sterling tra r rhnractor that are calculated to Improve iHk-ii-t)r ami elevate manhood, and having fr year, looked iiuno you an a shining lurht in dark places, nil a irnide to th" wearv wanderer traveling to and fro noon this earth, we feel it a Christian duty lo letlfv in a tvplral manner, and by proper textiuion ial. tni'ra pnipahle than woraS or gilded letters, our kindliest renard. Irnsiiuc It may provs a plcain)t re miii'lur in the dirki-st hours of your charitable mls ainn - :u you hve been to ns, so may this he to you. AiTent it. therefoni. with the kindliest wishes. and with the hope that it may be emblematical of yourself snd your generous mission. Belteviu; thm vou will cherish It lnq in its besuty, am be huppr in Ita luht, when the memory of other si-em's aud other Joys shall fail, and that your ow n dxlu'sie n of appreciation in the fulness of your h'-n-t will now r. insider all said which should be on this auspicious occasion. We remain, always and truly, Yocs Manx XHirsns. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olook XJ- C0NGRF6SI0NAL. The One Term Principle Earthquakes among the Andes Anarchy in Arkansas ! Negro Outrages on the Whites ! Tbo Chicago Timet aad the Jfcib ral SXovement. The Chicago Timet it reoogaized ai the leading orgaa of the Democracy, and ita wordf mar be well heeded. Ia ita iaaua of Deoember Slat it makea the following com- mania apoa the action of the Liberal more meat ia Miaaonri: The aetioa of the Liberal Republican party ia Miaaonri ia, than, the first frnit of the "paaaira poller," first proposed aad earnestly advocated by iafloeatial aad pa rriotio damoorata ia the tame etata. To analyze the reason! aaaigaed for thia action, or endeavor to meat are the impel ling motiret of the aotore by etriotly logical aad ethical etaadardi, anight not be attended with gratifying eaecoaa. Hat it ia aaSoieat to kaow that however illogioal, they are aererthelen very bomaa aotieaa. Tha real qaeatioa for the eooaid eratioa of patriotio mea ia aot one relating to tha meeae, bat to the ead which it ia eooght to attaia thereby. Troe a t ate am an ehip ii the eeieooe of expedieaey applied to the ooareyanoe of correot principles into dafiniUTe raeolta. Means are nothing but the leaffoldiag, to bp changed to iail the porpoeea of the builders, aad to be die oarded whoa the ediSee is finished. Re plar Troops Called Oat TBES0V1H ClKOLNl EMBKOGLIO whiob bo refused to do and aooceeded ia escaping. Tbra great excitement at tha time fr0IB loreama, while women aad ehilrtn mT en rushing down to tka lerea M supposed aa attempt had beea ma' 10 ravish n few wkite women who were Daablo to leave. Captain Walker, Republicans heriff of the oonnty, has made application for regular troops to be ordered to quell the disturbance, fearing that if the militia were sent there, they being colored will fraternize with the iaEargents. Evert wbite citizen who ooald obtain ooaveyance has lef: the coanty, which u being marauded by armed bands of nei- r jcs, the majority of whom arc intimidated by the rtotora, who have Baid they will not diabaad antil they are allowed to settle all disputes they have had with their employ ers. The Governor baa eent his adjutant to tha ceae of disturbance, bat meantime leading Kepublieans and Conservative citizens of the county have nnited in a petition for re gular troops. Columbia, S. 0., Dec. 20. Much exoite- ment prevailed in tho Legislature to-day, over a resolution tor the impeachment ot Gov. Scott. The majority are in bis favor. They consider Bo wen's statement of the over-issoe of bonds greatly exaggerated. and the prosecution of the governor as malicious. A spicy correspondence was introduced by Mr. Jones, a colored member from Georgetown, which shows that Mr. Bowen bimeftlf had prevented the governor from prosecuting Kempton, the state's financial agent in New York. Th-t governor had re tained Judge Barrett for this purpose. The resolution for impeachment will be voted down to-morrow. The decisions of the court in the Ku- Klnx cases have been certified to in the U. Supreme oourt, as to the jurisdiction of the federal oourts over dotneslio crimes. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 21. In the Legis lator to-day, tha governor's friende tried to fare a rote oa impenohsaeet, but were defeated. LOO AL IS OTIOE8. Dklats abi Dahoerocs. Mother, as yon love your oSapriag doa't fail to nse Mrs Whitoomb's Syrup, for soothing children. Read the advertisement in aaother oolnma. IVXexiean Trouble General Summary. Market Beports. Eeperted lapresaly ferthe Aaens. MaaaiAaa Qcidc. Interesting work anmerous engraviars, 224 cage. Price 59 oents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. See advertise meat. What ia Salebatih? It is ;a lye. The only wholesome material for daily nse in making good bread, bisouits, pastry, uto., is Dr. Frioe's Cream Baking Powder, which oootalos nothing but what the stomaon re quires. ' Some people suffer, and their friends suf fer, from severe paia, while they spend more money foolishly than it would cost to cure them, if they need Ranne's Pain-Killing Magio Oil. Take oar aivice and nse tuis papular and certain cure for such ills as flesh aud bone are heir to. IIow to oet Stamina. Iron frames and atroo nervous systems are not the lot of all. Bat the feeble need not despair. By adopting the right means they may live as long and enjoy life as much as their more robust neighbors. Physical iovigoratloa is however, neoessary to this end; and while the spirituous tonics and nervines usually administered, eventually depress both body aad mind. Da J. Waleeb's Califorhia Vixcoab Bittsr invariably sapply new vigor to the frame, while tbey regulate every disordered funotioo. Daily Market Review. 1.08 Q-4. BOHBEw'S EX PECTORAL WHO CHEREI TJHIO. The TJaivsrsal fatally Remedy. Is the best known remedy for sore throat, ia its worst and most aggravated forms. Hundreds bare beea cured by only using one bonis. It is also an aafallibla remedy and sore cure for fever and agaa aad all diseases of the stomaoh and Intestines, Dispepsia, Pain of tha Kidneys aad baok, IoQatnation of the bladder, gravel. Ilia pleasaat to take and can ba give to any child. Ladiaa, young or old, Buffering from general debility weakoeat and irregularities will find it aa efftoaciooi aad merer failing remedy. Call for it at John Bengsloa's, or address J. Eohrer.sole proprietor, Lancaster, Pa. Wanted ! 4 HARD fx. . TCR IMMIDIATlXY teedy Job by tha year. Address M. Biauusovn, daetlaeonlw Brte, 111 ILL KIGIT. ALL E1SIE3T BiLVE, fat Doras and Bus leas, Bolls aad Baras. V.v aala by all Druggists. SB eta. pat b.a. or ..aa a iwmlet of psiea. Addraae ALL aiwHT,3t W. Lake at., Chioaje. s.pU-dly ACRES OF IOWA LAND F01 I ALE OR EXCHASil TO 1BAL tats la Rook Island Coauty. tor pae tloulars addreaa or .all al CONNILLT McVlAL't d..t-itf Law Office, Seek Island. Burrs for Sale ! TWO RCN OF S3 INCH OLT STOCK Perteble Bairs,a (o0( ruaalng erler. One Iagaaai Bmat Masbiaa (new) eoaipl.U mi- ehlna. Oa. Blslioanrj Bugiaa 7 in.b bare and 14 insh ttroks. Oo. 80, on. 14, one 18, one II, and foar II lash Iran Vail.., geeoad hand Bell Cloth for 10 foe reel. A lot of different sises of Shafting. All or part will be soli aheap fsreesn. Address I . BIJIM05SOB deeU-deod! ti, 111. Wasbinotoh, Deo. 21. Sevatb Mr Samner offered a joiat resolution amending me constitution oi toe L aitaa states so at lo confine the President to one term. Be said Grant's civil service reform omitted aa important reooinmeodatioa tha adoption of tha one-tam pnnoiple. Tha oivil ser- vioe reform, without this, wonld be playing tiamiel with ilamlet left out. This amend meat would not go into operation until the ia or maron, 1873. The resolution was laid over. i preamoio o us resolution was very lengtny.reeiuag a long growing aeatiment la the oouolry m favor of the one-term principle, and quoting from ulteranoea of Andrew Jackaoo, Henry Clay, and later, ex Senator B. F. Wade, and from Da Toccioe ville in his "Democracy in America," to show that they all recognized the danger to the country trom the principle of permitting the re-e'eotion of a President. The amendment passed is aa follows: "Abt. 1. Sm. 1. No person, who has held one ofSoa ae President of the United Stataa aball thereafter ba eligible to that office." "Skc. 2. This amendment shall not take effect until after the 4lh of March, 1873." Mr. Sumner in introducing the amend meat, said: "I ahall content myself with a biret remark. This is the era of oivil service reform, and tho President of the United States in his message has already called our attention to that important aub ject, and made reoommendations in refer ence to it. ''It ii' ay be remembered that I hailed that part of the message at once as it was read from the dusk. I fore bore then to state that I missed one recommendation a very im portant recommendation one without which ail other recommendations may be futile. I missed the recommendation of an amend ment to the Constitution in conformity with the best precedents in history, and with the reoommendations of illnstrioos men, limiting the person holding the office of President to one term. Sir, that is the initial point in the oivil service reform." lie called attention to the fact that the amendment was not to go into effect nntil March 4th. 183, therefore it would not in terfere with the preferences of Senators for any particular candidate next year. Mr. Sumner offered a resolution waioa was adopted, directing the committea on retrenchment to inquiro whether aay money has been naid on acoount ot too lease oi Samana Bay, and ii so, by whom, aad ont af what fond ; if paid by private individuals, to report their namea, business an induce moots, their outlay, whether they ware later ested ia lead grants or other speculations in nan Domingo, aad whether there has been aay understanding that the government would refund tuch moneys. New York, Deo. 21. Letters from Sooth Amerioa state that an earthquake at the town of Ovan lasted nine boars with forty different shocks. The streets were split open and every house tumbled . into the rains. Tha inhabitants all fled to camps outside the town, onlv ona death occurring. I be earthquake waa felt throughout the Provinoe of Jujy, and a volonoo also burst forth, leading to tha belief of farther snb terraneaa movements along the line of the Andaa. A dispsUh from Matamoraa, Mexico, says that both there aad in Brewasville, Americ an intervention in the Mexican civil war is ufidaatlT anticipated. Texas repreaente uvea in Congress are requested to lavor it. Quivoge is at Ceraibo, threatening Mier, Cortina was recently ia Matamoraa, ia eon saltation with Falareer. with whom be is ostensibly iQ nooord, aad is now moving toward Mier with 4,000 men. Quiroga s allegiance to Jaarei it doubtful. A government eteamer with faads m konrly expected from, Tampice. Unless it arrives soon a pronunoiamenlo is immi nent. Washixotos, Dee 21.EIizabeth Cady Slauton and others have nnited in a peti tion, which was presented by Mr. Trumbull and referred, demanding uffraga Knd ask ing that they be beard in person Wore the Senate and House in behalf of then mem orial. A message from the President was an to tha House to dav in aaswer to the resoln tion of Mr. Banks asking information rela tive to Cuban matters, merely gi'ing copies of the official doouments in reference to it between tha State Department, minister General Sickles at Madrid, Consul Gen. riall at Havana, and Admirals Hoff and Poor, commanding the fleet ia tho Caban waters. MtMPnis, Deo. 21.- Tha last person who left Lake Village, the scene of tha late out rages in Chicot eonnty, Ark., reports that Race IsLisn, Daa. Flour, Fatally brands, barrel..! rloar, Ind qaalitv wnees Barley Oats Baekwheat Flear Braa, "ft Ion . Ship Bintf.. Oara Meal, awt.... Cora Applaa. ,. Potateea Ontans White Baaaa (navy).. IB1 f " - Batter lb Lard Dressed Pork. Chickens " Turkeys Htj Pratria Trmothy . Blongh ......... ... Hiokery Wool, 9 eord. Oak Waol, da .. S2. 7 B0 T 00 Sal 15 50o 2Sa30e 5 tiOaH 00 14 0 15 00 1 60al SO SOsoOe 2 50at Of 5iaT0 i0a55 t at lie 18atee lOallie 4a4! e 10e OOalO 00 1 OOall 00 7 Ova 8 00 7 00 6 50e 50 LIVER RtGCLiTOE. SIMMONS' THB Symptoms of Liver Complaints are nneasineae and pain in the aide. Some times the pain is in the ehonlder, and -is mistaken for rheumatism. The stom ach ia affected with lose of i a general costive, sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy aen- bsiiuu, cuoBiuerauie toss OI memory, accompanied with tminful aiinsaUon of having eft undone something which ootrni to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits, hometlmee LIVER MBaMtMBaiBaBJBaaMiaa) B U TV TJlJSSliei. KVUIDIIUICB mHiiy of the Wvo Hviuuioms attend the dim; awe. and at other times very few of them; bat the liver in gen erally the organ moot Involved. Care the liver with LIVER REGULATOR, A PREPARATION OP ROOTS AND HERBS, Warranted to be strict) v vegetable, and can do no in jury to any one. ii nas reen nsea oy nnnareas, and Known tor the last tbirty-five years as one of the most reliable, effi cacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. 11 taken regularly and persistently, it is sure (o cure Dyspepsia, headache, jaun dice, cootiveness. sick head ache, chronic diarrhoea, af fections of the dysentery, affections of the kidneys, lever, nervousness chills, diseases of the skin, in.... in v ..f .,. Kl.l W...I auchuTy or deprctfiou ot spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain in the head, fever aud ague dro(y, boils, pain in the back and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and bilious diseases generally. Prepared only by i. H. Z El I IS CO., DrncictR, Macon, Ga., and 329 Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. Send for a Circular. Price $1; by mail ft. 25. For sale by John Beng?ton, Rock Is land, 111. novl4-dly Regalatort WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maa ala.t ot IDrCiTIOML. ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING PLllsEBg, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, yASMTTES' STEAM HAMMERS, Gob XsTaehiaery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting and Hangars, Patent Belf Oiltng Box. WAKKHOCBB: 107 IIBBRTY ST., SEW YORK CITT MANCFACT0RT: Id AM MO k D T (Opp. Jaaetiaa Depot), MAHS. All Trains en tariac the City, stop within ten rada of ear Works. jelO dtf ROCK ISL1ND II n wine s h Oollegfe OPIK OAT AND EYKNUG, let Ladies aad Oeatlsatea, Boys k Misses. A large anmVar aew atteading. Bveaing FOR RENT. FOBoaa or five year, the Oliver Brown pro perty, half a mile from the oltr limits, ba- tweaa tka twe Camdea roads. Three aeres of lead, well fanned, witk all kinds of fruit, a good two story frame honee,bara,entbuilding, eta., aad good eistera. Apply to JOSEPH JOHNSTON, Book Island. novS-dawtf School wall attended. oetl2 dtf KstabltshBd SI Tears. Jones' Commercial College, 8. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets. ST. LOUIS MO. Jonathan Tones - President. J0HH W. JOHNSON, Prafaiiar of Book-keep ing. TB08. P. SATIDF-RS, Priaeipal Bosk keep- lag Department. JOHN W. BLLI3, Professes MathsmatUs, in enarge Commereial Oaloolatioa D.partmaat. JOHNS BOBMB. Prefeesor Penmanablp la karga Writiag Department. JONATHAN J0NX8, Leotanran Comm.roial Law, Kthtes, ete. Opaa day aad Night. Oirealars and Catalagnas giving all necessary informatiaa ia tagard to taitioa, board, time to complete, ate., mailed free. So vasatien. Ada ran J. w. joh.-vson, Maaagtag Principal aavj dAwIm GSOfEBIES. OaUar SSarkeU OHieaee, Dee. 21. Tloar Dull and unchanged. Wheat Irregular and fairly native; So 1 opaaed al 1 17jal closed at 1 17l l'i oash or Deo; seller Jan sold at I lal ; alosad atllSal IK,; ..1IW F.i, 1 2Cj.l 1 21; elossd at Inside pnoe; Ko 1 dull and lc lower at 1 "1 J; 0 d quiet at 1 .: sale, ot No 1,2 ears at I 21J, Fa 2, kZ cars aad Id.OUU ba at Xl'i, 10,000 ba at i it, is ear. ana zo.vuti ba at 1 111: 10, no ba at 1 Its; No3,9carsand2eatorageatI0;$. Cora A.liveand firm aad a traetioo hiah.r: N o 1 aatllug a 4M .ilBR steady at 414 a40j; Jan4U-att'j; Feb Alialli, rjt.a , at Ji sal.i of No2, l.toars and 1A.0OD ba at 4d; 26 ears at 40 1-16; IT cara and o,lM)S ba at 401; 44 ears and 15,008 ba 40i: 9(1 cars and 10.00V ba at 40; rcj.ot.d 6 ears a3s. Oats In batter demand an higher; No '. sold at 31a31i; eloaed Heady at SiiMh.-re jeoted quiet at 2.iia2S; sales Ho 2 S cars at 31 j; 50011 buaon I Rears at 6009boat t-l; rejected 1 carat SS; 2oareal29. Rye Nominal; 63 b:d for frtiih Nol and 2; osales. Barley list tt r demand aad firm; Nu 2 6()afil; doling atoaUid. priee; No 3 at); sales Se 3,2 ears al 00; .carsatSUJ; oarat bOJ; b earl bl: No 3 3 cara at 40; 1 ear at 59. Whisky Firm at 8. Dressd Hogs yulet and lower at 4 S0a4 5: most .alas at 4 ?0a4 U- Provisions Unsettled aad weak; pork lower; closed at 1310 oath; 1200 Jan; 13 451350 Feb; I3 6.,al3 75 Maroh bid andand asked; green meat: shoulders H: rough aides 5e.ri; hams f'i a, ae.ording to weight, Lard Closed at oash: Jan ti'- Pebt' At evening board aath pork wasdall at 13 18 asked; 13 00 bid; seller F.b 1346. Lard e bid; olosed steady wltk small offerings. Meats dall. Receipts Hour 3HK1; waat i'0,4!o; aorn 99,345; oata 3S45; rye 1459; barley 9140 dressed hogs 104S. Shipments Flonr "!2; wheat none; eorn 0551; oata T744; rye none; barley 2000; dre-a.d hogs 198. WEST EM) GROCERY, One block southeast of Chicago, Book Island and Pec ins Depot MOLING ..ILLINOIS. Cash paid for BUTTIR. ESfJS, aad ether kinds ef Produce. The tobsariber wonl 1 intimate to his eastern ers aad th pabllo that by ree.nt arrival fram whtcago and elsewhere, be has now nearly com pleated his lall atoek, which aompriaas ane of THB LARGEST AND BBST SILB0TED GTOCR OF aeeessariea for the earning holiday Mason, and all the artioles utaally ioaad tn a Irst class CHILD & CO., BXannfaetnrcri of the Celebrated Davenport Boots! XZavfl tha Larg-eit aad most Com' lata Stock of Arr d Te be foand ia the Northwest. Including Large Btoek ei Home Made Warranted Work, at lowest market prices. 8ESD I0CR 0SDK&8 10 CHILD & CO., dee?-eodlm Bavanpoit. Iowa. J0SIAH GATES 4 80S8, ' M.vmmlMtnrrp of - la i:- f -.V .i -:. . ha waa ordered by armed negroes to return, rocery 8 to re. de15-dljanl W. B. DAWSON. JAMES KELLY, 11TIFICIIL LIMBI. DR. BLT & J. E. GARDNER, r-GOTKSSMEXT ABTIFICIIL LIMB Hasaftetorj, ) 93 Twenty Second st , CHI0AOO Bins, the Great Fire. Fetieats Boarded Free while here. AftTIBTIU FAILCKING. 9 6S7 WABAIB AXTZIZrue. OSXOAQO. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GBNTLEMBR'S USB. WEDDING OUTFITS A BFECIALTT. Bhlrts to Measure Extra Daakie and Perfect 1b Fit. OUrgymen tcill b allowed 10 per tent, amount. teblHdly LOTZSB.7. Hojal Haraift Lottery of Cnla. CONDUCTED BT THE SPANISH Gov ernment $300,000 in Geld draws every aev eateea daya Prite. cashed and InfutmatioB faralthed. The highest price paid for Doub loons nad all kinds of Gold aad Bilv.r. TA LOR A 00., Bankers, MSilj 16 Wa'l 8treet, Bew lork. MEDICAL. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AND REFLECT. a. rowABS. J. a. VBBBMAB. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Braaok Eease, Palaee Sew, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Wkaie we are offsnag tarlvallad Teas, at tke saaaa low prices as at "Bast.ra Benaa." By tmp.rilag T.a. ia cargo lota, they caable as te retail to the eoasumer at extremely law ariees. Dan'tfail te visit tke Hoag Keag Tea Bscrc,at Palaea Rew, where will be fonad tha laast, pares and Teas, Oofaas aad Bnl sea, at prices beyond competition. myWwIm P0WAR8 FRIBMAV, ig'U BoSdwIm MEDICAL IXSTkTMEJiTS. D1TID As KfSL'I , Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - jHetiical lastrameats, 1D Galvanic Batteries af all Kinds and Biias. IS W. Randolph Street, CHICAGO ILI AD Kindt af llestre-Magnetic Instruments Neatly Repaired at abort notice. Also Medal. mandn ot all description, oa ahsrt notice. oct4-d3m LIPPIHCOTTS MAGAZINE AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OT opoltr Literature and Science. Treasury Department. Ortica or Cobftboixeb of tsi Cobbkbct. ) WASaiBSTOR, Oct. Tth, 1S71. j Wbbbbas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it hat been made lo appear that "The Hock ltlnnd A'ational Bank, in the City of Sort ltlnnd, in the County of Rock It- land and State of lllinoit has been duly orjraa- ised ander and according ta tha requirements ef the Aot ef Ceugreaa, entitled "Aa Act te provide a National Onrreacy secured by a pledge cf Cnit.d States Bonds, and to provide for the cir culation and redemption thereof appreved Jane 3rd, 184, and has complied with all tke provisions of said Aet required to be compiled with before commencing the bnainesa af Bank ing, under said Aet. Now therefore, I, Hiland R. H.lbnrd, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Rock Island Naticeal Bank" ia the city of Bock Island, in the eonaty of Rock Island, Biate of Illinois, is authorized to commence i.m Daaine. n,,kin(t .r ,),, Aetefereeaid. r. v ",""'"r -hareof. witaese y I, a. j nana ana iwn ai ismui, ;,l j,, Witk the aumber for Jaaaary. LIPPIN- OOTT'B MAG AZ1NB will .nter upon a aew volama. Arrangements kave beea made lor the eeattaaaneeof these features which have hither to proved attractive, with suoh Improvement, at eipsrisne has shewn to be desirable. The nam bar ef pages will ba iasreased, enabling the ooadnctora ta furnish an additional aaoaat of Popular Reading- in the Beat and most Saphatlc ens. Ia addition to the shorter articles by well- newn writers, the following ATTRACTIVE SERIAL WORKS will ba pnbli.htd during the ear: A Powerful and Absorbing IV JEW No. 1SS9. hand and Real af of October, 171. HIT.AND R. HILBCRD, Comptroller of Carrency. Btaala aad Fancy Sreeeries, ProvlaleBS, Qasenswaro, Glaeaware. Woolts aad WUlew Ware, Ae. Corner Or lean, and Ohlc streets, ' ROCK ISLAND, .... ILL. For quality f roods aad prieaa, I defy eom- petltion. mehlidly The Rock Island National Bank will open for ba.laesa at .3 W. Illinois street, November 1st. 1871. Ben. Harper, ") .lohn W Spencer, Peter Fries, Edward Burrall, Jr., j- Directors J. H. Wilson, I A. Benedict, I T. J. Robinson, j T J. ROBINSON, President. BB8T. HARPKB, Vice Pres t. A. BENEDICT, Ca.bier. Ooioher!5, 1871 dfiOt THB K1SUFA0TUBERB OF THB RELIANCE WRINGER, Have had uaaiual opportnaities of aacarta'aiBg precisely what is wasted, and or predating a perfect maehlae They have brought ent aa eatirely New WaiseaB, which they call tha "PROVIDENOE." XYw. 1871. Perfact. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT Over all Other Wrinsers. , ' w m 5M sa C0PP & BE0., Liver) and Sale Stables. Offloe under Dart's Hall, ROCK ISLAND,. I LLP. Most Complete E.tabliakment ia tka Oily Partiealar attertlon paid tofnrni.hlnaOarriaaes for parties, Balls, Precessions, eta mhtd ly FIRE ENGINE OOSE Leather Belting, Sapcrior Lace I eather, and Factory supplies generally. LOWELL . MAsg. All kinds of FIBB ENGINE H08B, made from the bast qnaliiy of Philadelphia and Balti more Oak Leather, and put together with Tinned Rivets, a aew improvement which prevents tbeaa fraa corroding aad retting the leatker. - je!4dedly IT WBIHOB FASTER THAN BY HAND Weooaaider the Previa., superior to all others, for the following raatons. 1st. Tke ROLLERS, ef Un .La aad bast qaallty of White Rubber, are all aeoored te their enaita is us most permanent manner, by the MoBlton Proeets, making the Best Roller ia the woria. S4. The PATINT METAL JOURNAL CA 8ING3 prevent aay wear apoa the journals. IThe wooden joarnale ia which tha iron ebefte of other saachlaes ran. soon wr tk. .ffl- eieacy of the Wringer ia thereby greatly reduoed. 3d The POTJBLK BPIR IL COGfl used oa " rng.r give tha utmost eaaa sad slead nest ta workiag, while the double step prevents ta.m irosa aottamiaf or Uiag threwa oat of w fnraUh aHk.r single or doable gear iiuis as uesirau. 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CL,MP readily adju.ts this Maohine te tabs or any s'ae or thickness, makiur a perfect fastealna. Be woodaa pegs or robber straps on this Olamp, 5th. IMPLICITY. BTRBNGTH and B AU TY, are oombinod ia thia Machine, with all the requisitee of a first class Wringer. Providence Tool Com'y, FROVIDBNCK, R. I 11 Warren KL, ZTew Vork. nev-dtf By a Talented Americas Autkor. B2r. Edward Whymper's Zlzqais itely ZUnstrated Work. Scrambles Among the Alps, Will be continued from Mouth to Honth until completed. """ of snaca will ba devoted t. Oua Monthly Gossip, which sm t. ,;,. j with short and lively articles oa person s of not, incidents of the day and other novel or amusing topic Illustrations design.d by distinguished ar. lists ana eagravea tn the highest stylo will i company cash number. IEHMb : xearly subscription. Si. Sinele namber, 3a eta. Clb Ratks. Two Copies, S7; Five Copies. $10; Ten Copies 30, with eoPy gratis to getter-np ol cJob. Lirpiscorr's MiSAnsB, per annum, with The Sunday Mara tine, fa.75 ; with Good Word, for the Young, ov ; wito vooa weras, specimen Aumber mailed, nottaee paid, te any address on receipt of 25 cents. J. a. jLI P r Ifi L OTT A CO., Pablishers, 7fend 717 Market St.. PHILADELPHIA aov2ddw2m GIFT ETEBPAISE. a-' rw.v tvM a w Principal Offioe 101 W. Fifth St , CiaelnuetLO Tha Only Beliahle Gift Distribution In the country ! L. D. MXE'8 EIGBTEEITB Grand Annual Distribution To bt drawn Monday, Jan. 1. '7X 200,000 00 ZI9 VAZstTBlsXI OiriS Grand Capital Prizes 10.000 II AMEIICAX GOLD 10,000 M 1MEBIC1S 8ILTEE s Five Friscs of (tt.OOO S tx Ten Frises of $500 S GreeDbieks t. One Bpan ef Hatched Horsss, with Faiaily Carnage ana Biiv.r-mounted Harness, worth l,6i0 ! Fioe Hones and Buggiet, with Silver-Moun ted Harness, worth f 6U0 each I & Fine-Toned Rosewood Pianos, worth $56 each, J Family Sewing Machines, worth t509 each ISOO Gold and (Silver Lever Hantinr Watchw. (In all), worth rem I?0 to $3WI each ! rjullxa' Onld I-ontiue snd Gents' Gold Vest Chains, Solid snd Douhle-Plated Silver Table and Teaspoon PhotoBraph Albsms. Jewelry, e., oic. Number of Gifts 85,000. Tickets limited to 100.000 AGENTS WANTED TO BELL TICKBT8: to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets ; Six Ticket" 1 : Twelve Tickets cin-nim ennt.ininr full list of Drlees. a descrip tion of the manner of drawtmr. and other information in reference to the Diftti tuition, will be sent to any ine onle rinlf them. All lelters toast be ad.imseod to St. 9, SXSVU, ax 86. CINCINNATI, O. Ornon.ltlW.Hh St. oett-dwly s wi or, kk a, THB OKLRRRATETi PnvoTmi v vnn ttid . uuAwA.n m vbm 1 alaA. A M Alt X UF CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, AND AIL CHRONIC DISEASES, avlng , aausutly located U Davenport, cordially iavite. all whe may he suffering with 0k... Disease., te call al kls, Botffli In FalUn'i Black, 81 Fbffj gtrest, eIf Block Horfh ef Poit Office. R.SPINNBYls,o.wBBtksfoBwdefthe.MoatrIal(O.E.) Medical lastttate, and are prtator of Iks Kleetre MsdssU Iastitata, Milwaukee, Wl.e.aana. n-orrxon bovab-- to i i a to a i and 7 to t. 00N3ULTATI01T FREE. QB. SPIKNEY HAS GIVBJT HIS ENTIRE) ATTENTION KOR THE F18T flMB t0 the treatment of OHSOSEO DISK A SMS, laeldeat te keth seaes. Bad kis sua. a - - . wva Wiiiua UmW ( ay, OOMB Ab'U BB HEALED I are predated aa aaaua eroa at diseasa. Ta aaaA. ksasill It matters not what your tsaablea may ba, some aad let tke uoctor examine your ca.e. Hit it curable, ha will tall ... .a, If not a. -;n i-ii .t... ,.Z. .in aot undertake aea.aunl... he of nt.l. . ...I rV ", . "'V . , ea " w " w w wtn vasw r v m vihibk v a please call and satisfy yosrselve wketker tka Deetor aaderstaada year ease. Dr. ton.nltation,. . treats BTJlSOa.S AUD SMBAIS. Ol fBB BLOOD. YOUNG MEN X rTfco may ba laffering from the oBects of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail them iclves of tkis, tke greatest boon overlaid at tka altar of .aff.ring bumanity. Dr. BPINNKY will fnarantae to forfeit OSS HUNDRED DOLLARS for ev.ry ease of Seminal Weakaeta or Private r...... u. nnj enaractar wniea ae undertakes aad falls to care. Ha woald therefore ear ta ass an. rftPlanata s fV . k. . i . ' nonce, teas you are treading apoa dangeroa.groand wheayoa enger delay ia seeking the proper remedy for your complaint; aad aay beta Ob. irst stage, re- JfrPP"hiBg tke last! Hyoa are herdeting apoa the Use aad are suffering some J,o5V;if.V-StW,r,B'mb,rUt if T0B ehstinaUly persist ia procrastsnatien, TBK TIM HOST OOMB WHEN TBK MOST 8KILLWDL PKYSiniA V Ha V nrwnra rnrt rn ab wnentne door or hope will bo closed forever against you; when ao angel of m.r.y taa bring you relief! Is no ca.e has the Doctor failed of suoeets. Then let aot do.pasr work itsal. spoa your imagination, bat avail yoor.elf of the beneficial results of his treatment before year ease beyond tke reaoh of medical skill, or before grim Death hurries yen te a premature grave. MIDDLE AGED MEN. There are maay of the age ef thirty to ifty whe are troubled with toofreqaeat of th. Blatdar, often accompanied by a amartiag or burning seanatsoa, aad weakening tke system la a Banner the patient eeanot account for. Oa anamination of the Urinary Deposits, a ropy ..dim.nt ill eftea ba found, and tomatimes small particle, of albamen will Bfpaar, er tha color will ba a thia llki.hkaa, again changing to a dank and torpid appearance. Thar, are many mea whe die of 'kit dime-ilty, ignorant of the eau.e, which is tka SECOND STAGS OF SEMINAL WKAKBKS3. Or. 6. will gaaraatee a PERFECT CUBE ia all sack eases, aad a healthy rettoraUoa ef the 0ria try organ.. All oommaaicaUons strictly confidential, itkout delay All letters containing stamp, for reply,an swedr Pott Office address, Lock Bex 160, Davenport, Iowa. daodwsowly ZlSTABX.Ts.miD 1849. The Oldest llueic House In the North-west. H. N HEMFSTED, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ORY t3 I BT GEORGE MACDOXALD, LL. 1)., uthor of "Alic Fobbbs," "Axsals or Qctar Neighbobboob," itc, AL80, A OH ARMING NEW NOVEL, mm GOODS OF MX DESCRIPTION ! PUBLISHER Of &lieet Miirssic and Miusle Uoolcs. Wholesale Ageaey for Iteinway k. Son'a, XXazelton SroM Haineg Brother' and Parlor Clem rXAXTOB and Xrlason .St, Hamlin OBOAZTS. A Large and Elegant Stock of Goods at New York Figures. 10 Broadway, Hllwaokee, Wis. Send for Catalogues and Price List.- octSl-d eodAwSm Wall x worth ronrth Itrnet, ovS-d6m C8ir.. Pianos lor- J. Zimmermann's Piano MannfacturiDs Co. Be. 10 Vain Street, DAVKNFORT, I0WX Please take aottc. ef the great chance ia the price of Pianos. I affer for sale at tke fall wholesale price the Large Bite Rosewood T Oo tare Plaaos, wltk aU tke latest improv.m.aU, ana warrantea lor sve years. Ca.h priea, f 17 JOHN ZIMMKRMANN. No. IB Main street, bet. Front and Second. Dav enport, lewa. Bov1d7m JOHN HOYT Wholesale Dealer in Steinway, Stock, Weber and Emerson And the Celebrated and Fa approachable GEO. WOOD ORGAN Acknowledged by the Critlea to ba the be. aew la a... Mutieal Warerooma, Cor. Brady aad Fonrtk streets, uav.aport, I.wa. apl F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., WPOBTKKS AND JOBBERS II Paper, Window Shades, OTTHTjTJSr AND ax. XiOTjxs, bso. aXtACB. uQiToma. TXTTSXiXniGIX STAINED CLASS WOB.SU, O. 33 MARKET ST., PITTS BUBGH. WILLIAM NELSON, Gins. Btalaer aad Me tallic Sash Mannfaetarer beat adapted for ehorck windows. Having erected tka most complete aad extensive apparatus for the maun feature of colored and ornamental window glass, , ha Is prepared to furnish ev.y verity for church es, private restdeneee, office windows, ate., la superior style. Orders from all parts of the eoaatry will reeeiveprompt attention. f.tlSdJy. NOTICE. MEDF02D nCM. mVN & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Bin Kge, Song M.iningar, 35iU Bate you teen Louie Comic Boag, Saxton, 40 Dueling Belle of the Boarding jcAooLPortarSO girl with the Ciaaratlt, Comic Cordelia, - S Jollulligh Timet, Cemie. Parka, SO Nam wouldn't fou tikt to , Ceie,Cord'la SO Juaetit of the Beart, B.aotifol gang, MlllardSO low im the U endow, " " Za.h, it Let it Pott, for Bass or Alto, Yet Onoe Again, Daett lor 8op. and Barr. Oabtiol, . " QuorreUing Neighbor!, UomiO s,w, 8uehodu t Chilli, WHO va-ianoe, Heavenly Hreeiinje, P.nsie aoymantiqua, Blaaeeey, Bolid-ty Yaoatton llarc, illustrated title Qilstna, Sweet Anticipation, Eebottiscbe, " " ftilsina, '? Daity, Faatalsia, Krag Any of tke above tent by mail oa receipt ef the market price. No (natter where yea see a piece of Music er Mueio Book advertised, send to na and yon wil'. receive It by enclosing the publishers priea. BAItHSBSi 4L WS1B&, . . MDSIC OBALBRI, Btir-dedMm. 8T. L0D1S. LIWREKCE'b medford ecih. DANIEL LAWRENCE & S0SS, Only Maaufaoturers of MEDFORD BUM, Btill eajoy the reputation oi maaafastarlng The Best Bum in the States, Duly authorised by Stole Licente. Iha superior quality and parity ef LAWREXCB'I mbdkohd rum. For the Bast fortu-teten vears.hat made it every where knowa at the Stabdabb Ron. Na paras wUI be spared to maiataia Its parity and high reputation. The public is cautioned again., imitati.nt and ooanterfeitt. . ... ORDBR DIRKCT FROM T, warrant perfect tati.faction. Addr.. order, by mail to MEDFORD, MASS., And orders by Kpr ' othcr-lse 7, 129. 131. BBd 183 Broad at BOSTON Aad they receive prompt atteatioa. DAKISL LAWRBNCE 80N8. 0,i2A-dflm . Niagara Steam Pump Works lb to Charles B. Hardick, Ho. 9 Adams street, BaVOOMLTM... NEW YOBK , Sole Maanfaeturer of Hardiek's Patent Douhle-Aotlng Steam Pnmp and Fire Eigine Mining Pumps a Specialty.. Patented ia Ragland, Belgium and Kraaoe. Bead for cirealar- aogtldly HAVING IBCUREDLBTTEBS PAT. BUT ON OUK BRANDS CANE SPRING, LICKING VALLEY AND DQUGLAS-ELK-HOBN BOURBON WBMIB8, That we established ia this market lu 18(6, hereky give warning to tany ona ating thote brand., or aay repra.aatattoa ef them, that they arc infringing npoa eur patent., aad they will ba pre.ecated te the fall aiteat ef the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. We have for sale tha followiag well-kn own brands Eeatacky Copper Whiskies! Cane Spring Bourbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Licking Valley Bonrbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Dongla-Elk-Horn Bonrbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. The abeve breads are patented and eaa ha bad ONLY from the Proprietor.. J. A. MONKS & SONS, ?ll H. SlfOKD BT T. LOU 1 1. novS-dlm A Soft & Bean.ifol Skin! j. a. pozzorars MBDIOATBD Complexion rowBsai Imparts totheSkia a beautiful, traue pareat wbitene.a. makes the skia deli cately soft A smooth, removes all freckles, taa, aad allays all ir ritation. This valu able cosmetic eaa be used with tke greau est confidence. Fifty cents and tl per hex wholotale and retail by 3. A. Pottonl, 114 N. Fifth ttre.t Ft- toais, Mo., and by atl Druggists, eta. plf) nevl-dly ARKBR'Sf tofflKmAaactUR Sew York Office, 27 BEEEkLiJI ST. aevl-dSm