Newspaper Page Text
TrUa?, Seoembwr M, IIT. GEO. VVILKESAFTER GRANT. Opeatwc t AntV-Graat Carnftaisa Th BrwtBi mcMM4 r aa . OU rwtveaal rrtao.-are- ium r ewwtewue, e. .rota tht Spirit of th fimtt. A wary deap iaUroat m to ba fait in all parts of toa country to know what measure will b adopted, and what line of march pursued, by those leading Re publicans who are opposed to the admin istration of Grant, to preterit the disgrace and calamity of bis re-election to th--I residency of the United ttiatera. That such an efliit will be made, aod earnestly made, in behalf cf the bout-stand patriotic portion of the Republican party, in oppic sition to the slates and sycophant of the residential fortune, lias been flnaii) dctermlntd. Tbe gentlemen who will direct this oaovctnsoi agaiDsi the apira tiouscfthe great offiou bolder, who de sires to repeat himself in place, and who bare already ocen derisively character ied by the court journals in tbe interests ol those parasites, as "malcontent," are WJ well known to tbe country, and, without regard to their political opinions, enjoy the honor ot a general confidence. W need not at this point pause to de velop th reason why Ibis course of action Las been decided upon iy tbe patriotic por tion of a great and Yictoi'iou party. It is sufficient that thry regard General Grunt as an igtiorant ami incompetent nam, oot- trruul by grot inUtnrti, diviiitijul of thr .tie. uitna his null offict a if U sen a jtr ,in,ii poenion, ami tntpirrd hg aspirations viic art rrprtmUi rather Ou in tievni loan by the abiigittons of thtaalh under which he took his office ; in snort, a mer adventurer, who, soldier like, only embraced th Ke- ruMlcan faith because be saw success wituin its rants. Tb editor of this paper desires to say for himself that while be shares the gen ral motive which actuate th other He publicans alluded to In the premises, be fuels that he has a special iuuCkation in resisting the candidaty of General Grant ror a second term or otttce. This jostin ration nisy be found in the facta flrst that the editor vf tbia paper Las been for many years an earneat advocate ot an amendment to tb Constitution prohibit' ing any nrrson from holding the Prvsi dtotlal otiice for more than a single term and next, because General Grant, in a con yersation with bun two days before bi nomination at Chicago, plodded hiuisel! iormally to the same principle, by declar ing it to be bis conviction, "that the lib erties of this country could nut be main Uined without a one-term amendment to the constitution, and such a civil ser Vice bill as would enable tin- President t retain good men in cilice. I bis wa said to tbe writer during one ot lboe interviews, through which he bai restored friendly relations between General Grut and General butler, and was priuted shortly afterwards in the Spirit of C Times, and reprinted during bis friun ll personal intercourse witn General lira tit without oMectmn on bis part or cavil on tbe part of aoy of his trienda. This declaration by Geueial Uiaut, pou ted at such a time, in a jourual of wlncu be was notoriously a faithful reader, uiaj be fairly taken as a deliberate priMuiat that be would not a.ipire to tbe bm ir of a second term nay, that be wonld bold it to be criminal to do so aod may be regarded also a a solemn pledge to the wliole country to the same effect. Iu or gaming a political p milum, tnercfr , to General Graul's caii iidcy br a Sicoutl term, we naturally direct ourselves t tb first salient grouud of opposition tj wu, to demand lb it General Graul subII keep his word ; not only because a man ougln always to keep bis word, bit because in tbis instance It is ueceaearr to tbe lib erties of his country that he should do so. Without wishing to delay the develop incut to which we are approaching, through this arucls, we desire siiup y, al this poiut, to rsuiiud our readers that tbe evils of the re-tleciive principle are so universally coucoded thai it would be difficult to nod an American of any shade ot f olilica or from any portiou of tbi country who is not in favor of a one-term amendment to tbe Couetitutiou. Wasli intjton urged the prohibition of there elective principle at tbi cloao of bis l'rj well address ; and Jackson, witn a still larger experience of tbe daugcrs growing out of a renoiuioation for i'reaideut, fol lowed Washington's example in his fare well address, as, indeed, lu all his pre vious an o Dal massages, entreated Congress and tb country 10 promote aa em.u'lineul to the ooe.tueiioa oa is is pjiol. u eariaialy a vary r.aeerkebl mgnrnmeal ol opiotoa lbs tiro most illustrious pietideota known to our history Both had orved doub e tarmt; both bad beau lem pl ed I ibsir followers with tb tflr of third terms, but both rsjsctsd wbal, in mors am b.lious uisn, might have beea made the stepping sions to moaaroby. Both, there for, warned tb Aiinnoao peopl not to psrinil another 1'nuiiUel to lab veo a siagl step toward th prptoanon of hi rate, i'kis was tb alv dlci wbieb that saw in oar iostilutioos; tb only coostuu-j tional reform which tby proposed to have llscud. W'bauvsr, thrfr. might have ha tb reasoas wbirb bad Ud to aa oais sioa la tbe ooosutmioo on tbis point, neith er vt'athiagtoa aor Jackson eonsidersd tbos masons worthy of meation. Wtiei tbr saw was, that this malign lamplalioa to tb ambiuea of th Praaideot would coo vrt him at one ialo tb chi.f of a clan, instead of Isaviag him to b th servant of th peopl, aal that aatold corruptions, misahisls, aad daagrs would b the iovi labl coossquaaoes of sack position. Acaia, throun a ooo waka.s of ooor human aatar. tn das.f for a r.taBit.ia of power easily s.duo.s ev.o th bd.t ol m.ii into tb mat own r ie .. is ..aaarv to ths welfars of the eoontrv. I rum that p -int forth no man is a rogue in the Presidential eitimtitmn who can give support t J hie nrtU.ttian. and al once the beet etatitne u dor gooerament art doled out to th m el eJfesl.M rnc. in the lani. Dm not eery mao's uos.rvatiou go to attasi this fact aod do not too. offioial harpies, Usmg ihr co. frjuitk. i. :A-t'm ..rin. I malfaaaaooe. mak. i ruiuvH, - tbeft, psrjurj, and corruption th. ureal po litical loduttries of tb. UudT Tbi. is what Waahingtoa and Jacbsou w and un., and th arjtuineol of tt dang.r oriam tbem to tb emclusiou that to r.-airvliot. priooipl was a br..4iorf ulcer of -'masons, strateKs, aad spoils," aKai si wliiob ao goTsrom.ul could bv. And this is th same oonclu.iuo wbica the sstir p.opU. uodera still mr .It.-d-d aip.ri.uce, hav arrif.d at, aod ibai 10 wuB a u. aimity wbiok oabl.s us to sa? til at w. B.vsr h.ard of aa, of any poli tics, or from aaj s.ctiou of tb country, who was boi in f or of tb. os term prm cipl., or at Last la fur of prohiti n.ii tb I'resideal from etieudiuu bi poi.diiiy i Cambsac by iB iadiai re election. ll at ooc. becami obvious, ibrr.ior to thos who dssirsd to dslxal tb .ordii aod daagsroas aobiiin ol Gsurra'. Grant, that th patriotism of tbe uouuuy must be ap pealed to ia order to wring iroo hiss aid from his deadly ael6sbus t obser vane of th oo tern principle. It is ou thiogfor a party entering open a wusad, nrk u It ia oaimssarv to direel at aiost tb miffhtv no war wkioi lunrounde the White Uouee, and it banded Ugione of taper serviceable slaves, to urge general principles vith the pen, and quite another thing to put them in practical and campaigning force, so as to animate and engineer a cause.-' The first work had bsea dooe. as bav se.n, by Waahingtoa aod Jaoksoa, and sapporud by many writers, among whom tb editor of this paper has probably haaa for th last tea years the most ooipicDoos. It was the lattar's fortune, U!". mVA 9'citog oa this prog. "V" a method of affsolu. th or gan isatios of a eampaiga npon this pria oiple by giving it a cutliag edge aad dri viag fttee. Tbi plaa was to giv aa op- ortaaity to th peopi et in vaiiea abates to vol apoa oa term priacipla, by msaas of retolatiott to be offsrsd io very variety of pubiio msstiDg waion admitted of the eipenoieat tkat shosld b held previoos to th ssting of th MXt Presidential eoaveatioa. Aa oppor toaity to hold a preliminary election oa th Oa trm priacipl, and than wiad ia by a wiadlass, as it ware, th public x prsliica of th country, aad kaot it firmly into aa aatboritativ dsolaratioa that wonld raadat Gs. Grast practically iaeligi bl. A prsambl and resolatioa sailed to this pnrpos wsr thsa drawn, and ar as follows. WBaacsa, Experisac has demonstrated that the omission, bv tb Coastitalioa of the United States. prohibit th r-ltioa of th PrssideDl, kss left ins eoontiy opsn to th worst form of mosarchy ; and Wniasaa, fb growing political power of th Prssideol has pel il wiihio his means to rspaat himself io office during life ; aod Wacasal, This tsmptttios to re-elect bimself bas theconstaui eff. ct of inducing tbe President to appoint candidate u tline who will serve him in preference to serving tbe country ; and WntRBAS, Tills unwholesome motivt to tbe distribution of office sets the bad example to the sub-official system of tbe States, which is the fruitful source ot po litioal corruption throughout tbe country ; and Where is, The solemn advice of Wash- ngion and Jackson, in their respective farewell addresses, urging an amend meut of the Constitution to remove this danger, is a warning wbici patriotic cit ir.ens cannot neglect, and is, at tbe same time, the higher evidence of tbe cor rnpting effect of tbe re-elective princi pie ; Bins Wbbrbas, The patriotic advice has settled ao deeply iuto the heart of tbe nation that it la almost impossible to tied an American citizen, either iu the North or South, the East or the West, of any shade of politics, wbo is not in favor of such amendment to the Consti tution ; and Whereas, This universal wish of tbe American people, though always recog uized by I'resldentlal candidates, wben first seeking office, is always baffled and betrayed when tbry deire office again and Whereas, This universally expressed wish of tbe American people cm never be successfully brought up in Congress because of the notorious aspirations of the loading members ot that body to be Pres ident themselves, not only once, but for tbrea or four terms; and W hurras, Tbis vain ambition seems to be shared by most of the politicians of tbe country ; therefore IUtoleed, Tnat we, the , will hence forth in set i be upon our banners the "One Term Principle" for the Presidency of the United States, and will likewise pMclaiiu mong our texts for the coining campaign sgainxt vice, corruption, confederate t wealth, and aristocracy those of "No More Monarchy in Auierict." "Xo S:aud ing Army," and no candidate for Chief Msgistrate, under tbe new Teaming ol the world for peace, who reprcscuts or typifl-s tbe art ot war. This preamble and resolution were at once, upon the return of the elitor to this country last month, subnittrd to tbe julgiuent of several distinguished Sen i ors, politicians, and j mrualists of itn-lit-puolicau parly, h bo were meditating whnt i called tbe "New Depnture" against political corrnpiion, and by each accepteU aa tbe very Oest uietbod oi tak ug a preliminary plebiscite against Grant, on a principle of sufficient import ance to utterly envelop him witbiu its folds. In fiK't, of b-Hting him, or, rather, of rendering him ineligible, on a par mount question of pnotic policy, before be could so much as eveu get to tbe doors of a nominating convention. Ucst of a1 1, it would give Ilie people an opportunity to vote on a theme upon which they had al ways been clieattd by tbe politicians. This question beiug settled by tbe Ke publican leaders, as fur KB any limited uumber of leaders can direct tbe general action of a patty, it liecame proper thai the chiefs oi the Democratic party, which in its just hostility to Grant wojl 1 neces sarily co. operate in any measures calculut ed to depuse bun, slioul l be frankly in formed of tbe coiirfu which the reform Urpubl cans intended to take. It was id meet this exigence that the editor of this paper went to Washington ou Mondiy last and put himself in communication with some of the principal Democratic members of both Houses. I'his visit re sulted in a meeting, at bis rooms at tbe Arlington, on Tuesday evening, of quite a largi number of tne most prominent Democratic members of the House and Senate, among whom he was the sole Ite publican present, lie opened the bui uchs of the occasion l? sttnr tOat his main iu drsiring to see t lie in was c communicate some intentioas enter mined by prominent members of tbe Republican party on the sutject of the next Presidential election. It was not his object to seek an expression of their views upon that theme, or to project a coalition, but simply to place belore them, in frank good faith, the course which the gentlemen with w hom be was associated intended to pursue in the com ing campaign, believing that the sponta neous action which would follow on their ptrt would be better than any compact which could be formed ; that, in fact, anything iu the shape of a compact or co ulitiyn. Would, in bis opinion, be Vtry in judicious, and not by any means promote the object to be gained, lie then recited what has been detailed before, thing with some explanations ami conclusions which would be premature n given now. lie next submitted the preamble and resolu tion which have been given above. Some disscussion and consultation ensued, iu which the view s expressed by tbe writer, aa well as bis preamble and resolution, ttcmcil to be approved. The opinions ol the writer wi re itu-ii acked upon si vi r.i points of interest, to which be n puc,; l bat be felt great delicacy in offering an opinion of aey sort as to tbe pol.ry ot the Dem.M:latic party, to g-iitlemn, so experienced as those present ; bui now l hat they had given him the pnvi it ge to express himself iu that way, he would ask llielil to bear iu mind thai the logical caudidate fir the Kepulihcau op position to adopt would be one who would be likely to be most unwelcome to Uie Democrat; thac any attempt to select a ciudniale partially agreeable to the Democracy, or to yi. in mem uie ire President on a fusiou ticket would pre vent n- from being able to baniile our f rc. and I ave the iintu nse flood of the It- publican majority to Mil back, and set lie at tbi feet of Gran'. All these views seemed to be approvingly received, and tbe company dissolved, as free as it went in, but, at the same time, with an intelli gent understanding winch will probably have more moral, iniiding foice than an treaty that could have Leu made. We may add tbat it ia very prob hie that tbe Deiu cratic party will hold a convention f some sort, between now and February, in which It will enunciate tbe oue-ierm principle, along with the reform Ktpub 1 1 tans, who will soon be ready to develop Uieir detailed line of battle. All tbe while, duri g this fierce con tet-t, the De mocracy ill bear an amtu le of austere observation, operating maiuly as an armed nsetve; free all coalitions, bat pre pared to HCt with vigor. Here is some thing lor the friends of General Grant to contemplate Thef think he is a soldier. Let bin: now address himself to this cam paign. Jonx C. Beskan, who it do in London, proDOunc.t at ootroe the charge published in New York, implicatibj; him io the vouch er robbery, aod tbr.atsot th News Compa ny which cabled it to Earrps with a libel suit. Jacob Coultbu, uu ui iu oldest eogi oeert oo th Det Moioes Valley Railroad, diad al hi residence ia Keokuk, on 8aodsy last, of ealarf mnt of ths heart. sraoxAis xroxxoss. CHXOSIC AlLKftlTS; T artlsalarbr .rfala, havttksit origin ia aa ill-tared or nglTCM4 dueut. Do w a.t sm v rj 4 ay p.nn staj .riag aador ths weight of tbos 111-Sr.aUd aissaMs by piM. bhJ lb. romaias of a braur malady J W by is ll T It t. bMaas tb. tiwatment was not snita tl.o1.fl ff sooa. Thuith. is pata4 ap whil. tb. crag. ar. allowsd to r mala to br.ak .at gsia la atr. g.a.ra M.ay suffer th. foal taint of B.rofala to rsmata ia ths sy itsst for allfs tims. TJIisrs and soras tbat ar sating away th. vary fountain of lif. ar all.w.d to go oa. PimpUa. blotch., aod fatten alio dnng.r. th. f.MS of tkoBMnds. Thw is ao nMMiity for tbis lamentable ondl ti.a, asaf.w bottles of tb. Samaritaa's Eo.t and H.rb Juioes will .radicate tb. foal taint. In all bad .as.s w will fsraitb tb. rtm4j fro. of sbargs nnlil a sars Is .neot.a, thai aroviag b. yond a doabt that all .an b. cured. Pimpl.a aad blotob.s r.m.v.i, saviag many aa- pl.aianl ramarss. Ladies ak. deiir a briihaat eompl.xi.a hoaldas. th. tamatUaa's Rout aad H.rb Jataas. Fricfl 13 per batti. TOM. OXIIf JQB.ATXOZ7S DiM.tM ariaiag fr mdutmifta hav. be. treated wiib Baltaia Copaiba aad Mercury, uu in in. iiwineuiii ol patiwat. tb.m bwkai o aaueeat.i and weaheo.d that il a hard tu d.sia. which wai th aoist coaplaint, th. die ttomaeh or tn. original dieeae. at leagtb iheSaetaritaa't Ui I mad. its advent, ana eaeatiraly new eystem of car. w.e inauturat.d .a tb. beneficial reealttat oaa. e.en. The die aeting dragt erd poieone were diecarded, and to day th. ift is retonbed by amhers of ih leading rhynciane; yet, nolwithatending, tbe Samaritau t d if l ia known to be a positive car. partly veg. able, aad pleaeaet le at, ae.elj tea pllle Sav. to be i.kea, many old eti delavi snt will stick I their eieseoinn rugs aad gorge their raiteale for weeks psrbape montbe J9sT Has a loaz job an a big bill any ihlag to do with U7 Mat. packau 12; F.aali J. Sent by mail. w. ...not avoid celling tb atleatioB of delicate fcmalee to the Samaritaa'i Gift ae a positive cure for Wbitee; By following Sirectioae yooi will iocs get rid of thai trouble com. dit.eee. aad become ro.aat aod hearty. Sold by Druggists (eeerally. DKsM )!ti CO. Pr.s're 915 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa Css. Bsstsa.ssoraer Illlaois aed Msrk.', Areatf.r R.ek Island, mehsowl JOB Mossr Sir James Clark's Female Pills. Theee iavaluable Pille ar. anfeiliag in t ear. of all Ihot. painful and deogeroue dleeaee to which th. female coaeiitutioa ia subject. They moderate all .iomsm and remove all .b etraotlone, from whatever cauv. TO MAHklkll LADIES they ar. particularly suited. They will in e ebort tia bring on th. monthly period witb regularity; and allbosgh very powerful, eoetaie Bothing hurtlul I. tn. eoaeututiua. Ia all oaer of N.tvouaaad Spinal Affections, Paint In the Back and Limbe, fatigue oo alight eiertioa. Palpitation of lb. Heart, Hysterica and Wbitee they will effect a aura when a'l ether m.ana hav failed. Th. circular arouad each package girt full fireoiiont aad advice, or will be aeat free to all wriliag tor th.m, sealed from observation. special Nonet. It ia the fate of every true valuable medicine to he ooDNTaaraiTBD. Job Mnaea' Sir Jainea Clark.'a female Pilla art extenaivtly cocstib- rsiT t. Dishoneat Druggiata endeavor to ae the e lanterfuit to make greater pronta. N. B la all casea wbe-e the tfennine cinnot be obtained , One Dollar encloaed to the Bole fro prieior, JOB MOSES, IS Cortland Street, New lurk, will inaur. a bold, et tb. tt.naia.. ontsiaing Fitly PilU, by return mail, aecurely aealed from any knowledge f itacontentt. BtTCHEIOK's HAIR DYE. Thlt superb B.iir Do ia th bett in tit world perfeotly harmleta.reliaile aad inatantaneous a t d 'asp po In t men t ; n ridiraloua tieta or die agreeable odor. Tbe genome Wm. A. Bat'-be lor'a Hair Dve predarea IaHssttTCiv a aplen did Black or Nat.ral Browa, tb. hair eUnn, nf l, beautiful ; doea act contain a parti ele of lead or anv ioiurioui compound. Bold ht all Drorrlata. Faclorv, 18 Bund atreet, f.T THE LATE BISHOP SQULE. JT IS A WILt MSTABLISHBD FACI X that any article which hec beta theroagblj triled. mad whloh invariebly gives eetiafaolioa. muat be a good article. CloBCP SOTLE'S LIMMENT Inveeted by tb. late BISHOP 60TLE, bat proved by lta own merits, that il baa no equal in Ibe world for the ear. of S-iatica, Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism, Xeuralgia. Kidney and Spinal Complaint, Sore Throat, Lame Hack, Sprain. tc. This Liniment trill instantly stop all pains caused by Burns bar. yoar Doetor'a bill buy it; try It; aat sotting else, aod you woul . not be without it ir ynur bene for ten .ime Itt (oat. RISHOP I am I km iTKTuarWT ,k. .k... eempl.inta, and Is tbe only tore cure for tb. dreadful dif.a'e Fciatici. For atle by Drng giata. Prioe 75 ett aed $1 75 per onttlc. r. W. RYOKR m SOX. Proprietors jefldwly BOSTON. M ASS EVERT LADY IS THE I AKD SHOULD SHOW What Whits aiw-no Xs AND TVlint it Doch. WHITE "fiLYfERIVE la sow acknowledged to be, in every reaped, tbe superior of any and all articles need to benefit the akia aad imprev. tb. completion. Tb.akia which baa been long Ailed with imparities, epot or d .aneloratibna, or which kit btcn injured, as ia ofti-s thecaaa, by the application of poiaon aaa oMne:io and lotinna, may b. peafVctly ren ovated br Una remarkable fluid. Oner thoroughly impregnated witb White Olywrioe the akin growa purer and elear.r, antil It retch 1 1 iiearl-like transDarcDev and beauty. i - unattainable l.y any other known means, after which but little, comparatively, Is required to maintain a rich, healthful, natural and beautiful complexion. It ia alio naequalled aa a apsedy aa4 potitivt cure for chapped handa, rough akia.eto. PEARL'S WHITE OLTCERI1TE Ia t !d by all wholesale aad retail Druggiitt aad deal.ra ia Perfumery aad Toilet Arttol.. jel.idly ' ISTos. 13 rxnd 23. IIinPIIRETS' E3GMEOEATSaiC fePECtSTCS Hatf rno-rrn, wtiom Tnn siost ampi,k f xiwruinre, n n entire MiriH'i. : s mple Hriwut KfHulonl and lUtltHhlo. n'lify iirf tliu iinly M(li riixt iierfectly atlupud to ixipulur ue ei einiplo that lnlnUtk a run not b ninu In uIiik tlifin : eo Imrmlws ua to bM fro. dunift'r, uml no f-mclent to rw nlwaye rnhabln. M'npy h:iv miMf1 the hith eet (Nimmendutiuu irum ull, uuU vill uiwuve rvuuer autlalactlun. ftm. Cent. l.C'nroa Prrrre, rnntmitlon. liirtimmiilttin. ... " tVrilli, Wxrm Knvcr. Worm Cnllc 2' t'rvinu-'llc or tHcthlng or Infinite. 25 IHnrrba-a, r Children or Adult 25 Itywntfrv, tsrlplng, Rllltme Colia 25 t aolfra-jlorunn, vonntmg ?5 t'OMffhei, r:oliN, Hmncliit w 25 eurnlirln. Tonthnclio. FiicprcIh 25 lpmlurli4M, Flck llfiiitnr'tic, Vcriiyn....' 1". ll. ft Ii t: t". t. . (I. M, . l, F'y.iwpiei, jjiiiftni. rt'iimicn r"prrMw, .r fiilntnl I'eri. 1'pritKln.. Own . I rorneo fert'Mla... .L?B,.r""Kh, IMuicult ft l'i;"JMi"m- llhenmnlii r.r.vvreind Ae-n. r. in w BrenthiliK ?6 i, rmptions....'.'s n Paint. 15 ..6(1 tH-w-Sirkneaa, tlcknifffe frum riu,ntf""iio r liliiry.lir, bnirel 7u htrvouw llebllitr, rmiwal F.raliL winiiw, inTiiiunlRrr jncftiirpe.. i m Five Hnxra,wltb one ( 2vll of powder, vorr neecesiiry In auriudt cusea, 6 on rnre Vlnath. (linker w Triwary Wealiiesa, wettlra bed.... Ml Pnlnhil Prrioda, with Hrnsuil M Hoflrrintraat cnnnr.f Hie 1 w. KailriMy, Hpaama, e t. Vltim' Jm neo....li0 Uiuatisurta, uiouruied tur tuxout.... (0 tu, 1. e, TA3IIZT CASES Of 3. ta OH laraa vlnln, v ro-wMd cnp, ronraininv a aaex-IHc for rvrry nrrllnnry IIp p.i K faanilv ta flnbiect so. ami bonk, of riirrrtlnn. fmni glO toSSS Bmuller FamllT "d Traveling Cu". with 3ii t.i at vlnle f n.m 83 to fj&l Dir i ii. a ,wr mi rninil1 M-Ifnmf, bth for C'nrinar iin-l for Prrvrn ttvrt treatment. In vuila nnd Docket cuaes .....83 to S5 POND'S EXTRACT, Cnrva Ttnrnw. Ttrniaa. I.nmene, fo-rrnraw. nnrr nrussi, naraiai, I flfiriinriie, no. i. Know mallard. l.emKnen. I'llow. nirw, Horo I'vfo. Pici-dins; rf the oih. Hfoniach. sir cf Pilcia CnniK. Did Morva. PrJe. 0 oz., aOcta. Pints, S1.50 Qnnrtt, rsVenomortlrexormtrONn'REXTnACT, rT tlie cuae r alpulo box. art aunt t o-y I'tirt t,r tlie country, iir nniir ur expn-ea, lreo of charge, oo reocmt of iho price. Adurvsa, riasiphrcyG' Specific Homoopattio M-dicir.o Co. Offlco and Depot, No. Jc Biioatiwav. Xrvr-Tontt. FOU BALE ET ALL DRUOGlaTa Chat. A. Kowk Itiaad, aad 0. Bpld.l, Ag.nte for i. ."t.i i.i.-oclina M iineoninil-l ouch, vn.i. nt eoutrha ffl A.lhllin. ,.,,r, ,a Breiithlnu M rr..r"f2i,j'.!";,!ird. f f, w .-- u a i' uiiiiv, i ii h inn vaii.ui. . Tht OaB and. Onra of Consump. , lion. Th primary caate of Otntamptioa Is d- raagtmtBt ef tbe digsttlve ergaat Thit d rangemsatpro'duM delcieat aatritioa and as- aimilatloB. By aulmihttton I mf aa that proeete by which th. f tb. food la .oar.rted lato blood, and theaea Int. tb. solids of tb. body. Peraostwith dikatUa that impaired, havtsg the t'.lghteit prtdiapotttioa t. pulmona ry diaeaie, or if they take cold, will be very lia ble to hav Csntnmptioa ol tks Longs la seme of tta forma; and I hold tbat it will be impot tiblttoeure any caa. f Conta ji pt.on without firitratoring a good digeattoa end healthy at tlmtlatloa. Tht vsrv Irtt thin ta fc Am. la to el.ana. the atomach and bowela from all iit- taated mucaa auJ alimt which it clogging theae orgaaa ao that tbey cannot perform their fune tloBt, ant then route np an 1 restore tbe lint to aaealthy action, fjr thit parpoto th. tar es! aai remedy ia Schentk's Mandrake Pilla. Theae Pilla eleaa the atomach sad bow ela of all tht dead and msrtid tlime that it can aing diaeaa aad de.y la the whole ayatem. Tbey will clear .at thai Iv.r of all dia.a.d bile that haa aeaamulated tnere, aad arooae tt np tc a.w and healthy action, by whioh natural aod h.althy bil. ia accreted. Tb. tt math, bowelt aad liv.r ar. that elaaa d by th aa tf 6eh.atk's MsadrakB Pills; bat there remains la tb. stomach aa exeeta of acid, tbe organ it torpid and the appetite poor (a tb. th. laot.ralt are weak, and requlr ng ttrength aad tupport. It it in a eonditicn like thit that Sobenok't BeVwsed Tonic provet to be the moat valuable remedy aval discovered (I it alkalis, aad Itt a will neutra'it. all ei can of sold, making ths ttomaeh tweet and fraah ; it will gtv. permanent tone to thit Im portant org&n, and create a good, hearty appe lite, and prepare the ayatem for the first proeeaa et a good digeation, aad ultimately make good healthy, living blood. After thia preparatory, wba.trea.aine to euro moat evict Coaaumption ia tho free aod perasv.ring use of Schenok'l Pulmonic Syrop. Tht Pulmonic yrap nourishes the ayatem. purifiel tbe blood end ia readily absorbed Into th. circulation, and itieco. distributed to th. diraaa.d lenga. There itripentall morbid mtttera, whether in tbe form abessce or tubercles, and thee aa-tatt Nature u expel all the disease! matier in tbe form of aapeotoration, when oooe it ripent. It ia than by tht great healing and puriying propertiet of ich.nek's Pnlmonie Syrap, tbat all ulcere aad eavitlea are bealed op lonnd, and mj patieat la oured. Thtetttntial thing to be done in curing Con sumption ie to get np a good app.iit. aad a good digestion, so that tba body will grow in flush and get strong. If a person baa discaaed lungs, a c vity or absaess there, the cavity can not, Ih. matter oannot ripen, to long ta th. lytaem ia below par. What necessary to cur. it new order of things, a good appetite, a good lutritiou. the body to grow in flash and get fat; thea Nature it helped, the eavitiet will heal, tbe matter will ripen tndbt thrown eff ia large quantities, and the perton regain health and strength. Thit it th. tru. and only plan to our. Ooniamption, and if a peraon it very bad, if (hi lutga ar. sot entirely destroyed, or .van if one long la entirely gone, if there ia enough vitality left in the other to heal np, there il hope. I have aeen many peraonaoured with only one lonnd lung, live and enjoy life to a good oid age. Thit it what Schenok'l Medicines will do to euro Coaaumption. They will clean out the stomach, aweetea and atrangtben it, get up a good digea tion, and gir. Xaiore the .instance th. needt t. clear the ayatem of all the diea?e that it in tb. lungs, whatever th form may ba ll ll important tbat, while aaiag Sohtack'i medicines, care should be exercised net te take 3 -ld ; keep ia doors In cool aed damp weather ; eroid nit-hi air, and take out dut eteroise only n a genial aad warm tuaahina. I wish it diatiuetly understood that wben I recommended a patieat to be caret ul ia regard t. taking cold while aaing my medteiooi, 1 do to for a tpecial reason. A ma who haa bat par tially recovered from the effect! of a bad eold il ft more liable to a relapse than one wbo bat eea entirely cured, and it ia precisely tbe tame in regard to tontumptioa. Po leng as tb. lungt art not perfeotly healed, jutt ao long ta there imminent danger of a full return of the disease. Heooe it It that I to itrenuotaly caution pul monary patient! against exp.sing themselves to a" atmosphere thai ll not genial and pleasant. ConBrmed consumptive!' lusgi ar. a man of sores, which the least change of atmosphere will inflame. The grand aeoret of my aueceae with my medicinal eonaiate in my ability to subdue isiiBBiuci instead of provoking is. ef tbe faculty do. A - '"BB oannot w!thsafr to b. patient b. etp.l.d to th. oiling blaeta of winter or the ehilliog winde of print; ur suiun. II euoum carviw.i mum- : . - i ii 1 r . . 1. 1 . i J ed from all irritating influence. The otaeoat i saatt.a abonld be observed la tbia particular, as without it a eare under almost aey airenm stancrs is an impossibility. Tb. person ahoul be kept on a wholesome 1 and nutritious diet, and all the medicines con- i tinued until the body has restored to it the aat aral quantity of flesh and strength. j I wti myself cured by thil trea'menl of the won. kind of Consumption, and hav. lived te j gel fat and bear) y tfas many yean, with one lung m st!y gone. I he', cured thousands lines, aod very many hare been cured by thil i treatment whom I have otter eren. About the drat of October 1 expect to take ; potaeaalon ol my new building at the nor heaat ' ajratr of Sixth and Arch street, where I ihall e. pleased to giv. advio. t. all wh. may r.- quir. It. Full directieaa accompany all my remedioa, ' ao that a parson io any part of the world can be readily oured by a strict cbsei ranee of the same. J. B. SCHKSCK, SI. V., Philadelphia. HCRLBUT A ED8ALL, 31 Lakt street, Chwago. Ilhn it, Wboleeale Agents. A MILLION M THE FIELD i a mlllioa of men, U lay nothing of the adiea, know by experience tbat IriUitJorVs I icelsior Cair Djc produces ibadct of color thtt sura to bavs boaa trougbt Out by aatur. herself. They know, too that it ii fr from all injurioua matter, bacaat. .bay bar. aaed it for year., aad thui tested it by a proeeaa mure oertuio than even oeamioal anal ysis itself. In fact, th. daily exp.rienc. ef mul titudes of botb lexes, confirm! the declaration of ibe Grit analytical chemist in Amerioa, tbat the Bxoeliior Dye oontaim "nothing deleterious t. Oeakh." A good .raising should te used after he dying, and the best ia 0RI81AD0K0S B AIR PRE RATI VB. Lidies, take Pariicilar Ketice. fhe Real Velpsn Female Pills! WtHKtNral) fkhNCH, Tbese Pills, to o.l.brat.d many yeara ago ia Paria, for the eli.t of female Irregalarille., and fierwaidi for their eriminal employ meat tn the (raeiiae el abortion, ar. bow ottered for sal. for ... flri. time in America Tbey hav. been kept 0 com par at iv. obscurity from th. fact that the rif taeiur. Dr. V.lpau. tt a ph . tluiau in Parit, of great weal to, aad baa itriet oona jleiitiourtpria- ji vies, aua Baa witbb.l l tbem from teneral ate, lait they should b. employed for awiawful pr UOI.I la overoooking P.m.1 OtttrastioBa, Falling Jl ta. WJian, nitaa, Ureea, Suppres aioa. Retention, or Immod.rat. Flow of th. Miatblv Discharges, Nervoui and Spinal Affec tloni, Palai ia tb. Back and Limbe, fatigue oa slight .xertioa Palpitation of th. ttriot, Ac, and will effect a ear. when all other meant hav. failed ; and, altaouge a poworful remedy, d. aot emtaia caiom.t, aolim ay, or r nytblng hurtful to the nntitutlnn To aaa-ried ladies aad yonag girls wbo have eev.rbeea regulated, they are peculiarly suited. They will, la a abort time, bring oo th. monthly p.nod with regularity Cacyio!!. Married Lwdi.iahoald never 'ake tbem wh.a th.r. Is aay reason to believe them pregnaat.for they will beaure toprodte wlacarritg. La lies saa p recur, a box. from tt. eye efth. oarioas, by .ooloiinf ea dollar, aad sis pottagt lUmps to sf. W. M ACOMBEH, Oe.eral Aawat for Uaiud Statoiand Oaaadai, at Albanp . T..arsf aayaaih.risad Atrtat asytddwly 1 SSSBXOXXa. lr. O. BigeloW, CON FID K NT) A L PUi SICIAN. . ' Hat remotes' from Ko. 1 79 Sonth sloar.,to Ss. 73 Sonth Halstsd st, Il tt well kaowa by ail rc tiers ot the paper, that Dr. Big tow ii tbe oldest established fhyiiciaa la Chi cago, wb. ba made the treatment of ail chronic aod aexual diaeaaea a specially. He batdeveted..ebe last twenty yean of his limeexolnsively to the treatment of all forma ol rivateaomolaiat ta both mem. abb tor tb. last twtlv. yeara has beea located at 179 Btuth Clark street, Chicago, 111. From his lone establishment, and useaaaled i.eoees ia earing all eaaea wttith come under hie charge, he hat gained a Uatoa-wldc repatatioa, whieti oaaMt tb. .Sieied t. tetk Bit ai ana aa rice from all rartt of tht TJaited Statei. Il is wall known that all wh. call oa him with aoj private affliction, can, aad will, be oars ia th. shortest poiaibl. time, witboat the dangeroni c flee ta of mineral pcrtiona. Yonne men wbobave injured themaelrea by a aecret aaoit taoaia loee no lima, but call o Ur. Big.l.w at one. ana ced. All female diaeaaea aad irregularities treated witb perfect tafety and tuceeaa. bend for bit circular peculiar to mteaiei oi famal.t. Send for Guide to Health. Al! sent free, en receipt of stamps, tn sealed envelepes, free from obiervation. Office hours from 9 a. m. to Sunday! from 10 to 12m., and from 2 t. 4.30 p. m. Office and Parlors aeparat. for ladiea and gentlemen. Addreee all letiera Io Dr. C. Bige- low. No. 73 South Haleted it., box lb. 13 ITOW LOST, HOW RE STOKED- J aat pob- A.A lithed by Dr. Lewis, tot page., Third dt lion, the Msdicei Oompanton aad uald. to Health, oa the radical .ar. of Bpormatorrkeea, or B.miaal Weakness, Iavolsaiary Bemiaal Losses, Imaoteacy, St.atal aad Physical Inea paeity, IwB.dim.nti to Marriage, at... and tba Venereal aad Byphillitic Mala.iei, with plala aaS clear direetioaa lor th. speedy car. of bee oadary symptoms, tioaorrhcea, GImIi, Strioteros, aad all diseases of th. akia, inch al Beurvy, Scrofula, Cloere, Boila, Blotch.a aad Pimpl.toa the face and bo ty, Ccaaumptien, Epilepsy, aad Fits, induced by sell indulgence or texaal ex ravagaao.. The celebrated author, la thil admirable treat iie, clearly demoasOatea, from a forty yean lao ceesfal practice, that tb. alarming eontequenoi of self abuse may be radically cured, pointing eat a mode cf cure at once simple, certain, and means of whlcb every suSerer, no matier what bis condition may be, can be effect ually cured, cbcanlv, pneately and radically. jaaT- This book should te io the hands ef ev- cry youth aod ever) man ia tbe land. (tent under aeal, in a plain envelop. Prioe 50 cents Addreea. DR. LEWIS, M. 7, Beach si. Sew York. jnnelS-d "ly BIASTA'S Inionic Balsam, r' T . . 1 . ! TAaIxam I liiaGt-as Fulmorao Balsam Ctro;s Coli s. Masb's Pulmonic Balsam CtBXS COIGBS. Masta's FuIiTtcnis Balsam ClKCS IIOACSjEXHSS. rilasla's Pulmonic Balsam Ci res Scr.r. TnisoAT. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cukes Ekomcsitis. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cukes Croup. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam I'cre Eoopino Cough. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cures Asthma. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cbvjcks Beeehtkg From tbe Lraoa. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam KEI.IEVI S CONSIMPTJOI. Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Cubes and IIeltxtf aix Pireares or the THEOAT, LCXGS AKD CHKST. ST- Sold by GOODWIN & CO., Boeton. and by all Dealer in Mitln-im-s tn tbe New England etatw. Soil In Rock Island by John B.ngaton. a.ptldwffti EXiELlAK WAGON AKD CARRIAGE WORKS, 'k B. H. KIMBALL, a Fropristor. . ROCK ISLAND. J All work warraa ijti ted. Wagons ooa- l,k,'J UU HVUU. &&,Carriegei of every dascnptlaB made t. order. febUwly MANTLES. E. D. &W. A. FRENCH, Uanuiacturers and Wholesale Dealer! ia PAINTERS' tti BUILDERS SUPPLIES, PAINTS, FT. ATE MANTELS, OH... VARNISII, WINIHW OI.ASR. I'LASTER, CKMKNT, Ac. Sole Manufacturers of tlie Celebrated Tblrd and Vine bitreeta, 1ST. J. BX7ZC&S. Maguire's SARSAPARiLLA BITTERS (WITH IKON,) Tht beet Bs-ooB, Svohacb aso Lira a Midl ine ever offered so the publit. It it very agree able to the taate and wnl not affeot th. teeth as 'oa preparation! generally do. H'Aal il trill do: U will b. found vastly au srior to any of the Caliiajt and Iroa soeatan used f..r iungoratiog the tyitem. It will mahe blood; likewise thicken it. It will reitor the pale and emaciated ,the weak and debilitated to.oltr. 6 lech, health and itreagth ia aa iaered lbly .hurt time. It will itraig. be. iae aursiaf mother and Increase the flow of milk, alto bene It th. child at tb. be. asteod prarent many of the complaints to which cfaildrea are eabjmt Is infancy. It will tend t. raitorath. eyeiight wben impaired by coatiaa.d applieatioa ia read is a;, wrltiog or tewing, by ttrencthening; the op. ticaerv.t It will gir. vitality to the mental facaltir. when depressed by cloie confinement to lady or business pursuits, and prevent Bervoot headaches. It will perife th blood and pre vent tb. break ins oat of boiit. pimple, and ether rapttont caused "j poverty of blood. It wil roitore tbe genital ergans, when weak, te a healthy condition, regalat. tbt menatrual p.ri.d alia relieve debility earned by summer heat or eiceisive pretpiratloa. , A tingl triad will provs conclusively tbat ws have sot over -estimated the value of this excel lent medicine. Prioe, $1-00 per bottle. J. As C. MAGUIRK, Cbemirtand Druggiitt, Bolt Proprietors, BT. LOOIB. Also proprietor! of kfagire'ioelebred Btsa 'Li T, a an re cure far Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbue aod th. AaiatbCh.l.ra. All srd.ri 'rom rwspoBiible partial prompt1 tiled. mehlT-dwly I : mwm sTwfc tS- .an . sayWsf1aBV sT U a v v AvX v w 1 ot vaiif zaivaiAOB. LIFB AMD INLAND INSURANCE AGENTS ! OFFICE Ho. 3, Argus Building, Oppoiits Pest Offios, Up Stain, BUCK ISLANi', ...ILL. Ih rollowing- Old aad Aellable Oompaniet Hsprescnted : 7l?Tk INStTSANCE COMPANY 4-JLd Hartford, Conn. AtBttt over J4.000.000. afttr paying Chicago Losses. rrOMK Insurance Company ol Ntw York, AX Assets over ft, 000, 00 after paying Chi cago losses. TJABTFORD TIRS Inluranee Company, s-j. 01 Bartrord,s- conn. Assi ti 1 oror $1,500,. 000 after paying Chlctg. losses. T0RTH -gRITISnand KRCANTILK Iniarancc Company of Leadoa and Edinburgh Aseett over 12,0lMiOO, (gold), after payiag unicago loiiea. SCRANCE piOMPAXT OF T0BTH A MERICA, Philadelphia Pa. Assets over 00,000, after paying Cbioago losses. ?BANK LIX JIRE Insaraace Company, of Philadelphia, Pa. Aaaets over $;,f 00.000. after 1 paying uni.ago loasss. A DE6 Intoraao Company, of GiBcinaati, A00.0. A.e.t.ov.rMWooaft.rpyia losses. Policies Issued in above Compa nies at Seasonable Bates. BOvS-dly BLBKIDOB. B. 1. iiiinai SLiraxaas & ss.o.t Seal Estate & Insurance Agdnts, No. I Vieie'i Block, DiVatSPOKT, .... IOWA. Attead personally aad promptly to tbt bayist aad selling of Heal Estate on commission, rent. lag noises and Farms. LovUde v. a. Ba-rai. a. c. tLiiviuii HAYES & CLEVELaIHD UESfHAL Insurance Ag'ts Representing tbe following old and reliable Underwriters igeoey, Sew Tork. Cash AtteU $4,000,010. Phfxnix. R. Ti Cash Ati.ttl,SeO,O0S. Continenlal, X. F. Cash Assets $2,500,000. Sonh American, N. Tt Cash AtteU $800,000. Pacific, CillfarnU, assets Gold, Jl, SCO, 000. Herchaiits, of Chicago, Cath Assets, 800,000. Jorlh imerican, Hartford, Cash Assets $00,000. ITKSXITIOKAL. SEW T0BK, Cash Ateeta $1,.00,000. f Washington Life, New Tork, Caen Aeti $.1,00,000. GEO. W. C0PP, AflIT FOR TBS LI1DII0 HIRTFflRn & NFI tflRf aastss I I W kl i VS IILIi I U 11 11 FIEE, HAEIHE AND LIFE Insurance Go.'s 25,003,0(30 is Capital IT LOf S, 1SLAKO, ILLINOIS. All losses adjusted an j pr.mptly paid at this sa. mayl7dtf. r it COIL. 80I1ELL, (Succsisor to J. B Hobnaidar,) Manufacturer f cv.ry description PAPER BOXES, 77 Lsk Street, Chicago. Urd.ra promptly attended to. sepl&-d3a ootT-dm rbyticiani X2.ecommtcd and Orer 600,000 reople Zndorst DR. HENLEY'S CALIFORSIA IXL BITTERS SSBT LIV2 EEOULAT0B STXS KHO WB. EVERT FAMILY SHOULD IIAVB A BOT tle ia ths boas. Belief to all Dyapeptioa. A aaoat pleasaat tonlo and appetiser. Headache, Bilioasneas and Conatipatlon.Gen era! Debility aad Lou of Appetite, all aresaasad by the derangement of the Btomaeb. Liver aad ether functions .fib. ly item. Ths IXL Bitters hav. beea soeoesafutly uad,and are warranted to alleviate the sufferer ia th. abeve eases. H. EP8TIN1 CO, Manufacturers aad Pro prietor!, 618 Front street. Ban Franoieoo, Cat. L 9roit A Co., 11 La SaJlel treat, Chicago, Da- oi for tbo Tor Sale la all Drag (stores S2-46ra , MILWAUKEE. lid. Fe IALtKa0FF' . ' UliLEiaATED i Mexican iiver Care Bitters Petrelj a VcjUble t.iapei.Bd. ,!. V. Kaickhoff. (deu.asd,i deviled the for mala, wfaioh bai rcaaited iothsMtXioan ttver ilare iii tiers. Dr. Kaickhoff, kaowa ai aciontut and leading chemist ia Milwaukee, mason. of thos. Bitters in his own family, and id hi- -arrest praotici for over 30 yean. Tbia stlixir 01 life preserver is purely a vegetable f reparation, ii pl.aaaat to tbe taat., and guea tar to b-ild up tag r.asw ia. aaaaaetva Ti.auij 111 ise senvu tyitem. " -i , For billout,emitiant and into r m ittso 1 f. vert dytpepsla and indigestion, headache, pain in th. shoulders, cougus, tigatnete ui in. cmn, uii ass, sour eradusataoa of tbastemaca, hiiuim of th. kidney and biadd.r, la nnot;on with Dr. x Kaickbott's Mexieaa vsr vart ts tbartio fills, are the great blood puniier, and are a oertatn cur. for eruptiuna, tall roeum, blotcbei, ap.u, pimpl.a, bollt, sarbantlet, ring w.rmt, cry aipetu, ate. For all tenuis com plaints they cannot be excelled ; aa aa aiccllent appetiser and general atimalant, tbey have n. equal. Thoutaudt bear Teitimony to their Cu rative rower: sufferers, all the cropriet.ri 01 ,ne -mexiean wrer tare ifiHere ask. is to give thatr medicine a tair trial, and be ooorioc.d oi iti medical properties. Price $1 a bottle. Dr. Kaickhoff' s Mexican Ever Cure Cathar- tio Pills. The great requirement! of the people, all over th. world, for a reliable aad aotiv Cathartic Medicine, lnduted Dr. Kalckiruff to form th Mlabrated "Mexican Bver Cure Cathartic Pilla. Xb.y at. compoaed from purely vegetable sub stanoei, ar. thorough in actloa, searching out all obetrsotiona, aad atrike at tha vary root efdittate. They prodao. n. paia or gsipiag daring thei operation, and act more tnoroogbly than any Cathartio Pills ever brought before the nubile. Tbey ar. a certain Jire ana alleviator if soldi, chilli and fever, nervous aoi nek bead ache which are loduoed by bilioai Cerangemeott eoitiveneei, Indigestion, foal stomach ; for jaun- liee, liver complaint, suppression, dropsy, rheu matitm, goat, nervoni debility, inability or dla- iBchnatton to move, lull ol muicuial power, deafness, partial Mildness, pleurisy, Sts, paral ysis, pais 10 tb. breast, palsy, bt., scrofula, etc., Stc. 1'rico 20 cent! per box. Dr. Kaickhoff 's Celebrated Worm Lozecges are a life, pleasant and most reliable care for worms, rnee zo cents per box. For tale by all druggist, and patent medicine dealers throughout th. United States and Can ada!. KALCKHOFIf BRO 8 r CO., Proprietor!. Depot, Ko. 57 Oaelda St., Milwaukee. Dr. Kalokhofl's Oolebraud Ej Watsr. Th.r. ar. few diaeaaea to which mankind are I lobject, thatar. more distressing than sor. eyes, aad, perhaps, for which en or. remedies have Swea aa.d with.ut aaoceat. Having leng been acquainted with these tacts. Dr. Kaickhoff pre setted kit celebrated Bye Water t. tb public, te ths only tye Water ever discovered, for the permanent relief of great iaflamation andooo- aeqoent debility ot tb. y. it will op- thalmla or inflammation of th. .yet at their ommencement, and will ear. tor. eyes from a delluxion of sharp humors, intucing each debil ity in them, that viitoa it effected with utmost difficulty. In all common complaint! of tht yea, It will be found a speedy aad effectual! remedy. Price 21 ocntt per box. For sal. by all druggitti and patent medietas I ealert in tbt country. KALCKHOFF BRO'S A CO., Fr. nri.tart, 47 Oa.ida St. Milwaikee, Wit. oct2S d6m . F. KLIEXSTEajBEB, Tlacliinlst 4.V Kngraver, ATANTPACTtREH OF MODELS, SMALL I i'l Machinery and brass eattinge ; alto af no-1 t.rlal, otSoial and business 8BAL8 in superior I presses, and evwthiag else in th. lm. of n-I graving. Oid.n from abroad irUd to 118 I Stat. Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. octlT-dfim j. p. Dialler, urtuurii iiupviirist ASD Wholesale Liijoor Dealer, ITS Bait Water Street, MILWAUKEE, ... WIS. oct!A-d6m E. W. PIERCE & CO. Wholetale and Retail Daal.ri in SHINGLES, PICKETS, Lath, Ttatbfr, fedar rostg, &c. Offic 110 West Water Street, Oor. Clyboara., MILWAIKEE. oetL'O-d 6 m Diploma Awarded at tb Wisconsin Stat. I&ir 1870. WM. ST..(IEDE.. atancfactorer cf ail kinds of I 99, 101 & 103 Terry lit., (Foot of San Water,) I Milwaukee, VJlM. Ehow Caies cf everv descrivticn and mateHai ihipped t. aay f art of tb. I'nited Statca. oots 43m BADGES STATE H OS. 1,3 At Cl DOl'B SI ST., 'Wait and Enron St., Bridge, ! XeXilwaakee, - Uii. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PK0PKIKT0B.8. Olden from tlole Cash Buyers solicited. mchlS.dly cf O I E "4 C. W iIiljKH, (8uoeecior to Welles A Hale,; Dealer ia GUSS AND PISTOLS, '"fv wonwiaaiiy oa Band aa of m.,,c.u ana ungiiss JBreeoU-loadinf Bhot Guns, Rifle,, Sbo.tinf Tackle, Gbb MaUrlaL Fishing Tackle, Metal Cartridres, Ely', Wads aad Cartridge Shells, Powder, fchot, atV, ' 87 Titconsln Street, SSilwankce. BiSes aad Shot Gobi mads te order. Btpair- IStenrV j r-uipij uobc. ect.TdJm DHAKE BROTHERS, Ho. 255 South 'Watsr Street, Ml LW AUKIE.....; . Offtr to tb. trad, a full ttock of Wig. Medicines, Chemiealt, KSSEKTIAL OILS, SP0XCE8, AC. At vary low prices. B.nd for quotation!. SOLE ASEMT9 FOR IX. L. Rohg'h GBBTLSE California lises end Brandies! Certiicat.. I have made Daaia Bbothbbs agea for Milwaukee, Wlicontin, tor tksiale of my Sunny slope Wine aud Bonny Slope Brandy, and I warrant tbem to bethe pure prod uot ef the Orape and made by myralfea my Vineyard known at "uuuy Slope. In Lot Angelet County, Callfornea L. J. KOLE, Los Atgles. tlaliroreia. We keep a large stock of Mr. Hosc'i Brandy, Aageliea and Fort Wiaea, and confident' ree om aiend them to the Drug Trade at being per fectly pure aad the very beat produoed ia Call foraia. Samples tent oo applieatioa and ape. ial quotations givea to those who bay la large queuuuta. , ootJo-ajm MilULL HOTEL?. sraoH A. Bia.wii. , , . ,, Ata aarri as . GIRfRQ HOUSE. Corner Broslway aad Itiddl. 3.rets 81. LO0I8, ..;. ' M0 BALD WIS BATII.E8, l'ropri.tor. ( formerly ef House, Chicago) The GIBARD BOCSE is first clati i M u,' appo ntmeats, is heated by, has in altva- tor and (-1 1 n 1 . i n 1 r,a -1 . . . . , T , " , - momi, wnion are naatiy and elegantly lurnishtd. A is centrally located, eonv.nleot to the street can end eafy of ae.s to all railroads aad iteamert enttrioe u. io mi: iyg warns oi tboie rleairmg good ac.iommodaticai at reasonable ittri, the terms have beea made ONLY TWO DOLLAHrt fKH r.V dec8 dtf Briggs House I (Formerly he Laclede', COkNEIi MAOISM AKD CAXiL Si r. tTeslworih, Woolworth & Co. ostl3 PROPE1RT0RB. raisci liincii. l. a. pma. BARNUM'S HOTEL. BARNTJM 4 FHATT, - PBoraiv.T.1 Second aad Wnlnut street, BT. LOUIS, MO. Tkt Aaoit kept ea file. AMERICAN HOTEL, Chestnst Street, orrosiii OLD IBDZPEKSESCS Uajl rMladelpUa. . M. BBTJL1KU8, - - PROP'S Dally Book Islabd Assci ktpt oa file. WALNUT STREET KOUSif" Contersf WianiM4 QftSa, ga,,,; OIsTCIMATI ' OHIO DAV"- t. O. VCOSBB, t. of I. C. A i. UNION HOTEL,- Cor. Alb and Myrtle Btrctti, ST. L0TJI8,.. Mo. THIS House bas jost beea reCtied andtbor oaghly renovated. It centrally located. Tht proprietor will spare no pains (e make it a good SriA-.laM, tsoond rat. boas. Trat. pient price, f 1,00 per car. a.vSi-dly H. O.B A OBT, Proprietor. TOBACCO. CBig. B. MESSHGElt, Successor to Srooson &. Clesslnsrt . Msaufaatur.r and Wholesale Dealer ia - 27 obaco o. SNDFF AND CIGARS, 106, 108 aad 119 Summit Street, TOLEDO, O, Henry Dart's Bona, and Geo. L. Qnitt, Ag.ntifor Rock Island. oet2-dly 2 mm 3 - -. r i oT tT. LOU. CHELTBHH1H FIEE BRIOE" ASD f lav Retort Works ! EFEXS & GOfVAUD, Prcpriet , Manufacturer! of Fire Brick, Gas Cense Tile, Clay Retorts, B'att Furnaet TUe, Plain Jb Ornamental Chimnty Tope, Sewerage Pipe from 3 to 30 in. Diameter And ail artiilea ctuallv made of lire Clay, OSee. 100 South Eleventh atrcct, ach2S-dly ST. LOOP, MO. vriiis&iEs. ESTABLISHED nn.iia TBOurscs. 15 isa. TDOS. WiLSTOS. & 0., Wboleaals Dealers ia Pure Sour Mash KENTUCKY TO Fourth Ftreet, LOCI8VILI.E r WHISKIES ..ST. Proprietors of DEISGS SCCS MASSCOFrEtt DIS TILLS RY, eU-dlm TAYLOB COUBTT, ET. DR. WHITTIER. 617 St. Charles street, St. Louis, Mo. ttaa Man .longer nKasred In th. P?i--.-2l rereal, vexual .aad Private) piSeaBeawwa aoj oaer Loal.. a. Kok tW. of Cur mmm ah C.ktu. 8tr!cturw, fircriitiB. i?iercur,al A fraction of Throat, " fi i imm bii tSi?m f" U!lft uupmrsitcled buoocbbC I m potency, sw um r o2t of ii-mjm im joan'mx! B-SSAW yrSAw, BJT acrjajr i wocrturnal omissions, dwbtllty, dlmnesa oj .Btgnt, plmpiea on tnw foe, ponfualon f fuvaw, hi eocietj or ramaies, lots of memory and aexual power, rendering marrlaKW Improper, are aerawBeutlF eared. Cell or nl, .Tnwjilir iu oou aoUila. Ae vka eaperteiKe na be relleil il ia eelfnlaa tkat a PhTici treatiiitbueaiilfare.eseeeerT rear eoquire. srearekui. PbnKaaaa kBewluc tela ftaawtwyraeiaiiMaafevweawse BBTeue. nt eMaMtrtaseal .(a wkole Beuae or mire raenaVIs the ma eiKDvela the aaurr, cabraeleg BeoepUoa aal Ooaeeliauea rooms, BoaMia eat rmm aseruaniu: ,M4 aai iVinr Betasi aeeaisMaaBdreLaeormiory where all aMCIoleee aeel m are prepend ; aal aMetUneeetamelall taeLihrerri vSer. eke e!4 aat llt etaaear. werke er all sfc. erbonte ef meCldae are foeal, ale Aaatewaaal ri.ue, Ittm 1m eat MereS to lire, tllaawauat tifteaeet eooduiosa, aaicta beea proearad Trim Pari., Braaee, iaaraieM er expeoee. and aot a, ea seeat it ear etoar Lionu-r la itt iit. The Librarr la Ibreva wiit epea te aU e&lira. PaueaW eee the Deetor eperaierr aet prtrnfty. From Ih pw p amber of n i eeaa enter the Deetor'e ore, be le eaahlea to kn U eoaM eT akarfeewlUilntbereMbefalL roreDaal OoaealtaOoa le Uie Seel. waTeutac beio cxpauarre. meay la every .taia. aad trnierieasllT oa la Karooa, tat hi. treauaeat effleadea. ; the .are being eoaueted by auii on uprees. Carwoble Mess aeneea. waeee Seabt eilets W U freckly etatea. AU oomaxuDiceUoe. strictly aaatdeewal., OOea Boem I tH.eiF-".! . , r. m. eaoaays, ti u. e I r. nwwMaU any al ao boar, mat Sereat It. B-Penpalet ft atl) rM tan Private; Sesuat ant Wereoq. Dteta.u. seat ef Bterope, So prepay paeuge. The wrltinrs of a phTnirlan whose repnta tion is anion wide is worth Uie pootatre, suad for XS cemta) Haw htxxt ! Womia hood ! lOH pws-es, w hlcb mnawrer every coaa c-tcTwble qaoatlon, that the sfonbl fol eurl.os or latqalaltlwo wish to lamow, wilt bo sesst tccurely ssmiIskI. JHMIOODI VU31A.U00D! 1 Popular mdfoal books. r in 9 v Ho mxs tsfctr-.. o w, (rAy. MPEDI M a? NTS. n mnrrlHbTrl 1 their nature, rata om tr, L-u Ptoyiittmcmt yiowwi in. tk itr9Ut M4taest awpWwtcfwfHS. axual E eiual Excft men t wtn.rvf ndful cttnf. UAi. -E.JIHAU5TIUW 7v wtiAdis or tMa aute. and fiat can W dun im ttucM, cutm. Aim trhf m sjanny wr pimples on the facst .., meut emficunt r-Boit) K4if tuUf of Mtw popi prssmatureljr Infirm. 9u-jt -. ftuovd bf tui. d-t At Consumption. Epilepsy, &0.t 's dcrna oru huLf in a ainyi firiioH fctus of bw Heart Brain wmid fim frfUaU. AU th IdM iumb'fmi, ewnow r ititwits. ArMsv, sawriatpe tBaa 4rnd pri0 fxrvnmUnr 0mt4 tm mmMiop 10 cent saJb, Im. far 29 fnt. aX- DOCTOR. WHITTIER, " I 617 St. Charles St., St. Loni. Mo. T4 ems SMMeeeal eineeahat mf ae aye. aWe ka. ftrea . l.-leat apenol amuue te ta. a-eetmci of mU mn. neaetaf Se the aAeve, rafalna. aeaul eaMrrvaee, anal aa. teea lonsar located ea . Is Ska:: av Chromic T Pynr Read file WOMta and Judge tor yourself. Cuii ooiwim eewieeeli'y or by Mtl rot, mmd ImiileS. Jfewy artier